#i really meant for this to be SHORT. and here i am an hour later like BUT ITS NOT DONEEEEE
patheticlittleguy · 3 months
ok I have a moment from PB's recovery in my head and it goes like this. (edit: this is more than "a moment" whoops. anyways every time I write PB (aka Sammy according to momma Louise) they get more talkative lmao. maybe I should write some REAL whump, not just recovery fluff, and get that sorted.)
Louise is sitting in the urgent care waiting room with her youngest child. He's sixteen, nearly old enough to drive, but she will not let go of his hand. She knows the Mama Bear act annoys him, but they both know why she does it. They're just waiting to be seen for a bad case of strep. She squeezes his hand, and he squeezes back.
It's a busy night. The sounds of people coughing make Louise want to throw things, but she sits, and waits for their names to be called. For a nurse to poke her head out of the door leading deeper into the building. From the other side of that door, there's a commotion that they can hear even from the waiting room. Shouting. It sounds like a young man. Hoarse, like someone who doesn't raise their voice much.
The idle chatter dies down. The yelling continues. they can't make out the words. They're too fast and panicked. People glance at each other, the floor, the posters on the walls. Only a few stare at the door. Louise is one of them. She grips her son's hand tighter.
There's a long, wordless scream. And then silence. Louise's boy looks to her. He mutters, "what the hell was that?" And Louise doesn't even notice that he swore. She stands as if in a dream.
The woman at the window smiles tightly at her, and says, "I'm sorry about the disturbance. Everything is under control." By Louise's side, her son follows her as she walks up to the window.
Louise shakes her head. "No, it's... This is stupid." She meets the woman's gaze. "I haven't seen my son in eight years, and I swear to God above that was his voice."
The woman at the window pauses, and says, "I will let the doctors know that. Thank you." She pauses, glancing around at the papers in front of her, the computer screen reflecting in her glasses. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"
"No. Sorry." Louise sighs, heavy and tired. Her youngest puts a hand on her arm, the one gripping his hand like a bear trap. They go sit back down.
When they're finally called back to see a doctor, Louise goes through all of the motions while trying not to think about her Sammy. It was a skill she had learned in the months after Samuel was taken away by the doctors. He had some mutation, they said. It would make him dangerous, they said. She hadn't believed them, but she found half of anything she saw superhumans doing hard to believe. And then he was just... Gone. And she sent her oldest off to college, and her youngest to high school, and now here she was explaining Cooper's symptoms to the doctor.
The doctor told them it was just strep, and gave them a round of antibiotics. Louise thanked her. Then, the doctor paused. "We also have a patient that you said you suspected was your son?"
Louise nodded. "Yeah. We heard screaming while we were in the waiting room."
"Would you mind giving him a visit while you're here? Just to confirm his identity, of course."
Louise nodded again. She stood, and let the doctor lead her through the building to a completely different ward. She floated through the halls. The only thing keeping her tethered was Cooper's hand in hers.
The room they were led to was different. The door was heavy. The machines were silent. There was a young man hunched over on a gurney, his wrists and ankles secured to bars like he should've been laying down. He stared at the doctor through a curtain of long, dirty blonde hair.
"I'm not a dog," he said, and Louise could have torn a door off its hinges. She could have fought every damn doctor in the county. She could have cried, or laughed, because God above, that was her baby. Older and meaner, but him nonetheless. But she stood still. She didn't say anything. There weren't words.
The doctor said, "now, I know you said you can't remember much-"
Sammy threw himself forward, straining against the restraints. "I'm not a god-fucking-damned dog!"
Louise stepped forward. She put a hand on Sammy's arm, just above the medical restraints. "I know, baby. I know you're not a dog. You're my son."
Sammy went still. He looked up at her with those big eyes she'd missed for eight years. His mouth made the shapes of words, but none of the sounds. Finally, he muttered, "no fair."
Louise was sent back to family game night. Sammy always was a sore loser. Her voice went wet and shaky as she said, "what's no fair, baby?"
Sammy growled, low and deep. Like an animal. He flopped back onto his back, kicking his legs as much as the restraints allowed. "I wanna go for a walk but I'm not allowed to. S'not fair."
"You also have a nasty infection in your foot," the doctor chimed in. "And we can't let you run away until that clears up." Only then did Louise notice the heavy bandages around Sammy's foot.
"What happened to you, man?" Cooper asked.
Sammy shut his eyes tight, frowning as his brow furrowed deeply. "Uh, I ran away. Stepped on something." He opened his eyes. "Made great friends with this brick wall. Got chopped up into little bits and put back together again. And, uh... Got really high. Not in that order."
Cooper laughed, but there was a confused look on his face. "Did you have fun in mutant prison?"
Sammy shrugged. "Oh, you know, I spend every waking second trying desperately not to think about it." There was a flatness to his voice that made Louise want to wrap him up in a blanket.
"Well, we're bringing you home, Sammy. As soon as you're better." Louise looked the doctor dead in the eye, and waited for her to argue.
The doctor smiled thinly. "We are waiting for some lab results, and if they come back negative for any dangerous mutations, then it's up to the patient who he wants to stay with."
Cooper joked, "you say that like there's somebody else wanting to take him in."
"And we come full circle!" Sammy slapped his hands against the metal bars they were strapped to, like a drumroll. Or applause. "I'm not a dog. I'm not up for adoption."
Louise frowned, taken aback. Eight long years of missing her baby, and he didn't want to come back home to her? "I don't understand," she said, tears slipping down her cheek. Her mouth could barely form the words.
Sammy looked at her again. She had one hand on his arm, and the other held Cooper's hand. Sammy wasn't just older and meaner. His eyes had bags under them, and his teeth were long and sharp. He'd said they took him apart and put him back together. He said, "I know you're probably right. You're my momma and I should let you take me to your house and live there. But I can't really remember you. And I've already got a place to stay."
Louise struggled to control her breathing. She nodded as she cried, and once it was out of her, she said, "Did the doctors arrange something for you already?"
"No. I met someone. Her name's Jaime and she treats me well." Sammy pulled himself back up to a more upright position. "She said she'd come back first thing tomorrow."
Cooper joked, "you have a girlfriend?"
"No, what?" Sammy frowned. "She's an adult. A real adult, with a car and a job and a house. I'm not..."
"Not what?" Louise wanted to know what Sammy was going to say. But he clammed up, and so she went on, "Sammy, listen, we'll talk to this Jaime person in the morning and ask her if you can stay with us, okay?"
Sammy nodded slowly, glaring at Louise. It was not the response she was hoping for, but she would accept it. She would talk to the doctors to give them Samuel's birth name, and records, and make sure they knew what would happen if she came back in the morning and was told she couldn't see him. She would meet this Jaime woman. She would figure this out. She would bring her son home. God above, Louise was bringing her son home.
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targaryenluvs · 5 months
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PAIRINGS: Soulless Sam Winchester x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: You were simply just trying to get through your day, he found himself enticed by your kindness and unwilling to let go.
WARNINGS: Innocence kink, teasing, flattery, size diff kink, dacryphillia, hair pulling, non-con/dub-con, rough, angry Sam, p in v, fingering, cream pie, babying, virgin reader, blood, scratches
A/N: I can’t just write a sweet Sam fic and not balance out the scales! This is a bit self indulgent so short!reader. Also I’m not an avid drinker so bare with me at the bar 😭 @lady-ashfade here it is!!
Gif not mine, credits to the owner!
A03 Link
You hadn’t meant to bump into him, no one bumps into people on purpose. But you were scared of running out of time before the shop closed and weren’t really caring about your surroundings.
“Oh my god, I am so sorry!” You immediately apologised whilst grabbing everything that had dropped to the floor. His hands grazed yours and you froze up, making eye contact with the man. “No, it was my fault.” His voice mocked the concern in yours, even if it didn’t reach his eyes.
You laughed, “Are you kidding? I totally bumped into you, I wasn’t watching where I was going.” You stood up with all your belongings in hand and with a smile. “I should be on my way. Again, I’m so sorry.” Sam shook his head, “You don’t need to keep apologising.”
Your lips pressed into a tight smile as you nodded, “Okay.” The awkwardness of your interaction was practically unbearable. “I’ll be on my way, have a nice day.” Sam watched as you walked away, and he couldn’t help but laugh. Not out of happiness but intrigue.
He wanted more, and he wasn’t going to stop until he did.
You were sweet, unnaturally so, he wanted a taste.
So with out your knowledge of course, he followed you. For the rest of the day he was right behind you, and you were blissfully unaware. You finished up with your groceries about an hour later and finally crossing off everything to do that day.
As you stood near the exit with your cart you couldn’t help but sigh. Seven bags, loaded, and paper with only two arms. Your car was in the shop so you’d put off a lot of things, which resulted in them piling up.
So you decided for a delivery instead, but you had to wait until the truck came back to allow them to pick your groceries up and eventually drop them off. You wondered if they’d give you a ride in all honesty.
You waited outside the doors whilst reading a magazine you bought, which was surprisingly interesting.
You really should be more aware of your surroundings.
“Do you need some help?” You glanced upwards at the sound of a familiar voice, the man from before. He was so tall and pretty, “Oh! No, I’m just waiting.” You smiled widely as you placed the magazine inside a bag. “I didn’t catch your name back there, I’m Y/n.” Sam smiled, “Nice to meet you Y/n, I’m Sam.” His eyes trailed down, you were wearing a low cut dress, it sure as hell suited you.
“Completing some shopping are we?” He chuckled at the notion, Sam, grocery shopping like a normal person. “I was about to, until I saw your gorgeous self.” His words made you giggle, you could feel your face grow hotter. “Oh god, you are— that’s so sweet.” Your hands intertwined with eachother as you looked down to your feet, a strand falling in front of your eyes.
Sam’s hand darted out to tuck it behind your ear, “Oh, thank you.” Your voice was sweet, he wondered if you were this shy in bed. “No problem. I was wondering—,”
“Ma’am?” A worker came outside with a smile, “Trucks here, would you like me to unpack it all for you?” You nodded quickly, “Oh yes, please.” You were always so polite. “Someone as pretty as you shouldn’t be doing it all herself am I right?” Sam’s jaw tightened as he watched your face flush, “I’ll help her unload.”
You both turned to Sam, “No you don’t need to seriously.” The look in Sam’s eyes was unsettling, and you thought the worker noticed it too. “I’ll help.” It wasn’t an ask, he was telling you. And you were the furthest thing from confrontational, so you let him take the cart. The worker passed a clipboard to you to fill out your address, Sam passed it onto the driver.
Sam couldn’t figure out for the life of him why he wanted you so badly, he couldn’t care less usually about some random girl. But there was something about you that drew him to you, you were so, innocent. In need. And he wanted to sink his teeth into you, badly.
Once he was done you offered him a tight lipped smile, unsure of his mood, “Thank you Sam, you didn’t have to at all.” He knew he didn’t have to, “It’s nothing really, you needed the help.” Sam couldn’t help but grin when he noticed you quite literally straining your neck to look up at him. You were so, pocket sized.
As if I can’t load groceries into a trunk? His words made you seem weak, but you brushed it off. “I don’t how to repay—,”
Bad choice of words sweetheart.
“Let me take you out.”
Somehow you’d managed to let him smooth talk you into a hang out. So here you were, sitting with him at the bar. Sam was anything but boring. He had about a million comments locked and loaded for every second. You found yourself enthralled by him, it’d been far too long since you enjoyed yourself on a night out.
“You’re lying!”
“I’m not, at all. Believe what you want Sweetheart.” The nickname made you want to kick your feet and smile. Sam was so, amazing. He was tall, handsome, funny and kind. You could’ve maybe added chivalrous to the list. Sam waved over the bartender, he’d finished his third beer whilst you nursed a Cosmo.
Sam raised an eyebrow at your drink, you’d had it for about twenty minutes and before it a coke. “Pacing yourself are we?” The glass turned in your hands as you sighed, “I don’t drink that often honestly.”
“No?” Sam feigned interest, “Yeah, I’m more of the designated driver. I find it better to have fun sober in all honesty rather than waking up with a pounding headache and unaware of my surroundings.” Getting blackout drunk wasn’t on everyone’s to do lists which was respectable he guessed. “Good girl.”
The words made your eyes widen as you took another sip, Sam noticed. He found your shyness cute. Usually by know a girl was pawing at him, hinting towards a get away to her place or at least flirting. But you were just, talking. Like you wanted to get to know him rather than fuck him.
He found it adorable at the start, you barely knew what you were doing. But with your tits on display, and him being more than tall enough to look down your dress, he wanted nothing more than to get out of the place.
It’d been thirty minutes since his third beer. He was on his seventh and you were on another coke. Sam was so close to blowing up. The way you looked up at him, when your lips chased after the liquid in your cup, and your cute little body in that short dress.
You glanced at the clock on the wall and gasped, you had work you needed to submit by 11 and it was already 10. “I completely lost track of time, oh my god!” Sam watched as you smiled at the bartender, swiftly tossing down a thirty as you swung your bag over your shoulder.
Sam placed his beer down, undeniably irritated by your sudden departure, “Thank you so much for such a nice night Sam, it was really nice getting to know you. I hope we can maybe see eachother again?” You barely waited for an answer before placing a peck on his cheek.
“I’ll see you around?”
It was the last thing you said before you bolted out the door. Sam was surprisingly stunned, within a minute you’d upped and left him alone. Not once did you overtly flirt or bat your eye lashes, it was honestly refreshing. A challenge is what he saw you as and a kind man is what saw you in him. How wrong you were, and how badly he wanted you.
Sam downed the rest of his drink before deciding, he was coming after you.
The night air nipped at your bare skin, you’d idiotically forgone a jacket or shawl. All you wanted was to get home and debrief with your friend who was proud of you for finally going out with someone. You really did enjoy yourself with Sam, but at the same time in your opinion there was something off about him.
He’d make a good friend.
As you entered your apartment you immediately sighed, if there was something you loved more than shopping or going out, it was your home. You quickly removed your heels and placed your bag on the counter before moving to your room. Makeup wipes disposed of, clothes picked out and the weekend was tomorrow.
You decided to wear a simple gown since it was a bit too warm in your place. As you were about to turn down the heat—
The lights went out.
Your hands trailed along the walls until you reached your living room curtains, thankfully you lived in the city. As you looked out you realised it was probably only your building. A creaking from behind caused you to turn sharply, “Hello?” No response. You slowly made your way to the kitchen, grabbing a flashlight from your drawer.
The living room seemed empty, shadows drawn out by the light. Another creak came, but closer this time, “If there’s someone here, I’m so close to calling the cops.”
You screamed as you heard a chuckle from behind you, “How are you going to call without a phone?” You knew that voice, “Sam?” He stepped out from behind you with a wide grin, his eyes were trained on you, like a predator. The way he stared sent shivers down your spine, “What the hell are you doing here? How did you even—,”
“I saw your address on the delivery sheet. You really shouldn’t just pass around personal details sweetheart.” You swallowed before backing up, he continued walking forwards, “I— I didn’t show it you on purpose.” Sam shook his head disapprovingly as he tutted, “It’s no excuse, it was reckless of you. Imagine what would’ve happened if the wrong person saw?”
The tears were welling quickly, this was not the Sam you’d met, the one that you laughed and drunk with. This Sam was intimidating, “You are the wrong person.”
Your back was up against the wall, “Ouch, I wasn’t the wrong person when you needed help right? I wasn’t the wrong person when you wanted to go out. You’re a bitch, you know that? Wearing that little dress, that black lace and leaving me by myself. What was so important that you had to go? Or do you just get kicks out of leaving guys high and dry?”
You shook your head vehemently, tears dropping down your cheeks. Sam’s thumb caressed your cheek whilst the other traced upwards, “No.” You cried out, “No?” Sam mocked as he raised his eyebrows, “No to what sweetie? No to being a slut or something else?” His fingers ghosted over your panties as you jerked your hips upwards, “Sensitive aren’t you, not so sure if you’re a slut anymore Y/n/n.”
You refrained from puking at the nickname, “Something else.” Sam smirked as he took you in, teary, puffy eyes with a tear stained face. You struggled with getting your words out, his presence was overwhelming. You knew you couldn’t actually put up a fight, this man was a giant. And he’d absolutely crush you, no chance.
“No to this?” His fingers slipped your panties to the side and laughed when you began to sob into his shoulder. His finger presses against your clit as a gasp falls from your lips, “Can’t tell me you don’t want it when you’re acting like this Y/n/n.” You cringed at the lewd squelch that came from you.
Sam groaned as your fingertips dug into his biceps, “Sammy please.” He wanted to hit you the second you called him Sammy, but the wide eyes that stared up at him were too cute. “Tell me, tell Sammy what you need.” It was tedious at this point, his fingers had withdrawn from your clit, his touch was light and never where you needed it to be.
“Please just— just do something!” You wanted to cry even more, the apartment was warm and so were you. Your head was foggy, and all you could focus on was Sam’s large hands and thick fingers. “Please, I need you.” He pressed a finger to your clit and you moaned out, “Sammy!”
“You’re so wet Y/n/n, all for me yeah?” You were too far gone as he entered a finger, in and out. “When I say something,” Not even giving a minute to adjust, Sam added another finger as your fingernails scratched down his arms, “You respond.” His other hand came around your neck, his own fingernails imprint upon the smooth skin.
You whined at the loss of contact as Sam pulled out, feeling discomfort as you could feel your own slick coating your thighs, “Jump.” Sam had his hands on your ass as you jumped up, “Good girl.”
He laid you down on the bed before taking his own clothes off. You expected him to continue with fingering you but Sam had different plans. Because if there was one thing he put on top?
His own pleasure.
When you felt him rubbing his cock on your cunt, you immediately began to crawl away, “What do you think you’re doing Y/n/n?” Sam’s hands circled around your wrists as you squealed, his grip was tight and bruising.
