#i need at least cleo clawdeen lagoona and ghoulia
xxcherrycherixx · 9 months
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brxkxnhxxrtsclxb · 2 months
please she’s so pretty !!!!! 😭😭💖
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that face up !! love love seeing these upclose pics !! (yikes on the poly hair though. her hairs are flying in the back >.<)
but now we can color match better for reroots !! AWW YEH >:3 I IS EXCITED FOR HER !!!!!
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VENUS IS GORGEOUS OMG!! although i do wish her entire hair had been in the micro braids and not just the top few… its the least they could’ve done if they were gonna remove her twists >.< let’s hope her next doll has natural hair ♡ she has to get more dolls and get to keep her hair !!
i never like twyla’s dolls but she looks cute here !! (also has that yikes flying hair in the back >.< poly is atrocious T_T)
regarding lagoona, i have so much to say about the situation and the leakers
i for one feel bad for the leakers. they shouldn’t have to explain themselves to us. they already do so much for us by telling us what we’re getting. it’s not their fault lagoona got cancelled. saying it cuz them having to explain things and wondering why they would lie implies people are accusing them of it ://
it just doesn’t make sense for them to lie. their leaks are always right. why would they be wrong this time ?? they also got the lineup (drac, venus and twyla) right and the theme. if everything’s correct, why would they suddenly throw in a random character and claim she’s in the line too ?? seems lagoona was canceled at some point late in production. the leakers aren’t mattel. obviously they wouldn’t have known she was cancelled
it is strange though. it sounds more like a target thing, but i wouldn’t know. is just a theory. welcome committee frankie was suppose to go along with fearbook as a target exclusive but was dropped and moved over to amazon. lagoona being canceled and also a target exclusive sounds iffy to me. target is the common denominator here
i saw someone else say maybe SS3 ghoulia didn’t do too well, which is why SS4 was cut down to four characters instead of five and clawdeen managed to be squeezed in as a target exclusive somehow. that makes sense and sounds possible. my theory is clawdeen got in as an exclusive for target because it’s possible the contract or whatever was already agreed upon. SS4 had to be in the works already by the time SS3 came out so it would’ve been too late to cancel no ??? but then that can’t make sense cuz why cancel lagoona so late into production?? unless clawdeen sells better than lagoona but i wouldn’t know the ranks of popularity based off character alone
i also saw someone saying G3 is not selling well which is why she was dropped. it could be. we have no way of knowing what goes on behind the scenes but then why would mattel be making new lines and new dolls as well ?? why even give us spectra and fearbook and the next upcoming lines and the ones for next year ?? so many lines are coming out and they’re gonna be around for a year since that’s usually the timespan of dolls on shelves until the next ones come in
my guess is lagoona isn’t popular enough and target didn’t wanna have an abundance of stock on a doll that perhaps wouldn’t sell well ?? it’s the only thing that makes sense to me :// target would have a better idea of what dolls sell better than others more than we do
seems the obvious popular ones are draculaura, frankie, cleo, toralei and twyla since they’re the dolls that i notice tend to get new releases regularly. maybe clawdeen too but idk for sure since she could simply get pumped out for being the main character this gen and not cuz she’s popular (i’m referring to the two-packs she keeps getting with drac. if she sold well mattel wouldn’t feel the need to slap drac in the pack with her but who knows)
idk. it’s a very strange situation all around…
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bellamer · 23 days
Why I want to collect dolls-
The first time I lost my dolls, which was about 30 or 40 something dolls, a gigantic dollhouse, and a Barbie RV camper, my parents made me put them in a storage unit because my mom and dad split up and they put everything in there until they could figure out their divorce and we could find somewhere to live, why they wouldn’t let me at least take my dolls, I don’t know, but my dad was in charge of paying that storage unit and I don’t know why my mom foolishly let that man do it because we eventually lost the storage unit a year later because he didn’t pay it, instead deciding to use all his money to support his girlfriend and her kids and we lost everything. All of me and my siblings baby photos, our furniture, everything and I lost all of my dolls and we can’t ever get anything we lost back and his dumbass refused to tell my mom the storage unit place which I don’t know why my mom didn’t go with him to see where all our stuff went and why she didn’t take the baby pictures and stuff, but I was more crushed to have lost my dolls because there were dolls that weren’t even made anymore like LIV dolls, the dolls that had interchangeable wigs and a collector’s Angel Barbie that was never supposed to leave the box. My mom promised to get me replacements but Bratz dolls were out of stock, LIV dolls were discontinued and I was never getting that Angel Barbie back. So I had to settle for dollar store Barbie’s that didn’t feel the same.
- The second time I lost my dolls was when I was really into Monster High and all I wanted was Monster High dolls for Christmas, like they were all I wanted for like 3 christmases straight and I even printed out photos of which specific ones I wanted. I had Frankie, Clawdeen, Ghoulia, Jackson, Gil, Clawd, Deuce, Draculara, Cleo, Operetta and maybe more but I don’t remember all who I had but I just don’t remember having a Lagoona. So my aunts and cousins moved into my grandmas house and my cousins who were like 4 or 5 wanted to play with my dolls and I always told them not to touch them because I was very protective of my dolls since I had lost my previous ones. My aunts and my grandma yelled at me that I needed to share and that if I didn’t share that they were going to throw the dolls, MY DOLLS that my mom got me, away so no one could play with them and I was forced to share. Shortly after that, my dolls arms and legs were broken off and their hair was cut short and their clothes were missing and it upset me to the point of tears but I got blamed for it because “They’re little kids ! What did you expect ! You shouldn’t have let them do that !” when I was threatened with my dolls getting thrown away if I didn’t share. After that, I wasn’t allowed to get Monster High dolls anymore because I was “too old” yet my cousins got every new monster high doll for every occasion after that. Again, my mom promised to replace those dolls but she couldnt find any of the male ones since they sold out quick, and she couldn’t find anymore of the original design ones I had. They also destroyed my collection of 2011 Thundercats toys that my dad got me to try to make amends for what he did and Thundercats was the few things we bonded over and those can’t ever be replaced. A lot of things of mine got destroyed in that house.
