#i personally call them terrifying trio
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kettsuper · 3 months ago
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terrifying trio sketch
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niqhtlord01 · 2 months ago
Humans are weird: Nightmare ships  
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
“Most terrifying ship I ever seen?”
Mordray repeated the question as he took a thoughtful bite of his xala and pondered the question.
“I’d have to say a Hive Node ship.”
Lithinio scoffed. “When the seven hells have you ever seen a Node ship?”
“I watched a documentary on it just last rotation.” Mordray countered rather defensively. “And having watched it I have to say I’m glad I never saw one in person since they eat entire ships whole.”
Ninten sighed and rubbed the ridges of his face. “Let me change the question then to “What is the most terrifying ship you have ever seen IN PERSON.””
Mordary took another bite as he took in the updated question while Lithinio stepped in with their own answer.
“I once saw a Dru Hunter Class while part of a convoy escort mission.” He took a sip of his drink and ran his hands through the air as if tracing the vessel.
“From bow to stern it was covered in spikes and upon each spike was a corpse. It was like a ship of the dead come to collect its toll of the living.”
“I heard the stories about those.” Ninten nodded. “Doesn’t matter if you were a victim, an enemy, or just some bad luck bastard in the wrong place at the wrong time; they’d spike you just the same. Where’d you see it?”
“The Dinar Campaign,” Lithinio replied, “they couldn’t beat our warriors on the ground so they’d send out small raiding space parties to hammer the transports and supply ships before ever reaching their worlds.”
“Lost a lot of good lads that war.”
The trio of crewmen turned to see the speaker at the table opposite them had turned around. They wore the uniform of an engineer but had several markings of honorary navy marine, honorary gunner, and even one for honorary helmsman. This could be none other than the legendary Midar Nus, the most famous crewman on the ship.
“Apologies for intruding,” Midar said sheepishly, “I was overhearing your conversation and it drew up some memories.”
‘You are more than welcome to join us sir.” Ninten said as his two comrades nodded and made room at their table for Midar to join. He smiled and took the offer, changing tables and nestling himself down in the now free space.
“No need for that protocol with me lad,” Midar spoke with a wintery grin as he eyed Ninten, “especially since you technically outrank me.”
“Experience counts for more than bars, sir.” Ninten replied without thinking.
Midar was taken aback by the boldness and for a moment Ninten thought he had overstepped himself. Instead, Midar let out a deep booming laugh and patted him on the back as Lithinio and Mordray let out a sigh of relief.
“We could have used a dozen more of you during that scuffle with the Dru; would have saved a lot of my friends.”
Ninten took the compliment and tried to redirect the conversation before he said something to ruin his now good standing with a living legend.
“What about you then? What’s the scariest ship you’ve ever seen?”
The trio listened in half expecting him to say something heroic like “I’ve never seen a ship worth being afraid of” or “I once thought I saw one, but it was really my mate’s in-law”. Instead, the old sailor replied without even pausing to think.
“The ones who piloted them don’t have a name for it officially; only a name they had given to them by a creature of their dark past.”
“Whose they?” Mordray asked as Lithinio smacked him for interrupting the answer.
“Humans crewed the things, though it’s been a thankful many years since I last encountered one of those damnable vessels.”
He leaned in close and slowly cast a frightful gaze across the three of his listeners.
“They called them “Frankenstein” ships.”
None of the three said a thing, partly because none of the three had any idea what that word meant. Midar saw this and further explained.
“There’s a story amongst humans about a human named “Dr. Victor Frankenstein”, and they were so focused on circumventing death itself that they began performing horrific experiments on the living and the dead.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Ninten asked “How can you perform horrific experiments if the subject is dead?”
Midar shrugged. “Story goes the mad doctor took the chopped up pieces of several dead humans, sewed them together, and then brought the creature to life.” 
“Putting aside the continued depraved and discouraging nature of humanity,” Lithinio chimed in, “what does this have to do with their ship design?”
“Because,” Midar continued, “like their mad doctor humans have an infuriating habit carving up the parts from other ships and adding those parts to their own.”
He leaned back into his chair as he recounted his first experience. “The first time I found myself up against one of those ships was in the Delta Cluster. We just fought of a border incursion and were tasked with protecting the wreckage while we sifted for survivors.”
“We just finish a patrol when we got a strange energy signature return near the edge of the wreckage. So we went to investigate it and there we found a human ship the size of a frigate slowly drifting through the debris field using a variety of arms to grab bits and pieces of ships.”
“The captain ordered a scan of the ship and the returns were a confusing mishmash of technological parts.”
“A Thorian engine block, a Juriet power core, a Nexium stabilizer…” he said listing out a surprisingly long list of ship parts from different species.
“None of those parts are designed to work with other tech.” Mordray commented. He would know as he was part of the engineering crew and well trained in ship maintenance. “The Juriet power core alone would generate far too much power for a ship that size; dangerously so much that using it could trigger a system overload.”
Midar nodded at the crewman’s insight. “Indeed, were it not for the majority of that power also going towards a Feren Gel class shield system. We found that out when we tried to disable their engines and our volley bounced off the thing like oil on water.”
Lithinio let out a whistle in awe while Midar continued.
“After that the thing began to slowly turn to make a run out of system so we drove in hard ready to grab it with our tractor beams. We were just about to make it when a panel at the rear of the ship opened up and a turret protruded out of it.”
“One shot.” Midar remarked as he held up a single taloned finger. “It took one shot at us and shattered our shield, blew out our engines, and triggered a cascading system overload that left us dead in space as they plowed out of system and made a jump.”
Ninten grumbled as he pondered Midar’s words. “Must’ve been a Telkar railgun. It’d run the entire length of a frigate ship, but it’d pack enough of a punch to deal that kinda damage; but the recoil alone would’ve split a ship that size in half.”
“Which we later found out was counter acted by a Wu’l gravity displacement field. They jacked it to max just as the railgun would fire and the counter action would cancel out the recoil.”
“I’m still confused why these things are so scary to you?” Mordray asked with a hint of a mocking tone. “They sound like garbage barges held together with scraps.”
Midar took on an offended expression and straightened up. “They’re terrifying because you never know what you are going up against. Frigate size packing battleship class weaponry, a patrol craft that can launch mini black holes, a cruiser that interwove nanomachine and organic materials that could repair any damage; every and anything was on the table!”
The ships seemed beyond reason and logic but the enthusiasm with which he spoke there was some truth to each description.
Ninten took a sip from his drink and nodded in appreciation. “Only fitting for the species that defies existence to have ships that actively defy the laws of technology.”  
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beedreamscape · 1 year ago
Tamsyn is no short of a mad genius
Copied from here.
How did you come up with Ianthe's personality? She's absolutely horrible, terrifying, and uniquely funny at the same time.
I love Ianthe and could write a lot about Ianthe, but one central thing I am doing with Ianthe is playing around with a trope male characters often get to be, and one frequently found in slash but so little for the lesbians: Ianthe is in many ways my gay Draco In Leather Pants. (There's a reason she calls Harrow Harry!) The Draco In Leather Pants trope -- the hyper-privileged, drawling blonde with daddy issues who sulks erotically in a corner -- is perpetually male. Here, it's Ianthe. And Ianthe blows -- she'll never be a true Draco In Leather Pants because although the DILP gets great sassy lines, very few of them are aimed at himself. Ianthe's humanity -- what there is of it -- comes from having a sense of humour; it is why she is sympathetic and also why she is dangerous.
Ianthe is another character who sprung, horrible and fully-formed, the moment I knew her situation. She has always been the way she was, as has Coronabeth, and as has Naberius. All three of the Third inform each other -- and Ianthe, the shadow queen of the trio, was herself from day one. The only thing she missed was nearly being called 'Abella'. I think that was a hangover from the days when I wanted everyone's name to have syllables matching their house.
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bi-bard · 9 months ago
If I Could Hold You for a Minute, I'd Go Through It Again - Charles Rowland Imagine [Dead Boy Detectives]
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Title: If I Could Hold You for a Minute, I'd Go Through It Again
Pairing: Charles Rowland X Witch!Reader
Based On: Francesca
Word Count: 3,361 words
Warning(s): physical attack, mentions of family trauma/death/injury
Summary: Whoever claimed that risking your life was only for the living had never seen the true devotion of a ghost before.
Author's Note: Wow, Kyli liked another project that was inspired by Neil Gaiman's work... what a surprise. If you have any characters that you want to see, let me know.
**written in third person p.o.v for sake of storytelling**
If there was one word that was always used in tandem with (Y/n)'s name, it was chaos.
Or messy.
Or clumsy.
Or wild.
Or any other word that could possibly mean the same thing.
Early on, (Y/n) could excuse it as inexperience. Maybe age would tame whatever beast seemed to be roaring in their brain and their chest. Maybe someone would explain the best way to leash an animal that was so much larger than you.
No one ever did.
Instead, (Y/n) ended up alone. Alone, terrified, and as out of control as ever. A cruel hand had been dealt to them when they were far too young. And now, the teenager was left coping with things that most adults could not handle.
Meeting Edwin and Charles had been the first good thing to happen to (Y/n) ever.
(Y/n)'s isolated life was interrupted quite abruptly by the ghosts. A case had brought the detectives to (Y/n)'s doorstep. They had been wearing disguises at the time, but those were quickly put away when they learned that (Y/n) was a witch.
A partnership of sorts formed between the three of them. With Edwin, it was more sternly a working relationship. He rarely found himself in (Y/n)'s home, especially when there was no case that required their assistance.
With Charles, it was very different. Charles would visit whenever he wanted to. He would usually be the first to ask for help, popping in through a mirror in the main room. He'd take the time to look around the small living space. And when there wasn't a case, he would pop in whenever. It was commonly just as (Y/n) was sitting down to eat or read or do anything.
Charles and (Y/n) developed an interesting friendship. A friendship that was resting precariously on held tongues. Anyone could see how close the two had gotten to crossing the line between friendship and whatever was on the other side. Anyone other than the pair. They were both trapped in a state of denial. Maybe that was for the best for a time.
(Y/n)'s chaos had been largely hidden away from the detectives. Some would call it careful. (Y/n) called it lucky. Incredibly lucky.
And then there was the case of Rory.
Rory was a young spirit. A young but troubled spirit. The boys had been contacted by a friend saying that Rory was becoming violent. The goal was to find what was tying the spirit to this plane and to send them to the other side.
It had all been going well. All things considered, anyway.
The only problem was time. There was this terrifying ticking clock between the trio knowing about the case and the risk of Rory attempting to hurt someone.
(Y/n) had only been there to help find what had been keeping Rory tied to this plane.
It had been going fine. Absolutely fine.
And then, (Y/n) lost control.
There was an intense moment where Edwin and Charles ended up being thrown in different directions. (Y/n) had tried to help. To get the spirit to stop for just long enough for the detectives to recover.
It didn't work.
Something else had overwhelmed (Y/n)'s efforts.
Whatever it had been had hit the spirit straight on. It had angered it... a lot. It ran at a terrified and confused (Y/n), causing the young witch to hit the ground, the scrape of the road below them causing a hiss to escape.
"(Y/n)!" Charles ran over first. "You alright?"
(Y/n) nodded as they pushed themselves up.
"What was that," Edwin asked as he walked over. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?"
"I... I don't know," (Y/n) said quietly. "It just... It just happened."
"It was reckless! You could have gotten yourself hurt and now we have to worry about the spirit being angry enough to hurt someone else!"
"Edwin-" Charles tried to get his friend to relax.
"What is wrong with you?" Edwin snapped before Charles could even try to stop him from asking.
"I... I don't know," (Y/n) murmured. "I don't know."
"Maybe it's best if you removed yourself from this case."
"Edwin!" Charles scolded.
"They're a risk!" Edwin insisted.
"He's right," (Y/n) turned to Charles. "I'll go home. Good luck."
Charles followed (Y/n) down the street. (Y/n)'s car sat alone on the street. Not much in terms of subtlety, but (Y/n) also hadn't been graced with the ability of travelling by mirror.
"(Y/n)," Charles said as he jogged to keep up with their quick steps. "Will you wait for a second?"
"Go back to the case, Charles," (Y/n) replied, not even looking at him.
"No," he stepped in front of them, attempting to block the path to the car. "Not until I know you're alright."
"I'm fine," (Y/n) insisted. "Edwin's right."
"No, he's not," he shook his head.
"Yes, he is. I am a risk. I always have been. I've hidden it well, but this was bound to happen at some point."
"What," he asked.
"A long time ago, when I was still with my family, I had issues like that happen all the time," (Y/n) explained. "I would... Something would overwhelm me, and I'd end up doing something dangerous or destructive. No one ever helped me with it. They expected me to sort it out on my own. And then... I hurt someone. Someone I cared about. I... I ended up being forced to leave. I still never truly learned to control anything. Tonight was proof of that!"
"We can help you-"
"That's not your job!" (Y/n) ran their hands over their face. "It's not worth the risk. I could get someone hurt, I could get myself, I could put you both in danger- none of it is worth it!"
"That's not your choice to make," Charles replied. "Any risk or danger is fine with me. I'm not leaving you alone, (Y/n)."
"You should."
(Y/n) moved around him and got in the car. Charles stepped back and watched the car drive off. He turned to see that Edwin had watched the interaction. Charles glared at him.
"It's for the best-"
"Let's just finish the case," Charles muttered, cutting Edwin off.
The case went by slowly and tensely. Charles was gruffer than Edwin had ever seen him. And Edwin had no right to question him about it. It was his comment that had caused this tension and anger. How was he meant to poke at it as if he had no idea what was going on inside the head of his best friend?
Charles didn't stick around the office once the case was done. Instead, he immediately went to the mirror, climbing through to try and see (Y/n) as soon as possible.
He ended up walking into (Y/n)'s room. He was somewhat expecting them to be there.
"(Y/n)!" Charles called out as he walked through the doorway. He stopped for a moment at the chaos that had taken over the living room.
It had been clear that some kind of fight had broken out. Between whom or what, Charles had no real idea. There were smaller objects thrown, furniture shifted, garbage scattered.
"(Y/n)," Charles called again as he walked around some of the mess. And then, he saw (Y/n) lying on the floor on the far side of the sofa. "(Y/n)!"