“I’ve never…”
Oh this was too good. As if he wasn’t already having a good night. When you finally stopped fighting him, realising the stupidity of it, you looked at him.
His face was twisted in concern and you felt your heart swell, he was going to let you go. But then, you watched in horror as he began to laugh.
“Baby, you think I care? More fun for me.”
Your bedroom was filled with lewd sounds of skin and groans from Sam, your hands were pinned down above your head courtesy of Sam. He thrusted meanly and with so much force that you had scratched his back bloody.
“Shit Y/n/n, I knew you’d have a tight cunt but, fuck.”You hated him, how gorgeous he looked above you, how the sweat made his abs glisten and how your body reacted to his words.
Sam’s one hand was more than enough to hold both of yours, he traced your tits before pinching your nipple causing you to scream out. “Does it hurt? Poor baby.” He continued plunging into you, his dick twitched inside as he noticed the crimson on his dick.
Sam slowed his movements down as he noticed your eyes fluttering, “You keep your eyes on me Y/n. Close your eyes on me again and see what happens.” You quite literally couldn’t help it, Sam had already came inside you twice and your body had given up on fighting long ago.
“Please, just stop it Sam.” He scoffed at the plea, “What, I’m not Sammy anymore?” Sam teased as his hand came down to your clit, pressing down.
“This is all your fault y’know? Leaving me at the bar like I’m pathetic? Only pathetic thing here is you. Can’t even fight back now?” You barely managed to shake your head as Sam’s strong hands squeezed your hips before lifting and a slap landed on your ass.
“Cute little thing aren’t you?”
Sam pulled out before flipping you onto your stomach, pulling you back by your hips he ground against your ass. He prodded at your ass using your slick to stretch you out, “Cute ass too, maybe next time?” You shook your head at the notion, “Baby, Y/n/n you gotta use your words.”
He slid back into your tight cunt and groaned, “Fuck you’re so good. All— all for me.” You found yourself clutching onto the bed as he drove in and out mercilessly. You felt your legs begin to quiver as your cunt throbbed and clenched and you closed your eyes, trying your hardest to hold back. His hand tangled itself in your hair.
Sam’s hand on your ass kneaded and slapped, leaving it throbbing. “Fuck I can feel you, cum. Cum for me.” As much as you didn’t want to give him the pleasure of knowing you felt as if you were going to explode. Sam was there too, you could feel his hips falter and his grip on your hair tighten.
“You’re mine, fuck, You’re mine. You understand?” His voice whispered against your ears and then you felt it. Sam’s cock throbbed inside of you, you could feel it with how deep he was inside of you, and thick, hot, ropes of cum filling you up as he came.
Sam’s hand pressed down onto your stomach, “Feel that Y/n/n?” Sam’s voice was prominent by your ear, “Yes Sammy!” You exclaimed, it felt as if you were filled to the brim as he bottomed out in you.
He grinned before pulling out, you immediately collapsed onto the bed. You closed your eyes hoping it was over now. You jolted as you felt Sam’s fingers stuff his loads of cum back into you, “Keep that in there, or I’ll take you again.” Sam smiled as you nodded.
He surprisingly didn’t leave, instead he laid next to you. Sam had given you a break, two minutes was enough right?
Your peace was taken again as you felt a hand crawl around on your hip, “On second thought,”
“I might just take your ass now.”
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al-the-remix · 30 days
BuckTommy Whump Week Day 4: Prompts: Getting shot // Chronic pain
Another fic for @bucktommywhumpweek! I'm hoping to finish a few more of these before the week is actually over, lol. Rated: E ... I don't know if this really qualifies as whump (like my last whump week fic 💀) but I just can't help making them all sappy atm.
What people didn’t know about bullets was that they rarely went through-and-through in a nice neat manner; not through walls, or car doors, or flesh. They bounced around inside you like a rubber ball, inflicting the most damage possible. 
Buck had seen the aftermath more times than would have liked to. 
The memory of being called to his first GSW was a visceral one, it had been a domestic dispute and once they’d loaded the victim into the bus, Hen had rubbed his back as he’d thrown up into some nearby shrubbery. Buck could still feel the acid burn in the back of his throat when he remembered it. 
He’d seen cadaver photos in his text books, but those never compared to the real thing. The sheer volume of blood that poured out of people was enough to make him nauseous just thinking about it. The cartoonish version of a bullet hole that he’d carried around in his head for most of his life just hadn’t held up. 
Maybe it had been shortsighted of him, but Buck had never taken the time to consider what might come later; not until Tommy had taken Buck’s hand in his own and laid it over the meat of his shoulder and let Buck feel the little knobs of bullet fragments lodged there, like ball bearings trapped beneath his skin. 
“Do they bother you?” Buck asked, in wonder. 
“Not often,” Tommy replied, his hand still blanketing Buck’s as he let him dig his fingers into his shoulder muscle like he would be more than happy to just leave it there forever. “Most of the time I forget they're even there.”
Buck found that hard to believe. He couldn’t imagine having a foreign object stuck in his body and not obsessing over it every moment of every day. 
Tommy was giving him an amused, knowing look. 
“You’re going to be thinking about those for a while aren’t you?”
Buck huffed, rolling his eyes. It was a little unsettling maybe, sometimes, being understood so through and quickly by another person. He liked it; it made him feel all shivery and warm inside, but more importantly it made him feel daring. Bold. 
“Yeah, maybe I will.”
Tommy took Buck’s hand in his own: his palm big, warm and dry, and slid it down to rest on the muscular curve of his outer thigh. “There’s some more over here too,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows as Buck gave all the nice warm flesh there a squeeze.
There wasn’t a lot of talking after that, but Tommy had been right, Buck had thought about it for a while, his mind stuck on invisible scars and mementoes carried around inside you that no one else could see. 
Buck wasn’t sure if it was the thunder or the soft orange glow spilling into the mezzanine that woke him. Quiet noises came from the kitchen below, the muted purr of the kettle and the shuffle of Tommy’s socked feet against the tile. Tommy had still been in Buck’s bed when he’d fallen asleep hours ago, tucked up against Tommy’s side as Tommy read by the lamp light.
Buck pulled on his sweatpants and made his way down to the main floor, feeling oddly awake for 4 am. He rarely had a bad night’s sleep when Tommy was with him, taking up space in Buck’s bed and stealing his covers. 
Tommy sent him a guilty look when he noticed Buck, like he’d been caught doing something he shouldn’t have been, not pulling honey from Buck’s kitchen cabinet. He was wearing one of Buck’s old hoodies and some sleep shorts. The circles under his eyes were dark and deep. “I didn’t want to wake you,” he whispered like Buck might be standing there in front of him, still asleep.
“I don’t mind,” Buck said and meant it. He wasn't the one with the shift in far too few hours.
Buck leaned back against the edge of the counter crossing his arms as he did, and settled in. He knew whatever was bothering Tommy would work its way out on its own, like a splinter buried beneath skin. He watched quietly as Tommy stirred honey into his tea. Buck was no stranger to sleepless nights and aching bones. Tommy had sat with him through some of the more recent bad nights, endlessly patient. 
Buck watched him closely, quietly analyzing the tilt of his body and the clench of his jaw as Tommy leaned against the counter opposite him. The cool light from the stove hugged the contours of his face, digging out dark wedges beneath those cheekbones that could cut glass. 
“Well, aren't you gonna ask?”
Buck shrugged. “I figured I'd just wait you out.”
Tommy sighed, setting his mug to the side. He was smart enough to know when he was on the losing side of a battle. “It's the scar tissue around the shrapnel I've still got in me. Every so often it begins to pull in uncomfortable ways and makes it impossible to get settled.”
“Is there anything I can do?”
Tommy tilted his head like he was really considering Buck and his words. “Honestly I don't know, I normally just take an Ibuprofen and put on a movie or something and try to just ignore it.”
“Well, I think we can do better than that,” Buck said, and Tomy raised a brow, curiosity peaked.
With hands planted firmly on Tommy’s shoulders, Buck guided him back upstairs to bed and got him splayed out on his belly across the center of the mattress on a towel, sweater-less, with his arms tucked comfortably under his head. 
“Finally, just where I want you,” Buck teased as he straddled Tommy’s waist, reaching for the massage oil. He could feel Tommy’s laugh vibrate through his ribcage, muffled by the pillow.
Buck admired the span of Tommy’s back as he warmed the oil up between his hands, deciding where to begin. The bullet and shrapnel scars were faint now, Buck knew their locations by memory and feel alone. He started by smoothing his hands up the center of Tommy’s back, following the column of his spine and the thick muscles flanking it, getting Tommy warmed up and used to his touch before applying more pressure. 
Buck always preferred to talk while he worked, and with Tommy the smooth flow of words came easy. If he let himself, he could probably let his mouth run for hours, and Tommy would listen. 
“You know, I wanted to be a masseuse for a while.”
Tommy hummed, his eyes had drifted shut when Buck began to work on the tight knot of tissue just below his shoulder blade, he peeled one open now, offering Buck an amused look over his shoulder. “And which hunky guy did you follow that career into?”
“Ha ha,” Buck said, poking his fingers playfully into Tommy's side, just to watch him squirm. “Actually, it was after working at the ranch, there was this ex bronco rider, who had compressed his spine one too many times, mucking out stalls with me. He told me all about how his girlfriend had taken massage therapy classes to help him with his back because his insurance wouldn’t cover the treatment.” 
“Ah, so it was a hunky girl that time.”
Buck chuckled. He liked how easy it was to talk with Tommy about stuff like this; he wasn’t ashamed of  himself or his past, but he was wary of how people might perceive him because of it. He’d wanted so badly for Tommy to think of him as a serious person, to know that Buck was all in. That dating him didn’t imply some sort of unspoken risk–and with Tommy it never had. 
“You know me–I always liked the idea of helping people, I just didn't know how, yet.” 
“Maybe I’m being selfish, but I think you ended up right where you were supposed to be,” Tommy said, and groaned in pleasure when Buck really started working at the scar tissue webbed deep within his back muscle.
“How’s that feel?” Buck asked, anticipating Tommy's approval.
“Fucking awesome.”
Buck grinned. He knew he was good with his hands, but it was a whole nother thing entirely to be good with his hands for Tommy. Pleased with himself, a heavy satisfaction settled warm in the pit of his stomach. He loved everything about this: having Tommy pliable and relaxed beneath him, working slick skin over with his hands, making Tommy feel good, being able to help in some small way.
Buck shuffled down, straddling Tommy’s leg so he could work his fingers into the outside of Tommy’s thigh where he knew a metal shard the size of his thumbnail lived. That one had been logged in there when an IED had struck the lead vehicle in their convoy, and some of Buck’s satisfaction melted away as he thought about just how many close calls his boyfriend’s body was littered with. He was normally the one getting shit for taking risks, but in truth Tommy was just as guilty as he was. 
Tommy had gone completely boneless underneath him, his skin pink and a little shiny from having Buck’s oiled up hands all over him. He continued to rub gently circles into his skin even after he’d finished with the final shrapnel wound he knew of, running his nails lightly over the thick swirls of hair on the backs of Tommy’s legs. 
Tommy shifted his hips against the mattress, spreading his legs a little wider. Buck knew that move, and that satisfaction in his gut twisted and flared back to life. He slid his hands up the backs of Tommy’s thighs as slowly as he could handle.
“Are you hard?” he asked, worming his fingers under the hem of Tommy’s shorts when he reached them. 
“Yeah,” Tommy sighed. “That felt really good, but, uh, we don’t have to do anything, you must be tired and–”
He was starting to sound way too with it for Buck’s liking. Buck dug his thumbs into the soft inner flesh of Tommy’s thighs and let his hips roll in a slow, pointed drag along the back of Tommy’s leg so there was no way he could miss the semi Buck was sporting.
Tommy’s muscles jumped under his hands as he groaned. “Okay, Okay, you’ve made your point. Help me out of these–”
Buck was more than happy to peel Tommy’s shorts down his legs as Tommy lifted his hips obligingly. He had half a mind to just dump a generous amount of the oil on Tommy’s big pale ass and go to town, but he had a feeling that would probably ruin the [slowly winding] mood they’d built. 
In a show of what he considered great restraint, Buck slipped a slick hand between Tommy’s thighs, rolling his balls softly in the palm of his hand just to hear the noises he would make. Quiet chuffs and deep groans were muffled by the pillow as Tommy ground his hips in lazy circles against the mattress and back into Buck’s hand, and Buck was starting to think he’d never get over how good it felt to have another man like this: a big body to push and pull and work at until it ultimately unraveled.
Buck stretched up so he could press a kiss to the thick curve of Tommy’s shoulder, not caring one bit about the oil that still clung to his skin. He let his hand drift up and rubbed his slick fingers indulgently over Tommy’s asshole, gratified by the way he moaned and pushed into it. 
“You can if you want to,” Tommy said, breathless, and Buck could tell without even looking at his face how gone he was just from having Buck’s hands on him. 
“I have a better idea,” Buck said, pulling at Tommy’s hip. “Here–roll onto your side for me.”
It didn’t take Tommy long to clue in once Buck pressed himself all up along his back and reached for the bottle of oil again, slicking his dick up in the shallow space between their bodies. 
His body tensed when realization dawned. “Yeah. Fuck, yeah. Evan– ” 
And it was Tommy’s turn to lose his cool, his voice reedy and feverish, a thin tremor through his body as Buck maneuvered his thigh so he could fit his dick into that hot, tight space between them. He wrapped an arm around the barrel of Tommy’s chest, pinning him tight against his own as Buck took that first long, indulgent roll of his hips. 
Buck had always enjoyed fucking someone’s thighs–what wasn’t there to like–but there was something specific about the way Tommy got so worked up over it, even in the early hours of the morning after a sleepless night, even when Buck had just worked his body to jello with his hands, that rocketed the act up into the stratosphere.
Tommy squeezed his thighs around him, Buck could hear the labored cadence of his breathing and the obscene sounds of him fisting his own cock, as Buck fucked the slick give of his thighs. The way the head of his dick kept nudging up against the soft resistance of Tommy’s balls with every stroke was still just different enough to scratch at Buck’s brain in new and interesting ways.
Tommy’s fingers dug into his hair, pulling Buck’s face down so he could slide their mouth together at an awkward angle. The kiss was sloppy, Tommy kept sucking Buck’s tongue into his mouth and then breaking away to moan again and again as he got closer to coming. Buck could feel it all through his body, wound like a coil ready to spring. He wasn’t far behind, his plan to keep things slow and simmering had fallen through quickly. He should have known better; with Tommy pressed against him like one big throbbing pulse, overwhelming Buck’s senses with the musky scent of his body, and the sounds he made when he touched himself, and how good it felt to rut against him like this, the desperate slide of skin against skin, there was just no chance he was going to last.  
Buck buried his face in the hollow of Tommy’s shoulder, just above where that pale constellation of shrapnel lived, and stilled as he came in thick pulses all along Tommy’s taint, that little space between his thighs instantly going wet and frictionless. 
Tommy made a wounded sound, and Buck held him tight in the cradle of his arms as Tommy hitched his hips into his fist until he came. He was still pressing kisses against Tommy’s damp hairline when Tommy reached up and laced their fingers together, no longer shaking. 
“Well, I’m definitely not thinking about the stupid shrapnel anymore.”
“Good,” Buck said, allowing himself to feel smug about it. “My work here is done.”
“Not so quick hot stuff,” Tommy said, reaching back to pat him on the hip. “I expect your help de-oiling in the shower. I think this mess is a four-handed operation.”
“Yes, sir.” Buck peeled himself from where he’d been clinging to Tommy like a limpet.
He took a moment to admire the long, glistening stretch of Tommy’s body, limp and satisfied. Debauched, even.
"What?" Tommy asked, stretching his arms above his head as he rolled onto his back, offering Buck a good view of where his come was actively drying in his happy trail. Buck would have a fun time scrubbing that out.
"Nothing, I'm just happy you're here, with me."
Tommy face went immediately soft and he pressed up on his knees so he could pull Buck into one more lingering kiss before breaking away.
"There's no where I'd rather be."
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mali’s little pirate crush
pairing: maleficent x gn!reader (requested!)
summary: hook has a new pirate crew, and maleficent thinks it’s pathetic… until she sees you.
type: fluff
CW: none
WC: 500+
requests are open! <3
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“Who the hell are they?” Maleficent asked as she walked into Uliana’s lair. There was a group sitting there in the lair, surrounding Hook. You were amongst them, not paying any mind to the horned girl who had just walked in.
“What does it look like, Mali? This is my pirate crew,” Hook smirked, gesturing to the group around him. She rolled her eyes, “A bunch of copies of you? Seems like quite a crew. This is childish, Hook.”
“Don’t even bother, I’ve been trying to get them out all day,” Hades commented as he walked past them.
Her eyes looked around at the group in disgust… until her eyes got to you. You were sat next to Hook, chatting with your fellow crew member. She didn’t know who you were, but she knew that you were absolutely breathtaking. She couldn’t let you think that she was totally heartless… unless you liked that, of course. “You know, I think that was a little harsh of me. I’m Maleficent, if you don’t already know who I am… and you should.”
You giggled, turning to face her, “We should? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of you, darling.”
She blushed, her eyes darting away, “Well… I’m leaving. Goodnight, Hook.” Maleficent turned on her heel, walking away quickly. She was beyond intrigued by you, and she was determined to find out more about you.
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Maleficent was back the very next day, immediately going over to Hook and his crew. “Heyyy, James. How is everyone today? Is your crew okay?” she sat next to him, putting her head in her hands. Hook looked absolutely confused, “You mean the crew that you called childish?”
She scoffed, her face turning bright red. “Childish? Did I say that? No, I meant… you know what I meant,” her eyes wandered over to you, absolutely entranced. Hook’s eyes followed your gaze, his eyes widening.
