#i stll love it of course
deoidesign · 1 month
I adore reading your rambling tags, don't stop posting things there 😩
Don't you worry. I think I might be incapable of stopping idk what happened I never used to tag ramble
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
That's not forgetting the fact MK was also in big trouble.
Wukong: 1300 years, Macaque! We have been married, officially, for over 1300 years! What in Newa's name would compelling you to look me in the eye and lie to my face about this!? For over a year!
Macaque: I-I know, but Peaches this was important! I promise, I promise I was only trying to protect you and our cubs!
Wukong: FAT LOAD OF GOOD THAT DID! We all got dragged into it anyway, Liu'er! Xiaotian was searching for you every day, getting into fights with demons and celestials alike to figure out where you went! Our powers are gone, we're being chased across all of China and beyond while our home is a literal icicle, and the Lady Bone Demon has Ringu Jingu Bang! How is this protecting us!?
Tang, whispering to MK: Is... is this the famous temper that once gave Sun Wukong the reputation of being capable of cowing even the great Li Jing!?
MK nods mutely: I heard the story. Apparently, I was there, just not born yet.
Small cute headcanon, but I headcanon that Tripitaka had officiated Wukong and Macaque's official wedding in JTTW Stone Egg au
referencing. Hehe I love all of this
Macaque: "Are son was getting into fights!?... did he win?" Wukong: "OF COURSE HE WON! HE'S OUR SON! DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT!" The Noodle Shop Gang: (*keeping a safe distance*) Tang, whispering jokingly: "Oh my gosh. Flashback to the Golden Pouch Mountain, am I right?" Nezha, with a thousand-yard stare: "Yeah, Macaque is not in Sun Wukong's good graces at the moment. I stll remember having to hoist him up so that he could look my father in the eye while he screamed." Tang, fascinated: "I... I was just joking but omg. He had you lift him up? Thats so cute!" Nezha: "Yeah, I wasn't about to argue with a hormonal expectant monkey. The only reason that anger wasn't directed at me was because he saw me as a cub to protect. My father crumbled like a stone pillar after the first five minutes." MK, laughing nervously: "I was there! Just an Egg though." The Noodle Shop Gang: (*realising just how old MK is*) "wut"
And oh gosh the legendary "Shouting at General Li Jing for the Rhino King incident". I love the idea of historians jotting that down and forgetting the context of why Sun Wukong was so furious at the Pagoda King.
I feel like Macaque deliberately struck himself out of many records to keep his and MK's presence a secret from mortal eyes and ears. But some people (esp demon historians) still wrote down that the Monkey King had a super-protective-adoring mate during his Journey to the West.
Basically most of Macaque's reunion + MK's reveal to his mom/baba that he's been secretly a superhero is Wukong yelling at them for hours from worry.
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lemotmo · 4 months
I loved Ryan’s answer for the podcast sneak peak. But I’ve also never doubted if Ryan or Oliver wanted buddie to happen. What I am weary about though is now that Buck is official bisexual
They have Ryan in all of these interviews now saying Eddie is hetero (which yes is true they have just never actually had anyone say that out loud until now) and what seems to be almost every episode we see Eddie this season now having sex with a woman or talking about sex with a woman or stills of Eddie kissing women. Hell just two episodes ago we saw Eddie having sex with a woman while he was having lunch with his girlfriend.
Ryan and Oliver are open to it sure but the show itself seems to be driving home a much more pointed look at Eddie with women only narrative.
Hello Nonny! How are you today? I’m having a blast now that fandom life is thriving.
Okay, first of all:
Ryan and Oliver are only talking about Buddie because FINALLY they are allowed to talk about them. I have an inkling that they did want to go the Buddie route years ago (as a natural progression of the bi Buck storyline they were planning around season 4), but they weren’t allowed. That’s the whole reason Oliver stopped talking about them and stopped engaging with the fandom through social media. He didn’t want to mislead people.
Ryan has never been as open as Oliver on social media and some people saw this as ‘evidence’ that he didn’t want to talk about Buddie because he didn’t want to do it. I never thought about it in this way, because Ryan is obviously a lot more private than Oliver when it comes to social media. To me, it was always more a case of ‘it isn’t that he doesn’t want it, but that he just doesn’t want to talk about it.’ To him it was probably a non-issue because (as we found out a couple of weeks ago) Fox didn’t want the storyline to happen. There was no way to make it happen and he let it go. But he also, has always maintained that he was open to the storyline if it would ever come up. Basically the only thing they were allowed to say.
Of course Ryan is saying that ‘right now’ Eddie is heterosexual, because he is. He has only been with women at this point, not with a lot of success, mind you. But keep in mind that only two months ago Buck was also heterosexual as far as we knew. Some of us had headcanons that he was bisexual, but as long as it wasn’t stated or shown in the show, it was only that.
Now take a look at Eddie. He has only been with women, but some people stll have headcanons that he is also bisexual or even gay. I myself like to think that he is demisexual. But these are headcanons right now. As long as it isn’t stated or shown in the show, it is only that.
So, Buck was very heterosexual for many seasons, having many girlfriends. No sign of any interest in men, only some very heavy subtextual signs maybe. Then, in one single episode, BOOM he is outed as a bisexual.
So, Eddie is very heterosexual. Has been for many seasons now, having a (sadly deceased) wife and two girlfriends (no, I’m not counting Kim at this point, because we don’t know where this storyline is going). No signs of any interest in men, only some very heavy subtextual signs maybe.
Then, possibly, in one single episode (or many episodes, because I feel like Eddie will need a lot more time), somewhere in the future, maybe season 8, he is outed as a bisexual man/gay man/demisexual man/…
What would be the difference? I tell you what it is. There is no difference. It is literally the same thing.
Eddie having a lot of sex with women, kissing women…
First of all, have you met Buck? Do you remember that, from season 1 up until season 6, he had a ton of sex and kissed many women. How very hetero of him. But low and behold, in season 7 he comes out as bisexual and gets to enjoy even more kisses and sex. This time with a man.
So, what is so different about Eddie? Yes, he has a much more complicated relationship with sex than Buck, especially casual sex. Eddie has been shown as someone who only has sex within a relationship (for now we don’t know if he slept with Kim, so I’m leaving her out of this for a moment). He obviously liked sex with Shannon, but with Ana there were a lot of problems. We never even saw them kissing and he got actual panic attacks. He seems to enjoy sex with Marisol up to a certain point, but when it gets to be too much (with the whole Catholic guilt thing), he runs away to Buck’s loft. Very ‘heterosexual’ of him by the way. 0_O
I’m going to quote @buddiebeginz here, because she said something really interesting when we were talking about this topic earlier:
“I don’t think it’s so much that the show is trying to drive home how straight Eddie is but rather what we’re seeing and feeling is Eddie trying to fit some role. And I do feel like some of this is connected to Buck coming out to Eddie, Eddie having spent time with Tommy, Eddie seeing Buck and Tommy together, Eddie seeing Buck come out to everyone. There’s a reason why we haven’t previously seen Eddie with women as often in the show, especially when it comes to sex. In fact before this season I think we only really saw him in bed with Shannon which is another reason I think he’s trying to push himself right now with Marisol.
I also think that’s part of why the stuff with Shannon is coming back up. I think Eddie is pushing himself with Marisol like he did with Ana deluding himself into thinking it’s what he wants because it’s what he thinks he’s supposed to have. But because he’s not happy he latches on to what is familiar which is the only love he ever knew which is Shannon.”
So basically it’s almost as if he is pushing himself to ‘fit’ into a mold that hasn’t felt ‘right’ for a very long time now.
His life is unravelling as we speak and pretty soon he is going to hit rock bottom, nowhere left to hide. It’s only then that he’ll be forced to look at his life, the decisions he made and the way he forced himself to get out there and find a new wife and ‘mother’ for Chris.
In an earlier interview Ryan said that Eddie was going to feel isolated by the end of season 7, going into season 8. But eventually he would recover and get a fresh start in life. It would only make narrative sense to naturally progress the story they have been telling for almost six seasons now, Eddie’s perfect partner isn’t a woman at all. It’s Buck. Just as Buck’s perfect partner has been Eddie all along.
Ryan literally said that 'If we live in the truth, whatever happens, happens.' That is not the answer of someone shutting down the ship forever, or shutting down speculation. That is the answer of someone who is more than willing to go there and sees a potential future there for his character.
