#sorry anon that it took forever for me to actually answer you. hopefully this answers your question thoroughly enough lol
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i recognize this might be a bat to a hornets nest but curious about more in-depth ndvr3 opinions
hi anon im sorry this took one million years to answer properly (bc i never got an answer back about how long you wanted this to be) but im answering it now. spoilers for v3 and very concentrated dislike of dr as a series (and especially v3 lol) below the cut
as a whole, dr does a very poor job at making its characters feel fleshed out. this is, i know, kind of the point - they're all supposed to essentially be very exaggerated versions of some specific tropes common in jp media, i.e gundham being an extreme chuuni. after the first game though, which feels like more of a proof of concept than an actually well-designed game, the extreme flatness (ironically shown very well by the pop-up-book art style lol) just gets worse and worse and the characters in v3 in particular are even less fleshed out than before. i realize that for v3 this is somewhat a consequence of them trying to drive home the 'these are characters written by someone else' point, but like.......even if you're trying to make the point that someone wrote the characters to be like that, you can still write the characters well if you're trying to pull off genuinely emotional moments w them. e.g. every time they tried to make kaito's illness sad i could not give LESS of a shit about it because he just has the one-note personality.
dr has always had the problem where characters - outside of komaeda and hinata in sdr2, who are IMO the best developed characters in the whole series, especially komaeda - are only as well developed as the amount of time you spend doing their social links (or occasionally the particular trial that focuses on them, if that applies). of course, it's literally impossible to complete everyone's social events during the main mode of the game - unlike, for example, p4 or p5, where you can at least get close if you dont finish the whole social link. as such, it is extremely difficult to form an attachment to more than 1 or 2 characters before they kill/are killed. this is especially true when it's immediately obvious who has less of a personality than everyone else - or has more of a trope of a personality - and it's intensely predictable who is going to die early. for example, in v3, it was almost immediately obvious to me that tennis guy, maid girl, and angie and tenko were not going to make it to the end of the game, and were all early deaths, because of how paper-thin their personalities are. of course, this meant that i didn't bother doing their social events at all, so i had no attachment to them when they did inevitably die. this is a problem w every single dr game but its especially bad with this one.
(don't even get me started on how ive been able to figure out the majority of the solution to each case before the trial even starts or gets farther than like 30 minutes in. or how the issues that the students raise are often incredibly stupid and take WAY too much time and energy to shoot down when its so obvious that they're completely wrong. it's just. filler for in so many of the trials and it is incredibly annoying. the amount of filler before seesaw effect made me insane.)
now for my main v3 specific complaint: the fucking ending.
i actually like meta endings, you must understand that about me before reading the rest of this. meta in video games in general is something i love as long as it's well executed. i adore how uchikoshi handles it in [GAME REDACTED TO AVOID SPOILERS], for example, even though a lot of people seemed to have missed the point with it entirely.
the key word there is "well-exectued." v3 is not.
first of all: if you're trying to make this a meta case where v3 is part of the ongoing DR series....why are you trying to say that the video game you're playing is part of a TV show???? it feels as natural to say that a TV show you're watching is secretly a book someone else is reading. it's not a natural jump between mediums in the slightest, and what makes it even more annoying is that dr as a series is a primarily-video-game series!!!!!!!!! what on EARTH are you doing trying to be meta about your video game secretly being a TV show. it makes no fucking sense. if they tried to say that it was a mixed-medium franchise, that I would accept, because DR IS a mixed-media franchise. but it feels incredibly stupid to retroactively say that 'these two video games we wrote in the past are actually tv shows.' what? no. that's not how mediums work.
secondly: the meta does not work effectively in a series like dr to begin with when it already is constantly breaking the 4th wall for comedy - which i don't actually have any significant problems with. i personally think it's a lazy way of trying to be funny when it's the primary way you try to make your game funny, but i can accept that it works with the general character trope adherence of the series as a whole. however, because of how meta is often used as a joke in the series, when they suddenly try to make the meta serious, while also still keeping elements of the meta comedy at the same exact time that you're revealing that the meta Is Dead Serious Stuff, the complete tonal dissonance really works against you.
lastly: it does not really feel like the writers wrote v3 as a whole to be meta, if that makes sense. [redacted uchi game] feels like it was always meant to be that way, and so it feels completely natural that it leans into fourth-wall breaking all the time. however, the way that the meta ending comes across in v3 is just that they didn't have any other better ideas on how to end the game/were running against a time deadline and just threw in the 'ehhhhhhhhh we're already meta all the time for comedy let's do that for the ending but serious this time' towel. as i said earlier, i like meta in games when it's well-exectued, but poorly executed/written metanarrative always sticks out, and in the case of v3 it is especially bad because it doesn't even seem like they wrote the first case AFTER the last case....which you need to do in order to successfully pull off the meta in a case like v3. and is also wild considering the very beginning of the game makes it clear that they did actually go back and try to drop foreshadowing earlier without editing much of the rest of the game to accommodate for that.
tldr the writing around the metanarrative ending is just so intensely bad that it's kind of unbelievable to me that people think it's a good ending.
sorry if you like dr but tldr its a mediocre series and its baffling to me how it got popular, but also people saying v3 is better at being meta than [redacted uchikoshi game] is an opinion ive seen more than once that just makes me fucking laugh.
#asks#anonymous#'aj don't you rb dr art sometimes' yes because sometimes the art is good. next question#[also i havent watched the dr3 tv show or...whatever the other was. the two anime original pieces. so this is complaint isnt based on those#sorry anon that it took forever for me to actually answer you. hopefully this answers your question thoroughly enough lol
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this is 🦁🏔️ anon, answering the ask game!! hopefully it doesn't get too long
Share your memories!
Where we live now, there isn't any snow or a big temperature change during the winter, but in my source it SNOWED. SO MUCH. And I remember hitching car rides home from the station with some of my coworkers/partners and hopping in the back seat to turn on the heater... And I miss everyone from the station. No one was perfect and we all kinda got caught up in some crappy stuff but I miss the friendships I had. Also I think a lot of us miss snow in general. - raoir
Is there any foods from your source that you can't have anymore/miss? (Big Q asks for your favourite ice cream flavors)
nope! I think for most of us, everything we liked in source is here. also I LOVE chocolate peanut butter ice cream. dick likes vanilla or pecan stuff, luke likes chocolate, redd likes birthday cake, and ronan likes peanut butter (he is so dog-coded /j) - fritz
What was/is your favorite thing about Minecraft? (If youre from an MC-based source.)
none of us are sourced from minecraft stuff but i really like the farming. like i LOVE farming. start up a server with us on it and there will be a huge wheat farm in no time. i think that ties back to how in both my sources i was raised on a farm??? i'm only making that connection now lmao - macdon
Who do you miss the most?
I miss my partners. Things got really bad in source, and I lost one of them and never got to apologize to the other. I wish I could see them again and make everything right. - raoir
i miss my girlfreind,,,,, so much,,, where is she /silly - redd
i miss my kids!!! my little troublemakers !! i need someone (NOT my husband) to cringe at my dad jokes /j - ro
What’s the best thing about being kin/an alter for you?
i love that we're like a big family. granted that doesn't mean we don't get on each other's nerves a lot lmao. but it's nice to never be alone. there's almost always someone looking over your shoulder or idly chatting with you, and it's really comforting. - m
same as above. also i love buying things i know someone else will like and saving it for them. (our etsy favourite list is a mess LMAO) - ronan
If you could swap your kins/who you’re based off, would you?
uhhhh technically i would. but i would switch my source to like. the version of me that actually ended up introjecting? if that makes sense? because Canon Me is a NIGHTMARE. he's a creep. but i literally only have two things in common with the guy. i look like him and we both played baseball in college. lmao. (also i literally just realized that i was falling back on. old habits in those other asks i sent. source's name is luc. i tried changing my name to luke. aaaugh. fuk /silly) - luke
What’s your favorite music? Additionally, do any songs help you get into shift/front?
completely breezing past the first question sorry fdhgkldfj. gonna dump some of our front trigger songs here (i'm always around so this isn't applicable to me lmao). come get some free music recs /silly - m
TC: BUTCHER VANITY - pann ver. (by pann) (TW: gore/cannibalism)
Dick: Inertia (by AJR) (both the normal and acoustic versions!)
Fion: Lavender Forever (by Jake Wesley Rogers)
Redd: Transylvania Mania (from Young Frankenstein)
Fritz: HEAVEN SAYS. (by chart)
Galloway: Sleeping in the Kitchen (by Madilyn Mei & Addison Grace)
Luke: Literal Monster (from Nerdy Prudes Must Die)
Macdon: Eat Your Young (by Hozier)
Raoir: 25 or 6 to 4 (by Chicago)
Ro: Shivers (by Ed Sheeran)
Ronan: it boy (by bbno$)
Tommy: The Lotto (by Ingrid Michaelson & AJR)
WOW that was a lot lmao. uhhhh (youtuber voice) if you reached the end, drink some water, stay hydrated, take a stretch break if you can (writing this from our shrimp artist position,,, oough. spine.)
also we saw people talking about pokemon and our favourite pokemon is skarmory!! it used to be another pokemon but then we did a shiny hunt for skarmory in ORAS and it took like 600+ encounters. we named it macduff after the shakespeare guy lmao.
- 🦁🏔️ [several of us lmao]
also skarmory! i dont see much skarmory love around, thats awesome! they suit you guys :3 /pos
also.... snrk..... the name dick... /T /SILLY
#tom posts#🦁⛰️ anon#ask game#ty for the answers!#these are all really nice to read /gen#its fun to see how diff everyone is!
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All You Got is by far my most favorite twd fic. It’s so good. I think, as far as what’s gonna happen to the characters, I’m expecting when Daryl and reader find the others they won’t accept her and maybe even force her to leave for a bit? Do you have plans to make the series span multiple eras like to the negan era? Because a whole can of worms could happen with that. Anyways you’re amazing at writing and I’ll love whatever you do! 💚
AHHH! anon thank you so much! you are so so soooo sweet <3 sorry this took forever for me to answer, exams kicked my ass lmao and I've just recovered (mostly). I love ur predictions hehe, hopefully I can kick my ass back into writing so that we can see if they come true ;)
as for the series' span... im actually not sure! I know when I want to end this part (its looking about 20+ chapters rn), but I might do another part later on if I have inspiration? we'll see <3
thank u again for the kind message mwah!! ily
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Theyne vs Tristheon vs Tristheyne?
Ahhh anon I’m so sorry it took me forever to answer this! I wasn’t really sure what you had wanted to know/wanted me to talk about but I wanted to give a satisfying response and of course just…ended up spinning my wheels for a bit agh.
My OTPs! My endgame OTPs! At least two of them and then the third that’s polycule that smooshes them together, and I have to admit that while I’m pretty picky about poly stuff, it can be a very satisfying way to solve ship conflicts if you think the three characters would work all three together.
Both Theyne and Tistheon absolutely come with hitting certain id things for me which are specifically: 1) wanting Theon to get a soft and happy endgame, 2) wanting Theon to finally be in a relationship (not necessarily a romantic one generally, but for the purposes of shipping yes) where he is valued and prioritized and loved, and 3) a special bonus if the relationship is with a character who is also ironborn or is not so attached elsewhere that they can’t join Theon in an endgame on the Iron Islands where the move wouldn’t feel too unfair to them. It’s not that I require all my ships to be Soft or healthy or Endgame Material, even with Theon, but I think with him especially this is a desire that I do like to have fulfilled.
Theyne is obviously the ship with the most canon support and is a ship that’s kind of int hat borderline area of…I don’t really think George would let me have this, like I don’t really see him going this way. Like him just letting Theon be alive and at peace and hopefully in nice/comfortable circumstances at the end would already be a fucking victory. I don’t think we’re getting a romance, especially this one, and eh. Overall from a canon perspective that might be better. Also, it would…difficult to do a Theyne romance within the scope of the books due to the age gap. I’m really not very precious about ages and age gaps in fiction, especially historical/fantasy fiction like this where the most of the kids and teenagers all act like 3-4 years older than they apparently are supposed to be, and still I usually never have anything overly romantic happen with Theyne until several years post-Dance.
So yea I don’t see this having a chance at being canon or anything but like…it could be. Like very seriously, if GRRM was a different writer, if this was a slightly different type of series…it’s written very romantically. Not in the sense that the characters have romantic feelings for each other but in that the themes and tropes and imagery around this relationship feel very High Romance to me. (While also being just subverted enough, just gritty and complicated and non-played-straight enough to make this ship actually interesting and soul-destroying to me jfglsdf. Have I mentioned recently I’m a hard sell on het?) I wrote a bit about what I love about Theyne here, but the summary version is that it’s very much about significant common experiences, the past coming around full circle with the present, the seeing the truth of/about each other when others don’t, the mutual dependency and being able to offer each other the love and future and understanding that they both need. (And a freedom from the Starks…that too, though that’s something Theon needs a lot more than Jeyne.)
Not that…this relationship would necessarily be free of angst or any conflict. They’ve both suffered a lot of trauma and would have individual needs that could be difficult to handle for a partner at times. It’s unclear if Jeyne is aware that Theon took Winterfell (her home, after all) in a conquest for a “foreign” power – which, regardless of anything else, naturally brought violence into the life of its people – or that he killed two kids, whether Bran and Rickon or not. Depending on whether she already knows this information or not, it might be a starting discovery that she may not take well. Theon was also forced to perform a non-consensual sex act on her. He had no real will in the situation, granted, but he was still the tangible tool of her abuse, which she doesn’t seem to blame him for but, again, if one wished to fill this ship with angst and possible dysfunction, the groundwork is there. And like…would they have things in common? Like normal, everyday, happy things?
But like, overall, when I’m shipping this and daydreaming about it, I’m very much seeing it as a Soft endgame ship with cliché marriage and all that, with lots of tenderness and love for Theon (for both of them) ❤
In comparison, Tristheon is of course very reliant on headcanons. These characters haven’t really interacted and to the extent they have, it’s mostly Theon having a couple of snarky, not very nice thoughts about Tris being Asha’s pet. It’s unclear how well and from when/where they know each other. Tris is also a minor character and I certainly live in fear that GRRM could go in some unpleasant direction with him. But on the other hand, what we can extrapolate of his personality is promising: Tris truly seems like an idealistic and romantic person – a little too much so for the Islands, if Asha’s assessment is to be trusted – who’s practically made of loyalty and devotion, someone who’s capable of faithfulness, steadfastness and commitment. His naivete regarding his relationship with Asha is sad, but it’s not meanspirited (and people’s contempt on this account is moronic and heartless, imo) – he hasn’t seen her for years, since he was forbidden from seeing her but her father while they were in the middle of an affair. She doesn’t actually personally reject him until their first scene. The fact that he’s unable to switch off his feelings for her immediately as though it’s a fucking light switch is actually to his credit.
Anyway, what this has to do with Tristheon is that…this is the kind of soft engame boyfriend I want for Theon. The kind of person who, if he does develop genuine feelings, would be a devoted and loving partner, the sort who could be selfless and understanding with all the difficulties that Theon will likely have in re-adjusting to life and re-learning/practicing certain things, the limitations he might have. (How miserable is a world without modern medicine…) This is also someone who might have common childhood memories with Theon, a common cultural background and understanding. Someone who might just have similar hobbies with him lol. But they might also be able to connect on a level of mutual understanding when it comes to not completely fitting in with their culture, what with Tris being better adjusted and yet still “too sweet” for the islands to an extent. They would also be very able to give each other exactly what the other would want to receive and vice versa, i.e. Tris, I think, really wants to be needed while Theon maybe thinks he wants to be needed but really what he wants/needs is to be accepted and unconditionally loved.
I think I do also enjoy/allow Tristheon to skew a little angstier than Theyne – in part because that’s always kind of how I am with slash, I guess, but also because Jeyne is also a character I guess I want to protect, whereas Tris someone who can take on a bit more angst xD Tristheon allows, for me, more explorations in themes of Theon’s fitting in with the ironborn, dealing with his past failures (intentional or not, understandable/justifiable or not) in leading them/being their prince, the somewhat more grittier and hurt/comfort inclined side of his post-trauma issues, and putting to rest the ghost of Robb Stark, who’s relationship to/with Theon I see as in many ways a contrast to how I imagine Tristheon as a ship. (I talked some before about the Tristheon vs. Throbb contrasts here, although in the context of a specific fic, but it applies generally.)
There are also some possibilities to explore a bit of role-reversal in the Supportive Boyfriend Realm, in that Tris would possibly have a certain amount of trauma potentially remaining after such a blunt crash of all his hopes and dreams re: Asha, that were clearly based on a romantic worldview that, well, is naïve in a some similar ways Sansa’s pre-ACOK worldview is naïve, and yet he’s managed to carry this idealism into adulthood. And this disillusionment then comes at a really shit time too, what with the war, his elder brother dying, his father’s murder….
