#i put none of these bitches in candor
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undead-knick-knack · 13 days ago
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This one's for all the homies who were into 2010s YA dystopian books
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doublemegative · 3 years ago
ok i promise not to blog about divergent because ew but this has been bugging me since middle school so i’m gonna say it now. i’m not about to reread this book so no citations for you, but in insurgent there’s this scene where christina’s younger sister meets tris and says “so you’re the one who killed chrissy’s boyfriend?” or something along those lines, and when tris gets upset and runs off, she’s like “what? just putting it out there.” all of my friends were like “wow, what a bitch” and eventually i just got sick of defending her but none of my friends are on this site so i’m gonna say what i wanna say now: SHE IS A CHILD AND THIS IS THE CULTURE SHE WAS RAISED IN. in candor faction it is both unethical and impolite to beat around the bush. i’m not even saying they’re wrong for that—that may be a good thing to teach children! that isn’t the point of this, though. it’s not about whether what they taught her was good but the face that they taught her that and it’s all she knew. i don’t think she meant tris to suffer a panic attack, either; i think she accepted that as a risk to do what she saw as the most important thing: telling the truth at all costs.
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heyheydidjaknow · 4 years ago
Okay, so the official update deadline for me is now every Sunday before I sleep. This is the second part. If the formatting is off, I apologize. Also, if you want to read the first bit, the link’s at the bottom. And the third one. I know there’s a way to make it so that touching on underlined text or something links you to the link, but I dunno how to do that.
Chapter 2
Surprisingly enough, the easiest one to convince of your legitimacy is Hamato Yoshi.
As soon as you walk into the lair, all you have to say to Ratman is that his daughter “was” named Miwa (obviously, dropping a bombshell like, “Your daughter is alive,” is somewhat bad form) and that he was going to give her a fan/knife thing, and he is convinced. Maybe it is to do with his natural compassion and/or naivety, but it allows you the option to sleep on the couch and not have to wander around to find exactly where the hell that address is.
You pull your knees to your chest as you stare blankly at the dead television screen, mind wandering as you listen to the accumulative sounds of the others. You are used to being awake at ungodly hours, of course, but typically they are spent alone; this is an uncommon occurrence. Now, anyways, you wish you had a way of contacting people. You already feel homesickness writhe around in your stomach, and your dread for what is going to happen next is outmatched by your gnawing curiosity regarding the fate of your family in the fire. Of course, you know their chances for survival was close to none, but—
You almost jump out of your skin, having not noticed the sinking of the couch next to you. You look over at the speaker, relaxing slightly. You put your hand on your chest. “Sorry,” you breath to Donatello as you try to calm your beating heart. “I uh, kinda zoned out.”
“It’s alright.” His posture is awfully stiff. “I just figured—ya know, since we’re going to be interacting more—we should uh, get to know each other a bit.”
You nod as you stretch your legs back out. “Sounds like a plan.” You turn your body to face him, shaking a little from the start but getting over it relatively quickly. “Oh, by the by, you’re the one that can kill me with your bare hands. You can and should relax.”
He rubs the back of his neck. “Was it that obvious?”
“A little,” you shrug. “But, in your defense,” you smile playfully, “if some random bitch walked up to me and started telling me every detail of my past, I’d be hesitant to get too friendly too.”
“Oh, it’s not that!” He put his hands up, talking oddly quickly. “It’s just that you’re the first human I’ve ever met, and really the only person I’ve ever really talked to that isn’t one of my brothers or Splinter—”
A memory slaps you across the face. “Oh! Right!” You grab his hands, making sure his full attention was on you. “I gotta tell you something really important.”
He went red. “W-what?”
“I don’t think it’s wise to tell you outright exactly what’s going to happen,” you start, impulsively running your thumb over one of his knuckles, “but if you run into a triceratops man, or if you hear about a triceratops man, you have to kill him immediately.”
“I- huh?”
“Three or so episodes before the season three finale,” you repeat, “you or someone else is going to run into a triceratops man, who you have to kill. If you let him live, the world as you know it will be destroyed and sucked into a black hole.”
“Black hole?” He blinks. “So, in a few months, we—what?”
“Well, they call it a black hole, anyways.” You roll your eyes. “It’s pretty weak sauce for a black hole. I’d hasten to call it more than a portal, but, I guess, technically, it’s a black hole.”
“You seem to know quite a bit about this sort of thing.” He smiles awkwardly. “You know, for someone who just kinda popped out of the blue.”
“Well, yeah.” You smile back. “People like you inspire me to learn more about how the world around me works.”
His pupils dilate, and he breaks eye contact. “Wait, but you said that we had at least until the season five finale, right?” You feel his thumb wrap around yours slightly. “If that’s the case, how can a black hole destroy our world? We’d die with it, wouldn’t we?”
“See, you would think that.” You shrug, letting his hands fall between you two. “But the show is already playing fast and loose with science in general, so.”
“I am legitimately so confused right now.”
You sigh, patting him on the shoulder. “Me too, buddy.”
“I just—“
“Honey.” You stifle a giggle. “No combination of words will make any of this make any more sense than it already does.”
“I know, but—“
“Listen, if you ask me any more questions, we’ll start having to deal with more time travel bullshit then we’ll already have to.”
He sighs. “Okay, I’m dropping it.”
You nod, already feeling the sting of guilt. “But, hey,” you nudge with your shoulder teasingly, “if it makes you feel any better, you definitely got the most sugar than your brothers.”
He blinks. “What does that have anything to do with that?”
“Compensation? I dunno.” You pull your legs under you. “Just trying to make up for the fact that it’s really not a good idea for me to give out too much info about an uncertain future.”
There is an awkward pause.
“So,” Donatello asks gently, “if you don’t mind me asking, you said you died, right?”
You nod.
“So, uh, how did you…?”
“House fire.”
He blinks. “You… you remember—?”
“Yup.” You chuckle tightly. “Every excruciating detail.”
He tenses slightly. “I’m sorry.”
You sigh. “Don’t be. Not your fault.” ‘My fault, actually.’
He rests his head on his hand. After a pause, “Do you know, then?”
“Know what?”
“You know, what happens after.”
You shake your head. “I blacked out and now I’m here. I’m guessing you don’t run into a ton of people like me.”
He cracks a smile. “I don’t really run into a ton of people period.”
You try to help lighten this stifling mod you have created. “Well, I’m glad your first introduction to humanity proper is through some psycho pseudo-Cassandra.”
“Less Cassandra and more just general prophet.” He grins. “If Raph believes you enough to go off the handle—well, I guess that’s just Raph in general.”
You chuckle. “Hey,” you whine teasingly, “lay off your brother. Obviously he’s a very levelheaded man.”
“Totally.” He rolls his eyes good naturedly. “Cool as a cucumber, that guy.”
“Speaking of, where is everyone?” You look around the noticeably empty living room.
“Sleeping, probably. I tend to stay up later than they do.”
“And why’s that, Bill Nye?”
He shrugs. “It’s easier to work when people aren’t asking for help with things.”
“That is very fair.” You close your eyes as you lean against the back of the couch. “I must say, I’m not envious of your position.”
You hear him shift closer. “Why’s that?”
“If you don’t already, you’re probably—at least, from what I’ve seen,” you clarify. “Well, it seems like, sometimes, you have the world on your shoulders. It can’t be a good feeling.”
A pause. “I guess you could say that, yeah.”
You stretch upwards. “But” you continue, moaning softly as you feel your muscles crack, “if it makes you feel any better, I have—or at least had— access to the internet. I will gladly explain google.”
He clears his throat. “The internet search engine or the number?”
You grin. “Either or, although I would most certainly lose track if my zeros halfway through at best.”
He laughs. “It took me so long to figure out how to say it,” he sighs, “The trick is to just say zero for a long time and eventually just kinda zone out. You can really just stop after fifty and people won’t notice.”
“See,” you open your eyes, wrapping an arm around his shoulder—he certainly stiffened up quick— “that is why I like you, Donnie. You always know the score.”
He relaxes quickly. His speech is slurred a little. “You like me?”
“Hell yeah I do!” Your voice is noticeably lighter than it was before, more relaxed. “You are totally awesome, if you’ll pardon my candor.”
“N-not at all!” He smiled bashfully. “I’m flattered, really. I just—I’m surprised is all. I didn’t think you’d—uh—_like_ someone like me.”
“What? Why?” You are, apparently, extremely dense. “You’re the coolest guy ever!”
“Well, I’m not really a guy.”
“Wait, is this the whole turtle thing again?” You roll your eyes, leaning into him as you close them. “Dude, legitimately? I don’t care.”
His voice softened. “You what?”
“I don’t care. You’re smart, reliable, funny… I mean, what isn’t there to appreciate?” ‘I didn’t expect him to feel warm.’ “If I’m being honest,” you shrug in an attempt to stay casual, “and, if you promise not to give me shit—”
“I won’t,” he promises, almost eagerly.
You smile. “I will admit that I had a thing for you, along with many other people where I’m from. Fictional crush, you know.”
“You’re joking,” he challenges.
“Scout’s honor.” You raise your right hand, already starting to zone out. ‘Really warm…’
“You’re serious?”
You hum in confirmation. “I don’t…” You yawn, the weight of the incredible stress admittedly starting to take its toll. “I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable after what I just said,” you mumble, curling into him, admittedly not in your right mind, “but do you mind staying here until I fall asleep? Sup… surprisingly enough, you are ridiculously warm and comfortable and warm.”
He tenses up a little, but slowly wraps an arm around your shoulder. “Yeah. I’ve got nothing better to do.” His voice is gentle, soft.
“I owe you cupcakes.” You nod off.
You could tell you boosted his confidence if only a little bit. He stood taller the next night; admittedly, you feel a sense of pride at his pride. At least, it makes up for the verbal abuse from his brothers when they find you asleep together.
As you walk down the street that next night with Donnie shadowing you, you consider the pros and cons of revealing more about what you know; although there were certainly more items for pro, the chaos theory was sort of a big deal, and, knowing the reputation of this franchise and its post-apocalyptic bullshit, the last thing you need is to tempt fate. Still, something about this felt wrong, like not telling someone to get out of the way of a moving car. ‘Wish I were Cassandra,’ you think bitterly. ‘At least I wouldn’t feel bad.’
You stop in front of the offending building. ‘Finally.’ You look around for your chaperone and, after not seeing him— ‘Fucking ninjas, man.’—sigh and give in. “Good night,” you said to the open air.
You look back at the door, startled to see someone looking back at you. ‘You are fucking with me right now.’ You wave awkwardly as the man holds the door open for you. You step inside the building, making a beeline for the elevator. ‘A doorman? Really?’ The lobby was entirely too hotelish for your liking, the warm lighting bouncing off the smooth tile cleanly. ‘How much is this place, anyways? It’s fucking New York.’ You press one of the buttons. ‘If I’m the one paying rent, I am royally fucked.’
Somehow, via some sort of divine intervention, you find the apartment. You take the key out of your pocket— ‘Note to self: scavenge up enough money for a keychain.’—and stepped inside.
