#i swear my search history is full of
ninyard · 3 months
I've been thinking about the Aaron trial a LOT and kinda fell into a rabbit hole about it and thing is. Aaron is guilty. Like 100% guilty. The prosecution can't prove first degree murder but they don't need to because they can charge him with 2nd degree, aka "murder of passion". It was a charged moment and Aaron responded by killing the dude. Yes he deserved it and yes it's still murder, with considerable jail time.
There are 3 ways for Aaron to get off here (not including Moriyama interference). One, jury nullification. The jury basically decides that yes he did it BUT he shouldn't go to jail for it so we're gonna vote as if we're not convinced he did it. Incredibly rare but legal. Two, Aaron's lawyer successfully argues that Aaron was acting in self defense on Andrew's behalf. They could potentially try to have Drake charged with SA and CSA posthumously, and use the details of that trial as evidence in Aaron's. Three, and this ties into 2, JAG (military legal branch) tells the SC courts they don't want a public trial. From here it becomes internal politics, and might result in a plea deal in exchange for the whole thing getting shoved under the rug.
it seems to me like jury nullification is one of those old laws that don't really hold up in a modern setting, like if you suggested it now, i don't know if they'd actually go forward with it?
the best i've come up with is that he's aquitted for accidental death or self defence and the jury are swayed by andrew, neil and higgins' testimonies, or he's found either guilty or not guilty of involuntary manslaughter. just throwing some random thoughts out into the world. (let's disregard first degree murder.)
voluntary manslaughter in SC can't be given without "heat of passion and sufficient legal provocation" present. "The heat of passion refers to the defendant experiencing some type of uncontrollable emotion, such as rage or terror. The heat of passion does not excuse a homicide, but it does remove malice. Legal provocation refers to circumstances that would cause a reasonable person to lose self-control."
IM NOT A LAWYER but i think it might be hard to prove this - it happened SO quickly that there's not enough evidence beyond reasonable doubt to prove that it was an intentional act of passion with reasonable provocation.
involuntary manslaughter can't be given without "criminal negligence" or essentially a reckless or hazardous disregard for safety etcetc. in SC code of laws it says "criminal negligence is defined as the reckless disregard of the safety of others. A person charged with the crime of involuntary manslaughter may be convicted only upon a showing of criminal negligence as defined in this section."
AGAIN IM NOT A LAWYER but i think there's probably ways to argue that there was no criminal negligence on aarons behalf because it wasn't technically reckless. i think aarons lawyers would argue that it wasn't a homicide at all but was an accident because aarons behaviour wasn't technically reckless (in some ways). regardless even if he was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter there's no minimum sentence for it in SC so it's possible he'd avoid going to jail at all because of his character/how unlikely it is he'll reoffend/his prospects in life/his clean record and all that. he'd have parole terms and probably some community service and a fine or something but i think he'd easily avoid jail time even if he was found guilty.
he could still possibly be aquitted on the question of whether ANY category of murder happened beyond a reasonable doubt. the prosecution would have to prove that aaron intentionally swung the racquet with or without intent to kill. i think there's an argument there for an accidental death - which would definitely make this ask even longer so i won't get into my NOT LAWYER thoughts on how/why.
i'm not saying andrew and neil WOULD commit perjury. but they WERE the only people in the room when it happened, and if they can't say that for certain aaron swung the racquet at drake then there's a doubt there about whether it was homicide or not. nobody is denying the murder occured - but the prosecution HAVE to prove that aaron was WILLFULLY negligent and that led to drake's death. just a thought.
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jacesvelaryons · 2 months
His Chosen Bride (Senator!Coriolanus Snow x Capitol Reader).
Chapter 1
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series masterlist
summary: senator coriolanus snow seems on top of the world with everything in his life ahead of him except for one thing. the perfect bride. in his pursuit, your life changes forever.
word count: 1.7k
a/n: thank you everyone for your patience as I prepared this!! i hope you all love it and show your support through likes, reblogs and especially comments of what you thought! i love hearing what my readers and other people in the fandom think about my work, so any of your thoughts would be appreciated.
requests OPEN
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Upon his return to the Capitol, his reputation restored, wealth acquired from the Plinths who so generously named him the heir to their grand fortune, his path to power was paved for him and he knew he just had to take the strides to get to the prize. The Presidency.
Coriolanus Snow, scion of one of the oldest and most elite of bloodlines of the great Panem families was home, his shameful exile to District 12 remembered by no one and purged from the registry.
Enrolled in university and an apprentice gamemaker, he was eventually promoted to become Senior Gamemaker upon Dr. Gaul’s semi-retirement and her preparation to hand off the reins to her protégé. Her brain child whom she molded from the vestiges of his sorrow and pain, of his loss in the districts and what hardened him into the man he was now.
When he graduated with honours from the political science department, it was only a few months before he was elected in a landslide to become the youngest Senator in Panem’s history, relying on his contributions to the recent games, memories of his late parents to those of a certain age to secure his win.
He would have considered re-election for another term before advisors of his and other cabinet members of the old, sickly President Ravinstill were close to swearing their support but all echoed the same thing that he lacked, they said. It was not his youth, he was wise for his age they said, but he was not married. If he had a wife, they said - they would be on board for his presidential election. And it seemed that election would be sooner than later, even before his first term finished.
Coriolanus needed to find a wife, not just of good breeding, but of the most impeccable lineage, from among the most illustrious hundred or so families of Capitol society. It was a given it would be purely political and strategic, someone whom he could not love and open his heart to after his previous tragedy pursuing such.
The perfect bride. The search for the perfect companion, the woman whom he would call his wife, his future first lady, and mother of his heirs. The ideal woman who would bridge the gap between his dreams to make them a reality.
He could not just choose the first possible candidate recommended to him or that caught his eye, Coriolanus had to devise a thorough, multi-step testing process to find his perfect wife, his bride.
A rigorous procedure would be curated in finding her. Interviews, tests, exams, genealogical inquiries, fitness tests, and practice scenarios will be prompted from eligible candidates, already filtering through those only from the old, grand families upon application.
Digging through his family library into the latest edition handbook of noble and elite families of the Capitol’s upper class, the creme de la creme, ignoring recently disgraced clans, ones full of scandal and controversy, with plenty of illegitimate children, and extinct ones rotting in poverty nearly like his own had he not reversed their fortune.
He scheduled a meeting with his advisors and closest allies on creating the program, the selection process, examinations and interrogation, and how to make the announcement for the families of these eligible girls to put their names in, with their consent or not.
Coriolanus Snow was born from the upper echelon of society, and only deserved the best woman with whom he would continue his lineage with and hail his presidency with. No one had dared, rather self-important he could argue if he cared, to make as many girls clamour for his attention rather than to propose to a woman of his choice.
Just as he was about to put the book down and shut it closed, a name caught his attention. Yours. Your lineage, accomplishments, your etiquette were second to none, and he had to have you. At all costs. He would burn heaven and hell, but the question remains - would he win you over? Or will he have to force your hand no matter what?
Besides, he requires others to choose from, even if you are the most qualified. It would not do well for your ego to have the satisfaction you were chosen for. He wants you to want it, to beg for it, claim it and aspire to be one worthy to be by his side, motivated by the competition who would slit your throat and ruin your reputation for it.
And yet a lingering thought crept up his mind. He had brought life back into the Hunger Games, that was on its dying breath before his arrival, why not another? Everything is a game if you try hard enough.
A brightly lit room surrounded you as you grabbed a few more pieces of dandelions and baby’s breath bunches for your bouquet, in your floral arrangement lessons for the week. Under the watchful eye of your teacher, a premiere florist who is hired by the Capitol’s elite for the most fashionable and well-sought events every season.
Hailing from one of the oldest families among the Capitol’s blue bloods, your family may not be the wealthiest but definitely prosperous to be among them, yet your lineage is prominent even before Panem’s founding, the most ancient of them all.
In your family home’s perfectly manicured garden, you immerse yourself in the arrangement, something that would impress your teacher yet also something you would find pleasant in a vase by your study. No way would someone of your heritage be found associating with anything subpar.
After your studies at the Academy, your lessons and tutoring would never end, usually something different for each day. Piano, ballet, etiquette, floristry, household management, painting and so on.
As you gathered a crimson bow around the branches of your bouquet, you could hear murmurs among the uniformly dressed maids and servants around the stately home, as your mother jaunted towards you in her glossy designer heels.
“Yes, mother?” You greeted politely, observing the unreadable expression on your mother’s face.
She approached you carefully, gently taking your hands in her own, soft and having never experienced hardship.
“A great honour has been bestowed on you, daughter. A promising Senator has taken a liking to you, and wants you to be considered for his future bride.” Your mother smiles in celebration and pride, and your brows furrow in consternation.
“A Senator as old as father? A man old enough to be my grandfather-”
“Hush, darling. He is young, from a proper family of the elite family unlike those Plinths, new money scum. Senator Coriolanus Snow, the son of late General Crassus Snow and his wife Victoria Snow. He is only twenty four, I think you would like him.” She brushes your hair behind your ears, but you turn away from her, pushing her hands away.
“Twenty four, when I am eighteen?”
Your mother shrugs. “It is the way of the world I suppose. I was your age when I met your father. Eighteen and he was twenty one, a match fit for the sort like us.”
“You mentioned I was being considered but no outright proposal or courting has begun. What do you mean?”
She unveiled a large envelope she was holding behind her back, taking it out for you before a gold hued canvas invitation was unveiled.
Dear Y/N L/N and family, I hope this letter finds you well. As I have progressed through my career as a gamemaker and politician, it has been too long since I have navigated through life without a lifelong companion and wife.
You are a woman of unblemished character, accomplished in many ways, intelligent, well-bred and would fit the bill of what a man like me seeks in a future partner.
There is no guarantee that you must receive this invitation and accept, but rather that your name will be included in a pool of candidates to be considered. I hope that you and your family would view this as a position of honour, and even if you shall not be chosen, you will be compensated for your time and this shall only raise your standing in our society.
Please reply to the number and address attached below with your response, and I would be beholden and pleased to hear if you would put your name forward to possibly become my future First Lady.
Sincerely, Senator Coriolanus Snow
You could not believe it, the humiliation of not being asked directly for one’s hand in marriage but having to compete with other ladies of society and grovel for his attention.
“Are you and papa seriously making me do this? The Hunger Games to be someone’s wife and heir maker?!”
Your mother sighs, shaking her head as she crosses her arms. “You do not understand, child. I have heard of other elite families whose daughters, sisters, nieces such as the Heavensbees, the Cardews, Dovecotes, among a few have been invited and all have accepted. No one would even think to refuse a Snow!”
“But it is not guaranteed. How would I not be offended if he did not make a guaranteed offer but wants me to participate like I am in a beauty pageant. I have to close off even entertaining other suitors and I am not even assured that I will not be left dry and humiliated if I was not chosen.”
“Your grandmother was Miss Panem many years ago before the war and those rebels ruined everything, I am sure he will choose you. Even if he did not, any other unmarried peer of yours would scoop you up in no time, that if Snow perceived you as someone potential, they are from the cream of the crop.”
You sighed, putting down your shearing tools and your bunches of daisies and baby’s breath. You never liked roses.
“You have always aimed for the stars, daughter. Would you pass on an opportunity like this or be forgotten to the tombs of time?” Your mother suggests, walking over to you with a guiding hand on your shoulder. “Choose wisely if you want to make something of yourself, to not pass on opportunities like this.
Golden letter in hand, you stared intensely at the dark line above your name, signifying whether you would submit your name or not. With a bold stroke of your ink pen, you sign your fate and future away. I agree to participate.
Let the games begin.
His Chosen Bride Taglist:
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@xsunaxrinx @bialuvss @emma0320 @callieyanderechan @crimsonred13 @starcrosslove @castellandiangelo @sylmthadmnglla13 @tragicmiserybone @o12lk22gr @anna-stasia @paumartinezsstuff @coriosbunni @nora4us @jupiterstearx @corvinaweeb @batman1asf @imperfectophelia @madmaxsalltoowell @vicky2408 @folklorelogy @bradpittwh0re @linaa20 @abcde601375 @kickmybark @emynunez21 @princessofthereach @maeve-a24 @ellie-bellie-29 @ashfromurfire @dante-pearl @yuuuumii @kxksksjjd @everythingjp @frill0 @aslalali @addriaenne @joyfulyouthlover @rbrsvb @motomami111 @imamybubbles @x-gabrielle-x @crystalstars88 @cc13723things @izzy02soph @shycandykitty @thtweirdointhecornr1917 @drpeperrlover11 @starmaiden @itz-me-cherie @papi-chulo69000 @meetmeatyourworst @sombodynotimportant @hyunjinspdf @bellaramseysgirlfriend @mari-mari12 @kis9na @lvrdilfs @mizuki80mizuki80 @deago21 @hafisjfjsit @miniatureblazellama @livid-euphoria @sugaxmamii @kropka4321 @jamesyrobin @joana2934 @kotadislikesthissite @byisy @shinae28 @atlasedelgard @eimearj123 @urfavewh0r3 @sophs-sofa @dreammie-marrie @cos-ilsee @nikolaikirche0 @bigwmc66 @mandoskenobi @theswreties @soniusstuff @1lovesnowballs @bitvhese @craftycloudcollection @byraaaaan19 @mythic-moon-moth @reading-in-velaris @bestboymikey @marytargaryen @cleverpeachheropersona @adeline32sblog @snowdrops-png @lysonal @tiffdx @bingxuu @noothemoo
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Mess in Chat >w^
This is an entry for the Sweet Shroud Summer 2024 event held by the lovely @cloudcountry
Content; Gender-neutral reader, fluff, some swearing here and there
Word Count; 1.8 K
Part 2; Mess at Con
Please do not put my work into AI. If you would like to see more of my work check out my masterlist!
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Summer was back in full force. Even from within the cold walls and highly air-conditioned hallways of S.T.Y.X. Idia was overheating. He didn’t even have Ortho, since he was powered down to prevent his system from overheating — they both learned that lesson last summer and neither of them were happy not to have the other for three days while Idia was trying to fix him up. So, he was busy typing away at his computer, switching between his actual tasks and the multitude of open tabs that he had open.
Finishing up on reading one of what seemed to be a never-ending pile of reports, Idia took a look at his messages, Mess in Chat >w^ — getting a small smile from the little winky face — and saw that there was a new message … from an hour ago.
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess I’m melting I’ve melted I’m a pool of goop on the floor
Idia tapped his fingers on his keyboard, trying to think of something to say. While he wouldn’t say the two of you were overly friendly, you also weren’t acquaintances. Idia knows that you’re trying to be his friend — dear Sevens, Ortho was so happy when he saw Idia smile at his phone when you messaged him — but it’s hard with being online. 
Would he actually ask to meet in real life? Oh Sevens no! You, the self proclaimed ‘mess’ (Idia wouldn’t even say that you were a mess, just well-meaning and a bit awkward at times) low keyed scared him. Well not actually scare him, but he didn’t want to get too close only for the friendship to blow up in his face.
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess AHA! I CAN SEE THAT YOU’RE ONLINE!
Idia sighed, the jig was up.
Gloomurai I thought you melted into goop Goop can’t type
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess I’ve regained my non-goop form to bug you I’M BOREDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Gloomurai … F
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess DON’T PUT AN F IN THE CHAT WHAT THE HELL … eugh… dying of heatstroke Tell my cat that I love him…. X-X
Idia coughed out a small laugh. He doubted you were as melodramatic IRL as you were online, but it made the monotony of his day — especially now that he didn’t even have the excuse of classes to break it up — a bit better.
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess … my phone doesn’t have a camera … And he’s on top of the fridge complaining about the heat
Idia sighed, remembering that besides having a laptop for classes, that was the best tech that you had. He remembers you complaining about your lack of funds and your employer. How you managed to balance your job and schooling at the same time baffled and, as you two got closer, worried him.
Gloomurai You really need a better phone
Gloomurai So you’re not only dying of heatstroke but also overworking yourself? F … what’s your second job?
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess … swan boats …
Gloomurai … swan boats?
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess Swan boats.  Even have a silly uniform and everything The pay is decent though, and I only work weekends UNLIKE MY OTHER JOB-
“We’re going to see them, right?” Ortho asked, making Idia jump.
“OrThO-” Idia squeaked, switching tabs at the speed of light, and clearing his throat. “... no”
Ortho looked at Idia, who was smiling a minute ago and was now back to being jumpy. “But-” he paused, looking between the screen and his brother. He knew who Friendly Neighbourhood Mess was — hard not to when you can see the entirety of Night Raven’s search history — but he also knew his brother. “Just know that they enjoy having you as a friend.”
Idia looked back to his screen, knowing you were going on a tirade about your first boss. “They enjoy having Gloomurai as a friend,” he sighed, shaking his head. “Besides,” he looked back at Ortho,”it would be weird for me to just show up.”
“Not if they invite you.~” Ortho chirped, going back to his room since he could feel his systems starting to overheat again. “They’re your friend online… so why not in person too?”
Idia opened up your tab again, and sure enough, you were on a full blown tirade.
Gloomurai I’ll bring you one of those lawnmowers you drive
Friendly Neighbour Mess *sniffles* You’re a true friend
Gloomurai So, about your other job…
‘Come on, think of a believable excuse so you don’t look like a loser. THINK! COME ON BRAIN! BE SMART!’
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess Wait Idea
Idia felt his hair warming, but patted it. ‘Get a hold of yourself, it’s just the word idea for Sevens sake!’
