#i saw some ppl drawing them in suits and i just really wanted to draw frosty in a less western style suit
teethlordd · 7 days
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Putting some guys in some fancy outfits
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sugarplumz100 · 16 days
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Bnha x Latina reader
Synopsis: just a mini Drabble and hcs about how a relationship would be like with their lovely Latina gf
Disclaimer: I am Latina so the attributes reader has is heavily based on mines so tan skin, dark eyes, frizzy/wavy-hair, slightly chubby/thick. I apologize if these don’t suit you.
Thinking about these boys who never thought they had a type until they met you. They never thought that being different would be so appealing. They love the way you speak, your accent is like music to their ears even when sometimes it only slips out not too often.
Kirishima, Midoriya, Kaminari, Bakugo
He thinks you’re so cool, you speak a whole other language and know a whole different culture. What’s not cool about that?!
He thinks you’re so strongly for thriving in a whole different country and culture. He knows it must be difficult but you make it look so easy.
Kirishima has had crushes before but none of them made him feel the way you did, something about your tan skin just makes him blush. He thinks you’re incredibly beautiful.
Kirishima definitely likes watching you style your hair and he loves the smell of the products you use
When you speak to him he likes when you randomly slip in some Spanish words in there. He has no clue what they mean but that’s what context is for!
(Tw: insecurities and colorism)
Kirishima knows what it’s like to feel insecure so when you open up to him about your own insecurities he is there by your side comforting you. He never really thought about how much of a struggle it can be for you to even look different even in your own community. When you come to him about your negative thoughts about your skin tone or accent or anything he gets genuinely hurt that people would make you think and feel this way.
Kirishima thinks you’re absolutely perfect, and doesn’t care if he fully understands because he will always be there for you.
When he saw you enter his life he honestly is so stoked to ask you questions about where you’re from and what it’s like. Especially what are the hero’s like over there and what your quirk is.
He definitely has several pages in his notebook dedicated to you. (Comes in handy when your feeling homesick and he wants to do something for you)
Midoriya catches onto stuff pretty quick so when you speak Spanish he definitely picks up some words. It comes in handy when speaking to you, he loves hearing you speak.
He does a bunch of research on your home country and your culture, he sometimes gives you facts that you didn’t even know yourself.
He for sure thought he’d never be this attracted to anyone in his life but your tan skin, wavy hair, and dark eyes draw him in. He’s hooked.
He thinks you’re absolutely gorgeous. He definitely loves when you help him with his own hair and he ends up smelling like you.
Midoriya knows what it feels like to be bullied for something you can’t help but he knows he can’t compare his experience to what you’ve gone through. When he hears someone say some discriminatory stuff towards you, I don’t think he’s ever been angrier in his life. He will throw hands (when ppl aren’t looking, he can’t get in trouble).
He always has an open ear and a shoulder for you when you want to open up to him, he won’t force you but loves that you trust him enough to speak about your issues w/ him.
Sad to say that he’s definitely looked up big tit Latina 😞
He knows he has a thing for Latinas but he never turns it into a weird thing. No weird questions or comments he just likes his Latinas.
He definitely stops Mineta from saying things about you.
He thinks you speaking to him in Spanish is the most romantic thing ever, you can literally call him a dookie head and he’d smooch your hand.
He thinks you’re honestly so cool, he loves hearing your stories about what life was like before coming to Japan. What it was like over there.
Kaminari most likely runs into a lot of weird sticky handed people and he knows about the weird fetishization of Latinas and will genuinely throw hands if anyone comes at you with that weird shit.
Plz make him food from your culture, just nothing too spicy bc he will not survive even a hot Cheeto ☹️
Kaminari is chronically online, so please get him hooked on some Novelas he will high key get soooo invested in them. Even if he doesn’t understand a word, at least show him Jane the Virgin.
Kaminari isn’t the best at comforting, he definitely asks if “you want some water” then stand there patting the person’s back. But when it comes to you he will do his best, especially to comfort you on a topic he will never really understand or experience.
I know that I said in the drabble that they didn’t know they had a type but I definitely feel like he has a thing for thick/chubby and tan girls. Will he admit it? No because he will never admit to even liking a girl or anyone.
But when he saw you, he thought you were actually so beautiful. Bro was star struck.
He still treats you like everyone else however that doesn’t mean he doesn’t think about you all the time.
You know how there’s that edit of sonic and shadow where sonic is like “why do you want to go to Mexico” BAKUGO IS LITERALLY SHADOW RIGHT THERE
When you both are dating, he hates seeing you speak about the difficulties you’ve experienced. He was a bully and definitely have taken things too far before but he absolutely does not stand racism, he will absolutely go ham on someone if they say some shit to you.
Bakugo is an excellent chef, we all know that but Bakugo will genuinely take time to research recipes from your culture and make them for you. He high key gets hooked. But he loves it more when you cook, you just make it so good and he enjoys to watch.
Bakugo does like to brag to his friends that he bagged a baddie like you and they could never and will probably be single all their lives.
Bakugo loves his Latina gf
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talentlesshuman · 11 days
i came to know your art from the illustrations you're doing for OL2 and just now your chinese miku was in the previews of the artists of tumblr tag and omg!! i love it so much, your style is adorable 💝 hope you have a great day, i just thought that was a fun coincidence
Aw thank you!! That makes me feel good :3 glad you enjoy my work✨❤️
I really love my chinese miku design but i gotta mention i didn’t grow up in china and I’m just chinese american! But some things i thought were missing from other chinese miku designs that i loved about the original brazillian miku were :
1) the incorporation of the flag (its very charming, and immediately recognizable!) and making a pretty simple design. A big thing i see with miku designs are beautiful and intricate, but they’re not very easy to recreate!
2) the modern/contemporary vibe of the character. A lot of international miku designs have beautiful traditional clothing, which is great! But i think the appeal of being something modern is that the people actually living in those places can see themselves in them. The original brazillian miku had flipflops, sports jersey, and a bikini! Which i don’t think are traditional clothing, but is emblematic of ppl who live there now!
This is where I lack experience, since I didn’t grow up or live in china, I don’t know the culture of casual popular fashion in china. For this reason I chose to incorporate some traditional chinese clothing aspects (tang dynasty suit and minguo aoqun) and altered the fit with some of my modern preferences :)
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3) the recognizable personality in the miku! I feel one of the reasons the brazillian miku got popular was because of the confident/cool/laid back/somewhat chaotic personality she was given! I feel like a lot of mikus with beautiful traditional clothes have a very elegant, soft, happy personality, which is nice! But not super memorable. I wanted my mikus to stand out, so i tried making them very food focused 😋😋😋 I hope to draw more of them interacting to make that personality come out stronger!
I set out with these three goals in mind, but also I was greatly inspired by this DECO* miku design! I couldn’t get it out of my head when I saw it. if it weren’t so complicated + incorporated the flag, I would’ve taken it as the chinese miku from the get-go. The color palette reminded me of mahjong tiles, so I included the mahjong suites onto the sleeve of my design (as well as the panda). Its just so cutee.
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Also, as an asian american, the biggest thing for me to see in media to make me feel represented is black hair and eyes, which is why I included black roots/dyed hair of my mikus. I recognize most of the cultures out there also have a majority population of black hair/eyes, but this was just a personal thing for me :)
As a final note, my friend @reidiantdawn who is also chinese american drew a chinese miku too! Featuring miku in hanfu, a popular traditional chinese garb.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to lay out all my chinese miku design thoughts! This isn’t what you asked for, but I sure love to yap!
edit: ALSO with regards to my chinese-american miku, I went with a take-out box shirt design because chinese american takeout is pretty integral to american culture! Growing up, i saw that most people around me only recognized chinese culture through our food! :P There are jokes about that out there, but this is honestly probably one of our biggest cultural exports. The rest of the fashion is mostly like.... i guess just things I would've done if i were more confident lol
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metfell · 2 months
Whats your favourite design quirk for each of cbench? I always love hearing how these things came to be !!
allow me to pull up some of my art for you and i will ramble- oh my god it has been literally so long since ive done colored artwork i am so sorry everyone wow the depression is visible i see. ANYWAYS.
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so its funny trying to talk about designs when so much of how i draw them is just "this is ctommy but in a different outfit" so ill go into stuff that is always visible on them
i think my favorite consistency is ctubbos mismatched horns, its something that i think signifies it as My Tubbo Design. i saw a picture of a highland cow back in 2021 and i thought it fit him perfectly and ive never gone back ever since then. i started drawing tubbo as more butchy recently mainly because of boss and his source stuff to be perfectly honest, he has a lot going on in there. but its fun to take a character who is very often like... twink-ified? and make him into a stone dyke butch. well, idk if hes twink-ified these days, but back in 2021-2022 he sure was. i think giving tubbo a wider build- something these two images dont rlly do but whatever we'll work with it- is really great as a visual signifier for being guarded. hes a square hes got his massive snowchester coat on with its big furry coat and his hair covers his eyes and hes got a laurel wreath to signify coming home from war/being victorious in battle/etc. and he wasnt always a moobloom much like my little fic talked about, he used to be a human but the firework explosion fucked him up so bad the server had to stitch him back together with code from mobs. so the server grows a laurel on him and the server hardens him and tries to make him more resilient for the next fight.
i got insane abt tubbo let me move on to ranboo. i have so much fun drawing ranboo i really enjoy playing around with hair length and horn shape and leg anatomy etc. i used to be a fan of the straight split down the middle of their halves but i just love the mottled look so much i have to do that, mainly because i think it makes an artwork look a bit more polished for my own standards for myself. a lot of my ranboo design is an exercise in balance. his halves are black on the left white on the right, so his hair is flipped to make it more interesting, i give them the classic metfell hair flip because a)ranboolives hair moves like that already, and b)it lets me play around with giving them a little crown on the opposite sides horn. also i give them a bolo tie because i dont think cranboo can actually tie a regular tie if im being so forreal. and they have puffy sleeves because i think it adds to the fact that theyre not really a fighter like the others. though cranboo can hold their own and are a literal blacksmith constantly mining and smelting ores and making people armor sets, theyre not KNOWN for fighting, and so giving them an outfit that is not suited for fighting can reflect that.
when it comes to tommy i am always changing up how i draw him. im really attached to the long braid though, and im a classic butterfly clip ctommy enjoyer i think its fun and ppl who hated it were annoying as fuck. i think my favorite thing about drawing ctommy is that i give him gauges- very small ones but gauges nonetheless because cwilbur got them and he wanted to match early on. he never actually went through the process of stretching but he does have them in. and when i draw older ctommy i like to draw him like hes early on estrogen i think its really fun. same with tubbo i like to draw him like hes early on T. theyre transing together :]
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fudgecake-charlie · 2 years
Sooo cosmic horrors? :) Wink wink nudge nudge
Whats their story? So i gathered Pearl used to be human and G used to be an eldritch thingy. But why are they the way they are? And how does hermitcraft fall into picture if at all
I love this duo man just them!! Siblings. Also sorry at furst thought the post was about Joe and Cleo (the glasses, its the glasses). Anon bc i dont even use my main lol
1- sorry i took ten million years to answer this, this au concept is super rough and i only actively work on it every now and again lmao. I have No Idea what i want to do with it! im kind of giving it a rough outline but large plots were never my strong suit.