“Oh, Mali, that is too funny,” he snorted, slapping his knee. Maleficent scowled, hitting his shoulder as hard as she could, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Hook. But, while we’re here, who is that?”
“That? That is y/n, and you don’t stand a chance. They’re as cutthroat as it gets.”
She scoffed, “I don’t stand a chance? You don’t know who you’re talking to, pretty boy.” Standing up, she went over to you. You looked up, giving her a small smile, “Hey. I’m sorry, I still don’t remember your name, darling. Does darling work for you? It works for me.”
Her legs felt like jello as she sat by you, “It might. So… why James? What made you join his, um, crew? If you can even call it that.”
You shrugged, your eyes looking her up and down. She was cute, and you liked cute. “I thought it would be fun, I’ve never really had a crew of my own. But, now I think I have a new reason for being here, darling. I’d like to get to know you better.”
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You two were still talking hours later, laughing and chatting. You reached your hand out, running it through her long black hair, “You know, darling. I’m free tomorrow night, if you’re available to hang out.”
Hook and Hades stood there, both of their jaws dropped.
“I can’t believe she actually did it. You owe me five bucks, Hook.” Hades said, nudging his shoulder.
“Shut up right now.”
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a/n: thank you for the request! i tried as best as i could, i hope you enjoy! sorry it’s a little short!! <3
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ineffablesuffering · 1 year
Sick Days (Aziraphale x Crowley x Reader)
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I wrote this as a form of comfort as I am finally getting over this cold that I had.
Warnings: like one swear word, Crowley being soft for the reader
Pairing: Aziraphale x Crowley x Platonic!GN! Reader.
Word Count: 1,095
You lay in bed, the thought of moving was, to simply put it - unbearable. You had awoken with a pounding headache and felt like your sinuses were trying to escape from your face. Everything hurt and your body couldn't decide if it was too hot or too cold. Great. You were sick.
You had meant to have plans with Crowley and Aziraphale feeding the ducks in St James Park and a spot of lunch, but clearly that wasn't happening today. You sat up in bed and instantly the room starting spinning around you. You let out a deep cough and you whine at the feeling in your chest. You put a hand to your forehead to try and ground yourself as you reach for your phone before sliding back down into your bed. You had planned to call Aziraphale and tell him you couldn't make it, but the room kept spinning and forced you to close your eyes to make it stop.
The next thing you remember is your phone ringing a few hours later. "Shit," you mumble. You must have fallen back asleep. You pick up your phone, answer it and put it to your ear. "Hello?" you rasp.
"Y/N, I just wanted to see if we're on your way?" It was Aziraphale. You groan and turn to face your clock. You should have been at the bookshop by now. "My dear? Are you quite alright? You don't sound yourself." He asks.
"I'm sorry Aziraphale, I was meant to call you but I must have fallen back asleep, I'm not feeling too great." You rasp out, your throat feeling like it was on fire. "I'm not going to be able to make it today."
"Is that Y/N?," you hear Crowley shout in the background, "Tell them to hurry up, times a ticking."
You try to let out a laugh, but it ends with you in a coughing fit, wincing at the pain in your chest. "You two go on ahead without me, we'll catch up soon."
"Are you sure? We can always rearrange?"
"Aziraphale, I'll be fine," you say as another cough racks through your body, "I've been ill before."
"Well, make sure you rest and we will see you another time. I hope you feel better soon my dear,"
"Thank you 'Zira, I'll talk to you later," you say as you hang up the phone before placing it on your bedside table. You groan as you drag yourself out of bed, in search of water and hopefully some form of medication.
A short while later, you had decided that you couldn't sit in bed any longer and you were curled up on your sofa, watching your comfort show, eating your comfort food and taking small sips of some hot lemon and honey water when there was a knock at the door. You muted the TV, praying that whoever was knocking would go away. The knocking persisted.
"They're  probably asleep Angel," you heard a muffled Crowley. This got your attention and you made your way from the sofa to the door.
"Maybe, but I'd feel better if I just saw them." replied Aziraphale.
You open the door to find the angel and demon standing before you. They took in your disheveled state, your skin pale except from your blood shot eyes and your nose being red, your hair messy and a headache strip on your forehead, a blanket haphazardly wrapped around your shoulders and your comfy clothes on. A true sight for sore eyes.
"What are you two doing here?" Your voice quiet in an attempt to not irritate your throat even more.
"We came to check on you, and see how you're feeling." Aziraphale said, "We brought you supplies" he gestured to the bag that Crowely was holding.
"You really didn't have to," you say
"We know," said Crowley. You give him a small smile, "and don't think this is me being nice. I'm just following orders."
"I wouldn't dream of it." You say stepping aside inviting them in. Aziraphale smiled at you as he walked in, Crowley sauntered in behind him handing you the bag that he was holding.  You closed the door behind them and peer inside the bag.
"Jesus 'Zira, I have a cold, I'm not opening a bloody chemist." You say to him as he walks towards the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea, taking the dishes you had left on the table with him.
"Well I didn't know what you needed, so I bought everything."
You smile at the gesture, he really was so thoughtful. You make your way back over to the sofa where Crowley had already made himself at home. You roll your eyes, expecting nothing less from him. He gives you a grin.
"Move over," you whine at him as he lounges across the entirety of the sofa.
"Or what," he says playfully.
"I'll cough all over you."
"You wouldn't dare."
"Crowley, be nice." You hear Aziraphale call from the kitchen. He moves rather quickly.
"Bitched," you cough.
"Fuck off," he mumbles, throwing his sunglasses onto your coffee table. You take your place on the sofa next to Crowley, and lean your head on his shoulder. "Comfy?" he says with a smile. You nod against his shoulder as he wraps an arm around you.
"I hate being ill," you complain "everything hurts." Crowley just chuckles, giving you a squeeze. Aziraphale returns with two mugs in his hands. A cup of tea for himself, and a cup of green tea with lemon for you. "Thank you." You rasp as you take the mug off of him.
"Don't be silly," he tells you taking a seat beside you. "Just make sure you drink it while it's hot, it's supposed to help with your throat."
"Aye aye captain," you joke before a coughing fit racks through your body again. You feel Crowley run his hand up and down your back in an attempt to help soothe you. The couple shoot you a sympathetic glance when you're finally able to compose yourself again. "I'm fine, I'll be fine." You say picking up the TV remote and unmuting it. "And because you have crashed my pitty party you have to watch whatever movie I want to watch and I want to watch The Sound of Music." Crowley laughs from beside you as Aziraphale let's out the most unangellike groan. You smile at him, before finding the movie and pressing play. Maybe being ill wasn't so bad when you had your favourite celestials to keep you company.
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
After forty-five minutes of no word, the three of them finally decide that someone should go check on Tango. Normally, Xisuma would have reluctantly advocated for just starting without him—it’s Tango, he’d probably gotten caught up in Decked Out work, he’d apologize and laugh it off later and wouldn’t change—but he’d seemed so genuinely excited this time. He’d rambled back at them the moment Etho had invited him to join in on the wither-mining. He’d promised he’d try to show up. He’d checked the time more than once.
It’s been a while since most of the hermits had seen Tango outside of his fortress. Or spoken to him for more than about twenty minutes if their name wasn’t “Zedaph”. Or—it’s been a while. That man is working himself to death, Xisuma swears.
(It’s… not Tango’s fault, Xisuma tells himself. He’d meant to have more done by now. The whole Empires fiasco had put a damper on that. Tango’s always been the sort to fixate a little on his latest project. Besides, all of the Hermits get caught up. It’s normal to occasionally go a week or two without talking to anyone else. It’s just that it’s starting to hurt a little, to reach out and get...)
(Xisuma will make up a better excuse. It’s why he volunteered to go check on him. Save Tango and Etho a little heartache.)
(Tango had been really excited—but so had Etho.)
It’s a short enough elytra flight to the Deep Frost Citadel. Xisuma takes a deep breath. He’ll probably have to locate Tango and convince him to come up from the outside. That place is a death trap already to half the server, and Tango’s normally in the maintenance tunnels instead of the main body of the cave, which are a death trap in a unique “largely unfit for habitation by anything breathing” way that Tango seems to be the only one who knows how to navigate. He’ll make sure he’s okay, and then…
Xisuma‘a thoughts come to a pause as he approaches. There’s someone else at the Citadel, standing near the base of the hill, just past where the borders of Tango’s snowy base fade into the grassland.
A few minutes of approach later, and it becomes clear it’s Tango. He’s standing oddly, his feet braced and arms unsteadily placed forward like he’s worried he might fall. When Xisuma lights another rocket, he looks up in Xisuma’s direction, but before really catching sight of Xisuma, he turns around and winces, rubbing his eyes repeatedly.
“Hello,” Xisuma says as he lands. Tango turns to—not quite look at him? Tango is looking in the direction of Xisuma, certainly, but isn’t quite looking at Xisuma’s face. Maybe there’s too much glare in Xisuma’s visor today?
“Oh, hey X! How’s it hangin’?” Tango says.
“Oh, you know, I was just here to check on you. You’re a bit late to our demonstration.”
“What?” Tango says. “It’s—of course it has.”
“Did you get caught up?” Xisuma asks. He tries very hard not to sound disappointed.
“I—yeah,” Tango says. “Sorry, I swear I set an alarm, but if you’re here I must be later than I thought.”
“Probably nearly an hour by now.”
“I’ve been—a whole hour? Feels like longer,” mumbles Tango.
“The others agreed to wait if you’re coming, and you’re already outside,” Xisuma says. “We can get over there in a few minutes. It’s not too late. Put on your elytra and—“
“No!” yelps Tango, stepping back, stumbling, and then, eyes wide, looking around like he’s trying to find something. “I mean, uh. Not used to open-air flying right now. I was planning on taking the nether but I ran out of fireproof potions and don’t have the blaze rods to make more, so here I am. I promise I didn’t mean to be late, I just…”
Xisuma has no idea where to start. But. “Tango, you built the nether hub? You know you don’t need fireproof potions to get to the Ancient City we’re using.”
“Haha, yeah,” Tango says, and doesn’t elaborate.
“So I guess you were going to the shopping district, to get more blaze rods and their portal?” Xisuma says.
“Yeah, uh, then I realized I, uh, don’t. Remember how to get there,” Tango says. “And, well, you know how it is. Even when you have permission to leave it’s still kind of daunting!”
His voice goes high and a little squeaky. His eyes, Xisuma realizes, have had a sort of wild fear to them since Xisuma first suggested stepping further than where he’s standing. If Tango had pupils, Xisuma imagines they’d probably be darting. The rest of his facial expression does the work well enough.
Xisuma really doesn’t know where to start.
“And you’ve been stuck here for… nearly an hour?” Xisuma says.
“Yeah. Man, I got permission to leave and everything,” Tango says again, which, okay, very concerning phrasing, Xisuma’s just going to put that away for the time being though, because there are a lot of other things to unpack here. “And like, I wanted to see the Withers and a Warden fight! Who would win, right?”
He still hasn’t moved. As Xisuma’s talked, he’s gotten closer to looking Xisuma in the eyes, but it’s more like he’s very confidently looking at Xisuma’s chin. He keeps squinting and blinking when his eyes aren’t wide with a wild, lost sort of panic.
He’s also still rambling.
“Probably for the best I don’t leave, though. I mean, I held you all up, I’d hate to hold it up further because I got caught up. I can just go back; best to keep doing my duty after all. Sorry about that!”
Tango turns back towards his base, as though making that excuse was the excuse he needed to go back towards safer ground. Maybe another time, Xisuma would have let that be, but the thing is, Tango and Etho had both been so excited, and Xisuma can hear the disappointment in Tango’s voice. He doesn’t want to be making this excuse either. Xisuma has no idea what, but something’s wrong.
(Well, Xisuma has some idea, but while he may be a derp, he’s pretty sure it’s rude to ask someone whether they’ve gone blind, developed agoraphobia, gotten possessed, or multiple of those things at the same time. If someone doesn’t bring it up it’s not Xisuma’s business, right? Right.)
(He’ll just…)
“…no, we want to do this with you,” Xisuma says. “Do you need help getting to the cave we’re doing it in?”
Xisuma can see Tango warring between the pride that stops him from asking for help and whatever it is that had paralyzed him the moment he’d tried to step past his base’s borders. He can see Tango war between how easy it would be to claim he didn’t have time and how much he’d wanted to see the wither mining.
“It’s all going to be underground?” he says.
Weird question. File that away. “Yep! Inside an ancient city!”
“And I got permission to leave,” mutters Tango. “So it’s going to be fine once I actually get there.”
“I can even grab some fireproof potions from Cub’s shop when we’re done,” wheedles Xisuma.
“…fine. Lead the way. Uh, and, if you could hold my hand. It’s… very hard to know where I am outside of my base when it’s so bright,” Tango says, voice a little small, and okay, so a mix of all three. Xisuma really should pry, but he’s got what he came here for, and it’s not really his business, is it? He’s sure Tango’ll work it out in the end. He’s a smart guy.
“Gladly, my friend. Let’s go die to withers sixty times.”
Tango laughs shakily. “Yes, let’s!”
Xisuma laces his fingers around Tango’s hand and, suddenly aware of just how many things there are to trip on, starts walking towards the Ancient City.
Gosh, but this is going to take an hour, isn’t it? He sighs and pulls out his messenger to tell the other two. A thought strikes him.
“You know, next time you have this problem, you should text ahead. You can use text-to-speech, you know.”
Tango barks a laugh, louder this time. “Yeah, sure, that’s going to be on my mind. Yeah. I’ll do that.”
Well, good enough for Xisuma!
They make their way to the Ancient City together.
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hyunjins--laugh · 3 months
coming up for air - part one
@renjunsbabygirl has me thinking about jaehyun's recent prada shoot for milan fashion week and acting tf UP so here i am slaving away bc she's procrastinating <3
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"What the fuck is this, Jung Jaehyun?" you mumble to yourself, screenshotting the most recent photos posted of your boyfriend. He was on a trip for fashion week in Milan, and you were definitely missing him. The photos, though, were absolutely incredible from the event. Absolutely no complaints, whatsoever.
Especially his instagram posts from the day - glowing skin, sharp jawline, tempting peek of abdomen that distracted your attention from the clothes to what lay underneath. Ugh, why did Milan have to be so far away? Guess you'd just have to find a way to make him hurry back.
Opening up your texts with him, you sent him a cropped screenshot of his happy trail showing through the small window of denim in his outfit, along with '😏🤭'. Without waiting to see whether he read it or not, you turned your phone off, rolling over and quickly falling asleep.
¨*.¸.•*¨. ¸.•¨.¸¸.•¨`•.
Jaehyun awoke to the sun shining in through his hotel window as the sounds of traffic and city life leaked into the room. Rolling over, he grabbed his phone and smiled as he read your texts from the night before, quickly responding before stretching out in his hotel bed. He was definitely pleased that you liked the photos, always having a good start to the day after encouragement from his girl.
He'd known that those photos would do well and that the fans would like them, but all he really cared about was your opinion. Even receiving small bits of encouragement like the photo with some emojis meant that you were keeping up with his work and encouraging him along the way.
A knock on the door sounded, then the voice of his manager telling him it was time to start getting ready for the day's schedule. He sighed and got up out of bed, opening the door to answer before starting to get dressed for the day.
¨*.¸.•*¨. ¸.•¨.¸¸.•¨`•.
The next morning, you awoke to multiple texts from Jaehyun, sent about an hour after you'd gone to bed the night before. The time difference was about 6 hours ahead, so by the time he woke up, you were already asleep.
"good morning babygirl <3" followed by "missing me today?"
Grinning to yourself, you responded with "i always miss you", then turned off your phone for the time being. His flight back was later today, so you knew he'd have a busy morning of packing and airport security.
Heaving a sigh, you rolled off of your bed, wandering over to your dresser and opening a drawer. Inside lay various lingerie sets, some more intricately designed than others. Digging through the drawer gave you an idea, an evil and wonderful idea.
You grabbed a set that you knew drove him wild; red with string detailing that emphasized and complimented your chest well but still allowed him plenty of access to everything underneath. This set would be comfortable enough to wear all day, so you put on one of his shirts as well as a pair of comfy shorts. Pulling up the hem of his shirt to reveal the waistband of your panties peeking out from your shorts, you snapped a couple photos before sending the best one to Jaehyun, paired with a cheeky text reading "come home soon😋".
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scrollonso · 6 months
First Kiss (Race 6)
A strollonso AU where 18 year old rookie Lance Stroll falls helplessly in love with the notoriously mean world champion. (1.3k words, angst at first? idk, it gets fluffy) [@v3lnys @biancathecool] {I kept getting ideas while writing this so I stopped like 4 times to write another chapter}
last part - masterlist - next part
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Lance made his way onto the paddock, his dad having driven him instead of Nico. After waking up in Fernandos bed after his DNF in San Marino he'd unintentionally avoided the Spaniard for the past week. He didn't remember much past him complaining about Coulthard, all he knew was he woke up in an unfamiliar hotel room with Fernando Alonso asleep peacefully beside him.
He looked gorgeous, obviously, his long hair slightly covering his eyes, chest rising and falling slightly as he breathed, he looked peaceful, Lance could've stayed and stared for hours if reality didn't hit him suddenly.
He was in bed with Fernando. Alcohol was out on a table a few feet away and he could tell he'd had too much to drink the night before, without thinking he collected his things and left as if he was some sex worker the world champion had taken back to his room the night before.
He'd managed to ignore all of the older mans texts, a part of him feeling bad and longing for him while another part was busy worrying about how badly he must've embarrassed himself.
After a week of putting it off there was no way to now, if Fernando didn't speak to him before Quali he most definitely would after.
He walked alone through the paddock, answering short questions here and there before he found a swarm of people who all called his name.