I take you for a spin on one of those death traps
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess Too late >w^ See you Saturday!
Idia stared at his screen for a bit, processing everything. You had invited him to your work. He was going to meet you IRL. He was going to get in a swan boat, like the one you see in cheesy otome cutscenes and animes, and they were, apparently, death traps.
… why was he excited about it then?
You were at work, giving your best customer service smile and voice to the kids, families, and couples that came up through the line. “Remember folks to keep on your life jackets at all times, and to keep your arms and legs inside the boat at all times! Enjoy your ride!~”
While yes, you did have to wear an all-white uniform complete with a baseball cap with swan wings, it wasn’t half bad. 
The lunch room was always packed with good food, cold drinks, and the comfiest couch you have ever had the pleasure of plopping down into. Sure, it was a bit embarrassing — Ace had nearly laughed his ass off when he saw you in your get up and the fakely sweet smile you gave him — but it was only for this summer, and only for the weekends. Besides, it was cushy and most importantly, not putting your life into peril every five to seven business days when compared to the job that Crowley had given you.
You were already getting into your little monologue that you’re used to saying to customers when you faltered. “Enjoy your- Idia?” You blinked, surprised to see him. You barely got to see him at school, so seeing him here of all places was a shock to put it lightly.
Idia was fidgeting with the zipper of his life jacket and jumped when you said his name. ‘Y/N? The Ramshackle prefect-’ “... hi?”
“Hi,” you say back. “Umm, sorry, but there has to be two people to a boat,” you say sheepishly.
Idia jumps a bit and accidentally zips some of his hair in the zipper. “I was waiting for a friend…” he mutters, “they, uh, work here?”
You pause and your eyes widen. “YOU!”
“Me?!” Idia blinked rapidly. “Wait, you?!” Idia put the pieces together.
The lamenting about your first job. The complaints about your cat stealing your food. The silly uniform for your second job — which is silly, but you make it work. And the way you spoke online matched how you spoke with your IRL friends.
“You’re Friendly Neighbourhood Mess-”
“You’re Gloomurai!”
You both say it at the same time. You offer him a bright smile before saying something quietly into your walkie-talkie and putting on a bright yellow life jacket.
“Well,” you chuckle, “good thing you have a friend that’s willing to get on one of these death traps with you then!”
Idia let you take the lead before stumbling into the boat. “You probably shouldn’t call these ‘death traps’ since you work here,” he offered lightly.
You helped stabilize him since he was struggling to stand due to the light waves. “Well, they are, my land-loving friend.”
Idia sat down quickly, trying not to get flustered by the skin contact but failing. “Then I p-probably shouldn’t be on here, should I?”
“Nope,” you popped the p at the end and started moving the boat with the hand pedals. “But it takes two people to move these things.”
Idia started pedalling with you, and despite his fears of you wanting to make idle small talk, you didn’t. Instead, you pointed out some favourite spots and allowed him to contribute to the conversation at his own pace. Even though it idled here and there, it wasn’t awkward. It was comfortable.
When you sailed (can it even be called sailing when it’s a swan boat?) under the canopy of a weeping willow, you spoke again. “So, why did you agree to meet me? Let alone in one of these?”
Idia looked at you again, the dappled lighting blocking out the heat of the sun, yet he felt warmer now than before. “I don’t know, just,” he breathed in, centring himself, “I guess I wanted to spend time with a friend.” He smiled then, it was a small thing, but it was genuine. “Also,” he coughed, “you lied about the death trap part about this whole thing.”
You laughed, shaking the boat a little. “Oh it is, if not physically, then, reputation-wise. Death to social life via swan boat.”
Idia snorted. ‘Well, good thing that I don’t … didn’t have one then.’ “Good thing there’s someone who knows what they’re doing then… you do know what you’re doing, right?”
You shrugged, “I have a certificate if that eases your mind a bit.”
And the two of you continued paddling away, chatting here and there before heading back to the dock where a few of your coworkers gave the both of you thumbs-ups and winks. Idia felt himself go warm, whereas you rolled your eyes at them before helping Idia out.
“If you don’t mind, want to do this again?” You asked, undoing your lifejacket, looking expectantly towards him.
Idia fumbled with his own before you helped him out. “... that would be fun,” he smiled.
You smiled back, patted him on the shoulder as he walked away, and went back to greeting customers again.
Idia was happy about how today went, even though he would wake up a lovely shade of lobster red tomorrow and a very curious Ortho, but for the first time in a while, he was looking forward to summer vacation, and having some of it be outside of his computer screen. And, most importantly, have a friend that he didn’t feel like he had to be someone else with.
Tags; @afunkyfreshblog, @bloomstruck, @edith-is-a-cat, @eynnwwyjth, @inkybloom-luv, @ithseem, @lucid-stories, @syrenkitsune, @the-v-lociraptor, @twistwonderlanddevotee, @xxoomiii
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withwritersblock · 6 months
I Was In Love
~I Was In Love by Born Without Bones~
Author's Note: I think this may actually be my favorite song and one shot I've done so far :) oh also italics as always are flashbacks Summary: Luke and Y/N have a complicated history: Quinn is stuck in the middle of it Warnings: implied smut, swearing, some other things I probably should add but I'm not sure Word Count: 5,485 Luke Hughes x fm!reader
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He was only supposed to walk her back to her dorm building, but then it started raining. There was no way she was going to let him walk back to his dorm building with the pouring rain. So he stepped inside, it was innocent until it wasn’t. 
She wasn’t sure how it happened but his lips were sucking the skin right above her collarbone as his hands were massaging her breast through the lace of her bra. She panted hard as she pulled her fingers through the thickness of his curls. 
He lifted his head and looked down towards her, a smile on his lips as he kissed her urgently. “Is this okay?” he asked as he looked deeply into her eyes.
“Very,” she muttered before she sealed her lips over his once more. She tugged at the hem of his black button up. He stood up as he began unbuttoning it, a wide toothy grin on his lips as he looked over her gorgeous frame. She bit her lip excitedly as he leaned towards her again, the shirt completely unbuttoned, his muscles in full view. He kissed her lips briefly before he flung the shirt away from his body.
Her hands wrapped around the base of his neck, running her fingers through his curls as he kept one hand beside her head as he was holding himself up and his other hand was gripping her hip.  He slowly pulled his lips from hers, meeting her gaze for a brief second as he began to trail wet kisses from her jawline and lower and lower on her body. He wanted to taste every part of her and she wanted to feel his tongue on every single part of her body. 
The rest of the night went by in a blurr. She never thought that her longest friend, her best friend, would be in her bed doing things she could only allow her mind to go. But he did and it was the best sex she ever had.
She woke up to see him already awake and staring towards the ceiling. She smiled softly as she looked towards him, but the frown on his lips slipped the smile off of hers instantly.
“Are you okay?” she asked as she rubbed her hand across her eyes.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled as he stood up searching the room for his shirt and pants that he came into her room wearing. His boxers the only thing covering his frame, “We were drunk, we shouldn’t have done that, I’m sorry,” 
“Well yeah but what if we could be-”
He pulled his jeans up his frame, quickly buttoning them as he avoided her gaze. “You’re the last person I wanted to have a drunken hookup with, I’m sorry.” he said while shaking his head. He picked his shirt up from the floor as he covered his frame, “Can we talk about this later? I’m running late for practice,” he offered as he quickly slipped on his shoes and left the dorm room.
She sat up straight, feeling her eyes well up in tears. It was as if her heart completely shattered at that moment. All she has ever wanted was to be something more with Luke. She was madly in love with him and maybe that was her turning point, last night. She thought maybe that meant he was in love with her too.
That was five months ago. They never spoke about it again, rarely saw each other again. Luke had moved to New Jersey to pursue his dream of playing in the NHL. They only briefly saw each other during passing at school before he left. She avoided him the entire time and it felt like he was avoiding her too.
Except today was the first day that she was going to see him again. A few years ago, the older Hughes brother’s bought the lakehouse that was directly next to their longest family friends growing up. Y/N and her family. She was driving her own car towards her lakehouse, like she’s done since she was sixteen. Except the entire time she was filled with dread as her boyfriend, Kyle, was sitting in the passenger seat beside her. 
They had only been together for three months but her parents agreed to let him join and she was excited to spend the time with Kyle but also hating the idea that she would have to see Luke and Kyle in the same room.
She nervously tapped her fingers against the steering wheel as they pulled into her spot in the garage as it was big enough to hold two spots. 
“So these guys that own the place next door, are we going to be seeing them a lot?” Kyle asked as he unbuckled his seatbelt. Y/N widened her eyes slightly as she forced a smile.
“They should be inside right now actually,” Y/N mumbled as she reluctantly unbuckled her seatbelt. She didn’t want to see Luke again, except every part of her body felt weak knowing he was only a few doors away. 
“Good, I mean it’s good to meet them now,” he muttered as he pushed the passenger door open and climbed out of the car. She followed in pursuit. He waited for her at the door to enter her house with a kind smile. She returned it as she wrapped her arms around his chest giving him a quick hug.
“I’m excited to spend the next few weeks with you,” she mumbled against her chest. He kissed the side of her head before he pulled away. They stepped inside the house, “Can you actually put our suitcases and stuff in my room, right over there?” she asked, suddenly wanting to see the brothers by herself first. 
Kyle nodded excitedly before he stepped out of the door towards the car again. Y/N took a deep breath as she walked through the hallway leading towards her kitchen. 
The three boys were hanging out around the kitchen island. Quinn was sitting on a barstool chair holding a seltzer against his lips. Jack was sitting on the countertop staring at his phone. Luke was leaning against the countertop as he was snacking on some of the chips her mother probably set up for them.
“You guys do realize your house is next door right?” she said as she walked towards the kitchen.
Quinn turned around and smiled widely when he saw her walking towards the three of them. Jack hopped off of the counter as he chuckled. Luke turned his gaze towards her and looked as if he saw a ghost. He stayed frozen as he watched her walk towards them.
“Your mom buys the best snacks,” Quinn said excitedly as he engulfed her in a tight hug. “How’ve you been?” he asked as he rested his hand onto her upper arm, surveying her features. Jack jogged towards her hugging her tightly, she laughed as she rocked back and forth with him.
“I’ve been doing good, how are you guys?” she said as Jack pulled away. She glanced towards Luke, who hasn’t taken his eyes off of her since she stepped inside the house.
“Off season started a bit early but otherwise we’re great, ready for some sun,” Quinn muttered as he pulled Y/N to his side again, Quinn looked towards Luke for a few seconds, “Lukey, are you going to say hi?” Quinn offered tilting his head to the side.
Luke shook his head slightly as he stood up from his leaning position and he took a deep breath as he began walking towards her and Quinn slowly.
“Well, actually I should go check on Kyle. Make sure he didn’t get lost,” she slipped from Quinn’s grasp as she started walking away from them.
“Kyle?” Luke let out. Y/N spun around to meet Luke’s gaze. She widened her eyes as she nodded.
“My boyfriend? Did my mom not tell you guys he was joining us for a few weeks out here?” she offered.
“Y/N?” Kyle called out from the back hallway. She forced a smile as she searched down the hall for him.
“Hey baby,” she said as she stepped into her bedroom, her voice echoing into the kitchen.
“Kyle?” Jack let out barely above a whisper, his face scrunched up in disgust. “Did you know she had a boyfriend?” Jack pointed his question to Luke. Luke crossed his arms over his chest as he shook his head. Jack stared towards him furrowing his eyebrows harshly, “Why are you acting weird?” 
“I’m not,” he mumbled before he started shoving more chips in his mouth. Quinn and Jack shared a look before they decided to drop it. 
Y/N and Kyle walked from the hallway together side by side. Hearing his heavy footsteps, Luke kept his gaze on the sour cream and onion chips in front of him as he continued to snack. Y/N nervously wrapped her arm around Kyle as she walked towards the kitchen.
“Kyle, these are the boys,” she muttered motioning towards them, “That’s Quinn, Jack, and that’s L-Luke,” she pointed out each of the guys individually. Quinn and Jack walked towards the pair, each of them forcing a smile. 
“Nice to meet you,” Quinn offered his hand and Kyle gladly took it. Kyle offered his hand towards Jack and he reluctantly took the handshake. 
Luke leaned upward from his leaning position as he slowly walked towards the small group. Y/N looked towards him, their eyes meeting for the first time in months. Her breath caught in her throat as she forced her gaze to meet Kyle. 
Kyle offers his hand to Luke and Luke shakes his hand with a polite smile. “You go to UMich?” Luke asked as he rested his hands on his hips. 
Kyle nodded, “Yeah, I’m on the wrestling team,” he smiled as he spoke. 
“That’s sick,” Quinn offered as he crossed his arms over his chest. 
The small group continued to talk to one another beside Luke. He kept watching Y/N, his longest friend, his best friend. The woman he loved, in a relationship with someone else. The last time they hung out crossed his mind, like it did a thousand times a day. 
He freaked out. He freaked out when he woke up with her back pressed against his chest and their legs entangled together. His heart swelled with so much happiness as he looked at her sleeping beside him that morning, except every other part of his body resorted to panic. 
His eyes meet Y/N’s gaze, scanning her features for any sign that she thinks about that night too. She clenched her jaw before she turned her gaze back to Quinn. Luke pulled his lips between his teeth as he dropped his gaze to the floor. 
“I’m going to go unpack my stuff,” Luke let out as his gaze met each person in the small room. Quinn pulled his head back as he let out a breathy chuckle. 
“You never unpack when we come here,” Quinn offered.
“Feel like using my dresser for once,” he said with a simple shrug before glancing towards Y/N one more time before he started walking out of the kitchen. 
“We should probably unpack too,” Kyle said as he rested his hand on her hip as he held her possessively to his side. Y/N nodded as the pair walked back towards her room, she spun her gaze around towards the back door that Luke walked out of.
Quinn and Jack looked towards each other awkwardly as they both started walking out of the back door. “They’re acting weird, right?” Jack asked.
“Very,” Quinn shot back as they walked out of the house back towards their own.
After another twenty minutes Quinn and Jack both barged into Luke’s room to see him actually unpacking his clothes and putting them into his dresser and closet. He had soft country music playing as he was pacing around the room putting things in random spots.
“Are you okay?” Jack asked as he watched his younger brother. Luke only hummed as a reply as he added his hoodies to a coat hanger. “Are you sure? You and Y/N never shut up when you two are together.” Jack observed. 
“We haven’t really talked these past few months,” he said as he walked towards his closet with the six hoodies he brought with him. 
“You guys used to never go a day without at least calling each other,” Quinn mumbled. 
Luke shrugged, “Things change,” he said keeping his gaze low and away from his brothers bombarding him with questions.
“What things?” Jack muttered. Luke shrugged his shoulders again.
Quinn furrowed his eyebrows harshly, “What, you guys hook up or something?” he asked teasingly, chuckling nervously.
Luke froze, his entire body stuck as he slowly met Quinn’s gaze for a few seconds before he shook his head. “No,” he let out barely above a whisper. He dropped his gaze again as his cheeks turned bright red. 
Jack’s eyes widened as his mouth dropped open as he shoved Quinn to the side. “When?!” Jack asked as he jumped up excitedly. 
“I said we didn’t,” Luke said as he nervously ran his hand across his chin. 
Quinn smiled widely, “Yeah but you're a horrible liar, Lukey. What happened? Was it bad or something?” 
It was the opposite. It was probably the best sex he’s ever had. It made him realize how much love he actually had for her as they didn’t just hook up. It felt like the start of something, a new chapter. A chapter where they were madly in love with one another.
“What? No,” he defended as he rolled his eyes.
“Then what happened?” Jack pressed.
Luke sighed as he shook his head, “I don’t know, I asked if we could talk about it later and we never did,” he took another deep breath.
“When did you guys-?” Quinn trailed off.
Luke threw his hands to the side, not wanting to talk about it any longer, “February, her sorority had some Valentine’s Day event we went to together. I walked her back to her dorm and we hooked up. Are you guys done asking questions?”
“No, dude, why didn’t you guys talk again?”
Luke clenched his jaw as he shook his head. His brothers were right, he was an awful liar. “I freaked out, okay?” he took a deep breath, “She’s my best friend and instead of telling her how I felt, I had sex with her while we were drunk. That’s a dickhead move. I just didn’t know what to say,”
“What’d you freak out about?” Jack asked.
“Everything was going to be different with her,” he let out while shaking his head, “I didn’t want to lose her, if I fucked things up and I fucked things up anyway. Can we please stop talking about it? I don’t want to be thinking about it while we all on the boat later,”
It was nine at night and the sun was already down but they were still hanging out on the boat. The music was loud to the point where you could only hear the person next to each other talk. Her parents were sitting and talking with Quinn and Jack as Ellen and Jim were talking with Luke. Y/N and Kyle were in their own world. 
Except every time Luke spoke, Y/N felt her heart flutter. She missed him, she missed him so much that it was physically painful. Her chest would ache hard at the idea of not talking with him.
Y/N kept her gaze on Luke, discreetly. “You okay?” Kyle whispered into her ear, pulling her gaze towards him. She nodded as she leaned towards him, kissing him briefly.
Luke was tuning out whatever his mom and dad were talking about as he saw Y/N kissing Kyle. He felt as though his heart shattered. He clenched his jaw as he dropped his gaze towards his lap. Quinn glanced towards Y/N briefly before he looked towards his youngest brother. He clenched his jaw as he shook his head. 
