89 posts
i’m ace and love spider-punk[here’s some pieces of my mind]
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rainpunk07 · 28 days ago
USA people! Buy NOTHING Feb 28 2025. Not anything. 24 hours. No spending. Buy the day before or after but nothing. NOTHING. February 28 2025. Not gas. Not milk. Not something on a gaming app. Not a penny spent. (Only option in a crisis is local small mom and pop. Nothing. Else.) Promise me. Commit. 1 day. 1 day to scare the shit out of them that they don't get to follow the bullshit executive orders. They don't get to be cowards. If they do, it costs. It costs.
Then, if you can join me for Phase 2. March 7 2025 thtough March 14 2025? No Amazon. None. 1 week. No orders. Not a single item. Not one ebook. Nothing. 1 week. Just 1.
If you live outside the USA boycott US products on February 28 2025 and stand in solidarity with us and also join us for the week of no Amazon.
Are you with me?
Spread the word.
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rainpunk07 · 2 months ago
I've been disabled for almost 29 years. Here's what I've learned.
Tablets sink and capsules float. Separate out your tablets and capsules when you go to take them. Tip your head down when taking capsules and up when taking tablets. Liquigels don't matter, they kinda stay in the middle of whatever liquid is in your mouth.
If your pill tastes bad, coat it with a bit of butter or margarine. I learned this from my mom, who learned it from a pharmacist.
Being in pain every day isn't normal. Average people experience pain during exceptional moments, like when they stub their toe or jam their finger in a door, not when they sit cross-legged.
Make a medical binder. Make multiple medical binders. I have a small one that comes with me to appointments and two big ones that stay at home, one with old stuff and one with more recent stuff.
Find your icons. Some of mine include Daya Betty (drag queen with diabetes), Stef Sanjati (influencer with Waardenburg syndrome and ADHD), and Hank Green (guy with ulcerative colitis who... does a bunch of stuff). They don't have to be disabled in the same way as you. They don't even have to be real people. Put their pictures up somewhere if you want; I've been meaning to decorate my medical binders with pictures of my icons.
Take a bin, box, bag, basket, whatever and fill it with items to cope with. This can be stuff for mentally coping like colouring books or play clay or stuff for physically coping like pain medicine or physio tape.
Decorate your shit! My cane for at home has a plushie backpack clip hanging from the end of the handle and my cane for going places is covered in stickers. All of my medical binders have fun scrapbooking paper on the outside. Sometimes, I put stickers and washi tape on my inhalers and pill bottles. I used my Cricut to decorate my coping bin with quotes from my icons, like "I've seen enough of Ba Sing Se" and "I need you to be angrier with that bell".
If a flare-up is making you unable to eat or keep food down, consider going to the ER. A pharmacist once told me that since my eye flares can make me so nauseous that I cannot eat, then I need to go to the hospital when that happens.
Cola works wonders for nausea. I have mini cans of Diet Pepsi in my coping bin.
Shortbread is one of the only things I can eat when nauseous. Giant Tiger sells individually-wrapped servings of shortbread around Christmas or the British import store sells them year-round. I also keep these in my coping bin.
Unless it violates a pain contract or something, don't be afraid to go behind your doctor's back to get something they are refusing you. I got my cardiologist referral by getting in with a different NP at my primary care clinic than who I usually saw. I switched from Seroquel to Abilify by visiting a walk-in.
If you have a condition affecting your abdomen in some way (GI issues, reproductive problems, y'know) then invest in track pants that are too big. I bought some for my laparoscopy over a year ago and they've been handy for pelvic pain days, too. I've also heard loose pants are good for after colonoscopies.
Do whatever works, even if it's weird. I've sat on the floor of the Eaton Centre to take my pills. I've shoved heating pads down my front waistband to reach my uterus.
High-top Converse are good for weak ankles. I almost exclusively wear them.
You can reuse your pill bottles for stuff. I use my jumbo ones to store makeup sponges and my long skinny ones to hold a travel-size amount of Q-Tips.
Just because your diagnostics come back with nothing, it doesn't mean nothing is wrong. Maybe you were checking the wrong thing, or the diagnostic tool wasn't sensitive enough. I have bradycardia episodes even though multiple cardiac tests caught nothing. I probably have endometriosis even though my gynecologist didn't see anything.
You can bring your comfort item to appointments, and it's generally a green flag when someone talks to you about it. I brought a Squishmallow turkey (named Ulana) to my laparoscopy and they had her wearing my mask when I woke up. I brought a Build-A-Bear cat (named Blinx) to another procedure and a nurse told me that everyone in the hall on the way to the procedure room saw him and were talking about how cute he was. Both of those ended up being positive experiences and every person who talked to me about my plushies was nice to me. If you don't feel comfortable having it visible to your provider during the appointment, you can hide it in your bag and just know it's there, or if you're in a video appointment, you can hold it below frame in your lap.
