#i sure hope no one in my irl follows this account
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zecnasy · 1 year ago
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no i swear im not thirsty for him and his arms
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yourfavgaygaijingal · 11 days ago
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Also one thing I find annoying is when other gals praise reiwa gyaru and be like “you guys are setting us back in the community” “and the Jp gals accept change and they know it’s the reiwa era” “and you “guys follow rules from 2000-2016” Hate to break it to you But reiwa is boring 🥱.
It’s ok to like it like whatever you like To me what attracted me to gal was how flashy ot was how bold it was The leopard print pieces, The zebra print, The mag scans, The extreme makeup That’s what made me get into gyaru.
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And why I prefer the heisei era more because I can tell they are gal because nowadays I feel like you can just put some white under your eye and some puppy liner or do douyin makeup and call it gal. But it doesn’t feel gal to me yknow??? Like it doesn’t feel bold it just feels watered down to me in a sense, But focusing on the heisei era is bringing it back today.
Like in Japan there is a rise in the heisei retro trend, shibuya 109 coming back, angeleek the gyarusa is coming back and they have an instagram account, all because people focused on that more and not the current era
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(Here’s the page if ya wanna follow :3)
And I feel like As gals we shouldn’t care about what era it is Like yes I know it is the reiwa era but I want to dress and live like it’s the Heisei era I don’t wanna like water it down just cause it’s modern and it’s the current era Like does that make sense???? Cause sometimes I can’t even tell reiwa gala are gals untill I look at there accounts.
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And with the bringing back of the heisei retro era, and angeleek coming back one thing my gal ass HOPES to see is GYARUSAAAASSSS!!!! There aren’t many active gyarusas in Japan from what I know I know some other ones that are active like akipoyo
(an isreal gyarusa) but like I’m talking gyarusas with like 100+ members, the fashion exchanges, the matching coords, kuro gals back on the rise, HOPEFULLY old gal brands like d.i.a abd alba Rosa coming back I know Liz Lisa is still around but they changed from gal to jira kei. Abd im not sure about mars im really not sure.
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Anyways I hope you enjoyed this yapping session lol didn’t mean to yapping so much I’m very talkative and chatty online but irl I’m super akward lol
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herefortarlos · 1 month ago
Favorite 911 Lone Star Fandom Memories 🚒
Thank you @thisbuildinghasfeelings for coming up with this lovely idea and thank you @strandnreyes @nancys-braids @welcometololaland @rmd-writes @reyesstrand @she-walked-away @carlossreaders @nisbanisba @tellmegoodbye @heartstringsduet @freneticfloetry @firstprince-history-huh @carlos-in-glasses @bonheur-cafe @heartstringsduet and @goldenskykaysani for all the tags! I read every single one of you favorite moments/memories and they made me emotional and so happy and grateful to know you all and be a part of this fandom! 💖
Anyone who considers themselves a fan of the show, regardless of how engaged with fandom you are, should participate and share if you want!
rules here
Oh, where to begin?!? I am still in denial that it's coming to an end this Monday 🥲I haven't been thinking about it too much which is also why it took me a bit to write this and think of which fandom memories for me I wanted to highlight. I hope we'll all be there for each other if someone needs a little extra comfort in the days, weeks, months that follow! 💜
All the fanfiction, fanart, gifs, edits, etc. and the friends and good acquaintances made through them!
I will always be grateful to Tarlos and Lone Star because they got me to start regularly reading fics again! I used to have a 2 hour commute into NYC and I would read fanfic while sitting on the trains but doing that for 2 years unfortunately burned me out on fanfic and my previous obsession. From 2020 to late 2022, I didn't read much fic. It wasn't until I found Lone Star through FB clips and TK's iconic, "Sure ma'am but just so you know I am a homosexual", that I had found something new to obsess over and love to this degree! Tarlos and LS also brought me back to Tumblr and into fandom in the first place! After I binge watched the show up to season 3, I needed more Tarlos and so I looked through ao3 and started with tarlos fics by @rmd-writes! I saw Rae was on Tumblr and remembered that was where I used to always find fic writers to follow! So I made a new account specifically for the fandom, hello here for Tarlos 😂, and truly engaged in a fandom for the first time! I got to watch all of Season 4 live which was great, and loved seeing people's live reactions to everything on here and loved the codas, art and gif sets people made so quickly after the episode had aired!
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And then of course I made fandom and lifelong friends! I started engaging in fandom by leaving unhinged and excitable tags on people's fics and works 😅, as I tend to do, and slowly started becoming mutuals with people! And then @heartstringsduet really opened me up by dming and thanking me for my tags on a fic of hers, and the rest is history 🥹. Michelle really helped me to feel open and comfortable on here and I decided to share my name with people and now I have friends that I know I'll keep in contact with despite the show ending! Some of the most kind, creative, talented, accepting and welcoming people are in this fandom and I am beyond grateful to Lone Star for introducing us! ❤️
The lead up to the Tarlos wedding!
Gahhhh, all the bts we got, and the press tour Ronen and Rafael went on and that Hello! photo shoot, pretty sure my heart stopped when we got those pictures, not to mention the 2 episode Season 4 finale! Now that was a time to be alive! It was treated like such a real wedding and there was so much amazing promotion and was definitely wedding of the year for me!
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Discovering I was pansexual and being more open with my sexuality IRL!
I always knew I was queer back in college, although parts of high school definitely make more sense when I stopped to think about them 😂. But because I was in a straight presenting relationship, I never thought to be more open with my queerness? Sure I had those few friends that knew and that I could feel comfortable with, and I had 1 good fellow queer friend at the time to confide in, but I guess I was still learning things about myself and how much of me I wanted people to know? Anyways, Brian Michael Smith and Ronen's coming out story helped me to identify myself and encouraged me to be my authentic self with people! I got my first pride flag because of Lone Star, that I will continue to display outside my house to show that this is a safe place for people that need that, and have met so many diverse and other LGBTQ+ individuals because of it! And also because of that, a good irl friend of mine came out as trans to me first because she felt safe with me! So yeah, a lot of good things to thank a show like 911 Lone Star for 💗.
Finally, becoming a beta reader!
I have been so lucky and have the most fun having been a beta reader for many talented writers in this fandom! Getting to see and help people with their works before they're published, seeing lines and dialogue that I suggested go into the final fic! Without a doubt one of the best things this fandom has given me, along with the many friendships that started because of it! 💖
An OPEN and zero pressure tag for a few people that I don't think have done this yet. @reasonandfaithinharmony @ladytessa74 @carlos-tk @eclectic-sassycoweyes @paperstorm @dear-viv @whatsintheboxmh @alrightbuckaroo @lonestardust @bubblesandroses8 @emsprovisions @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @goodways @theghostofashton @henrygrass @lemonlyman-dotcom @guardian-angle22
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minniiaa · 1 year ago
Sorry if this seems repetitive but I haven't been active on social media in yearsss
Is it true that there's a lot of lawlu hate on tiktok and Twitter? I'm so confused because there used to be so much love for the ship back in 2017/2018 from my perspective (Amino era).
