#this is just early main characters im missing so many
themyscirah · 11 months
I apologize sincerely for the person I am about to become here
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Hey Raven, hope your doing well. I was rewatching book 5 and something struck me. Crowly stills does his thing to get yuu/mc to host the NRC tribe at Ramshackle. But compare to previous chapters hes seems a little nicer, i guess? He offering renovations and upgrades ( a positive), instead of just threatening to cut yuu's food budget or something (a negative).
Where im going with this is, do you think Crowley may have felt a tiny tinge for his (in) action in book 4? Or atleast, realized he actually screwed up. He did give Yuu in case of an emergency.... and promptly ignored it (or just turned it off) when he went on break. He likely had to have heard what happened over the break...an likely saw his missed calls and put 2 and 2 together. Sure he may not feel bad enough to apologize (at least openly), but he does seem to make himself scarce early in b5. That could just be him being, well, the headmage. Maybe he's just not sure how to deal with MC or how they'd react to seeing him? So instead of threatening Yuu, he offers them something instead? Idk, maybe im reaching. Crowley relationship with Yuu is complicated. I do like to believe he has some empathy or regret (or maybe he just has more respect for yuu by b5?) After everything up to that point
Like i said, i may be reaching here. Wanted to get your input. Sorry for the long ask. Have a good one :)
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In many fandom depictions of Crowley, he often serves as Yuu's guardian who is incompetent but well-meaning. I'm also guilty of doing this, Crowley is considered my OC's father figure (even if my OC isn't a Yuu). That's how we choose to engage with the characters and the world that we love! However, I don't believe that Crowley has that sort of tenderness for Yuu in canon, whether at the start or as their relationship develops over the course of the main story. Now, that's not to say that I think Crowley is cold or hateful towards Yuu. Far from it! He does care for them, but in the same way that a teacher might care about nurturing their students and preparing them for the world beyond graduation. Crowley demonstrates a similar attitude towards other NRC students, with one very clear example being in his Raven Jacket vignettes. In those stories, he likens his students to apple trees that he raises and nurtures, hoping that one day they might bear fruit. He does not particularly grant Yuu special treatment unless it's a scenario where he wants them to do a favor for him. (Though here I would also argue he does the same for other students when he wants them to resolve an issue in his place, which happens frequently in event stories; in Fairy Gala, he warns the boys they'll be held back if classes cannot proceed due to the wacky weather. In Ghost Marriage, Crowley shames the boys for not expressing interest in rescuing Idia, etc.)
I also want to set the record straight regarding how exactly Crowley gets Yuu to comply with his requests. Reviewing all avaliable books in the main story, Crowley rarely outright threatens Yuu if they refuse to help him:
Prologue — Crowley does not initially ask anything of Yuu, but he does provide them a temporary home and food until they can sort something out. During Yuu's stay, they are meant to do handiwork to earn their keep. However, Crowley tries to expel them after their involvement in breaking what is considered a precious chandelier. In this case, his anger is somewhat justified but it's still the one major example of Crowley leveraging something to force Yuu to act in a way that he desires. The thing is, it's revealed in chapter 19 that Crowley did not believe Yuu could acquire the magestone he asked for and was all set to finalize the expulsion papers. So really, he wasn't serious at all in giving Yuu a chance to redeem themselves and was going to expel Yuu anyway (until they happened to prove their "usefulness"). Whether this counts as an example of Crowley "threatening" Yuu, then, is up to individual interpretation.
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Book 1 — Crowley makes no specific request to Yuu. He shows up late in the book and suggests to the frustrated Adeuce that they fight Riddle to claim his seat as dorm leader, but does not tell Yuu to do anything in this situation. Recall that it was Ace that marched up to Ramshackle's front door and demanded that he be allowed to stay overnight; Crowley had no part in that.
Book 2 — In 2-7, Crowley asks Yuu to investigate the strange string of accidents that has befallen the students set to play in the upcoming inter-dorm magift/spelldrive tournament. There is a part where Crowley says he "never promised to cover living expenses". You, as Yuu, have the option to ask him "Is that a threat...?" to which Crowley never properly responds. Interpret that how you wish. He then offers Grim and Yuu a chance to participate in said tournament if they succeed, seeing as they lacked the 7 players needed to form a team. Crowley even says he will find 5 other players to fill in their missing team seats for them.
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Book 3 — Here in 3-6, Crowley never actually threatens to cut off food. Instead, he is trying to earn pity from Yuu by guilt tripping them and emphasizing that he, the headmaster, is so busy with his tasks (like finding Yuu a way home) and will provide them with the funds they need regardless because he is so very kind. He's trying to tug at their heartstrings by pointing out the things he selflessly does for them, so they feel obligated to do something for him in return. Once Yuu agrees to help, he lavishes them with praise and says it is "expected" of someone he personally chose.
But!! I want to add that in the Episode of Octavinelle manga, this same scene is depicted as Crowley threatening to cut their food budget. I'm not sure if this is just a different interpretation (since Yuuta seems to prepare more food than is usually implied in the game; this would explain why their food costs go up significantly) or if Crowley truly was also threatening to cut the budget in the game.
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Book 4 — Crowley makes a reasonable request in 4-2; he asks Yuu and Grim to tend to the fire fairies over winter break since it's a task no one else will be present to handle. In exchange, he says he will give them a banquet of tasty foods (which is not an empty promise; in 4-39, the Ramshackle Ghosts tell Yuu and Grim that the headmaster has left them with a ton of food as thanks.
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Book 5 — Crowley appears in 5-21 asking that Yuu allow the NRC Tribe to stay at Ramshackle for their month-long training camp. He explains that Vil and Rook are willing to give up their share of the prize money if Yuu agrees to these terms. It is then that Crowley adds that he will help with renovation too, most likely to sweeten the deal with his word.
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Book 6 — Crowley does not ask anything of Yuu. He does, however, call in STYX in 6-2 because he becomes concerned about the threat that Grim poses after consuming multiple crystallized blots. After Grim is taken, Crowley instructs Yuu in 6-4 to wait until Grim has recovered and been evaluated by a third party to speak with him again.
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Book 7 — Crowley makes no specific requests to Yuu.
You can see in almost all instances that Crowley uses a variety of tactics to get his students to do what he wants them to. He bribes, shames/guilts them, points out very real consequences if the problem at hand is not resolved, and, yes, occasionally makes what can be interpreted as a vague threat. Despite this, the fact remains that he was always nice, not just post-book 4 (in fact, Crowley was also nice during book 4). I don't see the circumstances as "anything before or during book 4 is him being negative and threatening to punish Yuu and anything after book 4 is him being kind and positive to Yuu". In most cases with Yuu, he is offering them something they would want. His go-to strategy isn't threats, it tends to be the promise of a reward.
