#911 lone star tag game
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herefortarlos · 1 month ago
Favorite 911 Lone Star Fandom Memories 🚒
Thank you @thisbuildinghasfeelings for coming up with this lovely idea and thank you @strandnreyes @nancys-braids @welcometololaland @rmd-writes @reyesstrand @she-walked-away @carlossreaders @nisbanisba @tellmegoodbye @heartstringsduet @freneticfloetry @firstprince-history-huh @carlos-in-glasses @bonheur-cafe @heartstringsduet and @goldenskykaysani for all the tags! I read every single one of you favorite moments/memories and they made me emotional and so happy and grateful to know you all and be a part of this fandom! 💖
Anyone who considers themselves a fan of the show, regardless of how engaged with fandom you are, should participate and share if you want!
rules here
Oh, where to begin?!? I am still in denial that it's coming to an end this Monday 🥲I haven't been thinking about it too much which is also why it took me a bit to write this and think of which fandom memories for me I wanted to highlight. I hope we'll all be there for each other if someone needs a little extra comfort in the days, weeks, months that follow! 💜
All the fanfiction, fanart, gifs, edits, etc. and the friends and good acquaintances made through them!
I will always be grateful to Tarlos and Lone Star because they got me to start regularly reading fics again! I used to have a 2 hour commute into NYC and I would read fanfic while sitting on the trains but doing that for 2 years unfortunately burned me out on fanfic and my previous obsession. From 2020 to late 2022, I didn't read much fic. It wasn't until I found Lone Star through FB clips and TK's iconic, "Sure ma'am but just so you know I am a homosexual", that I had found something new to obsess over and love to this degree! Tarlos and LS also brought me back to Tumblr and into fandom in the first place! After I binge watched the show up to season 3, I needed more Tarlos and so I looked through ao3 and started with tarlos fics by @rmd-writes! I saw Rae was on Tumblr and remembered that was where I used to always find fic writers to follow! So I made a new account specifically for the fandom, hello here for Tarlos 😂, and truly engaged in a fandom for the first time! I got to watch all of Season 4 live which was great, and loved seeing people's live reactions to everything on here and loved the codas, art and gif sets people made so quickly after the episode had aired!
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And then of course I made fandom and lifelong friends! I started engaging in fandom by leaving unhinged and excitable tags on people's fics and works 😅, as I tend to do, and slowly started becoming mutuals with people! And then @heartstringsduet really opened me up by dming and thanking me for my tags on a fic of hers, and the rest is history 🥹. Michelle really helped me to feel open and comfortable on here and I decided to share my name with people and now I have friends that I know I'll keep in contact with despite the show ending! Some of the most kind, creative, talented, accepting and welcoming people are in this fandom and I am beyond grateful to Lone Star for introducing us! ❤️
The lead up to the Tarlos wedding!
Gahhhh, all the bts we got, and the press tour Ronen and Rafael went on and that Hello! photo shoot, pretty sure my heart stopped when we got those pictures, not to mention the 2 episode Season 4 finale! Now that was a time to be alive! It was treated like such a real wedding and there was so much amazing promotion and was definitely wedding of the year for me!
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Discovering I was pansexual and being more open with my sexuality IRL!
I always knew I was queer back in college, although parts of high school definitely make more sense when I stopped to think about them 😂. But because I was in a straight presenting relationship, I never thought to be more open with my queerness? Sure I had those few friends that knew and that I could feel comfortable with, and I had 1 good fellow queer friend at the time to confide in, but I guess I was still learning things about myself and how much of me I wanted people to know? Anyways, Brian Michael Smith and Ronen's coming out story helped me to identify myself and encouraged me to be my authentic self with people! I got my first pride flag because of Lone Star, that I will continue to display outside my house to show that this is a safe place for people that need that, and have met so many diverse and other LGBTQ+ individuals because of it! And also because of that, a good irl friend of mine came out as trans to me first because she felt safe with me! So yeah, a lot of good things to thank a show like 911 Lone Star for 💗.
Finally, becoming a beta reader!
I have been so lucky and have the most fun having been a beta reader for many talented writers in this fandom! Getting to see and help people with their works before they're published, seeing lines and dialogue that I suggested go into the final fic! Without a doubt one of the best things this fandom has given me, along with the many friendships that started because of it! 💖
An OPEN and zero pressure tag for a few people that I don't think have done this yet. @reasonandfaithinharmony @ladytessa74 @carlos-tk @eclectic-sassycoweyes @paperstorm @dear-viv @whatsintheboxmh @alrightbuckaroo @lonestardust @bubblesandroses8 @emsprovisions @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @goodways @theghostofashton @henrygrass @lemonlyman-dotcom @guardian-angle22
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henrygrass · 1 month ago
9-1-1: Lone Star - Favorite Fandom Moments
Thank you @thisbuildinghasfeelings for coming up with this lovely idea, and for the tags @everlastingday @reyesstrand @carlossreaders @nisbanisba @tellmegoodbye @heartstringsduet @firstprince-history-huh @bonheur-cafe @carlos-in-glasses @chicgeekgirl89 @herefortarlos!