He ran over, rolling them on their back. They seemed to be breathing, but they were completely non-responsive.
He shifted and carried (Y/n) to their room, leaving them on top of the bed's covers before he ran back through the mirror.
"Edwin!" Charles shouted even though Edwin was in the same room as him. "Something's wrong with (Y/n). I... I went to check on them and they were unconscious, and their living room was just destroyed. I don't know what happened."
"They're alive?"
"For now!"
"Come on," Edwin pushed Charles toward the mirror again.
Edwin let out a sigh as he walked over to (Y/n). He carefully lifted their eyelid to see if their eyes were responsive. However, all that was there was complete redness that had taken over. As if the eye had been filled with blood, but none of it was running out or swelling.
"Witchcraft," Edwin muttered. "I think I've read about this. Give me a moment to find the book in the office."
"(Y/n) was attacked by a witch?" Charles asked. Edwin was already through the mirror.
It was a suffocating matter of minutes before Edwin made it back to (Y/n)'s place.
"What is it?"
"If I am correct, then (Y/n) is currently trapped in a dream-like state," Edwin explained. "This dream-like state is keeping (Y/n) in a state of calmness while their brain slowly swells and presses against the skull. If we do not cure it fast enough, the swelling will kill them."
"How do we cure it?"
"We have to find a way to delicately wake (Y/n) from their dream-state. There is a cure that we can make, but it will take time."
"Is there another way? Something faster?"
"In theory," Edwin relented. "One of us could possess them and find a way to manually ease them out of the dream. The cure is our best option. Less risk."
"We don't have the time! We don't know how long (Y/n)'s been like this!"
"Charles, if either one of us chooses to possess them, then we set off alarms in the afterlife. We cannot take this risk."
Charles clenched his jaw.
"I will go get the cure started. Keep an eye on (Y/n)."
Charles did try to listen. He stood by and made sure that (Y/n) was breathing. He made sure that they were comfortable and that they were not suffering too immensely.
But then, he panicked.
He saw (Y/n)'s breaths becoming shallower and shallower. He heard nothing from Edwin. He was too worried to think of the consequences of his actions critically in any capacity.
He closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he was in a field.
He did a circle, trying to find some sign of something or someone. This was (Y/n)'s dream after all. They had to be there somewhere.
He saw something in the distance.
Approaching it, Charles could see a clearly outlined garden with a wooden fence around it. On one end was a gate, on the other end a cabin. A small cabin. The garden was beautiful. Full of flowers in full bloom with a swinging bench seat.
Charles almost chuckled at the vision. Something felt so fitting about something so peaceful being what (Y/n) pictured in a dream. Almost as far from their current life as they could get.
(Y/n) walked out of the cabin a moment later. Their clothes matched the garden. Soft, almost pastel colors. Very perfect, very organized.
He stepped forward, going to get their attention but stopped when he saw himself walking out of the cabin soon after. Well, some dream version of him. The other version of him was dressed exactly the same as he was, but it wasn't him. It couldn't have been him.
He watched as this alternate version of him pulled (Y/n) closer and kissed their head. The pair walked to the swinging bench seat, sitting together. (Y/n) relaxed into the fake Charles's side.
The view made the real Charles freeze where he was.
It felt wrong. Invasive.
He had kept his feelings private for as long as he had known (Y/n). He had been convinced that whatever connection the pair of them had was going to stay stuck in whatever form it was already in. Seeing this was a sign of something different. And he didn't know how to feel about that.
"(Y/n)!" he called from where he stood.
(Y/n) seemed to hear something. They paused and looked around but didn't seem to notice Charles. He could've sworn that they looked directly at him, but their eyes seemed to go right through him. As if he was never there.
(Y/n) leaned back into the seat, smiling as the fake Charles laid a kiss on their cheek as they did so.
The real Charles continued walking forward. He tried to think of a way to "delicately" get (Y/n) out of the dream.
"(Y/n)," he repeated, now standing just outside the gate.
Again, (Y/n) looked around but couldn't seem to spot him and was pulled back into the fake Charles's side.
He opened the gate and walked inside.
Neither (Y/n) nor the fake Charles seemed to acknowledge him in the slightest.
"(Y/n)," he said yet again.
(Y/n) again seemed surprised to hear anything, sitting up straight and going to look around until their eyes landed on Charles. They froze, eyes going wide at the sight of him.
"Hi," he grinned.
(Y/n) looked between him and the fake Charles, who was only looking at (Y/n).
"I'm sorry but I need you to come with me," Charles pressed, holding out his hand.
"What," they asked. "Sorry, but there are two of you. What's going on?"
"That's not me," he explained. "I... I don't know what he is, but he's not me."
(Y/n) stood up, stepping away from the bench. Once they were a few steps away from the real and fake Charles, they turned to look at them. The fake Charles didn't move, as if he were simply a mannequin that had to be moved around. He was staring at the space beside him as if (Y/n) was still there.
"You're in a dream," the real Charles explained. "This whole thing is fake."
(Y/n) ran their hands over their face.
"Do you remember how you got here at all," he asked.
"Yeah, I... I...," they trailed off, finding a blank space where some kind of memory definitely should have been.
"You were attacked," he continued. "Another witch found you and attacked you. You aren't standing outside some cabin in a field. You're lying in bed, unconscious."
There was a long pause before (Y/n) spoke up again, "I remember... I remember getting home. I remember someone being in my living room. It was an old friend..."
"You don't have to explain," Charles stopped them. He drew enough of a conclusion from those few sentences. It was some connection to whoever (Y/n) had hurt. Frankly, he didn't care about that. "We need to go."
He held his hand out to them. They finally took it.
He led them back to the gate to the garden. He didn't have any proof that this plan would work, but he didn't have anything else to go on. He just wanted to make sure (Y/n) had a chance at being okay.
Once (Y/n) stepped through the gate, it felt as if Charles was thrown out of (Y/n)'s mind. Like some explosion had happened.
Charles blinked a few times and spun around as he found himself back in (Y/n)'s room.
He heard (Y/n) grumbling. He grinned.
"Hey," he said quietly, going to sit next to them. "How are you feeling?"
"Fine, I guess," (Y/n) muttered. "My head hurts."
"I'll grab some water-"
"Wait, wait," (Y/n) reached for him as he stood up. He somehow managed to get halfway to the door by the time (Y/n) said anything. "I was... I was stuck in my head."
"And now, you're out."
"You... You popped up. You showed up there. You helped me."
He paused for a moment.
"I... possessed you."
(Y/n) sighed, standing up and placing their head in their hands. "Charles."
"It was to save you-"
"Oh my god!"
"I was trying to help-"
"You possessed me!"
"You need to relax-"
"No!" (Y/n) slapped Charles's hands away as he tried to guide them back to bed. "You possessed me!"
"I know that it's an invasion and it probably feels like you had some privacy violated-"
"My privacy isn't my concern," (Y/n) cut him off. "My concern is that you and Edwin have told me over and over again that possessing people sets off alarms in the afterlife. I don't care how close to death I am; you don't get to take that kind of risk for me."
"That's not just your choice," Charles replied. "I told you before, any risk that I take is my choice. I just saved your life!"
(Y/n) ran their hands over their face as they walked to the window. It was dark out. The moon perched itself perfectly to shine into (Y/n)'s room. There had been countless nights where (Y/n) spent ages just staring up at the sky, somehow feeling less alone when it was in sight.
(Y/n) could hear Charles walking to the window. They saw him out of the corner of their eye.
"I would do it again," he admitted. "No matter how much danger I put myself in. I'll do what I have to in order to save you."
"Because if you died, you wouldn't know how to get away from Death. I'd never see you again," Charles turned to (Y/n), who was still staring out the window. "I can run for eternity. I can escape anything and anyone. And I would do that as long as I knew you were at the end of whatever path I was running. I can't risk not seeing you again. You... You mean too much to me."
Finally, (Y/n) looked over at him.
"I... I love you, (Y/n)," he murmured.
(Y/n) loved him back. They knew that. They had for a long time now. But they couldn't bring themself to say it out loud. It was strange. Charles had seen the dream that (Y/n) had been stuck in. Surely, he knew how (Y/n) felt. So why could they still not admit it to him? Maybe it was they were merely scared of confessing it to themself.
"I'm sorry," Charles said after a few moments of silence. "I shouldn't have said that-"
Charles was cut off when (Y/n) stepped over and kissed him. It was as awkward as one would assume that it would be. It wasn't some perfect, fairytale-like kiss. It was an awkward kiss shared between a person who hadn't been kissed in decades and another who had never been kissed before. And it was short. It lasted a matter of moments before (Y/n) pulled back again. They stared at Charles with wide eyes, as if they had been just as surprised by their actions as he was.
He slowly grinned at them.
(Y/n) looked down for a moment, face becoming warm. "We should... We should get Edwin-"
"In a minute," he muttered.
He leaned over and kissed them again. When he pulled back, there was a smug smile on his face. "You haven't said it back yet."
"What- oh," (Y/n) felt their face get even warmer as they realized what he meant. "I love you too."
It was quiet. As if it was still some kind of secret that no one other than Charles was allowed to know. Maybe (Y/n) meant for it to be that way.
It was then that Edwin climbed back through the mirror with some jars cradled in his arms.
"Alright, I found some things in the office that should be able to help- oh," Edwin muttered as he saw (Y/n) standing there. "You went through with the possession, I see... Even though I told you not to."
"I panicked," Charles explained.
"I already told him off for it," (Y/n) added.
"I think that (Y/n) should stay at the office for a while. Until we know there's not a threat."
Edwin looked between the pair. "Very well."
"I'll meet you guys there," (Y/n) promised.
(Y/n) felt a kiss get pressed to their head before Charles stepped away. They looked at Edwin, who gave them a shocked look in return.
"Well... I'll see you in a bit," (Y/n) said, trying to ignore the look that they had received.
The ghost boys went to the nearest mirror and climbed through. (Y/n) could hear the two of them muttering to each other. It was going to be a very long visit, (Y/n) could tell.
But (Y/n) couldn't find it in themself to mind much.
It was all worth it to be able to still hear them at all.
Everything - @geeksareunique
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despairots · 1 year ago
uhmuhm! can i be smile anon!!
i have a silly request, you dont have to write if you aren't taking requests but like,, gojou with like some kind of makima vessel reader
like how they would get along and stuff ^_^
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#BITE ME, g. satoru!
you weren’t known by gojo until you were introduced. surprisingly enough, he wasn’t the only one with charming eyes (and terrifying powers).
content warning: swearing, r! has makima’s abilities and eyes but they don’t necessarily look like her, gender neutral! reader, r! wears a white button up with a black tie, a black blazer hung around their shoulders, black dress pants and a bandage wrapped around their neck (honestly like 15! dazai), etc.
authors note: u absolutely can!!! <3 my requests arent open but i really liked this request :3 im sorry if this is bad or not exactly what u want but i tried :( and so sorry this is late!!
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knowingly enough, gojo satoru was known to be charmed and blessed with eyes that most people swoon for ever since he was a child. not only blessed with charming eyes but finally born with both limitless and six eyes, the first one in 500 years.
because of that, he was spoiled rotten (how horrible!) but no one can deny that he didn’t deserve it. after all, after 500 years of the gojo clan producing, they finally got a kid who changed the balance of the world.
after he turned the rip age of 28, he noticed a person always wake by his classroom with a man beside them. the one thing that caught his attention, was the energy they gave off.
not once did he notice the eyes that pierced through his black blindfolds.
the first time he was formally introduced to them, was that one time where nobara was introduced to megumi and yuuji. he didn’t notice it as first but he realized you were the person walking pass his classroom all the time.
time for the friendship headcanons!
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at first, gojo’s first impression of you, was how calm and collected your composure was with some joking antics here and there. you were mostly there just in case gojo wasn’t able to be there with them.
in general, gojo thought you were trying to compete with him because of how you came close to strongest sorcerer (selfish).
i don’t have a grasp understanding of how you two became friends, actually… i don’t think you would necessarily be friends, more like people who trust eachother, have eachothers back and holding respect for each but at the same time, you two don’t trust eachother.
it’s a weird friendship, though, sometimes you two got along, talking and joking around. the next thing you know, you two are ignoring eachother like you never even knew the other.
the concept of friends didn’t scream anything to you, friends didn’t come close to you with how you picture him. in shorter terms, you saw most people like pawns, a means to your plans. gojo was just there.
most of the times, he annoyed you a lot, you could see the way nanami didn’t want to step an inch to gojo (considering how he’s younger than gojo, yet looks older then him. how odd?).
despite everything you two go through as teachers and partners, there are no growth in your “friendship”, as both of your students call it. it’s not what you’re expecting but from the beginning, gojo has had an off feeling about you.
the first time gojo witnessed your technique, was during the shibuya arc; where he massacred a bunch of transfigured humans. you were there helping him, after all, what type of person would you be?
as i said, even though you’re not necessarily friends, you two still have eachothers back.
when time passes, there was a feeling in your stomach whenever you would hang around with gojo, that shoko would explain to you as ‘fondness’.
he was starting to look more like a friend than just a pawn, a nauseous (that didn’t change actually). though, he doesn’t automatically get a pass because the two of you started to call eachother actually friends.
the trio saw the way you two were always with eachother, technically glued to eachothers side and always being there for the other.
gojo, still ever being hungover his ex, saw just a glimpse of him in you, that was partially the reason why he grew closer to you but at the same time, he grew worried that something might happen to you.
without a doubt, even though he’s a complete cocky, egotistical, idiot of a man, his one weakness is his big heart. that’s the first thing you noticed about him. it wasn’t his looks, his energy, or how he was the strongest, it was his big heart that he so desperately tried to hide away.
there’s development to both parties.
you, started to think of him like an actual friend, someone you cared about, and no doubt about it, someone you would sulk over if he ever disappeared.
gojo, who— praying to the lord— for once, will try to get over his ex when he’s with you, there’s something about you that makes everything that’s happening disappear, he needs comfort, you provide that to him.
oh boy. why would you ever date him?
how did you even start dating him?
yet again, i don’t have a grasp understanding on how the dating started but i could give a brief explanation of how the feelings developed from there on.
the fondness you get from being around him developed into something where, if he ever got hurt or someone said something to him, you would go ballistic.
he’s someone you genuinely started to cherish and for someone to say or do anything to him would send you to a toxic state. it’ll have him a lot of time to convince you not to harm this person or curse.
eventually, the feelings than letter on developed into, again, what shoko would explain to you, as love. you had rejected the idea of love for ages because you thought you weren’t able to ever feel it. gojo proved that wrong.
gojo’s a nauseous to be around, but knowing him for quite some time made him into a pleasing nauseous. gojo started to pick up that your starting to enjoy bringing around him that he started to tease you about it.
you wouldn’t lie and say the teasing was annoying, it was but it wasn’t the same annoying as before.
when gojo started to fall for you, he quickly tried to bury it before it got out of hand. remember that breakup scene at the kfc? yeah… he doesn’t want that again. let alone fall in love again.
he already lost geto, he can’t lose you. everything he’s ever loved and didn’t want to lose, is lost the moment he gains it.
though, he’d drop signs, massive signs or just small signs, they’re there. even though of what i just said, he’s whipped for you. so down horrendous, my lord.
when you two do get in a relationship, gojo’s touch starved and it shows. he needs to have some sort of contact with you or he’ll sulk in a corner. for a matter of fact, if he doesn’t get atleast 5 kisses each day, he’ll ignore you out of spite until you do kiss him. that’s when he gives you a kiss attack.
i won’t go deep into the intimate details, you can dream about those yourself but i will say, he’s fucking crazy in there (and so are you!)
you’re absolutely spoiled by him, he loves you so why not just give you everything. regardless of that, he knows both of you don’t have enough time, so he tries to make it count by making you happy.
he loves the sparkle in your eye when he surprises you with gifts you adore.
the same goes for you, knowing he’s touch starved, you try and shower him in affection as much as you can before the two of you depart on missions that don’t involve you two partnering up.
knowingly enough, pda is a must in the relationship. though, gojo will stop if you don’t like it, he’s a dick but he’s a good dick (no pun intended).
even though, there’s not enough time and both of your lives are on the line since you’re jujutsu sorcerers, you’re both grateful you had enough time to confess.
oh, and gojo swoons over you, annoying megumi when you’re not there.