The short answer: yes and no. Let me start by saying I'm not the best person to answer this since I purely consume on twitter. I made my personal twitter in 2007 like it's everyone I've ever known irl and has nothing to do with shipping or hobbies and I follow approx 0 accounts related to anime, manga, or lawlu. I just looked up lawlu a few times and browsed and suddenly it's my whole fucking timeline and there’s no going back and now I have a lawlu twitter (This makes me very happy).
So if anyone else has an opinion on this that is more in the community, please feel free to comment away. Otherwise, below are my observations.
First off, there IS a ton of love for the ship. Most of what I see is beautiful art (they got the nsfw ayo), memes, fanfics, and headcanons just like tumblr. There are tons of comments of people swooning over these posts, Lawlu IS one of the most popular OP ships after all.
There's just a vocal minority that are very against the concept of shipping and in that subset there are those who are very against Lawlu. There people out there that will literally list accounts to block that ship lawlu or write lawlu DNI in their bios. The same can be said for other ships, it's not just this one it’s any they deem a ‘pro ship’ (problematic ship) and Lawlu is generally considered one of these. Below as is an example:
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The biggest issues I’ve seen with Lawlu are the following 1. luffy is aroace and cant be shipped period 2. law groomed luffy and the age gap is gross. IMO I think most of these people are just infantilizing Luffy as some goofy autistic kid that doesn't know what love and sex are when in reality he's very self-aware and happy does not equal stupid. Also he's 19 he’s not underage. He met Law twice when he was 17, one of which was saving his life as a doctor and Luffy was unconscious most of this time. Let's not forget Luffy's a war criminal kicking the asses of people 4x his age in a pirate world, age doesn't really work the same as irl.
BUTTT Not that any of this matters because you can ship whoever the fuck you what because guess what? It's ~fiction~. I could rant about how people can ship whatever the hell they want all day but I'll save my breath for now. (my opinion of course)
Also there are just mentally ill people who enjoy telling others to kys if you like something they like do. Lawlu shippers are just their chosen target demographic. Creators get foul messages in their inboxes, rude comments, just general hater behavior. Twitter is just a firey cesspool and all fandoms have 'fans' who do nothing but hate. We live in an age of negativity where being a hater is the cool thing to do.
HOWEVER, I see more people posting about why those people are wrong and stupid than the actual negative tweets but maybe that's because I actually support the ship and the algorithm sees that. Not sure how twitter works, nor do I want to know about that dumpster fire there's a reason I came over to tumblr.
As for tiktok, I don't really consume a lot of tiktok so I can't speak on it besides seeing cosplayers and cute animations/art. I'll leave that to the tiktok people to look into.
For argument's sake, I went through the lawlu tag and picked some lovely tweets to share with you so you can see the toxicity for yourself. Sadly only 10 images per post but I think you get the point. Thanks for the ask hope this was informative. :)
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hibiscuslegacy · 23 days ago
OKAY SUKUGO AU WITH THE OCCULT (not a fic or anything, mostly bullet points)
TW for mentions of possession, gore, cannibalism, and eye trauma
Sukuna once accidentally summoned a demon (maybe Kenjaku?) and one of his friends got possessed so he has to fight essentially dismember the body. However, he needs to lure it in first and it bites out his eye but Sukuna gets it where he needs it and manages to subdue it. This experience gives him a deeper interest in the occult but he takes precautions, reciting words that he doesn't believe in hopes that the demons believe in their power enough to run. He thinks a lot about what it must feel like to eat someone's eyeball. Also, a bit of a fascination with weapons, particularly those considered "holy" or "purifying".
Gojo is a researcher that investigates accounts of the paranormal because he has super vivid dreams regarding it and often sees glimpses of things that aren't there. This also gives him a lot of interest in different religions, especially as they relate to specific paranormal encounters (mostly going to go with Catholic because that's how I was raised and where my fam's beliefs regarding spirits comes from, but it'd be cool to explore other religions, too. I don't imagine Gojo has any particular leaning, he's going on vibes).
Gojo finds himself drawn to Sukuna, feeling curious about his eye because it feels different than a regular injury--it feels like something out of his dreams. So, he follows Sukuna in order to find out where that feeling comes from and maybe help Sukuna. They find they can't stop thinking about each other and Sukuna begins dreaming of eating Satoru. Satoru dreams of being entirely consumed before crawling back to life. Soon enough, he dreams of consuming flesh with Sukuna instead of being consumed by him.
Anyway, maybe the become ghost hunters or like Ed/Loraine Warren (I know they're irl frauds and all that but they were the best example I could think of).
Also, wrote this because I had a thought about this. Ignore how ooc it is, i'm sure it'd make sense if i wrote it in a fic (it wouldn't) 😭😭
Gojo: *praying before they fight the demon)*
Sukuna: "Are you seriously praying right before we fight a demon?"
Gojo: *stops praying to scowl at Sukuna*
Sukuna: "I didn't say to stop, it's the thoughts that count and we need help"
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ask-farah-karim · 2 months ago
We couldn't even have a month.
We couldn't even have a full fucking month.
To my understanding, this whole trend and community began right after Christmas. It is January 25th.
We couldn't even have a Full. Fucking. Month.
It is truly and utterly despicable the shit that has been happening in this community. It's one thing after another and it's so disheartening.
I was mostly unaware of the issues going on because honestly I just wasn't getting as much interaction as everyone else and honestly I had no issues with that, it's just like "oh well".
So I was mostly unaware of the deeply troubling discrimination and hate going on in the COD RP community. But God, you go to Tumblr to get away from the negativity and it just follows you everywhere no matter what you do.
It's sickening that in the year 2025 on TUMBLR OF ALL PLACES, one of the few last remaining open-minded and safe spaces on the fucking internet, that this bullshit is happening. That people are that rude, that petty, that downright fucking absurd that they decide to waste their lives and their time post anonymous hate in people's inbox.
What is your goal here? What the hell do you think it's gonna do? Why would you give a single flying fuck about some fucking COD RP blogs and make their lives miserable like this? Where is your fucking heart? Your conscience?
Everyone's going down, they're going on an indefinite hiatus or they're just deleting accounts, and it's so...
It's just so disheartening. Because now I have no idea what to do. And I love this community so much. And I feel like I've met some kindred spirits, people I could get to know and someday call friends. And now I just feel so fucking alone and helpless again.
How can anyone be so cruel as to break something so precious, so tender, like this? What did they do to deserve this? Were you seriously so bothered by the idea of people just having fun and acting in character and doing their own thing peacefully?