I wouldn't tie any of Crowley's actions to feeling a sense of remorse or guilt on his own part. While it's true we don't really get to see inside of his head, from what we see of him... this man is utterly shameless. He's willing to resort to emotional manipulation to convince literal children to solve problems that he, the powerful mage and adult, should be dealing with. What's more, he praises himself for Yuu's competence and willingness to step up. That's him placing a lot of faith in his students, and I don't think he feels any guilt in doing this. Why else would he send them into dangerous situations over and over again? He must, to some extent, believe they can already handle themselves just fine, otherwise he's creating tons of legal liabilities for himself by purposefully throwing children of tons of affluent families into the line of fire. Besides, he's a highly skilled mage himself--if any true, TRUE danger were to befall them, surely he could save the day himself. My thought is that he has sort of a "tough love" approach where he tosses his students into the fires and sees how they get out of it in one piece, but it's just presented in a "devil-may-care" way because of his lackadaisical attitude.
Regarding book 4, I personally see Crowley giving his cell phone number as just a means to provide reassurance to Grim and Yuu, since they (especially Grim) are protesting about him seemingly leaving on vacation. It's an empty gesture so he can have his getaway without much of a fuss; I totally believe that Crowley did not ever intend to answer his phone. When he returns in book 5, he's already asking another favor of Yuu, so I get the sense he isn't really bothered by what happened. I would even say that Crowley still has several major appearances in book 5, not that he has made himself scarcer. He appears to ask the favor, appears again to evaluate their performance, and then a third time at the cultural festival to speak with the headmaster of RSA. Crowley gets plenty of screen time here, much more then in books 6 and 7. If he truly felt bad or actively wanted to avoid Yuu, he could easily just tell other students (ie Vil) or even school staff (ghosts, teachers, etc.) to relay the deal for him.
Again, I want to be clear: THIS IS NOT CROWLEY BASHING. The only thing I am expressing in this post is that while I do love this bird-brained goober and think he cares for his students, I don't believe it's done in the conventional sense you're thinking of. Crowley can be selfish and callous and throw his students into danger, and that's okay! Sometimes we want to love a useless man who's trying his best, even if his best is pretty lousy/j
Whew, that was a lot of brain dumping! I hope I properly responded to all your thoughts and that you found this read semi-entertaining~
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auttaday · 7 months
I love how QSMP so far in 2024 is just chaos. It’s kinda funny actually. Here’s my personal analysis:
like, we got roier but not roier because he’s a penguin right now bro . And his evil twin is here.
We got whatever the fuck is going on with Fit and that guys who’s name starts with an M or something idk and he has a really bad cat hoarding situation. Like bro wtf is this dude tryna make a cat army? And what does he need data for like omg bitch mind your business.
We have Phil, who’s currently possesed and evil because of some ender dude from another fuckin universe. Like what does this dude want Phil is the most unserious guy ever. Go find someone else to posses.
Jaiden fucking died, idk how that happened did she just like, randomly drop dead or something? No bro is gone forever. (In a serious note im really going to miss her pov)
Tubbo died, turned into a disk, and then Phil thought he was a Polaroid picture and shook him, and then he undied. And he’s angry now and has early stage of dementia. He’s also ChatGPT now probably. Still blaming Phil for that.
Tina is possesed as well rn to my knowledge. Bro what is with everyone getting possesed rn.
we have Acau, who is prolly gonna force his son to work in the mines like bro. Why.
And everyone on every side of the fandom are either married or cannot get along at all.
the eggs are all becoming the main characters as well.
Honestly I’m here for egg main character arc honestly. Like yass, go make a bunch of small children have wayyy too many responsibilities on their little hands. We should just get egg pov.
Im still holding onto the theory that the federation is actually run by the Duolingo Owl by the way.
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OKAY OKAY OKAY!!!! overall my thoughts are. pretty mixed. so lets go over the things i think they did well and the things i think they did bad
did well:
the casting. i cant emphasize enough how fucking perfect the casting is holy shit
sallys character. i feel like they did a good job at portraying the struggles that might come with being a young mom raising a neurodivergent child who happens to be the son of a god
percys character. walker scobell does the role of percy amazingly and overall i think the writers did him justice
annabeths character. see what i said above and apply it to annabeth
grovers character. show!grover is alot different than book!grover but i like them both and overall think they did a good job writing show!grover (it helps that aryan portrays him like perfectly)
early luke. i do have a few problems with how they did lukes character in the later episodes of season one which we'll get to later but i think they did him pretty well in the first few episodes. charlie portrays him amazingly and i like how much emphasis they put on him thalia and annabeth having been a family and how much we got to see of him being an older brother figure to percy.
the "not everyone who looks like a monster is a monster, not everyone who looks like a hero is a hero" theme
the "to the gods power and glory and nothing else matters but percy isnt like that and annabeth doesnt want to be like that anymore" theme (this also ties into my percys character point and annabeths character point)
percy and poseidons relationship
sally and poseidons relationship
athena and annabeths relationship
medusas character and how they changed her from the books
did bad:
humor. the main draw of the pjo books was how funny they were. the show has its funny moments but its nowhere near as funny as the books and thats a problem when adopting something that so many people love for its humor.
show dont tell. the show often tells us things when it should be showing us and alot of scenes end up feeling expositiony.
LUKES CHARACTER AS A WHOLE. like i said i do like how they portrayed him in the first few episodes but holy shit they really fucked up with him later on. not to be a book purist but in the books the betrayal scene was so different. he went on a whole speech about how the gods precious western civilization was a disease and he was right and that was the whole point of the books. in the show he just says "they're bad parents, percy" and his hatred towards the gods is portrayed as a mix of a misunderstanding of their well meaning intentions, him being manipulated by kronos, and him just being a kid sad that he didnt have good parents. the betrayal scene completely misses the whole point of lukes character and by extension the whole point of percy jackson and the olympians as a whole. if im being honest im rather scared for how they're gonna end up doing with the other titan army kids.
may castellan. this ties into my luke point a little but i dont like how early and casually we learn about her in the show. percy and nico meeting may was such a good scene in the books because it gave us more insight into the main antagonists childhood, and thus why he ended up the way he did. annabeth just casually telling percy about her in the lotus casino doesn't have the same effect. prometheus showing percy luke and hermes's fight, percy seeing a fourteen year old luke yell at his dad "if you loved me youd tell me!" is such a huge scene in the books because it makes percy go maybe luke was right about the gods. and annabeth saying to hermes "i saw you and luke arguing, i saw him say what happened to his mom was your fault, that it was all your fault" just doesnt have the same effect
gabe being turned to stone. i dont like how it was his own stupidity that was his downfall and not sally making a concious decision to turn her and her sons abuser to stone.
overall there are some things i really like about the show and some things i hate with a burning passion, and im. hesitantly excited for season 2. i do genuinely want to see where the show goes and if it improves, if its previous mistakes become worse, if it finds new ways to fuck up, etc. (honestly there are alot of pjo characters i dont really trust disney with that im just kinda expecting them to fuck up on. mainly thalia tyson and nico but also like all the titan army kids)
i also do find something deeply fascinating about the way season 1 talks about thalia in comparison to book 1 but thats a discussion for another time 😭
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beesmygod · 1 year
koichi! we love koichi, don't we folks? i know i do.
who's koichi? oh shit, that might be hard to explain.