Right now he is giving the same answers Oliver is. Answers about not wanting to stereotype, how Buddie should happen 'naturally' if it were to happen. I'm almost certain that they sat together in a room with Tim and PR people somewhere before season 7 and post Buck's bisexual outing and agreed on the same vague but honest Buddie answers. The fact that ABC is actively allowing all of these Buddie questions during interviews and Buddie articles is wild. Fox would have never!
Not to mention the show itself. They made the very interesting choice to consistently put Eddie in the Buck/Tommy narrative. He keeps popping up where they are. There is most certainly a reason for that. We'll just have to let the story play out to see what that reason was.
Look, my point is that they’ll get there in the end. Sure, it will take some time, but we've been waiting for so many years now. What's another year? I’m more than willing to wait a little longer. The pay-off will be incredible.
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loveing-eyes · 2 years
Hey it’s me again! Thank you for calling me nice I appreciate it
I was wondering if you could do a request with Bakugo, Midoriya, Todoroki, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and maybe Iida if you write for him x reader separately where the reader takes a hit for them and the reader gets injured in a fight against villains or something. Maybe the reader is knocked out or down for the count but not dead.
I hope that makes sense. Thank you so much I really appreciate it.
yeah of course btw love the idea and thank you for the request
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katsuki bakugou
• he turned his back to deal with toga when you saw him well it was one of dabis fire balls headed straight for bakugou you pushed him out of the way both of you missing the ball of fire but you did not missing toga's syringe and getting stabbed with the knife plunged into your stomach
•bakugou hit her with an explosion as she ran off and you fell to the ground clutching your abdomen
•bakugou for once stopped being pissy about stuff applying pressure to your stomach as you started coughing up blood
•he picked you up trying to keep pressure on the gaping wound the best he could
• full of worry the entire time you were with recovery girl
• the moment he was allowed to see you he ran in instantly wrapping his arms around you
• he was so scared you wouldn't make it with how much blood you had lost so seeing you ok helped him
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shoto todoroki
• he had barely turned around for a second to try help izuku and he turns back and your on the ground choking
• to say his heart stopped for a second is a understatement he felt his heart break as blood dripped out of your mouth
• he instantly ran at you so fast it made tenya jealous
•he stared at the gaping wound on your stomach almost feeling your pain "i-i need to cauterize it" he whispered taring at you and the way you just looked like you were in so much pain it physically hurt him to lay his hand on the wound using his quirk to burn it so the bleeding would stop- or slow down
• when he lifted his hand he saw noticaebly less blood oozing out so he took you in his arms running to find help
•you two were in a hospital when you woke up the was a complete mess hev was worried he made it worse and you would hate him for burning you
•he told you what you did and he understood if you wanted to stop talking
•you made him hug you you quite literally almost died and would have died if it wasn't for him and you would neer admit it happened cause toga was throwing a knife at the back of his head and you jumped infront of it
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izuku midoriya
•this man GLANCED away for a millisecond and your arm was on fire and dabi looked like he wasn't done
•man all you did was move infront of deku not even on purpose
•both of you were screaming which got the attention of shoto who quickly made an ice wall while you and Deku tried to but out the fire
•you got it out and somehow had minimal damage
• for obvious reasons he stll drug you to recovery girl
•never thought that would happen
•mans was happy it wasnt a grave injury and kept trying to give you an over the top amount of affection trying to make up for it when he realized it hanpped cause you covered him
hi anon thank you for the request I know i probably butchered this horribly uh I apologize part two tomorrow though
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bubbl3zdaseaotter37 · 10 months
I finished The Hollow Boy
GUYS I finished the Hollow Boy and yeah, the cliffhanger wasn't quite as bad as expected, but THAT STLL DOESN'T CHANGE THE FACT that I am EMOTIONALLY DEVISTATED. LIKE.
***spoilers ahead, btw***
****you may have guessed that already, but I'm about to lose my mind****
I don't even have all the context yet, in classic Stroud fashion, but I can already tell that Lucy leaving the agency was devastating for these poor babies, even if none of them are admitting it yet.
It's especially sad to me, because Lucy came from such a bad place already. Jacobs, her own mother, even her older sisters were too absorbed with their own problems, too worried about themselves and their own safety, that she left. I know she doesn't show it in her narrative, but the Wythburn Mill incident and its consequences were so devastating that the unknown dangers of London were preferable to whatever she might have dealt with at home. Of course, we do know that Lucy is a little bit impulsive, but still--!
She came to London looking for nothing but an escape, and she ended up finding family. The difference between Jacobs and Lockwood is so profound--, Jacobs only looked out for his own backside, while that is literally the last thing Lockwood worries about. Hence why she left.
But without them? Without Lockwood, George and --yes-- Holly, the friends whom she cared about so that she knew she had to leave? She's back to self-absorbed supervisors and loneliness. (unless you count Skully. I love him so much, but it isn't the same thing as human-to-human interaction. I think she even said that, early on in TCS...?) It's like the beginning all over again, except she's more sure of herself and her place in the world. It's come full circle, and I'm really anxious to see what happens next.
Does that make any sense? I feel like y'all get it, even if my ranting is only half intelligible.
I have next book already (thank goodness), but I haven't read that far into it. I think I'm on chapter 3? Maybe 4? From what my friend's told me, it only goes downhill from here. Which pretty much checks out.
Anyways, that's my two cents. A big hug to the fandom for the warm welcome! I hope you enjoyed my rambling :)
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fangirls-fanfiction · 5 months
Chapter 17
Queen Dice opened the door ajar, looking out to her partner, patiently waiting for her to invite her in.
"It's just... It's a stupid thought." Queen Dice sighed, her gaze drifting to the floor.
"It's not stupid," Luci frowned. "What's bothering you? You can tell me."
Dice hesitated. What were the odds that her Boss would understand? That she wouldn't lash out and get defensive about her past. She wasn't exactly one to be good at admitting her wrongdoings.
Even so, Dice was aware that ever since the 'good for nothing lackey' incident, the Devil had been treating her very differently. Respectfully. She took her and her emotions seriously.
Maybe, just maybe, she'd understand.
"Why don't you come in?" Queen Dice opened the door further, without a word, Luci nodded and did as she was told.
They sat at the edge of her bed, Lucifer gently taking her hand, patiently waiting for her to explain everything.
"I've just been thinking recently... The whole reason I started working for you was from a life or death situation... I had no choice but to sign your contract..." Dice started, taking notice of the demon's ears drooping ever so slightly.
She looked like a puppy almost, ashamed of causing a mess and getting yelled at for it. Even so, she didn't say anything. Not so much as a peep. Stll, she kept quiet and listened to what Dice had to say.
"That's how it was for years... I was just an employee under a contract. The first few years I worked for you, you hardly spoke to me unless it was to yell at me; when I was successful, you only gave me one chance before knocking me down again... And that was the cycle for a long time..."
"I know I've been a real pain in the ass in the past..." The Devil finally spoke.
"Just when I think things are going my way, something or someone blows it, and I lose all the respect I had from you... It's disheartening... I guess..." She stopped. "I— I want to know that you're going to take this relationship seriously. That if I mess up, you won't cut me off like you did before."
"I won't. I promise." The Devil reassured her.
"So this relationship... What we have... Is it just built on a contract?" Dice continued.
"I wouldn't have met you if I didn't make a deal with you." The demon replied. "But I mean... Yes, in the past..."
Queen Dice began getting tense, the waterworks threatening to burst as her Boss continued.
"I know I've made far too many mistakes in the past... I called you names, I treated you badly... I was awful to you... Truthfully, I have no idea why someone like you would go out with someone like me... But despite all my faults and mistakes... You gave me the one in a million chance... I don't want to mess it up."
Luci paused, her gaze going unfocused as she got lost in thought. Turning her attention back to Dice, she opened her mouth, hesitant to ask;
"Do you... Do you still want to work for me?"
"Your contract. I can— I— I can go and rip up your contract right now, you'd be free. Would that make you happy? Would it make up for everything I've done?"
That single question cleared the air for Dice. She understood perfectly now that things had changed. She wasn't just an easily replaceable pawn in the Devil's game. Luci cared about her now, she wanted her to be happy, even if it meant sacrificing her best worker and potentially losing her girlfriend.
Queen Dice couldn't help but smile, touching Luci's face before giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"Of course not, I love working for you. I wouldn't want things any other way. Just knowing that you're willing to change for me is all I needed." She said, making the demon smile. "Besides, someone's gotta keep this place up and running."
The Devil immediately frowned, her ears shooting back slightly as she glared at the other.
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding."
♠️ ♠️ ♠️
Midday, the sisters had found themselves wanting to go on yet another adventure. This time with their new companion, Lucas, they went upstairs, running through the Casino to the front doors. As came with every game they played, they weren't paying attention to their surroundings. They certainly didn't expect to run into someone while heading to the front door.