Tristheyne – ahhh I’m excited that you came up with a shipname for it ❤ This is like…what if I don’t have to choose between the two OTPs? :D I haven’t actually thought about this layout too much; I think I might have requested it once for an exchange? But it’s a very soft concept to me? I think Tris/Jeyne would be a very cute and soft ship – Tris is just great boyfriend material, you can fight me. Yea, yea, he needs to get over his teenage first love and realize his romanticism is very overwrought but…otherwise, again, like Theon, Jeyne could use the faithfulness, kindness and affection. I do worry that with all three of them having various levels of significant trauma and issues, including on the romantic/relationship front, jealousy born of insecurity could infect a poly arrangement... But it’s fanfic! We don’t have to let it!
Anyway, anon, I don’t know what you actually wanted me to talk about. This all came out very rambley, I fear, but thank you! I love my children 🤍💙💛🖤💚🤍
#theon greyjoy#tristifer botley#theyne#theon x jeyne#tristheon#theon x tris#Tristheyne#tris x theon x jeyne#asoiaf#shipping#asked and answered#op
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rs archive 08/10/2024:
hello! i recently started getting into t1 and went down a rabbit hole of your fics! sorry i know you might be sick of everyone constantly mentioning it, but all my love has my whole heart, started listening to noah kahan just because of it and there is constantly an ache in my heart when i think about it … sobs … i went thru an EERILY similar experience as wooje with my family and i feel like your writing is extremely tender, it’s amazing that you can put these thoughts and emotions into words and those words are able to paint a beautiful picture of what love is. you took my heart and left a deep compression on it with all my love. sorry if that doesn’t make any sense aha.
we just need some time together is also one of my all time favs , it kept me up at night thinking about it for too long. minseoks internal dialogue just feels so real, his self esteem, his confidence is amazingly illustrated, and of course your exposition is so delicate and beautiful. CRIES …
im really invested in your new fic, i want your violence, and i usually never follow fics that are currently updating. i have so many questions .. in my brain keria is still happily in district 13 even tho i read your comments that you killed 3/5 of t1… cries again … im so so curious to what you have in store for us! finally i get to my question : how long will i want your violence be? am really curious about all the plot points you’ve brought up and its clear that you’ve planned this really well!
sorry for this long message. i adore anything you put out , your style of writing resonates deeply with me and i wish for nothing but happiness in your future !
okay first off i am never sick of love of my writing, aml or other, bcuz im a NARCISSIST!!!!!!! ... ok im kidding. but really, i never get sick of the love you guys give me because it truly means a lot and i think saying "oh boo everyone loves aml so much" is like.. first world problem much? LKJDSALKFJ. i love that fic!! so im very happy ppl love it too. noah kahan is literally amazing btw, IM SO HAPPY UR LISTENING TO HIM!! the stick season (we'll all be here forever) album is OFC incredible, but i personally looove i was / i am. wooje in aml is very special and im glad he and my writing can connect to you!! your comment made perfect sense to me :)
hsbfhsfh wjnstt is such a.. problem ?? child?? for me, or like i have a love/hate relationship with it.. i really do at the end of the day love it though; it was my first "major" fic project and means/meant (?) a lot to me. i think it could've been written better.. but i feel that about all my fics, so that's alright. i should really reread it one of these days. but i digress! im very glad you like it :]
as for i want your violence!! im so sorry i haven't been updating it, its bc im working on this OTHER fic rn, but anyway ill try and update it soon!! hopefully ur questions can be answered :] if not, then after the fic is finish u can always pop back in here again ..! (well, maybe on tumblr BCS. retrospring is shutting down but u catch my drift). anyway i actually have no clue how long this fic will be? just as a ballpark number, id say anywhere from 70k to 100k, maybe even more. this baby is gn be probably my longest fic.
no worries about the long message; i love long messages like this. thank you so much anon, and i hope you have an amazing day <3
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Hi Juilssa! How are you today? ✨✨
Hope you don’t mind answering some headcanons (:
Have Mickey and Ian ever try to contact Svetlana /Yevgeny? Does Ian eventually grow beard/ facial hair? How does mickey react? Does Mickey reconnects with his brothers after Terry died?
Have a great weekend(:
anon xx, hi!! first of all, i'm so sorry it's taken me so long to answer this! every time i started i would ramble off the rails and lose the plot haha so let's try this again hopefully in a sensible manner 😅
ok... starting this one off by saying that my opinions on this may be unpopular? but, i'm of the belief that mickey closed that door and doesn't have any desire to reopen it. i personally don't think he should feel any type of guilt or responsibility about this. there is so much trauma for him there and i don't think this is necessarily unresolved for him when it comes to svetlana or yevgeny. (i actually don't even think yev is his asldkfj) i would love for him and ian to talk about this though. to get closure and understanding on those years for THEM as partners and for their future, but not because mickey feels he needs to get in touch with either svet or yev. *sweats*
HELL YES!!!! i simply will never forgive john wells for this (well, for many things 😒 i'm still coming for you bitch!) i think ian would totally be into growing it and getting really into it. getting beard oils and such. and mickey? oooof that boy just loses his entire mind! i imagine him being like those enamored cartoon characters? heart eyes popping out, tongue flapping "AAAOOOGGAAA" sound. imagine? getting to feel that beard on his skin? tickling his neck and trailing down his body and on his thighs WOWEE MAMA!
i would love mickey to get in touch with all his siblings after a while! i think there was true love there. a comradery. only they know how it was to grow up in that house and i think they have a real bond because of it. all those milkovich kids deserve the world.
thank you for dropping by! sorry it took me forever, it's just that i can't stop rambling! 💙
it is... no longer the weekend lmao have a great wednesday/time zone!
#i love headcanons but i'm always terrified someone will come at me like 'WOOOW BAD TAKE' 😅😅#anyway anon xx i love what you're doing here!#anon xx#asks
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Always the Prettiest, Part 2
Chris Evans x Reader
Read Part 1 Here!
Anon: Thank you for writing my request!! I loved it!! Would you write a part 2 of when she actually cuts her hair? Maybe Chris helps her do it?
WC: 2,154
Warnings: a little angsty-ish, swearing, mostly fluff, tiny mention of smut at the end.
A/N: Sorry this took so long! The first part wrote itself but this one I struggled to get down and had no idea how to end it, hope you still like it!
It was a few weeks later and you were set to fly out in two days to start filming. You were so excited to start your new role and take on this new character, but still couldn’t get over the fact that you had to shave your head. Yes, Chris had talked you down to normal, but now that it was time to do it, your insecurities were flooding in again.
You sat on a barstool in front of the bathroom mirror, the counter lined with all of the tools you would need. You had decided that you wanted to do this yourself, hopefully surprising him when he got back, but that idea seems to have flown out the window.
You had tied your hair into four ponytails, deciding to donate it because you might as well, and were ready to make the first cut when the front door opened and Dodger started barking. You knew it was Chris and having him around made your nerves jump even more.
You put down the scissors and looked in the mirror at yourself again. “It’s too late to drop out,” you thought, taking a deep breath, “it’ll grow back eventually.”
“Baby, where are you?” Chris called from the door, still being attacked by Dodger.
“Up here,” you answered back, your voice small.
Chris hurried up the stairs, eager to scoop you up in his arms. He plowed through the bedroom door, Dodger hot on his heels, only to find it empty. He looked around for a second as Dodger nudged the bathroom door open with his nose. The light drew Chris’ attention as he followed his best friend. Your image quickly came into view and his demeanor softened.
“Getting started, huh?” he asked quietly.
“Uh, yeah,” you breathed, “was thinking I’d maybe surprise you with it but I stalled too long and now you’re here,” you laughed lightly, trying to calm your nerves.
“Want some help?” he asked, gently, understanding if this was something you wanted to do on your own, but he so desperately wanted to comfort you.
You hesitated again, not knowing whether he would help or hurt in this situation. In the end, you decided that anything he was involved in was always better, “please,” you answered while you looked down at your hands fiddling with each other.
“You sure, darlin’? I don’t mind if you wanna do it yourself,” he soothed.
“I’m sure. I need you, bubba.”
“Okay, com’ere, “ he whispered, extending his arms and pulling you in.
You tucked your head into his chest and he placed a few kisses on top of it as his hands ran up and down your back. You felt a few tears spring to the surface as he rocked you just barely. He squeezed you tighter, waiting for you to pull away first; he had all the time in the world to comfort you.
You pulled back gently, keeping your hands on his sides, as you looked into his eyes. He looked back at you, having a silent conversion that only the two of you would understand.
“Ready?” he asked eventually.
“Ready,” you said, your breath a little shaky.
“I think you should make the first cut, ya know? Be in control and all…” he suggested, gently.
“Okay,” you breathed, picking up the scissors.
You brought the pair up to the first ponytail slowly; your hands shook as you grasped the hair in one of them, the other opened the scissors, capturing the bundle in between the blades. You let out a deep breath between your teeth. You closed your eyes and slammed the scissors shut in one quick motion. You felt the hair break away, allowing you to bring the bundle down into your hands.
“Like a band-aid,” you whispered to Chris, eyes still shut.
He laughed back at you lightly, “yeah, a band-aid.”
You slowly opened your eyes, first taking in the sight of the bundle in your hands, then glancing up into the mirror. Your eyes widened, seeing what hair was left sticking out in all directions because it was so short. You let out another heavy breath, looking over at Chris to see his reaction.
He was smiling at you genuinely, a twinkle in his eye. You laughed a little bit at him, not fully being able to discern what he was feeling, but he wasn’t looking at you with disgust, so that had to be a good sign. He glanced down at the bundle still clutched tightly in your hand before looking up into your eyes, his smile widening.
“Holy fuck,” you laughed, dropping the bundle onto the counter.
Your hands reached up to feel the hair left behind; your heart was beating out of your chest. You felt kind of liberated, your feminism taking over as you laughed at yourself in the mirror.
“Fuck beauty standards!” you yelled at yourself in the mirror, laughing loudly.
Chris laughed with you, watching you embrace yourself. He’d never felt so in love with you.
For a second you felt so free, then reality smacked you back in the face. You still hadn’t finished and this wasn’t just a one day thing. Your hair would take forever to grow back and you wouldn’t look like yourself and what if you weren’t pretty anymore and Chris left you? The last thought cut you to your core as your shoulders sank. Chris saw the wheels spinning in your head and took the scissors from your hand.
“Let me help, yeah?” he asked, knocking you from your thoughts, “there’s no going back now, hot stuff,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your temple.
He repeated your earlier movements to the remaining three ponytails on your head, lightly chopping them off and dropping them next to the first.
“Someone’s going to get a very beautiful wig,” he whispered as he placed the last one down.
You kind of wished he hadn’t said that, again thinking that he thought you were beautiful because of your hair.
“But I get to keep the best part,” he added, arms wrapping around your shoulders as you stared in the mirror.
He kissed your face and head over and over, just holding you there for a while, letting you rest before moving forward.
Once you started to wiggle in his arms, he reached out and grabbed the clippers. He placed the shortest guard on it, before plugging it in. You watched him do all of this, your stomach turning in knots and hands shaking. He reached out and took one of your hands, turning it over in his own before placing the clippers in it.
“You wanna take the first swipe again?” he asked quietly, but you knew it wasn’t really a question.
“Okay,” you breathed, wrapping your fingers around the base.
You turned on the clippers, flinching a little at the buzz in the almost silent room. You slowly brought the instrument up to your head, aiming right in the center. You took a deep breath, steadying yourself, before making contact.
“There’s no going back baby, just do it,” he whispered.
You didn’t know why you were struggling so much; you’d already lobbed off all of your hair. You can’t put it back on, so what was the alternative?
Chris gently brought his hand up over yours, “together?” he questioned.
“Yeah,” you breathed, lowering the clippers down and making contact before taking a long swipe straight out of the top of your head. His hand wasn’t really doing anything; he didn’t add any pressure or control your direction, instead he just steadied you.
You let out a deep breath as you pulled the clippers away and turned them off. The hair that you’d just shaved fell to the floor around you. You took a deep breath, staring at yourself in the mirror. Now you really had to do it, there was no way a hairdresser could fix this into some sort of Pixie cut.
Your hands were resting in your lap gently holding the clippers. You raised the device up, holding it out to Chris gently, “can you finish it?” you asked, your voice so small it hurt him to hear.
“Of course, honey, whatever you want me to do.”
You felt emotionally drained, still fretting about what would happen between you and Chris, but he insisted that this wouldn’t change anything.
He worked his way around your head slowly, buzzing away the hair and brushing it off gently with his hands before taking another swipe. He soon finished, set down the clippers, and stepped away from you.
You took a deep breath, still watching your reflection in the mirror. “This is new,” you thought. You swiped your hands over your head, feeling the fuzz. It reminded you of when Chris buzzed his and it was so soft you couldn’t keep your hands off of it. At least you can do that all the time now.
“I think I want to shower, ya know? Wash the hair off of me,” you said quietly.
“Okay, darlin’, I’ll be downstairs when you’re done,“ Chris answered, leaving you by yourself.
You felt like crying but didn’t, you weren’t really sad, just drained. You instead, swept up all the hair, discarding it in the bathroom trash, put away all of the tools you’d used, got out your best soaps and scrubs, and took a nice long, hot shower.
You breathed deeply, letting the water wash everything away. It was nice to not spend 10 minutes on your hair, and not worry about brushing it once you’d gotten out, and then how you were going to style it. You ran your hands over it again in the mirror when you’d finished. You felt kind of liberated. Free. You weren’t weighed down by your locks anymore. You couldn’t hide behind it. You were coming around to the new cut. You applied some moisturizer before leaving the bathroom. You threw on one of Chris’ oversized sweatshirts, some leggings, and some fuzzy socks, before walking downstairs.
You entered the living room, thinking Chris would be on the couch with Dodger, but you found him in the kitchen, his back to you as he stirred some pasta boiling on the stove.
“Hi,” you spoke quietly, letting him know you were there.
He answered, not turning around at first, “hi, baby, thought I’d make your favorite for dinner, alfredo, per your dad’s recipe of course, maybe it’ll cheer you up a - holy shit…” he cut himself off, finally turning around.
You ran your hand over your neck nervously as his eyes trailed up and down your body. You didn’t bother dolling yourself up, instead opting to be comfortable and cozy.
“What?” you asked, quiet as ever.
His eyes trailed over you some more, memorizing every detail of your body. He focused on your face for a few seconds before answering.
“You’re so…” he trailed off, “so gorgeous.”
“Really?” you asked, still a little insecure about the big change and its effect on your relationship.
“Absolutely, hot stuff,” he breathed, chuckling a little as he walked towards you.
He reached your side and wrapped you in his arms instantly, planting a nice hard kiss to your mouth.
“God I love you so much,” he breathed, pulling back a little, “I’ve never loved you more, actually.”
“Really?” you giggled, “even with no hair?”
“Even with no hair,” he chuckled back, “can I touch?” he asked.
Your eyes lit up and your smile widened when you heard him.
“Course,” you answered, again remembering how obsessed with his buzz you’d been.
He rubbed one hand gently against your head, a smile breaking out across his face.
“What’re you smiling about?” you giggled at him.
“Nothing, doll.”
“No, tell meeeeee,” you begged.
“Okay, okay, I love it, I do, I love seeing you try something new, but…” he trailed off.
Your heart dropped to your stomach, you didn’t want to hear a “but.” Your eyes widened as you shriveled inside yourself.
“But, what?” you asked, voice small again.
“But I'm really gonna miss pulling it,” he laughed loudly.
You laughed back at him lightly, your heart lightening once again, “that’s exactly how I felt when you did yours, stud muffin.”
He laughed some more before squeezing you even tighter and kissing you again. This time taking things a step further and pushing his tongue in your mouth, “were you hungry now?” he asked, eyebrows raised.
“Not especially,” you answered, rubbing your hands up his sides, sliding under his shirt.
“Well let’s put a pause on dinner,” he kissed you again quickly, turning around and shutting off the stove, “I’d like to find something else to grab onto, hot stuff.”
You laughed loudly this time as he dropped his hands to the backs of your thighs, lifted you up, carried you to the living room, and dropped you on the sofa, beginning to kiss up your body.
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Guest Speaker
Anon requested: Hi! I saw that your requests are open, so this is oddly specific but, could I get a Reid x reader where she’s a cheerleader kinda prom queen stereotype but she’s like really smart and majoring in criminology (maybe that’s how they meet?) and he’s sorta insecure about dating her, maybe it could be a bit smutty? If not it’s totally cool, thank you sooo much.