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dearsnow · 9 months ago
- you still think about the man that broke your heart years later. (bradley “rooster” bradshaw x gn!/fem!reader, pure angst (sorry))
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word count: 719
a/n - writing angst scratches a part of my writing urges that nothing else can fill lol. i prefer reading fluff, but writing is another story- funny, huh? anyways, enjoy. here’s to writing that doesn’t have a happy ending <3
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When your boyfriend was deployed the first time, you thought it wouldn’t be too bad. It was just a few months, right?
You wrote letters, and you sent emails, and you called just enough to whet your taste for his voice before he was pulled away. You’d do anything for Bradley Bradshaw, and he knew it.
“I just don’t think it’s going to work out.” His words fell from his mouth and shattered on your floor like broken glass. You felt a lump form in your throat, choking you. He was saying the one thing you never wanted to hear. “You know how my job is. I’d never be able to treat you like you deserve. I’m sorry, but we have to break it off.”
A stinging set off behind your eyes, clouding your vision and pulling your eyes down to the floor. You could wait. You would take the crumbs of him that he offered like a starved animal, no matter how long you went without food. Didn’t he understand that you’d have waited lifetimes? That you loved him more than you’ve loved anything? You needed him like air, but he needed you like solid ground; if he was in the water, he could survive without you.
“But I love you,” you protested, “I’d wait.”
He shook his head. He loved you too, and that’s why he left you to fend for yourself.
It took three years for you to find someone else, two years for you to marry them, and one more before you had your first child. She was four when you had your second, a boy. He’s three now.
Twelve years. It took twelve years for Bradley to finally leave your mind. You’re reorganizing your old things, discarding everything from your life before your family. That’s when you happen upon a letter you wrote so long ago it seems like a distant dream, yet so fresh in your mind that you can recite a few lines by memory.
Dear Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw,
I will always love you.
You’re my Achilles heel. I want you so desperately it burns, it burns my throat and my eyes and my heart. I don’t think I can get over that kind of burn.
I’ll move on, though, as I’m sure that’s what you wanted for me. I’ll marry someone. I’ll have children. I’ll have that white picket fence suburban dream, the one where your new neighbors bake you brownies and the sun is just a little too hot all the time. I’ll have a stable life, a nice one. I’ll have a pool and a two-story house. I might even get a dog or three for my kids to play with– a golden retriever trio that came from the same stray litter.
But if you came to me, walked up to my home, and smiled at me through the window, it would be like nothing ever changed. I’m terrified even now that I’ll say your name when my boyfriend wraps his arms around my waist. If you asked me to leave with you, to turn in my divorce papers and lose custody of the children I’ll eventually have, I’d have to think about it. I would have to think about leaving everything I’ve built to elope with you.
What scares me is that I would probably end up doing it.
So, I hope I never see you again, because I don’t want to have to break the hearts of those who love me. And I also hope that if you knock on my door, I’ll have the strength to close it.
Yours truly,
The One Who Would Have Waited.
You set the envelope down on your desk with watery eyes. The worst part about finding the slightly crumpled letter is that it still rings true after all this time, even after you told yourself it held no weight. You’ll forget about the letter eventually, you tell yourself. You’ll forget about the person written in black ink, too.
You have a good life, no one can doubt that. You tell yourself that nothing could be better. But when you think about the love of your life, you don’t think about the person you married.
You think about the man with a mustache who broke your heart so many years ago.
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lisbeth-kk · 1 day ago
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Sherlock fandom.
Constant Failure
They are handpicked by the master himself. The spider. The consulting criminal. The arch enemy of Sherlock Holmes.
James Moriarty strips them of their personalities without asking permission. 
“From now on, you’re just a number. One, seven, ten. Don’t even think about asking why I’ve chosen them. You’re not paid to ask questions.”
His voice is void of emotions. Cold, detached, indifferent. A machine. But if they listen closely, the passion underneath is discernible.
Their first failure is only noticed by the three of them, and of course their employer. The cabbie, Jeff Hope, is not supposed to be killed by Sherlock Holmes’ flatmate. Moriarty is livid.
“Who of you failed to register that he followed Holmes? How did you not know he was a crack shot?”
None of them points out that it is Moriarty himself that has done the research. The trio only got information about what was expected to happen. Their job was to ensure that Sherlock Holmes would be the cabbie’s next victim.
“He looks like a nobody!” the mastermind hisses. “He’s nothing like Holmes at all. How does he put up with that unassuming man?”
Number Seven smirks discreetly. The jealousy is evident in the spider’s voice.
Their second failure is ensured when Holmes outsmarts them all. He comes to the doctor’s rescue in a tunnel, where he is supposed to be killed by a bunch of Chinese ruffians. 
How the detective managed to sneak past them, is a mystery. They watched the tunnel opening with keen eyes, in their hands were weapons to fire as they pleased. Moriarty didn’t care how many casualties they left behind, as long as the residents of 221B Baker Street were eliminated.
Again, their employer puts all the blame on them, even though he had the blueprints of the tunnel, which he didn’t bother showing them.
“Neither of you saw the hidden door? Don’t you know how ingenious Sherlock Holmes is? This is not a job to be taken lightly! You must be two steps ahead of him at all times. Imbeciles!”
Number One tries to point out how much easier that would’ve been if they’d seen the layout of the premises, but he only gets a deadly glare in response.
James Moriarty is clearly not a fan of legwork, or sharing his plans with people he doesn’t even bother learning the names of.
The third time they fail, is the first time they come in close contact with the pair they’re supposed to eliminate. 
If it had been up to the trio, they’d just killed them outright without further ado, but of course, it never is that simple when James Moriarty calls the shots.
“He needs to open the safe first. This is crucial. When the contents of Ms Adler’s safe is secure in your hands, go wild.”
The mad glint in the Irishman’s eyes, makes them all shudder, but they don’t hesitate. The reward is too good to give up just yet.
“Vatican cameos,” Holmes yells, and all hell breaks loose.
When they wake, they’re alone in the grand townhouse, and the safe is empty.
The scolding they get from Moriarty this time, makes them feel like schoolboys again, standing in front of the headmaster’s desk. 
“You’re just a bunch of losers! A cursed trio. How difficult can it be? I’ll give you one more chance, but don’t think for a second, you’ll get any money if you so much as blink at the wrong moment.”
Jointly they decide that enough is enough.
The fourth time, they fail deliberately. Number Ten hides on the roof where Holmes meets Moriarty. When he blows his head off in front of a shocked consulting detective, Number Ten calls off the other snipers. Their hated boss is dead and can’t create havoc anymore. The money will never reach their pockets. It’s time to put a stop to the madness of the spider, and to save Sherlock Holmes and John Watson.
“I’ve called it off. There are no snipers. You don’t have to jump,” the man says when he moves towards a pale and terrified Sherlock Holmes.
“How can I trust you?” the baritone voice asks.
As if on cue, the door to the roof opens and John Watson appears. He’s at Holmes’ side at an instant when the detective falls to his knees with relief. 
“Let’s go back to Serbia,” Number Ten says into his walkie-talkie.
Before he opens the door, he looks over his shoulder. Doctor Watson is kneeling too, his arms are wrapped around his best friend, and hopefully soon, lover.
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spookuzm · 11 months ago
So uh I'm just gonna post my one shot from three months ago here
You can also read it on AO3
I'm kinda nervous for sharing this but I hope you guys will like this...
Tw: Brief mention of abuse, slightly suggestive (aka flirting)
You had been living with the skeletons for a while now. You get along with most of them, thankfully. Then one day, the skeletons decided that you were trustworthy enough to let you in a very big secret— all of them were the same two monsters; Sans and Papyrus!
And if that wasn’t shocking enough for you... They were also hiding their other alternates! The bigger versions of themselves!
Nervous to meet them was an understatement. Especially Red’s bigger alternate self. Just the thought of that made you terrified to your core. Red alone was scary enough for you, thank you very much.
Read under the cut
“So wait,” you started, baffled by this. “The Multiverse Theory is true, and all of you are the same two monsters? Like, no joke?”
“yep,” Classic said, popping the ‘p’. “i may be a comedian, but there are some things even i won’t joke about. and this is one of them.” he gestured to himself and then to Blue and Red. Blue waved enthusiastically with a beaming smile as Red scoffed at the attention.
This was insane but the proof was literally right in front of you, and Classic himself even showed you the machine that pulled them into this timeline.
“But why..?” You muttered under your breath, gaining the trio’s attention. “Why trust me?”
“dats cause yer pathetic,” Red said harshly as you shrank from his words. Blue sent him a disappointed glare before turning to you with a gentle smile.
You felt your heart warm up as you blushed slightly, giving him a soft smile. Blue has always been a positive guy, always spreading cheer to anyone around him. And the same goes to Creampuff. The three of you were the best of friends.
Red grumbled bad-temperedly as he left the room, Classic just shrugged at the interaction before teleporting away.
Blue lets out a ‘tsk’ before grabbing your hand as he begins to lead you to somewhere. “LET’S GO TO THAT RESTAURANT WE WERE TALKING ABOUT EARLIER, BEFORE THE WHOLE MULTIVERSE REVELATION THING.”
You arrived at where the skeletons parked their vehicles. Blue’s ride was a blue motorcycle, and he calls it ‘his precious’.
“Uh, sure,” you agreed, watching as Blue hopped on his motorcycle and put on a helmet.
“AND, FRIEND?” he said your name nervously as he gave you a helmet and you put it on, making sure it’s secured onto your head. You adjusted the straps, feeling the reassuring click of the buckle.
Blue inserted the key and brought the motorcycle to life, the roar of the engine echoing through the quiet lodge. “Yes?” you replied, hopping on the back.
He looked at you in concern, frowning. You stared at him for a moment before chuckling as you pat his shoulder in reassurance. “Blue, it doesn’t change a thing at all. You guys are so different from each other despite being the same person. I still see you as the Magnificent Blue. Classic as his punny self, Black as his calm and collected self, and Red’s a jerk.”
Blue sighed in relief before smiling once more. “LOOKS LIKE MY WORRIES WERE FOR NOTHING THEN.” he said as he revved the engine, propelling the motorcycle forward with a confident twist of the throttle.
It was now the next day since they revealed their shocking secret to you. Nothing really changed, it was still the same as ever. And you aren’t planning to tell anybody.
You made your way to the kitchen, wanting to get some coffee as you stretched a bit. You glanced around as you recalled when you first got invited to live in with the skeletons. Blue was the one who instigated that invitation when he witnessed you get kicked out from your abusive ex.
You bumped into Black along the way as you stammered out an apology. He scoffed indignantly at that before he spoke. “HUMAN, I SUPPOSED THAT THE INSUFFERABLE VANILLA FINALLY TOLD YOU THE TRUTH?”
You tilted your head in confusion. “Vanilla? Do you mean Classic?”
“YES, NOW ANSWER MY QUESTION, HUMAN.” he spat as he crossed his arms, waiting for your answer.
“If you mean all of you being the same two monsters, then yes, he did.” You replied.
He nodded solemnly. “GOOD. NOW, THAT’S ONE WEIGHT OFF OUR SHOULDERS.” he stated vaguely, looking thoughtful.
“Huh? What do you mean?” You asked him as he stared at you for a moment.
“WOULD YOU BELIEVE ME IF I SAID THAT THERE ARE OTHER SANSES AND PAPYRUSES WE’RE HIDING?” Black told you with a smug grin, which caught you off guard. This was the first time you saw him having a different expression other than a neutral scowl.
You stepped back from shock, feeling a migraine coming from this sudden revelation. “Oh for star’s sake, dude, really?” you asked exasperatedly as he laughed, amused from your reaction.
You sighed tiredly, rubbing your temples. “Well, at least you told me now rather than later. I really don’t want to suddenly see a new skeleton and not expect it.”
You went past him, wanting to grab a coffee. He followed you to the kitchen, and requested for coffee as well. You gave him it and cooked breakfast with Black for everyone in the lodge.
You placed all of the pancakes on the dining table, knowing full well that the lazy or laidback skeletons will wake up soon.
“So, how many of them are there? And what are they like?” You questioned him curiously as you took a sip from your coffee, sighing contently.