2- To answer the main question: When trying to look for comfort, Pearl sees a star disappear before her eyes and looking too far into the spot it used to be in gave her contact with The Universe itself. Now she just gets snippets of the cosmos telling her It is going to die, soon, and that she must aid Its end by spreading the message to everyone. This does not go well.
(Rest of the answer, with extra sketches, is under the cut!)
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Grian was put on earth by The Universe to assist her with this task. He gets a name and form, and slowly starts to learn what being human would be like, turning into an almost-brother to Pearl despite what they must do and what will become of them all. At the same time, Pearl taps into more and more of the power The Universe gave her in order to do what she has to.
So... Human-turned-eldritch and Eldritch-turned-human!
3- I don't know anything about the rest of the cast just yet— i have some vague plans for xisuma maybe? and currently smaller roles for martyn (????) and mumbo. Despite the tragedy/cosmic horror vibes i do want to give them a happier ending, and that could be them joining hermitcraft. who knows! please throw ideas at me! id love to hear them.
[4- I love joe and cleo duo centric content but i could not write them for the life of me ahdhfjfjgj, I like to give grian glasses because i draw me and grian far too similarly i saw a bunch of ppl draw him with them way back when, and i really liked it :D]
[double bonus: I draw them with skates! you can see this in my extra twitter sketches. so why the skates? rollerskating is a bit of a special interest for me, but also because this whole AU came from a homage to an old tiny album that I'm extremely fond of! The music video has a character destroying the city and setting it alight with their skates.]
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kroosluvr · 21 days
"if it were up to me i'd send light yagami to inaba"
To catch the killer? Or to see if the IT can solve the Kira case? Cause i can definitely see him curious about how those murders were done and if they were Death Note related.
More importantly, is Naoto friends with L? Or does L have beef with the Shirogane family? Like some kind of petty rivalry between detectives
OMFGGGG more like i'd want him to be the culprit........ i want him to throw ppl into tvs (or whatever) and then try to take hold of the investigation to solve his own case SMILE. (so like completely unrelated to the death note verse) (but like put him in adachi's place SORT OF but still have him go to yasogami and be the charming honest high school student that we know he is!!! bats eyelashes)
i just think it'd be interesting if light HAD to take a more hands-on way of eliminating criminals. bc half the point of death note is that, since light had such an Easy way of killing them off, ofc he took that avenue: in no universe would light actually like go out and kill people with his bare hands bc he's too cowardly/lazy/etc for that...... and ALSO i think the goofy/unserious tone of p4g (juxtaposed with the eerie loneliness of inaba and ofc the harrowing Fog....) would suit him. like i want him to meet teddie and then his eyes roll back into his skull like GODDDD I AM GOING TO KILL MYSE
IF THE IT COULD SOLVE THE KIRA CASE LMAOOOOO GOOD QUESTION i think yu would hit the "we shld just run light over w a car and then see if the killings stop" strat that L should have took
OMG THAT REMINDS ME THOUGH i remember seeing someone draw fanart of an AU where light/L are naoto's adopted dads!! IT WAS SO CUTE I DONT REMEMBER THE ARTIST RN BUT IM PRETTY SURE I RB'ED IT SO ILL CHECK LATER EHHEHE
i think L wouldnt have beef with any detective because hes 1) pretty self-assured in his best-detective-ness 2) if he really saw em as a threat he'd just take em out and take their name like coil and denueve. i'd say its more likely that he's worked with the shiroganes in the past if anything :o yknow its interesting tho... i dont know a lot abt naoto's family but it's interesting to think if wammy's house had tabs kept on naoto bc they came from that prestigious shirogane family tho
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starlooove · 1 year
y’all literally have Aisha why erase BROWN ppl’s rep by hc Flora as a different race y’all do it all the time
Brown ppl exist!!
Bloom is brownskinned with a cute baby fro and since in my mind you can change your form however it suits you; she uses her base transformation to experiment with locs, goddess braids, Bantu knots, etc; I like to think the first few times she “half” transformed she also experimented with outfits but when she finally settled she decided on the canon fit and some shoulder-mid back length locs! Tbh I don’t hc her as black most of the time bc she’s like. THE white girl ever but yknow if I’m feeling it I’m feeling it!
Stella has a HUGE fro (like the sun!) and she keeps it in puffs during her base tranformation. Solaria is a whole different planet so i think their hairstyles for Afro textured hair would lean towards mimicking celestial bodies; and it’s actually a point of envy ppl have for Stella bc her hair can mimic the sun so well! (She absolutely uses her powers to give it a soft glow when she wants to make a dramatic entrance, which is always!) There are spells and potions that can help but on Solaria personal fashion is a point of pride in general so copying others is kind of a no go if you wanna be taken seriously. Sad. There’s this cute fanart where they base her off of Greek clothing so I’d personally say she’s black and Greek.
Tecna has a fade and she shaves specific patterns into it whenever she feels like it. She lets people believe that they have to do with whatever topic of knowledge she’s pursuing (since in magix it isn’t unheard of for specific things to require more long term changes in appearance and clothing without a transformation; this predominantly occurs with witches, wizards, and sorcerors, but you’ll occasionally find a fairy or mage doing the same!) I see Tecna as AA bc we are never beating the early 2000s cartoon nerd stereotypes ☹️☹️☹️💔💔💔💔💔
For Aisha I saw this GORGEOUS fanart of her awhile ago wearing a hijab and I basically engrained that into my psyche. I also hc her as either the androsian equivalent to blasian or Egyptian, depending on my mood tbh! I think she’s good at makeup bc she has to be but struggles with finding her personal style (in clothing as well) outside of “royal” but Stella helps her a lot with that and they bond over the burden of being rich and famous 💔💔💔💔
Which leads me to musa who I hc as blasian soooometimes but not rlly? Like idk it really just depends on how I’m feeling but when I do you KNOW she’s rocking the puffs and her hair growth is literally just box braids relax don’t call paw patrol 🙄🙄🙄🙄 black or not; i think she does have a shaved head bleached hair/eyebrows era but she wasn’t rocking with it so it’s whatever. She does enjoy shaving her brows and drawing little shapes instead and when she combines it with a makeup look? Purr.
And finally, Flora. I genuinely don’t have much to say since I didn’t know brown people existed but if I WERE an Afro Latina who saw Winx Club as one of the most diverse shows in media at the time and heavily projected onto and related to flora since the Aisha we literally have wasn’t there in season one, I’d headcanon her as Afro Dominican with 3C curls that she does take care of but doesn’t bother styling. She’d have that “spiritual” fashion sense and loudly demonstrates both her cultures not just because she’s proud of them but because of preconceived notions from silly bitches who think she can’t be both. I think she’d only “do” her hair during her transformations but she eventually ends up with freeforms! She and bloom tried wicks together and book didn’t rock with them but flora fucked with them HEAVY and even though she’d never admit it she partly did like having them because the reactions she got from people who were confused that she spoke Spanish fluently and was actually Latina because it’s possible to be both at once were funny asf!
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rhpsdys · 2 years
Hey, just so you know - the way you worded that post about seeing Raine in a dress was actually kind of...not good. Transmasc ppl can wear dresses...that doesn't make them fem-presenting or take away the fact they're transmasc. I realize you're transmasc too, so maybe you're projecting onto the character (nothing wrong with that), and it's perfectly fine if your Raine doesn't wear dresses and you personally don't like to see them in dresses. But the way you worded that post implied that 'Raine has to present masculinely by wearing 'masculine' clothes all the time or else they're suddenly fem', implied that Raine wearing 'feminine' clothes is wrong as well as implied that wearing a dress automatically makes someone fem-presenting, all of which are not the case. Besides, clothing is canonly not really 'gendered' in the show - Eda wears a suit for instance, Luz's grom outfit was incredibly gnc, and that's just two examples. I don't think you meant it in that way, but I thought it important to let you know that it did make some people uncomfortable, other enbies and transmascs included, with how you worded it.
hey anon — thanks for reaching out about this. i worried that that might be the case, and i really do appreciate you coming to me about it. that post is a few days old, so i'm not sure if you follow me or if you just saw it in the tags somehow (and it doesn't matter which, the impact was the same, also i know my inbox was closed so if that's why you're just telling me now, that's cool too.) i'm also not sure if you're speaking hyperbolically when you said it made "some people" uncomfortable, implying you've talked about it with other people, or if you're just referring to yourself. again, it doesn't matter either way, but please know that if you are one of my followers, this is absolutely something you could have come to me personally and privately about, because it's not a conversation i mind having. but no matter.
to actually address your point, i absolutely did not intend to imply that a person wearing dresses automatically means that they're fem or that a transmasc person has to wear more typically masculine clothes. your points are all correct about the gnc nature of clothing in the show, too. i never ever would want to suggest otherwise. that being said, you're right. it did end up being commentary on something broader, and i made a statement that made someone uncomfortable, so it doesn't really matter what the intention was. damage done or not, i'll delete the post, so no one else comes across it and feels the same discomfort, and will be more careful about how i word any further commentary about this in the future.
for the record, 100% i am projecting onto my interpretation of raine, and that post was a vent post about something i saw on tiktok. i know that some of my takes on raine's gender and gender presentation are significantly different from the wider fandom takes so there's going to be moments of contention, which is why i would never comment something like that on someone's work directly, or combat someone for how they draw or otherwise interpret a character. so please don't take a rant in the tags of a throwaway ooc post as the definitive proof of how i see other nonbinary people. we all have incredibly different lived experiences and i recognize that.
anyway, thank you again for coming to me about this. i appreciate the open dialogue.