"Lance, Lance Stroll, How do you feel about what Red Bull and David Coulthard have had to say about you this past week?"
Lance thought for a second, wondering if it was a wise choice to answer the question, in the end he decided it couldn't hurt too much "I honestly couldn't care less, I don't care what Red Bull or Coulthard thinks about me, thank you" He nodded slightly before leaving, not having much more to say and not wanting to elaborate on the whole thing
Somehow he'd managed not to run into Fernando even as Quali came to an end, he was set to start the race in 11th, somehow stopping himself from checking where Fernando was starting from.
His luck didn't last long before he was greeted by the same voice as always
"Lancito, will you avoid me forever?" Fernando asked, Lance wasn't sure whether the Spaniard was joking or was truly hurt by what Lance was doing
"Sorry, I've been busy" He lied, not even turning around to look at Fernando
"What is wrong? Did I do something? I am not sure how to fix it if you do not tell me, mi sol" He spoke softly, just like he always did with lance, he entered the Racing Point garage, just trying to get closer to the Canadian, trying to get him to meet his eyes
"It's nothing, I'm just busy" Lance tried to convince Fernando, he wasn't very good at it
"Too busy to talk to me but before I was the only one you'd talk to" Fernando teased, trying anything to figure out what was wrong
Lance tried to hide his embarrassment as he finally looked at Fernando, the only thing he could think about was the morning after the Europen Grand Prix.
"Is this about last week?" Fernando guessed, Lance couldn't help but be slightly annoyed at how the older man was always right "All we did was drink, Lancito, you were upset so I thought you would like drinking alone, no?"
"Yeah, sorry, I- I don't know why I freaked out" He forced out a laugh, trying to make himself feel less awkward talking to Fernando for the first time in a week
"Is okay, Lancito, are you embarrassed because of what you said?"
"What I said?" He echoed, now he was embarrassed, what did he say for Fernando to bring it up so many days later
"About the crash, you were very upset, mi sol" Fernando didn't exactly lie but he knew that wasnt what he meant. If Lance really didn't remember what he had begged of Fernando than maybe he didn't mean it, Fernando was sure his emotions were just hightened.
"Oh" Lance laughed, feeling relieved after Fernando confirmed nothing else was talked about "I'm not embarrassed, I kinda feel like you"
Fernando smiled, patting the Canadians shoulder "Feels good, eh? Getting in a little trouble?"
The two continued talking, both felt as though a weight had been lifted of their shoulders except Fernandos was replaced with another. While he spoke to Lance as if nothing had happened he couldn't help but hear Lances words replaying in his head.
His eyes stayed glued to Lance as he rambled on, the Spaniard wondered if he really did need him, if he truly felt that way, or if it was just drunken words influenced by how he was feeling earlier that day.
The two spoke for a while longer, just catching up as if much had really happened in seven days.
Lance felt better walking into the paddock the next day, arriving with Nico again as if he hadn't spent the last week moping and ignoring everyone (besides his dad, it proved to be harder to ignore your dad-boss than your coworker-friends.)
"Let's hope coulthard keeps his distance today" Nico spoke, breaking the silence between the two
"God, the next time I hear his name I think I'm gonna explode." Lance whined, having been asked about him all week
"Cmon, you know no press is bad press" Nico added, reminding Lance of his dad
"Yeah, yeah. Let's just get ready" The two entered the garage, both almost going straight to their drivers room to get in their fireproofs and race suit
This week was better, David Coulthard qualified last so there was almost no chance in a collision with him, Lance was thankful.
Lance managed to overtake a few times in the race, going from 11th to 9th by the end but he knew it wasn't good enough, neither drivers securing points for the team.
He wasn't upset though, he decided to go to the podium for the first time after the race, excited for Fernando since he just won his home Grand Prix
Fernando looked gorgeous on top, practically beaming as the Spanish anthem played. Fernando was basking in it, the win, his home country, his fans supporting him so loudly with flags and signs, though none of it made him smile as bright as seeing Lance in the crowd below, the Canadians smile shining brighter than anyones.
He stood out, whether it was because Fernando couldn't help but search for him in every crowd or because of his bright pink suit, Fernando didn't care. All that mattered was that he was there, celebrating the Spaniards win as if he hadn't had a disappointing race.
Once he got off the podium he went straight to Lance, not letting him speak before trapping him in a tight hug, he wasn't sure why, he just wanted to.
"Good job, Nando" Lance laughed, hugging the Spaniard back
"Gracias" Fernando spoke into Lances shoulder, feeling as though the pair were on the people in the world. He wasn't sure why he was so happy knowing Lance came down to congratulate him, it just felt good, earlier in the week he was scared it would never be the same between the two because of the past week but he'd managed to save it perfectly, leading to the two in one anothers arms once again which was exactly what the pair wanted.
"You did good, great, amazing, seriously, you led 55 laps and just won your home Grand Prix, you're brilliant" Lance gushed, Fernando raising his head to look at the Canadian
"Is this how you feel when I come to you?" Fernando asked, a smile still plastered on his face, not able to imagine a better end to the race week.
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apockalypsisblog · 22 days
BTS Suga & The Era of Misinformation
In the past few weeks, BTS' member Suga had been embroiled in a scandal of unprecedented scale. As a fan, I've been following the situation closely, and as it unraveled, I found myself more and more frustrated and helpless. With my Xwitter account locked, and my brand spanking new Reddit account (created for the purpose of keeping up with the situation) unable to comment on most threads, I decided to utilize this blog. 
This is not an article, and I am not a journalist. This is a personal blog post and a recount of the events as I've witnessed them, meant to bring some light to this horrific mess of a situation to those who care to read all of it.
I tried to list sources where I could, but I didn't (couldn't) keep track of everything. If I got anything wrong, please let me know.
Here's what happened. 
Tumblr media
Credit: Agust D 'Haegeum' Official MV - HYBE LABELS
The Eye of the Storm
On 7th August 2024, the world woke up to headlines of BTS Suga having committed a DUI. 
Korean media agency Yonhap reported on the event first, with a statement from the police: Suga was spotted riding an electric kickboard after falling in front of a nearby police patrol. The police officers came to assist him and, suspecting he might be under the influence, subjected him to a breathalyzer test. His results were enough for a fine and license revocation. 
Both Suga himself and his agency Big Hit Music were quite quick to follow with their own statements and apologies. Suga especially was specific with the details he gave on the event: yes, he drove his electric kickboard under the influence of alcohol. Yes, he fell in front of his house while attempting to park the vehicle. No, no one was hurt, and no damage to property was inflicted. He didn't know it was prohibited to drive e-kickboards after having consumed alcohol. Yes, his license got revoked and he was fined. 
He apologized and expressed his regret. 
Big Hit then recounted the event as well in a separate statement, adding a couple details—Suga wore a helmet and he drove a short distance, about 500 meters. They too expressed regret about the actions of their artist. 
In most cases, this would be the end of the story. People would come to their conclusions and Suga would face appropriate legal ramifications.
However, this isn't a story about a DUI. Not really. 
A couple hours later, Big Hit issued another statement, explaining that they weren't aware that Suga's kickboard, which contains a foldable seat, could be classified as a different type of vehicle—a scooter. They also weren't aware that there would be a follow up procedure from the police, but they vow to comply to the full extent. 
A simple case isn't so simple anymore. Media, as they often do, smell blood in the water. 
Did Suga lie? 
A flurry of articles and reports follows. Suga didn't drive a kickboard, but a scooter—a much different vehicle that carries a much different legal charge. He said he fell in front of his house, but he was actually found passed out on the ground. He was actually not in front of his house at all. 
JTBC airs a grainy CCTV footage that shows a man driving a much larger, faster combustion engine vehicle than initially described, in full traffic. Damning evidence.
The consensus is, Suga lied. Not only did he commit a DUI, but seemingly a much larger offense as well—downplaying the incident. He's branded a deceiver. 
There is an outcry in the media, and outcry in the K-pop community. Everyone is quick to condemn Suga completely—often with unbridled glee. It's quite clear that the K-pop community had been waiting for a member of BTS to 'mess up', so to speak. 
Meanwhile, Suga's fans plead to wait until an investigation is completed. They are laughed out of the room—after all, we already have CCTV footage of him and hence all the proof we need. Right? With South Korea's draconic defamation laws, the media wouldn't lie. 
In the following days, the vitriol grows. Hundreds of articles are published daily, each one with more and more outrageous accusations—Suga was not only passed out on the ground, but he was found in a pool of his own vomit. His alcohol levels were outrageously high—the media reports the number 0.227% BAC, the same as actress Kim Saeron, but the highest level of any K-pop idol on record. He didn't drive for 500 meters, as he had said, but for more than 1 km. Actually, for 2.8 km. His BAC level was actually the highest of all Korean celebrities in history—Kim Saeron's was suddenly lower. All that while having said he only had one beer!
Then, another CCTV footage was released. In it, a man on a scooter (a white, blurry blob) drives erratically on the street among a crowd of people until he hits a curb and falls. 
As a fan, I feel like I'm witnessing an assassination attempt in real time. It's hard to keep up with the tsunami of information coming out—reporters cite police sources, then change their articles and cite themselves. The police even goes on record and refutes the circulated BAC levels, only saying that the true number is difficult to confirm at the time. 
The investigation has not yet begun. In the court of public opinion, though, Suga has already lost. What was he thinking, deceiving the public? Especially in South Korea, the land of CCTV?
In the circle of his fans, though, suspicions remain. 
Did the media lie? 
On Wednesday 14th, 7 days after the incident, more CCTV is revealed. This time, it's much clearer than the previous ones and much, much different. 
It shows a man, riding what appears to really be an electric kickboard down the sidewalk. He drives slowly, in a straight line—as straight as you can be on a slow-riding e-scooter, at least. The point of view changes—the man has now overtaken three riot officers. He slows down, turns, disappears out of view. One of the officers points in his direction. 
The point of view changes again. We can see the man make the turn to pull up to a front gate, and then—it's hard to say what happens. Maybe the front wheel of his scooter got stuck. Maybe the turn he made was too sharp, maybe he pulled on the breaks a little too abruptly. The e-scooter stops, and the man flies forward. He lands on his hands and knees. He gets up, collects his helmet, puts it back on. The police officers are, at this point, next to him, surrounding him. 
The man picks up his kickboard off the ground and gets back on. He turns to the police officers, listens for a second, and gets back off. 
The video ends. 
It feels like a valve has been released from a pot about to blow. Fans sigh a sigh of relief. Suga didn't lie. His statement correlates with what's shown in the video. Korean media seemingly fell prey to sensationalist journalism—in an effort to be the most up to date with the biggest scandal, they voiced information from sources that were false at worst and dubious at best. K-pop fans, hungry for drama, only poured fuel into the flames. 
With this new development, surely Suga must be vindicated. He didn't lie—he drove what really appears to be an electric kickboard, he really fell in front of his house. With the way he gets up instantly, the reported BAC also comes under question. 
JTBC is forced to air a lukewarm apology for releasing the fake CCTV footage. Korea Now, the international leg of Yonhap news, also posts their apology—in the community notes of their channel and a separate video.
In an ideal world, this would be enough and the storm would end. The public outcry would cease and the investigation would continue uninterrupted. 
Not that kind of story
On 27th December 2023, actor and movie star Lee Sunkyun was found dead in his car after taking his own life. 
In the months before the tragedy, Lee Sunkyun had been hounded by the media and police for a different scandal—alleged drug consumption. The media vilified the actor. His private conversations and phone calls were leaked to condemn him to the public. He was branded a cheater on top. 
Lee Sunkyun was forced to face the media head on during his first police investigation in the form of a so-called photo line—an impromptu press conference in front of the police station. The media takes prized shots of the suspected perpetrator in a compromised state, and regardless of whether they're innocent or not, the image persists. 
The actor was forced to face the photo line again for his second summons. When he was summoned for the third time, he asked the police to call off the photo line. 
The police refused. The actor faced the press once more and then, after a 19 hour long interrogation, he ended his life. 
There was significant backlash against the media and the police. Bong Joonho, director of the Oscar-winning movie "Parasite", and other public figures petitioned for an investigation into the police and Korean media. 
The photo line practice had been widely condemned and, allegedly, outlawed. 
However, it cannot return the life of Lee Sunkyun.
Judge, jury, executioner
In the present, the situation surrounding Suga calms for a few days, almost ominously. The media's overwhelming narrative that Suga is a liar slowly grinds to a painful pause. 
New narratives are quickly raised in replacement. 
It's hard to say why this happens. One could argue the media is irked by being disgraced, or maybe they're bitter that BTS' fandom refuses to abandon their star. Instead they petition for the media to retract their false statements, or contact international press and ask them to report on the dubious Korean coverage. 
Regardless of the reason, the DUI charges still stand and Korean media demand justice. With the investigation imminent and Suga expected to appear at the police station, they call for a photo line yet again.
Reporters go as far as to publicly threaten him—the photo line, considered by some to be an infringement upon human rights, should graciously be viewed as his opportunity to apologize to the public. And if he refuses to meet the press' demands, they will continue to make his life difficult, or worse. And Suga can't afford another mistake, can he? 
The police refuses to set up an official photoline. However, if the press shows up to the station, nothing can be done. It's not like the police has the power to stop them or evict them from the premises.
The defamation of Suga's character continues. The new footage is scrutinized—driving on the sidewalk (legally a shared path for both pedestrians and bikes/kickboards) is actually worse than driving a motorbike (or car) in traffic, isn't it? His (unconfirmed) alcohol levels, spouted as fact, are obscenely high. Doesn't the scooter happen to need a license plate? If it does and has none, that's another crime. If it does and has one, well. Suga "once again" mislead the public. 
Under blackmail thinly veiled as calls for consequences, the star is expected to grovel in shame.
No matter that Suga already apologized. His original statement, even though truthful, had been disgraced by the accusations and is no longer valid. Only a head bowed in shame will be enough for the press. 
The media reports that Suga should appear at the station on 22nd August, and photographers and reporters flock the station like an army laying a siege. They block the main entrance and create a corridor. They wait like this from 3 AM. 
Around 11 AM, Big Hit releases a statement that Suga was never meant to appear at the station that day. They express their concern for the reporters' well-being. They're very sorry they couldn't release a statement sooner, but they're telling them now so they don't suffer needlessly any longer. 
The media has fallen prey to their own misreporting, but they blame Suga for it. Articles are released, complaining of the inhuman conditions they were exposed to, having to wait in the sweltering summer heat. Not showing up to a summon that hasn't been made is painted as inconsiderate of him. 
Fans view this as a battle won. 
One step forward, two steps back
The triumph is short lived. The next day, reporters swarm the station again. This time, they wait until evening—no statement from Big Hit or the police comes to send them home. 
Then, Suga shows up for his investigation. He doesn't attempt to pass them by, or hide his face. He faces them, even stops to acknowledge them and speaks a few words of apology. He bows. 
The press gets both their money shot and the ritual humiliation. Hundreds upon hundreds of articles are written yet again, more defamation ensues. 
Bowing his head was not enough after all.
I will not share those pictures or videos here. I'm sure you can find them if you just Google Suga's name. I would, however, like for you to remember the CCTV footage of the incident that started this whole thing—Suga, on a kickboard that I've seen children ride on, falling. No one gets hurt, nothing gets damaged.
I will leave it up to you whether you think his crime warrants the kind of punishment he received—thousands of articles full of proven lies, slandering his name. Blackmail and threats from the press. Defamation (itself subject to criminal charges under Korean law) of his character, calls for the strictest of punishments—up to 5 years in prison. Funeral wreaths, akin to death threats to any sane person, sent to his home. His ability to perform his social service has been disputed. His KOMCA song credits were questioned. Calls to remove him from BTS, a group he worked his entire adult life and much of his teenage years to build.
On Sunday evening, Suga posts another apology, a hand-written letter. In it, he apologizes to his fans, his bandmates, and his team for putting a stain on their name. He also apologizes for causing a 'social stir', despite having been the victim of false narratives, harassment, and humiliation at the mercy of media outlets who decided to ruin his life beyond repair. 
"It's all my fault," he writes. I'm sorry for getting my blood on your clothes. 
The situation is still ongoing—chances are we won't know the result for days, or weeks, or months. Articles full of speculation and defamation are still being published every day, every hour, while we're waiting for the police to finish the investigation. 
While this media storm is happening around Suga, real name Min Yoongi, these events also happened in Korea and didn't make nearly quite the splash: 
3 more high-profile DUI cases: - a policeman drove a kickboard drunk, was found unconscious and was taken to the hospital. His case has already been closed. - Olympic baseball player got behind the wheel the morning after a night out, collided with another vehicle, and his alcohol level was high enough to warrant a license revocation. - Korean comedian, only referred to as Mr. A, drove after drinking and crashed his car, flipping it. 
Senior officer of the Korean anti-corruption commission, tasked with investigating the First Lady of South Korea in a bribery case, was found dead. His death was ruled a suicide. Charges against the First Lady had been dropped.
Telegram chats consisting of 220 thousand Korean men and boys sharing private information, pictures, and deepfake pornography of women in their lives and celebrities, were exposed on social media. 
NCT member Taeil left his group unexpectedly after being charged with sexual crimes. The investigation had been happening for months.
It's safe to say this story isn't about a DUI. Suga may have very well served as a distraction, a scapegoat, for much larger political scandals. Or the campaign against him could have been paid for by Hybe and BTS' competition—either to bring about their ruin, or to distract from their own undesirable news. 
Or the simplest explanation is true—he just was the most lucrative subject, the one that brought the most clicks, the most engagement, the most money. 
While the media calls for Suga to face consequences and learn his lessons, I would like to speak of different lessons. Ones that we can all learn. Yes, one of those is that driving any vehicle after having consumed alcohol is a bad idea. Duly noted. 