The apartment made you do a double take. It is so… familiar. Nicer than usual, more polished, yet somehow exactly how you’ would have used the space. The floors are hardwood, the walls painted a relatively neutral color that is easy on the eyes. As soon as you enter, you see the kitchen to your left; small, but considering it is only you, it would be perfect. To your left, down a short hall, is a bathroom—bright white surfaces with black countertops. And in the only other room in the apartment, in front of you, is a bed, a couch, some chairs, a table, a chest of drawers, a closet, a television, and a coffee table with a phone and an envelope on it.
You walk over to a large window overlooking the street, shutting it and sitting down on the couch. You pick up the letter first, carefully breaking its seal and pulling out a note and a card. Your heart leaps as you see your name in white lettering. ‘Well, having a credit card doesn’t sound too bad.’ You place it back onto the table as you start reading.
“Dear Y/N L/N:
We understand that the transition between your previous life and this one may be difficult, and we at The TIS are more than happy to provide for you and your needs during this transition period. Your questions are likely numerous. That is the purpose of this document, to address any concerns you may have.
Finances/Personal Belongings: The most noted concern of those just beginning in our program is to do with housing. We understand that it is incredibly important to the mental health of our members to have relatively stable housing, especially considering the strange, new environment they have been thrown into. Your residence is paid for by the TIS. All necessary emergency services (repair costs of any sort, medical bills, phone bills, etc.) and any utilities that may be included in said residence are also covered by this plan. In addition, your TIS assigned debit card will receive a daily balance of $300 (balance will change with inflation), which can be used at your discretion. Your residence has been pre-furnished to what our experts believe to be your taste, and your refrigerator and cupboards are filled with a variety of raw food items. Silverware, crockery and cookware has also been included. You have also been provided with various detergents and whatever hygiene products you used before your transition. These things will be replenished biweekly unless, for whatever reason, you start using different food/hygiene products. In this event, your inventory will be adjusted accordingly.
You are currently in position of one (1) weeks’ worth of clothing, including any undergarments applicable, which includes 7 pairs of pants and 7 shirts taken from your wardrobe, along with any clothing you are currently wearing.
Cell Phone: Your TIS assigned cell phone is, practically speaking, identical to your previous device. Any streaming services you were previously subscribed to, along with any you may decide to subscribe to, are covered by the TIS. Your login information is included with your banking/personal information, all of which is included in this envelope. If you wish to upgrade your phone as the years go by, or if you wish to purchase a second device, these log ins will still be available to you, although you will be required to purchase any additional software/electronics through our website: www.TISShop.org/FU. A charging cord and block are located by your bed. We recommend purchasing a case for your device.
Please note that all websites/services/apps previously available to you are also available via TIS approved electronic devices.
Employment: Employment has not been taken the TIS. We do not offer employment, although minors have been provided with a permit in the event that you chose to enter the workforce. If you choose to enter the workforce, aid will continue to be provided.
Enrollment: All minors are required by the TIS to enroll in their local school. Any documents required are provided in this envelope. If you are currently attending a college/university, or are thinking of enrolling/reenrolling, any credits you have accumulated will be transferred to whatever college/university you choose to attend. If you are currently a minor considering attending college, your funds will be provided by the TIS if applicable.
Identification: Any websites/services/products that are age restricted will be available to you, regardless of age.
Death: We at the TIS assure you that unnatural death, in your current situation, is not a matter that you need concern yourself with. While it is certainly possible to die, it is extremely unlikely, and we have the policy in place in the event of your death.
We at the TIS are aware of your awareness of the place you are now in. We wish to stress the importance consuming any media associated with the world in which you find yourself. If you gain nothing from this letter, please remember that we at the TIS are here for you, if only indirectly.
We wish you luck.”
The letter ends there. You check the envelope to see the other documents listed.
You stand up, picking up your new phone and laying down on the bed. You are left reeling from the little information you have been given. ‘So I was brought here. Well,’ you sigh, closing your eyes, ‘I guess I already knew that, but…’
You start scrolling through your device. Everything is still there, except for your contacts. You try to call what numbers you had memorized; they are apparently invalid.
You curl into a fetal position, clutching onto your jacket. “Well,” you mumble to yourself almost bitterly, “at least I know I won’t starve to death.” You decide against even turning the lights off as you hug yourself tightly. “This,” you decide, “is going to majorly suck.”
You nod off, already dreaming of smoke.
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
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harringtown · 5 years ago
cool it off before you burn it out
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I adjusted the request a teensy bit anon, hope thats alright and hope you enjoy!
requested by anonymous
Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Summary: The reader moves to town, and Steve tells a lie to impress her (aka steve makes a few mistakes but really just wants to hang out with Dustin’s pretty new neighbor)
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: none
Hawkins isn’t a transient town. Its residents have lived there for generations, often in the same houses or on the same streets, and it’s rare that someone has to repaint the population number on the sign at the town line.
When a new family moves in across the street from Dustin - from London, to add fuel to the fire - the town is alight with chatter, and Steve hears about the beautiful girl his age through the grapevine a week before he ever gets a look at the newcomers.
He’s dropping Dustin off at his house after an outing to the new ice cream place on Main Street - not as good as Scoops, according to Dustin; a thousand times better than what she and Steve scooped, according to Robin - when he sees you, pulling a box out of a U-Haul and pausing when Dustin hops out of the car, a smile tugging on your lips.
You’re the most beautiful creature to grace Hawkins, Indiana in years - possibly, ever - Steve thinks, and he’s so dumbstruck that he almost takes out Dustin’s mailbox as he turns into the driveway.
“Jesus, dude,” Dustin says, gripping the dash, making a face as Steve slows to a stop. Steve rakes a hand through his hair, grimacing.
“My bad.”
“That’s why Robin drives,” he says.
“When you start chipping in for gas, you can bitch about my driving,” Steve retorts, cocking a brow. Dustin turns his nose up, popping open the door and climbing out without responding. Steve rolls his eyes and unclips his seatbelt, climbing out of the car and leaning against the top of it, watching as Dustin collects his bag from the trunk.
“Dustin!” Your voice carries across the street, and you jog across the asphalt, stopping behind Steve’s car, hands on your hips. You notice Steve and your lips curl up in a smile so dazzling he nearly loses his breath; any game he might have had is nowhere to be found. “Hi. You must be Steve, the unofficial babysitter.”
“Don’t forget unpaid,” Steve says, stepping away from the door and holding out a hand for you to shake. You take it, smile widening, holding on a beat longer than necessary. Your gaze flicks to Dustin, who pops Steve’s trunk shut and faces you with a toothy grin; it seems Steve isn’t the only one under your spell.
“You still up for unpacking? Everyone’s out for the day, and our last shipment got in today,” you say, jerking a chin toward the truck full of boxes across the street.
“Totally,” Dustin says.
You meet Steve’s gaze, a brow arching in question.
“I’m guessing you’re not interested in more unpaid labor?” You ask, scrunching your nose up in anticipation of the no.
“I-uh-I have a few hours,” Steve says, trying to be casual - and failing. The corners of your mouth turn up, and you fold your arms across your chest. Steve is unable to do anything but beam like a complete dork.
“Get a room,” Dustin asserts, with all the grace and blistering candor of a fourteen-year-old. Heat creeps up Steve’s cheeks, and he reaches out to sock the younger boy lightly in the arm with a disapproving, “Come on, man!” You only laugh and lead them across the street.
The inside of the house - the same floor layout as Dustin’s, making it easily navigable - is half hastily unpacked items and half boxes positioned around a few pieces of furniture. Dustin makes himself at home in the kitchen, unpacking things with your promise that he could help himself to anything he wishes. Steve ends up with you in your bedroom - the most organized room in the house - helping put up posters and fill shelves with books and picture frames of you with your family all over the world.
There’s an entire lifetime tucked into the bedroom, far more exciting than Steve’s - and he’s had an eventful few years. Little souvenirs from different countries - a carved wooden camel from Bahrain, a small ceramic chef from Paris, a brightly painted glass bus from Zimbabwe - tell of adventures and a million stories that take place somewhere other than Hawkins, Indiana.
Steve’s entire life fits inside the small town. It pales in comparison to the gallery of yours.
You notice Steve’s lingering gaze on a photograph of you in London, and you come to stand beside him, a smile tugging on your lips.
“My dad works for the government. It took us everywhere.”
“I bet it’s a bummer to go from somewhere like that to a place like this,” he says. Your brows furrow, lips turning down in a frown.
“Not at all, actually,” you say. “I’ve spent my life in busy cities, always on the move. Hawkins is…”
You roll your eyes and say, “Quiet.” Steve nods, lips pursed.
“Like I said. Boring.”
“It’s peaceful,” you say, a smile playing on your lips. “It’s a nice change.”
“It gets old fast.”
“That isn’t just a Hawkins thing,” you say with a shrug, moving away from the shelf to sort through another box. You pull a guitar out, styrofoam pellets falling off the slick wood, and set it on the bed. Steve goes to it immediately, running a finger lightly along the taut strings.
“It’s beautiful,” he says.
“You play?”
He doesn’t even think about it before he says, “Yes,” even though he absolutely does not. He’s just sick of being plain old Steve Harrington from Hawkins, who has never stepped a foot outside Indiana, who works at an old video store, who is excruciatingly dull in comparison to you.
Your lips curl up in a smile, and you say, “We’ll have to jam sometime, then.”
“We will,” Steve says, and knows he’s surely fucked himself.
Though he knows Hawkins can’t compare to the places you’ve seen, Sattler Quarry is one of the best sights the town has to offer, and it’s the first place Steve shows you. It’s a short walk through the trees from the dirt road that leads to the top, and it opens into a clearing right on the cliff’s edge.
You jog to the edge, stopping a few inches away, peering down at the blue water below. Steve smiles at the sight of you running, a smile on your own lips, like an excited kid, your happiness infectious.
“Bloody hell,” you breathe, turning from the edge to face Steve, shaking your head. “It’s incredible.”
“It’s not bad,” he says. You scoff.
“Not bad? It’s wonderful.” You drop down onto the dirt, sitting cross-legged facing the water. Steve sits beside you, the rubber of his sneakers aligned with the edge.
“It’s so quiet out here,” you say. “London is…always moving. There’s no time to catch your breath. But here…” You close your eyes, tipping your head back and drawing in a long breath. “It’s like I can breathe again. It makes my head quiet.” You meet his gaze, clearing your throat, a flush creeping across your cheeks. “Sorry. That didn’t make any sense. I’ll stop talking.”
Steve shakes his head quickly.
“No. No, it…it makes sense.” He shifts his leg to nudge your knee lightly. “Please, keep talking.”
Your lips quirk up, and to Steve’s relief, you don’t go quiet. Your voice is quickly becoming his favorite sound.
Steve strums the guitar strings, the noise squeaking out painfully high and horribly off-key. Robin winces from her spot beside him on the carpet of her bedroom, hands flying to her ears somewhat dramatically.
“Jesus, dude,” she says, reaching out to flick his fingers off the fretboard.
“I suck at this,” Steve says. “Like, really, really suck.”
“I didn’t want to be the first to say it…” Robin says. At his pointed glare, she grins. “So you’re not gonna be the next Bryan Adams. Big whoop.”
“The next who?”
Robin pinches the bridge of her nose, shaking her head.
“You’re hopeless.”