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pictured: koichi, in his dormant, yet most powerful, form.
if you DON'T recognize this little gremlin above, his appeal might be totally lost on you, and his appeal is necessary to understand if i'm going to convince you of what a fucking missed opportunity his narrative purpose could have been.
that's koichi hirose, the short king of morioh. i didnt think i would like him at all after realizing he was being set up as the deuteragonist and companion to the titular jojo of part 4, josuke. like, who the fuck was this little dork? get outta here! im here to see the joestars kidnap children and have homoerotic adventures. i am not here to be subjected to the trials and tribulations of a friendless, spineless, standless dipshit. i assumed he was going to be the designated joestar hypeman for the chapter, a role usually carved out for precocious children.
wrong! koichi gets hit with the stand arrow (the arrow the gives you stands, remember this) early on and gets dragged into a frightening battle of good versus evil right in his own backyard. the arrow and the responsibility that comes with it acts as the main catalyst for his transformation from nottie to hottie. in contrast to the bastardly joestars and their ilk, koichi is a genuinely kind, empathetic, and honest person; he's intended as a foil to the mischievous josuke. he brings to the table the platonic ideal of an every-man who rises gallantly to the challenges thrown at him because its the right thing to do. the series folds koichi as a main cast member to the point where he is one of the very few people on planet earth to draw a smile and praise out of jotaro kujo.
who's jotaro kujo? uhhh.
hmm. i'm getting to my point. but it might require a chart:
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POINT: jotaro kujo, the man who probably has with the strongest stand in universe, who appears in 4 chapters out of a total of 9, and who is probably one of the most recognizable and beloved characters in manga history, trusts literally one person on the entire planet: koichi hirose.
when koichi shows up in part 5 right from the jump to act as the part 4 connective tissue, there is absolutely no reason why he can't stick around for longer than he does canonically so that he can satisfyingly fulfill his role as official vibe checker. let him be important!
oh my god, i can hear jojo fans groaning as they scroll through all that shit. so what?! did you make me read all that just to say "there should have been more koichi?!"
look, i need to make sure "we're" all on the same page and understand the perspective i'm coming from. "we", in this case, being the audience of both jojo fans this is primarily aimed at and fandom rubberneckers (greetings friends) who shouldn't have to comb a wiki exhaustively to decode my unhinged ramblings. it's essential background info that koichi is a fan favorite both in canon and in fandom. we gotta understand the role he wound up playing in the overarching struggle of good versus evil in his hometown to understand his narrative role in part 5.
YES. there SHOULD have been more koichi! but not just because we like to see him! he provides an established, trusted moral backbone for the audience. his reputation as a reliable guy is such that jotaro sends him on his own to investigate a young man who may be related to the dreaded bisexual nemesis of the joestar bloodline, dio brando. this is a big fucking deal. if dio has a kid that's really bad. how many backup plans did this guy have (answer: dude you have no idea).
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ugh! part 5 koichi! if you really want to scream look up how he looks in the rohan spin off series.
in ep 1 of the "golden wind", koichi arrives in italy looking for our new jojo, giorno giovanna (who sucks, but that's a whole kettle of fish we can only barely touch on now). koichi, who has the street sense of one of those dogs that gets carried around in a luxury purse, instantly gets robbed by petty street criminal giorno in a rare burst of personality never seen again after this initial story-line.
okay whatever. after skipping a few eps, giorno and koichi team up to defeat the first stand together after drawing its ire during giorno's weird mafia test. the stand, black sabbath, stabs its victims with a stand arrow (the arrow that gives stands), causing them to either die or gain powers. this might be controversial, but its my personal opinion that its probably not good for a mafia to have a factory that creates jerks with super powers and its right to try to shut that down. after the fight, giorno reveals his dream to koichi of joining the mafia with the explicit purpose of reforming it from within. koichi promises not to report to jotaro about the fact that there's ANOTHER STAND ARROW until after giorno is initiated into the gang. god. jesus christ.
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first of all, this GANG-STAR thing is the silliest shit anyone has ever heard. this is literally his for real goal throughout the entire story-line. which could have been great! but people within the fiction should react to this like hes telling them he's going to invent the first bicycle for fish instead of looking at him with the kind of wonder and glory you reserve for jesus christ himself. this train of thought leads to too many thoughts about giorno's lack of personality, so let's set it aside for now. i think giorno should maintain this insane goal, but he should actively have to convince people that he is capable of doing something that fucking nuts.
second, no way would koichi agrees to this absolutely braindead truce lol. koichi doesn't know giorno from adam; the sense we're supposed to get is that koichi innately senses that he's a good guy from his little speech and we, the audience, are supposed to take his word for it. but there is nothing convincing or authentic in how the situation plays out. there's a level of naivety/stupidity applied to the characters involved for this situation to work at all: i dont know why telling jotaro in florida that there's a stand arrow in italy would impact giorno's mafia standing at all. especially considering the arrow breaks and no longer functions shortly after giorno's initiation. koichi should find giorno's dreams and desires spurious and continue his investigation for jotaro, both to impress him and because its the right thing to do. he should also be like "heh, i took care of a stand arrow for you mister kujo". let him have another win. fuck it. why not.
third, koichi doesn't know that the stand arrow is destroyed and i have a hard time believing that he, a victim of said arrow, would do anything other than raise serious alarms over the proliferation of objectively evil stand users in italy where dio's son coincidentally happens to live. the following arc in which giorno and his new team mates go on a hunt for a hidden treasure should have been a series of demonstrations to koichi that italy was being cleaned up by a joestar (as opposed to the danger of being exploited by a brando) and was ultimately in good hands. this would require giorno to get some wins in during this time so he would actually have to do something for a change.
keeping koichi around long past where he does in canon could and should have given giorno a chance to demonstrate a different form of heroism to contrast the pure-hearted pursuit of justice championed by koichi. in eventually winning over a familiar and trustworthy character, giorno would have proved himself to be more than just "dio's son", a fact which should have hung over this part like a dark cloud.
but that's. that's next time.
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shiny-miltank · 5 months
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why hello old friends, you’ve found me once again (it wasn’t a secret really lol). to start off myello. sorry for disappearing off the Mewcrew blog. It gets all kinda wordy so it’s under a readmore.
Long story short I suffered from a mental Illinois(tm) spiral of depression, work exhaustion, undiagnosed/untreated adhd and big time imposter syndrome + burnout. Zoom into today I’ve been in therapy for my big time sads with some new perspectives and management, got some adhd meds, my job quit on me (long story) so now I’m slinging it freelance artist style and seeing how it goes, and back with family cause living alone was expensive and very Not Good for my brain it turned out. Still working on new changes and learning about the anxious smorgasbord up in the head.
Now there’s still no guarantee? That Mewcrew stuff is going to come back in full force like it did. Im still trying to like it again cause I do miss them. It took a long time and effort just to draw them for the wips I got going in the bg after like the three years leaving. Tbh the blog became something I didn’t want and instead of casual, low effort, funny not serious Just Roomates on misadventures in a pink void comic it became long hours of planning and plotting and rendering and feeling it wasn’t enough with my nasty soup of brain ick continuing to make me feel bad for not keeping up with a constant pace and comparing my work to the artists around me (again it was my brain funguses making reality hard-no one else. The artists around me back then were legit the nicest peeps around-still are). I’m also still really nervous and anxious around big communities that seemed to have sprung up HELLO ALL OF YOU LOL. I remember when it was just three of us xD And I still have to sit with my imposter syndrome and understanding I have things to offer that people do want to see and to stop anxieties from comparing my work to others.
