#i think i'm putting too much pressure on myself to draw SOMETHING and that's causing my problems
ursachaotic · 2 months
i wanna draw bill angst so bad but i have no motivation or inspiration to draw and this is. such a terrible feeling holy shit asdhfoaisdh lol
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brawlstars-dragon-au · 10 months
Sketch dump time! A whole bunch of requests from the crazy ex-bird app
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In Order: Maisie, Pam, Colette, Buster, Chester, Chuster ❤️🧡 (and a teeny Gus), Leon and Sandy (Leondy 💚💜), Bull, El Primo, and Mandy!
Extra notes about each sketch:
Her breath attack is a condensed foam material, similar to that of a fire extinguisher. Using a gas similar to a pressurized CO² (based on gas-based fire extinguishers!), she shoots it out at high speeds. These hits can potentially cause frostbite and even severe damage to the body if left unattended. She's quite powerful in this AU due to this ability 👀👀 being able to put out the fires and overpower another dragon's breath? Now THAT'S some queen moves right there! She can also simply spray out the foam substance at short range without that pressurized gas. This helps with more close range fire fighting work.
Her right wing and front leg were undeveloped, a disability she'd had since she hatched. However! With the help of mechanics, she uses these prosthetics to help her fly. Still gotta test out how to draw it to make sense, as well as sort out how it stays in place. I've been using inspiration from Toothless (HTTYD) and his tail that Hiccup made.
Pam is a bulkier dragon, very much on the larger side of all of them. I'm at odds with myself to figure out whether ot not she'll have wings 🤔 so I had two copies there! Perhaps her wings may be a bit smaller if I do give her them.
Pam spits out molten magma that's stored up inside her as an attack. However, it can also be chunks of scrap metal that she stores up. Otherwise, it's just magma.
Though I didn't draw this, I want Pam to be very resilient to fire in general, as her species/family of dragon use their ability to spew this magma (technically Lava after ut leaves her body? I'll do more research on this...) in order to craft and shape metal. While other dragons need to spend some time to build up a fire hot enough, the Junker family line is able to do this much more easily. (Amber is a close second, though)
Her skin has the ability to crack and seep up lava out of it, potentially coating her body in this to give herself a temporary lava shield, something extremely hard to break through. (In the future, little Jessie may also be able to do this... however, Pam doesn't think she's ready at the moment and avoids the topic or any ideas of teaching her how.)
Colette flies in a sort of funny way, twirling around and flapping her wings to maintain somewhat of a chaotic flight pattern. Think of a snake slithering through the sky, but with large wings and the grace of... a teenage dragon (not much, but it does work).
When she gets better at flying...pray and hope she isn't able to catch up to her favourite brawlers cause she isn't ever gonna let go of them 💀 It makes for a great attack, actually! Charging at enemies and coiling around them like a snake to prevent movement, like a big hug ❤️ she just loves everyone SO much 😍
Finally kinda set on a design for this funky guy! He's a larger dragon (smaller than El Primo or Frank, but still definitely up there in size)
His wings never quite grew fully, so he wouldn't be able to fly 😔 however, that'll never stop him and his dreams of being a cool movie star 🧡🧡
Buster, at the heart of it, is an unstoppable force when he sets his mind to something. He'll charge in with the same ferocity as his favouite protagonists, rivalling the audacity and hard-headed nature of even Bull! All while doing so for his friends 💪 we love Buster in this AU frfr
Chester always has theatrics when he flies. Flips, spins, and fun aerodynamic movements up in the sky! He's gotta compensate for his lack of speed compared to other wyverns after all, but he thinks he's pretty great 😎
Loved drawing this kinda unique pose tbh! That's what I loved with these drawings, I got to experiment without really thinking too much for em with how polished and clean that look. It was very fun! 🔥
Chuster ft. Gus❤️🧡:
We love some goofy gays here 🥹❤️🧡 I just wanted to let em have a little nuzzle + smooch! Dragons don't necessarily kiss, but little side boops like this are the equivalent of a cheek kiss.
Also, a little Gus on the side 🥹🥹 I love this sort of found family dynamic that have! Buster being the cool dad vibe/big bro to Gus, and then Buster being in a relationship with Chester so that he's also a cool dad too 😎 Gus loved these two guys from the very start, they're funny 🤭 never a boring day for these silly lads.
Leondy 💚💜:
My beloveds 🤲 I really do cherish the ship, as well as strong friendship Sandy and Leon have. (Btw in my HCs, Leon and Sandy are 13 & 14 respectively, just to clear that up!)
Sandy, I've mentioned a few times, is very inspired by Capybaras, so Leon finding one is just perfect 🤭 silly little deadpan face lads.
BULLDOZERRRR- What a lad! Bull is inspired by- uh, Bulls! Great creatures, large bodies and thick necks to support those headstrong charges 🐂 I love making his posture all confident, strong steps to say, "Yeah. You TRY and stand up to me. I DARE you." Don't wanna mess with him on most days 🏃‍♀️💨💨
El Primo:
Still figuring out a full-body for El Primo, bit he's roughly the same size as Bull! (Maybe a bit bigger)
El Primo has got really small wings, similar to his El Dragón skin. Even his scales and horns are inspired by that mostly! Love when characters have preexisting dragon themed skins 🤭 makes it a lot easier to make ideas!
His "mask" is actually just body paint. He has similar paint on his body, really showing off the vibrant colours and persona he puts on for the crowds.
He WILL beat up his enemies into a pulp in matches. Thank goodness there's the gem powered regeneration and the respawn system in place 😭 I plan to give him a very strong body and tail, enough to support him when he needs to go on his hind legs and overpower his opponents. Buster is designed in a similar way as well!
Last but not least, the Queen of Candy herself. Not even the Dragon AU let's her escape fast food work 😔😔
Her super attack is purely a magical sugar-based rainbow blast, as shown in the sketch. Also, I'm now realizing that I forgot her red spots oml- No wonder she looks so empty 💀 uhh sorry about that, lads 😭 I'll redraw her one day to show off that glowing effect of her spots 🥹🥹
And that's all! Thank you for reading if you made it this far! Hopefully I can make more of these sketch dumps 🤭✨️ maybe take reqs from here too! We shall see. Take care y'all!
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 2 months
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Hi? Gosh how do I even start with this :'D
I know it's been ages since I've last popped up on here. I've been debating when to post this for a while, but I kept adding to my draft more and more and now it's the end of JULY omgg I felt so guilty disappearing with zero updates but then thought my birthday would be the best day to finally address this considering it'll feel less random? idk but Ive always celebrated my bday with you guys and I'd feel so bad answering your kind asks without me at least explaining why I was gone for months.
Truth be told, I was dealing with a lot of stuff irl. health issues and sudden declining grades that left me stumped and drained for months now- along with technical issues like having to replace some parts of my computer that took a while for me to find to even draw digitally, which I didn't have the time for anyway with how tired and weary I felt every day.
I'm frankly shaken up by a lot of shit rn and I don't know how to be active online with this burden on my chest- Especially as it's been a while since I've even looked at utmv related content and my motivation dwindled. I swear I'd hype myself up to post or reblog something- but I'd see just how much I've missed or the overwhelming amount of posts I'd need to go through and I'd feel so swamped with exhaustion and most importantly guilt, for not clearing the air up sooner to reassure you guys that I'm, y'know, alive, and not dead in a ditch somewhere. And I'd procrastinate cause typing it all out is hard and I'd give up halfway every time and it's just not fair to you all!
I thought I was handling it well when I started going out and socializing more, instead of staying cooped up at home on my computer all day. and in the first draft of this post I made months ago I was gonna detail some of the fun plans I had, for my life and for this blog :D but relaxing my strict study schedule and letting go a bit of my tight routine, thinking it was better than wringing myself dry to keep it up, backfired horribly, to say the least.
I know right?? so silly to be hung up on stupid shit like studies of all things! but this is a very important thing for me considering my career plans and the competitivity encouraged by everyone I'm surrounded by, the pressure of keeping up adding to my already stressful days. I had to fix myself up first and I couldn't handle the strain nor interact with people and thinking of jobs and exams sapped my energy so much it's frankly embarrassing. writing this feels so cheesy too and it frustrates me to know I could've come back a month earlier if it weren't for that, but I also know putting all of this into words then would just sound like incoherent venting (not that this is very different tbf) and I wasn't in the right headspace to address my absence, or anything really- I didn't want everyone to see me return when I couldn't muster up a genuinely positive message, let alone talk to anyone with a shadow of my usual cheer
I feel like a complete mess and It drives me up the wall how depressed I've gotten. I debated deleting this blog so many times 'cause the fear of disappointing my audience and my friends, for lack of a more fitting sentiment, made me feel even shittier. I'm constantly thinking if this wall of text is worth posting, or if it's better not to burden you all with all my sappy troubles as if it's the end of the world. Trust me, I'll be fine. I'm not trying to dramatize this situation, but I don't think I'm up to pretending I'm all sunshine and enthusiasm you're all accustomed to.
So sorry for worrying you all! I'll try to catch up, deliver some missed birthday gifts, and answer some asks while I'm at it! Again, I can't state how much I appreciate your support throughout the years. It's frankly a miracle I kept any of you around with how much I keep popping and leaving at random with no warning. I definitely can't promise for my stay to be without a hitch, and if you don't mind an inconsistent schedule you're free to stay of course, but I'm afraid I can't sustain the pace I had when I first started this blog. I'll keep posting art, but lower my activity in the fandom sphere to reduce the strain on my mental health. so fewer rants and walls of text, more art, and less stress overall. Love you all and thanks for waiting for this long <3
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freesia-writes · 1 year
Congratulations on the followers!! That's so awesome!! 😆😆
Could I ask for prompts 9 and 16 with my beloved Sergeant Hunter, please? 🥰🥰 Thank you so much!!