Another is that the reaction to this 'social stir' has been widely blown out of proportion by the engaged public, most of which consisted of the K-pop community. In the wake of the real CCTV being revealed, that community scrambled. Comments, posts, and articles were being deleted en masse. Some people condemned the actions of fellow fans and haters—the shaming and dogpiling, only because people finally felt justified in their hatred of BTS. Some doubled down—all information shared was from reputable media sources and outlets. How were they supposed to know they were fake? 
The truth is, we were supposed to know. We were supposed to suspect. The media, that now more than ever take their cues and inspiration from social media and online forums, have been wrong before, and they will be wrong again. Everyone who shared unverified articles meant to damage someone is in a way complicit in the situation. A situation that is sure to repeat—it's a matter of when, not if. 
A couple days ago, another idol posted a photo of himself sitting in a car. Then hastily added, "I'm not wearing a seatbelt because the car was stopped. I'm just saying." While K-pop fans cackled about the shade, the fact remains that these idols live in an environment where the smallest mistake could cost them their career, or worse, their life. Where fans of different groups view them as competition to their success and are willing to abandon all morals to get their shot at them. And if this mentality doesn't stop or change, the idols will keep dying.
BTS' fandom, ARMY, is not exempt from this, not by a long shot. Just during this whole fiasco, a twitter account with thousands of followers incited violent threats against another idol, only because they felt slighted by an unrelated comment. On the other hand, other fandoms organized a defamatory hashtag, posting pictures and tweets as if they were fans of Suga, condoning drunk driving. With only one goal—damaging his reputation further. 
These "shooter" accounts are cancerous to our communities, and we as fans should shun them, not hype them up. 
Lastly, I am not excusing Min Yoongi. However, if a crime was committed, it should be punished within the scope of the law, not according to what-ifs, speculation, or fantasies of the public. I disagree with the media frenzy this sparked. The media or the public cannot play the role of the judge, the jury and the executioner—we can't demand harsher punishment just because we don't like a celebrity, or because we disagree with their wealth. If we want to uphold justice, we cannot bypass it. Not like this.
Ironically, the media had turned Min Yoongi into sort of a martyr—he now both committed a crime and became a victim of one. And while his actions didn't hurt anyone, or damage anything, and are largely inconsequential, what has been done to him and his reputation cannot ever be fully undone. 
One fact remains true. No one, not even a celebrity, deserves to be driven to suicide, but the media and the public gave it another good try.
And so I ask the broader K-pop community—remember this situation as a cautionary tale, and when the next scandal breaks out, do your part. Have the grace to help assure the idol's fair investigation and impartial press coverage. 
That is a basic human right.
Related: South Korea | Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
Singing Price a Lullaby
Reusing one of my favorite ideas! I actually put in the names of all the characters I write for into a random picker and I got Price! Lovely, he's earned it!
Looking up from your phone, you gazed through the window, looking at the few stars and clouds that were visible. The sun had kissed the planet goodnight a while ago. And yet, here you were, all alone still, lying in your bed as you awaited your lover to finally finish his work for the day. A torturous time, really. Although he may have been so near, you dared not disturb him in what he deemed so important. And thus you were left to your own devices for hours now, asking him whether or not he had desired some food from time to time. Truthfully, an empty stomach was the only thing to make John abandon his oh so important work. And even then, conversation was sparse, he merely thought about work, not paying you much mind. While there may be the occasional answer were you to ask a question, it was short. He may have been the captain of a prestigious force, but that didn’t mean he should neglect you like that. Even you, with your understanding nature, had your limits. But it wasn’t John unintentionally ignoring you for the majority of the day that got to you, no. What really irked you was how few breaks he took. Yes, what he had to do was indeed of utmost importance, but you’d rather have him take care of himself either way. You brought him tea and water, incentives to get away from his paperwork for a few minutes at a time.
Looking at your phone yet again, the clock read 21:23. Had it been up to you, you would have dragged John from his desk and into bed. While you may not have been as strong as he was physically, you would hold him down until sleep would take him. If you needed to, you would learn to tie knots as well, anything to get your boyfriend to rest. With a sigh, you turned off your phone, deciding that you, and him, had had enough for the night. Your bed may have been a bastion of comfort, but it was incomplete without him. And thus, yet again, you sought him out in the one place he could almost always be found.
You knocked on the door to his office and, to no surprise, John invited you in, not bothering to open the door himself, however.
“Evening, love. Can I help you?” It was late, he had been working since the morning. Evidently, he was tired, his speech a bit slower than usual. John even had the gall to stifle a yawn around you. Had you been stronger, you would have picked him up, thrown him over your shoulder and carried him to your shared bed. But alas he was too heavy. The sentiment was still very much there, though.
“John, don’t you think it’s time to head to bed? It’s half past nine pm already, you’ve been at this since ten am.”
Turning back to his paperwork, he tapped the pen against his papers. “Just a little bit longer, then I’ll stop for the time being.”
Those few sentences made you irrationally angry. ‘Just a little longer’, that usually meant he’d be at this for another three hours or so, which was unacceptable. You took a deep breath and gently closed the door behind you. However, you could not pretend to be calm any longer as you stomped over to John, taking his papers from him and scanning them over. “Spelling error. Spelling error. Did you doze off as you wrote this? Wrong use of ‘than’. Spelling error.” You put the papers down with force, it was a surprise none of them had flown off the desk. “John, you’re dead tired and mentally exhausted. I think it’s time you call it quits for the night.”
Putting his pen down, he sighed. “Love, it’s alright. This is important and the deadline is coming up soon enough. I can go to bed later. I’m not tired just yet either.” He wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you a bit closer and resting his head against you, closing his eyes for a moment. “I’ll join you soon enough, don’t worry.”
“Stop shitting me. You’re leaving this room right now.” Grabbing his arm, you pulled him up. You had expected otherwise, but he put up no fight as you dragged him off the chair. It seemed as though not even he wanted to really work anymore this late. No one was going to burn him at the stakes for heading to bed for the night. Or stopping for any other reason. “And if you’re not tired, fine. We’ll do something else until you are tired.” What a liar. You were sure if you forced him to bed and wrapped a blanket around him he’d be gone in roughly ten minutes. Maybe even less. His eyes were only half open, and he was, yet again, stifling a yawn. “Come on, we’re heading to the living room. I have an idea for what we can do.”
For a moment he hesitated, refusing to go along with you as you were halfway through the door. John looked back at the documents on his desk, barely moving as you tried to drag him through the door. His gaze seemed almost empty as he stared off into space. He was half asleep, even while standing there. Eventually, he relented, turning off the lights and following you into the living room.
Holding onto his wrist still, you sat down on the couch, patting your lap as John simply stared at you. Raising his eyebrow, it was clear what he wanted to convey. ‘I’m too heavy for you, I won’t be sitting in your lap.’ But that wasn’t your intention either.
“Lie down, put your head on my lap.” Although he may have been a captain, he obeyed your command, no complaints from his side either. It was adorable how he looked up at you, barely conscious. You were certain he’d fall asleep eventually. However, maybe, just maybe, you could convince him to go to bed without him actually falling asleep in your lap. You wanted to sleep in your bed as well, after all. All of this could have been avoided if only he would take better care of himself. You’re going to scold him for that, but it could wait until tomorrow. For the time being you ran your fingers through his hair.
“What are we going to do now? Watch the telly?”
“Quiet, my dear. I’m thinking.” What you were about to do was kind of embarrassing. You were only really used to singing to yourself when no one was around. But you always found your voice to be quite soothing. In fact, you could sing yourself sleepy with certain songs as well. It was a blessing and a curse. You hoped you wouldn’t start yawning throughout it. Unfortunately, it wasn’t as unlikely as one would think. Still, you’d give it your all. But what to sing? You wanted to go for something a bit nicer.
Eventually, you settled for a song, looking away from John for a bit before starting to play with his hair again. He never looked away from you, taking in all of your features, regardless of how many times he had seen them.
Your voice wasn’t overly loud, it wasn’t overly high pitched either as you sang. Still, you felt a bit embarrassed, avoiding John’s gaze. It seemed almost humiliating to you, singing in front of someone else after years of not doing so. But it would take John’s mind off of things, you hoped. Your little performance was nice, you could feel yourself relaxing a bit as well.
I think I found a flower in a field of weeds
I think I found a flower in a field of weeds
Searching until my hands bleed
This flower don't belong to me
I think I found a flower in a field of weeds
I think I found a flower in a field of weeds
Searching until my hands bleed
This flower don't belong to me
This flower don't belong to me
Why can't she belong to me?
Slowly, you could feel your eyes getting a bit droopy as well, a yawn coming along with the feeling. Still, you ignored such for the sake of continuing to sing. John shifted in your lap, laying down on his side as he nuzzled into your stomach. You couldn’t tell if he was actually enjoying this, anxiety building up in your chest. However, you had already started, it would be a shame to stop now.
Every word, every thought, every sound
Every touch, every smile, every frown
All the pain we've endured until now
All the hope that I lost, you have found
He wrapped his arms around your middle and sighed contently. Maybe your anxieties were unfounded after all. It wasn’t often he’d sigh like that, only when he was really comfortable. For a moment, you dared to look at him. His eyes were closed and he seemed happy.
Every word, every thought, every sound
Every touch, every smile, every frown
All the pain we've endured until now
All the hope that I lost, you have found
His breathing was shallow and calm. Has he fallen asleep already? You would have preferred it if he had fallen asleep in your shared bed, but you supposed this was better than nothing. You could always just take a nap tomorrow.
I never had the nerve to ask
Has my moment come and passed?
I never had the nerve to ask
Has my moment come and passed?
I never had the nerve to ask
Has my moment come and passed?
I never had the nerve to ask
Your little performance was over now. You had found yourself to be quite tired yourself, but dared not to move in fear of waking John. Yet, eventually, he stirred awake, in spite of you not moving a muscle. His slumber didn’t last very long, if he had even slept in the first place.
“Beautiful, love. How come you never told me you could sing like that?”
“Well, it is a bit embarrassing. Even though I really do love singing. Anyway, go to bed, you stinker. It’s late and you’re tired.”
John sighed, but got up reluctantly. Having pulled you up with him, he linked his arm with yours. You were ready to hold him given how he swayed from left to right as he walked. “Nothing to be embarrassed about. You should sing more often. I’d love to hear you sing again sometime.”
“W-well, I’m sure that could be arranged… We’ll discuss that tomorrow. For now we’re heading to bed.”
“Wouldn’t dream of going anywhere else at this hour.” What a jester. Had you not intervened then he’d still be working away at some boring papers. But you were proud of him for complying. He needed that rest, after all.
You weren’t sure how long it took for him to actually fall asleep, but you could have sworn you heard light snoring the moment he hit the bed. In fact, he wasn’t even moving anymore, it was you, who had to drape the blanket over the both of you. But you didn’t mind. With a gentle kiss to the top of John’s head, you settled down for the night yourself, nestling into the blankets and getting comfortable. Eventually, you, too, fell asleep, tired from singing the lullaby.
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rallamajoop · 6 months
More random details from the depths of RE8
With the excuse of trying some shiny new mods, I've been replaying RE8 lately for the umpteenth time. Given the number of hours I've already poured into this game, you'd really think there'd be nothing left to find by this stage ‒ yet here I am, finding still more details I'd somehow missed the first half-dozen times through.
For one, there's the fact you can actually find Eva's grave in the graveyard outside the church. As the only photo we ever see of her shows her as a baby, I'd assumed she was still a baby when she died, but turns out, she was ten years old.
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"Eva, June 1909 ‒ August 1919
May you slumber for only a short while"
As expected, her death of the Spanish flu took place in 1919. There's some semi-legible text on the stone, but it doesn't match the caption ‒ it's just the same generic filler text you'll find on half the gravestone assets in this game.
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For another, there's Rose's baby monitor. I'd noticed Ethan turning the thing on when he puts her to bed, and even found the assets for its screen ‒ but since I'd never found the monitor itself, I assumed they must be unused.
Until this playthrough, when suddenly I'm just like, oh, there it is, sitting right on the table. You can even interact with it!
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How did I miss this so many times? It is pretty easy to overlook, given you'll trigger the cutscene with Mia if you go much closer to the kitchen, but I'm still surprised I never spotted it before. (And you do have to wonder if there was ever any plan for it to show a glimpse of something more sinister than just a still-image of Rose sleeping.)
In other minor details, there's the bit where Ethan arrives on the outskirts of the village at 8AM. You can hear a clock striking 8 times as you get your first view of area.
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Granted, this is not going to excite anyone who hasn't spent as long as I have putting together an hour-by-hour timeline of everything that happens in this game, but I still do love that they give you enough detail that that's even possible ‒ and this new timestamp fits right into that timeline. (And why yes I have just gone back and updated that post, what do you take me for?)
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Speaking of assets I thought were unused, you know that hidden room under the castle you can't get into until later, where you have to solve a puzzle that involves setting a moroaica on fire? Have you ever looked closely at the tapestries decorating this place? Because I found them in the game files ages ago, and have been trying to figure out if they're actually in the game ever since.
Because seriously, look at these things!
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Yes, that is a indeed a man with a sword and spear, wearing a hoplite helmet and sandals and nothing else. And the women seeing him from the front seem to be having a whole range of reactions to all that, er, weaponry being brandished their way. Isn't fine art wonderful?
Another asset I'd innocently assumed was unused is this wonderful bit of bullshit which was labeled simply 'antibow'. It wasn't until I took a long look at it that I realised what they meant was more like 'anti-B.O.W.', as in Bio-Organic-Weapon.
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Yes, that is indeed a knife taped to some kind of grenade. Sure is one high-tech outfit we're working with here!
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Only now do I spot that this is actually the bomb Chris chucks at the Megamycete in the cavern. It doesn't even come with the knife already attached, he just kind of sticks the knife onto the bomb and presumably straps some tape around them while the camera cuts away.
I still have so much more to share from my ongoing free-camera adventures, but I think we'll leave this one there for today.
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kookslastbutton · 1 year
Love's Remedy ༓ jjk (m) l Ch. III
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✑ Summary: Jungkook is a romantic. He comes from a highly intelligent family who wants him to carry out the lineage. Being this way, he goes to college to be a pharmacist but his friends say college isn't just about studying! With a little persuasion, he goes to his first frat party thinking his hat will help him pick up a girl-or woman he means.
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Pairing: STEM major!virgin!jungkook x STEM major!hot girl!reader
AU/genre: angst, smut, fluff, s2l, college au, mini-series
Rating: M, 18+
Word Count: 4,378
Warnings: jk is very determined to "win" oc, jk a romantic, oc has philophobia (fear of relationships), protective!koo again, oc is an engineering student, PC Bang, jk is a king at LOL (League of Legends), jk lowkey flirts with new person, oc gets cold feet but please don't blame her 🥹, jk and oc get on level ground after hashing things through, themes of stalker-ish behavior (not oc or jk!), feat Jackson and Jae-beom, if i missed warning lmk!
Now Playing: seven, summertime sadness, she’s kerosene, angels like you+
A/N: For reference a PC Bang is: "a type of LAN gaming center and Internet cafe in South Korea, where patrons can play multiplayer computer games for an hourly fee". Also, I am not a gaming guru but I try for this chapter that means I researched haha Enjoy! 💞
<< ch. II ༓ ch. IV >> | series masterlist
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A week later, Jungkook waits for you at your agreed rendezvous point; for over an hour. You promised to meet him near the campus garden at 7 pm but here it is almost 8 pm and you're a no-show.
He checks his phone for the fourteenth time since arriving–no reply.
Jungkook tries not to jump to conclusions but you broke your word and you ghosted him.
He thinks back to last week when he'd stepped between you and Jun-ho. And when you followed him back to his dorm where he told you he could love and take care of you, as you helped patch his wound. Had he come on too strong? Did you get into more trouble that he didn't know about?
He kicks a few pebbles by his feet, sending them flying in every which way, as the number of endless possibilities rattles his brain.
"Stupid," he cusses himself. "You're just so fucking stupid."
How could he believe that after two short weeks of random run-ins with you that he'd earn your interest? You told him you don't do relationships yet he still shows up, anxiously presenting himself as your knight in shining armor. Any sane person would tell him he was barking up a dead tree.
"Might as well get a head start on next week's homework." Jungkook loses hope, trotting back to the dormitory with the wind howling and mocking behind him.
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"What do you mean she ditched you?" The boisterous inquisition belongs to Jackson who's looking thoroughly offended once hearing his new best friend was shown up. He isn't sure how much this woman meant to him, but either way, it makes him livid. Even if you weren't going to go out with him, you should've at least told him like a decent human being.
"I really thought she'd come," Jungkook replies with his heavy eyes. He walks alongside the blonde-haired boy, dirt crunching below his feet. "Guess she had something better to do."
"No." Jackson stops in the middle of the road. "You know who actually has better things to do? It's you. What do you say to hitting up the PC Bang downtown? Play a little League of Legends or Overwatch?"
Jungkook shrugs with less enthusiasm than a snail. "Sure…"
"Hey man," Jackson puts a hand on Jungkook's shoulder. "I'm sorry about you and __. It sucks being stood up. I've had my fair share and you just gotta take it as a blessing that nothing else happened between you both. Nine times out of ten, it didn't have anything to do with you either so don't blame yourself. Take it as a lesson and keep working on yourself until the right person shows up. They'll be the person you can truly give yourself to."
"Hard to believe you've been shown up. You're charismatic, confident, in good shape, have good facial features, and you're getting your MD." Jungkook's aware of his friend's attempt to lift his spirits but he can't fathom anyone not giving Jackson the time of day. Due looks like a pop star in the making.
"Nah, most of what you just said is me bullshitting my way through life. I'm not all that," Jackson rejects, striding forward. "I got rejected by a girl a few days ago myself."