So for now if I am posting Mewcrew stuff it’s mostly going to be here on my main from now on and not an individual blog (me figuring it’s just a lot of effort to keep up with so many blogs and logins, I think any new project or direction I go is just gonna be slapped on my main from now on. The less effort the better for my energy.). It’ll be sporadic and in a much different direction that was more akin to what I wanted it to be and much more casual comedy (or my flat sense of humor-I’ll laugh at knock knock jokes fr) slice of life with very little, even parody “plot”. And most of it until im comfortable with releasing complete mewcrew/mewtwo content will be on my patreon with again spurts of it here on tumblr and on my other socials. And if any of you come into my inbox saying I’m paywalling my own content AGAIN I will come for your kneecaps no joke you are NOT entitled to my work ESPECIALLY when this is now my main form of income. Anything on my patreon is /extra/ and early works and for peeps who choose to/want to and or capable of supporting me. That was literally the final straw that made me take a step out way back then: there’s still somebody behind the screen please remember that. This is just for my anxieties and getting comfortable with my characters again at a slow pace👍 I do miss everyone I use to interact with and want to be part of the bigger community here that’s sprouted up. Just gotta walk slowly with my social anxiety and other things first.
Thanks for reading and choosing to stick around if you do!
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maybeconnorwashere · 1 year
He identifies as a demiboy with pronouns they/he
He is a vegetarian
He is gay and demisexual
Basil isn't his birth name, he chose it when he realised he was ftm
He has freckles over his cheeks and nose becuse of how much time he spends in the garden. In the winter they fade a little bit
After the good ending he dyes his hair blue
He has dyslexia and adhd (this is literaly just me projecting)
He prefers cats over dogs and ends up adopting a ginger cat. He calls it tomo
Has a Nintendo switch that he saved up for, his favorite games are stardew Valley, coffee talk, deltarune, and botw
His Polaroid camera broke so he gets a new digital one
He has a bit of an obsession with scented candles and owns too many. Most of them are some kind of forest scent
He drinks peppermint tea religiously
Is actually a really good cook (not as good as hero but still close)
Has really cold hands so he wears gloves/hand warmers in the winter
After the good ending he becomes really close with sunny again.
Loves studio ghibli, his favourite film is 'when marnie was there'
Sometimes writes letters to sunny instead of texting him. These letters will have photographs in and pressed flowers etc.
He has his ears peirced. Aubrey went with him to get them done.
Wears gold jewellery instead of silver.
Has really old friendship bracelets he never takes off
Tried to learn how to crochet but couldn't focus on it long enough
He listens to cavetown and mitski (and taylor swift but that's his secret)
Carries around crystals for luck
He only ever wears converse and has had the same pair for years. He can't let go of them.
Still sleeps with stuffed animals
Hums to songs when doing jobs
Always forgets to do homework so he ends up doing it last minute, on the bus.
Can't go anywhere without headphones, like is never seen without them
Sometimes when he needs advice he will call hero. (His older brother fr)
He visits maris grave often to place flowers for her. He still feels guilty for what happened but knows she would have forgiven him and sunny so he tries to not give himself a hard time. He often tells her about how sunny is doing.
Plays genshin and mains venti
He has blonde eyelashes and eyebrows that match his hair naturally
Had to have braces at one point
Watches horror films alone for fun. (Everyone finds this a bit disturbing but it's harmless)
Will cry when he finds anything overwhelming, positive or negative.
Wears cardigans all the time, some of them are from his grandma
Really loves sweet food and doesn't like sour things at all
Has a surprisingly high spice tolerance and will eat spicy food without any problems
Has a photography account on Instagram
His lockscreen is a picture of pot plants in his garden. The one in the centre is a white tulip.
Has a small collection of CD's in his room and prefers to play them instead of listen to music online.
Has an annotated copy of 'the picture of dorian grey'. Hero bought it for him becuse of the character basil in it. He loved it and has read it multiple times.
Sunburns easily so he wears sunscreen constantly
He's a little bit afraid of dogs but gets over it when he gets to know them
Gets car sick on long journeys so he sleeps to avoid it
Mint chocolate chip is his favourite ice cream flavor
Shows up early to everything so he can't be late and miss out on something.
Had a pokemon phase as a kid
Loves bugs, especially moths. he takes pictures on his phone whenever they land on him.
Spends most of his time at school in the library as he doesn't have many friends there. (Aubery doesn't bully him anymore after the good ending but has a new friend group, kel also has a new group)
Goes to therapy now !!!
Relationships with the main cast after the good ending :
Aubery - doesn't bully him anymore and talks to him outside of school (Took him to get his ears peirced and helped him with dying his hair)
Kel - not close anymore, they don't speak often but he will always say hi when seeing him.
Hero - becuse he is at college they don't see each other often but they have exchanged phone numbers and basil calls him often.
Sunny - similar to hero becuse he moved away but still extremely close with him. Basil considers him still to be his best friend. They call often and meet whenever they can. (Honestly he still has a small crush on him)
Mari - he goes to her grave quite a bit to talk to her. Despite everything he still tells her about everyone, what they are up to and how they are getting on. He finds it peaceful talking to her like he used to before the incident.
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bizlybebo · 15 days
Vixen so funny thing i get three notifs every time you answer my ask lmao
DUDE I SO AGREE CONDI HAS SUCH AN ENERGY(ofc im still very normal about slimecicle but)
theres like a totally different energy to older intros? not to say the new ones are bad
i play as uhm...... Gillion.. Tidestrider?..
HELPPP TUMBLRS BEEN SO BROKEN FOR ME THE LAST FEW MONTHS. my quick reblog is broken on both desktop/mobile and my messages have like a 50/50 chance of working SHHFJSJF </3.
but YEAG i love condi so much. also it’s very fun seeing people be Normal about charlie as someone who is not much of a slimecicle main (i honestly maybe watch his videos once in a blue moon unless they’ve got other coucnil members in it. but he has just So Many uploads/streams i am Not keeping up w that </3). like there’s no Normal jrwi fans but i think that charlie mains are just a specific kind of built different and it’s really awesome to see my mutuals celebrating the beautiful butch returning to her natural habitat (wearing glasses).
yeag new jrwi intros definitely have a different vibe, but i think that kind of happens to any kind of dnd campaign after a while. characters get antsy to play and dms get antsy to run things when Big Lore is happening + jrwi is a more streamlined show now (even though they apparently couldn’t afford a manager.? sighs). but yeah tbh i miss the silliness of early riptide/pd when both bizly and grizzly were newer to dming. there’s just thsi. Energy to it yeag you’re right
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dizzybevvie · 28 days
For the choose violence ask game, would you mind doing 3 and/or 24 for ace attorney or httyd?
3. Worst take you've seen
OH GODDD I. WOW SO MANY. i think the question specifies tumblr but im in a httyd discord server (which is super inactive now but super duper thrived in early 2023) and the amount of strange people in there was wiiild
I remember seeing someone who absolutely HATED Astrid with their whole being, like made an OC to replace her etc etc, but like just COMPLETELY missed the point of her character.