I haven't been part of the fandom for long; I joined somewhere at the end of October 2024, and I still consider myself new. Sometimes, I feel a little like an outsider, which has nothing to do with you all. You have been wonderful and supportive, truly!
Discovering Tarlos and Fanfiction
While I joined in October, I actually discovered 911LS in April 2024 when I, feeling bored, decided to type 'gay' into my Disney+ search. I wish I could say I saw a clip somewhere that made me look into 911LS, but nope, it was just me typing 'gay.' Who would have thought that I would fall in love with Tarlos and the whole bunch? Not me! I have never felt this way about any movie, TV show, or book—never. I binged the first four seasons and then rewatched them all right after finishing. Around July, I started wanting more. Now, I knew fanfiction existed; I just never got into it and never had the drive to read fan-created content until I came across a post on Reddit about Tarlos fanfictions. Missing Moments by @paperstorm was right there, and thus my Ao3 journey began.
Writing My Own Fics and Joining Tumblr
After reading various works, I started wanting to share my own. I had never written anything more than a couple of pages of random scenes, but I had this very clear idea in my mind for a Tarlos fic, so I just tried writing it. English is not my native language, and it was my first time writing a story in English, so my anxiety was through the roof when I decided to post the first chapter of Weep Not for Me. I kept telling myself that it was okay if people didn't like it, but then people did like it! I was elated at how welcoming the fandom is, and while Ao3 was great, joining Tumblr was the icing on the cake.
Now, she doesn't know this (I think), but the main reason this account even exists is @nisbanisba. I recognized her from Ao3, formally made an actual account, and followed her on here. Thanks to her, I got to connect with so many people! I'm always amazed by how different this corner of the internet is from my past experiences—how nice people are, even to newcomers and strangers like me.
Watching Season 5 Live
It's such a great experience to read everyone's thoughts about an episode as it airs for the first time! The reactions to scenes, the comments that add depth or make me notice things I otherwise wouldn't have, the theories, and, most of all, the giggles over shared moments like Owen heroically galloping on Thunder or TK's birthday party—so many moments that I would have otherwise experienced alone, in my own bubble, but instead I enjoyed in the dead of night at 2 AM with so many of you. Special thanks to @tellmegoodbye and @ironheartwriter for the Discord server that allows me to catch these last episodes (the link I used to use stopped working, but they saved me). While it's too soon for the show to end, I'm glad I got to enjoy this last season of a show that means so much to me with everyone here.
The show may be ending, but the characters will always remain, and I hope that most (if not all) of you will continue to share this love for 911LS—whether through gifs, fics, art, music, or anything else. I know I will.
I'm not sure who has or hasn't done this so, I'll leave an open tag!
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rangersoup · 2 months ago
911 Lone Star Tag Game
rules: answer your opinion on these nine topics, then tag nine other people to give their opinion as well
Thanks @annoyingcloudearthquake for tagging me!
Fav Character: Judd, Carlos and Thunder. I can’t pick just one.
Character you relate to the most: probably TK??? I wouldn’t necessarily say I relate to him, but he’s the easiest for me to get inside his head and write him. I guess that counts?
Favorite Episode: Austin, We Have a Problem; Fall From Grace; OR Naked Truth (for the barn fire scene alone.)
Hottest Take: Season 5 is fucking PHENOMENAL. (This probably isn’t a hot take)
Favorite OG 911 character: Bobby, Chimney and Eddie (again. I can’t pick just one)
Favorite Ship: am I a basic bitch if I say Tarlos?
Most underrated character: Thunder.
Underrated ship: The Soups 🤣
One thing you would love to see: PUT CARLOS ON A FUCKING HORSE, DAMN IT!!!
WAIT! WAIT! WAIT! My hottest take is actually that Thunder’s biggest problem isn’t his chronic colic, it’s the fact that nobody ever bothered to chop his nuts off! Step one of trying to fix a basket case stallion you have no intention of using for breeding purposes is usually to geld them. This doesn’t always fix them tho.
Tagging: @nisbanisba @reasonandfaithinharmony @mrs-corrections-78 @captain-gillian @hail-hawk-eye @giuhina @futures-tense @carlos-in-glasses @reyesstrand sorry if you guys have already been tagged!
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reasonandfaithinharmony · 2 months ago
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2024 Gif Round-Up
Thank you for tagging me @heartstringsduet @thisbuildinghasfeelings @paperstorm @alrightbuckaroo
@carlos-in-glasses @guardian-angle22 and @reyesstrand!!
I’m very late to this because the holidays didn’t leave me any time to myself. But @herefortarlos tells me there’s no deadline for these things. So here we go.😅
This year was the first time I watched 911 Lone Star live, and it was actually the first time I’d ever made gifs for *any show* as we got new episodes. It's been a lot of fun, even if it makes me even more aware of just how long it takes me to finish a set. 🙈
Here’s to everyone who puts lovely content on my dash, whether it’s your own work, reblogs, or funny/heartfelt commentary and tags. I would be so lost without all of it.
Please consider this an open tag for anyone who would still like to do their own round-up!
