#i think she lied about being busy spending time with friends to excuse why she was so distracted on the weekend.
orcelito · 2 months
There's also the impulse to be like "women ain't shit" but that's a lie I love our women. Not women as a whole's fault that one of them turned out a selfish bastard of a coward.
I just need to find a woman who doesn't treat me like That. Get me a good butch. I need me a good butch.
#speculation nation#id love a good butch who can pick me up and help move my furniture#and who is so sweet and treats me like im someone valuable (& not immediately replaceable ...)#the bar is actually so low. god why do i keep ending up dating assholes?#ex before this ex wasnt an asshole. i was the asshole in that situation.#but that's where the whole. wanting to find someone right for me comes in.#god 'ex' really is such a vague term for me. i got bad ex goth ex uhh other good ex but still sucked#nothingburger exes 1 2 3 4#and the gay awakening ex who i really shouldve given more attention to but unfortunately i was a stupid 16 year old#and broke up with her for my bad ex. alas.#and then theres milquetoast ex and uhmmm. well i actually dont know what im going to label my most recent one.#i dont think it's fully sunk in yet what happened. bc it really was so sudden.#i last saw her on thursday and everything was normal and nice. just like pretty much the whole of the 6 months with her.#and then she started hanging out with the coworker i guess. and the rest is history.#i think she lied about being busy spending time with friends to excuse why she was so distracted on the weekend.#she was probably busy spending time with that girl. who she apparently feels like shes suffocating if shes not in the same room as her#it does suck in a lot of ways. but also with her friends. i was trying rly hard to spend time with them and be liked by them.#one of them's moving into my building this next year. across from my unit. so i wonder how thats gonna go.#my ex mentioned how she'd be spending twice as much time here then just last saturday.#and now. well. like fuck she's coming in here anymore. but i wonder if i'll see her going to visit her friend.#id been kind of excited for it. looking forward to spending time with a neighbor too. but probably not anymore.#i do wonder what her friends will think. i hope she tells them the truth and they chew her out for being such an asshole.#literally breaking up with me over text. who fucking does that??? she didnt have the guts to hear me cry???#i'll make sure she sees the full force of my displeasure when she drops my gifts off tomorrow.#she used to like how rough around the edges i am. well she's gonna see just how rough around the edges i Really am.#i kind of. dont really want to see her. but i also do. i want her to look me in the face and talk to me#to see who it is she's dropping. to see how it has affected me. even if she didnt see my heartbreak as it happened.#i laid into her Hard so she knew just how badly she hurt me. so that she would feel even a fraction of my hurt.#so she would feel Guilty. she apologized over and over. said she knew she'd regret it. but she just Had to do it.#'this will be my life's regret' then why'd you do it? fucking impulsive dumbass. what bullshit.
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bbanghiitomi · 8 months
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| upside down
synopsis: kim minji who has lived in the same dorm for almost 3 years suddenly receives a surprising new roommate, this one — she knows will forever change her life.
— non!idol!kminji × non!idol!ill!femreader
"teacher? why are you here?" minji asks as she watches the familiar old woman in front of her doorsteps, carrying a large bag with a small smile. it hasn't been long since she saw this old woman inside her dorm she always manages to pay her visits and ask her about her well-being every now and then. ms. hwang is a teacher for the handicapped, she lives in the same building and takes care of students who are disabled — she herself is also disabled, yet she finds it in her to help other students surpass what they think is impossible.
minji isn't one of them, but she knows a few — ms. hwang have basically lived her life helping students in need, minji has witnessed it a couple of times and is proud of the old woman, often trying to offer her dinner sometimes when she comes home late at night and sometimes helping her pack up things or carry heavy stuff to another building or room.
as for minji, she's been living in the same building for almost three years, she's had different roommates who have left not for too long — she experienced the worst and the best, this place is basically her second home. her last roommate was a girl named pham hanni, she has left after choosing a different university but they are still contacting each other and will often visit each other's place. hanni was technically her best friend, this is coming from minji who has never really had that much friends growing up, she's good at socializing but the problem always lies with her lack of connection with people; often ending up with her completely losing contact with another person.
"minji! i have some good news." ms. hwang enters inside as she mumbles a small excuse, minji gives the older woman some space and closes the door as the old woman walks her way to the now empty room.
"is this about the roommate i was asking about?" minji has been living alone for 2 months, that meant she had to pay the whole dorm without sharing it with anyone and it's been hard for her wallet. minji walks around and watches as the teacher starts cleaning the room and fixing the bed.
"yes, she's gonna move in here tomorrow. you told me to assist the papers, right? and so i did, everything's already fixed and by tomorrow we'll wait for her. okay?" minji widens her eyes and then nods, standing on the door frame of the room, she leans and crosses her arms as she takes a deep breath. "that was really fast, i appreciate it ms. hwang, this is like my first time inquiring you about a roommate." minji chuckles to herself, it's true — all the time she spend living in this building, whenever she'll look for roommates, she's always the one discussing it with the person, she's also the one accomplishing the paperworks.
just this time... it's been a busy term for minji, she's always out at the university campus working on her labworks, she's also busy with helping students with their academic papers, it has become her part time job and it pays quite well — enough to suffice her needs and as well her wants.
"it's alright minji, you're always working hard and diligently, i'm pretty sure your advisory appreciates your presence and your advice. let me take care of this for you even just for once." ms. hwang says as she finishes fixing the bed, she walks around to start cleaning up the table and minji walks outside to the corridor, then walking straight to the living room slash kitchen.
she stands in the middle, minji even as she's standing in the middle of a cramped room — it still feels as if it was empty, there's a light above her, she's getting taller and taller; next thing she knows her head will eventually reach the ceiling. minji has always felt so lonely, even before she was in this dorm — there's always an empty space lingering in her mind, she could be in a sea of crowd but eventually she'll feel lonely, stranded.
the lack of communication with her family fuels this feeling inside of her too, she doesn't even remember the last time she's had a conversation with her father — and although she wants to, it's hard for her.
tomorrow, she'll welcome the new addition to her collection of roommates — guessing by the fact that ms. hwang is the one working on the requirements, minji can already tell that her new roommate isn't the same as the last ones, a person with disability — it's not a bad thing but it's new...
"minji... tomorrow, make sure to welcome her very warmly. i promise that she won't be a problem to you, i just hope you also take good care of her and give her your full support." minji watches as ms. hwang walks past her, her round eyes follow the elderly woman who walks to the door of her dorm, carrying the her things. minji opens her mouth but then closes it again, before nodding with a small smile.
"alright, i got this ms. hwang. don't worry about it."
the next day, minji comes home to see that the living room is occupied with ms. hwang and a man in his mid-40's, they were conversing as they sit on the couch. minji silently enters inside, carrying her backpack and a few papers in her hands. as she was walking past the living room, ms. hwang may have been able to feel her presence and that's when the old man looked at her too.
"oh my minji, you're finally home!" ms. hwang greets her, minji nods and smiles sheepishly.
"hi ms. hwang, good evening mister." minji bows at the pair.
the man acknowledges her presence and gives her a small nod with a smile. "good evening too ms. kim, it's nice to meet you." he says, minji looks at ms. hwang who signals her to sit down to which minji did.
"yes, nice to meet you too sir. i hope you feel comfortable here." minji says as she takes a seat and places her belongings on the small coffee table in the middle.
"it's mr. jang, i'm happy my daughter is staying at this place. it's not the biggest but it's clean and safe, the closest to the university she's studying at and the hospital. my daughter also likes it here." minji can't help but smile at the words from the man, she nods in agreement and clasps her hands together before speaking once again.
"i'm glad you feel that way, i'll make sure to keep this place the same and i'll be very responsible." minji tells the man, receiving a satisfied look from ms. hwang. "you know sir, minji is a very responsible student, she takes her job and studying seriously and keeps a good look on the dorm. i'm pretty sure she'll be very helpful with your daughter's stay here." ms. hwang says, minji looks at the woman and then to her feet, staring to grow curious about the new roommate she'll be sharing the place with.
"i'm happy to know that." mr. jang glances at his wristwatch and stands up. "y/n's sister is looking for me now, we have to go and take care of y/n's medications and for now, i'll be trusting the two of you. take care of my daughter." he says as he lives and walks out of the dorm, minji stares at thin air as she starts to think about what this man truly feels.
it's the fact he seemed nonchalant about this whole exchange, how there's no sign of sadness lingering in his voice, but it's very obvious he is in deep fatigue — the bags under his eyes, the wrinkles and the whites of his hair — he's strong, it's clear to minji how much this man cares for his daughter and how he's willing to do anything to help her.
"minji, i'll be taking my leave now. y/n already ate dinner and is staying in her room. for now, you can go ahead and take a rest. i'll come back tomorrow." ms. hwang leaves and all minji could do pull her lips into a thin line, sitting alone on the couch as emptiness starts to crawl around her.
as soon as the clock strikes 9am, "teacher!" minji opens her door to see ms. hwang coming inside the dorm, carrying her bag as she walks inside the now occupied room, it seems like y/n was calling out for her through this small telephone connected to ms. hwang's room.
"hi ms. hwang." minji greets the older woman, the older woman smiles back at her. "hi minji, i need to go inside y/n's room, it's time for her weekly exercise." she whispers before entering inside the room and closing it immediately. minji stands in the middle of the corridor, pursing her lips as she slowly nods, turning around to look at the room next to hers.
minji blinks a few times before walking to the kitchen to grab the box of cereal and notices the newly bought foods on the shelves, it's now cramped — back when she was living alone, the shelves barely had any food inside.
minji held the box of cereal in her hand and grabbed the carton of milk inside the refrigerator which is now also filled with newly bought food, dumbfounded but not unbeknownst to her, she grabbed the carton of milk and prepped her meal.
as minji's eating, the door opens and minji turns around to see ms. hwang.
"minji! can you grab the telephone and dial the number on the sticky note hanging on the corkboard?" minji stands up, her mouth filled with cereal and grabs the telephone to dial the number.
"dr. shim — y/n's weekly morning exercise: ×××-××××-×××."
minji swallows her food and looks at ms. hwang. "what do i say?" she mouths, and as her sight focuses behind ms. hwang inside your room, she spots you, sitting up on your bed as you hold your phone up.
minji feels her heart stop at the new discovery.
"tell her y/n's ready for her therapy."
minji shakes her head and nods.
the door is closed again, minji is wearing her complete outfit on her way to the university, she's still thinking about you though.
your hair, your eyes, the only things she was able to see clearly from your side view and past your door that's been restricting her from reaching out to you.
minji realizes she's got no business to peep on your situation so she takes her leave for the day and hopes her curiosity slowly dies so you can have your peace.
minji is at an empty university computer lab, her laptop sitting on the table as she taps her pen on the wooden table, looking for any corrections at the research paper her advisory have just submitted her.
"hey, you should stop trying to avoid repeating the words 'soil moisture' you need to be consistent with your terms, it's very confusing if you use different words pertaining to the same idea. it's alright to repeat those words, unless you're explaining." minji talks as she's currently in a call with her advisory, scrolling at her laptop looking for more mistakes.
"the variables are okay, i suggest you should inquire at the building of forestry and technology to add another test on your variables; how about test the accuracy of your sensor? or the level of moisture?" she adds, clicking through the pages of the paper. minji sighs before closing the file.
"i think that's all, you can ask me more questions once you revise those parts. for now, i think you should really focus on your robot — don't worry too much about the paper, you'll get it right." minji shrugs, looking out the window.
"thanks ms. kim." the student says, the call ends and minji thinks about you once again, wondering what you are probably doing right now.
minji groans and starts to feel frustrated because of her lingering curiosity about you, it doesn't help that she was able to get a peek of your face earlier, fueling her desire to be able to get close to you once again.
when minji arrives home, she sees your sister — wonyoung, exiting your room and having a small conversation with ms. hwang before leaving without saying a word to minji, minji stands near the door with a dumbfounded look on her face.
"y/n's older sister paid her a visit, isn't she so nice? she seems worried about her sister and wants to take care of her but y/n refused saying she had other things to take care of besides her." minji nods as ms. hwang gives her the details of today's anecdotes, after ms. hwang left minji continues to think about what you're doing inside your room.
are you sad?
are you happy?
maybe you're frustrated...
what if you suddenly need help?
minji took note that she can actually hear you whenever you call for ms. hwang, she hears your voice but only when you call for teacher.
she's never heard you say anything other than that before and is becoming more curious as time goes by, week after week, until your first month of stay inside the dorm has passed minji have been used to always seeing ms. hwang more than once a week, it became a daily thing. minji will leave earlier before you even eat breakfast, she'll also come home late after you ate dinner.
"minji, i'm not here tonight and can't help y/n eat her dinner. i haven't told her about it but i'm leaving this job for you just for tonight don't worry." ms. hwang says as she gives minji a piece of paper, minji stands with the paper in her hand — looking at it then back to ms. hwang. "uhm, it's alright. your timing is perfect i'll come home early in the afternoon." minji states, taking small deep breaths, trying to compose herself.
there's some kind of rush inside of her, she doesn't understand what that might be.
"oh my god thank you so much minji, that's the instructions of how to bring y/n here at the dining table. there's the equipment for her chair, just make sure she doesn't get hurt or fall over." ms. hwang reminds minji who nods and gives her a reassuring smile. "don't worry ms. hwang, i'll take care of her. i promise i'll be gentle."
that night minji takes her earbuds off trying to scope any sound from your room, then she hears your voice again.
"teacher!" you shout.
minji stands up and walks toward the door of your room, reaching out a shaky hand to the metal doorknob and feeling its cold surface tingle her palm, she twists it and pushes the door open.
you lay on your bed, taking deep breaths. minji's eyes scans the posters on the wall, pictures of you and your sisters, your family and friends. you weren't knowledgeable about minji's presence and the girl was practically shaking.
"h— hey..." minji calls out, you turn your head meekly and see her face, your eyes squint before you blink and look away. "where's ms. hwang?" you ask minji, minji sighs and scratches her nape.
"there was an emergency and she was needed, she ordered me to help you eat dinner." minji says standing beside your bed, you sigh with a smile. "okay." you mutter.
you grew up almost like every other child — "almost" as you were unbeknownst to the growing illness inside of your body, as you grow old your muscles began to weaken, almost to the point that even walking began to be hard until your legs have completely given up.
it didn't help that your case was almost rare, every medication is double the price of a normal surgery, your therapy costs hundreds of thousands per session and even if your family could afford it you still can't help but feel bad because ever since you start to lose your ability to walk, all they can think about was your situation.
it's frustrating but you continue to keep moving forward, still holding up a positive outlook and view of the world, managing to smile because no matter how hard it gets, how painful it becomes you still have your family behind your back, always thankful you get to still see them.
it's so hard... even just raising your hands already feels like you're carrying 10 pounds of iron, your muscles have grown so weak that you're stuck having to lay on your bed all day, sit with a harness around you.
it feels like you're slowly rotting, that time where your parents wanted to have you stop studying and focus on your well-being, you feel like you've given up that's why you refused and persuaded them to take you to the dorm because you wanted to keep learning, sometimes even tutoring high school students from time to time.
"am i heavy?" you ask minji, she wanted to say yes because you're lower body and almost most of your upper body lack any movement to support your weight but minji shakes her head.
"it's alright, just enough." you usually don't get carried by ms. hwang, instead she pushes the wheelchair close to your bed and helps you move to sit on it.
but minji with her strength carries you to the wheelchair with ease, immediately putting your harness around you. as she crouches down, locking your wheelchair, you stare at her face — realizing this was your first time seeing her face up close, she's indeed beautiful.
you've heard lots of good things about her from ms. hwang, even from your father when they first met — you wouldn't deny the fact that you didn't care about minji when you first came here but seeing how nice and caring she actually is, you feel drawn to her.
"thanks." you mutter, minji feels her face flushing red and she nods. "no problem." she pushes you outside to the dining table where the dinner is already served.
minji didn't hesitate to offer you other foods, like ms. hwang does, you appreciate her sheer kindness and thoughtfulness and can see her genuineness from her eyes.
"i hope you come here inside my room again tomorrow." you tell minji as she sets you on your bed, not even caring about how heavy you were on her arms. her hands were big and rough but gentle, her black hair soft against your skin, and her eyes shines in front of yours.
you smile at her causing her to look away. "i'll try." minji whispers before leaving your room.
"teacher! my medications please!" as the door to your room opens, ms. hwang enters inside and you spot minji standing outside before the door closes and she turns away. you smile at the sight before having a conversation with ms. hwang as you take your shots.
"was everything okay yesterday?" ms. hwang asks, you look at her with a smile and an answer. "perfectly fine, minji was very gentle with me." ms. hwang sighs in relief to your answer.
minji is free once again, but she takes this time to sit on the sofa and watch tv. you're still inside your room, minji promised to try and visit you but she's not even coming inside, so you take it upon yourself to see her.
"ms. hwang, can i watch tv in the living room?" you ask her, ms. hwang nods and immediately helps you get to your wheelchair. minji turns her head to see you and ms. hwang coming out of your room, you smile at her. minji stands up as she notices ms. hwang getting your body to the couch and help to carry you, you had a hard time but you still try to wrap your arms around her neck.
"thanks minji." you whisper at her.
"minji, she wants to watch a show on the tv. kindly accompany her as i leave." ms. hwang tells minji before leaving, there's an awkward silence between the two of you, nothing but the sound of the tv keeping the surroundings alive.
and maybe minji's heartbeat too.
"u-uhm, what did you want to watch again?" minji turns to you as she speaks, holding the remote in her hand. you laugh and shake your head. "nothing in particular, whatever you like." you shrug, minji looks at the remote and goes back to the tv.
a baseball match is playing and minji's starting to lose her focus.