So yeah if I start collecting dolls and it spirals out of control then like… I don’t know. I’d let let it spiral because I’d finally have dolls that I know I can keep safe.
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t4tails · 10 months
Since we already got Venus and Spectra's finalized looks, what's your top ten of the Core Signature dolls?
No Clawd and Deuce don't count, boy dolls are fake.
okay here we go. warning that i start out as a bit of hater. teehee
10. spectra. im sorry, but the way its just a worse version of an already released collector? the complete lack of anything new fashion wise? this is nothing. the clear hands and feet are cool, but i heavily doubt a later deluxe version of her in a different line isnt going to blow this out of the water. absolutely nothing of interest is going on here.
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9. toralei. between dumbing down g1s mean girl personality, AND giving her long hair? horrible. at least give her pants. she looks like the protagonist of a disney channel original movie. camp rock lookin ass. shes the most plastic & playline looking, easily.
8. ghoulia. the fashion, with the exception of the hunk of textureless fabric that is her skirt, is great. i love the jacket especially, and making her a skater is so fun. however the base doll is SO UGLY!!!!! whyd they give her BROWN EYEBROWS? an unflattering green skin tint? obscenely light pink lips? none of it matches. i hate it. i take offense to it
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7. clawdeen. kind of the reverse of ghoulia where the base doll is mostly really nice, except the pastel hair 😒, but the fashion is... a mess. the first red flag of them not having a direction to take her style. the shoes and coveralls give sporty, but then theres the gold jewelry and fur coat...? at least her freckles are cute.
6. draculaura. big step up! from here on its mostly my personal taste. this is cute! im generally just of the opinion that most draculaura dolls are very similar, and its not a style i tend to LOVE, so they blend together for me. cool heart and bat motif, just not for me specifically.
5. cleo. the really busy patterns kind of drag it down, but overall shes really pretty and definitely reads pharoah! her makeup especially stands out. so nice
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4. lagoona. some people dont like g3 lagoona. i am not one of those people. her pink and blue serves, sorry. she always has such nice makeup, not to mention a fun sporty mermaid motif. im a lagoona lover
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3. frankie. the icon, the myth, the legend. already giving us transgender swag in their very first doll. could have a little more detail/accessories, but their color scheme is so nice i cant complain.
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2. venus. FINALLY. DIFFERENT HAIR! she is so fucking beautiful, i need her. her color scheme? great. her fashion? fantastic. her accessories? so fun. dont look at her weird fucking pet
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1. ABBEY. her comfy swag. her beautiful colors. shes so peak and she does it so casually too. the light freckles are so adorable, and shes able to look cold and welcoming at the same time. slay
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meowizard · 8 days
monster high tea headcanons :) :
totally a normal breakfast tea drinker
no milk but puts a little sugar in for pizzazz
but absolutely doesn't want to drink anything that isn't opaque. most of their tastebuds are dead and they need it strong
favours a herbal. probably a rose and/or nettle
tea before bed drinker
knows which one is 'sleepy tea' and doesn't care about the 'health benefits'
prefers energy drinks. maybe orders an iced tea once every three months
will drink breakfast tea in a tea party type thing though
really weak with milk and sugar
100% puts cream in her fucking tea instead of milk
this is her neon frights tea. for all i know there's butter in that thing
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and she'll still insist it's the superior way because shes british.
maybe orders a chai when she's out and about
me trying to spell conesuier
knows a lot about it but hates to drink it. just flavoured water innit
might be forced to at a dinner but heaps it up with honey
g1? thinks its vile. g3? ehh doesn't prefer it to coffee at least
'isn't that like.. for old people?'
jokes. he'll take it if anyone's offering
strong breakfast with milk. classic.
might be one of those people that puts ice in it to cool it down
tea is an indulgence
doesn't like to chug coffee when she's pulling all nighters because she's only ever read about the health risks and the textbooks have terrified her. also cleo bought her a zappucino once and she hated it and it's tainted her view of coffee ever since
so tea it is
she's an earl grey girlie!! maybe an oolong.
has a dedicated space for tea in her kitchen cupboard
doesn't put sugar in. that's what microwaved energy drinks are for
puts salt in it.
doesn't like hot drinks in general. coffee is an exception when it's caramel and has whipped cream
but also has a sleepy tea. this is a point of bonding for jer and clawdeen
it's matcha
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mmprviolet · 1 year
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In order of personal favorites (MY OPINIONS)
Abbey (beautiful gorgeous TALL, actually wears pants, feels so unique while still retaining icy elements of the OG)
Frankie (love how it's an updated version of g1/2, but still fresh, prosthetic rep, unpop but I prefer her with blue skin)
Twyla (mhmm face is gorge, love the markings and i just love blue&purple combos altogether oh yeah she's also canon autistic)
Lagoona (she looks like she was carved from a pearl, love the gradient from solid pink to a semi translucent blue).
Cleo (love the details of giving her hair & eyes bluish tint, wish she had her tv pants )
Draculaura (her outfit is cute, but she is overrated so i ranked her lower)
Clawd (solely for the textured hair + combining his doll palette with the cartoon movies is a smart move)
Clawdeen (outfit isn't bad but doesn't really SCREAM Clawdeen; also her hair looks too pale, should be a darker purple or even brown)
Toralei (should've had her short hair and it looks too basic to me; needs pants or some leggings
Deuce (a problem with deuce as a whole is they seem to be holding back on him in terms of exploring styles; I do like the green skin and eyes it helps him look more uncanny)
Ghoulia (no true shade of red, the vest and glasses are not doing it for me. I say her outfit lools worse than clawdeen and toralei's at least theirs are coherent. I like her SS3 outfit more)
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lonely-space-egg · 2 years
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If anyone was wondering what I did for international lesbian day yesterday, it was driving down to Target with my mom to pick up the rest of the G3 core six! [Are they called the core series? Signatures? Wave 1?]