I'm just so tired. I don't have IRL friends. And I have mutuals, but not the kind of idealistic version of what a mutual is that everyone else seems to have. I usually just stick to my own thing, migrating between here and my people on Discord. And now when I finally felt like I had a community on Tumblr, after being on this site for 6 years, it's taken away just as quickly as it was achieved.
I'll still be here, this blog is not going anywhere, but I am considering entering a hiatus for the time being as a show of support and solidarity for the others in this community. I do hope we can come back to this at some point and I hope that whoever is so keen on destroying this community gets a really harsh wakeup call for the kind of damage that unnecessary hate can cause.
But in the mean time, if any of my fellow RP blogs want to connect via my main blog, DM me and I'll send you my @.
But I'm sure as fuck not giving any hateful anons access to my private space. You send any hate to me and guess what? It's getting reported and deleted. I'm not entertaining your bullshit for even a second.
- Renny
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asexual-society · 10 months ago
Just looking for some advice about how to tell my best friend I’m aroace. I was trying to find a way to ask other people in the community and found this blog so I hope it’s okay to ask. I do apologise if it’s not.
About three years ago, I tried telling her. I hinted at it, but in the end, I was too scared to actually tell her. I have two other really close friends that know, but one of them figured out I was ace before I did haha. They’re both very understanding of me due to their respective identities.
Recently, it’s been eating at me more and more. I write fanfiction and have been really wanting to explore aroace characters. We are actually co-writing a fic now and she’s one of my beta readers too. One of the characters I write the most about gives me major aroace vibes and I want to write about it and discuss with readers about it. The problem is that she reads my stuff. She’s supportive like that.
I’m just scared about her reaction is all. I don’t particularly care about what my family thinks because I have no intention of telling them. Not out of fear or anything, but for other reasons that don’t really matter at this point in my life. It’s my best mate I’m worried about :/ I don’t want her perception of me to be changed nor do I want her to start saying things like “you haven’t met the right person” or whatever.
This was long. I’m sorry 😭 I kept it anonymous because even though she doesn’t have tumblr, she knows my account and I’d rather not risk her seeing this :)
Hey Anon, I'm not gonna lie, I hate coming out. I've been putting off coming out to some people closest to me for so many years. But on the other hand! I totally understand having a hard time ripping the plaster off, and the feeling of it eating at you, so I can give you a couple of low-confrontation methods that might work in a pinch, and a couple of slightly scarier options and how to deal with them in case you're feeling brave?
You said she knows your blog but doesn't have tumblr, so you could try posting more about aroace stuff on here, or put it in your bio. That way, since she doesn't follow you, the chances of her seeing it are low enough that you have plausible deniability that you didn't think she would see it, and if she does, you were Definitely just about to tell her. Effectiveness: 3/10, she might not see it, in which case you'll be worrying about it for nothing.
A similar vibe of coming out is letting someone else do it for you. This only works if you have mutual friends, either online or irl. You don't have to be there when it happens, but I find it's less unpleasant if you are; finding out someone has outed you after the fact is for sure worse, even if you intended it to happen, but someone else offhandedly bringing it up takes the power out of your hands, which is scary in a different way, but it can technically work. Effectiveness: 5/10, it'll do, but it will not feel good. Requires mutual friends. If one of your friends is a loudmouth with no filter it might even happen organically at some point, but you can't count on it, so if you are there (even just in groupchat form) being able to steer the conversation in that direction might give you the small push you need to say it yourself, since it's way harder to just bring it up out of the blue by yourself, and also having another already supportive person present who has your back always helps. Effectiveness: 8/10, getting onto the topic might be hard, but having moral support is good. Requires mutual friends.
Similarly, you could engineer a situation where you're coming out to her and one other person who you know will be supportive (or you're already out to, if you're okay with a little deception) at the same time. She can't say anything shitty if there's someone else already there being cool about it. You don't even have to be coming out to the other person, you can just mention it while they're there (so it works the same as the above, except a little more intentional). Effectiveness: 8/10, points deducted for deception, but if it gets the job done, does it matter? Requires mutual friends.
Bargaining. Set yourself a deadline and have people to hold you accountable to do it. Effectiveness: 3/10, absolutely would not work on me, will probably not feel good, could be the kick you need to do it but only if your brain works that way.
Come out to someone else first and use the momentum to tell her right after. Works best if the first person you tell isn't close enough to you that it'll be really bad if they suck about it, but if they do suck, you can use that as a jumping off point to tell your friend (e.g. I told someone I was aroace and they said XYZ shitty thing), and you can sneak in an example of something that was hurtful that your friend will know to avoid saying. And if they don't suck about it (fingers crossed!), it could give you the confidence and boost you need to tell your friend. Effectiveness 6/10, requires you to come out twice as many times. You may be able to substitute in someone else being aphobic but not directly to you as a jumping off point instead.
You could try testing the waters by mentioning that you headcanon the character as aroace and seeing her reaction, if you haven't already, and then you can say "I sort of relate to them actually" and see where that gets you? Effectiveness: 5/10, high chance of backing out at the last minute, high uncertainty means this might be the scariest option.
If you have ways of making yourself do scary things already, do as many of those as you can, but if not, I can tell you that when I want to do something I'm low key terrified of but I know will help me in the long run, I write myself a letter to open as far in the future as I feel like (there are websites you can use for this), and I tell me-of-the-future about what I want to do and that I'm scared about it, and then I imagine them reading it and imagine how it'll be by then if I haven't done it yet, and how much better it'll be for them if I do.
Sometimes it's really hard to do things for ourselves, but imagining you're doing them for you-of-the-future gives yourself enough distance that you can convince yourself that you're actually doing it for someone else. It might also help to imagine that you of the future will be proud of you for doing it, and this is a pretty instantaneous reward situation, because you get the little kick of someone being proud of you before you do it just for deciding to do it, and then as soon as you've done it you get to be proud of yourself. Effectiveness: 8/10, high risk-high reward, will feel really good if you do it, but you have to do it.
If you're still worried about her saying specific unsupportive things, coming up with a few good responses to the most likely ones that you can use in the moment without even thinking can take some of the power away from her (or anyone else) saying them. If your friend is only attracted to one gender you can use the "how do you know you just haven't met the right [person of gender she isn't into]?" or "it hurts me that you think I don't know myself well enough/that you don't trust me to know this about myself". If someone you come out to isn't supportive you are legally allowed to be petty or guilt trip them, if they know you're not just gonna back down when they try to disagree with you, it shows you're serious, even/especially if you wouldn't normally go on the offensive like that. Effectiveness: ?/10, depends on your personality and how assertive you are, and can be difficult if you're worried about confrontation with your best friend, but it could just be what needs to be done, and is likely but not certain to get your point across.
I'm not saying all of these are good methods, but they are definitely methods that you could use. And hey, if you do it, let us know how you did it and how it went!
Best of luck, I hope you figure it out <3
~mod key
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the-sides-shows-gang · 4 months ago
Meet the Group!!!
