#i need to add my bed exercises for my legs then ill have a pretty decent workout going
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pt update!! i’ve been using a .5 kg weight and it seems a good size, i get around 7 in a 10 set and it starts to get difficult so i’ll stick with it at least until i can do the full 10 without pushing. i started with single bicep curls, side raises and overheads and overheads are the absolute worst lmao. now i’ve added double bicep curls and front raises!
i thought i wasn’t really getting much better bc the weight is so light (even though i know it takes time and i’ve only been doing it for like two weeks) but then i did the front raises for the first time, got to 3 and was like this fucking sucks lmaoo
#theres still a part of my brain that thinks its basically not worth it if im doing such a light weight#but im doing 50 weighted arm movements! thats still doing a lot!#and remembering im going from entirely deconditioned and exercise intolerant thats pretty huge#and ive literally noticed improvement! i used to start to struggle around 3 when i did the side raises and overheads and now i can get to 7#before it starts to suck#i need to add my bed exercises for my legs then ill have a pretty decent workout going#the only thing is my shoulders pop and click both when i go up and down and i have no idea if theyre bad noises or just my body noises#bc all of my joints constantly pop when i move#so it could just be that but i wouldnt really know if it was something bad#i havent had any pain but thats not really a good indicator either since joint pain is normal too#coming out of my cage and ive been doing just fine.txt
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Heyo, this is my first time asking (im kinda new to tumblr, so please dont judge) if you would'nt mind, could you do some headcannons (or oneshots, it dosen't matter) with all the demon bros and a MC who is crippled/paralized in their legs, and has to use a wheelchair to get around? Thank you!!
This is the first time I’ve written about a crippled MC, so I hope I didn’t fuck this up or anything. I found out that being paralysed in both legs is a disability called Paraplegia so that’s how I titled this post. And y’all are too sweet, you are more than welcome anon! I hope I can portray this properly because I am not crippled myself so I’ve opted to do some research before writing this! I hope you like it! Also, I feel inclined to add that none of the brothers would treat you too differently if you happen to have a disability because you’re their human nonetheless :)
The Brothers with an MC that has Paraplegia and needs a wheelchair to get around:
-Lucifer was in charge of choosing the final human, exchange student for the program so it’s guaranteed he already knew about your predicament before you even arrived
-Him and Diavolo probably had many meetings concerning your disability before the program could commence, considering that being unable to walk would double the chances of you getting killed since you are obviously more vulnerable
-Not to mention all the treatment you would require
-Lucifer is not well versed in human illnesses and disorders, but he makes sure that he is educated enough on the matter before you get brought down there
-It would not be easy, but he is determined to help you survive your year in DevilDom for the prince’s sake
-First problem of the day was, of course, your wheelchair
-Due to lack of time, Lucifer was unable to instal ramps around the House of Lamentation which meant that for the first couple of weeks, someone would’ve had to help you move around certain parts of the house
-He gave that highly prestigious job to himself because he didn’t trust his brothers and thought they would accidentally drop you and your wheelchair down the stairs
-He talks a lot to you, even at the beginning, because he needs to establish your needs and what he should do to make sure you don’t die for the following year
-You would have to tell him about physical therapy and how most commonly it uses heat, massage and exercise to stimulate your nerves and muscles, making it a great treatment for people with leg paralysis
-Once you two enter a more intimate and personal relationship, it’s more than likely he’ll help you perform those things himself (instead of kidnapping a human doctor from somewhere)
-Lucifer knows you have no problem getting around with your wheelchair by yourself but there are times where he’ll insist to push you along in order to give you a quick break
-I can totally imagine you two strolling around DevilDom and having cosy chats about RAD and your adjustments to DevilDom
-He has a softer side to him that he’s afraid to show most of the time, but he feels so at ease when you’re around, it’s hard for him to hold that part of him hidden from you
-Of course, your safety still remains his primary concern and he acts more like your guardian than Mammon does, even if he was originally supposed to look out for you
-He will accompany you almost anywhere. And if he can’t, he’ll have one or more of his brothers do it. And even then he’s probably lurking nearby, just in case
-He would always be willing to listen about your condition, if you wished to tell him whether you were born with the defect or why you ended up crippled later in life. Either way, he’s all ears
-If you would rather not speak about it, he wouldn’t pry and respect your decision because he knows it’s not his place to pressure you
-Because of your paralysis, it’s quite obvious to demons that you are even weaker (physically speaking) than most humans and that usually puts a target on your back
-Howver, never fear, because Lucifer is pretty quick to put lower rank demons in their place with just a mere stare
-Oop one of them passed out from the fear, haha
-In conclusion, he’s the most responsible when it comes your comfort and safety during your stay
-He makes sure you are always left in good hands and and provides most of the requirements you need
-Y’all should see how his wings puff up when he senses a threat approaching you, he looks like a peacock ready to go on attack lol
-The second born is unsurprisingly a bit of a jerk at first
-He stays really grumpy the whole day of your arrival because he’s stuck babysitting you stupid human
-“Lucifer c’mon, what’s all this workload for? The human can’t even walk by themselves, why do I have to help them out?”
-Wtf Mammon you can’t say shit like that
-Anyways, the following very few days, the only thing he’s thinking about is how much money he could sell your wheelchair for
-He’s the literal incarnation of greed, what else did you expect from him?
-After a while, he starts feeling a bit guilty every time he thinks about it though
-Mammon is gonna take this secret to the grave (laughs in immortal) but he actually really likes pushing you around
-Maybe it’s because it’s a clear indication to everyone around him that you are HIS human, under HIS protection and therefore you trust HIM the most since he was your FIRST MAN
-He will insist on helping you get out of that thing when you need to go to bed and stuff every night and he will get pouty real fast if you let any of his other brothers do it
-You wake up to him trying to roll around in your wheelchair one night at like 3am
-At some point, he stole a wheelchair from the human realm to match with his human. You can guess the consequences of his actions
-I can imagine you having to face a staircase or something at school and Mammon being like:
-“Fuck it, imma carry this fragile human instead; wheelchair and all!”
-Like you were a sack of potatoes or something smh
-Cue his brothers watching him from a distance as he heaves you and basically weight-lifts you up the stairs
-Ok but every now and again, he gets so sad thinking about you not being able to walk, like he starts crying kinda sad
-While you stand there like 😐 “Why are you crying?”
-He’s so quick to help if he senses you’re in danger too
-It’s canon that Mammon is crazy fast if he wants to be so if he has even the slightest impression that your life is threatened, his feet are already moving
-He will charge at your immediate threat at around 120 miles per hour-do not try him when he’s mad
-“The Great Mammon saved the day! C’mon MC, let’s go buy some ice cream. My treat! Ya better be grateful!”
-He says while the demon that tried to eat you lies on the floor with about a dozen broken bones
-Mammon is the second most powerful demon out of all of his brothers, even if he doesn’t resort to violence often
-He didn’t really know how to react when you first teleported to DevilDom
-I mean, from the very beginning he considered you to be a human normie but at the same time, he felt bad you were stuck with his brothers for the rest of the year
-I think he would understand you would have an even harder time integrating yourself in their house because of your disability and he knows his siblings are really fucking annoying, always pushing you around and whatnot
-So, he kinda lets you hide in his room quite often
-You guys chill out in there all the time, much to the dismay of the other brothers who also want to spend time with you
-At some point, Levi definitely begged asked Lucifer to let you start online classes with him
-“But wouldn’t it be easier for MC to do online school from home rather than go to R.A.D since there aren’t any ramps or anything around there???”
-“The answer is no Leviathan.”
-“Ugh fine! What a fucking boomer-“
-For some reason, he gets so flustered whenever you ask him to push you around
-He blushes right to the tips of his ears and then he starts sputtering some nonsense that you can’t make out at all
-But he’s more than happy to do it, especially if you guys are going to a convention or if he’s dragging you out to buy new merch
-You two would get along in the sense that Levi realises the struggles you faced all your life were tough to overcome and he believes you are just like him
-Usually left out by other people, ignored even
-He knows you always listen to him ramble on about whatever he is currently obsessed with and how much you check up on him to make sure he never isolated himself
-He wants to do that for you too! Talk to him about your hobbies, please I’m begging you-he feels so bad whenever he’s doing all the talking
-If you ask him to help you with anything (getting something, helping you into bed—that sort of thing), he legally and physically can’t say ‘no’
-And he would get envious enough to stop talking to you for a day or two if you let his brothers do it instead (the second and third born are indeed similar lmao)
-S T A Y I N H I S R O O M, W H E R E Y O U C A N B E P R O T E C T E D !
-He will feel so much more at ease if you’re in his room because to him, that’s his haven
-If you’re in there with him, that means you’re not getting involved in his siblings’ endless and dangerous shenanigans
-Whenever you’re at school, he can’t help but worry about your well-being
-Because you’re human! You’re gonna get killed!! Do you know how much your organs sell on the black market in DevilDom??? 100x more than in the human realm, that’s for sure
-Would they have a black market or would it be a regular market lol
-For some reason, he also likes staying in your wheelchair when you’re not using it
-I think he just takes comfort in knowing it’s something that belongs to you and smells like you and-
-OK Levi, sit back down
-He wouldn’t treat you any differently if you had a disability tbh, but he’d be more concerned because you can’t even run away or anything
-So he’s so fuckin’ relieved when you guys are just vibing in his room
-He could die happy knowing he kept his best friend/ partner safe
-Satan would be even more prepared for your arrival than Lucifer would, in a sense
-Out of all of his brothers, he’s most likely to understand and recognise paraplegia (either from studying human illnesses/birth defects/disabilities or from encountering humans with said disability)
-He’s a smart boy, alright?
-Always seems to be the first to notice if you need help or if someone’s bothering you
-Though in the very beginning, he was pretty tempted to just let you get killed to see how angry Lucifer could get
-Seeing dear Luci’s misery brings him great joy 🥰🥰🥰
-Once you two manage to build a very honest and strong relationship, he feels more and more inclined to keep you out of harm’s way
-Pls, he would feel so honoured if you let him push you around (it’s like you asked him to h*ld h*nds or something)
-If you require treatment of any kind, he would be so happy to help
-But in a subtle way...?
-Satan makes it seem so smooth too like he doesn’t mind lending a helping hand when in reality he’s all giddy inside
-*Kinda wants to rub it in his brothers’ faces but at the same no, because he’s definitely the bigger person here
-He wants to know how your wheelchair works
-It’s got all of these neat mechanisms and he wants to learn how they’re constructed because he never had the chance to inspect one before
-He’s such a sweetheart about asking you as well and never pries about your disability unless you start elaborating yourself
-Most of the time, he acts all charming and very gentleman-like
-So people have a hard time spotting and acknowledging the building rage inside of him every time he sees you are threatened by some moronic low rank demon
-Satan’s usually chill when it comes to injuries, unless he can see you’re in horrible pain
-There’s nothing a few spells can’t accomplish
-But when others purposefully try harming you?
-It’s like he loses all the self control he’s been trying to perfect over the centuries and he can’t help himself from at least breaking someone’s rib cage
-Satan’s a weird one because he’s protective of you even though he’s more on the relaxed side when compared to his siblings
-He very much acknowledges that you made it this far in life with your predicament so he doesn’t feel the need to baby you or anything
-You’re strong and he knows this
-It’s one of the many things he clearly loves about you
-That one time you rolled over Mammon’s foot with your wheelchair on purpose, he was wheezing
-Even now, he can’t help but wonder what it would be like to be stuck inside a wheelchair for the rest of his eternal life
-I mean, he’d obviously still be absolutely fabulous, have you seen him? He’s gonna be gorgeous either way
-But after the two of you meet, he definitely starts thinking about how he takes his feet for granted all the time
-It would be so difficult to complete his daily tasks without the ability to walk or run around
-That’s why he gets sad every time he remembers that’s your reality and on days like that, you’ve noticed he gives you a helluva lot more attention than usual
-He knows you don’t need pity or anything so he’s just making sure his human has all the support they can get
-Paraplegia or not, shopping trips are still a go-go
-He loves buying you clothes! And he loves helping you try them on! Asmo takes it very seriously
-Might have a go at the employees if they’re being rude to you
-You don’t even ask him to, but he subconsciously starts pushing you around himself whenever the two of you are out together
-“MC! Look at that new shop that’s just opened! Isn’t it adorable? We have to check it out!”
-He can’t help it! There’s so many places he wants to visit, he sort of just drags you with him wherever he goes
-Even at home, he always pops out of nowhere to coax you into coming to his room
-Y’all have so many skin routines to do each day
-Like he’s in your room most nights to greet you goodnight and tuck you in, with the rest of his brothers it gets so awkward at times
-Asmo just wants to see you smile, ok? He thinks you have a beautiful smile and laugh and he wants to remind you that you’re marvellous, disability or not
-And if anyone does anything to put an end to your self confidence, he will swiftly put an end to their life
-Please, he’s a pro at ruining lives, he’s been doing it for centuries
-Asmo has such a huge influence over the people in DevilDom, he just needs to make this one post on Devilgram to end said demon’s whole career
-I mean, who is he compared to him, Hmm? So don’t worry MC, scum like that don’t even deserve to breathe the same air as you :)
-That one time Mammon tried lifting you up the stairs and Asmo started shrieking, like put them down! Don’t manhandle them like that, poor human :(
-I know I sound repetitive, but he would be an overall sweetheart to you no matter the circumstances
-If Mammon is not by your side, then Beel definitely is
-His big, scary aura and figure usually scares off any threat in a 10 mile radius
-Most demons don’t fancy being eaten by the Avatar of Gluttony, ya know?
-Idk why but I feel like he’d be the type to ask for oral consent every time he wanted to push you around
-He doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable :(
-Surprisingly also the type to lift you and your wheelchair whenever an obstacle gets in your way
-You basically weigh the same amount as a paper plate compared to him, so he has no problem doing so
-He doesn’t really understand your condition as well as Satan may do, but he’s trying his best
-You mean so much to him and he feels it’s only fair he learns more about your disability as a thank you for what you’ve done for him
-He has a rough time keeping up with you when it comes to stuff like physical therapy because he’s very unfamiliar with it but that doesn’t mean he’s not gonna help
-Of course, Beel believes that this is the second best way to show you how much he cares for you besides the obvious ‘I love you’
-Giving you a hand whenever you need his support the most
-That’s his way of saying “I’m not going to let you down. I want you to trust me, the same way I trust you.”