“You know,” her mother leaned towards Quinn, “I always thought Y/N and Luke would’ve ended up together.” Quinn's eyes widened as he looked towards her, “It just seems like they are growing apart. Breaks my heart,” she said as she tilted her head to the side.
“You don’t like Kyle?” Quinn asked, and she shrugged.
“He’s a sweet boy. He’s just not our Luke,” 
“I think we all thought they were going to end up together,” Quinn whispered towards her and she nodded. 
The next day, Y/N and Kyle stayed in bed for a few extra hours just basking in each other's company. “You know, I thought you and Luke were the closest? I mean being the same age at least,”
She was thrown off by the sudden subject change as her face scrunched up slightly. She cleared her throat as she nodded, “We were,” she started as she saw Kyle take in a sharp breath. “He was my best friend, but we had a falling out a few months ago,” she mumbled. 
Memories of the night in question flashed in her mind. His lips against her own as they were breathing heavily and grinding against each other's bodies. She recalled feeling her body fill with butterflies as he kissed her in the most dream-like way.
“What happened?” he asked. She looked into his dark brown eyes as she tried to figure out if she should tell the truth. Kyle nodded slightly as he took in a deep breath, “Let me guess,” he mumbled, “You guys had sex?” 
She clenched her jaw as she nodded slightly. “How’d you know?” she muttered as she met his gaze.
“I don’t know, it’s the way he looks at you; like he’s seen you naked or something,” he mumbled, a dry chuckle leaving his throat. She smiled softly as she rolled her eyes playfully. 
“It just made things awkward between us, we haven’t spoken since it happened,” she let out. He remained silent as he processed, “Are you mad that I didn’t tell you?” she asked.
“No, I mean as long as it was just sex. Like you didn’t have feelings for him, right?” he asked.
“Yeah, no-no feelings,” she mumbled.
She sat on the bathroom counter, his legs between her own. She adjusted the red heart around his neck that had her name written in cursive across it. “I never thought you would join a sorority,” he let out as he rested one of his hands on her thigh. She smiled as a chuckle fell from her lips. 
“It looks good on a resume,” she mumbled as she took a hold of a spray bottle and started spraying it onto his curls. His face scrunched up together as some of the mist hit his face. 
“This is tacky,” he continued, holding up the heart around his neck. She smirked as she took a hold of some of her own hair product and ran her fingers through his hair. “Do we have to wear these the whole night?” 
“Yes, Lukey,” she mumbled as she tilted her head to the side as she admired the work she did on his hair. “And until I get a boyfriend, you have to be my date to these things,” she said as she pushed him backwards slightly so she could hop off the bathroom counter. 
She adjusted the short black dress on her frame as she looked towards the mirror. She straightened out the red heart with Luke’s name. “What are we even going to do there?” he asked as he ran his fingers through his own hair. 
“Drink, dance, and take lots of photos,” she mumbled as she applied lip gloss to her lips. Luke eyed her lips as she added the clear gloss. “It’ll be fun,” she mumbled as she turned to meet his gaze. 
He huffed as he smiled, “You and I have different definitions of fun,” he mumbled. She rolled her eyes playfully as she took a hold of her phone and pulled out her camera. “Oh awesome, fun’s starting now,” he said sarcastically.
“You can be unbearable sometimes, you know that?” she let out teasingly as she wrapped her arm around the center of his back as he draped his arm around her lowerback. He pulled her tightly towards him. 
“Yeah, you too,” he shot back as he turned his head towards her with a teasing smile. She rolled her eyes as she snapped the photo of them at that moment.
“Smile,” she mumbled as she turned her gaze towards the mirror and snapped a few photos of them. Most of them are Luke glancing towards her the entire time. 
Later that night, Y/N stepped foot inside her own lakehouse, getting another drink from the fridge inside when she saw Luke sitting on the barstool beside her kitchen island. He lifted his gaze as he tossed a few chips into his mouth. His eyes scanned her body. Taking note of every single curve of her frame and how the two piece swimsuit showed every perfect part of her body. 
“Hi,” she let out as she smiled softly. He returned the soft smile as he sat up straight as she walked past the kitchen island.
“Hey,” he mumbled as he nervously ran his fingers through his hair. They remained silent as she took a Truly from the fridge and cracked it open. She spun around and met his gaze. “Kyle seems nice,” he mumbled. She smiled.
“Yeah, he is,” she muttered as she brought the can to her lips. 
Their eyes remained connected as they remained silent for a few seconds. His eyes were soft and welcoming; he looked like he knew what she was thinking. All of things that have been left unsaid between them, it was as if their eyes were doing all the talking. Her heart went into overdrive.
Her eyes tried not to admire his body. His abs were prominent as well as the strong arm muscles. She took a deep breath as she rested her hands onto the counter. 
“How’s the NHL?” she asked. His eyes widened as he smiled softly.
“It’s amazing,” he mumbled, his eyes squinting slightly.
“You were fun to watch,” she let out as she met his gaze. He tilted his head to the side, a toothy grin on his lips.
“You watched the games?” he asked, genuinely shocked. She nodded dramatically. 
“You are still my best friend, Luke, Of course I was going to watch,” she mumbled as she met his gaze as she walked closer to him. He blinked his eyes rapidly as he looked away from her. 
“You seem happy,” he mumbled, unable to maintain eye contact with her. 
“Yeah, yeah.” she let out while shaking her head, “You too. I mean you’re living the dream, right?”
All he could do was hum as a reply as she was only a foot away from him and his chest was aching as he felt a magnet pulling her towards him but he tried to refuse the feeling and the desperation. 
“Why are you all alone inside? We’ve got an amazing bonfire going,” she asked as she leaned against the countertop. 
He couldn’t tell her the real answer. The real answer was that he had spent twenty-four hours watching Y/N and Kyle snuggle together and he was getting tired of it. He couldn’t breathe watching them because he wanted to kiss her cheek. He wanted to be the one holding her tightly. He wanted to be the one who loved her. He had to walk away and collect his thoughts.
While outside, Quinn was laughing at something Jack said when Kyle walked up to him. “Hey man, can I talk to you about something?” Kyle asked. Quinn’s smile slowly faded as he glanced towards Jack before he stood up and followed Kyle towards a secluded part of the backyard. Quinn nervously crossed his arms over his chest as he met Kyle’s gaze. “I’m gonna ask you a question and you’re going to not sugar coat anything,” Kyle asked. Quinn nodded.
“I’m not blind, alright? I know that your little brother has feelings for Y/N. She told me about what happened between them a few months back but she said that she didn’t have feelings for him. Is she telling the truth?” Kyle asked. 
Quinn took a deep breath as he licked his lips nervously. “We’re all close with Y/N. Jack and I have always treated her like she’s our little sister. Luke-” 
Quinn took in a sharp breath, “Luke’s been in love with her since he was eleven. He never wanted to act on it because he was terrified of losing her. Y/N was harder to see if she felt the same. Well, until they were like fifteen and they started cuddling all of the time. It was as if they constantly had to be near each other or the other one would implode. She dragged him to all of the school dances and sorority events.” he explained as Kyle was getting impatient.
“Look, they're avoiding each other because they are afraid of getting hurt. Which is causing them to get hurt anyway. You seem like a great guy, who would’ve been perfect for her. But there’s a lot of history between them that can’t be ignored,” 
Kyle remained silent as he took a deep breath. If he was being honest, he knew she wasn’t all in. He wasn’t even all in on the relationship either, it didn’t hurt to hear as much as he thought it was going to be. 
“I appreciate it, man.” Kyle mumbled as his gaze looked past Quinn to see Luke and Y/N walking out of the house together. Kyle let out a dry chuckle, “Can you tell her why I left? I’m going to pack my stuff and call an Uber.” Kyle mumbled. 
“What? You sure?” Quinn asked.
“Like you said, they’ve got history. I’m not stepping between that,” he said as he looked towards Y/N and Luke again. “Make sure they end up together, alright?” he said before he walked towards the house discreetly. 
Quinn stood still, his gaze on the dirt beneath his feet. “What the fuck just happened?” he asked himself as he walked back towards the bonfire. 
After another hour, Kyle was long gone and Y/N still had no idea. “Alright, you guys we’re going to go to bed, see you guys in the morning,” Her father expressed to everyone, the parents all went to their own lakehouse leaving the boys and Y/N alone. 
“Where’d Kyle go? Have you guys seen him?” she asked the three of them as she was starting to get a little worried. 
Quinn’s eyes widened as he cleared his throat, “He left,” is all he said. Luke perked upward at the mention. 
“What?” she let out.
“He-uh-he’s not as comfortable as he thought with you and Luke’s history. So he left,” Quinn said as his voice progressively got quieter. Luke kept shifting his gaze between Quinn and Y/N. She furrowed her eyebrows harshly as she leaned forward. 
“Did he tell you this history exactly?” she questioned, glancing at Luke for a second. 
“He might’ve,” he mumbled, glancing towards Luke, “Kinda already knew about it, though.” 
Y/N eyes flashed red as she turned her gaze towards Luke. “Can I talk to you?” she asked, standing up and walking towards Hughes's lakehouse. Luke’s room was on the second floor and his parents room was on the first. In her lakehouse her room was directly next to her parents. 
Luke slowly stood up from his seat, “Thanks,” he said sarcastically as he followed Y/N. Jack and Quinn shared a glance before they looked back towards the dying flame. 
Once Luke stepped into the house, he saw her already storming up the stairs towards his room. He took a deep breath as he skipped several steps to follow her faster. She walked into his room and began to pace back and forth. Luke shut the door behind him.
“You told Quinn!?” she called out. 
“An-and Jack, I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to! You know I’m a bad liar,”
“What did you tell them exactly?!” she questioned.
He stayed quiet for a second as his heart was loud in his ear, “Quinn made a joke about us hooking up and I-I didn’t deny it that good so they found out. I told them that we just didn’t talk afterwards, we were just avoiding each other,” he explained.
Her mouth fell open as she nodded slowly. Her tongue pushed to the side of her mouth as she spun around to look away from him for a brief second. 
“Do you remember what you told me the next morning?” she asked, her voice quieter.
He met her gaze and squinted his eyes slightly, “That I was running late to practice and if we could talk about it later?” 
“Before that,”
He thought about it for a second, he replayed every second of that morning in his mind but the words were not coming to his mind. She took a deep breath as she clenched her fist and unclenched it. “You said that I was the last person you’d ever want to have a hookup with. Like-like it was embarrassing to have sex with me,” 
His eyes widened as he felt like punching himself in the chest. “Oh my god-no that’s not-”
“You hurt me, Luke!” she shouted towards him, her eyes welling up in tears.
 “I thought-I thought,” she shook her head again, “I don’t know what I thought but that was horrible to hear. Especially from you! You were supposed to be my best friend.” she shouted towards him. 
“That’s not what I meant!” he said loudly, “That not what I meant,” he let out softer as he stepped towards her, almost reaching out to touch her. 
“You know, I cared a lot about Kyle! We could’ve been something great. He was sweet and charming and he would’ve never said that to me but you-you ruined that!” she shouted as she stared deeply into his eyes. The tension was rising between them as they were only a foot apart.
“Well, if you care about the guy so much why aren’t you going after him?! Huh? Why are you standing here, shouting at me?!” he countered, getting closer to her face. She clenched her jaw as her heart was beating hard against her chest. Her skin felt hot as if steam was leaving her body. 
“I don’t know!” she shouted back as her eyes looked deeply into his eyes. His eyes were staring hard back towards her. 
“You didn’t deserve our first time together to be a drunken hook up,” he expressed, taking another step towards her. “You deserved roses and candles and all that sappy romantic shit not some dorm bed we barely fit on,” he continued as he scanned her softening features.
“I couldn’t tell you I loved you, I couldn’t tell you because I was scared I was going to lose my best friend. And then I fucked up and lost you anyway,” he explained as they were mere inches apart now. “You deserved better than that and I couldn’t face it,” he mumbled. 
She leaned towards him, urgently kissing him. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she felt her body jump against him. 
He quickly took a hold of her lower back pulling her towards him. The tension between them only increased as their lips remained connected sloppily.
She jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist. Her bare thighs against his body rushed goosebumps against her skin. 
He delicately laid her down onto his bed as his lips pulled away from hers briefly, admiring her features from the very short distance.
“I love you too,” she mumbled as she ran her fingers through the ends of his curls. He pecked her lips briefly before he leaned fully away from her. “Where are you going?” she asked barely above a whisper.
“We’re not doing this now,” he muttered as shook his head. He stood up from the bed and walked towards his closet to give her some clothes to sleep in. Instead of the swimwear still covering her frame.
“Why not?” she asked, pouting slightly. He smiled widely as he tossed her one of his hoodies and a pair of shorts she left at his dorm several months back. 
“Candles and roses,” he mumbled as he covered his frame in one of his hoodies. She smiled widely as she began to put on the clothes he handed her.
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muddyorbsblr · 10 months
bigger than the whole sky [rtc what if…?]
'relinquish the crown' masterlist See my full list of works here!
Summary: What if…you'd broken Frigga's memory spell without Loki? | Your search for your husband leads you to a peculiar void beyond the Nine Realms, to a place that vaguely resembles the Tree of Life that you'd only read about in historical texts.
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: angst with no happy ending in sight; this is in the RTC universe so…themes of incest if you squint; Loki S2 finale spoilers; slight violence in the beginning [let me know if i missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: gonna repeat it again…Loki S2 finale spoilers ahead; no prior reading of RTC is required to suffer enjoy reading this story
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"I will ask you one final time, you sadistic hedonist," you panted, taking a moment to lean on Stormbreaker while the eccentric tyrannical leader of Sakaar laid bleeding on the ground. One hand clutched his abdomen where you'd struck him, the other gingerly held his broken nose.
This wasn't something that you enjoyed doing, putting others through pain. But knowing Loki's history with this Grandmaster long before you two had met was easing your worry somehow that you were doing something reprehensible. There were pains that your beloved, even after all the time you'd known each other prior to your betrothal and marriage, were not quite ready to share with you.
His time in Sakaar was among those pains.
That knowledge alone was enough to get you to stop catching your breath, marching over to the Grandmaster and pinning him to the ground with the end of your battle axe's handle.
"Where is Loki?"
"Lady, I already told you back in the viewing box, I haven't seen your u--Agh!" You pressed Stormbreaker's handle harder against a tender spot on his shoulder, his body visibly showing signs of surrender before he started tapping on the floor. "Alright I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he whined.
"Shall we try this again, then?" He did his best to nod his head, sighing heavily. "Where did you last see him?"
"I swear to you on my Champion's grave it's been millions of years for me here in Sakaar," he choked out, still audibly struggling to draw in his breath. "It was a time he didn't even know you yet. You probably hadn't even been born."
"So you truly bear no knowledge of my husband's whereabouts?"
"Your hus--I thought he was--"
"Mind your words, charlatan god." He let out another groan of pure agony as you pressed harder on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry! I--I really don't know where he is, Your Highness, I don't--"
"Then what use are you to me," you said darkly, another corner of your soul feeling ass if the lights had gone out. Another dead end.
You took a dagger out with your free hand, the Grandmaster's pleas of mercy sounding muffled as they fell on your dulled ears. Nothing he had to say could spare him now; to you, he was no longer a lead, a well lit path that could perhaps point you to where Loki had been all this time.
Now he was simply a shadow of your husband's past. Something so dark that he didn't even dare let you know about it.
Despair began to seep into your veins, a single question overtaking all other remotely coherent thought. Would you ever find him? Would you ever get to apologize? To tell him how you felt? How you'd always felt?
Before you could strike, a loud crack resounded throughout the Grandmaster's suite, coming from a glowing green portal that appeared in the center of the room.
"I would probably take that call, if I were you," the Grandmaster quipped, exhaling a large sigh of relief when you removed the weight of Stormbreaker off of him as you stepped toward the portal. Once the threshold had begun to close after you stepped through, he let out a final sentiment. "Please say hello to your husband for me when you find him."
That was more than enough for you to decide throwing your dagger into the small opening that remained, hitting the smug anachronistic bastard on his uninjured shoulder.
Then the portal finally closed, leaving you in a place you couldn't quite describe. All you knew was that it felt like a place you should never have been allowed access to. A place that should be beyond you. Beyond anyone.
Winding, glowing vines surrounded you, each of them looked and sounded as if they were teeming with a life of its own. If you listened carefully you could hear voices. Your voices. Infinite iterations of them. But one rang clearer than every other in the entire space.
"Did I do something that angered the Norns so fiercely that they condemned me to love a man I could never have?"
"I know what it feels like to kiss him. To touch him. To be desired by him. And it's ripping me apart to know that I will never know that again."
"The people will look at this union and see it for what it is. Sinful. Shameful!"
You tried to block the memories out of your mind, of you begging your grandmother Queen Frigga to lock your memories away. Of arguing with your grandfather Odin and with your father Thor because they were signing your life away to marry Loki. Of the harsh words you spat at them all behind closed doors.
Of the day the lock on your mind finally broke, after finding your journals prior to the spell being cast chronicling how you'd fallen for the god despite your better judgment. The head-splitting agony of your memories reconciling and finding their place back in your mind.
An agony suffered in your lonesome while Loki was away on assignment.
You scrambled desperately to think of anything else, to follow along the path of the vines and hear something other than your own mistakes being echoed back at you. These desperate attempts made you realize that the vines converged in a structure that eerily resembled an image that you'd only learned about in your youth.
"Yggdrasil?" you whispered in awe, your feet bringing you closer still until you found a parting just large enough for one to squeeze through.