"Hey!" Cuphead snapped after they'd been knocked down with the collision. "Watch where you're... Going..."
"Me?! You were the ones..." Ms. Wheezy angrily brushed off her clothes before her attention went to the girls. "Wait... Wait— I know you two. You're the little punks that raided the Casino a few years ago."
"We didn't raid the Casino, we just... Beat you guys up... And stole contracts..."
Ms. Wheezy raised an eyebrow.
"It's... It's completely different."
It wasn't a moment later, another familiar face entered the Casino. Stopping short at seeing the sisters, Chips Bettigan blinked as she stared, as if her mind couldn't connect the dots.
"Man, I think I drank too much... I'm starting to get hallucinations." She furrowed her eyebrows.
"It's not a hallucination, it's the two brats that kicked our asses."
"Well... I— I wasn't really tryin y'know... If I was, I woulda whipped both their asses in no time flat."
"What are you two doing here anyways?" Ms. Wheezy ignored what Chips had to say. "If the Devil catches sight of you, she'd have you for breakfast. And who knows what Dice would do after that. Christ, she was wasn't just upset about the contracts; we had to endure her loudly complaining about that chipped tooth you gave her." She rolled her eyes.
"How'd she even fix her chipped tooth?" Cuphead asked.
"One of life's greatest mysteries..." Chips replied.
"That still doesn't answer my question." Wheezy said.
"Well... It's a funny story, really..." Mugma'am chuckled. "Not funny haha but... We're staying here at the Casino for a bit..."
"Really?" Ms. Wheezy raised an eyebrow.
"God, they're so scared they're starting to get delusional." Chips frowned.
"It's true!" Cuphead snapped.
"Why should we believe you?!" Ms. Wheezy just snapped right back.
"You can go ask them yourself." Cuphead sassed her, Wheezy only rolling her eyes again.
"Yeah right. Right after they're finished making out in the Boss' office." Ms. Wheezy scoffed, walking past the girls.
"You walked in on them kissing once, Smokey." Chips followed close behind.
Cuphead and Mugma'am looked at each other, the latter shaking her head as the former smirked. Following the two ladies, they sat up on barstools as Chips and Wheezy prepared for their shift.
"So, what exactly do you guys do for fun around here?"
"You're underaged, you can't sit at the bar." Wheezy immediately said. "You shouldn't even be in the Casino in the first place. What are you like... Twelve?"
"17." The sisters said in unison.
"That would've made you..." Chips counted on her fingers. "You two were 13 when you gambled your souls?!"
"When Cuphead gambled our souls." Mugma'am corrected her, glaring at her sister.
"Why did Queen Dice even let you play?!" Chips asked.
"Well... I guess I did call her old when she greeted us at the door." Cuphead thought back.
"Yep, that'll do it." Wheezy's expression went deadpan. "Now go on, shoo!"
"But you didn't answer our question! What do you guys do for fun at the Casino?" Cuphead asked again.
"Well... There isn't much to do besides work..." Chips thought. "Personally, I like to play little pranks on the other workers."
"Nuh-uh! No way! I already have to deal with the likes of you! I am not letting you create two more menaces in this damned Casino!"
Chips rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, frowning. Ms. Wheezy shook her head turning to the last dirty dishes presumably from the night before and began cleaning them.
"So... If you don't mind me asking..." Mugma'am said. "How'd you two start working at the Casino in the first place?"
"I was in debt." Chips sat in a chair behind the counter and leaned back and relaxed. "I used the last bit of my money trying to gamble some big bucks and I was so close to winning that the Devil got jealous and took my soul."
Ms. Wheezy filled a glass full of water and splashed it over Chips. Immediately sitting up, she coughed and sputtered, shaking off her now soaked clothing.
"You mean you lost everything within just a few minutes and had no choice but to hand your soul over to the Devil."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I know I woulda won, Devil just doesn't like to lose and Dice cheats at every game she can weasel her lying ass into." Chips glared at the other, wringing out her blue hair.
"Now that's true."
Chips went back to relaxing in her chair, Wheezy throwing a rag straight at her face.
"Go make yourself useful and wipe down those tables."
"gO mAke YoUrSelF uSeFuLL aNd wiPe dOwN tHoSe TAblEs." Chips mocked her under her breath, Wheezy simply shaking her head.
"What about you, Ms. Wheezy? How'd you end up in the Casino?" Mugma'am asked.
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Oh, come on, Wheezy, you told me! Get this, girls, her brother— "
Ms. Wheezy whipped around to face Chips, scorning her with the sharpest glare either of them had seen from anyone. Chips cowered slightly, going back to wiping down the tables.
"When we're on friend terms, I'll tell you, until then, keep your nose in your own business." Ms. Wheezy snapped at the girls.
"Wait, so... Does this mean you consider me a friend?"
"I didn't say that."
"You didn't deny it either~"
Ms. Wheezy groaned, shaking her head again.
"Wheezy and I are friends~" Chips teased in a sing-song voice.
She laughed loudly, leaning on a table as she watched Ms. Wheezy's anger build.
"We're practically besties, y'know." Chips snickered.
Ms. Wheezy whipped around to tell the other off before the Devil beat her to it;
"Bettigan, you'd better not be slacking again." She snapped and she strutted through the Casino.
"Of course not, ma'am." Chips stood up straight, going back to wiping down tables.
"And you two, away from the bar, you're underaged for Hellfire's sake!" She turned to the girls. "And get that mutt before it rips my curtains!"
They immediately got down from the bar stools, their attention turning to Lucas gnawing and tugging on the crimson curtains by the windows.
"Where are you going?" Cuphead asked as the demon stopped short in the Casino's doorway.
"Places. Don't follow me." Lucifer was short with her as she walked out the door.
Looking at one another, the sisters smirked at each other before they went to follow her.
"I wouldn't do that." Wheezy caught their attention once more. "'Places' usually means she's going off to make a transaction. And usually they get pretty ugly."
"Did you know she once took down a five person gang?!" Chips chirped in.
"The point is, wherever the Devil is, trouble isn't far behind. Personally, I'd stay clear of her."
"Do you even know the Devil?" Cuphead crossed her arms.
Ms. Wheezy turned to face her, Mugma'am immediately pushing her sister to the Hellevator before things could escalate.
"God, she's still a bitch." Cuphead muttered under her breath as they rode the Hellevator down.
"I mean... She's gotta point..." Mugma'am sighed. "She is the Devil. She has no reason to care for us..."
Cuphead's gaze lowered to the ground. This was painfully true. No matter how much they wished it to happen, this would never be home. After this month was up, they'd surely be kicked right out of the Casino and left to fend for themselves.
The Devil didn't want them around and no one could blame her.
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Was reading stuff on your Duchess Noire AU and had an idle thought. Chloe does discover Tikki but doesn't tell Marinette cos she fears Marinette won't trust Duchess anymore & will get hurt. This also feeds into her sneaking around & watching Marinette with her family and that whole… Everything but like even worse now cos she's full on putting Marinette on a pedestal which only serves to know her lower.
"Sooo, its a little weird that you're sneaking around my house spying on my family, but given you've kind of saved my life a few times by fighting Akuma, I figure I owe you the benefit of the doubt."
"The benefit of the doubt..." Duchess chuckles, no snickers into her paw like gloves like its some joke, but there's a sickeningly tight sort of wheeze to the sound that makes it feel like... Not a laugh.
Marinette swallows, and forces herself forward with the words, "So what brought you here, Akuma hunting maybe?"
Marinette watches as Duchesses stiff half poised to jump frame slacken and she simply plops down on the roof, staring at her. This drags on for nearly a minute as the heroes mouth slowly opens then snaps shut over and over as if she cannpt findf the words before finally she sags.
"I'm trying to figure you out."
"Me? I'm nobody special-"
"HAH! Are you for real?" There's a sort of wide eyes look to the heroine, words spilling out so fast they almost tumble from her fanged maw.
"Of course," She snaps back, not quite angry but increasingly worried about her partner and identity. "I mean you're a super hero-"
"I'm a wrecking ball who happens to make a decent damage sponge when Ladybug needs it. I'm not good for anything but hurting and breaking and being a punching bag, not really, I just happened to be pointed at things worse than me Marinette."
She looks her in the eyes and then away again, all the energy sapped from her frame as she murmured.
"I'm nothing like you, and that's the problem, that's what was always the problem I think. No one worthwhile whose met you has anything bad to say about you, in fact they adore you."