Idk if I ever interacted with them directly but one of the main reasons they hated her is because in HTTYD2 when Hiccup becomes chief she smiles. Baffling. Like, she's obviously very upset Stoick is dead, but she's smiling because she's proud and staying strong for Hiccup. she's not "happy that Hiccup is getting the throne". i remember thinking it was so weird specifically because almost anything negative you can say about Astrid, you can say about Snotlout. but they had no problem with him. figures
24. Topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
oh godddd okay uhhh. i dont super-duper interact with the httyd fandom space outside of tumblr so i dont really knowwww. The Hidden World and the light fury is always crazy but idk.
The Snotcup debate is always fun /sar. I understand that they are not CANONICALLY cousins in the movie series but i truly just cannot see them as anything else theyre so cousins to me. i do NOT like Snotcup even a little bit.
Dagcup too actually? Dagur calling Hiccup "brother" of course but the age difference is the most concerning bit to me LMAO. I'm more of a Riders/Defenders of Berk enjoyer, so in my head theyre like, 15 and 20. not for me. (Although in my experience Dagur fans are often the biggest freaks sorry sorry sorry sorry)
I havent seen bad ship discourse in httyd fandom tbh but im sure it exists especially on twitter 💀.
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Bnha didn't do it for me on the whole "Hero-Villain" tropes anymore. It doesn't feel like its groundbreaking ideas are getting written well like how there's no such thing as a defined Hero or Villain, there is just the nature of things. Everything is so Black and White
I think James Gunn's work, Peacemaker actually has amazing ideas on the whole Hero-Villain tropes, everyone had an absolute blast with it, great character developments and also amazing comedy too
The best thing about the entire series is that how they treat comic superheroes in it is exactly how one would expect Superheroes would be treated in a Modern world, like how Aquaman is getting dissed on Twitter lol, Aquaman even said when he made it as the ending's cameo that people gotta stop with the dumb rumours, yes he doesn't fuck fish AND ofc John Cena too, dang he's one hell of character
Also I guess at some point, the entire "Teenage Heroes" trope got stale since it all feels unrealistic and how no one is talking about the gravity of bringing kids into Heroism so early. They missed out on a lot of chances with "Real Horror" with the Modern Heroes World in Bnha, cuz there are bad things in good things and vice versa
It's sad how no one is talking about the societal treatment towards others and how there are always the Villains cuz mostly everyone didn't have the awareness of how badly they treat others who are considered "freaks of society".
The lack of education on certain social aspects is appalling, they ignore the social issues with Quirks in general and didn't educate children on how to treat others kindly regardless of Quirks, you can see that with Bakugo, since it was his huge characteristic everyone knows for. Honestly this part feels extremely realistic cuz it's an actual real life thing but I don't think it was improved and just left it as is. We see the consequences and never solutions to fix
Yeah to me it feels like hero don't face any consequences and the whole 'saving villains things ' was quickly discarded. I'm not saying all should be forgiven but it was made clear they became what they are because of tragedy, especially Shigaraki. I believe nothing is black and white. It's shades of gray, (I think Tokyo ghoul did this really well).
And yeah the whole kids being heroes and put through the things they've dealt with, like the Pro heroes seemed to step aside and let it happen which is weird. Let's be honest the young students were leading the way against AFO and Shigaraki. I know this was there story (Izuku Bakugou Shouto Shigaraki) these were the main characters but that doesn't mean we gotta like how they get there.
I also think the story got darker then people expected.
I've always felt the a hero or villain is perspective. A person can be a great hero then go home and abuse their family. A person whose a villain may be doing bad deeds to help their family or those they love because the system fucked them over. So to those they are the hero and the hero is the bad guy.
Society changes people and shows the world what it thinks is correct. Shigarakis life was horrible he deserves someone to save him but he's committed crimes that can't be swept under the rug yet he only did them cause he was groomed and lied to and abused but all the Society sees is he is bad. Heroes aren't suppose to kill but there ate heroes who enjoy the brutality of beating or killing villains. But their heroes so it's OK.
You made some great points and I really enjoyed reading this.
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cosmicrhetoric · 1 year
tagged by the incomparable @briarhips to post nine book recs <3 sorry so many of these are classics im going thru smth
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Sense and Sensibility, Jane Austen: This is MY Austen of choice. I'm doing a reread atm and it's very Emma in it's social commentary but this is THEE eldest daughter book of all time. Maybe I just like when characters are super repressed but if you want to see a woman (who has spent 200 pages being soooo hinged) have the most cathartic breakdown about it......
Identitti, Mithu Sanyal: For fans of Kuang's Yellowface who want a bit more of an academic lens! Our main character, a 2nd gen Indian-German woman, spends years of her life in the trenches of postcolonial study under a seemingly Indian woman who is then exposed as white. It doesn't give you any easy answers but it provides a lot of scholarly resources and leaves a lot of space to come to your own conclusions. Read it on a plane. Kinda fire.
Eros the Bittersweet, Anne Carson: We all know Carson. But I'm picking a nonfiction essay instead of Autobiography of Red or her translations mostly because this one takes you behind the curtain of a lot of her famous translations when it comes to the aspect of love. I'm not really nonfiction girl in general but this was worth it
Chain Gang All Stars, Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah: Speculative abolitionist fiction! Set in a near future where prisoners can compete in death matches to try and win their freedom. I've honestly read nothing like this...ever, like it's in a league of it's own but if you're a fan of the way footnotes were used in something like Babel you're gonna wanna check this out. Multiple povs (really interesting pov switching from a craft perspective actually) overlap to paint a stark and realistic depiction of American prisons.
The Devourers, Indrapramit Das: This was described to me as "IWTV but with werewolves and in Mughal India and actually really good" and while that's a pretty comprehensive plot summary it does not even begin to cover the shit this novel goes through. This is a book about transformation and stories and what letting a story live in you can do for you. The werewolves are kinda obviously a genderqueer allegory as well (as they often are in sff lmao) but when the interviewer himself starts talking about gender in his experiences you can see how that changes the story he's transcribing and it's just very cool. Heavy trigger warnings on this one though. Don't read if you can't handle a bit of piss (they are wolves). Writing style wise feels very similar to the magical realism of The Hungry Tide if that's ur bag
The Mill on the Floss, George Eliot: In the way that s&s is my Austen, this is MY Eliot. A classic story about women of this era who cannot fit into the boxes society lays out for them. A failed romance brands the main character an outcast in their town in a way that is. Hear me out. Fucking Utenaesque. Follow for some classic tragedy and themes of water....I would compare this more with like Dickens Bleak House than Austen though.
Villette, Charlotte Bronte: Once again. MY Bronte. Maybe it's just cause I read this before Jane Eyre but literally I do not understand why Miss Eyre gets so much more love than my girl Lucy. In broad strokes the story is about an English girl who ends up having to support herself by moving to France and becoming an English teacher at a girls boarding school. She's also plagued by a terrifying apparition of a nun, because this is Charlotte we're talking about and there's a bit of Catholic v Protestant thing going on. I read this during the very early pandemic and let me tell you some of the descriptions of isolation and loneliness are soooooo. yeah.