“No, Robin, you have to help me. If I can’t learn to play this-” Steve glares at the guitar in his lap “-stupid thing, Y/N will know I’m not actually some guitar whiz, and it’s over.”
“Or,” Robin leans back against her bed frame, cocking a brow, “you could tell her the truth.”
“And have her know I really am just some small-town nobody? No thanks,” Steve says with a snort.
“Because girls love when you lie to them,” Robin deadpans. Steve frowns, setting the guitar aside and drawing his knees to his chest, arms slung around them.
“I don’t have a choice. She’s this…cool, beautiful, well-traveled, amazing person, and I’m a college reject who works at a video store.”
“She doesn’t like you just because she thinks you’re this musically talented genius. She likes you because you’re you, dingus,” Robin says. “And while you clearly have your faults, you’re a good guy, Steve. Whether or not you can hold a tune doesn’t matter.”
“And if I do tell her the truth? She might hate me for lying.”
Robin shrugs.
“Anything good has a risk, right? It’s up to you to decide whether or not to take it. But if you don’t, it will come crashing down.”
Steve has never wanted to write anything for anyone before, and it’s the first time he’s ever wished he was more artistically inclined. He’d love to write you a song, but he doubts he could even figure out a haiku without it sounding daft.
He settles for something else instead. And he says all the things he’s wanted to say since he met you three months ago, since he got himself tangled in this mess and tangled in you.
Dear Y/N,
I wanted to write you a song, or maybe a poem, but I didn’t pay attention during English class, and  I don’t know how to do either. I think a letter is more my style, anyway.
You told me once that Hawkins made your mind quiet. I never told you that you’re my Hawkins; you make the chaos in my head settle…
You sit in the passenger seat of Steve’s car, a hand out the window, fingers fluttering in the breeze, head tipped against the window, a soft smile on your lips. The sun has just started its descent, the sky bleeding pinks and oranges, the light washing the darkening horizon in color.
He’s reluctant to turn onto your street, wishing to keep driving until he can’t anymore; anything to keep sneaking glances at your peaceful frame beside him. He pulls up to your house, stalling at the curb, putting the car into park.
“I have to tell you something,” he says. You unclip your seatbelt and look at him, and he forces himself to meet your gaze.
“I lied to you.”
You tilt your head, frown tugging down on your lips, but you wait for him to continue.
“I told you I could play guitar, and that I used to be in that band. And it was bullshit. I can’t even play the triangle. I just…wanted you to think I was…more,” he says, gesturing to himself, “more than just some boring kid who’s never getting out of Hawkins.”
“I know,” you say. He frowns.
“You’ve gotten good at finding ways out of playing when I suggest. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out you were talking out the arse.”
“But you-you didn’t say anything?”
You give a half shrug, and Steve’s stomach churns. He’s mucked everything up, and he hates himself fiercely for it.
And then, before he can stew in his loathing any longer, you speak.
“I think you’re far more than just some boring kid from Hawkins. You’re the funniest person I’ve ever met, and you’re so selfless it’s sometimes painful to watch, and you care so much about people. Sure, you’re an absolute tosser sometimes, too,” you say, tossing him a grin, “but you’re good.”
Steve shifts, uncomfortable beneath the flattery, and the folded letter in his pocket crinkles. He jams a hand in his pocket and tugs the paper out, cheeks flushing as he hands it to you.
“What is this?” You ask. Steve tilts his head and jerks a chin toward it, a silent invitation to read it. You press your lips together and unfold the letter.
“I typically fuck up when I say things,” he says, “so I figured I’d write it instead.”
Your brows knit together, and you drop your gaze, silent as you scan the scrawled sentences. It only takes a minute to read it, but it feels like an eternity to Steve.
When you lift your gaze to his again, your eyes are soft, lips curved up ever so slightly.
“Steve,” you say, and lift a hand to his cheek. He leans into your touch, and you close the distance between you, kissing him softly, gently. His stomach flips, and he kisses you back, lips parting against yours.
When you finally pull back, the lips Steve just kissed are curled up in a smile.
“You make me quiet, too,” you say. And then you kiss him again. And again. And again.
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thatsadorbsyo · 4 years ago
Julia - Prime (20, Extra Credit)
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A female voice speaks alone in a modest office. The room is almost spartan; minimalist and pristine, except for the desk, which is littered with papers. A tight blonde ponytail set high on a woman’s crown peeks out just above the tall back of a desk chair.
The team made it through samples BR-70 to BR-76 without incident, but also without significant results. Everyone’s tests came back normal last week, so morale is up. Shit’s finally getting done.
She laughs and cuts the recording, lifting her finger from the trigger of a device. Rewinds a few seconds.
Things are moving fast, but I’m going to have to stress an abundance of caution. We all want to see an end to this, but I don’t need any bodies piling up in front of the Senate house just to prove an anti-vaccination quack’s point. The last thing I need is a reason for that Eppius bitch to--
There’s no laugh this time. A mechanical click and whirr. She starts over, metering her words carefully now. The candor is gone, replaced with a tone of grim formality. A woman expecting debate and allowing none.
The last thing we need is to give any ammunition to those in the public sphere who would falsely claim that our efforts are -- somehow -- even more dangerous than the very real threat of a pandemic spread. The Populares actually have our backs on this one. We can’t afford to squander this chance at unity.
She lets out air, kicking off her heels and nudging her stockinged foot against the desk to spin around in her office chair. It’s a slow, lazy turn, and she leans far back to stare up at the ceiling where she rotates in place, arms draped out to either side. The woman is dressed modestly, in a pencil skirt and white blazer, with the emblem of the XIIth Imperial Legion stitched over the breast pocket. It rides up, the more she sinks into her seat. She’s giving in. Why not? She’s alone. Everyone with a fucking family has already gone home for the night.
Abruptly, she sits back up again and depresses the recording trigger.
We’re running out of Muud Suud samples from --
A hiccup in her speech, a stumble.
-- ah, from before. I don’t think we can get access to any more, not without an inroad back at Werlyt. I can’t hold my breath, waiting for that to pull through. Maybe we can find something equivalent in Dalmasca? They probably have snurbles or something there, right? At the very least. Even Azim has snurbles.
Worry creeps into her tone, just as she’s signing off.
Julia lux Tyrus, Primus Medicus of the Third Cohort, XIIth Legion. 21st Sun of the Fifth Astral Moon.
Her thumbnail goes to her mouth the moment it’s off the device, a childish gesture. She glances sidelong at something on her desk; its clockwork design is out of place in the otherwise clean and utilitarian space. A toy. A little wind-up monkey with one arm extended out in front of it, holding up a brilliant green gemstone cut in the shape of a small mountain.
She narrows her eyes at it in focused disdain and turns the monkey around to face the wall. “Fuck you.” Sharp.
A beat. “Nobody asked you.” Plaintive. Who is she speaking to?
Finally, she tosses the recording device back onto her desk, where it lands amid a stack of open notebooks. A pen rolls away, nearly falling to the floor, but she doesn’t see it. Her face is resting in both of her palms as she fights to maintain composure. It’s a losing battle.
“We need some fucking aetherochemists,” she spits venomously between her fingers, and then drops her hands to her lap. Her round cheeks are pink with fury, with the threat of tears. Inhale, deep. Once. Twice. She lets it out slow, smoothing her tight ponytail into place. Put it back together, Specialist. Wait, no, what was it he liked to say?
Unfuck yourself, Specialist.
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trashmemes · 5 years ago
LAST PODCAST ON THE LEFT SENTENCE STARTERS PT. 3 quotes from pulled from the podcast hosted by marcus parks, ben kissel, and henry zebrowski. contains nsfw content. feel free to make alterations. more lpotl memes can be found here.
yesterday got real primal in the apartment.
i mean, i was also considered a suspect in the zodiac killings
this is the last conversation i’m ever having about unicorns.
boy, when you put in ‘thomas the tank engine’ on pornhub, some real weird stuff comes up.
maybe i’m a bit of a square.
i just wanna have one opportunity in my life to maniacally laugh like that.
i did a lot of drugs to this album and i’m fine!
your voice sounded weird there for a second.
put your pants on before you go back outside, because that's still a felony. 
that is disturbing, wild stuff.
only problem is that cocaine will kill ya now, man. not like before when it was fun and just helped you roller skate.
i do appreciate his sexual candor.
you just scared the shit out of me with that last bit.
the more inaccurate i am, the more free i feel.
satan just wants you to go to concerts and listen to records backwards.
i’ve probably sincerely jumped 5 times in my life.
i am not a machine, i am a man!
i don’t wanna be a negative nelly, but i feel like there’s some discrepancies in the information.
massacres. are not. cool.
my penis being bad is great for me as a husband.
you went all the way to san diego for a burrito?
i can't wait to live my life just sweepin' and mutterin'. one day. that's my retirement plan.
what kind of pain-in-the-ass bitch brings her own blanket to a hotel?
i’m on day three of these boxer shorts.
i’m full of indian food and coffee right now.
i’m just going through my jimmy buffet phase now. 
i don’t need a friend; i have ghosts and aliens and serial killers!
i was walking around the park yesterday trying to talk to the birds.
i think i would harsh their vibe.
none of this is good okcupid material.
you made [name] happy, which means you did something wrong!
literally every single time you remotely feel vulnerable, that’s when you’re gonna get attacked.
lotta of disappointed fathers out there, and that's sort of a ghost in itself.
i mean, if you wanna leave society, just go to south dakota.
half of our conversations are about you scheming to hide your money and none of your ideas make sense.
i know you had a very sparse, bad childhood, but it’s a simple toy.
the “cats” movie, it’s marketed as a horror film?
you’re more indignant about the lying than you are about the murder!
isn’t it interesting to know what the world was like before grindr?
i’ve been told I have a fetching musk.
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inkstaineddove · 5 years ago
These Fleeting Moments
Ships: PruHun
Characters: Prussia, Hungary, Austria
Summary: After another decleration of his love, Gilbert questions why Erzsébet won't respond - positively or negatively - towards it. An examination of the revelation and Gilbert's mental state directly afterwards, putting in context his strange behavior as he left home for Berlin. A companion piece to chapter 3 of 'Business and Pleasure', but not required reading. 
1806, Vienna.
"God, you are a marvel."
Gilbert took a step back and admired the woman before him. His eyes traced down Erzsébet's body, taking special care to linger over her exposed breasts and lips. He knelt back down and kissed her, desire filling every ounce of his body. She tugged as his waistband, pulling him down deeper. They rolled and she was straddling him. Erzsébet smiled, running a cool hand down his chest and sending a shiver down his spine. "Make me feel like a woman."
Hunger, pure hunger. Hands roaming free, lips kissing and grabbing at any exposed skin they could find. What few clothes remained dropped to the floor. She wrapped her legs around him and in slid one, two, three fingers. The other teasing her nipples, pinching at them just enough to blur the line between pleasure and pain. Kissing her neck, Erzsébet's breathing was hot and heavy against his cheek.
"Ah, c'mon you know what I really want," she pleaded, her voice barely a whimper. Smirking, he placed her vertically on the bed and began crawling over to her. Resplendent bliss, how soon they would find it. A noise from just outside the room reverberated. Erzsébet leaned up. "What was that?" There was an edge of frustration on her voice due to such a rude interruption.