You hummed, nodding along. “They are pretty much clones.” you couldn't help but comment.
“INDEED,” Black nodded as he drank his coffee. “BUT OF COURSE, THERE ARE SOME DIFFERENCES…” he trailed off for dramatic effect, making you anxious.
“Like what?” You asked, sweating slightly.
“Holy shi-” You backpedaled when he narrowed his eye sockets at you. “Schnitzel! That’s crazy!” You quickly said.
He snorted in amusement as you slumped in your chair, staring at the ceiling. You wondered what they are like. Are they the same as the skeletons you know in terms of personality? Then your thoughts eventually landed on Red— the guy who always seems to despise you, perpetually in a sour mood every time you see him. Even his brother, Edge, managed to be friendly with you, despite his backhanded speech.
What was the bigger version of Red like? Was he the same as Red? Just imagining Red, but so much larger, looking down at you with scorn… The thought of it terrifies you.
“I don’t know, Black.” you muttered, uncertain about meeting them today.
You thought about it once more, once again terrified meeting a larger version of Red. But after a few moments, you eventually nodded. Black huffed as he finished his coffee as Rus walked in, yawning.
Rus was a very quiet guy, only speaking when Black addressed him. You watched as Black yelled at him to get his own coffee, and Rus complied.
Rus took Black’s empty plate and mug, and surprisingly, yours too. He usually doesn’t want to involve himself with you, always so distant. Maybe he’s just in a good mood, You deduced.
You shrank in your seat, disappointed yet understanding. “Alright, I’ll go do just that. Thanks, Blank, it was nice chatting with you.” You said sincerely. If Black didn’t have his back turned, you could’ve seen the purple blush on his face.
You heard him huff before he left the room, leaving you alone with Rus.
You tried to start a conversation with him, but he only ignored you. You supposed that it was okay, the silence was comfortable anyway. You eventually decided to find Classic or Blue, to take you to the other skeletons Black was talking about. You waved Rus goodbye before going on a search to find Classic or Blue.
You couldn’t find Blue and Classic anywhere. You went to their rooms but nothing. You even go to their favorite spots in the lodge, also not finding them there. You were getting a bit frustrated trying to find them before you bumped into Red.
“so what got you all worked up, huh?” Red spat, looking at you in disdain, and you felt yourself getting irritated by his gaze.
You clenched your jaw, trying to maintain your composure. “I’ve been looking for Classic and Blue, but I can’t seem to find them anywhere.”
“they’re visiting their friends together,” He shrugged.
“Their friends?” You asked curiously, calming down a bit.
“yeah,” he said simply. “and what do you need them for?” Now it was his turn to ask.
“Black told me that I should go meet the other skeletons you guys are hiding.” you told him bluntly. “And he said that I should go ask Classic or Blue so I can meet them.”
Red scoffed, crossing his arms. “of course that fucker did.” he grumbled. “if ya want to find classic and blue, they’re actually with the others right now.”
You deflated. “Oh, okay then.”
Red stared at you, then groaned, running a hand over his face. “aight, stop making that dumb as fuck face, i’ll take you over there instead. i was gonna go there anyway.”
“Really!?” you beamed, grabbing his hands in your excitement.
“yes, now can you let go of my hands.” he scowled at you, sweating a bit.
You blushed slightly before letting go of his hands, embarrassed. Red sighed before walking to the door that leads outside.
“ya coming or not?” he called out as he opened the door.
You ran up to him.
You and Red were walking deep into a forest, surrounded by the sublime sights of nature. You were starting to think anxiously— thinking that Red was planning to murder you or something, finally getting rid of the person he despised.
As you look around your surroundings, you couldn’t help but glance at Red every now and then. He was ignoring you as he walked forward, an awkward expression on his face, sweating.
Ok, maybe you’re overthinking things; maybe Red was really leading you to wherever the other skeletons were, and not planning to kill you. But it was extremely awkward— you couldn’t muster up the courage to start a conversation with him at all. It was just that awkward.
But this was so much better than his usual demeanor; completely standoffish around you.
Red suddenly stopped in his tracks, and you followed suit, albeit in confusion. Then he pulled out a futuristic-looking device, pressing a couple of buttons. You watched as the trees in front of you shifted into a large mansion, making you gape.
“WHAT?!?” you screamed, trying to process what had just transpired. If you were looking at Red at that moment, you could’ve seen him looking slightly amused at your reaction.
“a big house for big idiots,” Red stated as he walked towards the mansion. You stood there for a moment before catching up to him.
The two of you eventually reached the fancy-looking front door as Red rang the doorbell. You heard loud noises coming from the other side, making you nervous. You watched as the door swayed open, revealing Blue, but he was much larger, making you feel tiny.
“Oh, Red! And You Have Brought A Friend Along!” his voice boomed. He had the same volume as Blue, thankfully. Though you had a feeling that it wasn’t his real volume.
“fuck no, they ain’t my friend.” he scowled.
“So, Just Acquaintances?” Larger Blue questioned, tilting his head in confusion. Red nodded at that as you sighed.
“Yeah, we’re just acquaintances, uh-” You trailed off when you didn’t know his name.
“Oh! I Forgot To Introduce Myself, Silly Me!” He chuckled heartily as Red went past him, getting inside the mansion. Larger Blue ignored him as he beamed at you. “I Am The Grand And Dashing Azure, At Your Service, Maiden!”
Aww, that’s such a fitting name— Wait, Did he call you maiden?!?
You blushed slightly as you told him your name. He knelt down as he kissed your hand gently, making your face explode, flustered.
He chuckled as he gestured for you to come in, a warm and welcoming smile on his face. “Come In To Our Lovely Abode, Dear Maiden. No Need To Be Shy.” You snapped out of your daze as you stepped in.
“Uh, Azure, have you seen Classic and Blue anywhere?” You asked as you watched your steps, feeling unworthy of walking around in such a grand mansion.
“They’re In The Living Room, Informing Us About You, Actually.” Azure hummed. “They Have Told You About Us Being All The Same Two Monsters, Right? Sans And Papyrus?”
You nodded as you smiled up at him, he smiled back but with a faint blush in his cheekbones.
He led you to the living room. If he weren’t there to guide you, you definitely would’ve gotten lost. You looked around in awe, spinning around. You caught Azure looking at you with adoration; you swear you saw his blue eye lights become hearts for a second.
You then suddenly got tackled into a tight hug. You knew who was hugging you, after all, he was the only person to tackle someone into a hug.
“MY FRIEND! YOU’RE HERE!” Blue exclaimed happily, making you giggle.
“Indeed I am,” You said as you hugged back.
Then Classic and his bigger self approached you, curious about the commotion. The gaze of Classic’s larger self landed on you, eye lights dilating. You don’t know if that’s a good thing or not. Blue stopped hugging you as you looked between Classic and bigger Classic.
“sup, kid. looks like you’re here.” Classic greeted you, his trademark grin on his face. Bigger Classic continued to stare at you, his eye lights wobbly, blushing slightly.
“Mhm. Red helped me get here, actually.” All of the skeletons present were genuinely surprised at that.
“MWEH HEH HEH! IT SEEMS RED IS FINALLY OPENING UP TO YOU!” Blue laughed as the others chuckled.
You blinked, recalling Red’s face as he led you earlier in your mind. “You really think so?”
You giggled at that, before looking up to the bigger Classic, who seemed to flinch at your gaze, his blue blush became brighter. The others were trying really hard not to laugh, they would feel very bad for him if they do. 
You watched as he started to sweat nervously, looking away from you. You feel bad for this sweetie, he was just really shy and anxious to meet strangers like you. You were like him once, but you got over your anxiety after you met Blue. He was very gentle with you, always soft spoken back then. 
You don't want to scare this guy.
“What’s up, big guy?” you greeted softly, smiling gently.
“um- uh, hi!” he squeaked before pulling his hood up, hiding his face from the world.
Classic nudged him gently, a smug grin on his face. “kid, we call this sweet guy ‘marsh’.” you heard Marsh groan in embarrassment at Classic’s statement.
“Aww, his name is cute! He’s really mallow out.” you giggled at your own joke. If he's anything like Classic then jokes would make him open up, right?
“oh stars- marry me.” he muttered under his breath, but you could hear him just fine, your face turned pink as you looked at him in shock.
He immediately backpedaled, his eye lights dilating in horror. “wait! i didn’t mean-!”
Classic burst out laughing, clutching his stomach, and the others followed suit. You hesitantly chuckled along when Marsh laughed awkwardly.
“ay, what’s all this ruckus about?” A deep and gruff voice interrupted, gaining your attention. You immediately shrank, already intimidated by this new large skeleton. Oh god, you dreaded this, but you need to be brave.
You were already sweating a lot, just his presence was enough to scare you. Big Red’s gaze landed on you before smiling, his red eye lights seemed to soften, which caught you off guard.
“heh,” his expression screams ‘I’ve been waiting for this moment’. “do you have a map of this place? i keep getting lost in your eyes.”
“What?” You said, dumbfounded.
He reached out to you, placing a gentle hand on your cheek, making your face explode in red. He chuckled as he spoke. “do you have sunburn in your face, or are you always this hot?”
You were stunned by the difference between him and Red.
He withdrew his hand, grinning wolfishly. “but damn, i wish i had a picture frame with me, ‘cause, sweetheart, yer picture-perfect.” He said, his voice low and suave.
The other skeletons were watching this unfold, some were amused, and some were jealous at the easy flirting.
You sent him a pointed look, pointing your finger at him. “Stop,” he chuckled as he raised his hand in surrender.
“the name's crimson. can i get yours or can i call you—”
“Oh my god, please stop.” You pleaded, groaning as you covered your face.
“aww, don’t hide your cute face, sweetheart.”
You glared at him, feeling extremely embarrassed. The skeletons in the background (except Blue, he just stood there in shock) were watching this like a romcom show, entertained, making you groan in exasperation.
Blue snapped out of whatever stupor he was in. “ALRIGHT! ENOUGH OF THIS, CRIMSON! YOU’RE MAKING THEM VERY UNCOMFORTABLE!”
But this was okay with you... You had expected the giant skeletons to be intimidating, but they weren't like that at all; they were charming, sweet, and giant softies.
Red was watching this from the background, appalled and disgusted. He just couldn’t believe that this guy was a version of him! He’s just a complete idiot!
He was embarrassed to be in the same room as Crimson. He didn’t want to be compared to that idiot.
B̶u̶t̶ ̶C̶r̶i̶m̶s̶o̶n̶ ̶ia ̶l̶i̶t̶e̶r̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶,̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶was brave enough ̶to show h̶i̶s̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶l̶ ̶s̶e̶l̶f̶
H̶e̶ ̶w̶i̶s̶h̶e̶d̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶b̶r̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶C̶r̶i̶m̶s̶o̶n̶.̶
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dazed-and-confused23 · 10 months ago
Can I please request a fic where Dusty the Deathclaw has a close call? Like maybe the Enclave or the Brotherhood of Steel, or raiders, got in a lucky shot on Dusty’s belly. And this DEVASTATES the reader enough to go full John Wick on the person who shot Dusty, even to the point that Cooper is like “Oh Damn”. Cause they hurt the WRONG wasteland baby!
Dear Hearts and Gentle People 17
I had a lot of fun with this one and it gave me an excuse to head down to the Capitol Wasteland. Ignore the janky timelines ❤️
*so sorry that this took a while to get out. Life does a good job of getting in the way sometimes @odditycircus-2002. I hope you enjoy! ❤️*
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You aren't a fan of the Capitol Wasteland. The weather is shit, and she and Cooper had been shot at no less than eight times in the two weeks they'd arrived. This pocket of the wasteland felt even more dangerous to be in, especially with the rumor of a slaver group in the area. You and Cooper had agreed to avoid them as best you could, but that still left the rest of the factions the two of you needed to keep an eye out for.
The BOS left the three of you alone for the most part whenever they happened to cross your path, Dusty had even made a friend with the dark skinned lady named Cross. Raiders were raiders, but the problems really started when she and Cooper stumbled across another group. The Enclave.
Even after the destruction of Raven Rock, pockets of the old world faction still remained. The day was coming to an end when laser fire suddenly accosted the trio of wanderers. They dove for the cover of nearby rocks and grab for their own weapons. Dusty roars loud enough that your ears ring and charge ahead, furious milky eyes zeroed in on the men in suits of power armor.
"Fuck. That's the Enclave," Cooper snarls beside you, and you whip around to stare up at him in horror. Out of all the factions that they could have run into, it had to be one of the most dangerous ones. They were righteous zealots who dreamed of wiping the earth clean of all mutated creatures.
This was the one faction that would have the kind of firepower to actually hurt their deadly companion, and you felt fear grip your heart when rapid laser fire fell upon Dusty. The creature snarled and gnashed his teeth, dropping down to his front arms to sprint forward and close the distance between himself and the Elclave member who had the gatling laser.
"Dusty!" You scream and run forward, ducking behind rocks and burnt out cars in your bid to get to the deathclaw. Cooper rubs right behind you, taking pot shots at the line of figures that stand on top of the cliffs above them. One woman screams as a bullet catches her in the leg, and she goes tumbling off the cliff to hit the ground, dead.
The deathclaw rips through the men and woman who don't have powe armor, blood and gore flying in all directions, and painting his golden scales red. You arrive in time to see a man in power armor rip something off his back and onto his shoulder. The weapon glows a terrible blue, and you watch in slow motion as a bolt of electrified plasma flew through the air and struck Dusty in the chest.
The deathclaw goes down with a howl of anguish, rearing back to expose the blackened flesh of his soft underbelly. His scales crack and melt off, and Dusty falls to the side, the ground shaking when his weight meets the earth.
Cooper hears you scream, and the sound rattles him. It's full of pain and fury, rage, and disbelief. He watches you drop your weapon and dash forward, throwing yourself at the man who shot Dusty. You cling to the man, feet finding foothold as your fingers dig into the neck paneling of the suit and rip at the tubing and wires that connect to the helmet.
Steam erupts from the power armor, and the man jerks around, stumbling as half of his suit loses power. You find the latch to the helmet and rip it off, exposing the face of the terrified man who dared try and kill Dusty.