Once you'd finally freed yourself from the winding vines, all air left your lungs at the sight that greeted you. A golden throne at the heart of the tree. All the vines anchored to the man -- or God, rather -- seated in it.
"You've left quite a trail of bodies in your wake throughout this quest of yours, little Princess," he spoke, not moving even a fraction from where he sat.
He gave you a soft smile, tears beginning to form in his eyes as he stared at you. As if he couldn't believe you were here with him.
"It's been too long, my darling wife."
You'd rehearsed time and time again throughout your search for your husband what you would say to him once you'd been reunited. You would tell him how wrong you were for how you behaved throughout your betrothal, your marriage. And you would abandon every shred of your pride and beg for his forgiveness. You would tell him you loved him, that you'd always loved him.
And that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him.
Yet somehow you could form none of those words. Instead you finally felt your body succumb to the tiredness brought about by the centuries you'd spent searching and laying waste to every imaginable corner of the Nine Realms and beyond for even the slightest shred of a clue as to where he could have been.
Instead you sunk to your knees, the tears streaming down your face as you stumbled over your words. "I remember everything. I had to find you. Tell you that I'm--"
"I know you are, my love. I watched you on the day the spell broke, the day you finally remembered. I wanted so desperately to come home to you. To not let you have to endure that pain alone."
"Why didn't you?" you blurted out, staring at all the vines he held in his hands. "What are all these?"
"Timelines," he answered you simply, giving you a minuscule shrug of his shoulders. "In every single one, there is an iteration of you and me. Some circumstances may differ, minor details. But at the heart of each of them, we live a life together. We find each other, fall in love. In some we even start a family."
"A family," you repeated breathlessly. The knowledge that each vine -- each timeline -- that was anchored to him held a variation of you and him, of your story, began to eat away at you, flooding you with guilt.
How wretched did you have to be that in your timeline you'd rejected him? Foolishly pushed him away with every mistake you made until finally it took you centuries to find him again?
"What happened?" you finally spoke after what felt like hours. "How did you get--"
"That is quite the long and harrowing tale, darling. In truth, it was a cavalcade of miscalculations and bad judgment calls, failed attempts of trying to save all these lives until I realized that the result would always stay the same if the equation contained the same variables."
"And what was that result?"
"Annihiliation," he answered you simply, giving you a misty eyed look. "Every single strand of time that I hold safe now would have been obliterated on sight. I know it. I've seen it. I've seen you disintegrate before me too many times than I wish to count. The device that once held them stable could no longer scale for an infinite number of possibilities, and letting countless timelines die in the name of the survival of a few was…unacceptable. The only thing that could carry a burden that great was--"
"A god," you finished, the words fighting you their entire way out, nearly choking you on the weight of them. The question that you wished to raise crippled you with its answer's implications. For you and your timeline specifically. "What happens if you let go?"
"It dies. Slowly. Drifts away until it eventually turns to ash." He began to make a motion, as if to approach you, until ultimately he decided against it. "This was the only way. It remains the only way. I must stay, and keep them safe. Watch our lives play out in derivatives of what ifs."
The selfish question that danced at the tip of your tongue plagued you with even more guilt. But what about my timeline? What about our life together? "There has to be another way," you grumbled, stubbornly shaking your head as if you were once again a toddler, refusing to accept the world for being what it was rather than what you wished it would be. "I could stay with you. I could stay and we can find a way together."
Your heart splintered watching him shake his head at you. "My beautiful headstrong wife," he breathed out, his tone filled with both fondness and heartbreak. "I can't in my good conscience let you abandon your life just so you could stay here with me. That would be too selfish, even for me. What would you have here?"
"You! I would have you. All these centuries I've spent in a desperate scramble to find you and tell you that I lo--" You found yourself completely choking on the words now, never having to articulate them before. "That I love you. That I've always loved you and I want us to start our lives together. I refuse to accept that after all this time I have to let you go. You can't make me."
"Asgard needs you, its future Queen."
"And I need you!" Your voice finally broke, sobs that you'd fought inside starting to bubble up. "It isn't fair that you hold all these different tellings of our story in your hands, but your story, yours and mine, ends in us apart. That you spend your days here, watching our life play out somewhere and somewhen else, and you're alone. Please don't send me away, husband," you began to beg. "Don't make me leave you. Let me stay."
He let out a sharp exhale, a tear escaping his eye, rolling down his cheek. "I've longed for the day I would hear you call me that," he sighed, a rueful smile gracing the handsome features that you were bereft of for centuries. "Truly I didn't think I would ever see you again, Y/N. My Y/N. I never thought that I would have you before me, and I hear those words you would only say in dreams with my own ears. Thank you, my dear heart. You have given me a gift in this quest of yours, in having a final moment with the woman I love…" More tears rolled down his cheeks when his smile widened before finishing his sentiment. "And the woman that loves me."
Your sobs filled the endless space, your body collapsing onto the ground as your grief overtook you. The notion of grieving for the living never seemed sensical to you until now. Now that the man, the god, you loved was calling this the last time you would ever see each other.
And you knew in your heart that with the power he wielded now, he could make that your reality without even lifting a finger. He could push you out of this void and back into any timeline of his choosing just as easily as he pulled you out of Sakaar.
The feel of familiar large hands pulling you up to your feet startled you, only having the briefest moment to look at your husband before he pulled you into a crushing embrace. You didn't think twice before wrapping your arms around him, holding him as close as you could and sobbing into his shoulder before realizing…
If his hands were on you, then why were the vines still in place?
"Loki," you sobbed. "Husband, please. No illusions."
"I can't hold you," he said, choking back his own sobs now. "I couldn't watch you break like this and do nothing." The duplicate he cast to hold you disappeared from your hold in a flash of green. "I've done it before against all my better judgment, I refuse to do it again."
"Then don't." Against your own better judgment, you stomped your foot, like a bratty child being told you had to go home. Which was almost precisely what this was. "If this is where you are and where you will remain, then this is where I wish to stay. With the god that owns my heart. With my husband." You blinked rapidly to expel the tears that blurred your vision before uttering the words that splintered at your heart even more. "I was made to be yours. You said that."
"And I yours," he finished, averting his gaze, letting his own tears drop to the fabric of  his trousers. "In every timeline. We must take solace in knowing that among these infinite tales, one is ours. What could have been ours."
"What should be ours," you insisted. You made your way over to him, placing your hand on the side of his face. He closed his eyes, leaning into your touch, the sight breaking your heart further. "Our story deserves its bliss-laden epilogue, too."
"Not at the cost of everyone else's. Deep down you know this to be true."
"That does not mean I accept it," you grumbled. "Let me stay."
"You know that I can't. I will not subject you to live out the rest of your days here. Without friends nor family, and only a husband that cannot even hold you as company."
"But at least you would have someone to hold you," you argued, throwing your arms around him and letting your tears flow once more. "I can't just leave you here all on your own. You can't make me." You knew that he damn right could.
"My love," he sighed, turning his head to press a kiss to your temple. "I wish for you to live a long, and fulfilled life. You've lost so much time in your search for me only for it to end like this. I can give you those centuries back, as a final gift. Reverse the clock, undo the toll it took on you. Let this be the final token of my affection. My fealty. My undying vow."
"Let me keep my memories," you pleaded, already feeling that this would truly be your final moments with him. You did not need to turn your gaze to know that the portal leading back to Asgard was there, waiting for you. Perhaps he would simply nudge you through with his mind, knowing that you would refuse to leave. "Let me keep my remnants of you if that is all that I can leave this place with."
He nodded once. "Very well, little Princess. When you walk through the portal only the physical years will be stripped away. Live well, and remember always that I love you. My heart will only ever belong to you. Until the end of time."
"I love you," you choked out through your tears. "Husband." Your heart ached at the sight of his tears, not bothering to fight back the urge to kiss them away. "I will miss you desperately and always. In every step that I must take in this life without you."
"You will always have me by your side," he swore. "When you feel a presence you cannot see, in gentle breezes within a still room. I will always be there."
You continued to wipe his tears away, the god constantly kissing at your palms. Seemingly refusing to let you go, too.
"May I kiss you?" you asked, barely audibly, your voice unable to even completely form the words. "One last time?"
He gave you a small nod, and you leaned in to press your lips to his, trying to pour out your years of lost time and the future that you were doomed to lose in just a few short moments into that single kiss. You could feel that when he kissed you back, he did so with both all the love he'd never been able to give you before, and the love that he would never be able to bestow in the future.
It was a kiss of finality. A kiss of goodbye. A bittersweet final page in the story of you and Loki.
I love you more than words can ever say, his voice echoed in your mind. Goodbye, my love. My fated. My darling wife.
When you pulled away he was gone. And you'd been returned to your shared chambers back in Asgard. As he promised, the physical toll the centuries-long search had taken on your body were gone. No more scars from miscalculated skirmishes. No more bruises from Sakaar.
No more physical reminders of what you'd endured trying to reunite with the love your life.
All that remained were the memories of those years, and your time in his domain beyond the Realms.
"Goodbye, my darling husband. My love. My Loki," you whispered into the quiet of your marital chambers, sinking to your knees once more and letting out a shriek of pure agony, the sobs swiftly returning and wracking your entire body as you lay pathetically on the floor.
The sound of your mother Lady Sif's voice provided little comfort, but it felt like a familiar balm. "Mother," you said weakly, unmoving from your spot on the ground even as she rushed to you, cradling you in her lap.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" She stroked your hair while your tears soaked her sleep dress. You felt her wave someone over, and moments later you felt your grandmother Queen Frigga's presence in the room with you.
"I lost. I lost and I know not what to do now," you managed to say through your tears.
"What did you lose, Daughter?"
You'd briefly considered explaining your journey, from breaking the spell, to your journey through the centuries, to Loki's domain beyond the reach of space and time. To relay what had become of your husband.
Ultimately the words were beyond you due to your grief.
"Everything," you answered her, holding on to her tight as if you were a child again. This would be the only semblance of comfort you would have. "I lost everything."
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A/N: I had to after that finale had me processing and feeling the big sad all day, I promise I'm working on 2 other stories based on the finale that have kinda better endings.
Also I sobbed throughout writing this entire thing, just for the record.
Now here's the song to add to the vibe:
'everything' taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @superficialdomina @anukulee @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog
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inf3ct3dd · 1 year
ellie headcanons pt.5!!!
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warnings: nada
content: loser!ellie x reader headcanons
authors note : ellie dug a hole into my skull and moved in
⁃ against bags for no reason. like her pockets are constantly full of things. random receipts, money, headphones, EVERYTHING. she takes her pants of and they jingle cuz they're filled with COINS.
⁃ knows how to do a back bridge and just HAS to let everyone know. you're watching tv and she's just on the floor like "look"
⁃ i feel like shes the type of person to just start fully eating an orange in the middle of class. like ur listening to the teacher talk and you're just hit by the most aggressive wave of CITRUS from behind you
⁃ constantly fighting the air... like she's just in the kitchen punching and kicking at NOTHING just because. she's always coming up to you and like take punching you and doing her own sound effects like “PWAH PWAH WAM WAPOW"
⁃ jar hoarder 😞😞 every time you buy anything that comes in a jar she's keeping it. literally won't let you throw them away!!! you guys don't even have cups anymore, its just jars and mugs.
⁃ speaking of mugs, ellie has just as many stupid mugs as she does stupid tshirts. absolutely has a lot of garfield mugs be she LOVES GARFEILD
- would buy a dry-erase board for your fridge and leave u little notes and drawings
⁃ "Every single time I see you, I become horny like a triceratops" with a little drawing of a triceratops"
⁃ breaks into incoherent ramblings when shes sleepy... like insane hypotheticals
"what if our bed just completely exploded right now"
⁃ whenever ur on facetime and it gets quiet she just breaks out into song. not even like good, trying singing but BAD SINGING.
⁃ she does that whenever it's quiet !!!
⁃ is listening to music CONSTANTLY. her headphones are actually attached to her ears like all DAY she's listening to something.
⁃ HATES THE BIG LIGHT (iykyk) she lives for low/ natural lighting definitely has so many lamps and led lights
⁃ can never sit normal.... like she is not beating the gay ppl sitting weird allegations she sits so ODD
⁃ will spend literal hours in the pool. doing flips, pretending to be a mermaid, 'making up' her own tricks, she lives for it & !!!
⁃ refuses to dress right for the weather. it'll be like 90° outside and shes in a whole hoodie and jeans.
⁃ has the WEIRDEST subway order. probably puts banana peppers on her shit 😭😭 she swears its the best thing ever
⁃ love's campy comedy movies, esp lesbian ones and horror movies (but im a cheerleader, bottoms, scary movie, etc) also def loves coming of age movies
⁃ has a letterbox account and makes extremely thought provoking reviews
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literally her
⁃ always taking candids of you, and they're literally her favorite pictures
⁃ every time she sees two things next to eachother she's like "oh my god it's literally us!!"
⁃ one time she crashed her car and it literally fully flipped over and she just crawled out of the trunk and called you like "you would NOT believe what just happened to me."
- absolutely a waffles girl she needs the texture she likes the CRUNCH
⁃ but like she also loves bacon pancakes. like she's obsessed w adventure time and she makes bacon pancakes ALL THE TIME and she sings the song while she makes them
- eats trail mix like all day....she buys the giant jars and you make fun of her cuz she "likes eating nuts"
⁃ the most secret swifty ever. like she refuses to let it be known but she fully sobbed when she listened to folklore for the first time
⁃ obsessed w those baby sensory videos. like she will literally be entertained for hours
⁃ LOVES the lego movies, esp lego batman
⁃ the MOST honest shit talker ever like you'll be like "yeah she's just a really bad person" and she'd be like "she's also like disgustingly hideous...
⁃ her search history isn’t even weird or gross its just…random. like she’s definitely googled “how do cotton candy machines work” before
⁃ family guy enjoyer.....
⁃ her cf story is like insanely long n its filled w random memes she reposts and insane ramblings
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taglist!!!! if ur name is crossed i can't tag u :((
@syrenada @dinaissoprettyoml, @kingofmylastkiss @as2rid @greencacty @melissabarrerass @bratydoll @lov3lylotus @forelliesposts @echostinn @f3r4Ifr0gg3r @r3wbeef @leatheredhearts @mousymaven @mina-281@princessguardian444 @calystas-morning-tea @horror-whoree @slutshies @bearieio @mag-mfm @bubs-world @paran0id0blivi0n @sawaagyapong @bbygrIshelbs @gayh0rr0r @p|9ys @ellieslilsIvvt @dollietes @elliesmellsbadd @ibloom4u @ddreabea @beestar120 @brunettedolls-blog @girlwonderchloe @elliesgflol @maris-koffin @emonopolyman @iloveeyousblog @fr3sh-tragedies @ilovaffles @certifedcrybunny @elleatethat @baldph0bic @clouded-whispers @4rt3m1ss @saggykneecaps @swtsuna @ellesslutt @minixmel @yuyans-stuff @owmoiralover @thecowardwrites @lunascerebro @elliestrwbrry @iwantsoda @teeveegirl @dinasmoon @urnewghostfriend @k3ym4ra @bratzboydoll @ungodlyvenus @lav3nd3rhaze @scokslvoer @iloveunrealpeople @realwinehouse @nehemiahlicious @onedeaddreamer @teawithnosugar @r4t1ku5 @villainousbear @mentallymarriedtonatasharomanoff @gay4tiddies @uraesthete @lil-elliesgf @neighborhood-houseplant @sagessensationalstuff
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writeoffside · 2 months
♯ battinson!bruce wayne x fem!reader - 1/?
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summary: An unexpected visitor comes to your work to check out the history of his company, which leads you both to a tense search for the much needed files… Which is pretty tiring for you.
warnings: none - just swearing
info: english isn't my first language, i apologize in advance for all the mistakes (if there are any!)
a/n: working on part 2 now hihihi
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The time went slowly when you were stuck in the office. The uncountable amount of times you've checked the clock is absurd. 
Papers are all over the table, every single document staring at you back. The highly reflective colored highlighters sitting at the side of your desk. Nearly at their lowest as they've been used so many times in the past few hours. The documents are full of names, places, words, numbers and other symbols. Some names are unknown to you, some familiar. 
A sigh escapes your lips, turning to the side to look at the clock on the other side of the room.
It was finally reaching the time you were mostly looking forward to. 
5:58, the clock read. 
"Thank god," you whispered out to yourself. Slowly gathering all the papers from your table and closing the work laptop in front of you. All the papers are quickly gathered on top of each other and put into a dark purple-colored folder. The color is slowly ripped around the edges of the folder as it has been in use for a very long time. A white — now dark pastel brown like color sticker is in the middle of it. The sticker is pulled at the edges,
but still stays on. Your name written on top of it, written with a dark blue pen. You don't have the heart to switch the folder with a new one. It holds too many memories. 
In a quick time, all of the things you've had on your table are safely packed and put inside your bag. All the documents are starting to overflow your folder, which ends up taking the whole space in your bag. You know well that your shoulder is going to be hurting pretty badly when you come back home with the bag draped over it. 
Your boss had barged inside your office just a few days ago with multiple folders on top of each other in his hands. When he dropped them all onto your table, it felt like the table itself would drop as well and break down just there. 
He started talking about how he needs the documents to be checked, corrected, and put out into mails, then returned... And more instructions were flying onto you from his mouth. Which you've totally ignored, but gave him a nod as you pretended to listen to his instructions. The amount of documents there could be counted into hundreds and hundreds.