The Prussian bent down and gave her a kiss, one more tender than she expected. "Nothing, but I'll check if the door's locked." The bed groaned as his weight was removed. He licked the residue of her off his fingers. A glint of violet in the dark. Of course he would want to check out the action. Gilbert winked at Roderich as he locked the door. A thud against it and the ringing silence afterwards. Gilbert's hunger grew. "Are you still ready for me?" He didn't have to ask twice, the lust in Erzsébet's eyes all the answer he needed. No more interruptions for the rest of the night.
Erzsébet's head sat on Gilbert's chest while his fingers played with the ends of her hair. Never had they both been so satisfied. He wrapped a strand of hair around his fist and kissed it. "You realize you're the most perfect woman in the world, right? If Helena of Troy ever met you, she would be jealous."
The Hungarian rolled her eyes. He was always so affectionate afterwards. And before. Really, whenever the two of them were together. "I may have been told that a time or two. I have an admirer who always feels the need to remind me." She tilted her head up to look at him properly. "You wouldn't happen to know who he is, would you? I have to tell him that I'm afraid he may run out of metaphors soon."
Gilbert kissed her softly. "No idea, but if I ever find him, I'll let him know."
Peaceable silence passed between them. Neither of them could deny how wonderful this, all of it, felt. Nor did they really care about whatever toll it may incur for them to continue having these dalliances. It was worth it to have a little slice of time where they could imagine if things were different and pretend that they were meeting under darkness out of choice, not for practicality. Erzsébet lifted a hand up and rubbed Gilbert's cheek affectionately. He couldn't resist leaning into her touch.
He watched them through the mirror above the vanity. How comfortable, how familiar. He relished when they could spend time like this afterwards, once the lust had subsided and it was only them. His mind slipped to the fantasies it always did in these times - worlds where they were humans and allowed to fall in love with no repercussions; worlds where he had married her instead, their households in Budapest and Berlin filled with joy and love that never waned. His heart tugged and he pulled her closer to him, never wanting to let go. "I love you, Erzsi." Whenever he spoke those words, he couldn't stop the awe from seeping into his voice. How could it not when she provoked such certainties within him?
"I know," her voice a whisper. She gazed at them in the mirror and her heart throbbed. She felt the same happiness as him, but feared what power those words may hold. If they were acknowledged, what would that mean for them? How would that change her situation? They could love and love deeply, but the next day she would always wake up in Vienna. Violet eyes would be the first she'd see, not red, so what could love give her? What could love do but bring more pain?
Gilbert frowned. "If you don't feel the same way, you can tell me. I'm capable of handling my emotions."
She bit her lip. Since 1786, his first confession, she'd tried so hard to avoid this conversation. "You know that's not the case." Not tonight, please not tonight. The two of them had spent three lovely nights together. Erzsébet was unwilling to end the week on a bad note.
"Then what's the case?" All he wanted was understanding. Then maybe it wouldn't feel like he was enamored with a statue.
"It's complicated, Gil."
Gilbert let out a deep breath through his nose, trying to ease his frustration. "This has been complicated, we are complicated!" He kissed her forehead. "I can handle complicated. All I want to know is where we stand, even if it can't be neatly placed."
"It can't be a matter of who I do or don't love. You're free to do whatever you want, be with whoever you please, and feel however you're inclined." She waved a hand around in front of them. "This is my situation. The lives of my people and I are limited by whatever they-" she pointed out the door, indicating Austria and his government, "-are content to allow me to do. Who cares if I love you? What happy ending will it get us? In a position like this, I can only feel safe in loving myself and even that is difficult at times." Erzsébet sighed. "Anything I find joy in is stripped away from me. My freedom, my ability to decide for myself what I would do no matter what I was told was befitting a woman, was deeply prized to me. I missed it when Sadiq took it, I miss it while Roderich holds it. I'm afraid to let my heart decide for herself what she wants. Who's to say the next up-start empire won't steal that from me?"
Subconsciously, Gilbert held her tighter. He didn't know what else to do. What was there for him to do? He could empathize before he became - well, Prussia, when he was still being tugged around by the power politics of the Holy Roman Empire, kicked around from power-to-power to do their bidding. Still, it never felt as personal as this. He had always been allowed to choose for himself, even if he was strongly advised on the consequences. He had never been ruled over so tightly.
"Why confess anything when it won't help you?" She was whispering now. "If I love you, will I wake up tomorrow in Berlin or Budapest, seen as an equal to all? Will it not bring about more pain and suffering for me or my people?" She shook her head. "My heart originally led me to this bed, believing pretty promises with no follow through. My heart is a fool, I cannot afford to listen to her again. Until I, as Hungary, can stand alone and have that be recognized by others than my heart belongs to me."
Somberness fell over the room. They sat, still, Erzsébet realizing the size of her confession and Gilbert lacking the words to adequately respond. "I-" Gilbert stuttered. He wanted to say the right thing, be the right person to help her.
"Whatever you're going to say, don't." There was no malice in her words, only acceptance. "None of this is your fault. It's how things are for now. I'll make it through. I've always had a knack for surviving." She wanted to promise what would come after, when surviving turned to living. She could feel it on her lips, but feared if she spoke it then it would be destroyed by her want.
Gilbert began to rise from the bed. "Maybe it would be better if I slept in my room." He started to retrieve his clothes.
"Don't." Her desperation surprised them both. She reached out to him. "My heart belongs to me, but that doesn't mean I can't hear it. Stay here, please. We haven't fallen asleep together in years."
Such a simple request. How could he deny it? He climbed back in, kissing her so sweetly as devotion filled his being. "Anything for you." It was more wish than promise.
The morning passed by in a leisurely way. Waking up besides Erzsébet, not minding the taste of her morning breath through sleepy kisses, watching her bustling around to prepare herself for the day ahead? What a dream. That morning he would've died to take Roderich's place.
Eventually it was time to leave. Well-rested, he began loading up his carriage and prattling on about nothing with his driver. Prussia always enjoyed talking with the common people. It was refreshing, their candor towards the state of their nations and grumblings about the price of things. The one constant through the centuries.
It was in this good mood that Austria caught him. "Excuse me, Gilbert, may I have a moment?" He nodded his head at the driver. "Alone."
Gilbert dismissed the man and, despite the fury in Roderich's eyes, couldn't stop himself from grinning ear-to-ear. "Thank you for being such a gracious host. I might have had the best sleep of my life last night. Your mattress is fantastic."
A blitz of pain. Gilbert clutched his cheek, processing the sound of the smack that rang through the air. All good-humor fell away, outrage quickly replacing it. "You little bitch. I bet you slap her around like that."
"Violence is the only thing you respond to. If I want to be understood by a beast, I have to speak like one. Your stupidity makes you brave, I can commend that at times. It also makes you reckless and insolent. If I catch you disrespecting me in such a way as last night, I will ruin you."
Gilbert huffed. "To be afraid of you would be like being afraid of a kitten, don't waste my time." He returned his attention back to his luggage. "You're not mad about anything I may or may not be doing with Erzsi. Stop pretending like she has any meaning to you. You resent what refuses to bend to your will like any other obstinate little prince." He turned back around, eyes like fire and full of glowing hatred. "You may own her hand, but you can never own her heart."
"Neither will you."
Gilbert winced. The memory of their conversation ran through his mind in living color. The defeat and longing in her eyes. It all felt so real, so raw. He stared at Roderich and desperately wanted to hate him in that moment, to make him understand what he was doing. All of that fell away upon looking at him. What was he, what were they all, beyond puppets of their monarch's designs? Roderich no more decided to the fate of Hungary just as he didn't decide to invade Silesia. Sure, they could give their opinions on matters, but at the end of the day it always went to the real players. They were merely the vessel. He couldn't bring himself to hate his fellow shell. Not right now.
He looked down and sighed. That didn't mean none of this hurt. "So I've heard." He looked back at the house, longing filling his soul. He could imagine him playing a knight and whisking Erzsébet away, laughing while they left Roderich in the dust. He could never have that, but he could have last night and all the little moments like that they'd collected all these years. In the end, wouldn't all those memories add up to a life for the two of them? Maybe one where they could fall asleep at night and not have to live fearing tomorrow. "But what I've got is more than you. That's the only prize that matters, right? What would we be without chasing such an elusive goal?"
"Happier," Austria spoke, as if reading Prussia's mind. They shared their surprise, faint smiles passed between the two.
"Maybe. We might have to try that someday. But for now, why not keep doing what we're doing? We've forgotten how to do everything else." He opened his mouth, a taunt on his lips, wanting to leave on their usual terms. Gilbert's heart was too heavy to fake bravado, to pretend that everything would be alright if he only he defeated Austria today. He looked up at the clouds, praying silently for assistance he didn't believe in, before meeting Roderich's gaze. "This is a meaningless existence. Tell her I'll miss her." Gilbert climbed into his carriage, feeling as if he'd left an important part of him in Vienna.
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writingismyhappytime · 8 years ago
Dauntless: Daddy Dearest (Part 9)
Tumblr media
Eric x OC
Warnings: Language, Violence, Angst, Smut
"There we go," I grunted, setting Kai's carrier on top of the counter as I entered the daycare. "He's all yours for the day."
"Alright." Trevor reached for Kai, who now had the art of spit bubbles down pat. I reached forward, popping it for him and making him scrunch his nose. I chuckled; I wondered if I did those as a kid.
Considering I was in a different faction, I hadn't seen my old family in a decade almost. I didn't miss them, I didn't miss leaving Erudite at all. Did they know I had a kid now, my own family? Did they realize they were grandparents?
Honestly, did it even matter?
I doubted I would recognize them now anyway.
Camille was ignoring me.
Flat out, cold shoulder, pretending I didn't exist type of ignoring me. She used to do this a lot in the beginning of our relationship, especially when she was trying to pretend that we weren't doing anything in our off hours.
Which we were.
A lot.
I frowned at her across the training area, crossing my arms along my chest. She was barking something at one of the female initiates, something about how lousy their form was, before forcibly straightening them; she wasn't acting any different with these kids now that she had her own, she was still just as harsh --- her mothering instincts made no difference in her job.
I had to be proud of her there, she was an excellent soldier.
"Keep your head up, don't look at your feet when someone is approaching you," I snapped at the boy in front of me on the mats, sparring with someone else. "You face them head on, don't cower. Raise your arms!"
I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose at such idiocy; how did these kids expect to get in this faction when they knew nothing of fighting? I supposed, considering it was only the second day, I shouldn't be so judgemental, but I'd only gotten two hours of sleep last night thanks to Camille aggravating Kai.
The bitch.
I had no idea what her sudden problem was, why she suddenly wanted to know if I was dumb enough to have a second kid --- obviously not right now, one was more then enough!
My eyes caught on one of the new transfers, the candor who had been brazen enough to make a smart comment about Camille. I narrowed my eyes at him where he stood across the blue mat, talking to one of the former Erudites.
I cracked my knuckles thoughtfully, shifting restlessly. I hadn't had a good fight in a month now, even dealing with those factionless hadn't been enough to settle me down.
I was getting frustrated, with Camille, with not having sex and not getting any sleep --- I would never have tolerated this from anyone else.
I cut my eyes across the room, seeing her demonstrating a move, how quick and easy her movements were. She knew how to fight, she had scars from using those very same moves --- Camille was excellent.