Author’s note: First off, I would like to apologize to you anon. I took a rather long hiatus without really planning to due to some personal stuff, so I’m really sorry for that. I hope you still follow me, I hope you see this, and I hope above all else that you like it. Also, I should mention I didn’t add any smut because I didn’t feel like it fit the story. But, if you would like, I could do a smutty part 2! Just let me know.
Part 2
Reader’s POV:
Could this class be any more boring? Sure, criminology is my favorite subject. But this professor looked like he had one foot in the grave, with the voice to match. Talk about naptime.
I put my pen down in exasperation and decided that picking at my nail polish was a better way to spend my time.
“Psst,” a voice hissed next to me.
I popped my gum as I looked up at the source of the voice. It was Naomi, my best friend.
“Girl, I didn’t even notice you next to me!”
“I know,” she whispered, trying not to laugh. “You were too enamored with your polish flaking off. Sometimes I wonder how you’re top of the class.”
I stifled a laugh.
“I wonder the same thing sometimes, Naomi. Hey, I think I might dip a little early. What do you think about coming with me?”
No answer. I waited to see if she would respond, but she never did. Glancing up, I saw her staring towards the podium. There was no way she was looking at Dr. Daniels. I followed her gaze and about swallowed my gum in surprise.
Dr. Daniels was up there, but next to him was someone I had never seen before. Quite unfortunate, if I do say so myself, because he had to be the most beautiful man I had ever seen.
I whispered to Naomi out of the corner of my mouth, not breaking my gaze towards the man, “Who… is that?”
“I think Daniels said he works at the FBI. A guest speaker, I guess. Dr. Spencer Reid.”
She hadn’t stopped staring either.
I rested my head in my hands and sighed.
“He doesn’t look much older than us, Nay.”
She tilted her head and blinked slowly, “May the best woman win.”
“Alright, so that brings me to the end of my presentation. I have to get back to Quantico soon, but uh- I’ll stick around for some questions if anyone has any.”
Dr. Spencer Reid had to be the most beautiful, awkward, brilliant man I had ever seen.
I glanced around the room as I packed my things. Not many people went up to ask questions. A few did, but only briefly. Their loss.
Naomi nudged me with her elbow. “Gonna ask him a question?”
I took a deep breath, “I don’t think any of my questions have anything to do with criminology.”
Naomi laughed and shouldered her bag. “I’ve gotta get to my next class.”
She began walking down the steps to leave the room, but turned to me at the last second.
She began pointing at him while his back was turned and mouthed the words, “Get his number for me.”
As luck would have it, he turned around and noticed Naomi gesturing towards him. He looked at her and then up to me. A nervous smile graced his lips as he turned back around to pack his things.
I widened my eyes at Naomi and she raised her hands in defeat with a huge grin on her face.
Once she left, only Dr. Reid and I remained. I started my walk up to the podium, trying to come up with any questions that actually related to his presentation. As I slowed down near him, I prayed he couldn’t hear my heart ripping a hole in my chest.
“Um, Dr. Reid.”
He lifted his head and looked towards me, pausing mid-action. His hands were large compared to the papers he was putting in his bag.
“What can I do for you?”
I shifted my weight around, trying to get comfortable. It didn’t work.
“I was just wondering- um, does the FBI take interns? It’s been a dream of mine to work for the FBI.”
He turned all the way towards me and narrowed his eyes slightly. Was he judging me or something?
“Yeah, actually we do. There’s tons of programs you can check out. What’s your major?”
“Criminology,” I said softly.
“Oh wow, really? I would’ve thought maybe it would have been… something else.”
He glanced at my bag where my pom poms were sticking out.
“Ah, yeah because I’m a cheerleader?”
“Uh, no no, that’s not what I meant- I just-”
I shook my head with a small smile. “No, don’t worry about it. I get it a lot. Cheerleading is just a hobby. I’m actually top of the class.”
Dr. Reid raised his eyebrows in surprise. “That’s very impressive! I was top of my class in- well, every class,” he said, laughing quietly.
“I don’t doubt it, but you don’t look much older than us. Are you that much of a genius you skipped so many grades?”
He grabbed his bag and shrugged it on. “I do have an IQ of 187. I’m not sure if that’s what you were looking for.”
He smiled shyly at me. I was confident there was nothing this man couldn’t do.
“Wow. Well, that’s really impressive, too.”
I paused for a second, hoping he didn’t notice my burning red ears.
“Well, um, Dr. Reid, I don’t wanna hold you up. I’m sure you have way more important things to be doing than talking to me.”
He looked down at his feet and shifted his bag.
“Talking to you was important. Here,” he dug in his bag as he spoke, “Take my card. I’ll um- check up on those intern programs for you. Call me- I mean call my office in a few days. I’ll have something for you.”
He handed me his card abruptly. I took it with slightly shaking fingers. Hopefully he wouldn’t notice that either.
“I have to go, but it was nice talking to you. Hope to see you in Quantico some day,” he said as he smiled.
I stood stone still in my spot, still holding his card as if he had just handed it to me. I only broke out of my trance when he cleared his throat at the door as he was leaving.
“You shouldn’t pick your nail polish off. That color looks good on you.”
And then he was gone.
As I walked out of class, I couldn’t seem to make my heart stop fluttering. Dr. Reid wouldn’t flirt with me- right? No way. He was just complimenting me.
Naomi could tell something was up when I got to cheerleading practice. I didn’t want to tell her though; she’d never let me hear the end of it.
“You’re late! What’s up, (Y/N)? Did something happen?”
I shook my head. “Nothing happened, just took the scenic route!”
She narrowed her eyes at me. “Spill. What happened?”
I sighed. I should’ve known she’d start in on me immediately. Guess I’ll save myself the trouble and just tell her now.
“I talked to Dr. Reid and he gave me his card. And…he said I shouldn’t pick at my nail polish because the color looks good on me.”
Naomi’s jaw dropped. “Show me. Card. Now.”
I dug in my pocket and handed her the card. She snatched it from my fingers that still felt tingly.
“Oh my God! What did you say to him to make him give you that?”
I grabbed the card back from her. “I said I was interested in an FBI internship.”
She scoffed. “Well, I don’t know about an internship but you gotta get laid. Call him. And use protection,” she finished, winking at me.
I rolled my eyes and followed Naomi to the sideline before coach started yelling at us.
A few days had passed since I talked to Dr. Reid. I didn’t know what to do. Should I really call him or just forget that interaction ever happened?
I tried pushing the thought of him from my mind to focus on tonight. It was Friday night, which meant football. Not just football, but the rival team was playing us tonight. It was a huge game and tons of people are coming. I had to make sure I didn’t fuck anything up.
My makeup was done and my uniform was on, so I made my way to the field.
I was early of course, but there were already herds of people trying to get in. Young and old, students and non-students. Everyone was here. I felt the familiar rush of excitement I get before performing. There was nothing else like it in the world.
Tonight was gonna be a night to remember.
Narrator’s POV:
“Tell me why we’re here again?” Derek asked in confusion.
Spencer scratched his head. He was no good at these kinds of things.
“Well, I was really young in college. I- I never got the full college experience as an adult.” He tried not to cringe at his own words.
Derek glaced at Garcia. She shrugged and turned to JJ.
“I’m gonna go grab a hot dog. Wanna come with?”
JJ nodded. “Of course! Want anything boys?”
Spencer shook his head and Derek asked for a drink. The two women walked off.
“Well let’s go find seats then, Pretty Boy.”
Derek took Spencer through the crowd; it wasn’t hard to see he had no clue what was going on.
They found an empty corner in the bottom row of the bleachers. Spencer hesitated as Derek sat down.
“You gonna stand there all night, kid?”
He glanced around before his eyes settled on Derek.
“Do you know how many germs there are on these things?”
Derek rolled his eyes. “You wanted the full college experience. Here it is.”
Spencer groaned internally before sitting down.
“So tell me,” the bigger man said as he leaned forward, “Which one are you here for?” Derek gestured to the cheerleaders lining up on the field.
Spencer shifted in his seat and cut a sideways glance at Derek. “What makes you think I wanted to watch the cheerleaders?”
Derek laughed. “Kid, I might not be a genius like you, but I am a profiler. And I can tell when someone is crushing. You’ve been looking around here for something. My guess is, you saw a pretty girl at your guest lecture the other day and wanna see more of her.”
Spencer began to protest but sank back down in defeat. He looked around at the girls, trying to find the one he came for. After what seemed like forever, he found her.
“That one,” he pointed out, “in the very front with the (your hair color) hair.”
Derek looked at you as you began calling out to the other girls, leading them in a cheer.
“My man,” Derek said as he clapped Spencer on the back with a smile. “You better get to talking to her soon, or I may have to work my magic.”
Spencer sighed, “Go ahead. It’s not like she would like me anyway.”
“What makes you say that, kid?”
“Well, it’s just- I’ve never had much luck with those types of girls. Remember a few years ago with JJ?” Spencer said quietly while looking at his hands.
“That was back then, man. Look at you now! I bet she’d be into you.”
Spencer tried not to smile. “You think so?”
“I know so,” Derek said, patting Spencer’s back once again.
Spencer smiled to himself. He felt a little better about everything.
“What’s her name?”
Spencer looked at Derek and paused. “I- I don’t know. I didn’t ask.”
JJ and Garcia appeared then, hands full of snacks and drinks.
Derek leaned back as the girls sat down behind them.
“He’s here for a girl,”
JJ groaned and set her food down. Garcia smirked and held out her hand expectantly. After a second of digging in her pocket, JJ pulled out some money and slapped it into Garcia’s hand.
“Pleasure doing business with you,” she said as she put the money into her bag.
“Y- you guys took a bet?” Spencer asked in shock.
“All’s fair in love and war, dear doctor.”
“Garcia that doesn’t even- never mind,” Spencer said, shaking his head. He turned his head back to the field.
You were at the top of the formation now, standing on one foot while holding your other leg in the air with one hand, being held up by all the girls underneath you. It took Spencer’s breath away. You were so beautiful.
“OOH, she’s flexible!” Garcia grunted out past mouthfuls of hotdog.
Spencer ignored the comment and continued watching. He didn’t expect you to watch him, though.
You had found him in the crowd and made eye contact for a second. He raised his hand to begin waving, but stopped when he saw the color leave your face.
“Hey, woah- is she okay? She’s wobbling a little,” Derek said, shifting forward like he was going to stand up.
“She looks like she’s gonna-” JJ started. She didn’t get to finish. The group watched in horror as you went limp and fell from the top of the formation.
Reader’s POV:
I loved being up here. There was no other feeling like it, especially when I got to call out the cheers tonight.
We were nearing the end of this cheer, so I held out this position as long as I could, smiling at everyone in the crowd, making eye contact with as many as possible. I wasn’t expecting to make eye contact with Dr. Reid.
What was he doing here?!
I felt my leg begin to wobble, but still held my position. My heart was pounding and I suddenly felt very cold.
“Hey,” one of the girls below me hissed, “You okay?”
“I-” I managed to whisper, “I don’t feel so good…”
I don’t remember falling, so I was a little shocked when I came to, laying on my back. The rest of the squad circled around me, panicked looks on their faces.
“Hey, it’s okay. Stay down there. The AT is coming over to talk to you,” Naomi said, patting my shoulder.
I groaned and tried sitting up, but she pushed me back down. “That’s not a good idea. You just passed out.”
My eyes fluttered shut as I tried to remember what happened.
“Ugh, how embarrassing. I’ve never fallen before.”
Naomi smiled sadly at me. “It happens to the best of us. But what happened? Why did you lose it?”
I rubbed my head and sat up slowly, much to the annoyance of Naomi and the AT.
“I just felt- sick all of a sudden. I don’t know,” I lied quietly.
The AT handed me a bottle of water. “Just nerves, baby. It’s a big game.”
I nodded as she helped me up. “Yeah. Just nerves.”
Naomi went back to the squad and told them I was okay. The AT sat me down on the sideline, leaning me against the fence. “Take a breather, hun. You’ll feel better by halftime.”
I gave her a smile as thanks, and took a sip of water.
A voice behind me called out, “Hey, are you okay?”
Dr. Reid stood on the other side of the fence with a bigger African-American man and two blonde girls, one wearing glasses and one without glasses.
“Oh, yeah I’m fine! It’s just a big game. A lot of nerves, you know?”
I stood up and faced them. “Are these your coworkers?”
“Oh uh, yeah, this is Derek, JJ, and Penelope,” Spencer said, gesturing to each of the people next to him in turn.
I gave them a small smile and a wave.
“So what are you doing here? FBI that boring that you have to come see a random college football game? Maybe I don’t want an internship,” I laughed out to them.
Derek laughed with me. “Nah, Pretty Boy didn’t come for the game-”
Dr. Reid punched him in the arm.
The two women, JJ and Penelope, laughed as Derek raised his hands in defeat. “Alright, alright!”
I smiled and shook my head, looking back out to the field.
“Hey, I never asked you the other day. What’s your name?”
I turned my attention back to Dr. Reid. The other three were no longer in sight.
“(Y/N). My name is (Y/N).”
“Well, nice to officially meet you, (Y/N).”
“So what are you really doing here, Dr. Reid? It doesn’t take a genius to see that you have no interest in football.”
I hopped the fence and stood next to him.
“Hey, be careful. You did just have a pretty big fall.”
I grinned, a burst of confidence erupting in my chest.
“Of course, Doctor.”
He leaned against the fence next to me and looked down to meet my gaze. “Call me Spencer.”
My heart fluttered a bit. He was totally into me.
“Okay. Spencer, then.”
He smiled back at me. “Would you maybe want to get a coffee with me sometime?”
I turned towards him, hoping he didn’t see just how much I was blushing.
“I thought you’d never ask.”��
#spencer reid#dr spencer reid#reid#spencer#spencer reid x reader#reid x reader#dr reid x reader#dr spencer reid x reader#criminal minds#criminal minds x reader#mgg#mgg imagine#mgg x reader#derek morgan#hotch#aaron hotchner#jj#Jennifer Jareau#Penelope Garcia#garcia#prentiss#emily prentiss#Luke alvez#matt simmons#fbi#bau#x reader#imagine#one shot#reader insert
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May i please have a hurt/comfort fic with jujhar khaira? Like the reader got yelled at by their boss and is upset about it? That man is so damn beautiful and I want him to COMFORT ME DAMN IT 💀
A/N: oh my gosh anon im so sorry this literally took me forever to finish. life has started to catch up to me a little so i havent had much time to write (also had very little motivation), but here it is,,,
thank you for requesting, i hope you like it :)
Word Count: 1177
Warning(s): curse words, toxic work environment, i also dont know that much about jujhar so i hope i portrayed him okay!!!
join my taglist
I try to hold back on the lingering tears that threaten to spill out as I make my way back to my office cubicle. I just got out of one of the worst meetings I think I have ever taken part in. My boss gave me a total chewing out in front of some of our higher board members, totally embarrassing me and making me look like a horrible employee. He also gave me such an unrealistic expectation for an assignment that he wants me to have finished by tomorrow morning.
Once I tried explaining how unreasonable that was (in the most polite way possible), he then went on to go around the entire table and point out how much better every other employee is compared to me.
So yeah. My day’s been complete shit.
The thing is though, my boss is just a sexist, misogynistic man. I work my ass off every single day I am in this office, finishing all my work on time, putting in extra hours, and even making stupid coffee runs for the board members (filled with all men). But nothing I do seems to make my boss happy.
I shield my face with my hair when my coworkers walk past me. I can hear their hushed whispers and feel their judgmental stares piercing through me. I let out a huff when they walk away and start counting down the seconds until I get to leave this hellhole.
And as soon as that clock hits 4:00PM, I grab my purse and practically sprint out of there.
When I get far enough away from the building, the waterworks begin. And they don’t stop even when I pull into the driveway of the apartment I share with my boyfriend.
And it seems like the tears blurred my vision enough that I totally didn’t notice that Jujhar’s car was in the lot, since as soon as I opened the door I am startled to find my boyfriend lounging on the couch.
It seems as if I alarmed him as well when I unintentionally slammed the door behind me, since he’s immediately making his way to my side.
“What happened?!” Jujhar panicked, grabbing a hold of my tear stricken face to make sure I wasn’t hurt at all.
A little scowl crosses my face when the thought of my horrible day passes through my mind again. “I hate my boss.” I pout out.
Jujhar’s face hardened at my words before he questioned, “What did he do this time?”
“He completely embarrassed me in front of all the board members and made me look like a worthless employee.”
“What a dick.” I hear Jujhar mutter underneath his breath. He squeezes my shoulders reassuringly before leading me into our bedroom. “Why don’t you get changed into some comfy clothes and come back into the living room and we can talk a little more about everything. Or we could just watch a movie or something if you aren’t up to talking.”
I bring him into a much needed hug and sigh contently in his arms. “Ok. I’ll be right out.”
Jujhar gives me a reassuring smile as he makes his way out of the bedroom to let me change.