I'm really taken with the whole of G3 thus far - at least, in terms of the dolls. I never held out hope for a revival of G1, and my optimism on a reboot was pretty much dead with how much I disliked G2, so it feels surreal to have new Monster High dolls released in stores that I love once again.
I'll put the rest of my thoughts under the cut, though - it's going to be a long, infodumping, overdetailed post.
I love the more varied body types - which I'll go into more detail on later - and that the average doll has a thicker body overall compared to G1. They feel more sturdy and I expect/hope that they won't get the loose hip or elbow joints that G1 dolls did. The torso articulation is also a very nice touch, especially for helping them balance and stand on their own.
If I ranked the dolls from favorite to least, I'd currently put it at Draculaura, Frankie, Ghoulia, Cleo, Clawdeen, Lagoona. I expect this to change as I restyle the dolls, though, and I also have some actual customization plans to reroot Clawdeen with brown yarn and give Ghoulia a repaint. Clawdeen in particular I expect to like more once she has better hair than that pastel polypropylene.
I liked Cleo a lot more in comparison to the other dolls before I actually unboxed her. Now that I have, her outfit feels. . . quite bland. Her dress is just a one-piece and while she does have a very cute jacket [not pictured], it doesn't fit well over the dress since they're both long-sleeved. I'm also still not a huge fan of the molded-on bandages and I'll likely paint them to make them stand out better. Her headband also stays on rather poorly [so does Draculaura's but unlike Cleo, Draculaura's outfit feels complete even without her headband]. Cleo's face is one of my favorites, though, I think she has the most striking makeup.
The pets are generally decently cute [except Neptuna. Not a fan of whatever's going on there]. I've seen comparisons to Littlest Pet Shop, but to me they look much more like Barbie pets - specifically that it looks like they have eye makeup. They all feel rather lightweight - AKA cheap - but I hope that will make it easier to balance them on the dolls.
I should mention that none of G3 dolls come with stands or brushes. I can see the logic with stands since they can stand on their own - even though it's flawed logic, there's no way they'll stay standing on display. I don't know why they don't have brushes though. Personally I don't mind because I have more G1 brushes than anyone could ever need, but their hair is clearly meant to be played with and styled so it's an interesting choice not to include them. Speaking of which, none of them have glue seepage or unnecessary gel in their hair - not something I can say for many G1 lines. I will also complain about some of their accessories not quite matching the rest of their color scheme [ex: Frankie's shoes don't match any of the other pinks in their outfit] but this was also present in G1. I am disappointed at the lack of diaries as well.
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Close-up on all of their bags. All of them except Clawdeen's have backpack straps, and Cleo's is the only one that snaps open - all the rest have an opening in the top that the thinner accessories can be slid into. Draculaura, Lagoona, Cleo, and Ghoulia's backpacks also have loops to carry them like handbags, but the ones on Ghoulia's are oddly small.
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Draculaura's bag gives her little bat wings when she wears it and it is the cutest thing in the world. She also has this little white cameo necklace which you can just barely see in this picture - wondering if there's lore significance to that or just an outfit detail.
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Draculaura also has a widow's peak now! I love it, and I'm looking forward to one of the leaked[?] Draculaura dolls that doesn't have bangs and thus shows it off.
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More accessories, specifically Ghoulia's. The knock-off Switch is adorable - quite possibly my favorite of the handheld G3 items so far - and if Mattel hasn't come up with a monster pun for it, I hope someone in the fandom has. The skateboard having Deadfast on it is another detail I really like [though it's now a good time to complain mention that the print on practically all the accessories - that is, electronics, food, etc. - looks very blurry].
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I was able to balance Ghoulia standing on her skateboard which I'm thrilled about. In general I love that the g3 dolls can stand on their own. Still not a replacement for stands, but it does make for more posing options for photography.
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More Ghoulia since she's still my favorite character of the main six, even with the design changes [I anxiously await seeing her animated adaptation beyond promo renders]. Her shirt design reads very neurodivergence/autism symbol to me :] Sir Hoots-a-lot can attach to her forearm - much like an LPS owl - and with the G3 pets being rather lightweight, he stays on well without weighing her arm down. Those are his glasses she's wearing here because I think they look much better than her actual glasses, which have these thick, foggy lenses that obscure her eyes. I don't know what the deal is with those - G1 Ghoulia had lens that were transparent just fine, and then G3 Clawdeen's glasses don't have lenses at all.
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More on the different body types! Most of the main six [Frankie, Clawdeen, Lagoona, and Ghoulia] have the same torso. Frankie has longer forearms and shins, Draculaura is all-around shorter with thicker hips, thighs and limbs, and Cleo is the same height with a tighter waist and, in comparison, wider hips. Otherwise, their bodies are the same proportions.
The above image to the left is a comparison of the forearms and hands of G3 Draculaura, Ghoulia, Frankie and G1 Catrine. The G1 arm is slimmer than the G3 dolls, and Draculaura's arm is slightly thicker than the other G3s. The G3 dolls have thicker arm and hand pegs- sort of like CAM dolls - which I'm very thankful for, I feel less concerned about snapping them while putting them back in place or pulling them out. The G3 dolls also have larger hands than G1 which I quite like.
On the right is a close-up of Frankie's prosthetic leg. I love the detail in it, especially that "Frankie" is written as if Frankie wrote it themself. I'm disappointed to see it's not removable, though - Vandala Doubloons from G1 had a removable leg so I don't see why they couldn't do it here. Ghoulia's legs are beside Frankie's to hopefully show how Frankie's are longer.