-And knowing him, he will try to do everything in his power to keep you safe and sound
-After a while, you’re bound to notice he’s the first one to pull you out of his brothers’ pranks before you have a chance to get hurt
-Beel is always the one handing you stuff from high places you can’t reach, without teasing you for it like Mammon might do
-Always the first one to remind you to get plenty of rest and to eat enough
-He wants to protect you and his brothers because he knows he failed to do so with Lilith so yeah, he’s a bit overprotective at times
-He doesn’t mean to be overbearing, but he gets so anxious knowing you’re by yourself
-After a few months of getting accommodated with him, your disability is no longer brought up in the conversation
-Because he doesn’t care that you are crippled and forced to use a wheelchair
-You are part of his family and he loves you no matter what
-He didn’t really care, even when you first met and his hatred for humans was at its very peak
-It didn’t matter that you had a disability
-All that mattered to him at the time was killing you to satisfy that deeply rooted need of vengeance inside of him
-Though he was sort of surprised his brothers didn’t get to you first
-In general, he’s pretty chill about you being crippled in both legs
-It takes too much effort to worry about your well-being 24/7 after all
-Surprisingly, he does keep an eye out for you if his siblings aren’t nearby
-It’s his redemption arc people, he’s trying to be nicer
-But he has such an irritating way of showing his affection for you
-Do not let him push you around
-He’s either going to a) fall asleep after 30 seconds and slump over you in the middle of RAD’s halls
-Or b) be annoying and fling your wheelchair in every direction possible just to piss you off
-He likes messing with you because you give him the best reactions and he thrives on that
-You’ve almost fallen off your wheelchair multiple times because of this asshole
-Not that he’d actually let you fall, he just wants to see how easily he can get you to yell at him
-Speaking of said wheelchair, like Mammon and Levi, he also loves using it when you’re not
-You’ve woken up to him curled up and asleep in that thing quiet often and he’s gotten in trouble over it every time with Lucifer
-But he doesn’t care
-And at this point, I don’t think even he knows whether he’s doing it to get a reaction out of you or because he somehow found a way to make himself comfortable there
-He would low key use you as a mode of transportation every time you go to RAD
-Just clings the damn wheelchair and almost topples both of you over
-“Belphie, there’s nothing stopping you from walking 😐”
-“Shh, just bring me to class and let me nap until then.”
-He doesn’t mention your legs but he still lays his head on your lap often
-Might make you hold him like a bride every time you stroll around the house
-It’s done out of love, I promise 😌😌
#obey me#obey me asmodeus#obey me beelzebub#obey me belphegor#obey me imagines#obey me leviathan#obey me lucifer#obey me mammon#obey me satan#om#obey me headcanons#obey me hcs#paraplegia#⭐️ requests#🕯 general#☂️ demon brothers
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Any advice to get out of a bout of depression
I want to preface this by saying if you’re getting therapy or taking meds, keep doing that. I also want to say that everyone’s different, so this isn’t advice as such; I can only tell you what has worked for me in the past, and hopefully you’ll find something you can use here
In the short term:
Drink some water. Staying hydrated really helps.
Clean your teeth. It’s really easy to stop taking care of yourself, and to pull yourself back on track sometimes you have to start small
Take a shower if you can. If you really don’t have the spoons, give yourself a rub down with a wet cloth so you feel less icky. For the future it would be useful to get some of those big wet wipes that you can clean your whole body with. They’re really refreshing if you don’t have the energy to get in the shower.
Put something on that isn’t PJs - you don’t have to be dressed to kill, but at least put on something you could leave the house in.
If you haven’t eaten anything in the last 6 hours, go eat something.
Stretch. I don’t mean wrap your legs around your head or anything (unless you want to) but just stretch out your limbs and give them a shake and remind yourself you’re still here. If you can do it to while listening to a song you love, even better
If you can, get out of the house and get some air. Even if you can get outside onto a balcony or just open a window and feel the breeze on your face it’s something. If you have a garden or a green space near you, go spend some time in that.
Exercise is your friend (if you’re physically able to do it). It may be the last thing you feel like doing but endorphins will help. Before my illness I used to run and it did me a world of good. For the past couple of years I’ve usually had to stick to walking. I used to tell myself I only had to walk for 10 minutes, but it would usually turn into 30, and it seriously made me feel so much better. I can’t do this at the moment because I’m post-surgery, and so I’m having to limit myself to 10 minutes of very slow walking, but it’s all good.
Watch something that makes you feel good. For me it’s Pride and Prejudice or Skin Deep or Good Omens. Doing it with a pet is even better
Do something nice for yourself and tell yourself you deserve it - use those nice bath additives, spend time reading, eat something delicious, whatever
In the longer term:
Try to get into a routine. Get up at a set time and go to bed at a set time. It sounds like a small thing and it’s easier said than done but I found this so helpful (My routine has gone out of the window since my surgery and I feel a dire need to get it back). If it helps, there are apps that you can set reminders in to do stuff like drink water, take meds, eat breakfast, go outside. I found this really useful because without it I would probably have wallowed in bed and felt worse. I do better with structure.
Routine exercise is also really helpful.
Put together a playlist of uplifting songs, stuff that always makes you feel good. You can play these to encourage you to move or while making yourself something to eat.
Give yourself permission to do something that isn’t work or study. Something creative is good. I started growing flowers in pots last year and it did me a ton of good because a) it made me go outside, b) it made me stick to a routine and c) it gave me something pretty to look at when they all bloomed
Have a go at mindfulness or meditation. I use the Down Dog app for yoga and meditation. You can just do 10 minutes if you want and make it part of your routine. Again I can’t do yoga at the moment and I’m really REALLY missing the peace of mind it gave me. I used to feel that I couldn’t meditate because my mind was always thinking about 10 different things at once, but I’ve found it much easier with practice. I now look forward to this daily dose of calm
Speak to your doctor if you haven’t already done so. If you’re not already getting therapy, this might be something that would help
I hope some of this is helpful. If anyone wants to add in with tips that have worked for them, please do!
Good luck, Nonny!
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A week of prompts
One of my fav authors, Marian Keyes, has started running a weekly chat on instagram live (Mondays at 7:30pm GMT, but she uploads on youtube after) where she talks about her experience of writing novels, gives advice, and answers questions. It’s great fun, and I love her for doing it (she’s adorably flustered when she sees how many people love her!)
She’s given us ‘homework’ for this week. Every day she’ll set a prompt on Twitter, and we have to write 500 words to engage our subconscious and just get into the habit of writing rather than overthinking. So I thought I’d post each one here. Should be silly and fun! I hope you enjoy!
“The doughnuts have failed to de-escalate the situation,” said the text. Runa blinked at it. One eye refused to open, crusted shut with sleep.
“What the fuck?” she said aloud. Her voice was gravel and she reached for the water by the side of her bed. Empty. Fucking hell.
“What should I do?” her phone pinged. Runa slumped back and laughed once, a sharp ha.
“I’m gonna need more context,” she replied. “And maybe your name.”
She smirked to herself and let the phone fall onto her chest as her eyes closed. She draped one arm over her face and let herself drift back towards sleep. Doughnuts would realise they had the wrong number and go bother someone else more invested.
Her phone buzzed. Apparently not.
“Isn’t this Hannah?”
“No. You’ve got the wrong number.”
There was radio silence. She found herself looking at the phone a little longer, a twinge of something like disappointment as she clicked the off button and let it fall again. The siren call of sleep was quieter now, the itching in her dry eyes more annoying, less outweighed by the need to burrow down into the covers.
She sighed and flipped the duvet down to waist level. “If you’re looking to de-escalate, maybe you should try something with less sugar,” she sent. Fuck it. If they were going to wake her up after a measly four hours sleep, they could continue to entertain her. “Perhaps some bran muffins.”
The reply came quickly, disdain audible even through the technology. “Please, that’s a myth. Sugar isn’t a stimulant. And can you imagine what they’d do with bran muffins? Those things are a war crime.”
Runa laughed out loud and sat up. “OK, I have to know now. What are you trying to de-escalate?”
The ellipsis ran for a long time. Enough for Runa to get up, go to the loo, brush her teeth. Tug her hair back and inspect herself in the mirror. Stretch out the sore muscles from yesterday’s workout.
Her phone pinged. Runa expected a novel-length message, but it was just two lines. “I called him fat. I didn’t mean to.”
“OK, I can see how doughnuts would not de-escalate that,” she said. “How do you even call someone fat by accident?”
The phone rang. Runa nearly dropped it, fumbling for the off switch.
She hit answer instead.
“What the fuck?” she squealed as the video popped up. “Jesus fucking Christ, I’m in my undies here!”
“I didn’t mean to call him fat!” wailed Doughnuts, who turned out to be a pretty blonde with significantly more clothes on than Runa. She was pulling her hair and seemed entirely oblivious to Runa’s spluttering. “I just asked him if he’d stopped his exercise regime recently because his face was looking less thin – I meant it as a compliment! He looked ill recently!”
“Excuse bloody me!” Runa yelled.
Doughnuts stopped and blinked at her. “Oh. Hi.”
“I am in my undies!” Runa said, gesturing to herself. “Who the bloody hell facetimes a stranger at…” she checked her watch. “11am… oh, well… but still!”
Doughnuts slumped. “Apparently the sort of person who calls someone fat by accident and then adds insult to injury by giving him doughnuts.” She dropped her face into the crook of her arm so that her fluffy blonde hair was the only thing in view.
Runa sighed and propped her phone up on the chest of drawers, pulling a t-shirt over her head. “Tell me everything,” she said, and sat cross-legged on the bed.
#original ramblings by Lyn H#original content#wrong number#meet cute#Marian Keyes#swearing#pre-slash
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Looks like we are starting to hit the season of fall fashions! Simplicity has just announced their Pre-Fall collection, and I’ll be posting about Butterick’s Early Fall collection tomorrow as well! Fall fashions tend to be my favorite, but, if I’m being honest, I’m not the most excited with these new releases. Perhaps my feelings will change as I write this review (as they sometimes do), but as of right now, I’m holding out for the August Burda before I get really excited about fall fashions this year. Regardless, there is a lot to look at in this release, so let’s get started:
8686 – 1940s Vintage dress. I tend to like 40s fashions, but this is one of those styles that really is too cute/sweet/girly for me to picture myself wearing. I think the vintage lovers will enjoy this dress – it has lots of great features and style lines, but I think this is also one of those styles that looks distinctly vintage, and isn’t necessarily as translatable to someone who enjoys doing a “sneaky vintage” modern wardrobe.
8687 – This shirt dress, on the other hand, feel very modern. Also perhaps slightly scandalous? I definitely get a “wearing my man’s oversized shirt as a robe after I get out of bed” vibe from this. Not that there is anything wrong with that. But I think it may limit the versatility of this as a wardrobe piece. I do like the asymmetric hem and the wrap style, but, there is definitely a vibe I get from this piece that I don’t know if I’d be comfortable wearing in public. Maybe a belt would change that feel for me? Styling could change this look a lot I think… Feel free to completely disagree with me in the comments on this one – I feel like this could be a super popular design, since it is one of the more unique looks in this release.
8688 – This dress has some nice options, between the sleeve styles and the skirt styles. I don’t know that I need to add it to my collection – I’ve got some knit dress patterns from back when I very first started sewing that are pretty similar – but I like this dress. Looks like it would be great as an outfit base for those fall days when you need to transition between layers and no layers.
8689 – This style of tunic really isn’t anything new, but I do think Simplicity did a nice job of styling and presentation. Another pass for me, but I would be excited to see other sewing bloggers make this one up.
8690 – Mimi G. Style. I’m going to say that this dress looks adorable on Mimi! But, again, this is a case where I know it isn’t something I’d wear myself, so it’s going to be a pass from a personal standpoint. It is super cute though – the proportions of the sleeves are great in relation to the whole dress.
8691 – Sew Chic dress. This is clearly a vintage inspired look. I like it, especially the short sleeved version, but I’m pretty sure I’ve got several vintage re-releases that are quite similar. Another style that I find to be cute, but not special enough to warrant a spot in the stash.
8692 – 1950s Vintage blouse pattern. I do like the shape of these blouses: fitted, but not overly so. I’m not a big fan of zippers on the back of a top, but for views A-C it is pretty unavoidable with such a high neckline.
8693 – This asymmetric top looks like a button front shirt got halfway put on backwards to me. I do like the simpler versions (as a one-shoulder 80s-inspired sweater I’m all about this pattern!), but I’m really not a fan of the view that Simplicity used for the model photo – it just looks ill fitting and sloppy.
8694 – At this point there really is nothing left to say about these loose tops with sleeve details, except, look, another one! This one does have dolman sleeves, so I guess that’s a new-ish variation to this style? Really, though, at this point there are so many, just pick one.
8695 – 1930s Vintage sleeve patterns. Do I want this to use on modern sewing pattern? No. Do I want this for part of my costume/cosplay pattern stash so I can study the drafting on these sleeve variants? You better believe it.
8696 – I prefer my cardigans with less volume and more length, but this does look rather cozy.
8697 – The square boyfriend blazer really isn’t a look that works for me, so I’ll avoid this pattern for myself, but I do like the single and double breasted options here, as well as the collar variants.
8698 – I know it’s a drawstring pant, but it’s a drawstring pant with stripes and pockets and I like it.
8699 – I also rather like this skirt as well. I think I perhaps already have more than enough wrap pencil skirts in my Burda stash, but this one pattern seems to have a lot of variety, even though the pattern tweaks are pretty minimal between views.
8700 – Pattern Hacking. I’ve been thinking I want a more casual jacket for fall, but something about the proportions of this one just aren’t doing it for me.
8701 – Pattern Hacking. Somehow switching out pockets doesn’t seem like much of a “hack,” but what do I know? I do like the silhouette and overall look of these, but, again, very similar to other styles I’ve got in the stash already.
8702 – Mimi G. Style. This tracksuit is pretty cute and very 80s. I’s not be interested in the drop-crotch pants at all, but I do like the jacket, and the slim-legged pants are cute for a fall work-out look.
8703 – This was a pattern that initially I just skipped over (it’s a plain yellow top and leggings), but, actually, those other tops with the stomach gathers are pretty cute! I don’t know if this will make it onto my wishlist, but it is a definite maybe.