Carlos smiling into kisses Parallel set with scenes from Yee-Haw (1x02)
“You asked me to feel safe with you.” Flashback set with scenes from Friends With Benefits (2x04) and Push (3x04)
When a new hyperfixation takes hold Dan Levy reaction gifs
TK and Carlos comforting each other Parallel set with scenes from Friends With Benefits (2x04) and A House Divided (4x16)
“I'll keep going with you.” An emotional entry for incorrect quotes/text post–gifs, with scenes from In the Unlikely Event of an Emergency (3x08) and In Sickness and in Health (4x18)
 “I am tryna be your home, your safe place, your go to person…” Back to the more humorous incorrect quotes/text post–gifs, with moments from Yee-Haw (1x02)
“there’s honestly a lot of things wrong with you but im kind of into it for some reason. Do you want to get married.” Incorrect quotes/text post–gifs, featuring the darts scene from Texas Proud (1x03)
Their last terrified moments in their first home. Their first brilliant and joyful moments in their new home. Parallel set with scenes from The Big Heat (2x12) and Push (3x04)
“Hey now those (your big brown eyes) are some dangerous weapons…” Incorrect quotes/text post–gif with a look at Carlos in Negative Space (3x12)
That lovely first tarlos scene in Riddle of the Sphynx (3x13), without the credits obstructing our view.
"just got diagnosed as your soulmate...". Incorrect quotes/text post–gif featuring scenes from Yee-Haw (1x02) and A House Divided (4x16)
Season 4: parallel statements of love and devotion Scenes from Abandoned (4x04), The New Hot Mess (4x02), Swipe Left (4x12), A House Divided (4x16), and In Sickness and in Health (4x18)
May through December are below the cut because things got very out of hand very quickly:
Husband, husband, husband Every instance of “husband” from In Sickness and in Health (4x18)
When there are clues that date night has been interrupted Adding some visual aids to the conversation about the state of Carlos' shirt at the end of This Is Not a Drill (4x06)
“I think that both of them like to be the little spoon and the big spoon” – Rafael Silva For @carlos-in-glasses who shared her amazing Cameo video with us
“I missed it so much, I took a stab at writing fanfiction.” A relatable moment from Modern Family
If that moment in the fire was Carlos' last chance to say anything, he was going to say everything. A flashback set inspired by @doublel27's post that lives in my head, rent-free. Features scenes from The Big Heat (2x12) and In Sickness and in Health (4x18)
“He might not understand TK's fixation with a lizard, but… Um, you know, Carlos loves TK. And if Carlos loves TK, then that's all that matters.” – Rafael Silva For @thisbuildinghasfeelings who generously shared not one, but two Cameo videos with us
Just taking the opportunity to look at the details of some intense moments from the fire in The Big Heat (2x12)
“It’s a meal, not a marriage proposal, TK. || “So, the wedding. It’s coming up.” A flashback set with TK and Carlos sitting across from each other at the dinner table in Yee-Haw (1x02) and This Is Not a Drill (4x06)
wedding planning → wedding ceremony Parallel set with scenes from Control Freaks (4x08) and In Sickness and in Health (4x18)
“And when did you figure that out?” / “The day I met you.” How long have you thought that?“ / “Since the first night I took you home.” A flashback *and* parallel set with scenes from the pilot (1x01), Yee-Haw (1x02), The New Hot Mess (4x02), and A House Divided (4x16). Made in collaboration with @paperstorm. (Check out the accompanying fic here.)
That sounds sexual. 😏 A Rafael Silva reaction gif for various situations here on tumblr dot com
Andrea with her husband and her son, both in their tuxes for the wedding. Parallel set featuring scenes from  Best of Men (4x17) and In Sickness and in Health deleted scene (4x18). (I blame this one on @goldenskykaysani 😭)
My best attempt at zooming in on the final shot of the proposal scene in A Bright and Cloudless Morning (3x18)
No more wasted moments. A collection of scenes from A Bright and Cloudless Morning (3x18), Swipe Left (4x12), Both Sides Now (5x01), and the promo for Thunderstruck (5x05). (I still need to update that last one to the version used in the episode. Oops.)
Carlos on the outside, looking in  ->  Carlos surrounded by the love of his friends, family, and husband Not sure if I should call this a parallel or a flashback set. Either way, we have scenes from the pilot (1x01) and In Sickness and in Health (4x18), and I'm so very normal about it.
Sweet moments where Carlos is grabbing TK’s sweater/jacket Parallel set of still images from Riddle of the Sphynx (3x13) and the Thunderstruck promo (5x05)
Reaching across the table Parallel set of still images from Austin, We Have a Problem (1x10) and Both Sides, Now (5x01, season 5 promo)
TK and Carlos:  "husband" A collection of scenes from A Bright and Cloudless Morning (3x18),  Swipe Left (4x12), In Sickness and in Health (4x18), and Both Sides Now (5x01)
The look on Carlos' face when his own love language is returned to him in kind Parallel set with scenes from Swipe Left (4x12) and Both Sides, Now (5x01)
“One of the most magical things about being in a committed relationship is learning to really open up your heart and hate one of your partner’s coworkers you’ve never met” Incorrect quotes/text post–gif  for Both Sides, Now (5x01)
The way Carlos walks into the 126 firehouse:  unwilling to move past the threshold -> strutting in with donuts for everyone, just because. A collection of scenes from Austin, We Have a Problem (1x10), Bad Call (2x08), Spring Cleaning (3x17), and Trainwrecks (5x02)
“You look like the night we met. Green t-shirt and short hair.” For @strandnreyes and @paperstorm, to accompany their coda for C12 (5x03), with parallel gifs from the pilot (1x01).  (Read the fic here.)
