Mikaelson Whore
223 posts
Tbh just here to stan Klaus and Elijah
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mikaelsonstanaccount · 1 month ago
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mikaelsonstanaccount · 1 month ago
let us take a moment and grieve for all the lives lost. so many thousand people have been murdered by the zionist entity in the last fifteen months. palestinians in gaza have lost too much, from friends and family to their homes and livelihood.
this ceasefire is not an end to our solidarity with gaza. we will all be here waiting and praying for palestine to be wholly liberated from the occupation and watch her people be happy and free.
in the meantime, please keep donating to palestinian fundraisers. it is essential to support families planning on rebuilding.
alaa is a mother of two young children. her fundraiser has been verified. i request you to help her by sharing and donating to her gofundme.
please donate here
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mikaelsonstanaccount · 3 months ago
*gripping your shoulders and shaking you* you gotta promise me one thing, if nothing else. you have to promise me to live, do you hear me. and if it's for nothing else but spite, LIVE. donald trump wants you to feel defeated and alone. let's show him and all the americans who voted for him that we will not stay quiet, we will not be devided and we will LIVE. we will survive that 78-year old asshole, we will OUTLIVE him. so please reach out to friends and family, reach out to each other and STAND TOGETHER.
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mikaelsonstanaccount · 3 months ago
To the men who voted for Donald Trump today:
When your girlfriend gets pregnant, and you’re not ready to become a father, and you’re forced into a position that cripples you emotionally, financially and irreversibly, remember: you did this.
When your sister’s pregnancy turns out to be ectopic, and she can’t get the life-saving medical care she needs and dies a completely pointless, preventable death, remember: you did this.
When your 12-year-old daughter is raped by her soccer coach — after he’s legally allowed to strip off her pants and peep at her genitals, because the existence of trans kids terrifies you — and she steals your shotgun and kills herself in your garage, remember, first and foremost: you did this.
Hundreds of thousands of people are going to die because of the decision you made today.
You did that.
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mikaelsonstanaccount · 3 months ago
At some point "fanfic can be as good as professional writing" became "fanfic should be as good as professional writing" and that's caused major damage to fandom spaces.
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mikaelsonstanaccount · 4 months ago
This is rough, have any advice on not fucking killing myself?
I know there are a lot of people thinking about killing themselves right now. I felt the exact same way in 2016 when he first got elected.
This is a bad thing, but to anyone having these types of thoughts, please don't do anything that can't be undone. This is the last term he can be be inaugurated, after these 4 years, or hopefully less, he will be gone. It's difficult to stay positive right now, and that's okay. You don't have to stay positive, it's okay to feel these emotions as they are. But please do not commit suicide, because if you do, you won't be able to feel any emotions ever again.
Even though I felt hopeless at the time, I am so glad that I didn't kill myself in 2016.
For my own sake, I really need the people who are upset with this election to stay alive with me
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mikaelsonstanaccount · 4 months ago
i got too optimistic and forgot kamala harris was dealing with the combined powers of racism and misogyny
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mikaelsonstanaccount · 4 months ago
Dear Undecided and Both Sides are Evil voters.
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mikaelsonstanaccount · 4 months ago
To all Americans out there:
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mikaelsonstanaccount · 4 months ago
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mikaelsonstanaccount · 4 months ago
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This was Hillary's final rally in Philadelphia in 2016. She had a crowd size of 40,000+ people. If you think you don't have to vote because the numbers appear good for Harris right now, think again. It's not over until it's over. Vote.
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mikaelsonstanaccount · 4 months ago
A friendly reminder to USians: if you are planning to vote on Election Day, your mantra is "Nothing I see today convinces me not to go vote."
Exit polls suggest DT cannot be caught? YOU STILL GO VOTE.
Exit polls suggest KH has it in the bag? YOU STILL GO VOTE.
Pundits are saying the country is swinging overwhelmingly red? YOU STILL GO VOTE.
Pundits are saying the country is swinging overwhelmingly blue? YOU STILL GO VOTE.