"Had a boyfriend?"
"Nope, just didn't like me. And she doesn't go out with first -years apparently."
"Oh," Jungkook's eyebrows shoot up. "She was an upperclassman?"
"Yup, on her third year."
At this Jungkook's mouth gapes open. "No wonder she said no. What the hell are you doing trying to go out with a third-year?” The accusatory tone spins Jackson's head–he's a sad little puppy with you but a bulldog with him. What a puzzling fellow.
"Same thing you're doing trying to convince someone who doesn't want a relationship to go out with you."
Jungkook dials back his previous assertion. "We're idiots."
"Correction. we're dreamers." Jackson slaps him on the shoulder. "C'mon, let's go burn some shit up at the internet cafe."
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By the time he and Jackson get to the cafe nearly all the computers are taken. It's no surprise since PC Bang's are quite a rave amongst university students like themselves. You can play the hottest games for hours while stuffing yourself full with whatever food's served on the cafe menu–all for a small fee of course.
"Let's go here." Jackson manages to grab two free id cards from the counter–guiding them to two empty PCs, side by side to each other. "How long do you want to play for?"
Jungkook sinks himself in the leather gaming chair and powers on the machine in front of him. "I'm good until 6 pm, but then I should head back to my dorm and do homework."
"Cool, same for me. We'll play for three hours then."
"What should we play?" Jungkook tosses the headset over his ears and scrolls through the game options. Jackson does the same.
"Kinda in the mood for LOL." He flips to the game's screen card. "Gonna need to join a team though."
"No problem.," Jungkook clicks the game on his own pc until the loading screen covers his view. "So many people play League of Legends. We'll be able to find one in no time."
Jackson nods and opens LOL himself. "Let's kick some ass."
"Fuck yeah," Jungkook mumbles, inaudible to everyone but himself.
An hour passes and he and Jackson have been hammering their opponents into the digital abyss. The thrill and surge of adrenaline cause him to forget previous heartaches–aka you. Plus, after finding a team of three to jump into; one member who happens to be female, Jungkook's been able to turn his attention to other prospects.
"Soomin, how long have you been playing LOL for?" Jungkook decides to learn more about his female teammate after claiming the final victory over the opposing team.
"Five years," her raspy voice comes through his headset. It sure is a unique voice, he notes.
"Same. We should play on a team more often. In fact, Jackson and I are thinking about building an official LOL team so we could use a third person. You're really good so if you want, we'd love to have you." Beside him, his friend gives him a confused look. 'We are?' he mouths silently which Jungkook ignores.
"Wait really?" She pauses a moment. "I've never been on a permanent team before. I guess that'd be cool."
"I play late at night sometimes too. Meaning if you ever wanna jump on with me shoot me a message or something."
"Alright, I'll jot down your username."
"Already got yours memorized," he says, a tad more cocky than he meant.
"Damn," she cusses. "You work fast. By the way, do you go to university?"
"Yeah, I go to Seoul National University."
"No way, what year are you? I attend there too. I'm a second-year."
"What?!" He nearly hits the ceiling once the information is disclosed. He had no idea Soomin would be this close and that he could meet her in person. call him eager but should he ask her out? No…he's already made that move with you and look where it left him. He'll ask to hang out first. "We should meet Soomin. As long as you don't mind that I'm a first-year that is," Jungkook chuckle lightly and looks over to Jackson who immediately gives him a double thumbs up.
"Well I'm kinda busy this week but how about next week? Also, if it's good with you, can my boyfriend come?"
Fuck. If this is some kinda joke he'd like to catch a break any time now. Not that he was as intrigued with Soomin as he was, or still is, with you but he definitely thought it was going somewhere!
"You're dating?" Jungkook watches Jackson lower his double thumbs up, frowny face on.
"Yeah, we've been together for a year. Met as classmates." When she giggles Jungkook has the unexpected urge to roll his eyes. Of course, you did, he mutters, just a perfectly peachy coincidence for you two.
"Well that's nice," he says bitterly.
"Oh, I'm sorry Jungkook. He's actually calling me now so I have to go but I'll talk to you soon. And message me when you want to meet. I'll tell my boyfriend about you!"
Great. Jungkook bids her goodbye and she signs off.
"Sorry about Soomin. She seemed cute." Jackson slides his headset off his ears to rest them around his neck. "But you know what? You're still a force to be reckoned with inside the virtual world. I honestly don't know how you do it."
Jungkook grins shyly and slips his headset on the desk. "I've been playing for a long time. Must be something to do with that." He throws a hand over his abdomen when his stomach rumbles at the same time. "We should order food." He browses the cafe's extensive menu on his pc. Nothing but rows and rows of tasty options flash back at him, urging him to spend fortunes.
Still, he's got to cap it at some point with only about 2,000,000 Korean won (about 1,500 USD) in his bank account. The Jeon family is wealthy but Jungkook is not. His parents are especially careful to inform him that generational wealth is not going to be given to him freely. Instead, he is to earn his own money, starting at the car wash which he worked at over the summer.
"I'm getting an order of Tteokbokki and a soju. What about you?" Jackson punches in his order, sparing a glance at Jungkook who's tapping on his keyboard with one hand while the other rests under his chin.
"The Jjajangmyeon looks good. I'll get that with a soju too." After Jungkook enters in his own order he strolls his chair out from under the gaming table. "Do you see a bathroom around here?"
"Yeah, it's all the way to that far right corner." Jackson points in that direction with his thumb.
"Okay, I'll be right back."
Bathroom, bathroom, bathroom.
Jungkook repeats the simple word to himself. He scans the corner Jackson gestured towards earlier but sees nothing except a giant blank wall. Must have meant the opposite direction. He turns himself around to scout the other side of the floor.
"Excuse me sir-" a voice chimes close behind him.
"Oh sorry." He steps aside to let the young lady by and as soon as he does his whole body jerks forward in shock. "__!"
You turn around with the tray of food in your hand in what looks like a work uniform. "Yes, what can I do–Kookie?" You grip the plastic tray firmer to keep it from shaking uncontrollably, though the clamminess of your palms makes it a challenging task. Seeing Jungkook at the place you work was bound to happen being that the PC Bang is close to the university. You just weren't prepared for it to be tonight during one of your last shifts of the season.
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"I didn't know you worked here."
"Yeah, only part-time." After bumping into Jungkook moments ago, you found it inevitable to avoid him further. You agreed to meet him outside once your break started. "I'm planning on leaving before the semester gets crazy. I have about a week left probably."
It dawns on Jungkook that he doesn't know what you study so with shifty eyes and clenched fists, he asks. "What are you going for?"
"Engineering." You can tell he wasn't expecting that for an answer; most don't be a woman in the field and all. "Jungkook, let's not do this. I'm sorry about what happened the other night." A sick queasy feeling settles in your gut–you're well aware you did Jungkook wrong. You're not proud of it in the slightest and him standing in front of you right now only reminds you of your guilt.
"I waited for you __. You said you come even if it was a rejection." A twinge of hurt laces behind his words and he keeps a controlled stance. He doesn't get in your face, demanding for an answer, nor does he break down and cry. He's more inquisitive than anything else. "Where were you? Why didn't you come?"
"I–" You intertwine your fingers, a nervous habit you picked up in childhood. "I panicked Kookie. I'm so sorry."
Jungkook stiffens when he hears the endearing name drop from your soft lips again. It was nice at first but now it feels like a sharp pain twisting in his side, like a thorn only for his misery. "Can you not call me that, please? It's–It's making me uncomfortable."
"Oh god," you lunge forward out of instinct but freeze when he steps back. "Jungkook I really am sorry. I was planning to see you. I had my shoes on and everything. Like I said I panicked, I'm not suited for relationships. And I'm not suited for you."
The last part stings the most.
“There’s no buts Jungkook." You place your hand on the door of the building. " I have to get back to work."
"Wait!"Jungkook moves to face in front of you from an angle. "You say you're not suited for relationships but why did you get ready to see me? Why didn't you just say no to me? And last week when you told me you needed more time to think…was it a lie?"
"Because I like you okay? You're cute, protective, sweet, but you like me too much." you release the handle. "You don't know anything about me yet you've already got into a fistfight with an obscene jerk for me and claim you'll wait for me even when you just met me. If you love me this much now how much more will you love me later?"
" I'll love you for eternity."
"See this is it, Jeon. You saying stuff like this before anything real has happened between us–it's too much. How can you be this devoted to basically a stranger? You'll love me for eternity but have you considered that maybe I won't?"
"What are you saying?"
"What makes you think I'll love you as much as you do me?"
" I don't think like that __. I don't want a relationship so I can see what I can get. that's not how my mind works. I understand that I've been very forward with you. I should have been more conscientious about how that would make you feel but when I say that I love–"
"Please, don't drop the 'L' word. If you're saying love then you don't love me; only the idea of me."
Jungkook pauses, wordless
"Never thought of it that way huh? Guess not. Let me ask you something…do you know what I do? With men?"
He swallows and shakes his head no
"I sleep with them. A new guy a week if not twice a week. People call me a whore, and I'm spreading my legs for everyone and anyone willing. Do you want to get involved with someone like that?" You wipe away an escaped tear.
"I don't care about that at all __."
"Well, you should! This is who I am Jungkook. I can't let you be responsible for me. So unless you want a one-night stand or a friends-with-benefits relationship, I suggest you forget about me. I can't be your girlfriend."
"__!" Your manager shoves the front door open, causing you and Jungkook to jolt in surprise. " Where have you been? We have about twenty orders that need to be served."
"Sorry Manager Choi. I'll get right on it." You spare Jungkook one last glance before disappearing back inside the PC Bang. "I'm sorry," you say with a lowered head.
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That night Jungkook lays on his bed, thumb hovering over your name in his contacts list. His logical side whispers for him to delete it. His heart says to call, text, or do something to–no. He remembers your pained facial expression; on the verge of tears as you explained to him that he'd been too quick in making his mind up about you. But then he replays your final words.
"…unless you want a one-night stand or a friends-with-benefits relationship, I suggest you forget about me. I can't be your girlfriend."
Well, he doesn't want the first two but if it meant he could be in your life longer–stop. His logical side intrudes. "You don't want to go down that path," he matters to himself. "It's better if you just delete the number." Jungkook moves to tap the trash can icon on your phone contact, a pang in his chest. Just as he's mustered up enough strength his phone buzzes off, screen lighting the entirety of the darkened dorm room. His roommate groans at the sound and rolls over in their bed.
"Jungkook," said roommate rubs his face. "I have an 8:15 tomorrow morning. Please speak take it in the hallway."
Jungkook quietly jumps out of bed not solely because of courtesy to his roommate but also because it's from you.
"Jungkook… can you um…"
"__?" He eases the door shut behind him and paces up and down the hallway. "Are you there?"
"Can you meet me at the bus stop near the campus library/ I'm sorry to be asking you it's just that…Jun-ho's–"
"What is it? Are you okay? What about Jun-ho?"
" I'm taking the bus back from work and he's on the same one he keeps staring at me and I'm scared of following me back to my dorm. Please Kookie-Jungkook I mean. I don't have any right to ask you, I know. He won't try anything with the bus driver here but once I get off I'll be alone. I have some pepper spray in my bag–"
"Yes, yes I'll be right there. How far are you out?" This isn't about pursuing you, impressing you, or anything like that anymore; it's about your safety. Jungkook leaps into his room, grabs his wallet, and shoves the sneakers on his feet. "__? Did you hear me?"
" I'm five minutes from the stop. Oh, he's, he's still staring at me."
"Don't look at him __. I'm walking down right now. Stay on the phone with me. I'll be waiting for you when you get there okay?"
"Thank you Kook. I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize. If Jun-ho's tracking you down like a wolf, it'll be his funeral." The icy tone in Jungkook's typically warm, milky tone sends a shiver up your spine.
The bus you're on pulls up in exactly five minutes, as you estimated. Jungkook frantically searches for you through the window glass, growling when he sees Jun-ho standing up a few rows behind you. He makes sure to be as close to the bus's exit doors as possible so he can grab your hand as soon as you step out.
"Hey!" He greets you loudly. "How was your shift?"
"Great! We were running around like crazy but thankfully, I didn't have to work through the night." You cling his hand tighter, slinging your other arm around his.
"That's a blessing." Jungkook and you walk faster, putting more space between you and Jun-ho. "You must be tired."
"Oh yeah, I can't wait to slee–ah!" You trip over a ledge on the sidewalk. Jungkook grips you before you completely fall flat on your behind.
"New feet?" He can't help but joke and you slap his arm. Jungkook helps straighten you back up, your hands remain interlocked. When it comes to a split in the road, you and Jungkook filter to the right side towards the female dorms. You hope to god Jun-ho takes the left.
"He's such a fucker." Jungkook curses, peering over his shoulder just enough to see Jun-ho faltering at the intersection. He burns holes at both of you so much that it makes Jungkook feel like kneeing him in the gut but he doesn't want to provoke the bastard–putting you in unpredictable danger. "I'll get you to your dorm. Which one is yours?"
"Up ahead." You gesture at the brick building with the number 318.
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"We can let go of our hands now." You're the first to speak after arriving outside your dorm.
Jun-ho thankfully did not follow you any more than back at the split in the path between male and female dorms. The fact that he still attends school here makes your skin crawl. You don't exactly like calling people a mistake but Jun-ho is by far an exception. You messed around with the guy one time while you both were a bit tipsy and he keeps hounding you. If you need to, you will make him stay away from you permanently.
"Promise me you'll get a restraining order on him if this happens again or gets worse." Jungkook ignores your suggestion to release your hands. "That idiot has no right to be around you."
"I will. Thank you for coming out. I was nervous to call you being what happened earlier. I truly, from the bottom of my heart, am sorry. And I know having to go back to work left things hanging so if there's anything else you wanted to talk about or tell me, please feel free."
"Anything for you–" slips out of his mouth before he can stop it. He slaps a hand over his mouth instantly, you chuckle softly.
"It's okay Jungkook," you reassure. "I can tell you wear your heart on your sleeve. You're naturally very accommodating and flattering."
"And you're beautiful. Damnit, I did it again. I'm sorry __, but whenever I look at you I feel butterflies and I say a lot of fluffy stuff. I'm not trying to flirt or impress you by using what can be in the right context, shallow methods. But yeah, I was thinking about what happened at the cafe earlier tonight and I think get it–I've been too quick to the draw. I'm honestly not sure why I'm so attracted to you other than the fact that you're breathtakingly gorgeous in literally every way, both physical and non-physical. It makes me want to know you more. And the fact that assholes like Jun-ho won't leave you alone makes me want to be your personal bodyguard or something. I don't lift as much as him but fuck, I can keep him in his place. I'm starting to sound crazy, aren't I? It's like you said, we're strangers after all…right?"
Jungkook waits for you to respond. The cool autumn air is crisp against your cheeks, not cold enough to see your own breath, but enough to have you secretly grateful for the warmth that comes from his hand. That's right, you've been clinging onto his hand for dear life for the past fifteen or more minutes. You should probably let go now if weren't for the fact that he's also clinging onto yours just as hard.
"You really want to know me Kookie?" You brush a few strands of his hair that have blown in front of his eyes. He's incredibly handsome now…how did you not see it before? Sure he's cute with his bunny-like smile, mole on his button nose, and his adorable voice that makes you oh so soft and comfortable inside. But he's also handsome with his piercing oak tree-colored eyes, perfectly sharp jaw, and eager yet tenacious energy that always seems to show up for you.
Jungkook takes your other hand in his, swinging them between you both. "Of course," his earnest voice chippers. "It’s next to impossible for me not to want to know you. I'm sure I'll eventually move on if that's what you really want, but if there's another alternative that can avoid that I'd like to take it. You seem to be in deep thought about something…" he switches up his response when he notices you don't look as alert as you usually do. “__.”
"I'm here," you say, the tiniest bit dazed. "I was just thinking about something."
"Yeah I know, but about what?"
You swallow before replying. “…You.”
Jungkook smiles sheepishly. You're unsure if he's pleased or nervous. "Is it–is it something good or should we leave it here?"
"Are you free tomorrow?" You bite the inside of your cheek, begging yourself not to take it back. "It's Sunday so I get if you have some last-minute studying to do. Just thought maybe we could do something….together." Jungkook goes to reply, cheeks more than raised but you continue speaking before he sounds a word. "It's not a date per se. I'm being crazy annoying but I'd like to be friends first with something extra."
"You said no to friends before though. This isn't an offer to be friends with benefits is it?"
"That was when I wasn't sure what I wanted with you if anything. I didn't want to take advantage of you or anything. I want to start as friends so we can see if we can somehow be more. I'm interested in you Jungkook so no, not friends with benefits but rather, friends with the potential to be more."
"Okay," Jungkook squeezes your hands. "I can do that. What do you want to do? What time do you want to meet? What do you want me to wear?"
"First of all, if we're going to do this I'm going to need you to treat me like your bro. Wear what you want, we can meet afternoon and we'll figure it what to do along the way." You think your suggestion is fair yet it's crystal clear that it's not ideal for Jungkook, given the pout on his face.
"I don't want you to be my bro though," he whines.
"We start as bros or we're not hanging out." You're firm because you want this to work but you know yourself, and you need to take this slow.
"No wait, okay. Bro it is. You'll be the prettiest bro of mine."
"Jungkook," you snort, undignified. "That sounds weird."
He shrugs, "I'm weird when I'm with my friends. Especially when they're as pretty as you, it makes me all dumb because I can't seem to think straight anymore."
"Alright Romeo," you say, face flushing. "Save the rest for tomorrow."
