#i need a prequel- abt all the shit they got up to when they were younger
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heymeowmao · 1 year ago
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一念关山 | A Journey to Love ° (๑•́ ⌓ •́)૭ ◟(•̀ ᴖ •́◟ )
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lynn-tged-posting · 2 months ago
tged webtoon ep 171 spoilers and thoughts but i'm mostly just going "YAY I LIKED THIS MOMENT" and more below the cut
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I LOVE WHEN CHARACTERS GAIN WINGS AND HORNS AND . GHGHHGHGHHG AAAHHH ITS MY FAVORITE THING if you didn't already know dragon lloyd was like one of my favorite all-time panels so this is VERY AWESOME FOR ME YAYYY YAAAAYYY HAHAHA
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genuinely i need to draw this asap. pacing issues aside i am obsessed with how sick this is. i love this a LOT
ok ok back to the top bc theres some stuff i wanna touch on from before demon king lloyd got revealed! because...
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"master lloyd taught us". "master lloyd taught us". "master lloyd taught us". "master lloyd taught us".
the fact that they go up to ask him im going to EXPLODE?!?!?
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he looks so nonchalant abt it here im cryinf
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this scene, and the beginning scene where the adults were just so casual with her and treating her as a living person with feelings and someone that they can talk to was so so heartwarming i oooghhh my heart
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christ. i fucking HATE him /j /aff
it is also VERY silly that they're so casual abt. destruction like that HELPPP they got it from someone sob sob, though i imagine since most of the estate consists of people who have done construction it probably isnt that big of a deal when things get destroyed every now n then
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and lyra looks so damn happy,,, god im so glad she had a good experience, she really needed one :')
also i completely LOST it when the kid got mad at lyra for not responding with a yes or no HELPPP JESUS CHRIST
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again they,,, got it from someone HAHA though honestly i think it tracks. kids can be straightforwardly brutal in their language, especially when they don't really have biases or cares for who they are speaking to. as crazy as this instance looks (LMFAO) i think this fits well with the context of the straightforwardness of children and considering the person who they look up to at the estate. i think it was good for lyra to meet a human child her age who can speak straightforwardly and not skirt past things, if that makes sense? i hope it does!
AND THE DEMON KING TRANSFORMATION i already talked abt it above but i wanna point out this blue system box here
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a power outside of the system?!?? what does this mean for the protagonist of the new prequel bk_moon is writing?? is the weather forecasting included in this???
my first assumption right now is that the demon king power is just an in-world power system while everything else (ie the weather forecasting) is external, blue-textbox system. maybe? so lloyd got the demon king power which comes with skills separate from the ones that the system can provide? that would explain why there's no indication of lloyd trying to use the weather forecasting, he probably can't use it,,,? except i dont know why artanis can use it in that case. most likely i am overthinking it LMFAO
semi-related, i am a little confused as to why artanis did this? i guess she really, really trusted him w this power? or maybe her weather forecasting noted that this would be something good to do i have no idea,,, it Does feel a bit sudden i won't lie, i'm not sure how earned this is
also javier and everyone else not reacting that much to the demon king status. SENT ME HAHA "... nothing's changed." LOL
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deadpan humor never fails to make me giggle ily javier
also loved the moment where the two of them were bein serious for a sec,,, they've got a job to do they've got people to protect. lloyd will stop fate and javier will be right besides him...
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i think showing them at emily's wedding really cements how much they really, REALLY need to fight fate now. the novel events happening is very very bad, but it feels like now that so many people, emily especially, have found THIS much happiness in their lives,,, failing to stop fate will hit even harder. i really like the analogy of a taut bow that the dragon king used when he first described it, bc it's really REALLY showing how much the repercussions will hit if they fail. im praying they succeed,,, please,,, i need a happy ending or i will curl up and turn into an actual shrimp irl.
and now the demons have to build the pantara railroad,,, artanis's expression omfg
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she really didn't,,, know,,, she trusted him that much,,,, girl,,,
but it's ok. it'll be a net positive trust! that's how lloyd does things!!! and then soon we'll get the happy ending where we can get the eye of summer and beat up fate and then silly fun times YAYY <- probably copium
some other thoughts of note that i had with a dear mutual (hi sprout :3) about this ep:
we were talking about how the plot seems to be paced right now, and honestly i'm of the opinion that while yes its Technically moving, the way they're ending each ep in this current arc makes it feel like it's going both very slow and very fast, that is to say it feels like it's not moving at all
bc they're like "okay NOW we're gonna do the build project" and it's been like that for several episodes now. pieces are moving but we're going past the point of it all too fast (especially the whole demon king thing. mentioned this before but while cool, doesn't feel as earned simply bc we're both tackling each point and yet blowing past all the points, so it's a lot less satisfying than it should be (despite how awesome it is,,, oh lloyd you give me so much internal conflict </3))
it does make me a lil worried that they're gonna timeskip the hell out of the pantara railroad build. however this episode, although it still has a weird pacing/movement issue, does feel a little bit better than the last two imo, so i have hope that it'll turn out okay, that it'll start heading up! i'm actually really excited to see where they go with this and i'm sure that even if the pacing is still goofy i'll have some kind of fun with it (seriously the panels this ep were wonderful HAHA)
anyway that's all for this week! extremely excited for the next ep,,, ill see yall then,,, lets go pantara railroad arc!!!