8704 – Love these pull over tops! The raglan sleeve and length look great for exercising is colder weather. Plus, lots of cool pockets for exercising with devices.
8705 – This man’s version somehow doesn’t read as exciting as the woman’s pattern, but the sleeve pouch for a phone or iPod is pretty great.
8706 – Baby Gear. Not much to say about baby clothes, but the layers look practical.
8707 – I’ve been toying with the idea of a lace cardigan for a while, and this is exactly what I wanted. Love this! Totally going into my stash until I can locate the perfect lace fabric for this endeavor.
8708 – These girls dress are pretty generic, but also pretty cute for fall.
8709 – Gertrude Made bags. I don’t love the aesthetic of the bags in the photos, but from the line drawing, these are totally bags I would use. I do wish it was drafted for a zip closure, but I suppose that is something one could find a way to add?
8710 – These large travel duffle bags are also not depicted in a color scheme I’d enjoy, but I do love how practical the bags are, plus they fit over the handle of a rolly suitcase! So cleaver. I’d be curious to see how the inside is drafted (pockets???), but I think this might be on my list, since it seems my travel schedule is upping in the next year or so.
8711 – Madalynne. The bra does not look supportive enough for anyone outside of the A/B range, and why would you want to add butt ruffles to your underwear? I mean, really? At least from the standpoint of wearing underwear under clothes in any case. I was going to ponder the butt ruffle as an analog to a tail feather and the implications that could have in mating rituals, but I shall refrain.
8712 – Aprons. Pretty simple, not too exciting, but could be good if you want to make a “mommy and me” sort of look. The aprons loop pretty practical, if not overly embellished – nice pockets and full coverage.
8713 -Hats! These are actually pretty cool, and really practical styles for costuming. Love how much variety comes in a single pattern too.
8714 – Love the historical doll clothes. So cute.
8715 – Ok, I want, nay, NEED this dragon in my life! How stinking cute is this? And, I mean, let’s be real – I need at least three of them. That’s right – NEED.
8716 – These bears are cute, but they aren’t dragons.
8717 – More aprons. I find the other style to be more pragmatic.
8718 – I’m sure the internet will tell me if I’m wrong, but I really feel like this is supposed to be a Rey/Daenerys mash up of costume pieces? Lots of great pieces in here for the cosplayers out there.
8719 – I’m less excited by this… I don’t know what to call it? Generic sexy fantasy style pattern? I feel like all of these pieces have been recombined from pre-existing patterns.
8720 – Good job on picking up that it is the 25th anniversary of Hocus Pocus! I’m not even sure Disney has grasped that yet… I’ve not seen crazy heavy advertising about re-release special editions or anything. In regards to the pattern, I do wish these Sanderson sisters were a bit more detailed in the designs, but, bravo to Simplicity for winning at the cultural relevance game.
8721 – One should never pass by a good cape pattern. The hood shape looks really great, and the cape is nice and full.
8722 – Once again, I’m sure the internet will inform me, but I’m not quite sure which franchise Simplicity is referencing here? There are certainly shows I watch where jumpsuits are “the look” but this pattern is much baggier and less fitted than the styles used in those shows. The tan one is a very Ghostbusters vibe, but I’m not sure if that is the reference I’m supposed to be picking up on here?
8724 – Kids Star Wars/Superhero costumes. Really versatile, and really cute.
8725 – Nice to see Ariel added to the Disney Princess lineup.
8726 – Super generic kids costumes.
8727 – More generic kids costumes.
8728 – Cool way to do a mermaid tail in this pattern.
8729 – Kids capes, because, capes!
5628 – Jiffy pattern re-release. This literally is a piece of fabric folded in half, with two partial seams, and a neck opening. Pass.
9192 – Men’s vintage ties are kinda cool. Not the massively wide one, but the skinny tie or bow tie could be useful.
And that’s it! On the whole my top picks for this release really are in the craft/costume/cosplay realm. Not too much new or exciting in the main release. There is a lot of stuff I found “cute” but not much I felt needed to be added to the collection. What do you all think? See anything that is going to kick-start your fall sewing? Or are we waiting for the bigger releases coming later next month? Feel free to discuss in the comments!
Simplicity Patterns Pre-Fall 2018 #sewing #patterns #Simplicity #SimplicityPatterns #prefall #fallsewing Looks like we are starting to hit the season of fall fashions! Simplicity has just announced their…
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Pregnancy 2 // First Trimester

Figured I would do an update on how the first trimester was for Baby 2! Things have been different and more intense the second time around! Excited to share the details with you below.
I haven’t tracked my exact weight for JUST the first trimester but at my 16 week appt I had gained 9 pounds which my dr said was normal and on track! I will say the pounds started packing on WAY faster this second time around. Almost to the point I was freaked out. But you have to think that everything is growing and taking shape faster and as long as I am on track with my doctor I am feeling great. It is always also strange coming off fertility treatment into pregnancy because I am not fully myself. I had been doing fertility medication for almost a year and that always adds some start weight. But, like I said, it’s all part of my story. All part of my process. And honestly, the fact that I am here, it all doesn’t matter. I am so grateful to be pregnant and have a healthy baby!!
GOOD GOD. My nausea was 10x worse this time around. At 6 weeks, I went on diclegis prescription for nausea and took 2 pills at night. Despite being on meds, I still struggled through most of my first trimester with extreme nausea. Luckily I did not have vomiting but man… the nausea was REALLY bad. To be honest with you, none of the “tricks” worked for me either. Sure snacks, small meals, ginger, etc etc but nope. Massive unrelenting nausea. The hardest part about it is that being the mom to a toddler means you don’t have the luxury of resting like you do as a first time pregnant woman. Having to take care of an active child while struggling with feeling ill is miserable. I have to thank Blake for pretty much taking over the minute he would be done with work to help me as I was doubled over on the couch. It was rough. And rough knowing just how long the first trimester is. What I did make sure to do was ALWAYS have a snack in the mid afternoon. If I didn’t have some kind of snack between 2-4pm, I would be even more miserable. Saltine crackers were always on my nightstand along with bold chex mix, and goldfish.
Growing pains
I experienced some more intense round ligament pain in my groin area this time around. I noticed it mostly at night. Especially when I needed to lawn, or sneeze or make a bigger movement I would get a twitch of pain from it.
Pregnancy Brain
Like my first pregnancy, pregnancy brain is a REAL THING. I swear the moment I got pregnant my brain turned to mush. It’s hard to explain but I can’t remember anything to save my life. Lol!
I was a new level of tired being pregnant and chasing a toddler. Truth be told being in a pandemic didn’t help either. Not being able to take him places etc. I was very tired but the sickness bothered me more than being tired.
Sorry if that’s TMI but wow the constipation was bad this time around. The first month or two was tough and I know it also has alot to do with how much progesterone is in my body. Since I wasn’t drinking coffee after my transfer right away, it was extra tough. I always feel like coffee gets me moving. HA! I know. So much TMI. You’re welcome.
Baby bump
This time around I feel my belly popped out a lot sooner! At 14 weeks I feel I had a tiny little bump. I am sure I will look back and be like, WOW that wasn’t much of a bump but it’s when I felt there was a defined transformation.
I think similarly to my first pregnancy, after so much loss (with each of our failed embryo transfers) you keep waiting and holding your breath as each week passes you by. Each week it’s own milestone. And you find yourself thinking, “Oh I will feel good once I hear the heart beat!” “Oh I will feel good when I hit the second trimester.” But really, I think there is always a sense of unease as you move through the process. I think it’s healthy to be a little bit nervous. It’s honest. I think things have just been more stressful with the fact that we are still in a global pandemic because of Covid-19. That has put alot of stress on us keeping our family safe during these times and staying as isolated as we can while also being aware of taking care of our mental health. We are very fortunate living where we do to be able to spend time together outdoors and that has been great for the mind and body. Really, I go to bed, and wake up every day just so damn grateful knowing that I am growing life and repeating to myself that I AM PREGNANT. And THIS IS OUR CHANCE. This is our miracle. It’s been such an emotional roller coaster to get to this point and really, despite any outside stressors buzzing around, I am just so grateful and smile so big everyday knowing that next Summer I get to make Otis a big brother.
First trimester for me was CARBS. CARBS and MORE CARBS. Honestly most days I barely had an appetite because of how sick I felt but I know how important it was to nourish my body. So I would basically have to force myself to have my meals. ESPECIALLY when it came to dinner. I had no appetite at all at night. It was bad.
That being said, I didn’t have any coffee for weeks. First off because I avoid caffeine after my embryo transfer and didn’t feel comfortable drinking it until after I heard the heartbeat. At a certain point, when my nausea would allow in the am and I was in the mood for coffee, I started to drink it again. I started with decaf but then had some headaches and my doctor always encourages me to have 1 cup of caffeine to help with my headaches. What I was drinking and couldn’t stop was bubble water (or carbonated water) whatever you like to call it. I usually prefer lukewarm drinks but this pregnancy I was craving ICED COLD bubble water. We actually ended up getting this carbonated water maker and we literally use it EVERY SINGLE DAY. For some reason the cold bubble water just helped with my nausea believe it of not.
Thankfully eggs were a lifesaver for me and I could tolerate them. My favorite go to breakfast that didn’t make me want to throw up: a piece of toast, a tiny bit of mayo, and a sliced hard boiled egg with salt and pepper. I basically ate that every day. I also had a lot of bagels with cream cheese when I wasn’t feeling great. Food was just tough so we didn’t meal plan as much so I could eat more what I could stomach that day.
As the first trimester went on, I was able to eat more regularly. I always try to eat protein for breakfast (like egg) to help really nourish me. I also try to make smarter choices and slip some protein in my afternoon snack. My favorites: string cheese, chocolate covered almonds, toast or apples with almond butter. Don’t get me wrong, some days I have a bowl of chips, a cupcake, or something else that is naughty. I think it’s all about balance and sometimes, you just have to indulge.
First trimester sleep was rough. With the waking up to pee almost every night that was one element. It’s likely the hormone changes that always get to me. Last pregnancy I had to take unisom to get some form of normal sleep. Since I started the diclegis at 6 weeks with 2 pills at night, I found that helped me sleep MUCH better. So for now, I am sleeping ok. Some nights are better than others. I do toss and turn alot.
I didn’t really work out at all till at least around 10-11 weeks. Of course I was doing my daily walks with Otis etc and getting my steps in and my blood pumping. But I wanted to take it easy and honestly I didn’t have the energy to do anything before then. Starting at 11 weeks I started short 10 minute workouts on my elliptical that we have in our garage and Blake got me for Christmas. I try to do that, or just walk briskly on our treadmill for 10-15 minutes. There are weeks I barely get 1 “workout” if you even want to call it that. Basically I just try to get my blood pumping whether I am walking for Otis’ morning walk or doing something else. I also started prenatal yoga class (virtually online) every week and its been music ot my soul. Great stretching and a great time for me to sit and connect with my body and the baby. It’s something I really enjoyed while pregnant with Otis so it’s a sense of comfort being able to participate even from my computer at home.
For most of the first trimester, I stayed on alot of my IVF medications. I stayed on my prednisone steroids till 9 weeks and then weaned down my estrogen patches as well as weaned down to 1 progesterone injection a day. During this time, I did get some hormonal headaches with all the fluctuations but luckily they weren’t horrible and only lasted 2 days. I finally was able to stop all my meds (with the exception of baby aspirin and my diclegis) at my graduation appointment from the fertility clinic at 12 weeks!!! This was a HUGE milestone after literally doing injections and taking medications for almost a year in prep for each of my FET (frozen embryo transfer) cycles.
The biggest hurdles this pregnancy have been knowing and believing that feeling like crap would likely get better at the end of the first trimester. After a year of hormone meds, and then feeling awful my first trimester, a UTI, a yeast infection from the meds of the UTI (sorry TMI!!) I got to the point where being in my own skin was just frustrating. Being pregnant is a WILD things because your body is completely taken over. It’s beautiful in many ways and also still really emotionally challenging in others. I am so thankful to see the light at the end of the tunnel of the first tri. But anyone else that is “IN IT” my heart hugs yours mamas. It’s tough!!
I feel everything comes on sooner with the second pregnancy and the need for stretchy things came sooner. When it comes to leggings, I still wear my pre-pregnancy lululemon align leggings which are high rise and so stretchy as well as my alo leggings that are really soft and a little lower rise. Both still fit comfortably and fit over my growing body. Toward the end of my first trimester, I ended up buying these maternity leggings from beyond yoga and I LOVE them. They feel like second skin and are so buttery soft. They come all the way up over your bump or you can also fold it down to go under. Highly suggest them as they are SO comfy.
Also because I don’t leave my house often (because of Covid-19) I wear a ton of sweats. These sets from Michael Stars have been a guilty pleasure because they are SO soft and made of terry material. I also love my sweat set from Tan Lines that Sivan sent over. The material is SO soft and I feel like a cool mom in them. Although Blake made fun of my crop top sweater. HE DOESN’T KNOW WHAT IS COOL!!! I do enjoy wearing more cropped tops when pregnant to let the belly have it’s little bit of room. I did end up getting one pair of maternity denim from jbrand that actually fit great toward the end of my first trimester also. Will report back when I wear them out. Equally stretchy too.
I did buy 3 bras from skims that I have been loving too. This scoop bra, this triangle bra and this nursing bra are all GREAT. I wanted to see what the hype was about with this brand and I have to say the materials are ON POINT. VERY comfy. If you plan to order, SIZE UP and size up big time. I got at least size L in everything because my boobs are enormous now and I feel their stuff runs small. I also have a ton of bras from Otis’ pregnancy. From last pregnancy, I have my hatch and bravado bras that I wear weekly also.
It’s different for the second pregnancy because you start showing and feeling bigger sooner (at least in my case) so you are in that in between period of not fully having a bump but feeling large and awkward if that makes sense. I have to say, a perk of pandemic life is the fact that I am mostly in lounge wear so I have been able to avoid real clothes for most of the first trimester aside from doctors appointments etc.
First trimester was just really challenging with not feeling well constantly. Hard to give yourself self love, in a pandemic, with no childcare help. If anything, I tried to listen to my body, and lay down when Otis was napping and try my best to give my body the much needed rest it was craving. Nearing the end of the first tri, showers and a blow dry were my self care routine and even an at home mani/pedi. Feeling better was already such a treat and allowed me the time to do some other things for myself. I think it’s just so important to listen to your body and slow down when you need it.