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<< ch. II ༓ ch. IV >> | series masterlist
A/N: This was originally going to be three chapters but it will be extended 😶 Lmk what you think and if you wanna to be tagged fill out tag form or ask 💞
@hoseokteardrop @skzthinker @igchochi @jksjx
no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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sorceresski · 1 year
Our First Date - Ruben Dias
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Summary: you make a new friend on vacation and spend the best evening of your life together
I’m pretty sure I’m the target audience for this😹
She burst out of the restaurant into the cool night, pushing past someone, not caring to apologize.
“Fuck!” She shouted into the street. “All I want is 24 hours of peace! Don’t I deserve that!” Frustration threatened to spill as her vision clouded with tears.
She didn’t take as many vacations as she would like but that meant she could accumulate them and take them all at once. Which is what she planned doing for summer this year. A 2 week long break away from the four walls of her office building.
That is, if her co workers would respect it.
“Damn, and I thought I was having a bad weekend.” She jumped at the sudden intrusion of the stranger’s cool voice, it was the same person she’d bumped into on her way out. She wasn’t short but I had to look up at him, really look.
Dark hair, brown eyes and sporting a beard, he was handsome. He wore a white dress shirt folded at the sleeves and cargo pants and if she tilted her head a little, he almost looked familiar. Although he had an accent, his English was perfect. He was the first person she’d had to interact with without google translate.
“I’m sorry for my rudeness earlier…I just have a lot going on.”
He eyed her. “I never would have guessed,” he said, a smirk playing on his lips. “I’m Ruben.”
She stared at his outstretched hand, suddenly realizing she was talking to a stranger on a dark street, save for a distant street lamp, while travelling solo in a country she didn’t understand the language. She shook his hand tentatively, wondering if she should give him a fake name.
“Did you just give me a fake name?”
“What? No, that’s actually my name,” he threw up his hands at her sudden defensiveness.
The waiter who had been standing to the side with her check, worried she was about to dine and dash, took this as his opportunity, “Erm, excuse me…your…” he waved the paper.
“Oh.” Relief flooded Rebecca’s features, finally an escape. She snatched the paper from him and hurried back into the restaurant throwing an “it was nice meeting you Ruben” behind her.
Settled back at her table, she was about to hand the waiter her card when she noticed the stranger approaching her table with dismay.
“Let me pay for your meal,” Ruben said, casually pulling out the chair across from her.
Rebecca watched silently as he gave his card to the waiter instead. She could tell he was a persistent person and arguing with him would just be a back and forth which he would eventually win.
Ten minutes later, they were outside the restaurant again.
“It’s just…” he glances at the shiny watch on his wrist, “7:30. Do you want to do something else?”
Rebecca sighed. “Look, Ruben, thank you for paying for my meal. I really appreciate it. But I’d really like to get back to my hotel room, my friends are waiting for me.”
He quirked an eyebrow. “Another lie? What if you send a picture of my ID to your friends?”
She thought about it. She did need to take her mind off work and what’s a trip to Portugal without stupidly running off with a handsome stranger into the night?
“Alright.” She took a picture of his ID and sent it to her sister back home with the message “in case I go missing x.”
“You’re Portuguese?” She asked, handing him back his ID.
He nodded, “I am.”
“Great, then you can give a me walking tour.”
They spent the rest of the evening walking, conversation flowed easily. Eventually they found themselves staring at the ocean, they’d somehow ended up on the beach.
It was chilly and deserted save for a few out of place pairs like them. The moonlight reflected off the water disrupted by the crashing waves.
Arm in arm, they walked along the shore, his jacket draped over her shoulder.
“Don’t you miss Portugal? It’s very beautiful here.” Rebecca asked when Ruben revealed he lived in Manchester. “Manchester weather is awful.” She scrunched her nose and he laughed at the gesture, she did that a lot.
“It’s not like I have a choice,” he shrugged. “It’s work.”
“What do you do?”
“I’m a footballer.” She slapped his shoulder.
“That’s why you looked so familiar! For Manchester City?” He nodded, amused. “I’ve seen your face on a few posters here and there.”
“And for Portugal.”
Rebecca faked a swoon. “I didn’t know I had a star on my hands.” They both laughed at that.
Soon, they came to a clearing dotted with trees, their leaves swaying in the canopy above.
“Sometimes I wish I wasn’t a footballer.”
“Don’t say that,” she said. “They can hear you.” He looked at the trees and then at her. “You okay?” And then, not a question, “You really think trees can hear us.”
“Of course not. It’s just something my mother used to say to make us conscious of what we say. But you don’t mean that do you?”
He leaned against a tree. “Okay, I love being a footballer but sometimes I wish I could be a regular guy without someone coming up to me for a selfie or to sign something.”
“No one has approached us all evening.” Rebecca looked around to emphasize her point.
“Because it’s dark.” He deadpanned.
She shrugged. “I would give anything to swap lives with you. You’re doing what you love, well compensated for it and you represent your country at the highest level. Some people can only dream of the life you have.”
He let her words wash over him. “I guess I could practice a little more gratitude.”
They talked for a little bit more until Ruben eventually looked at his watch, “it’s getting late, let’s get you back to your hotel.”
“I never got your number,” Rebecca said when they got to the hotel she was staying in. The exchanged phones to put in their numbers, hugs and promises of a second date when they both returned to England.
A/n: I’ve had this in drafts for almost a month now.
I also didn’t know how to end it🧍🏽‍♀️
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hyuwunjinie · 1 year
Blood in the Snow (pt.1)
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Characters: Hyunjin x afab reader (ft other skz members)
Genre/warnings: Royalty AU, Arranged Marriage to Lovers, Romance, Smut, Angst & Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Mutual pining, Toxic Parents, Misogyny (Period accurate)
Explicit sexual content. This work portrays elements/themes that may be triggering, proceed with caution. Minors DNI.
Word count: 1,157
Summary: You thought you were engaged for eternity, destined to live your princess' dreams in a grand castle. But the moment you close your eyes, all you can see is the blood in the snow.
Today the weather was absolutely wonderful, yet you were anxiously clutching the ruffles of your dress. Your mother sitting next to you had been trying her best to reassure you, to no avail, and your behavior earned you a light tap on the back of your right hand as she clicked her tongue. 
“y/n, I know you are impatient, but please, try to keep your dress in one piece, alright?”
Impatient wasn’t quite the right word. You were terrified. The carriage you were in was meant to bring you straight to the Great North to meet your betrothed, a Lord much higher in status than you were. You were already missing the golden fields of amber wheat that ruffled near your home’s stables.
You didn’t want to admit it, but you couldn’t call this place home anymore, really. Home was now wherever you were headed to, or it shall become home sooner or later, you tried to reassure yourself. You didn’t even know when you could come back, of if you’ll ever get the opportunity to. This realisation was breaking your heart, but the adrenaline rushing through your veins was keeping you from becoming too emotional. 
Your back was already hurting, and you wished you were horseriding instead of having to sit in a stupid carriage in a stupid ruffled dress. In your opinion, you looked like a porcelain doll. And this was not a compliment ; an overdone makeup with your skin way too fair and your cheeks way too pink, a dress that looked like it came straight from a six years old closet, and a painful hairstyle which took one hour to put in place. 
“Mom, I’m just stressed, okay? I am not looking forward to this anymore.” You admitted with bitterness.
“Oh Honey, don’t say this, please. You are gorgeous, there’s no way they won’t like you. give me your hands, they must be tense.”
You always admired your mother’s way to dodge a difficult subject by redirecting people’s attention on another, but this time you silently cursed the gods you were the victim of her stratagem. With a sigh, you gave your hands to your mother who dedicated herself to slowly massage them. Looking out the small window of the carriage, you contemplated the slow change of the scenery, the golden leaves of the south trees slowly giving up their spots for their green cousins. Reminiscing the past, you let yourself drift to sleep under the careful gaze of your mother.
“Mom, where does he live ?” You asked, your small frame holding onto her hand in front of the newest portrait in the hall. You were four or six years old, at most. 
“Way up north, sweetie.” Your mother answered, her voice calm and collected. Cold but warm, she gave you a reassuring press on your palm. 
“... Why can’t he come play here ?” You let out with a pout, puzzled at how distances worked still and scratching your brain to understand your mother’s words. 
“It’s too far. it would take him hours to reach this place.” She chuckled, mellowed by your cute face and visible dilemma. 
“That’s not fair. I want to play.” You were eyeing the portrait now. 
A youthful boy was sitting next to two adults. Their faces seemed warm and inviting, a welcoming sight for the viewer. But you learned fast enough that your focus should be on the other kid. He had short black hair, full lips and almond eyes. Dressed in expensive clothing, he sported a navy blue vest with shorts and dress shoes. 
Your mother sighed, a thoughtful gaze etched on her face. 
“Life is rarely fair, y/n.” Her sudden grave tone made you look up, and she met your gaze halfway. “See, this boy ? His name is Hwang Hyunjin. One day, you will be his wife. Like your mama and papa.” Silent tears rolled down her cheeks, contrasting with her small smile. “And you will have a happy, wonderful life with him.”
“...Mama, why are you crying ?” Confused, you could feel your own tears prickling your eyes, but you didn’t even know why you felt this way. 
Now at your level, your mother gently put back a strand of your hair behind your ear and embraced you closely. 
“... It’s nothing, sweetie. Mama is a little tired, alright ?” She sobbed in your shoulder. 
You remember it snowed, that day. 
“Y/n ! look !!” You were woken up in a rush by your mother who was gently rubbing your upper arm to get your attention. 
Barely processing your environment, you focused your brain on your mother who was pointing intently at the carriage window.
You followed her hand, and all you could see was white. Snow, you realised. Snow as far as you could see. It was the first time you witnessed a wintery landscape. In the south, it did snow some times, but it never stayed on ground, melting right away upon its contact. 
The light reflected so prettily upon the white mantle outside that you let out an audible gasp, mesmerized by this new sight. getting closer to the window, you could see your breath, and you shuddered, suddenly aware of the sudden drop of temperature you were experiencing. You were hurting still, but you suddenly felt glad to be inside the somewhat warm haven of the carriage. 
Reaching for the bag in front of your seat, your mother pulled up an ivory chawl that she put tightly around you. 
“I knitted this one myself, you know ?” She chuckled proudly.
“Wait, really ? I thought you hated knitting, mother.” You stared in disbelief at the skilled handiwork of the chawl and its flowery details. You slowly discerned patterns of sunflowers and lilies. You recognised the sunflowers to be you, as it was your favorite flower, and it didn’t took you long to remember lilies were Hyunjin’s favorites.
“Oh, I do, don’t get me wrong. But I wanted to surprise you. I was meant to give this to you after the wedding, but I suppose now is as good as ever, right?” She looked at you, gaze thoughtful and unreadable. You stared at each other for a second, before you finally broke the eye contact. 
“Thank you, mother. It’s a wonderful gift. I will treasure it greatly.” You stared at the mixed patterns of sunflowers and lilies. “I will use it a lot with these temperatures, I’m sure.” Reaching out for a hug, you suddenly felt as if something changed, in that instant. A realisation that, after the wedding, your parents will return to your- their home. You won’t see your mother every morning anymore, waiting for you at breakfast with eggs and toast and fresh orange juice. You won’t be able to go flower picking together anymore. You squeezed her more tightly. 
“...I will miss you, mother.”
“I will miss you too, y/n.”
In silence, you held onto these words for what seemed an eternity. 
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whatdoidosatoru · 6 months
Sleeping In
PART 3 of The Only Exception
- part 1 - part 2 - part 4 - ao3
pairing: Keisuke Baji x OC (reader)
wc: 4.6k
tags: smut, fluff, no use of y/n, some back story (talk of cheating etc..), oral sex (m and f receiving), this chapter is actually pretty mild, sorry :)
summary: after another night of shenanigans with Keisuke, he cleared his schedule to spend a day with me
Absolutely (Story About a Girl) - Nine Days
The Great Escape - Boys Like Girls
Coffee at Midnight - Stand Atlantic
Always - Panic! At The Disco
Church - Fall Out Boy
Sarah Smiles - Panic! At The Disco
Memories Of A Broken Heart - Crown The Empire
Sleeping In - All Time Low
Always - blink-182
I rolled over after what seemed to be a very short nap to find Keisuke with a very focused face holding a book from beside my bed.
“Everything okay?” I seemed to have snapped him out of his focus.
“Oh, yeah, this is just a bit weird."
I chuckled, “Yeah, it’s quite different. One of the main themes is reinvention of oneself and writing one’s own story. Meaning, in storytelling, you can reshape your life and constantly move from one self to the other and so on. If you want, you can borrow it, I’ve read it twice already.” He put the book away and slid back down to meet me for a kiss. 
“Maybe later, I like the person I am with you now.” He pushed my hair out of my face.
“Uhh so,” I started, clearing my throat, “What was that ‘all mine’ business?”
His face turned serious, “Did you not like it? I’m sorry if it was too much…”
“No, no, it’s not that,” I quickly stopped him, “I was just wondering what that meant to you.”
“I thought it seemed kind of obvious?”
“Let’s pretend it’s not and I’d like you to clarify.”
With a sharp inhale I stared at his face. I couldn’t say I hadn’t thought about it. There’s a certain satisfaction in fantasising about a relationship with a person you’ve only seen in a public space once and couldn’t forget their face. But this was different, he was really here, physically and emotionally, asking me to trust him and let him in.
He sat up and I followed, both completely naked and vulnerable.
"I want to be with you. I want you to be mine and nobody else’s. I really like you, to the point that I don’t know how I survived those 28 hours between leaving and seeing you again, having the confirmation that I was just overthinking things. I want to be the only person to do these things with you. I want to take you out on dates and then come back home with you and hold you until we fall asleep,” he shook his head, breaking eye contact, “and now that I said all this I really hope you feel somewhat the same because if you don’t I might just lose my mind.”
 All I could hear was a faraway voice in my head, repeating a mantra that had kept me from living my life the way I was supposed to.
You’re so obsessed with me and naive, no wonder I could sneak around and bed a different girl every night and still come back to you to take me in. Are you so stupid that you can’t see that we have been over for months now? I just kept you around so your cunt can be useful to me.
Keisuke sighed, reaching to touch my face. “Then I guess I’ll have to try harder to get to know you,” he said with a smile, “I’m not giving up on you, Yuna. I know we’re going to be good together, I can just feel it in my bones. Whatever I can do to help you see it, I’ll do it.”
“Keisuke…” his eyes locked onto mine.
“...I’m not sure you thought this through enough. You don’t really know me, you don’t know what a mess my head is in. I want to say yes and it felt right saying I was yours, but I’m afraid we’d rush into it and ruin everything.”
“Can we just watch something first?” I asked.
“Can you be naked while we watch?” His mouth showed a devilish grin.
“Pervert.” I playfully smacked his shoulder, then leaned over to kiss his soft lips, digging my hand into his hair, now in a very loose ponytail. He bit my lower lip, took out the hair bobble, and shook his hair out. I got up to position my laptop on the desk so we could see the screen and put on one of my favourite series.
When I got back to bed, Keisuke wrapped his arm around me and kissed the top of my head,
“I’m still going to call you mine until you tell me to fuck off.” I didn’t think that could ever be an option.
Mai Darling, 21:33
i’m going to sleep, getting up early to finish my research paper so you can get spicy wherever
just please don’t do it in the kitchen
i don’t want your sex particles in my food
Yunaaaaasty, 21:34
good night my darling i hope we dont wake you later <3
Mai Darling, 21:34
you’d better not or i’ll rip your boyfriend’s dick off :D
Yunaaaaasty, 21:34
Mai Darling, 21:35
thought so, good night and stay safe lovebirds <3
Huh. Boyfriend.
Something about the notion felt safe and comforting. But that was just a recipe to get hurt again. Especially after last time…
“I’ll be out late, don’t wait up,” the voice on the other end of the line said. My heart sank, this had been happening for months now, we never saw each other, apart from him sneaking through my window in the dead of night, waking me up for a quick fuck and then passing out, disappearing before I woke up. Whenever I wanted to bring up the fact that we didn’t spend time together anymore, that I was losing interest in him because we didn’t even talk, he’d wave it off. “I told you I was busy, what more do you want from me?” 
Mai had told me to break it off with him, he wasn’t worth crying over, he didn’t care about me, and I’d find someone who would actually make an effort with me. “Don’t be dumb, Yuna, he’s a little weasel. He’s always seemed a little bit off to me, and you can’t even deny it! You only started liking him because it felt good being with a bad boy at the time. Who knows what he’s actually doing,” Mai would warn me to break things off with him on a daily basis, but I didn’t want to give up on him. I believed I could get him back to how he was before he started to pull away from me. Nobody prepared me for what I’d actually see when I decided to follow him out that night. 
“Good morning, sweetheart,” I rolled over and saw Keisuke, already awake, smiling at me from the other side of the bed.
“Mmmmornn.” I definitely couldn’t be accused of being a morning person.
Keisuke chuckled, “I don’t think I know that language, but I’m going to assume you need a couple more minutes of quiet to wake up.” He pulled me closer into his chest so I took a deep breath and inhaled his scent. 
I opened one eye as if to sneakily look at him. I couldn’t get enough of him. I could smell him, but I needed to see him, touch him, taste him. Quickly forming a thought in my mind, I managed to wake myself up for my hand to start venturing lower along his body. He quickly caught on and gave me a naughty smile,
“I take it you’re awake now, hmm?” I replied with a kiss, my hand reaching its destination and making him moan into my mouth. 
My hand wrapped around his cock and started slowly pumping it. As I did that, his hips started rolling into me. His moans turned into groans and soft grunts so I decided to switch my approach. Lowering myself to his crotch, his eyes turned hungrier, his noises needier. I took his length into my mouth, eliciting a long moan from his perfectly soft lips. His hips started thrusting upwards, but only slightly, like he couldn’t help himself.