Just a goddamn bitch.
"You," I barked, glowering at the candor, seeing him jump as I singled him out. "On the mat, now."
There was a soft murmur before the candor moved, rolling his shoulders as he stepped onto the blue mat before him. He was rather large, about a head shorter then me, dark skinned with a shaved head.
I was going to teach him a few things.
"You kids better learn this quick," I said, seeing him shift uneasily as I stepped up near him, cracking my knuckles again. "You show us trainers respect, you watch your mouth, because there's always consequences."
"Eric," Fours voice was suddenly wary, and I saw him out of the corner of my eye, stepping away from the punching bags. Nosy fucking stiff --- why'd he always have to interfere?
"I'm just gonna show them some moves," I shrugged my shoulders, grinning as I looked at the Candor. "Some of them need to learn the hard way. You all know the rules, the only way out of a fight is to go down. We don't accept begging or pleading, and if you can't handle it, I suggest you get out now."
I meant every word.
We didn't accept the weak.
"What the fuck were you thinking, beating up that transfer like that?" Camille snarled as we stepped into the apartment, setting Kai down carefully on the table. "You nearly broke his arm!"
"Teach him for being a disrespectful little bitch!" I retorted. "And so you're talking to me now?"
She glared at me, her hands going to her hips as she squared off with me. She never backed down, and I usually loved that about her --- not so much when it was against me.
"You were being an asshole and you know it! You know better!"
"Oh, so you're scolding me?" I scoffed. "You?"
"Yes. Me. There was uncalled for and you went too far! I get it, you like it when they're afraid of you, but ---."
"It had nothing to do with that. I was setting an example."
"Of what exactly!?" She demanded, her voice rising slightly. I glanced at Kai warily, but the loaf continued to snooze, worn out from his long day. I cut my eyes back to her darker ones, bristling.
If she wanted to fucking fight tonight, I'd give it to her. She could take care of Kai when he started screaming, I was done with her pitching fits and leaving me to clean up the mess!
"Not to fucking say disrespectful shit to you!" I hissed, clenching my fists. "I'm not going to let anyone think they can bad mouth you!"
"You've said worse shit to me!"
"Yeah, but that's me --- no one else can! You're my woman, we got a kid together --- no one's going to think they can say anything to you!"
"Or you'll beat them until they're black and blue? Are you really going back to that, Eric!?"
"Going back to what?" I scoffed, crossing my arms. I was three steps inside the door, I hadn't even taken my jacket off, and already we were on the verge of screaming; it's like old times all over again.
"Being a complete fucking jerk! Trying to make everyone think you're this cruel person that you're not at all!"
"I think that's exactly who I am."
"Not anymore," she said firmly, glaring at me. "You got better, especially since we had Kai." She gestured at the baby. "You can't say you're the same arrogant, egotistical person you were before we got together."
"oh, so you're thinking you changed me or something?" I seethed, narrowing my eyes at her. "I'm exactly the same as before, but with you being pregnant and then having the loaf --- it's not like I've had time to focus on anything else! Why the fuck do you think Max sent me out on that op, huh? He thinks I'm slipping! If I don't ---."
"So you're trying to prove something to Max? Beating up a new transfer is going to do that?"
"If I don't prove I'm still capable of holding my own and demanding fear, do you know what he's going to do?"
"It's not like he'll get rid of you, Eric, you're ---."
"Everyone is expendable, Camille," I snapped, abruptly tired of hearing her voice. I didn't want to be here, I wanted out, I wanted somewhere I could have some peace! Being here with her was driving me insane! "We've both done sketchy shit, and as long as we're loyal we're fine, but Max thinks I'm slipping!"
"So you think he'll do something to you?" She sounded incredulous, her hand going to Kai protectively. I never told her about what Mel told me during the op, I didn't want to scare her.
"I've done a lot more then you ever thought about, I know more shit about how Dauntless works then anyone. If I don't start getting back to before, he's gonna try something he'll regret."
"Eric ---."
"So you know what, Camille? I'm fucking trying, alright? I'm staying up with that goddamn baby, I'm trying to fucking prove to Max that he can't off me that easily, that the two of you aren't a fucking problem!" I saw Kai stir as my voice rose, but it didn't stop me from yelling at this oblivious, frigid woman! "So why don't you fucking lay off me for once!? If you hadn't gotten pregnant, none of this would even be a problem!"
"Oh, of course, always blame someone else!" She snarled, taking a threatening step towards me. "That's what you're best at doing! We talked about it, it's both our faults, not just Mine! Jesus, Eric! Why didn't you tell me ---?"
"Yes, stress out the pregnant lady," I waved her off, taking a step back. "That's what I'll do. Make her fear for the life of her newborn child.  Good plan."
"You're supposed to tell me stuff like this!"
"When? When you're screaming at me for no goddamn reason? Pitching fits that don't make sense?"
"Like you're any better!"
"I've been putting up with your erratic bullshit for almost a year! We haven't even fucked in ages!"
She inhaled sharply, her eyes flaring.
Yeah, I finally said it. I was through with this! I wanted to fuck, and if Camille would just talk to me about it instead of bursting into tears or ignoring me, we could figure all of it out!
But no!
I was trying my damnedest to be good to her and that kid, but she was driving me insane! The screaming, the bitching, I couldn't take it anymore! She had no fucking idea how much she and Kai consumed my life, how I worried about them, about Max trying something --- she didn't fucking know anything!
"I can't handle this right now," I muttered, jerking the door open.
"Eric ---."
I slammed it behind me, closing my eyes in satisfaction as Kai immediately began to scream.
Sweet revenge.
I sat down at the bar, draining the bottle in front of me. I sighed, relaxing back into my chair, brooding.
It honestly felt nice to be by myself for once, to not have a baby wailing in my ear or my girlfriend screaming/crying.
The alcohol didn't even burn on its way down.
"Haven't seen you here in a while."
I glanced up, seeing white dreads before Mel sat down in front of me, smirking. She eyed me warily,  lifting her glass to her lips.
"You look pissy." She commented.
"Just my face."
"Mmm. You finally have it playing daddy?" She snorted, propping her chin on her hand. "Ready to stop pretending?"
"I'm not pretending."
"We both know better. You're only hanging around ---."
"Do you have anything better to do?" I sighed. "You jealous or something?"
"Just miss fucking you is all. Doesn't seem like you're getting any from Camille."
I rolled my eyes. Mel liked to assume, and she would use every rumor and jab she possibly could to get under my skin, didn't matter if it was true or not. I was beyond the point of letting anything she said bother me.
Mel pouted when she didn't get to me. "Saw that new transfer walking around, you really did a number on him."
"You need to set examples, you've been slacking with the new generations. They won't give you the proper amount of fear if you don't bust some heads."
I just looked at her, slowly raising my bottle to my lips. I was already on my second, and it was starting to get late. Really, I didn't want to go back to the apartment, I didn't want to see Camille. I couldn't stand the thought of it.
Not right now.
She had no idea what was going on, I'd kept her in the dark. But I couldn't anymore, I was past the point of giving a fuck. I almost wished there was an op I could go on to get away from her, to put some space between us.
I'd never wanted to be away from her like this before.
I sighed, sinking a little lower in my seat. Camille would take care of Kai tonight, she's his mother and she's been doing it for this long.
I wasn't worried at all.
I finished off my bottle, raising my hand and gesturing for another one. Mel just sat across from me, nursing her own, and for a few minutes, it actually felt normal.
This is what we used to do, before Camille, before Kai. After a day and doing bullshit for Dauntless, we'd unwind at the bar, let the day go, maybe fuck if we weren't too wasted.
Oddly though, I didn't miss all of it. I wasn't miserable or bored anymore, I didn't have to go out on missions, I was always pretty much busy now. Kai was a handful in his self, much more stressful then any op.
"So you not going home tonight? That's your fourth bottle. Won't be able to make it up the bridge to the pretty apartments if you keep going," Mel said after a moment, gesturing with her drink.
Maybe I didn't want too.
I didn't say that to her, I didn't see a point. She didn't need to get involved in my personal life, not where she could get between me and Camille. That's where a lot of people go wrong.
I didn't respond, just looked at her.
"Fuck, fine, be a sour puss." She rolled her black eyes at me. "You can crash at my place, then, I got that spare room. Unless you want to share with me anyway."
"No thanks."
But a night where I could get some sleep again would be nice.
Camille's livid, I could tell the moment I stepped into the training area. She stood over with Four, talking softly as the initiates finally made their way into the room; they're tired, we've been running them hard trying to get them prepped. Camille had them today for gun practice, I was only here for the morning workout.
I stretched my arms above my head, slowly approaching the mats. I'd gotten a whole nights sleep for once, one not interrupted by Camille shuffling or Kai shrieking.
I'd missed it though.
Camille sent me a horrid look across the room, one letting me know real quick I was in some deep shit tonight. She couldn't exactly be pissed at me when she was the one who started the fighting first!
Hell, I was doing my best here! I wasn't getting fucked, I was hardly getting any affection from her, she yelled at me more often then she did anything else! Excuse me for needing some peace and getting away for a little bit!
I pretended not to even see her, instead glancing around at my initiates. I wasn't in as pissy of a mood today, so I wasn't going to run them as ragged as usual. Getting some rest makes  a big difference in one's attitude.
I spied the Candor, smirking as I saw his black and blue appearance. He'd taken the beating yesterday pretty well, I was impressed. He could take a hit like a Dauntless, so he might stand a chance after all. I was curious to see how he did in marksmanship --- if he could shoot a gun, and throw a knife, I could just about overlook his snide comment about Camille when he first got here.
Just about.
"Jamison," I snapped, and the Candor immediately jumped, his head twisting to stare at me. For a moment, I think he was almost afraid, and that made me even smugger. Little bitch should be afraid. "Here, now."
The Candor cringed, and then slowly shuffled over to where I stood. I saw his friends exchange looks, and I wondered vaguely if he even knew why I'd singled him out.
Maybe I should make it obvious.
"You did well yesterday," I said after a moment, when he was close enough that he could hear. "You took your beating pretty good, just like a Dauntless should." I'm impressed he didn't bail out to be factionless.
He sent me a wary look, then nodded. "Thanks...?"
"If you do well in marksmanship and strategy, you could go up for leadership," I continued, seeing the rest of the initiates muttering to themselves, huddling at the ends of the blue mats. "Leadership is better then any other job you can get, so aim for that. As long as you learn to keep your fucking mouth shut when it comes to my girlfriend, we won't have anymore problems." My hand clamped on his shoulder, making him flinch. "Sound good?"
"Y-yes, sir. I, I didn't know she was ---."
"Well, now you do. Doesn't matter if she wasn't, though. She's your superior, you don't make comments like that towards any female, understand? It won't be tolerated, least of all by me. Got it?"
Good, as long as he did.
"So, they're doing well." Four said as he stood with Camille, both of them a few feet from me as we watch the initiates throw knives at the wooden boards across the room. "Some of them are improving fairly quickly."
"Looks like it. Although Tomsen looks ready to fall over."
"He hurt himself in the war game last night, he's sore. Still hitting the target at least."
"Mmm. What did he do?"
"Fell off the side of the Ferris Wheel, lost his grip."
