#i still remember the pain it was so bad
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thesingingrevolution · 1 year ago
reading my diary entry from 8th grade when the boy i liked so much gave me a kiss on the cheek..
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pineapple-frenzy · 1 year ago
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Book 2 au: sparring sessions and short hair katara
They like to have sparring sessions in order to keep their bending skills sharp. They allow themselves to go all out and not hold back at all cause they know if anyone got hurt, Katara could just heal them
But anyways, wouldn't it be kinda funny if Zuko accidentally burned Katara's hair tho? Aofkqldkkajfjd
The "I think we can save the hairloops" line is from @linnoya-writes thank you for that!! :>>
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willyhoos · 1 month ago
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you, and what little remains of your brother.
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arcanegifs · 10 months ago
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Arcane Gif Requests: anon + Caitvi Scenes: 27/? ↳ "We need you back on your feet. What was the name Sevika gave you? Jinx?"
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lalalalalalakakakak · 2 months ago
Yesterday (and this morning) I failed to make those cute Vox's shimeji work on my pc (the lil Voxs that should run all around your desktop)
I was super sad but I did this doodle with a pen while installing and uninstalling java trying to make it work
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quartergremlin · 4 months ago
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Loose Change: Migraine?
Q: It burns!
2: No it doesn't. Stop being dramatic.
20 years later
Q <- (in hell): Wait a second. Have I been having migraines this entire time?
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sysig · 8 months ago
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I invite you to imagine (Patreon)
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heartorbit · 2 years ago
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theladyspanishes · 1 year ago
Apologies but you were at the top of my Tumblr feed and I have been instructed to randomly tell someone online a painful truth.
Here goes.
Closing your posts to comments is an inherently hostile act.
Again; sorry. Nothing personal. We all serve the random number gods in our own fashion.
Mndrew, I recognise your profile pic, I've seen you around, I know you're a chill community member and active participant and stuff, so I want to be clear that this isn't like a dig on you or anything, it's just a response to the thesis statement: "Closing your posts to comments is an inherently hostile act". I don't know how many of you know this, but a while back, while I was still at university, I spent around a year? Maybe 2? dealing with an obsessive online stalker.
They made it very difficult to spend time anywhere online, but they especially weaponised Tumblr (I think they realised it was a less public account of mine where I could seek respite). I would wake up in the morning to find they had sent me hundreds, on one occasion close to a thousand, messages. The messages would range from threats of self harm or against me to seemingly nonsense phrases designed to just remind me that they were still there. The tumblr notification sound still spikes my anxiety.
You can't block someone like that. First of all, they would and do simply make more accounts (I just checked - I still have 30+ accounts of his blocked over here). Secondly, this kind of behaviour leaves you in a trap; If you interact with them, they know they have access. If you block them, they know that you saw their message... so they know they have access.
During this period, I had the good fortune of being able to ask Grace Helbig, of all people, whether she had any advice. She got so furious on my behalf I still tear up a little when I think about it, but *she* told me a painful truth that day: As much as you might like to, as much as most people know how to behave appropriately, you cannot leave yourself open to every line of communication your audience might want.
If you look around at my socials you'll probably start to notice a trend. You can't comment on my instagram posts unless you're a follower. You can't DM me unless I follow you on Twitter. Places where I can't control those settings, I simply do not ever open my inbox. In fact, it was really only a short time ago that I turned tumblr messages back on, after a loooong hard think. In many cases this is something that actively hurts my engagement, but it's a choice I've made to draw a line on where and when and how people can access me.
All of that said, you don't need to be an internet personality with digital stalker trauma to draw your lines. Closing your posts to comments is not inherently hostile, it can be an act of self-care, self-preservation. No one is entitled to be able to access you in every way they want to.