After changing into a pair of sleep shorts and one of Jujhar’s Oilers sweatshirts, I make my way back into the living room and flop down into the seat next to my boyfriend. He puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer into his body.
“Wanna talk about it?” He cautions, running his fingers gently across my back.
I let out a sigh and relaxed forward into Jujhar’s body before responding. “I just don’t know what to do. Nothing I do is ever right and I feel like I am just wasting my talent since it’s obviously not appreciated there.”
Jujhar lets me go on my little rant and waits until I am fully finished to respond. He makes sure to look me directly in the eye when he voices out,
“Fuck them.”
I can’t help but let out a little snort at my boyfriend’s abrupt answer. He laughs along a little before sputtering out, “I’m serious! If they can’t see how amazing and hardworking you are, then fuck them. Seriously babe. You are the smartest and most beautiful woman I have ever met, and you do not deserve to be treated like that and have your talent be wasted away in that hellhole.”
I rest my head on Jujhar’s shoulder and question out, “So, what do I do?”
That gains my attention, and my head snaps right back up to give my boyfriend wide eyes. “I can’t just quit.” I gaped.
“Why not? The work environment is so toxic and you hate it there. And you said it yourself that you feel like your talent and hardwork is being undermined. So why not quit and we can find a place that will suit and better appreciate you.” He says it so calmly and determinedly that it actually makes me think that I should just go for it.
“What if I can’t find another job quickly?” I worry. I don’t want him to think that I am going to become dependable on him and take advantage of his hard worked for money.
He gives me a little smile, seemingly knowing what I am thinking. “Babe you do not have to worry about that. I want you to take your time in finding the job that you think will best suit you. No matter what, I am going to be right here by your side.”
Once more, tears threaten to spill from my eyes. But this time they are tears of happiness and admiration for the man sitting in front of me.
“You know I love you right?”
Jujhar just smiles in return and leans in closer to bring our lips together. The kiss is sweet and gentle, just like the moment we just shared. It lets him know just how grateful I am for his kind words and having someone like him in my life. Jujhar always knows exactly what to say to make me feel better and get my emotions back on track.
When our lips break apart, I rest my forehead on his to keep in close proximity, while also knowing there are no other words that need to be spoken at this moment.
It’s definitely a scary thought to quit that job that I have stuck with for the past two years and start moving onto new things. But these new things are going to hopefully be bigger and better and will work out to be more beneficial for the future. And knowing that I am going to have Jujhar right here by my side the entire time makes it all seem a little less scary.
“I love you too.” Jujhar whispers out, our foreheads still resting against each other.
I take one ast deep breath before putting some distance between our bodies. I give him a giant grin and mused, “Let’s do this.”
taglist: @heatherawoowoo @barzysandmarnersbitch @joelsfarabees @barzy-xoxo @hockeyplayerstories @handwrittenheroes
tagging some mutuals as well,,, @bb-nhlqueen7 @frederikanderson @carepriceisgoodathockey @lovereadinghockeyy @prettyboycozens @prettyboyjackhughes @2manytabsopen @joekellys @jamiesdrysdales
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Meeting and Dating Benny O’Donnell
(My gif)(Requested by @famousalmondprofessordeputy and anon)
- You’d been friends with Pink, Cynthia, Tony and Mike ever since freshman year. You’d also had a crush on Benny O’Donnell for just as long but since the two of you weren’t in the same clique you’d never spoken to him before, even if you were both close to Pink.
- Well along came poker night, Pink had football practice after school and you had to make up a test so the both of you decided to drive together once you were finished. The test was easy so you had some time to kill before Pink was ready to go. Since you had nothing better to do, you decided to just chill on the bleachers until practice ended.
- You sat down on the bleachers, mainly doodling in your notebook until you happened to look up and notice a certain red head watching you. You figured you’d just caught his eye being one of the lone figures on the nearly empty bleachers so you paid it no mind, even if it made your heart race a little.
- Once practice ended, Pink jogged over and told you where to meet him before heading into the school to hit the showers. Unbeknownst to you, Benny caught up with him and tried to act nonchalant as he asked questions about you. After some less than subtle conversation, Benny convinced him to bring you to one of their beer busts.
- When he first brought up the idea to you, you thought he was kidding; parties like that just weren’t your thing especially when you barely knew any of the attendees. You only agreed to come after some “begging” on his side even though you felt like you’d regret it the instant you did.
- It wasn’t long before the day of the party arrived and you found yourself leaving the passenger seat of Pinks car to maneuver your way through a sea of drunken bodies and plastic cups.
- Pink made a beeline for the keg and you followed, not too keen on getting separated from the only person there that you actually knew. Once you made it out of the crowd, you realized just who was parked next to the keg and sitting in the bed of their truck.
“Hey, Pink, man, you made it! Oh and who’s this?” The red head asked as your friend tried not to laugh.
- Benny hopped down from his seat as you were introduced, patting you on the back with a greeting before Pink excused himself to go chat with Jodi. Your heart raced as he started a conversation with you; here you were talking with your long time crush and he was actually interested in what you had to say.
- Soon enough the two of you moved your talk over to the front seat of his truck where you could better hear each other. It was there that he decided to shoot his shot and ask you out. The instant the words left his mouth you wondered if you really were dreaming. You’d imagined the moment for so long that it didn’t feel real.
- You snapped out of your daze, realizing that you hadn’t given him an answer. The smile he gave you once you agreed took your breath away. He offered you a ride home and you once again agreed, quickly finding Pink and telling him everything before hopping into Bennys passenger seat.
- You thought you were excited for your date? You should have seen Benny after he dropped you off, the boy was off the walls.
- For your first date he took you to a park and the two of you laid out on the grass together, talking, eating and laughing. You were happy to find that you liked the real Benny just as much as you liked the idea of him.
- Your first kiss happened as you were laying down together, propped up on your elbows, chatting. He was teasing you a little, leaning in closer and closer until he finally connected your lips. It didn’t take very long for the kiss to deepen and you sure as hell weren’t complaining.
- A few more dates and the two of you were officially an item. ...You should really thank Pink one of these days.
- There’s a lot of pda; he’s got no shame when it comes to loving you.
- He makes fun of you for being shorter than him while also thinking about how cute you’d look in his clothes.
- He’s constantly teasing and making flirty comments towards you.
- He likes surprising you with stuff he made in wood shop class.
- Ass smacks and grabbing. The man can’t leave your backside alone.
- You always get shotgun when you’re riding with him.
- Late night drives around town.
- Cutting class with him every once in a while.
- He likes doodling on your stuff. Every now and again you’ll find little four leaf clovers and footballs on your papers.
- The two of you always seem to be laughing with each other although considering he’s quite the smartass it isn’t all that surprising.
- He’ll make some snide joking remark and then do that “love you, love youuuu” thing afterwards so that you, hopefully, don’t get upset with him.
- Exaggerated kisses on your cheek and head.
- He keeps a picture of you in his glove compartment and taped to his gym locker. He likes being able to look at it when he’s nervous or stressed.
- Cheering him on at his games. He likes being able to kiss you on the field after his team wins.
- Walking together with his hand in your back pocket.
- He’s devoted to walking you to class. He literally leaves his own classes early so that he can wait for you outside of yours.
- Sitting in the bed of his truck with him. The two of you probably have a few picnics there or wind up sleeping in it.
- He likes to dip you when he kisses you.
- Sometimes he’ll just throw you over his shoulder and carry you off, giving your butt a pat as he does so.
- Trying to feign interest when he shows off his paddle to you.
- He’s not great at comforting people but he does try when you need him to... although, he’s more like a coach than a therapist.
- Fast food dates.
- Carnival and arcade dates. He’s won you so many prizes.
- Hugging him whenever you’re standing together, he’ll usually wrap an arm around you in return.
- He loves cuddling and that’s just a fact. He’ll find a way to snuggle you no matter what you’re doing; at least while you’re alone together.
- Sitting on his lap. He likes being able to show off that you’re his.
- When he’s jealous, he tends to make jokes at the expense of whoever is bothering him. He isn’t afraid to be outwardly aggressive either so the instant they get just a little too “friendly” he’s ready to shut them down quick.
- You’re his girl forever and always, he’d never even think about cheating on you but you still probably feel a little insecure when girls are lining up to try and fuck the highschool football team. He thinks it’s kinda cute when you get jealous but after a little teasing he reassures you that he doesn’t want any of them, only you.
- Sharing stories with each other.
- Spending your summers together.
- He goes ballistic on the Fourth of July so expect to spend the day with him having the time of your lives.
- Being a little rough with each other. He jokingly; and softly, puts you in headlocks and tosses you around a little. Believe me, its fun.
- Makeout sessions. You know, some of your best kisses have happened while the both of you were a little tipsy.
- Since him and his friends are always doing dumb shit you’ve most likely tagged along on some their adventures. He always teases that he’ll protect you when you go off to do something dangerous or scary.
- Even though he’s very protective of his beer he’ll always give you one if you want it.
- More often than not, you’ll be left to deal with and comfort your drunken boyfriend after one of his beer busts.
- Wearing his ring.
- Double dates.
- Stealing each other’s food.
- If you have a problem with someone, he’s going to deal with it. You could just make some offhanded comment about how a person was rude or annoying and the next time he sees them he handles it.
- Fights don’t happen very often even though he has a bit of a temper. Whenever you do fight he’ll get upset and argue, maybe slam a door or something, but he never really raises his voice.
- He gets sort of uncomfortable when he has to apologize. He’s not used to making up with people, especially not girls so bear with him when he’s stumbling through his “sorry’s”.
- He’s a mamas boy and you can quote me on that. It’s absolutely adorable even though he gets embarrassed whenever you mention it or happen to catch some particularly sweet moment.
- Your parents are either clueless about his hobbies and love him or know about them all too well and hate him. Although if they’re fine with kids getting plastered then I suppose they’ll like him just fine.
- Supporting his goals and future football career.
- He’s in it for the long run baby, are you?
#dazed and confused#dazed and confused headcanons#dazed and confused headcanon#dazed and confused imagine#dazed and confused x reader#benny o'donnell#benny o'donnell headcanons#benny o'donnell headcanon#benny o'donnell imagine#90s movies#90s movie headcanon#90s imagine#90s movie imagine#90s movie headcanons
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breakfast and macarons | pjy
↦ w.c : 5k+fluffs to kill you
↦ warnings : fluffs and i don’t know, tears? a bit of suggestive scene at the beginning but not too much.
↦ a/n :Happy belated birthday my fav girl @transparentweepingstudent. Do you remember how we start talking to each other? You were on anon then we replied back and forth and we ended up talking regularly, torturing each other with jinyoung lol. I am so sorry that I took too much time to write this fic. A lot of things happened and I didn’t get to finish it. But I wish you had a blast birthday and hopefully you love this fic. It will probably be cliche but we all love cliches. Enjoyyy the fic!
Waking up from sleep is forever a mystery to you. How you catch the first sound that penetrates your ears and like a switch, your body reacts to it and slowly you’ll come to consciousness. You will crack open one eyelid and start to search for some traces of which part of the day has you woken up to. Did you wake up at dawn? Or did you wake up to light rays escaping your curtain?
However today when you wake up, your eyes are met with darkness. The first thing that comes to your mind is you’re not in your apartment. A certain frame proves your point and calms you, knowing you’re not somewhere else. You stayed unmoved for what you feel like five minutes, trying to figure out what time it is before you feel the arms around your waist pull you closer to a sturdy chest, an unmistakable length has moved deeper inside you which in return, made you gasp and unintentionally squeezed his girth.
A groan escapes him sleepily and he noses your neck, inhaling your scent. Sexy gruff voice greets you from behind, a sneaky palm brushes one of your breasts and swiftly palms it. “G’morning, sweetheart.”
Your mind flies to the night before, where blood rushes to your face as you remember the man behind you went wild with his birthday gift for you and kept you awake through all five consecutive orgasms which explains why he is still inside you, courtesy of this gentleman demanding to stay buried inside.
Madness, you laugh.
“Good morning, Jinyoung.” his rough stubbles rub against your soft skin, creating goose bumps and redness. You don’t mind, you love this man the way he is. With facial hairs, he looks even more sexy, intriguing and hot. Uncontrolled, you squeeze him again, earning another groan. The palm on your breast has gone to two fingers rolling your taut bud instead. “Hm, your stubbles tickles.”
“Don’t shave your beard please.”
A disapproving noise comes, with a remark, “I’ll look like a homeless person.”
“Well, I’m sure you won’t because you can be a model with that handsome face.” you move away to face him, making him slip out of you, followed by a gush of mixture of your love making from the night before. “Oh- Jinyoung. That is a lot.”
He laughs when you whine about the mess you’re making on his bed sheet, ignoring your protest to get out of the bed and scoops you closer to him instead. “Jinyoung, this is so sticky!”
“You weren’t complaining last night.” he reminds you and you blush at his statement. He is so straight forward and it is so annoying.
“I was under your spell.”
Silence, a comforting one accompanies you as you stare at him. Like everything has come to a pause, your eyes trail down his forehead, his eyes, his nose, his lips. He’s perfect. You always wonder how you manage to wake up to this man every once and then. How have you scored a man this perfect?
“What are you thinking about?”
He smiles, pressing his lips to your forehead. “I can see you’re going to be an emotional baby on your birthday morning but I won’t let it spoil the mood.”
He taps your ass, gesturing you to get up. His side of the bed is warm as he leaves you, yanking the curtain open and walks around naked to pick up your scattered clothes all over the place. So you’ve woken up somewhere after eight in the morning, you figured after your eyes landed on the clock. You eventually get up after watching his bare back muscles interestingly and even if you wish to stay longer in bed since you’re still sore and your bones are begging you to rest, Jinyoung’s invitation for a shower together sounds more inviting.
As much as your mind has imagined, the shower went without funny business because apparently Jinyoung has something else in his mind. You got teased a few times for trying to make him take you inside the glass bathroom however your man has great patience and self-control. He won’t be tempted when he is determined.
“Where are we going?” you ask as you stand in front of his wardrobe, contemplating your choice of clothing. You need to match the occasion and not look out of place just because your boyfriend wants to surprise you. “Jinyoung?”
“A breakfast date.” A casual style it is.
“We’re not taking the car?” you ask when Jinyoung presses the ground floor instead of the basement. You start to wonder where he is going to bring you since he doesn’t bring the car with him. It must be a walking distance cafe, but which one? Jinyoung lives close to a lot of fancy cafes that serve breakfast, you can’t guess which cafe he is bringing you to. “Thank god I’m wearing sneakers.”
“I’ve told you okay.” he reminds you just as the elevator opens to a quiet lounge. “But what did you say? No, I want to wear something pretty.”
“Shut up.” you tell him, elbowing him slightly before leaving him behind. The roaring laughter behind you sounds so terribly annoying so you quicken your pace to walk out of the lounge.
He catches up with you, still laughing but sounds softer and lovelier. “Okay okay, I’m sorry. Come let me shower my girlfriend with a lot of food for breakfast okay?”
“Only for breakfast?” you ask when Jinyoung pulls your hand in his, bringing you to the cafe direction. “What about lunch, tea, dinner and late night dinner?”
Jinyoung may look distracted but you know his ears are big for a reason. He is able to capture whatever you’ve said even without fully focusing on you, a trait he has trained himself since dating you to avoid you being mad at him for not concentrating. He got a point and that has successfully charmed you a few times when you thought he’s not listening but he proved it wrong instead. “I’ll feed you, don’t worry.”
See? Talk about being imperfect. Jinyoung? Never.
While he guides you to the cafe, you take extra attention to his subconscious behaviour that he naturally activates when with you. He doesn’t notice this, he will never notice it. However these are those simple things that move you. His hand which holds yours securely, not too tight but never too loose. Every time he turns around a corner, he’ll make sure you’ll be on the inner side of the sidewalk, never too far from him. He keeps responding to you even if he is focusing on guiding you, something you will never get used to. Though you know these are just small traits that every man should possess, but it has been so rare that it takes a gem to be this well mannered.
Five minutes into the walk, you realise Jinyoung’s strides have slowed down, slowly coming to a halt and when he turns to you with a smile, you guess you’ve reached your breakfast place.
“Wait- oh my god.” you exclaim when he opens the door for you, the chiming of the bell brings the chill to your spine. “Jinyoung! This is-”
You turn to him for him to answer you but he just nods, grinning at your priceless reaction. One thing that Jinyoung loves about you is the simplicity of your mind. You get excited over the smallest thing, granted it is done with sincerity and love. He knows bringing you to this cafe is a perfect plan, you will be over the moon for months.
