#this is just an easter egg for ppl following certain things closely
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thatsadorbsyo · 4 years ago
Julia - Prime (20, Extra Credit)
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A female voice speaks alone in a modest office. The room is almost spartan; minimalist and pristine, except for the desk, which is littered with papers. A tight blonde ponytail set high on a woman’s crown peeks out just above the tall back of a desk chair.
The team made it through samples BR-70 to BR-76 without incident, but also without significant results. Everyone’s tests came back normal last week, so morale is up. Shit’s finally getting done.
She laughs and cuts the recording, lifting her finger from the trigger of a device. Rewinds a few seconds.
Things are moving fast, but I’m going to have to stress an abundance of caution. We all want to see an end to this, but I don’t need any bodies piling up in front of the Senate house just to prove an anti-vaccination quack’s point. The last thing I need is a reason for that Eppius bitch to--
There’s no laugh this time. A mechanical click and whirr. She starts over, metering her words carefully now. The candor is gone, replaced with a tone of grim formality. A woman expecting debate and allowing none.
The last thing we need is to give any ammunition to those in the public sphere who would falsely claim that our efforts are -- somehow -- even more dangerous than the very real threat of a pandemic spread. The Populares actually have our backs on this one. We can’t afford to squander this chance at unity.
She lets out air, kicking off her heels and nudging her stockinged foot against the desk to spin around in her office chair. It’s a slow, lazy turn, and she leans far back to stare up at the ceiling where she rotates in place, arms draped out to either side. The woman is dressed modestly, in a pencil skirt and white blazer, with the emblem of the XIIth Imperial Legion stitched over the breast pocket. It rides up, the more she sinks into her seat. She’s giving in. Why not? She’s alone. Everyone with a fucking family has already gone home for the night.
Abruptly, she sits back up again and depresses the recording trigger.
We’re running out of Muud Suud samples from --
A hiccup in her speech, a stumble.
-- ah, from before. I don’t think we can get access to any more, not without an inroad back at Werlyt. I can’t hold my breath, waiting for that to pull through. Maybe we can find something equivalent in Dalmasca? They probably have snurbles or something there, right? At the very least. Even Azim has snurbles.
Worry creeps into her tone, just as she’s signing off.
Julia lux Tyrus, Primus Medicus of the Third Cohort, XIIth Legion. 21st Sun of the Fifth Astral Moon.
Her thumbnail goes to her mouth the moment it’s off the device, a childish gesture. She glances sidelong at something on her desk; its clockwork design is out of place in the otherwise clean and utilitarian space. A toy. A little wind-up monkey with one arm extended out in front of it, holding up a brilliant green gemstone cut in the shape of a small mountain.
She narrows her eyes at it in focused disdain and turns the monkey around to face the wall. “Fuck you.” Sharp.
A beat. “Nobody asked you.” Plaintive. Who is she speaking to?
Finally, she tosses the recording device back onto her desk, where it lands amid a stack of open notebooks. A pen rolls away, nearly falling to the floor, but she doesn’t see it. Her face is resting in both of her palms as she fights to maintain composure. It’s a losing battle.
“We need some fucking aetherochemists,” she spits venomously between her fingers, and then drops her hands to her lap. Her round cheeks are pink with fury, with the threat of tears. Inhale, deep. Once. Twice. She lets it out slow, smoothing her tight ponytail into place. Put it back together, Specialist. Wait, no, what was it he liked to say?
Unfuck yourself, Specialist.
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baskervilleshund · 6 years ago
4,5 years of Gotham in my life♥
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Wow my emotions these last days. I’m not much of a text poster on this site but when Gotham ended I really felt I wanted to write this!
Gotham has been a huge part of my life for so long now. 4 years and 7 months since the first episode aired, that’s some time gosh. And so much has happened during this journey! I just wanna mention some memorable things during these years. Like remember the pre-s02x09 excitement?? And other stuffs, ah here we go!