Se stood up and began pacing, tail swishing as her hands gesticulated wildly. "You have that creative brilliance that all truly exceptional artists should that lets you create things other people with more resources and time never could. Your parents don't just live with you they actually love you!"
Those last words seem to rip themselves out of her throat as she turns to look down at Marinette, still staring up at the heroine from her balcony as a sick, heavy dread settled in her stomach.
"Your parents love you," She mutters, practically collapsing atop the roof, a violent shudder running through her body, "And mine don't... So I must... I have to be doing something wrong... I just need to figure out what it is." She chokes whatever she was going to say back.
Marinette's mind races between options and explanations; sickness, akuma, maybe a fight? She knows Duchess can be dramatic and overreact at times, but then... Her parents don't live with her? Is it because they travel for work maybe-
Her thought process stops, Duchess is looking like she wants to run away, body tensing, feet beginning to pivot. Only them does she notice her parents making for the roof through the ladder in her room.
I recall hearing that Chloe just lives in a hotel suite and her dad has his own so while technically in the same building she's functionally on her own.
Also I always figured a lot of Chloe's hostility to Marinette was rooted in jealousy. Both seem to be in the same general 'tracks' at school, even art.
I always like ot HC the first two years of their relationship was more of a rivalry but a very harsh one given Chloe was stll chasutic but not as bad.
It, or more Chloe in general, worsened when they were twelve & Audrey came back for her birthday which Chloe was heavily involved in organizing down to the last detail to make her happy.
The party received no compliments, and Chloe was constantly sent away any time she tried to speak to her mother with some new insult about her clothes, or make up until essentially dismissed.
Locking herself in the bathroom she looked for what was wrong, missing or broken in her before finally losing it and just attacking the mirror, seriously injuring her hands and setting her art skills back to beginner levels.
After that she gave up on being better than Marinette and instead focused on tearing her down. Adrien may be aware of the mirror & party stuff but not how much it led to Chloe going from "Brat with a temper" to "Obsessive campaign against this one person who has everything she wants" that steadily spilled out into wildly direction-less antagonism at basically everything.
Yeah it's.
I've written before on how while Chloé's overall behavior is a mirror of how her parents treat her and how they taught her to treat others.
Her focus on Marinette is because Marinette is so beloved by everyone despite the fact that she's 'lesser' and doing things 'wrong' (according to Chloé's template for 'Exceptional' given by her parents). Marinette has this perfect life with friends who genuinely like her and parents who do more than the bare minimum.
And there's jealousy and frustration. Chloé wants that life, and is confused why Marinette gets to have it.
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grassas · 1 year
Maggie said,"Our shop was in a corner of Mr.Fell's bookshop." She thought that Mr. Fell was Aziraphale’s grandfather. But actually, he was Aziraphale himself.
That makes me wonder that, as Aziraphale bought the land that the bookshop is on in the 1630s, the Fell family must be a legend in local area over almost 400 years. Sons always look like fathers, of course. But with the powerful genes, there are also strange business methods and angelic kindness inherited.
That strange red-haired man comes from the Crowley family. Just like the Fell family, all the members of Crowley look same. And each generation of Crowley would bring wine and snacks to each generation of Mr. Fell, well, at least, occasionally.
But there were two generations of Fell and Crowley without contact in the middle, and people may suspect that the Crowley family has emigrated - not in the UK anyway.
Of course, even if people are given several times more space for reverie, they will not find out the friendly Mr. Fell has never changed for 400 years, and the sharp-spoken red-haired man is the same as the first known one.
Perhaps when Maggie told Nina this story , she didn't expect that maybe many years ago, Mr.Fell once congratulated her grandmother on giving birth to her father, and maybe the man named Crowley was there too.They came to give a gift together,then witnessed the birth of another generation of new life on this street.
And also the next generation, also many previous generations.
——Of course, all of the above are my fantasies. It is stll unknown whether Aziraphale and Crowley have really had so much contact with people on the street, but I believe, at some time in the past, now or future, at the second floor of A.Z.Fell&Co. in front of the window, there must be an angel and a demon, standing side by side, looking at the human and world they love.
Just like in the past, they stood on the wall of Eden and looked at Adam and Eve, which was walking towards the wilderness.
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szasza-chan · 2 years
I’m really jealous of everybody who can enjoy Buddy Daddies because this anime makes me so angry.
I KNEW that nothing will happen between Rei and Kazuki but still the whole presentation is just... ARGH!
Yeah, its not a 1:1 Spy x Family copy but still try to ride that wave, don’t fool yourself! But it would be more obvious with a straight couple, so why not make this show with two dudes? Genius! In that way, they can get the queer people and fujoshis/fudanshis’ money, but they won’t make their relationships gay, so everybody can “safely” watch it. That’s just disgusting to me.
I’ve already seen people saying that they’re happy that it’s not gay, so they can enjoy and watch it. Because, you know, if it’s gay and you’re straight, its physically impossible to you to watch something. *irony* And on the other hand people are like “yeah I know they won’t gonna get together but stll ship them”. Yeah, that’s the problem. They knew that a lot of people still gonna watch it and ship the protagonists, and that’s enough for them, because they already got your money. Even though they spit you in the face.
Do I want that Rei and Kazuki have sex? Hell no, who tell you that? This is not that type of anime, so of course it’s totally okay if they have a more “kid friendly” relationship. But I still would like to see some confirmation that they’re together, or get together later. A meaningful handholding, or a romantic hug. But this never gonna happen. Is there a chance that one of the guys is bisex? Of course, but you never gonna know it because in Japan media, there are no bi people (except if they want to make a gay character “straight”, like Mikasa in Fuuka, who “was” gay for 200+ chapters, and then he fell in love with his female teacher under tho chapters and got together... yeah, fuck you Seo Kouji, you coward bastard!)
I hate when people say that Japan is some safe place, where feminism and wokeness and “gay agenda” are unknown because it’s just not true. They has a lot of feminist manga/anime (like the whole mahou shoujo genre) and they has queer anime/manga from like the ‘80/’90s. CLAMP, Ikuhara, Yoshida Akimi all had LGBTQ+ characters, few years ago we had Yuri!! on Ice and Sarazanmai, so it’s not like that Japan is no capable of making queer media. But you’re naive if you think its as easy as in the west. They’re still very conservative and it’s hard to make real, uncensored queer anime, without resriction.
Of course I don’t say that it’s absolutely bad if somebody like this anime, or you’re a bad person, if you ship Kazuki and Rei. You watch what you want to watch, and like what you want to like. As I said, I’m just jealous, because I want to like it but can’t. I’m still hoping that in the end I will look like a fool, because they get together, but I know they won’t. It’s just another fujoshi-bait anime, which is okay, I like a lot of these type of shows (like Free! or S8 Infinity), but this is just feel bad.
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0the-duchess0 · 9 months
Okay so because sleep deprivation and the Holiday season make an emotional little bish out of me, I decided to start the trend of writing a letter to your very first starter Pokémon. Mine was Squirtle, the letter is under the cut.
Dear Bubbles,
We had more in common right from the start than we thought. I had just stepped out of the water from earning my swimmer's certificate, when my parents handed me a GameBoy Advance with a copy of Pokémon Blue as a present. Of course I had seen you in the anime before. The year was 2005 and despite the first generation having been succeeded by then by countless games and merchandise, I was beyond overjoyed to start up the pixelated adventure that started it all.
Since your final evolution was the box art for the game you were, in my head, the main character of the game. So naturally I had to choose you. I gave you the name Bubbles because it is one of the moves you learn. Also, my English wasn't that top notch at the time, so my knowledge of good water-based nicknames that fit the language was limited. We set out on our journey, and despite my best efforts and enthusiasm, we got lost all the time. Mt Moon: Lost. Rock Tunnel: Lost. Rocket's Celadon City base: Lost. Saffron City Sliph Co.: Lost. Nevernonetheless, I had the time of my life. I didn't really have any friends back then, so I'd spent a lot of time indoors playing on my Game Boy. I barely had an idea what I was doing and gave you the worst moveset in the history of my gaming existence, but we kept winning, and you grew stronger and evolved along the way. Just you. The rest of the team consisted of a Pidgey, Nidoran(f), Nidoran(m), Rattata and Caterpie, but none of them made it past level 5. You were the main character. You and your Surf overworld sprite took me everywhere I needed to go. Until we got stuck.