Now, thankfully, you were about to just go home and enjoy your night by yourself!
Or so you have thought.
As you were about to move your chair back to the table and make your way out of your office, a knock sounded on your door. Which sounded completely different from the knock your boss' usually gives you on your office door.
With a deep sigh, you made your way towards the door and pushed it open. The person who was standing behind the door was someone that nobody in the entire building would expect.
Bruce fucking Wayne.
"Daniel's not here," you quickly muttered out the first thing that came to your mind. Mentally slapping yourself for such an answer. Of course, your boss wouldn't be there... In your office.
"I'm not here for Mr. Meyer... The receptionist told me that you are the only one in the building with the keys to the archive. Is that so?" He asked lowly and looked back to the hallway that he most likely came from. 
"Oh! Yeah... I am the only one with the keys," you chirped, backing away from the door and walking back into your office, "I was just about to go home, but thankfully, you caught me just at the right time!" You laughed your sentence off awkwardly. He remained silent and with no other expression. His stoic' expression remained unchanged.
You opened the drawers of the cabinet, which was near the table and fumbled with the drawer, which keep the keys safe. Finally opening it and pulling out the set of keys that could open the multiple doors of the archive. The keys rattled with a sound as you picked them up from the drawer. 
Then in just a moment, you closed the drawers, stood back straight, and looked over to Mr. Wayne, who was still standing outside of the office. Now fidgeting with his fingers, with his head hung low. He stood here, waiting, with no intention to move inside the office to retrieve the keys himself from you.
He was wearing a dark set of brown pants, which weren't skinny nor baggy. A white pastel-like blouse underneath a matching dark brown jacket with its front opened. The little cufflinks with 'W' could be seen on the cuffs of the blouse. His shoes were peeking out from the bottom of the pants. His dark hair was falling into his face and his pale white skin was showing off.
You shuffled back outside and closed the door of your office. Your belongings still inside as you'll have to take the keys back and lock them up back into the drawer after you come back from the archives.  
"Okay... We can go now, this way! Down the stairs and then to the archive doors," you told him as he looked up to meet your eyes. His expression still hasn't changed since he knocked on your door. 
Both of you made your way towards the staircase with no words uttered between each of you. The steps echoed around as both of you walked down. The sound of your heels hitting the stairs echoed down the staircase. 
"If I may ask, Mr. Wayne... Why do you need to go to the archives? Is there something wrong with the documents we've sent back to the Enterprises? We can—" You were quickly cut off by his husky voice.
"No. There's no problem with the documents we've received," his voice cut your rambling quickly, "I've found something else... In the older documents. What my father might still have stored down there, in your archives... I need to check them out for certain reasons," he informed you as you reached the end of the stairs and started walking through the long, hardly lit, hallway. 
The walk to the archives felt endless.
The sound of your heels hitting the tiled floor started to echo around the hallway once again. His walk was steady and his steps were long. The awkward silence felt like it grew with each step you both took. You had to walk even quicker than before, to catch up next to him. 
"Here it is," you told him as both of you stopped in front of locked doors with a black bold writing on it 'ARCHIVES' and a smaller text underneath which said; 'RESTRICTED AREA; NO ADMITTANCE - AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY' 
The keys jiggled as you looked through them to find the right one for the first door. The key had a little red cover on it with a little black bold number one, '1' written on it. Meaning that it's for the first door of the archives.
You unlocked the first door and turned to Mr. Wayne to let him in first. With a nod, he entered the room and walked deeper into the room. 
"Your father's documents are stored in the more 'locked up' side of the archives, the much more important side," you told him as you closed the door behind you. The room is filled with drawers, shelves and boxes full of important documents, the scent of old paper making its way to your nose.
You quickly make your way towards him, where he's standing by door with '2' written on it and some smaller text underneath it, which you don't care to read as you've been there multiple times before.
You unlock the door and let him in first again. Closing the door after the two of you. You look over as you see him stalk over to the next door at the end of the current archive room. 
God, this man has no patience.
"What's up with your father's documents, though? They've been checked, even multiple times and on different occasions... And your father, he used to—" You started rambling to him as you approached him but you were, once again, quickly cut off by him.
"I know. But I have to check something on them. For personal reasons and also to check up on our history, the Wayne Enterprises' history, with others... I know what I'm doing," he snaps back at you sternly, now looking straight at you, into your eyes. His brows furrowed. 
The tone that he spoke to you in, was no close to respectful, nor close to being polite. A scoff wanted to make its way out of your mouth, but you rather kept it shut. Your lips press into a thin line as you watch him look back at the door he waits for.
You unlocked the third door and let him in first again. He stops and looks over at you for a split of a moment and then he's turning his body away from you and heading inside, leaving you standing by the door alone. 
With another sigh, you make your way inside, closing the door after you. 
You made your way towards him, where he was standing. He was standing by the drawers with a big red 'W' written on the label, peeking from the side of the drawers. All of the drawers marked with red 'W' contained all the documents from the Wayne's. 
"You can... Um, check the documents you need. Just put them back into their place, where they were placed before," you told him as you watched him open the first set of archive drawers to check through them.
A few minutes went by, he put out about five files out onto a table next to him. He went through every single document and file, flipping through every page he came across. 
"Who's this?" He suddenly asked. His finger stopped at a certain part of the document he was reading at the moment. 
You stood up from the very much uncomfortable chair that you were sitting on. You made your way towards him and looked over to the documents that he was holding.
He lowered the documents to your height and his finger hovered above a certain name.
Scott Starkey.
His name was crossed out with a black marker. In every sentence, his name was mentioned.
You looked up to meet his eyes and then back down at the name, "He used to be close with your father. He worked hard to reach a position as your father had... Or at least one close to him. He was so ambitious and hungry for success as he, your father, had," you started telling him. Bruce's eyes stayed on you.
"His ambition to get to that position literally consumed him and morphed it all into one huge obsession. He fought against his own limitations. He didn't know when to stop... His friendship with your father started to tear, he couldn't understand why your father had achieved so much so effortlessly. His admiration turned into resentment, anger, and total hatred against him," you told him as you looked up to meet his furrowed expression. His stance was now noticeably different, he was standing straight as he listened to you.
"He dug so deep into your father's personal life. Scott started to spread your father's secrets and things about his personal life, your father's reputation wasn't going to end well for him, or anyone in the Wayne Enterprises if he would have continued," you sighed as you stopped for a moment.
"What happened to him?" Bruce suddenly rasped out into the silence with his question. He looked into your eyes and then down at the documents, which he was holding in his hands. A deep frown on his face after hearing thr backstory from you.
"I don't really know..." you mumbled out to him. Your mind going blank now. They never told anyone what had actually happened to him, he just left everything behind and never came back.
He completely disappeared.
Bruce hummed and closed the file quickly. The dust flew into the air. Floating around the two of you. The files haven't been opened for a long time now. 
A cough made its way out of you from the dust. You waved your hand around to get the dust away from your face.
Meanwhile, Bruce turned his body away and opened the next drawer, and took out the first file of documents, reading and listing through them. His brows were furrowed in concentration, eyes running over all the words, numbers, and symbols written on the paperwork.
You went back to sit in the chair you sat in moments prior. You didn't take your phone down there, so you've got no idea what the time currently is. But you know one thing and that is that you should have been home for at least an hour now. Not at work, sitting in the archives, on the most uncomfortable chair ever, and with the Bruce fucking Wayne.
You try to sit comfortably on it as you watch him go through another opened file, which is more of a yellowish color. Must be an older one than the other ones. 
As you watch him closely, you can feel your eyelids getting heavier. Your head slowly falls forward, hanging lowly. Your eyelids flutter shut and you can feel yourself drifting away into the darkness.
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The sound of traffic and the rhythmic hum of a car wakes you up. 
You slowly come to your senses and open your eyes to see the road of Gotham City, full of traffic, in front of you. The rain is falling against the car.
The car. You're in a car. 
Your head quickly shoots up to look at your surroundings. You blink a few times as the very unknown and unfamiliar surroundings come into focus. 
You're seated in an unknown car in the passenger seat, with a seatbelt on. The interior of the car is black and looks way more luxurious than your car does. 
You look to the side and you finally see the driver of the car. 
Bruce Wayne is sitting at the driver's side, holding the steering wheel. His side profile is up to your eyes as you watch him from your seat. 
His eyes suddenly flicker to yours and you can see a slight hint of a smirk coming up on his face. And then it's quickly gone.
"You're awake," he says, his eyes returning to the road ahead. 
"Where... Where am I? I was at the archives. Where are my things?" you groggily ask as you push yourself away from the window that you were leaning against the moments before.
"Wait! The keys! I didn't put them back, didn't lock the doors! Oh my god, Daniel's gonna kill me!" The realization suddenly comes onto you and dawns slowly. You recall your last moments when you were at the archives; sitting in the chair, slowly falling asleep while he checked through the files. 
Bruce sighed softly at your rambling, "I locked all three doors. As well put the keys into their place and locked your office," you looked over to him once again as he talked, "your things are in the backseat, don't worry."
You slowly looked over to the backseat and saw your coat and your bag on the seat, with the dark purple folder peeking out. You smiled to yourself. 
Then the silence filled the car they were in for a brief moment.
"Thank you... For taking care of the things and taking me with you," you said to him after a few brief moments. 
You see him give you a small nod, his gaze never moving from the road and traffic ahead. His hands turn the wheel to the side as the car moves to the left. You recognize the street you're driving through.
"Wait— How'd you know where I live?" You ask him as you watch the buildings and cars go by through the window. 
"A friend of yours told me… Angus?" He answered, his eyes flickering to yours for a moment. His expression is much softer than back in the archives.
"Oh! Angus, yeah..." you sigh as you lean back into the seat, the tiredness creeping back onto you. 
You watch the buildings go by and then another turn comes. Then you see your apartment building just a few buildings away from where you're right now.
"This is me," you point out to the building you're nearly at. The building looks like any other ordinary building in Gotham.
Bruce nods as he slows the car down and parks near the curb, in front of your building entrance.
You unbuckle your seatbelt and open the door of the car. Your feet meets the pavement and you stand up. Your body aching from the sleep.
You softly close the front door behind you and make your way toward the back door to get your things out. 
You're met with Bruce standing by the other side of the car, with your long coat and bag in his arms. He walks around the back of the car and hands you the items.
"Thank you," you utter to him softly, taking the items from his grasp, "for everything you've done for me today. Means a lot," you smile up at him.
You're so sure that you saw the corners of his mouth turn a bit upwards. A smile wanting to creep up onto his face. 
"No problem," he says after a long pause. He nods his head and leans against the back of his car, his arms folded over his chest, and closely watches you stand. 
His tone was steady but his eyes and posture said differently. His eyes held a hint of something even more. A very subtle, small smile coming up onto his face couldn't even be seen. 
An awkward silence took over your small conversation. 
You shuffled from side to side on your feet, looking down to the ground before meeting his eyes once again.
"So... Well, I should probably... I should probably head in," you say with a small smile to him, clutching your bag and coat to your chest.
"Oh, yeah... Of course!" He quickly replied with a shake of his head. As he pushed himself off the car.
You gave him another shy smile and turned yourself around to leave, walking up the stairs to the entrance of the apartment building. As you reached for the door, you looked back and lifted a hesitant hand to give an awkward wave to him.
Turning back and opening the door to the building. Your steps finally met the surface of the tiled floor of your apartment building's first floor.
You take a quick glance over your shoulder and catch your eyes with him once again. 
Then he lifts his hand as well, and a very hesitant wave comes back to you. A smile plastered on his face. His smile grows as he watches you disappear into the apartment building. A warm feeling spreading through his chest. 
With a final glance at the building, he walks around and gets back into his car. The childish smile not leaving his face at all. 
The whole ride back is quiet. But he can hear his heart beat so loudly inside of his chest. As he drives, he can only think of one certain thing. His mind is stuck. 
He only thinks of you.
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bruce wayne fic is here! i'm so obsessed with battinson hahahah
give it some love if u liked it thank uu <3
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midniiights-garden · 7 months
A Little Mistake MobAU!Mizu x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Your scary, intimidating mob boss wife attempts to cook for you. It... does not go well.
TWs!! Mentions of blood and gore, mentions of violence, swearing
To most people Mizu was untouchable. A Goddess in her own right. After she murdered her late husband she moved on, driven by rage and bitterness, and ended up starting a rather small but lethal group of assassins. With her as the head, of course. And for a long time she remained bitter and cold, her heart worn out with one too many heartbreaks.
Until she met you.
You were kind yet strict, a diamond in the rough one could say. The only catch? You were a woman.
Mizu was hesitant to pursue you at first, not really sure if she was ready for another heartbreak. Or to confront the fact that she was undoubtly attracted to women. However, it turned out she didn't have to. You made the first move, presenting her a single white tulip, not a word leaving your lips.
And the rest was history.
Now you and her were happily married. Mizu was happier than she ever thought she could be. She could practice her swordsmanship in peace and she had a pretty, intellegent and kind wife to boot.
It's been 4 years now. Mizu, being the secretly loving wife she was, snuck out of your shared bed early to cook for you. Did she know how to cook? No. Not at all. But it couldn't be that bad, right?
On the morning of fourth year anniversary you wake to the sound of Mizu swearing, said wife no where to be found and the smell of charcoal coming from the kitchen. You stumble out of bed, searching for Mizu only to find her in the kitchen with the fire exstinguisher in hand, a pan full of... something... being the cause of the smell.
"...happy anniversary?" Mizu greets quietly, smiling sheepishly at you as she lowers the fire extinguisher.
You sigh. How could you ever get mad at that precious face? All you do is walk forward, wrapping your arms around her waist and kissing her softly.
"Tried to cook, huh darling?" You ask, raising your eyebrow.
Mizu blushes out of embarassment, looking away.
"I... I didn't think it'd be that hard... I just wanted to surprise you since you're always cooking for us," she murmurs, now deciding to hide her face in the crook of your neck.
You giggle, squeezing her softly before planting a kiss to her forehead.
"Awww, darling. Thank you very much for trying. Lets try together now, huh? So that you know what to do for next time."
You spend the rest of the morning cleaning up Mizu's mess (much to her absolute embarassment) and then cooking alongside her, showing her how to adjust the heat, how to know when something was done cooking and showing her how to crack an egg. Somehow she really struggled with cracking an egg.
Unfortunately around an hour after finishing breakfast Mizu recieved word that she was needed. She left begrudgingly, apologizing profusely as she left to deal with... whatever it was she dealt with. You knew the gist, but you really weren't interested in the nitty gritty of it.
She returns at 2AM, her previously crisp white shirt drenched in blood. She had several scratches on her body and she was obviously not in a great mood. Before you could say anything she had tossed herself on top of you, curling into your warmth and staining your clothing with blood. Not that you cared right now.
You decide not to speak, instead holding your precious wife close as you wipe the blood splatters off her face. You watched as her face finally relaxed, the scowl wearing off and replaced by a more serene, content expression.
"Tired?" You whisper.
"Yeah...." She replies. "...I'm sorry for not being here today, my love."
You shake your head, understanding the severity of her work.
"No, it's alright. You're here now, right? That's all that matters. You're here."
Mizu looks up at you, her eyes tired yet undoubtly so grateful for your entire exsistance.
"I love you... I love you so much," she whispers hoarsely.
"I love you too, Mizu. Happy anniversary."
"Happy anniversary, love."
You spend the rest of the night cuddling and talking with your loving wife knowing you had your entire lives ahead of you. You knew whatever happened, she would be yours and you would be hers.
(A/N: Dedicated to the lovely @emiliabby!! Tysm for tagging me in that idea post <33)
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celesterayel · 8 months
the tragic heroes | percy jackson
pairing: percy Jackson ✩ ‧₊˚
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IN WHICH — the tragic heroes and the tragedy that appeases the chaos.
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The monster cackles in delight, its bulging eyes crinkling with glee and invoking disgust in all that have (and will) witness its countenance. Darkness hides all other pallors of rotting skin and luminously straining veins, slivers of shades of bruised blues and bloody reds clashing against the dark abyss of the room, that the monster has no use for as an entity of chaos.
Bells foil loudly in the distance, perturbing the distant silence of the castle with grating screeches only reaching the heights of noise as the pits of tartarus. It is a cacophony of choked laughter and perversive glee for the delicate steps that built the foundation for what is to come. And soon it shall!
The Fates have come knocking on the door of destiny and offered up to the beast the next great tragedy that shall put all the others to shame. A deal for judgement and devastation. The Fates have weaved through sorrows befitting the leagues of Icarus's falling and Achille's lost love, enthralling the vices of Aphrodite's cruel methods that end with aching lips and entranced poets--forever written into history. They have searched the sands of time and bid the eons of creation for this.
The monster lounges forward as if the visions in the water will disappear and greedily drinks forth the taste of cataclysmic devotion and the etchings of pain in the cosmos as the moonlight of the water provides the burning echoes from lips that shall taste the sweetest sin and ache for it in every other lifetime. What a lovely destruction this will be.
The monster pitches out, “It has begun, young little hero. Such pretty sorrows..."
The Fates have certainly outdone themselves. This story will be one for the ages to come and even after!
The walls haunch over and enclose the story in its grasp, keeping it their secret even if only just a bit longer. It reeks of desperation and devastation--the greatest ones always do.