Polls can be misleading (intentionally or not). The methodology can be biased (or simply poor). Early results may not reflect what the full count will show. There may be a red mirage. NOTHING YOU SEE CONVINCES YOU NOT TO VOTE.
The biggest Democratic win in swing states means nothing if democrats don't turn out everywhere to keep the reliably blue states blue.
VOTE. Wear appropriate weather gear if you think you may have to stand in a line outside (coat, hat, gloves, umbrella, sunhat, whatever, you know where you live). Bring water and a snack and something to do (book, game on your phone, podcast and headphones, whatever, you know what you like). GO VOTE.
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mikaelsonstanaccount · 4 months ago
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mikaelsonstanaccount · 4 months ago
Klonnie Mischief Movie Night
Before anyone roasts me I would like to mention that I have never seen a horror movie before and this is loosely based off of Monster House.
“C'mon Bonnie it’s not that scary.” Caroline teased as Elena, Tyler, Matt, and Bonnie stood outside the abandoned Mikaelson residence. “Caroline we aren’t kids anymore. I mean, we are about to graduate from college for heaven's sake!” Bonnie exclaimed as she crossed her arms. She knew she should probably just get on the road and head back to her apartment in Maryland, but she couldn’t leave her friends. Caroline pouted and stomped her foot like a child, looking at Bonnie. “I mean, we will be in there together.” Elena smiled, trying to remain hopeful. Something about the house rubbed Bonnie the wrong way and no matter what she did, she couldn’t shake it. 
“Fine, I’ll go. Just so we all are clear, I will be the final girl.” Bonnie sighed as she walked inside with her two friends. The trio lost a bet to Matt and since they lost, this was the punishment. Bonnie walked inside behind Elena, clutching the flashlight in her hand. The door suddenly slammed and the three of them screamed. Not thinking, they all ran off, terrified of the slam. Bonnie seemed to be lost, looking around for some source of light. She sighed and found a nearby bathroom and wet her palm. She quickly put a flame in her hand, thankful that she learned early on to manage her pyrokinesis. 
She sighed as she walked around, looking for a sign of her friends. She called their names out timidly, listening for any sign of life. She heard a high-pitch scream, followed by silence and her fear kicked up a notch. “Caroline I swear to God if you are fucking with me I am fucking you up when I see you!” She called out, trying to swallow her scream. She continued down the hall before tripping over what felt like a log. She groaned as her body hit the ground before she looked down and saw blonde hair. She froze and tried to gather herself to turn around and look. She blinked a few times before looking at the face and seeing Caroline. She felt like she was going to puke as she tried to tell herself it was a prank. “C’mon Caroline enough is enough, get up.” She cried, looking down at the body.
She saw two oval-like holes in her neck and blood dripping below her. She began crying, still shaking her friend to wake up. “She’s not waking up love.” A British voice called out as she looked around. It sounded so close but so far away. “Caroline stop playing with me please.” She cried as a hand walked over and held hers. She looked up in fear as she saw a pair of black eyes and yellow irises. Swallowing her scream, she took off running, trying to find somewhere else to hide or to escape. She heard laughing in the background, like the person was taunting her. She tripped again, groaning as she tumbled hard. She looked down and noticed Tyler lying there and she froze.
Bonnie didn’t know what to do but it was clear her friends were now dead. The final girl thing was only meant to be a joke, but now it’s coming true. “You’re all alone with me, scaredy cat.” The same voice called out as it approached her. She looked up and now saw blue eyes as the stranger looked at her. She blinked a few times before realizing that she recognized the face. It was Niklaus Mikaelson, the man in all the photos. “Yes yes love, it’s me.” He chuckled, squatting down to look at Bonnie. He hummed as he held her chin and looked at her. He gently moved her face around to get a good look at her in the moonlight. “You are very beautiful my love but there is something about you. I can feel it, even just by holding your chin.” Klaus smiled as Bonnie thought. She realized that he knew she was a witch. 