Monstrous Regiment, Terry Pratchett: Listen. Like, listen. It's that good. I wouldn't put a discworld novel up against fucking chain gang all stars unless it was THAT good. This is a classic 'girl dresses up as a boy and goes to war to find her brother' story. It definitely started as a commentary on folk songs/stories but it is at it's heart a novel long criticism of imperialism, nationalism, and organized religion (there's jokes though it's funny). Also not to be that guy when it comes to LGBTQ book recs but the thing came out in 2002 and it's surprisingly thoughtful when it comes to both gender and sexuality. You do not have to be a fantasy fan or a discworld fan to read this. If you gave Pratchett a try and didn't like it i STILL insist you give MR a shot. It is in a league of it's own.
Wives and Daughters, Elizabeth Gaskell: Do not be scared off by the sheer length of this one. It's fucking silly. This is one of my faaaaaaaave 1800s novels about class. We have juxtaposition between Molly's family (her father is a gentleman but a working doctor) and the landed gentry but also this divide between the uneducated Squire and his Cambridge bound sons and another one with the 'new money' gentry. There's also quite a lot of early science and anthropology documented in this (Gaskell and Darwin were besties) if that's interesting to you. WARNING: SHE DIED BEFORE SHE FINISHED THIS. ITS LIKE 99% DONE THOUGH
This was a hard list to narrow down but I have to include (at least as honorable mentions): Ling Ma's Severance/Bliss Orange, Cixin Liu's Three Body Problem and the SFF POC anthology New Suns
tagging: @weltonreject @bronskibeet @gaymersrights @orchidreign @brechtian + any and all mutuals i know ive forgotten <3
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greaterspawnislands · 2 years
(This is the separate ask I would genuinely love to hear your thoughts on how other stream sub groups operate differently it's just so fascinating to me)
YEAH!!! Also it's so very cute to me how supportive and patient he was with Kristen when she was first considering streaming <333
At first she just kinda popped into chat and on stream rarely and he never forced her to stay if she didn't. Over time she just got used to and wanted to interact with chat more! Until she started streaming herself and he's been 100% supportive the entire time. Literal A+ husband material you can tell how much he loves her and its so sweet,,,,
YEAH ok so about the kristin thing at first so recently i've been watching all of phil's s4 videos and i'm getting to the end of 2019 aka they're preparing for their wedding and phil's in the process of getting a visa and it's so :))
i currently have two kristin stream vods in my watch later (bc i've been busy) and im so excited to get to themm it's been awesome to see kristin get more confident in streaming bc she is so funny!! i really love tuning into her streams they are such nice spaces :) also i miss parents sdv i hope they play again
ANYWAYS ok so my ramblings about phil's community is just. hold on i need to put this under cut because the more i write out the more it feels like inane bullshit but whatever we're here now
i feel like out of all of the streamers who have grown their communities in the boom of 2020/dsmp era phil's has been the most interesting to me. obviously biased here bc this is my community but ok. I'm not going to say that phil's fanbase is "the best" because that's obviously a subjective take but i think part of what makes it stand out to me is that it skews significantly older than any of the other streamers fanbases. routinely, we've heard from donos that there are teachers or people with full jobs who are donating to phil's streams. now, obviously we've heard plenty from high school age and younger, but for the most part those people tend to be sbi fans, or crimeboys fans who also enjoy phil - totally valid, etc, but they're not who i'm talking about.
the people who main phil tend to be older, which shapes a pretty different community that has a much less active presence on places like twitter. Those who are on twitter tend to not have nearly as much of a drive for clout as other subtwts - obviously there are exceptions, there always are, im trying not to speak as a total generalization - but i can't think of too many c!phil mains with thousands upon thousands of followers compared to other subtwts. And i think that again mostly comes down to like . it's just an older fanbase so they don't care abt that stuff as much.
oh and also! early gang as a central hub for most people who main phil i think helps a lot because, similar to tumblr, no character limit directly correlates to like. more critical thinking being used and less automatic aggression towards other people in the way twitter pushes to the forefront of every interaction. so as a whole the community comes across as far more chill than other subtwts/etc bc they aren't using twitter as their primary hub of communication
but i also think phil has had a direct impact on how his fans act on twitter regardless of age. the example that immediately comes to mind is when uh. ok. so idk if u were on twitter at all circa late 2020-early 2021, but subtwt selfie days were Alllll the rage back then, there was basically one or multiple every single day of the month for various ccs and duos/groups/etc. and i remember when it started popping off, phil got asked about it on stream and he very seriously talked about how he wasn't comfortable having a selfie day tagged after him, because he didn't like the fact that so many people, many who were high school age/teenagers, were putting their face on the internet for literally anyone to look at. i think he was the only cc who really spoke out about the ramifications of having your face online like that, and i know for me it was the first time i took a step back and went "yeah wait this is kind of fucking weird". it obviously didn't stop the selfie days for any other ccs, or the sbi selfie day, but his fans listened, and there was no phil selfie day ever again, and i think it's that kind of communication between phil and his audience that sort of helped develop his community in that direction, being mindful of internet bullshit and all that jazz. it's that kind of way he looks out for fans and the like that makes me really appreciate him and his community all the more. i just really like telling that bit of his history bc it was important to me in that time
again i don't know if this makes . too much sense. i sort of just started rambling and didn't stop to think if i was making any real points. this is all just to say that i love early gang, love philza, loveposting hours are so real i love this old man
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morphogenetic · 1 year
i recognize this might be a bat to a hornets nest but curious about more in-depth ndvr3 opinions
hi anon im sorry this took one million years to answer properly (bc i never got an answer back about how long you wanted this to be) but im answering it now. spoilers for v3 and very concentrated dislike of dr as a series (and especially v3 lol) below the cut
as a whole, dr does a very poor job at making its characters feel fleshed out. this is, i know, kind of the point - they're all supposed to essentially be very exaggerated versions of some specific tropes common in jp media, i.e gundham being an extreme chuuni. after the first game though, which feels like more of a proof of concept than an actually well-designed game, the extreme flatness (ironically shown very well by the pop-up-book art style lol) just gets worse and worse and the characters in v3 in particular are even less fleshed out than before. i realize that for v3 this is somewhat a consequence of them trying to drive home the 'these are characters written by someone else' point, but like.......even if you're trying to make the point that someone wrote the characters to be like that, you can still write the characters well if you're trying to pull off genuinely emotional moments w them. e.g. every time they tried to make kaito's illness sad i could not give LESS of a shit about it because he just has the one-note personality.
dr has always had the problem where characters - outside of komaeda and hinata in sdr2, who are IMO the best developed characters in the whole series, especially komaeda - are only as well developed as the amount of time you spend doing their social links (or occasionally the particular trial that focuses on them, if that applies). of course, it's literally impossible to complete everyone's social events during the main mode of the game - unlike, for example, p4 or p5, where you can at least get close if you dont finish the whole social link. as such, it is extremely difficult to form an attachment to more than 1 or 2 characters before they kill/are killed. this is especially true when it's immediately obvious who has less of a personality than everyone else - or has more of a trope of a personality - and it's intensely predictable who is going to die early. for example, in v3, it was almost immediately obvious to me that tennis guy, maid girl, and angie and tenko were not going to make it to the end of the game, and were all early deaths, because of how paper-thin their personalities are. of course, this meant that i didn't bother doing their social events at all, so i had no attachment to them when they did inevitably die. this is a problem w every single dr game but its especially bad with this one.