The first trailer made me SO EXCITE, I had wanted more batman villains content for years since I have always found the batman villains squad so interesting and good and unique characters, there is so much to explore here! And so the Gotham trailer came and I just OH MY GOD this is exactly what I want!! And so it started and it was amazing. My first love was Ed, it took him his first scene in ep1 to make me go totally THIS IS MY FAV! More eps went on and I required more Ed content. But then Oswald slowly grew on me kinda out of nowhere like I wasn’t expecting it. And when amazing ep7 aired it just hit down on me from the sky, like it does when I know I got a new obsession/fandom. Oswald’s amazing scenes in ep7 and I went ”Okay this is it, I’M DEEP INTO THIS NOW AND I LOVE IT!”. In exactly THIS↓ scene/moment I basically said those words out loud and realized this is my life now, ugh also one of my fav looks I miss the bangs:
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Shortly after ep7 I started shipping Nygmobblepot, since we knew who these characters were and who they will end up being it made SO much sense in this show, they were like the two familiar main villains in kinda the same age and I also loved them both so I mean it was obvious for me. Man in the beginning we were so very few in the shipping Nygmob pond, in the OCEAN of Gobblepot. It was a bit of a struggle sometimes, ppl wrote hate on my Nygmob posts n stuff shrug. And I just didn’t get how not more ppl could see it? It would make more sense if this were new characters like they hadn’t even met but since we knew this is Riddler and Penguin it just was fate for them to cross paths soon enough! We needed Nygmob content! I started making tons of my own AU:s since if the show wouldn’t give us content I would do it.
BUT we had Robin & Cory with us! Reminder that Cory invented the shipname after 5 minutes and Robin & Cory’s amazing twitter activity during s1 especially I will always remember as a fav. Remember when they we’re so into roleplaying Nygmob and spoke how Ed & Os loved each other and all sorts of things. All about going to The Foxglove together and stuff. Ugh it was amazing, I miss their interactions.  
In this very smol pond is when one day my shining star @conscience-killer (aka okimi79)  approached me, with this ♥ ”Sometimes I feel we’re the only Nygmobblepot shippers in the world…well apart from Robin and Cory. We should have a secret handshake or something.”
And man did we get a secret handshake! Gosh MY DEAR OKIMI! That I up til this day since then has spoken with like everyday for 4,5 years, you are amazing ♥ And in that time of so few shippers it felt even more special, to have  someone else out there as obsessed as me. I’m so grateful we found each other at exactly that time and we’ve been through so much on this journey ♥.
When Nygmob in spring finally had their first scene it was so amazing and I have no idea how many times I have watched that scene to this day, and also with that the ship grew a bit yas!!
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Let’s jump forward a bit. NYC Comic Con 2015 in fall, one of my fav Robin & Cory cons/interview times! Because the legendary ep 2x9 was soon upon us and OMG remember how excite they were in those interviews!?! And THEN, that fkn night THE episode aired. I couldn’t believe it was real, it was EVERYTHING we had dreamed of!!! SO MUCH NYGMOB CONTENT and so in character and gosh. Man their season 2 relationship is just so beautiful and I love it til this day and 2x9 is forever my favorite episode because it meant EVERYTHING for us shippers and more people also started seeing the connection between Nygmob and so more ppl started to make content and join in!
A time after another shining star came into my life, @constant-sinner (aka (riddlelvr) ♥ This amazing person and artist! And together with her and okimi I am part of the best trash family of three and I can’t believe I’ve been a mom (yet i’m the youngest but i’m fashion fur coat mom okay) to these trash sinners for like 4 years. ♥
Okay but remember all INSANE SMAYLOR CONTENT BEFORE SEASON 3!!? Man that was also one of the best times I had during these years. God they were so excite for their relationship in s3 and WEREN’T WE ALL! And omg Comic Con. I had my fkn header for 3 years soon lol, man that moment I remember seeing the signing booth stream all casual and Robin & Cory goes “Smaaylor!! Nygmobblepot!!! ;))” And I’m just wait WHUT omg. Their press tours with Sean is something I’ll miss even more than the episodes, always such a joy seeing those three together!
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And when season 3 started it was just insane. To be honest how their relationship grew in s3 that’s how I expected it to grow after their meeting in s1, it made sense already back then. Ed admiring Oswald and sneaking to his club and Oswald would be a huge part of Ed’s journey to become the Riddler but ah well, I did my best with my AU:s back then!