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neonwizardheehee · 2 years
Wohiooo thank you for that tag @maschinen-mensch dw about not doing any tag thingys or so these aren't mandatory <3<3
what book are you currently reading? Around the world in 80 days! (also for christmas a friend gave away their asoiaf books and I'm so hyped to read them!!! they will be the first time i'll be reading long irl books in English :o very excited to see how it is hehehe)
what’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year? also going for 2022 here and it was for sure The Batman (but also special shoutout to Black Panther 2 bc it gave me Namor and finally some positive Marvel things again)
what do you usually wear? colours!!! oversized stuff!! (NYE I saw a Boy George in a 80s chart show and was like "he just looks like me fr" so now I'm braiding colours even into my hair hehehe
how tall are you? @ prev ohhhhhh you're taller than me!! not by much but still!! #short ppl gang
what’s your Star Sign? do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? Taurus eyyyy and I actually do bc I've got Robert Pattinson and Karl Marx :333 
do you go by your name or nickname? my name is too long to be used in a setting where i don't automatically freeze upon hearing it XD Getting names like "Neon" or "Wiz" for me here really warmed my heart <3<3 (and yes I might have screamed a bit too much but hey let me sound cool hehehe)
did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child? I always wanted to be an elf, but being a wizard suits me so much more!!! :D
are you in a relationship? if not who is your crush if you have one? didn't I got hurt enough when I cried today while listening to "I just wanna be loved" by Culture Club? XD
what’s something you’re good at vs something you’re bad at? good: planning, bad: working last minute
dogs or cats? neither but at least I don't jump onto tables anymore when I see a cat walking by
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year? oof I don't do art myself but I love looking at it <3
what’s something you would like to create content for? The Elven saga XDDD (it's a fantasy book series that I really love!)
what’s something you’re currently obsessed with? Boy George :3
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year? (2022) an exhibition on trans history where it turned out I've already seen this exhibition a few years ago in a different city XDD
what’s a hidden talent of yours? During christmas my sis and I found out I'm really good at identifying the voices in Mario Kart w/o owning a Mario Kart game or playing often B)
are you religious? yes, I'm a protestant and since I've grown up in an atheist area i'm always happy and surprised when there are areas where you don't get funny looks bc you're religious (and also it baffles me even more when there are areas where it's the other way around bc you shouldn't force religion onto ppl!!) - and also I love talking about it bc it's always so fascinating to me :D
whats something you wish to have at this moment? for my thesis to either be finished or have more time to finish it bc I lost so much time for reasons beyond my control and now I'm crying T.T
(kyaa why did it have to end on such a sad note ksksk hopefully I have enough coke intus to not fall asleep on my thesis B) )
Tagging some ppl but it's not obligatory ofc <3 @shittyness @the3rddenialist @darksidelightside @sarahbordelonsblog @isadora-greenhall (not sure if anyone else likes doing these but if you do like them too pls tag me for i want to see yours too uwu)
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castle-dominion · 1 year
5x13 recoil
I love the editing in the clips here, we get the info we need, but also while I'm sure we all remember that some ppl were killed, like roy montgomery, we also get to see the dramatic clip of him getting shot & lockwood with blood on his face & these things are mostly for the drama, not the recap, really really well done bc we still get the recap.
I also like how she hits him immediately after he says he has the power.
Garbage can fire babey. gonna be a dead body. See? Plenty of people throw up when they see (& probs smell) a dead body burning!
RC: Well, I haven’t met him or approved of him yet, so it can’t be serious. All suitors must be met and intimidated by me personally before they can be considered for official boyfriend status. So true
Ew yucky
no dental records then... Ryan looks nice lol. & esposito's jacket is nice
Ryan pretty but meh. Esposito perfectly fine but meh Castle also pretty enough. Becks looks shiny shirt dc!? multiple times in just 20m? Might as well stay on the line.
Why would the boyf have an unlisted number? oh no ooof oof oof ooooooof she left a message hhhh
the phone falls & clatters... oof that is the best... except how would she end the recording? AFTER the phone clatters? the audio changes during "happens" like she moved to a different area, or passed a wall
Yeah smth falls & then like a ring hits the wall zippo? Or maybe he was ALREADY burning the body
Yeah lol u can't remember ppl when you are seeing a hundred a night, or more. unless she comes here often! She was a high end prostitute! BRACKEN? oh of course it was him, this is a plot heavy ep.
No wonder the phone call. & also dealt with OTHER people too! He did not just kill melanie & johanna & attempt beckett, & also raglan & montgomery & mccallister & possibly those other two lawyers or whoever beckett nice coat lol.
ESPOSITO NICE JACKET (& nice scarf on ryan) JE: You know, I was really hoping the next time I saw this guy would be down the barrel of my gun.
*fidgeting with his hand hanging by his legs* Met her there works for you non-paid consultant *stops* I know where I've seen you. I can't believe that he doesn't already have pics of beckett's close circles: friends, work, family,, gym
of COURSE he wouldn't do it himself! Ooh y'all got the fbi to do analysis? Nice! My grampa was able to tell what car, make model, year, idk, just by the sound of the engine.
Why do they need sirens on? They Ooh audio. Echo, loud, yells, I love it when ryan yells beckett's name. Why would they draw a diagram of the gun & do that sort of thing?
I thought beckett was ryan for a sec. That shiny suit jacket, I loved it, really shows off her waist. Then I realized ryan is amab he does not have a waist that small. Becks looks great tho & I like her with her hair back like that. Castle's red jacket & dark shirt are nice too & gates looks good with her red shirt adding colour from behind her black jacket/cardigan. Oh & ryan! light purple shirt with a square pattern (love that for ryan), dark thin tie (I'd call it black but it is not that dark) with multicoloured tiny equally sized polka dots, vest, ooh he's good. I grabbed a pic but idk if it is any good. at least I got a pic of beckett. Update from later in the episode: HIS WAISTCOAT HAS A SHINY SILVERY BACK PANEL SDLKFKSJFDLSKJF & it is tied in such a way that it hugs his hips man I'm such a lesbian fot him (both men) sounds like a disguise bright red shiny tie, really pops
this guy is assassinating him. that's why he insists that the senator goes. Gates my beloved Man has a jacket AND a coat. At least they are different colours
ugh the way she gestures for him to take a seat hhhhh so gooooood KB: Senator Bracken, do you have any enemies? Is there anyone you can think of that would like to kill you? cough cough WB: A man doesn’t get to my position without upsetting people along the way. Most of them aren’t crazy enough to want to kill me. (he gestures) Present company excluded.
JE: I’ll tell you something. If I’m her, I sit in there shuffling papers until whoever it is puts a bullet in Bracken’s head. KR: KR: No you wouldn’t. Because that would make you no better than he is. (well you are just not changing the trolley path. He's the one who tied people to it.) JE: The guy murdered Beckett’s mother. Captain Montgomery. Who knows who else?. ((exactly!)) Bracken’s got it coming to him. So I say let it come. KR: *uncomfy* I mean just two episodes ago esposito threatened to kill someone.
Nice pattern on esposito's shirt. Not an actual pattern, just the weave of it making it textured almost like heather. 24 hours exactly?
RC: Man, these people need to get a life. Most of these guys it seems like their only companionship is the space alien that talks to them through their microwave. *coincidentally finds the letter just as she says that* RC: No, I did actually. I liked the way you uh, dotted the ‘I’ in kill with a little heart. It was a nice touch. Oh yeah chinese food babey Man doesn't take his mug to the break room to wash it?? wait it was not the same writing my bad. it is all caps... In fact, it is the same letter, it was a rough draft.
Senator Bracken When you sleep at night do you dream of the blood dripping off your hands leaking into the ground filling up the valleys and the craters with new lakes and oceans lake hemoglobins the red ocean rivers of blood or do you drift away to some peaceful place unburdened by the endless bodies piling on your shoulders always more bodies never ending as you count the sheep dancing over fences but it isn't the sheep that calm your icy nerves it is their destination as they leap the fence toward the slaug//hter how their bleats and screams must fill that cavity in your chest where a heart should be with bostalgic joy for the suffering you have caused so many he was a boy a precious boy so filled with hope and aspirations and you took that in and you fed on him that boy my boy in the lion's den there is no way to avoid the night calls and the roats of the fearsome loathsome ((cut off)) ((Not going back to change typos; I touch typed this & my touch typing needs work))
Ooh the music also it is late she managed an appointment at this time of night? Are you sure that he is much worse? The one you can live with oof burning...
Coffee <3 Ryan looks nice, his clothes are dark which is less common. espt is wearing some kind of zip up hoodie like that's professional. Becks nice brown leather jacket with a good shape to it. "nothing significant"
Seeing gates with the half sister she kept the eltter phew
Why is castle Sitting at ryan's desk & then ryan leaning over castle pointing the stuff out to him? *interrupts* *looks at the letter while walking back & giving directions*
JE: I’m pretty sure we left Patterson five shops ago. *smacks the badge on the door* "How you doing?" McManus
Ryan looking like my hair lol
*sees him* Oh ooh ooh ooh it's him *shoots just a bit late*
No, castle. She did not miss. (tho it's kind of messed up that when they think that this fellow is an assassin you're allowed to shoot them...) you didn't & that's the good part. *hides her tears*
Not only do you know him but you also looked into him so you know about him. People say ryan is the touchy feely one in terms of emotions & yeah he himself acknowledged the cheesiness of the toast he was giving at the double date last season but esposito is the one to approach kate & talk to her.
She's good She's revealing that!? don't you remember what happened last time you revealed personal information without knowing who is behind the glass? gates is a cop tho, she was a detective, she does interrogations, she can see becks is truthing this room is so big & empty, DP did well. he DOES control everyone lol robert points to three people behind the glass lol, he can't see them blood on OUR hands. She's right, it is in hers bc she let him go! Except if she shot him he would not be available for questioning he might even be dead.
Oh thank goodness, we all thought gates was talking to her about That
What did you say that was right about her?
