#i quit cold turkey too
piracypiranha · 2 months
I haven't smoked a cigarette in three weeks
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egberts · 7 days
i went to the doctor for an ear infection and they gave me antidepressants
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8xlewis · 9 days
just had probably one of the worst panic/anxiety attacks in my lifeeee I've stopped and started crying about 7 times, I'm hoping by the 11th time maybe it'll tone down a bit. hate life rn!!!!
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android-anathema · 3 months
i wonder why... i still get stimulating effects from it but why does my dexamfetamine make me feel so much calmer? i tried actually taking the full dose im prescribed today and never felt the urge to take buprenorphine, which im tapering off rn. that's unusual at the best of times, i crave opioids every time i have a PTSD flashback or feel ashamed of myself, so countless times a day. combine that with me being in a mild opioid withdrawal and its a very impressive thing to simply forget to take it. i put it in my mouth earlier! i have to pretend to take it when i go into the pharmacy (long story, all you need to know is im coming off my meds without my doctors knowing) and i didnt even hesitate to spit it out or have a moment of debating in my head if breaking my rules a bit even matters, or!! just! doing the sensible thing and taking the third of it a day I'm meant to!!!
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mrsterlingeverything · 4 months
Every TRUE & LOYAL follower knows you post about quitting weed only to cave in a few weeks later, and the cycle continues on and on..♾️
Maybe so
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fuzziemutt · 2 years
The fact that Fritz's hand shakes with the gun when he comes out of the casket lives in my mind
A side effect of diazepam are tremors
But they're also a symptom of withdrawal.... Alongside sweating (pale skin), insomnia, and nausea...
And sometimes numbness
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wisteriagoesvroom · 3 months
absolutely loved pardon my emotions! i was curious do you plan on writing more of these two in this verse? i just want to see more of these two and their relationship develop it was so well written! xoxo
i am home i have RESURFACED. thank you for this ask on my girl!lando fic, which i felt like... like nobody read even though that is categorically not true. idk there is a lot going on in my mind at all times and not all of it is good. however i digress!!!
to answer your question anon, YES, i do want to write more in that 'verse. <3 it's actually intended as a trilogy of sorts!
the sequel would delve into year two and what that looks like, and it kind of makes sense to let year two play out in reality before revisiting the verse i think.
if?? you want?? a hint?? of sorts?? it is a lot about taking other roads before finding your way home. whatever that would mean to you...
tysm again. receiving this after fighting the demons about my own writing made me like:
Tumblr media
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budpuppy · 11 months
i'm not even joking, if i can't watch youtube without seeing an ad, even though 98% of my media consumption has been through youtube, i will simply find something else to watch or watch nothing at all
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decomposingpoet · 1 year
My baby fever is so bad lately this is so unfeminist of me, so patriarchal, so sexist even
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enderspawn · 2 years
are you pulling away from fandoms temporarily, or will it be a more permanent thing?
whatever you decide to do, i wish you the best and hope you feel better soon <3
is semi-permanent an option?
at the very least, i think i’m pulling away from contributing and interacting w fandom spaces for a bit til i can sort out my own junk, but afterwards i might return! however tbh even a hiatus of sorts won’t stop me from Consuming Materials and likely rb’ing stuff from them? it just won’t be like…. personal, if that makes sense. i don’t plan on actively interacting w fandom as much and instead just kinda. quietly rb’ing and enjoying things
if anyone’s interested jic, my main is @zozzlez and my “other interests”/misc fandom (kinda?) blog is @rekaleido
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oneknightlight · 1 year
TW for skin picking
I think I finally found a way to healthily combat my anxious skin picking problem.
I found these star-shaped, hydrocolloid and salicylic acid medicated acne patches. They look like star stickers, but are actually like, zit bandaids. Everytime I get the urge to pick at my skin compulsively I put a star patch on the acne that’s bothering me and it’s working.
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windsroad · 2 years
I wish duolingo had an option to turn off all the streak and competition elements because I find all that stuff distracting and upsetting
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waspcup · 1 year
btw this probably won’t work for everyone but the way i got myself to start reading more again was to delete all the social media apps i default to off my phone, restrict myself to using them in browser only, and move the libby app to where the tumblr app used to be so when i go to open tumblr thru muscle memory i end up on wherever i left off in my book instead👍it’s worked pretty well for me so far it’s been a month or so
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canisonicscrewyou · 2 years
God I can’t believe I have an influx of new followers (something that rarely happens) while I’m going through a major life change and am thus sentimental, nostalgic, and overall soft. Everyone has to look away. Even my mutuals. No wait never mind everyone has to give me attention now at 3 AM.
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robotblues · 2 years
sounds fake but i'm starting to think i'm immune to chemical addiction
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scratxhed-cd · 3 months
Posting for accountability but while Ik I have a long way to go to deal with my phone addiction getting off tik tok and limiting time on Instagram reels already makes me feel so much better even if the main reason is just reducing the guilt I feel for wasting time
It also helps I’ve been helping my dad with house stuff recently so now instead of a couple hours on my screen I spend a couple hours mowing the lawn and painting our windows.
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