"You didn't climb up after him?"
"Uh... no."
"Well, if his arm doesn't get better, he's going to fall behind." Camille said with a shrug, her voice as ruthless as usual. She's still pissed at me, she's not spoke one word to me the entire day. It's about time for us to finish and the initiates to go to dinner, which meant I would be heading to pick up Kai, and then have to go home to that apartment.
I wasn't sure I wanted too.
I didn't want to stay with Mel again, I didn't want anyone getting the wrong idea. We were friends, at least, I thought I could consider her something like that since we weren't fucking anymore. Well, she was as close to a friend as I had, anyway.
"Do you two have this?" Four asked after a second, and my eyes finally flicked over. "I have some stuff to do in intelligence, I don't have time for the rest of the day."
"Go ahead, we'll let them finish up and we'll send them to dinner." Camille said after a moment, shrugging her shoulders.
He was leaving me alone with her vindictive ass.
I stared straight ahead, measuring the initiates as they threw their knives. They weren't the worst group I've ever seen, but I still wasn't that impressed. In fact, it was kind of disappointing to see.
"Can we talk now?"
I glanced at Camille as she stepped to my side, tightening my crossed arms.
"We don't have anything to talk about," I muttered stubbornly, refusing to look at her. She'd pissed me off, she had no idea what I was going through right now, and she didn't fucking care! I hoped Kai screamed the entire night and she didn't get any rest for once. See how much she liked it when I wasn't there to get up constantly throughout the night and deal with him.
"Don't be a fucker, Eric. I'm serious."
I sighed, glancing at her. "What then?"
"Where did you go last night? You never came back."
"Didn't think you noticed."
"I always notice when you're not home, Eric."
Ugh. I hated it when she said shit like that, it made me think she wasn't that much of a bitch. I didn't respond, just continued to sulk. I was pissed at her, I had a lot of stuff on my plate, and I couldn't handle her bucking up on me too.
In fact, I'd appreciate it if she would just fuck me and we could start having things going back to normal.
"Look, you should have told me about... that other stuff," she said after a moment, standing too close to me. I could smell her shampoo, the soft scent that I liked too much. "You gotta tell me shit like that, Eric, no matter what's going on. You don't have to handle that by yourself. We're together for a reason."
"You were pregnant, already freaking out. I didn't want to make it worse." I muttered, my eyes flicking to her dark hair. "We had enough going on."
"Doesn't matter, I still should know. How else can I protect Kai?"
"You won't ever have too, I won't let it get that bad."
"Sometimes you can't help it. You don't need to prove yourself to anyone, Eric. You're where you are for a reason."
She just... didn't understand. I had to do what I had to do, I had to follow orders, and I had to do stuff that she wouldn't so Max didn't think I was expendable. I would be alright if he would just get rid of me, but I wouldn't tolerate him doing anything that would threaten my family.  I would follow him for now, but if it came down to it, I would turn on him and take his place the first chance I got.
I'll always protect my family.
"You have to know Dauntless isn't perfect, Camille." I murmured after a moment, keeping my voice soft. "You know that I do stuff you wouldn't agree with."
"I know," she said simply, turning to gaze up at me. "I get it. I don't ask about it, I don't want to know. You do what you have too, but you don't seclude yourself from me, okay? We have a kid, we can't act like this anymore."
"I know," I said, resigned. "But I don't know what else to do. I don't want to fight, Camille."
"I don't either. Are you coming home tonight?"
"Yeah." I didn't want to be away from them again.
"Good. Then we can talk."
Because I was so looking forward to that.
I liked Camille's version of talking.
I grasped Camille by her shapely hips, pulling her body flat against mine as I let my hands slide down the curve of her ass. Her hands are tight on my shoulders, and she's giving me soft kisses, the ones I've found I craved. I'm not quite sure how our talking ended up this way, but I wasn't going to question it.
Her fingers brushed the back of my neck, causing shivers to race across my skin as I held her tighter, needing to feel her supple body against my own. Fuck, just the thought of her naked and beneath me makes me hard, and I knew she could feel it.
I wanted to fuck tonight, I was going out of my mind! I didn't want to cheat on her, I cared about her, I loved her, but if I didn't get some kind of relief soon I was going to combust. I deepened the kiss, her fingers rising to clench in my hair, keeping my lips against hers. She kissed me back like old times, full of hunger and passion, her chest arching into mine.
I took a step back, drawing her with me closer to our bed. Her fingers were already at my waist, pulling my t shirt over my head, her eyes skimming my chest. She bit her lip as she looked at me, cold fingers slowly moving down my skin. I held perfectly still, watching her; I was fit, I never slacked in my training, and I knew I looked good. I had scars, sure, but so did she, we were soldiers.
"Eric," she murmured, her dark eyes finally rising to mine. She hesitated, then tugged on my belt, as if making up her mind. I couldn't help but feel relief,  watching as her nimble fingers opened my jeans, working them down my hips. I took a hasty second to jerk them off, kicking out of my boots, trying to be as quick as possible in case she changed her mind.
She raised her brows at me, but didn't comment; she had to know I was dying to fuck!
I reached for her, shamelessly capturing her lips in another heady kiss, burying my fingers in her hair. My tongue delved to meet hers, and I was praying that Kai didn't start screaming, interrupting the only time I might have with Camille.
She sighed against my lips, and didn't stop me from pulling on her shirt, moving it over her head, long hair spilling down over her shoulders. My eyes flicked down her chest, and I licked my lips as I leaned forward. I curled my hands around her hips, my lips descending along her neck, her head tilting to give me more access.
I let my fingers caress her sides, not wanting to rush, but also incredibly impatient. I wasn't an asshole, I knew having a baby messed with her body, that she was having a hard time adjusting. I'd been as patient as I could possibly stand, but she had to give me something in return. All the fighting, all the sleepless nights and cutting remarks --- from her, I could only take so much.
I sucked hard on her neck in just the right spot, and she shivered in my arms, just like I knew she would. I tugged at the clasp to her bra, easily having it open, straps falling off of her shoulders. I nibbled at her throat, lowering my hands to her hips once more, letting my hands roam and squeeze that great fucking ass of hers. God it felt good in my hands, being able to touch her, feel her body once more. I felt her fingers flex against my nape, her breath hot and growing quicker against my ear as I set to work on removing her jeans.
I turned us around, putting her back to the bed, hooking my thumbs in the hem of her jeans and drawing them down in one swift movement --- I wasn't wasting any time. I helped her out of her boots, and then urged her back onto the bed.
She shuffled, but I didn't let her get far, my hands on her hips. She flushed under my gaze as it swept over the body I was so familiar with. Her breasts were a little bigger, but still perfect, perky and just waiting for my mouth to be on them. My eyes flicked hungrily back to hers, my cock suddenly throbbing in my boxers, straining against the thin material as I crawled over her, kissing her forcefully with a groan.
Fuck, I needed this.
I slid my hands up her smooth sides, stretching my fingers along her stomach before I reached her breasts, remembering last minute that they were probably sensitive. I caressed them easily, grazing my thumbs over her stiffening peaks. I wanted to kiss, suck, taste every inch of her body, to have my tongue run through every curve and dip. I wanted to remind her of what she's been missing out on, on only what I could do to her, make her feel. My mouth watered just at the thought of tasting her again.
I kissed her only for a second more before I left her lips, my mouth finding her jaw, her throat, slowly working it's way lower. I felt her tense slightly as my tongue flicked against her breasts, but I gave them only the lightest of nuzzles before I moved lower. I clasped her hips as I kissed her scarred stomach, noticing the ugly red line from where her brother stabbed her, the spot where she'd gotten shot saving my ass, and all the little white lines from where she carried our child.
Her body and her scars told a story of her life, and I wouldn't have her look any other way. We had memories together, and I didn't want her to be self-conscious. I loved her for her, not for what she looked like.
I glanced up as I slipped off the bed, falling down to my knees between her lovely thighs. She blinked, pushing up onto her elbows slightly, her teeth digging into that plump lower lip.
"Eric ---."
"I want to taste you," I murmured, curling her thighs over my shoulders, licking my lips as I felt the heat from her skin. My voice was low, husky, and I saw her shiver. She didn't tell me no, so I eagerly nudged her thighs wider, burying my face in the heaven waiting for me. She let out a long sigh as my tongue rolled forward over her clit, and I was pleased to find she was wet --- she had to be wanting this as much as me!
Her hands found their way into my hair, and she finally gave the softest of moans.
My blood boiled just at the sound, one I'd been denied for so long. Her heat teased my tongue as I let it dip between her folds, my hands shifting to hold her at a better angle. I let my arm clamp across her hips, my thumb creeping down to press against her clit.
"Fuck," Camille exhaled after a moment, shuddering against my mouth. Mmm, she tasted just the same, just as good. I kept a firm pressure on her clit, letting my tongue lap against her entrance, drinking in the taste of her, knowing it was just for me. "Eric!"
The sound of my name made me groan, and the tight way she said it, the way her thighs tried to flex --- fuck, I could only imagine how good she would feel around my cock. I pressed my tongue more firmly, grasping her bare thigh and keeping it angled higher, giving me more room. I let my lips rise, sealing them firmly around her clit and sucking hard enough to make her back immediately arch off the bed with a breathless gasp.
My cock pulsed at the sound, and I had to shift my hips, finding my boxers growing steadily uncomfortable. I saw her squeeze her eyes shut, her hands rising to press against her mouth as I lapped and sucked at her clit, her desire covering my lips and chin.
Heh, I knew I was good at this.
She whined softly, muffled from behind her hand as she tried to stay quiet. Yeah, too loud and we'd wake the loaf, and neither of us wanted that. I'd have to catch her sometime during the day then, get her on the roof where I could really make her scream again. I'd loved making her cum so hard she lost control of herself, that she cried out so loud the neighbors could hear.
Her back arched off the bed, those perfect breasts rising and falling as she panted behind her fingers. Her hips squirmed desperately against my hold, and I nearly smirked, teasing her swollen clit with my tongue. Her eyes squeezed shut as I sucked on it, my fingers creeping to her core.
I slowly eased one inside her damp folds, groaning as I felt how tight she was, how her body clenched. I didn't want to go too fast, her hips already bucking as I slipped a second finger with the first, pumping them inside of her. Her desire coated them, making it easy for me to keep up a rhythm, her breath catching.
She was going to cum, I could tell it by how her muscles squeezed, how her body tensed as she tried not too. She was always so stubborn, trying to hold out on me, make me really work to give her pleasure. I didn't let her win, I was too intent tonight, needing her to cum. There was no doubt in my mind I wouldn't last long as soon as I was buried inside of her, it had been too long for me, so I wanted to give her all the pleasure I could now.
"Fuck, Eric," she suddenly gasped, and I smirked, feeling her body go taut just as I shoved her over the edge. She came against my mouth, my tongue greedily tasting her pleasure, fingers clenching tight on her thighs to hold them open; I didn't mean to bruise her, but I probably did.
I groaned against her hot core, giving it one last lick before I raised my head. My cock was so hard, throbbing heavily, and I knew my boxers were growing slick. It had been way too long since I fucked, and it was taking every ounce of my self-control to make sure I was easy, that I didn't hurt her.