RC: Check this out. What better way to celebrate the end of a difficult case then with a bottle of – (he trails off when he sees her work) – what are you doing? YEAH NO IF HE'S OFF HIS MEDS THAT AIN'T GOOD KB: And what about Melanie’s body? He burned it and he knocked out her teeth to keep it unidentifiable. Me: Schiz often comes with paranoia, he wanted to be safe KB: And then he leaves a duffle bag in a stolen car for us to find? Me: ... That is not very meticulous of him......
I don't (usually) smoke & I still have a lighter & matchbook music hhh not ALL the evidence, remember? Right, people OFTEN believe that the psychoaffected people don't know what they're doing or are dangerous or planted the bomb, nobody would look further into it
If you're right then you have gained his trust back. 41319 is her badge # btw
secondary area search? man is upset. He lost his temper, this is not normal.
THE LIGHTER I play with em like that too lol WHAT IF THE LIGHTER IS A DETONATOR btw I was right! It IS the assistant person (no they are both just nondescript white guys)
He was BESIDE the car, even if beckett was NOT there he would have been fine
Castle just TACKLED that guy
Five years, long play. Or paid money lol CASTLE ADMITTING HE WOULD HAVE STOOD & WATCHED
Ryan nice light grey jacket, pink shirt, possibly striped, dark tie to contrast, ugh he's so good. Esposito just wearing the kind of "I'm at home today" clothes I wear "just like you would have done" WB: Someone who’s gotten rich making powerful people promises that I need to keep. ((PARDON ME?)) What does a kingmaker do when the king no longer follows orders?
WB: You saved my life. KB: (rolls her eyes) Yeah well, you can’t win ‘em all, can you? a friend? He's right when he says "If I said no, would you really believe me?"
Nice transition to watching tv at home Benjamin Moss? Ah kingmaker. "plane crash" or "car accident" better story. oof.
Wow I'm half an hour ahead of schedule! I started watching at 9.30, so I should have been done the day's first ep by 11 but I was 20m early, now I should have been done by 12.30 & it is only five after, I'm doing well!
0 notes
digital999placebo · 2 years
what are the other boxers’ backstories ? (as vague as you want to go). are they first gen immigrants like gil and ludwig or have they been in america for awhile ?
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OMG HI!!! i hope ur ready for a wall of text. This is all up in the air rn, the ones I've thought about the most are Ludwig (duh), Alfred, Matthew and Ivan.
Alfred grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere Massachusetts USA, n got p big bc of all the physical labour he had to do every day. His father had survived WW2 n during his draft had gotten interested in boxing, but never went above amateur due to an injury. Despite his father teaching him techniques n trying to get Alfred into boxing, Alfred never really cared for the sport, he wanted to be like one of those salesmen in expensive suits n cool cars that came by town every so often to sell what was claimed to b the latest trend in NYC. So when he was 17 he decided to leave home in pursue of higher education to become something. Unfortunately, he had undiagnosed dyslexia and dyscalculia which meant he had a hard time in school before dropping out entirely. He was broke and homesick. He had a couple of friends in NYC who enjoyed boxing and began to spar with them at a gym for fun when a profesional coach saw him and was like "ok ur sloppy as hell and leave too many openings, BUT if u let me train u for just a month i'd bet u could compete for the championship” and the coach was right. Alfred is nicknamed "Comet" bc his punches comes hard and fast and he has a record for the quickest knockout in boxing history. "Comet" also bc when a comet hits the atmosphere, u know, it's like this flashy thing in the sky n Alfred is flashy, he's COCKY, both in n outside the ring. He trashtalks his opponents before the match, verbally n with gestures taunts them in the ring, n shows no sportsmanship in his victories. If Alfred is fighting u know ur getting ur money’s worth, he’s an entertainer, he fights offensive bc that’s what ppl wanna see, his motto is “blood has never been so fun”.  A yea btw his coach is Arthur.
Matthew was born to a teenage mother and grew up in Canada. His dad wasn’t around a lot, even before the draft and even less after, which meant his mother had to work a lot to make everything work and since there wasn’t really many other adults in his life he often did what he wanted and skipped school frequently. He was an only-child so would spend majority of his time alone, taking long walks, skipping stones, drawing, window shopping, anything to pass the time. Since he didn’t want to bother his mother for money, he’d bet money that he could knock out some other kid, and used that money to buy stuff that he wanted. After a particular nasty fight, the state stepped in and deemed Matthew’s mother unfit to take care of a child and he was instead placed in a foster home. Matthew hated every second of it, the foster home wasn’t bad, but emotionally negligent and one day he said “fuck it” and decided to go back to his mother. He didn’t have a car or a bike or any other mean of transportation except his legs so he just started walking. When he finally came back home after 3 years in foster care and 2 weeks walking there, someone else had moved into his and his mother’s old apartment. They said his mother had begun dating some American not so long ago, and that he had convinced her to move to Washington with him. Matthew, having little else, decided to relocate to Washington. But Washington was big, and there were at least a thousand women with the same name as his mother. To make money he did what he had always done, he fought, and like Ludwig he got scouted in some bar at the age of 17. At first he didn’t want to go to NYC since the only reason he was in the US was to find his mother, but eventually yielded when he realised that if he became famous maybe his mother would see him in a newspaper somewhere n they would reunite. His nickname is “Scooper” bc he has a brutal uppercut.
Ivan is a third-generation immigrant whose grandparents fled Russia in the late 1800s. Both his grandparents and parents were musicians, all of them good enough to make a living off it and for Ivan it was obvious that he was going to grow up to be a musician too, he played the piano, trumpet, and contrabass. But then Ivan's father was killed in the last year of ww2, and Ivan's mother, now forced to support 3 kids n her own, had to abandon music and take up two jobs to make ends meet. Ivan lost most of his interest in music after his dad's death, but was dead-set on achieving the American dream of going from poverty to success. Since the only thing he really was good at was music, he tried his best to make it work, despite his efforts, it seemed he never could garner enough attention to make a living off it, he went to auditions, played for record companies, everything, but it just never became anything. He realised after a while that music just wasn't for him anymore, but had trouble finding anything else that he liked. Due to his size and intimidating demeanour, he was hired as a legbreaker for the mob (which paid good enough so his mother didn't have to work so much), and they were also the ones who put him onto boxing. Because of his association with the mob, nobody in boxing liked him, and it didn't help that he was very introverted. He tried his best to cut ties with the mob, but came to realise that it was harder said than done; he received bombs in his mails, he'd get shot at on the street, and relaxation just wasn't a part of his life. He actually has two nicknames, the public one "Bonecrusher" because he once hit an opponent's elbow hard enough to break his arm, and the one mostly used "Boogeyman" bc he's so scary to fight that he has his opponents TREMBLING as they climb into the ring. He also gets his gloves custom made bc his hands r so big.
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merrysithmas · 3 years
The good thing abt Steve and smth ppl are missing in the current discourse is he really did say Fuck America literally every chance he got and criticized the US govt every second he wore the suit and the govt absolutely hated him for it.
Even in the 40s he didnt want to kill anyone "for America", but as a disabled man couldn't fathom not standing up to the eugenicist Nazis. He wasn't politically motivated by nationalism but instead by human compassion. In fact, it is extremely likely he was highly critical of the US govt as a young man preserum given his impoverished life circumstances and constantly failing health. Living in NYC, seeing the shanty towns in Central Park, unable to afford life-saving medicine, watching Bucky and his mother kill themselves to make a nickle, surrounded by the radical leftist art scene in NY as an art student - Steve saw and lived injustice every day. And empathized with people who suffered different social misfortunes than he did (the woman crying in the movie theatre, "I don't like bullies", Peggy suffering sexism) although his personal list was extensive itself.
To him, the shield was always more of a philosophy and never attached to a specific country, which is what made it so easy for him to blow off 117 countries for Bucky, or tear the star from his chest yet defend the world in the vestiges of his armor against Thanos - he was fighting for what was right and not what was dictated by any country or political ideology (which is the main issue in Civil War with him being against the Accords, and one he was extremely well-positioned to understand having been used as a symbol and propaganda against his will many times, and having witnessed the dangers of state-sanctioned violence in WWII and CATWS. Even if Steve's argument was also faulty to an extent, you can absolutely see why he would argue for that perspective).
Steve was as FDR leftist artist in the Great Depression post Crash 1930s, disabled and chronically ill, diminutive and likely targeted by US eugenicits in NYC who vocally campaigned against disabled people being alive in the 30s (saying they should be sterilized or killed), son of an Irish immigrant single mother, lived in historically queer neighborhood of Brooklyn, an artist, and in the MCU coded as bi. He fights for whoever needs him, not for whoever tells him to. He was always highly critical and tongue-in-cheek/tired of the costume, drawing himself as the dancing monkey in CATFA ("Ready to follow 'Captain America' into the jaws of death?" he confides his mockery in Bucky, who heartwarmingly assures him that no, he is following Steve.) Steve continued to question, dog, and make trouble for the US continually after that until he wholeheartedly said Fuck You in CATWS and just dropped the shield (and never picked it up again until he handed it off to Sam, who he was confident could do something meaningful with it that he was not positioned to as a white man).
Steve visibly appears as a bygone era's "perfect man" and outright REJECTS both this supremacist definition and the shield's gatekeeping/the shield itself. Sam visibly appears as an "outsider" to exclusivist and systemically racist systems and yet EMBRACES the shield's potential. They are both radically standing up for the same cause in different ways and this comparison depicts why they are so closely aligned and best friends.
The irony of Steve Rogers as Captain America is hugely important to his character. In many ways, Steve is depicted as a reluctant hero who struggles with the strength of his own moral ideals versus the highly imperfect symbol he dons. This is different from other superheroes who usually self-create their alter egos as symbols of their more perfect, empowered selves.
In contrast, it is Steve's natural hardiness, independence, and righteous outrage in the face of wrongdoing which represents America's best ideals, but distinctly is opposed to its government which directs that he act as its image. As Steve holds the shield we see the image of a person who is critical of the govt for falling short of its principles and simultaneously embodies the ideal qualities that a equitable and free US is supposed to hold. Importantly, and definitively for his character, Steve as Cap shows how wanting the US really is for the goodness it robotically claims to have. And that is why he is important and impactful as Cap, essentially because he is uncomfortable with and critical of the costume.