The ghoul shouts your name when the two of you tip over, the power armor useless now that its systems have been compromised. You appear seconds later, wielding your side arm. You shoot the man in the face until the chamber runs dry, shoulders heaving and teeth bared in an animalistic snarl.
With the fight over, with any other remaining Enclave having fled the scene, you turn on your heel and run to Dusty. You drop to your knees beside the whining creature and reach for his massive head, hands gently smoothing over his dangerous horns as you whisper reassurances to your baby.
"Is okay, sweetheart. I'm right here. Can you let momma see?" You coo, and Dusty lifts his head, moving just enough that you can see the awful wound left behind from the tesla cannon. Dusty whuffs and grunts, obvious sounds of pain falling from his maw.
"Cooper, bring me my bag," you order, and the ghoul does so without a word. You dig around until you can find your stash of chems and drag out the med-x and stim-packs you have. You have no idea if these would work, but you had to try.
"I need to see it, Dusty," you murmur, and Dusty shoves his head forward and into your lap, looking for comfort, and you easily give it to him. You hold his head close to your chest, and the beast breaths in your scents deeply, his milky eyes closing as he begins to calm down.
You look at Cooper, and the ghoul sighs, but he takes the medical supplies from you. He goes about moving around the deathclaw until he can see the burn. The med-x goes first, and then he injects four stim-packs around the wound.
The chems seem to work, for it isn't long before the deathclaw relaxes, his body sagging forward, and you grunt as you take his weight. His breathing evened out, and Cooper watched in muted fascination as the wound began to knit back together. He sighs and plops down in the dirt beside you.
You lean into him, and Cooper wraps his arm around your waist as best he can, kissing the side of your head. Silent tears stream down your face as relief sweeps through your body.
"He'll be alright, smoothskin. Dusty's tougher than he looks."
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trekmupf · 8 months ago
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Action immediately starts (can't even get married in peace uff)
the crew working like a well oiled machine during that crisis
Another episode that shows Kirk as a great leader during a crisis and his morals and ethics as a person as well as the burden of his position
The racism towards Spock (today a bit heavy handed but back then good work) and the way it's shut down immediately by Kirk, who trusts Spock
Kirk calling the meeting to gather all possible info of his crew before making a decision
Kirk openly admitting the troubles of his positions and his very real feelings about his struggle with the responsibility to McCoy as his friend, and McCoy helping him the best way he can; they both know he can't decide for him, but he can support him; but also the knowledge that the people he can be vulnerable in front of and the times he's allowed to show this side of himself are so rare and limited
Shatner's vulnerability in this scene blows my mind
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the inclusion of Stiles is well done: he represents partly generational trauma but also the inability to let go of old conflicts over generations, which clouds his judgement
the tension throughout is great: from the red alert in the intro to the unknown threat and revelation of the Romulans until the very end. the silent scenes are excellent and parallel the time between avalanches during a war
the almost impossible choice of what to do and the real possibility of starting an intergalactic war is so heavy, terrifying and relevant throughout time; the way the different characters bring different viewpoints to the table (practicality, morals etc.)
Politics and universe set up! Introduction of the Romulans, the cloaking device and the shared ancestry of Vulcans and Romulans; Establishes the history between the Federation and the Romulans as well as the current situation with the treaty and neutral zone
Interesting choice for the audience to see the Romulan perspective of the fight, which gives us the opportunity to understand them, empathize with the “evil” enemies
This way we also get the parallels between the Romulan Captain and Kirk the responsibility to their people and crew, the way they think and plan; they're so evenly matched until the very end
Mark Lenard's acting and Shatner's compliment each other's so well
it would've been easy to make a good guys / evil enemies storyline here, especially with the Romulans starting the conflict, but instead the narrative, acting makes it about the tragedy and pointlessness of war instead, which is especially underlined with the death of the Romulans in the end; There is no real winner in war
Kirk offering to save the survivors, but respecting the Romulan captain when he explains why he can't
the fact that Starfleet answers Kirk when it's all over and he had to carry this entire burden underlines the pointlessness of it all
Good scoring
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Yeoman Rand is sometimes just there to be the damsel women
Counter: red alert during intro
Quote: "I regret that we meet in this way. You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend" - Romulan commander
Moment: The commander saying goodbye and exploding his ship
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Summary: Excellent episode with a deep anti war message showing giving insight into how the crew works under heavy pressure, how the characters compliment each other and work together in universe but also a narrative level, the trust of the trio in each other and a deeper understanding of what makes Kirk one of the best Captains of Starfleet
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cottonlemonade · 9 months ago
Hello again it's me. I may I please have a menu B with strawberry milk and purin and I'll sit next to Ren Oomimi please
The Wrath Of Oomimi Ren
word count: 818 || avg. reading time: 3 mins.
pairing: Oomimi x chubby!Reader (feat. Atsumu)
genre: fluff
warnings: none
request: fluffy jealous upperclassman Oomimi, as manager
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It was never a good sign to see the twins huddled together with Suna in an obviously plotting manner. Whispers and giggles, a short screech of approval here or there - it was all rather disconcerting.
Oomimi frowned and went back to his conversation with the other two third years. However, he didn’t let the chaotic trio out of his sight. Kita wasn‘t here yet, being stuck in a meeting of the class presidents, so it fell upon him, Michinari and Aran to keep the younger members of the team in check until the training began (certainly a three person job). The gym door opened and their trainer along with their manager came in, the cute kohai holding a water carrier in each hand. Almost automatically he made a move to hurry over and take them off your hands but one side glance towards the menaces from year two stopped him in his tracks. He had already been too obvious about his crush on their curvy manager, having gushed about you one too many times to his classmates in the locker room. Even though, “gushed“ might have been the wrong word. He talked about you. Too often.
Thinking out loud if the team should invite you along for an after training snack run to the nearby convenience store or wondering if you‘d maybe be interested in joining them for a (not really) friendly game of Mario Kart that weekend. Or invite you to a movie with them. Or suggesting to have you join their study group. Or sit with them at lunch. Or if they should bring you a bun when they went by a bakery on their way to school.
Everyone knew about his crush, even the trainer. Except, of course, you.
To you, Oomimi was a thoughtful, albeit quiet player who was an important component to Inarizaki‘s defense along with Suna. To you, he was simply being polite and tried to include you as often as possible. And, to be honest, he was the reason why you joined the team as the manager.
Whenever you called for the team’s attention for the coach, Oomimi was the first to come running but always stopped himself a few meters before reaching you, slowing his steps and suddenly becoming very interested in retying his shoes or straightening his jersey as to not make it seem like he was too eager to get to you. He knew he had an intimidating aura and the last thing he wanted was to scare you by towering over you.
And today was no exception.
Once Kita arrived the team gathered in a half circle around you and the trainer - Oomimi stole glances at you throughout the coach’s game plan. When it was time for the warm up drills, he paused in his movements when he saw that instead of dispersing like the rest of the team, the chaotic trio stayed behind to talk to you while Coach Kurosu went outside to take a phone call.
“How about it, y/n-chan?”, he heard Atsumu say loudly, “This friday night. We can go to the arcade or see a movie.“ The setter shuddered, feeling a sudden icy chill on the back of his neck but soldiered on, “Why aren’t ya sayin’ anythin’? Don’t wanna go on a date with me?”
He was sure when he turned around he would come face to face with Kita but instead he stared at the chest of the middle blocker, slowly raising terrified eyes to look at him.
“H-hey, Oomimi-san.”, he stuttered, “I was just askin’ our manager to go out with me.”
“I know, the whole gym could hear ya.”, Oomimi replied calmly.
“O-okay then. Uhm… would ya give us a bit of space so she can answer me?”
Oomimi looked at you - your face telling a detailed story of confusion and reluctance.
“No.”, he said, glaring down at Atsumu.
“And why is that?”, Atsumu asked, hoping his knees wouldn’t give out. He hated Osamu and Suna for this. Sure, the sacrifice for their cause was chosen via rock, paper, scissors but now that The Wrath of Oomimi Ren™ was upon him, he really badly wanted to reconsider, even if that would give his friends the right to his lunch desserts for the next month.
“Well…” Oomimi hadn’t thought that far. “Because…-“
“Because I’d actually much rather go out with Oomimi-san.”, you said, cheeks as red as tomatoes, “Sorry, Tsumu. You’re … okay and all but I’m not interested.”
Osamu and Suna doubled over with laughter - the latter still holding up his phone to capture the moment for all eternity.
Atsumu would have been extremely offended if he wasn’t so relieved that the giant third year was too distracted by your confession to hurt him and grabbing his brother and friend by the sleeves dragged them off to leave you and Oomimi to blush at each other in private.
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a/n: thank you so much for your request! I hope you enjoyed it ^^ 🌟
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charliesangel67 · 8 months ago
reader in which tom and reader have been friends since first year but over the time tom has grown rather fascinated with her. Tom has had wet dreams about reader for some time so when he and the reader ends up sharing a bed he is nervous about having one when he's in the same bed with her. If you're comfortable I would really like it if he has a wet dreams and whispers in his sleep saying reader's name. Then reader hears it, tom wakes up embarrassed but reader teases him a little then make his dream come true (oral sex female receives then regular sex) and please make tom a little bit submissive.
Thank you in advance, sorry it's a big request!!<3
More than just friends
Tom Riddle x Fem!reader
Authors note: hii guys, so this was a request from @cedricswife - lmk if yall want a pt 2. Ahhh, omg I really hope yall enjoy this, and if you do, don't forget to like and reblog. Also guys, please request fics if you want, I'm more than happy to write them. I will also be making a tag list soon, so just comment your name/@ and what kind of fics you wanna be tagged it eg. Tom riddle, Bucky barnes....
This story is set in the same time as when the Golden Trio were at Hogwarts.
Warnings: Soft!Tom, SMUTT, oral fem!receiving, unprotected p in v sex. Fluff.
Word count- 2620
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I met Tom in first year, in the great hall at the Slytherin table. At first he was staring daggers at me, then he took a seat next to mine and started a conversation. I was shocked to say the least. Tom terrified me, but he seemed truly fascinated with me. Since that day on, we were inseparable. We always sat together in class and we hung out so often that most boys were even scared to ask me out because they knew Tom’s reputation and that he would hurt them if they tried something with me. “Tom, this is actually pissing me off.” I complained as I walked into my dorm room, knowing that Tom would be sitting at my desk doing his homework. “Mmh, what is it love?” He asked in his brisky British accent that made me feel butterflies in my stomach. “Not a single guy will ask me out because they’re all either scared of you, or assume we’re dating because we hang out so much.” I whined. “And? At least I don’t have to worry about you running to me every month because you got dumped or because your man was being an ass.” He responded calmly. “Oh my lord Tom. Whatever.” I countered, annoyed at him.
Over the Christmas holidays, Tom and I would stay at the Castle, playing chess and talking until midnight. We talked about starting fifth-year and about our chosen classes. Then of course the Yule Ball and the school trip to London. “Okay, how would you feel about a second floor room, with a balcony and a view of the city?” I asked Tom over a cup of hot chocolate and a game of cards. “I’m not sure Love, are we even allowed to choose our room mate?” Tom asked with a chuckle. “I don't care, I’m gonna find a way so that we can be in the same room, because I do not want to share a room with any other smelly boys or bitchy girls.” “You are kidding right? The other week you were complaining to me that I was restricting your chance of getting a boyfriend. And you called me smelly?! Who do you think you are?” “Well clearly your favourite because I’m the only person you hang out with other than Draco.” I countered, “And yeah, I’ve changed my mind about wanting a boyfriend, Cormac tried to hit on me the other day and it was a disgusting experience.” I laughed off. What I didn’t notice however was the glint in Tom’s eyes as he watched me laugh, he found my smile so attractive, and he found me so fascinating. 
It had been a week since Tom and I hung out in the common room that December night. Students were returning from their Christmas holidays even though classes didn’t start for another 5 days. This did give me more time to talk to Professor McGonagall about the room situations for our upcoming London trip. However, I didn’t see Tom all night, not in the common room, in any of the classes or even in the Great Hall. But I knew Tom well enough to know that if he does not want to be found then he won’t let himse;f be found. That night however, against my knowledge, Tom was dreaming about me. Nothing sweet of course, in fact it was all dirty. Tom dreamt of fucking his best friend, of giving her head, of playing with her tits and hearign her moan his name. It was what he had longed for ever since fourth-year when she complained to him about not being able to get a boyfriend because of him. That made Tom proud that people thought he was y/n’s boyfriend and that she was safe from all these disgusting boys that only want to use her for her body, like Cormac. Tom wasn’t sure what Cormac did or said to y/n but he was sure it wasn’t something very nice if she didn’t feel comfortable sharing it, even with him.
These dreams went on and on for the next couple of days. Tom couldn’t control it, he just dreamt if fuckign his best friend over and over again. Then came the day, it was mid April of fifth-year and the students were getting ready to leave for London. That included Tom and y/n. “C’mon Y/n, have you got your stuff packed for the trip?” Tom asked as he sat outside my dorm with his one duffle bag, “Yeah, I think so. Can I get a bit of help please.” I asked as I struggled to carry my bags out of my room. “We are going away for 5 days y/n. Why do you need so many bags?” Tom asked as he grabbed my suitcase and duffle bag. “Because I just do.” I replied.  Tom then helped me carry my 3 bags out to the Great Hall where everyone was meeting so that we could get the Thestral-Carriages to take us to Hogsmead station. Naturally, Tom and I sat in the same compartment on our entire 10 hour train trip to London. We talked, and I sat in silence when Tom read but otherwise, it was a pretty boring trip. So boring in fact that we even started playing smash or pass whenever someone walked by our train compartment. “Okay, her?” I asked as Cho Chang, a Ravenclaw girl we only know from the D.A organisation walked past our compartment, “Hard pass, you know I have a type y/n.” Tom opposed, “Yeah, okay. Sorry.” I responded, putting my hands up in defeat. “What about him?” Tom asked, “Ooh, I don’t know. I’d probably say smash for him.” I shrugged, “What? You’d smash Blaise?” Questioned Tom, clearly jealous at my response. “Yeah, he’s hot. What’s your problem? Are you jealous?” I teased. Tom, not one to express his feelings, just shrugged and ignored my remark because he knew I was right but he just didn’t want to admit it. 