TK and Carlos are not on the same page Parallel set for Swipe Left (4x12) and the Thunderstruck promo (5x05)
kiss + hand + ✨ring✨ Parallel set of still images from In Sickness and in Health deleted scenes (4x18) and Thunderstruck promo photos (5x05)
I will never not be thinking about this kiss 🔥 Thunderstruck (5x05) sneak peek
Had to make a post with sexy scenes from three different episodes. As a treat. 🔥🔥🔥 Parallel set for Yee-Haw (1x02), The Big Heat (2x12), and Thunderstruck (5x05)
"…everybody has needs." Pairing moments from The Big Heat (2x12) and Thunderstruck (5x05) with Rafael Silva’s Cameo video (courtesy of @carlos-in-glasses)
TK, Carlos, and Jonah – with Gwyn and with Enzo Parallel set of still images from Push (3x04) and a Kiddos (5x07) promotional photo. A closer zoom of the Kiddos image can be found here.
“This is great. I’m going to get a good grade in therapy, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve” Incorrect quotes/text post–gif for Carlos in Thunderstruck (5x05)
TK and Carlos moving in sync during couples therapy Thunderstruck (5x05)
Carlos in his troublemaker era, egging on Owen and Enzo Kiddos (5x07)
TK, Carlos, and Jonah at the firehouse Parallel set with scenes from  Push (3x04) and Kiddos (5x07)
“Hi, big brother.” / “Hi, little brother.” TK and Jonah reunited in Kiddos (5x07) A longer version of this gif set can be found here
Just the tiniest bit of slightly different footage from TK's birthday party Kiddos (5x07)
“Who’s gonna take him to dim sum?” || “Who’s gonna hug him?” Parallel set with scenes from In the Unlikely Event of an Emergency (3x08) and The Quiet Ones (5x08)
A microsecond of behind-the-scenes footage from TK's party Kiddos (5x07)
TK and Carlos reaching for each other in their sleep Parallel set with scenes from Riddle of the Sphynx (3x13), In Sickness and in Health (4x18), and The Quiet Ones (5x08).
Our loved ones live on through us Parallel set with scenes from In the Unlikely Event of an Emergency (3x08) and Fall From Grace (5x09)
“You were my dad." Flashback set with scenes from Best of Men (4x17), In Sickness and in Health (4x18), and Fall From Grace (5x09)
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thisbuildinghasfeelings · 1 month ago
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As we approach the end of our beloved show, I thought it would be fun to do a little reminiscing! The end of the show certainly doesn't mean the end of the fandom, but it does move us into somewhat of a new phase. Before we get there, let's reflect on some of our favorite memories!
Describe one or two or three or more (it's up to you!) of your favorite fandom memories! It can be something really general and fandom-wide, like liveblogging a particularly good episode or the mass freakout after a really good still/clip/piece of BTS dropped. It can be something related to fanworks you or others have created--your favorite fic that changed the way you looked at the show, a piece of art you posted that got a really good response, or participating in a fic exchange. It can be something more personal, like fandom friendships you've formed or even a really good post you made that you're particularly proud of. ANYTHING GOES!
This is open to EVERYONE who considers themselves even remotely part of the fandom--whether you've been here for 5 years or 5 minutes! I'll be tagging a bunch of people and leaving an open tag as well. If you decide to share, feel free to tag others (or not)! And if you want to participate, there's no need to wait for a tag! (but I'd like it if you at least tag me because I want to read everyone's memories!)
@lemonlyman-dotcom @ladytessa74 @carlos-in-glasses @heartstringsduet @she-walked-away
@annoyingcloudearthquake @lutavero @guardian-angle22 @reasonandfaithinharmony @paperstorm
@reyesstrand @strandnreyes @shes-an-oddbird @nancys-braids @captain-gillian
@morganaspendragonss @everlastingday @welcometololaland @rangersoup @rmd-writes
@hereghostslive @herefortarlos @theghostofashton @unstatedmartini @eclectic-sassycoweyes
@bonheur-cafe @literateowl @happilylovingchaos @carlos-tk @tellmegoodbye
@doublel27 @lonestardust @goodways @tinyluminaryzombie @carlossreaders
@chicgeekgirl89 @alrightbuckaroo @mrs-corrections-78 @firstprince-history-huh @fitzherbertssmolder
@freneticfloetry @henrygrass @whatsintheboxmh @laelipoo @lightningboltreader
@the-126-family @emsprovisions @ironheartwriter @nisbanisba @goldenskykaysani
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welcometololaland · 1 month ago
i'm sure i'm gonna make something super emosh (sylvanian drama anyone??) after the final ep but this was such a cute game idea by @thisbuildinghasfeelings so i wanted to jump on board!