Get a small bucket, fill it with stuff, and stick it in your bed (if you have room for it). I filled a bucket with Ensure, juice boxes, oatmeal bars, lotion, my rescue inhaler, etc. in October 2023 in anticipation of my laparoscopy and I still have it in my bed as of January 2025.
If your disability impacts your impulse control (e.g. ADHD, bipolar disorder), you should consider setting limits around your spending -- no more than X dollars at a time, nothing online unless it's absolutely necessary, and so on. Or, run these purchases by someone you trust before committing to them; I use my BFF groupchat to help talk sense into myself when I buy stuff.
Feel free to add on what you've learned about disability!
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rainpunk07 · 5 months ago
as an aroace person with limited sexual experience, no interest in watching porn, and poor sex ed as a teen, there IS something simultaneously funny and vaguely tragic about being 28 adult years old and realising how extremely tiny your frame of reference is for genitalia and deciding you should expand this to better understand bodies (yours and others). and then you're just there like "okay so what the fuck do I even google right now, anyway"
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rainpunk07 · 5 months ago
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💜Asexual Stickers for the ACE week!!💜
It's the best week of the year!!! :D (aand also because it's so close to halloween, hehe)Be sure to check the Halloween Pirde collection on my RedBubble store before it's gone!! It will be up until November 30th!
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rainpunk07 · 6 months ago
Resources for Writing Sensitive Topics
As always, when writing about sensitive topics/injuries/illnesses, we encourage everyone to research and tag works appropriately. This is to ensure that the whump community can remain a safe space for everyone, as well as assist writers in creating well-informed works that avoid offending people and stereotyping, romanticising, or sensationalising hard topics.
We have also added some additional links that may be useful when creating characters.
Below are some links to resources we and others found useful - we'd like to thank the wonderful members of our community for helping us with finding great resources.
Blogs/Tumblr Posts:
@cripplecharacters - A whole blog dedicated to helping people write disabled characters.
^ A Guide to Writing Disabled Characters
@writingwithcolor - A whole blog dedicated to writing and resources centered on racial, ethnic and religious diversity.
^ Stereotypes and Tropes Navigation
@creatingblackcharacters - Creating Black Characters *with intent!
Resources for Writing Injuries (Tumblr Masterpost)
Resources for Writing Sketchy Topics (Tumblr Masterpost - please note that a couple of links are broken due to the post being 7 years old, but many are still working!)
A guide to designing, drawing or writing characters who use mobility aids (Tumblr post)
Writing A Blind or Visually Impaired Character (Tumblr Post)
Independent Websites
Avoiding Stereotypes in Fiction: Characters with Mental Health Issues (WritersHelpingWriters)
How Do I Depict a Disabled Character Respectfully? (Fay Onyx, Mythcreants blog)
Respectfully Depicting a Character Adapting to a Disability (Fay Onyx, Mythcreants blog)
Writing Deaf Characters (T. Frohock, author.)
How to Write Deaf or Hard of Hearing Characters (Melanie Ashford, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association)
How to Write a Blind or Vision Impaired Character (AllWriteAlright)
If anyone has any additional sources, feel free to share them in the reblogs/replies!
@psychologeek - Thank you for sharing some of the primary resources with us, it helped us a great deal :)
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rainpunk07 · 6 months ago
update on this: never got my beach episode (if anything i’m in the most academically challenged period of my life that is actively going downhill), and i’m currently in the most complicated platonic-situationship-romantic relationship i’ve ever had ever so
i guess i got my love interest?? 😭😭
jesus fuck i’m in dire need of a beach episode—or literally any filler episode ever. like i’m done with the angsty summer depression arc, let’s get back to the arc where i finally get a love interest after my beach episode. i deserve it along with probably ten bazillion other people also suffering under capitalism.
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rainpunk07 · 8 months ago
dc x dp prompt inspired by this tiktok
if you don’t wanna click the link, in summary it’s a hyper-realistic animation commenting on American overconsumption and capitalism through the metaphor of jeff bezos owning a bakery and using his sugary workers as ingredients once he realizes it makes his pastries more delicious. (it’s permanently altered my brain chemistry, i recommend that you watch it it’s so good.)
anyways, i’m aiming for “they’re in the same universe already” type angle, but you can do whatever you want. so let’s say a former GIW dude gets laid off and ends up in gotham. through whatever hijinks you choose, the guy discovers that shades are DELICIOUS in your average pastry and decides to open a bakery with this knowledge. (the only reason this dude and gotham citizens can consume these is cuz they’re liminal contaminated or something, you decide.)
now also for whatever reason, we find danny in gotham (with or without his companions) and by some magic of fate (clockwork probably) he stumbles on the bakery. he’s maybe heard how good it is and they’re just so yummy or something or other. upon trying it, he immediately wants to puke because he knows that there are shades in it and it feels like full on cannibalism. what he does about it is up to you.