It is definitely an exaggeration but you heard Ed Sheeran blasts from the speaker and you absent-mindedly made a little jump which causes Jinyoung to chuckle from your excitement. You are still gaping when you enter the exquisite cafe, your heart is full with excitement and you are just a second away from screaming. So when you stop to catch your breath after eyeing the interior design of the cafe, you turn to Jinyoung and hug him, screeching in his chest so your voice is muffled. You feel Jinyoung’s body shakes and you can picture him holding in his laugh because you’re too cute to handle.
“Hab i tod yu i wob yu?” you mumble against his chest. You’re not kidding when you say your heart is about to burst. You’ve been wanting to visit this cafe for a long time. It serves a buffet breakfast, the first thing that has caught your attention. Next it also has waiters to serve you fresh off the pan dishes like pancakes and scrambled eggs. Basically it is just like how hotel breakfast but you can dine in with reasonable price.
When you told Jinyoung about the cafe, he was reading one of his books and you can’t blame him if he didn’t hear you because one of his rules is not to disturb him while he is reading. However you were so excited to tell him that it was a walking distance from his place so you ignored the fact that he was so engrossed with reading. After that as you both carry your routine, it slipped your mind until today.
See what you thought about Jinyoung being perfect?
“What is it sweetheart? I can’t hear you clearly.” he laughs, actually understood you but acts like he doesn’t. It’s just like Jinyoung to tease you. Usually you’ll reply with snarky remarks but today, you really love him.
“I said I love you.” you grin, pulling him to the table. You’re excited to devour everything in the cafe. “I love LOVE you.”
“That’s all?”
“Yeap.” he shakes his head when he sees you being overly excited and waits patiently for him to pull the chair for you and starts sniffing the buffet like a starved puppy though it is literally a few metres away from your table.
“Hi. Here is the fresh-off pan menu.” the waiter greets you, placing two huge sized menus on the table. “Have you dined in here before?”
Jinyoung shakes his head, answering it on behalf of you. You have gone too far to listen to her explanation, the only things you have in mind are those delicious food waiting for you. You’re a big eater and Jinyoung is a dedicated boyfriend who loves to spoil you with food. A match made in heaven indeed.
You let the explanation pass your ears as you hear a bit of ‘..drinks over there..’, ‘...charged for leftovers…’ and when she finishes with a smile, you quickly turn your attention to jinyoung, grinning eagerly.
Jinyoung laughs as he realised you’re just an inch away from lunging towards the buffet but waits patiently for his approval. He closes the menu and tips his head as an approval, causing you to spring from your seat to the buffet section. Jinyoung’s laughter fills the cafe again, luckily it is less packed with customers since it is still early.
“Wow.” Jinyoung whistles when you placed another three plates of pancakes, rolled omelette, and toasts. Already on the table are your sausages, your muffins, waffles, your cereal bowl with a glass of milk, your fresh orange and Jinyoung’s black coffee. Oh yes you’ll get the fruits later. “Is the sex last night really good that you are starving?”
He eyes the amount of plates on your shared table and suddenly he thinks that they need an extension of the table. It is literally full with your food that he can’t even add his own. However that is the least of his concern, he knows he’s going to finish your food for you later so he doesn’t even bother to stand up and get his own food. “Are you sure you can eat all of these?”
You roll your eyes in annoyance and sit down, grabbing your utensils. “Shut up. I’m hungry.”
“Oh I wouldn’t have guessed.” he snorts, reaching for a piece of waffles and a chocolate spread by his side. “You don’t look starving in the slightest.”
“Oh shut up.” you scoop a spoonful of cereal, the one you always love since you were little, humming cheerfully to the delicious taste of the familiar childhood cereal. Your taste buds are now stimulated and you can’t stop moaning at how good it tastes. “Jinyoung this is really good!”
Jinyoung halts in his motion, giving you an incredulous look. His waffle is now gone and he’s reaching over a piece of sausages when you slap his hand away from your precious piece of meat. “Ow. That’s just cereals, baby. C'mon, share the sausages.”
You glare at him when the tip of his finger touches the firm sausages. Raising your fork to your eye level, you jab the thin air. “Don’t touch my food after you’ve insulted my childhood cereal.”
“You’re ridiculous.” he chuckles, aiming for the muffins instead. You took three instead of two, that means one of them is his. Jinyoung internally laughs at how petty you will become when it involves food. It’s just another random thing he loves about you. “Eat a lot, baby.”
While you practically inhale your food, Jinyoung acts as your butler, cutting the sausages into smaller pieces and spreads the jams on the bread for you. Once he finishes playing butler, he starts feeding you so much that your cheeks are about to burst from all the feeding. “Jinnyom-”
He coos, laughing while nodding to your incoherent mumble and stops feeding to let you swallow them first. “Are you trying to kill me?”
He flickers his eyes to you while he brings another piece of pancake dipped in maple syrup to your mouth. “Says the one who brings all the food to the table.”
“I brought it for you too!”
“Yeah? I thought the sausages are yours?”
“That’s mine. You eat something else.”
The amount of food on your table decreases shortly with Jinyoung’s help. You are full and now Jinyoung is left to eat the leftovers. This is why he doesn’t bother to order anything, he knows you can’t eat them all. He is always the trash can, his words not yours.
“This cafe is so pretty, Jinyoung.” you blurt out your thoughts, your eyes roaming all over the places. The cafe is situated in the middle of the city which is busy with cars and public transport. However once you are inside, it literally blocks the noisy sound and you’re left with the peacefulness of the cafe and the song that blasts from the speaker. There are not a lot of customers at this time of the day hence it is even more quiet and reserved.
The workers keep the food warm by lighting up candles under the buffet and honestly, it feels just like hotel breakfast.
“You like it?” the background song starts to change, Paramore comes up with a fragment of your memory. “Oh, it’s our love song.”
You laugh when he tries to listen more carefully to Still Into You, bopping his head to the beats and swaying his body while feeling the music.
“I should be over all the butterflies~” he raises his fork to his mouth level, pointing them towards you with overflowing adoration and playfulness in his eyes. “But i’m into you.”
“Oh lord.” still giggling, you are sure that both of you looks like you’re madly in love and have become hopelessly dumb. “How sure are you that after all this time you’re still into me?”
“Easy peasy.” Jinyoung answers, munching the half eaten pancake. “I’m having breakfast with you, the love of my life.”
“At the cafe that you told me when I was reading.” he wiggles his eyes smugly. “Doesn’t that already prove that I am still into you?”
“That’s so cheesy.”
“And you love me for that.”
“Thank you for dining here!” the cashier returns Jinyoung’s card with the bill, bowing to you before you leave the cafe with a full tummy.
The noises from the street greet you again however you don’t care, you are happy and it takes nothing to spoil your mood. Jinyoung leads you back to his place again, holding your hand in his while you skip happily next to him.
“Are you that happy?”
You nod, swinging his hand back and forth to show that you are indeed, very happy. “I had a great night and a great breakfast date. I don’t have anything more to ask for my birthday.”
Placing a quick peck on his cheek, you wrap your arms around him in appreciation. “Thank you, lover boy.”
Jinyoung scrunches his face at your endearment, bringing your intertwined hand and presses a kiss on the back of your hand. “You sure you don’t want anything else?”
You shake your head. There’s nothing you really want, Jinyoung has gone even beyond your expectations.
“But I still have one more thing for you.” his words left you puzzled, before you realise that you’re not walking home. Instead you are at the opposite direction of his place, even further than the cafe.
Once you fall into step in front of a bakery shop, another bulb goes off your mind and you turn to Jinyoung in disbelief. “Wait- really?”
In front of the bakery stands the most popular advertisement made by the shop, the macaron class. It is a bakery that makes the most delicious macaron and is very popular with the customized macaron which you can make by yourself by joining the 2 hours class at the shop. It was a waste of time, Jinyoung had once said because he knows both of you have better things to do than making macaron for two hours. You agreed with him, even though you really wanted to join the class. It’s kind of cringe, making a couple macaron but you can’t deny that it is intriguing.
“You said you don’t want to join the class.”
Your eyes start to get watery and before you can even cry, Jinyoung brings you close to his side and presses a kiss on top of your head. “When did I never give you what you’ve wanted? Hm?”
“Now come on. The class is starting in 10 minutes.”
You knew making macaron is quite tedious but you never knew it is this tedious. Forty minutes into whisking the never ending meringue to get a stiff peak, you throw your whisk into the bowl. Jinyoung who is preparing the filling for your macaroon on your left jumps, startled by your action. Once he looks at your undone macaronage, he laughs, patting you softly.
“I’ll whisk it for you.” he then finishes his fillings and puts them into a piping bag and leaves it aside to take over your side of the station. “I have offered to whisk but look at you stubborn baby.”
Your hands are crossed as you watch him whisking the meringue, his muscles contract every time he whisks the blue meringue. His veins start to emerge on his skin, complimenting his muscular body. Something snaps inside you when you see him looking effortlessly hot while doing the most common thing as whisking.
“Sweetheart if you’re done staring, we need to bake the macaron.” he brings you back to reality, nudging you to start doing your work. He is already working on his own meringue and just in ten minutes, he finished his pink batter and already placing the batter into the piping bag next to your.s You never know he can whisk that fast but apparently the baking teacher approves his meringue stiff peak and you can start baking after one hour of preparing.
“Remind me to not ask for any more baking class.” you groan after piping your batter on the parchment paper and wait patiently for it to grow a shell and then it’s ready to bake. Jinyoung, as always, smiles mockingly while he repeats for the n-th time that he only wants to give you what you have wanted. His own batter has dried and ready to bake.
Above everything, you’re the most excited when it comes to decorating the macaron. The blue macarons that you made are for Jinyoung while yours is the pink one that he did. So after the macarons are ready for decoration, you both sit further apart to surprise each other with your own decoration. The shop provides almost everything, different types of toppings and different colour papers for you to DIY your macaron box.
“Do you need more time?” Jinyoung asks after thirty minutes. You are still sticking the cute stickers all over the box when he comes closer to take a look at your decoration.
“Do not come close!” you warn, showing your palm to stop him. “Give me ten minutes.”
“It’s not that serious-”
“Shut. up.”
“So, who gets to open their box first?” you ask after Jinyoung places a tray of drinks and bread in front of you.
“Me first since we have waited long enough for it to finish.” Jinyoung answers, giving you a judging look. “And we can decide who’s box is the best.”
You are so excited to see Jinyoung’s reaction. You worked hard to decorate the box with edible stickers, lining your name with his on top of each macarons and finishing it with sprinkles and other toppings. You were also torn to choose which colour compliments his blue macaron the best. You can only hope he loves them because really, as much as you give yourself credits, you are actually the worst when it comes to creativity.
“Oh!” your eyes are closed when he starts unboxing his macaron so when he gasps, you quickly open your eyes and watch the corner of his lips stretched into a wide smile, lips pressed and whiskers eyes showing up. “Oh god.”
Both of you fall into a fit of laughter, knowing how bad your skills are but still, it melts your heart to see Jinyoung appreciating your not-so-creative mind. Jinyoung is a transparent man, his face gives away his emotion. He can hardly mask his emotion when he’s with you, hence you usually are able to detect any slight changes in his mood based on his facial expression.
After staring at his macaron for a while, he looks up to you, offering another smile. “I think my box will win.”
“Is it my turn now?”
“Go ahead.”
You’re beyond excited. You know Jinyoung’s creativity is just like yours, he can never win this competition. Him and you are both helpless in art, so it is like a battle of non-creative decoration rather than the most creative decoration.
Jinyoung watches you intently as you start opening the box, greeted by nothing other than a piece of blue parchment paper as the base, the macarons arranged neatly and an envelope placed together in the box.
“Jinyoung! You literally didn’t decorate it!” you laugh, picking the envelope nonchalantly and opening it without much thought. It must be a piece of card with ‘I love you’ inside it. Like you’ve said, both of you lack of creativity when it comes to art.
However when you unfold the paper, instead of a simple ‘I love you’, a whole neatly written love letter with Jinyoung’s penmanship greets you.
Dear the woman I have loved my entire life,
I am always grateful to God when he gives me you. Do you remember the first time we talked to each other? I was fifteen and you were thirteen, we don’t even know each other that much. We were in the same club but we never talked. It’s just you and me when we both sit at the table in the library and suddenly I called your name and asked if you could pretend to be my girlfriend because of a certain girl that won’t leave me alone and was walking toward us. I know, it’s really cliche and it sounds like it jumped from a novel but you said yes and you don’t mind. After that my boys found out about us and decided to prank us by locking us in a room and we talked for hours. I still remember how you shook your head at my boys’ antics. hahahahaah. I remember I assured you that they will come to let us our after some time and to believe me. Sometimes I think I should thank that girl for bothering me non-stop and the boys because since then, my world has been colourful with you inside it.
Do you remember how we fought a year later over some ridiculous issue like jealousy? We were so immature that we broke up but we ended up together again after Yugyeom told me you were crying in the bathroom because of me? Yeah, I was stupid. But do you know what is ever more stupid? The fact that we broke up every time we were facing a big examination
Do you remember when I got offered a letter to extend my study overseas? You cried again as if you’re not clever enough to land a place overseas too? I remember that we kissed for hours because you couldn’t stop crying and wanted to stay in my arms. You even stole my hoodies and I ended up bringing only three hoodies to my A-Level study because you wanted to wear them. You don’t know how cute you were. Then two years later you got the same acceptance letter like mine and you were so happy that you talked to me for five hours even though it was midnight for you.
Staying together with you in the UK was the best decision I ever made. Do you know how domestic we looked? I wake up to you, snuggling by my side and hugging me tight? You just don’t know how ecstatic I was. We were like a married couple, literally married just without the rings. The adventures I had with you, travelling to every part of the world, I love every inch of them. People wonder how we got this far but I don’t really need to wonder at all. Like how Paramore said, I’m really into you.
For eleven years, you have been by my side, staying with me through thick and thin. You were there for every step I made, whether it’s bad or it’s good. Remember when you were so nervous to meet my parents? Because we both went to boarding school and it was scary for parents to think we were busy dating and not studying. You were shaking from head to toe even when we already finished school and were already studying in university.
It’s getting long and I was just reminiscing the old days right? I should get to my point by now.
I have been celebrating your birthday with you for eleven years and though it sounds too long, it feels too short for me. I want to keep celebrating your birthday with you until we’re grey and old. Let’s grow old together, baby. Let’s lay in each other’s arms and whisper good mornings and good nights every single day. Let’s make your twelfth birthday with me as Mrs Park instead.
Happy Birthday, sweetheart. I love you to the moon and beyond. Let’s get married next year, can we?
As you finish the letter, your cheeks are wet from the tears. You never knew it has been eleven years since you dated each other. You were too content living with Jinyoung that you’ve forgotten time passes too fast and your relationship will turn twelve next year. It makes your heart swell when you know that Jinyoung remembers each life event and almost all of it involves both of you.
When you finally look at him, a gush of tears escapes again. He is holding a ring, a simple promise ring that his mother bought for him after he finished high school. He told you about it, his mom told him to put this on the woman he’s marrying only when he is sure of it. When you asked him why he didn’t want to put it on you, he explained that it’s not that he is not sure of marrying you, but he wanted to secure your future. He wanted a future for you and he will not put the ring on you until he is sure that he is able to provide you everything you deserve.
“When did you plan all of this?” you never saw him busy writing the letter and setting up your birthday plan. You have no idea when he planned these things. “Why are you making me cry, Jinyoung.”
“Am I the best boyfriend now?” he laughs, teasing you slightly. “I planned it when you’re asleep. I also got some help from the boys. Bambam and Yugyeom helped to book the cafe while Jackson helped to sign up for the macaron class.”
You are still overwhelmed by the letter, your tears don’t seem like it’s stopping anytime soon. You wanted to scream, to tell everyone how emotional you are. The man that you’ve loved just proposed to you on your birthday. Someone got to tell you what is better than all of these combined?
“Do you want to marry me?” he asks, suddenly not sure of your reaction. You’ve been crying, cupping your face and repeatedly asking him if he’s being serious about the proposal. “Do you want to celebrate your next birthday as Mrs Park instead?”
You stand up and reach over to his side to sit on his lap which catches Jinyoung off guard and his hands fly to hold your waist steadily. You give him no time to adjust when you press a kiss to his lips as a sign of approval.
“I do, Jinyoung.” his grip on your waist tightens, drowning his moan in as to be cautious not to attract people’s attention. “I do.”
Jinyoung then takes your hand, slipping the awaiting ring in his hand right on your ring finger. Like it is meant to be yours, the ring fits perfectly, now a mark that you’re officially Jinyoung’s.
“Let’s go home, sweetheart.” Jinyoung offers, already packing your macarons and your food. “I need to show you how happy I am.”