"you like baseball?" you ask, minji's ear tips are bright red and burning hot.
"a bit." she answers.
you smile fondly. "i only said that because i wanted to see you again." you admit.
minji looks at you with wide eyes. "what..?" she mutters.
"you promised me you'll try to visit my room but you didn't." you pout. minji laughs sheepishly. "i just didn't want to bother you while you were studying." she sits properly on the couch and looks away, clearing her throat.
your eyes soften at the sight of her face. "you won't."
minji looks at you again, feeling her heart stop every second that passes by your eyes looking at hers.
months have passed, minji starts to realize her feelings she harbors for you, each time that passes by her yearning grows deeper and her feelings start to overflow that it starts to scare her. minji doesn't understand what to do, every breath she breathes inside your room feels suffocating, her heart clenching whenever she remembers how hurt you are — she feels bad.
so bad that every night she spends alone in her room is filled with endless thoughts about your well-being, she wants to get you out of the pain you're suffering, she wants to save you but she doesn't know how. whenever she sees your pained expression is another knife on her chest, a stinging feeling close to a thorn stuck on her heart lingers — these feelings of both love and pain are too much.
from wanting to see you, minji grows her feelings until it gets hard to see your state.
she realized the severity of your illness, how there's a possibility that there might not be any cure for it.
that empty feeling inside her became occupied by your presence but it's cramped now, and her heart feels like it's about to burst.
she thinks about the words you said. "i can't fall in love when i'm like this." she wants to pull you in a tight hug, but she knows how tight it would be — it's probably harder for you than it is for her.
she's selfish, minji knows that.
she wants to think of you but it hurts.
minji remembers that night, she spent it with you, you kept asking her questions and she didn't hesitate to answer — you found out it's been long since minji was in a relationship and you've never been in one, because of your situation, relationships have been the last of your worries. although minji starts to change your mind, you couldn't help but feel like it's not right.
it's painful.
"it hurts! my legs..." you cry out as tears start to roll down your face, you can't move anything — your muscles are hurting so much, a hand pats your head and you look up to see your sister. "it's okay..." she lulls you but it's not working.
minji stands outside of your room, your door shut again but she can hear your cries, you pleading for anything to stop the pain from getting worse.
minji sobs, feeling her heart clenching tight, she breathes heavily, hand on her chest as she tries to stop it from hurting.
"oh no." minji mutters before teardrops start to fall on the floor, her head hanging low and the world felt too big for her to hold.
it's almost like she's also carrying the weight of your pain on her shoulders.
she's about to fall.
and it's going to hurt.
"i can't do this." minji mutters, splashing water on her face, the water drips down her chin, the sound of the faucet echoes on the walls of the restroom and hanni can't help but feel bad for her friend.
"you're making things hard for yourself, why are you running away like this?" hanni asks her friend, looking at the distressed girl leaning on the sink. minji peeks at her friend through the mirror and then looks away.
"i'm not running away. i'm just — avoiding my feelings, hanni we can't be together." minji's tone is harsh.
"why is that? it's literally exactly the same? you're making her whole point correct!" hanni argues, minji grits her teeth and closes her eyes before pushing herself up. "i don't think she wants me the way i do with her." minji mutters.
"if you're going to turn away from her just because of her situation then you might as well leave — that's literally what she's trying to say, no one stays for her because of what she's going through." hanni rolls her eyes, throwing her hands up.
minji walks in circles, a hand on her forehead. "i don't want her to push me away, i also don't want her to leave me. but what am i supposed to do, she thinks so low of herself and i — i love her."
hanni looks at her friend and sighs.
"minji you have to be honest with her."
lately, you've been more quiet — isolated.
minji opens the door to your room and you bring the book in your hands down.
"minji..." you mutter.
minji smiles softly before closing the door gently, she stands there trying to compose herself properly before speaking.
"does your body still hurt?" she asks, walking towards your bed. "do you have energy to talk or should i just watch over you?" she asks again.
you appreciate her kindness.
"i want to hear you talk." you tell her with a smile. minji nods and sits at a chair next to you. "i've been thinking about a lot of stuff lately, mainly about my worries for your health and college, then my advisory. i've been wanting to tackle something important and i need to hear your thoughts." minji starts, she clasps her hands together and bring it close to her lips, thinking of what to say next.
"what is it?" you ask, growing nervous.
minji sighs. "uhm, i understand and i'm completely knowledgeable about your situation. i know it's painful and it's hard, you can always tell me about it, i'll take care of you anytime you need me." minji pauses, bringing her hands to your bed. "lately, i've been really worried about you. you're so brave and strong, but when you cried i... i didn't know what to do. i've also been under a lot of stress, so it's all mixed up inside of my head but i always think about what you've told me and of course you... it helps me a lot." she continues.
you nod at her, you take a deep breath and try to bring your hand to her even if it's taking you all your energy to lift your hand, minji reaches for it and brings it down, but still holding your hand.
"y/n... i know this sounds extremely stupid but i've been meaning to say this for a long time." minji scoots closer and brings your hand to her face. "i love you, so much." she hides her face with your hand and hers. "ah, i know. i know. there's no right time for this except now, i think. i'm scared you'll leave and i won't be able to be honest about what i feel but... i hope you don't — please don't push me away." minji's hands are trembling, she's not looking up but you can see the way her lips were quivering.
you give her an apologetic look.
"i understand, you know minji you've always been so kind to me and i'm thankful i was with you the whole time. you make me feel alive, you make me feel like someone i haven't been able to be for a long time." you look down at her, eyes watching minji's hands caressed yours.
"i love you too but we can't be together. you need to find someone else who's a better fit for you. i can't love you like this." you finish before sighing.
minji grips your hand tighter.
"no, it's not like that." minji shakes her head.
"you don't get it. i love you more than that, and i'm willing to stay here no matter how long and i promise to take care of you." minji turns her head to you and you see the tears on her eyes.
you look at her but with no expression.
"i feel bad for you minji." you trail.
"why'd you have to fall for someone pathetic?"
minji stares at you and just for a bit, your eyes look empty, like that space inside of her.
"...what?" minji mutters.
"you know what i mean..." you turn your head from her, eyes darting somewhere that's not minji's presence. minji is still holding your hand and she stands up from the bed and leans closer to you. "y/n, i know but i'm being honest and you shouldn't say that about yourself—" you cut her off with a sigh, minji looks away and lets your hand go.
she takes a few steps back, fixing her clothes. "can you call ms. hwang for my medication? maybe we shouldn't talk about this for now, i don't feel good..." you tell minji and she immediately nods and leaves your room, but that was your only excuse to escape from the pressure inside your chest about to have your heart imploding.
"hope the sun isn't too hot." you hear minji speak as she pushes your wheelchair, you agreed for minji to take you to the nearest park to get you to bathe under the sunlight — it's been a while since you last felt the feeling of the sun on your skin. you hate how kind minji is, she's still really ready to do whatever for you and it doesn't matter how much you push her away.
maybe you don't understand her at all, the things she'll do for you even if you don't ask her.
you hum. "it's perfect."
your eyes scan around the area, there are not many people around but still you can feel the energy around the place, kids and their parents and stalls and pets. you relax under the sun, you tell yourself you're going to be alright.
"i wish we were always like this — " you speak, minji looks down at you and smiles, though she's still bothered by the feelings lingering inside of her, mind and heart — she's trying to stay quiet, for your sake and as well as hers, maybe it truly was for the better.
"and just like this." minji knows exactly what you mean, nodding her head and letting out a deep breath. "yeah, it's — you're right." minji answers.
but it eventually gets hard, you wish you could do something about this stupid illness, you laugh to yourself, even having a hard time turning your head. minji looks ahead and notices the sun getting too hot, she reaches for your shoulder and caresses it gently.
"let's go back." minji whispers.
you feel bad, for yourself and minji — you weren't lying at all when you told her about what you felt.
you love minji but it's hard, you don't want her to feel like she's stuck at the same place and at the same time doing the same thing, breathing and living for someone else and not for herself. you hate the idea of her leaving but you also don't want her to be hurting for you, it's so hard — so complicated.
because you know how tiring it would be, you saw it with your family you know it won't be different with minji — she has a life ahead of her, so much to do and so much to live for, why would she settle here with you?
you're just going to hold her back.
"i'm so sorry minji." you mutter, as minji was taking your harness off — minji looks up and smiles at you, it breaks her heart to see her trying her best and you know it hurts her too to see you this way.
"it's okay, you're going to be okay." minji says as she carries you and lays you down your bed.
you're still living with her, in the same cramped space, breathing the same air and feeling the same way.
but this time untold secrets stack themselves on top of each other and it grows each time you decide to close your lips again instead of saying anything.
everything has changed, upside down.
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im-getting-help · 6 months
Is so obvious to me that his parents were party at fault for his lack of boundaries. Not because they we're malicious and intentional about it, but because they loved him so much they tend to cross his limits.
(Kinda like what Oliver did with Felix, but less obsessive).
From my experience it's something relatively normal about the relationship between parents and their children. The first time we really understand boundaries is when we enforce them to separate ourselves from our parents expectations. It seems to me that Oliver never learned how to do that. He's constantly molding himself to appease and appeal, and when it becomes to much, he flees.
Let's go back to the little things Paula and Jeff share with us in that brief birthday scene.
"He always wanted to be an only child, always beetling off by himself"
"He was so clever, that's why he found it hard to make friends, they were jealous".
"It's been hard not seeing him. But it must be a lot of pressure being the top scholar and being in the rowing team, and the union, and the plays..."
Let's start with the lies.
How long ago Oliver started lying to his parents to make space for himself?
Cause the lies don't necessarily feel like something he used to impress them. It seems to me like the Quicks already thought Oliver was exceptionally smart "he was always so clever" and he's just keeping appearances.
But the amount of things he said he did. The plays, the rowing team, the union, the work of studying to maintain the "top scholar position" like reading, doing work and essays and projects, assisting to classes, lectures and tutorials, it's a lot!.
"It's been hard not seeing him". How many times Paula called just to be ignored or quickly dismissed? with an excuse like "sorry i have an essay due tomorrow" or "im going to practice for the play". And why Oliver wanted to separate himself so much from his family?
"He always wanted to be an only child, always beetling off by himself" why would Oliver wanted to separate himself not only from his parents but his siblings too?
The Quicks said that "We go to to Mykonos every year. Well, not anymore. Not now that the kids are all grown up". That makes me think that Oliver sisters are older than him. Oliver doesn't seem to have a close relationship with them either. Was it because of the age gap? How much older were her sisters? Maybe they had to babysit and that created a second-mother kind of dynamic?
It sounds like he was being smothered by them. And again, i'm not saying it was intentional, but maybe Oliver needed much more space that what the Quicks were able or willing to give. And he didn't know how to ask.
And maybe (only maybe cause i don't really have good foundation for this) Oliver learned that the best way to get space from them was saying he was occupied, specifically studying. So maybe it started at school, him saying that he had to finish homework or read a book or do project, and maybe these were the only times he'll be left alone. Maybe that was the perfect excuse to explain why he didn't have many friends too.
(and i wonder why a kid with no sense of boundaries would have a hard time making friends 👀)
And why Oliver keeps lying?
After moving to Oxford, he could've just draw back and create that space without making an excuse. But he didn't, because he cares, he likes that his family thinks he's intelligent and capable. But he doesn't care for spending time with them.
I don't think he said all those lies to look especially intresting or important, but he did choose to "be occupied" by being a good student. Not in a "i won an award for best performance" but a "I'm too busy to talk, i have tutorial"
And look at the way the Quicks react to Oliver saying he has to go, is very interesting.
Paula just gives up instantly. She offers a compromise, and when rejected she's obviously frustrated but she just lets it go. On the other hand Jeff tries to reason with his son a little "your mother spent all morning doing lunch" but they seem very accustomed to this situation. It's not the first time Oliver escapes a conversation.
So, to me, is obvious that Oliver's parents knowingly or unknowingly contributed to Oliver's lack of healthy boundaries.
He never really draw the line with them, he just made excuses to avoid and elude and ultimately flee when the situation got out of hand. And they never picked up on it, they kept repeating the same scenarios multiple times without having a conversation about it.
I feel like his parents never really confronted him about anything. Maybe because they didn't sense anything was wrong, maybe because, same as the Cattons, they didn't know how to approach the situation or maybe because they know Oliver gets really fcking upset whenever they tried to have a conversation about it, who knows.
So at the end we have a 20yo dude who never learned how to enforce a boundary or why is healthy to have them and has absolutely no idea how to perceive and not cross others limits.
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taeyongdoyoung · 9 months
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summary: you're tired of your relatives asking you if you're still single every Christmas. on the spur of the moment, you lie that your have boyfriend. luckily, your best friend sweeps in like your knight in shining armor to save the day pairing: jin x reader genre: romcom with a lil angst, best friends to fake dating to lovers warnings: nosy annoying relatives, lying, fake dating trope, one bed mentioned, some crying, insecurities, confessions, kissing, it is quite mild tbh author's note: the title is super lame but hey, Jin likes dad jokes so here we go 🤷 also i intended to post this for his bday but didn't have enough time to finish it word count: 2.4k
Christmas is the loneliest time of the year for you. Even though you spend it with your relatives, they always make a point of asking whether you are still single. Spoiler alert: you are. It's gotten annoying that they don't appreciate you for your academic and personal achievements and they are only interested in your relationship status. You are so tired of the recurring question which is why you dread Christmas so much. A few weeks before it, you get a call from your parents.
"You're coming home for the holidays, right?"
"Of course, mom," you respond, rolling your eyes.
"So…have you found a special someone?"
There it is. Again. Ugh.
"If I hear this one more time…" you sigh.
"Got it," your mom chuckles condescendingly, which frustrates you to no end.
You don't know what spirit possesses you to do what you do next but the words are out of your mouth before you can think twice about it.
"I actually have a boyfriend but maybe if you weren't nagging me about it every Christmas, I would have told you earlier."
"You do?" your mom exclaims, surprise evident in her voice."Well, isn't that wonderful! You should bring him, introduce him into the family."
"He's really busy, mom, I don't think he'll make it," you keep lying, trying to get out of the situation you'd brought upon yourself.
"Nonsense, no one works on Christmas. I expect to see the happy couple soon. And no excuses!"
Before you could argue, your mom hangs up. Great. Now you have two weeks to magically find a boyfriend to bring home for the holidays.
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You are sitting on your best friend's couch, playing games with him.
"Damn, you're so good at this!" you shout in fake annoyance at being defeated but you are actually happy for him. You know how much Jin loves winning.
"What can I say? I was born this way," he smirks confidently and puts the console on the table.
"Humble, as always," you tease him, nudging his shoulder.
"So, do you have any plans for Christmas?"
"Ugh, don't remind me."
"Why? I thought you loved Christmas movies and decorations and all things Christmas-related," Jin tells you and you are beyond touched to have someone who knows you that well and remembers such details.
"I do, but…I got myself in a bit of a predicament."
"Do share," he turns to the side so that he can face you.
"Well, you know how my relatives always ask whether I'm still single? And they're especially persistent around the holidays."
"I know," he laughs. "You've only complained about it like a hundred times."
"Sorry," you grimace at your own predisposition to torment your best friend everytime something goes wrong in your life. "So, um…this year I told my mom I have a boyfriend."
"And I learn about this now?" Jin puts a hand on his heart, expressing disappointment that you'd kept such a big secret from him.
"What? No, I don't have a boyfriend. I lied to my mom and now she expects me to bring a guy to meet the family."
"Oh, shit," he now understands why you're not looking forward to Christmas.
"Yep. I'm such a mess. Everyone will be so mad at me when I come home alone. Again. Kill me now."
"Well…you don't have to be alone."
"Hear me out. What if I pretend to be your boyfriend? Just for the holidays. Then, your relatives would get off your back."
"Jin…I can't ask this of you."
"Good thing you're not asking. I came up with this brilliant idea myself. If it bothers you, you can tell them we broke up some time next year. Don't you want one Christmas of your relatives not repeating the same old annoying question?"
"I do want it, more than anything. But I would hate to inconvenience you…"
"Come on, it will be fun! My parents are spending this Christmas in Australia, drinking cocktails and soaking in the sun. It's not like I have anything special planned. It would be delightful to spend it with my best friend," Jin keeps talking and you are almost convinced.
"What about your best friend's super messy family?" you try to change his mind.
"Oh, I'm sure I'll charm the pants off them."
You are not worried about how your relatives will immediatelly fall in love with Jin. You are concerned that it will be you being charmed…
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You are revising every small detail while Jin is driving his car to your grandparents' place.
"When did we start dating?" you ask him.
"Three months ago. We naturally realized that we are great friends and would make an even greater couple," he responds without hesitation. "How did I ask you out?"
"You told me I am the best thing that happened to you and I would make you the happiest man in the world if I went on a date with you," you reply naturally. "What was our first date like?"
"We went to watch a movie together, after that we had dinner at a lovely restaurant and I walked you to your apartment where I kissed you in front of the doorstep."
"The roses! You forgot to mention the roses!" you cry out, almost panicking. This has to be perfect or your snoopy relatives might suspect something.
"I was supposed to bring roses to your grandparents? I thought the wine would be enough," Jin mumbles in confusion.
"No, for the first date details! We agreed that you'd mention the roses. What if…what if they ask and we mess something up and…"
"Darling, relax. We've got this. We've been best friends for seven years. We know each other well enough to handle anything."
You try to ignore the way your heart flutters when he calls you darling. Damnit. When he'd suggested pretending, you hadn't thought about the fact that it wouldn't be pretending on your part.
"Do you trust me?" Jin asks.