And then s3 came and Gotham EXPLODED and I had no idea where all million ppl suddenly came from lol. It became huge. But since it still feels kinda close to this day (2,5 yrs though man), my most nostalgic feels will always be over s1-2 so I’m not gonna write so much about the season 3-5 times in this text. My closest to heart milestones is during the first years and now that I’ve seen all episodes I still think season 1 is the best overall, except the lack of Nygmob content ofc ;)
I’ve not just felt love for the show ofc, the show isn’t perfect. There has been serious flaws and bad writing and plot drops. Tbh s4 I just felt so NOPE about? 22 eps of waste…Like Ed’s plot for example like he barley had his own plot what happened? And we also have the q*eerbait Nygmob issue obviously. I have also felt the show has been a bit childish being -helloo- GOTHAM city we’re talking about? I think it would have been much better off with a MA-rating tbh to properly tell certain stories. After s4 though I’m glad in s5 Nygmob finally got some proper screen time being together and in character!! Like that’s how their relationship should have been from beginning of season 4, or season 1 if u ask me lol but ya know!
BUT I LOVE THIS SHOW, the amazing actors and characters and scenery and costumes!! Ed, Oswald, Robin & Cory will ofc always have the most special place in my heart ♥ The Nygmob journey in the show has meant so much to me to follow it from day one and I never knew how much this show would mean to me when I started back in the day.
This show. And not just the show itself but my journey and life around it!!? So much has happened. For one example I had made a bit of gifs before but Gotham really got me into gif making, and it’s been a joy sharing content and my Nygmob AU will always be among my most fun things I’ve done, it was like if they ain’t gonna give us enough content I WILL. It’s a fun way of gif making to manip scenes to create something new! And today I still enjoy making gifs, as you probably know heh. Thanks so much for all nice comments and reblogs through all these years ya’ll!! It warms my heart and I love to read reblog tags! 
I have been at con and got to meet Robin, enjoyed so many interviews and promos, chatted with wonderful people. Every Friday night I have been up in my Europe timezone at 2am to live watch the show, the workdays after has been a bit of a struggle of being tired with going to bed like 5am lol but man it’s been so nice to follow it when it airs!
Watching together with my dearest @conscience-killer and @constant-sinner . Two of the best that happened to me during these years. These two people that I’ve spoken with like everyday for 4 years! Through Gotham finding two of my dearest friends in my life. Watching the show together and screaming, crying, laughing during this journey, about not just the show but EVERYTHING in life. They also are amazing writers and artists ♥ And also helped me endless times with gif caption when my non-native brain trying to write gif captions at 3am after the episode lol. All my love to you both ♥
THANKS TO ALL AMAZING PEOPLE that impacted me over these years. The cast and nice fandom people! My dearest @conscience-killer and @constant-sinner. And I also wanna mention dear @millicentcordelia and @selene-volturo that are amazing ppl that have been here with me since the very beginning of season 1. And they have always been so down to earth even during the stormiest periods of this show’s existence ♥ I’m so glad we’ve shared this LONG journey!
And also hugs to my dear mutual fandom friends that I’ve shared hours of conversations with over the years. Some of us maybe don’t speak as much nowadays and some of us have gone separate ways with new interests but I hope you know who you all are, regardless if we spoke yesterday or 2015. You have made my fandom time a joy!
I’m actually okay with the show ending now you know. Ofc it’s a bit sad but as I said I felt s4 was kinda stomping around in the same spot and even s5 had some fillers like they didn’t have more to do to push the story forward? The last ep was a nice easter egg wrap up for this LONG journey. And I mean shows live on with fan content, and who knows maybe it will return somehow? But it feels good they told us it would end so I was prepared for this and to say ”goodbye”. But it’s not goodbye because content will continue on this site and I’ll continue re-enjoy this show!
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This is 4,5 years. In 2 pages, I could prob write 20 but ah, but i felt I got to to summary the most important things for me over these years ♥. This show and stuff that came with it will always be such a big part of my life, ALL LOVE AND HUGS!
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