Voices of the damned and lost screech out in laughter, the entity mocks in pity or sadness all the same: "Wretched Greek story doomed to repeat like it has every lifetime; the pour of ichor waning between reality and prophecies about to drip, drip, drip down the pages. Except in this one, it seems perhaps the gods made a mistake choosing you for him. He has no qualms choosing you over all else. I must say, I shall have fun watching the Earth burn and Olympus fall down--the chaos it shall bring...delightful! Blessing or curse we have yet to see! It seems I have a new tale to tell when the cursed half-bloods come crooning at my gates to weep. My, what marvelous tunes!”
The beast could taste the tears and heartache that slide right off this tale, so presently tasteful.
My, my what marvelous fortunes to come indeed.
The Savior of Olympus., Son of the Seas, Percy Jackson. The Survivor.
The Great One, Daughter of the Heavens, Callopeia Iris. The Tragedy.
"Finally a story for the gods below who ache for destruction and tragedy like it was made for them. They shall have a riot."
The Tragic Heroes.
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✩ ‧₊˚ author note i was doing physics and calc hw and this came into my mind and now thinking of creating a full on fanfic on ao3 and wattpad based on the dialogue i wrote. i apologize for being so inactive and for the requests in my inbox. swear I have alot planned and written but classes are kicking me rn. i just needed to post this cuz i think it sounded really good :)
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byuljoonie · 1 year
Never Goodbye // myg
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It’s never goodbye, I’ll always see you again…
pairing: yoongi x reader
genre: one shot, angst, fluff, quick smut, rash decisions
word count: 3k
warnings: mentions of mental health, mentions of past SH/scars, sad-ish smut, d-day tour, swearing, almost oral (m4f), dom!suga sub!reader, unsafe sẽx, creampie, fluff if you hate fluff.
note: My depression has been hitting so hard lately. I will re-edit tomorrow, I’m exhausted and can’t double check tonight. I love Min Yoongi, I will backflip for him. In all honesty, when Yoongi did his first live since being gone for a while, I ugly sobbed over my iPad. I missed him so much and the thought of him leaving shook me to my core lmao. Though I’m overdramatic, I am a proud military wife for 3 so far of 7 husbands. Enjoy the one shot and feel free to submit requests to the link in my bio, and listen to some of my playlists also in the bio. I will post Ramo Buchón and this story on Ao3 next week. -dubu
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I stood in the dimly lit record store, surrounded by rows upon rows of vinyl records, each a portal to a different musical era. I held in my hand the debit card my thoughtful boyfriend, Yoongi, had given me to use this afternoon. He had gifted me a beautiful scarlet record player, and now I was on a mission to fill it with music.
The store was a treasure trove of musical history. Rows of records stretched out in every direction, organized meticulously by genre and artist. I traced my fingers along the spines, feeling the nostalgia emanating from each one. Rock, jazz, classical, pop – it was all there, waiting to be explored.
My indecisiveness was palpable as I contemplated my choices. I would pick up one vinyl, then another, carefully examining the album artwork and reading the tracklist. Yoongi had given me complete freedom to choose, and I wanted to make sure every selection was perfect.
In the midst of my contemplation, my thoughts drifted to Yoongi. I couldn't help but smile as I remembered the way he had surprised me with the record player earlier. It was clear that he knew just how much I loved music like him, and he wanted to share that passion with me.
As I continued browsing, my eyes suddenly lit up when I spotted the records I had been searching for. There, among the vast collection, were albums by Queen, Mac Miller, Lee Moonsae, and Diana Ross – artists whose music had shaped my life. I felt a rush of excitement as I reached for each of them, holding them close as if they were precious treasures.
With a heart full of gratitude for Yoongi's thoughtful gift and a bag full of vinyl records, I headed to the checkout counter. I knew that each record I had chosen would be a soundtrack to special moments shared with Yoongi, and that made the indecisiveness and the joy of discovery all the more worthwhile.
My collection is finally growing again and I’m so grateful to him. I checked out quickly, holding a brief conversation with the nice blue-haired woman at the counter. Thanking god for the half empty store, I stepped out into the cold air. I called a taxi on my phone and waited the everlasting 10 minutes as I nearly froze in place.
The sleek navy-blue car pulled in front of the little store, a middle aged man stepping out of the drivers side to open the door for me. I thanked him as he grabbed my bag and set it in the trunk for me. The short drive back to our apartment was quiet, the hum of NPR coming from the radio piercing the silence. The heater blowing directly at me.
We pulled up to the tall building hurrying so I can escape the cold air. I grabbed my bag from the man and tipped him extra for his generosity and service. I scanned into the building making my way to the elevators past the front desk. After I exited the elevators I grew more excited to see Yoongi. I skipped happily to our door, putting in the key code.
I’m greeted by the smell of air freshener and our puppy running up to me. Excitedly licking my hand and wagging his tail. I closed the door setting my bag on the small table near it and then taking off my shoes.
“Hi baby!” I said cheerfully looking at Yoongi as he walked over to me. He grabbed my waist and placed a kiss on my check, making his way down to my neck. Resting his head on my shoulder as he held me. I felt like putty in his palm, moving to grab his face and plant a kiss on his lips.
He hummed into the kiss, letting his hands sneak around my waist to my ass. I giggled and pushed him away immediately, missing the feeling of his hands on me already. He pained a hurt expression and I gave him a knowing look. He was supposed to be packing but the laundry basket I left him to sort through seemed to be almost untouched as it sat idle by our sofa.
“Min Yoongi why is your laundry still folded neatly in that basket?” I questioned pointing to his clothes and resting a hand on my hip. “I needed a break,” he said nonchalantly, walking to go sit back on the sofa. He was precious but we have things to do and I can’t let his cuteness distract me. I grabbed my shopping bag from the table and walked over to Yoongi, sitting on his lap so I could show him the merchandise.
“Let me show you what I bought and then I’ll go start on dinner while you actually pack,” I said smiling at the way he rested his hands on my thighs. I took the vinyls out of the bag, setting the first two on the sofa cushion next to us.
“First I got this classic Diana Ross record, but I can’t hold in my excitement anymore!” I said grabbing the Mac Miller record and handing it to Yoongi. I watched as his eyes light up in excitement. “I know I was supposed to be shopping for me but I couldn’t help myself.” I said starting to tear up. I didn’t want to cry but the emotions are hitting hard, Yoongi leaves in a few days.
“Thank you so much baby I love it,” he said setting the record aside to kiss me softly. Yoongi sighed as he stared down at me on his lap. I noticed the worry in his eyes and sat up placing a hand on his cheek. “Are you okay my love?” I probed gently.
“It’s just…I can’t help but worry about leaving you alone again while I go on tour. Your depression and anxiety, I’m afraid they might worsen, and I won’t be there to help you when you need me the most,” Yoongi said staring deeply into my glossy eyes.
I smiled warmly at his confession, cupping his face in my hands. “Min Yoongi, it’s so easy to see why your parents named you light. You’ve helped me through so much already, you are my light. I’ve learned so much from you about handling my emotions, and even on my worst days, just a phone call with you can calm me down. I’ll be okay baby, I promise,” I choked out.
Yoongi looked at me for a second, seemingly analyzing me. He nodded slowly pulling me into a tight hug. “I know you’ve grown stronger, but I can’t help but worry. You mean the world to me Y/N,” he said as I buried my face in his neck.
“And you mean the world to me too, Yoongi. We’ll get through this together, just like we always do.” I said hugging him tighter. We stayed in our embrace for a while, finding comfort in each others presence. Eventually I break the hug and get up to go make dinner, while Yoongi starts to sort through his laundry basket.
“I guess I’ll actually start getting my things in order,” he mumbled to himself with a huff. He stood up flinging open his suitcases, and throwing in a few items he eyeballed. I giggled at how unenthusiastic he was being.
“I’ll help you pack after dinner Yoongs, you know I have to double check and make sure you have everything you’ll need.” I said busying myself at the stove. After I mixed the pasta, I told Yoongi to set the table while I change and I’d be right back.
I retreated to our bedroom, eager to change into my comfortable pajamas. As I shed my days attire and donned my soft, oversized pjs, my eyes involuntarily drifted to the prominent scars that crisscrossed my body, momentos of a harrowing time that altered my life.
A wave of sadness washed over me, recalling the challenges in my journey to recovery. Moments of doubt crept in, but just as I was about to get lost in my melancholic thoughts, I heard Yoongi’s voice gently calling me from the dining area.
“Babe come on I’m hungry and your food smells too good,” he whined cutely as I walked into the dining room. I placed some pasta in his plate and sat in the chair across from him, unconsciously tugging at the short sleeves on my shirt, hoping he wouldn’t notice.
Yoongi hummed in delight at the taste of the cream pasta, and I quietly chewed along. It didn’t take long for us to finish our meal, I stood up making my way to the sink, grabbing the dishes from the table. I started washing dishes, mindlessly humming one of Yoongi’s songs.
“Why’re you so quiet tonight sweetheart?” Yoongi questioned as he walked up behind me. I felt his hands wrap around my waist, he then pulled me flush against him. “Talk to me Y/N,” he said in my ear, leaving a soft lingering kiss behind.
“I’m sorry I just don’t feel the best, honestly, I feel like a burden. All these ugly scars already make me feel less than, but the thought of me holding you back from doing what you love pains me the most, Yoongi,” I said nervously, melting into his embrace.
Suddenly Yoongi unraveled his arms, reaching around me to turn the faucet off. I turned around to face him, confusion flooding my features. He gently placed his hands on my face, searching my eyes for an unknown answer.
“Will you let me show you how much I love you Y/N?” He asked. I nodded slowly, bringing my hand up to touch his that rested on my cheek. He leaned down to place a kiss on my lips, hovering close after he pulled apart.
We walked hand in hand to the bedroom, closing the door behind us. Yoongi guided me over to our bed, helping me up onto the tall mattress. He climbed onto the bed, gently pushing me to lay down flat on my back.
“With every piece of clothing I remove from your body, I’ll leave a trace of me behind. You deserve to know how gorgeous you are Y/N, how utterly irresistible and perfect you are. Every piece of you that you view as an imperfection, I view as another reason to love you.” Yoongi said removing his black shirt from his toned figure.
He removed his shorts, carelessly tossing them to some shadow realm. He looped his fingers under my, formally his, oversized shirt, pulling it over my head in one swift motion.
He stared at my exposed chest for a second, eyes flickering back to mine every so often. He then leaned down, placing a trail of kisses down my neck, and stopping when he reached my collar bone.
He started leaving behind love bites, sucking and licking at the quick forming bruises. I hissed in pleasure as his tongue felt like pure ecstasy, sighing at the way he took my nipple into his mouth.
He looked up at me through hooded eyes, staring at me intensely as he massaged and sucked my breasts. I moaned his name quietly, wrapping my legs around his torso as he moved his attention to the other side.
He made his way down my exposed front, leaving no inch of skin without a trace of his love, or tongue. He moved further down the bed, hooking his fingers under the band of my flower covered panties.
His eyes never left my face, he smirked as I watch him in anticipation. Stomach quickly rising and falling with every nervous breath. He pulled them down my legs painfully slow, I shivered as the cold air hit my exposed clit. He’s barely touched me and I’m already a soaking mess.
He placed a kiss on my left hip bone, massaging the right one with a free hand. He kissed his way down until he hovered over my center, watching the way my eyes drank in his sinful appearance. I could feel the warmth of his breath hitting my core, causing an accidental whine to escape my pouty lips.
He let out a breathy chuckle before placing a kiss on my clit. That earned another moan from me as well as a tight grip on the rappers long hair. He sat up suddenly, receiving a look of disappointment from me. “I can’t wait any longer pumpkin, I need to fill you up like the good girl you are. Gonna make you cry for a much better reason than before.” Yoongi said tossing his boxers to the side and rubbing his length against my pussy, I squirmed in anticipation.
I felt his tip probe at my entrance, his length slowly being engulfed into the hot, soft cavern. I gasped at the intrusion, squeezing Yoongi’s arm as he began to move slowly. With every thrust I clenched harder, scratching down his back as he loving fucked me into oblivion.
“I can never get enough of you princess,” Yoongi grunted out as he sped up his rhythmic movements. “This is my pussy baby you’re mine, all mine, and no one else’s.” He growled eyes darkening with pleasure.
“hmfp I…I’m all yours Yoongi all yours please please fuck me just like that,” I stuttered out, crying as my body grew sore with the force of Yoongi’s hips slamming into mine. I enjoyed every second of this painful pleasure, yanking him by the neck down to my mouth. Lewd noises echoed through our apartment, a melody of wet sounds and heavy breathing reverberating off the walls of our bedroom.
I screamed in pleasure as Yoongi reached down and started furiously rubbing my swollen clit. “Fuck down on me Y/N, let the neighbors hear all those pretty noises you make. Tell me how much you love this dick baby it’s all yours,” he said hotly leaving a trail of wet kisses down my neck.
“It’s mine oh f…fuck Yoongi I can’t take it, I want you to cum inside me please. N…need you to fill me up so I can fully be yours,” I choked out in between sobs. Before I could react the bed shook with extreme force, Yoongi unbelievably fucking me deeper, lifting my hips off the bed and squeezing my bruised hips.
I felt his dick pulsate inside me, indicating he was just as close as I was. “Fuck…cum with me baby,” he grunted out head rolling back in pleasure as his pace slowed. I felt his warm cum shoot inside me, I shook furiously hips spazzing as Yoongi gently set me down. He wiped my tears as I exhaustedly went limp, too tired to get another word out.
“I hope you know I’m going to think about this all the time while I’m gone,” Yoongi said grabbing some water from his bedside table to give to me. I mustered the courage to sit up and graciously take the water, passing him the rest after I finished. He leaned over and placed another kiss on my lips, holding me in his arms as he quietly talked me into a restful sleep.
Yoongi stood by the door, his bags packed and ready for the waiting vehicle outside. I watched him, my eyes brimming with emotions as he turned to face me.
“Y/N, I wish I didn’t have to leave without you, but I know how important your work is to you. I promise I’ll try to call you everyday, no matter the time difference,” he said softly.
“I know Yoongs, but I’m going to miss you so so much,” I said voice quivering as I struggled to keep my composure. My body shook with sadness, shoulders slouching in defeat. Yoongi cupped my face in his hands and gently wiped away my tears.
“Hey look at me, beautiful. I want you to know that no matter where I am, my heart is always with you. If you ever need anything, if you’re feeling down, just call me and I’ll answer in a heartbeat. I would fly across the country in seconds to get to you my love. I might not say it enough, but you mean everything to me Y/N there is no me without you. You’re my inspiration, my strength, and my love.” He confessed, his eyes holding a depth of emotion he often struggled to express.
“I love you too Yoongi, more than words can say,” I said while sniffling. Yoongi smiled at me through glossy eyes, clearly trying to hold it together for me. “Actions speak volumes, right? I’ll prove it to you everyday I’m away. This tour won’t change how I feel about you, and it damn sure won’t change us.” He said pulling me into another tight embrace. A car horn could be heard impatiently honking in the background.
“Goodbye my love,” I said smiling through my tears.
“It’s never goodbye, I’ll always see you again darling.”
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captain039 · 1 year
PART 9 The lords servant
Astarion x reader
Warnings: plus size reader, light swearing, vampire things, sexual, first times, eventual smut, harassment, angst, slowburnn
Previous part <-
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You awoke hearing a small whimper beside you. You frowned remembering where you were, you glanced to your lord, blanket clutched in his hand just above his waist. He was twitching, eyes scrunched up, you tilted your head slightly you thought elves didn’t sleep let alone dream. Maybe his thoughts clouded his whole mind, his face was frightened and you got worried as he began to mumbled no’s, you gently shook him calling his name. He shot up, his hand on your throat, holding it tightly. You gasped holding his wrist trying to breathe. He looked around before his eyes fell on you, he let go of you quickly eyed scared.
“I’m so sorry- gods-“ he said frantic as he put his feet to the ground, head in his hand as he shook lightly. You got full sight of the scars on his back, some unknown language to you. You gulped a bit trying to process. Your hands went to his shoulders as you shuffled, legs going by his side, you wrapped your arms around his waist resting your hands on his chest, one hand over his heart. You rested your cheek on his back feeling him breathe heavily. His trembled stopped as his hand held yours over his heart.
“Did I hurt you?” He asked voice quiet.
“I’m alright” you said and he scoffed lightly making you tense lightly.
“I almost strangled you” he spat and you sagged a little lifting your head.
“You were having a nightmare” you said he he huffed annoyed.
“Astarion” you said feeling him tense.
“What happened?” You asked as he looked back to you the best he could.
“My master, Cazador” he spat his name and you nodded.
“He had you” his voice went quiet filled with vulnerability.
“Drained you of your blood in front of me slowly, made sure to cut up every part of your beautiful body, once you-“ his breath hitched as you gave him a soft squeeze.
“Died, he turned you, you weren’t you, it was worth than death” he said and you listened to the sob he let out. You felt tears in your own eyes as you held him tightly, the gods were cruel with their torment on his soul.
“I’m ok, I’m here” you tried to comfort.
“You’ll never be safe, not with me” he forced those walls up again and you bit back tears.
“Astarion” you whispered sadly as he pulled away from your embrace, shut off fully now as you sagged and tugged the blanket around your naked body as he got dressed and left. You left to your own room to cry in your bed before you exhausted yourself and passed out. When you awoke again you debated about going to his office. You didn’t, you headed out into the city letting Daenan know before hand. You went to the library, searching about vampires, the myths and legends, trying to look for the name Cazador amongst the history. You learnt about the masters and spawns, what powers the masters had over their spawns, they were slaves to every command they had no control, how did your lord escape?