“Welcome to London Tom. The city of money and horrible weather. How do you feel about being here?” I asked him. “I want to kill myself.” He replied dryly, but somehow managed to sneak a little smile when he saw my smile at his snide remark. The smile didn’t go unnoticed by me. The professors led the fifth-year students to the exit of the station and to a pick up area. I saw taxi drivers holding signs that read surnames and I giggled at a few of them, elbowing Tom a couple times so that we could giggle at some of the names together. It was already past 7pm when we got off the train, so waiting for the bus took us up to about 7:20. Then I spotted a purple night bus arriving at the exit where the Hogwarts crowd was assembled. “Okay students, can we please be respectful as we board the bus.” Professor McGonagall yelled over the chatter as the fifth-years started boarding the night bus. A man named Stan Shunpike greeted us at the entrance of the bus. It didn’t take anymore than 10 minutes to arrive at the hotel that the school had booked for us to stay at in London. 
Upon entering the hotel lobby, the professors went to the main reception to get the keys for the rooms. “Alrighty students, please listen up for your names.” announced Professor Lupin, one of my favourite teachers. “Harry, Ron, Hermione and Parvati are all in room 214. Susan, Padma, Justin and Vincent are all in room 215……..”  At one point I completely zoned out from what Professor Lupin was talking about until I felt Tom pull on my sleeve, “C’mon y/n.” “What?” I asked him, completely distracted, “We are in a room together, room 236.” Tom responded. “Just us two?” I questioned. “Please try and listen next time y/n. Yes, just us two in one room, in one bed, unfortunately, due to us being the only Slytherin boy and girl that get along so well that even the teachers think we are dating, so they put us in a room together.” Tom continued, clearly not phased by us sharing a bed. I was struggling to catch up with his speed as he was basically running up the stairs with all my luggage. I came to an abrupt stop when Tom stopped to open our room door. It was a nice, crisp bedroom, 1 large king sized bed, a walk in closet and a large bathroom. “Gee, I think we won the jackpot with this room.” I announced as I threw myself onto the bed. I was quite sure I saw Tom smirk as he locked the door, I then felt his strong hands grip my legs and pull me off the bed, laughing as I protested and kicked him lightly. “Put me down Tommy.” I yelled, Instead of putting me down, he threw me back onto the bed. “Just so you know, You’re the only person that can call me Tommy.” he smirked and pointed at me, a single strand of hair falling out, in front of his face, inviting me to brush it away, Tom looking way too sexy for me to only want him as a friend. 
That night as we both got ready for bed, I panicked, releasing I only brought my sexy pj’s incase I got lucky one night, and not my comfy ones. Tom, noticing me in distress, asked what was wrong. “What’s wrong Love?” “I brought the wrong pj’s.'' I groaned. “Why? What’s the problem with these?” Tom asked, I held them up for him to see and I heard him whistle. “What?” I laughed, “Well I think you bought the wrong pair, where did you buy them anyway? Sexyland?” He asked. I let out a chuckle, leaning forward as I laughed, unknowingly giving Tom a clear view of my cleavage and the top of my breasts. I heard him take a strong breath and I noticed him adjusting his pants a little as I got up to have a shower, brushing off the reactions from Tom as nothing. After my shower, when I walked out in my pj’s I knew Tom would have some kind of reaction, like any average teenage boy when they see more boobs than expected. It was already awkward sleeping in the same bed as my boy bestfriend who I have known since we were 11, but then me sleeping in pj’s that showed half my boobs and him sleeping in nothing but a pair of boxers made it just a little bit more awkward.
I seemed almost like our roles were reversed. Instead of me falling asleep first and Tom staying up until past midnight reading, It was him who fell asleep first. It couldn’t have been much past 10 o’clock when I heard my name being said. It was muffled so it could’ve most likely come from another room, but as I leaned over to the bedside table to put my book in the drawer and turn the small night light off, I realised that it was Tom who was calling my name. Not even calling it, he was moaning my name. I started shaking his body, trying to wake him up. “Tom, wake up.” I whispered. “What is it y/n?” He groaned. “Why the fuck are you moaning my name in your sleep?” I asked him as he rolled over to face me. “What do you mean?” He asked, “I mean, why the fuck are you moaning my name? Are you having wet dreams or some shit?” I questioned. I saw Tom blush and that was how I knew I was right. “Oh my gosh” I teased, “My best friend since first year has secretly had a crush on me.” I giggled. “How do you feel about that?” Tom asked. “Well, I am glad that you feel the same way.” I announced, clearly surprising Tom because he thought only he felt that way.
“Well, why don't we reenact what you dreamt of Tommy” I told him, noticing a smile creep upon his lips. “I would love that.” He responded. “So, tell me. How did your dream start?” I asked as I let Tom take control of my actions. “Well, first,” Tom didn’t even finish his sentence before he pulled my pj shorts down and dived straight into my pussy. I moaned and pulled at his hair as he licked through my folds and his lips attached to my clit. “Oh fuck Tommy, I didn’t know you had such a mouth on you.” I moaned. I heard Tom chuckle and look up into my eyes smirking, “Do I make you feel good doll?” “Fuck yes.” I moaned, “‘Should’ve just fucked me in third-year when I complained to you about not getting a boyfriend.” I laughed, quickly replaced by a moan as Tom sucked on my clit. “Oh shit, I’m close Tommy, please.” “You gonna come sweet girl?” He asked, returning his attention to my clit. “Mmh, yes please Tommy, please.” I shrieked, as I came undone on Tom's tongue. “Fuck, you taste so good sweet girl.” he moaned as he continued eating my pussy, and licking up my juices. 
“Oh fuck Tom, stop teasing just stick it in already.” I moaned when Tom finally thrusted his thick cock inside my wet pussy. “Oh shit, you feel so good doll.” Tom moaned, thrusting in and out of my soaking cunt, earning moans and mumbled words from me. “Mmh” I hummed, feeling the tip of his cock hitting that perfect spot every single time. “Fuck, angel you feel so good, so tight around my cock,” he kept thrusting harder in and out of my pussy. Harder, Faster, Stronger. “Oh fuck… fuck…fuck.” all I could utter were moans and swears of pleasure. “Oh, you make me feel so fucking good Tommy,”  this made Tom go even harder, hitting my g-spot and every right spot in my cunt. Tom placed his thumb on my clit, massaging it in circles and whispering in my ear, “You gonna come all over my cock sweet girl?” “Yes please Tommy, Please.” Tom increased his speed on my clit and thrusted harder into my pussy. I felt his cock twitch inside me, knowing that he was close, then he pulled out. I groaned in annoyance at his actions, “I want you to ride me, I want you to control me and make yourself come.” Tom said. I cradled his thighs, sinking down on his cock once again. “Oh fuck,” I moaned “I’m gonna ride you until I pass out.” I announced, causing Tom to look at me surprised. “Are you really?” he asked, smirking as I started bouncing on his cock. I bounced and rode his cock, meanwhile massaging my clit, moaning Tom's name as he started thrusting up into my cunt. “You gonna come inside me Tommy?” I asked, his cock twitching inside me. “Fuck yes.” He groaned in pleasure, securing his hands on my hips, guiding me on his cock. Finally, I breathed in deeply, giving myself one more push on my clit, arching my back as I came undone again. Tom’s cock twitching rapidly before he came inside my pussy. “Oh fuck,” we both moaned as I rode out our high. 
“Shit Tom, why have you been keeping that from me all this time?” I asked, laughing a little while I lay, cuddling with Tom. “Well, you never showed any interest in me, so I never asked you to be my girlfriend.” “Will you be my boyfriend Tommy?” “Sure doll.” he responded with a smile. 
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bingusbongu · 1 year ago
I saw your post of villanious and I smile bc there's barley any content 😔. Of you have time can you write about how would Dr Flug act around black hats apprentice (like they been raised and taught by black hat to the point they could be considered black hats kid/grandchild) Because he is secretly in love with them?
♡A/N: dawww ty!!!! Villainous has been one of my favorite fandoms like ever- and i enjoy writing for these sillies!!!! There is hardly any Villainous writers rn, and im here ti fill in that place!!!!! Besides, i love writing for my favorite nerd<3333 hope you enjoy~!!!♡
Dr. Flug × Blackhats apprentice reader!
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▪︎ he didnt believe it for one second! Blackhat, with an apprentice? Absurd! That was highly unlikely! It made the doctor laugh out loud at the thought. Blackhat would hardly have time or the patience to take in some random villain under his wing
▪︎ until he met you
▪︎ when Blackhat called the team for a meeting in his office, he surely expected it to be another mission. He was not optimistic about it
▪︎ instead, to his suprise, Blackhat mentioned a new member joining the team. Flug could hardly believe it! But what caught him off gaurd was how fondly Blackhat talked off this person, as if this was someone he had knew. And with that, Flug expected the worse. Blackhat hardly had time for friends, and if it was atleast an alley, then they had ro be strong, scary, and murderous like his boss was.
▪︎ you can say for sure he was caught off gaurd when you were introduced. You looked.. normal, like.. a person. And Blackhat let you stand near him, and the demon himself spoke fondly about your abilities, almost proudly. This spiked the doctors curiosity
▪︎ Bkackhat decided that you would join the trio on one of their next missions. 505 was ecstatic to have a friend, and Demencia could care less about another member. Flug though? This poor man was petrified. Was this a test???? Would you be observing them and reporting their work back to Blackhat?? Did Blackhat not trust them enough to do their jobs properly???? These questions sent the doctor spiraling
▪︎ when the time comes for the mission, Dr. Flug was nervous as all hell. Deciding he was going to go out of his way to impress you! If you were here to test them, then he sure was going to do his best!
▪︎ he ended up getting so nervous he nearly crashed the hat plane because he wasnt paying attention
▪︎ he was distracted! He was tring his best to observe you and understand you. You were hardly even seemed like a threat. For instance, you pet 505 willingly! Thats something no villain, let alone a favor of Blackhats would even come close to doing
▪︎ you just seemed... normal to him. What was so special about you?
▪︎ until he was in trouble
▪︎ he was pinned, unsure what to do. His plan didnt go out well at all, and he was doomed for absolute failure
▪︎ he expected to be beaten by this hero, he waited for the pain but... it never happened
▪︎ Instead, he found you where the hero would be, effortlessly throwing the hero off of Flug, and throwing him into the nearby wall without any struggle. A fierce look behind those eyes, as you snarled at the hero. Before you turned your attention back to Flug, and offered him a hand up
▪︎ he was stunned
▪︎ Maybe he understood why Blackhat was fond of you, after watching you easily ground a hero before his own eyes, he was in awe
▪︎ afterwords, on the way back from the mission, Flug nervously thanked you, and you just smiled and told him it was no trouble
▪︎ Flug and you got talking, the doctor ended up learning about you and Blackhats backstory. He hardly believed it at first, but then again, he couldnt ask Blackhat about it, that was a death sentence.
▪︎ you two ended up getting along!
▪︎ Flug was still equally terrified of you, getting extreamly nervous in your presence
▪︎ He had to do some research, because he didnt fully believe your story, observing yours and Blackhats interactions. He seemed to value your opinion abit more than he did witg the rest of the crew, but he also pointed out each flaw in your work. Not like he woukd do with Flug in disappointment, but like he was teaching you
▪︎ Flug was ultimately confused, but he decided not to dig into it anymore, just incase something bad would happen of he found out to much
▪︎ he wa just confused on how you werent so hostile abd scary like Blackhat was, and alas, he would never know
▪︎ you got to come along on missions with the trio! And to Flugs suprise, you worked really well with his plans. You two even made a good team together! Undoubtedly, the first person to actually follow along with his plans, and that was enough to make him value you alot more.
▪︎ you two didn't really spend to much time together. He was usually busy in his lab, or you were busy following Blackhat around as he taught you things
▪︎ though, occasionally, you would have free time, and come and visit Flug down in his lab!
▪︎ he was suprised at first, but he hardly minded, after all you didn't touch anything, and you were more curious about asking him of his projects, which he was happy to explain to you
▪︎ he liked when you came down to visit him, although it wasnt constant, he enjoyed your company, and your curiosity of his projects, he liked talking to you. It was always so quiet down in his lab, he usually talked to his robots or to 505, it was nice to have a an actual back and forth conversation
▪︎ when he first noticed his likness to you, it was when you were helping Blackhat with his work, and spotted Flug out thd corner of your eye. And you stopped to wave at him!
▪︎ you actually stopped your work, just ro acknowledged him.. for some reason, that made his head spin
▪︎ once he realized he liked you, he desperately tried to push his feelings away. He was confident that it would never work, after all, Blackhat would forbid it , or turn him into a pretzel if he found out that one of his workers grew a fondness for his apprentice
▪︎ But, no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't deny it. Especially during missions, when you taunted the heros and maniacally rip them to shreds, it makes his heart skip.
▪︎ or the way you punished heros???? He is smitten
▪︎ Demencia definitely noticed the hopelessly lovesick look on Flugs face abd teased him about it
▪︎ he just, couldnt help it! No matter how much he tries to bury you out of his mind, the moment where you saved him from that hero lingered in his mind. And it made him sigh each time the memory would replay in his head, just the way you looked at him was enough to make him swoon
▪︎ He had to face the fact
▪︎ that he was hopelessly in love with what he believes could never be, no matter how much he longs for it
▪︎ Little does he know... an apprentice who struggles with their hopeless love<3
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altocat · 2 months ago
I am once again asking for your financial support Kadaj headcanons
mostly because I think you'd have fun with the whole concept that Kadaj is a shapeshifting mist blob and not a "human." I constantly think about how wildly different his views on his (im)mortality are compared to a normal person, or his views on life in general
Kadaj is angry, impulsive, often incredibly stubborn, and prone to moments of genuine instability. He has a nasty temper and his curiosity towards people is only balanced by his hostility and distrust towards them as well.
As the leader of his brothers, Kadaj is the idea-man. The one who comes up with the schemes, the most charismatic, the loudest speaker. He calls the shots. He rules the roost.
And is occasionally terrified at the thought of his brothers one day turning on him. They would never, of course. Theirs is a bond forged in blood and steel. Iron-clad. But Kadaj is VERY insecure.
Kadaj can be childish and occasionally chaotic. When not being incredibly conniving and dangerous, he has a love for pranks and games, especially competitions. He particularly enjoys sparring with his brothers for fun.