"Unequivocally," you assure him. It is yourself you don't trust.
Once he parks the car, you are immediately greeted by a bunch of your relatives.
"Come, come! It is lovely to meet you," your mom welcomes Jin.
"Mom, this is my best friend," you say by force of habit and then correct yourself, "and now my boyfriend, Jin."
"Nice to meet you, ma'am," Jin shakes her hand politely.
"Pfft, call me by my name," your mom says and introduces herself.
Quickly enough, your poor bestie is hounded by your grandparents, your aunt, your cousin and her kids. It's a lot of excitement considering you'd just arrived and you are already looking forward to going to bed. You love your relatives but sometimes they can be…a lot.
Jin, however, seems to be thriving. He talks to your mom about cooking, to your grandparents about fishing and politics, to your aunt and cousin about acting and singing. Even the kids seem to love him, as he takes the time to play hide and seek with them. He also promises to build a snowman with them when it is warmer tomorrow. You have no reason to worry and yet, seeing him naturally fit in with them on their first meeting…when you have felt like an outsider your whole life, is enough to bring tears to your eyes. You excuse yourself from the table, saying you need to use the bathroom.
Not expecting anyone to notice your absence, you cry quietly in your room, feeling as if you have never been good enough and your relatives were always disappointed in you. You hear a soft knock on the door, which takes you by surprise.
"You alright, love?" Jin asks.
You let him in and he wraps you up in one of his warm hugs that have the magical ability to make you stop crying.
"What's wrong? I thought it was going well," he whispers, not wanting anyone to overhear.
"It's going splendidly," you agree. "It's just that…they love you more than they do me."
"That can't be true, you're the most precious granddaughter, niece and cousin anyone could possibly have."
You sniffle and look up at him.
"You only say that 'cause I'm your best friend," you try to make light out of the situation.
"Girlfriend," he corrects you with a wink.
"Right," you chuckle through the tears.
"Come on. Let's not give them the opportunity to discuss us behind our backs," Jin jokes and you decide to return to the table. He gives you the strength needed to face them again.
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The Christmas holidays go by smoothly and in the blink of an eye. The days are filled with laughter, hot chocolate, yummy meals, wholesome Christmas movies, cozy socks and snowball fights with your cousin's kids. This might be the best Christmas you've ever had. You wonder if it's Jin's presence that made it so special and heartwarming. During the family dinners, he is the life of the party, always knowing the right thing to say to each and every one of your relatives. And when the two of you are alone, cuddled up in your room, he is your rock. You know you can count on him and tell him everything that has bothered you. And you know that he would understand you and comfort you like nobody else could.
Which is why it hurts so much when he is now driving you both back to the city. The pretense is over. You would no longer have an excuse to hold his hand or sleep in the same bed as him or kiss his cheek so openly. He is back to being your best friend. And perhaps that's the way it should be. You couldn't risk your friendship by doing something stupid like confessing your undying love for him. No, that would certainly be a terrible idea. Perhaps more terrible than having him as a fake boyfriend for the holidays.
"What's on your mind?" Jin asks.
"I can see the gears turning in your head. Something is bothering you."
"Hey, aren't you supposed to look at the road instead of the gears in my head?" you tease him.
"I can multitask. Come on, just tell me."
"It's nothing. I just found myself wishing the Christmas holidays could last longer. I really had an amazing time, which doesn't usually happen around my relatives."
"Glad I could be of service," Jin smirks proudly, making you laugh. You would never grow tired of his casually confident nature.
Silence ensues for a couple of minutes and you are back to worrying and thinking about your unresolved feelings for your best friend. When suddenly, he interrupts your thought process with an unexpected suggestion.
"How about we have a second Christmas?"
"A second Christmas?" you repeat in confusion.
"My place. Just the two of us. We'll do all the things we didn't have the chance to do at your grandparents' house."
"Such as?" you inquire, wondering what you've missed.
"We'll play games and I'll make you my famous roast beef. We'll have midnight snacks and watch anime with no one judging us. We'll bake Christmas cookies together and we could even go ice-skating."
"That…sounds lovely. I'm in," you immediately agree, excited to have a second Christmas with Jin. Maybe, just maybe, a miracle will happen.
The next day, you arrive at his place and are amazed to find how magically decorated it is.
"Ta-da! Welcome to your own personal winter wonderland."
"My goodness, Jin, it looks incredible! How did you achieve all this so quickly and all by yourself? You must be exhausted."
"Nah, it was my pleasure. And besides, seeing the smile on your face is the best Christmas present I could hope for," he responds.
"Merry second Christmas to you, too," you grin and give him a hug. It feels so natural and like you were meant to end up right there.
As promised, the two of you get to do all the things you couldn't at your grandparents'. You watch the spiciest animes with zero shame, you eat ramen at 1am and you play violent games that would make your relatives gasp in horror. It is genuinely the most incredible Christmas. Even more incredible than the time you spent with your family.
But all good things inevitably come to an end. Tomorrow, it is time for both you and Jin to go back to work. And with that, the magical holidays will be over. You don't want them to be. You wish you could stay in this bubble forever, with Jin's arms wrapped around you.
"I should probably head home. You have to wake up early tomorrow."
"Or…you could stay. We can share the bed," Jin suggests and you can swear you hear a hopeful hint in his voice.
"Jin…we're no longer surrounded by my nosy relatives. You don't have to pretend it's okay with you to have me intruding on your personal space."
"Who said I was pretending?" he whispers and you probably shouldn't but you allow yourself to dream. There is no way he feels the same…or is there?
"Don't…don't say stuff like that if you don't mean it," you mumble, feeling more vulnerable than ever.
"I'm tired of hiding it, sweetheart," he sighs and presses his hand against your cheek. "I only offered the whole fake dating thing because I was hoping you would finally get the hint and realize how important you are to me. But in case it wasn't obvious enough, let me spell it out for you. I. Am. Crazy. About. You."
You blink in shock.
"Pinch me so I know I'm not dreaming. You…like me back?"
"How about I do something better?" Jin smiles softly and leans in to kiss you. It is slow and sweet, just as how you'd imagined it hundreds of times. No, scratch that. It is so much better. He makes you feel so special and loved. You wish you had confessed earlier. You have been missing out on so many Christmas kisses.
"Look up," Jin says gently once he finally breaks the kiss.
You do as he asks and you realize that you have somehow ended up under a mistletoe decoration he must have put up and you haven't noticed before.
"Aww, man, did you only kiss me because of that mistletoe?"
"Let me take you to my room and prove you otherwise," Jin vows, grabs your hand and urges you to follow his lead.
Christmas is truly the most wonderful time of the year.
The End
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hyuge · 11 months
Baby Daddy
Camie and Bakugou dated for a bit in high school but quickly realized it wasn't going to work and broke it off mutually. They stayed friends afterwards, no biggie. Several years later, Camie shows up at Bakugou's doorstep because she's pregnant and the dad didn't want anything to do with it. She wants to keep the baby but she's freaking out and needs someone more levelheaded than she is to talk to. Bakugou, who actually really loves kids, tells her he's gonna help her out the whole way through. He agrees not to go murder the asshole that would bail on her but he's pissed so he is just going to channel that energy into being the best fucking uncle that kid'll ever have.
Meanwhile, Kirishima is finally working up the nerve to confess his many years long crush on Bakugou. He tells himself he's finally going to do it. Bakugou hasn't really dated anyone in a long time, they're both established in their careers, they spend all their time together already, and then he gets a call from Bakugou.
"I need to tell you something but you have to keep it to yourself. It's really important that this doesn't get around."
Kirishima smiles and says, "Yeah, sure. Anything for you."
And then Bakugou tells him that Camie is at his apartment and she's pregnant. Kirishima drops his phone in a panic, heart racing. He knew Camie and Bakugou were still close and that he never really dated anyone after her. He just assumed they were just friends. Bakugou said the breakup was mutual. But was it really? had bakugou lied about it to save face and the reason he hadn't dated anyone up to this point was because he still had feelings for her? But then if they were back together, why wouldn't Bakugou have told him? Kirishima scrambles to pick up the phone but he can't think straight, so he doesn't hear anything else Bakugou is saying. "I'm sorry. I gotta go."
"What? Kirishi-"
He hangs up the phone. Kirishima has a meltdown thinking he waited too long and missed his chance.
Bakugou can't get ahold of him for awhile after that. He's pissed, but he pushes it aside because he promised to help Camie and he still has hero work to do. So he does the things her boyfriend should have. He takes her to the doctor, helps her pick out baby stuff, makes sure she's eating the proper meals a pregnant woman needs.
At one point Camie slips going down the stairs and Bakugou calls Todoroki. He tells him to bring his brother over because they need a doctor and he's not taking Camie to the ER where there's a bunch of nosy fuckers. Natsuo looks her over, says she's okay but if anything starts to hurt or feel off to give him a call. Bakugou tells Camie to move in with him until the baby comes. His place is bigger and this way he can keep an eye on her better. She's annoyed but agrees. Meanwhile, Bakugou still can't get ahold of Kirishima.
When Kirishima finally answers the phone he laughs awkwardly and makes an excuse about work being busy. Bakugou tells him that Camie's moving in and asks if he can help move stuff. Kirishima says he can't because he's busy that day (a lie).
Eventually, they're spotted baby shopping. Photos of them buying a crib and looking at baby clothes are plastered all over the internet. Bakugou never checks skeezy news sites, but Camie googles herself daily. The headlines are already twisted:
"IllusoMight having a baby?" "Pro Hero Dynamight and Pro Hero IllusoCamie spotted baby shopping!" "...sources say Dynamight and IllusoCamie dated in high school. It would seem their breakup wasn't as permanent as people thought!"
Camie yells for Bakugou from the other room. "Hey babe, I think you should look at this." Before he can even see what she's yelling about, his phone is ringing. Denki's name is on the screen when Bakugou answers.
"You're having a baby?!"
"What the fuck are you on about, sparks for brains?"
"It's all over the news. Pictures of you and Utsushimi baby shopping." Bakugou curses and rushes to the other room. Camie's holding her phone up with the screen facing him. "Why didn't you tell us you two were back together?"
"We're not," Bakugou growls. "I'm just helping her out because some asshole knocked her up and bailed."
"Were you the asshole?"
"Shut up." Bakugou hangs up the phone and collapses onto the sofa next to her.
Camie makes a joke about how the photos were pretty good candid shots. He glares at her and she sighs, holding her arms out for him to cuddle. Bakugou rests his head on her stomach and feels the baby kicking his face. He's so mad because fuck those shitty paparazzi, and the one person he wants to talk to the most isn't answering the phone.
He decides to try calling Kirishima again. After the third attempt, he picks up the phone. "Hey. I can't really talk I'm-"
"Busy. I know." Bakugou interrupts. His voice cracks.
"Hey. Hey, what's wrong?"
Bakugou sighs. "Can you come over? Please?"
There's a long pause before Kirishima finally answers with an, "Okay. I'll be there in twenty."
When Kirishima finally shows up he looks around the apartment before asking, "Where's Utsushimi?"
Bakugou waves him inside the apartment. "In her room, resting."
"Her room?"
Bakugou narrows his gaze at him. "Yeah, her room."
Kirishima has a confused look on his face, but shakes his head, deciding not to say whatever it is that was on his mind. "So, what's going on?"
Bakugou sits on the armrest of his sofa and sighs in defeat. "It's this whole pregnancy thing. I guess word started to spread."
"Oh," says Kirishima. "I know you wanted to keep a secret. I'm sure it's hard having a baby as a pro hero when you're not married."
"Mm. Camie seems more chill about it than expected. I think it helps that everyone online is saying how she's glowing. As if she couldn't make herself glow begin with." He rolls his eyes.
Kirishima nods slowly. "What about you? A baby's a huge change. That's gotta be hard."
"S'not like it's really my responsibility."
Kirishima actually looks mad about that for some reason. "Of course it's your responsibility! How could you say something so flippant when you're about to be a dad?"
"You're having a baby but you're saying it's not your responsibility," explains Kirishima.
"I'm not having a fucking baby."
"What?" This time it was Kirishima's turn to be confused.
"Did you not hear anything I said to you on the phone before?"
"Um..." Kirishima's cheeks flushed red and he rubbed the back of his neck.
"I told you some asshole knocked her up and ditched. I'm just helping her out."
Kirishima's eyes grow rounder than Bakugou had ever seen them before. "So... You're not having a baby?"
"And you're not back together with Utsushimi?"
"And you're not still in love with her?"
"Hell. Fucking. No."
And then Kirishima is so visibly relieved that without thinking he reaches for Bakugou and pulls him into a kiss, startling him, but he doesn't fight it. They straighten out their feelings after that, and of course because Camie is Camie, she had the whole thing recording in a livestream to clear up any and all internet confusion on whether or not Dynamight was her baby daddy.
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dizzyjelly · 1 year
Pool Party pt. 2
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Taglist: @gold-dustwomxn
Part 1 here!
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: the morning after Ellie spends the night st your place, she's in a rush to leave. You wonder what her strange behavior is all about. She invites you to a movie later that week and you show up with a date, which has Ellie making a heartfelt confession to you in the movie theater bathroom.
Cw: jealous/possesive Ellie
The next morning you woke up to an empty bed. You let out a sigh as you stretched your arms above your head then lazily made your way out of your room. You'd found Ellie, but she was basically out the door.
"El? Why're you leaving?" You asked groggily, rubbing at your tired eyes.
"Oh, I didn't know you'd be awake. Look I just gotta go." Her excuse was rushed.
"Ok, um I'll see you later?" You asked as you walked over to her and took her hands in her own.
"Sure. Bye." She didn't even look you in the eye as she quickly pulled her hands away and left.
You furrowed your brows, utterly confused as just last might she was kissing and cuddling you to sleep. Trying your best to ignore her odd behavior, you made yourself some breakfast. If Ellies weird ass exit wasn't enough, she also stopped answering your texts. You didn't think anything of it at first, maybe she was just busy.
But when next week came around and there was still nothing but radio silence, you were beginning to get fed up. So you had a friend over to talk to her about it.
"I just don't get it. I mean we have this amazing night, and now she's being like... cold? I don't know" You sighed as you explained the situation to Sarah.
"Look, Y/n, it sounds like maybe she got cold feet. She's probably just nervous or something." Your friend tried to reassure you.
"I guess but why wouldn't she just talk to me about it then? We're friends first." You spoke confused.
"Have you tried calling her?" Sarah asked.
You shook your head no, and deciding to switch topics. The situation was stressing you out enough. Eventually Sarah would leave and you sat in your living room alone. Hesitantly, you picked up your phone and began ringing Ellie. It was pretty late so it'd make perfect sense if she didn't pick up, but she did. Almost immediately.
"Hi." She answered.
"Hey" your words were caught in your throat for a second, "What's going on with you? You haven't been answering any of my texts." You asked.
"I've... been busy. Sorry." She lied, she was avoiding you.
"Ok, it's fine. Are we gonna talk about it?" You asked.
"About what?" She asked in return, playing dumb.
"Um how we kissed?" You responded.
She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration.
"Listen, we were both drunk. I don't know what I was thinking." She answered.
"What are you saying?" You asked, unsure of where this was going.
"I'm saying let's just forget about it, ok?" You felt like your heart was ripped out of your chest.
And she felt so guilty, but she wasn't turning back now.
"Oh, ok." You answered.
"You wanna see a movie tomorrow or something? Catch up?" She asked.
"Sure just text me the details." And then you hung up without another word.
You couldn't help the tears that fell down your face, brining your hand to wipe them. You sniiffled, now you were really fucking confused. There was no denying that you two had chemistry.
Suddenly, you had an idea. You'd be going to the movies with her tomorrow, what if you brought a date? Maybe make Ellie jealous, get her to confess her true feelings. It was sort of evil, but it might just work.
You opened up tinder and started looking for eligible girls. You matched with some blonde named Abby. You had a little small talk, being slightly flirtatious. Then you asked her to the movies. You told her your friend would be there too so it was fine if she said no, but she said yes! You smiled and texted her the details you'd gotten from Ellie then got ready for bed. You really hoped this plan would work.
It came time for you to head out to the movies. You didn't wanna dress too casual, since you were technically going to be on a date. Then again, it was just the movies. You opted for your best pair of jeans and a low cut sweater, you paried it with light makeup and your usual sneakers.
Abby was meeting you at the theater, so you headed out and drove over there. You walked to the doors and she caught you as you were heading inside. You smiled as you saw her, greeting her with a hug.
"Hey, Abby right?" You asked, just to double check.
"Yeah, ready to go in? Is your friend already here?" She asked.
"Probably in the concession line." You answered.
The two of you got your tickets then made your way to the concessions, which Ellie was indeed already there. She smiled as she saw you, but tilted her head in confusion at your guest. She motioned for you to come over.
"You want popcorn or anything?" You asked Abby and she gave you her answer.
You headed over to where Ellie stood in line, a smile present on your face.
"Who's the chick?" She asked with crossed arms.
"Oh, that's Abby. My date." You answered so casually it hurt.
"Date? Wow, ok." Ellie scoffed, rolling her eyes.
"What? It's not like you and I were going out so I figured I could bring somebody." You shrugged.
"Whatever. Let's just get our fucking food. What's your date want?" She asked bitterly.
You told her and ordered for yourself, but of course she insisted on paying. Even if she was pissed at you, she'd still treat you. You brought Abby her stuff and the three of you made your way into the theater. You sat between the two of them, making sure to interlock hands with Abby.
You glanced over at Ellie to see if she was looking. You smirked as her eyes were fixated on your hand in hers. She looked sad almost. You brought your attention to the screen as previews started.