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Even with the different body types, the clothing is still rather interchangeable between characters! I wouldn't mind if the clothes weren't - Monster High clothes are so character-specific that I've long seen it as the perfect doll line for varied body types - but it's definitely a pro that they are. Their tops fit each other very well. Draculaura's pants are a little loose on Frankie, but it just means they sit lower on their hips. Frankie's skirt fits Draculaura nicely, though it would be much easier to dress her in if it had velcro all the way down the back. Frankie's belt just barely fits Draculaura, but really who's going to be wearing that besides Frankie.
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A major part of why Draculaura and Frankie are my favorite signature dolls of the main six are their clothing layers. They both have these sleeveless tops [a "corset" and vest, respectively] that work as tops on their own, and the blouses underneath them also work on their own as shirts. With their jackets [capelet and jacket, that is] they have the most complex outfits of the whole line.
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Last but not least, a closeup on Clawdeen's shoes. They're my favorites out of the line, largely because of that pawprint tread. This picture also hopefully shows how those are not actual socks on her, but leg warmers. I also ended up demonstrating how ridiculously poofy that polypropylene hair is. I look forward to rerooting her more and more.
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anarkhebringer · 2 years
Idk if you’ve looked more into it but I think the monster high girls look significantly better in doll/animated form. Like that picture of clawdeen is unjustifiably whitewashed, she looks washed out/ashy/grey but the actual doll and cartoon character don’t look like that, I’m almost positive she’s around the same shade as before. I don’t love how light her hair is but it is dyed like most of the characters and hopefully she’ll have more prominent dark hair in other dolls/looks. Cleo looks much better, like she’s actually inarguably a WOC now and not just a white girl with a tan and bandages. Draculaura and Frankie have really minor differences overall like I don’t think that matters much. But lagoona was the least popular of the og dolls and and they clearly gave her a big redesign to hopefully change that? I’m sure she’s pink because ghoulia/Frankie/deuce are all blue/green to set her apart. And she went from a white (blue n blonde) Australian to a Latina like I think that’s a relative improvement? I wish her hair was still curly but I love her new facial features
I’m not even trying to play devils advocate I think the new dolls are much better than the og ones in terms of racial representation, realistic body shapes, and even outfits. Like these characters look a lot more like actual high school girls and not like. Lingerie models in heavy technicolor makeup
Okay, but hear me out, I looked into this stuff and a lot of the changes are WORSE. They basically retconned EVERYTHING in already decently-diverse-for-the-time lore. Just give the new body types to the old stuff that used to be, it would've been fine. Not to mention they're MONSTERS, they don't NEED to be set apart and fit into a humanoid bubble with their makeup, skin/fur color, and all that other stuff if they weren't human-like monsters like Cleo de Nile and such. The entire POINT is that they AREN'T humans. Also sure the outfits could use more variety, but that DOESN'T mean completely ruin and get rid of the styles they had established. Also, don't get me started on the lore issues.
They made Clawdeen straight after the creator said she was lesbian after some initial thought on it and liking the idea for her, but Mattel wouldn't let him roll with it and he told fans to run with it and celebrate it. They literally Thanos snapped her siblings from existence, siblings of which were large impacts on who she is. A majority of the other characters are just Gone. There are already people saying shit about how Draculaura would fit the gothic lolita style, which she was literally styled around in the past but that was taken from her. Oh and why the fuck would they whitewash Lagoona if they wanted to be "racially diverse" with her? She went from "white" to Actually White despite supposedly being Latina. She is a white girl. She's not a light-skinned WOC, she is WHITE.
This isn't just about the damn dolls, this reboot is the epitome of "corporate diverse", AKA "shoving every diversity brownie point they can think of onto characters to make people happy" that they do with EVERY decent series that lasts too long and gets modern reboots, because they know people will eat it up. Not to mention the live-action movie is gonna be directed by Todd Holland, notable racist. I'm not even gonna go into every issue because even just reading this ask gave me a headache. Just know I refuse to budge.
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I’m also eh with clankei but the most annoying thing about it was that the argument “ the gays need content “ and as a gay that’s a bs excuse. Clawdeen was practically a lesbian and had zero suitors, same with Toralei, plus they’ve could’ve changed Lagoona to be gay as well since they’ve changed her so much. And that’s just the main peeps, their were still a ton of side characters that fit or could’ve fit the bill perfectly. Hell ghoulia comes off ace to me but that could be biased towards my ace friend who she reminds me of. The show was already full of gay characters they just couldn’t make anything canon because of at the time of the release they would’ve gotten such severe backlash the whole doll line would’ve shut down. Bratz was the same way. They didn’t confirm anything until recently despite all the fans practically knowing.
The fact is it makes zero sense to erase cleuce if you’re going to keep all the other couples. Cleuce was the first established couple and also least problematic couple in my view. One of the few healthy couples I had around me growing up. If they had changed up all the couples or simply didn’t do any romantic stuff this wouldn’t have been as big of an issue as much as it is.
Sorry didn’t quite mean for this to be a rant whoops 😬
Yes, clankie fans also talk as if Cleo was Frankie's only option as a partner, like, there was/is at least 25 other characters available. Cleuce was an established couple from the beginning of MH and constantly proved they were together because they really liked each other, simple G3 threw that in the trash and offered Cleo/Frankie. I really can't ship this
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Monster High the Movie Review Part 2
Spoilers ahead!