I pressed a kiss against her trembling thighs before I rose, discarding my boxers and crawling over my woman. Her hands lifted from her face as she felt my body on hers, her lips parted as she tried to catch her breath. Her dilated eyes found mine seconds before her fingers clenched against my nape, drawing my mouth to hers.
I knew she could taste herself on my tongue, and I kissed her hard as I pressed my bare body down into hers. I craved her like a madman, addicted to the feel of her, the scent of her. I needed to feel the hot squeeze of her tight body around my throbbing cock, to pump myself inside of her until there was nothing left. I squeezed her full breasts, massaging them as I rubbed my cock against her glistening folds, letting her feel how badly I wanted her, my teeth pulling on her lower lip.
"I need you," I groaned against her soft lips, my mind on nothing more but being inside her heat, fucking her in all sorts of positions.  She just kissed me, her legs parting wider, inviting me. I shuddered, grinding my body into hers, loving the friction, how her bare skin felt against my own.
Her nails trailed down my sides, and I tensed as they met my hips, bringing them down hard into her cunt until I nearly came right then.
"Fuck!" I hissed as she squirmed against me, her hand suddenly between our bodies, curling along my shaft and giving me a few good strokes.
"No," I hastily grabbed her wrist, seeing her eyes flash up to mine in surprise. As much as I loved the thought of her mouth around my cock, I wouldn't be able to withstand it. "I want this to last," I murmured, flushing slightly. "And if you touch me it won't."
The bitch smirked at me; Camille didn't know it, but she had more control over me then I'd admit, especially when it came to our fucking. She had a cunt like an angel, and honestly I wasn't that surprised I got her pregnant, I couldn't resist the feel of her around me.
I kissed her without another word, settling in between her thighs when her hand moved to curl around my shoulder. I grasped one of her thighs, pulling it higher, making room for my hips.
"Mmm --- Eric, w--- wait." She suddenly pressed hard against my shoulders, my mouth freezing against hers.
Oh no.
Please don't.
Not when I'm so fucking close!
"What?" I asked, my chest moving heavily; I was going to have a heart attack if she told me to stop, I wouldn't be able to survive the disappointment.
"Do you have a condom?"
"What?" I stared down at her blankly, wondering what the fuck we'd need one of those for. "No."
"Eric." She frowned up at me. "I'm not on birth control."
Yeah, like that bullshit made a difference; she was on it when I got her pregnant.
"So --- for fuck's sake, Eric, I don't want another baby!" Her nails dug into my shoulders, and my brows furrowed as I look down at her. Didn't we just have a fight about that the other night?
"Well, I'll be careful then," I mumbled, kissing along her jaw and hoping to distract her.
"You're never careful!"
"I won't cum inside, I swear," I added, at the point I would say anything if she'd just let me fuck her already. "I'll pull out, don't worry."
 I shifted my hips, the head of my cock parting her lips, just enough to tease her. I needed to fuck her, now, I couldn't take another minute of it! She grumbled  something I didn't quite catch, I was sure she called me some sort of bastard, but her legs curled around my hips.
I groaned, my eyes closing as I pushed my cock inside her hot, tight body, her soft walls pulling me deeper as I let my hips sink flush with hers.
She inhaled sharply, fuck she was so tight, I hadn't expected that! I pressed my lips against her shoulder, trying to hold still, to give her time to adjust.
"Fuck, baby,  you feel so good," I breathed in her ear, her slick body clenching around me. "You're so goddamn tight."
I shifted, feeling her fingers flex against my shoulders. I started moving, slowly at first, thrusting into her long and as easily as I could, swallowing hard against the need to pound into her. I wasn't going to last long, I didn't doubt that for one second, but I wanted it to still feel good for her too.
Camille groaned, her fingers tracing down my spine as I pressed into her, grinding my hips into hers until I saw her eyes squeeze shut. I kissed her, my pulse quickening as I filled her over and over, our panting breathes filling the air; I wasn't sure what was more torturous: trying to be quiet or trying not to fuck to hard!
She hugged me so tightly, purposefully squeezing me when I thrust deep, making it nearly impossible for me to want to leave her warmth.
"Camille," I groaned, moving my hips faster when she began to meet them. I clenched my hands in the sheets on either side of her, holding myself up, sweat starting to build on my skin. I rocked my hips, nearly pulling all the way out of her before driving forward, loving the way her breasts moved with the force of me fucking her. Her nails dug into my hips, cutting into my skin as they raked their way back to my shoulders, no doubt leaving red marks.
That's my girl.
I leaned down, hungrily catching her lips with mine. The sound of our fucking, of our panting breaths and her ridiculously hot moans filled my ears. I fucked her harder, driving as deep as I possibly could, her body so wet each thrust was easy --- the fact she was enjoying this, that she was urging me to be rougher, to fuck her like I used too, that's what drove me crazy the most.
I'd missed this.
This closeness with her, the silent acknowledgement of how good we made the other feel. I liked when she was rough with me, dragging me by my hair to kiss her, clawing at me when I wasn't doing what she wanted. We were perfect in bed together, our body's built just for the others --- perfect heights, perfect builds, perfect everything.
Camille was home to me, her body was where I always wanted to be and never leave. When I was with her like this, I could block out the rest of the world and the problems waiting for me there, I could focus on worshiping her and telling her that I loved her over and over.
She bit at my lower lip, rocking her hips against mine until I was moaning into her, the throbbing, painful pressure in my cock starting to reach a peak. I slipped my arm beneath her back, lifting her off the sheets, suddenly intent that she would cum before I would. Her near shriek as I fucked her as deep as I could was muffled by my lips, and I knew I'd hit just the right spot with this angle. Her breasts were pressed hard into my chest, and I bit and nipped at her neck, relentlessly driving myself into her over and over.
I reached between us, catching her clit and making her whole body shudder beneath me. I chuckled breathlessly as I pressed firmly, stroking in short, fast circles until she was so tight around my cock I could barely move, her arms clenched around my shoulders as she whimpered helplessly.
"That's right, cum with my cock inside you," I moaned, my fingers becoming slick the more I touched her. My skin was prickling, burning with heat, and the second Camille came around me I knew I was a dead man. She clenched around me, her tight body milking my cock for my seed as she cried out, pressing her face hard against my teeth, her teeth digging into my flesh as she tried not to be loud.
Her entire body shook against me, and I couldn't hold back any longer. I groaned as I came, my hips jerking against hers as I throbbed, mind going blessedly blank for several seconds.  Pleasure surged through me for the first time in months as I emptied myself into her tight cunt, relief rushing through my body as I went limp over her, panting for breath.
I relaxed with a sigh, curling her body close to mine, letting my head rest against her shoulder as we both tried to catch our breath. I felt her fingers brush gently through my damp hair, and I ignored the stinging of my skin from where she'd bit me. I knew I was good in bed, although tonight admittedly wasn't one of my better moments, but hey, it had been a long time!
"I love you," I said after a moment, nuzzling her cheek with mine. I meant it, and I felt like I hadn't told her enough lately.
"I love you too," she murmured, her arms tightening around me. I stayed for a few moments longer, not wanting to move, to just enjoy the feel of her around me, making me feel safe and content.
Well, for a few seconds anyway.
"Eric!" She suddenly hissed, and I sighed.
Welp, there went the good feelings.
"You fucking --- goddamit, Eric! I fucking told you not to cum inside!" She smacked my shoulder hard enough to sting, and I was glad she couldn't see me roll my eyes. "What if I get pregnant again, you moron!?"
"Then you do," I mumbled, reluctantly propping myself over her, gazing down at her and her just-fucked hair. "We'll have another one, and another, and another," I smirked, teasing her lips with mine. "Because you feel too fucking good not to cum inside."
She flushed, scowling up at me.
"Just take a pill, you'll be fine," I sighed, seeing she wasn't going to get over it easily. "We'll be more prepared tomorrow."
"Mmmhmm." I kissed her nose, and nibbled my way across her jaw, feeling her hips finally shift. I'd probably just majorly fucked up if I did get her pregnant again, but I'd deal with the consequences. I wouldn't mind a family with Camille, not even a big one, because it was with her. I'd love her through every mind-fucking pregnancy, although I didn't really want another one, if I was being honest.
Maybe in a few years, if even that.
Right now, I mean, since I'd already cum inside....
"Eric, you can't be serious," she huffed as I bit her throat, and I chuckled.
"I haven't got to fuck you in months, I've a lot of backtracking to do," I breathed in her ear as I reluctantly pulled out of her, seeing her wince out of the corner of my eye. "Kai's the only one going to get any sleep tonight."
She rolled her eyes, her cold hands rising to cup my face.
"I don't know what to do with you," she murmured, and I smirked, knowing the answer.
"Just fuck me again and I'm good."