Kadaj often feels like he has to be the "strong one" within the trio, always coming up with a plan, always rushing forward without fear. His brothers know better. They've seen him cry at night, always for his mother, always in the desire of wanting to return to her once more.
Kadaj is the most prone to utilize his powers and abilities, whether that's his shapeshifting abilities, his advanced mimicry skills, or his general love for blowing things up.
He can occasionally be a bit of a bully when he doesn't get his way, throwing his weight around, getting catty and snarky or outright throwing a tantrum.
With that said, Kadaj does have some good qualities. He is rather fond of animals and is genuinely good with kids, when he isn't being a manipulative bastard around them, that is.
He can also be friendly and social. If he were to find a new family to thrive with, he would latch onto them with all his heart and soul. The idea of loving parents makes him weak. He just has to learn to trust people first.
Kadaj's perceptions of his own "humanity" are rather twisted. He views himself as superior to other people, a new breed of divine creation. He thinks humans are cattle to be controlled and manipulated.
In many ways, he represents Sephiroth's discarded memories of Genesis, right down to the big ego, passion, and need to be seen and heard. It's probably because of this that Sephiroth feels a LOT of hostility towards Kadaj in particular, even more so than the other Remnants.
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esperfruit · 10 months ago
Since I got back into this series, here is my Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends Human AU. Reference sheets and bios for numbers 1-12 ^^
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1 - Thomas Billington
Age: 16
Height: 166 cm
An optimist that is always full of energy, ready to jump into action at any opportunity.
His eagerness can often get him into trouble with how impulsive he acts.
Thomas is cheeky and cocky, overestimating himself and underestimating others constantly. Playing tricks and teasing others, especially the adults around him is what he’s mostly known for besides of how hard of a worker he is.
He always sees the good in others and loves helping out but when someone does something he deems as truly unforgivable, he holds deep grudges and acts spiteful towards them. During most of his childhood, he used to be a troublemaker due to his lack of respect towards everyone not named Edward, Annie, Clarabell or Sir Topham Hatt. Nowadays he directs his disrespect and rudeness towards those who mistreat his friends.
Thomas is very curious and when something gets his interest, he wants to learn about it as much as possible, which got him into dangerous situations multiple times when he tried to discover something, a trait he got from his parents, archeologists.
When Thomas was born, his parents moved from the mainland to Sodor to raise him in a peaceful environment. Shortly before Thomas’ sixth birthday, his parents went missing when they were on their way back from an excursion and the only thing they left behind was a Golden Whistle. Thomas then was taken in and raised by Edward, his father’s best friend, and Annie and Clarabell. Having the strong feeling that Golden Whistle is connected to his parent’s disappearance, he is determined to uncover its secrets to find them.
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2 - Edward Pettigrew
Age: 55
Height: 172 cm
Thomas’ adoptive father after his parent’s disappearance and treats him like his own son with the assistance of his close friends and flatmates Annie and Clarabell.
An intelligent and experienced veteran, who uses his wisdom to guide others onto a better path. Genuinely good-natured, respectful and calm-minded, it takes a lot to make him angry and when he does get angry, he can terrify anyone.
He has a huge friend circle and can make things work easily thanks to his connections. Others generally view him as very pleasant to have around and to be a great listener when someone has something they need to let out. Generally very beloved and respected, people like Thomas and Duck will immediately jump to his defense if someone mistreats him.
His best friends used to be Gordon and Henry. They were an unstoppable trio, loved and admired by everyone but they grew distant over a decade ago and Edward was practically kicked out of their friend group and replaced by James. For a while they grew very disrespectful towards Edward and mocked him on the basis of him being past his prime or calling him unreliable. Edward, confident in himself, did not take these insults to heart and just waited for sweet karma to humble them and then laugh at the three hotshots. After a dangerous exploit where Edward severely injured himself, Gordon and Henry regained their respect for him and he became a sort of living legend on the island. Their relationship had severely improved since then but it is still quite awkward between them. Edward’s Exploit proved to everyone what he truly is: a brave old sage that never gives up and the most reliable person on Sodor.
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3 - Henry Stanier
Age: 44
Height: 194 cm
A true enigma as nobody knows where he comes from, not even himself. One day he was found on the doors of an orphanage on the mainland as an infant and grew up there until he was adopted by the Staniers, a rival family of the famous Gresleys. 
It turned out he suffered from chronic anemia and regularly collapsed and spent a lot of time at hospitals. Despite his illness, he is physically very strong and proud of it. 
When he was 17 and at the hospital again, he met a boy named Gordon, who was visiting a dying relative of his. They quickly became friends and began to hang out on the daily after they found out they go to the same prestigious school.
Right after graduation, their fathers, the heads of the Gresley and Stanier households respectively, forced them to not see each other anymore, which deeply hurt Henry.
After finishing university, Henry moved to Sodor, to distance himself from the Gresley-Stanier conflict but he grew to become a snarky jerk, who complained about everything and everyone. He was tired of being anemic, hated his job and was unable to properly socialize. The only thing that kept his mood up was his gardening hobby. Things didn’t improve much even after he and Gordon reunited and formed a trio with Edward. Gordon had become a pompous hotshot and seemed to be closer to Edward than him, Henry felt isolated.
After he was involved in a terrible accident that almost killed him, he lost his right eye and left arm, which were replaced with a glass eye and an arm prosthetic. This accident served as a wake-up call for him and he mellowed-out of his permanent grumpiness and he and Gordon were just as close as they used to be. Treatment for his anemia had also been invented since then. It wasn’t cured but living with it had become much more manageable.
Not feeling weak anymore, he flourished and even quickly grew an ego that was almost as bad as Gordon’s in terms of entitlement. His ego left him to ignore how much he, Gordon and James grew to mistreat Edward for a while. 
His arrogance has also mellowed-out over time but then his life took another turbulent turn after he was stuck in a very toxic relationship with Gordon’s cousin Spencer.
Henry was physically and emotionally abused by Spencer for almost two years, leaving large mental scars on him. He was only able to escape this relationship with the help of his friends. As a result of this relationship, Henry developed deep anxiety and grew afraid of  expressing himself. Gordon, Edward, James and Emily supported him throughout his healing process and grew to appreciate all of them dearly.
Today, Henry is still healing from all his experiences but he has become gentle, fun-loving and developed a pleasant aura around him. He can still be snarky sometimes but it’s mostly harmless, and he is eager to fully express his love for nature and his friends. A true resilient fighter who loves life despite all the hardships he had to face. 
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4 - Gordon Gresley
Age: 42
Height: 206 cm
The youngest son out of many of the main family of the famous Gresleys. He experienced almost nothing but infighting in his family and the only people he was really close to were his brother Scott and his mother. Over time Gordon grew content  with the fact he wouldn’t become the heir due to being the youngest. He was usually bullied by Spencer with Scott protecting him. Gordon was a timid child that didn’t know how to properly handle people. When he was 15, he became close friends with a Stanier kid until they were forced to seperate. After graduation, he and his family had a terrible accident during a trip where his parents and his siblings died with him and Scott being the sole survivors.
Scott became the heir and Gordon lived under his uncle's home with his cousins Spencer and Mallard until he finished university. Gordon became grumpy and hid his emotions even more than before, deciding to always act stoic and be strong. He developed a super-ego and an overly pompous attitude. His environment and the whole Gresley family dynamic in general made him very competitive, insisting to always be the best and every form of humiliation hurt him deeply.
He overworks himself on a daily basis just to be the best and grows to look down on everyone he sees as weak. His relationship with his family had crumbled, he even started to avoid Scott, who was occupied with the family business.
To get away from the Gresley drama, he moved to Sodor and became “the best” there. Forming a famous trio with his old friend Henry and Edward, he made a name for himself as the unofficial leader. All the many fans he has, his origins and his shining performances inflated his ego even more and he turned into an entitled prick, who is convinced he deserves nothing but the best as the best and refuses to do “undignified work”. 
This misbehavior got him into many humiliating situations that slowly humbled over time but he never truly loses his pridefulness. Gordon grew worried sick about Henry when he started dating Spencer, knowing how malicious his cousin truly is. After he and the others were finally able to help Henry leaving Spencer, Gordon became protective of him. 
As time passed, more and more of Gordon’s facessets unveiled themselves: His dry humor seems way more fun now, he became a role model, everyone now knows of his undying loyalty and he developed fatherly feelings for some of the younger ones, especially Percy. And while he still struggles with showing his emotions properly, he loves all of his friends deeply and his hidden separation anxiety made him panic by just imagining what would happen if he would lose only one of them.
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5 - James Hughes
Age: 36
Height: 186 cm
His arrogance and vanity put even Gordon to shame. He loves himself above anything and loves making everyone know that. James is determined to always be the center of attention and to receive praise for his entire being, growing frustrated when someone other than him is in the spotlight, this can get so far as feeling panic when he thinks he is being ignored. Often he likes watching others fail just to feel better about himself.
James is very opinionated, never holds back in saying what he thinks and makes himself heard. His obsession with beauty, especially his own, made him despise dirt and he throws a fit every time he gets dirty. James puts all of his energy into his charisma so as many people as possible can love and appreciate him. One strategy of standing out is to dress in flamboyant red outfits and he gave his hair red highlights after he saw Gordon and Henry having natural blue and green ones.
James struggles with handling frustration and is thus labeled as childish and a drama queen. It’s not uncommon seeing him insulting others in the most creative ways imaginable or straight up getting violent. Edward and he have an awkward relationship as James practically stole his friends from him and it was also him who started picking on Edward. He did that to get the attention and approval of Gordon, who he secretly admires. In hindsight, he genuinely regrets what he did and is aware Edward didn’t deserve anything he received. Now he even feels quite intimidated by Edward with how calm and forgiving he is towards James despite everything he did.
It’s hard seeing past his self-absorbed, flamboyant and confrontational surface but if you get to know him closer you can see just how loving, courageous and loyal James can really be. He’s the type of friend, who is always ready to throw hands if a loved one is in trouble.
James got into hobbies like cooking, fashion design (many of his clothes are his own creations), cosmetics and music. First and foremost because he thinks they’re fun but they can also be helpful to others, which helps him be appreciated even more.
To the disbelief of everyone, James used to be a very quiet and shy child, usually horribly bullied and unable to make friends. His parents were also rather neglectful, telling him he should just be confident and “man-up” if he doesn’t want others to mistreat him. That timid self haunted him into his adult years and he hated everything about himself and when he moved to Sodor, he decided to switch from one extreme to the other to finally love himself and to protect himself from further potential bullying.
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6 - Percival “Percy” Avonside
Age: 14
Height: 148 cm
Don’t be fooled by his age and size, that little guy is one of the most adventurous and brave people you can meet. Has a bright worldview and is very trusting and forgiving, which some evil people tried to take advantage of. His naivety has nothing to do with lacking intelligence, he’s very smart actually, he just lacks experience and his parents sheltered him from way too much so he still has to learn more than other children his age. Being the youngest and smallest in the group made him intimidated at first and quite the doormat but thanks to his brother and grandpa figures Duck and Toby, he learned to stand his ground. This awakened his sassy side and he enjoys some pranks from time to time, his favorites are when he scared Henry with a loud “WOOOOOOOO” or Thomas when he pretended to be a ghost with the help of Toby.
Percy tends to get very giddy and overly-excited when big events are planned and he’s usually the first to volunteer for help. He generally loves festivities and events that bring joy to others.
At the beginning Percy and Thomas didn’t get along when Thomas still had an attitude problem and Percy was still a pushover, tolerating each other at most. However, over time they found out how much they actually have in common like their love for adventure and optimism, becoming best friends in the end. Percy wants to help Thomas uncover the secrets of the Golden Whistle.
He is surprisingly athletic, a good runner and possesses a lot of stamina, often competing with Thomas on their explorations.
Percy grew up as the only child of simple farmers on Sodor. His parents were overprotective of him and homeschooled him for most of his short life. After his father died from illness and his mother went missing in a similar manner to the Billingtons, he was taken in by Tobias and Henrietta Holden, who became like grandparents to him. Later he also grew close to Grordon, who is now like a father to Percy, mentoring and supporting him with the methods he has.
One time his clumsiness led him into an accident that gained him the nickname “Dirty Percy”. He hates it and lashes out on everyone calling him that.
Everyone perceives him as the sweet and kind little fella with a strong sense of justice but Percy still secretly fears being taken advantage of and thus can become skeptical of others when he thinks he’s being “used”, even friends.
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7 - Tobias “Toby” Holden
Age: 64
Height: 177 cm
That one jolly grandpa everyone likes. Devoted husband to Henrietta, close friend to Edward and loving adoptive grandfather of Percival. Generally as wise and diligent as Edward but he has a different approach on teaching youngsters. Edward teaches first and scolds when his advice is being ignored, Toby watches them fail first, laughs at them and then shows how it’s done. He is cheerful to everyone he meets and easy to be friends with as long as someone doesn’t get obnoxious with their ego. He can and will get stern with overly-pompous people, making James one of the very few he does not get along with. Another one was Mavis, who was stubborn and rebellious due to her youth and some bad advice from Diesel. But Toby and Mavis made up and now have a mentor-student relationship.
Toby has a good-sense of humor and is always there for a good laugh, his mere presence spreads a good atmosphere and he loves listening to others’ stories. 
Prefers a slow and easy life, appreciates the small things in life and is probably the most content person on Sodor alongside his wife.
He has a strong disliking for the police and has no issue standing up to them as he is very fearless, there is barely anything that can frighten Toby with one thing being floods due to a life-threatening experience he once had during one. 
Toby and Henrietta have been married for decades and are just as much in love with each other since day one. He would do everything to protect Henrietta and make her happy as her smile brightens his life more than anything. Their loving marriage set an example for many on how a good marriage should be, making them both flustered.
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8 - Montague “Duck” Collett
Age: 25
Height: 181 cm
Proud descendant of the “Great Western”, who sticks to the values his family taught him. It’s either “the Great Western way or the wrong way” for Montague and no in-between. A true traditionalist, who wants to bring his teachings to others, to varying effect. 
He has a damaged left knee, making running for him very difficult. His peers back at London said it looks like he waddled and thus endearingly started calling him “Duck”. Montague liked that nickname and preferred it over his actual name so it stuck.