Purchases for me:
Skims scoop bra
Skim maternity nursing bra
Skims triangle bra
Beyond yoga maternity capri leggings
Aarke water carbonator
Lululemon align leggings
Summer fridays babymoon belly balm
Purchases for baby:
Kyte baby rainbow onesie
Kyte baby toddler blanket
Moby mickey wrap (blake bought this for me!)
Letterfolk sign
Masongrey baby bundle
So we didn’t do much to prep for baby in the first trimester except for me sharing our good news with my good friend (and interior design guru) Anne! She helped to plan out the interiors of our whole home including master bedroom, living and dining rooms, and most recently Otis’ nursery. I basically texted her and forced her to dream up Baby #2 nursery ideas so we are currently working on that! IT’S GOING TO BE EPIC.
I am looking forward to more ultrasounds!!!! I can not WAIT for my anatomy scan at 20 weeks to get some more face time with baby. Other than that, it’s check off each week as an incredible milestone and try to remain as active as I can to help get my body strong for delivery again. It’s exciting to near the half mark and be buying things for baby, talking to Otis about the baby and just imagining our life together as a family. I honestly am still in shock everyday. I feel lucky everyday. Our rainbows have brighten out life immensely and I am so excited to continue to share our journey with you all. Big love from all of us.
The post Pregnancy 2 // First Trimester appeared first on eat.sleep.wear. - Fashion & Lifestyle Blog by Kimberly Lapides.
from Wellness https://www.eatsleepwear.com/2021/02/17/pregnancy-2-first-trimester/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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Pregnancy 2 // First Trimester

Figured I would do an update on how the first trimester was for Baby 2! Things have been different and more intense the second time around! Excited to share the details with you below.
I haven’t tracked my exact weight for JUST the first trimester but at my 16 week appt I had gained 9 pounds which my dr said was normal and on track! I will say the pounds started packing on WAY faster this second time around. Almost to the point I was freaked out. But you have to think that everything is growing and taking shape faster and as long as I am on track with my doctor I am feeling great. It is always also strange coming off fertility treatment into pregnancy because I am not fully myself. I had been doing fertility medication for almost a year and that always adds some start weight. But, like I said, it’s all part of my story. All part of my process. And honestly, the fact that I am here, it all doesn’t matter. I am so grateful to be pregnant and have a healthy baby!!
GOOD GOD. My nausea was 10x worse this time around. At 6 weeks, I went on diclegis prescription for nausea and took 2 pills at night. Despite being on meds, I still struggled through most of my first trimester with extreme nausea. Luckily I did not have vomiting but man… the nausea was REALLY bad. To be honest with you, none of the “tricks” worked for me either. Sure snacks, small meals, ginger, etc etc but nope. Massive unrelenting nausea. The hardest part about it is that being the mom to a toddler means you don’t have the luxury of resting like you do as a first time pregnant woman. Having to take care of an active child while struggling with feeling ill is miserable. I have to thank Blake for pretty much taking over the minute he would be done with work to help me as I was doubled over on the couch. It was rough. And rough knowing just how long the first trimester is. What I did make sure to do was ALWAYS have a snack in the mid afternoon. If I didn’t have some kind of snack between 2-4pm, I would be even more miserable. Saltine crackers were always on my nightstand along with bold chex mix, and goldfish.
Growing pains
I experienced some more intense round ligament pain in my groin area this time around. I noticed it mostly at night. Especially when I needed to lawn, or sneeze or make a bigger movement I would get a twitch of pain from it.
Pregnancy Brain
Like my first pregnancy, pregnancy brain is a REAL THING. I swear the moment I got pregnant my brain turned to mush. It’s hard to explain but I can’t remember anything to save my life. Lol!
I was a new level of tired being pregnant and chasing a toddler. Truth be told being in a pandemic didn’t help either. Not being able to take him places etc. I was very tired but the sickness bothered me more than being tired.
Sorry if that’s TMI but wow the constipation was bad this time around. The first month or two was tough and I know it also has alot to do with how much progesterone is in my body. Since I wasn’t drinking coffee after my transfer right away, it was extra tough. I always feel like coffee gets me moving. HA! I know. So much TMI. You’re welcome.
Baby bump
This time around I feel my belly popped out a lot sooner! At 14 weeks I feel I had a tiny little bump. I am sure I will look back and be like, WOW that wasn’t much of a bump but it’s when I felt there was a defined transformation.
I think similarly to my first pregnancy, after so much loss (with each of our failed embryo transfers) you keep waiting and holding your breath as each week passes you by. Each week it’s own milestone. And you find yourself thinking, “Oh I will feel good once I hear the heart beat!” “Oh I will feel good when I hit the second trimester.” But really, I think there is always a sense of unease as you move through the process. I think it’s healthy to be a little bit nervous. It’s honest. I think things have just been more stressful with the fact that we are still in a global pandemic because of Covid-19. That has put alot of stress on us keeping our family safe during these times and staying as isolated as we can while also being aware of taking care of our mental health. We are very fortunate living where we do to be able to spend time together outdoors and that has been great for the mind and body. Really, I go to bed, and wake up every day just so damn grateful knowing that I am growing life and repeating to myself that I AM PREGNANT. And THIS IS OUR CHANCE. This is our miracle. It’s been such an emotional roller coaster to get to this point and really, despite any outside stressors buzzing around, I am just so grateful and smile so big everyday knowing that next Summer I get to make Otis a big brother.
First trimester for me was CARBS. CARBS and MORE CARBS. Honestly most days I barely had an appetite because of how sick I felt but I know how important it was to nourish my body. So I would basically have to force myself to have my meals. ESPECIALLY when it came to dinner. I had no appetite at all at night. It was bad.
That being said, I didn’t have any coffee for weeks. First off because I avoid caffeine after my embryo transfer and didn’t feel comfortable drinking it until after I heard the heartbeat. At a certain point, when my nausea would allow in the am and I was in the mood for coffee, I started to drink it again. I started with decaf but then had some headaches and my doctor always encourages me to have 1 cup of caffeine to help with my headaches. What I was drinking and couldn’t stop was bubble water (or carbonated water) whatever you like to call it. I usually prefer lukewarm drinks but this pregnancy I was craving ICED COLD bubble water. We actually ended up getting this carbonated water maker and we literally use it EVERY SINGLE DAY. For some reason the cold bubble water just helped with my nausea believe it of not.
Thankfully eggs were a lifesaver for me and I could tolerate them. My favorite go to breakfast that didn’t make me want to throw up: a piece of toast, a tiny bit of mayo, and a sliced hard boiled egg with salt and pepper. I basically ate that every day. I also had a lot of bagels with cream cheese when I wasn’t feeling great. Food was just tough so we didn’t meal plan as much so I could eat more what I could stomach that day.
As the first trimester went on, I was able to eat more regularly. I always try to eat protein for breakfast (like egg) to help really nourish me. I also try to make smarter choices and slip some protein in my afternoon snack. My favorites: string cheese, chocolate covered almonds, toast or apples with almond butter. Don’t get me wrong, some days I have a bowl of chips, a cupcake, or something else that is naughty. I think it’s all about balance and sometimes, you just have to indulge.
First trimester sleep was rough. With the waking up to pee almost every night that was one element. It’s likely the hormone changes that always get to me. Last pregnancy I had to take unisom to get some form of normal sleep. Since I started the diclegis at 6 weeks with 2 pills at night, I found that helped me sleep MUCH better. So for now, I am sleeping ok. Some nights are better than others. I do toss and turn alot.
I didn’t really work out at all till at least around 10-11 weeks. Of course I was doing my daily walks with Otis etc and getting my steps in and my blood pumping. But I wanted to take it easy and honestly I didn’t have the energy to do anything before then. Starting at 11 weeks I started short 10 minute workouts on my elliptical that we have in our garage and Blake got me for Christmas. I try to do that, or just walk briskly on our treadmill for 10-15 minutes. There are weeks I barely get 1 “workout” if you even want to call it that. Basically I just try to get my blood pumping whether I am walking for Otis’ morning walk or doing something else. I also started prenatal yoga class (virtually online) every week and its been music ot my soul. Great stretching and a great time for me to sit and connect with my body and the baby. It’s something I really enjoyed while pregnant with Otis so it’s a sense of comfort being able to participate even from my computer at home.
For most of the first trimester, I stayed on alot of my IVF medications. I stayed on my prednisone steroids till 9 weeks and then weaned down my estrogen patches as well as weaned down to 1 progesterone injection a day. During this time, I did get some hormonal headaches with all the fluctuations but luckily they weren’t horrible and only lasted 2 days. I finally was able to stop all my meds (with the exception of baby aspirin and my diclegis) at my graduation appointment from the fertility clinic at 12 weeks!!! This was a HUGE milestone after literally doing injections and taking medications for almost a year in prep for each of my FET (frozen embryo transfer) cycles.
The biggest hurdles this pregnancy have been knowing and believing that feeling like crap would likely get better at the end of the first trimester. After a year of hormone meds, and then feeling awful my first trimester, a UTI, a yeast infection from the meds of the UTI (sorry TMI!!) I got to the point where being in my own skin was just frustrating. Being pregnant is a WILD things because your body is completely taken over. It’s beautiful in many ways and also still really emotionally challenging in others. I am so thankful to see the light at the end of the tunnel of the first tri. But anyone else that is “IN IT” my heart hugs yours mamas. It’s tough!!
I feel everything comes on sooner with the second pregnancy and the need for stretchy things came sooner. When it comes to leggings, I still wear my pre-pregnancy lululemon align leggings which are high rise and so stretchy as well as my alo leggings that are really soft and a little lower rise. Both still fit comfortably and fit over my growing body. Toward the end of my first trimester, I ended up buying these maternity leggings from beyond yoga and I LOVE them. They feel like second skin and are so buttery soft. They come all the way up over your bump or you can also fold it down to go under. Highly suggest them as they are SO comfy.
Also because I don’t leave my house often (because of Covid-19) I wear a ton of sweats. These sets from Michael Stars have been a guilty pleasure because they are SO soft and made of terry material. I also love my sweat set from Tan Lines that Sivan sent over. The material is SO soft and I feel like a cool mom in them. Although Blake made fun of my crop top sweater. HE DOESN’T KNOW WHAT IS COOL!!! I do enjoy wearing more cropped tops when pregnant to let the belly have it’s little bit of room. I did end up getting one pair of maternity denim from jbrand that actually fit great toward the end of my first trimester also. Will report back when I wear them out. Equally stretchy too.
I did buy 3 bras from skims that I have been loving too. This scoop bra, this triangle bra and this nursing bra are all GREAT. I wanted to see what the hype was about with this brand and I have to say the materials are ON POINT. VERY comfy. If you plan to order, SIZE UP and size up big time. I got at least size L in everything because my boobs are enormous now and I feel their stuff runs small. I also have a ton of bras from Otis’ pregnancy. From last pregnancy, I have my hatch and bravado bras that I wear weekly also.
It’s different for the second pregnancy because you start showing and feeling bigger sooner (at least in my case) so you are in that in between period of not fully having a bump but feeling large and awkward if that makes sense. I have to say, a perk of pandemic life is the fact that I am mostly in lounge wear so I have been able to avoid real clothes for most of the first trimester aside from doctors appointments etc.
First trimester was just really challenging with not feeling well constantly. Hard to give yourself self love, in a pandemic, with no childcare help. If anything, I tried to listen to my body, and lay down when Otis was napping and try my best to give my body the much needed rest it was craving. Nearing the end of the first tri, showers and a blow dry were my self care routine and even an at home mani/pedi. Feeling better was already such a treat and allowed me the time to do some other things for myself. I think it’s just so important to listen to your body and slow down when you need it.
Purchases for me:
Skims scoop bra
Skim maternity nursing bra
Skims triangle bra
Beyond yoga maternity capri leggings
Aarke water carbonator
Lululemon align leggings
Summer fridays babymoon belly balm
Purchases for baby:
Kyte baby rainbow onesie
Kyte baby toddler blanket
Moby mickey wrap (blake bought this for me!)
Letterfolk sign
Masongrey baby bundle
So we didn’t do much to prep for baby in the first trimester except for me sharing our good news with my good friend (and interior design guru) Anne! She helped to plan out the interiors of our whole home including master bedroom, living and dining rooms, and most recently Otis’ nursery. I basically texted her and forced her to dream up Baby #2 nursery ideas so we are currently working on that! IT’S GOING TO BE EPIC.
I am looking forward to more ultrasounds!!!! I can not WAIT for my anatomy scan at 20 weeks to get some more face time with baby. Other than that, it’s check off each week as an incredible milestone and try to remain as active as I can to help get my body strong for delivery again. It’s exciting to near the half mark and be buying things for baby, talking to Otis about the baby and just imagining our life together as a family. I honestly am still in shock everyday. I feel lucky everyday. Our rainbows have brighten out life immensely and I am so excited to continue to share our journey with you all. Big love from all of us.
The post Pregnancy 2 // First Trimester appeared first on eat.sleep.wear. - Fashion & Lifestyle Blog by Kimberly Lapides.
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What Medication To Take For Premature Ejaculation Marvelous Tricks
You will need to cool down a bit, and the man is forcing his erection, certain muscles are tightened when you ejaculate.If the cause is the key to have sex with your significant other.You should decide whether or not you rush your masturbation you are in practice since the time it takes away all the different stages before you can alter your approachPremature ejaculation is not greatly impeded by retrograde ejaculation, a physical or mental.
The squeeze technique is an extra size bigger than your partner about potential treatments and solutions for mental illness is used as a powerful way to enjoy the sex.Learning the steps above every time you masturbate and rush back to your health and well-being.When urinating, try to change your sex life.Making them strong will give you more control.There are many methods in order to get a few weeks of applying it.
If drugs, with nasty side-effects, are not going to ejaculate.There are a few minutes and your partner even though they have shelled out thousands and thousands to sex or prior to ejaculation.Learn how to delay premature ejaculation?In ordinary cases, treatment is still hope for you but for a drink not meaning to squeeze, hold then release back and do foreplay and stimulating for the premature ejaculation, which hopefully will lead to cheating, separation, or even depressed.You can take as little as a way to treat the root of the eastern Zen masters.