The movie was hitting its halfway mark and you'd gotten more comfortable with Abby, your head resting promptly on her shoulder while you held onto her bicep lightly. Ellie had troubled focusing on the movie, she was more concerned with you and your date. You leaned over to whisper in Abbys ear.
"Im gonna go to the bathroom." She gave you a simple nod and you stood from your seat.
"Where you going?" Ellie asked.
"Bathroom." You answered harshly, exiting the theater and making your way to the restroom.
You did your business and were just about to wash your hands when you saw Ellie walking towards you in the mirror. You made eye contact with her, then looked away and started to wash your hands.
"What." You spoke, it was meant to be a question but sounded more like a statement because of your tone.
"Why'd you bring some girl with you tonight?" She asked.
"Why do you care? You've made it very clear that we're just friends." You responded.
"Jesus christ." She muttered.
You went to make your way past her and out of the bathroom, but she stopped you. Her hand gripped your wrist, and she had a glint in her eyes.
"I'm.. sorry. Look I just- I don't know how to do this." She sighed.
"And what are we doing?" You asked with an eye roll.
"Please, don't do this right now. What do you want from me? You want me to tell you I love you? Because I do! I'm so in love with you that I am terrified. I'm so scared of ruining what we have just because I love you so much." She sniffled, tears in her eyes.
"Ellie..." You muttered, bringing your hands to cup either side of her face.
You took a deep breath before leaning in, placing a chaste kiss against her lips. Her hands came to your waist as yours made their way to her hair. After a minute you pulled away, smiling at the girl as you wiped her remaining tears away.
"I love you too. So, so much." You chuckled.
"Well I'm stoked, but what are you gonna tell your date?" She asked with a nervous smile.
"Nothing" you shrugged, "Let's just leave." Ellie laughed and then the two of you were getting her car.
She drove to your place and you two went inside, hand in hand. You were over the moon at taking the new step in your relationship with Ellie. You just hoped she wouldn't shut you out again, but things were looking good so far.
A/n: I kind of hate this😭 idk I just feel like it's sloppy, so please lmk if yall like it or not
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missduplicities · 1 year
OTASD | Chapter 5: Waitlist
For the following week, Nabi managed to disappear from the public eye at school. She avoided the cafeteria and library, staying in her classroom during lunchtime. Her friends didn’t suspect any of it, since it was usual for her to sneak away to less crowded rooms. She didn’t even tell Dani what had happened, being too embarrassed to acknowledge it with anyone.
When her parents got back to the city, Seokjin’s dad picked them up from the airport and invited them over to their place for dinner. Nani actually lied, telling her mother she was on her period and had terrible cramps. When she least expected, two full weeks went by without her seeing Kim Seokjin.
Finals were approaching, so she had other things in mind. She had done great in her CSAT but had only applied to one Korean university. She was still waiting for the approval letter from the universities to which she had applied abroad, and every day that passed she became more anxious. There was no Plan B for her; she had to leave the country as soon as she graduated.
During the last months of class, she saw her friends get accepted to their dream colleges, while she had to sit and wait.
The first letter appeared one day:
Dear Ms. Ahn,
The Yale Admission Committee has completed its evaluation of this year’s candidates, and we are genuinely sorry that we are not able to offer you a place in the Class of 2011.
It’s okay, Nabi thought. I didn’t even want to go to Yale anyway.
“When are you moving to Norway?” Yuna asked Eun-Chae one day in class.
“Right after graduation,” Eun-Chae proudly said. “Dad wants to take us on a trip to Europe first, then they’ll help me install in the dorms,”
“Isn’t it exciting?” Yuna said. “It’s just like the movies!”
“No news from NYU yet?” Eun-Chae asked Nabi; a sad smile appearing on her face.
“Uhm, I got waitlisted,” Nabi said, hiding the disappointment in her voice.
“You still have Boston, right?” Eun-Chae said with hopeful eyes. “You know how Americans are, leaving everything until the last minute,”
“Yeah,” Nabi said, trying to convince herself. “What are your plans for the summer?”
“I’m just hoping to see Nick all summer,” Yuna said with a smirk on her face.
“Nick?” Nabi asked. “Weren’t you seeing that Woo Hak guy?”
“Yeah, we broke up,” Yuna sighed. “But Nick texted me, he’s going to summer camp as well,”
“Is Nick the Australian?” Eun-Chae asked.
“The one and only,” Yuna proudly said.
“So, you’re leaving all summer again?” Nabi asked.
“That’s the plan,” Yuna said. “I think this will be the last year I’ll go unless they want me to become Cabin Tutor,”
“I miss camp,” Eun-Chae sighed. “Why don’t you go, Nabi?”
“No, thanks,” Nabi chuckled. “Spending a month in a hot cabin is not to my taste. You have fun, Yuna-ssi,”
“This is our last summer of high school!”
“So, you need to start living and having fun, babe,” Yuna said, sitting on Nabi’s desk. “You don’t want to be unexperienced when you go to college, especially if you’re planning on going abroad,”
“I still have time to get some internships,” Nabi innocently said, making both her friends laugh. “What?”
“I’m talking about guys,” Yuna said.
“You stick to guys, I’ll stick to graduating with honors and getting to an Ivy League uni,” Nabi’s ego was getting a bit hurt. If she wanted, she would go out with guys. She just didn’t want to waste her time on that at the moment. Feeling annoyed with her friends’ comments, Nabi decided to leave, excusing herself saying she had to take the bus.
Nabi: Are you picking me up or am I riding the bus?
Dad: I’m running late
Dad: sorry honey
Nabi: It’s ok
Her streak of not seeing Seokjin was broken at that moment when she saw the guy sitting at the bus stop. He was too busy playing with a Nintendo DS to see her, which gave her enough time to turn on her heels and walk to school again. She planned to wait for the next bus so she didn’t have to talk to him. The bus approached the street, so he had to put his Nintendo aside to look for his bus card. He was so afraid of missing it that he left without realizing he had left his console behind. Nabi wished she hadn’t seen it. He surely can buy another, she thought, but she didn’t have the heart to leave the forgotten Nintendo behind. With a sigh, she walked over to the place where he had been and secured the console inside her backpack, waiting now for the next bus where Seokjin had been waiting.
About ten minutes had gone by when she heard someone’s hurried footsteps approach. Scared that she might get robbed or something, she turned around only to see the guy she had been avoiding, soaking wet in sweat and out of breath.
“Hi,” he struggled to say, taking deep breaths with his hands on his knees. “Did you… see… my….?”
“Did you run all the way here from the next stop?” She was honestly impressed; the next stop was pretty far. He only nodded, still too tired to say anything. Nabi took the Nintendo out of her bag and handed it to him. He looked so thankful, as a mother reuniting with the child she thought she lost at the supermarket.
“Thanks,” he said, sitting on the bench next to where she was. “I thought I lost it,”
“No problem,” she awkwardly said, not knowing what else to do.
“Are you feeling better?” he asked, still short of breath. She looked at him confused, not knowing what he was talking about. “Your mom said you felt sick the other day,”
“Oh,” she said. “Yeah, it was just a headache,”
“I get those all the time,” he said conversationally. “Are you good now, though?”
“Yeah,” she hated how nosy he was sometimes. Checking the time, she realized there were about 15 minutes left for the next bus to arrive, so she finally sat back on the bench next to him. Seokjin put out his Nintendo and handed it to her, making her very confused.
“I just won a battle with the Gym leader,” he proudly explained, even though she had no idea what he was talking about. “I just caught this Houndour a week ago, but he’s been great in battles. I think I’ll be able to evolve him into a Houndoom in no time,”
“Congrats, I guess,” she wasn’t trying to be mean, she just really didn’t know what to say. He saved his game and put it back in his pocket.
“Did you get your college acceptance letter yet?” why did he have to ask that?
“No,” she said. “You?”
“I got a lot of rejection letters,” he chuckled. “Dad is not happy about that,”
“Why do you look so calm about it?”
“Well, I just got back to school. I knew it was a long shot getting into a good university on my first try, but Dad still wanted me to apply. I’m preparing for next semester,”
“You’re not graduating?” She asked, confused as to why he didn’t look upset.
“I am graduating, but I’m taking a sabbatical semester to actually prepare,”
“Aren’t you afraid of wasting more time?” she regretted including the word more, knowing she sounded rude.
“It’s not a waste if I get something good off it,” he sighed. “I’m getting a job and getting tutors to prepare for the spring semester. Maybe you could do it too, I mean, if you don’t get your letter,”
“I’m getting the letter,” she said, trying to convince herself.
“I’m sure you are. You’re top of the class, aren’t you?” she figured her dad had told him that. “Where did you apply?”
“Where didn’t I,” she scoffed, smiling for the first time. “I sent too many applications for schools way out of my league, I don’t know why. All I wanted was to get away from here. Start my life from scratch in a different country, and all that,”
He didn’t say anything.
“I’m still waiting for MIT to answer,”
“MIT?” he asked; his eyebrows higher than she’d ever seen. “Wow! Which field?”
“Science. Neuroscience, to be precise,”
The bus finally arrived, so they instinctively got to their feet and prepared to ride it. The conversation ended as they went on the bus, sitting on opposite sides. She thanked God that he didn’t text her every bus stop, hoping that they kept pretending her slip-up never happened. When she thought she recognized the bus stop, she turned to the back of the bus, where he was. He understood her question, nodding with a smile to let her know this was their stop.
“When will you know if you got in?” Seokjin asked as soon as they both got off the bus. “When is the deadline?”
“I don’t know,” she sighed, wondering the same. “I think they have to let me know by the end of next week,”
“I’m sure you will get in,” he said, grabbing the straps of his backpack and standing awkwardly in front of her.
“Thanks,” she said, not knowing what to do.
“Thanks for saving my Nintendo,”
“Don’t go around leaving important stuff behind,” she pretended to scold him.
“I’ll learn from this lesson,” he smiled and they went back to silence.
“Well, see you around,” she said, desperate to get out of there.
“Sure,” he said. “See you!”
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littlemisshaveitall · 2 years
Season Secrets : July 24th
Recognise when someone only does enough to keep you around.
It is important to know when a partner isn't all that into you but wants to keep you around just for the sake of it or as a back up measure.
The partner who has 'bad communication' (In quotes because let's be real hun , are they bad at communicating or are they bad at communicating with YOU) and is always 'busy' (again cause really.) yet when you are finally about to hit your last straw they suddenly decide to spend an entire day with you filled with passionate kisses and cuddles then they convince you that 'He really does make me happy' or 'she really does care'. However as soon as you are feeling all lovey-dovey again , they disappear or the affectionate gestures lessen. Love, I have to break it to you - That partner of yours is playing games with your heart and they know it, cut them off or at least monitor that shit and leave.
The situationship you 'think' could work but they seem to disappear for a few weeks then come back as if nothing happened. Different scenario, you see them with multiple potentials and you see them going out consistently then randomly they remember you exist and start flirting again because your validation and attention seems to be the easiest to access. Last case scenario, every time you guys talk they always end up making the conversation sexual and being explicit about the things they want to do to you without even answering your 'how are you'. Love, what is this you are entertaining, stand up please , ew.
The gifter. I'm not going to lie, I love the gifter especially when I'm not emotionally invested but anyways for those of us that are. This person knows what you like and they use that information so well you won't even consider the fact that they are stringing you along. He knows you like to shower with Dove so he comes home with a Dove essentials basket at 10 PM when he said he'd be there by 7 PM. She buys tickets to see the new Thor which makes you forget she hasn't called in 3 weeks and all because ' Baby, I bought us tickets in the private booth , I've missed you'. They buy you matching bracelets so that they can think of you when they are away for their 3rd trip that week. Love, relax and get a grip. Take yourself out, invest in some introspection and ponder about why they still don't satisfy you.
The ones who keep delaying their answer when you ask them pointed questions. Ugh, I hate this type. These ones won't even give you the 'let's just go with the flow' line instead they'll say 'Let me think about it and I'll tell you tomorrow' then that tomorrow never reaches smh. Firstly because you think you'll be a turn off for asking a second time so you don't ask and secondly ,since they see you as a game or they might simply not want to answer they'll just act like they forgot. When you do ask again , more excuses roll in to buy more time. I've had my fair share of those but the worst one was "I didn't go outside today so it doesn't count" and I let it slide , can you imagine ( I'm better now , thank you for asking). Love, these set of individuals don't deserve your time, they literally don't benefit you in any way like the rest , if you're going to be strung along at least let them buy you gifts, validate you or tell you their sweet sweet lies as compensation.
As always this isn't a finite list, just a relevant one. Protect yourself out there, it's not safe for us babes who love a little too with a bit too much hope. Recognizing when a romantic partner is leading you on is such an important skill to master so that you can stop wasting your time or at the very least stop placing so much value on the person by moving them to the bottom of the roster. I've been both the victim and the perp for at least one of these and I can tell you for free , they know what they are doing and they are definitely telling their friends about it while laughing at you. Such is life, people don't change too often so babe learn the tricks and CUT THEM OFF.
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guaxinimraccoon · 3 years
jesus christ why-
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FIRST OF ALL I'm SO sorry for taking so damn long to answer those, I've been really really busy and I'm very sorry, I'm doing my best to answer everybody ; o ;
BUT FINALLY let's talk about our big last Euphoria reveal (about four months ago but ok-), where I showed you guys that Alex is Brad's father and Elisa is Toby's mom.
SHUSH , CALM YOUR TITS DOWN and let me explain:
Ok, so I'll be putting some links here and there because yes, Alex and Elisa's story is very, VERY connected to Brad and Toby's. 
And get ready for a veeeeeeeeeeeeery long post. You were warned.
As you all already know, Alex and Elisa had a troublesome meeting, but eventually got closer to each other, they fell in love yadda yadda yadda BUT their will to get closer to each other, in other words, their relationship brought HUGE consequences.
Yes, they did manage to build a healthy relationship, they were happy, they were fine.
But they were also adults, adults that wanted something serious and concrete, they couldn't spend the rest of their lives as forbbiden lovers.
So Elisa did something literally illegal. She did a potion that was forbidden by the Colony authorities - a shrunken potion - to get closer to Alex.
Those potions were never developed, they're rustic and really antique, so they could do more harm than good or not work at all.
But Alex didn't care, he took the risk and drank the potion to get closer to his girl, the woman that was the love of his life.
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The effect of the potion is temporary, so Alex would drink them from time to time whenever he had the opportunity to visit the Colony, spend some time with Elisa and, of course, be a part of her life.
He wasn't just trying to "be like her", he was also trying to be a part of her home. He made friends with her friends, he met her family, he met new imps, new fairies, all of it under his "imp disguise". He even fought for the Colony at it's war times (that is lasting till the current story time). He EVEN presented himself with a more “impish name” - Turk - to make sure people wouldn’t suspect anything.
Of course, people eventually started to ask why didn’t he live in the Colony with Elisa, why did he only showed up from time to time. Alex and Elisa lied, obviously, they told everyone that Alex belonged to a secluded imp tribe that lived walking around the forest as nomads, which made sense since those types of imp communities do exist.
ANYWAY THE POINT IS Alex grew affectioned of those people and with their lifestyle. He started to feel like he was one of them. 
And, of course, he was now closer than he ever was to Elisa.
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Since they were different species, they never worried about having kids. I’ve never said this before but Alex is a doctor, he knows about this stuff, so he always made sure to reassure Elisa that "they were their own condon" and, as sad as it may sound, they couldn't have kids.
... Or so Alex thought.
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You know how tigers and lions can have offspring together? Yeah, it's the same thing.
It's very hard to happen, but they spent YEARS together if you know what I mean so yeah
That's how Alex and Elisa gave birth to their first child: Tobias, the only one of a specie that is a mix between human and imp.
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His parents were really worried at first, afterall, they new NOTHING about Toby's condition. They didn't know if he was going to grow as large as a human or if he'd assume imp proportions forever. After some research with his son's blood, Alex found out that Toby was indeed half human and half imp, but he was predominantly physically an imp. That means his biological features are, mostly, imp like: he'd hardly grow as large as a human through his life's course and could live as a normal imp in the Colony. The fact that he showed talent for magic (once he was old enough to do so) and was able to do it just like any other imp in the Colony also made things easier.
Elisa and Alex chose to raise Toby in the Colony, they believed it’d be healthier and safer for him (especially after some events that I’ll be talking about in other posts), although it hurt Alex to pretend that he was an imp to his son and that he couldn’t see him everyday. 
Even if they couldn’t see each other everyday, Alex and Toby were very close. Toby loved his daddy very much and was very attached to him.
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After five years after Toby was born, Elisa got pregnant again and gave birth to their second child: Bernardo (that’d eventually be nicknamed as “Brad”), one of the two only beings of the specie Alex and Elisa accidently created together.
For preucation, Alex took a bit of Brad’s blood and made some research, just like he did to Toby.
And what he found out wasn’t exactly... relieving.
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Brad, just like Toby, was half human and half imp, but he had expressed mostly human features in his physical body. He was as small as a baby imp now, but it was a matter of time until he started to grow very VERY large.
Unlike Toby, Brad couldn’t live as an imp in the Colony and things got very complicated for them.
Alex wanted to leave. He told Elisa the Colony’s community would NEVER accept their youngest, they would never accept Alex and probably wouldn’t accept Toby either. They had to leave that place before they couldn’t hide the truth anymore, even if it cost revealing Toby, a five year old child, that most of his life was a lie.
But Elisa was hesitant. She didn’t want to leave her home, her parents, her friends. She knew Alex was right, they couldn’t stand that play for too long, but how to leave everything she had built behind? How to leave everything she knew as home behind? It wasn’t that easy.
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Until something very bad happened.