(don't even get me started on how ive been able to figure out the majority of the solution to each case before the trial even starts or gets farther than like 30 minutes in. or how the issues that the students raise are often incredibly stupid and take WAY too much time and energy to shoot down when its so obvious that they're completely wrong. it's just. filler for in so many of the trials and it is incredibly annoying. the amount of filler before seesaw effect made me insane.)
now for my main v3 specific complaint: the fucking ending.
i actually like meta endings, you must understand that about me before reading the rest of this. meta in video games in general is something i love as long as it's well executed. i adore how uchikoshi handles it in [GAME REDACTED TO AVOID SPOILERS], for example, even though a lot of people seemed to have missed the point with it entirely.
the key word there is "well-exectued." v3 is not.
first of all: if you're trying to make this a meta case where v3 is part of the ongoing DR series....why are you trying to say that the video game you're playing is part of a TV show???? it feels as natural to say that a TV show you're watching is secretly a book someone else is reading. it's not a natural jump between mediums in the slightest, and what makes it even more annoying is that dr as a series is a primarily-video-game series!!!!!!!!! what on EARTH are you doing trying to be meta about your video game secretly being a TV show. it makes no fucking sense. if they tried to say that it was a mixed-medium franchise, that I would accept, because DR IS a mixed-media franchise. but it feels incredibly stupid to retroactively say that 'these two video games we wrote in the past are actually tv shows.' what? no. that's not how mediums work.
secondly: the meta does not work effectively in a series like dr to begin with when it already is constantly breaking the 4th wall for comedy - which i don't actually have any significant problems with. i personally think it's a lazy way of trying to be funny when it's the primary way you try to make your game funny, but i can accept that it works with the general character trope adherence of the series as a whole. however, because of how meta is often used as a joke in the series, when they suddenly try to make the meta serious, while also still keeping elements of the meta comedy at the same exact time that you're revealing that the meta Is Dead Serious Stuff, the complete tonal dissonance really works against you.
lastly: it does not really feel like the writers wrote v3 as a whole to be meta, if that makes sense. [redacted uchi game] feels like it was always meant to be that way, and so it feels completely natural that it leans into fourth-wall breaking all the time. however, the way that the meta ending comes across in v3 is just that they didn't have any other better ideas on how to end the game/were running against a time deadline and just threw in the 'ehhhhhhhhh we're already meta all the time for comedy let's do that for the ending but serious this time' towel. as i said earlier, i like meta in games when it's well-exectued, but poorly executed/written metanarrative always sticks out, and in the case of v3 it is especially bad because it doesn't even seem like they wrote the first case AFTER the last case....which you need to do in order to successfully pull off the meta in a case like v3. and is also wild considering the very beginning of the game makes it clear that they did actually go back and try to drop foreshadowing earlier without editing much of the rest of the game to accommodate for that.
tldr the writing around the metanarrative ending is just so intensely bad that it's kind of unbelievable to me that people think it's a good ending.
sorry if you like dr but tldr its a mediocre series and its baffling to me how it got popular, but also people saying v3 is better at being meta than [redacted uchikoshi game] is an opinion ive seen more than once that just makes me fucking laugh.
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curedeity · 1 year
If you’ve got any, 17 for the fanfic ask?
17. Do you have any other writers or works that inspire you (i think that was the question i didnt copy paste)
Yes always and inspo is one of my favorite things to talk about!
One of my first writing inspirations was the Percy Jackson books, and that phase of my life still kind of influences the genres im interested in writing and the like. I read a lot more novels when i was younger so i remember having more distinct favorites back then. As for novels right now, Id say Kelly Barnhill is one of the bedt authors ive recently read. Her narrative style is quite captivating, her chapters are short, and there is always a slightly different progression than i imagine there being. Ive only finished "the girl who drank the moon" but i started both "iron-heart(ed?) violet" and "when women were dragons". I wish i still used goodreads so i could go theough a list of what books id read recently, but i wanna quickly mention ve schwab. Her books are hit or miss and not always the best but damn sometimes she puts out a banger, and when she tries she can have an impeccable narrative style that leaves me breathless. Sometimes i also like reading neil gaiman works. They both intrigue and inspire me somewhat but i dont think to the same extent other authors have
Now that was JUST novel inspos!
A lot of my main writing inspiration actually comes from podcasts. Welcome to Night Vale was a huge early writing inspiration for me, introducing me to a surreal style of writing that i love getting to develop. Wtnv and other productions by its team are often so stylish that it is impossible to not be inspored listening to them. I think wtnv and within the wires are my faborites on a writing level.
Cant forget the magnus archives, the narration is very slick and the interconnected plot growth so well done, along with really good and intriguing inpersonal dynamics that never failed to offer something intriguing. I never finished season 5 but i remember listening to just some of the first episodes and being awestruck at how stylish the writing was.
Then there is unwell podcast! One of my favorite pidcasts to discuss on a writing level, it has so many ups and downs, but one thing i will give it is having great character voices! There is not a single character that doesnt speak distinctly and the dialogue flows so well, being one of the best parts of the show. Id love to be able to write character voices as well as they do.
For tv shows now!
Madoka Magica has squickly become a huge writing inspiration for me. Honestly, more like the crown jewel of great writing. I cannot praise madoka magicas writing enough. Its thematic unravelling is so layered, its character writing gripping, its way of writing narrative parallels and foils impeccable, and just. God. Incredible. I cannot explain how much i want to be able to write on madoka magicas level. But madoka magica is the only show ill mention bc the other stuff i watch is often shit.
Uhhhhhhh for video games... i havent played that many yet sorry. While i love pokemon, it isnt a writing inspiration, and most games i play dont speqk to me like that.
And then comes the format thet is probably most applicable... fanfic...
Ill admit i read a lot of fanfic, but i dont actually think that many inspire me writing wise, so ill take a second and just focus on beyblade to say Val was my biggest inspiration to write beyblade fanfic in my fandom early days. I was inspired by some of the stuff she did, and especially some character dynamics (madoka and yuki) but realized i wanted to do incredibly different things. So i think her inspiration wasnt so much of "oh god i love this idea and characyers and synamic and plot" but just like, more of a realization of what i might be able to do with the characters as a whole?
Also wanna drop that Sadie has an impeccable writing style omg im literally eating it up i need it. Sadies art is also a huge inspiration for me to the surprise of no one who has seen Hikarus Adoption Agenda.
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iheartsyaosaku · 10 months
Clear card pros and cons (that i can remember i need to reread it again)
SYAOSAKU DATING ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
idk more content around our fave characters (though not as much but take it as you will)
The wierd ass technology update all of a sudden everyone has iphones (minus syaoran)
It picked up from the og ending where syaoran comes back from hong kong
Unlocked sakura new swag (at the cost of ending her cardcaptor retirement…)
(Anime only) english dub actors of trc syaosaku voice ccscc syaosaku i thought that was pretty cool (syaoran sounds like maybe he went through puberty a little too early but thats okay)
cute art style
Maybe just me but sometimes i get a little emotional seeing sakura in her daily life in middle school because its like !! Wow i remember when you were in 4th grade and now you’re in 7th grade im so proud of you sakura 🥹
Momo (new mascot to make marketable plushie off of)
(Anime only) MEILING COMEBACK ‼️
SYAOSAKU DATING. Btw. Theyre a couple. Theyre dating and theyre in love.