*whew* I needed to stop myself for this one! Might have to write a smutty continuation if the demand is there. ;)
Word Count: 3k Hunter x GN!Reader Content Warnings: wound care, PG-13 passion, nakey Hunter ;) thirsty inspiration from this drawing by @cloned-eyes
#9 - You find an injured clone who was somehow (conveniently) left behind, thought dead, and instead falls under your care… and falls under your spell… ;)
#16 - "I've seen the way you look at me, when you think I'm not looking. You don't think I've noticed…"
He groaned suddenly, rolling his head from one side to the other and startling you out of your drowsing. You sat up quickly, brushing the hair from your face and rising to your feet, at his side immediately. You were just in time to watch his large brown eyes open, fluttering a bit and roving the room quickly before focusing on you with a hawklike stare. With a sharp inhale, he tried to sit up, brow furrowed, a small grunt of pain escaping him as you put a hand on his shoulder. 
“Your ribs are cracked; you need to stay still for now,” you said softly, trying not to focus on the muscles rippling across his chest and the sensation of his sweaty bare skin under your palm. Some hair scattered across his forehead as he slowly laid back down with a wince.
“Where am I?” he croaked, and even after being unconscious for hours, the gravelly tone of his smooth voice sent shivers down your spine. What was wrong with you? It felt as though you’d never seen a man before, and you were starting to want to kick yourself for the absolutely ridiculous way you felt smitten for someone you’d only seen passed out. You couldn’t deny that you’d thoroughly enjoyed wrapping the large gash on his bicep, as well as the one on his thigh, and had been grateful that he hadn’t been awake to see you ogling his sculpted limbs while you treated his wounds.
“Uh, in my room…” you admitted, cringing a bit as his eyes flashed at you. “Sorry -- on Pantora. I was coming home from a late shift and found you in a clearing… It looked like something had blown up, maybe a ship? I thought you were dead, but when you had a pulse… I couldn’t leave you there.”
“I need a comm,” he answered abruptly, again trying to sit up, getting halfway propped on an elbow with a grimace. His free hand grasped at his side, chest heaving with the pain and effort of simply moving and breathing. “Where are the others?” 
“There were no others, at least not anywhere near you,” you said, holding a hand up in an attempt to soothe his apparent agitation. The dark tattoos across his face, chest, arms, and torso were mystifying -- as though he wanted his skeleton marked on the outside -- and you found yourself wondering if it went all the way… You shook your head to clear the thoughts and distracted yourself by answering him, “There’s a long-range transmitter in the local communication center that you can use, but if you move too much too soon, you’re going to cause more damage. I can send a message for you, if you’d like?” 
He scrutinized you, taking in your earnest face, noting the slight blush creeping across your cheeks, and suddenly sensing your elevated pulse and blood pressure. His brows furrowed, trying to discern the threat. Were you afraid of him? Were you malicious? He took a deep whiff, wincing again at the sharp pain that stabbed him in the side in response, and his eyes widened slightly at the pheromones that gave you away, although you were completely unaware. A tiny smirk teased the corner of his lips, but he said nothing of it. 
* * * 
You couldn’t discern a word of the message you sent, nor the one you received in reply, but the man nodded when you relayed the information to him. It had been a jumbled mess of words that made no sense at all, and you couldn’t resist asking about it as you brought a small bowl of soup into your room.
“We like to keep things… covert,” he answered cryptically, kindling your interest even further. 
Your tiny apartment left much to be desired, and you’d been sleeping on the couch. It had been a few days, and you wondered how long this would last. You’d offered to take him to the local infirmary, and had found yourself shockingly relieved when he declined. Instead, he informed you that he’d be picked up within the week. Something about a hyperdrive that you hadn’t really listened to, finding yourself distracted by the way a few hairs always seemed to dance across his forehead, held back by a red bandana with a skull on it. You chewed the side of your lip, wondering what it would be like to rake your fingers through that hair… And he suddenly chuckled out of the blue, snapping you out of your illicit daydreaming. You were clearly in a *mood*.
“What?” you asked innocently, angry at the blush that snuck onto your cheeks as though he had heard your thoughts out loud. 
“Oh, nothing,” he answered, setting the soup bowl to the side. He’d been able to sit up, and was propped up with all the pillows in your home, as well as some bundled blankets. 
“So secretive,” you mused, attempting a bit of playfulness to diffuse the tension you felt, “Are you even going to tell me your name? Or shall I call you Havoc 1 like your message?”
“Hunter,” came the silken reply, and you wondered if it were really his name or not. You echoed it quietly, relishing the way it rolled off your tongue. It had been a while since you’d been… intimate… and while you weren’t normally one to feel the craving spontaneously, this dark and broody stranger was fueling a fire within that you hadn’t felt in a long time. He was hitting every button you were an absolute sucker for -- strong man made vulnerable by injury, mysterious and alluring, and just the right mix of sharp and soft. You decided you might need to blow off some steam that night, if you could find some time alone… 
“Okay, Hunter,” you said, wondering why he was still smirking at you knowingly. Perhaps it was just his thing… But it still made you wonder. “I have another bacta injection for you, if you want to try it out. You might be able to stand after this one.” 
With a resigned huff, he leaned forward, pulling his shirt over his head with a stiff groan that made your dirty thoughts come flying back. He leaned to the side, reaching his arm forward to expose his side. You took the cap off of the syringe, looking at him apologetically as you placed a steadying hand on his ribs, a prickling sensation running up your arm at the feeling of his body heat. The injection was placed without a sound or movement from him, though you thought you could see the flash of a furrowed brow for a split second. He sat back, taking a slow, deep breath to test the waters, giving a small nod of approval. 
“And now, we wait…” you said, shrugging as though you were in it together. “Are you still hungry?” 
“I’m alright for now,” he answered, eyes scanning the bandage on his arm. “Though it might be time for a shower once I can get back on my feet.” He looked up to you as he said the last part, a fiendish glint in his eye that caught you off guard. Did he know what he was doing to you? You’d tried so hard to appear neutral around him. Or was he a pervert? The last thought came unbidden and unexpected, and you laughed out loud before you could catch yourself. 
“Now it’s your turn to laugh at nothing?” he asked with a grin, and you nodded, returning his smile with a spark of joy in your chest. 
“Well give it an hour or so, and you should be able to stand,” you informed him. You rose to your feet, shifting awkwardly. You wanted to give him privacy, but also enjoyed his company, in more ways than one. Without the excuse of bringing him food, you were at a loss. But perhaps… it was worth a try… “The time might pass more quickly if you were distracted?” you offered, “If you’d like to chat? Or, if you want to rest, of course, that’s fine too…”
“Distracted, eh? You going to dance for me?” he crooned, his smoky voice sounding even sultrier than usual and making your stomach do a flip. You began spluttering an explanation, but he laughed, waving a hand to indicate his jest and relieve you from your frantic backtracking. “I’m just kidding,” he said, with a rumbling laugh that made him wince as much as it felt like velvet on your ears. “There aren’t many details I can tell you, but perhaps you have a story or two you’d like to share?”
* * * 
Another day passed, punctuated with meals, conversations, and a growing affinity for the complexity of the man in your care. The food in your fridge had dwindled, sending you out for a few necessities. You grabbed some extra snacks at the store, wondering what else Hunter might like, and arrived home with a precariously full bag in each arm. Kicking the front door shut behind you and setting the bags on the counter, you peeked through the door of your bedroom, noticing with a start that he wasn’t there. You glanced frantically around the apartment, which was incredibly tiny and didn’t provide many hiding places, and then it dawned on you that the only other place he could be was the refresher. As though the realization had beckoned him audibly, the door swung open, and Hunter stepped out, causing your stomach to clench in a spasm so tight you had to swallow involuntarily. 
He had a towel wrapped around his waist, but apparently hadn’t found the body towel tucked in your cupboard, instead opting for the medium-sized hand towel you left hanging on the hook. It fit tightly around his snatched waist, where he held it with one hand, but split open on the outside of one thigh, revealing that yes, the tattoo did indeed go the whole way… You jerked your eyes back up to his, but that wasn’t much better -- his hair fell around his face in damp waves, and he looked incredibly vulnerable somehow without the bandana. He lifted his free hand to his head, running it through his hair to shake out some excess water, a few droplets scattering across his bare chest and shoulders. You gasped audibly, and he looked at you in response, so you turned into an incredibly fake yawn as an attempt to mask it. 
“Long day, huh?” he asked with a chuckle, walking slowly toward the bedroom, providing a revolving view of his side, then his back… Your heart was pounding in your chest so loud, you were positive he could hear it. It should be illegal, what he was doing… The way he looked… The sudden wafting scent of soap that reached your nose as he passed by. It was your own soap, damnit, so why did it smell so intoxicatingly good? It wasn’t fair. He disappeared into your bedroom, rummaging for his blacks, and then he called your name, causing you to clamp shut your slack-jawed mouth and come immediately. He was sitting on the side of your bed, covered by that tiny little towel, hair covering his face as he was bent over to inspect the gash on his thigh.