ty also for the tags @strandnreyes and @everlastingday 💜
i think i'm gonna blame @three-drink-amy. lives were changed (my life was changed). i played that damn video 9384209348 times. i immediately had fic thoughts. i basically didn't leave my couch for an entire day. i made my partner watch it (confusion). i cried internally. i wanted to KNOW THESE CHARACTERS!!! and even after years, i feel like i'm still untangling all the threads of tk strand and carlos reyes, and i love that <3
looking back. we were insane for the choice to write the ring-in (@dustratcentral and @rmd-writes) on a week-by-week basis, but i'd probably do it again. it remains my third most popular fic of all time and although i don't super understand it, i feel like the people felt the chaos vibes and were drawn in. i think the mess of writing, beta reading and vibing made for some magic.
i love co-writing. i love creating magic with someone else. i love sharing in the thrill of posting, and i'm very fortunate to have had many people in this fandom trust me enough to take the wheel (partially).
sounds stupid but literally just getting in the HEADS of the characters. watching the eps over and over, reading through the discourse, talking and talking and talking and talking about ideas and head-canons and specific character traits with anyone who would lend me an ear. learning from people who had been in the fandom way longer than me, learning from (dare i say it) anons, learning from my own mistakes. this fandom has taught me a lot about myself, writing, tarlos, fandom and a bunch of other stuff. i know this is a cop out because it's not a single memory or a time point but!!!!!! i never said i would play by the rules!!!!
whether we spoke for five months or five minutes, you told me a random story about your pet or we just chatted about the show, you read my fics or I read yours or whether we just co-existed, whether you consider us friends or not, honestly, thank you. the way i look at it, my life is enriched by every interaction on here, because without lone star, without fandom, without tumblr, i never would have known you at all.
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open tag <3
@guardian-angle22 @reyesstrand @lutavero @heartstringsduet @carlos-in-glasses
@ramblingdisaster73 @danieljradcliffe @fitzherbertssmolder @she-walked-away @liminalmemories21
@reasonandfaithinharmony @alrightbuckaroo @firstprince-history-huh @ironheartwriter @emsprovisions
@ladyknight1512 @carlos-tk @bonheur-cafe @queen-saltyfries @lemonlyman-dotcom
@actual-sleeping-beauty @herefortarlos @rangersoup @tellmegoodbye @marjansmarwani
@nancys-braids @captain-gillian @saguaroblossom @eclectic-sassycoweyes @lightningboltreader
@chicgeekgirl89 @theghostofashton @whatsintheboxmh @freneticfloetry @detective-giggles
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carlossreaders · 2 months ago
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something worth waiting for
I am using this little mood board game as a way to announce the release date of this fic and the title!!! I’m so beyond excited to let this enter the world and I hope you guys will all love it just as much as I do!
thank you for creating the game @carlos-in-glasses, and @heartstringsduet for tagging me!!
no pressure tags! @goodways @paperstorm @lightningboltreader @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @bonheur-cafe @alrightbuckaroo @welcometololaland @rmd-writes @liminalmemories21 @orchidscript @three-drink-amy @honeybee-taskforce @theghostofashton @pimento-playing-hopscotch @herefortarlos @sapphic--kiwi @emsprovisions @ironheartwriter @tellmegoodbye @the-126-family @captain-gillian @butchreyes @whatsintheboxmh @chicgeekgirl89 @eclectic-sassycoweyes @lemonlyman-dotcom @freneticfloetry @never-blooms @bonheur-cafe @decafdingo @corsage @nisbanisba @henrygrass @nancys-braids @irispurpurea @everlastingday @carlos-tk @pameluke @orchidscript @literateowl
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carlos-in-glasses · 2 months ago
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The Moodboard Your Fic or Faves Tag Game
I've had fun making a moodboard on Canva for Rhythms (120k, E) and thought I would send the fun on through a tag game! (And this is not only a game for writers!)
The rules: Either: choose one of your published fics (or a WIP if you'd prefer), create a moodboard for it and share it along with a snippet. Or: Create a moodboard for your fave episode of the show, fave character, or a fic someone else has written that you love, and share it with some sentences about why it's a fave! (And tag people!)
After giving Carlos a head-start of a few seconds, TK steels himself, fights down a smile, follows him into the kitchen. Carlos looks at TK when he arrives at the breakfast bar – a quick but luminous glare, caught between frustration and loving him madly.
TK stands with his hands behind his back, swaying a little. "Do you need any help, baby?"
"No, TK. I can manage tea all by myself."
TK bites his lip, steps forward, releases his hands and slinks them along Carlos' hips, his sweats plush and soft over his firm muscles. Carlos goes still. He stands upright and rigid. TK breathes against the back of his neck, travels a finger along the curve of Carlos' waistband, stopping when his fingertip taps the middle of the bow Carlos has made of the drawstring.
“Babe,” Carlos huffs, “What are you doing?”
“What does it feel like I’m doing?”
“Killing me.”
With one skillful hand, TK yanks and undoes him, collapsing the tightly knotted bow of the drawstring like it was nothing. Carlos instinctively pushes his ass back, bumping TK's groin. TK feels him keenly through the thin cotton of his pajama pants.
"Do you need help with the tea now?" TK whispers.
TK slips a hand down inside Carlos’ sweatpants, slow and smooth, slides his pointed forefinger against the not-entirely soft bulge in Carlos’ black Calvin Klein’s. "How about now?"