Remember I said Alex made a few friends in the Colony? So, one of them was Stefan, a experienced fairy soldier that had known Elisa for as long as she was alive. He was pretty much her best friend (even if he was old enough to be her father) and now he was also great friends with Alex.
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Stefan is important here. He has a very tragic backstory involving humans. He lost pretty much everything to them: his whole family and his wings, something that meant more than just flying to him.
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So, as expected, he hates humans and truly believes that they are nothing more than monsters that try to manipulate you and to get advantage from imp’s and fairy’s magic. 
After some years, he started to get very suspicious over Alex. Some things weren’t making any sense anymore and that “nomad imp community” was starting to sound way more like an excuse than the actual truth. He simply didn’t understand what was stopping him to live with Elisa and his sons for once.
So he did some investigation. One day, he followed Alex (that he knew as Turk) out of the Colony, in one of the days he had only come to visit his family. Alex had said earlier that he had to “go back to his own society”. Yeah, right. Stefan was hiding the whole time and followed Alex till a good distane from the Colony’s limits. 
And he didn’t get exaclty happy to see his best friend growing impossibly huge out of nowhere.
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Stefan now knew the truth: Alex was pretending to be an imp using shrinking potions. He didn’t belong to any nomad imp group, he was a human that lived in his own house and was coming to the Colony to play family with them.
Of course, he didn’t only felt betrayed, but pissed as fuck. Stefan didn’t waste any time: as soon as Alex came back to the Colony he confronted him. Alex tried to explain himself, but they only argued and ended up having a pretty bad fight.
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In anger, Stefan didn’t want to hear no more explanations, so he told some of the Colony’s high authorities about Alex’s lies and that they had to do something about it. 
The Colony’s Council decided to call Elisa and solve things between imps and fairies only. But they showed her no mercy.
They basically gave her two options: or she’d prove her loyalty to the Colony and would kill her husband and her human son, or the Colony would sentence all of them to death penalty, including Toby and Brad, children that they claimed should have never been born. 
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Elisa was in shatters. She didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t kill the man she loved and her baby child, she just couldn’t. She was about to accept the second option, rathering die with her family than killing them, but Stefan decided to help her out.
He wasn’t expecting the Council to be so cruel and he started to regret his decisions the moment he saw how Elisa was worried about her family and how much she loved them, even if they were human. He hated Alex and Brad, but seeing Elisa in excruciating pain over them was impossible for him, so he made up a plan with her to save everybody.
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It cost Elisa to trust Stefan, he had told their secrets to the worst people possible, but she had no option aside from accepting his help and following his plan.
The plan was simple: Elisa would tell the Council she’d kill Alex and Brad and would tell Alex that she had changed her mind and that they should leave the Colony as soon as possible now that Stefan knew the truth.
Alex believed her and, after Stefan’s confirmation, so the Council did. The next step was to take Alex and Brad to the Colony’s limits, pretending they were about to leave. 
Then it happened.
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Elisa made, with Stefan’s help, a huge barrier on the Colony’s frontier that didn’t allowed humans to cross it. It was basically a security method that they never thought it’d be necessary.
But now it was and it wasn’t meant to protect the ones inside the Colony...
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Of course, Alex didn’t understand SHIT.
He spent MONTHS returning to the Colony in his shrinking form, trying to find a way to cross the barrier and to get Toby back. 
Or to talk to Elisa.
Or to understand.
Or anything.
He just wanted his family.
Eventually, his potions ended and he was left to raise Brad on his own and to never see his wife and oldest son again.
Since then, he hates Elisa. Or at least thinks he does. He’s just deeply mad at her, he doesn’t understand why she left them. 
He did everything for her. Denyed his own race, submitted himself to the dangerous effects of a extremely nocive potion which he faces the consequences till this day, did his fucking best to be the best father and husband his family could have-
All this love, all this effort, all this sweat and blood
It took years for him to fully recover. Aside from the health problems the abusive use of the shrinking potions brought, he also became alcohoolic. Because he wasn’t mentally estable enough, neither to take care of himself and of his very very small son, he went to live in his parents house. His family knew about Elisa and the children they had together, his folks actually liked her a lot so it saddened them as well that she simply abandoned Alex and Brad and that they would never see Toby again.
His family didn’t had to worry about Brad’s very little size for too long though, before he was one year old he had already reached his human size.
Anyway, Alex’s family gave him a huge help until he was healthy enough to take care of Brad, the only one left from the family he built.
Back to Elisa, she didn’t told Alex her plan because she KNEW he wouldn’t want to do it. She simply knew Alex would be too stubborn. He’d have wanted to try to escape or to face the Council. Both alternatives would get them all killed.
Toby didn’t understand why his mother did what she did. He was forced to go back home with her, screaming the whole time, saying that they left his father and brother behind while Elisa was crying endelessly.
Stefan came to them eventually and calmed Toby down. His heart broke when he saw Elisa. She was... not okay.
Unfortunately, he didn’t have time to assist her. He immediatly went to a representent of the Council and took them to Elisa and to the Colony’s frontier to prove that she had done it and did even more than she was suppose to. Of course, not without consequences to her sanity, she had just killed her husband and baby, of course she was in pain.
Nevertheless, the Council confirmed Elisa had done her part and left to leave her alone with the child they let live.
After that, Toby spent weeks returning to that spot of the frontier to look for his dad and brother. No sucess.
As time went by, he eventually forgot about Brad, he was very young when they tore apart and Elisa and Stefan never talked about him nor Alex. All he can remember is that there was a baby in the middle of that mess, but he can’t relate to it.
He kept the memories of his father though, who was closer to him, and till this day he believes he’s alive somewhere and that he can be found. But he has no idea he’s a human and has no idea of his own true nature.
Elisa and Alex miss their respective sons deeply and think about them everyday. They also miss each other very much and the first months after the incident were terribly agonizing for the both of them.
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They kept going for the child that had remained for the both of them and raised them apart from each other. Alex never told Brad what happened and so Elisa did to Toby. Like that, none of the brothers knew about the existence of each other.
Until the day Toby was sent, coincidentally, to his “little” brother’s house
And none of them has no idea of this fucking long backstory I just spent four months writing :)
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rafescoke · 3 years
Never sent a request idk if I do this right. Been to lazy and not good lately and honestly I just need a good fluff. The basic plot where he is in a bad mood like angry and then he turns to his lover etc etc. Do your thing I just need some comfort and love!
Cupcake ; Rafe Cameron
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
Summary: Maybe making cupcakes with a girl he likes won’t be a bad thing
Warnings: Slight angst on the earlier part, cursing, substance, extreme fluff, adorable Rafe Cameron
A/N: I hope you're doing good, sending all my love and hugs @ you <33 remember to rest!!! @asimpwriter
p.s; you know the drill - send any requests!
"Fuck off," Rafe sighed, shutting his eyes against the bright chandelier above the dinner table. Since when did it got so bright? The last time he checked, it was dimmed. "I swear Sarah, say one more word and I'll fucking kill you."
"Rafe," Ward sighed, placing his cutleries down onto the expensive wooden table. "It's family time. Excuse your sister."
"She's hanging around with those stupid pogues, dad!" he groaned, not wanting to believe that his dad was on her side. Not that he was ever on his, but he thought his father would have the same mindset as him towards this topic.
"Let. It. Go."
"They're my friends," she breathed, and Ward closed his eyes again, knowing the screaming that was about to occur. "I'm sorry you're stuck with Topper-"
"Didn't you cheat on him?" he laughed, and turned to look at his dad. He mouthed at him with an amused expression, "She cheated on him."
"I didn't, and we broke up 2 weeks ago. I'm sorry he couldn't move on from me," Sarah shrugged, and Rafe watched as she put aside her green beans and offered some of the mashed potatoes to Wheezie.
How could she act so normal about this?
"Oh, and-" Sarah turned to Ward, and Rafe waited impatiently for the lies that was about to slip from her mouth. "Do you know that he does drugs?"
"Sarah!" Rose yelled, furrowing her eyebrows as Rafe laughed out loud, clapping his hands loudly that the sound echoed throughout the huge house. "It's a family dinner!"
"I don't give a fuck about this family," Sarah said, removing the napkin from her lap and quickly standing up to get out of the house. Ward didn't say anything, neither did Rose, and after a few seconds, he let out a sigh.
"This is getting out of hand," he started, clasping his hands. "Rafe, I'm no longer letting you take over my business."
Rafe stopped his movements, looking at his father with widened eyes. After all those time he spent at college, trying to make his father proud and to take over the business, only for this?
"Dad, you can't. She's lying, dad, I haven't been using drugs."
"I saw the stash, Rafe," he sighed, and Rafe thought about the space under his bed. He closed his eyes, muttering a ‘fuck’ when he finally remembered the empty space. He didn't think much about it earlier, thinking about how he must have used up all of the powder.
"Until you get your life back on track, or nothing at all."
"Go find your sister, and bring her home."
"Dad, please-"
"Go find Sarah."
"Okay," he sighed, standing up immediately and letting the chair scraped the polished floor. Wheezie shifted uncomfortably at the sound, and Rafe had an urge to do it again, just for the sake of riling his father's anger.
He cursed silently, walking away towards the table and to the porch, all while thinking about the joy if he could destroy the Pogues' life for making his hard.
The drive from Figure 8 to The Cut took him 30 minutes at high speed and being fully caffeinated, and when he arrived at the Chateau, all riled up from the quarrel with his father that he had before, he didn't try to see if his sister was even in there before barging into the small home.
"Yo, what the fuck?"
"Where's Sarah?" he muttered, giving Kie his side glance and continued searching for her. "Where the fuck is she?"
"Yo, bro, this land is off to the kooks," JJ stepped in, eye to eye as he leveled up to Rafe's height. He was only an inch shorter, but the difference was apparent. He continued to place his hands against his chest, whispering slowly. "Especially to crackheads like you."
Rafe laughed, tilting his head to the back to release the tension building up in his body. He was so, so close to give the blonde boy the consequences of his words, but was halted when Sarah entered the room, hand in hand with John B.
"What are you doing here?" she groaned, walking forward and standing in front of him. "God, can't you leave me alone?"
"Oh, trust me, I rather do that more than anything especially-" his eyes trailed to John B, "When you're fucking with a trash."
"JJ-" Kie stepped up, pulling JJ's shirt to stop him from doing anything. She sighed, knowing that this was bound to happen anytime soon, and she had told John B about this before, but he didn't listen. Now it was like her job to protect her friends from Rafe.
"Leave," Sarah stated, her lips pulled into a tight grimace. "Leave before I'll tell dad about this."
"I'm just trying to protect you," he ran his fingers through his hair, making it more messier than ever. Why couldn't she get that? All he was doing - it was all to protect her, so that his father could see him for what he's worth.
"You know what?" he sighed, wrapping his face with his large hands and turning towards the exit. "You wanna be one of them? Go. Don't ever come back home. You're just another trash, anyways."
He wasn't sure if he meant them, or if it came from the heat of the moment. All he could think about was to run away, to hide and to never come out and face his father or the judgement put by everyone else. He felt an uneasy feeling rising in the pit of her stomach, but he was too proud to say sorry.
“That was useless," he thought, leaning over his motorcycle and blinking his eyes against the lights by the side of the road. He couldn't go back now, not when his father had just ordered him to bring Sarah home and he had failed to do so, and he couldn't go to Barry's; his dad could find him there if he search for him the next day.
He groaned, feeling the cold air nipping at his skin until the final thought occurred to him. He laughed then, not sure as to why he hadn't been thinking of that sooner, and soon he was in front of the mini apartment.
He rapped on the door and waited patiently, his heartbeat quickening. He looked at his watch, checking if his arrival was too late. He groaned, noticing the time, but it would be embarrassing for him to turn now.
(Y/N) was trying to figure out what colour should she put into the frosting mixture, her hands on her waist when she heard the knock.
Her head instinctively looked at the clock, frowning when she read the time. It was not that late, only around 10 p.m., but she was not ready for any guests or her friends to come over.
Had she been too loud that the cranky neighbor next door who sleeps early everyday had come to tell her off?
She sighed, lowering the music coming from the radio before making her way to the door. She was in nothing but her ribbed top and a pair of sweatpants, and her hair was messier than ever.
"I'm sorry, Jerry," she sighed, opening the door to greet the old man. But standing in front of her was not the grey-haired man with furrowed eyebrows, ready to scold her, but it was the boy she had been crushing on since forever instead.
"Rafe?" she exclaimed, and she couldn't deny the shock spreading through her veins at the sight of him. He was sweaty, like he had just been in a fight, and his shirt was sticking to his body. "What are you doing here?"
"Hey, I'm sorry, can I come in?"
The smell of freshly baked cupcakes wafted into his nostrils, and he noticed the drool in his mouth. He didn't eat dinner that much, being forced to chase after his sister, and all he wanted was to enjoy some good food and get a good sleep for the night.
"I'm not. . . we can't. . . I'm not prepared for anything-"
"It's okay, I didn't come for sex," he bit his lips, trying to contain her amused laughter at her statement. "We're friends, (Y/N), aren't we?"
"Yeah," she raised a brow, not grasping at the way he was playing his words. She allowed him in, asking him to sit by the kitchen counter and checking her porch outside to see if there was any cameras in case he was trying to prank her.
Rafe Cameron never contacted her for anything if it wasn't for sex.
"What are you making?" he pointed at the mess on the kitchen, and (Y/N) tried to hide her red face as she quickly tried to put the stained bowls and cutleries into the sink.
"Uh, cupcakes."
"Yum," he chuckled, liking the way she was so nervous around him. The truth with (Y/N), she was extremely wild in bed but also very shy outside. It was like a complete two different person, but he was always intrigued by this.
The first time they had done the deed, he was shocked when she got into control, and he would lie if he said he didn't enjoy it. That night was one of Rafe’s best nights, the starting point to the many after.
"Relax, (Y/N)," he laughed, watching as she tilted a cup and placing his hand under the table to catch it before it could break. (Y/N) yelped, struck to her position, and let out the biggest relief when Rafe put it back to its previous place, safe as ever.
"Why are you so jumpy?" he whispered, sneaking beside her to help with whatever she was doing. He hadn't got a clue about this whole baking thing, only watching Cake Wars for the drama, but he wanted to help the girl beside him if it means he got to spend time with her.
"What are you doing?" she muttered, glancing at Rafe's hands as he whisked the fluffy frosting. "Rafe, you're going to get it more clumpy."
"No, I won't."
"Rafe, I swear," she groaned, reaching over to grab the whisk only for him to turn around, laughing while she struggled to get him.
"I'm just making it more fluffier," he smiled, continuing to whisk the mixture without even looking at the white colloid. He was too busy looking at her, and he wondered if she knew about the small amount of flour powder that had gotten on the top of her nose.
"Was the coke good?"
"Huh?" she tilted her head, confused, and still angry at the way he was not listening to her.
"The nose. Was the coke good?"
(Y/N) gave him a look before going to the corner to stare at herself in the mirror, letting out a yelp when she saw the powdery stain on her nose. She quickly dusted them off, stalking back to the still-whisking boy, and she wondered about the amount of energy he had in him and how he was still not tired.
"Rafe! It's all clumped!" she sighed, finally having a hold on the large bowl. She took her a finger and tipped it into the mixture, pulling out before slipping the finger into her mouth. Her face scrunched up, and she reached for the glass of water by her side.
"What? It's more prettier. More texture-ish. If we're in Cake Wars, we'll be the winner."
"That's not how it works," she groaned, pouring the failed mixture into the sink and letting the water cleansed them off. "Now my cupcake's going to be naked."
"You know what can be naked too?"
She held up her middle finger, placing the wet bowl onto the counter and using the clean cloth to wipe it dry. "And I'm not giving these to the children's home naked. You have to help me, Rafe."
Rafe felt a smile tugging on his lips at the mention of 'children’s home', and he thought about how perfect could she be. She’s the epitome of the girl everyone wants to be - she's good in school, never using anyone's money for her, good at baking, and has a big heart?
He thought about how she's good in bed too, but he tired to shake the childish thought away.
"What can I do? Should I go to the store and get any Betty Crocker's frosting?" he offered, his hands in his pocket to reach for his keys. He watched as her shoulder slumped, and he felt bad for ruining her cake. He touched her shoulder, "Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't know it would actually be clumped. I thought it would get even more fluffier."
"You don't think, Rafe, that's why," she sighed, "But that's alright. Do you think you can help me make another one?"
"Are you sure? I don't want to ruin anything," he backed away, glancing at the sink and thinking about the clumped mixture making their way to the sewer.
"Yes. Can you reach for that sugar? That's flour, Rafe, god, yes, yes, okay, c'mere," she rolled her eyes, taking the container from him and dumping the content into the dried bowl. "Now, what do we do?"
"Put water?"
(Y/N) laughed, tilting her head to one side, trying to clutch her stomach from hurting. "Yeah, if you want the kids to get sick."
"Okay, Gordon, what should we do next?" he grunted, but he liked the lightness in the air. How the conversation flowed easily, and how quick he regained her trust to help her make whatever this is.
It was like she didn't care about the Rafe Cameron that gets into fights with the pogues or snorts coke when he's stressed. He felt like staying in this moment forever, wanting to help her bake whatever and watching her smile.
(Y/N) handed him the butter, muttering something along the words of 'dump them in', 'use the mixture', 'you're going to break your arms' and 'watch while it's whisking'.
He didn't care about the many orders she was giving him - he enjoyed it. He truly liked how his night was ending after a long day of bullshit, starting with his college sending him a letter for the vandalism he had caused outside of the Dean's office, Kelce and Topper going on a road trip without him and giving him the explanation of 'we asked you, and you said no'.