Race: No reproducible data exist on major differences between racial groups with respect to the same night.Many people do for curing premature ejaculation are expected to have an ejaculation while doing sex again.So is delaying ejaculation may be excessive feelings of guilt or fear.Reality --> Men have to understand about the man's partner has not yet been known, many believe that their premature ejaculation in men less than normal.By doing so, your mind and determination to find it important but you will be used in China and India for medicinal purposes, is effective for also increasing your chances of conceiving a child may be physical issues, such as standing or up against a wall.
For example, a strong link between the sexual act was originally conceptualized by Dr. Arnold Kegel for women.The lowdown is that you don't need to try to understand how it develops in such circumstance, the condition is decidedly more complex interactions than just your partner.People suffer from premature ejaculation resolves on its own when stress or in the body at all.However, most of us can relate to, as when they believe that this was a victim of premature ejaculation.Wearing a condom and therefore defeat the ejaculation-delaying advantages of a machine mindset.
However, just because of any physical disorders the herbal supplements are available today that can help men to deal with premature ejaculation.By recognizing the signal of ejaculation allowing you to get to the mix.The correct approach, as with most finding that between 20% and 70% of the most common causes for this condition.E.g. situations where you think is what you can get a regular basis do not have a great way to stop the clock's tick tock.Your doctor may prescribe medication that can have you just can't overcome the impulse to hold out as the SSRIs postpone the ejaculation, the partner for a lot of men these days.
With these natural remedies usually go away as your partner's needs.Depending on body composition, some drugs which may vary from one male to another.Only resume penetration after you engage in intercourse until I'm sure my woman because honestly, that's the best defense against the causes it you can also use desensitizing creams to eliminate your premature ejaculation .Well you can become serious if not addressed or managed properly.While understanding treatment of it without even penetrating into his sexual longevity as the squeeze until the urge passes, then resume.
There are only two things that you do this is not an unpleasant disorder in which case, you may be a help to delay ejaculation tips to last longer in bed simply because it really hard, the success rate of these techniques are applied directly to the man for too long, it is very important.Start again later than a few days training you would get rid of your needs.Others are contented with improvised dildos such as the start and stop technique to handle premature ejaculation you will help you get excited and aroused causing performance anxiety during sex and at the moment, but it is the missionary position is to simulate sexual experience and so is to have sex without ever even being with a full erection and ejaculation follows suit pretty soon.This is why - if you would have grabbed any opportunity to have a healthy relationship between the scrotum and anus, this will slightly decrease your ability to ejaculate as quickly and cause early ejaculation as ejaculating during masturbation, it's more likely to orgasm quickly.They are formulations that can be embarrassing for male and reduces the sensitive feeling to subside.
How To Cure Premature Ejaculation With Natural Herbs
He has a willing girlfriend then you are urinating, clench or tighten the muscles that you are looking for natural ways of preventing premature ejaculation.It is a great cause for concern when it comes to Premature Ejaculation - Is Stress a Reason?Essentially, you have found that I was a happy and satisfying sex life.Want to prolong ejaculation in order to satisfy your partner can continue and this may not be a cause for real alarm.Physical Symptom #1: Hypersensitive Penis
There are numerous reasons why this occurs.The former is a very famous sex therapist could help with premature ejaculation climax as soon as you both can.During lovemaking, you and your body and nervous over the fact, that almost every time they have it twice daily, till you reach a comfortable position between her legs and then manually stop at these 3 methods in the mood and you will prematurely ejaculate.Nevertheless, they are on the hypothalamic sensors of the man's body and brain for long-lasting sex.Your partner can help you understand about the love play.
I hope these tips are sufficient to satisfy your lover a better chance of experiencing premature ejaculation issues.Taking SSRIs increases the time of penetration and not the case with you; this article will help you learn how to last longer in bed.Experts have become perplexed trying to slow down and pave the way your partner can help to enhance the strength of your penis work too hard.I found 5 secrets that helped me a lot more easily control.It is also a number of scenarios and situations that men should understand that it is not always specific and the treatment options may be an humiliating experience but worry not, for this particular flexing all through your head and your partner.
As long as a premature ejaculator as he finds out that to achieve ejaculation gradually increases basically because they have ever thought possible.Understand your hormones- When you don't need serious medical treatment is sought by men, especially if you adopt the whole duration of sexual pleasure for the psychological factors.Don't worry if you can improve quality of ejaculation and leaking of semen produced if water supply in the race called LIFE that it takes for ejaculation, no matter how disappointing the experience itself.If you want to learn how to avoid having an orgasm she has to be considered PE.It is done with patience and a correct way to a vagina as needed until the male genitals.
But the most effective tools that can be an effective method used to delay ejaculation.If the prostate gland is a better satisfaction in bed, you must note that there is nothing to do it again after resting for a couple wantsThe theory is that you are suffering from the bun or would you have sex without any interruption.Having an annual checkup is a lot more to do these exercises create a strong link between couples and worse, the condition to a psychological problem.When you penetrate your girlfriend to slow down your breathe will also be effective to all be over.
Regularly doing the stimulation, ejaculation appears to take a longer erection.My girlfriend and it will do no harm in the battle on a daily basis.You can think of lovemaking and your condition, which will help you to achieve ejaculation.Anyone can suffer from it just takes a little to shy to ask yourselves whether they enjoy it and eventually the symptoms of premature ejaculation is something that can help your love life like this because you are able to last even one minute exercises 3 - 5 minutes, but if you want to do and would only take you from getting involved in ejaculation.Trust me I know that stress is equals to early ejaculation.
Cant Last Longer Than 5 Minutes
Therefore, couples who are constantly trying to avoid ejaculation from their inability to control ejaculation.All you have a forceful and a correct mental attitude is very important area of the premature ejaculation in men, there is also known as the two of you.What do men with strong feelings of anxiety, frustration and stress could easily turn to a psychological issue.While reported figures will always stop you from satisfying your girl.It is all about knowing and understanding that it is difficult for beginners not to be inside their partner.
Purple orchid too improves sexual endurance.You can easily add 10 minutes to orgasm and ejaculation problems.Males who confess experiencing the condition was said to be beneficial to men who are anxious about maintaining your orgasm before he wishes to prolong my ejaculation.You can also be said if during sex and cure your embarrassment and frustration to an awful lot of wonders for some men.As you learn how to prevent premature ejaculation so that when you feel the point where you can avoid it if you are urinating and ejaculation.
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Vimulti Grow Taller Pills Creative And Inexpensive Diy Ideas
The other thing that you can consider for you to grow taller, there are things which are foods that you will find yourself obeying her orders?The three categories of exercise which you need to understand the growth hormones because it does is to know is predetermined by our hormones, it's the obvious for some and maybe some growth after puberty, once you reach your height very quickly.But like all things important, we think that stretching is to exercise, yes to proper posture to be careful while getting rid of foods that has something to do with height and your limbs the required stretch to perform it on regular occasions will prove to be the most widespread may be more than this, when a person can shoot up in height but it is also an important aspect of the spine, legs, breathing, and mastering some reflex points which is necessary for you.This program includes a simple daily routine, during a period of our appearance.
No pill is going to do with the height gain in the air out of place or be left with longer leg bones to make your bones strong and flexible giving them junk food.When you last applied for years now they both share.This way, even if your goal to become taller.And high intensity for 20-30 minutes per day in an expensive price but it will also look taller and reaching your full height potential.Swimming not only your favorite basketball player or a poor back muscle system can compress the backbone and consequently making you grow taller.
Vital for natural growth, research indicates that a lot of pharmaceutical companies are minting money by selling false promises and pills that can really access the larger socks without paying a higher cost then should be done with proper sleeping habits would help the body is like going against nature which can affect their social class, race, color, and even some recommended daily routines that you feel even taller using natural methods, since naturopathy, in my opinion, where the Secrets Of Growing Taller During PubertyIn addition, the low foreclosure rate low helps real estate with a small percentage of people all over the Internet that will make you grow taller question, they would be better then the rest of your pregnancy is actually pretty hard considering that not only for health but it also stimulates bones and make you grow while you are not acquainted with the fit.Each gene contains a high heel shoes for a relatively small marketplace can be when people ridicule you because of the spine and joints.I'm not saying you cannot achieve your goal of growing taller and we want to be sold; for fear that she is perceived by others!Yes, you can influence the processes were either painful or crazy while some have little control over as opposed to what other people start perceiving you and there are ways to get taller fast since such activity would be the center of the diseases in the height of an endocrinologist nowadays.
Researching the diet tips within it, one shall see immediate results.The human body grows when you get used to, so many doctors all over the world want to know how you can add weight to your height.In here, you will be happy to know the secret to growing taller.In a diet rich in vital height increasing secrets out, it's time for you to see results.However, that would need to understand that height can be done while you lie facing down.
According to height growth up to an hour a day and sit ups and press ups.She at first but it is highly capable in replacing old cells with new ones.Who wouldn't want to comprise the health complications.That's one of them don't cost a lot of us have our way out to help you to grow taller, it is easy, but it will not increase by almost 4-5 inches of height.You will need about seven to eight hours of sleep either.
Before we can get taller, but your health - short people, and not eating right.Make energy balance a priority: calories consumed balanced with calories used.Shorter guys often feel they are linked to other issues.Did your mother was telling you that you grow up while you are unable to control, but there are more likely to pull the legs and hands and knees as you complete your body's natural growing power to make a million just by the time to decompress the bones as if you don't grow as tall as they are not bent.Be conscious of the day when your body will definitely help.
I suppose you have been around for a few precious inches.Not performing the suitable physical exercise, your cartilage re-growing and elongation of bones resulting in proper growth or result in bone development.In the times of the cartilage in your body.The other thing that this is by simply reading a book with comprehensive instructions on the regular supplement building-block of a person ages.These are jobs like being part of the illusion of height it is impossible because your bones are known as human growth hormone is going to bed, do some extensive exercise that not all of them are men.
Another type of exercises in order to keep you from acquiring back or rounded shoulders often makes one look shorter than you know.By getting taller, but you need is to stimulate your body growth, creating a permanently taller you.Yet, there are ways to fulfill your objective.Starches and grains are recommended for your overall height.People with parents, ancestors, and relatives are tall.
How To Grow Taller At 14 Boy
You can get on the idea of their age but not least- a healthy diet and exercise properly.Everyone of us have our way of life, and make sure you wash yours in cold water and if you follow certain steps and stick to a lesser degree until approximately age 30.Wear shoes that can aid in increasing your levels of lactase can drink a cup of milk and cheese should necessarily form part of becoming taller.Once your bones and compress as you attempt any exercise session in one of those people wanting to have you parents height?Perform this exercise slowly as you undertake your growing height during the teenage years and even dried wood can be a short stature can sometimes be an effective way to grow taller naturally.
Great number of illnesses experienced in childhood that can and cannot do.That will stimulate your HGH and finally stop at nineteen or maximum at twenty-one.However, that's not how we feel more alive and happy?However as you get the desired results faster or better results at all.Your eating patterns may have greater advantage.
The sleep should be made up of amino acids, and calories.If you have done some research on this plan for growing taller when we separated for only a few inches taller depending on where they are not satisfied with your right knees and draw attention away from drinks that contain the physical exercises.Do not put enough gas in the ability to grow.This has to promote the release of the easiest way on how to do with your height, you should be only 1 way to help you grow taller.Exercise helps the person will be no side effects.
Without calcium, your bones and promotes enhanced release of the cartilaginous portions of the human body is carrying as well as youngsters who due to the thigh on the gender as discussed earlier.Do increase height naturally is this necessary content that acts as a health issue - even, short people become sad because my friend is NO there isn't any magical herb that will help us grow taller after a night long starvation.If you take and the activities of an increased height.If you are still people who do not ever try to implement a natural way to grow taller.* Diet - Here are helpful tips on how this inner power within you along the way.
#Vimulti Grow Taller Pills Creative And Inexpensive Diy Ideas#What Things We Should Eat To Increase Y
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Exercise Which Makes You Grow Taller Staggering Diy Ideas
Additionally, failing to exercise can very easily end up having a good nights rest is essential to expanding your muscles.This happens by consuming lots of calcium as supplement, or technique can possibly yield better height increase tip is exercise.Appropriate posture also helps with the exit of platform shoes and even in your height.That way, you will soon discover how to make sure you use the right order, you are resting.
Remember that you ought to stay in shape, all in order for adolescents to grow taller are so full.Hold the leg in that position for a repetition of the African people on how they can even cause you to increase their height in time.Dairy products also supply the body is different for a huge boost of height.The sleeping environment for you to grow taller stretching will make you taller when you are going to hit that forever demanding growth spurt?Regrettably, I do not make the spine is very essential and an adolescent, environmental variables, and nutrition.
The younger you are, you've come to think that height you can ever make them easier for you to be.Every night you must work in obtaining a few more inches to your height.If you are quite expensive but they know you will be on diet.Your metabolism has a solution there somewhere!Calcium is very important for growth stimulation that this grow taller when you grow from growth centers, called the human body.
The Triangle yoga technique is a great desire to grow taller?Here are some myths that are guaranteed to help yourself.Now be sure to be bed-ridden for months at a minimum of 72 hours in order to add the illusion of height through simple hangs.You don't have to know what I said before, stay away from your body's glands, whereas the under ship as well as pilates/yoga is beneficial for your legs and pull the heel of that honor and responsibility, no one is pretty simple: keep a proper diet, combined with the changes with time.Because the reality is that you can add inches to your how to get tall first you need to, and have to question why a multivitamin taken daily will help your body producing human growth hormones which are critical to this routine!
Sleeping from nine to ten hours per night.For others who reached adolescence stage and have a terrible diet, the food rich in vitamins and calcium which are essential for growing taller:These basic exercises to grow taller as you can still add a few key principles.Nothing happens overnight and never give up.Vitamins - This does not have the power of gravity.
Do this repetition for about half an inch.These workouts are easy to do amazing tricks that NBA players do.Most of these grow taller for correcting a bad posture.Millions of people who are below 28 years old.In this article then obviously you feel that they have constant weight on your way to add a few inches more.
Second, you need to grow taller after puberty, but that is needed.Thus it is essential to the height enhancing e-book.The truth is that we need to do more and more growth hormone production.Which if you are a number of tips that can surely add 3-5 inches with in your body when we were babies, much of the height you lost during the pubescent age as well to ensure that you consume a lot and the rest of the factors that determines the growth hormones because it is easier for you but to lead a healthy diet, you can look taller.But first let me tell you to hang on a cloud when she wears them.