“I can wrap my leg, but if you wouldn’t mind helping me re-wrap this arm…” he said quietly, face as straight as an arrow as he looked up to you for a response. You nodded, words unable to get past your dry mouth, and reached for the gauze on your dresser, sitting down next to him precariously. He lifted his arm toward you slightly, and you brought your foot up to the top of the bed, providing your bent knee to hold his arm in front of your face while you tended to it. Absolutely refusing to meet his gaze, you studied the cut on his bicep with the intensity of a lifetime, as though it could save you from the positively feral state you were finding yourself in. 
Hunter took a deep breath, as though he were simply taking it all in, and he let it out slowly, watching you from the side. He could see and hear the blood rushing in your veins, he could smell the undeniable signals of your attraction, and he could feel the palpable tension at the close proximity you found yourselves in. Your hands trembled slightly as you wound the gauze around his arm, and you cursed them for their betrayal of your nervousness. 
“Thank you,” he said huskily, and you finally met his gaze. “For all of this. I don’t think I said it before. But I appreciate all you’ve done.” His hawkish features softened, and your hand moved seemingly of its own accord, lifting to his face, where one of his wet chunks of hair had crossed his forehead from the side it was supposed to fall on. You brushed it back to its rightful place, watching the tiny smile grow on his face, and once it was satisfactorily placed, you slowly started to lower your hand. It took all the effort you had to force it to continue down to your lap instead of resting on his cheek, tracing the outline of his tattoo, brushing along his sharp jawline. 
Suddenly, his hand intercepted it, startling you and sending a shockwave through your body. He held it tenderly, as though he had read your thoughts, and lifted it to his face, pressing a meaningful yet impossibly gentle kiss against the back of it. Your mouth fell open, a sharp inhale giving away your surprise. 
"I've seen the way you look at me, when you think I'm not looking. You don't think I've noticed…" he purred, lowering both hands to his lap, and the heat rushed into your face with a vengeance, setting your cheeks on fire. “I’m afraid you’re not quite as subtle as you’d hoped, although I’m a bit more perceptive than most…” Your foot slipped off the edge of the bed, and in a complete and total panic, you leapt to your feet, facing him with contrived indignation. 
“I… sorry… I don’t know what you mean! I just… You…” you spluttered your defense, although the delivery was working wholeheartedly against you. Taking a step backward, you tripped over the leg of the chair and thumped into the wall. Smooth. Standing up and pushing your hair out of your face, you looked back to him just in time to catch the flash of a smirk as he rose to his feet as well, moving slowly and stiffly, still clutching that little tease of a towel. He approached slowly, as a predator stalking its prey, with a smoldering intensity in his eyes that threatened to make your knees buckle. He lifted his free hand, placing it on the wall next to your head, and leaned in at an agonizingly slow pace. 
“So… You’d probably like me to stop this, then?” he rumbled, bringing his chest and face within inches of yours. You looked to the ceiling, praying for any sense of guidance or self control or anything, but felt nothing but the overwhelming craving washing over you from head to toe. You swallowed, hard, clenching your fists at your sides. But wait… He clearly wasn’t put off by your infatuation… Or why would he be doing this? Was he toying with you? Or did he share the attraction? You lowered your eyes to his, taking in the honey brown pools of emotion and depth, and slowly lifted both hands to his chest, tentatively resting them as though the heat radiating off of him might burn you.
“Hunter,” you whispered… And his hand lowered from the wall to your cheek, cupping it gently and tracing down to your chin, thumb brushing feather-light across your lower lip. 
“I should back off, shouldn’t I?” he asked, and you felt as though you were about to explode. There were no words, just a sheer rush of passion that threatened to tear you apart. So you leaned forward, sliding your hands up his chest and over his shoulders, digging them into his back and pulling him into you, pressing your lips against his with a desperation that thoroughly gave you away. He breathed a chuckle against your mouth, the most satisfying sound you could have imagined, and parted his lips slightly to deepen the kiss and send you into complete oblivion. 
His hand slid around your head, gently cupping the base of your skull with a balance of firmness and tenderness, and your lips met again and again, fanning the flame of desire raging between the two of you. His nose pressed into your cheeks, arms flexing around you, drowning you in the sheer bliss of his presence. He pulled away for a moment, giving you a breath of air, and instead lowered his lips to your jawbone, then your neck, then your collarbone. You wrapped one hand around his waist, pulling his hip, and one hand roved into his hair, fingers winding through his wavy locks and clenching in a sudden fist. The guttural moan that escaped him in response goaded you on, and you used both arms to pull him against you as firmly as you could. 
A sharp cry of pain broke you apart, and you staggered back in shock and confusion, realization dawning on you as he bent over slightly, clutching his side with his free hand, breathing laboriously. You babbled your apologies, feeling rotten to the core for not remembering his injuries. He waved dismissively, slowly standing up with a grimace that faded into a grin. You stood there, staring at each other for a moment, awash with all that had just happened, until you rasped a coy suggestion. 
“Are you sure you don’t need help wrapping your thigh?” 
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Oh lord, we did a smutty part two…
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misslavenderlady · 8 months
My Baby Bats 💜🦇
This post is in honor of @hypocriticaltypwriter and her own baby bats. This part is about The Lost Boys themselves. There will be a part two with Michael and Star!
So some of you know I love the Sims 4. Back in 2022 I made The Lost Boys in the game because ya girl is obsessed. I also made:
The Emersons
Star and Laddie
Thorn and Nanook
The Frog Brothers
The cave
Grandpa's House
The comic book store
The boardwalk
And....I just so happened to put myself in the game with them. There was no official "story" at first. I just wanted to smooch my boys so bad, and seeing as I don't have any digital art programs (I used to draw but I'm sooooo rusty), the Sims was the perfect way to go about it. 🥰
My sim self had a daughter with each of the boys (because I too wanted to have a gang of Lost Girls lol). I named each girl after the actor their fathers play.
Pictures and story below~
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David's Daughter - Kira (the closest I could get to Kiefer)
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She admires her father more than anything in the world. She wants to be a good leader and an even better protector of her sisters. Kira never backs down from a fight, often having moments in childhood where she beat up bullies that were harassing her sisters. But she doesn't use her brawn though. She's as smart as a whip, using patience and strategy to navigate life. Always studying her surroundings and knowing what to say or do for her next step. She's a mysterious girl and never reveals what she's thinking or feeling. As far as Kira is concerned, she needs to be on her guard should something happen to her father and she needs to take over as head vampire. That being said, she's very sensitive deep down, and is incredibly close to her parents, never wanting to be away from them for too long. The anxiety overwhelms her. David worries about the pressure she puts on herself.
Dwayne's Daughter - Billie
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Billie is a gentle and kind girl. She's quite shy, often keeping to herself whenever she's around someone outside of the family. As a little girl, she would often hide behind her father, too scared to even say hi to new people. Dwayne was incredibly patient with her, and eventually found a way for her to socialize without getting out of her comfort zone. He introduced her to animals and wildlife in the Santa Carla mountains, showing her the hidden beauties of the world. She loves animals so much, and likes to spend time caring for stray cats and dogs she sees on the streets. Billie also inherited her mother's love of writing, and enjoys poetry most. It helps her navigate life and the feelings she has.
Marko's Daughter - Alex
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A little artist like her father, Alex has an eye for the most fascinating curiosities around her. She's a jack of all trades, enjoying everything from photography, to sketching, to painting, to jewelry making. She has so many ideas, and her dad is more than happy to support her vision. She's also a little troublemaker like Marko, often going out to spray graffiti on the walls of various Santa Carla buildings. She's not afraid of causing some mischief if it means expressing herself. Alex also has a fondness of spooky stuff. She has a crystal ball, a collection of candles, tarot cards, and has a planchet earring that she uses whenever she wants to break out the ouija board. She's loves playing fun, witchy games with her sisters during sleepovers. Stuff like Bloody Mary and Light as a Feather, Stuff as a board.
Paul's Daughter - Brooke
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Oh she's definitely her father's daughter. Brooke is a little wild child, always eager for an adventure. She's got plenty of energy to burn, dancing and running and jumping off furniture. She loves to stay up late and play video games or have dance parties with her sisters. Above all, her biggest passion is music. Growing up she listened to her father play guitar a lot, and immediately got inspired. He was more than happy to teach her, and ever since then, she's had a dream of becoming a rock star. She's got the energy and the beautiful singing voice for it after all.
Here are some pics of the baby bats:
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I'm gonna reblog this post with more baby bat pics from when the girls were little. Stay tuned!
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cheapsweets · 7 months
The Recondite Haesorog
My response to this week’s BestiaryPosting challenge from @maniculum
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Now, I actually have a suspicion what this creature might be - I wasn't deliberately trying to work it out, but when I was throwing around concepts for the drawing, something clicked... If it is what I think it is, it's at the same time a really cool description, with some bits which are wildly out... I didn't pursue that particular line of thinking with my piece this week, but I'm going to be interested to see what this one turns out to be :D
Jinhao shark fountain pen with a fine, hooded nib, with Monteverde Raven Noir ink, over initial pencil sketch. I'm going to do some experimenting with the brush pen and the fude-nib in future pictures again; I appreciate the consistency of the lines that this pen is giving me, but I suspect those other pens would give a little more character to the lines.
As an aside, I'd genuinely encourage anyone looking at these challenges to give it a try; its given me a bit of focus to get back into something I used to enjoy, without too much pressure (both in terms of the time and also this mostly being about fun!)