Open tag and tags below! And send this on into other fandoms so anyone who fancies an art project can join in!
@thisbuildinghasfeelings @paperstorm @bonheur-cafe
@lightningboltreader @goodways @alrightbuckaroo
@cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @heartstringsduet @strandnreyes
@reyesstrand @lemonlyman-dotcom @ladytessa74 @liminalmemories21
@literateowl @hereghostslive @herefortarlos @welcometololaland
@rmd-writes @rosedavid @lutavero @theghostofashton
@orchidscript @mikibwrites @irispurpurea @she-walked-away
@whatsintheboxmh @fitzherbertssmolder @bubblesandroses8
@emsprovisions @everlastingday @sapphic--kiwi @ironheartwriter
@tellmegoodbye @henrygrass @the-126-family @futures-tense
@carlossreaders @rangersoup @nisbanisba @goldenskykaysani
@nancys-braids @laelipoo @captain-gillian @butchreyes
@kiwichaeng @actual-sleeping-beauty @fangirl-paba
@eclectic-sassycoweyes @pimento-playing-hopscotch
@carlos-tk @sarnagati @sugdenlovesdingle @reasonandfaithinharmony @lonestardust
@freneticfloetry @beckym2001 - NO PRESSURE ANYBODY!!! ❤️🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵💜
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guardian-angle22 · 7 months ago
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911: Lone Star | Music Monday (insp; used template by @danesdehaan) -> tagged by @tellmegoodbye & @lemonlyman-dotcom
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strandnreyes · 2 months ago
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no rules in breakable heaven
E // 75k // complete
Carlos doesn't know what to expect when he takes a position as a private chef in the Hamptons for the summer. All he knows is that he needs a job, and one that puts a roof over his head, gives him a chance to practice his craft, and will look great on his CV is more than he could ask for. Turns out he has no idea what he’s in for.
“I’m Carlos. I’m the—”
“I know who you are,” TK says flatly, not sparing a glance as he pulls a bottle of water out of the fridge and then lets go of the door so it slams shut.
Carlos presses his lips together at the unexpected apathy, sinking back a step with a tight nod and a resigned, “Okay.”
He returns to his task, assuming TK’s time in the kitchen will be just fleeting as everywhere else Carlos has been since he got here, but when Carlos goes to grab the oat milk from the fridge, he sees that TK hasn’t left just yet.
He pops his hip against the counter and curls his lips around his bottle of water before saying, “What’re you making?”
Carlos looks away from him, trying to remember if the recipe he knows by heart calls for half a cup of milk or a whole. “Pancakes,” he answers.
With TK out of his line of sight, Carlos can think more clearly. It’s definitely a half.
He adds it to the blender at the same time he hears a huff of laughter from behind him. “My dad’s not going to eat pancakes,” TK tells him in amusement, like they’re playing a game and Carlos’ loss is a win for TK.
But Carlos doesn’t go down that easily, glancing over his shoulder to say, “They’re gluten free. Made with oats and bananas.”
There’s a moment of silence and then TK’s resigned, “Right.”
Carlos smiles to himself as he turns back around, but TK still doesn’t leave. Carlos can feel his presence, the eyes on him that make him feel flushed and nervous as he does something as simple as cracking an egg.
“Do you prefer strawberries or blueberries on top?” Carlos asks in an attempt to take control of the conversation, to gain back some of the power he feels like TK has over him by just standing and watching for a reason Carlos can’t figure out.
TK raises a brow. “Isn’t it sort of your job to decide what to make?”
Carlos plasters on a fake smile as he shrugs. “You seem pretty adamant on giving me your opinion. I thought you might have something to say about that, too.”
thanks @carlos-in-glasses for creating this!
Rules: Either: choose one of your published fics (or a WIP if you'd prefer), create a moodboard for it and share it along with a snippet. Or: Create a moodboard for your fave episode of the show, fave character, or a fic someone else has written that you love, and share it with some sentences about why it's a fave! (And tag people!)
tagging @reyesstrand @paperstorm @lightningboltreader @emsprovisions @heartstringsduet @ironheartwriter @whatsintheboxmh @tellmegoodbye @eclectic-sassycoweyes @she-walked-away @henrygrass @herefortarlos + open tag!!
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herefortarlos · 2 months ago
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The Moodboard Your Fic or Faves Tag Game
I decided to make a "moodboard" of some of my favorite gifs with their gif creators! I have so much appreciation to the many gif creators on this site and these are only a few of the makers I find myself reblogging from and adding to my queue so very often! Thank you @lutavero @strandedbuckley @guardian-angle22 and @reasonandfaithinharmony for sharing your lovely creations with us and making Tumblr and my blog a more fun place to be! 💖
The rules: Either: choose one of your published fics (or a WIP if you'd prefer), create a moodboard for it and share it along with a snippet. Or: Create a moodboard for your fave episode of the show, fave character, or a fic someone else has written that you love, and share it with some sentences about why it's a fave! (And tag people!)
Thank you @carlos-in-glasses for starting this game and to @strandnreyes and @heartstringsduet for tagging me 💜 An Open Tag and some tags below!