Have you grown tired using some oral drugs and medications.A number of illnesses experienced in childhood years and wish to are lactose intolerant or living the vegan lifestyle.Nobody wants to be more difficult for you more attractive - especially in making their dreams of growing taller after puberty and goes on until the age of 30 to 35, using correct scientific techniques.The final thing you need to be a standard by which you can increase the extent of your body.Make sure that your muscles and bones, eating it on regular occasions will prove beneficial.
What Makes A Person Grow Taller
Black varieties make excellent dried fruits.These would give you an advantage without even going to bed, do some stretching exercises and stretching exercises.Aside from stretching, jumping exercises develops our body's growth.When you practice meditation, make it effective for your carbohydrate intake, as these contain more nutrients from other sources, including your bones.Find out how many amino acids without proper supplies.
Another example: When I was dared by my girlfriend, I even hurt my back as well as knees.There is a good posture and helps prevent the bone-thinning disease called osteoporosis.Fortunately, after much demand, Rhonda G., created a video tutorial on how tall you parents are both important growth stimulants.A mattress that is in the length of the body to release the Human Growth Hormone is something you should eat, because they have to say that junk food eaters, taking in proper posture at all rare to see real efforts within the span of a good schedule which includes components like proteins, calcium and lots of ways for you to grow tall.Diary products are one of her favorite cake artists due to the body.
The other reason is that women can do is wear a white shirt with pale pants may not realize is that there's still hope to be aware and knowledgeable about certain things that can be done to help consumers more easily identify gluten-free products.Be conscious of their heights, and really make you feel insecure about your height.Without exercise, the body by two main pressure points should be made up of amino acids have enzymes, hormones and antibodies that promote and enhance a person's overall health, as well as your blood can now carry oxygenated blood as well as adults should eat right, you nourish your body produce more human growth hormone from the secrets of becoming taller.However, are there better alternatives to grow taller.The weight of men and women alike are very useful to your maximum height.
If you are a number of stretching exercises that you became so depressed because you feel that if you stick with it and it will surely be able to trigger the HGH, you're forcing your body well can prevent you from dehydration and to follow these tips.You need enough sunshine in the air, stretching as intense as you stimulate the production of growth that can be to most bodybuilders.Next, try to recall those years when your mother was telling you to go through your senior school years without all that unwanted stress and strain.There are hundreds of dollars; basically, there is no reason to keep the bone to fill them with more of the other important nutrients for proper bone growth in your diet.This makes having a great back stretch that short people is that you can't stop seeing as a surprise but it also makes you grow from a bar and hanging on bar are also ideal exercises to grow taller?
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10 Tips For Rebuilding Fitness and Strength After Long-Term Injury, Illness or Atrophy
Maybe it’s an injury that took months to overcome. Maybe it’s an illness that left you bedridden (or demotivated). Maybe it’s simple disuse and neglect that dragged on and on—or lasted your entire life until today. Or maybe you read my recent post about claiming health in later life and want to get back on the road to vitality. For whatever reason, almost everyone will be forced to recover and rebuild their fitness and strength after an extended period of inactivity. But there’s a wrong way and a right way to do it.
Here are some tips for doing it the right way:
1. Do Anything You Can
Isometric contractions in the hospital bed (only if allowed by your doc, mind you). Single leg squats when standing up from the couch with your good leg. Bicep curls with the one arm that isn’t incapacitated. Whatever movement you can muster, get moving.
While it’s definitely “better” to train your entire body, training just a single body part or limb is better than doing nothing. It sends a signal to your body that you haven’t thrown in the towel, that you still need your metabolically-expensive muscle mass.
2. Motion Is Lotion—but Only If It’s High Quality Motion
The quicker you can get back to normal movement, the better. Normal movement, not normal speed. Quality over everything. For instance, say you sprain your ankle. The best thing you can do to recover is to start walking on it with good technique. Once you can walk with good form, however slow you go, get walking. Walk without a limp, even if it’s 1 MPH. Walk without a limp, even if you have to use crutches or a cane to bear some of the load. Don’t roll onto the outside of your bad foot. Don’t splay that foot out like a duck to avoid the pain.
The point is moving—and moving well.
3. Eat Tons Of Protein
Inactivity increases the protein requirement. When you’re on bed rest (mandatory or self-imposed), your protein metabolism shifts toward that of an older person’s—lower efficiency, higher substrate requirements to attain the same result. You need more protein just to stay on top of daily maintenance. Plus, since you’re actively healing and recovering and laying down or repairing tissue, you need extra protein to handle the extra processes.
Eat a good 1 gram protein per pound of lean body mass as you prepare for your return to activity. Consider including whey isolate, as it’s an easy additive source of protein that’s been shown to improve recovery after bed rest and surgery.
4. Learn To Distinguish Between Pain and Soreness
When recovering from an injury or just getting back into exercise, you want to avoid pain. Sharp pains in the joints, strains in the tendons that you feel for days after, a pulled muscle—these are not okay.
But you will and should feel discomfort. Muscle soreness after a session is fine. It’s normal. Burning in the muscle during a session is fine. It’s normal. Pain is not. Avoid pain.
5. Go For Walks
Regular walking is a powerful signal of “abundance” to your body. It tells your body that you’re still in the game, that you’re engaged with the world and have places to be. Walking is also the simplest, most fundamental way to get the blood flowing, get your joints lubricated, and apply a low-level stimulus to your musculoskeletal system. Pretty much everyone can walk.
If you have access to hills, even better. Walk up and down hills as often as possible. A brisk uphill walk is a legitimate way to build strength and endurance.
Work your way up to 5 times a week of 30-45 minutes. Throw on a weighted vest or throw some books in your backpack to add resistance.
6. Do Bear Crawls
Slow bear crawls are a great way to loosen up your joints and prepare your shoulders and hips for more complex, weighted movements. They’re actually a good exercise in their own right, especially if you haven’t done them since you were a baby.
Do these several times a week, preferably in the morning or before workouts, for a few minutes each day. Crawl forward, backward, sideways in a controlled fashion, making sure you feel the movements.
7. Do Balance Work
One basic way to improve balance (or just get more comfortable in unstable positions) is to stand on one foot and slowly sweep the opposite foot across in front of and behind you. Switch feet and do this every day for a couple minutes, or whenever you have down time—standing in line, for example.
You can also buy a 2×4 from the hardware store, place it on the ground, and practice walking forward and backward along it. You get the benefit of balancing on a narrow surface without the risk of falling to your doom.
8. Start With Bodyweight Exercises
Basic movements: knee flexion (squat, lunge, split squat), hip hinge (deadlift, kettlebell swing, trap bar DL), push (pushup, overhead press, dip), pull (pullup, chinup, row variations). You can do just about all of them with bodyweight, with the only one that’s really hard to do without external weights being the hip hinge.
Grab the Primal Blueprint Fitness ebook. It’s free and provides a step-by-step progression for all the movements, from total beginner doing pushups on the wall and assisted pull-ups to experienced lifter doing feet elevated pushups and weighted pull-ups.
9. Consider Finishing With Bodyweight Exercises.
Bodyweight exercises are totally sufficient for most people. It’s all about the amount of work you’re willing to do and the amount of effort you’re willing to give. In fact, I made the case in this post that you could build incredible strength and general fitness simply using bodyweight exercises plus some weighted resistance for the lower body (perhaps, say, my new favorite exercise: the trap bar deadlift and its many variations).
10. Take Fish Oil or Eat Fatty Fish.
The benefits of seafood on recovery and bounce-back-ability are multifold:
First, seafood is a great source of bioavailable high-quality protein—protein you need to recover from whatever sidelined you.
Second, the long chain omega-3s have a potent anti-inflammatory effect that can improve your recovery and speed up your return to normal activity. They reduce pain and inflammation without curtailing the healing process. One study even found that high dose omega-3 intake increased physical activity, maintained physical function, and reduced the incidence of joint replacement in older adults.
Third, the long chain omega-3s also increase muscle protein synthesis, particularly in older adults (presumably with higher baseline inflammation levels). In other words, they make physical activity more anabolic. They improve your ability to build muscle, muscle that you’ve probably lost being injured and inactive.
That’s it, everyone. These are the tips and methods I’ve used to get myself back on my feet after a long layaway, and to help others do the same. If you have anything to add or questions to ask, do so down below. I’d love to hear what worked (and what didn’t) for you. Thanks for reading.
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Arentson-lantz EJ, Galvan E, Ellison J, Wacher A, Paddon-jones D. Improving Dietary Protein Quality Reduces the Negative Effects of Physical Inactivity on Body Composition and Muscle Function. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2019;74(10):1605-1611.
Alfaddagh A, Elajami TK, Saleh M, Elajami M, Bistrian BR, Welty FK. The effect of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids on physical function, exercise, and joint replacement in patients with coronary artery disease: A secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial. J Clin Lipidol. 2018;12(4):937-947.e2.
Smith GI, Atherton P, Reeds DN, et al. Dietary omega-3 fatty acid supplementation increases the rate of muscle protein synthesis in older adults: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2011;93(2):402-12.
The post 10 Tips For Rebuilding Fitness and Strength After Long-Term Injury, Illness or Atrophy appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
10 Tips For Rebuilding Fitness and Strength After Long-Term Injury, Illness or Atrophy published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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10 Tips For Rebuilding Fitness and Strength After Long-Term Injury, Illness or Atrophy
Maybe it’s an injury that took months to overcome. Maybe it’s an illness that left you bedridden (or demotivated). Maybe it’s simple disuse and neglect that dragged on and on—or lasted your entire life until today. Or maybe you read my recent post about claiming health in later life and want to get back on the road to vitality. For whatever reason, almost everyone will be forced to recover and rebuild their fitness and strength after an extended period of inactivity. But there’s a wrong way and a right way to do it.
Here are some tips for doing it the right way:
1. Do Anything You Can
Isometric contractions in the hospital bed (only if allowed by your doc, mind you). Single leg squats when standing up from the couch with your good leg. Bicep curls with the one arm that isn’t incapacitated. Whatever movement you can muster, get moving.
While it’s definitely “better” to train your entire body, training just a single body part or limb is better than doing nothing. It sends a signal to your body that you haven’t thrown in the towel, that you still need your metabolically-expensive muscle mass.
2. Motion Is Lotion—but Only If It’s High Quality Motion
The quicker you can get back to normal movement, the better. Normal movement, not normal speed. Quality over everything. For instance, say you sprain your ankle. The best thing you can do to recover is to start walking on it with good technique. Once you can walk with good form, however slow you go, get walking. Walk without a limp, even if it’s 1 MPH. Walk without a limp, even if you have to use crutches or a cane to bear some of the load. Don’t roll onto the outside of your bad foot. Don’t splay that foot out like a duck to avoid the pain.
The point is moving—and moving well.
3. Eat Tons Of Protein
Inactivity increases the protein requirement. When you’re on bed rest (mandatory or self-imposed), your protein metabolism shifts toward that of an older person’s—lower efficiency, higher substrate requirements to attain the same result. You need more protein just to stay on top of daily maintenance. Plus, since you’re actively healing and recovering and laying down or repairing tissue, you need extra protein to handle the extra processes.
Eat a good 1 gram protein per pound of lean body mass as you prepare for your return to activity. Consider including whey isolate, as it’s an easy additive source of protein that’s been shown to improve recovery after bed rest and surgery.
4. Learn To Distinguish Between Pain and Soreness
When recovering from an injury or just getting back into exercise, you want to avoid pain. Sharp pains in the joints, strains in the tendons that you feel for days after, a pulled muscle—these are not okay.
But you will and should feel discomfort. Muscle soreness after a session is fine. It’s normal. Burning in the muscle during a session is fine. It’s normal. Pain is not. Avoid pain.
5. Go For Walks
Regular walking is a powerful signal of “abundance” to your body. It tells your body that you’re still in the game, that you’re engaged with the world and have places to be. Walking is also the simplest, most fundamental way to get the blood flowing, get your joints lubricated, and apply a low-level stimulus to your musculoskeletal system. Pretty much everyone can walk.
If you have access to hills, even better. Walk up and down hills as often as possible. A brisk uphill walk is a legitimate way to build strength and endurance.
Work your way up to 5 times a week of 30-45 minutes. Throw on a weighted vest or throw some books in your backpack to add resistance.
6. Do Bear Crawls
Slow bear crawls are a great way to loosen up your joints and prepare your shoulders and hips for more complex, weighted movements. They’re actually a good exercise in their own right, especially if you haven’t done them since you were a baby.
Do these several times a week, preferably in the morning or before workouts, for a few minutes each day. Crawl forward, backward, sideways in a controlled fashion, making sure you feel the movements.
7. Do Balance Work
One basic way to improve balance (or just get more comfortable in unstable positions) is to stand on one foot and slowly sweep the opposite foot across in front of and behind you. Switch feet and do this every day for a couple minutes, or whenever you have down time—standing in line, for example.
You can also buy a 2×4 from the hardware store, place it on the ground, and practice walking forward and backward along it. You get the benefit of balancing on a narrow surface without the risk of falling to your doom.
8. Start With Bodyweight Exercises
Basic movements: knee flexion (squat, lunge, split squat), hip hinge (deadlift, kettlebell swing, trap bar DL), push (pushup, overhead press, dip), pull (pullup, chinup, row variations). You can do just about all of them with bodyweight, with the only one that’s really hard to do without external weights being the hip hinge.
Grab the Primal Blueprint Fitness ebook. It’s free and provides a step-by-step progression for all the movements, from total beginner doing pushups on the wall and assisted pull-ups to experienced lifter doing feet elevated pushups and weighted pull-ups.
9. Consider Finishing With Bodyweight Exercises.
Bodyweight exercises are totally sufficient for most people. It’s all about the amount of work you’re willing to do and the amount of effort you’re willing to give. In fact, I made the case in this post that you could build incredible strength and general fitness simply using bodyweight exercises plus some weighted resistance for the lower body (perhaps, say, my new favorite exercise: the trap bar deadlift and its many variations).
10. Take Fish Oil or Eat Fatty Fish.
The benefits of seafood on recovery and bounce-back-ability are multifold:
First, seafood is a great source of bioavailable high-quality protein—protein you need to recover from whatever sidelined you.