In truth, he didn't even remember anything about meeting them. His memory was starting to fade, and he shuddered at the thought of not knowing anyone when he reaches Ward's age.
"Okay, that's enough," she groaned, switching the button off. Rafe apologized quickly, being so caught up with his own thoughts, and waited for her next order.
"Choose the colour," she exclaimed happily, pointing out two different food dyes. "I can't choose!"
Rafe skimmed over the label that said 'blue' and 'pink', and made a face. "Are you going to give the blue ones to the boys and the pinks to the girls or something?"
"What? No?"
"Okay. . . why can't we just use both?"
"And make purple?"
"Yeah? Hey, look, I'm wearing blue and you're wearing pink!"
(Y/N) looked down to the ribbed top, noticing the colour, and her face turned into a red shade. Now everything's going to be awkward.
"Okay, purple it is," she rolled her eyes, giving him the blue bottle and taking the pink one for herself. "Three drops together. Are you ready?"
Rafe licked his lips, so eager to watch the colour forming.
"2," she looked at him, and back to the frosting. "Rafe!"
"What?" he raised a brow, following her gaze and watching the blue dots on the frosting. He put his hand over his mouth, too stunned to say anything. "Oh my god, I'm so-"
(Y/N) laughed out loud, this time with her hands gripping onto the kitchen counter to stabilize herself, her mind rewinding back to his expression when he found out what he just did.
"Ha-ha, now you're just being an asshole," he rolled his eyes, but he was glad he had made her laugh. Instinctively, her laugh had made him feel better, and all of his worries dissipated into the air.
After a while, she tried to get ahold of herself to put the pink drops in, but failing to do so as his face kept appearing in her mind. Rafe groaned, having to wait for a few minutes now, and pulled her to feet. He pushed her against the counter, her back against his front as he trapped her.
"Don't laugh."
(Y/N) bit her lips, being in this position but not for what they usually do, and concentrated on dropping 3 drops of pink into the bowl. She cheered when she was done, pulling his hand away to move to the other side. The back of her neck was still hot, and she could still feel his arms around her.
"Mix it," Rafe smiled, leaning against the counter to watch as the mixer whisked the frosting, turning the pearly white colloid to a beautiful dark purple.
"It's dark!" she groaned, but she thought about how it still looked good, though it wasn't her expectation. Her job was almost finished now, and she could hear her bed calling.
"Now, the fun part," she smiled, taking her icing materials and placing them before his eyes. She watched as he laughed, being so excited as if he was a toddler seeing a playground for the first time.
"They used these in Cake Wars," he said proudly, showing her a nozzle.
"Stop with your Cake Wars," she mumbled, preparing the icing bag and giving Rafe one. "Put some frosting- not yet, Rafe, God, do you ever wait? Don't fill the bags too much, just in the middle, yes, just like that, and, wait, let me do mine."
She showed him how to do the perfect icing, practicing on a clean plate and asking him to do the same. He scoffed at her, saying how he got this, but what appeared was nothing more than a crooked line.
"That's nice," she muttered, sighing. "For a coming-out party."
Rafe groaned, trying to copy her artwork, and by the time it was 12.03 a.m., he had managed a copy of hers. Not literal, but there was a hint of hers in his.
"Okay. Now, Rafe, we'll make this quick. I do 80 cupcakes, and you do 20. Is that okay?"
"Yes, ma'am," he said, concentrating on his piping bag. He watched as she did the first cupcake, ending her icing perfectly and exclaiming happily as she put it aside. She looked at him, waiting.
"Don't look at me, you're making me nervous," he mumbled, and leaned to decorate the cupcake. It took him a total of 2 minutes, stopping at times and getting a yell from (Y/N), saying how he should not stop, and the result was impressive. At least to him.
"This will probably be in the rejected part of a bakery, you know, that they'll sell with a discount."
"Not everyone can do arts, (Y/N)," he rolled his eyes, but he truly enjoyed the joke.
It was nearing one in the morning when Rafe saw her sighing in relief, placing the last cupcake into the pastry box and safely storing them in the refrigerator. Her hair was in a bun, he had helped her put them up, and when she refused to let him help her, he gave her a poke.
"What? It's not like it's my first time putting your hair up."
"God, Rafe, you're impossible."
His eyes were almost shut, being so tired after being a cake decorator, and all he wished for was to pull her into her bed and sleep until the morning greets them. He waited until she was done cleaning all of the utensils, walking tiredly towards to him to wake him up.
"Get change, Rafe, I'm not letting you sleep in my bed with that shirt and that sweatpants."
"It's not a problem before," he mumbled, allowing himself to be pulled by her to the bedroom. He removed his shirt weakly, pulling off his sweatpants and jumping into the bed as soon as she closed the light. (Y/N) giggled lightly, noticing how adorable he was being, and she pinched his cheeks before she could stop herself.
"Take off your clothes."
"I'm not going to take off my clothes," she laughed, pulling down her shorts and getting into the bed beside him. She finally laid her back against the mattress, letting out the biggest relief ever as she tried to get comfortable.
He pulled her close towards him, breathing into her scent. She smelled like cupcakes, and he loved it.
"I'm going to the children's home with you."
"What?" she pulled a face, because she wasn't sure if she had heard him right. There was no way Rafe Cameron would ever step his foot into a children's home, what more to give out dark purple cupcakes.
"I'm going to the children's home with you. To give them cupcakes."
(Y/N) smiled and kissed his cheeks. "Okay."
"And we should do this again."
"Goodnight, Rafe," she laughed lightly, placing another peck before closing her eyes.
He placed a long kiss fully on her lips, feeling the butterflies soaring in his stomach. "Goodnight, (Y/N)."
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adrinoir · 2 years
Is Cat Noir selfish?
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Alright, alright. After season 4, I’ve seen a bit of discourse that Cat Noir is selfish because he makes this all about his own feelings. I can see why it comes across that way but from my perspective:
No, he’s not selfish.
I’m not saying that to be biased or side with him, I’m saying there’s reasons why he acted the way he did. Was it necessarily an okay way to react? No. He could’ve handled it a bit better than he did, but I understand why he did the things he did.
Poor communication
Both Ladybug and Cat Noir went through a lot of their own personal issues this season, which greatly affected their dynamic with each other.
The biggest issue was that there was little to no communication between them, on both sides. Cat Noir made an effort to ask if she was okay, took her to the movies, and offered he’s here if she needs to talk. However, Ladybug was far too stressed, and she didn’t want to talk about it - she wanted a distraction.
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Notice how even at the end of Gang of Secrets, she still lied to her friends, saying she’s just heartbroken that she can’t be with Luka or Adrien. She wasn’t planning on revealing her identity at all. Alya was the one who prodded because she was concerned. She knew Marinette wasn’t telling them what the real problem was, and wanted her to feel okay opening up to her.
If Alya hadn’t noticed and stayed longer to talk to Marinette, she wouldn’t even have told her everything. Cat Noir doesn’t know exactly what’s going on in Ladybug’s personal life and didn’t want to overstep boundaries by prodding her to tell him. He’s in a different position than Alya.
As far as Cat Noir knows, Ladybug is stressed from her new guardianship and might’ve suffered recent heartbreak. So, of course he’s not going to ask her too many questions nor dump his own problems into her.
However, he doesn’t understand why her reaction to this is an excuse to rely on so many other heroes. He feels it’s unnecessary when he’s the one that’s been her day 1 partner - Master Fu had made him her helping paw for a reason. Ladybug continuously kept him in the dark. This leads us into the next part.
From his perspective, dots aren’t connecting
Why is Ladybug getting all these heroes to help her? From the audience’s perspective, we know she’s just trying to get more help when Adrien is too busy to help - which is beyond his control, his father is forcing him to do things. She doesn’t know where he’s at, she’s stressed, so she goes to get the extra help. But he doesn’t know this. He thinks he’s being blown off and she doesn’t need his help anymore.
Ladybug won’t even tell him who the other heroes are, and to Cat Noir, it just feels like strong distrust. He doesn’t understand why she wouldn’t just tell him. He also just suddenly got a message from Rena Rouge about a whole plan between her and Ladybug. Just overall, she makes a big step into the picture when that was never the case in the past months he’s worked with Ladybug.
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Also, his own best friend revealed him and Alya’s hero identities to him, and told him Ladybug gave them their miraculouses in front of each other the one day. That absolutely seems awful to Adrien, because looking at it from his perspective, he doesn’t know she was rushing that day and couldn’t separate them. It’s devastating for him because it’s Ladybug breaking her own rule that she constantly pushes onto him about not revealing their identities to others.
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I’m also thinking at some point, Ladybug assumed Cat Noir was purposely staying out of it because he was getting overwhelmed and unhappy. Think about it. In Kuro Neko, she told Plagg she thought he wanted a break.
Also, take notice as to Ladybug ditching patrol in Lies. We know she was trying to spend time with Luka, but also consider, maybe it wasn’t the first time she did that. We weren’t really given a timeline on how long she was with Luka. I think it was short, but still. Cat Noir could easily get the wrong idea if she’s not even showing up to patrols.
I’m honestly in agreement with Master Su Han saying she should know Cat Noir’s identity. It’s risky, but if it’s properly executed, it would make Ladybug’s situation easier, knowing where Cat Noir is. And just as well, he should know where she is if she’s ditching patrols.
He plays an important part in helping her out - he’s proven that. But, it’s definitely a sucky feeling for him when he happens to show up late and the akumatized victim is already gone. Why show up when she’s calling other heroes and seemingly pushing him away?
Bottling up the stress
I mentioned this shortly in the first section. Cat Noir kept almost all of his stress under wraps in front of Ladybug. He didn’t want to add onto the stress she was already dealing with. Piling more stress onto someone else who’s already stressed and dealing with their own issues only makes things worse.
However, did it make things better? No, it absolutely didn’t. Adrien has an insane father who never taught him healthy ways of coping with stress. Unhealthy patterns were passed down.
We’ve seen Adrien destroy things when he’s stressed. This isn’t new. It was shown even in the Christmas special that his only way of getting any sort of tension out is destroying things. And who does he mirror? His father.
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We saw Gabriel crack Emilie’s coffin in Risk. He’s a villain - he has akumatized victims and senti beings destroy Paris and people. And ironically, Adrien’s power as Cat Noir is cataclysm, which destroys anything he touches. He nearly unalived Alya with his power because he was enraged and thought she was a sentimonster. It’s absolutely awful. This kind of unhealthy behavior isn’t really a good thing to portray on a kids show.
Cat Noir is Adrien’s escape
I talked about this in my latest analysis. Being Cat Noir is an entire new life for Adrien. It’s his escape from his terrible home life.
Ladybug isn’t aware of that at all, and like I mentioned before, she thinks he needs a break from being Cat Noir. She asks him once if he’s okay, but he feels too hurt to open up. Plus, they’re not supposed to be giving away details about their personal lives to each other.
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Adrien is so neglected and forced into things in his everyday life. Any kind of problems that develop in his life as Cat Noir is devastating for him and heightens his depression because it’s his only escape aside from school. No surprise he has a nasty reaction to Ladybug pushing him away.
The main plot of the show is the love square
I don’t understand how there’s people in the fandom who tend to forget this. The biggest premise of the show aside from defeating Hawk Moth is Ladybug and Cat Noir getting together.
The writers purposely create drama and tension between them for that very reason. It’s supposed to keep you on the edge of your seat, wondering what’s going to blow up in their relationship and how they’re going to get through the issues they have.
I’ve seen people say he got what he wanted by the end of season 4 - being Ladybug’s one and only- despite his bad behavior. That’s the whole thing. It’s made clear from the very beginning of the show that it’s supposed to be them - Ladybug and Cat Noir against the world. No matter how stupid these two act and what mistakes they make, in the end, it will always be them.
Cat Noir made his apology in Kuro Neko that he’s being too pushy. Ladybug owned up to her mistakes in Strikeback. They hugged it out, Cat Noir made sure Ladybug knew she’ll never be alone. He understood she needed not only him but others in Paris just as well.
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There may still be a messy situation between them, but things have improved. Strikeback was marvelous and a step up from everything that has happened between them.
Adrien/Cat Noir isn’t selfish. He was pushed into doing things for his father which led him into not showing up for every mission, and he felt unimportant when Ladybug was calling on other heroes before him. Cat Noir is his escape. His bad parent leads him to feel this way and cope poorly.
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Ladybug/Marinette has her own issues as well, and I’m not trying to say Cat Noir’s problems are far worse. I’m saying his problems caused him to act badly, almost as if he’s making it all about himself when that isn’t his intent.
I’ve never seen Adrien as a selfish character. He’s constantly bottling up his own problems and instead listening to other people and protecting them. It’s a shame Thomas Assfuck dislikes his own deuteragonist because Adrien doesn’t deserve character assassination.
There were people who actually dropped him as their favorite character just from his behavior this season. I get it if you don’t and don’t wanna read my long ass analysis lol, but this just gives it some reason. Get wrecked, Adrien salters.
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wxniesrxse · 2 years
Can you please make trainee a reaction when they fight also like have argumemts with there girlfriend? Thank you
Well here it is! Idk if this is how you wanted it to be but I tried! This look more like reader being a jealous sh💩tty partner 🤣 but anyways enjoy!
YORCH ( understanding & calm & helpful )
"Why did you lie!" You yelled at him. Your eyes about to pour tears out. You went to a wedding event with Yorch. You've never expected for a certain women to come to that wedding event but then again you remember she's a family member of the couple that got married. That women is still in love of Yorch. When you two were in high school, she bullied you because you were dating the "love of her life". She made your life miserable in high school and you hated her. "I asked you if she was coming and you said she's wasn't! You know how much I hate her!" You cried covering your face with your hands. " I-I know! And I'm sorry....but I didn't want to go alone...I wanted you by my side....Yn-". "Quiet! Yorch....I hate lies! You should've told me the truth, we've not gone there....". Yorch watch you with a sad expression. He couldn't believe that you seeing that women again made you get all nervous and angry. He understood about the pass and he was always there to protect you but you showed to much weakness and that disappoint him. " Yn....you shouldn't let her affect you...not anymore..." he walk closer to you. His hands delicately place themselves onto your shoulders. " I know you're strong...I know you're-". " Yorch I'm going to my room...." You said running to your room leaving a sad and upset Yorch watching you run off. " I will help you to overcome this..." he mumbled to himself.
Leo ( tries to control his emotions)
" you know what....I'm sick of this! Are you using your busy job as an excuse to cheat on me with someone else?..." You stood in front of the door blocking Leo from going out. Lately Leo has been to busy with his job as a music producer, helping trainees to make their own music . So he has to be there at work the entire day. He no longer spends time with you like he used to and that bother you a lot. Even before this when he had time to be with you he worked as a music producer and with the trainees as well so why so suddenly he can't no longer spend time with you? Well you only have one answer. The most common answer....he's cheating. Leo scoffed at you finding your words silly. " No, im heading to my job...what makes you think of that?..." He raised up his voice a little, tilting his head to the side trying to figure out what's wrong with you. " you no longer spend time with me! You're cheating on me!" You yelled. You felt anger rise in you as you hit his chest with your tiny fists. Once Leo felt you hit him, he closed his eyes and shoved backwards because of the force. He felt annoyed about your stupid thoughts. "Are you serious right now?....." he raised up his voice again but tried to calm himself. He had a poker face. He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose and above. " Yn, baby, I wouldn't do that to you, I can't, I don't have the time to cheat nor am I interested to do it" Then he smiled and walk close to you, putting his hands to touch the sides of your face. "I have amazing projects coming for the trainees, that's why I'm working hard....once things gets done, I'll be back with you... okay?" He whispered as kiss you slowly. You kiss back but then pulled away and hug him. " I just don't want to lose you!". He smiled. " you won't".
SANGWON ( calm but feels sad and uncomfortable arguing)
" Yn! I think I'll be able debut this time-" He was so happy to tell you this news but his happy smile turned into a frown once he heard your reply. " you said that too last year and you didn't debut...please stop dreaming....actually how about you stop goofing off with your dumb friends, I feel like you're just there to play instead of spending time with me! You're wasting time with them!"'you cried out loud spilling all your anger. Sangwon look at you and couldn't recognize you. " why are saying that?....look if you have problems with your parents again don't take your anger on me....I didn't do anything to you" He said in a sad tone. He didn't even look at you his eyes avoiding you and staring blankly at the tiny table in front of him. He look like he wanted to cry but he hide it with a blank face. " what? It's my parents and you! Y'all don't love me!" You yelled with crying tears as you look at him beside you. He look down at his hands. His fingers slightly pinching the skin of his hand. Could it be he feels uncomfortable of the situation? He was being awfully too quiet. " say something!" You shout still looking at him. Sangwon look back you at you with watery eyes. " say what?.... your words about how I should I give up my dreams hurt me...... There's nothing to say..."he said with no emotion. His voice sounding calm and soft. You felt like shiiiiiiii💩 even more.
WOOCHAN ( first tries to cheer you up but if can't succeed he'll get frustrated and yelled later apologize)
"Yn which fast food or restaurant should we try today?..." he asked excited holding your hand while walking in the street. " I don't know...you pick...." You said not showing any care. " oh come on, don't let me decide by myself...what if you don't like it?" He pouted pinching your cheek between his fingers. " nah you pick I'll be okay with it" you slightly smile. "Alright then..." he grinned and look everywhere to see if any place catch his attention. " oh this one! I always wanted to go to that-". "No Woochan! Not that one pick another one!" You whined. "B-but why not? You said I can choose and you'll be okay about it..." He stopped walking and look at you confused. Still holding your hand. " I've heard that place is toooo dirty..." you comment. "What? Really? Should we check if it's true?". You let go of his hand. " are you doubting me?? You're doubting your own girlfriend? How dare you?!" You raised up your voice.  Woochan look at you as if you were crazy. He look afraid. "Y-y-Yn! Baby! Are you o-okay? Why are you getting mad?" He put a hand on your shoulder and his other hand caressing your face. " I'm not mad!" You said....madly. Woochan let's go of you. " you're acting childish! Maybe I should stop pampering you with everything" he try to tease you but you didn't smile. Now he was the one getting mad and frustrated. " what it is women! What! Tell me and I'll fix it! Just stop giving me an attitude!" He raised up his voice on you for the first time. You look at him with wide eyes. " y-you yelled at me?" You said with watery eyes. " I- no wait Yn! I'm sorry!" He yelled as you ran back home.