P.S: If any of you are ever feeling generous, you can leave me a tip in the tip jar! I have a link in the description :D
Tags:@jcause.    @elaacreditava.       @riegan.   @deathbyamonster @pathybo@buried-in-books   @miss-evil-oneggggggg.  @maquet-lambb.  @jojuarez26. @ljvosscmt    @beltz2016 @magellan-88     @kenzieam     @tigpooh67   @rred87@lauraaan182    @fuckthatfeeling
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jojuarez26 · 8 years ago
When love just isn't enough: Two letters one word
Mature content and strong language Divergent fanfiction: Eric @pathybo @tigpooh67 @ljvosscmt @glamlover87 @kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995 @beautifulramblingbrains @clublulu333 @anditcametopass @anditcametopass @ariwolff14 @frecklefaceb @societalfailure @crystalbaby12 @james-k-delaney @scorpio2009 So I knew I wouldn't be getting Candor for my aptitude test next year. I lied my ass off about a faction history class project that required me to go into the Erudite records section. However I was pretty disappointed when I pulled Eric's records. Seeing as how his father was pretty high up in Erudite for security reasons most of his records required security clearance. However there where a few items that where public record that both impressed and perplexed me. Eric had the second highest I.Q. in Erudite. It was only five points lower than Jeanine's. That explained alot. I would be willing to bet he was also a sociopath. What perplexed me was that from the age of three to fourteen he had been seen in Erudite Emergency Services more than probably anyone in the faction history. Everything from broken bones, stitches, concussions and everything in between. However when he turned fourteen his last injury was a broken hand that required surgery to put a pin in one of his fingers. Then, nothing. Just routine physicals and labs. It did seem he had excessive amounts of labs done, even for an Erudite. Also he was listed as a non-depandant, non-member. How the hell does that work? I would have to look into that. I had just replaced his file and preparing to leave when I heard the door open and two distinct sounds of heels clicking across the floor in my direction. I ran to the end of the room and hid behind a records rack. I was surprised when the two women, who's legs where all I could see, stopped where I had just been standing. "So do you think our boy can really carry out his mission? " one of the women asked. "Oh I know he can if he stays focused and on task. He's also officially a man now you do realize, " the second voice that seemed to sweetly fake. "I know that Jeanie. However I am worried he had become awfully preoccupied with a Dauntless girl. He is going there. Should we be worried? " the woman sounded slightly irritated. "Oh I would not worry too much. This one only intrigues him for one reason. Two letters one word. No. She is not interested and tells him no. Nobody tells him no but me. When she eventually gives in, and she will, they all do. He won't be interested anymore. Besides, I suppose he is a man and men have needs." "As long as she doesn't interfere with his mission I quite frankly don't care. If she becomes a problem, well we will do what we do with all problems. Eliminate her." The hair on the back of my neck stood up. I had a sinking feeling these women where talking about Eric and I. This was not setting well with me at all. "Come Elaine. We have much to do before the choosing ceremony." The women left and I sat shaking trying to steady my breath. What in the fuck was I potentially getting tangled in, I didn't even like the arrogant prick, let alone need to be considered a threat to some damn secret mission. I needed to get out of here and get back home to Dauntless. I had a feelingly I might just be a little under the weather tomorrow. I stood waiting for the train to go home. I had missed the early train while I was stuck in the records room. Now I stood waiting for the train alone. Suddenly I felt a chill go down my spine. It felt like someone was watching me. I went to turn around, but two strong blue clad arms suddenly snaked around my waist. I was going to scream until I recognized the voice assuring me I was fine. I probably still should have screamed, However I didn't. "You where not in your last class today. Where were you Y/N?" What!! How did he know that? "How would you know? Are you stalking me Eric? Further more, it's none of your damn business!!" This was getting old and I was getting pissed. Who does he think he is? Oh that's right he thinks he's a fucking king. "Y/N haven't I already told you before, a king always knows what is going on in his kingdom." Of course. Arrogant cocky bastard "Also I have the right to know where you are at, because you are mine," he whispered in my ear and kissing my neck. This psychotic asshole must have skipped his meds and lost his fucking mind today. I kicked my leg back connecting with his shin then stomped on his foot. Being caught off guard he loosened his grip enough for me to break free of his grasp. I took off running as fast as my legs would take me down the train tracks. He was furious. "You little bitch. Not so fast," he growled reaching out and yanking me back by my hair so hard my head jerked back violently. He proceeded to wrap my hair tightly in his fist while his other hand gripped my bicep so hard I knew it would leave a nasty bruise. "Where the fuck did you think you were running too? Have you forgotten who you are with?" he snarled in my ear tipping my head back forcing me to look at him. "Fuck you Eric. I am not yours. Hell I can not stand your pathetic ass," I knew I was going to pay for that. Oh well, what did I have to loose at this point "You are mine, whether you like it or not. You may as well get use to it." he had an evil smirk on his face while he spoke. He started to kiss on my neck and without thinking I blurted out the phrase I heard the woman in the records room use earlier "Two letters one word Eric. NO!!" I hissed at him. He suddenly turned me around and harshly pulled me to his chest and put his face only centimeters from mine "What did you just say," he asked in an eerie calm tone. "I said t-" "Oh I know what the fuck you just said. I guess the real question is who have you been talking to?" he's pupils where dilated and fury raged in his eyes. I kept my mouth shut and just glared back at him. My heart was pounding in my chest. I was sure he was going to kill me. However I still refused to cower down or show fear. I heard the train whistle in the distance and started to panic. I couldn't miss this train. It was the last one for the next three hours and I had to get the hell away from Eric. "Watch yourself Y/N. You are extremely lucky that I desire you by my side. I have put people in the hospital for much less." he angrily whispered in my ear. "You best be in the library tomorrow. Do not make me come find you. It wilk not be pleasant." With that he placed a harsh kiss on my lips and let me go. Then he just turned and walked away. I quickly scrambled to get on the train. I sat in the corner pulling my knees to my chest fighting back a panic attack. How the fuck was I going to get away from this bat shit crazy psychopath???
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jojuarez26 · 8 years ago
When love isn't enough: Surprise and..surprise??
Mature content and strong language Divergent fanfaction: Eric @pathybo @tigpooh67 @ljvosscmt @imnotlikeyou0214 @beautifulramblingbrains @clublulu333 @anditcametopass @angolodiparadiso @ericdauntless @frecklefaceb @societalfailure @crystalbaby12 @kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995 @glamlover87 @scorpio2009 @dani5102 @muffinmano @ariwolff14 I knew I shouldn't be running into Tobias or Eric. It was aptitude testing at the hub today. I still peered cautiously around the library. Eric is known to be a crafty son of bitch. When I was satisfied he wasn't lurking around the library I went and sat at a table in the far back corner. I just didn't have it in me today. I always wanted to be the girl who just observed but not participated in life. I had been failing on epic levels as of late. Eric is pursuing me, I was pursuing Tobias and as of today odds are none of us will ever see each other again. I noticed someone approaching in my peripheral vision. I let out the breath I was holding when I realized it was someone I actually wanted to see "Oh my God Aleisia! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Audrianna threw her arms around me holding me tight. "Hey sweetie how are you? Everything ok with you? " "I'm fine. Just worried about you. Worried about Eric. Are you alright? " she asked quietly concern written all over her face. "I'm fine. I'll be better if I never see him again, " I sighed. I wasn't sure I really meant that and it scared me. " I know he was wrong. He should have never done what he did. I just hope you know he's sorry. He hates himself right now, " she let out a nervous breath. "Good. He should hate himself right now. He crossed a major line. If he thought he didn't have a chance before, hell will probably freeze over first now." I shook a little remembering the look in his eyes "I'm not asking you to forgive him or hear him out right away, but I hope you will eventually give him a chance to explain a few things," she had a hopeful tone in her voice. " l don't sweetie. I don't think I even want to see him again. Besides I probably won't see him again after today anyway." I could only hope. "Of course you'll see him again he's going to. ... He has his ways,"she was trying to back pedal. "Audrianna what aren't you telling me?" I narrowed my eyes at my young friend. "It's not my place to speak on Eric's business. I just really hope you can look passed the man my aunt created and find the boy that is my loving brother, " she had sad distant look in her eyes. "You and I are still good no matter what though right?"she actually looked and sounded her age at that moment. "Of course. You will always be my surrogate baby sister," I reached over and pulled her in another hug. Today is the choosing ceremony. To me it's significant for two reasons. We gain our new future members, it also marks the close of another school year for the next seventy seven days. The only other time of year that Dauntless is buzzing with this much excitement and energy is the week between Christmas and New Year's. The Choosing Ceremony signifies the next generation and the fact that Dauntless will grow and continue on. For me right now it means I get to hang around and get to know the transfer initiates. My Uncle Amar is their trainer. I usually help set up, make sure everyone has water, clean up and take notes. Amar is my father's younger brother. After he passed away my uncle stepped in to be a male role model in Ryan and I's life. He never missed a birthday, holiday or important event. He had dinner with us two nights a week and worked on training us for our future in Dauntless. It broke his heart when Ryan defected to Candor. But he wanted him to be happy and where he belonged. He had taken me to go see him on his first visiting day. He made sure my brother knew he was loved, missed and supported. I was currently tagging along as he headed to the roof to meet and greet this year's initiates. He stopped abruptly before got ready to climb the stairs to the roof. "Little Bit. I'm sorry but you have to sit the roof top this year. Max is enforcing the rules more strictly this year," he looked at me apologetically. "No, I understand. I don't exactly scream Dauntless yet," I smiled and winked. "I'll see you in the mess for dinner? Our usual table?" "Of course. Don't make them piss their pants too much," I smiled wickedly. With that I wandered off to find something to entertain myself. I sat off in a back corner of the mess hall by myself immersed in my book. Waiting for my uncle hoping none of the obnoxious initiates tried sitting with me. I seen someone walk up beside me and paused. "Mind if I join you?" a soft male voice asked. "Whatever?" I waved my hand without even looking up. After a minute or two of me not looking up, he got brave. I felt a hand rest on my knee. I jerked back ready to punch him in the face. "Keep your fucking ha-... Tobias?" my eyes went wide in shock. "Oh my God!! Tobias look it you here in Dauntless!! I thought I would never see you again!!" I wrapped my arms around him tightly but quickly let go when I felt him flinch. "Are you alright? Did you hurt yourself jumping onto the roof?" I scanned my eyes over him looking for injuries. "I'm fine. It's nothing," he quickly shifted his eyes to the floor. Out of nowhere a tray slammed on the table across from me. I slowly turned my head to see who wanted my uncle to kick their ass. SHIT!! You've got to be fucking kidding me. This was a damn nightmare. "What the fuck are you doing here Eric." I hissed slightly in shock. He said nothing. His eyes blazed with fury as he silently glared at me. He pulled out a chair and dropped down. He crossed his arms over his chest sitting with his back stiff and straight. This was an intimidation tacting that wasn't working on me. "Seriously Eric? Knock the tough guy shit off. As a matter of fact get the fuck away from me," I spoke slow and with purpose. "Who's going to make me? You?" he sneered. "No but I will," Tobias stood up. FUCK! Right on time as usually my uncle took a seat at the table just as Eric went to stand up as well. He took a look around the table and raised an eyebrow at him. He nodded his head to instruct him to sit back down. "Eric, young man who doesn't like his name. I see you have both met my niece Aleisia." the shock value on both of their faces was priceless. "You're niece?" Eric repeated raising an eyebrow. "Yes initiate. Is there a problem?" Amar was currently sizing Eric up. Lovely. "No sir," he said with a cocky grin. "Keep in mind this is not Erudite young man. This is Dauntless. Right now you are a transfer initiate, a nobody. Dauntless depends have more respect than you do. You may want to earn some respect before you pick a battle you can't win. Do I make myself clear?" I thought Amar was going to knock him out on the spot. "Yes sir," Eric didn't back down, however he did change his tone of voice. "Aleisia my love, how is it you know these two young men," he side eyed me as he started to eat. "School. I must say I am rather surprised to see either of them here," I smiled at Tobias while refusing to acknowledged Eric. "Yes. This one here is the first Abnegation transfer in Dauntless history. To take that chance in itself shows courage and bravery." he smiled brightly at him. "Thank you sir." Tobias blushed. I was pretty sure nobody but myself had ever paid him a compliment before. I decided to glance in Eric's direction. His face was beat red. Eyes full of fury. He was literally biting the inside of his cheek trying to keep his mouth shut. "I see great potential in you as well Eric. But only if you check your ego at the door and learn to reign in that temper." Amar gave him a stern but reassuring look. Eric just looked down at his tray trying to even out his breathing. We all just ate in silence after that. Until Eric started nudging my foot under the table. I ignored him the first few times. Finally I had had enough. "Would you please stop!" I snapped glaring at him across the table. "Can I please talk to you for just a moment," there was a desperate look in his eyes . "Haven't you done enough already. Leave her alone," Tobias jumped up raising a fist. Eric jumped up knocking his chair over taking a fighting stance. I quickly hopped over the table standing between them placing a hand on each of their chest. "STOP IT!! Both of you. Enough of the fucking pissing contest!!" I shouted looking back and forth between them. Normally Amar would let initiates handle their own disputes. However seeing as how I seemed to be the issue between them he stepped in. "Initiates, save it for the ring. It's time to head back to the dorms. You young lady. I will see you in my office in an hour." "Yes sir," I mumbled. Just great. Idiots. All three of them turned to leave the mess hall. Eric stopped at the door and turned back to look at me. He tipped his head to the side and mouthed "I am so sorry." I just nodded. Amar put his arm around his shoulder and guided him around the corner. This is a disaster waiting to happen. It's going to be a long seventy-five days.
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