When Duck arrived at Sodor, he immediately made himself unpopular with the three entitled hotshots Gordon, Henry and James as he is a city boy with a thick skin that knows how to fight back, even enjoying confrontations, and won’t let them have anything. He also stands up for the younger ones and is protective of Percy, who he sees as a little brother. Teaching little Percival how to stand up for himself and of course the “Great Western way”. 
Duck usually is level-headed, polite, helpful, loves working as routine makes him feel at ease and is anything but a pushover with how sassy he can become if anyone tries to mess with him. He rarely resorts to violence, only doing so when he is pushed to his limits or when someone else is being threatened to get hurt (he loves being chivalrous).
The Great Western that dictated Duck’s entire life had him become very stubborn and develop a black-and-white view on things. Duck usually refuses to hear others out, insisting the way he does it is always right unless being directly shown in his face that he is wrong. His constant bragging about the GW makes him quite obnoxious to those he isn’t very close to. Thomas and he especially constantly bud heads and disagree on almost everything, the only thing they openly share to have in common is their respect and appreciation for Edward. Another one would be Gordon as not a single conversation of them can go without Gordon telling him to shut up in any way.
A very infamous incident he got himself into was with a devious man his age, Darius Diesel. Diesel openly criticized Duck’s beloved “Great Western way”, even making some valid points but Duck was infuriated with that newbie getting all cocky and daring to insult the GW. So Duck decided to play a prank on Diesel to humiliate him and thus making him unable to make a good first impression. When Duck learnt his prank went probably too far, it was already too late, Diesel decided to hate Duck and to pay him back tenfold. This all ended with Duck being ostracized for a while as he was accused of spreading nasty rumors of others.
In the end it turned out to be Diesel’s fault and everyone made up again, everyone but Duck and Diesel, who have had strong animosity between each other since then. 
The people Duck clearly shares the closest bond with are Oliver, Toad,  Donald and Douglas, especially Donald.
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9 & 10 - Donald & Douglas McIntosh
Age: 24 (Donald is the older twin by 12 minutes)
Height: 183 cm
A pair of enthusiastic twins from Scotland. After the Dunalastair twins lost their parents to a burglar killing them when they were 12 years old, they were taken in by their grandparents, who only reluctantly adopted them as they were very superstitious, believing twins to be a bad omen. Their new living environment was very abusive, having to live through very painful 4 years. Every bit of misfortune their grandparents experienced were blamed on the twins for being “cursed”, receiving harsh punishments as result, especially Douglas as the younger twin. This all culminated when their grandparents tried to kill Douglas in an attempt to free themselves of the curse by only having to raise one child. Douglas’ food was poisoned, the physical punishment grew harsher and harsher and one day their grandfather wanted to drown Douglas in the bathtub. This almost succeeded if Donald had not stepped in. He rescued his brother and they went to get help, ending with their grandparents getting arrested. The twins later ended up in the care of a loving foster family, the McIntoshs. 
The McIntosh family severely improved their lives and they were grateful but the abuse they went through before left deep emotional scars on both twins, Donald grew overprotective of his younger twin and Douglas grew more quiet and anxious and was not able to eat anything given to him by anyone else but Donald. They had sworn to forever stick together and to always watch out for another. They love each other dearly, calling themselves “Donnie” and “Dougie” respectively.  
When they were 20, Donald received a job offer to work on Sodor. To make sure he and Douglas would not be separated, they arrived together, their hair and clothes styled to look identical as they are used to impersonating each other for fun and for protection. After causing some confusion, proving themselves as equally useful and with help from the others both ended up hired.
Both love their new work as they are very responsible, diligent, professional, competent and have a strong work ethic, the McIntosh twins are a most reliable duo.
They have become a positive example for others and are often seen, lecturing the other, way more chaotic pair of twins, Bill and Ben.
Both twins are practical, proud, clever, mature and not to be messed with but they also enjoy themself some harmless jokes, preferring to laugh with others, not at others. Donald is very charming, witty and flirtatious whereas Douglas is calm-natured, quick-thinking and serious. Once Donald teased Duck about his “quacking”, ending with Donald getting a pet duck named Dilly, who he is a very proud dad of.
When Douglas went missing for two weeks, Donald went borderline insane, needing to find his brother at any and all cost, having flashbacks from their lives with their grandparents. He was so worried sick, it got him almost hospitalized. Right before many were ready to give up hope, Douglas returned with two men named Oliver and Toad in company, who he had apparently saved from being hunted down. Learning to be forcefully separated makes them both miserable.
One day Donald and Douglas had an incident in which Donald got injured, leaving him with a small scar on his lower lip. It was their first really big argument, where neither wanted to speak with each other for a day. They even insisted working separately but they once again grew miserable, making up again after Douglas got Donald out of a pinch.
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11 - Oliver Armstrong
Age: 28 
Height: 190 cm
Oliver is of similar Great Western descent as Montague but he wasn’t raised strictly after GW values and thus is way less stubborn. He is reasonable and approaches things with logic first. He is very calm and just wants things to go smoothly. 
The Armstrong family became a target of a crime syndicate for reasons Oliver is not aware of yet. Assassins were sent after him and all his relatives, he had lost almost all of his family and was on the run for nearly three years. During this time he met a homeless man who called himself Toad. The two quickly became friends and decided to travel together. Planning to leave the mainland, they sneaked on a boat that unbeknownst to them brought them to the island of Sodor. While hiding in the woods for a while, they encountered the young Scot, Douglas McIntosh. Telling him their story, he decided to help them find a safe place to stay. The journey took a long time because they got lost and even encountered an assassin going after Oliver. After a long and deadly game of hide and seek, they were able to get rid of the assassin by making him fall down a cliff. Finally at home, Oliver and Toad received a place to stay in exchange for work by Sir Topham Hatt. 
Soon Oliver became insanely cocky and arrogant after sharing his crazy story and receiving tons of admiration and respect by everyone, even by people as vain as Gordon and James. All that praise really got over his head until he got humbled in a humiliating incident he brought onto himself.
Feeling great gratitude towards Douglas for his help, they formed a very close bond as co-workers and friends. They started dating and he got a side eye from Donald telling “Make Dougie happy or else!”.
Oliver is still wondering what could have caused a criminal organization to want his family erased and wishes for answers but is also content with maybe never receiving any if it means to finally live a happy and safe life, right?
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12 - Emily Stirling
Age: 57
Height: 171 cm 
A good-hearted and strong-willed lady raised in Scotland. Very active and energetic despite her age and is more than willing to still work hard regardless of protests from her relatives. She was born into a branch family of the Gresleys but married into the Stirlings, she is one of Gordon’s aunts. Emily left the mainland after her husband's passing to find something new for herself as a way to move on.
She was very surprised to meet a nephew of hers on Sodor when she started her new job there. Unfortunately she arrived during very grim times as that was the time Henry was stuck in an abusive relationship with another one of her nephews. Emily’s empathetic nature and understanding of the more sinister Gresleys made her essential to help out. Later on she still has a very positive relationship with Henry, looking out for him during his healing process or treating him when he suddenly collapsed from his anemia and there were no doctors around.
Generally Emily looks out after others as she is very motherly and that also includes scolding those who act silly and cause trouble. She loves taking charge and can be bossy and competitive, easily getting snappy with those standing in her way, showing she still is a Gresley at heart.
Usually people either love or hate Emily due to her strong and impressionable personality in combination with har age. She mostly spends time with Thomas, Henry, Edward, Daisy, Annie, Clarabell, Henrietta, Donald and Douglas, the latter two she ends up getting very close to with all three having ties to Scotland. Outside work Emily is very fun-loving and you can have a very good time with her.
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mikaelsonstanaccount · 4 months ago
Klonnie Mischief Movie Night
Before anyone roasts me I would like to mention that I have never seen a horror movie before and this is loosely based off of Monster House.
“C'mon Bonnie it’s not that scary.” Caroline teased as Elena, Tyler, Matt, and Bonnie stood outside the abandoned Mikaelson residence. “Caroline we aren’t kids anymore. I mean, we are about to graduate from college for heaven's sake!” Bonnie exclaimed as she crossed her arms. She knew she should probably just get on the road and head back to her apartment in Maryland, but she couldn’t leave her friends. Caroline pouted and stomped her foot like a child, looking at Bonnie. “I mean, we will be in there together.” Elena smiled, trying to remain hopeful. Something about the house rubbed Bonnie the wrong way and no matter what she did, she couldn’t shake it. 
“Fine, I’ll go. Just so we all are clear, I will be the final girl.” Bonnie sighed as she walked inside with her two friends. The trio lost a bet to Matt and since they lost, this was the punishment. Bonnie walked inside behind Elena, clutching the flashlight in her hand. The door suddenly slammed and the three of them screamed. Not thinking, they all ran off, terrified of the slam. Bonnie seemed to be lost, looking around for some source of light. She sighed and found a nearby bathroom and wet her palm. She quickly put a flame in her hand, thankful that she learned early on to manage her pyrokinesis. 
She sighed as she walked around, looking for a sign of her friends. She called their names out timidly, listening for any sign of life. She heard a high-pitch scream, followed by silence and her fear kicked up a notch. “Caroline I swear to God if you are fucking with me I am fucking you up when I see you!” She called out, trying to swallow her scream. She continued down the hall before tripping over what felt like a log. She groaned as her body hit the ground before she looked down and saw blonde hair. She froze and tried to gather herself to turn around and look. She blinked a few times before looking at the face and seeing Caroline. She felt like she was going to puke as she tried to tell herself it was a prank. “C’mon Caroline enough is enough, get up.” She cried, looking down at the body.
She saw two oval-like holes in her neck and blood dripping below her. She began crying, still shaking her friend to wake up. “She’s not waking up love.” A British voice called out as she looked around. It sounded so close but so far away. “Caroline stop playing with me please.” She cried as a hand walked over and held hers. She looked up in fear as she saw a pair of black eyes and yellow irises. Swallowing her scream, she took off running, trying to find somewhere else to hide or to escape. She heard laughing in the background, like the person was taunting her. She tripped again, groaning as she tumbled hard. She looked down and noticed Tyler lying there and she froze.
Bonnie didn’t know what to do but it was clear her friends were now dead. The final girl thing was only meant to be a joke, but now it’s coming true. “You’re all alone with me, scaredy cat.” The same voice called out as it approached her. She looked up and now saw blue eyes as the stranger looked at her. She blinked a few times before realizing that she recognized the face. It was Niklaus Mikaelson, the man in all the photos. “Yes yes love, it’s me.” He chuckled, squatting down to look at Bonnie. He hummed as he held her chin and looked at her. He gently moved her face around to get a good look at her in the moonlight. “You are very beautiful my love but there is something about you. I can feel it, even just by holding your chin.” Klaus smiled as Bonnie thought. She realized that he knew she was a witch. 
“Don’t worry pretty girl, I don’t want to harm you, I just want to taste you. You, my love, will be spared. I could never kill such a beautiful creature.” Klaus smiled before his eyes turned black. He suddenly pulled her close and sank his fangs into her neck. Bonnie let out a gasp, but for some reason couldn’t scream. The bite hurt at first but then it was replaced with a layer of pleasure. She didn’t know if it was his doing or hers but she knew that she wasn’t thinking straight. She blinked a few times before realizing she needed to escape. She held her hand out, summoning the nearby vase to her hand. Thankfully it was clear so she could see the water in the vase that was more than likely used to hold flowers.
She dipped her hand in the vase and then set it on fire. “Burn in hell.” She said angrily before gripping the hand that was on top of her hips. Suddenly he pulled away from the bite but only chuckled. “Fire won’t kill me love” Klaus whispered in her ear as the pair slowly were engulfed in flames. The two were fireproof but for vastly different reasons. Bonnie was able to use her magic to make herself a human match essentially but he was a mystery to her. “Flames can’t kill an original.” He whispered in her ear as they both stood there, two matches burning. Bonnie felt another bite on her neck and this time she let out a moan. Between the flames and his touch, something about this gave her a new high she’d never experienced. Almost like an addiction.
She soon felt her eyes getting heavy, realizing that he was taking a lot. She began to panic as she dismissed the flames, both of them now skin to skin. “Relax my love, I told you, I can’t harm such an innocent creature.” Klaus whispered before he bit his wrist and pressed it to her mouth. Bonnie began to drink from him, almost immediately getting used to the metallic flavor. It was strange for her and she worried that he somehow turned her into a vampire. She’d seen Twilight before and knew how fast humans became vampires. “Easy love, I would have to kill you to turn you. I will make sure that you make it home safely. Rest.” He whispered in her ear as she felt her eyes getting heavier. Soon she ended up passing out, her body limp in his hold.
When she woke up the next morning everything set in. She panicked as she tried to think of what to do. She grabbed her phone and immediately searched for a news report on the house. She saw Caroline’s name go across her screen and she teared up. “Bonnie? Oh my gosh, that goodness you’re okay. I had a horrible dream you and Elena were killed by some psychopath but then I woke up and saw Elena here but you weren’t and I panicked. I’m sorry to call you so early but I just wanted to hear your voice.” Caroline cried on the other end as Bonnie let out a sigh of relief. “I’m okay Care. I had a dream like yours so it’s good to hear your voice too.” Bonnie sniffled as the two girls began to calm down. Soon after Bonnie got a text from Tyler and Matt, checking on her. Bonnie was willing to dismiss everything as a bad dream until she noticed the bite marks on her neck. She tried to concentrate on Caroline talking and trying to soothe herself but her brain couldn’t stop staring at the bite marks. 
Bonnie began to look at her entire body before realizing that she was in a henley. No man in her family owned a henley so clearly this was a stranger’s shirt. She headed out to the kitchen and she froze as she saw the vase from last night with fresh roses in it. She ended her call with Caroline before walking over to the vase and reading the letter that was below it. 
  “Last night was perfect my love. We burned like flames in an open field, fueling one another to continue on. I hope I can experience more of your fiery passion as well as your taste. Your blood is my new favorite addiction and I hope to have another bite soon” ~Niklaus 
She read as she froze. It wasn’t some dream. What happened last night was real and the passion she felt was real too. She saw his number on the back of the card and thought about whether to call or not. 
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