Mmm... Ahh. Greetings to you Tumblr, I suppose I shall introduce myself, it is rude not to after all. My name is Chocolette M. Shake, but you may just call me Chocolette. I'm pleased to meet everybody here. My Toon Handler is Cream (@winniemobile/@winnccc). I suppose that it is all, I'm pleased to make your acquaintance.
H411000!! I7z m3 G488y, h3r3 wi7h my 700n h4nd13r Paula! (@dysfunctionallygrey). I7z 50 nic3 70 m337 u a11. 1m 5up3r dup3r 3xci73d 7o h4ng 0u7 wi7h u 5up3r dup3r p30p13z!!!!
[HALLOOO!!! Itz me Gabby, here with my toon handler Paula! Itz so nice to meet u all I'm super duper excited to hang out with u super duper peoplez!!!!]
Hello! I'm not really comfortable introducing myself but here goes nothing! The name's Quartz pleased to meet you! Uhh.. Hello.. it's been a while since I've talked to someone besides Quartzz, uhh I'm Windston.
(Did I do well?) (Yeah! Don't worry.) So anywaays! We share a toon handler! We're practically inseparable, Windston and I are basically siblings! - Wait, right our toon handler! It's Amos! (@de-nyx), I hope we wouldn't be bother!
Hello there! My name's Benson Bellsworth, I don't usually get to introduce myself formally like this, anyway, my Toon Handler is @starseagal, I sure hope you enjoy your short stay here!
Oh hello!! It's me Tammy The tangerine! Well... What is there to say about me? I like art and I love teaching kids about alot of things! My toonhandler is Emmi (@staremmi) And id love to know more about you!
Hey! Its me, Okinawa! But toons call me Oki, you can call me that too! I dont spend much time here since im busy in the kitchen baking or teaching children how to bake pastries! (Of course I dont let them be around the oven. My toon handler will kill me.) Anyways, my toon handler is Mir (@justiceforbubbletea) and you can always reach out to her! Thanks for coming by!
//Now the group's introductions are out of the way, here's our own introductions!!!
Hello there, I'm Winnie!! I'm more online on @winniemobile, but I suppose @winnccc can do if I'm ever possibly going to be more active on my PC account again. I have multiple Rotomblr/Pokémon IRL roleplay blogs, my most notable being @pokeconspiracy. I run Chocolette, and when she talks on here, her tags in the posts will be #chocolettecommentary, and when I do talk ooc here for any reason, it will be under #winniewords.
Hi it's me Grey, I'm the one running Gabby. She is an oc dear to my heart she is literally my daughter to pls be nice to me haha. Of course you can find me on @dysfunctionallygrey posting about random stuff from lots of different fandoms. When my girl talks she will use #gabbyyappy but for when I talk it's just #notgreytalking.
Hi! hi im @de-nyx! or you could call me Kov if you'd like! I'm pretty sure you'd recognized me from my Phighting and Quartz especially if you've seen my most recent posts. Oh yeah and Windston's Oc creator (My sister but we'll call her JimPity) isn't comfortable with making a tumblr account so everything from her will span from me, such as her art and future Windston interactions. I also have a tag specifically curated for the both of them #StoneGemConversation (jimpity said it sounded like an ass ship name and i have to agree with her - and i know it sounds stupid but bear with me its 12:12 on a school night.. kinda) But, I also have tags separate from Quartz and Windston being: #QuartzChats and #Mumbleston respectively. and for ooc stuff its gunna be like uhh #HeyLookNyxTalks (PS. If you follow me due to you liking JimPity's drawings, I'm not here to supply! everything shared here made by her is really strictly kept private because you wont see me posting her art on my blog)
Hey there, I'm @starseagal, I run Benson, I'm usually active when I get a chance so I won't answer right away so bare with me and my messy schedule and my life, anyway, when you wanna ask Benson anything just use #BensonBanter and when you wanna talk to me about anything just use #Startalking here. (Sorry if it's very short I don't use this app much.)
Hey it's me Emmi! Its my first time having one of these blogs.. but I can't wait to get to roleplay as Tammy! For Ic speaking tags I use #tammytalking and for the ooc tags it will be #emmispeaks
Hiya im @justiceforbubbletea! My toon is Okinawa, or in other cases, Oki, a little bubble tea guy! Hes always busy with Sprout, Cosmo, and Tammy, but hes always ok to talk with others! Anywho, I use tags like #Okispeaking for IC speaking, and #MirYappingTime for ooc tags! Thanks for reading!
Rules when interacting with this blog!!!
1. No hate speech!!! Racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc., will NOT be tolerated. Telling someone to "kys", even as a joke or ic, you will be BLOCKED.
2. No bullying/ooc hate!! I don't know why this should even be a rule when this should be the norm, you will be blocked if you don't follow this. But in terms of IC hate... it is... debatable.
3. No NSFW, whether implied or obvious. We are all MINORS. Please behave, or you will be blocked.
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virgilthepoet1029 · 6 months ago
“Hey Virgil what’s your favorite poem”
I’m so glad you asked.
“Editor’s Page; The Long and Short of It” by Richard Siken.
The line this poem is most well known for is the famous “Sometimes you get so close to someone you end up on the other side of them.” And while this is an absolutely beautiful line, the poem is so much more than that.
It’s not even a poem per se. From what I’ve gathered it’s an editor’s page at the beginning of his poetry book. It’s a page of him. Talking directly to someone. Talking about how he writes, and publishes it, knowing (hoping) that that one specific person is reading it. It’s a full page saying “You. You who I no longer know. I wrote this for you.”
“Of all the people reading this, are you one of them? I have to believe you are. Sure, we invent each other. We agreed to that a long time ago. Train and trainstation, force and field. We do what we do and what I do is put the pies on the windowsill.
        So here you are, reading this, expecting something. A story perhaps, or someone singing themselves to sleep. You’re ready and I’m ready too. Have you been waiting long?”
I love. Love the fact. That it’s these two writers, writing and publishing their work to the world. But they know. They both know each piece is about the other.
“you are my nomad and I love you sideways daily. Sideways because I have to beam my love in all directions, hoping it bounces off something and eventually finds you.”
Something something we no longer talk, so we talk in the only way we can.
And I hate that it calls me out so hard. The idea of it. Of “I put this out here, knowing you will see it. I hope you see it.”
And he says “Here is a place for it to happen. A place where I can love you.”
Here is a space, where I can be true, and open, and honest about how I feel. And the truth is I do not hate you.
And I think that is why I love this piece so much.