Since my English wasn't as sophisticated, I had a hard time following instructions. With just two Gyms left to go, I had no idea where we should be heading or what to do to get to the seventh Badge. Somehow, it didn't bother me. I liked spending time with you. I kept aimlessly wandering around with you, battling wild Pokémon for fun and talking to NPCs at random. Time went by, and just like you evolved, I evolved. I eventually went on to other games. Newer games. Then I became a teenager and thought Pokémon was too embarassing to talk about with people the same age, so I tossed everything Pokémon related to the side. But I returned, and everything I learned on my journey through the outside world I took with me, including some language lessons. On a whim, I started up the GameBoy again. It stll worked. You were still there. Level 88. Six badges. The rest of the game had turned into a breeze. Your sprite entered the Hall of Fame. I've never felt more proud and accomplished....
... And then I deleted you. Of course, I've had many reincarnations of you over the years, but I'll always regret that decision. Even though You were never my favourite Pokémon species (Mewtwo has my heart in that regard). Even though there is no way to retreive the original you. You'll always hold a special place in my heart. You will forever be my first Pokémon and my favourite starter. 2005 is 18 years ago now, and still your influence can be found all around me.
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And with that I truly mean all around me.
Though you may evolve. Though your sprite may change. Though your cry may be generated differently. To me, you'll always be that Tiny Turtle I got from Professor Oak the day I became a Pokémon trainer.
never change.
Love, Duchess (your OT)
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prenvii-moved · 3 years
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bygiornogiovanna · 2 years
Hii!! hope you are having a great day! :) I recently been dragged into a yandere rabbit hole and I’ve been meaning to share this idea with someone, what if darling is aware of the yandere concept? like daring knows the yandere loves out of selfish desires and maybe they don’t understand yandere’s aggresive side and straight up confronts Giorno about it?
and im curious how he would react. Im thinking he would rub it off saying that it is not true or he would think abt this long enough but still choosing to avoid the topic, can we have some headcanons about this? Thank you :>
What exactly are yanderes?
After being kidnapped, a question always wandered into your mind. You never understood why he was so aggressive. Screaming if you looked at other men, threatening, he went as far as leaving a man unconscious only because he asked for your number. So, when you confront him, how will he react?
Featuring; Giorno Giovanna
GN reader, except from the use of 'gattina' (idk italian so idk if it's femine or masculine xd)
A/N: Finally, a yandere request. Ngl, I was really thinking about what I could write with Yandere themes and this gave me the perfect idea. So, I might prepare one or two one-shots with our favorite yanderes~. Anyways, thank you for your request, have a nice day and enjoy! <3
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You have always known what yanderes are and how they act and, in fact, it always seemed pretty interesting. Weird, but interesting. You didn't expect it to happen to you
But it did. And the truth is, it is a weird experience, with many failed attempts of escaping, punishments, gifts and other weird stuff. It's like everything that was happening was pulled straight out of a book. Somehow, with Giorno, you experienced them all;
Ah yes, Giorno Giovanna. The blonde mafia boss who had taken a like in you. You couldn't say you hated Giorno, he wasn't that bad. If you followed his rules, which were simple, showed him affection and didn't try to escape, eveything was fine. You were getting what you wanted, the moment you wanted it and you were basically spoiled in gifts and affection;
Well, that was when he was calm. And he was pretty easy to piss off when it came to you. Didn't give him his kiss the moment he entered the house? Punishment. Didn't like his gift? Punishment. Didn't thank him immediately for his gift? You guessed it, punishment. Oh, and don't get me started if you ever looked at other person. At home, he will throw a tantrum, claiming you were cheating on him, even if that was impossible since you never left his mansion;
So, after some time, you decided that you had to ask him why was he acting like that. You weren't sure if he would answer you, but it's worth the shot. What could possibly go wrong?
Said and done, you were now heading to Giorno's office, the place he was spending 60% of his time, when he was home, of course. Knocking softly, knowing he hates people who enter without doing so, you wait. "Enter" he said and the sound of papers being moved around could be heard. You walked into the room, closing the door behind you, a smile plastered on your face;
"What is it, gattina?" Giorno's face held a small smile at the sight of you, but his eyes seemed tired. "Have you been working all day again?" you asked, a hint of worry in your voice. You couldn't help but worry about him, after all, he was stll a human. One that was crazy over you, but still a human. He hummed and pushed his chair back, opening his arms; his way of telling you he wants a hug.
You complied and went into his lap, burying yourself in his arms. "You know, I always had this question..." you started and Giorno raised a brow as he waited for you to continue. "Why are you so aggressive? Like, I know that's what yanderes are usually like this, but why?" you asked and he just stared at you dumbfounded;
Yandere? So you knew about this topic? It was the first time that someone left Giorno this dumbfounded. "I don't think I get what you're saying, amore. You've never actually seen me being...aggressive" he tried to play it cool, not wanting to go into detail about why he was the way he was;
"Giorno...You left a man unconscious because he asked for my number. I'm not judging you, I'm just curious! Are there other types of yanderes? Also, why are you feeling the need to be-" "Enough." he stopped you, raising a hand. "You are talking nonsense. I don't know where you heard all of those things, but I want you to stop." Giorno said, clearly annoyed by your insistence;
That's how it went every single time you tried to ask him about that. He mostly told you to shut up, ignored you or avoided the subject. You had a feeling that, if you kept going you were either going to make him talk or get yourself a punishment;
"Come on, Giornooo. I want to know" you whined again, clinging onto his arm while he was cooking. He let out an annoyed scoff and ignored you while preparing the ingredients. The man loved your attention but he hated the fact that you asked him that stupid question. It's been a week, why were you still insisting? Sighing, he stopped and wiped his hands, pushing you a little far away from his body. He took your face in his hands and gave you a peck.
"And I want you to shut up and just stay with me without making me lose the last bit of sanity that I still have. Now be my good pet and stop asking me that stupid question, okay?" Giorno said with a small smile and, by the look from his eyes, you knew this was your last warning.
A/N: Nah you can't tell me Giorno doesn't call his darling 'pet'. I hope you liked this. Reblogs are appreciated <3
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sukirichi · 4 years
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request: SWIMSUIT SHOPPING WITH JJK CHARACTERS — (yuuji, megumi, and gojo satoru ver!)
notes: i’ve reached a point in hell of no return, help 😩 anon knows exactly what she’s talking about and i’d be more than honoured to add on to this concept
warnings: nsfw content such as public sex, overstimulation, degradation, manhandling, oral sex (f and m receiving), road head, and slight cumplay (nsfw under the cut!) + this is unedited/not proofread,
(all minor characters are aged up)
masterlist ! requests are open
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he’s a pretty innocent boy
in a way that he’s not always dirty minded instead of him totally being...well, inexperienced
so when you ask him if he can come with you pick a swimsuit, he happily agrees
he loves going shopping with you and is extremely patient even if you take half an hour in just one shop
he’d happily carry your bags for you
seriously, this man is so low maintenance, he’s not going to ask for anything else or whine that you’re taking too long or that he’s hungry
he’s REALLY really patient and supportive of you
and even though he’s not an expert in women’s fashion, he’ll honestly give his opinions if he thinks a dress or shoe looks good on you or no
he might also remind you just how convenient your outfit would be on the event you plan to use it t
but this time, it’s a different case because you’re buying a swimsuit
now, yuuji’s seen you naked before so it’s nothing new to him anymore, but the moment he walks inside the swimsuit shop with all types of frilly bras and colorful pieces, he’ll immediately duck his head down in respect
he’s pretty fidgety the whole time
if you bring up a certain red polka dot bikini in front of your clothed body, tilting your head to the side innocently to ask, “how about this?”
yuuji’s brain will fry right then and there
he can imagine just how great you’d look in it, but he doesn’t want to be rude or too obvious so he’ll just nod and go,
“yeah, babe, that’d look great on you!”
he’s pretty silent the whole time, but really, all the blood’s rushed to his cock already
the whole drive back, yuuji is already so sensitive and clenching his jaw with his hands firmly gripping the steering wheel while you sit next to him, hiding your smirk
you almost want to laugh at how flustered he is, but he’s trying his best not to show it
but you’re not that bad, and so you ask him to pull over because the tent in his pants looks so uncomfortable and you doubt he’ll be patient enough to jack off in the bathroom when you both go back home
he’s confused at first, glancing over you with worry
“why, what’s wrong? did you want to go somewhere else?”