As ever, reasoning under the cut…
"Ethiopia is the home of a creature called the Haesorog, as large as an ox, with the footprints of an ibis, branching horns, the head of a stag, the colouring of a bear and the same thick coat."
Okay! For such a short description, we've actually got a fairly good amount of detail. Of course, some of it doesn't really make sense together - bird feet with horns and a bear's thick coat? What could be going on here?
I figured that, rather than trying to work out something realistic, I'd actually treat the description at face value as much as possible. As such, we have an ox-sized, deer-headed creature with long, bird legs and feet, covered in shaggy hair! I actually tried to put a bit of deer anatomy into the legs, but they were primarily referenced from ibis photos - I'd set myself on that particular pose, but it was impossible to find a front-facing picture of an ibis with its leg raised (not perfect, but turned out better than I was fearing!)
The horns gave me cause for thought - horns don't tend to branch, but they're very distinct from antlers (antlers being bone, and shed yearly, while horns are covered in a keratin sheath which is not generally shed). In the end, and given the description of it having a deer's head, I went with antlers, specifically taking inspiration from the wapiti (American/Asian elk) and red deer for the grand, branching antlers rather than palmate antlers of the fallow deer I'm most familiar with. I did give them a little texture, as a nod to the horn though.
Charles Knight's Animal drawing was really useful here - the short essays in that book made me consider more carefully some aspects that I wouldn't have just looking at the drawings, including things like ear position, and the general vibe of the animals I was referencing.
Still experimenting with plants and trees for the background - some came out better than others, but I've learned a few more things from this about what does and doesn't work well!
I'm now kinda wishing I'd drawn a fuzzy horned dinosaur for this, but I'm still happy with the directionI went 😅🦖
"It is said that the Haesorog changes its appearance when it is afraid and, when it hides itself, takes on the likeness of whatever is near — a white stone or a green bush or whatever other shape it prefers."
Well, this is cool; an ox-sized animal that is also a master of disguise. You can see my nod to this in the background where a hunting party (plus dog) are walking straight past a Haesorog disguised as a tree...
I did a little look into medieval costume (and dog breeds) from Ethiopia; I know that this is a bit of a catchall term for Sub-Saharan Africa, but it gave me a place to start. Turns out that the figures were too tiny to put in any detail of the clothing (or to make the Ethiopian Highland Dog) distinct, but the history there is fascinating (including Ethiopian delegates to Florence in 1441 being frustrated about the Europeans constantly referring to their kind as 'Prester John' 😆
This seeming magical power of disguise also gave me a couple of extra influences in the style - the forest god from Princess Mononoke, and the goats from that film and from the Nausicaä manga. Not sure how much it came across!
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newtthetranswriter · 8 months
How are you doing?
Can I request a matchup for Haikyuu!, Tokyo Revengers and JJK, please? (Male characters)
I'm an introvert and I prefer staying in my room to draw and listen to music. My hobbies are mostly in the domain of arts and crafts! I'd like to do something related to arts in the future. I'm good at analyzing texts and I enjoy writing. I also like doing improvisation because it requires quick thinking. Other than that I love rhythm games! I also pick up languages pretty quick.
I'm tall but I like wearing heels! Sometimes I have anxiety problems but overall I am confident in my abilities and looks. Not in an arrogant type of way, more like ''not taking unwanted opinions'' about my style or the art I make. Because of that I also like to encourage people around me to follow their own way of life (as long as it doesn't harm anyone!). I dislike when somebody is bossy and dictates how somebody else should live their life, it really doesn't affect the outsider that comments. I believe that unique styles are what makes the world prettier.
I have a short temper but I prefer ''forgiving and forgetting'' solely because:
I am too tired to argue, it takes too much effort to talk
I would rather not allow myself to yell because I really dislike that
I am sensitive to loud sounds and I might get a panic attack mid argument and that would be VERY embarrassing for me. I'd think about it for years.
I'm absolutely bad with expressing my emotions so I show love through giving gifts or writing what I feel. I get shy mid-sentence when I try telling someone I care for them, even if they are my family.
I like to learn! Trying out new things or food is very cool to me and recently I got into drawing whatever I can't draw so I can improve, I like challenges. I tend to push myself to test my limits. I also eat a lot. Which is bad.
I love seeing sunrises/sunsets, snow, flowers in bloom and I adore when it rains! Walking during rain helps me relax. I also like shiny things and all animals!
I am so sorry that it turned out this long!
I hope you'll have a great day 😊🧡
A/n: Hello, thank you so much for being patient. I hope you enjoy and have a great day. And as always remember to hydrate or diedrate
Haikyuu: Kenma Kozume
Dating Kenma is relaxing
Date nights can be going out to eat or just relaxing together with music playing while you draw and he games
He loves that you encourage him to do what he wants and don’t pressure him to put down his video games
He may be on the short side but he doesn't care if you want to go around in high heels, he thinks you’re beautiful no matter what
Kenma also isn’t a big fan of fights or loud noises so if you guys do get in a disagreement it’s going to be a day or two of silent treatment and then cuddles 
He will also try out rhythm games for you so you guys have another thing to do together
All around just a chill time with the beautiful gamer
Tokyo Revengers: Takashi Mitsuya
Takashi is supportive in what ever you want to do
Loves that you are confident and don’t focus on what others think of you
Enjoys having dates that are just the two of you being creative and enjoying each other’s presence
He definitely already plays rhythm games so if you want to do that with him, he’s more than happy to make it a date
Taka understands that even with your short temper you prefer to just move on, so in disagreements he tries to just talk it out and if it looks like talking isn’t working will suggest taking a step back
He doesn't like to leave things unresolved so if something he did upset you just let him know and he will work on it
Now if you get upset with a member of Toman, he will deal with them for you. Just tell him who and he will pull them away and have a chat, tries to keep it on the down low so it doesn’t cause a seen
He’s all about respect, so he will do whatever he can to make sure you feel respected and welcome
Jujutsu Kaisen: Yuji Itadori
While Yuji is very outgoing and loud I feel that you guys would balance each other out
You encourage him to take breaks and relax, while he works to bring you out of your comfort zone
He loves Improve because it lets him just be him, so make that a date, go have fun being silly
Yuji will always be down for walks in the rain
He will bring you random little things he sees that makes him think of you, basically he also has crow brain so lots of ‘oooo shiny s/o would love that’
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thegoldenshi-shi · 1 year
So, I have been busy making poor monetary choices again, in which I now own two different types of tablets specifically for art (ONE WAS VERY MUCH ON SALE, THE OTHER HAD A 50 BUCK COUPON, BOTH GOOD REVIEWS), and the first tablet I bought, that's honestly just a way of adding a touchscreen to a computer to me, cause like. It's a sensor pad? Well, it's proving that I can't mentally make myself apply a lot of pressure to technology, which my younger self with a ruined dsi touch screen would gape at. I have also gotten all my shelving units up! Not sure if they're staying where they are, or if I'm gonna move them around again, but I do know two that are staying where they are, mainly cause I am /not/ lifting that shelf all the way back up to chest level to take it back down again. Nuh uh, no ma'am, it will not be done. It's also gotten all my collectibles on it already, which has proven that I need to devote more of my budget to the Twins than Screamer. My frenemesis would be delighted to see my failure to my simpees.
Work has been better! Still hot, but we've slowed /way/ down, which means my supervisor has been letting me goof off on my phone or writing, cause we physically can't work too hard in the heat, but we also have no orders anyway, so... And because we've been able to get paid Not Working, I have gotten back into a werewolf story I started writing months ago! I'm setting it up one shot style rn, and posting the chapters as my brain accepts my pleading for their creation, but I also intend to make it a full and proper story once I've worked all the one shots out. I will openly admit to it being complete self service, cause I want a best friend who's 8 feet tall, fluffy, and has a crappy sense of humor. And is a cuddle monster, though that one is mainly cause I love glomming full force onto my people and displaying my awkward affection. I'm like a peacock, but instead of flaring tail feathers, I hug people in front of other people, whilst not actually really knowing socially accepted norms for hugging friends, tbh.
I also went through and completely reorganized my phones gallery, and got a very stupid laugh outta it. I have 461 transformers related pictures, and almost 400 writing prompts. Just. Saved on my phone. If I ever lose this sim card my writing career that i don't actually have will be over. On another other note semi related, I have been asked to design a friends tattoo! I don't know if I mentioned that in my last ask. He asked me to draw him a dragon to get tattooed, which, to be fair, dragons are among one of the very scant things I can draw well reliably, but also, dragon proportions curled into a ball sleeping are kicking my ass, and I am debating getting out my giant sketchpad to be able to completely control every tiny eetsy beetsy detail, cause my close friend wants me to do this thing that will permanently be on his body, and I really desperately don't wanna mess it up... Cause like. No one has ever asked me to ///draw/// for them before. I've gotten asked to paint, or do some small stuff with watercolors, but never /drawing/. And he knows I love dragons, it's part of why he asked. I just. It's a thing that happened that made me really happy, like hide in my pillow crying happy tears happy.