I moaned at the taste of him, sending him into another long moan from the vibrations on his sensitive tip. I bobbed my head up and down, licking along the shaft and wetting it with my spit. His hands were gripping the sheets and his eyes were squeezed shut, taking in all of the sensations. While one of my hands was on the length of his shaft I couldn’t fit into my mouth, I brought the other to my clit, slowly rubbing circles around it and using the sensation to moan around Keisuke’s cock.
He moved one of his hands behind his head and the other to grab my hair into a makeshift ponytail. I looked up and locked eyes with him.
“You look so pretty with-ah fuck-your lips around my cock I could watch you-ah-suck me forever.” He noticed where my other hand was. “Ah, I see. You enjoying yourself?” He smirked with amusement, gripping my hair tighter and pushing me to take more of him in while I sucked in my cheeks to squeeze him tighter. Now he set the pace and very soon he started moaning louder. I rubbed myself quicker now, incredibly turned on by his using my mouth how he wanted.
“Can I come into your mouth?” I could barely hear him through his panting and I had no way of replying as he was still fucking my face so I removed the hand from my clit and gave him a thumbs-up. He laughed, but quickly returned to moaning and cursing under his breath.
“Fuck your mouth is incredible I could do this all day. Good girl you’re taking me so well. Are you ready? Fuck I can’t hold on any longer-” With another tug of my hair and a loud moan he spilt down my throat and my fingers slowed down, not quite willing to stop. I flipped over onto my back and looked up at him, showing him my empty mouth. He smiled and leaned in for a kiss then dragged me back up and kissed down my front to get to where my fingers were teasing my pussy. 
Flashing his canines he went straight in to devour my needy clit and puffy lips. I let out a cry as he pushed two fingers inside of me, immediately hooking them upwards to make me arch my back in pleasure. He removed his tongue only to instruct me to grip his hair, to which I obliged right away, desperate for more friction.
As he licked lazy circles around my sensitive clit I pulled him in closer, kind of afraid he might suffocate, but he just attacked with more fervour, making me moan even louder than before,
“Yes-ah-Keisuke please I’m almost there,” I needed him so terribly and he chuckled, sending vibrations to my core, almost finishing me. 
“Cum on my tongue, pretty girl, I want to taste how good I made you feel.”
That sentence alone sent a wave of pleasure over me, I arched my back and cried out his name while he was slowing down to ease me down to earth. Once again, he wiped his face and licked my slick off, savouring every drop of me before helping me up and embracing me into a tight hug. I was enveloped in his scent, sweetness with a hint of citrus, and it felt like all my stress and overthinking just melted away.
He pulled away after a kiss on my forehead, grinned, and went to put his clothes on.
“I’m guessing you don’t have classes today?” I went to look for something to wear in my wardrobe.
“No, I have Mondays off from university and work, you?” Now that he was, sadly, dressed, he peered out of the bedroom to check if Mai was still home.
“I already messaged work I’m not coming in today.”
With that I stopped in my tracks. Was this because of me? Am I preventing him from going? Wait, does he want to stay in with me?
“Oh how come?” Somehow I managed to sound cool, calm, and collected…I hoped.
“If I hadn’t, I’d have to leave you in bed around seven to get home and get my things to make it. I’d decided I’d much rather spend time with you, if that’s okay with you, of course.” My heart skipped. I felt the biggest grin forming on my face and his face lighting up when he saw it.
“Of course, um, it’s my turn to cook today so I’ll need to pop into the shop to get a couple of things and Mai will be home around 2 and out by 3. Do you want to give me a hand cooking? You don’t have to, of course, but if you want to that would be cool. Also I have to let her know you’ll be with us, do you have any allergies or something you don’t like to eat?” I felt myself rambling and holy fuck I needed to shut up, but he was still grinning at me as if he’d love nothing more than listen to me ramble. 
“You’re so cute. I eat everything and I’ll definitely help and give it my best to not burn down the building.” He made his way to the bathroom and I followed, my hair was in dire need of brushing.
Yunaaaaasty, 10:12
my darling keeper of my very own sanity, for lunch we’re making you your favourite <3
Mai Darling, 10:13
My lady, whomstever doth thou meansth whensth thou saysth we?
Yunaaaaasty, 10:14
you’re giving me an aneurysm 
keisuke is staying here for a bit :| hope thats okay with you pls dont be mad mai
Mai Darling, 10:14
as long as my peppers are done and you haven’t fucked in the kitchen i’m fine 
he really likes spending time in our flat huh
don’t take it the wrong way i really don’t mind, i’m just…noticing things
Yunaaaaasty, 10:16
noticing things, my queen?
Mai Darling, 10:16
don’t you worry your pretty little head with that ;) you have enough worries in there for all of us
i’m just saying he’s trying to spend time with you i think that’s cute
continue with my lunch now, servants!
Yunaaaaasty, 10:17
certainly, your highness *bows, scrapes ground with head, disintegrates into ground*
On our way to the shop, I noticed Keisuke battling with himself whether or not reach for my hand so I made it easier for him by entangling our fingers and smiling at him. He stopped in the middle of his sentence, as if shocked by my action, and continued with a slight stammer.
On the way back he decided to take my hand himself, but he was reduced to giggles when I used his hand to drag him closer to me and kiss his cheek. It felt good being out with him, being seen and not hidden like some kind of a shameful secret. Maybe it wouldn’t be catastrophic, being with Keisuke. 
“Have I told you how pretty you are?” I interrupted his thoughts, he snapped his head towards me and opened and closed his mouth a couple of times as if unsure how to start.
“I…I mean you said something like that when we met, but uhhh where’s this coming from?”
“I was just thinking out loud. I like being seen with you. Like this,” I lifted our hands, fingers threaded together, “and not feeling like you’re ashamed of me or whatever.”
“What? Has this happened to you before? Because if someone was ashamed to be seen with you, then they’re a moron of epic proportions.” He brought my hand to his lips and gave it a soft kiss, “If we were together, I’d shout it from the rooftops. I’d become so insufferable that everybody would roll their eyes whenever I mention you.” He was so ecstatic about it that I just had to giggle at him.
Back in the kitchen, I put on my apron adorned with Mai’s and my faces - it had been a birthday present from her not long after we moved in together. Keisuke rolled up his sleeves and started chopping red and orange peppers while I seasoned chicken and popped it into the oven. He had already diced the onion because I mentioned nothing stopped from me crying when I did it. When we threw it all into the pan, I got the seasoning out and Keisuke just stared at me from the other end of the kitchen.
“What is it?” I said with a smile.
“Being here and doing mundane things with you feels so natural.”
I couldn’t help but imagine a reality where this was the norm. Walking together, holding hands, cooking lunch, just existing in the same room and talking. I grabbed my wooden spoon and mixed the peppers and onion, adding herbs and garlic. I took out a tablespoon to taste it and grabbed a spoonful for Keisuke to try. He nodded approvingly,
“This is that dish you said you make often? Fucking incredible.” I grinned, put the cooked rice into the pot and mixed it all together.
By the time the chicken was finished in the oven, Mai barged in, groaning and throwing her bag on the chair before face-planting the couch.
“I hate her so muuuuuuch! She knows I don’t read and she still won’t cut me some slack when it comes to assigned reading. I don’t know how many times I have to spell it out for her that I’m fucking D - Y - L - S - E - X - Y - C!”
I had to smack Keisuke’s chest to stop him from snickering.
“My darling,” I went to check on her, “you do know that’s not how you spell dyslexic, right?”
She lifted her head off the pillow and blew a strand of hair out of her face, “Well that’s how I spell it.”
I patted her head and motioned her to come to the kitchen where I plated up our food and brought it to the table with Keisuke’s help. 
“And is your brother older or younger than you?” I wondered.
After we finished lunch, Mai grumbled away into her bedroom and got ready for work while Keisuke and I washed up and put away leftover rice. We still had a good few hours before he had to go home to make dinner for him and his brother so I suggested we go for a walk.
This time holding hands felt natural, and every time we passed someone I knew I didn’t feel like I had to let go and hide. He told me about his coursework, how he had always known he wanted to be a vet, about his favourite things, and his childhood friends. 
“Well, he’s not actually my brother, but he may as well be. We’ve been friends since we were in school. Funny story, actually,” He chuckled to himself, “He wanted to bully me but I ended up saving him from getting beaten up. You’re gonna have to meet him one day soon.”
I stopped in my tracks. He wanted to introduce me to his best friend/brother?
“No, not at all. I’m actually looking forward to meeting him.”
He looked at me, worry in his face, “Something wrong?”
I shook my head, trying not to show I was tearing up,
“You’re so weird, did you know?” He pulled me closer for a kiss. In public? In front of people!
Our kiss got broken up by a bicycle bell so we fled out of the way and just kept walking around. When we passed my university building I pointed it out.
“Looks like a prison, sorry,” Keisuke noted.
“Sometimes it feels like one, too. I need to get something from the library though, wanna come with?” He joined me inside, perusing the shelves of different sections in the library, while I went to the linguistics section to get a massive tome I needed for my next paper. On the way back home he offered to carry it for me when he saw the sheer size of the book. 
“Not gonna lie, Kei, you look really hot with a book in your hand.” His raised eyebrow made me giggle.
“Kei? I like that. I’ll start carrying a book with me at all times.” His hair was shining in the sun and I was overwhelmed by the need to run my fingers through it. Get it together, Yuna. 
I ended up recounting how I had met Mai, how she essentially ‘adopted’ me when she realised I was revising for the same midterm she had to take and she could listen to me revise instead of suffering through her own notes. Then we very quickly became best friends and I asked her if she wanted to move in with me since I had a free room in my flat.
“You own the place then?” Keisuke asked. This story always made me sad.
“Yeah, it was my grandma’s, but she died just before I started university and she left it to me, fully paid off, and she left me a savings account for my tuition. Technically I’m only working to cover my spending money and pay for food.” He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear and caressed my cheek.
“Sorry to hear about your grandma.” I smiled at him, now approaching the front door. 
As I was struggling to find the apartment key in the sea of keychains, Keisuke started nibbling on my neck, “Hmm this feels kind of familiar, don’t you think?”
I hurried with the keys and pulled him behind me, heading straight into my room and starting to take off my clothes. His mouth was pulled into a devilish grin, canines poking out, making him look like a vampire, and he took his shirt off before pulling his hair back and attacking my neck again.
While we were lying entangled I couldn’t help but overthink the situation. I could feel myself digging the hole of obsession deeper by the minute, which is something I had told myself wouldn’t happen again. But, that said, this didn’t feel like last time.
Keisuke opened his eyes and nearly startled me when he spoke. “You look sad.”
Last time I jumped into a relationship without weighing out my options, just because I liked the look of him and he charmed me into thinking he’d stay like he had been that first week. Then I ended up spending six months constantly wondering where he was, and, on the rare occasions he actually spent time with me, being hidden from the eyes of anyone else.
We’d never held hands or hugged in public. He’d never introduced me to his friends or family. Then he’d said he was just keeping me around for sex and my whole self-worth collapsed. 
Not a question. I didn’t want to bother him with my problems, but it was like he had a sixth sense for it.
“Did you forget what I said to you last night? I want to be with you, and that means taking on a portion of your sadness as well as making you cum daily. Let me help you.”
His usual goofiness is gone, replaced by a serious tone, seeing directly into my soul with his intense eyes. He moved one hand to my hip and started caressing me. 
“I was just overthinking things. I know, I know, when do I not?” With a sigh, I continued.
“I wasn’t allowed to express myself in the last relationship. I’m still trying to learn how to communicate with a partner because I didn’t get that before. That’s why I’m so conflicted because I was drawn to you from the start, but the past experience says it only leads to a catastrophe.” I felt the need to shut my mouth immediately. I’d said too much and laid out my emotions too soon.
My mind was racing, but I’d decided. “I think it’s too soon to say, but there’s another Emo Nite event in 11 days and that might be a good day to decide.” 
Keisuke touched my face, looking deep into my eyes.
“Funny you said that, I also felt drawn to you when I first saw you. I was rude to you to try and stop myself from acting on that feeling, but it clearly didn’t work.” He gestured at us lying in each other’s arms. “But I’m glad this happened because now I can show you how a real man treats his partner. What the actual fuck was this guy’s problem? You’re so smart, kind, funny, and interesting, I can’t wait to hear every next word from your mouth. I really hope you give me a chance to show you how serious I am about all of it.”
“Sounds like a date. Gives me time to talk to my friends and get them to come with me again. Apparently they had a decent time after I left.” 
“Does that mean I could meet them then?”
He leaned in to kiss me and chuckled, “Sweetheart, you’re meeting them way sooner than that.”
With a million kisses to go and no firm plan on when we’ll see each other next, I saw him to the door and said goodbye. It hadn’t been five minutes before I got a message from him.
Keisuke, 18:32
I can smell you on my clothes. It’s making me smile in public. c:
Yuna🖤💙, 18:33
thats funny because we spent most of the time with no clothes on
but i can smell you on my pillow and im just gonna sit here and snuggle it for a while
Keisuke, 18:33
That’s probably the lamest thing I’ve ever heard.
Please keep it up.
I’ll give you my hoodie or something next time.
Yuna🖤💙, 18:34
Keisuke, 18:34
Woah eager beaver C;
Yeah of course. Seeing you in my clothes might send me to a hospital, but I bet it would be worth it. c;
Yuna🖤💙, 18:35
if you get a heart attack whos gonna eat me out until i cry from overstimulation??????
Boyfriend Material🧛🏻, 18:36
Hey I’m hospitalised, not dead!
youre ridiculous. let me know when you get home safe <3
Boyfriend Material🧛🏻, 18:37
How cute, she’s worried about me c;
Yuna-chan, 19:03
i spent the past 22 hours with him 
hes sooooo not like any asshole from before
he held my hand when we walked
he kissed me in front of the library?!?!?!!?
he asks me stuff about me
chat is this real??? 
Hana-chan, 19:05
Dibs on picking bridesmaid dresses :)
Seriously though Yuna Im so happy for you
He sounds really nice
I expect an in-depth report on Sunday :D
And I want to see both of you at the event next Friday ;)
Yuna-chan, 19:10
thank you hana i couldnt have done this without you
[1 image attachment]
Hana-chan, 19:12
Thank fuck it wasn’t a pair of panties hahah
That’s kinda cute ngl
You have one of him he has one of you.
Yuna-chan, 19:15
i’m smiling uncontrollably ??????? can’t stop send help
btw you got homework done for tomorrow?
After a few more hours of general upkeep of the apartment, texting with Hana and Keisuke, and sniffing the pillow whenever I walked into my bedroom, Mai arrived home from work and headed straight into the kitchen for leftovers. We sat at the kitchen table, catching up, when she pulled out a bag of popcorn from her bag, along with a couple of pots full of nacho cheese dip.
With a grin, we switched to the living room and put on our favourite show to rewatch, snacking on the loot from the cinema. 
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peakypolly · 2 years
Hey Kat! I hope your day’s gone well!
I know I said that I’d be sending in more requests in the future…I didn’t think it’d be like 3 days later haha. But I saw the prompt list that you linked and couldn’t help but find one on it. ☺️☺️
Could you write a Tommy x Reader with this prompt: “I would like my good morning kiss now.” ?
Thank you so much in advance if you choose to! 💕
Breakfast in Bed |Tommy Shelby X Reader
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Request: @runnning-outof-time
Prompt from : @creativepromptsforwriting this list here
Summary:  You and Tommy spend the morning together, but you forget one very important thing.
Word Count: 392
Content Warning: Fluff, some implied smut towards the end but nothing direct!
A/N: Thank you to K for requesting❤️! I really loved this prompt but I thought it would be better as a short blurb so I apologize for the length, I hope it's okay! Waking up with Tommy would be such a dream!! This is how I would imagine it going, especially bc I am not! a morning person, and I have always imagined Tommy waking up hours before his S/O.
Tag List: @shelbydelrey Let me know if you want to be added to the list! xoxo.
The morning sun sent a golden hue through the open window, you groaned turning over on your side. Unaware of the time and too tired to care you closed your eyes once more hoping to fall back asleep. It was one of the only days you and your husband, Tommy had off of work. The children were at their aunt Ada’s house for the day, she knew how much you and Tommy needed a day to yourselves. You were grateful, days like this were few and far between. You felt Tommy’s arm snake around your waist as he pulled himself close to you.
“Morning Doll” he croaked- you could tell he had just awoken. His warmth emitting from his body soothed you, as the cold crisp air of the bedroom surrounded you. Sheltered by the air from the blanket you pulled over your face, snuggling into the pillow. 
“Morning Handsome” you mumbled, as he placed small kisses on your shoulder blade. 
“Today is going to be a great day, just you and me, this whole house all to ourselves- what do you think, hmm?” He asked, his voice mellifluous. 
“Too early” you yawned, stretching out your body, awakening your muscles. He removed his arms from you and placed his head back onto the mahogany headboard.
“Too early eh? It’s a quarter to ten doll” he laughed, as he lit his cigarette.
“Mhm- Tommy! No smoking in the bed!” You rolled over smelling the smoke and playfully smacked his arm. 
“I’ve got an oral fixation love, seems to me like you forgot” He smirked, glancing at you before taking another puff. You gave him a puzzled look before realizing what he meant, you gasping exageratingly, sending him a smile.
“I would like my good morning kiss now” He inched his face closer to yours, the rasp still present in his morning voice. You caressed his cheek, placing your lips upon his gently. 
“Thank you” He looked satisfied at your small display of affection. 
“You’re so spoiled” you laughed, pulling the sheets off of your body, sitting up and sliding into your slippers.
“Where are you running off too, dont want to kiss me any more?” He pouted dramatically before reaching out and pulling you back onto the bed. 
“Was going to make us some breakfast” You said, as he climbed on top of you.
“I think i’d prefer to have my breakfast in bed today” He smirked, pulling you in for another kiss.
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