I do not love them anymore, I haven’t for many years now. But it would be a lie to say I do not feel some soft way towards them. Not romantic. More like, the edges of my anger and the distance towards you are soft. Maybe it’s the rose tinted glasses of nostalgia, the grass is always greener. Maybe as I grow I forgive more. Maybe my memory fails and I forget the bad more. But whatever it is. I have no place I can say this. No place where I can speak kindly of them. Where I can miss them. Grieve them. They would judge, be angry. (I would be too. Why do you still grieve over 2 years later? I do not know. Why do you miss what burned you? I do not know.) That is why I made this account in the first place. So I would have somewhere where I could openly grieve them. And miss them. And not be judged. That’s why only one person who knows me irl follows me (He knows. I like to think he understands. Please do not see me differently when you read this. Please do not be disappointed.)
So here I stand. Sending my own waves across the ocean. Hoping they will pick them up, and read verse after verse of “I do not hate you. Do you know that? Please do not believe I hate you.”
“I could pretend I’m speaking to everyone—assume a middle distance and transcend myself—but I’m taking to you and you know it.”
Do you hear that? I’m talking to you.
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f0rtuned · 1 year ago
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Inbox: 3/5
Requests: Closed!
(Read the request etiquette before sending a request)
What I do
Xeno suggestions
Character outfits (Closed)
Username suggestions (Closed)
Want something not listed? just ask, and i might do it!
Basic dni, transmed, misogynists, detrans kinks, any kink accounts of any sort, dark/immoral-ships, bullies, jerks in general, anti multispec gays/lesbians, gender/sexuality police, etc
About the blog
You can refer to us as Mangle, Foxy, or The Rot (note, The Rot is a separate part of us (kind of like an alter, but not actually an alter.) so if you refer to her she'll be the one replying
I instinctively tag things as kins, so if you dont want that please let me know!
i will NOT do extreme gore or any graphic content involving veins or eyes
in your requests please give me a theme you want me to do
i am not taking mod applications
We love getting promo requests
If we're an anon on your blog, we use the signoff "Capt. Mangle" (note: if we dont reblog/like what you made for us, we probably didnt see it! for some reason our tumblr doesnt give us notifications when we go on anon.)
Sometimes we refer to ourself using we/us/ours, but this blog is ran by one person
We have trouble doing comfycore or any emotion (hope, sadness, happiness, etc), so if you want that we reccomend going to another blog, but we can do our best!
Follow my main, @strzbzr
Anon list + how to become an anon + whitelist and blacklist + about the blog owner under the cut
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Anon list
🐊 Anon, 🛡️ Anon, 🧺🎞️ Anon, essay anon, 🌈🎀 anon, 🐀🕸️ Anon, 🦝🎸/🍥🦴 Anon, Infected Anon, Spook anon, Chat/Vex anon, Mx. Nibbly anon
(did you ask to be an anon or use your signoff and youre not on this list? let us know! we'll fix it asap)
How to become an anon
all you have to do is use your signoff or ask me! the signoff can be letters, words, or emojis! as long as it isnt either taken by someone already or offensive/problematic, you can use it!
Whitelist (note: you can request other fandoms! these are just fandoms i know well / or arent commonly accepted on these types of blogs!)
(note no.2: I DO NOT WANT DISCOURSE HERE. the reason i allow problematic sources is to provide a safe space for everyone and accommodate for as many people as im comfortable with. If you try to start any discourse with me, you will be blocked.)
❤️ = favorites to do, 🩷 = ones we like to do, 🧡 = neutral, 🖤= fandoms we arent in/dont know anything about but still accept
Fandoms commonly accepted
Fnaf 🩷
Your turn to die 🩷
Oddities Roleplay / Minecraft Fnaf Roleplay ❤️
Welcome Home 🧡
The amazing digital circus 🧡
Danganronpa (games) 🧡
Danganronpa (anime) 🖤
Sonic 🧡
Springtrap and Mangle / S.A.M (Au by Quiettomato) ❤️
Slice of life (Fnaf au) 🧡
Regretevator ❤️
Cookie run kingdom 🖤
Invader zim🖤
And some others I might have forgotten! (more on the carrd)
Fandoms commonly not accepted (please note that i do not support most of these!)
Boyfriend to Death 🩷 8:11 ❤️
Nekopara (NOTE: im only willing to do the characters who look like adults, the ones that look like kids give me the ick, sorry) 🖤
Dream smp / any smp in general 🖤
Most games with ns/fw (as long as the request is sfw)
The coffin of Andy and Leyley 🖤
Super Sonico 🧡
You and me and her 🧡
Alfreds Playhouse
Monster high (personal reasons)
Fandoms that entirely revolve around something super bad (not sure what counts? just ask me!)
About the blog owner
Our fictkins: The Mangle, Amy Rose, Streber (Spooky month), Pest (Regretevator), Beetle (8:11)
Our irls: Ryker Dublin, Sara Chidouin, Funtime Foxy (tor)
Kinsidering: Empty!
Our traumakin: Shin Tsukimki
Our regression kin: Ruby gloom
Our pronouns: bug/she/it/him/they/xe/exe/nyan
Our sexuality: Gay, multispec (quoigender), Polyam, demisexual
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olderthannetfic · 2 years ago
Tumblr seems to be sliding in a downward spiral, and it feels like the start of the end of a fandoming era for me. I've been through it before; platforms are born then die, and life fandom finds a way. I'm just not looking forward to floundering for a bit, and dreading what the next hub will look like.
AO3 isn't really a place geared or meant for the same thing, and that's fine. My only fandom-related activity took place on AO3 only for a few years between my leaving LJ and joining Tumblr, and I lived ;-) But during that time, I was my own little island in fandom. Reading, leaving a few comments, not being super active. It's only when I found a community again that I was back to being really active in fandom once more.
And it's not that I actually use Tumblr to post about myself, but I do use it to read and reblog cool things - art, gifsets, science stuff, discovering new fandoms, and the like. I'm not sure where else I could find my people, with sameish purposes. The other sites I've tried didn't fill that niche in a way that suited me, in part because of how they look and work, in part because of who and what is(n't) there.
I have DW & PF accounts just to be safe, but I'm not very fond of group chats Discord-style - and without Tumblr, IDK how I'd even hear of new communities where I might pop in once in a while, loins girdled and everything. The micro-blogging platforms are not what I'm looking for either. Sure, I can follow a few DW comms and blogs; I already occasionally do and I will be more consistent about it if I must.
But one of my greatest fear is that the next platform will be phone-based, app-only, or some such BS - and that is something I just won't be able to deal with. Phones are tiny, it's uncomfortable to write anything, I don't like touch screen and much, much prefer a proper keyboard and a mouse (copy-pasting on a screen? (x_x) << it me), art/pics are too small to properly appreciate, a phone isn't comfy to hold for a long time for me, and the app system means you have no control over anything as a user… and that anything there must be Apple Approved, dick-free, blood-free, and tasteless. And I say this as someone who's pretty much uninterested in sex IRL or in my entertainment ;-) I still support and want the tits, the gore, the everything, and as long as I have the tools to curate - oh, wait. Curate things myself? That's not something that's popular these days, is it? It's not going to generate money, if I'm happy ;-)
So… I guess I'll play some more on Neocities, and see if anyone wants to have webrings again? (it would be fun and nostalgic, but not really viable on a large scale; people who haven't known those would just laugh and point and go on the InstaTok of the time).