“no,” you laugh, pushing your hair back into a makeshift ponytail
and THAT has yuuji driving recklessly and swerving real fast and furious style because he knows what’s about to happen next
despite his eagerness, he’s still concerned about you, breathing heavily as you lean over your seats and start to unzip his pants
“a-are you sure about this? you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to,”
poor baby is already shaking the moment your nails rake over his thigh, your breath just ghosting over his clothed erection which is already damp with pre-cum
this makes you hum in agreement because yes of course you’re sure
you had a feeling yuuji would be turned on with this little escapade anyway, but you didn’t think he’d be this needy already
now it’s time for you to relax your throat and prepare yourself because yuuji is THICK
safe to say, all your arrogance is gone the moment you choke on his length, his big hands helping you keep the hair away from your face
meanwhile, yuuji is messily thrusting his hips up to your mouth, enjoying the way you just feel so warm around him
“f-fuck, baby, feels so good. i can imagine you already in that flimsy material, you’d be so pe-perfect, fuuckk.”
your chest swells with pride, always having been weak when it comes to his praising
once he reaches his high and paints your face white, yuuji lazily pulls you closer to him to kiss you, moaning when he tastes himself on your lips
you only giggle at how romantic he is even when your hands are still stroking his softening cock, and yuuji shudders a bit at the gesture
because he’s been such a great and supportive boyfriend today, you swipe at the cum near your lips, which makes yuuji’s eyes darken when you collect it with the tip of your tongue
then, as innocently as you could bat your eyelashes at him, you grin,
“would you like to see me wear it tonight? just for you?”
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“gumi, can you come shopping with me tonight? there’s a pool party this weekend with my friends and i need a new swimsuit.”
he wants to say yes because duh
but he also wants to say no because he’d rather not walk around in public with a raging erection
and we all know megumi is big, like come on, he’s toji’s son
like yuuji, i don’t think megumi is that perverted either, but he’s still a teenage boy with raging hormones
he may have more control over himself than yuuji, but he knows his limits
a swimsuit is honestly so innocent — it’s not even half as tempting as when you surprised him with a white lingerie set (which resulted you two in not getting out of bed the whole weekend lmao) so he wonders why the hell he’s so nervous
eventually he convinces himself that going with your girlfriend while she shops for a swimsuit isn’t anything new and it’s just a “normal couple thing” so bedgrudingly, he sighs and agrees
which he immediately regrets the moment you head straight for the skirtinis
there’s so much to choose from, and his eyes widen at the absurdity of how there’s so many designs and patterns
i feel leki megumi is a cheapskate, so he’ll be more focused first on criticizing the price tags before looking at you
“25 dollars for this...thing?”
he’ll shake his head in disapproval, but then straighten up when he sees you frown
“i think it looks cute. don’t you like it?”
you push up a frilly pink skirtini, the shade a soft pastel one that just looks so innocent and cute on you
it doesn’t help that you’re gazing up at him under your lashes either, a small pout on those kissable lips
he admits it does look cute, even cuter because you’re the one wearing it, but he still doesn’t like the price lmao
or at least...not until he’s seen you wearing it
once you’ve both gotten home, megumi heads straight to the kitchen because he’s been so parched (he won’t tell you that he’s been subconsciously swallowing his saliva the whole time, showing him material by material until it all gets suspiciously thinner and more revealing)
he doesn’t like limiting you or telling you what to wear, either, so he just follows you like a lost puppy, careful to note stare too much at anything to not make anyone uncomfortable
but then he goes back to your shared room, just about ready to call it a day since you sure did take your sweet time, and he sees you strutting in your underwear in front of the mirror
megumi freezes at the door like a lagging npc LMAO
you smile, turning to him as if he hadn’t just caught you checking yourself out, which he doesn’t blame you for because you look absolutely stunning in it
the skirt just hides the supple flesh of your thighs, but really, he’s more stunned at how your ass looks so perky in that skintight material
megumi looks away, flushed, running a hand through his hair because he’s too much of a gentleman to outright say he finds you so sexy in fear it would sound weird
but you take his sudden aversion something else, and you wrap your arms around yourself a little consciously, voice turning small
“does it look bad on me?”
he immediately picks up on how small you’ve made yourself, his eyes snapping to yours
“no, you look amazing! why would you think that?”
you pout, “you suddenly looked away. it felt like you don’t really like it.”
at this point, megumi is such a blushing, stuttering mess, approaching you carefully with his words stll stumbling over one another
“that’s not true,” he sighs, rubbing his hands on your bare arms, finally letting himself loose and shamelessly staring at how your breasts are just right under him, waiting to be touched
the tension in the room begins to thicken, and you shiver when his hands trail down your hip before squeezing the flesh almost possessively
“beautiful,” he’d murmur almost absentmindedly, and by the time you’re practically melting in the heat of his gaze, megumi just goes ‘fuck it’ and straight out kisses you
he’s gentle though
he knows you felt insecure and so he wants to take his time with you, touching you in places he knows you liked, curling his fingers in just the right spot that has you seeing stars
he doesn’t do anything that would make your body shake, but it still feels good — a lot more like lovemaking
and it is
he wants you to know he loves you and that you’re the most beautiful being ever in his eyes
megumi will kiss you starting from your calves and up to your belly, where he hovers for a minute before changing his mind and diving back down to where you want him the most
small, kitten licks in your core that has you dripping in his tongue, your hands fisting his hair
megumi doesn’t stop telling you how pretty you look just like that, loosing yourself in the pleasure he’s giving you
he doesn’t neglect your breasts; one of his hands reaching up to softly pinch the beaded nipples which has you riding and humping his face even more
megumi buries his face in your heat in that moment, his nose bumping your clit every now and then, and you feel so beautiful with how he can’t seem to get enough of you
he knows this just by the way you clamp down on his tongue, sweet juices coating his lips and he drinks it all like a starved man
“cum for me, sweet girl,” he coaxes, his thumb pushing your lips open as he watches you come undone for him
“that’s right — fuck — you’re so gorgeous, so perfect, just mine.”
and just when you think he’s had enough, megumi only flips you until your core is right on top of his face, his large hands merciless as he pushes your hips forward and backward on his tongue
similar to before, you and megumi stay in bed all day long with him going round per round, never getting tired of making you feel good until you’re just laying spent on your bed, juices flowing out of your abused core
you push megumi away when his fingers slide in your inner thigh
but no he’s not quite done with you yet
“no,” he growls softly, pushing your hands away and pinning you under his weight. “i’m not stopping until you finally see yourself the way i see you. so divine, so ethereal.”
your body is something he’ll never get tired of worshipping
you’re hella tired
but hey who are you to complain
you only wish megumi hadn’t ruined your swimsuit with your cum, but after a promise that he’ll jsut get you another one, you lose yourself to another mind blowing orgasm
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let’s be real here
you know EXACTLY what you’re asking for the moment you dragged him into a swimsuit shop
you don’t even bother asking him if he wants to go anymore because gojo being gojo, he’ll be whiny about it, saying you could just surprise him the moment you get home
to which you roll your eyes and say, “this isn’t for you, gojo.”
hah, but anything that is yours is his, and your body is definitely his
gojo is nothing but bored
he wants to go home already and just fuck you already, and he’s getting on your nerves so you threaten that you’re not letting him touch you for a whole week if he doesn’t shut up and accompany you for once
it’s not that gojo is mean and unsupportive of you, he’s just so horny in that moment he can’t think straight
but he also really, really likes touching you so the big man just pouts and crosses his arms
sighing loudly and rather dramatically
it only takes a few seconds before gojo straightens up, peeking under his blindfold when you pick up a plain black bikini with the top knotted behind your neck
it’s not really your style though, so you’re about to move to another design when gojo whines
“wait, why not that one? it would look great on you.”
ofc you know i’ll look great on you, but it’s not your favorite, and it’s fun to tease gojo so you shrug nonchalantly, picking up a dark blue legsuit instead
gojo absolutely LOSES it
man takes off his blindfold just to glare at the material as if it offended him
“babe, what the fuck is that?”
“it’s a legsuit, perfect for scuba diving. plus, it protects my skin from the sun. i wouldn’t want a sunburn.”
the way gojo laughs is so cocky you consider choking him with the suit
“that’s what you have me for?” he points to himself incredulously, “i’ll put the sunblock all over your body babe, you don’t even have to worry about that.”
“please. i’d already be stripped down to my birthday suit before you even get to open the bottle,” you scoff, muttering under your breath, “damn fucking horny guy can’t keep his thing inside his pants.”
however, this doesn’t faze gojo
“and what’s so wrong with finding my girlfriend so sexy and hot i want to fuck her all the time?”
honestly what the hell were you thinking, assuming that you’d one-up gojo when this man would always be superior when it comes to being dirty LMAO he is just so shameless
but whatever, you ignore him, heading to the checkout with a self-assured smile
gojo trails behind you, his anger radiating off of him so strongly you can feel it
“y/n, you can’t even swim. don’t fuck with me and say you’re buying that to ‘scuba dive.’”