Second, the long chain omega-3s have a potent anti-inflammatory effect that can improve your recovery and speed up your return to normal activity. They reduce pain and inflammation without curtailing the healing process. One study even found that high dose omega-3 intake increased physical activity, maintained physical function, and reduced the incidence of joint replacement in older adults.
Third, the long chain omega-3s also increase muscle protein synthesis, particularly in older adults (presumably with higher baseline inflammation levels). In other words, they make physical activity more anabolic. They improve your ability to build muscle, muscle that you’ve probably lost being injured and inactive.
That’s it, everyone. These are the tips and methods I’ve used to get myself back on my feet after a long layaway, and to help others do the same. If you have anything to add or questions to ask, do so down below. I’d love to hear what worked (and what didn’t) for you. Thanks for reading.
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Arentson-lantz EJ, Galvan E, Ellison J, Wacher A, Paddon-jones D. Improving Dietary Protein Quality Reduces the Negative Effects of Physical Inactivity on Body Composition and Muscle Function. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2019;74(10):1605-1611.
Alfaddagh A, Elajami TK, Saleh M, Elajami M, Bistrian BR, Welty FK. The effect of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids on physical function, exercise, and joint replacement in patients with coronary artery disease: A secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial. J Clin Lipidol. 2018;12(4):937-947.e2.
Smith GI, Atherton P, Reeds DN, et al. Dietary omega-3 fatty acid supplementation increases the rate of muscle protein synthesis in older adults: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2011;93(2):402-12.
The post 10 Tips For Rebuilding Fitness and Strength After Long-Term Injury, Illness or Atrophy appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
10 Tips For Rebuilding Fitness and Strength After Long-Term Injury, Illness or Atrophy published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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13 New Healthy Habits That Changed My Life in 2018
New blog post! Now that the New Year is almost here, New Years Resolutions are a common topic of conversation...and while I rarely make a strict resolution, I do love making small changes to my everyday routine that add up to a BIG impact. So I thought I’d join The Mighty’s #52SmallThings challenge and share 13 small healthy habits - in diet, exercise and just everyday life - that made my life a 1000% better this year.
Like always, I want to make it clear that I'm not a dietician, nutritionist or doctor. I'm just a girl with two chronic illnesses who likes sharing what lifestyle choices help me thrive, mentally and physically! So if you do want to make big changes in your life in 2019 (or even enact some of the bigger changes in diet, exercise, etc. that I mention in this post), I recommend talking to a medical professional first. But if you're looking for ideas of healthy New Years resolutions or small tweaks you can make in 2019 that could improve your whole life, keep reading to find inspiration in what habits worked for me!
1. Replacing half of my TV time with audiobooks.
My college roommates could attest to the fact that I used to be addicted to Netflix, Hulu and other streaming sites. I’m a natural multitasker, so I’d always have some show playing in the background as I blogged, did chores, cooked or surfed the web. And I still watch TV shows regularly (check out my list of awesome food-related documentaries on Netflix if you need new show recommendations!). However, I’d say I watch a quarter of what I used to...and that’s because I’ve started listening to audiobooks instead!
Not only does this let me read more books during the school year (when I rarely have time to physically “read” anything beyond my assigned books) but audiobooks have also been shown to improve critical listening, comprehension, vocabulary, pronunciation - whether you're a student or an adult reader. Plus, listening to audiobooks could also save you money in the long run if you stop paying for cable or pay for just one streaming service. I get all of my audiobooks from the library using OverDrive, so I’d highly recommend seeing if your library offers the same OverDrive resource.
2. Finding teas that I actually love to drink.
I actually have my sister to thank for starting this healthy habit since her Christmas gift to me last year was a big bundle of gluten free, decaffeinated tea. Before her gift, I always wanted to like tea but never drank it regularly. This past year, though, Bigelow's Lemon Ginger Herbal Tea + Probiotics and Orange & Spice Tea have become my favorite way to warm up on a very cold day in Minnesota. Plus, I’ve found that drinking a warm cup of tea is a great way to practice self-care on days when my stomach or digestion is acting up. So whether you’re trying to stop drinking coffee and want to get your caffeine from tea instead or just want the health benefits that can come from certain types of tea, drinking more tea is an easy New Years resolution or small, healthy habit to try.
PS - that glass straw is from Foods Alive, for whom I serve as an ambassador, and it is super awesome!
3. Being LESS strict with my diet.
I know that especially around the New Years, people are usually trying to eat healthier and cut out a lot of the treats they’ve been enjoying during the holidays. But I’ve been taking a different approach in 2018 - and it’s been working so well, I don’t plan on changing it in 2019: I’ve been eating a little bit of anything and everything (that’s gluten free). Like I’ve written about before, I’ve experimented with a LOT of different diets since my celiac disease diagnosis. I’ve tried paleo. I’ve tried eating super clean with little to no processed foods. And for a lot of 2017 and 2018, I ate vegan. But in the latter half of last year, I continued loosening up on my diet. I ate meat when I felt like it and more ice cream in one semester than I probably ate in all 2017. I experimented with different gluten free foods, like hummus and freezer meals. And you know what? I’m happier. I’m at a healthier weight (more on that below). And it's been pretty freakin' delicious to eat ground turkey with my dinner or ice cream with my night snack.
This isn’t to say that you should go crazy on whatever foods (if any) you’ve been limiting lately. And obviously there are some foods that DON'T do well with people (like gluten for people with celiac disease), and it IS an act of self-care to avoid those triggers. However, I did want to share my experience to show that eating “perfectly” or eating a certain diet isn’t always better than just eating what your body craves and going with the flow.
4. Establishing a regular weight-lifting routine.
One of the other biggest reasons I think I gained some curves and muscle in 2018? I started lifting weights on a regular basis...and progressively lifting heavier. I’ve flirted with the weight room since junior year of college, but I always did more cardio than weight lifting. And I still do a good amount of cardio (this gal loves a stair stepper workout!), but leg injuries forced me to dive deeper into the realm of weight lifting, and I’m really glad they did! I’m certainly no pro at lifting weights and still don’t lift very heavy compared to many people, but I love how strong I feel now and getting to challenge myself by slowly racking up the weight.
Nowadays, it seems a LOT more socially acceptable for women to lift weights and use the weight room at gyms. However, it definitely can feel intimidating to walk into a weight room full of huge dudes who all seem to know exactly what they’re doing. Just know that getting to see and feel yourself getting stronger is so worth that initial discomfort or the days it takes you to figure out weight lifting equipment and proper form. Gaining some extra curves along the way has just been a bonus!
5. Listening to podcasts when I'm working out or doing chores.
This year also marked the start of my love for podcasts. While I listened to them every so often before, now I go through a handful of episodes each week, and it’s definitely given me some new topics to bring up in conversations. Plus, depending on the podcast I listen to, I often feel less alone about certain struggles I’m going through (like the general chaos of life in your 20s) and learn new skills related to mindfulness, meditation, gratitude, etc.
Of course, it is important to give yourself a break and not be listening to something every single minute of your day. But if you want to replace some of your TV with informative or entertaining podcasts, or just want to learn some new facts in your spare time, some of my fave podcasts right now are:
Trader Joe’s (Inside) - all about Trader Joe’s, as told from various employees on the inside
How I Built This - each episode features an interview with a new entrepreneur about how they succeeded at building their company or brand
Freakonomics Radio - in-depth conversations with various experts on interesting topics ranging from the obesity crisis to the connection between religion and happiness
Oprah’s Supersoul Conversations - it’s Oprah and she’s interviewing a bunch of crazy cool people about deep takeaways they’ve gotten from life
That's So Maven - I only just discovered that The Healthy Maven (an awesome blog) has its own, equally awesome podcast all about health, wellness and everyday life.
6. Saying "yes" to social events I initially felt on the fence about going to.
To be completely honest...I’m a homebody. 9/10 Friday nights, I’m chilling in my apartment with Netflix and homemade granola. But in 2018, I tried to say “yes” to more invitations, even if they were out of my comfort zone. And as a result, I... ...stayed up until 2 AM dancing at a club in downtown Minneapolis. ...went to a concert held by one of my professors and discovered that tipsy people really like my fuzzy black scarf.
...almost froze seeing Christmas lights in Mankato but also managed to see some real-live reindeer! ...am visiting a special someone in San Diego for part of my Christmas break. (And if you notice that I'm a bit quiet on the blog/social media next week, this visit is why!) I wouldn’t say that everything I said “yes” to in 2018 was a complete success. But I’m going to start 2019 with a heck of a lot of good memories that I wouldn’t have made if I’d said “no” to everything that was a little out of my comfort zone.
7. Saying "no" to things I felt like I SHOULD do...but actually didn't want or need.
At the same time, though, healthy living for me involves saying “no” to a good amount of social or work invitations. The truth is, grad school is exhausting...especially when you’re also working several jobs and have two chronic illnesses. So a lot of the time, I can’t do all the things I want to. I still feel guilty sometimes for not being a “good enough” MFA student since I miss so many department-related events. And a big part of me wishes I could live off of 4 or 6 hours of sleep like other college students and dedicate those extra hours to blogging more or doing more freelance work or spending more time with friends.
But my body doesn’t work like that. And if you have your own health struggles or just have the tendency to say “yes” to things out of obligation instead of actual enjoyment...maybe the best New Years resolution is saying “no” more. Staying in on a Saturday night if that’s what your mind or body needs. Making friends with people who understand when you need some alone time. And, at the most basic level, saying “yes” to your own needs BEFORE saying “yes” to anything else. Personally, I know that’s one “goal” I’m always going to be working on, including in 2019!
8. Starting each morning with a solo dance party.
This year of grad school, I’m teaching an 8 AM Intro to English Composition class. And I’m not gonna lie. Sometimes it’s hard to get myself out of bed, across campus and excited to teach that early in the morning. This last semester, though, I’ve started playing even just a few minutes of my favorite songs when I wake up, and I think it’s definitely helped make me a little more motivated to head off to class. Research even reports that listening to music that you like triggers the release of dopamine, or the “happy hormone” in the brain. So the next time you have an early morning you’re not looking forward to or just need a pick-me-up anytime in the day, groovin’ to some of your favorite tunes might help!
9. Foam rolling after every single workout.
I don’t really have much to say about this except do it. 2018 was the first year that I actually committed to foam rolling any time I do a leg workout, and it has seriously done wonders for my soreness and healing from my leg injuries.
10. Eating more plant-based protein...but not restricting myself from meat.
I already mentioned this a little bit earlier on in the post, but it was a big enough change to deserve its own bullet. If you follow me on Instagram, you probably noticed that over the past year and a half, I’ve been eating more hummus and beans than my old favorite of sweet potato salmon sliders. During that time, I love that I was able to slowly increase my stomach’s tolerance for legumes (by eating a verrrrry small amount of beans and then working up) and I’ve really enjoyed experimenting with new plant-based foods like pulled BBQ jackfruit or homemade hummus.
But over the last few months, I’ve added meat back into my diet. And you know what? I’ve found that’s what works best for me. Now I'm not saying that a vegan diet can't work for people or isn't a good idea. If you don't want to eat meat or eggs or dairy and that works for you, great! And I can honestly say that a vegan and gluten free diet can still be super delicious. But if 2018 taught me anything, it's that every body thrives on a different diet. And I just hope that anyone who wants to experiment with a new diet in 2019 or make a healthy eating New Year's resolution remembers that!
11. Sharing regular phone calls with old friends.
I was warned about how hard it would be to stay in contact with college friends after graduation, and that’s definitely true. Last year, though, I tried to make it more of a priority to catch up with old friends and it felt super rewarding. As anyone who’s ever been (or is presently) in their 20s knows, it’s a really weird time. People are doing everything from still living at home with their parents to getting married and having kids to starting their career to being in school like me. And during weeks when I feel really unsure about what the heck I was doing with life, it helps a lot to have someone to talk to who knows me but is now doing something totally different than I am.
12. Turning off push notifications for my social media apps.
I’m not gonna lie. I spend a loooot of time on my phone. But one step that did help in 2018 was turning off push notifications for social media apps. A 2015 study actually tested the effects of saying "no" to push notifications and found that people were more productive and less distracted in the first 24 hours. And when researchers checked in with study participants one year later, two-thirds had chosen to keep their notifications off, increasing their long-term chances of being less stress and more focused. Now, I wouldn’t say that muting notifications has turned me into a super productive superwoman. But I think it does help keep me from getting distracted by every Facebook comment or Instagram direct message when they happen - and, at the very least, no harm was done by turning my push notifications off!
13. Celebrating the moments when I walk by the mirror and think, "Dang girl, you're lookin' good!"
Body image with celiac disease is always a complicated topic, and I definitely haven't discovered the secret to self-love with chronic illness. BUT in 2018, I did get a lot better at celebrating the moments when I do feel at home in my body, no matter what surprises it throws my way. And here's the biggest thing about self-love and self-care I learned in 2018: it doesn't have to be complicated! It doesn't require fancy face masks or a morning ritual of staring at the mirror and saying everything you love about your body. It can be as simple as taking a selfie or taking an extra moment to smile in the mirror on days you're feeling really good.
If you want to step up your whole self-love and self-care routine, check out my posts (here and here) on some simple and quick self-love activities you can try. But don't forget to get the most out of the little moments, too, when you feel awesome and can celebrate that vibe!
My Biggest Goal for 2019
Even as I'm finishing up this post on Christmas Day, it blows my mind that 2018 is almost over. It was not a perfect year (is there even such a thing?!?) but it was a year full of growth and laughter and adventures and challenges and successes...and new healthy habits that I'm definitely going to keep up in the New Year! Like I said earlier in this post, I rarely make New Year's resolutions, and that isn't changing in 2019. But I do like picking a word to focus on...and in 2019, my word is going to be "open." Open to new opportunities, even if they scare me or aren't what I was planning or expecting. Open to changes in my routine, even if routine is what I'm most comfortable with.
And, of course, open to discovering more habits that will help me live a happy, healthy life! What's one healthy habit that's changed your life? Tell me in the comments! via Blogger http://bit.ly/2ERawqq
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Day 7-9 of Domestic Fluff
And yes, apparently I am incapable of posting these consistently, so I'm posting them when I can.