The status of the suit often does not coincide with his personal beliefs. Yet he wears it to attempt to level up the system he is, for a while, mired in. Steve is not a patriot, not in the common sense of the world, he is instead a patriot of the humanist cause. This puts him on-site for many enemies, including those domestic to him and thus defines him as a hero.
Though his physical appearance suggests that he might wear the suit with a blind nationalist fervor a la John Walker (depicted as a perfect automaton soldier), Steve could not be further from that mindset (a good individualist man). As a now "perfect specimen" poised to be accepted and revered, Steve has the ability to choose an easy life where he is free of the hardships and ostracization he endured preserum. Yet instead, post CACW, Steve chose to continue to stand on the side of progress, the "little guy", to abandon the shield and now finally proudly embrace his pariah status and fight for those pushed aside or deemed unsalvagable or scapegoated (symbolized by Bucky) as he recognizes that while America's rule may benefit some, it still causes other to suffer and struggle (as he once did).
Not to mention, as a meta point, he was crafted as the "perfect man" from a sick, disenfranchised disabled boy who absolutely loathed Nazis by Jewish comic artists to mock the Nazi Aryan ideal - inverting their eugenicist visual image of perfection by empowering someone Nazis would view as worthless to burn their entire evil regime to ash.
He still, today, stands staunchly at odds with far right extremists and fascists in the US today and worldwide. He's the furthest thing from them and he'd have no problem in showing it. Choosing Sam as his successor, proudly, confidently, lovingly, and as a brother in arms who steps back so others can speak for themselves and tell their own stories, Steve shows his cultural and political understanding and his good heart once again - this time as an ally, friend, and a champion of the heroics of others.
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket Manga Review , ch 111
sigh~~~ I feel that my recent posts are a bit negative towards the anime, but thats cuz the chapters I’ve read so far are either unbelievably important character depth content cut for no valid reason or content in the anime but packed with million other things that it lost its purpose or importance. Basically tohu’s ep 6 which consists of 4 chapters & now ep 5 which is a momiji ep & yup, packed with 4 chapters as well... so, I apologize for any negativity, my intention is just analyzing artistic & story-telling aspects, I love se03, but yeah it screwed up lots of important characters due to its not so thorough plot decisions & harmful character insight choices.
today.. we explore Momiji... but only before his curse breaks.
Furuba anime struggling to know how to design an episode based on various plot-heavy chapters?
so, they decided 13 eps, & decided one ep for momiji cuz motoko’s graduation & the fanclub is the core of the furuba & have already cut tons of tohru, cuz who cares? she’s kind. be like her. end of lesson. No. really, jokes aside, how to do this?
How to combine several chapters in one ep? collect small snippets from chosen chapters/content like a bee does flowers? you gotta skip some content, you gotta highlight others. The ep is only 20 min after all & you got an op & Ed that you cant always skip.... so.. furuba team decide that momoji’s ep should be true to his zodiac animal, this is the rabbits last appearance in spirit. so, they went with quick hopping from one chapter to the other like a rabbit?
No really, ep 5 is really like a rabbit in its flow, you can’t savior a moment enough before jumping to the other: we learned momiji grew up!! loves toheu romantically, challenged kyo, really meant it, wanted a fair love game, got freed, lost tohru romantically & faced momiji! but that’s not all? we still have space!! quick add akito’s moodiness & love triangle with her dog & her submissive bed partner, add a happy comedy for no reason whatever & make shigue kiss tohru & wish shes 'was his lover instead!!!!!!!!! Mind you all this happened in the anime before shigure hurt tohru with his “the truth of the zodiacs talk & them accepting & feeling consolance that kyo is doomed”talk. 
-Gets whats my biggest surprise after reading this chapter ?????????
Shigure is consistent!! He isnt a rabbit hopping here & there. The dog is loyal & is tired for good reason! Him being depressed & his weird talk with thoru makes so much sense given the manga’s order.
Kyo is consistent!! In the anime, momiji surprise him with confession he loves tohru & challenge him, then kyo la~la~la~joins them downstairs for curry. Not a single expression on his face, where is the expression? it will appear when the plot is forced to address it: by the end of the ep when momiji face hin again. Then we get kyo’s reaction.
I need someone to tell the anime that actions require a reaction. You can refrain from showing a certain reaction if you can’t address it now, but you can’t erase it, negate it, then make it appear when have to!!!! couldn’t they make kyo refuse to join them & eat together? the     other characters wont be surprised they think he’s needlessly moody. The audience will know that kyo is troubled with momiji’s challenged & it will excite them!!! having kyo just go eat & watch the momiji/hiro/haru/yuki comedy skit is weird.
The manga’s author wanted kyo to join the dinner, like the anime did. but huge difference. the author actually cares for logic reaction & understands that the audience aren’t dumb little kids that will sit & wait for kyo’s turn to...react! nope! she did this: (a) & (b) below.
-Lost Small Bits/ Panels from the chapter.. But Sadly Big Huge Chunks for Characters buildup & Growth:
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(a) addressed the fact the hiro noticed kyoru is in love & dressed that shigure was right!! the cat being in love is a weird concept to the zodiacs! hiro reacted naturally & the author used hiro to flesh yuki’s (the rat), momiji’s (the rabbit) & haru’s (the cow) decision to silently watch the kyo (the cat) makes his own decisions to live!!! They won’t interfere or tell akito or remind him of his state as the doomed caged cat. So sad this moment is cut from yuki. Why must yuki only interact with kyo to beat him (all seasons)? why must yuki only think of kyo to envy him (all seasons) ? Here, yuki’s growth towards kyo as a person & his relationship with tohru is 1000 times better than all tohru is my mom’s sh!t & I envy kyo’s Sh!t we saw in the anime over & over till we memorized it.
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(b) kyo didnt just go la~la~eat with momiji after knowing he loves tohru. Nope, there’s small bits missing: called logical emotional reaction. He was surprised he’s caught pining over tohru! cuz yuki, the audience representative, has told us in the previous chapter that ppl in love dont notice anything around them. Kyo thinks him being cold hid his feelings. the dummy’s feelings are as bright as the sun in the Sahara, tohru too. a child read her! such small thing that wont take much space from the ep but was cut cuz kyo only needs to be responsive at the ep’s end. & this scene of kyo & tohru looking awkwardly at each other is minor in space but so important cuz kyo is determined to let go but his decision is challenged by not only momiji, but his natural attraction to tohru. Here he knows he’s caught & exposed... here he knows momiji is a better choice for tohru cuz he wont didn’t hurt her mom... here he knows that even yuki is better cuz never had to pretend to be cold to her... here he knows the world is better than him... & here he just cant help by smile & walks towards her... T_T ... another lesson in writing slow burns by Takaya-san.
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-Why would the anime team pass on this?? drawing kyoru closer after the epic tear in Cinderella ep, cuz they want empty suspense~! The anime team thinks that if kyo & tohru stand next to each other, then it means all their issues are solved & the audience are so stupid as to forget tohru’s mom, kyo’s imprisonment, kyo not confessing his sins to tohru & tohru’s need to make a choice wether to fogive hom or not.. nope! you see, they think, ppl who read mangas are smart, so the author can give this epic symbolism & pp would still be not sure kyoru is end game & tohru will forgive him or kyo even fogive himself, but ppl who watch, oh no, gotta cut all the plot worthy content, produce a graduation song for a minor character, cut all kyo/tohru interaction cuz it only means romance & not at all character depth & oh if we show yuki actually formulating deep thoughts that aren’t centered around him, the audience might forget his se02 struggles! or that might ruin yuki’s upcoming growth moment in the finale where he .. you guessed it hits kyo.. as he always do & sulk &  think abt himself cuz yuki can only do monologues when he’s directly involved.... man~it is so sad how the anime is dumped down.. Who is the target audience again? not kids as young as hiro cuz even hiro is smart!
-just look:
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 Momiji talks abt kyo shouldn't give up loving tohru & the authr shows this this ghost!!! his mom! The author reminds us that kyo isnt da~~~~ forgetting anything. He’s a deeply troubled soul & hos mom wants him locked cuz she too was locked in a cage & thinks that’s safer...why oh why you dump ur own story! sh!t~
Side Notes:
I like the closeups on Kisa’s face as she interacted with kyo. It’s very rare for kisa to have a world beside the endearing parental/big protective bro/big doting sister love she has with tohru & haru & off course the romantic love with hiro which was perhaps since their birth or sth. lol.  Kisa & kyo arent much on the brotherly side as they rarely interact, but its one of those  refreshing  interactions she has that helps cast a new light on her as tiny as it is,  but its sth out of the norm around her. She sees him  around tohru & gets to perceive his true unprovoked character. “He is  nice guy”.
I really wanted to punch kureno this chapter.. like Shigure is a jerk shitty dog for sleeping with akito’s mom but kureno... dude.. you submissively sleep with the guy’s eternal love interest & still walks in on him talking to her!!! lol. you’re mentally, emotionally & physically weaker than him & yet, she puts you on her bed, not him & you, tho not wanting her at all, dont walk away. No wonder shigure is defeated & wishing for someone like tohru, lol! Even if shigure met an older tohru-like person, it wont work. shigure deserve someone like him mean, schemer & loves playing power games. Tohru is someone who values honesty & commutation, not saying she’s an angel on earth, but tohru knows who suits her.. except fate is saying: NO. .... currently. lol.
I know kureno’s weakness is part of his character & I love that such characters exits. There are ppl ike that in real life. It’s just this chapter, I felt shigure’s frustration. XD
Yuki in this ep is the best yuki. no exaggeration here, I love when yuki is calmly thoughtful of others & here its kyo of all ppl !!!! cutting this scene is sad.. without it, kyo & yuki remain a cat & rat in the anime. Only ever thinking abt each other thro envious binoculars or hateful words or yuki giving kyo comedic hitting or life’s problem-solving hitting. Why can’t anime yuki be interactive outside his self-centered issues is beyond me.
Momiji & kyo’s interactions are always the best! whether comedy or drama.
I hated the curry cooking scene in the anime... so weirdly out of the ep’s flow.. very forced comedy... in the manga it had a purpose! not just quick add comedy cuz next shot momiji curse breaks & drama & we’ll close the ep with tears & sadness & glimpses of hope...
I love haru’s answer to hiro... so him.. “a guy can’t fall in love?”so chill.. so..simple.