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I have always wanted to see Cleo in white! white linens were Egypts main export for thousands of years, it was weird that she was never shown in white so I really like this outfit! However, there has been a lot of griping about the casting of Jy Prishkulnik who is Mexican to play Cleo who is Egyptian. I understand it might not be super easy to find a teenage Egyptian actress in California where this was shot on a Nickelodeon movie budget, She probably should have at the very least been Black. But I'm putting this in the same category as Draculaura, if you're mad at her ethnicity then you are mad at the wrong thing. you SHOULD be mad at the fact she has very little on in terms of wrapping, she's a Mummy! she needs more than just a patterned dress & gold shimmer moisturizer.
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I don't know why, Deuce a reptile has hair but I don't like it... the copy I'm watching is a leak SO the VFX are not done yet so we don't know what his snakes will look like but Deuce underwhelms me. His wardrobe isn't even skater or greek or reptilian, it reads as kid who was home schooled. I don't love it but his actor fits nicely. Heath is the total opposite, his look is on point but his actor is a grown ass man whose 27 and looks out of place amongst the rest of the actors who are actual teenagers.
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I would talk more about Lagoona, but I have, at length already talked about her in previous posts. but that commentary was just on her looks, lets discuss her personality. Up until THIS point she doesn't seem to have her own personality, she seems to just play second banana to Cleo which is...fine?... but it's kinda weird since that was Ghoulia's job and it's also not in Lagoona's character to be so tame and sheepish. I'm not a fan. Outfit and accessories are on point though.
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Cleo was being a little snot, she called Frankie a puzzle and dissed her hair so Clawdeen growled at her. flawless execution. it's been such a long time that a lot of you may not remember that OG Cleo was a HUGE BITCH! that was her entire personality for awhile. She lies to the Headmistress, Tries to Break Clawdeens leg, Black balls Frankie, screws up Draculauras make up, takes advantage of Ghoulia, steals her fathers amulets and this is just off the top of my head from Volume 1 of the Webisodes. I’m confident there are far worse things she has done that I am just forgetting ATM. but over the years, very slowly and gradually she became softer, like a sharp stone being worn away by the river. She went from being mean and conceited to just kinda high maintenance and don't get me wrong, I love that growth for her - we stan a queen who works on her character flaws, BUT it was also nice to see this harsh, rude & straight up vile Cleo again.
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*whisers* Why are there streetlamps, inside of the building? Also: Peep Heath and Abbey!
Look at Deuce trying to check out our Clawdeen! Now, I KNOW a lot of y'all are mad about this for 2 big reasons and here are 2 big reasons why you shouldn't be. 1.) "But Deuce is with Cleo!" - As of this moment? no he's not. we just saw him blow her off, they broke up over the summer! time has passed, he's allowed to move on. Some of y'all forget this is High school and love is fickle as a teen. 2.) "But Clawdeen is a canon lesbian!" - No, she's not. I wish she was but she's not. it has never been confirmed in canon and I am so tired of saying that, because when I do? I get brushed off as some homophobe. But it's true. Garret confirmed she was never intended to be a Lesbian, HOWEVER he did change his mind on this, years later, after fan pressure and after he left Mattel that she is gay... but at that point his word didn't mean anything because she wasn't his character anymore. I don't wanna get into it, but here's a better explanation of it. so, just to summarize: Deuce is Single and Clawdeen isn't a lesbian. we gucci? lets move along.
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Deuce explaining that his glasses prevent him from turning people to stone, this will be important later.
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Bloodgoods ethnicity isn't really relevant to her because she is an ancillary character, so I don't think anyone was really mad about this casting choice (surprising!) but can we talk about how dope her office looks!?!? Marci T. House brings a command of authority to the character while at the same time acting like a regular teacher (being concerned with funding) However I am gonna knock off some points because Nightmare isn't in her office. But then I'm going to add some points because she has little horseshoe earrings.
Part 2/?
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urban-unease · 2 years
Monster High G3 Ranking
Overall, I think G3 is shaping up to be really fun and cute. I'm judging it on its own merits. Comparing it to G1 feels pointless to me: the aesthetic and vibes are very different for very different audiences.
I'm making this ranking for myself to keep track of the dolls I want to prioritize getting. Feel free to share your own rankings/thoughts but please don't fight or get nasty in the comments. Dolls are fun!
Clawdeen Wolf
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I fell in love with G3 Clawdeen the first time I saw her. Which is so funny because I fell in love the first time I saw G1 Clawdeen too. I guess I'll be a Clawdeen stan no matter what. IDK This doll is just so freaking cute! Her face and her little overalls! 🥺 I just can't handle it! Her boots are very cool with the gold details. This is the only doll I'm willing to pay full price for.
2. Lagoona Blue
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They did not need to go this hard in designing this doll. But I'm glad they did. Her clear blue legs are everything and I love the softness of her color palette.
3. Cleo de Nile
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I don't have a Cleo yet in my collection, and I'd really like to prioritize getting one this generation. I love that they deepened her skin tone. The blues and golds look so great against her skin. I also appreciate that they added bandage textures to her leg and arm.
4. Draculaura
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I love that they used a short and thicker body for this Draculaura. She's so cute and fierce looking with some really great outfit pieces.
5. Deuce Gorgon
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This might be the first boy doll in my collection. I just love his facial mold and his expression. His snakes are so cool. And his little mouse buddy is wearing a vest 🥺
6. Ghoulia Yelps
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Confession time: I've never really liked Ghoulia's doll design. I loved her outfits, but the doll itself was always very plain to me. She had no features that indicated she was a zombie; she was just gray. Unfortunately, I feel with this doll they are making the same design mistake of not adding visual elements to the doll itself to make her look like a zombie (though I think a green skin tone works better for a zombie doll than the gray did). But I love that they are at least adding those visual indicators to her clothes. I love the brain texture on the jacket and her torn shirt. I also love that her skirt looks like its oozing.
7. Toralei
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I wish the stripes on this doll were more prominent, especially on her face. I also wish they'd given her the fierce bob she is going to have in the cartoon. But I love the little smirk on her face and her raised eyebrow. Her expression is so sassy! I also love the punk aesthetic of her outfit.