And then, on the fifth, I found an exactly 8 year old video of my childhood dog that we had to put down... it was from the summer before he was put down, which happened during the school year. He had been all that I'd had growing up, so, it hit kinda hard seeing something of him that moved. Even after 8 years, I still cry every time I think about him. He was the best dog any little kid could've ever been raised with, and probably helped boost my immune system against my allergies to boot, hehe. I cried for like, two hours, cause it was a video taken 7/5/2015. And, I thought I had lost all my images of him. It was a happy thing, just. A very sad type of happy. I wish I could tell him that I did love him, even if I didn't wanna lay on the ground and cuddle like he preferred. He was a dog that was born old, haha, never wanted to play or bark, he just wanted to lay on you and be loved. I was always running around on imaginary adventures though, but I did love him. If I was upset, he was my safe place. I promise this is a happy thing, it's just that I'm gonna be legally allowed to drink soon, and sometimes I forget that it's been so long since I got to see him. Especially cause sometimes, I still have dreams about playing with him in our backyard, right next to a giant pine tree covered in cicada sheds, laughing as he dug a little groove to lay in under the old rusted out trampoline. He was the most patient, tolerant dog, and it's because of him and the cat he raised with me that I'm not afraid of so much anymore. Ma and dad weren't there when we had him, but... I'll admit to giving them up forever if it meant I got to have him back
Hello there Smooch~
Sleeping babee dragon sounds so cute! I've never designed a tattoo, so I can only imagine the pressure (and of course the touching part of him asking you to draw his tattoo design).
Interestingly enough I too spent a loooong period of time where drawing was a dragon-only zone. I think it was back in like middle school? If you're struggling with a traditional four-legged two winged dragon, have you considered another type? There's Asian Lung dragons, Wyverns, Wyrms, or even a Quetzalcoatl style dragon that can all be very cool and might be easier for you to draw as a sleepy loaf. If your friend doesn't have a strong preference of course.
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How exciting, on sale art supplies. It's kinda hard to decide sometimes between art supplies and if you're new to it, it's not a BAD idea to try multiple different types and/or brand names until you find what you like. I own two different art devices, one Wacom Intuos bought in High School and a Huion art monitor bought like four years ago. I was a traditional artist at the time I bought the Intuos tablet, so I quickly found that I prefer drawing on an actual screen I can look at instead of drawing on a tablet, BUT I had to try the tablet first to know that. What that all amounts up to is I hope you like one if not both of them ^J^ It's good to hear that your job is calming down. I'm sure that you're enjoying having the down time to work on your creative pursuits. At the risk of sounding too much like a hippie art teacher, I say it's very important to have some sort of creative outlet in your life. So it's wonderful to hear that you're getting to write on your werewolf story. I send you my best wishes that your muse stays nice and cooperative for the whole process hehe.
And lastly: The bittersweet memory of a good pet that has passed is something that I feel blessed to have as well. I hope that you can continue to enjoy your memories of a good animal without being bogged down in the sadness of their passing.
It's good to hear from you again Smooch, glad to hear you are doing well~
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kaiserouo · 6 months
This is a rambling post because i'm sick. Somehow turned into a post about my history about art. Kinda spent too much time on this that i don't really wanna delete this now. Oh well.
More below.
Yeah okay. You might think why i'm rambling in an art blog. It's because english isn't my native language and i kinda think differently with english. I've complained enough on plurk with chinese today so, uh, i'm here now lol.
I am so sick right now i don't even know if it's food poisoning or normal cough / fever. Anyway, i stared at a blank canvas in csp for >4 hours and cannot even do anything because of all the migraines i have.
The pain kinda took away the little inspiration and creativity i had, even though i have like a full idea list with detailed and concrete comic plot attached to almost every single item on the list.
So i'm gonna post the second hound i've ever drawn, probably because i have just lost the capability to make proper decisions. Also being sick and cannot physically do anything made my mind flew to who knows where.
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I mean, it kinda sucks. I know i also didn't achieve anything important now but oh man.
You know, it's kinda a miracle why i'm here doing art stuff almost every single day, and why this piece is in my phone in the first place. If you've seen my stuff a lot (for whatever reason) you might already know i...don't like myself very much. Not until recently when i'm reading a book did i realize i'm a perfectionist type of person. Like, i don't like failure, i don't like being...not able to do stuff. When i try something i think i can achieve and realize that i actually just...don't have the ability to do the stuff to my standards, i'd very likely just quit.
I was not capable of drawing anything. You might be thinking "oh no art is not about being capable or making masterpiece first try it's for fun you can do whatever." I kinda got it, like i understand the point this sentence is trying to convey, but my brain just...doesn't work like that. I think perfectionist is just an inherent bad habit of mine. Especially that i've been lurking on social media watching actual masterpiece level of fanart (at least to me) since i was like, 12. My taste of art and what i perceive as "good" did not match my ability to draw, and very likely never will.
It's basically a death sentence, because if you can't really achieve something to your standards then why do you even try? I mean, objectively speaking it's very illogical to say that and you can probably deduce a lot of contradictions from that, maybe like "masters were once a noob too they weren't born with all the skills they have" or something like that. But that's why i said i'm a perfectionist and it's my inherent bad habit. My brain just defaults to...whatever illogical thinking i said. Until that piece of Bloodhound i've already tried to draw many characters years before, but those attempts just...never last.
But that time, when i tried to draw Bloodhound, i recalled an advice that you should put all your work on the internet. Just, literally all of them, no matter how bad it was. It kinda makes sense to me actually. To keep the progress for future inspections; to give myself a pressure to draw something every day; to put what i was thinking into words, knowing that i will forget all the struggle i had once i became good enough (if that ever happens).
So i made a new plurk account. Nice platform, only taiwanese use that, very little people, even less will see my art months into the cause so that's nice for an introvert like me. But the pressure i gave myself to post everyday is very real, and i despise my art every single day. Old habits die hard, even for now.
Everything kinda flows natually after i got into the habit of posting things everyday. I must stress that this habit itself is a miracle. I'm an introvert that can't really talk with strangers, let alone shouting out loud (i.e., posting) on the internet. Anyway, this changed things. I started to actually draw, like, almost every day. There's never anything i did in my life that i actually made into a habit, or, uh, just generally do everyday without much obstacles in my heart. I usually just play games after school and watch youtube and daydream about all kinds of plot about the game, that'd be all i do.
I can get through a lot of details about the progress thanks to the post i was making, but to put it simply: i think i'm trash at making art, and my art is also trash, so i tried to learn things to make it…less trash. Most art post i've done i wrote about what i tried and what i've learned. Not actual research and book reading, just a bit of observation i made to make my hound look better.
At roughly 2023/2 i saw a post about learning art in 100 days. Ignoring all the thoughts thinking i was trash and achieved way less in a year, i actually started borrowing books about art. Spent like 2 months on stonehouse's anatomy, also a bit on perspective. I'm kinda a nerd so i'm completely fine with the biology and perspective related math (like most properties are 10 seconds easy proof after all). But the memorizing part of anatomy and the intuition part of perspective i'm still trying to get familiar with. Well that all comes down to practice and practice and more practice, which i do way less than i should to be honest.
At 2023/7 i made this account. That time i just got into destiny 2. Fun fact, that banner of cayde + bloodhound + omen was made in ~2023/6 and i didn't even know which games cayde and omen are from until i actually look it up.
And…yeah. This post kinda turns into my history of drawing but this is it. Still learning, still making my daydreams into art. i think the only thing that changed this year is that i kinda enjoy my own art now. I still think some of them are bad, especially as the art gets older, but it's not completely unbearable now. Like, i often go back to some old posts and think "oh yeah i drew this idea, still hilarious to me lol." Crazy, huh?
Okay i'm tired. I think this should have some kind of ending or conclusion...
Yeah, so why it's a miracle i'm here? I started to make art, i kinda made it a habit, i posted about my art even if i'm an introvert irl, i look down upon my own art because i'm a perfectionist, i still make art despite of that, i post enough stuff on the internet before and i plucked up my courage to post on english platforms (i.e., tumblr), and i'm still making art till this day.
I didn't meant it as some kind of art learning advice because you shouldn't even listen to me in that case. It's just me mesmerized by how i even ended up here. Tend to do that when i'm sick on bed doing nothing.
C'est la vie, am i right?
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Hi could I get a romantic matchup for Haikyuu
Pronouns are she/her and I have a preference for men. Could I also ask for a mini fic of any kind like whatever you think of. I’m not sure if it’s part of this specific event but it was on your matchup rules. If not that’s totally fine!
Also please let me know if I forgot to include something!
Ideal First date: My dream date is probably at an amusement park (Disneyland maybe) because it was the highlight of my childhood and allows me to not act like I have a stick up my ass all the time and have fun LMAO. I’d prefer it over just a dinner date or a movie because it’s more fun. I also just think amusement parks are romantic and in a sucker for cute fluffy cliche stuff. In general though I would enjoy any date that shows that he put thought and effort into it and actually values the time I’m spending with him. (Like instead of just saying “let’s hang out. What do you want to do”, be like “hey when are you available this week? Saturday? Ok be ready at 7 on Saturday”. I like that because it shows initiative and interest). Also if we are meeting each other somewhere don’t be late I will leave. So overall any date that’s fun, shows effort, interest, and shows that he actually took the time to think about my personality and what I’d like.