Copyright © 2020 jjpmoans. All rights reserved
[ Writings ]
#the moans writings#got7creators#got7 jinyoung fanfic#jinyoung fanfic#got7 jinyoung fluffs#got7 jinyoung#jinyoung got7#jinyoung got7 fanfic#jinyoung fluffs#jinyoung got7 fluffs#got7 fluff#jinyoung fluff#got7 fic#got7 imagines#jinyoung imagines#birthday fic
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Bon Voyage season 4
BTS 8th member
Sunny’s masterlist
“Sunny during Bon Voyage 4″ Shout out to the Bon Voyage anon!
a/n: It took a while but it’s done. Your opinion is very important for me, send feedback and requests anytime 💜 Also, don’t be shy and interact a little, ask box is always open
(Italics means the person is speaking in English)
“It’ll be around 45 minutes until we get to the destination” Jimin spoke from the passenger seat after reading the GPS.
Jungkook nodded while starting the camping trailer they were in and Suny got comfortable in the small table the van had, Hoseok and Taehyung sat in front of her. The other members were driving in an SUV.
“Are you going to read during the trip?” Hobi asked the girl pointing to the book she had placed on top of the table “We’ll probably be noisy so I don’t know if it’s the best idea right now”
As he said that, Jimin pressed play on his phone and the melody of Ddaeng started playing as Taehyung turned the electric microphone on, singing with his whole soul and ignoring the two members talking.
“I was going to see if I would be able to read without having motion sickness but I guess I won’t be able to do that now” She sighed looking at the noisy boys and head bopping to the beat. “Ahh, New Zealand”
Looking out of the window, Sunny got lost in the view as she sang along with the boys, the small road trip passing by relatively fast for her.
“Okay, let’s go,” J-Hope said opening the backdoor of the vehicle and the three members in the back instantly got hit by a very cold breeze “Maybe not without coats,” He said turning around and Sunny grabbed the big trench jacket she had miraculously found in the store they had gone to earlier.
Putting on the black thing on top of her jeans and pink sweater, she finally got out of the car and ran to the fence that divided a big field filled with sheep. Waving at them, she unintentionally caught the attention of the pastor there.
“You guys are recording something?” the middle-aged man asked her pointing at the cameras recording the rest of the members who were only starting to make their way to where she was.
“Yes, it’s kind of a Reality thing” She answered and smiled politely, not wanting to give off too much information about what they were doing.
“Oh okay, I’ll see if the dog brings them over so you and your friends can interact with them” The man did a head nod and whistled to the dog. Jungkook approached Sunny after a little sprint, leaning on the fence as well to get a better look in the approaching sheep. “Come inside, there’s no problem”
Opening a little gate for them, and the other members, a few of them walked inside and started taking pictures with the animals and the landscape for a moment, until it got too cold for them and they decided to go inside to grab warm drinks.
“Are you ordering?” Sunny asked Hoseok as Namjoon told him the same of the drinks and he nodded to her.
“Putting to work the English I learned in the US” He smiled and waved the waiter over “You want coffee right?”
“You got it” She answered him in English making RM chuckle. They walked together to the table and waited for the waiter to bring them their drinks.
The group spent a good amount of time just sitting in the small restaurant as some of them rested and J-Hope and Taehyung recorded the Chicken Noodle Soup challenge. Retuning to the campervan, they sat in the same arrangement and tried to pass time since the trip would take a long time.
“Let’s play that game where you have to rhyme” Jimin spoke loud enough from the passenger seat so everyone could hear him.
“Which one? The poem thing?” J-Hope asked locking his phone and putting it away.
“I don’t know. Let’s just have one person say something and then somebody else rhymes with it until everyone had a go” He explained while still giving out directions “Taehyung you can start”
“Roses are red, violets are blue” He said without thinking too much.
“I was born smart, what happened to you” Sunny completed with the first thing that came into her mind making Hoseok and Jimin laugh while V widened his eyes.
“That’s not the direction I was going for but okay,” He said repressing a smile.
“I want to start, let me think,” Jungkook said from the driver’s seat and thought for a second before speaking and leaving everyone dumbfounded “Roses are red, corpses are blue”
“Sorry you’re dead, I forgot you’re allergic to roses,” Sunny said without really thinking and making the rest of the boys laugh once again “Oh, it doesn’t really rhyme”
“What’s up with you today?” Jimin turned around to look at her and she just shrugged.
“Kook was the one bringing up dead people”
The BTS members had just arrived at an observatory when the sun started setting, having to wait for it to be completely dark before looking at the stars, the members parted ways, some of them going inside the small cafe to stay warm, while the others, Sunny included, stayed outside to look at the landscape or shoot J-Hope’s challenge (a very recurring theme in this trip).
“We should have bought more coats, it gets too cold during the night” Namjoon noted while he and the girl were walking around and taking pictures of the view.
“Yeah, I have like this thing and a hoddie in my backpack,” Sunny said looking down at her clothes and staring out again “It’s fun to have a change for once, we usually go to warm places for Bon Voyage”
“Agreed, although I miss the warmth a little” He chuckled kicking a rock and pondering for a moment before speaking again “I have so much to do back home, it’s like my mind can’t stay focused and enjoy what’s going on in that moment”
“Oppa, I think you’re going through work abstinence,” Sunny said with a breathy laugh.
“The weird thing is when I was on vacation back in Europe I wasn’t feeling like this. But now, it’s like the cameras triggered my memory and everything that was on hold keeps showing up in my head” He sighed stopping in his tracks and looking around to see if anyone was recording them. Although the mics were capturing all the words, the audio wouldn’t have a use unless there was footage.
“We won’t go back to actually work in a week, but I guess you can find some time to rest your conscience and run over the lyrics I wrote over the break” She smiled sheepishly and shrugged her shoulders.
“You didn’t rest?” He turned around to her with a shocked face and tried pinching her arm, although all he did was twist the fabric of her coat.
“I did. I spent some time with friends and stayed with my mom for some weeks. But when I had nothing to do I wrote a little, not my fault I wasn’t in some foreign country like most of you” She winked making him roll his eyes.
“Not fair, I’m as much as a workaholic like you. Now I feel even worst for not being productive”
“You’re the biggest workaholic in this place, maybe with the exception of Yoongi Oppa but you get me” She placed a hand on his arm and turned around so they could go back to the little restaurant. “That means you deserved to rest more than anyone here. So tell me, did you find a girlfriend during your break like JK?”
“Please don’t remember me those rumors,” He said now fake annoyed and smiling at the situation. “I’m kind of worried for him still”
“He does seem a bit quieter than usual” Sunny noted “I just wanted to talk to him for a bit and get him to vent for once, he seemed so stress when I called him one day”
“Yeah, let’s give him time. I’ll chat with him if I get the chance and I’ll tell him you’re worried too”
“Thanks, on a random note, I’m still not 100% used to seeing him with tattoos, but it does fit his image for some reason” Sunny smiled along and they joined the rest of the group.
Waiting for a few more minutes inside, the members had a pleasant surprise once they walked out and the sky was completely full of stars. The desert-like place helped to make visible the whole milky way, making a lot of amused sounds leave their mouths.
“It’s insane to think that’s over us all the time and we can’t see it” Yoongi said from somewhere near her and Sunny nodded along, even though it was too dar for anyone to see her.
“The camera can’t capture it like I’m seeing it” Jungkook complained while trying to take a picture and Sunny grabbed her own phone to see if she was luckier than him.
“There’s no use trying to take pictures,” One of the observatory people told her and pointed to the telescope they were walking to “You’ll have a better sight with that, but everything is going to be stored in your memory”
“Oh, so like, not even the crew is going to capture the sky like this?”
“I’m afraid not,” He told her and she nodded “I’ve seen they have some professional cameras so maybe a picture that comes close to it”
Smiling at his reassurance, Sunny walked a little faster to be able to look through the telescope before the other members.
“It’s dark, stop running or you’ll trip” She heard Jin speaking from her left but she ignored him, going straight to the object and bending a little so she could see better.
“Woah” Sunny gasped with how close the stars appeared, their shine being indescribably beautiful, but the moment got interrupted by Jimin patting her on the back.
“I want to see it too” He insisted until she moved along, of course stealing a last look to hopefully remember that sight forever.
After the two accommodations they had gone to, BTS finally arrived at the place they would be camping for two days.
To be honest, Sunny wasn’t too excited about it, sure she had gone camping with her parents as a child, but she knew the boys wouldn’t just let her run around and play with flowers like she used to, not that she would do that anyway but it still would be nice not have to light up a fire like she was doing right now.
“Why can’t I help them with the tent?” Sunny asked Jin, who was next to her trying to do the same thing.
“Because they learned how to do it last season when you were doing nothing because of a small cut” He reminded her of the excused the had used last time and Sunny tried not to smile.
“It hurt okay, I still have the scar on my foot”
“Show me then” Jin challenged her, knowing it was a lie and Sunny shrugged.
“It’s cold, I’m not taking my shoe off,” She said and sighed when the small flame she had going died once again. “I don’t think I’ll be able to light this”
“Of course you are, just keep fanning it,” Jin said handing her a frying pan, to which she frowned at “What? It helps to make more wind, you’ll thank me once it works”
“Alright then” She grabbed the pan and started fanning the fire more aggressively, her arm growing tired sooner than anticipated, but the flame got bigger none the less and at some point, the fire was strong enough to live by itself.
Massaging the muscle on her arm, Sunny got up from her crouched position and walked over to the campervan, where Taehyung was grabbing some things to decorate the tent they had just built.
“Can you help me carry those things outside?” He asked and gave her a bunch of fairy lights after she agreed.
“Do you know who will be sleeping here tonight?” She asked him once they were inside the orange tent and watched as he hung the lights on the walls.
“I think it’s Yoongi Hyung and Namjoon Hyung” V answered “I’m staying in the trailer with Hobi Hyung, Jimin, and Jk. Are you really staying in the SUV with Jin Hyung? We can make room for you if you want to”
Taehyung recalled the conversation they had earlier when Jin said he didn’t like sleeping on sleeping bags and since there was no room in the van he would just lay one of the car’s seats down and sleep there. Sunny said she could do the same since she didn’t want to make the trailer’s bed too crowded.
“I can give it a try, it’s no big deal,” She said getting out of the tent with him. “If it gets too uncomfortable we’ll change the sleeping settings tomorrow”
“Okay then, if you want to wake me up in the middle and trade places I’m okay with it” V smiled and they walked to where the rest of the members were getting ready to have diner.
“Why are you going to do this when last time you almost died with only having diner in a suspended table?” Hoseok laughed at Sunny when they arrived in the place they would be going on this insane swing.
“Because since last time everyone keeps saying I’m scared of heights, I’m here to prove I’m not,” She said determined but her palms were slightly sweaty.
Of course, it was normal to get a little scared before going on a 300-meter swing that could probably lead to your death, that did not mean she was afraid of heights, it only meant Sunny had the self-preservation instinct that people like Jungkook didn’t seem to have.
“You should go on the catapult thing as well,” He said while bouncing on his place and the rest of the boys bought their tickets.
“I’m already going on the swing of death, I don’t want to be thrown into it as well” She mumbled holding onto his arm, to both keep him in place and relieve some of the nervousness she was feeling.
After getting into the special gear and both Jimin and Yoongi had declined multiple times the opportunity to do it, the group moved along the bridge that they would be “jumping” from. Holding onto Jungkook’s shoulders, Sunny tried her best to not look down and quickly got over that part.
“We doing the swing part in pairs, so Jin Hyung and Hobi, me and Taehyung, ad then you and Jungkook okay?” Namjoon asked her once they were on the platform thing and watching Jin and Hoseok get settled on the thing.
“Okay” She said strangely more calm than before, mostly due to the instructors making sure the equipment on her groupmates was very well adjusted before letting them hang over the edge of the platform.
The sudden drop and the boys’ scream startled her a little, but Sunny couldn’t hide the smile on her face seeing how much fun they were having on the swing. So she sat next to Jimin on the steps and cheered Taehyung, who was far more scared than her when it was his turn.
“We’re doing it like the others okay?” Sunny turned to Jk once they were waiting for Namjoon and V to get back on the platform. “No funny ideas or things to make this any more dangerous than it is”
“Sure, sure,” He said jumping excited for their turn, and once the instructor asked them which way they were going to drop he nonchalantly answered “Upsidedown”
“No, no” Sunny exclaimed shaking her head. She had watched four people safely drop on the thing sitting down, she would safely do it sitting down as well.
“Yes, yes. Upsidedown” Jungkook repeated making the woman smile.
“He can go upsidedown and you can sit normally after him. How does that sound?” She asked politely making Sunny consider going alone.
“Can I do it first then?” She asked turning around to one of the producers to ask if it would make the content less exciting. Giving her a thumbs up, Sunny took it as a yes and turned to the instructor again.
“Sure, you can go in any other you want” She waved the girl near the edge and started to fix her gear.
“Wow, you’re making me wait more because you’re too scared” Jungkook laughed watching from her side and leaning on one of the security bars.
“I’m swinging off this thing by myself, I think the only thing you can’t call me right now is scared” She rolled her eyes at him and heard Jin laughing at their exchange.
“Okay, you can sit and take your feet off the edge,” She said, and in that moment, sitting seconds away from a 70-meter free-fall and 300-meter arc swing, Sunny felt scared shitless.
She looked ahead to the instructor and blocked out any kind of noise around her, not really knowing what was going on or how much longer until she would fall onto her inevitable death backward, the only thing she could feel was her heart beating out of her chest.
It came out of nowhere, but suddenly she felt all of her body drop and a scream leave her mouth, instantly gripping onto the swing’s ropes. After a few milliseconds that felt like ages, she finally could feel the security stuff holding her body in place and preventing her to slip and die. Her screams turning into a laugh as she started to swing on the huge thing.
“I’m gonna swing, from the chandelier” Sunny sang as the thing lost momentum and looked around at the mountains around her. The adrenaline running crazy on her body as she leaned her body back every time the swing went back.
“Were you singing Sia?” Jimin asked once she made back to the platform making the girl laugh.
“Did you hear that from here?”
Getting out of the helicopter, Sunny stretched a bit and walked along the mountain of snow, following her members. She saw a few of them making snowballs, and falling in the snow so she thought she should do the same.
Falling back on the snow, she moved her arms up and down hoping to make a snow angel, but once she got up it didn’t look like one at all.
“That doesn’t look quite right” Yoongi smiled at the weird blob on the ground and helped her get some of the snow off her hair.
“I don’t know where I was aiming with that, to be honest” Sunny said shaking her coat. “What are the others doing?”
“Jimin and Taehyung are walking around and doing something I don’t understand and the rest are building a snowman” Suga said and started walking with her to where the rest of them were.
“Sunny, do you have something to put on it?” Hoseok screamed for her pointing at the two balls of snow that barely looked like a snowman.
Taking off her beanie, she threw it to him and walked closer, looking for things that could make the “statue” more human-like.
Placing a pair of glasses on its face and a scarf around its neck, the members decided they had done a good enough job and walked away, looking for more things to do.
“Hey, look at this” Jimin approached her with a concerned face and a hand full of snow. “Is this an insect?”
Leaning down to look at what he was showing her, Sunny didn’t react fast enough when he lifted up his hand and smeared snow on her face.
“Really?” Sunny screamed after taking some of the snow off her eyes and looked around to see the boy jumping excited and grinning mischievously. Running towards him to push him on the ground, she got slowed down by the snow and failed to do it, instead of holding him in place and kicking the back of his knee to somehow take him down, which she also failed to do.
Looking at them from afar, Jin sighed and looked at Suga “Why are they like this?”
1.What did you think when you heard you were coming to New Zealand?
“I liked it but it wasn’t anything special. Like I had heard good things about it and was interested in some of the videos the guys showed me so I thought it would be fun to come here, and it really was.”
2. This was your first work after vacation. How was it?
“I didn’t travel anywhere during the vacation, mostly because I wanted to see some people and I couldn’t do that if I was away, but also because I knew we were going to come to New Zealand right after and I just realized I didn’t have this extra need for going away and spending time outside of Korea. It sure was fun to spend this time with the members after not having them on my daily routine like I’m used to, it consolidated in my mind that no matter the time we spend apart this group of people will always feel like family.”