“what, so i can’t learn now?”
“just buy the black bikini. it looks great on you.”
“i told you already, i’m not buying that and wearing it for you. i only dragged you here because i need someone to carry my bags.”
you know what happens to brats?
they get punished.
and that’s exactly what happens
gojo grabs your wrist rather roughly back to where you’ve left the black bikini, and not only does he shove it to your chest, commanding you to wear it, but he also shoves you in the nearest dressing cubicle
next thing you know, gojo has his palm over your mouth as he pounds into you from behind, absolutely railing you to the point tears are flowing down your cheeks
“look at you — not so bratty now, are we? you’re just a slut for my cock, aren’t you, sweet girl?”
gojo lifts one of your legs up in the crook of his arm, forcing you to look at the way your pussy greedily sucks him in in front of the mirror
you’re so wet that the squelching of your pussy, along with the slapping of skin, resonates in the cramped space
you reach behind gojo and move away from his hand, gasping breathily while your breasts bounce
“gojo, ah, shit — we might get caught.”
“do i look like i give a fuck, baby?”
no, he doesn’t. and he proves this by pushing you down by the back until your cheek is squished against the mirror, your ass pressed against his pubic bone
with the way gojo’s hips are angled and his long cock is hitting places only he can reach, you no longer care about people finding you in this position
your mouth is open, eyes rolling at the back of your head and drool even begins to slide from your lips
this makes gojo laugh, two of his fingers rubbing against where you two are connected to gather your wetness before shoving it into your mouth
“shut the fuck up, you slut.”
gojo’s large hands then comes up to grab and squeeze your hips roughly; you think he’ll leave bruises there or marks in the shape of fingers
he’s basically using you as his fucktoy now, paying no mind to how you’re crying from how he’s hitting in so deep and fast
your body just transcends into a different dimension
you’re fucked out, crying and begging for him to go slower
“gojo — baby — p-please, a little more gentle, ah, fuck.”
“what was that?” he teases, bending forwards to nip at your ear. the sudden shift in angles has the tip of his cock kissing your cervix, and you immediately clench around his cock.
gojo taps your lips when your eyes shut close from the exhaustion, barely able to comprehend anything else other than the familiar coil deep in your belly
“i couldn’t hear you, princess. speak louder.”
“slower, please,” you beg, placing your sweaty palms flat on the mirror in an attempt to hold onto something. “too much, satoru, t’much.”
poor you, his baby looks so tired and fucked out
with a sarcastic sigh, he kisses the pads of your shoulders, then bites the knot of your black bikini until the material falls to the ground
your breasts are now free from its confines, and his rough hands reach to fondle them
you expect him to grip it possessively like how he always does, but instead, he massages them with tender care, whispering sweet nothings in your ear
one of his hands reach over to where your hands are, looping it through your fingers while his thrust slows down
he forms a tantalizing pace of hitting deep before pulling out in a such slow, torturous fashion then slamming back in until he bottoms out in one thrust
it’s dirty, lewd, and still very much wrong — but it feels so right and it’s rare that gojo ever listens to you so you find it romantic
gojo isn’t the least bit apologetic when you’re both kicked out from the shop
because in the end, he won, and he holds your shopping bag with the cum-stained black bikini proudly all the way back to his car
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yourstrulykiri · 2 years
✉ [메일이 있어요!!] 4 u!
‘♡’ Every life, I run to you. (2/2)non-idol!Jay x gn!reader
m-list! profile!
( fluff, spaced out life style, slight angst 
Summary ⎯ Even during the olden days he had this familiar aura that always made you feel comfortable around. Even in Medieval times, you would call him your knight in shining armor. Even though you don’t remember those memories, now your contented in seeing his face in every life you go through.
Part 1! Music to listen to while reading!
A few months pass by, you and this dream boy Jay got along pretty well. You would always save a certain place in the cafe with the best view outside. Heeseung and Sunoo would casually joke around about it like you are in love with dream boy.
"Morning Y/n-ah :)" Jay said with a smile, you gave me a smile back. "the usual?" You said, "Of course.." Jay said. Jay was about to leave to go get a seat while you quickly say "hey.. if you want to have dinner maybe sometime or- I- mean want to have dinner with me sometime?"  You said.
He giggles at your statement and says "Sure, lets talk about it after your shift." he says. "You can't even talk to him properly Y/n." Heeseung said with an annoyed tone. "Its progress!" You say in defense, "1mm progress, Y/n I'm being serious  you've been crushing on him for months now. You should confess soon." Heeseung said.
"Your delulu love life does not make sense to me either." Sunoo said coming out from the staff room. You sigh contemplating on your next move. Its been hours since the interaction with Jay as you close up then see Jay waiting outside.
"Would you like it if I walk you home?" Jay asked, you nodded screaming in victory in your head. "My apartment is ride down the road" You said as Jay nodded "My apartment is also in that area" Jay said.
"Do you know ****** ** restaurant? maybe we can go there" You said as Jay chuckled "So it's a date?" He said making your ears turn red as he pushes your hair behind your ear. Then the moonlight shined on you, making Jay freeze his actions.
Your figure under the moonlight looked so familiar, then he had the same weird feeling at the back of his head. "O-oh.. it's Y/n! nice to meet you Jay.." He hears he thinks he's being delusional. "Nice to meet you too!" Jay said as you give him a confused look.
"Jay? are you alright?" You asked he looked at you and nodded. Once the two of you go to the building turns out you both live at the same floor.
You both wave goodbye as you flop down on your bed again. Quickly screaming into a pillow as you grabbed your phone to go update your 2 best friends.
"SO? ANY UPDATES? WHAT HAPPENED?" Sunoo started yelling right as he enters the call, "HE WAS STARING AT ME KINDA.. HELP?!" You said freaking out. "OH MY GOD FIRST WIN?" Sunoo said as you give a 'what did you just say' look "FIRST? MY FIRST WIN WAS HIM ASKING ME TO TALK WITH HIM" You said as Sunoo looked in disbelief "That's called a conversation.." Heeseung added.
Then the day came, the some sort of 'date' you asked him out to. But there was a storm that hit your areas of the city. Your hopes of date nights were totally ruined.. until you heard someone knock on your apartment door.
"Y/n? It's Jay :)" You hear as you quickly try to fix yourself panicking. You open the door to see Jay  in his pjs with some snacks. He smiles widely. "What are you doing here? our dinner is kinda cancelled.." You said then realizing "NOT LIKE I WOULDN'T WANT YOU HEAR.. I MEAN OF COURSE I WOULD LIKE OUR LITTLE DINNER TO STLL HAPPEN BUT-" You said as Jay chuckled and let himself in.
You close the door, "we can have a movie night instead of dinner.. not unless your not up for it." Jay said heading to the couch. "Oh sure!" You said.
As you both were watching the movie Jay couldn't stop staring at your face, it really did remind him of something but he just couldn't remember where. The same exact thoughts you felt when you met him.
He also recognized your kind of talking, the habit of you rambling and the way you laugh so hard whenever he would show you funny videos or chats he had with his friends. He was slowly falling in love with you.
"Hey want some more popc-" You said making eye contact with Jay. "Popcorn?" you said lifting up the popcorn bag. You say smiling as Jay nods returning the smile.
You fell asleep during the movie, he was gonna get up to find a blanket for you but you pull him back down. Eyes still shut, he smiles and hugs you until morning.
You wake up because of your alarm from the other room and to Jay sound asleep hugging you, you remove his arms instantly blushing. You run to the bathroom to get ready.
Jay wakes up to see you not beside him anymore, he pouts. Then he sees you walk out of the bathroom with your casual clothes. "morning :)" You say as he says "Good morning :)".
"AND THATS WHAT HAPPENED!" You said after explaining the whole movie night and waking up process you had with Jay. "NO WAY.." Heeseung said covering his mouth, then Sunoo cheering for you. You giggle at your best friends.
You then come back outside of the staff room to see Jay with a girl.. "oh no.. please.. dont tell me.." You said, thoughts in your mind. They both sit in the table you would always reserve for Jay always wishing it was both of you there.
Jay then came up to the ordering station, you then sigh. "Hey aga-" Jay started, "The usual?" You asked with an annoyed tone. "oh uh yeah.. hey y/n if there's anything bothering you.. let me know m'kay?" Jay said as you nod with a neutral face.
After that whole situation, You started trying to avoid Jay. You went through many rejections and heartbreaks, you can't go through that again so the last resort for you was to simply try to ignore them. Can a heart still break if it's already broken?