So here is my little cane-waving rant of the day! I know things evolve and change and that in ten years I'll be rolling my eyes at my moping. It's only that I feel tired of moving from one shitty platform to another, of fearing I won't adapt (or more accurately won't want to adapt given the annoyance/benefit ratio) to whichever new place things will move in a few years. It's saying goodbye to a former home, moving, and hoping you'll make another home elsewhere kind of sniffles today!
We already know the next platform. It has been Discord for a few years now.
If you want the one after Discord, I think you're looking at waiting things out for quite a few years (or until Discord makes a major misstep as a company).
True, real time chat is not for everyone, but small discords with well-chosen channels can operate more asynchronously. Just like a lot of people who hated the look of Tumblr early on eventually capitulated, a lot of chat haters have jumped ship to Discord already.
Realistically, 90% of fandom always goes where the action is, no matter how much they claim the features make that space impossible, and 10% disappears.
We might get the 10% back on the next platform or they might leave fandom for good. There were LJ-haters who resurfaced post LJ era.
But as for where you'll find out where people are... probably AO3 author's notes.
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sakiyaki-sashimi · 1 month ago
WOAH IM HERE WHOOPS, I had to lie in wait for a moment.. no but the real reason I was gone for a bit is because since my anon messages are like.. super long, I don’t want to accidentally exhaust you so I try to give it some time between them so that DOESN’T happen! But I’ve been here!
And good guess, but no :3 I do like myself some project sekai too.. my favorite group is mmj, I’m Minori’s #1 fan actually uhmmmm!!
And we are (in fact) mutuals! :D One of my favorites ones I giggle behind my hands.. I doubt we’re IRLs? If we are, I would explode /pos
Anddd of course I like you! It’s not especially difficult, you make it easy.. :3
It’s actually a little bit insane to me we have mutual interests or likes like.. oh my god? Super cool person somehow likes the same things as me? Actually unreal uhmmm!! Like for example, the candies I named last time are ALSO some of my favorites from when I was a kid :D
Also adore the mystery genre.. (Animes, games, books etc…) I’m stupidly in love with the trope where it’s a super smart girl and just a guy who basically makes sure she doesn’t get herself killed (In/Spectre my beloved..)
And your hint! Let’s seeeee.. I’m also newer to Tumblr? I said I found you around in the October-December period but that’s also when I first made my account :3 And I’m a minorrr.. I feel like that’s obvious but I’m throwing it out there too just in case..
YEAH.. OKAY. I feel like I’m banging at my enclosure to not shower you in constant praise (I feel the need to emphasize every time I mean this all in a non-strange way..) just because that’s the only way I feel I can properly show how cool I think you are uhm! Anyways! I cover myself in a cloak and when it comes off I disappear
HIIIII U CAME BACK!!!!!! Yay!!!!!! You could never exhaust me, no matter how long you write, because it’s you writing it!!! I could listen to you for paragraphs without being bored!! Ur honestly my favorite thing on tumblr rn <33
No matter how much or little u send idm!! Ily anyway! Glad ur sticking around tho <33
Omg minori fan?!?!!! Also PJSEKAI FAN YAY! Are you by chance sleepyjiraiminori!!? HAVE I DONE IT?! IM MUTUALS WITH THEM OMG IT COULD BE U!!!! Also if we were IRLs you would 100% know it bc im usually the reason my IRLs are on tumblr to begin with XD but if we were I would be so happy!!!
Man I’m so happy u like me!! U say I make it easy but mannn idk sometimes I can be a little exhausting I know it!! One day I’m very happy genki and the next I’m negative and politically charged LOLLL well that’s what you get when you give a jirai leftist teen a tumblr account I guess XD
THOSE CANDIES ARE UR FAV TOO??!!!! Man!! We have to be closer than we think then, that’s so uniquely American XD At least I think so hahaha! Honestly it’s so crazy to have like a secret double version of me on tumblr!! So I totally get it :3
OMG I LOVE MYSTERY TOO!! My fav genre of mystery is team of detectives that are found family, especially with one genius newbie upstart and the older detective that’s been there the whole time and at first they hate each other but then they become parent-kid!! Aghhh so good so good
IN/SPECTRE!!! IVE BEEN MEANING TL WATCH THAT WAHHHHHH AHH!!!! Just one more thing we’ll have in common when I’m done X3 man I can’t wait to figure out who you are so we can RP!! (ONLY IF U WANT OFC!!)
That hint also aligns with sleepyjiraiminori too!! Man if ur not her yall need to be friends too, you’d get along great! Also the minor bit was a given bc most of my moots are minors anyway XD idk any non-minor moots and even if I have them there’s nobody who likes my blog who’s older than 18! (Unless my old online gr00m3rs still follow me?? Ugh I sure hope not..)
BRO THAT IMAGE OF U BANGING ON A LITTLE CAGE IS SO SWEET SOMEHOW??? My little ferret I wanna hug u so badddd /p
That’s just so sweet of u!! I think ur super cool too, just the coolest!!!! I’m so happy ur around here with me <3
Haha now I imagine you as a little cream white ferret with peachy front and back paws and big dark brown eyes, all wrapped up in a black cloak Despereaux style!! X3 ur prob taller than me, so ur like one of those tall lanky ferrets in my head, and im a small chubby mouse, like a comedy duo LOLLL
anyway wahhh stay safe, c u next time!!
(Here’s to hoping my guess is right this time fellow detective!)
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wheresarizona · 7 months ago
hiii!! happy Thursday to you, i miss your writing babe! ive been following LTL ever since you started and like you, im sure, am obsessed with cielito and javi and NEED the part two- or is it part three? to their wedding. in no way am i trying to rush you, i totallh understand the writing process and your life outside of writing, you are a busy gal and i love it. but, as a small ask, i was wondering if you had a date that it might come out? if not, no pressure, but im sure so many people would love to know when youre posting again because we love you so much and your writing. ❤️❤️
Hey! 🥰🥰🥰
It’s def part 3 of 3, and it better stay part 3 of 3, because I wanna get to the wedding night boning already! There’s a bubble bath and champagne!! 😭😭😭
I’m putting the rest under the cut:
Anyways, so, my bad for not having the chapter ready in July, but in my defense, I could not have anticipated how much the Gladiator II trailer would put me in a chokehold for Marcus Acacius—which, that series I’m low key thinking about turning into an original story because I had an idea and lost my damn mind about it. I’ve been working on the second one shot in that ‘verse because I have zero self-control.
Since your ask is really sweet, I’ll get back to work on LTL, and honestly, I just jumped back in, and am having a great time with super-horny-for-his-wife Javi.
