#i speak english
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frxncoquxtte · 10 months ago
un jour dans ma vie !
by frxncoquxtte
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05:30- je me réveille
05:30 à 05:45- je me prépare. je me brosse les dents, me lave ma visage, et mets des vêtements d’exercice
05:45 à 06:10- je fais du yoga. faire du yoga m’aide détendre le matin. j’aime écouter la musique, aussi
06:10- je m’habille pour l’école
06:30- je cuisine et mange le petit déjeuner
06:50 à 07:25- j’écris sur mon journal, lis une livre, ou nettoie
07:30- je pars aller l’école. parfois je marche avec mes copines
08:30 à 16:30- l’école. comme une élève américaine, j’apprends le programme pour les français et les américains !!
16:45 à 17:30- j’étudie et fais mes devoirs dans la bibliothèque. parfois mes copines vient aussi
18:00- je rentre chez moi. je prend une douche et mange le dîner ma maman a préparé
19:00- je prépare quoi porter pour le prochain jour
19:15- je me brosse mes dents
19:20 à 20:00- je finis mes devoirs, écris dans mon journal intime, ou lis une livre
20:00-21:00- je passe du temps sur mon portable (pinterest, instagram, tumblr …)
21:30- je dors ! 💤
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terry-the-shark · 6 months ago
When USAmericans equate 'Native English Speaker' to '(US)American'
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I'm sorry but it irks me so much
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prettybabybaby · 2 years ago
an old lady asked me if I speak English.
i should’ve spit in her coffee <3
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orwellsunderpants · 6 months ago
I think the usage of the word may have changed over time, here's what each of those items is to me:
A housecoat is something between a nightgown and a frumpy dress. It's usually worn by women (I associate these with older women) when they're at home. It's all one piece, closed in front, that you pull it over your head like a t-shirt. It often has a floral pattern on it, and may have some kind of decorative collar. Housecoats usually come to just below the knee.
A dressing gown is something that is worn by any gender, although to me it's mostly associated with men. It's not sewn closed the way a housecoat is; you put it on like a jacket, pull the front bits across your body, and then tie them with the belt that comes with it, like the item in the photo reblog above. Dressing gowns are usually made of satin or other silky materials. Dressing gowns go to mid-calf.
A bathrobe (which is the item in the photo reblog) is structured like a dressing gown, but it is made of terrycloth or other toweling material. It can either go to just below the knee or be a bit longer. I don't have a gendered association for this one.
(Please note that I'm not saying that only people of a certain gender can wear these items. Wear whatever tf you want. These are just associations from the way I was enculturated in a society that unfortunately genders tf out of pretty much everything.)
RB to see how others think-- also, what territory you're from and version of English you speak! (this is to settle a thing I am pondering)
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A whole day of errands and then a couple hours rest has my soul port body's joints crunching like a spooked black cat on gravel and new years glowsticks, and unsurpriseandresultingly, I am gl-OWCH.
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profoundmidnightthoughts · 2 months ago
I am an artist surrounded by scientists and I speak their language perfectly well, but they don’t speak mine.
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professorcalculusstanaccount · 11 months ago
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I remember discussing Tintin casting choices with a friend from Germany and remarked how it was odd he often has an English accent in adaptations rather than a Belgian one, and my friend just replied "that's because Tintin gives incredibly strong English boy energy (derogatory)"
Here in the UK there's a lot of weird classism tied into accents. Today accent diversity and representation in broadcasting is actively pursued but in Tintin's time there certainly was a preferred accent to have.
imagine this exchange happens between pages 28-29 in The Crab with the Golden Claws
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trombonegoofus · 2 years ago
I used to only be able to make a more guttural sound with the back of my tongue, and I used that to fake it, but then I took voice lessons and sung a piece in Italian, so I had to learn a different way to do it. It wasn't super hard, actually! The word was "Morir" which means death (which was a being used as a euphemism for orgasm in this particular piece), and instead of saying "Mo-Rrrrear" I was told to say "Mo-ddrir", vibrating a hard D consonant with the tip of my tongue. Recommend trying it out if you think you can't roll your Rs!
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queenword · 2 months ago
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vimbry-moved · 7 months ago
(*1995 and largely icon, personally.
the choice is meant to be what you say now.
couldn't decide on where to comfortably separate the age demographics in the end, so made the focus more on the split of which generations were born into mainstream internet use.
no "other" option, because that would skew the poll out of people choosing terms in other languages/swapping between all of above/indecision
did originally have a wider variety of options such as badge, userpic, e.g. but simplified it down to terms used the most currently by users on this website).
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e-vasong · 7 months ago
I think that Daniel should get a little cat that he names something cute. like typo. and it should be the silliest dumbest creature in the world, and Armand should be so jealous of that cat that it still somehow makes him look stupid in comparison.
he's just like. you, feline companion to my beloved. most loathsome of creatures. i see through your foul ruse. my daniel may be taken in by your charms, but i will not be played for the fool. you seek to replace me in his esteems, and you may yet distract him for a time. but he will see the truth of you soon enough. your cruelty. batting him in the face with your dreadful claws while he is trying to rest. begging for your meals at the wicked hours of the morning and night! you will visit no more of these horrors upon him. know this, 'typo.' if you did not bring my daniel such joy i would see you removed from this home and cast out into street like a beggar. i suggest you watch your back.
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skellyjingles · 4 months ago
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secret love songs
based on the bunnydoll music duo AU by brushteethjaxx on twitter
(KR translation under the cut)
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qerieq · 4 months ago
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F1 10s drivers college AU
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setaflow · 2 days ago
Everyone asking "Why wasn't Cyndaquil in the ZA starters lineup?" when frankly the better question is why Gamefreak went with 2 Johto starters
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rainpunk07 · 9 months ago
hear me out, danny speaking russian (dc x dp hc)
so i was just watching a video about space, right? allegedly, turns out if you (an american) wanna board the international space station you must speak russian fluently since the only way to get there is by a russian shuttle and pilot (nasa apparently ended their own shuttle program way back when??) (don’t quote me on this)
so picture danny learning russian at a relatively young age for the sole hope of going to space and such, and it coming out every once in a while when he’s mumbling or something like that (it’s basically second nature to him)
so danny ends up at gotham for whatever reason (demon twins, reveal gone wrong, idc, they’re all cool) and he wants to start anew, so he pretends to only speak russian?? ig?? it’d make for some funny/interesting BatFam interactions i suppose
i don’t know where i was going with this but i want to read prompts of danny speaking russian
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sistertotheknowitall · 8 months ago
Jason: Thou looks and smells of an unwashed mutt of female persuasion and so does thy lover.
Steph: You’re a bitch and so’s your man.
Tim: …… Okay, but why’s he speaking like that?
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