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realcube · 4 years
soft haikyuu!! boys with a baddie* s/o  😈
characters:  yamaguchi, hinata, suga, akaashi, nishinoya & tendou
tw// swearing
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*(a/n): anon requested a kinda sassy, sarcastic reader and verbatim ‘she is basically a salt bag, but she also has like some sugar’  so i simplified that down to baddie :) so the reader isn’t really a delinquent but they are a bit rough around the edges uffabvrslbv 
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Tadashi Yamaguchi
he definitely thinks you’re really cool and he wants to be just like you :O
bc you give off ‘bad bitch who doesn’t care about what other ppl think about them’ energy and what he would give tO HAVE THAT!!
so that’s when he knew he needed to be your friend >:) 
so he was like ‘tsukki, go talk to (y/n) for me >:)’ thinking that was his first step to becoming confident pfft
luckily, god was on his side though bc the teacher rearranged the seats and you and him were sitting next to each other 
hence, he got the opportunity to talk to you without it seeming too forced
you both fell for each other so hard
like he would act tough to try impress you but you preferred his natural softness while you tried to act uncharacteristically docile so you wouldn’t scare him off but he liked you for your boldness 
it was a match made in heaven 💞
he eventually worked up the courage to ask you out one day and y’all have just been falling more ever since
although, that doesn’t mean yamaguchi’s forgotten one of the main reasons he wanted to be with you in the first place
‘please teach me your ways, (y/n)!’ he pleaded, his head resting on your lap so you had to cover his puppy-eyes with your phone
‘no, tadashi. firstly, you’re sweet and gentle- you’re just built like that. secondly, i don’t have any ‘ways’ to teach you!’
yamaguchi continued to pry, ‘then how are you just so effortlessly self-assured?’
‘who told you that, tadashi?’
‘no one.’ yamaguchi poked the back of your hand to get you to move it, ‘but remember that time one of the guys in our class tried to make fun of the size of your head and you told him to shut up?’
you rolled your eyes, setting your phone aside before placing a brief kiss on yamaguchi’s forehead, ‘he said he couldn’t see the board because of my ‘big head’, tadashi; that’s hardly an insult. also, what else could i have possibly said other than that?’
but then you remembered this is yamaguchi you’re talking to; if that was him, he’d probably apologise, move his head aside then cry in the bathroom or sumn.
‘i should be the one asking you why you’re so insecure. i mean, i know everyone is a little bit insecure about something but you just take it to a whole other level.’ you mused, absentmindedly massaging his scalp
yamaguchi frowned, ‘exactly! teach me how to stop being insecure.’
‘no please, no thank you?’ you inquired with a snicker, realising that your habits might of accidentally rubbed off on him
bc just a few weeks ago, he’d be thanking you for breathing the same air as him but now he didn’t even say ‘please’ when asking for a favour 
‘please teach me how to be resilient, (y/n).’
you chuckled, leaning down to whisper in his ear, ‘okay, since you’re so polite, i’ll tell you my secret - but promise not to tell anybody else!.’
‘i promise.’ yamaguchi replied without hesitation
‘okay, first thing you need to do is go to the depths of hell and find satan hims--’ 
yamaguchi let out a sigh as he realised that you weren’t being serious then playfully flicked your forehead away, ‘rude.’
you beamed, pressing another kiss upon his forehead, ‘i know~’
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Shōyō Hinata
let’s not pretend hinata wasn’t shitting his pants when he first heard about you from kageyama
‘they called me a shitty setter the other day.’
but kageyama failed to mention the part where he cut you in line for lunch 🙄 mans had it coming
like hinata genuinely thought that if he came within a 5 foot radius of you, you’d literally come for volleyball career
plus, hinata knew he had a lot of things to be insults on (mostly, his height) so he decided to keep his distance at first 
but when he actually saw you - rather than a vague description that kageyama conjured - he kinda fell head over heels
well, not only bc of your looks - he isn’t that shallow
but the same day, you dropped your purse/wallet on the walk home and ,mhsince hinata was walking behind you, he acted as any good Samaritan would; picked it up then handed it to you 
then you said something along the lines of ‘thanks, shorty.’
not shawty. lord- shorty as in short with a y at the end
and whether you meant that as a dig or not was beyond him - but either way, he fkn adored it 
also it doesn’t matter whether you are taller or shorter than hinata- he is still short-stuff >:)
by some miracle he managed to ask you out successfully and he’s kinda been glued to you ever since
like he wants to spend every second that he’s not at volleyball club/school with you 
and if you tell him he’s being clingy, he’s going to cry-
nonono jk jk
he’d probably be a bit offended but then give you your space
also, you noticed how he was really endeared by the tad mean nicknames you gave him like ‘shorty’, ‘short stuff’ and ‘ginger’
the only ones he didn’t like was ‘boke’ or ‘dumbass’ bc it reminded him too much of kageyama + tsukishima
so you started calling him these things - teasingly - more frequently 
and he loves it ngl
as long as you aren’t truly mean to him, he enjoys being called these things by you for some reason
so, his first mistake was assuming that you’d like being called these joking nicknames just as much as he does
you were helping him with english once and it’s definitely not his strong suit
same, hinata
‘look at that! you spelt all your vocabs correctly, for a change.’ you commented, peering over the desk at the paper sitting in front of him
his eyes widened and his lips curled into a hopeful smile, ‘really?!’
‘no.’ you snickered, pointing to the first word on the list. ‘your word was taxis - you wrote ‘texas’, dumbass.’
hinata let out an exasperated sigh, propping his elbow onto the table to rest his cheek on his palm
then, he had an idea ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
‘alright, stupidface, should i rewrite them?’
you gasped, furrowing your brows at what he just called you 
for a moment, you thought you might’ve misheard him but upon observing his smug expression, you realised that he really did just call you a ‘stupidface’ 
so you burst out laughing 
obviously, hinata was rather shocked at your reaction
‘hey! what’s so funny?’
‘di- di- did you just call me a ‘stupidface’?!’ you panted in-between cackles, clutching your stomach to soothe the butterflies
hinata jutted out his bottom lip and folding his arms over his chest, ‘yeah, what about it?’
‘that is so cute!- do it again!’ you demanded, enthusiastically slamming your fist against the desk
‘IT’S NOT CUTE!’ hinata barked, playfully flicking your forehead 
once you caught your breath, you took hinata’s hands and looked him dead in the eyes, ‘you’re fucking adorable, shōyō.’
the hoarseness of your voice making it sound like somewhat of a threat 
‘you’re adorable-er, (y/n).’
‘i know.’
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Kōshi Sugawara 
he admires how strong and independent you are/seem 😍
and the fact you don’t go out of your way to suck-up to ppl 
he kinda wants to be like you in that sense but unlike yamaguchi, he accepts that he’s way too much of a people pleaser for that lol
so he sticks to admiring you from afar
then he musters up the courage to ask you out with some chocolate cupcakes; the same kind that you accidentally got on his blazer on the first day of second year :))
and you say yes (╯▽╰ )
also a big part of your relationship is aggressive positivity ✨😡
like if he makes a joke about looking crusty, you’ll promptly respond, ‘shut up, kōshi - you look so hot.’
or if you berate yourself for getting a poor mark on a test, suga will interrupt with no hesitation, ‘fuck off, (y/n), you’re literally so smart and hard working - you’ll probably get 100% on the next test.’
also when he’s around you he switches between canon and fanon suga rapidly 
one second he’s like ‘aww, are you stressed bc of school? i’ll bake you some cookies, baby--’ then you’ll jokingly make a comment about his post-practise B.O and he’ll literally get so defensive
ISVBFELIAEA plz he is too much ✋
he just prides himself in smelling like ocean breeze 99% of the time so you really didn’t need to hurt his feelings like that when you caught him lackin c’mon LMAO
‘wait so are we making cookies or not?’ you inquired, stifling a snicker at his little diva moment
‘ofc we are 🥺’  
he’ll probably use red icing on one of the cookies to draw a ‘>:(’ face then hand it to you, saying that he drew you
he’ll also break of bits of his own cookie and feed it to you’re doing something that requires both hands like typing, homework, dishes etc
whether you eat it from his hand happily, decline his offer or bite his fingers off is really up to you 
and over time, he probably picks up on some of your traits too
especially being more straight-forward 
the team will never forget the first time he was chatting about something with the vice principle and ‘sorry, but i don’t remember asking’  fell from his lips 
everyone was shocked :o
tsukishima, tanaka & noya were so impressed tho
and so were you IVBEAOGVRN
‘wow, suga. you wanna be me so bad.’ you gloated, pressing your hand against your chest 
‘GAEIVBSLR leave me alone.’ he growled, toiling over the apology letter he was currently writing to the vice principal
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Keiji Akaashi 
he wanted you to be the dark academia to his light academia pfft
it was very much love at first sight btw 
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ soulmates  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
the embodiment of opposites attract
he’d write you a poem/love letter to ask you out lol
‘you’re so sappy and lame, akaashi’ you scoffed in attempt to hide the smile that was tugging at the corners of your lips as your eyes finally parted from the letter to meet his 
he couldn’t help but chuckle, ‘so is that a no?’
‘-nonono!’ you shook your head rapidly, hastily correcting him, ‘it’s a yes.’
honestly, he acted all nonchalant on the outside, but akaashi would’ve been devastated if you rejected him
like he constantly tried to remind himself that you would probably say no, i mean he thought you were way out of his league. plus, it didn’t seem as though you were as much of a romantic as him
but fortunately, apart of him stayed hopeful 
now he was cuddled up beside you on a cold winters’ evening, casually drinking is hot cocoa as you both watched a disney movie (❤´艸`❤)
he’s the type to not even care or retort if you call him stupid or whatever
as long as your context makes it clear that you’re joking 
he’d never call you those names back though ✋
to him, you’re always gonna be ‘love’ or ‘sweetheart’
also, he’s probably equally as sarcastic as you so that’s not an issue 
ngl he probably gets really insecure when you’re hesitant about PDA tho
like he just wants to hold your hand but he doesn’t want to force it upon you and make you uncomfortable 🥺
but also, perhaps you’re too embarrassed by him to kiss him in public 
so please occasionally reassure him that you love him (;′⌒`) that always washes all his worries away 
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Yū Nishinoya
it’s literally canon that he likes ppl who show 0 interest in him (kiyoko, tsukki etc)
so it shouldn’t be surprising that he’s all over you after that one time you called him a midget 
to be fair, he had it coming - he stepped on your fkn toe >:(( 
he does everything in his power to impress you and get you to take back what you said 
‘hey, (y/n)!’ he calls out to you in the middle of the bustling lunch hall, ‘could a midget do this?!’ *backflips off the table*
or when he demanded that you come to one of his volleyball games so you could see what he’s capable of and whenever he makes a good receive, he turns to look at you in the stands and winks/ points
or when he actually studies for a test just so he can flaunt his slightly above average grade to you 
‘look, (y/n), i got a 49%!’ he waves a paper in front of your face, which you stare at before lowering your gaze onto your 95%.
but ngl..he really brings out that lil’ bit of sugar in you 
‘well done, noya.’ you choked out feeling your dignity slowly fade in your chest
he’s just so enthusiastic and charming how can you be mean to him 🥺
to his face, at least
as soon as he leaves you beef about him to your friends
‘he is so annoyingly bodacious - audacious! why does he feel the need to show me all of his achievements like i care??? and why does he have to be so cute while doing it???’