You were there for hours reading and looking before you saw the name Cazador. Cazador Szarr his name was a well known supposed dead lord outside Baldurs gate, he had a large estate, nobody knows of a successors or extended family, nobody knows if he was truely dead.
“Interesting book?” You suddenly heard looking up seeing a woman. You frowned slightly at her too perfect smile.
“Just looking into some history” you shrugged her off hoping she’d get the hint.
“They say he’s not actually dead” she sat down not taking the hint.
“Lord Szarr?” You asked and she nodded her grin unsettling.
“They say he’s eternal, been around for century’s” she said making you frown, who was she?
“Maybe” you shrugged closing the book.
“Oh come now, just having a friendly chat” she smirked.
“I’m due for lunch” you lied standing up.
“How is the little star?” She asked and you frowned, little star?
“I don’t know what you mean” you said and she laughed.
“I smell him all over you” she took a deep breath through her nose and sighed loudly eyes flashing gold making you jolt a bit.
“Our little elf didn’t even get his adult name” she pouted and you froze.
“Astarion you idiot” she rolled her eyes.
“Your so called lord, honestly his hiding is horrible” she huffed and you felt anger and fear rise as she checked her nails.
“You think his lord let him go?” She chuckled.
“He was let go” she said darkly an evil smirk on her face.
“He’s due for the reckoning best say your goodbye’s” she added before she disappeared in front of your eyes. Your heart jumped and you ran right back to your lords mansions, heart pounding, mind racing. You went to the library quickly looking over books about elfs and their language, you found one putting his name together, it meant little star, he hadn’t hit proper adult hood in elf sense, never got his adult name. You sagged falling into the chair, his life was stolen from him, his master let him go and was obviously watching and now he knew who you were, that woman too, who was she? His masters pet? Dark consort?
You jumped when your name was called sharply seeing your lord furious.
“Before you yell, please just listen-“ you said his eyes bright red.
“I told Daenan where I went, I went to the library, but there’s something else” you said hands shaking.
“Cazador” he said and you frowned slightly.
“I’m the prodigal son being summoned to return for his ascendant” your lord scoffed words laced with venom.
“I had a visitor” he growled.
“I did too” you said voice shaky and his eyes went wide.
“Who?” He asked quickly.
“A woman I don’t know-“ you said panicking.
“She said there was to be a reckoning, to say my goodbyes” you said body trembling.
“You best say them” he said and you froze snapping your eyes to him.
“No don’t give me that look, you’ll get killed!” He growled as your eyes stung with tears.
“I won’t leave you! You told me to stay here!” You fought and his jaw tensed.
“That was before I was in disgusting bliss” he spat and it was your turn to growl in frustration.
“My lord- with all disrespect, fuck you!” You yelled and he froze at your outburst as your chest heaved.
“You gave me my first everything! Made me feel things I’ve never felt! And I dare say you felt something new!” You tried to control your emotions as tears rolled down your face.
“Fuck your master and his little spy’s and consorts!” You yelled seeing Daenan peer in the room slightly before you glared and he ran off.
“Don’t you get it?!” You snapped at your lord as he stayed silent.
“I love you!” You cried body shaking with emotions as you began to wipe your eyes. You felt hands grab your waist and lips press to yours. You went to fight him, fists giving a weak punch against his chest as he kissed you passionately.
“I’m sorry” he whispered breathlessly as you shook your head and cried.
“I love you too” he muttered and you looked to him with shock. He gave a weak smile and you saw tears in his own eyes.
“Hells” he muttered blinking his eyes as you smiled cupping his cheek and wiping the stray tear.
“I love you too” he repeated a real smile on his face as he closed his eyes and leant into you.
“Good” you chuckled softly pulling his head down softly to rest your heads together.
“I’m not going anywhere” you whispered.
Next part ->
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so in those [mumble mumble] years between BotW and TotK, the Zora replaced the weathered and unreadable monuments with new history writing by Sidon, and their contents have left me hmm emotionally compromised ??
i was gonna list em out in full but then i read them all and Sidon waffles so much bless him LOL
full transcripts below (+ the 11th monument in the Domain itself) expect Sidon being an adorable goof, Zora Deep Lore, waterbending, SO much gushing over Mipha and Link, Zelda being a sweetheart, and surprise Yona content !!!
just for clarity, i've highlighted the first word of each on-screen chunk of text ... i love Sidon so much but he's so verbose i kept missing the full log lol but im glad he went all in, its earnest, descriptive and poetic :') 💙 RIP the stonemasons ...
Learnings of the Zora, Part One The Waters of Zora's Domain As told by Prince Sidon
Long, long ago, right here in Lanayru, incredible transformations, both subtle and drastic in nature, shaped the land. The tall mountains birthed clouds, these clouds cried tears of rain, and this rain filled our deep valleys past the brim. In time, this overflowing water became the Zora River, which bred waterfalls that fell and nourished the vast Lanayru Wetlands. Perhaps it was inevitable that my Zora ancestors, who wandered in search of precious water, would finally settle here. The mountains of Lanayru are blessed with high-quality stone. The structures built from said stone are solid yet refined. Just like the Zora and our domain, our buildings exist in harmony with the water. It is a beautiful symbol of our way of life. If you go to the edge of the domain, close your eyes, and listen closely ... you shall be greeted by the gentle sound of water. This kind, soothing sound is a testament to the happy life the Zora are so grateful to have found here. As one born of royal Zora blood, my duty is as clear as it is unshakeable. I, Sidon, swear here and now ... I shall protect our home with my very life, that the gentle sound of water may never cease in our beloved domain.
Learnings of the Zora, Part Two The Legend of Ruto, Our Great Ancestor As told by Prince Sidon
It is written that long ago there was a strong-willed Zora princess who was as meandering as a winding river. This princess, who was dearly loved by her fellow Zora, was noble as she was innocent. Her name was Ruto. One day, a powerful and wicked man tried to take over Hyrule and brought great ruin to the once-peaceful Zora's Domain. Our tales speak of falled Zora soldiers drifting down the river as it sadly reflected the chaotic retreat of the terrified Zora. Princess Ruto bravely fought back her tears and she bore witness to the tragic misery unfolding in the domain. Even amid her heartbreak, the Zora princess did all she coult to help the weak and elderly escape. Next she swam against the river's current and climbed the mighty waterfall to challenge her foe. The details of this fight have fallen victim to the haze of time. Few details remain. Still, it is said she was aided by the princess of Hyrule and the hero of legend, and together they saved Hyrule. So the legend goes. I, Sidon, prince of the Zoram cannot help but ponder these events as I listen to the Zora children play in all their innocence. As Princess Ruta's descendant, it is my fate to carry the torch of her brave acts into tomorrow and beyond. I shall not fail.
Learnings of the Zora, Part Three The Great King Dorephan As told by Prince Sidon
Several springs after I lost my dear sister, Mipha, a large group of Lizalfos attacked the domain. It mattered not that this was my first true battle. The expectations of those around me weighed heavy on my shoulders. The absence of Mipha, who had always been there to encourage me with loving kindness, was like a spear to my heart. As for my own spear, though I was highly trained for its use, it seemed to only cut the air and slash the water's surface. I was taken off guard by a surprise attach from three Lizalfos hiding at the water's edge, each with their blade fixed on me. I knew that my time had come ... and that is when the three Lizalfos disappeared, as quickly as they had arrived. In their place, I saw the towering figure of my father, the great King Dorephan, who had just bested my foes with ease. "Sidon, my son," he said firmly. "You allwed your heart to falter. That is the quickest way to fall on the battlefield." His words cut deep, but as I stood on the brink of dispair, a familiar gently encouraged me. "Your king needs you." Many soldiers later attested they were certain they had also heard the sweet voice of Mipha on that day. From then on, my heart was true and my resolve firm. By lending strength to our king, we were able to save the domain.
Learnings of the Zora, Part Four Two Sisters of Different Blood As told by Prince Sidon
When I was young, I had an irrational fear of strangers. I was particularly bashful around Yona. Paralyzed, even. She was already so mature in manner, and she treated me like a little brother, even though we were not related. There came an unseasonably heavy rain that quickly flooded the river. Us children, who were playing there, were swept away. I was battered by the water's strong flow, my fins helpless to resist. It was Yona who dragged me to the safety of the shore. The water continued to swell as the shore waned, but Yona was unflappable, sweetly comforting me as I shivered in fear. It was Mipha, my dear sister, who finally showed up to rescue us with other Zora adults in tow. I still remember Yona's face as she gazed up at Mipha in admiration. My face must have looked the same as I gazed at Yona. As a child, I had two big sisters. One by birth and one by chance. Yona looked up to Mipha, and I was in awe of them both. Before I knew it, years had passed, and my feelings for Yona became more difficult to quantify. Then, one day ... My father informed me that the amazing young woman who had once been a like a sister to me was to be my bride. Perhaps these feelings and memories are too dear and private to commit to history, but such is the tale of this Zora prince.
Learnings of the Zora, Part Five The Zora Armor She Left Behind As told by Prince Sidon
For some time after I lost my beloved sister, even in the light shining on the water seemed dark and dreary to my eyes. But as they say, time heals all wounds, no matter how deep. I can now speak of her with a smile, as is only fitting. I shall now tell the tale of the Zora armor that my sister crafted for her future husband, as per our ancient custom. One dark day, the domain was in great peril, and I sought help from a traveling Hylian to save our home. He was sparing with his words, yet I trusted him at once. As fate would have it, he was a childhood friend of Mipha's. My father, King Dorephan, troubled by the domain's suffering, requested his help. The swordsman agreed without hesitation. Father bequeathed my sister's Zora armor to this courageous soul, along with her hopes for the safety of the domain. The armor fit Link perfectly - so perfectly that councilman Muzu, who then harbored a hatred of Hylians, could not object. My sister had already left this world, and with her went the dearly held intentions that she had instilled within that special armor. Yet, with Link's help, she shined a light on the Zora in our hour of need, reaching between worlds with gentle fingertips.
Learnings of the Zora, Part Six The Story of Mipha Court: The Beginning As told by Prince Sidon
There was once a terrifying monster on Ploymus Mountain, loosing shock arrows on all who dared to cross its path. It was of utmost importance to drive the beast away, but as the Zora are weak to electricity, our efforts were futile. That is when a lone Hylian arrived at the domain. This swordsman who was sparing with his words ... his name was Link. Unlike us Zora, he was immune to shocks! Well perhaps that is an exaggeration, but one thing is certain. He was very brave. After careful preparation, he ascended Ploymus Mountain and defeated the foul beast all by himself. As if in celebration of newfound peace, clean water mysteriously began flowing at the top of Ploymus Mountain. That is when many Zora, if not most, voiced support for building a place that all could enjoy in that formerly frightful spot. Yet the many tree roots and stones made this task tricky, leading to a focus on the no-less-difficult matter of the name. "Zora Park" was too obvious. "Ploymus Park" only conjured images of the former terrors found there. When I candidly asked whether we should focus on the hard work at hand rather than the name, they all turned my way. "Prince Sidon," they asked. "Surely you must have a good suggestion?" To that, I fell silent, and stayed so for a long while. I shall write the conclusion of this story on another monument.
Learnings of the Zora, Part Six The Story of Mipha Court: The Conclusion As told by Prince Sidon
The first half of this tale can be found on another stone monument. If it is not too much trouble, I advise reading that first. I now present the conclusion. When posed with the task of naming this storied location, I, Prince Sidon, fell silent. After a time, I timidly proposed the one and only name that came to mind for this place of newfound peace. I suggested that we name it after my beloved sister who had long been lost to us ... Mipha Court. I worried they would think I was unfairly favoring my own family's legacy by naming it after my kin. A hush fell over the group. After a time, one of the stonemasons raised his voice in agreement. More voices joined his, one after another. The idea was embraced whlly, and the craftsmen all returned to their work. Though the work was grueling, from then until the completion of Mipha Court, the air was filled with laughter and singing. This incident drove home to my very core how much everyone loved my sister. I hope one day to inspire such admiration. If there is ever to be a Sidon Court, I must work tirelessly to earn that honor.
Learnings of the Zora, Part Seven The Prince and the Swordsman As told by Prince Sidon
The rain always stops ... except when it does not. This humourous saying was once repeated with a soft chuckle around here. Then, one day, heavy rain started falling in the domain, and no matter how many days passed it did not cease. Although the Zora are a water-dwelling sort, we came to miss the warmth of the sun and dry winds upon our backs. Alas, as fervent as our desire was, we had no means of stopping the cause of this unprecedented disaster. When all had given up hope, I, Sidon, took it upon myself to invite a Hylian to the domain. This young swordsman of few words was named Link. I trusted him at once, sensing great devotion in his kind eyes. It was immediately clear that my instincts were correct. Thanks to Link, we were able to face the thread head on. Our battle with the source of the disaster was intense by my newfound friend and I refused to yield until we finally triumphed. Sometimes, writen words flow so much more readily than those spoken ... Link, my dearest friend, you are an unparalleled swordsman, and I admire you so very much. He may lack fins and gills, but it matters not. This hero among heroes exudes magnificence tempered with steadiness. Though we are different, our hearts both yearn to serve a higher calling. I learned much from him, and I am eternally grateful. As I recall my best friend, it occurs to me that though the rains have ceased, perhaps a true adventure never does.
Learnings of the Zora, Part Eight The Princess of Hyrule As told by Prince Sidon
One that despicable disaster had ceased to plague Zora's Domain, a distinguished yet humble lady paid us a visit. This young woman who appeared with Link at her side was none other than Princess Zelda of the royal family of Hyrule. "I beg forgiveness," she said earnestly. "Because of the royal family, Princess Mipha ..." She paused, unable to continue. Small, silent teardrops tumbled down her cheek and hit the floor, one after another, each saying a thousand unspaken words. She gently wiped her eyes and lifted her gaze to meet the king's, speaking kind words of gratitude for Mipha's sacrifice. We knew well that what had transpired was the result of a decision shared by the Zora and by Princess Mipha herself. There was no need for the princess of Hyrule's apology, and even less so for her sorrow. King Dorephan, along with the rest of the Zora, were moved by the depth of Princess Zelda's sincerity. She had held that unthinkable disaster at bay for nearly 100 years with nothing more than the sheer force of her own will. Yet she was not prideful. She dutifully set to work, traveling across Hyrule to secure cooperation for the kingdom's restoration. She was adored by all, yet so humble. She possessed an inner strength, but now I am not so certain. I feel a strong calling one day to acquire this same sort of strength within myself.
Learnings of the Zora, Anecdote One The Solid Water and the Fluid Spear As told by Prince Sidon
The Zora are not associated with water because of our dwelling place alone. We each also, to varying extents, possess the ability to actually manipulate water. We use this gift for many purposes. We use it to swim faster, to achieve mighty leaps from the waves below, to gather fish, and so much more. For me, the true awakening of this ability that many of my childhood chums already possessed came upon me quite suddenly. One day as I was training at Veiled Falls, the rain slickened my grasp, causing me to drop my spear. I reached to grab it, but it was already too far away. Soon it would fall to the bottom of the cliff, never to be seen again. I knew that I must take old of it, and at that moment, droplets created a stream extending from my outstretched hand. The water stream twisted and turned until it finally took hold of my falling spear and deftly returned it to my grasp. In that moment, the water was solid and my spear fluid. This sensation forever changed my approach to spearplay. I was reminded of how my sister, Mipha, described it ... and everything clicked. Water and spear became as one. Gaining yet another layer of admiration for my dear sister, I devoted myself to my spear training from then on.
Learnings of the Zora, Anecdote Two The Great Task Entrusted to Me As told by Prince Sidon
I, Sidon, was entrusted with the great task of renovating the Zora stone monuments that had fallen to ruin. There are 11 stone monuments total find in and around Zora's Domain, including the one you are now reading. The former text written by my father, King Dorephan, could not be salvaged, and so sadly it had to be replaced. Despite my royal blood, whispers abound that it is improper for someone my age to write over the king's glorious words. Ah, but do they not realize that it was King Dorephan himself who ordered me to undertake this restoration project? Father says it is not set in stone that I shall be the one to inherit the throne, as it is not a matter of blood alone. If we ask the eternal skies above whether I am fit to rule, they shall remain silent, and so we must look to our fellow Zora. He urged me to use these monuments to share my learnings and speak to our people straight from my heart. Father is older and wiser than I. His sage advice is a gift. As such, I have inscribed my thoughts upon these 11 stones. I do not know how far-reaching my words shall be, but it is my hope that they will reach whoever needs to hear them most. Until one of the descendants writes over my musings many years from now, I pray they resonate with whoever reads them.
WELL there we are, thanks for the history lesson Sidon you absolute sweetie fhjdkdjf i have thoughts and feelings and emotions but i wont make this post any longer than it already is but i love these characters byeeeEEE
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bunnieswithknives · 2 years
Finally got around to making a masterpost! I tried to keep it to the relevant stuff because I’ve posted a lot for this AU, but If you still want to see everything then you can search the whole tag here.
Also feel free to join the Discord: https://discord.gg/hkCKGQrDtK
Plot relevant stuff roughly chronological in order:
Two of us AU (Video) [bonus]
You don’t remember what she looks like? (Video)
David tries to convince Red murder is OK, [pt2]
Hey, that’s not how stairs work!
Low power, what's with your eyes?