8. Frankie Stein
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Confession Time #2: I do not like this Frankie. Their head is not proportionate to the rest of their body; the head is too squat and round where it needed to be thinner and longer to better match the taller body frame. Their neck is also weirdly short so it looks like they don't have one. I also don't like the serious expression on their face; it looks out of place to me, especially compared to the other dolls. Why is Frankie the only serious one? The one thing I do love about this doll is the prosthetic leg. It's very cool and I'm glad Monster High has added disability representation to G3.
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coconutcows · 2 years
Final part of my Collection, Group photos! I mean, they’re all group photos but these are ones that fit better outside the other groups.
As always photo ids in alt.
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The Wolf Fam. Basic Clawd, Frights Camera Action Clawdia, Dance Class and Ghoul Fair Howleen. Not a day goes by where I don’t miss Howleen’s original orange hair colour.
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Basic Torelei Stripe, Zombie Shake Purrsephone and Meowlody, and Basic/Scaris Catrine Demew. Catrine’s hair is a hard mess and I have no clue how to fix it
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My Hybrids and Fusions. Clawvenus, Lagoonafire, Dracubecca, Cleolei, Sirena von Boo, Neighthan Rot and Avea Trotter. It’s been so long Neighthan’s hair elastic cracked and broke while I was unpacking them.
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All the rest of my boys. Ghoul Spirit SloMo, Save Frankie Jackson Jekyll, Basic and Scaris Deuce Gorgon, Basic Invisibilly, and Ghoul Fair Heath Burns. I had completely forgotten I got Billy until I started looking for my MH stuff
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Characters I only have one doll of. Basic Nefera, Casta Fierce, Marisol Coxi, Gala Elle Eedee, Field Trip Gigi Grant, Sweet 1600 C.A. Cupid, Basic Rochelle Goyle, Frights Camera Action Viperine Gorgon, Basic/Scaris Jinafire, New Scaremester Twyla Boogeyman, Gala Mouscedese King, and Lorna McNessie. I wish I could’ve gotten a less crowded picture but the middle row was hard to pose
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Great Scarrier Reef Toralei, Kala Mer’ri, Posea Reef, Peri and Pearl Serpentine, Draculaura, Clawdeen, and Frankie. If I can find Lagoona I will finally have at least one complete line.
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My Create a Monsters. The Vampire, The Sea Monster, The Witch, Deluxe Inner Monster and the Skeleton, Bee Girl, Triclops, and Ghost Girl add on packs. I’ve always loved CAM and I Hope they bring it back even if I never mix n matched the pieces. I also have the whole Cat Girl but she’s been co-opted by a Very Special Ghoul.
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This is The Very Special Ghoul in question. I wanted to get into doll customizing but didn’t have the skills or focus at the time to do it. But I didn’t care much for the Cat Girl CAM, mostly because of the ears being clips it made the whole thing look bad so I took her and turned her into the only Successful Custom I’ve ever done, modmads humanized Notebook from Dont Hug Me I’m Scared. I love her too much to just set her back to rights so once I get a spare body I’m going to recreate her. I have a spare head and the yarn hair should be moveable. Her dress is completely hand made and she’ll need new shoes as her current ones belong to the Bee Girl add on pack and she’ll be getting them back.
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And finally all my Thrift Finds. Amanita needs a reroot and most of her accessories, her previous owner also cut her basic dress. A bare mouscedese im debating customizing or turning into her city ghouls look, SKRM Lagoona, I found her entire outfit for $10 so all she needs is her forearms and a reroot and she’s good as new (a victim of my customizing attempts), Gloom Beach Jackson who’s missing all but his swimtrunks, a bare wave 2 Draculaura missing her forearms, Dead Tired Ghoulia probably in the best shape only missing her slippers glasses and brain puffs. Classroom 2-pack Ghoulia who may need a reroot and definitely needs that ink removed from her face. I think I could make her a new lab coat at least as well (I’d also like to find her the matching Cleo). Ghouls Getaway Elissabat in decent shape, only missing a few accessories im hoping to find, and a spare Ghouls Alive Clawdeen that I put one of Clawdeens last fashion packs onto but it looks Weird to me due to her head.
And that’s everyone so far. I’m hoping to expand my collection more now that I’m finally getting a decent job and have access to online shopping. I’m also excited to add the Gen3 ghouls to my collection. I love Monster High!!!
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strwbrrysugarz · 2 years
oddly specific monster high headcanons that i need to get out somewhere (all that autism)
venus is willing to go absolutely apeshit on people who hurt their friends but refuses to ever curse. they'll literally beat up a man for you but will say shit like "you stinker!! you doodoo head!!" against their enemies
they also shave their eyebrows
frankie is the literal definition of the "this push pop is banging yo!" meme (clawdeen is telling them they're eating a glue stick)
ghoulia has watched neon genesis evangelion at least once and can fully understand the ending and everything about it, probably reported on it for a school project at least once and took up a whole class period (she is also a huge marvel fan)
lagoona is a mitski stan
clawdeen came out to clawd n he replied w "woaah you like girls? that's awesome me too! it must run in the family"
lagoona has taken an "am i gay" quiz at least once after getting close to toralei
avea hates people actually taking horseback rides on her but makes one single exception for bonita (despite bonita flying everywhere)
vandala died during a shipwreck which is why she's constantly timing herself and working on improving its pirate skills. it also has ptsd from dying n river helps her cope w it
kiyomi n river were born ghosts, porter doesn't tell people how they died n makes up stories Abt it like spectra (in reality he probably died in some stupid ass way like falling down the stairs)
speaking of them porter n spectra r t4t but opposite directions. porter transfem and agender pansexual + spectra transmasc gay demiboy
rochelle and garrott are the couple who date for years only to realize they are both gay as hell. they spend weeks talking to friends trying to figure out how to tell the other n when they finally come out to each other they're like "phew thank goodness". they're wlw n mlm bffs
heath loves silly shows like impractical jokers and walk the prank and uses them to think of new silly ways to prank the other students (fails miserably each time)
howleen listens to hatsune miku and is her biggest fan
venus porter holt and deuce definitely smoke weed together/hsrs
luna n lorna are cryptid best friends (lorna probably checks out boo york after monster high and they meet at bloodway)
luna and bonita are half siblings who occasionally hang out together to infodump abt their special interests or hyperfixations (luna's is musical theater, bonita's is fashion design) and their blue-purple gfs (elle and avea)
bonita and skelita are also cousins
g1 frankie uses they/them the most but is comfortable w any prns
being that they're made of slime gooliope is prone to occasionally melting during the summer. they just kinda come apart sometimes but reform easily. they're very flexible being made of goo and use this to freak people out w silly gymnastic tricks
cleo wears wigs which is how she changes hair so much, her real hair length is that of i heart shoes/skull shores
draculaura is super into zodiac stuff despite not knowing the difference between astronomy and astrology
this is all i can think of rn trust me there's more.