‘do you think you maybe have a teeny-tiny crush on him?--’
nishinoya probably asks you out pretty casually like ‘lemme take you bowling this saturday and i can show how good i am at that too!’ he offered with a bright, bold smile
‘sure, whatever.’
‘kay! it’s a date!’
‘wut-’ but before you could question him further, he sped off
nishinoya really likes to fluster and tease you 
you’ll be sitting waiting for him at the park or whatever and he’ll swagger in and shout something like ‘how’s my gorgeous s/o doing today?! i hope you weren’t waiting for me too long!--’
then you’ll have to quickly shush him before everyone with a 7 feet radius is looking at you judgementally 
he also likes to call you the most extra nicknames just to see you blush
‘good morning, my beautiful, divine, radiant god(dess) who i worship every morning of my life!~’ he sung as he waltzed into your classroom to spend lunch with you 
but he only does that bc you are so dismissive of his advances lol
like if you openly adored his kisses and nicknames, he’d probably do them sparingly  
oh and he calls you ‘my hunny bunny’ too - don’t ask why 
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Satori Tendō
you gave him your number/snap for a project and he’s one of those ppl that just assumes that y’all are friend now lol
but that wasn’t nessicarily a bad thing bc you thought he was really cool and you were happy that you still got to talk to him even after the project was over 
not that you’d ever admit it tho (╹ڡ╹ )
he’d send you cursed memes at 3AM and you’d reply like ‘mood’  then he’d fall for you 
you’d also have random, deep convos in the middle of the night 
hence he fell for you even harder 
especially bc he basically just shared his whole life story with you 
he’d spill out all his insecurities to you then you’d reply like ‘ok’ then he knew he had to ask you out bc you’re the first person not to have left him on read
so he asked you to meet him in the park and you’d reply ‘no lol  🖕 ‘ 
then he’d just smile at his phone like ‘wow, they’re so in love with me’
he’s just so used to his friends being mean to him jokingly that he can’t even tell if you’re being serious or not
so he goes to the park at the time he put forward, and ofc you’re there even though you said no bc you didn’t want tendō to show up for nothing 🥺
he was ecstatic that you were there and he probably brought you an energy drink or lollipop then asked you out
and ofc you said yes
i mean- you had kinda developed a soft spot for the poor guy 
you’d let him get away with certain things that others couldn’t around you 
for instance, you’d let him borrow your pencils/pens despite usually not allowing others to get ahold of your stuff
but that was just coz like- he’s your trustworthy bf- not some random classmate who had no reason or motive to be kind enough to return your pencils 
also, you’d let him cut in front of you in the lunch line and he did the same for you
oh and please bully anyone who makes fun of him 🙏
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Peter Parker’s Younger Sibling
Peter Parker x sibling!reader
warnings: bullying mention, blood mention
a/n: a fuckin reach, its been a WHILE since ive seen tasm
prompt: y/n is peter’s sibling
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peter and you were playful kids
you were just a year and some months younger than him, so you had a harder time remembering your parents than him
but he always told you stories about them that made you miss them a little more
peter was a genius, we all know it
he was the one helping you with your homework most nights
“peter i cant do it!”
“that’s okay, y/n. look, start with two times four, that’s eight, then four times six, twenty-four, right?”
“can i say a cuss word?”
“math is shit��
you would cry during homework a lot
you’d also pass out on his floor after talking for hours
and you’d either wake up facedown on the floor or in your room since uncle ben would pick you up and put you to bed
peter took it upon himself to take you back to your room, but he usually dragged you by the arm, sooooo
you’d play action figures together
he was batman, you were robin always
“can i be batman?”
“oldest gets to be batman so im batman”
“but i wanna be batman!”
peter walked you to your school before taking off on his skateboard
and he’d pick you up on his way home
on half-days your brother taught you how to skate
you fell a lot
aunt may had to patch you up
“how many times do i have to tell you those skateboards are dangerous?!”
peter got you your own skateboard so that you could practice without him
you would text him after you did a trick and he’d always say hell yes! show me when i get home!
being his photography assistant
really you were his assistant constantly
science fair was the most boring day of the year
“y/n, stand right here, i need to get something from my locker”
*judges walk up while youre left unattended and in a state of PANIC*
you were bullied in middle school, same as peter, he’d always stick up for you and get beat up instead
it made you very mad but it was scary, too
“how’d you get into this fight, peter?”
“oh, you know, just happened”
“peter was sticking up for me, uncle ben”
“was he now? you’re a good brother, peter”
lonely when he moved onto high school :/
but you got there soon enough
you guys were kind of loners, just ate lunch together, lugged around your skateboards, you were an artist, he was a photographer
just spectating the chaos of high school, rolling your eyes at the drama
“i have two bucks, do you want anything from the vending machine?”
“uhh, a coke?”
you saw peter get bullied by flash and lost your shitttt
you actually started a food fight after throwing mashed potatoes in his eyes
“what the hell, parker?!”
“sit down and eat your goddamn food, flash, or next time it wont be potatoes”
peter was half-proud, half-embarrassed
trying to see how long you could skate through the halls before any authority figures stopped you
sometimes......you guys got sent to the office together :)
*phone ringing* “hello, is this ben parker?”
“which one of them is it this time?”
the principal’s office was a trip sometimes
you and peter exchange your glances and wait to get scolded
“ah, the parkers, come in, lets have a chat...why do you two always feel the need to get in trouble together?”
“we just happen to get along really well for siblings”
no you fuckin dont lmaoooo
it was always something with you two
like always
*banging on peter’s door* “I KNOW YOU HAVE MY BROWNIES, PETER, GIVE THEM BACK”
*peter through a mouthful of brownies* “I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOURE TALKING ABOUT, YOURE CRAZY”
“is that my jacket?” -peter
“you mean my jacket?”
“y/n, i swear to god if you steal any more of my clothes it’s over for you”
“well, aunt may keeps giving me your clothes, so take it up with her”
and then there was just the little annoying things
“peter, can you stop clicking your pen?”
*clicks pen faster*
“you’re the worst”
and my personal favorite
“peter, open the door”
*opens bedroom door* “what?”
“aunt may is making meatloaf”
“shit, uh...get your board, we’ll skate to mcdonalds and tell her we already ate”
peter and you RARELY ever brought your parents up until he found your dad’s briefcase, you didn’t have much to say
soon he was flooding his room with conspiracies and pulling you in to explain them
he began acting REALLY weird, but he was pretty open with you, he told you he went to oscorp
“your standards for me are way too high, y/n”
soon you started to feel not-so-good and weird things started to happen
“yeah? whats up?”
“this is gonna sound really weird...my hand is stuck to the door”
“it happened to you, too??”
“happening, pete. wait—this happened to you?? what is this???????”
yall done fucked up and got bit by spiders peter had so carelessly brought back into the house
it was an adjustment to say the least
and this adjustment got a whole lot harder that one night...you can remember peter just...so upset
you tried to chase him out to make sure he was okay, but uncle ben told you to stay with your aunt
maybe if you’d have been there...it would’ve been different, but when the cops got to your house you were at a loss for words
peter was covered in his blood still
“hey, hey, just breathe, okay? it’s not your fault, peter. just hop in the shower, yeah? i’ll take care of your clothes”
when peter took your advice and you were left alone, you just cried, you cried until he finally found you curled up in a ball in your room
then he cried, you just hugged each other sobbing your eyes out
peter got distant for a while, which was rough since the two of your were mourning for your uncle and dealing with these newfound powers
sooner or later he came around and helped you out, designing webshooters and a suit for you
“we match?”
*sigh* “yeah...yeah, we match”
ah yes, spider-team
you really tripped out new york at first, they thought spider-man was a teleporter
peter was still talking about your dad, but you really didn’t care, uncle ben was always going to be who raised you
you and peter would be covered in bruises after going out
“uh—peter punched me”
just being dumb scared teens that cant function to save their lives until they get a little bit lucky
seriously like, every big villain you guys fought was just the worst
peter didn’t help all the time, he was good at provoking them sometimes
“hey, spider-man, you mind shutting up for a minute? for my sake?”
“sorry, sorry, just couldn’t help myself!”
he gushed to you about gwen stacy, he actually dragged you to her apartment to be patched up by her SEVERAL TIMES
yadda yadda yadda peter graduated high school! how cool is that? but he was late (what a surprise) even though you put off spidering today just for this
but he made it and you clapped the loudest for him
“thats my brotherrrr!!!”
cute family picture! (aunt may printed a bunch of them and gave them to you two and peter pinned them to his wall)
you and peter actually have a lot of pictures of the two of you just goofing off
he has one of you stuck in a trash can that cracks him up every time
seeing harry osborn again after YEARS
“wow, y/n, last time i saw you i just thought you were peter’s annoying little sibling”
“aww, it’s good to see you, too”
this guy really worried you bc like, bzzzz shock
you and peter weren’t equipped for that
it took a while, but you were finally able to deal with that
and several other problems
including peter’s breakup, which was a whole ordeal of its own
*peter laying upside down on your bed* “i dont know, y/n, you know? i wanna be with her so bad, i love her...but her dad is haunting me”
*you, drawing on your notepad with your legs propped up on his* “yeah, makes sense”
you actually had to tap out during the end of electro, you were hurt pretty bad
“y/n, hey? yeah, you’re okay. stay here, just stay right there, i’m gonna be back for you”
*thumbs up to show youre still alive*
but when peter came back for you there was bad news, he’d lost gwen
he ripped his mask off and fell to his knees, you could barely move but you powered through it, giving him a hug while he cried
“we...we better get home before aunt may starts to worry”
she was at work, so you two had the place to yourselves to clean up and mourn before the official news was revealed
“i should have listened to her dad, y/n, this is all my fault”
he was a mess, you couldn’t bare seeing him like this. it’s been so long since you’d seen him like this
the funeral was rough, peter was grasping onto your shoulder the whole time
he insisted that he was going to stick behind and stay with gwen for a while
“okay, i’ll see you at home...love you”
“love you too”
you gave him a hug and left him to his business, the next few months you were the only spider-person operating in new york...until rhino popped up
“im coming with you”
“you’re sure?”
