#i need to learn bass
bosspigeon · 1 year
went to my first live metal show last night so here's a grimy venue bathroom selfie
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shoutout to @madoimaru for the shirt!!!
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the-pickle-jar · 9 months
slap bass makes me wanna FUCK its FUCKIN MUSIC if i hear you slapping bass youre having INTERCOURSE with my EARS and my BRAIN
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Once I come up with a killer band name all I'll need to do is actually learn how to sing or play an instrument!
(Honestly this thought exercise is actually a really fun coping mechanism for rejection of any sort I highly recommend it)
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freshbeeth · 3 months
wait till all the lesbians in my marina cosplay notes find out i play 5 instruments
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elliegoose · 4 months
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everyone say hi to my gay little collection of string instruments :3
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subsequentibis · 29 days
aw christ i think i need to learn to play the bass
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prismatic-sprinkles · 3 months
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I drew this back in like... 2013. I was super sad and sketched him out getting such a badass western vibe from him. Drawing this made me feel so much better. I can't find the completed picture, as this was a WIP, but it had a "WANTED" sign at the faded edge of his lapel, with a dollar amount. (It was very high. Lol)
I'm at a loss for words; I literally can't believe he's actually gone. My heart goes out in a million and one pieces to his family, friends, and fans, and of course the boys. His absence is deeply felt and he will be truly missed.
We Rock forever. Rest easy, and thank you for everything. 💛💛💛
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poems-of-a-lover · 1 year
do u think learning how to play bass would get a cute guy to fall for me
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synthshenanigans · 9 months
OH well its not like a BAND band [tho i wish i could]. Instead its marching band lol. Ive already graduated from high school so im just helping my sister since its her last year in band/high school.
BUUT I played the Alto Saxophone! Also did Trumpet & Mellophone for a bit. Now though usually play piano/keyboard at home. [Not amazing at it but I can play all of The Mind Electric & Battle Against a True Hero!]
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arkusene · 1 month
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still sketching this out actually but happy pride from your local disaster bi
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r2y9s-notartblog · 3 months
Yooo you played in the school orchestra? What instrument(s) do you play? :D
i'm not in school anymore (that was years ago) but i went down the piano -> violin -> string bass -> cello pipeline! still have my 19 year old cello (mikey) and my 22 year old violin (sherry). i play them every now and then when i have the time :)
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rivertigo · 6 months
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i need this bass
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stealthrockdamage · 6 months
(happiest i've been in years voice) i think now's a good time to get into the smiths
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caffeinatedopossum · 7 months
I'm still grieving the dreams I lost due to my disability and I just added another one
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tenderscience · 2 months
Guys i miss my bass guitar < (guy thats been at work for 2 hours)
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airenyah · 7 months
me at 3am: what if i learned to play the zither 🤔
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