Also, I am hella fucking busy in my IRL. I got a final offer for that job I wanted today, and about cried when I saw they actually took my experience into account, and want to pay me what I’m worth. 😭😭😭 That’s never happened before. The thing, though, is there’s this other job I’d prefer that I have an interview for next Friday that pays EVEN BETTER and would be wayyy more exciting, so I’m hoping that goes well. They’re both jobs with the same government, so I now have an idea of what I’m looking at for salary.
I know you asked for a timeframe, and I gotta be real with you, I have no idea, BUT I’ll put all my focus on LTL, and Marcus on the back burner.
Again, I’m sorry for how long it’s taking. This chapter was fighting me which is why I’ve been avoiding it. Lmfaoooo
Thank you for the lovely ask. 🥰🥰🥰
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oakthefrog · 8 months ago
My Tribute to Shorts Wars
(Spoilers for all 3 seasons and the finale) (and chat istg I'm trying to keep this 'short' BUT I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS I JUST CAN'T)
I was a fan since day one. It was the first week of summer for me, after one of the worst school years I've ever had (at the time). It instantly became a hyperfixation.
One of my only memories from that summer was watching and rewatching shorts wars, being ecstatic for every video, it gave me a routine to follow and a community to stand behind.
That summer was possibly one of the hardest times of my life so far. Hell, the Dear Danno channel is probably a reason why I'm still here today. Shorts Wars got my through it.
The build-up to season two was probably the lowest point in my life, mentally, at least. The anticipation for a new wave of theorising, content and joy got me through it all.
I remember sitting on the school bus right after my final class would end, and I'd watch the everyone's short for the day on the way home. It was truly a 'you-had-to-be-there' thing for me.
The only reason I have a discord account is so I could join the boss's server, and on there I met my first internet friends, who I've stuck with ever since (if you're reading this guys, thanks for being so nice to me this whole time :]).
And tumblr, oh boy tumblr... I won't sugar coat it, it's been a hell of a ride that's for sure (in a good way, the best way possible). It wasn't that long ago that I was squealing over the moss arc 'final' fight and making my first roleplay blog (Joe Caine). And now I have like 11+ alt blogs, I've met A MUTUAL IRL (you were so cool to meet and talk to if ur reading this :3).
And oh boy this is long as fuck so I'm gonna wrap this up-
Season 3 came at a great time for me, I've made so many friends bc of this, my art's improved, my mental state has improved and this ARG has been my constant through all the shit I've gone through in the last 12 months (ish).
I've laughed, I've screamed, I've cried and I've almost thrown up out of fear, joy and overall sickness. All in the last 2 hours. I bet some quotes from the finale will engrain into my skull, become inside jokes and/or vocal stims and I hope I never forget any of it. The good, the bad and the scary.
From the bottom of my heart,
Thank you Rumble Pack and anyone who's worked on Shorts Wars. I hope you're as proud of what you did as we all are, and I hope YOU GET SOME SLEEP BECAUSE GOOD GOD-
-Oak (aka Alex bc signing this long-ass kinda depressing post off with a silly internet name seems odd-)
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armentas · 6 days ago
prodigal dashboard simulator
🟦 finn-beckham Follow
Typing this from court, my lawyer's defense isn't that I didn't kill my family, but that I did it because I was possessed by the devil. See you all in prison 😐
🟦 finn-beckham Follow
Part of the evidence is that I was "pale and sickly on the scene" I'm sure that has nothing to do with me, you know, seeing my family's corpses or anything
🟦 finn-beckham Follow
#what the FUCK IS GOING ONNNNN #i can't do this anymore man #i gotta clean churches for the rest of my life but that's nothing???
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🟥 fairchildfan Follow
hey guys. it's getting bad again. my cat has an eye infection and the vet bills are way too exorbitant for me to handle. i just want my poor girl to feel better, pleaseee please donate
my venmo: atticaaaaax212
my cashapp: attica2120
🟨 hand-of-god Follow
Attica, is this your side account? You're not poor in the slightest. What's wrong with you?
🟥 fairchildfan Follow
what are you talking about my name is hailey
🟨 hand-of-god Follow
It literally says your name in the Cashapp.
🟦 finn-beckham Follow
I'm not donating to a liar, we all know you're hiding out in some secluded mansion in St Laurent
🟥 fairchildfan Follow
fine ill just go kill myself then since thats what you guys want
#i just want some more sheet music #do you realize how fast you go through songs when you've been indoors for TEN YEARS #if you have money to help some random lady's cat you can save me from boredom :///
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🟪 st-laurent-updates Follow
Attica Fairchild Declared Missing as Authorities Suspect "St. Laurent Slayer"
🟪 normalcitizen Follow
listen, i'm worried for her and all, but how can someone who's already missing go even more missing?
🟨 hand-of-god Follow
Attica Fairchild is so missing they can't find my will to care either
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🟪 churchgoer Follow
@daily-bible-verses Hi Father Harcourt 😊 I think you're the first and only priest to ever use Tumblr. Is it ok if we use your inbox as kind of a confessional if we can't go to one irl?
🟨 daily-bible-verses Follow
Of course. My inbox is open to anyone seeking guidance.
🟦 finn-beckham Follow
MY confession is that you looked so pretty while exorcising me that it had the opposite effect... I need Jesus 👀
Dinner tonight?
🟨 daily-bible-verses Follow
I shouldn't have given you my lawyer.
#What did you honestly expect me to do? #Say yes?
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🟩 charity-faleiro Follow
sooooo I think it's about time I address the controversy. YES, I have prophetic dreams. NO, it wasn't my idea to make you guys fast for eight months. I'm not a part of the process of how Father Lockwood interprets my dreams and goes ahead with them. this has been a psa
🟪 villager Follow
Great job making another typical internet apology. Surface level information and then refusing to take accountability. I've unfollowed you, and I won't be the last person. Maybe actually make an effort to change things and we'll forgive you?
🟩 charity-falerio Follow
I am genuinely sorry about what's happened, really. do you know how terrible it feels to know that people are having a hard time because of you? I will talk to Father Lockwood today and see what I can do, but that's all I can promise. like i'm literally 16. we just have to hope for the best here
🟪 villager2 Follow
OH MY GOD it's the original
🟪 villager3 Follow
This didn't age well, did it 💀
🟪 villager4 Follow
rb this post to make the person you rbed from mysteriously disappear
#all jokes aside though #you guys blaming her when she's neurodivergent and a minor? #did not eat #much like me and my family for the past eight months
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🟪 military-general Follow
Training went well today. Very proud of my subordinates.
🟨 hand-of-god Follow
🟪 military-general Follow
🟪 military-general Follow
somebody is. in my house
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🟪 stlaurentcitizen Follow
umm ok does no one else see the similarities in the hand-of-god and daily-bible-verses blogs??? same posting style and schedule and everything, should we bring this up to the authorities?
🟨 hand-of-god Follow
🟪 stlaurentcitizen Follow
uh oh.