New characters who happen to be mediocre
Akiho is literally just a carbon copy of sakura who is just sad (they refused to touch on the different aspects of her like reading books, singing and from kong kong only very rarely)
Kaito fucking sucks literally worst ccs of all time and THATS A LOT saying theres literal PEDOS in the fucking show but theyre all background characters but they can also piss off
Tbf i got confused along the way
Too many plot holes
Syaosaku angst
Syaosaku couldnt touch for a while 😔
Anyway why did yelan do that (referring to point above)
Some shit does not make sense
Tsubasa/xxxholic references (this is for you oomf)
Syaoran???? Is part of the “im keeping things from sakura” gang???? And it sucks so bad (yes it got resolved in the later half BUT IT STILL SUCKED)
pushes most characters from the og manga aside to focus on akiho and that man 🙄🙄🙄
Clamp forces us to care about them but in reality we really do not gaf
(In reference to point above) Clamp sees that and pushes the nostalgia tactics/references sometimes and its lowkey tiring
The part where the syao/saku/tomo were reminiscing that fuck ass teacher made me ill i genuinely wanted to kms
Still hasnt gotten rid of their p*do ass shit thanks clamp very cool (sarcasm)
Did i mention that the og characters were pushed back? Because they really were
Akiho felt more of the main character of this story instead of sakura
Tbh not much happened in the entirety of this manga ESPECIALLY considering time shenanigans
Im still mad that syaoran hid stuff from sakura tbh
syaosaku dont look but theres an ugly bitch trying to be like you (yunaaki)
Yunaaki becoming borderline canon despite it being a toxic and p*dophilic ship
Kaito still exists in this fucking story and got a somewhat happy ending (befriending syaoran dont piss me the fuck off)
Kero/tomoyo/yue/nakuru/spinnel basically everyone magically involved is pushed back basically useless until the final act (i think i mentioned the character pushback before)
Still major plotholes
Yamazaki tells the truth now
Touya got whitewashed
Akiho still has too many similarities to sakura it still pisses me off. Why cant they make her her own character
My girl sakura developed anxiety
angsty ass middle schoolers
Didnt like the scene where sakuras grandad was basically throwing shade at syaoran comparing his romance with sakura to … sakura’s fuckass dad grooming her mom. What
Syaoran calmed down a bit i miss when he was chaotic af but whatever #middleschoolerthings
Season 2 is taking forever to release good lord
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misslauwie · 1 year
The way Jimin loves and engulfs his members in his love...
Today I want to talk more about this. I think this has not been talked enough.
It was a sad day when uri sunshine left for the military. & I kept thinking the one who will be missing uri sunshine a lot is our very own Jiminie. Our Jiminie who had been roomate with Jhope for almost a decade.
Both have been equally supportive of each other. Jimin flew over and made time to visit Jhope for Loolapaloza. JHope accompanying Jimin on his Dior show. And the haters from both stans saying that they tried to take each other spot light can reflect on the meaning of friendship. I admit I was a bit ticked when I saw the twitterfuck following Dior show saying that the crowd was for Jhope and not Jimin. But the twitterfuck that followed where Jimin stan tried to shame Jhope by comparing crowds during Hermes and LV shows just made me cringe. I started going around and twitting if you are Jimin stans than this narrartive is putting shame to Jimin's name because Jimin is the epitome of love. Be a good human like Jimin always wears on his shirt.
And remember the members know whats going on in SNS. And Jimin came on weverse a day after thanking Jhope for being there with him and thus making him less nervous. I think its meant to put an end to the toxic narrative of Jhope trying to take spotlight away from Jimin during Dior show. & this is why I am less than happy when another member (who may not be name) is less supportive on SNS. I know Jin said that when you doesnt see it on SNS doesnt mean that they havent express their support towards each other. But as idols and adults they should know sometimes twitterville can get nasty as hell. And some neutralizing post can alleviate some of the toxicity. But maybe not. But then again Jimin is always the standard for me so its not others fault if they fail to meet the Jimin's standard.
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Even his band leader stated many times that Jimin is best at giving support towards his fellows without the green monster peeking in.
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And Jimin isnt the type to lie down and let the members walk all over him. He may in early days but he can assert himself and ask for affirmation from his members when he need it.
I think Jimin's own value also shines in the way that he never made other people a competition. But he made himself a competition. He always said I want to become better than I am now and thats why I need to practice. He always says he himself is his role model.
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Living over 3 decades now I can tell you the way to get out of a rut or a downward spiral where you feel you are always lacking esp against others is to get moving... to get off your feet... do the 10000 hours you want to be good at like Malcolm Gladwell book. Even TxT members praised Jimin for his work ethics where he always saw Jimin practice. Heck even Yoongi said if hard work is a type of talent then Jimin himself is a genius. I am somehow reminded of an anime where you have 2 main characters; one born with innate talent and one born with grit. And when the tough gets tougher, the one born with grit may overcome challenges that the one with innate talent cant. Just because their mental strength is superior as nothing comes easy for them. And I think this applies to Jimin in spade.
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So its never a surprise to me that Jimin is always overflowing with love and how supportive he is towards his members' works. I am convinced even though some members may not express it through SNS that they are equally happy and proud of Jimin's achievements. After all they went through hell and back together. They overcame the system together. For a while it was them against the world.
All these stuff Im sprouting is to underline, highlight and put in bold letter on how Jimin loves. And its oh so beautiful for me.
And this comes through beautifully through the hug he gave Jhope when he sent Jhope off.
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He engulfed his brother Jhope in his warm embrace. If you watch the video, you will see that Jhope was equally moved in the hug. He closed his eyes, also tilted his head for a moment towards Jimin's neck and softly hug Jimin back. But God forbid him to stay and savor the moment after all there are under watch and was recorded.
I really dont want to compare Jhope hugs with the other members but sorry I cant help it. And I might get hates here but its my blog so if you dont like it you all can take a hike.
Jhope closed his eyes as well when hugging Yoongi and RM. But the one where I can see he had to take a moment and soaked it in with all the overflowing feelings was when Jimin hug him. A testimony of how move Jhope was when Jimin hug him was ... when JK started patting Jhope as if saying "its going to be ok, I will take care of your mochi baby in your stead." Call me delulu but thats how I saw that moment.
And for those whom are jealous of the moments that the members had during the sent off. Saying that its workplace harrasment when Jimin violently playfully hug JK. Its actually making me pity you. My love language is physical touch. And how you are missing out that it is Jimin love language without any sexual connotation is just pure loss. Physical touch is reassuring. Human need physical touch to florish. Im sure there is a scientific study on this. Just couldnt be bother to put the link up. Google it yourself.
I will end this post with:
I sincerely hope I can meet a Jimin in my life. a friend like Jimin in your life can take you places.
and you gotta wonder if he is your other half. He might gives you the world.
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