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gabri-el · 2 months ago
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i do fucking hate the majority of interactions—in passing on the street or in the colleges or shops—with people (students) here in the city. any kindness or humour prompts a quizzical, no, derisive look - like it's taken to be weakness? or that it's improper or unserious. the expression of egotism in simple acts, gestures, looks is unparalleled. gratefully it has also been noticed by everyone else i've spoken to. this is not a place to call home
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dreamieparadise · 13 days ago
Crying and throwing up because I have to be an Adult [I remembered I have to finish the assignment djdjdj]
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s0fter-sin · 23 days ago
pt update!! i’ve been using a .5 kg weight and it seems a good size, i get around 7 in a 10 set and it starts to get difficult so i’ll stick with it at least until i can do the full 10 without pushing. i started with single bicep curls, side raises and overheads and overheads are the absolute worst lmao. now i’ve added double bicep curls and front raises!
i thought i wasn’t really getting much better bc the weight is so light (even though i know it takes time and i’ve only been doing it for like two weeks) but then i did the front raises for the first time, got to 3 and was like this fucking sucks lmaoo
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atsukunaritai · 1 year ago
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— Actually, you're number one for me, Micchan.
— You're number one until the day I die.
永遠の昨日 第3・8話       |       Eternal Yesterday ep. 3&8
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recitedemise · 9 months ago
Before I get on to some replies, I am sat here trying to digest all my thoughts again nearly 1 year after leaving my abusive ex.
And what struck me is how absolutely racist they were and are.
It doesn't escape me that their last two exes (including me) were Asian. It doesn't escape me that they consume a lot of Asian media. It doesn't escape me that, one time, they came to me to vent about their ex before me, upset people said they had an asian fetish when their ex 'was tan and aggressive' when, if they really had an asian fetish, they'd go for a pale and more meek person.
It doesn't escape me that after they would corner both me and their ex before me to absolute mental breaks where we would retaliate with anger that they would call us aggressive abusers. It doesn't escape me that I tried breaking up with them countless times, was begged to stay because 'I was the only thing that made them happy' and that 'they wouldn't know what to do without me'. It doesn't escape me that when we did FINALLY break up because THEY allowed it, they told me that we should break up because 'they can't be with someone with such inordinate anger' when, in my last attempt to break up with them, I tried breaking up for 4 hours. Straight.
The last break up attempt came after they blew up at me and my friends. I was so stressed out with this constant abuse, and them freaking out so royally was too much. They then asked me to go on a trip to see them because it would be good for our relationship. They said I didn't have to, though, and because I wasn't ready to see them after everything, all the crying, all the breaking down in parking lots, all the driving lost and in tears and sitting on the side of a highway for hours just wailing, I said no. I'm not ready.
They then got so upset and kept going 'well, you went to see your other friends. I don't come down there that often. I came to see you when I was upset. I was really looking forward to this. If you don't want to go, then you don't. I don't need you there to bring down the mood.' They said they weren't guilt tripping me, by the way.
Fed up, I finally had enough. I said we're breaking up. It isn't my first time wanting to break up either because I would constantly capitulate when they crossed my boundaries and ignored my discomfort and desires. But I would capitulate because they NEVER took no for an answer, and I was too weak to stand my ground, and I would always just want the talking to end. I was consistently overstimulated and gave up.
So. I tried breaking up one last time, and again: distress.
4 hours of me saying 'I want to break up. That's final.'
4 hours of them going 'no, please. Why? I'm so confused. I wasn't guilt tripping you. I don't know where you see that?'
4 hours of them going 'please stay with me. Please water the seeds of our love.'
4 hours of calls and constant texts.
4 hours of them going 'I know you love me still somewhere. You used to love me. You can learn to love me again.'
4 hours where they wrote me letters and sent them to me during their therapy session.
4 hours of never listening to me when I said 'I think I feel better/healthier away from you.'
4 hours of them telling me they thought I was in therapy and that I have to keep going to love them again. Ignoring the fact that I was in therapy primarily because of my distress being in this relationship. Them denying the possibility that my health, I realized, was better without them, and them refusing to allow me that space.
4 hours of repeatedly disrespecting my desires and boundaries for their own comfort.
4 hours where I finally blew up and called them stupid and annoying, something they threw back at me as proof of my 'inordinate anger' when they finally agreed to the break up 3 DAYS LATER.
Yeah. I guess Asians are all docile and sweet. They just happened to end up with the two that weren't. I say this all very sarcastically, but how unfortunate.
And after all that, they told their friend, who later came to me saying they were trying to do a nice and good thing for us with which I blew up at and that I was exceptionally cruel.
Okay. I guess good people just suck it up always, huh, and have no boundaries ever? I shoulda been super sweet and did whatever they wanted for the millionth time at the cost of my own sanity. Why not! I'm disposable in comparison, after all! Sucks I missed the memo!
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