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🟩 charity-faleiro Follow
hi guys! Coming back hEre after so Long is kInda Odd, i Know, but I just wanted to Look at what my mutuaLS have been posting. don't worry about me being gone; I'M IN the countrysiDe, relAxiNG and Enjoying some pRivacy. SOmetime I'll poSt more about it, SO very Sorry if i've worried anyone!
🟫 bishop-eunice Follow
this is a totally normal message which means nothing
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🟨 daily-bible-verses Follow
When he's a hedonistic peasant boy sentenced to cleaning your cathedral every Sunday and you're trying to focus on your duties, but the stained glass lights up his skin and dances through his hair when he brushes it out of his face and he keeps stealing glances of you when he thinks you're not paying attention... Oh, if I was a woman
🟩 charity-faleiro Follow
wrong blog?
🟪 lawyer Follow
wrong blog
🟨 daily-bible-verses Follow
i was hacked. please believe me.
🟦 finn-beckham Follow
take the L, celio. you logged onto tumblr, forgot you weren't on your weird ass serial killer blog, and posted about wanting me carnally in front of your 80k followers. it's over.
🟨 daily-bible-verses Follow
this was not the wrong blog because i did not type this, because someone else got into my account. i am looking into it. thank you
🟩 charity-faleiro Follow
looking into what? homosexuality?
🟩 charity-faleiro Follow
seems like you understand it quite well already
🟦 finn-beckham Follow
🟨 daily-bible-verses Follow
enough playing jester. when judgement day comes it will be i who graces heaven's gate with my presence, while you will be at my knee begging for scraps like a dog, and when you live in filth, and toil, and ask what you did to deserve this, god will respond to your cries that this is the price of having no mercy.
🟩 charity-faleiro Follow
L + ratio + God loves me more <3
🟫 bishop-eunice Follow
100k notes
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cerealmonster15 · 15 days ago
Hi Cereal! Hope
Your day is going well so far! 9 and 15 for the fic asks? :)
HI ISA THANK YOU!!! i was waiting til i got home to answer!
9: How did you get into writing fanfiction?
I can't really remember EXACTLY, but back when i was a child in the early 2000s days of internet and on neoseeker forums, i liked seeing stories people would write in the forums dedicated to more creative things, be it fanfic or original stories. i read fics on ffnet, and my cousin even wrote some harvest moon fics that my other cousin and i would read and talk about lol. honestly it always comes back to harvest moon; i liked reading and posting in the threads/forums for harvest moon fics/roleplays [they were BAD bc i was like. 10 years old more or less lol, but i had fun and no concept of what good writing meant]
i don't really remember what got me into writing fics again more """seriously"""" when i got a little older. i never made a ffnet account despite reading and commenting anonymously for a good few years, and i dont remember how or why i made an ao3.
i was under the impression that rvb was what started it, but i remembered recently that like. i KNOW i wrote some homestuck oneshots back in the day. i very specifically can recall a silly croxy oneshot i wrote, but it's nowhere to be found on my ao3.... and there's even evidence of me having done a homestuck secret santa fic swap bc i have one in my gifts from someone and im p sure thats what it was from. so like, i THINK i mustve made ao3 during my homestuck era [bc that came before rvb; i got into homestuck in high school and i didnt know rvb until i started college] but i guess at some point i got embarrassed about my old homestuck fics and deleted them? which i dont really remember doing, so i have no idea when that happened lol. that or i only ever posted them on tumblr.... if i even posted them here? idr!
anyway. tldr: it always comes back to harvest moon / video game forum neoseeker / in general i just get possessed by The Madness and have to write it down. thats what drives me more recently lol.
15: Does anyone you know in real life know you write fanfiction?
jdkfhsklg. there's a small handful of people from irl that follow me here and i do cross post my fics to tumblr so i'd imagine yes, but none of them are into twst which is currently the only thing ive really been writing fics for these days. i also get too embarrassed if i think about it too long so i like to pretend no one knows LOL please dont perceive my antics....
but also when i got BACK into writing fics after like a year or two of not writing anything, when i started writing twst fics, i was just writing them in word docs and sending them to my friend over discord based on our inside jokes and au brainstorming we used to do in the dms bc we got into twst together and there wasnt really much of an eng fanbase back in the early days. and i still send her the google doc links when i write them even tho we dont really talk twst aus like we used to lol. ill just be like "i had an idea / ive been writing this a few weeks here" and then i go put it on ao3 lol jsdklhgksjd shes an irl buddy, so not on tumblr or ao3.
and then my partner. he knows. and he also knows everything i do in life makes me feel irrationally embarrassed so we often joke that my doodles and fanfiction are like, the biggest sin in the entire world. he'll jumpscare me in my room and i slam my laptop shut and hes like 🧍 what are you doing. you better not have been in the google docs. what da hell were you writing 🧍 but he also doesnt know twst outside of what ive told him / random stuff he makes up to try and get a rise out of me lmao so he's never read them. but he knows i write them.
aside from that. NO. and i would like to keep it that way fjksldjfklsjg only people that i think will be cool about it can maybe know and even then im. shy. fjsdklfjskldhlksdjkfl like it's hard enough posting my fics HERE!!!!! the second i hit post i get anxiety jitters and need to go walk around to distract myself from the everything.
i love talking for 900 years to answer 2 questions LOL
[question post🧡]
#TY FOR ENABLING ME ISA ILY ISA#asks#isadora-greenhall#i dont choose what i write fanfic about it has to overtake every ounce of my being#tho sometimes trying prompt suggestions is fun#but ive had very mixed success w/those#sometimes they really fall flat if i didnt have a strong idea but was trying to just find something to say#other times it hits a perfect sweet spot and i churn out thousands of words in a few days [blue raspberry mango my beloved silly fic kfsld]#I HAVE TO HAVE THE MADNESS OR IT WONT WORK#occasionally a non twst thing sneaks thru like those 2 dndads fics i wrote#and the one i never wrote but did fanart about and was obsessing over the idea of in my mind LOL i really did wanna write that one tho#sparrow/nicky messy situationship my beloved.... anywayjsd klfjsdklg#and genshin... the alhaitham/kaveh fic i wrote down ideas for bc every so often they FULLY take my brain over#but i got too scared to write it into actual fic#but ough augh i love them. i just need to wait til the bug gets me again and then go go go before i get scared again lol#it also does seem to correlate when i have someone to talk to about it#like dndads having the server + a few friends talking about Characters makes me boucne them in my brain more#twst is my entire personality sljkfdsj and i have many pppl to tlak to about it#/it started with talking to my buddy#side eyes p5 and danganronpa.... it hasnt happened yet but i fear the seeds are being planted im being set up jfksjfldksjflsdhgklj#ive doodled for those so thats a warning sign LOL#sorry i just went off the rails trying to analyze myself and the way i interact with and enjoy media LOL#ok i gotta shower now bye
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