on the bats end, they’re all enjoying these pastries as much as any other person in gotham. some bat manages to coax jason into trying one and when he tastes, he has a similar reaction to danny. he doesn’t recognize the secret ingredient as shades or inherently cannibalism, but he just feels down in his being that there’s something fucked up about it. (lazarus pits obviously tip one further towards liminal than not.)
side note on that, considering damien was raised nearby the lazarus pits for a majority of his childhood, i say that he’s neutral on the taste. like, it isn’t delicious or anything but it’s not the worst thing he’s tasted. and he’s definitely not gonna search out the sweet treats. (maybe he connects the dots between his and jason’s liminal-bility? does he follow jason around as he investigates the bakery? it’s up to you ;) )
on the other hand, the other bats don’t understand their distaste/neutrality and think jason’s tweaking, but jason knows what he knows. (cass believes him obvi. they probably investigate the bakery together)
so this is probably where the duo meets danny, and they figure out the stuff together and now you add whatever angst you want that comes with the combined worlds of danny phantom and detective comics. is danny the ghost king? demon twin au? is jason a baby halfa? it’s all up to y’all ig
NOW BE FREE *drops the idea at fanfic writer’s feet and skedaddles away*
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rainpunk07 · 8 months ago
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i took the damn thing twice and i still have no idea what past i’m running from wtf (am i the fanonized character?? 😭😭)
links: picrew , uquiz
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Saw this going around twitter, looked like fun. What? I'm not procrastinating (I am, I really am)
Make this picrew of yourself
Take this uquiz
Post the results side-by-side. No pressure tags: @alypink, @revnah1406, @madefordvarka, @deadbranch, @welldonekhushi, @kaitaiga, @applbottmjeens, @froglights-and-pearls
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rainpunk07 · 8 months ago
these are the prettiest flowers i ever did see 😍
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I've been really into drawing clovers lately ☘️
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rainpunk07 · 9 months ago
slay queen
“what if kids identify with something and it ends up just being a phase-?” good. stop teaching and expecting kids (and adults honestly) to formulate permanent traits and ideas of themselves. everything in life is a phase. that doesn’t make it any less legitimate while you experience it. let people explore themselves and know it’s okay if what you think about yourself changes.
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rainpunk07 · 9 months ago
slay queen
i feel like it's absolutely crucial in the social justice world to take "he a little confused but he got the spirit" and similar sentiments/situations as a Win. intent is so much more important than saying it right the first time! if someone is approaching with scuffed language and incorrect terms but they're visibly being as polite as they know how, that person is a friend and should be treated better than what their words might invite in someone else's mouth.
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rainpunk07 · 9 months ago
YES he is a MASSIVE BITCH but hes also BISEXUAL and a PUNCHING BAG and ALMOST DIES AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK. AND hes my little meow meow.
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rainpunk07 · 9 months ago
so let me tell you a story
the time is 2024, a normal summer morning around 10–11am. i’m running around the house with my best friend on the phone, just idly chatting after never hanging up the night before. i’m sitting there eating a pb&j cuz i didn’t want cereal and she asks what’d i do if a roach fell on me. i go “from the sky??” to which she’s just like “yeah i guess”. thinking of my mother’s prior reactions to roaches merely on the ground (screaming jumping, the gist), i told her i’d probably just yelp or something then continue on with my day. she is satisfied with this answer, and we hang up half an hour later as i have other activities to attend to.
i go thrifting with some other friends, it’s a fun jolly few hours. i come back home at around 4–5 socially exhausted and bury myself into the depths of tumblr.
Cut to 11 o’clock. i’m watching hamilton on my laptop in my room while playing subway surfers on my phone, singing and all that jazz. my sister comes in and pauses it and we get to chatting for a bit. cue a quick buzzing/fluttering sound and a something lands on my arm but is also under the blanket so i don’t see what it is. my first thought it a moth, but when i move my covers slightly i see what?
a fucking roach.
was i right that i yelped? yes. the rest is history :)
moral of the story, don’t let people jinx you with something seemingly not possible. yell at your god in the sky saying “GIRLY POP DIDNT MEAN IT!!” or some shit like that
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rainpunk07 · 9 months ago
jesus fuck i’m in dire need of a beach episode—or literally any filler episode ever. like i’m done with the angsty summer depression arc, let’s get back to the arc where i finally get a love interest after my beach episode. i deserve it along with probably ten bazillion other people also suffering under capitalism.
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rainpunk07 · 9 months ago
okay so what i’m gathering is that matt murdock is just bruce wayne with catholic guilt and without the adoption tendencies
…am i correct?
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rainpunk07 · 9 months ago
okay there’s no way there weren’t male sirens with how many of those sailors were ABSOLUTELY gay as fuck
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rainpunk07 · 9 months ago
you understand me on a fundamental level
being a street level marvel hero fan is kinda funny when like there's whole space sagas going on but idc i want to read about a guys who get beat up on a street corner and wake up in a dumpster like twice a week
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