Personality: INTJ 3w4. I’m introverted and calm most of the time. I can be socially awkward but if I prepare myself or plan beforehand I can be very charming. I'm really analytical and am good at finding loopholes and working around problems under pressure. But I can also overthink a lot of things and plan out too much of my interactions with people. I'm not good with emotional support and can come across a little cold because of that but I usually try my best to understand the other person and their needs. I hate small talk and I like people who are blunt and logical but also have emotional intelligence. However, I cannot deal with overly emotional people who are extremely dramatic and make a big deal of their feelings when a situation can be logically resolved much more quickly and peacefully. I'm not that expressive (outwardly at least because I'm actually really emotional I just hide it well) and have a hard time relaxing or enjoying things because I've been conditioned to always consider how it will look on mine and my family's reputation. I'm a perfectionist and hold myself to very high standards and I can sometimes be very critical of others because of my high expectations. I constantly chase perfection for myself and try to be the most idealized version of myself but these standards cause me to be extremely hard on myself when it comes to falling short of my expectations or making mistakes. I’m very understanding, fair, and extremely loyal. I’d literally take a bullet for my friends but I also expect the same kind of loyalty in return. I’m very devoted to my principles and can often have a hard time forgiving people if they do something I find to be fundamentally wrong according to my principles. I have trust issues with romance but when I fall in love I fall really hard and I’m very romantic (im a songwriter so I’ll literally write lyrics about them and draw them and stuff). A lot of people don’t realize how deeply I feel things because I don’t show it on the surface. I’ve also been told I seem intimidating until someone gets to know me. Some of my dealbreakers are: misogyny (when people especially men undermine my intelligence and experience and end up making a mistake I warned them about only to listen when another man repeats the same thing l've been saying since the beginning), big egos with nothing to back it up, people who can't keep up with me (I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with someone whose hand I have to hold all the time. They need to be on the same level/wavelength as me and not drag me down), being a coward and not standing up for your own beliefs/motives, people that are way too nice (whoever I end up with has to have a mean streak because it shows they are able to take action when needed. How are they going to support and protect me if they can’t even stand up for themselves when needed.), being self absorbed and not considering the consequences of your actions, people who have a moral superiority complex that think they're better for not wanting to break rules to get what they want, and people who can't take responsibility for their actions. (I would respect someone whose honest about being a bad person a lot more than I respect someone who tries to come across as kind and caring all the time no matter what. It’s like that Jack sparrow quote, “I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly stupid”. I fully agree with him. I also have a short temper when people act like the things I mentioned, or if I’m in a situation where people are being inefficient or wasting my time but if people communicate effectively I’ll be very patient and help them come up with a way to deal with their situation.
Hobbies/ Likes: I love music. I make my own music and music is probably the thing I love the most. It's really what I use to process the world so music is definitely the way to my heart. My all time favorite band is Buck-Tick and I love dark wave/goth music like Depeche Mode. However I literally listen to everything so it’s hard to say a single genre I like more than others. I can't play any instruments but I also make my own music. (Shameless self promo but here’s my new song) I'm a good artist but I don't like doing it on a deadline. I've gotten back into drawing recently tho. I've also been doing martial arts since I was 7 + fencing. I'm good at chess and poker and made money from playing/betting on games when I was younger. I also love reading.
I love fashion and ive been modeling since I was 14. I also did some pageants as a kid. As for my style, I can’t pick a specific vibe or aesthetic because I think I’m simultaneously goth, preppy, athletic, and nerdy. It just depends on how I feel. The only common trait is whatever I wear will always look great😌. I tend to wear darker colors though but I also really like y2k and I have a bunch of lavender juicy tracksuits and stuff (I love purple). I also switch between wanting to look more masculine and androgynous or more glam and feminine. Sometimes I think of a song I want to look like and pick an outfit based on the song. My style is very bold and sometimes flamboyant and I love being admired and complimented. I may not be very social but I instead attract attention with how I present myself. I’m Indian but a lot of people have said I look like Atsushi Sakurai when he was younger.
I don’t want to be paired with nishinoya, tanaka, or hinata I don’t think I’d get along with them that well.
notes 💌: GURL I LOVE YOUR CONFIDENCE OMG! I love seeing confident people like you and btw that song SLAPS! Cant wait to see what else you make in the future!! thanks so much for participating in my event and i hope you have an amazing valentine's day this year!! <3
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he's kinda the opposite when it comes to you being introverted
he is definitely not a shy guy
he's super social, but he will NEVER force you into a social situation if you dont want any part of it
he likes that you have a charming side. and he especially likes that you have that charming side around him <3
like seeing you be this very prepares and thoughtful person has him head over heels for you
he finds that part about you very attractive
he will definitely encourage you not to overthink though
overthinking can be AWFUL and leave nothing but bad thoughts sometimes, so he sure can help when you think you've bumped into a really bad area in your overthinking journey
he is just always here for you
luckily, you dont really need to worry about his emotional health, he knows how to handle when things go downhill, but know that if he really needs your help, he will ask
he will support you if you do the same as a relationship should be
he very much has his shit together
he is very logical and emotionally intelligent so you have a good man on your hands
he is super calm about his feelings and again, knows how to deal with bad situations on his own
he knows that you have a perfectionist side about you and sometimes you two can butt heads because of it
mostly because he doesnt want you thinking that you need to be perfect
imperfections are what he loves and to see you hating on them makes him upset
so just know that you're getting a man who will show you A LOT of his love
he will be 100% loyal to you and to know that he has that in return makes him LITERALLY SO IN LOVE OMG
literally both of you are so in love fr
and if you wrote a song about him he would probably lose it tbh
like he cant believe that you love him that much, but he is so over the moon about it
he thinks it is super romantic that you are able to show your feelings that way to him and he's glad you have that outlet
so he 100% supports your music
he actually didnt think you were intimidating and that's why yall fit LMFAO
you two just liked each other right off the bat
you two definitely make fun of oikawa and his huge ass ego LMFAO
you two get through arguments and stuff very well
and very logically
it's wonderful and SUPER HEALTHY
like people around you are JEALOUS omg
sing to him or just play music around him
that's his comfort time for sure
he also loves how confident you are, it really makes him love and support you even more and means there's nothing that he has to do unless you really need it and he will latch onto you the moment you need help
he loves the way you dress and present yourself and wants you to help him dress just as cool lol
literally thinks your a stunning and wonderfully smart partner and wouldnt ask for anyone else <3
simply, he would just ask you upfront. you would be doing some work and get an unexpected little kiss on the head from kuroo when he asks: "wanna be my valentine?"
"Are you open Valentine's day?" Kuroo asked you, looking at his own calendar, his computer open in front of him. You checked your schedule, the 14th completely free. "Yeah, why?" Kuroo smiled at you and walked over, placing a kiss onto your cheek. "Because you and I are going to Disneyland on the 14th." "Really?!" You exclaimed, feeling like a kid again. "Of course we are! I know how much you love it and you haven't been in a really long time, so why not? Plus, I've never been myself, so I think it would be a good time." "You've never been?" "Nope, not once." Kuroo walked back to his computer and ordered the tickets, getting excited. "Well, you're gonna love it. Man, it's been so long." You laid back on your bed and smiled at the ceiling. "Kuroo, you're the best." "Aw, you're too sweet, y/n." He ordered the tickets and walked over to you, pulling you into his arms. "I'm excited. Just the two of us and a really stupidly fun day." --- When you two ended up in Disneyland again, you couldn't help but feel overjoyed. It's like all the stresses of life disappeared, and here you were in the most magical place on earth. You showed Kuroo all of your favorite rides and ordered all of your favorite foods. Kuroo even ended up getting you something special from the gift shop. You showed him the best time that he's had in a long time and he did just the same for you. Hours passed and you couldn't stop all of the fun. Lots of small jokes from Kuroo and loving giggles from you. At dinner, the two of you were seated at one of the best places at the park to eat and a smile was stuck on your lips. "Thanks for taking me here, Kuroo." "No need to thank me. Thank you for having fun." A special Valentine's dessert came to the table and the two of you smiled. "Happy Valentine's Day." You said in unison. <3
mystery date rules | pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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rize-is-writing · 2 years
Hi could i get a Genshin impact romantic matchup?
I’m 20. She/her, preference for men
Ideal First date: My dream date is probably at an amusement park (Disneyland maybe) because it was the highlight of my childhood and allows me to not act like I have a stick up my ass all the time and have fun LMAO. I’d prefer it over just a dinner date or a movie because it’s more fun. I also just think amusement parks are romantic and in a sucker for cute fluffy cliche stuff. In general though I would enjoy any date that shows that he put thought and effort into it and actually values the time I’m spending with him. (Like instead of just saying “let’s hang out. What do you want to do”, be like “hey when are you available this week? Saturday? Ok be ready at 7 on Saturday”. I like that because it shows initiative and interest). Also if we are meeting each other somewhere don’t be late I will leave. So overall any date that’s fun, shows effort, interest, and shows that he actually took the time to think about my personality and what I’d like.