“yeah, im sure”
(these are kinda ass but anyways im tagging my marvel ppl even tho ik this isnt mcu so just ignore this post if you dont care, sorry!!)
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @allthecreativeonesaretaken // @frostedgiant // @praellee // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs //
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Ok so Camille’s an asshole on that we can all agree, but I’m really tired of people in the fandom acting like she’s just your typical annoying ex and she makes poor uwu Alec feel insecure cause fuck that. Camille was 100% abusive and manipulative but I also think she was sexually abusive too I mean seeing what she did to Simon and kissing Magnus without his consent even though he was clearly uncomfortable, consent doesn’t really seem to be an issue for her-
I feel like she definitely manipulated his fear of loneliness and not being good enough, to suit her needs. Like Magnus isn’t in the mood for sex or it’s especially triggering on a certain day, either way he’s not up for it but Camille makes him do it anyway. She threatens to leave or go find someone else who can fulfill her needs or take care of her when Magnus won’t, ‘I mean does he even love her when he won’t do this one simple thing for her?’ 
So he just lets her do what she wants, even if he’s having a full blown panic attack Camille doesn’t care or she’ll just leave insulting him saying she can’t deal with this right now and leaving Magnus with no idea when or if she’ll be back. So the next time she asks he hesitates less or initiates it more even when he’s not in the mood so she won’t leave and yeah I have a lot of emotions relating to this. and now I’m thinking about how it’ll affect his future relationships, not even talking about Alec but other people - I have this headcanon where when he got away from Camille and is healing, him ragnor and Catarina live together in ragnors cottage or somewhere away from people for awhile so Magnus can slowly heal and focus on himself and unlearn Camille’s abuse with the help of his family 
But despite what this fandom says Magnus has always been a helper and a selfless person to the point of self destruction. He’s unable to prioritise his own health and he wouldn’t be able to slow down and feel the full force of the abuse he experienced cause he feels like he’ll fall apart if he does and ‘no one wants a pathetic crybaby who breaks down when someone moves their hand too fast in his direction it wasn’t even that bad he’s just exaggerating like he always does this is why Camille doesn’t love him back’ (the ‘’ parts were meant to be strikethrough to signify Magnus’ inner thoughts but that doesn’t work on asks)
And he’s scared to get in another relationship cause he doesn’t think he’d be able to speak up for himself if they turned violent or controlling, he’s scared that if they did he’d just let them so he closes himself off from people puts these walls around him and a bright smile on his face that doesn’t let anyone think there’s anything wrong. And theres so much pain going on in the world ‘they have it much worse than him anyway’ and Magnus tries to help the best he can as he always does and he’s always there for people to lean on without any reciprocation and he’s so emotionally and physically tired and he’s not sure how much longer he can take it, almost considers going back to blackfairs bridge ‘really he’d be doing the world a favour’ but theres too many bad memories and he promised his family he would try so he holds on and then he finds Raphael and that obviously doesn’t fix everything but- I was going to continue this but it’s two am in my country and honesty it’s too long already😅 sorry for the rant it’s just a lot of emotions. Im so tired of the ‘Camille’s an annoying ex who keeps getting in the way of my favourite gay ship😠’ metas and needed to let out some feelings before I explode from my hate for Camille
UGH ANON HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE NOT ONLY A GENIUS BUT ALSO MY NEW BEST FRIEND, AN INTELLECTUAL, AND COMPLETELY RIGHT. YOU ARE SO CORRECT!!! idk if uve read my other post that i posted while i was waiting for you but we no longer have the same hat we are SHARING the hat!! i can't believe i got this ask right after i had just made that long ass rant and was in so much need to talk about this like ugh are you my guardian angel. i love you more than anyone else ive ever met
ok ok ok coherent thoughts ok i can do this. first of all THE SALT how does it feel to have vision and coherency. ppl writing camille as just an annoying ex or a bad ex or even as like "oh they both made mistakes and it ended up terrible" drives me UP THE WALL. camille was explicitly abusive, so much so that magnus CANONICALLY WAS UNABLE TO ALLOW PEOPLE TO GET CLOSE TO HIM FOR ALMOST A CENTURY. and she was shown to be abusive, both in the physical sense as you have reminded us so brilliantly and in the sense that her whole "choose me" speech? like she doesn't have to literally say the words "no one but me would ever love you" for that to be exactly what she's saying. she's obviously playing with his insecurities and putting him down while presenting her as his savior, it's CLASSIC ABUSE. she was written as such a perfect to-the-book abuser that it honestly shocks me like they did that really all they ticked all the boxes. the way she immediately launched to talk about alec's mortality too, the way she was obviously trying to make them fight and draw them apart - it wasn't a jealousy thing, it is just that she's abusive and she wants him isolated so she can toy with him and manipulate him 
EVEN SALTIER WHEN THEY MAKE IT ABOUT ALEC BEING INSECURE LIKE. especially because canonically he literally watched camille kiss magnus and didn't care, which was sexy of him because i was dreading some jealousy drama or something but instead he was just like. obviously she did it to hurt you. i only care in the sense that she's a fucking bitch. we stan! 
as for how she treated him! oof i think the same thing with the same words dioajdsaoij it always circled back to "why can't you do this for me?" in and outside of sex - i mentioned that in a conversation in the comments of my other post but i think that with camille the sexual abuse was really just an extension of the regular abuse, so they bleed together and are not really separable in that sense. at every turn, he had to prove his worth, and she used his fear of loneliness both in the sense that she amplified it and made it seem like the only way to not be lonely was to be with her, and that she gave him just enough for him not to feel desperately lonely so she could string him along. not to mention, they both always go back to how magnus supposedly "owes" her, and yes, it's because of the bridge, of course, but there's also that underlying tone of "because she put up with him and gave him affection when no one else would". even when what she did was nowhere close to real affection. so it's both the bridge and the after. she could have saved him and left, but she stayed. that's why he feels he owes her, and she will absolutely use it
AND UR SO RIGHT ABOUT MAGNUS BEING UNABLE TO PRIORITIZE HIS OWN HEALTH UGH UGH UGH UGH like he has no choice for a while because she left him fucking broken and seeing the way she treats him and the amount of shit he puts up with i can only imagine how far she had to go for him to reach a breaking point and leave her for real. but as soon as he could pretend to have himself together he just threw himself out there. and i believe that he felt guilty for having catarina and ragnor take care of him when he abandoned them because of camille - obviously that's not what happened, she manipulated him into staying away from them, made his life hell whenever he wanted to hang out with them until he no longer had the energy to put up a fight to keep in contact with the people he loves, but it's what he feels that happened, and most likely what camille herself eventually started to tell him happened once they had been pulled away enough. ("you're gonna leave me? and go back to who? your little friends who tried to pit you against me from day one? they're just gonna say 'i told you so', magnus. and why would they take you back when you left them before? when was the last time you even saw them? you chose this, you chose me, and now you're gonna come back to them and expect them to welcome you with open arms? you selfish little prick")
AND RAPHAEL!!! raphael was so important, honestly, we say that magnus didn't let anyone into his heart but obviously raphael was the exception and EXTREMELY important for his healing. it's a complicated relationship because he's sort of a father figure for rapha, and as such, he doesn't allow himself to be completely vulnerable around him, because that's not "his role". but! he was the first person whom magnus let in. and they obviously know each other deeply ("i hate to see you like this" even though magnus looked completely put together to the outside eye) and are plenty affectionate ("sweet boy", the hugs, the way rapha talked about magnus with so much love and awe in his eyes and voice) and trusting (the way raphael went to magnus' loft, not his own damn clan, when he was tortured...). i know this fandom likes to pretend that they pretend to hate each other but NO THEY DON'T they are openly caring and loving with each other fucking fight me on this
anyway, my point is that raphael was the first person he allowed himself to trust, and of course, part of that is simply because raphael was vulnerable and in need and like you said he can't just stay still when he sees someone struggling. but to care for raphael eventually had to mean to open up to him and when he welcomed raphael in, he gained a new member to his family. raphael is his kid. that's no small thing. their bond goes deep and it's extremely important because again, after camille magnus wouldn't allow people to get close to his heart, because he was scared of how they could use that against him. raphael was his first, and the only reason magnus was able to open himself up for romantic love again (which was an extra step, not because romantic love is more important or deeper, but because it's specifically the kind of love that camille used against him, and thus it makes him even more scared) was because he had already been relearning trust and platonic love with rapha
rapha did him good!!! there's a reason he calls him "sweet boy" okay. and rapha cares about him and he NOTICES WHEN HE'S IN A BAD SHAPE EVEN THROUGH ALL OF MAGNUS' WALLS and he specifically didn't want magnus involved with the camille drama even when it had obviously gotten out of hand because he wanted to keep him safe and away from her!!! i want to be shot in the face!!! they love each other so much! fuck!
and also that implies that raphael knows about camille which means he might be the first person who met magnus post-camille and heard the story, which means that he might be (and probably is) the first person who was never involved that magnus opened up about this to. if that ain't some powerful and important shit i don't know what is. because part of abuse is that you can't talk about it - there's this sense of shame and guilt both from staying and from not staying more, especially because magnus canonically still feels like he owes her... aaaaa
this answer is all over the place im sorry but my point is you are correct, camille is a textbook abuser not just a shitty ex, she fucked up his head and made him unable to open up for a long time, and the first person that helped him break those walls was raphael and they LOVE EACH OTHER VERY MUCH AND DEEPLY thank you for your attention
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