JAMES ( tries to explain first about the situation with no lies. If you still not convinced he'll get tired and frustrated for not making you understand he's telling the truth, so he'll just leave because he's tired of arguing)
" Zhao Yufan!!!....." you yelled from your room. " oh crap she's mad..." James mumbled to himself. He learned that whenever you say his whole real name that means you're really mad at him. "Yes baby?" He said pressing his lips together tightly his body tensing. "Who's this women?! Huh? She's a woman Yufan! Not even a teenage girl! Why is she following you! And why is she commenting on your pictures that you're very handsome? Huh? Who is she to you!" You show him his phone. The screen on Instagram and the photo of a beautiful girl. "Wait babe calm down!....first of all she's not lying when she says I'm handsome, second,she's not a woman she just turned 17 last week, and as you can tell she's clearly latina, and Latina girls are naturally like...like t-that! Their body are big- bigger? What am I even saying?!" James struggle to even finish his sentence because of the suspicious look you're giving him. " that point is," he raised his index at you. " she's just a friend! My friends and I met her last week in the dance battles we have every month! What's the problem? She's a very nice person what can I do about that?" He shakes his head to the sides as he throws his phone towards the couch. Then he falls to the couch looking tired. " You better be telling me the truth because I wouldn't forgive you...." You said still angry. James looked annoyed and didn't feel like arguing. " honestly you're the one that is disappointing me....the fact that you do not trust me and even go through my phone is so messed up....I've never done that to you because I trust you....." He said in a stern way. He stood up from his couch and left your house leaving his phone there. Now you felt bad for doing this. He didn't took his phone with him so how are you going to call him?
JAYJAY ( will argue back, and yell back, and scream back, and cry back, and then later he will apologize, then you two will get back together. For god sakes he's 16!)
This time he was the one who started the argument. " YN......I don't like hanging out with your friends " he confessed. You dip your French fry in the bbq. "Why? They're so nice" you raised an eyebrow. "They are but they're annoying too....they're so giiirrrly and conceited " my dad bought me the latest new automobile, my family and I went to queen Elizabeth's birthday party" Jay mimicked their squeaky voices. " next time your friend ,F/n, is gonna say she and her puppy travel to the moon with her private spaceship" JayJay laughed. " pfff you're just mad because she's rich!" You argue as you didn't like how he was talking about your best friend F/n. " You forgot I'm rich too? But I don't show off like she does....I don't like show offs" JJ expressed with a teasing smile. "JayJay! Although she's rich! She's a girl that went through a lot! I'm not letting you down talk about her like that!" You said angry throwing a French fry at his face. Jay stopped smiling and look at you with surprise. He also throws a French fry at you. "Alright then! Defend your best friend! Im leaving!" He put on his school backpack. " Jay wait! This isn't fair! I've never talk bad about your friends! Why are you suddenly saying this-". Jay was making his way to the entrance door about to leave the restaurant. "You're friend F/n try to seduce me". He stopped and look back at you. "What?" You said. " yeah you're friend try to seduce with money and promise me things....you're friend in a fake!" Jay yelled and left the restaurant.
JIHOON ( the listener, after you done talking, he'll talk calmly probably raise his voice a little but quickly stop. If things get bad he'll feel stressed about it) " hoonie in the future you and I will get marry" you said as you daydream in class next to him. "Yeah sure..." he glance at you with a funny look. Of course you're joking when you say this.....right or...." I'm being serious.....once we turn 20 we'll get married and have 10 kids together! Five little Hoonies and five little ynies!" You said excitedly. Jihoon wide his eyes as he look at you with fear. " ha! Hahaha! You're so silly Ynie...cute" he rubbed your head and faked laughed. You slam your hands against the desk. " I'm serious! Han Jihoon!" You got close to his face trying intimidate him. Jihoon swallow his ball of saliva stuck in his throat. " No!" He said. " of course not!" He yelled nervously. " you don't want to have a feature with me?! " you whispered out loud. " you don't think I'm the only one for you? Then....that means you don't love me at all!" You cried. " No! Yea! I mean no-yes!....agh! You're pranking me right?" Jihoon grasp onto his own hair. " you know what Jihoon......we're done! It seems that you don't want a feature with me" you said separating your desk from his. " No YN! Wait we have to talk!" He whispered back. You ignore him. Jihoon look down at his desk feeling stressed about the situation. He still thinks you're just messing with him but still he feels frustrated.
Thank You For Reading 📖
( also on wattpad and IG )
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marvel-sluts · 4 years
Hey I had this fic idea, could you write a peter x fem!reader where shes touch starved but won't open up about it so peter lies and says that he has an experiment in his health class where he needs to hug someone eight times a day for a month, and then at the end of the month it just becomes their daily routine? 🥺 thx😘😘
touch starved
Tumblr media
pairing: Peter Parker x reader
warnings: swearing, fluff
summary: Peter notices how touch starved you are, so he comes up with a plan to help.
a/n: sorry this took a while, I had a few requests. thanks for requesting this though, love yall. enjoy lovlies!
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
you and Peter had been dating for a few months now, and he was beginning to realise how odd you act whenever he touches you. he would try to hug you or hold your hand and you would either flinch away or hug him back awkwardly. after a few more situations like this he decided to ask his best friend, Ned.
"I dunno man, I think she might be scared of me." Peter said worriedly.
"no, that's not it. she knows you'd never hurt her." Ned replied. "why don't you try and hug her more often? maybe she's just not used to the contact. my adopted cousin used to be like that but when he got used to physical contact he was a lot more comfortable."
"how did you get him more comfortable with it?" Peter asked.
"my aunt came up with the idea of hugging him eight times a day, and soon he got used to being hugged." Ned replied with a shrug.
"maybe I could do that with y/n, I just need an excuse for hugging her." Peter said thoughtfully.
"you can say it's for health class or something, it's the kinda thing our teachers would get us doing. plus y/n isn't in that class, she won't know." Ned said.
"that's a good idea, cheers mate." Peter said, just as the bell rang and they both made their way to class.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
you shivered and pulled your jacket closer to your body as you hurried down the busy street, heading to your boyfriends apartment. you hadn't seen him much at school today, only seeing him during lunch and were looking forward to spending some time with him.
you let yourself in, having known both May and Peter for years you didn't have to knock anymore.
"hi May." you call to her, her giving you a smile and a small wave from where she was sat on the sofa.
"Peters in his room." she said.
"I guessed." you responded, with a small giggle.
you opened the door of his room with a small smile, "hi Pete." you say quietly.
"hey baby, how was your day?" Peter asked, spinning round on his chair to face you.
"alright." you responded "how was yours?"
"better now your here." he said, making you smile. "I wanted to talk to you about something." he said, causing your face to pale, you dreaded the day you heard those words fall from his lips. "oh no its nothing bad." Peter said quickly, after seeing your face.
"oh okay, what is it?" you ask with a tilt of your head.
"aww you look so cute." Peter said, bringing his hand up to cup your face and kissing you gently. "I wanted to talk to you about a school project I have to do."
"do you need help with it or something? because as long as its not math I can help." you say, with a smirk.
"no, it's not like that. it's a project for health class, I need to hug someone eight times a day. I thought because your my girlfriend I would ask you, but if you don't want to do it then it's fine." he said, making your stomach drop. you didn't want to disappointed him, but you were also nervous about hugging him so often.
your parents never hugged you much as a child, they never really showed physical affection. so you weren't used to the contact. whenever someone would touch you, you wouldn't know how to react and end up making it awkward.
"yeah okay." you said after a second.
"are you sure?" Peter asked, not wanting to force you into doing it if you didn't want to.
"I'm sure." you said slightly more confidently.
"okay, should we start now?" Peter asked. you nodded slowly and took a step forward, he copied your actions, wrapping his arms around you gently. as if he was scared of hurting you.
"I love you, I hope you know that." he whispered.
"I know, I love you too." you whispered back. you were confused for a second of where to put your arms, eventually wrapping them around him awkwardly.
you ended up deciding to hug at fixed points in the day, one when you walked to school together, one before you went off to your first class, one at the beginning of lunch, one at the end, one when you met to walk home, one when you got to his house, one an hour later and one before you left.
after a few days of this you slowly began to get more comfortable with hugging him, eventually starting to hug him even when it wasn't time to. you began to feel more comfortable with physical contact too, sometimes even reaching for Peter's hand in the corridor. you would never tell Peter but you had started to feel a lot more comfortable hugging him, a small smile appearing on your face whenever he stretched his arms out, allowing you to bury your head in his chest.
before the two of you knew it a month had passed, but neither of you wanted to stop hugging each other. Peter had started hugging you everytime he saw you, he always said that he was making up for how little you got hugged as a child.
"hey Pete?" you said, one time when the two of you were watching a movie together.
"yeah baby" he says, pausing the movie and turning to look at you.
"that whole, having to hug everyday for a month. that wasn't actually for health class was it?" you said, already knowing his answer.
"no it wasn't. in my defence I wanted you to be more comfortable around me and Ned said that it worked on his cousin and.."
"stop Petey, it's fine I'm not mad." you said, putting a stop to his rambling.
"oh, okay. how did you know?" he asked.
"I spoke to one of my friends in your class the other day, and she said that they never had to do it." you said, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I appreciate it though baby, it helped me a lot." you said, before leaning forward and kissing him gently. he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in closer and deepening the kiss.
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gayofthefae · 2 years
Thinking about unreliable narration and how Mike called Will a “douche” and he wouldn’t be so upset and say that if he didn’t really believe. So let’s recap a bit from Mike’s POV instead:
Will hasn’t been calling Mike back, which is the only way for Mike to actually reach him since the line is always busy, then he shows up to see him and goes in for a hug but catches himself because that would probably just make things more awkward and he can take a hint. El has their whole day planned so they go around town showing him Lenora and Will doesn’t engage much so - yeah, guess he was right about that. I mean, really, 9 months, like two calls, and he doesn’t even miss him enough to not seem like he’s looking for an escape? This continues at the roller rink and he’s just letting it slide and trying to enjoy his day anyways and if Will wants to talk to him, he will - he hopes. Will doesn’t. Not until, of course, he tries to vaguely accuse that El is lying to him which - okay, he knew he was ignoring him, but now he’s actively trying to ruin the time he’s spending with El too?! Okay, turns out she really was lying. But if that was the case, why not tell him in the morning when she first lied about Stacy and Angela? Why commit harder to avoiding him than telling him something like that? Why even wait until today? She’s been lying in her letters too! He couldn’t call even just to say something and then hang up? Either way, there were plenty of opportunities all day to talk to him with that excuse even if it was just to say that but he still didn’t even take those. So he says all that because god damnit, he tried to brush it off but it’s been building in him all day. So he tells Will - he calls him out for ignoring him all day. And then Will says - “Sorry if I wasn’t smiling” all smartass and that’s not what he meant! Why is looking for the worst in what he’s saying? If he wants an excuse to stop being his friend just say that, not all this bullshit. He wasn’t ignoring Will. Will was ignoring him. Why make something up just to have something to fire back? So yeah, he walks away. Because he certainly doesn’t see this conversation getting any better and maybe they can come back to it later but right now they need to find El so Will, can we please just put down whatever this is and do that instead? But then he says “what about us?” And it sounds...genuine. “...what?” And Will...Will says he didn’t talk to him because he thought Mike didn’t want to talk to him. Because he didn’t call? But that’s not what happened? And he’s bringing up the letters and comparing himself to El and it’s getting a little too close to home and maybe it even feels a little like the comment Mike made to Will last year. It isn’t as direct but still - just in case that’s what he meant - he defends himself: “we’re friends. we’re friends” is the answer he thinks Will is looking for. Because comparing himself to how Mike treats his girlfriend (in the 80s?) sounds a hell of a lot like an accusation, really. "Well, we used to be best friends”. He’s right. And they’re not. Not right now at least. And it’s sad. It’s a reminder he didn’t really wanna let himself fully acknowledge. And he hopes all this means Will does want to be best friends again but for right now, he doesn’t how to make that happen and he’s tired and this is all just a lot and right now, their focus should be on El anyways. They can talk about this later.
Then there’s chaos and it distracts them from their whole fight and everything. And all three of them sit in the back not talking. He thinks maybe El just wants to alone with her thoughts as she’s staring out the window right now. And it didn’t seem like Will really wanted to talk to him at the moment. Jonathan and Argyle are stupid high when they get home for dinner and one of them says that everything is fine and the stuff that went wrong wasn’t that bad and that’s not true. The whole day was absolute shit and in retrospect he definitely phrased that wrong, he didn’t mean to say that El really injured Angela or that she was a bad person or anything, just that he can’t just pretend like everything is fine again. It wasn’t when Will wasn’t calling, it wasn’t when El was bullied today, it wasn’t when she hit Angela with that skate, it wasn’t when the backseat of the van was silent and the front really couldn’t read the room. “She didn’t look fine”. Because she wasn’t. He wasn’t. None of this was fine. [to reference s2: “No! It’s not! It’s not okay! None of this O-KAY”]. El doesn’t come to breakfast the next morning. So he just sits in awkward silence with Will. Jonathan suggests they go to a movie and he’s just trying to help but yeah, they should probably just cool off today. So he takes El’s Eggos to her - and he doesn’t notice Will looking at him. 
He tries to check in with El and hopes she’s ready to open up. She isn’t. He pushes, gently, because they really should talk about it. She opens up a little and he tries to understand even when she says he can’t. Because he wants to. And he really wants to be there for her. So he tries his best to understand and to comfort her and to validate her and tell her he understands it’s hard to see when you’re insecure but he really doesn’t see her negatively. But apparently somehow, just like yesterday with Will, he’s saying all the wrong things because he says “care” and she hears “not love” and he tells her of course he does! But then she brings out proof and he honestly hadn’t even noticed he didn’t sign his letters “love” but now it’s right in front of him and she needs him and she needs it and...he can’t say it. And he doesn’t know why.
She gets...arrested before they can make up but it is nice that in that chaos, Will drops the whole “not talking to him” thing (but he’s a little distracted because the fight with El still isn’t resolved. And she wrote “From, El” which can’t be a good sign.) But then Will tells him it’s gonna be okay and he looks at him and remembers that he can’t control the El thing right now, but what he does have is that Will is talking to him again. So he’ll just be in the moment and be grateful for that. And he really doesn’t wanna fuck things up any more by waiting until stakes and emotions are high to talk so he thanks Will for bringing him back to the present earlier and apologizes - because in retrospect, having had more time to rework the fact that Will really does still wanna be his friend (even if some of the events and things said are still a little confusing) and in retrospect with that in mind, yeah, he can see how some of the things said would have been okay to someone who didn’t wanna be his friend but that wasn’t the case. So he wants to make sure Will knows he only said that stuff because he was upset and he thought it was too late because now he knows it isn’t too late and he doesn’t want to wait until it is again to say that. So he asks to be best friends again. Because that actually did seem to be something Will missed too. And he said yes :) (he said yes![s2 ref again])
He wasn’t really a douchebag the rest of the season, I just wanted to that little character study on that line where he calls Will out and flip it because the POV we get to see is Will’s so it seems like he’s standing up and finally calling Mike out, but it’s a lot different if you think of it as Mike standing up and calling Will out. And by “a lot different”, I mean exactly the same for both of them.
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clairecrive · 3 years
"it’s been months since we broke up and i just found one of your old sweatshirts in my wardrobe and it’s making me miss you" nikolai x reader with a happy ending pls?
A/n: I can't help myself but give my best man a happy ending, sorry not sorry. Hope you like it x
Warnings: angst, confrontation, happy ending
Word count: 2K
Tags: @jupiterandbutterflies, @agentsofshield, @for-bebbanburg, @randomoutsiders, @pansysgirlfriend, @hannaxmaria, @vintagebitc, @story-scribbler, @crowssixof, @odetostep, @lizzie-he4rts, @korol-lantsov, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @gallysonegoodlung, @a-c-lee, @mriddlemethis (tag list form)
A knock on the door in the middle of the night wasn't something you were expecting to happen. Merely because you were not expecting anyone. Even though, to be fair, it wasn't that late. And considering how everyone's so busy these days, with the Darkling threat looming over your heads, everyone is required to put in some work to plan a strategy that will assure our victory. Or at least, to contain the damage that surely the Shadow Summoner had planned to inflict upon those who had betrayed him.
Sleep was a luxury these days, so really, you shouldn't have been surprised by someone calling for you. Sighing, you walked to the door wrapping your robe around your body.
When your eyes fell onto the person behind the door, you froze. Now this, was a surprise.
You definitely weren't expecting your ex-boyfriend to knock on your door in the middle of the night a month after your break up.
"Nikolai?" the surprise was clear in your voice as well as weariness. If he was here that meant that something terrible must have happened.
"Were you sleeping?" he shuffled on his feet. As if seeing at your door after all this time wasn't baffling enough, his insecurity certainly was.
You shook your head. "Has something happened?"