Personality: INTJ 3w4. I’m introverted and calm most of the time. I can be socially awkward but if I prepare myself or plan beforehand I can be very charming. I'm really analytical and am good at finding loopholes and working around problems under pressure. But I can also overthink a lot of things and plan out too much of my interactions with people. I'm not good with emotional support and can come across a little cold because of that but I usually try my best to understand the other person and their needs. I hate small talk and I like people who are blunt and logical but also have emotional intelligence. However, I cannot deal with overly emotional people who are extremely dramatic and make a big deal of their feelings when a situation can be logically resolved much more quickly and peacefully. I'm not that expressive (outwardly at least because I'm actually really emotional I just hide it well) and have a hard time relaxing or enjoying things because I've been conditioned to always consider how it will look on mine and my family's reputation. I'm a perfectionist and hold myself to very high standards and I can sometimes be very critical of others because of my high expectations. I constantly chase perfection for myself and try to be the most idealized version of myself but these standards cause me to be extremely hard on myself when it comes to falling short of my expectations or making mistakes. I’m very understanding, fair, and extremely loyal. I’d literally take a bullet for my friends but I also expect the same kind of loyalty in return. I’m very devoted to my principles and can often have a hard time forgiving people if they do something I find to be fundamentally wrong according to my principles. I have trust issues with romance but when I fall in love I fall really hard and I’m very romantic (im a songwriter so I’ll literally write lyrics about them and draw them and stuff). A lot of people don’t realize how deeply I feel things because I don’t show it on the surface. I’ve also been told I seem intimidating until someone gets to know me. Some of my dealbreakers are: misogyny (when people especially men undermine my intelligence and experience and end up making a mistake I warned them about only to listen when another man repeats the same thing l've been saying since the beginning), big egos with nothing to back it up, people who can't keep up with me (I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with someone whose hand I have to hold all the time. They need to be on the same level/wavelength as me and not drag me down), being a coward and not standing up for your own beliefs/motives, people that are way too nice (whoever I end up with has to have a mean streak because it shows they are able to take action when needed. How are they going to support and protect me if they can’t even stand up for themselves when needed.), being self absorbed and not considering the consequences of your actions, people who have a moral superiority complex that think they're better for not wanting to break rules to get what they want, and people who can't take responsibility for their actions. (I would respect someone whose honest about being a bad person a lot more than I respect someone who tries to come across as kind and caring all the time no matter what. It’s like that Jack sparrow quote, “I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly stupid”. I fully agree with him. I also have a short temper when people act like the things I mentioned, or if I’m in a situation where people are being inefficient or wasting my time but if people communicate effectively I’ll be very patient and help them come up with a way to deal with their situation.
Hobbies/Likes: I love fashion and I've been a model since I was 14, I used to do pageants as a kid, I make my own music and music is probably the thing I love the most. It's really what I use to process the world so music is definitely the way to my heart. I can't play any instruments but I sing and make my own music. (Shameless self promo but here’s my newest song). I'm a good artist but I don't like doing it on a deadline I've gotten back into drawing recently tho. I've also been doing martial arts since I was 7 + fencing. I'm good at chess and poker and made money from playing/betting on games when I was younger. I also love reading.
Dislikes: Misogyny (when people especially men undermine my intelligence and experience and end up making a mistake I warned them about only to listen when another man repeats the same thing l've been saying since the beginning), big egos with nothing to back it up, people who can't keep up with me (I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with someone whose hand I have to hold all the time. They need to be on the same level/wavelength as me and not drag me down), being a coward and not standing up for your own beliefs/motives, people that are way too nice (whoever I end up with has to have a mean streak because it shows they are able to take action when needed), being self absorbed and not considering the consequences of your actions. People who have a moral superiority complex that think they're better than me for not wanting to break rules to get what they want. People who can't take responsibility for what they do (Everything I do is on purpose so even if it's a bad thing I'll admit to it because whatever happens as a result is no one's problem but my own). Although I will say there's sometimes an exception to these things depending on the person and situation.
(listened to your song by the way, really cool! It kinda gave me a bit of nostalgia, you are very good!)
I found your match! Come to meet them, c'mon c'mon!
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While reading about your description, I couldn't help but think that you and Ayato could really be a power couple!
You and him have a lot in common personality wise, both of you can be charming, prefer someone blunt rather than to dance around the matter. Loyalty is also a quality that Ayato values the most in people, and maybe someone ready to risk how much as you do for those who he loves.
Something different about you two is maybe your ability to relax: for you is a bit difficult but for Ayato can be a bit easier (when he is not dying on a pile of paperwork and anything work related), with his little time on his hands, he has learned how valuable relaxing can be and so know how to help you. Mentioning the little time he has, appointments and a precise day to do everything is important to him given the tight schedule he has.
Ayato is a man of logic, rarely gives in emotions or so it seems: he knows how to wear his heart on his sleeve and is enough cool headed and rational to reflect and come to a right answer. He is observant and has learned to read the people around him, so I think he can easily sense the shift on your own emotions when you feel troubled despite not showing it: it takes a word, or simply an unusual action on your part, even the smallest, for him to understand. As a partner Ayato is a bit distant, at least in the pubblic eyes but I see him being more affectionate in private, for sure values the time he has with you like gems.
Would be for sure one to enjoy your music, probably even interested about it (and maybe give you some useless trivia or curiosities about it, but that's Ayato for you); for sure very endeared by your little bets on your younger days (but can you beat him on board games, he will tease). Also... Do you have any problems with sparring dates? Just asking, you know. For science. Ayato is a sword guy, and so some experience with new, more foreign, sword styles wouldn't hurt him. He is someone who values hard work, no matter who you are or your origins, and you strike me as someone who would for sure get his attention only for that.
Sometimes he can be a bit spoiled if we may say, being born as a rich prick, and his sadistic tendencies (save Thoma) can be a bit of a down back on this relationship, if we also consider him being slightly two-faced at the times, but he is one who sticks close with his ideals and is ready to risk something to chase them or to protect the one he loves. He for sure got your back there!
Hope that you enjoyed it and it reached your expectations! <3
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casandraspoems · 1 year
Selfish Thinking
(TW ⚠️Self Harm with descriptions ⚠️)
I wish I thought more about you
About how much I like you
Want to spend time with you
And enjoy kissing you
And if someone asked
I would say it's true
That I like you a lot
And thats not a lie
But my brain doesn’t automatically go there
Stuck in it's habits
It thinks about things that confuse me
But before I go on
I should stop separating my mind form myself
because these are my thoughts
I think about cutting
How deep I would go if I wasn't trying to stop
How the edges would part
And the fat would bubble up
If I would get stiches
or carfally duck tape it closed
I think about what I might tell my therapist
the following day
Word for word what I might say
And what she might be thinking as I say it
I think about Ms.Smith
And I'm sorry I think about her more than I think about you
But I can promise you don't want me to think about you in the way that I think about her
Because the way I think about her distresses me
I can't go anywhere without thinking
I hope I run into her
And if I did how might I act
And then think what if I were to accidentally slip and crack my head open on the floor
How I would go unconscious
And the blood would pool
I imagine her worry
How she would be the one to call for an ambulance
And sometimes when I'm alone
I think what if Ms.Smith or my therapist were watching me
And then my actions change as if I'm putting on a show
I'll pick up a knife and dance around my kitchen
I'll hold it against my face and slide it down my check
With not nearly enough pressure to draw blood
And it's not the initial thoughts that distress me
In fact I seem to quite enjoy entertaining these scenarios
and if the thoughts ended here I would be just fine
But I can't think these things with out questioning why
if enjoying them is wrong
And if letting my actions entertain these thoughts is a bad thing
And now I’m picking my thoughts and feeling and actions apart
Trying to solve there meaning
That perhaps there is something wrong with me
Now convinced something is wrong
but I'm not sure what
So I begin googling every though I have to find there meaning
To see what my symptom fit best
By this point I've done this so much
I know what vaguely fits
But there is still so much uncertainty
So I keep coming back to it
googling and analysing
I feel dumb I'm even doing this
But I also can't stop because
If none of it's true
If nothing is wrong
Then that must mean
I've faked it all
So now I hang onto something being wrong
I keep looking for an answer
teetering on insanity
Because all of this is better than being a fraud
And now I'm thinking I am a fraud
Because I'm the one perpetuating the cycle
And maybe I'm not finding diagnosis that fits
But fitting myself to a diagnosis
Now I can't be sure if anything I've thought or done is genuine
So I start questioning everything I feel, think, and do
If any of it's real
Not sure how I feel
Or if my actions are all for show
Perhaps even my thoughts are a lie
Protecting me from seeing the truth
That this entire time I've caused this all
But all this to could be a symptom too
So I start again
And analyse this
See what fits best
Still worried that somethings wrong
That I'm faking it all
And that I'm spending more time thinking about this
Than I think about you
And before I end this I should admit
things have gotten better
Not just in how much I think
But in how I think about these thoughts
Being kinder to myself for thinking these things
In talking with friends I have come to learn
That it's not all that wrong to think in this way
that implies attention as my goal
But when I returned to therapy
I felt like progress was lost
That my ideas around therapy
Brought be back to a place
Of anylitival critsisum
Because I'm thinking therapy
Is supposed to be about understanding myself
About identifying flaws
In order to find solutions
But this line of thinking is exactly what lead me here
I've trained my brain to find a flaw in everything I think, feel, and do
taught myself to look at my thoughts and actions as arngment of symptoms
As if my existence is a disease
And I know that this is not what therapy has to be about
Nor do I want it to be
and I can only take guesses as to why I view therapy this way
and perhaps it’s better for the way I think
That I don't go there
Because I know what happens when I start to think
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lauralifeleaf · 2 years
Plans for 2023
Hey! I wanted to thank you all for an amazing 2022. Even though it was crappy for the last few months for me personally, it was still a good year overall. That being said, I want to share with you all what I have planned (so far) for this year.
Nothing too crazy, but just what I am hoping to get done.
More Art (In General)
I already have some stuff that I started that I will be getting done before the month ends. I will say the current one I'm working on is appropriately called Double Date. After I finish that, I'm going to try and attempt to draw scenes from Another Problem. I might also start doing requests, but that is still in the air.
2. Oneshots
I am planning on writing some one-shots while I work on Another Problem so I can get some of the ideas that have been inside my head and begging to be written out. While most of them will end up featuring my OC (or some type of self-indulgence cause that's how I am) and/or Monty, I am going to attempt to write other things. One of the will be a FAZCULE one-shot, which is something that I have been planning for a while; I am nervous about how I will do.