3. What did you like the most?
“I really enjoyed the overall feel of the country. I don’t know how to explain, but everywhere we went the sky was always beautiful, the landscape, the mountains, the roads we went through, everything was always beautiful, and even though my nose is stuffy and my fingers froze a lot, the weather feels so cozy and so nice. This just seems like one of those places you go backpacking with your friends and the fact that we did exactly that feels really good to me”
4. When did you feel bad or disappointed?
“Hmm… I don’t think I felt disappointed about anything, but since we changed locations so many times this trip, it did cross my mind how I wasn’t much use whenever we went to another accommodation since I don’t drive and couldn’t really help them whenever someone got tired and needed a rest. Also, I don’t think I was that entertaining this time, so sorry for the people watching this”
5. How did you feel about this trip?
“Everything was really nice. Compared to the last time we spent most of the trip together as a group instead of pairs, and that made me grateful for all of the members’ presence. Also, the destination really made me want to come back, with them but also with the rest of the people I love”
6. To ARMYs who’d watch Bon Voyage Season Four
“I said it before, but first I’m sorry if I didn’t appear as entertaining. I hope you understand that I truly liked this trip and was just living through it in my own way instead of exaggerating it and making it seem fake. Everything was perfect and I hope you can have some enjoyment just watching the members being ourselves”
#bts 8th member#bts scenarios#bts addition#bts female addition#bts female oc#bts female member#bts oc#bts au#kpop addition#kpop oc#kpop au#kpop female oc#k pop oc#k pop au#k pop addition#kpop female addition#female!addition#female!oc#female!koc#female!kpop#koc#idol!au#idol!addition#idol!oc#Sunny
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At Home | F.S.
A/N: Finally another Finn request! I really adore writing for him 😍. I actually very much like this piece of writing, so I hope you do too! Also, I left out prompt #33, because I’ve already written a request with that one, but I tried including it in a way that’s hopefully okay :) Like I always say, feedback is always welcome! ❤️ oh, and please consider that English is not my first language and I’m sorry this turned out so long again, I just couldn’t help myself oops
Request: “8 and 33 with finn?” by Anon
Pairing: Finn Shelby x Reader
Word Count: 2664
Type: angst, fluff
You’d known Finn since you were about three years old, playing in the dirty streets of Small Heath together. And the older the two of you got, the tighter your bond grew, making you the best of friends.
At the age of sixteen you had to realise that your feelings towards Finn had changed. It wasn’t the brotherly love anymore you’d been feeling up until then. It was the love that made you want to grab his face and kiss him. It was the one that made you want to cuddle up to him at night and caress his soft skin in the mornings.
Little did you know, Finn had been feeling the same way. Luckily, he had been more courageous than you, giving you an unexpected peck on the lips when he had dropped you off in front of your house after a day of hanging out together. It had taken you by surprise, but you’d never been happier in your life. All of your wishes had come true and you didn’t understand what you did to deserve it.
Since then, the two of you had been a couple. It was hard for your families to imagine their everyday life without you being together, waiting for the day you and Finn were old and mature enough to get married. It was crystal-clear to them that you’d eventually end up being wife and husband. While your parents loved Finn and wouldn’t wish for any other man by your side, Finn’s family felt the same towards you. Finn and you really had been a match made in heaven.
In the year the two of you turned eighteen, Finn started working more and more for the Shelby business, Tommy letting him be increasingly involved in everything going on in the betting shop and outside. At the beginning, you were very supportive of him. You could feel his excitement of receiving responsibilities and challenging tasks. Although only a few years later, you had to notice Finn’s mood change as a result of the type of work his family was doing. The initial excitement turned into exhaustion and whenever you met up after work in the apartment, he had now been able to buy with the money he made, he wasn’t able to concentrate on conversations you were holding. You could feel his mind being occupied with work all the time, having a hard time not worrying about the assignments Tommy had given him and simply relaxing whenever he wasn’t at the betting shop helping his brothers on business trips and deals.
Another thing you had noticed was his personality shifting. Finn used to be the sweetest, most caring boy you’d ever met. His priority had always been your happiness and whenever you felt down, he was right there to cheer you up. Finn had been the one to initiate almost every cute date you went on, whether it had been a picnic out in the country or a quick coffee at a café. You’d never seen him be mean to anyone, ever, using his reputation to help bullied kids at school or girls being harassed by boys instead of abusing it to his own advantage.
Now, he’d started being very cold towards you, not listening to you when you told him about something that had happened that day or you weren’t feeling your best, longing for a shoulder to cry on. You could sense it had nothing to do with his feelings towards you, you’d known Finn for way too long. It had to do with his work and the way he had to act in front of his brothers in order to be taken seriously, and you started becoming more and more unhappy with the situation it was bringing your relationship into.
But no matter how distant Finn had become, you just couldn’t feel any anger towards him.
It wasn’t at all that you hadn’t been angry. You’d been very angry, as a matter of fact. But not a Finn. You’d been angry at Tommy and Arthur and John and the Shelby company and the business deals.
All of those things made your blood boil. But Finn still made your knees weak and your heart race. That had also been the reason why you had decided to surprise him today after work by picking him up and taking him to a nice restaurant for him to wind down and forget about all the stress.
When you pushed open the front door to the betting shop, you realised it had been quite a while since the last time you’d been there.
“Y/N, what a lovely surprise!” you heard John shout from the large chalk board at the other end of the room. “Feels like I haven’t seen you in forever!”
“Nice to see you too, John,” you replied, smiling at him. “Do you know where Finn is?”
“Still in his office,” John said and pointed to the door of his office. “The boy’s been really hard-working lately.”
“Yeah …” you mumbled, your eyes fixed on his office door. “Thanks anyway.”
John gave you a cheeky grin. “Nothing to thank me for, sweetheart.”
You walked over to Finn’s office and knocked at the door. After waiting a few seconds, you heard him answer. “Yes?”
You pushed open the door carefully and stepped into the room, your gaze falling on a very stressed-out looking Finn, leaning back in his chair and massaging the bridge of his nose closed-eyed. “John, I told you I’ll be there any–“
Finn hadn’t realised it was you that had entered the room until he opened his eyes. “Y/N?”
You gave him a friendly smile and walked over to his desk, leaning against it with both of your hands. “Hello, sweet boy.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I could feel you being very stressed out about work lately and I thought I could take you on a date night to one of our favourite restaurants,” you suggested, smiling widely. “It would be a great opportunity for us both to relax a little and just enjoy each other’s company.”
But instead of being excited about your proposal, he just sighed and ran his hand over his face. “Can’t we do that another time, Y/N?”
Your smile vanished from your face. “W– what do you mean?”
“I’m just not feeling it,” he said coldly, shrugging his shoulders.
His words stung. “When do you have time then?”
He sighed again. “I don’t know, Y/N. Like next week maybe.”
“Fuck you, Finn,” you said, gritting your teeth and pushing yourself away from the desk.
You had been very patient. You had been understanding, loving and supporting. You had blamed everyone else, just to not have to be angry at Finn, because you didn’t have the heart to be mad at him. But right now, he was really testing your nerves and could feel yourself snap.
“Excuse me?” he said, frowning.
“Do you think this if funny?”
Finn pushed himself out of his chair and stood up, now leaning against the table himself. He locked his eyes with yours, the blue in them you chills. “What the fuck about my face is giving you the impression that I’m laughing?”
“I’m talking about how you’re treating me, Finn,” you hissed. Your voice took on a tone that you never knew you had in you. Even Finn seemed a little surprised, his frown vanishing for a second. But he composed himself quickly. “How am I treating you?”
“I feel as if you’re taking me for granted. Taking everything I do for you for granted,” you explained angrily. Your heart was beating fast and you felt a knot build up in your stomach.
“I never expected anything from you,” Finn said annoyed, throwing his hands.
You gritted your teeth together ever harder, trying to hold back the tears that were building up at the corners of your eyes. “You’ve changed so much, Finn. This fucking job has changed you so much! I just wanted to do something nice for you and you’re treating me so awfully!”
“Just because I’m not feeling like going on a romantic dinner with you?”
You let out a frustrated sound. “You don’t get it, do you? You’re not seeing that you’re pushing me away further every day? Or is that exactly what you’re trying to do? Do you want me to fucking leave?”
The last few words came out as a sobbing mess. All you’ve ever given Finn was love and affection. Even though you still adored him so much, you had to admit to yourself that this relationship wasn’t healthy anymore and you deserved better.
“I think you need to calm down.”
That was all Finn replied. Your heart sunk and you immediately stopped holding back your tears. You let them stream down uncontrollably. You watched him walk over to the hanger and grab his coat. “I’m going to The Garrison with the boys, we can talk later if you want.”
“I don’t think we’ll ever be talking again after this,” you spat and burst out of his office and the betting shop before he was able to get to the door, crying your eyes out the entire way home.
From that day on, you totally ignored Finn. You knew the silent treatment was harsh and actually wasn’t at all your personality, but you realised it had to be this way. You weren’t going to be the one crawling back to Finn, even though you still loved him so much and cried yourself to sleep every night. It was hard getting normal everyday tasks done while carrying this burden on your shoulders.
Finn had tried talking to you on different occasions, waiting for you in front of your parent’s home or after school, when you had finished teaching your class, but you had consequently ignored him, not even giving him a look when you pushed past him, hurrying down the streets as fast as you could so he wasn’t able to catch up with you.
Every time you did that, your heart clenched, and you had to pull yourself together to try your hardest not to talk to him or fall back into his arms. You missed his scent, his warmth, his voice. You missed everything about him.
You were able to continue this behaviour about three weeks when one day, you spotted Finn standing and waiting in front of the school you taught at. You wanted to hurry past him like you’d done all the other times, but he unexpectedly grabbed you aggressively by your wrist. “Fuck, Y/N, please talk to me!”
You tried to twist out of his grip, but he didn’t let loose. “This has to stop! I can’t watch you run away from me any longer!”
You lifted your head and glared at him with teary eyes. You hadn’t noticed that hearing his pleading voice would make you emotional so quickly. “All you’re getting is a taste of your own medicine, Finn.”
His face dropped and you could see him hurting. But you told yourself to stay strong. There was no way you were going weak just because he got a hint of how he had made you feel for a very long time.
“I’m sorry for what I’ve put you through,” he whined, still gripping your arm.
“Do you even know what you’re sorry for? Or are you only apologising because you hate being brushed off by me?” you hissed, teary eyed.
“N– no, I–“ he stammered, but you could sense that he wasn’t exactly sure what brought your relationship to this point.
“Fuck, Finn! Are you really that blind?” you gasped speechlessly. “Don’t you realise that your job is tearing us apart? That it’s ruining not just our relationship but our friendship as well?”
Finn gulped audibly and started letting go of your arm. You immediately pulled it away and took a step back from him. Then you crossed your arms and looked down at the ground again.
“You don’t even seem to notice yourself changing …” you whispered sadly.
Suddenly you felt a pair of arms wrap around your body. Finn pressed you closely to his chest and placed his chin on the top of your head. “I’m sorry you’re suffering because of me, Y/N. And no, I do feel that I haven’t been the same …”
“You do?” you sniffled, letting him hug you tightly. This was the place you wanted to be and belonged to.
“It’s just been very hard lately …” he mumbled, and you could hear him choke on his own words. “It’s been fucking hard.”
You lifted your head from his chest and looked up at him, your sight still blurry from all the tears in your eyes. “Then let me help you, Finn. I’ve never not been there for you when you needed my support.”
“All I’ve been trying to do is make Tommy see me as an equal, a man, somebody they can trust and not just their useless little brother,” he exclaimed frustrated.
“You’re not useless, Finn! You have qualities that all of your brothers only dreamed they had!”
“Like what?” he huffed, almost rolling his eyes at your comment.
You pushed yourself away from him to grab his face with both of your hands and look him deeply into his eyes. “Finn Shelby, you are the kindest, most caring human being with the biggest heart. That may not be a trait that Tommy sees as a valuable one for his business, but it is one he probably wished he still had. Being nice isn’t a bad thing, Finn. And if they think that you’re not worth working with them because you’re not as cold-hearted and emotionless as them, what kind of brothers are they?”
Finn inhaled deeply and closed his eyes, taking in your words. He opened them again, when you continued speaking. “You don’t need to change for them, Finn. Please. I love the man you were before. Whoever you’re trying to pretend to be just doesn’t suit you at all, makes you miserable, if anything.”
He gave you a sad look. “I’ve been really unhappy, Y/N.”
You sobbed. “I know, Finn. I’ve known all this time, but you wouldn’t let me in, wouldn’t let me help you.”
“But I really want to stay in my family’s business …” he said quietly, almost insecure, making you stare into his ocean eyes even more intensely. “And you will! Your brothers accept and love you the way you are, trust me.”
He sighed heavily and leaned his forehead against yours. “Forgive me? I know I’ve been the worst, but I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
“Of course, I forgive you, Finn,” you told him with a soft voice, trying to give him as much comfort as possible. “I knew all of this was never directed against me. But I had to take care of myself as well.”
“I understand,” Finn said and caressed your cheek with his thumb. Suddenly a weak smile danced at the corners of his mouth. “I love you. You know that?”
“Yes, Finn, I know. And I love you too.”
You gave him a wider smile, trying to cheer him up. You hated seeing your boyfriend upset, he didn’t deserve any kind of unhappiness.
He then pulled his head away from yours and observed your face. His weak smile from before turned into a genuine one and his soft hand pushed away a strand of hair from your cheek.
“Kiss me please,” he whispered. “I know I don’t deserve it, but I really miss your lips.”
You giggled. “No, you don’t deserve it. But I missed your lips as well.”
Your arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer again, locking your lips with his passionately. It was all you needed in that moment. Finn was where you felt at home, safe in his embrace, where nothing could ever get to you.
#peaky blinders#peaky blinders imagine#peaky blinder imagine#peaky blinders fanfic#peaky blinder x reader#peaky blinders one shot#peaky blinders fanfiction#finn shelby#finn shelby x reader#finn shelby imagine#finn shelby one shot#thomas shelby#thomas shelby x reader#thomas shelby imagine#thomas shelby one shot#tommy shelby#tommy shelby x reader#tommy shelby imagine#tommy shelby one shot#arthur shelby#arthur shelby x reader#arthur shelby imagine#john shelby#john shelby imagine#john shelby x reader#john shelby one shot#michael gray#michael gray x reader#michael gray imagine#michael gray one shot
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Thank You / SCB
genre: angst, fluff
requested?: yes (anon)
summary: in which changbin forgets your anniversary
warnings: swearing
“Changbin, it’s Y/N,” Jisung said, pointing to his phone.
Changbin hummed, deciding whether to answer or not. He usually would have picked up straight away, but you said you had plans with ‘someone special’ today, so he was guessing this was going to be asking for his opinion on two different outfits. And he was working.
He shrugged, “it’ll be fine. If she really needs me she’ll call again.”
He took his phone off the desk, sliding it in his pocket as Chan laughed.
“Good luck with that decision.”
Changbin rolled his eyes, “we trust each other! It’s fine.”
You groaned, slamming your phone against the table in frustration.
When Changbin said this morning that he had to go into the studio for a little while, you thought he actually meant that. You pictured him going in, greeting the boys and doing editing something quickly before leaving and joining you with your plans today.
But no.
You decided not to call him again, obviously since whatever he was doing was too important for him to pick up.
Looking at the plates of brunch you’d made, sat prettily in both your’s and Changbin’s places at the table, you sighed. Maybe he was just really busy, he was an idol after all, you should have been prepared for that.
Or maybe he was planning a surprise...?
No, you couldn’t get your hopes up.
Looking at your phone screen, you rolled your eyes upon realising that Changbin wasn’t going to be replying soon, so you began to eat the brunch you’d prepared. Couldn’t let it go to waste, eh?
“Bin, it’s late, you should go home,” Chan yawned.
Changbin scoffed, “why? You’re not.”
“Because you’ve got a loving girlfriend waiting for you,” Chan said, teasingly, “and I’ll go home soon.”
“Okay, it’s 11pm now, you’ll stay here till... 3am? Maybe 4?”
Chan rolled his eyes, sticking his pinky out, “I promise, I’ll go home within the next hour or two.”
“Or 5.”
Chan glared at the younger boy, making Changbin laugh.
“Fine, fine, I’ll go,” Changbin said, “and I’m trusted you, okay?”
Chan nodded, “I pinky promised!”
“Remember to eat dinner as well,” Changbin said, Chan humming in response as Changbin left the studio, pulling out his phone.
Tuesday 23:02
binnie🧸 - whats for dinner tonight, lovely?? x
read 23:03
binnie🧸 - you okay???
read 23:03
Changbin rolled his eyes, shoving his phone back in his pocket as he walked out of JYP Entertainment.
He furrowed his eyebrows as he walked along the road, why were you leaving him on read? Was it...
He sighed, rolling his eyes slightly as he remembered you calling earlier. Was that it? Was that enough for you to ignore him?!
“Lovely, I’m home!” Changbin exclaimed, slipping his shoes off as he walked in, finding you sat on the sofa, “you alright? You didn’t reply to my messages.”
You looked Changbin in the eyes as he raised his eyebrows expectantly, serious confusion all over his face.
As tears clouded your vision you turned your head away, Changbin rushing over and kneeling by your legs.
“What’s wrong?” he cooed, resting his hand on your face.
“This isn’t a prank, is it?” you said, wiping away your tears, “you really just forgot.”
“Forgot...?” Changbin’s voice trailed off.
You stared at him blankly before laughing humourlessly.