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newjenns · 2 years
least to most annoying monster high ghoul for me personally:
1. clawdeen wolf (gay)
2. abby bombidable (russian)
3. ghoulia yelps (she dont even be saying shit)
4. cleo de nile (dramatic but gets shit done)
5. draculaura (such an instigator but in a fun way)
6. frankie stein (she needs to do less)
7. lagoona blue (i hate her accent)
9. toralei stripe (self explanatory)
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Monster Exchange Draculaura Passport
6 June
I have lost my passport. Okay, maybe “lost” isn’t the right word, maybe “misplaced” is better, or at least it makes me feel better to think of it just not being really “lost, lost”; because “misplaced” means I can actually come across it by looking in places where it is not normally kept, whereas “lost” means the possibility of me ever finding it again is dreadfully small. I am not in panic mode yet, though. There is still time to find it before I have to leave for Shibooya. I hope. Clawd thinks I need to apply for another passport, but that would mean giving up and admitting that I really have lost it instead of just misplaced it. I can hear Dad now, “Draculaura, it is totes irresponsible of you to lose such an important document.” Okay, maybe I can’t exactly hear him saying “totes”, but the rest of that sentence comes through loud and clear. I’m doing my best not to tell him, which is waaaay easier since he’s out of country right now... with his passport not lost or misplaced, I’m sure.
13 June
I am sitting in the student exchange gorientation class right now. I am pretending to take notes, which makes Mr. D’eath happy. It also has the curious effect of keeping him from repeating himself, which means the class doesn’t go as long. If I were legitimately taking notes, these are some of the subjects I would have written down:
Do not lose your passport. This is an important document, and it is your responsibility to keep up with it.
One time Mr. D’eath lost his passport and never got the chance to go on his exchange trip, which meant he had to stay home and work in his father’s shoe store instead of getting to see the Eiffel Terror.
Do not lose your passport.
I think I would be getting a lot more out of this class right now if I weren’t being constantly reminded of this. Bats! I know it has to be somewhere - “Well, of course, it has to be somewhere Draculaura, things don’t just vanish into thin air.” Oh, yeah? What about Invisi Billy? “Okay - except for Invisi Billy.” Lagoona just snorted again, I know that snort; it’s what she does when she tries to turn a laugh into a sneeze. I wish I were sitting next to her so I could be in on whatever it is that she’s laughing about, but Mr. D’eath won’t let us sit next to each other because, apparently, we’re “disruptive.” So not fair, and right now Lagoona needs some encouragement. She’s already missing Gil, and she hasn’t even left yet. I’m going to miss Clawd, too, but our situation is totes different than theirs is. I should talk to the ghouls and see if we can do something special for them. Ooh, I think Mr. D’eath is wrapping things up. Feariously? Again with the lost passport? I get it already... I just wish I had gotten it before I lost... er... misplaced it. Sigh...
15 June
I went over to Clawd’s house for dinner tonight. It was fun. His mom always makes sure to cook something without meat in it for me. This time it was pasta with scarinara sauce. She also made meatballs, but, of course, I passed on those. The Wolfs treat me like I am a member of their pack, and I always feel so special when I’m there. It made me think of Lagoona again, and how even something as simple as dinner is such a scary hard thing to make happen for her and Gil. When we finished eating, Clawd and I went for a walk. If he was worried about me being gone, he did not show it. I think some ghouls would take this as a sign that something was wrong, but I know better. There’s barely enough room in our relationship for the drama I bring to it, so I’m glad Clawd doesn’t add his own. Speaking of drama, I told him about my passport. Clawd snorted, but it wasn’t because he was trying to turn a laugh into a sneeze. It’s a “concern snort” which tells me that a solution has been released in his brain and it is currently trying to find a way out that does not sound like an order. Clawd is used to barking out orders. I guess that comes with being the captain of both the football and caketball teams. “I think, maybe you should get a replacement,” he said. “If you apply now, you’ll have time. If you wait, you won’t. That happened to Clawdia before she went to school in Londoom - it was a total pain in the fang.” I told him I would download the paperwork and fill it out, but I still don’t want to admit that it’s actually lost. I wonder if there is a box on the form for “misplaced”? I know it’s totes silly to carry on like this, but I don’t want to give up until I find it. 