“Don’t worry pretty girl, I don’t want to harm you, I just want to taste you. You, my love, will be spared. I could never kill such a beautiful creature.” Klaus smiled before his eyes turned black. He suddenly pulled her close and sank his fangs into her neck. Bonnie let out a gasp, but for some reason couldn’t scream. The bite hurt at first but then it was replaced with a layer of pleasure. She didn’t know if it was his doing or hers but she knew that she wasn’t thinking straight. She blinked a few times before realizing she needed to escape. She held her hand out, summoning the nearby vase to her hand. Thankfully it was clear so she could see the water in the vase that was more than likely used to hold flowers.
She dipped her hand in the vase and then set it on fire. “Burn in hell.” She said angrily before gripping the hand that was on top of her hips. Suddenly he pulled away from the bite but only chuckled. “Fire won’t kill me love” Klaus whispered in her ear as the pair slowly were engulfed in flames. The two were fireproof but for vastly different reasons. Bonnie was able to use her magic to make herself a human match essentially but he was a mystery to her. “Flames can’t kill an original.” He whispered in her ear as they both stood there, two matches burning. Bonnie felt another bite on her neck and this time she let out a moan. Between the flames and his touch, something about this gave her a new high she’d never experienced. Almost like an addiction.
She soon felt her eyes getting heavy, realizing that he was taking a lot. She began to panic as she dismissed the flames, both of them now skin to skin. “Relax my love, I told you, I can’t harm such an innocent creature.” Klaus whispered before he bit his wrist and pressed it to her mouth. Bonnie began to drink from him, almost immediately getting used to the metallic flavor. It was strange for her and she worried that he somehow turned her into a vampire. She’d seen Twilight before and knew how fast humans became vampires. “Easy love, I would have to kill you to turn you. I will make sure that you make it home safely. Rest.” He whispered in her ear as she felt her eyes getting heavier. Soon she ended up passing out, her body limp in his hold.
When she woke up the next morning everything set in. She panicked as she tried to think of what to do. She grabbed her phone and immediately searched for a news report on the house. She saw Caroline’s name go across her screen and she teared up. “Bonnie? Oh my gosh, that goodness you’re okay. I had a horrible dream you and Elena were killed by some psychopath but then I woke up and saw Elena here but you weren’t and I panicked. I’m sorry to call you so early but I just wanted to hear your voice.” Caroline cried on the other end as Bonnie let out a sigh of relief. “I’m okay Care. I had a dream like yours so it’s good to hear your voice too.” Bonnie sniffled as the two girls began to calm down. Soon after Bonnie got a text from Tyler and Matt, checking on her. Bonnie was willing to dismiss everything as a bad dream until she noticed the bite marks on her neck. She tried to concentrate on Caroline talking and trying to soothe herself but her brain couldn’t stop staring at the bite marks. 
Bonnie began to look at her entire body before realizing that she was in a henley. No man in her family owned a henley so clearly this was a stranger’s shirt. She headed out to the kitchen and she froze as she saw the vase from last night with fresh roses in it. She ended her call with Caroline before walking over to the vase and reading the letter that was below it. 
  “Last night was perfect my love. We burned like flames in an open field, fueling one another to continue on. I hope I can experience more of your fiery passion as well as your taste. Your blood is my new favorite addiction and I hope to have another bite soon” ~Niklaus 
She read as she froze. It wasn’t some dream. What happened last night was real and the passion she felt was real too. She saw his number on the back of the card and thought about whether to call or not. 
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mikaelsonstanaccount · 4 months ago
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mikaelsonstanaccount · 5 months ago
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Get ready to celebrate Klonnie Mischief Movie Night on October 30th! Gather 'round, Klonnie friends! It's time to dive into your favorite scary (or not-so-scary) movie. This special event is open to everyone, giving you the creative freedom to choose any Halloween-themed film and infuse it with some Klonnie magic. Get ready for a thrilling night of chills, thrills, and Klonnie fun!
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mikaelsonstanaccount · 6 months ago
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