“Wow. Seo Changbin, you’ve really sank to a new low,” you said, shaking your head.
“What is it?!” Changbin asked, exasperated.
You sighed, standing up and throwing the present you’d bought into his lap, “happy anniversary, Bin. It’s been a great four years.”
You walked into the bedroom, slamming the door behind you, the wood doing nothing to stop Changbin hearing your sobs.
He sighed, shutting his eyes and falling back onto the floor. How could he be this stupid? Tuesday 17th February. Your anniversary.
On this day four years ago, he asked you to be his, a day you’d never forget. There was a blanket laid in the middle of your apartment, your best friend sat there with all your favourite foods and your playlist blaring in the background.
At first you thought this was his way of celebrating your last exam, but you soon realised it was way more than that. With stutters and awkward phrasing, Changbin confessed his feelings and asked you to be his.
But now, in the same place, four years later, the two of you with several new experiences and Changbin’s own interior design tastes around the apartment to celebrate his moving in, you’d never felt so far apart.
Changbin checked his phone: 23:14. He had just 46 minutes to make everything better, forever.
“Chan, get out the studio,” Changbin said down the phone.
Chan laughed, “why? You planted a bomb?”
“Shut up, this is serious. Get round here and bring fairy lights, ice-cream and any other dessert you know Y/N likes.”
“What have you done?” Chan exclaimed.
Changbin sighed, “we don’t have time to reflect on that now, go, please.”
“On it,” Chan said, “praying for you.”
Changbin shook his head, hanging up the phone first before making his own way out the apartment, going straight to your favourite chicken place, the exact one Changbin had ordered the day he asked you out.
He headed to the convenience store next, having to settle with a bouquet from there as none of the florists were open at this hour.
“Changbin!” Chan exclaimed.
“Hyung!” Changbin sighed, “thank you so much, oh my lord.”
“What did you do?” Chan said, concern written on his face.
Changbin looked at his phone. 23:28
“Shit!” he exclaimed, “I do not have time, I’ll explain tomorrow. Or maybe the next day! Sorry if I’m not in tomorrow!”
Changbin ran up the stairs, into your apartment, quickly laying the blanket and hanging up the fairy lights, before playing some quiet music that he knew you liked.
“Y/N?” he called, knocking on your bedroom door, “can you come out?”
“Why should I?” you sighed.
“Because, yes, I forgot our anniversary, I’ll admit. But I’ve just made our celebrations right here,” Changbin said, “we only have 14 minutes left, which means I have 14 minutes to make it right.”
You rolled your eyes, going and opening your bedroom door, “what, Bin?”
“Just come outside?” he said hopefully, walking further into your living room.
You followed him sheepishly, gasping as you saw the arrangements.
“Ya! Seo Changbin!” you exclaimed, “it’s so late! Where’d you get all this stuff?!”
“Chan helped,” he shrugged, “here, sit.”
He helped you sit down onto the blanket before sitting beside you and opening the bottle of wine the two of you already had in your fridge.
“Happy four years,” Changbin smiled, “thank you for being such an amazing girlfriend, consistently, always. I’m sorry I can’t be home as much as you’d like.”
You shook your head, “bin, I knew it would be like that. You’re an idol, and I chose to date you, you don’t have to be sorry for anything.”
Changbin smiled, bringing out the box of chicken as you laughed, taking a piece and eating straight away.
“Is this is same?” you said, a mouthful of chicken.
Changbin laughed, nodding as he wiped the grease away from the corners of your mouth, taking his own piece before looking at his phone. 23:56.
He finished the piece of chicken and wiped his hands, taking a deep breath as you giggled slightly.
“What are you doing?”
“You’ll see,” Changbin said, sitting forward on his knees as he coughed, before taking your hands and smiling, “Y/N Y/L/N. Today must have been shit for you. Completely and utterly shit. I know how many things you must have prepared, because you’re you, and so I am so sorry that I did this to you.”
“Changbin, it’s—”
“Ba ba ba! Haven’t finished,” Changbin said, making you laugh, “but I meant it when I said you have always consistently been the best girlfriend I could’ve asked for. And so, in the last minutes of our anniversary...”
He reached into his back pocket, pulling out the small box, the contents given to him by his own mother, as he got on one knee. You gasped, your eyes widening as you laid your eyes on the Seo family engagement ring.
“...would you give me the honour of becoming the most consistently amazing and beautiful wife?”
“Changbin-ah,” you gasped, looking back to your boyfriend’s hopeful face, “yes! Of course! Oh my god, yes! 100 times yes!”
Changbin laughed as you wrapped your arms around him, the boy falling over from the surprise impact.
He picked up the box again, taking the ring out and taking your left hand, sliding it on before kissing your hand, and then your lips.
“I’m sorry I forgot,” Changbin whispered.
You shook your head, “this has made up for anything that happened today.”
Changbin chuckled, “how about we get married on this day next year, and then I’ll never forget, ever again for my entire life.”
“That’s a long time,” you nodded, resting your hand on his chest.
“That I’ll spend with you,” Changbin said, making you smile at the thought, “thank you. I mean it.”
You smiled, kissing your -now– fiancé again, “I love you Seo Changbin. Thank you.”
#stray kids#skz#seo changbin#changbin#stray kids scenarios#stray kids fluff#skz scenarios#skz fluff#seo changbin scenarios#seo changbin fluff#changbin scenarios#changbin fluff#kpop#jyp#jyp entertainment#changbin angst#husband!changbin
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Hi hi, I have an idea for a request idk if you'd be up for it, but Cal being drawn to the reader when they first meet because she's strong with the force but it turns out she's related to a sith and has been hiding from Palpatine because she doesn't want to give in to the dark side and hurt innocent people, mayhaps? But if you're not feeling it then no worries love!❤❤
Hi Anon! Sorry if it took me a while to answer, I had to finish the other requests, but I was already making the draft when I got this request so obviously I was up for it~! ^w^ So sorry again that you had to wait, but I hope you’d enjoy this fic, Anon! ❤❤
“Stronger Than Blood” | Chapter 1: Another Happy Landing | Cal Kestis x Reader
Summary: Meeting another Force-sensitive was one thing, but having them related to one of the most formidable known duelers was a whole other story to tell. While being stranded in another planet after barely escaping the Haxion Brood, Cal crosses paths with someone who’s at a crossroads with their own identity and lineage.
A/N: This was fun for me to write on, because obviously this prompt is new to me. Rarely do I make the Reader a Dark Side character—one way or another. Also, I wonder if the devs are ever gonna put a currency system in the future SWJFO games—you know, like actual money to buy stuff? That’d be so great. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the fic!
Also posted in AO3
Tags: Force-User! Reader, Force-Sensitive! Reader, Sith-Related! Reader
Next: Part 2 | Masterlist
1 of ?
Four consecutive blasts from an unseen enemy quakes the Mantis. The screens in the cockpit—both big and small—flash red as an alarm blares from an unknown source. All three crew members were on high alert.
“Captain, what’s going on with the ship?!”
“We’re being pursued by a freighter ship!” the young Jedi reported with a frantic voice, he had to hold his monitor with both hands to keep it from shaking.
“Haxion!” the captain hissed. He then threw his arms all over his dashboard while keeping himself glued to his seat.
Apparently, the flailing of four arms altogether was a bit distracting in Cal’s peripheral vision. When Greez met the boy’s expression that obviously screamed “What are you doing now?” the captain got cocky and began to prep the ship for hyperspace in the middle of a burnout.
“GREEZ, THAT’S TOO DANGEROUS!!” Cere objected.
The two adults bickered, having Cal stuck in the middle of it all—with nothing else to do but to watch the monitors, turn some knobs to stabilize the overheating and keep it that way.
“Guys, if you’re done arguing!!” Cal finally snapped. “The ship can make a jump to the next planet that’s seven parsecs away.”
“Well then, let’s get to that seven-parsecs-away planet!!”
The Lateron continued his handiwork with all of the controls in front of him, the finishing touch being the pull of the lever to activate the jump to lightspeed. He cranked the silver handle hard—so hard to the point that the sound of the shaft was a loud clank of gears and cogs—and the next thing they know, they were looming through that bright blue tunnel of light into the next side of the galaxy.
The crew finally got a breather after evading cannon fire from the Haxion Brood’s ships, but the Mantis is barely holding herself together. The screens continue to flash red at the crew, Cal caught a glimpse of their destination in one of his dashboard’s monitors.
“Nalima,” he reads out loud to everyone.
“I’ve heard of this planet—the capital city isn’t too far in our trajectory,” Cere spoke while keeping her eyes glued to her communications monitor.
“Yeah, I’m picking up a lot of signatures in my screens here,”
“Well, I hope we find a nice spot just right in front of the Imps’ noses, eh?”
Greez’s sarcastic remark was received with an unimpressed glare from Cere, adding up Cal’s awkward side-eyed glance just to see both persons’ reactions.
Things returned to their regular flow seconds later—save for the constant red alert that the Mantis keeps reminding the crew—and they’re about to exit hyperspace in less than a parsec. Greez expressed perhaps the greatest concern he’s ever openly said to his crew—and it was something not to be taken lightly of, the other two knew caught wind of it and actually had similar thoughts.
Cal, who always seem to be optimistic about things even in the most dire of predicaments, suggested landing someplace where there’s a docking bay and a workshop where they can have the Mantis checked.
“Let’s hope it’s not gonna cost me as much as a new ship!” Greez jabbed.
The Mantis throttles its way through the atmosphere, the turbulence was much stronger considering that the suspension is nearly asunder—along with the other parts of the ship that the Brood has taken a hit on. The captain warns everyone to buckle up and hold on tight, as he himself does the same while keeping a grip on the steering wheel with all four arms.
Greez struggled to keep the Mantis from swerving, there wasn’t much he could do with the exhaust that caught fire when they tore through the thin sheet of the atmosphere. Cal managed to find a spot where they can safely land, away from the eyes of prospective enemies—since they’re not even sure if the Empire has planted its feet on the planet’s soil, but it’s not much of a stretch for that to be a fact.
The captain landed the Mantis in what ought to be an abandoned shipyard. Perfect. Literally away from all the eyes who would take interest of ransacking the thing—except, of course, thieves.
“Well now…” Cal ran his fingers through his hair, combing back the locks that drooped over his forehead. “Another happy landing.”
Promptly, the entire crew checked on the vital areas of the Mantis. Cal sped back the engine room—which was also his bedroom—and hot air fumed within the narrow space, beads of sweat instantaneously dotted his neck and temples the moment he stepped inside.
“Okay, I think we got a cooked hyperdrive compressor here!” he coughed, fanning the pungent smoke that wafted around his bedroom.
When he was received with no reaction, he assumed the other two had gone out of the ship to check the exterior damage. He repeated what he found inside while Greez gawks at the horridly bent hydraulic tendon of the landing gear.
“Well, that’s just great! Where are we gonna get spare parts!? It’s gonna take forever for us to patch her up again!”
“Look on the bright side, at least we’re in civilization—there’s bound to be one,”
“Kid, I wish I could see that bright side in this dark place I’m in,” Greez whined.
Cere consoled the Lateron captain, assuring him that things will come through. In the meantime, Cal volunteered to go around the city, hopefully to find a kind soul who could hook them up with some spare parts for cheap and an extra set of hands—if they’re extra lucky.
“We’ll stay in the ship, see if the Imperial presence is dense here. We’ll lay low while you go around,” Cere’s tone immediately changed from cool to stern, that meant that she’s about to repeat herself in warning Cal to be careful.
“I know, I know. I mean, hey, what could go wrong past this?”
“I wouldn’t count on it, Cal!” Greez added, anxious of whatever outcome will walk into the picture in the next moment.
Cal mumbled “Come on” to BD-1 perched onto his shoulder before heading into the city proper. The little droid replied with a tiny beep in agreement. The Lateron’s overly-anxious grumbling over the Mantis is gradually drowned out by the busy noises of the city as Cal approaches.
#cal kestis#cal kestis fic#cal kestis x reader#cal kestis x reader fic#star wars#star wars fic#sw#sw fic#star wars jedi fallen order#star wars jedi fallen order fic#swjfo#sw jfo fic#swjfo fic#sw jfo#jedi fallen order#jedi fallen order fic#for anon#anon#request#fic#fic request#requested by anon#anon request#anon ask#anon prompt#prompt#force-user! reader#force-sensitive! reader#sith-related! reader
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Ateez Reaction: When you kiss them out of the blue
||| Anon asked: can I request a ATEEZ reaction to you (reader) attacking them with kisses of their face? Thank youu❤️❤️ |||
A/N1: This was originally requested by someone else but since you didn’t specify what you wanted with Ateez or The Boyz, I’m tagging you here @eleyandere 😂
Kim Hongjoong
He was lying in bed, watching TV and as soon as you walked into the room, he patted the spot next to him, so you could join him. You made yourself comfortable on his chest while he lazily threw his arms around you and held you closer.
You looked up at him, admiring the view from below, when suddenly a great idea popped into your head.
“Joong,” you whispered and as soon as he lowered his gaze, you pushed yourself up and kissed him.
He continued to stare at you, a smirk forming on his lips.
“You know, I was just about to do that myself,” he lied.
“Oh yeah?” you laughed. “But you didn’t!”
“I can always do it now though,” he said, pulling you on top of himself.
Read the rest of the boys under the cut ⬇️
Park Seonghwa
You always loved messing with him along with the others and when you were all gathered in the living room and the members started teasing him about you, you decided to step in.
“Hey!” you shouted dramatically, pretending to be offended, standing up from your seat between San and Wooyoung. “Leave the boy alone!”
You took a few strides in Seonghwa’s direction and plopped into his lap. He looked at you confused, not knowing where to put his hands and you used the opportunity, while he was staring at you, to quickly give him a warm kiss.
Your actions left not only Seonghwa with wide eyes and hanging mouth, but the whole room and you just smiled satisfyingly at their reactions.
Jeong Yunho
You were talking about their tour with the others, remembering the performances and when you got around to discussing his parts, as if on cue he stepped into the room.
“Yunho! you shouted. You were so excited to finally see him after the concerts, you couldn’t help but pounce him, kissing him all over his face. He literally had to squeeze your cheeks so you would let go.
He smiled mischievously once you pulled back.
“What? What’s with the grin?” you asked him.
“Did you miss me THAT much, Y/N?” he teased you. “Gosh it’s only been a few days, you need to calm down,” he said loudly, so everyone would hear him, earning an eye roll from you.
Kang Yeosang
He was just casually speaking to you about something and somehow you just really wanted to kiss him right then and there.
He immediately fell silent and kind of stared into nothing for a brief moment after the kiss.
“I… What?…” he was so confused and looked like a cute little lost puppy, you couldn’t help but quickly peck him on the lips again, this time making him blush deeply.
“So you were saying?” you giggled, urging him to continue with his speech as if nothing happened.
“Are you serious, Y/N?” he sighed, covering his face with his hands. “You expect me to remember after this?”
Choi San
You smirked as you pulled back, your arms still around his neck. He glanced back, to see if anybody noticed before leaning in closer, to whisper into your ear.
“Baby, you can’t just do that, especially not in public.”
“Why not? Who’s going to stop me? You?” you retorted. You loved teasing him as he was always very careful not to get caught.
“Oh you little…” he said, as his grip on your waist tightened. “Just you wait until we get back home…”
Song Mingi
He started giggling cutely, his cheeks turning a cute shade of pink. Your kiss caught him completely off guard and he was so shy, he couldn’t even look you in the eyes.
“You need to stop making me feel this way,” he said, nuzzling his face into your neck to hide his embarrassment.
“I’m sorry, but when you react like this, how can I resist?” you laughed, ruffling his hair.
“That’s what I should be saying! How come you always do this first,” he sighed, his head still on your shoulder. “I will get back at you, when you least expect it, mark my words,” he suddenly said firmly, making you wonder what he has planned.
Jung Wooyoung
The kiss turned out to be more passionate than you expected and left him standing there in shock, his hand over his mouth, eyes wide.
“I… I can’t believe you did this…” he finally uttered after a long pause.
His answer threw you off, as you were actually unsure if he was being serious or joking, already thinking of ways to explain yourself in your head.
“Now do it again,” he giggled, swiftly pulling you into his embrace, earning a pinch to his cheeks for making you worried.
Choi Jongho
He would stare with heart eyes at you, not believing what just happened. He knew you could be bold but not like this.
“Wow Y/N! You really outdid yourself this time!” he laughed.
He completely forgot what he was planning to do, now wanting nothing but to hug you and stay like this forever.
“But,” he continued, holding you tightly. “Let me show you, how it should be done,” he said, this time kissing you.

A/N2: If anyone read this before, you’re not hallucinating 😂 I just had to reupload because it wasn’t showing up in the tags. Hopefully this time everything will work 🙏
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