@lightningboltreader @rmd-writes @tellmegoodbye @alrightbuckaroo @bonheur-cafe @paperstorm @dear-viv @lonestardust @eclectic-sassycoweyes @bubblesandroses8 @emsprovisions @reyesstrand @whatsintheboxmh @alltheprettyplaces @orchidscript @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @birdclowns @thisbuildinghasfeelings @ladytessa74 @goodways @actual-sleeping-beauty @sapphic--kiwi @nancys-braids @theghostofashton @welcometololaland @tailoredshirt @she-walked-away @sheholdsthemoon @lemonlyman-dotcom @freneticfloetry @goldenskykaysani @carlos-tk @rangersoup @tinyluminaryzombie
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rangersoup · 20 days ago
WIP Wednesday
It's 2:00AM and that means its Wednesday! Which means it's WIP WEDNESDAY!! and i am unreasonably excited. So im kicking us off bright (or dark technically cause the suns not even up yet) and early! im screaming cause i can't decide what part of this fic i want to post today but anyway! here's a bit of my current wip that's occupying ALL of my brain!
TK nearly jumps out of his skin as a hand touches his shoulders. He was so deep in his own thoughts that he hadn’t even heard anyone come into the hospital room. He whips his head around and finds himself looking up at his dad. He’s here. He finally made it. He's finally here. “Dad?” he chokes. He almost doesn’t believe it. The last thing he knew was that his dad was making a hail mary drive south of New York to find an air port that could actually get a flight out. He didn’t expect him to be here so soon. “I’m here, son,” Owen says quietly, and TK doesn’t give him time to say anything else before standing up so quickly he almost knocks his chair over and flings himself into his dad’s arms. He’s crying before his mind can even catch up with what’s happening. “I’m here,” his dad repeats, wrapping his arms around him and cradles his head. “I’m here.” “They don’t think he’s going to wake up,” TK sobs into his shoulder. “Ssshhh,” Owen whispers into the top of his head and rocks him as they stand there at Carlos’s bedside. “Everything’s going to be okay.” TK wants to believe him, he wishes with all of his might that he could force himself to believe him, but its bad. It’s so, so, so bad. “I was back there with him.” His dad squeezes him a little tighter, and he feels like a child again, tucked somewhere safe and secure, somewhere where the world seems less scary, somewhere where everything might just be okay… but not quite. Not quite. The only place on the entire planet that really truely feels like that is in Carlos’s arms, the one place he can’t be right now. “I got here as fast I could.” “I know,” TK says, swallowing and finally pulling away from his dad’s warm embrace. We wipes the tears away and steps back, ducking his head. “What happened?” TK shakes his head. “They were serving a warrant and ended up in a shoot out. He got hit. That’s really all I know, other than…” he trails off, glancing over at Carlos. “Other than what happened after.” “What happened in the ambulance, you mean?” Owen prompts, his lips pursed as he looks TK over with pitying eyes. TK nods. “I– Dad I can’t get it out of my head.” He’s crying again. “Come here,” his dad says gently, and pulls him into another hug. He knows he understands, he understands the horrors, the helplessness, the inability to purge every horrifying image from his mind. He’s been the back of an ambulance with TK more times than any father should ever have to. “What do you need?” TK shakes his head, driving it against his chest as his shoulder shake, he can’t get them to stop shaking. He can’t stop crying. He needs a million things. He wants to let the words come pouring out, he wants to spill everything pent up inside of him, but only one thing makes out. It’s broken and hoarse as it leaves his lips. “Carlos.” he needs Carlos.
Tags under the cut!
@lonestardust @futures-tense @annoyingcloudearthquake @nisbanisba @lemonlyman-dotcom @heartstringsduet @carlos-in-glasses @welcometololaland @emsprovisions @paperstorm @captain-gillian @tellmegoodbye @henrygrass @ccgrizzy @thisbuildinghasfeelings @lightningboltreader @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @eclectic-sassycoweyes @giuhina @happilylovingchaos
and @my-beloved-lakes, I know you're writing now, so i am calling you out specifically. This tag list is a no pressure tag list for everyone except you. Lots of pressure for you! Your bitch ass better post something! im allowed to call her out like this. she's my sister.
And open tagging anyone else that wants to participate!
I may have gotten a little over excited about this one. I really really really can't wait to start posting it, but i want to be way farther along with it before i do. As is 10k words isn't "far enough along"
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reasonandfaithinharmony · 2 months ago
2024 Tumblr Top 10
How it works: Share your top 10 tumblr posts from last year! Visit this site, scroll down to "Find your Tumblr Top 10," type in your username, and select 2024. When you get the results, simply click "Share to Tumblr" and you'll get an auto-generated draft for a post with links and previews. If you want, make any adjustments you see fit. (For example, I've swapped stats for descriptions because that feels more fun to me. 🤷‍♀️)
1. March 24, 2024
Pretty sure this is the real dialogue...
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2. January 1, 2024
Me, before the holiday break: Look at all this free time ahead of me! I can do so many things, get so much done! Me, now: Well....
3. October 19, 2024
I will never be over this kiss
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4. April 28, 2024
Season 4: parallel statements of love and devotion
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5. April 7, 2024
Their last terrified moments in their first home. Their first brilliant and joyful moments in their new home.