A few weeks later Jay has been trying countless of times to get to you, He found you walking down the sidewalks as he tried catching up to you. Luckily he grabbed you arm before you could walk any further, you try yanking your arm away as Jay then said "Y/n-ah.. talk to me.. I've missed you y'know" Jay said as you turn around saying "Say the I miss you's to your girlfriend.. don't think I didn't see you the other day."
He sighs "That was my cousin I was trying to ask advice.. I wouldn't think my confession would be in this way but you see.. I like you.. Your pretty smile, your cute rambling, your laugh, your joy to serve any customer no matter who they were." Jay said. Then the both of you have some sort of flashback at the same time.
You both weren't in the modern life city.. you were in a old city of Korea with traditional clothes on. Jay holding your arm saying "I've always loved you.." "I've never stopped loving you." You said.
Then you both were in the real world looking at each other "I've always loved you Y/n-ah" he says "I've never stopped loving you.." You said. The next thing you know his lips were on yours, soft and gentle. You kissed back placing your arms around his neck, "sunoo I told you to turn off flash!" You hear heeseung say as sunoo laughs and runs away with Heeseung.
You smile into the kiss, then pulling away. "i love love love love love you!!" Jay said as you kiss his cheeks.
Then you reflect on what Heeseung said that night you were in call with sunoo and him. You did look back on your words indeed.
He is your dream boy, and will forever be. But now it's time to cherish the moment you have with him. Life's short. Live it to the fullest. A line you heard dream boy say in one of your Daydreams.
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grapecaseschoices · 2 years
more tl;dr about the exile mcs
Kendis is a bit easier to figure out than Andy -- at least more direct. In part because I have played them more recently. But also because she is a lot more external -- and thus more open taking in than he is. I believe it would be easier for Kendis to take in Esme and Sabir (and even Eme) as positive influences as opposed to Andy who would fixate on Marcelle, because she’s the one who found him, she’s the one who gave him a home first. (And they’d probably click more at being private people, though again, I guess I can only truly know through playing.) 
It is hard to cut into the differences beyond that, at least verbally, because Andy and Kendis both prioritze similar things. They are both ambitious, selfish characters whose focal point are their loved ones and their home. Andy has been more inner --> outer; while Kendis has been more a collection of individuals. For example, while Andy is less likely to broaden his circle in a personal sense, he will internalize the communities of those he values/attention he wants (example: for non-exile Andys: his father gave him his faith, his uncle gave him Autumn Grove, his other uncle gave him the Family, he found brotherhood in the military; so because THEY matter, those things matter). 
So, I could see Andy valuing Marcelle’s cause (what he knows of it) and, of course, the military because it matters to Marcelle and Syfyn. So, for him it’s interchangable. The military and Plaithus become representative of Syfyn and Marcelle, they are them. (Thinking about it now, I think it is more likely a more ... unhinged Andy will be likely because I’ve never had him betrayed by the people he’s pedastaled before. The closest has been one of his uncles but the other pulled him out of there before it could get bad, and he always favored the latter uncle more anyway.)
Kendis. Is more of a one to one collector -- like. They’re stll a ‘your philisophy will come mine’ sorta person, ‘what matters to you will become mine’ but because I think Kendis is more external, it’s not as -- I don’t know. She searchers for other interests along with that? So it doesn’t become their whole personality, even though it becomes a basis? I don’t know. I think also a matter of like both are devoted characters, but Andy because he’s so Andy, that is more like knight --- there is only so much he can spread himself to. His cause, his loyalty, it is all grand but it’s focused to that few. Kendis, on the other hand, is ravenous. Kendis is one of my monster heart characters. While she doesn’t let in people a lot, she is more likely to empathize. 
A part of me wondered if it was the Crawford and/or Louel influence, which I can see Esme and Sabir (and to an extent Emelin and Syfyn) emulatng. I think it is also because Kendis is just so egotistical and also So Much Love In Them Disease that leads them to being to ... I guess kin more easily. So I can see that someone like Sabir, who would be funny and bright and SHINY and reminding her of their beloved Esme, who would come in with So Much Love In Them Disease as well being all “we’re going to be the best of pals’ and Kendis in turn being ‘this one is Mine’. So much so until Sabir surpasses Emeline in the mental Straosphere Kendis semi-unconsiously puts their loved ones in. 
I feel because of Sabir, the fundamental changes of Kendis would be less drastic but the priorities will likely be different. Kendis will always be Chaotic Neutral. And I can see them carving that down to satisfy Marcelle -- like I can see this Kendis being a better liar (more serious) but also more bloodthirsty, thus more short-tempered. But I very well see this Kendis being more involved. 
It didn’t strike me until I finished their play through, and I might do another one eventually to solidify thoughts, but playing a Commander Kendis (which is the weirdest thought to me still, because as bossy as this bitch is and as prideful and egotistical, Kendis is Very Much a Doesn’t Answer The Call/Follow You To The Ends Of The Earth With Mild Complaining character. They surround themselves with Big Damn Heroes, and bitch about it, they aren’t one. Like I thought Keeper Kendis would be the cake but dang) reminds me of this aspect of their personality that I haven’t gotten to play much recently. At least outside of Kotsam.
Having that in mind now will sorta change my point of focus re: what they value in the game. Will it be Marcelle vs Emse & Sabir or Marcelle vs Her People. (That bit about responsibilities re: the latest update). And what is her definition of her people. Is it the people of Plaithus regardless of magical abilities or will Marcelle’s POV supercede until she is forced to see another perspective by someone she equally (and possibly, more) values? 
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jazz-my-soul · 4 years
Honestly one of saddest scenes for me was this one
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Why? Because when Catra asked her "What if the failsafe won't work because there isn't She-ra?" and when Adora looked at her and said "No it will work" almost chilling because she knows what her option B is if she can't transform to She-ra, she will be a sacriface. Adora went closer to her and told her that she it is okay and that she is ready in which Catra reacted like this.
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This is the moment where Adora tell's her to run off and be safe but Catra says "No" in which Adora thinks that Catra dosen't want her to do this but Catra then hold's her hand and says that she will stay with her.
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Reason why this made me sad and depressed is because Catra chooses to die with her and Why? Because she loves her ane she knows that Adora is scared and she dosen't want Adora to die alone so she chooses to die with her. She dosen't see world with out Adora worth living.
Of course what also makes this scene so sad is when Adora fall's in pain and her life force is fading away and her heart is beating slower which Catra notices and she start's to go in full panic mode begging Adora not to give up and to fight it.
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Then she talks to her softly, reaches her hand and tell's her that she will be there for her and that she dosen't dare to give up on her now. Also the fact that Adora notices the hand but now Adora hesitates to grab Catra's hand because she is scared and she dosen't understand's why Catra is doing this for her. Then we finally hear those words
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Adora totally a cute dumbo (she is uwu) dosen't process the words that Catra a person whom she fought, whom she tried so desperatly to get her back for such a long time (3 years passed since then) is saying to her that she loved her this entire time. Which gives her a push to wake up and make her "dream" reality. Adora asking her that she loves her and Catra being Catra kinda avoids it (because i assume she is insecure and dosen't understand if her feelings will be returned) call's her an idiot and smiles but then Adora gives her the softest look
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and Catra (also dumbo) just stares at her
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Honestly that scene reminded so much of season 1 the prom epizode on the cliff where they both stared at each other "softly". This kind of had a fuzzly feeling and you could actually see it, you can kind of feel what Catra and Adora are feeling for each other at the moment in which well you know what happeneds next
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Man just wow. This show has been an emotional field trip. Seeing Catra and Adora struggling to communicate, having different objectives even tho they clearly weren't happy being apart from each other and also the fact well Catra always has been somewhat obsessed with Adora. I think we all could see ( well we all did i mean c'mon Catra) but that obession was more cry of her's for Adora to be in her life and i really appriciate and love slow burn's. Forgivness takes time, acceptence of other people feelings matter. The show's core was always Catra and Adora while i do think there were some things and tiny winy rushed and maybe lacking off ( i don't really mind and i understand really) maybe about info Grayskull, Glimmer's mom flashback, i kinda wanted to see more interactions between Scorpia and Catra ( i loved the hug but i would kinds like to see them talking but i'm stll except goodest girl scorpia to forgive her). But either way i'm really happy, part of me was doubtful and i won't lie but i'm so happy that it finally happened. Finally no baiting people, thank you Noelle <3.
p.s last thing i do maybe hope we might see some comics or something like that but that would be just my sadness that show is over and i dunno what to do with my life now.
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