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aegolieus · 9 months ago
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ikuina my dearly beloved
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Cedric Grolet
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shotgun-collar · 1 year ago
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frxncoquxtte · 11 months ago
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tous mes plans pour l’été . .
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steamingowl · 3 months ago
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I joined Succubuns past Nov. It's been a lot of fun! If you have an acc there I'd love to be friends and make our buns have little adventures together <'3 Let me know via DM
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postcard-from-the-past · 8 months ago
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Advertisement of the Fraise Cristal liquor of the J.F. Lorin distillery
French vintage postcard
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katismybelovedd · 24 days ago
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matching icons & original image under cut! og illustration made by sayori NEKOWORKs for st.valentine's day!!
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lumiere-angel-90 · 1 year ago
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Little Fraise !
commission for @foodielovethealicorn
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tinybabyghost · 9 months ago
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ok, rock pun time. i give these to thia and i say "i'll never take you for granite, i think you're simply marble-ous, you're the diorite one for me...pegmatite." -me last monday night
inspired by this post and a meme i saw of halsin from bg3
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jeanfrancoisrey · 1 year ago
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Vu au musée Fesch…
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woozygolden · 8 months ago
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After drawin so many of my own creatures and other peoples creatures I was itchin for my goobers!!! This works for me as both a hight n size comparison but also outfits that aren't the strange ones Nekopara makes them wear??? Like in general a lot of them are cool in their own right but in context a lot of them dont make sense and also are just too much for me to want to draw. Like why does Azuki dress as a school girl when shes the oldest one there and acts the most mature anyway? Coconuts whole story is about how she feels like she's being forced into growing up too fast and she hates it and she feels really conflicted with her own body, so why does bro dress like shes the most physically confident in the room?? Why is Cinnamon in almost 24'/7 cosplay of magical girls??!?!?! What about Cinnamon has anything to do with magical girls anyway?!?! Also I much prefer to think of Laurier as too tired to put much effort into an outfit despite how much of a ...personizer..? he is (he wearing pajamas) and also his outfit kind of confuses me its like western in a plantation owner way idk its just strange to me. And then Chocola and Vanilla are wearing their bakers outfits from when they go to the Cabins (head insanity) and I thought Maple should be in a suit because. because. :).
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vanilla-nekopara · 2 months ago
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NekoWorks offical art.
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alicemoon812 · 3 months ago
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brought back an OC from the depths of 2019
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frxncoquxtte · 11 months ago
un jour dans ma vie !
by frxncoquxtte
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05:30- je me réveille
05:30 à 05:45- je me prépare. je me brosse les dents, me lave ma visage, et mets des vêtements d’exercice
05:45 à 06:10- je fais du yoga. faire du yoga m’aide détendre le matin. j’aime écouter la musique, aussi
06:10- je m’habille pour l’école
06:30- je cuisine et mange le petit déjeuner
06:50 à 07:25- j’écris sur mon journal, lis une livre, ou nettoie
07:30- je pars aller l’école. parfois je marche avec mes copines
08:30 à 16:30- l’école. comme une élève américaine, j’apprends le programme pour les français et les américains !!
16:45 à 17:30- j’étudie et fais mes devoirs dans la bibliothèque. parfois mes copines vient aussi
18:00- je rentre chez moi. je prend une douche et mange le dîner ma maman a préparé
19:00- je prépare quoi porter pour le prochain jour
19:15- je me brosse mes dents
19:20 à 20:00- je finis mes devoirs, écris dans mon journal intime, ou lis une livre
20:00-21:00- je passe du temps sur mon portable (pinterest, instagram, tumblr …)
21:30- je dors ! 💤
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thatstrangewierdkid · 2 years ago
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A little drawing of Ikuina aka Fraise.
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By the way he looks to cute as a child.
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Carbone 4 - Shift Project l'avion, ce n'est que 2% des émissions de gaz à effet de serre sur terre, et par ailleurs c'est un formidable outil de liberté individuelle, qui doit donc être préservé. Il y a plus urgent à faire ailleurs ! Ce discours, qui reprend deux éléments exacts, même si le premier est discutable (en ajoutant les traînées de condensation la part de l'aviation est plus proche de 4%), peut cependant se présenter différemment. L'avion sert rarement à se chauffer ou à faire pousser des pommes de terre. Sa fonction est la mobilité des gens et des marchandises le plus rapidement possible d'où son invention. La bonne base de comparaison est donc plutôt dans notre assiette et de notre quotidien. Ce qu'on ne veux pas voir c'est la production excessive de plastique, de vêtements à base de pétrole, des fruits exotiques à toutes les saisons. Il est grand temps d'analyser nos besoins en consommant ce que nous avons besoin. The plane represents only 2% of greenhouse gas emissions on earth, and it is also a formidable tool for individual freedom, which must therefore be preserved. There is more urgently to be done elsewhere! This discourse, which takes up two exact elements, even if the first is debatable (by adding contrails the share of aviation is closer to 4%), can however be presented differently. The plane is rarely used for heating or growing potatoes. Its function is the mobility of people and goods as quickly as possible, hence its invention. The good basis for comparison is therefore rather on our plate and in our daily lives. What we don't want to see is the excessive production of plastic, petroleum-based clothing, exotic fruits in all seasons. It is high time to analyze our needs by consuming what we need
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Voilà 1 exemple c'est la saison régionale des fraises actuellement pas en décembre
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