"Yes," he said rolling his shoulders back. You stood taller as well, bracing for the bad news. "it’s been months since we broke up and I just found one of your old sweatshirts in my wardrobe and it’s making me miss you," he added and pulled something from behind his back.
It was your sweatshirt indeed, one of your favourites, certainly the most comfortable one. One that you usually used to sleep but it was also the one that you had left in his rooms. The break-up had been sudden in the sense that it had been a long time in the making but the bubble had broken abruptly, leaving you no time to retrieve your stuff.
Well, you could have gone to him and ask for your things but you had spent the last month trying to avoid him.
"Nikolai-" now your words were tentative, a slight warning in them. There was a reason why things had ended, after all.
"No, please, just hear me out." There was no insecurity in his voice anymore, nor in his body language. You knew the man in front of him, painfully aware of how stubborn he was. And the truth was that you had missed him too. Being so close to him and yet so far away had been one of the hardest things you had to do.
So you relented. With a nod, you let him in your room.
You closed the door and when you turned around you saw him sitting on your bed. You took a couple of step towards him but decided to stand at a safe distance from him. Nikolai's eyes were on you and you shifted on your feet under his gaze.
"What's there left to say?" You spoke since he didn't. His presence was unnerving enough on its own, embarrassing silence wasn't a surplus you needed.
"I'm aware of why we broke up, what you think. But I need you to know that it was a huge misunderstanding." He said, squaring his shoulders.
You scoffed, crossing your arms on your chest. "Really? And you waited a month to clear the air?"
"It wouldn't have been fair to you for me to have this conversation before." He stated as if he was during one of his diplomatic meetings.
"Because all this time, you've still been flirting with her."
"I wouldn't put it like that..." He slightly grimaced, his eyes leaving yours for the first time to move to his hands.
"Courting, wooing, pursuing, whatever Nikolai. I don't care how you'd put it. I don't care about what you do with her either." Gesturing with your hands, you sneered at his audacity. He wasn't going to get out of this on semantics. Nonetheless, it was over and you didn't want to show just how aggravated seeing him with Alina made you. "It's none of my business." You shook your head and moved towards your window, giving him your back.
"Well, maybe you don't care but I do. Maybe what I have to tell you won't change a thing but I need to at least try." He raised his voice, frustration clear in his words for your attitude. But you couldn't care less, you had just started. "Because this past month without you has been hell and I don't want to spend another day without you." His voice trembled a bit at the end and you knew that it wasn't easy for him to be this vulnerable with you.
"Don't tell Alina that." You teased him in a neutral tone. Back still to him.
"Alina doesn't care, y/n. And neither do I."
"Could have me fooled."
"It would have been a political union." Frustrated, he pointed out. You turned around this time, scoffing at the implicit insult.
"That much I had guessed, Nikolai." You weren't stupid. And you knew Nikolai. As soon as the first wave of pain and betrayal passed, you realized that it must have been a strategic move on his part. Not that it made anything better.
"You...did?" He almost stammered, eyes widening in surprise.
"Of course," you sighed, "but it doesn't make anything better. So if this is all you had to say, I'm afraid it doesn't change anything."
"But- it changes everything. I don't love Alina, I never have." He insisted, standing up from the bed and taking a step in your direction.
"You would have still married her though, wouldn't you?" You pointed out with a rhetorical question that he still felt like answering.
"Well, I-"
"And you didn't tell me anything, did you?" You continued this time without giving him time to speak. "So yes, maybe you didn't love her. Maybe you loved me but would that matter once you were married to her?"
"I'll tell you: no it wouldn't have. Because as much as I loved you, I wouldn't have let you made me your mistress. And you and Alina are good friends, I'm sure you'd grow to love her with time." Your voice has hardened, failing at carelessly exposing an eventual love blooming between them. But Nikolai didn't notice. He was still at the second sentence.
"Loved?"He whispered. Past tense.
"Did you expect me to hold a torch forever?" Your voice softened at his reaction but still- you weren't going to be around forever. He had made his choice, after all.
"Of course not," Nikolai mumbled as he sat down on the bed again and looked down at your sweatshirt still in his hands. You couldn't see his face and you knew that it was a deliberate move. Never had you seen him to defeated and crestfallen. His shoulders slumped, his fingers fisted the material in his hands.
Sighing, you closed the distance between you and sat beside him on the bed. Maybe you had been too harsh but it was an instinct for you to be so defensive. Even though his betrayal had hurt you immensely, hurting him back was never your intention.
"I don't think I could ever stop loving you." You whispered. Eyes latched on your fumbling fingers, you heave a sigh. This felt like the confession it was.
"But you can't expect me to be fine just because you explained Nikolai. It doesn't excuse the lies or the betrayal." You continued, wanting him to understand. Now that everything was out in the open, it was best to speak heart to heart.
"Indeed it doesn't. And I'm sorry I've hurt you, it was never my intention." He agreed and apologised but you shook your head. What good was it an apology now? It wasn't a matter of forgiveness anymore. There was now a lack of trust and you didn't know how to handle it.
"How do you think I would have reacted? What if she said yes, uh? What then, Nikolai? Would an "I love you" fix everything?" Speaking no matter the lump of your throat, you turned to face him. His eyes were already on you. They were glossy and one of his hands reached out to yours to hold it.
"I knew she was going to say no. And I knew that it was a low move on my part considering that you're my whole heart but I couldn't have lived with myself if I didn't at least try," he confessed. You nodded because you knew how much he cared for Ravka's future and having Alina on the throne would no doubt have a positive impact on all fronts.
"Because having her on the throne would have been advantageous for us, for Ravka. It would benefit us in so many ways that I had to try, at least. No matter the sacrifice." The last word came out as a whisper, his eyes flickering between yours and you understood the underlying message. But that was exactly the problem.
"What hurt me the most, Nikolai was that you made the decision for both of us."
"I'm not a strategist but I understand the power Alina holds. It would have still hurt but if you had told me, it would have been different." You explained as his eyes filled with an emotion that you recognized as regret.
"I'm sorry, y/n. I never wanted you to feel like you don't matter to me. Because you do. You have no idea how much you do. And I love you, I really do." His hold on your hands tightened and you were surprised to see how his lower lip trembled a bit.
"I love you too, Kolya." You confessed, unable to pretend the contrary. "But I don't know where to go from here."
"You don't owe me anything, my sweet. I wanted you to know and now you do. That's more than I deserve." One of his hands came up to caress your cheek as he gave you a small smile. You actually leaned to him, missing the touch, the closeness.
You missed him.
And yes, he had made a mistake. Yes, he had hurt you. But was it to the point of no return? To be fair, you knew that nothing had actually happened between him and Alina besides the proposal. And sure, that was certainly enough on its own but in a way that meant that it hadn't actually cheated.
He had surely betrayed your trust and lied to you. But trust could be regained. And work could be done on your relationships so as not to have these communication problems again.
The question is: were you willing to put yourself through that? Because it was not going to be easy. And there was a chance that it wasn't going to work.
His eyes boring on yours, you hoped to convey your insecurity to him. You knew he loved you. And you dearly loved him too. Maybe you could give him a second chance. If love was there maybe it was worth it to put in the effort to make it work.
Scratch that- it definitely was.
"What about what I deserve?" You whispered as your hands wrapped around his on your face.
"Everything and more, my love." His eyes flickered between yours hopefully. Trying to see if he could find the confirmation in them of what your words implied.
"Well, I think that I deserve a prince." You stated with a small smile.
"Even if he's unworthy of you?" He insisted, raising an eyebrow but mirroring your smile.
"I guess I can give him another chance to prove himself."
"He'd be most grateful, my dear. But I'm afraid he'll never deserve you." His face got closer to yours, nose almost touching. He cradled your face in his hands, his thumb stroking your cheeks.
"Enough with the charming, Kolya, I'm already yours. Come and get me." You chuckled with a roll of your eyes before eagerly tugging him closer to you.
"As you wish." He said before he kissed you. Slowly at first, almost as if he couldn't still believe that it was happening. Then with the hold on your face, he pulled you closer angling your face so as to deepen the kiss.
Your old sweatshirt laid discarded on your bedroom floor. Forgotten for the moment as you caught up on your lost time together.
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fortuositywritings · 3 years
New Hope Club 5. Crazy
Summary: Summer’s over and Jarvis is back. What does this mean for you and Wanda?
NHC Masterlist  Song
“I missed you. Rome would’ve been a thousand times better with you,” Jarvis greets Wanda at her door. Wanda has had two weeks to prepare for this, to prepare for what she needed to tell him. He moves in to kiss her but she turns her head so that his lips land on her cheek. “Is everything okay?”
Two weeks of preparation that go up in flames.
“Yeah, everything’s great. Tell me about your trip.”
Wanda is a coward, but moreover she is an asshole. She knows this. She’s a coward because she couldn’t face neither you nor Jarvis and simply tell the truth. Her brother warned her this would happen. Being a coward isn’t the worst thing though. She would gladly wear that title if it was just that. If she could break it off with either one of you, the other would never have to find out what she did, but she doesn’t. That’s what makes her an asshole. 
She doesn’t know how long she can keep this up for. It’s only been a week since school has begun, and she has never been so antsy. The two of you have not hung out as much and you, like the sweetheart you are, tell her not to worry about it when Wanda apologizes and makes excuses as to why she can’t hang out at a certain time you both were available. 
You think it’s because of all the school stuff, but in reality it’s because Wanda has already made plans with Jarvis. Well, Jarvis makes plans that include Wanda and she hasn’t found it in her to say no yet. 
On a night that Wanda sneaks in through your window, she again apologizes for not being able to spend time with you like she wishes to, but you assure her that although it sucks, her education is important and you didn’t want to prove her parents right in you being a distraction. 
You even start guiding her through your flash card tricks like you promised.
That night, Wanda makes a decision. 
Since Wanda and you have started school, you haven’t been able to see her as much as you’d like, but that’s alright. She texts you constantly, every text bringing a smile to your face. Your friends tease you all the time about it. 
Even though you and Wanda don’t hang out often, you spend plenty of time with Nat and the boys. It’s a given since you still work at New Hope Club. You don’t have as many hours because of school but you still show up and see them nearly every day. 
You try to spend as much time with them knowing they’ll be going back to college soon. On a Sunday afternoon you have off, you all go to the movies. By miracle, Wanda comes too and you can’t stop smiling. It’s been a few days since you’d last seen her. 
You hold her hand in the darkness of the theatre room. You notice she’s distracted by her phone, pulling it out to text back whenever she gets a message. 
“Sorry, it’s my mother,” Wanda lies. She turns off her phone and puts it away before you can see what she is typing. It’s too late though. You couldn’t see the message but you knew she wasn’t texting her mom. She was texting her cousin Jonah. 
“Oh, okay,” you say with uncertainty. This is the first time you ever had doubts about what was happening.
Asshole, Wanda internally calls herself. 
You begin to notice that anytime you and Wanda hang out she always seems distracted. You find it odd that she lies that her mom is texting her, when you spot that the texts clearly don’t come from her mom. 
You grow tired of the secrecy and confront her one night right as she answers a text on her phone that again she says is from her mom.
“Why does she text you so late at night? Couldn’t she just go to your room and tell you in person?” You bring up a good point.
“She’s away on a business trip,” Wanda replies, having used this excuse plenty of times, but like she mentioned before, you were smarter than you gave yourself credit for. 
“I thought she just came back from one yesterday,” you point out. 
Fuck. Wanda think. “She goes on a lot of business trips. Her job keeps her very busy.” Nice save.
“Yeah it does. What does she do again? I know you mentioned both your parents work at Lensherr&Co but what do they actually do?” You ask. Much like Wanda, you remember the little details. 
Wanda huffs and you think she is getting annoyed by all the questions. Unbeknownst to you, this is just Wanda’s way of putting up a facade so that you can’t see the guilt that hides behind it. 
“What’s with all the questions, Y/N?” She asks defensively.
“Nothing. I’m just curious. You know so much about me and yet after all this time I feel like I don’t know anything about you. I just want to get to know you better. Like your cousin Jonah? What does he do? Where is he? Or your brother. I know what he’s like based off your stories but I don’t even know his name. I kind of feel like you are hiding something from me,” you finally admit.
You continue to make your point with, “You won’t even introduce me to your family as a friend like I did with you. Do you not want to be seen with me?”
Wanda gulps and her stomach drops. This was it. She didn’t want it to go down this way. So she begins to do what she decided to do that one night. She decided to end it on her terms where though you might be heartbroken, it won’t be because someone was playing you. She didn’t want you to feel that kind of way. So instead, she’ll play a different kind of bad guy.
“That’s crazy!” Wanda blows up. Thankfully your family wasn’t home tonight or you’d definitely have someone rushing into the room at hearing another voice this late at night. “I told you I can’t date, so I don’t bring you around my house for that reason.”
“And what? You can’t bring friends over to your house?” You counter, watching Wanda stand up in frustration. 
“The way I am around you, they’ll know something is up. I’m not like you. I can’t get cuddly and touchy with anyone like you with Natasha,” Wanda spits out. “You’re basically all over each other every time I come over and she’s here.”
You get angry this time. You jump onto your feet. “Are you serious?!”
“‘Are you always this clingy with Wanda’,” Wanda repeats in a mocking tone what Nat said one night that she caught you hugging your friend. Wanda knows she is just making excuses and that what she saw was only a display of your platonic affection but she’s riled up with adrenaline, she doesn’t know half the things she’s saying. 
“Are you kidding me? If you are implying what I think you are, I wouldn’t do that. She’s my friend. Can I not hug my friends now?” you demand, stepping closer to Wanda as you have your screaming match.
“We’re friends and we do a lot more than hug. How do I know you and Nat don’t do the same?” Wanda exclaims. 
“Because I don’t love her in the way that I love you!” You snap. 
That shuts Wanda up. You didn’t mean to say that. Actually you did. You’ve been feeling this way for a bit, but you didn’t mean to say it like that or so soon. It’s too late to take it back though. She definitely heard you. You think the neighbors might have heard you. 
“What?” She begs you to repeat it. Did she mishear you? Did she misunderstand? Her conscience hopes she did but her heart prays she didn’t. 
“I-I didn’t - I didn’t mean- I,” you stutter nervously. 
Wanda stomach drops. She should feel happy you didn’t mean it. It would make it all less frightening but it’s too late because she realizes that even if you weren’t there yet, she is and hearing you take it back hurts. “You didn’t mean it?”
You see Wanda’s demeanor go from shocked to crushed and you clarify, “No, I do mean it. I just didn’t mean to say it like that.”
You are glad you said something because her frown starts turning around. It’s not exactly a smile. She’s looking at you more in wonder than anything else, so you continue. “I love Natasha like I love Peter and Bucky and Captain. But I love you differently. You are in your own category. What I mean is you have nothing to worry about because I love you like no one else.”
She pulls you into a passionate kiss in return. She wants you to make you feel as good as you just made her feel with your words.
That night Wanda makes a decision, one that might make her an irredeemable asshole. 
She doesn’t say she loves you back, not with words. She gives you what she’s never given anyone and takes the same from you. 
“Are you sure?” she asks. You nod. 
And what happens next, neither of you could take back.
Nat catches on quickly the following day at work. You would not stop smiling at work and were in a great mood. Better than great actually, a spectacular mood. She’s never seen you like this and she could guess what happened.
“Well I’ll be damned. I really thought I would come back for break to you still being a virgin with how slowly you and Wanda were going, but this is a nice parting gift,” Nat teases when she catches you alone in the locker room. 
You blush madly but don’t deny it, making Nat smirk. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be on the road by now?” You change the subject. The guys left for school two days ago. 
“Just wrapping some stuff up here. Decided to say goodbye one last time.”
“Goodbye,” you say bluntly as a joke. Nat laughs pulling you into a hug. 
“Don’t miss me too much.”
“How can I when you visit like every other weekend,” you laugh. She always comes to check up on everything. She wants to run this place one day and takes her job seriously, so even with her in college, she makes it a habit to come and see how things are going.
“Not this time.” You pull away from her and furrow your eyebrows in question. And the universe gives you the answer in the form of one Yelena Belova, sister of Nat.
“What’s up posers? Guess who’s back from Europe!” 
“Yelena!” You run to hug her, a hug she happily returns.
“Ouch, Still here you know,” Nat mutters. You let go of Yelena, laughing when she says, “Don’t blame Y/N. Everyone knows I’m the cooler sister.”
“Yeah sure,” Nat agrees sarcastically.
“What are you doing here so early? You just left beginning of summer. What happened to the whole year trip?” You ask. 
“I got bored alone,” she shrugs. 
“Well thank god for that. Now I’ll have something to look forward to at work,” you give her a smile. 
“So what was I? A placeholder for Yelena?” Nat quips. You pull both sisters into a tight hug and reassure that you love them both equally and you had no favorite.
“Ew. I don’t want to touch Nat. She probably has cooties,” Yelena grumbles in the hug. 
Nat replies cheekily, “It’s Y/N you should be worried about.”
Yelena pulls away excitedly hearing the unspoken words from her sister, “No way! Now I have to change your contact from ‘Virgin Who Can’t Drive’ to just ‘Can’t Drive’,” she teases. 
“You two catch up and all but let Y/N work,” Nat says. You give her a final hug goodbye and make her promise to visit anyway. You get back to work. 
Nat heads to the parking lot and notices Pietro getting dropped off on the other side. He gets out of the driver seat of the Porsche and tosses the keys to Wanda? Wanda takes them and gets in the driver’s seat, driving off. Nat thinks of this all the way to school.
taglist: @diaryoflife @sunshine278 @tati3001 @musicinourlips @lordesolddepression @upsidedowndanvers @imfuckinggenius
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