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6. September 6, 2024
No more wasted moments.
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7. April 14, 2024
For anyone who ever wanted to look at this scene without the credits obstructing their view.
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8. May 5, 2024
"You are now my husband." / "You may kiss your husband." / "Carlos, this is from your husband."
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9. August 25, 2024
The wide shot is beautiful. But I would’ve loved a close-up. So here we are, zooming in as best we can.
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10. January 3, 2024
Can’t stop thinking about the way Carlos smiles in these scenes
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Honorable mention to this one, which would have made the cut if I'd limited things to just image posts:
September 22, 2024
TK and Carlos: “husband”
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Tagging always gives me anxiety because I'm sure I'm forgetting people. So, let's start off with an OPEN TAG and…
no pressure tagging: @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @carlos-in-glasses @guardian-angle22
@herefortarlos @ladytessa74 @rmd-writes @lightningboltreader
@lemonlyman-dotcom @thisbuildinghasfeelings @ironheartwriter @tellmegoodbye
@freneticfloetry @paperstorm @alrightbuckaroo @lutavero
@heartstringsduet @carlos-tk @chicgeekgirl89 @tailoredshirt
Created by TumblrTop10
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emsprovisions · 1 month ago
Inspiration Saturday
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A little inspo for the Carlos fic I’m working on :)
Thank you for the tags @strandnreyes @heartstringsduet @lemonlyman-dotcom @futures-tense !!! Gonna leave this as an open tag for anyone who wants to join!
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lonestar-s5countdown · 6 months ago
We have a bit of a different game this week to help us all engage in some final season 5 speculation! Send some asks with emojis to get the speculation conversation going:
3️⃣ What are three things you’re hoping to see in season 5?
👬 What Tarlos moments are you most looking forward to?
🤗 Which character are you most excited to see in season 5?
🤏Which minor character(s) will we see again?
🍭 What new terms of endearment do you think we might hear from TK and Carlos?
💔 Which couple is most in danger of breaking up?
💒 Who is most likely to get married?
🔫 Who murdered Gabriel?
🔍 How will Grace’s absence be explained?
👩‍🚒 Who is going to take Judd’s lieutenant position?
🩹 How is Robert’s death going to impact Owen?
🚑 How does Nancy become captain?
🤠 What are your thots on the two belts and the rest of Carlos’ Ranger uniform?
💍 How will TK and Carlos celebrate their anniversary?
🧑‍🍼 What is going to happen with Jonah and Enzo?
👶 How old is Jonah?
🗻 How do you think Tommy and Trevor’s relationship will progress?
☎️ How will Wyatt do as the new dispatcher?
🕺 How does Judd make it back to the firehouse?
⚰️ Will anyone die this season?
Tagging some people who might be interested to help get us started:
@lemonlyman-dotcom @strandnreyes @she-walked-away @ladytessa74 @herefortarlos
@thisbuildinghasfeelings @paperstorm @heartstringsduet @alrightbuckaroo @happilylovingchaos
@fifthrideroftheapocalypse @literateowl @birdclowns @nancys-braids @emsprovisions
@tellmegoodbye @ironheartwriter @bonheur-cafe @tkslittlesway @theghostofashton
@goldenskykaysani @toomanycupsoftea @carlos-in-glasses @guardian-angle22 @reyesstrand
@welcometololaland @rmd-writes @lightningboltreader @tinyluminaryzombie @sugdenlovesdingle
@shes-an-oddbird @decafdino @butchreyes @corsage @the-126-family
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carlossreaders · 1 month ago
Favorite Fandom Memories
thank you @thisbuildinghasfeelings for creating this game and @nancys-braids and @everlastingday for tagging me!!!
1. beginning to become active on tumblr and how it’s been soooo much fun as of late!!
2. this might not be considered a fandom memory haha, but it was so special to me how back in late 2021 this show and simply just tarlos consumed my life. it was all i would edit, read, draw, and watch. my show and my boys forever 💗💗
3. posting fanfiction!!! i’ve been writing/posting fanfiction for so long but never have i felt so connected to a show and a fanbase until now!! this recent fic i wrote is so special to me, and it’s one that i truly am proud of. all of your kind words and all of your love has made the experience even grander!!!
thank you 911 lone star and this fandom for being everything to me 😭❤️‍🩹
no pressure tags!! @heartstringsduet @goodways @paperstorm @lightningboltreader @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @bonheur-cafe @alrightbuckaroo @welcometololaland @rmd-writes @liminalmemories21 @orchidscript @three-drink-amy @honeybee-taskforce @theghostofashton @pimento-playing-hopscotch @herefortarlos @sapphic--kiwi @emsprovisions @ironheartwriter @tellmegoodbye @the-126-family @captain-gillian @butchreyes @whatsintheboxmh @chicgeekgirl89 @carlos-in-glasses @eclectic-sassycoweyes @lemonlyman-dotcom @freneticfloetry @never-blooms @bonheur-cafe @decafdingo @nisbanisba @henrygrass @irispurpurea @carlos-tk @pameluke @orchidscript @literateowl @theghostofashton + open tag
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