3. Posting in general
This is self-explanatory, but I wanna improve on posting stuff more often. As you can see, I mainly just reblog stuff from mutuals and stuff, I wanna actually post what I am thinking and stuff. I am going to at least aim to post one piece of art each month, as well as some form of writing. That way, I feel like I am being somewhat productive and not putting too much pressure on myself (seeing as I already have enough on my plate with IRL stuff).
That's the main things I'm going to do this year. That being said, here's to a great year!
Also, the inbox is always open if you ever wanna chat or get to know me/my au better! 😊
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genshinimpactlife · 2 years
Hi! Could I please get a matchup? There's absolutely no rush or pressure at all though! I totally understand if you're too busy or just not in the mood, please don't push yourself if you're not in a comfortable position to do so.
I'm an autistic, pansexual man. I'm a librarian and while I do enjoy it, my true dream is to work in the medical field, there's nothing that fascinates me more than medicine. I'm an INFP-T, enneagram 9w1. I'm "slow" and take a long while to process information, so I get along best with people who are patient. I don't look at people, speak with a "sing-song" voice and am always either wringing my hands or rocking back on my heels, constantly moving in some way. I get overstimulated very easily. My peers used to frequently refer to me as "weird" but due to my mellow nature, I was generally liked regardless.
I have short, fluffy chocolate brown hair. I cut it myself so it's always a mess, but somehow I manage to pull it off. I like to tie a tiny braid in it every now and again, both because I find the act soothing and because it provides character. I'm very pale with rosy cheeks and blue-green eyes. 5'10. I have a scar across the front of my neck and wear round glasses with a golden glasses chain, adorned with little moons and stars. I usually wear a button up and a sweater with a long coat. Also, in the Genshin universe, I'd definitely have feline ears and a tail, not unlike the Kätzlein bloodline.
I have a weak heart and am a frail, sickly person in general, so I'm not very active, although I do like to swim. I also love books...novels, poetry, the act of writing itself. I enjoy drawing and writing music, too, anything creative really. And drinking. Alongside medicine, my other obsession is astronomy, cosmology in particular. That's why, if I were studying at the Academia, I'd want to be a part of the Rtawahist Darshan.
If I had a vision, I think I would have an anemo vision. I love the wind, I think there's something indescribably beautiful about it's existence, and I value freedom deeply. My weapon of choice would be a catalyst.
While I'm very timid and awkward around strangers, my friends describe me as a bubbly, cheeky person who likes to cause mischief. "Endearingly annoying". I'm good at making people laugh, although it's almost always unintentional. I've been told that I give good advice and comfort alike, but I myself am very stubborn, once I've put my mind to something I absolutely refuse to give up, for better or for worse, and I quickly grow frustrated upon failure. My love language is physical touch, but anything that involves touching my hair is my greatest weakness.
I think that's enough. Thank you soso much for your time! But again, no pressure or rush at all, okay? I can't wait to see more of your blog! :)
I would match you with...
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Barbara has always been kind to you and would try to initiate a conversation with you, even if you are a bit timid.
But when you two became friends, and your bubbly and cheeky personality came out, she started falling for you.
Barbara would 100% support your dreams of working in the medical field, doing whatever she could to help.
Barbara is a very patient woman who would have no problem with your quirks.
As a fellow autistic person, that's what I call them :)
Barbara would quickly catch on to the signs that you are getting overstimulated and adjust accordingly. Whether it be compression therapy or just going somewhere with fewer external stimuli
Besides Running errands, Barbara isn't very active either. Both of you would be average activity-wise
She would love to sing any songs that you write. She might even ask you to make one for her to perform.
Barbara doesn't know much about astronomy, but she loves listening to you talk about it and teach her.
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You are very kind Anon! I actually write these when I'm taking a break from schoolwork and other things, so its no pressure at all <3 Hope you enjoy!
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pickachuawaaay · 1 year
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Journal Entry #1
Title: A first.
Hello, this is my first entry for my journal. I've been looking for other ways to express my emotions but drawing them doesn't seem to work. So here I am.
Today just felt really heavy for me. I was staring at a blank space. I do not know what's really causing it. Is it the desire for me to catch up with the people I am surrounded? Is it the pressure I put on myself? Is it because things didn't really end up the way I wanted it to be?
I've been asking myself a lot of questions these past few days. By the way, I am a recent graduate of Civil Engineering. Graduated with latin honors and passed the board examination last November 2022. I just realized that regardless of how great things went for the past few years, not everything goes well.
I just feel very pressured right now that I don't have any work since my first work. I feel that the course I took is not right for me. Don't judge me. Yes, I did well in my school and board examinations but right now feels like a big wall has stopped me from going further.
Today, I had a lot of episodes of having internal breakdown and feeling very anxious. I had to question a lot of things about me. Why am I suffering like this? This may be an exaggeration but still I cannot invalidate the things I experienced this year. I was tricked. I expected too much. I was very angry at my previous work. I missed the old days.
As much as I want to be okay, I can't immediately. I wanted to share this burden of mine but I don't want to become a bother for my friends. I wish them well always, especially those two girlies in my life who really checks up on me every now and then.
Now, I'm applying at every corner I see in Indeed. I'm considering applying for other roles, especially those not in the engineering aspect. I've become quite convinced that I am not for the people in engineering. I think I should work in an office setting, including planning, monitoring, and developing new things with a lot of people. I'm really scared of responsibilities. I don't know why, is it like a curse put on me lol.
For context: civil engineering is a bad profession especially in the Philippines. People only succeed in this field if they either go to abroad, if their parents are contractors, or if they go to DPWH. I'm not into those three categories so I want to climb the ladder, but asking myself if I really want to climb that ladder, I cannot really answer. Before I really used to be fascinated with Urban Planning and accessibility but now I feel so lost. I lost the fire that lit me in pursuing this degree. I'm basically gaslighting myself that it is 'sayang' if I don't use my degree in my chosen career.
This reminds me, 'sayang' has also been always connotated with being a part of the LGBTQIA. I just want to say to everyone that being gay or queer is not 'sayang'. There is no mishaps for people to fall in love outside the norms. I just wanted to experience a normal kind of love from a guy. Although it is not a priority of mine, but I just wish that people stray from the concept of being gay as something that is 'sayang'.
Speaking of love, I was just blocked this month, right after my birthday (ouch). I don't know the full reason but it saddens me when people leave me. Am I unlovable? I try to hide this question at the back of my mind as it is not the focus of my life right now. But we cannot deny that it sometimes crosses my mind.
I should probably start a new hobby by now. I hate circling into my dark thoughts and hoping that I sleep them away. I hate hating myself.
P.S. Thank you really J9 for saying kind words to me. U the bestest bestie <3
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heybaetae · 1 year
same, i'm definitely more needy with certain people and others i can go weeks/months without hearing from but if im being honest its bc i don't feel as close to them but they're cool to speak to every once in awhile, do u feel the same? ah my other friend texts only but i feel better when i can talk to people ;-; have u ever had text convos when it got lost in translation and became a big thing? or is that just me being hella sensitive and not being able to take something as a joke but i also can make jokes idk its weird lol. u know whats funny? i dread giving gifts ;-; it brings me sooo much anxiety.. cause i'm always like, if i get something "cheap" they'll think i didn't try, if i get something expensive, they might not like it. i don't spend much on myself but i end up spending a lot on others cus i feel like ppl weigh their importance in ur life with how much a gift costs sometimes. i'm with yoongi, at some point we need to agree not to give gifts (but ironically i love receiving them too so i never said such thing) lol. OMG u get it. i'm not good with words at times & so i share songs cause they share it for me & that means SO much to me. i made someone a whole ass playlist and was so hurt they did not even remember it.. not my best moment cus i became so petty 🤷🏻‍♀️ you sound like a really sound friend tho, being army gives u extra points 💜💜 lol. related but not rly, when i think of my friendships, sometimes i think too much of vmin and think we can have petty fights and be ok as long as we talk it out so we can learn & grow from it, but most of the time its never like that and it makes me sad its not. i always end up trying to fix it first. like the other person would've been fine if we didn't make up :/
honestly i have had some really bad luck with friendships and i have often wondered if the problem is me or if i just let people take advantage of me and walk all over me too easily. have i really attracted that many shitty people who were willing to hurt me or am i actually toxic and deserved it? i don’t believe that i am. i’ve definitely made mistakes, but i’ve always tried to be careful about people’s feelings and i don’t think i’ve received much of the same respect in the last few years. the pandemic really showed people’s true colors, that’s for sure. communication is such a fickle thing sometimes and one small misunderstanding in someone’s intentions or tone can really blow up in your face. i know that better than anyone. as for jokes that don’t land, i think it’s important that someone knows where to draw the line with their words and if they know you’re sensitive about something that they do their best not to cross it. that’s happened to me as well. when it starts feeling like bullying instead of just lighthearted jabs at your expense, that’s when a potentially uncomfortable conversation needs to be had. have a backbone! stand up for yourself! it’s not a weakness.
i get what you mean about gifts, i sometimes put so much pressure on myself to come up with something good but at the end of the day i know the thought counts more than anything and if someone doesn’t appreciate what you gift them then that’s something they should probably reflect on within themselves. i’m grateful for every little thing i’ve been gifted no matter how big, small, expensive, or cheap.
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