25 June
It wasn’t hard to get the ghouls to agree to act as hair and makeup artists, it wasn’t hard to get Cleo to ask her dad for the use of a limo, it wasn’t hard to get the mansters to dress like body guards, but it was deadly difficult to get Gil to agree. “I don’t want to do it,” he said. “It’s just going to fall through, and then we’ll both be disappointed.” I finally had to resort to an intervention. Gil thought he was going to have a game day with the mansters at Deuce’s house, but not so much. When he walked down the stairs to the basement and saw all of us sitting there, he turned to Deuce and said, “I knew I smelled a trap.” Deuce said, “I could have just stoned you, but I’d rather have you mad at me than Lagoona.” It took a while, but after we laid out the plan... several times... he finally agreed. He was a nervous wreck on the way to pick her up, but by the time we arrived, with no flat tires, engine trouble, alien invasions or Heath Burns incidents, he was so excited he could barely stay in the limo while we went to get Lagoona. They had a clawsome day just to themselves, and we got to be a part of it. Totes perfect.
27 June
I was this close to moving my passport from “misplaced” to “lost” when I decided it was time to call in some backup. I invited Clawdeen, Frankie, Ghoulia, Abbey and Cleo for a creepover/passport hunt. I may or may not have mentioned the part about the passport hunt before they showed up, although according to the ghouls I definitely did not. It is possible that I did not mention it since I have been under a lot of stress lately. Frankie came to my rescue when the grumbling started to get out of hand, and said we could turn it into a treasure hunt, and that it would be fun. The other ghouls were not completely convinced that it would be fun, but Frankie could convince a werewolf to run barefoot through a field of wolf’s bane. We turned my room upside down - literally; Abbey is very strong. Cleo wanted to know when the last time I used it was, which, I think was when we all went to Scaris. I didn’t really need it for that whole “Queen of the Vampires” thing when we jetted off to Transylvania. Cleo suggested that maybe I left it in my luggage, so we all headed to my closet. Dad had put in some new track lighting, which makes it totes easier to find things now, and my clothes no longer smell like torch smoke. We went through all of my luggage from the trip; this took some time, but we found nothing except an old croissant. We had to keep Abbey from eating it, which made her crabby. Not that all the other ghouls weren’t crabby by this time, too, and that’s when Ghoulia, who was lying on the floor, pointed up to a shelf that had previously been hidden by the luggage. “Does that box say ‘Passports’?”? Abbey reached up and took down the box. Frankie opened the lid and pulled out a passport. “Draculaura, this passport expired 60 years ago.” Abbey dumped the box in the middle of the floor, and we all started going through them. Cleo said, “This one expired 30 years ago, and what is up with your hair in this picture?” It was a phase. Ghoulia flipped through the one she was holding, “Only 15 years out of date.” Clawdeen jumped to her feet with the one she was holding. “Found it, and it’s only expired by... TWO WEEKS!” I had two thoughts as I watched my ghouls freaking out with concern. Number one was “Misplaced, not lost”, and number two “Good thing I already applied for a replacement.” 
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cometcrystal · 5 years
hey this is a really weird question but ive always had trouble kind of understand cleo's friendship with the other main ghouls, like how it is she gets along with clawdeen and lagoona, could u maybe describe how u see/interpret her friendship with the ghouls?
yeah of course!! this is how i interpret all their dynamics. also this is all pre-reboot
with frankie - at first, cleo didn’t like frankie at ALL. after new ghoul @ school, it took her a few months to really get over all the stuff that happened wrt frankie, but the justin biter concert was a good olive branch on frankie’s part. as time went on, she started to warm up to frankie, and pretty soon she was an indispensable part of the fearleading squad. once theyre friends, cleo’s a bit gentler with frankie than she is with most other people, and she’s got a soft spot for her bc dammit shes just too darn nice
with clawdeen - this is def a friendship of two people who are a lot alike. clawdeen’s more grounded and realistic than cleo, and cleo’s more bold and sure of herself, but they’re more alike than they seem. they prob have weekly shopping sessions where they just gossip about shit but like. in a classy way. 
with draculaura - theyre both the oldest members of the main group in terms of like, immortality, but lala has been around for WAY longer than cleo has bc she wasn’t asleep for 3000+ years. so i imagine lala probably helps cleo with adjusting to modern life when its needed, which isn’t that often nowadays. lala’s perkiness probably grates on cleo’s nerves a bit and lala thinks cleo can be too stern sometimes but they still get along well
with lagoona - lagoona’s probably the ghoul cleo’s the least close to out of the main ghouls, but they have an understanding. lagoona knows to just let cleo be herself and cleo has probably gone to lagoona for advice at least a couple times. their hangouts would be chill. also cleo fucking hates gil and tells lagoona daily she’ll have him killed just give her the word
with ghoulia - ghoulia is cleo’s best friend. if cleo was the queen of a country, she’d appoint ghoulia to be her adviser. she’s cleo’s second-in-command, which means she does a lot of stuff behind the scenes, and that doesn’t go unappreciated -- we saw that in the one comic book episode. u know the one. early on in their friendship, cleo obv had a harder time showing that appreciation and reciprocating it, but that’s a product of her upbringing, and she grew from it bc she knows ghoulia is a bad bitch who deserves the world just like cleo does. 
bonus ghoulia friendship content that’s more canon divergent bc that paragraph was getting too long: i hc that cleo and ghoulia met pretty shortly after the de niles were untombed. after they moved to america and settled in new salem, ramses had ghoulia’s mother privately tutor cleo and nefera instead of sending them to public school bc he wanted The Best. cleo befriended ghoulia pretty quickly (they were around 7 or 8 at this time) and after nefera began public high school in 9th grade, cleo demanded that she be able to attend high school when she reached 9th grade, too. so ghoulia’s been her right hand zombie from the very start. 
much later on, after cleo’s mother dedyet is found again and starts a relationship w ghoulia’s mother necronancy, their moms get married and at the wedding cleos like “im so excited we’re gonna be sisters” and ghoulia says the most corny thing she says in her entire life which is “we were already sisters” and cleo starts full-on sobbing and that is the end of my post thank u
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