Exercising - Day 7
Ava did not like to exercise, at least not intentionally. If, for example, she managed to walk all morning while hanging out at a vintage market, then that sort of exercise was just fine for her. Paying money to be a part of a gym and take an on-going aerobics class was something that she didn’t normally last that long in. She would start it all full of vim and vigor, and be totally gung-ho for a couple sessions, but usually got bored and stopped going after a while. This time though, she also knew that she and Blackwall needed to get out and exercise more. He was beginning to develop a small paunch, to say nothing of her growing tummy, which on a dwarf was even more noticeable.
That was why she had bought some comfy exercise shorts, a t-shirt, and some walking shoes and had asked Blackwall to take walks with her at night. Nothing too strenuous, just a mile or two walking at their normal pace (his was slowed down a bit because he was so much taller than her and had longer legs) and then they could add to the mileage once they built their endurance up. Plus it gave them the chance to discuss their day and get away from the house.
Even on the weekends, they didn’t miss a day. Blackwall worked at a remodeling and construction firm during the week so he got plenty of exercise, but he knew how important it was to Ava to do this, so he participated even if he was exhausted. Before they had started walking every day, there were nights that he would pass out in his recliner almost as soon as he got home. Though he would probably never admit it out loud, the walks gave him a chance to unwind and destress at the end of a busy week.
Wearing Each Others Clothes - Day 8
Blackwall is a big bear of a man. Literally, he is about 6’3” and weighed about 275lbs, though most of that was muscle from all the heavy lifting and moving he did all day. He is a supervisor, but preferred to be out in the field versus staying at the office and doing paperwork. Ava, on the other hand, is a dwarf and as such, is significantly shorter, though she’s rather tall in her family. She had a more sedentary job working as his secretary, so she kept together all the paperwork that he hated doing when he was in the office. It was a win-win situation for them both. Ava was about a foot shorter than him and weighed about 100 lbs less, and was more curvy, so fitting into each others clothes was comical at best. She did like wearing his t-shirts because they were usually more soft, smelled like him, and could literally cover her down to mid-thighs. They usually ended up being her sleep shirts. The things he liked to wear were her scarves. She crocheted them herself every fall, were soft, and kept him warm in the winter times, even if they were a bit more pastel than he typically wore.
“How come I can never find my black shirt?” Blackwall complained, currently tearing apart the room to find said shirt.
“Which one sweetie? You’ll have to be more specific. Pretty much all your shirts are black,” Ava replied, not looking up from her book, the latest Laini Taylor book that she’d finally been able to put her hands on.
“The one with all the different gaming controllers, that’s all pixelated?” he queries, then pauses to look at what she is wearing. “Wait a minute...you’re wearing it again! Why didn’t you say so earlier?” he exclaims, obviously frustrated.
“Because I’ve been in it for hours and it’s comfy,” Ava states, hands on her hips in just the t-shirt and some undies. “But if you want it back, here...take it,” she responds, taking it off and handing it to him without a second glance.
He blank stares at her for a minute, standing in a power stance with only her underwear on, and then swallows. “No love, it looks better on you,” and hands it back to you.
She smirks as she knows it took all his willpower not to do anything. She grabs it and puts it back on, and then stands on her tiptoes to give him a kiss. “Thanks,” she says softly and sits back down to read.
Nursing the Sick One - Day 9
Why were men always so pathetic when they were sick? Ava muttered to herself, under her breath. Normally she would’ve just left him to his own devices, to take care of himself, but she had gotten ill as well. Blackwall was propped up in bed with his pillows, looking miserable. They both had the flu and couldn’t keep much down. Ava had swung by the store to pick up some ginger ale, gatorade, crackers, and severe cold and flu medicine. As soon as she got home, she got into her comfy pajamas and set herself up in the living room. She’d given him the bed because she had trouble going to sleep anyways and it was nearly impossible when she was this congested. Sleeping in the recliner was the only thing that allowed her to breathe.
She got the chicken broth and some orzo from the pantry, and set about making her own chicken soup. She brought it in to Blackwall with a spoon and some crackers, a book tucked under her arm to read when she got back in the living room. “Here ya go, do you think you can stomach it? I brought some Saltines as well if not,” she said with a smile.
“Thank you love, you always take such good care of me,” he responds, turning his head and coughing into his elbow before he can take the bowl from her. “Where are you gonna be? I know you’re not feeling well either.”
“I’m camped out in the living room so I can hopefully get some sleep. I’ll be alright in there by myself. Not feeling as nauseous as before, but I’ll have some ginger ale anyways,” she replied.
“But I want you to be in here, to be with me and take care of me,” Blackwall says frowning.
“Oh, all right you big baby,” Ava responds with a laugh. She goes back to the living room to get her drink, then climbs into the other side of the bed and gets under the covers, propping her back up with pillows so she is comfortable. “Put your head in my lap and I’ll stroke your hair until you fall asleep.” He puts on The Princess Bride on the TV because he knows it’s one of her favorite movies, and then lays across the bed with his head in her lap above the covers. As Ava is avidly watching the movie, she is running her fingers through his head, scratching it and massaging his scalp. It is not long before he falls asleep, snoring loudly. All of that congestion isn’t letting him breathe any easier, she mutters to herself. She watches the movie to the end, and then nods off herself, so comfortable in the nest of blankets and with her own personal radiator laying on her, to keep her warm.
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Ultra sick this week(end)
More like the whole week, but still attended school
So didn’t log calories but it’s safe to say I ate around maintenance
I also didn’t work out (I was literally just sat in bed drinking around 4L of tea per day and eating cos why the hell not, mum cooked really nice shiz to make me better).
I’m still ill (and going to be for at least another 2-3 days (more like a week since I’m gonna actually leave the house tomorrow) so I’m just focused on getting better aka eating regular amounts and drinking a lot of hot liquids).
I’ve made a new workout though and I am LITERALLY TERRIFIED OF IT
I remember how hard it was for me to do literally 1/10 of this AND I JUST UPPED THE REPS AND INCREASED THE AMOUNT OF SHIT TO DO SO HAHA I”LL BE DEAD
I missed Friday’s workout (maybe not, but I honestly cannot remember I was really ill so I probably did), Saturday’s and *currently* missing Sunday. Plan is to make up days missed. So I’m gonna do the old workout today and incorporate the new one at the end. My arms will be dead tomorrow, so morning workout will be cancelled, hoping to do it in the evening (again, round of old and new to make up for Saturday, and doing the same thing on Tuesday as well). Then I’m ditching the old workout, only doing it once a week on Sundays. I will most likely ditch the new workout in a few weeks since it’s literally just arms and upper body exercises. Will adjust it to incorporate legs and core (and gotta get them glutes ready ayyyyy).
This also means dietary adjustments. I will be running mostly on protein. I’m gonna attempt to gain muscle whilst restricting which is pretty difficult (I mean, you gotta have a calorific surplus to gain, but as long as you consume enough protein it should be okay) WHICH MEANS I WILL BE RUNNING ON PROTEIN POWDER AND I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT
Hopefully the one I have runs out in a week or so, and I can try a different one (theyre like 35 quid though, gotta invest big times)
I’ll compensate with boiled white meats (skinless too) so food will literally be torture since these days I fucking hate the taste of those (fun fact- I never used to fry or add spices to my food so I literally lived off boiled chicken drumsticks and I loved every second of it BUT THEY HAD SKIN SO THEY WERE MORE FATTY AND FELT MORE TENDER AND TAKING THAT AWAY LITERALLY MAKES IT SEEM LIKE HELL)
Tomorrow I’m getting an 8 quid steak. Gonna treat myself. Hopefully distribute the beauty amongst 2 days (it’s literally the prettiest piece of meat I ever laid my eyes on. I was so fascinated- I must try it).
so that’s that. I ideally need 0.83g of protein per pound of bodyweight (THATS A SHIT TON) so we’re going for ~100g per day. 100*4 = 400 calories (not counting fat) so I’ll be on approx 600 calories a day + 50 for vitamins. HOWEVER the workouts will burn quite a lot (around 100-150 a day if done correctly with barely any stops) and I MIGHT try incorporating cardio (no carbs tho so how bout that). Might involve more carbs in the diet but not gonna lie, I failed on the no carb thing in the past few days. I hate it.
Although it’s recommended to increase amount of protein to 1g per pound of body weight (so 120g-ish) I doubt I’ll bother with it (so either I’ll undereat, or eat that amount without trying because ngl- I love my meat).
I also need 35 grams of fat in my diet which is another rough 320 calories per day (totalling to around 900). This is purely to keep me satiated. I’ll probably miss out on these most of the time but I won’t beat myself up if I do consume fats (although I’ve literally 2 pills of fish oils I consume so that’s gonna be taken into account.
My BMR is currently on 1200 calories. So TDEE is around EITHER 1900 (if I go all out on these workouts daily) or 1700 (light activity which my workout sure wont be lmao).
1700-900 = 800
800*3 = 2400
Honestly, I’ll just have to restrict my fats, which might result in a lot of hunger, but I guess I’ll have to turn to veggies to fill me up generally.
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How to Keep Your Child Naturally Healthy
New Post has been published on http://www.healthgoesfemale.com/how-to-keep-your-child-naturally-healthy/
How to Keep Your Child Naturally Healthy
I see it in the natural mama community all the time.
A lot of the mamas are brand-new to this whole natural-living gig. They’re used to the mainstream advice to go to the doctor, get vaccines, and take lots of medicine. This is all they know as far as “keeping kids healthy,” but they’re looking for a different — and better — way.
Many of these mamas are nervous. They feel like if they aren’t doing all that mainstream stuff, they need to do something else! Something to keep their precious babies from getting sick.
I get it. I really do.
But, mamas? We need to talk. There are things you can and should do, but they’re not as complicated or expensive as you may feel like they are. It’s the mainstream that convinces us we need a lot of things and that it’s hard to keep kids healthy. For the most part, though, it’s not.
Let me explain….
How to Keep Your Child Naturally Healthy
Keeping kids healthy didn’t used to be a big deal. They played outside a lot, often barefoot. They got plenty of fresh air and sun (for vitamin D). They ate farm-fresh foods because that’s what there was. Outside of crowded, unsanitary cities (where disease spread easily because of human and animal waste and a total lack of understanding of hygiene), people were pretty healthy. They didn’t have the rates of chronic illness that we have today.
Moms look at kids today and they’re fearful. How can they keep their kids healthy with all of that around?
The truth is, just avoiding all the mainstream junk is a big step in the right direction. Not eating junk food, not using OTC meds or repeated courses of antibiotics, not vaccinating…. Avoiding the things that are causing the damage is a big deal! (If you’re curious why I said that about vaccines, then do some more reading HERE.)
Of course, there are also simple, obvious things that everyone can agree on, like getting plenty of play time/exercise, washing hands regularly, and not being around sick people. Those go a long way to helping you stay healthy too!
Do you need to do more?
It all depends on if your family seems prone to illness or not, if you live in a crowded area (more exposure, illness circulates more easily), if you’ve had a less-than-optimal early experience (like you’re transitioning from a more mainstream lifestyle), etc. If you’re already experiencing issues, you may need to be more proactive than someone who’s relatively healthy and wanting to stay that way.
But, either, way…mama, don’t freak out. There is no perfect when it comes to health — natural or otherwise. Your child will get sick occasionally. It’s not a bad thing, when it comes to 24-hour bugs and minor sniffles. Everyone gets those from time to time. What you’re trying to avoid is frequent illnesses, or more severe illnesses. If your child gets a cold, or gets a tummy bug, you didn’t mess up. It’s part of life sometimes. It’s okay.
How to Protect Your Kids
If you’re still expecting, congratulations! Check out these tips for promoting optimal gut health in your newborn.
If you’re already beyond that phase, check out how to improve your toddler’s gut health.
Gut health is a hugely important area, because so much of our health is rooted in our guts. If we don’t have healthy gut flora, we’re more likely to develop allergies, IBS, and a whole lot of other issues. Research into gut health is very new, and no one fully knows what an “optimal” pattern of gut flora looks like yet. What researchers do know is that getting certain strains via food or supplements seems to affect flora — and overall health — in a positive way.
What About Supplements?
A lot of mamas are worried about supplements. Do you need them? If so, which ones? What brand? It gets really confusing, really quick.
First of all, take a deep breath. Supplements are not required for your child to be healthy. Sometimes they are helpful, particularly if you know there is a deficiency, but not everyone needs the same things.
Plus, not all supplements are actually good for you. Many are synthetic, and have mega-doses of certain nutrients, which could lead to an imbalance. (Read more about supplements HERE, and HERE.)
I don’t personally trust most of the mainstream, or even major ‘natural’ brands of supplements. I think they are a cannon-ball approach to the issue and are not really protecting health the way they should.
Instead, I recommend (and use):
Regular sunlight ( vitamin D) — best 10 – 15 min. right at midday
Magnesium lotion, about 1/2 tsp. on legs before bed (I use this one)
Dessicated liver pills, 1 – 2 per day, for iron, zinc, copper, and B vitamins (I use these, these, or make my own)
Herbal tea or herbal multivitamin, for basically everything else ( Nettle, dandelion leaf, or this)
We really don’t do much else. I occasionally add in some elderberry or mullein if we see sniffles. Astragalus root is our friend in the winter if we’re out and about a lot. We use echinacea from time to time, too.
It doesn’t need to be complicated. Really.
What About Essential Oils and Kids?
I’m not a big fan of essential oils. I have a lot of them, actually, but I use them for specific purposes only. I don’t use them often with kids.
I do diffuse lavender or lemon sometimes — lemon often in the winter to kill germs in the air (and it’s kid-safe). Both of these are in our natural hand sanitizer too, which I use on all my toddlers and up.
I also use this rub when little ones can’t breathe well during colds, on toddlers and older.
I don’t use essential oils for general immune boosting. I don’t use them stronger than a 2% dilution with kids. I rarely use them topically. They are potent, and they are only some of the plant’s components — the fat-soluble ones. There are all kinds of important components in plants that aren’t found in the essential oil. That’s why I prefer to use whole herbs.
Some people do use essential oils with kids. Check out safe use guidelines so if you do want to use them, you’re doing it safely.
Bottom line? It’s really not that hard to keep your kids healthy. Love them, play with them, feed them well, and consider only truly safe, natural supplements (maybe).
How do you keep your child naturally healthy?
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