Argument (Video)
New Invention (Video), stupid stupid
Memory problems
Clayhill Killer
David feels bad for murder
Full of electricity
Kills you to death
Worms (Video) [Bonus]
Post Cannon:
Long long time ago (Video)
Puppet David,  Headache, little guy
Home sweet home, New clothes, Roller-skating 
Ratburger?, Sons a worm
Puppet Antics:
IDEAS (Cannon episode)
Hug me (Video) [Bonus]
He died but he’s OK, [2], [3], [4], [5]
Family road trip!
Brain friends, Prank , Siblings
uncreative Brendon
Workplace relations,
call that human trafficking 
History lesson, cobbles and rhymes!
Beach day
Warren fucking dies, Shrignold gives a pep talk
Homophobic butterfly, terrible advice
swear words,  Duck rambles
Lesley BITES, Toothbrushes
puppet crossover
Some things never change
car accident, oh no!, Trauma 
Punk David
They’ve been gone a long time
References, Worldbuilding, and Misc:
Magic system, Reanimation, Consequences for my actions!???
Roy and Lesley, Alive Roy and Lesley
David ref, Red ref, Duck [Color ref], More duck
Teachers, alive teachers
Big boys and bigger boys, Brain friends, pallet swapped,  Recolors
Perfect Case In Point (Video)
Reanimator poster
Red’s family
Hostage AU, Dress up, Home is where the heart is
Red but he’s an angry ghost AU
Spider David AU, Spider lore, monster, Mother of puppets, mind control , Puppet Rowan, Ochyro
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
Thought it was a silly tradition?
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dad! remus lupin x mum! reader
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Summary: Remus hates dressing up, especially when halloween was over a month ago, but the tradition is worth it for his girls
Warnings: swearing, established relationship, mom! reader, dad! remus, pure fluff, their daughter is named after remus' mum
A/n: 0.8k words, Day One of my advent calendar is a little fluffy one based on this request xx a masterlist for the event will be coming Saturday as I have a conference at uni tomorrow
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Navigation | Remus Lupin Masterlist
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“I don’t understand why we have to dress up” you hear Remus grumple entering the kitchen as you search for a safety pin
“It’s tradition” you counter with a giggle, hand racking some of the larger things off to the side within the drawer you’re looking through
The tradition of having a halloween party on the 1st of December had started back in your last year at Hogwarts, when you, your fellow marauders, Lily, Marlene and Dorca had gotten detention for a full month after plans of your original party had been leaked. So Sirius and James being Sirius and James decided to throw one on the 1st instead, then the following year thought it would be a laugh to do the same thing again and the rest was history. Now even 9 years later you were all still dressing up along with all of your respective children 
He huffs at that, picking up the just boiled kettle to pour himself some coffee “Merlin this thing is itchy” he states and you can see in the corner of your eye your husband shaking his head from side to side as he stirs his drink
“Found it” you say mostly to yourself, though Remus’ acute hearing most likely picked it up
Remus joins your side looking down at the little pin between your fingers “Rip your outfit bun? Or has your tail fallen off” he teases, leaning to the side to catch glimpse of your arse thats adorned with a little ball of grey puff
You chuckle, nudging him gently as not to spill his coffee “No it’s for Hope” you tell him and his eyes soften
“Are you two ever going to tell me what character she is?” he wonders, all the information he was given was Hope saw a cartoon and wanted them all to dress up, him as some kind of fox, you a police bunny which was one, apparently a thing and two, rather fitting given your animagus “She some bunny…fox hybrid?” he muses but you don’t budge
“Patience Mr wolf” you peck his lips “All in good time, no following me you stay outside the door” you warn as you walk back towards your daughters room with him in tow
“Fine fine” he holds one hand up, resting his back on the wall beside the door frame as he sips his coffee, smiling as he hears his daughter giggle with you “Can I get a hint?”
“No” you both call out together before more laughter bubbles, he tries not to listen in too hard, ruin the surprise you and Hope are clearly excited for, but he does let himself indulge in your soft spoken words while fixing her costume, as well as the small ‘I love you mumma’ Hope whispers back
“Okay is daddy ready?” you say towards the door and Remus places his cup down in preparation, smiling as you come out with little bunny ears and then his daughter as a…cheetah?
He looks towards you smiling yet with a questioning look “Cheating on me?” he jokes quietly but your daughter catches, pouting
“No dad, Cheetah…” he bounces on the balls on her feet “...see i have the spots” she points to her onesie under the police uniform
“Oh of course” he kneels down, fake surprise so as not to upset her while trying to laugh at his daughter's innocence “So who are you pup?” he asks kissing her onesie clad forehead as not to ruin her face paint
“Ben!” she chirps happily earning a chuckle from you and Remus
“And who is daddy?” he asks next
“You’re Nick!” she says, slowly getting more excited
“And mummy?” he smiles wide, unable to stop himself at the sight of his daughter so giddy
“Officer Hopps” you reply for her, doing a little power pose before kneeling down to which Remus kisses your cheek and then Hopes as he knows she’ll get jealous if he doesn’t “Crime fighting trio aren’t we baby” you endearingly scrunch your nose up at her
Hope nods quickly, cutely “Yeah!” she exclaims happily but her expression falters a little bit as she turns back to him “You like my costume?” she asks quietly, looking down at him with those bunny eyes she could only have inherited from you
“I love it, best costume yet and we are so going to win the costume contest” he assures her, hands finding her shoulders and giving them a quick squeeze at the end
She grins at that, cheesing away “Why don’t you put on some shoes honey? Then we’ll head to Uncle Prongs house” you tell her and she practically sprints as fast as a cheetah into her room to do so “I hate dressing up” you mock your husband's voice 
“Fuck off” he pokes your side before standing up, holding out his hand to help you as you do the same 
“Thought it was a silly tradition?” you raise your eyebrows, he knows you know the answer, it happens every year but your eyes still light up every time
“And it is…but when it makes you and her shine like that...” his hands find your hips, pulling you closer to him "...it's a little less silly and always worth it"
You nudge your nose with his “Good answer” you whisper before capturing his lips in a soft, prolonged kiss that's only interrupted a few seconds later by your daughter 
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Thank you for reading ♡
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jerzwriter · 3 months
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Thank you to the brilliant anon who sent this ask from this list! Pairing one Trystan Thorne with one Tobias Carrick may be the most inspired idea in the history of ideas! Since this is before they met their perspective C's (as you put it! lol) I swear this should be my canon. I've wanted to do a Trystan x Carolina end up in Edenbrook's ER when Tobias x Casey are on duty forever - and this would make it even better! I am LOVING that idea!!!! Thanks so much for the ask!
Books: Crimes of Passion/Open Heart Crossover Pairing: Trystan Thorne x Tobias Carrick Rating: Teen Words: 1,032 Summary: It must have been a wild party... because when Trystan and Tobias woke up in the same bed... neither had any idea how they got there. Can they figure it out? A/N: This fic takes place approximately 2 years before the start of Open Heart Book 1. Participating in @choicesjunechallenge2024 - June (for Pride month) and "In or Out?" The original prompt was for scenario number 12 from this list by @creativepromptsforwriting
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There’s something about the morning sun that commands respect. Its power is undeniable, rousing people from slumber, no matter how much the prior evening’s choices have them desiring a full day spent in bed.
That’s where Tobias Carrick found himself... cursing the morning sun that blazed through the floor-to-ceiling windows. His eyes had barely opened when he felt the pounding in his head. The throbbing pain would typically be unwelcome, but today, it brought a clarity he desperately needed.
He knew his head was pounding—of that was certain. But as for everything else—where he was, what he did—he had no recollection. When he felt someone stirring in the bed behind him, his eyes jolted open wide. Another mystery unsolved... who was he with?
An audible groan filled the air—one that didn’t belong to him - and Tobias’s eyes darted around the well-appointed bedroom, desperately seeking anything that might jog his memory. Something that would make the upcoming conversation a little less awkward, but there was nothing. Not a single memory was stirred and he wondered, just how much did he have to drink?
Conceding that discomfort was inevitable, Tobias decided to bite the bullet. Ignoring the queasiness rising within him, he sat up and turned to his side, finding an incredibly handsome—if somewhat worse for wear—man seated on the edge of the bed. Even with long locks obscuring most of his face, it was clear this specimen was genetically blessed. And his torso indicated countless trips to the gym made up for whatever genetics may have denied him, only adding to his allure.
“Hey,” Tobias said with a graveled voice, causing the stranger to jump. “Sorry... didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s all right,” the man replied with a foreign accent Tobias tried to place. “I was just hoping you’d stay asleep a little longer.”
“Really?” Tobias replied. “Why’s that?”
The man turned with a sheepish grin and a delicate blush creeping onto his cheeks as his hazel eyes met Tobias's aqua-blue ones. “I was hoping you’d stay asleep so I could try to remember who you were.... perhaps take a photo to do a Google search.”
Tobias erupted into his trademark raucous laughter, only to halt when he realized it was causing immense pain—not only to himself but to his handsome bedmate as well.
“Would it be disappointing if I told you I was glad to hear that?” He replied with a slight grimace.
“Really?” The stranger responded with a raised brow. “And why is that?”
“Because I'm still trying to figure out who you are,” Tobias chuckled. He extended his hand with a disarming grin. “Tobias, Tobias Carrick. And you are?”
“Trystan,” the man replied with relief. “Trystan Thorne. It’s lovely to... uh... meet you?”
“So, Trystan, do you know where we are? Because if you do, you’re already one up on me.”
Trystan squinted as he looked around. “We’re at my place,” he confirmed. “Although... this is the guestroom.”
Tobias appeared shocked, given the size and opulence of the quarters. “Damn! If this is the spare room, what does your bedroom look like?"
Trystan peeked out from under his bangs with a sly grin. “Do you expect an invitation?”
Tobias barked out a laugh. It was rare for him to meet anyone he considered a match in the art of flirtation, and he was impressed.
“Slow down there, big boy! First, I’d just like to figure out how I got into this bedroom... we can take the rest from there.”
“I don't quite recall," Trystan chuckled. "I think I'll need a heavy dose of caffeine before I figure that out... but the last thing I remember was being at the Pride parade...”
“New York!” Tobias snapped his fingers. “I'm visiting New York for the weekend.”
“Wow,” Trystan astounded, “You hadn’t even remembered that much?”
“Hey, I’m just waking up!” Tobias assured. “Pride parade... pride parade...” he mumbled. “I remember. After I went to Marie’s Crisis to get a drink...”
“Yes! I was there... and I told everyone I was hosting a post-Pride party at my place.”
“Ah!” Tobias realized. “That explains how I ended up here. Well, at your apartment, that is not necessarily how I would up in your guest bed with you.”
“I’m not sure either,” Trystan continued. “I’ve never slept in this room. The only reason I can think of would be...” he stopped with a gasp, his eyes filled with horror. “Oh, no!”
“What?” Tobias asked anxiously.
“I was absolutely done for the night... too much partying, too much drink... I told the butler to oversee things until all the guests had left. I needed to retire for the evening.”
“I stumbled to my room and opened the door to find my sister, Astrid, and her latest girlfriend in flagrante delicto...in my bed!” Trystan winced. “I’m going to have to purchase a new mattress!”
“Or, you could just wash the sheets,” Tobias laughed.
“You, sir, have never met my sister, Astrid, or you’d understand. The sheets will be dissolved in acid, and a new mattress is a must.”
“Damn. I’m not sure if I should be impressed with or scared of your sister,” he smirked.
“Perhaps a little of both. Anyway, I was so intoxicated even that horror didn’t fully rouse me, so I stumbled to this room and found you snoring.”
Tobias was appalled. "Hey! I don’t snore!”
Trystan found that endearing and immediately decided to let him off the hook.
“To be honest, I was in no condition to be a reliable witness. You may well be right. I tried to wake you... but you were out cold... wouldn’t budge an inch. So I pushed you to the side, put a blanket over us, and passed out myself.”
“So... we didn’t...”
“Since our pants are still on, I’m pretty sure we didn’t.”
“There’s no pretty sure here,” Tobias said with a cocky grin. “If we had... you would have remembered. Trust me.”
Trystan shook his head with a smile. “I’m afraid we’re going to have to exit this room at once. Your ego appears to be at least as enormous as mine, and having them both in a room of this size must be a fire hazard, according to the NYPD."
Tobias threw his legs over the side of the bed, recovering his shirt from the floor as Trystan carefully surveyed the sculpted contours of his unexpected guest's back, chest, and arms. Would it be wrong to ask him to remove the shirt again?
"So," he cleared his throat. "I'd normally offer to make breakfast, but I have no idea what condition I'll find this place in. But there is a lovely cafe down the street, they do a lovely brunch on Sundays - would you care to join me?"
Tobias leaned over the bed with a playful smirk. "Trystan, are you asking me out on a date?"
The normally unflappable prince appeared flustered, words hard to come by. "I'm asking you to brunch," he finally grinned. "And perhaps to Macy's to mattress shop once I'm assured Astrid has vacated the premises. Are you in or out?"
"You had me at Brunch," Tobias chuckled. "But throw in mattress shopping, and how can I say no."
"Good," Trystan grinned. "I think we're at the start of a memorable day."
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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missingmark · 2 years
― who you gonna call? pt.3
the boys know they'll always have someone to call when they need them. that someone in question being you, luckily that feeling is more than mutual.
‧₊˚ chris x gn!reader
‧₊˚ warnings: light swearing (?), the tiniest itzy bitzy bit of angst in the beginning, mutual pining (?)
‧₊˚ word count: 700
‧₊˚ pt.1 ( matt ) | pt.2 ( nick ) | masterlist
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( 𝖈. ) ; you don't have to call him. you always find eachother.
your finger rested over your chat.
snickerdoodle [5:32 pm] : have fun on your date!!!!
you [6:34 pm] : i will, thank uuu
snickerdoodle [5:34 pm] : & tell me if he's a creep
snickerdoodle [5:35 pm] : ill find him.
Despite the tragic circumstances, being you sitting alone in the library, you had to hold back a smile at his words.
You've contemplated calling him multiple times over the last hour, your date had cancelled about half an hour after he should have picked you up. But instead of changing back into some more comfortable clothes and asking Chris to come over for a spontaneous movie night that he would most definitely say yes to in an instant, you decided to search for some comfort in your third favourite place in the world (the first being the triplets' couch and the second being your bathtub).
You actually missed the deadline on returning some of the books you borrowed just to give your full attention to this date that you were really looking forward to.
You sighed.
Those were 30 cents you would never get back.
The same thought taunted you as you walked through the shelves of said library, hoping to distract yourself and not wanting to waste a perfectly good outfit, you found yourself here.
The eerie silence you usually loved felt tauntingly grim tonight and the thoughts that were racing in your head sounded even louder.
Though it did help with recognizing a familiar voice at the librarians desk.
"I'd like to return these please."
You peaked your head out of the bookshelf, the familiar brown locks covering up the familiar and only face you wanted to see tonight.
You had totally forgotten about your date as you tapped him on your shoulder.
He turned towards you, his face brightening at the sight of you, automatically pulling you into a side hug, his other hand still occupied with an oddly familiar set of books.
"What are you doing here? I didn't know you could read," you mumbled, watching him roll his eyes.
"Ha ha, very funny. You forgot these books at ours and I noticed the return date."
Your eyes widen a bit, A Brief History of Mixed Media Film Making, Directing Explained with Chloé Zhao and Color Theory in Stop Motion
Those were definitely your books.
"And I almost had hope you cared for Chloé Zhao's breakdown of directing," you murmured with a smile.
He shoved you a bit to the side, "Not even my undying love for you would make me pick up a book."
"Don't get smug. I did it only because I knew you were busy because of your date."
He watched the smile in your face fade a bit.
"Speaking of the date, that you so rudely cancelled our movie night for, how is...did it go?" Chris mumbled, pulling a face at the change of mood he witnessed.
"Didn't show up." You shrugged, your voice didn't waver, but Chris could still make out some hurt.
"I'm sorry."
"It's whatever."
"It's not, this is all my fault," Chris mumbled, his face towards the row of books, though something told you he wasn't actually very focused on Biographies of Philosophers A-G.
"How is this your fault?"
"Should have never let you go on a date with that idiot..."
"Chris," you frowned, concerned.
"Should have taken him out when I had the chance."
"Chris." You warned, amused.
"And I should have taken you out instead of him as well."
He was now toying with Aristotle's biography, but even in the dim library light you could make out his blush and the occasional glance he'd send your way.
"As in on a date or do you want to beat my ass."
"Maybe both if you make fun of the fact that I don't read on our date tomorrow."
You giggled, fully turning your body towards him now.
"Tomorrow? Do I get a say in this?"
"No. Because you have terrible taste in men," he teased, leaning down towards your face.
A beat of silence, the two of you just stared at eachother.
"I'm starting to doubt that," you spoke, lowly. It was more a mental note to yourself than anything, though it flustered Chris nonetheless.
"We'll see," he leaned away again, putting the book he had paid no mind to back and dragging you out of the library.
The rest of the way towards your home was spend in silence, but his hand never left yours, and you had a giddy feeling every time you'd catch him staring at you.
"Thank you, really," you whispered once you eventually made it to your front door.
"You saved this night...and spared me a fee of 30 cents."
"Don't mention it. I'm just happy we spent some time together today."
"So humble," you mumbled as you unlocked the door, for the first time in what felt like the whole night you were turned away from him.
"Take all blame, duck all credit," he quoted, shrugging casually but his smug smile told you otherwise as you turned around with your mouth agape.
"You did read the Chloé Zhao Direction book!"
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i hate the word agape. u say it ag-ape, scientifically proven. (real)
i hope you enjoyed, luv u <3
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