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devondeal · 1 year ago
For the weird Star Wars ask, questions 1,4,7,8,10,11,14,17,18 and 20 😌😘 Have fun
Oooo good ones. Also hard ones 🤣
1. Qui Gon Jinn. Love or hate? Discuss.
I love Qui Gon Jinn. I love how calm he is and how contemplative he is. This doesn't mean I can't see his flaws though. Regardless he is a one of the coolest Jedi the prequels have introduced, I just wish fans wouldn't put him on a pedestal. Let characters be flawed and wrong sometimes, it's ok I swear y'all.
4. Do you prefer the prequel, original, or sequel trilogy, and why?
God this is a hard one. Original is more nostalgic for me, like I watch them for comfort since I watched them when I was a kid all cozy with hot cocoa and blankets and just adoring the characters and twists. But the prequels are just so meaty and entertaining with the flashy visuals and meme humor.
It hurts to choose but I guess I'll go with prequels cuz I do engage with them more in fandom given how juicy they are. That's not to say the OG isnt juicy but the tragedy of Anakin Skywalker is kinda hard to beat there.
7. Dumbest Star Wars moment
God so many to choose from 🤣 but yeah Jar Jar stepping on shit then immediately getting electrocuted. I may have the order wrong on those sequence of events but either way... dumb.
Honorable mention: Jabba's CGI band with Roach and Miss Lips Close up. Just thinking abt it makes me laugh. Like George what were you on? 🤣
8. If you could ask George Lucas one question, what would it be?
I would ask him how he would continue Leia's story after the OG trilogy. I just always felt she deserved more in depth character exploration and I'd want to know his POV on that.
10. If you could pull a George Lucas and sneak into Disney Plus to edit any Star Wars scene, what changes would you make?
I'd take a away the "No... NOOO" from the Vader scene in Return of the Jedi. Just takes away from the suspence of if he will save Luke and ruins it for me. That's really it. Not much of an edit since it wasn't there to begin with. So an un-edit?
Next, I would edit some squeaking noises for C3PO during the Luke and Leia kiss, maybe an "oh my" even though he wouldnt be sure why he didn't like it 🤣 maybe some background dialogue for him and and R2 abt it.
11. Who would you want as your Jedi Master? (Why)
Luke Skywalker. I feel like he would really help with my confidence issues with his tendency for positive reinforcement. And he's nice and calm so he wouldn't trigger my anxiety. But still enough discipline so that I stay sharp and on it which I also need as a scatterbrain. I feel like because he started as a scatterbrain himself, he'd know where I was coming from.
14. BESIDES THE ROTS NOVELIZATION, what is your favorite Star Wars book?
The Approaching Storm is just a chock full of Jedi fun. It gives you an idea of what Jedi are meant to do and you get to see familiar characters in a more relaxed (for Jedi that is) setting.
17. Pick one Star Wars line to describe your life, what would it be?
"All his life has he looked away... to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. What he was doing."
This Yoda line about Luke very much described me for a very long time. I've always felt and sometimes still do. I tend to live in my head and struggle with being present. I guess Qui Gon's line about being in the present applies too.
18. What is your favorite piece of Star Wars merchandise that you own?
Oof I can't narrow that down to one. So it's gonna be the Ahsoka doll you gave me 😘 also the Savi's lightsaber I made. My Lego collection is huge but I have a soft spot for the Tie Fighter and Luke's Landspeeder cuz they were what got me back into Lego since my childhood.
Literally any Lego clone minifigure.
20. Please describe in as much detail as possible the signature scent of Ewan McGregor and/or Obi-Wan. (Are they different? Probably)
Omg, really making me think like a straight woman eh? 🤣 Idk or care what Ewan smells like even though cool dude. Obi Wan... hmmm....
Tea leaves and really faint raspberry. Why? Cuz the nerd eats them off the Jedi Temple gardens. Just seems like a raspberry guy to me. His robes are always clean so probably fresh laundry. His hair smells like puppy breath idk.
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idontblushsrry · 4 years ago
Love Language|| Jujutsu Kaisen
“I wanna be fluent in your love language. Learning your love language.” 
A/N: If you didn’t guess from the tagline this is inspired by the song love language by Kehlani. I’ll probably do more of these with different shows and what not because why not. If I missed anyone lmk and I can make a part 2. Also please tag spoilers appropriately esp for manga readers, that being said spoilers for the prequel? manga on Yuuta’s part.
Characters: Itadori, Fushiguro, Kugisaki, Maki, Inumaki, Okkotsu, Gojo, Nanami, Sukuna
Warnings: said it b4 but spoiler warnings in general but esp on Yuuji, Yuuta, and Maki’s parts
Plot synopsis: The 5 love languages; physical affection, quality time, words of affirmation, gift giving and acts of service, and how each jujutsu kaisen character shows their love and affection for you. Ft. a gender neutral reader!
Word count: 2352
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Itadori Yuuji
Love Language: Quality time and physical affection
Ok listen-
So for physical affection, Yuuji’s just that kind of person
He is all about giving to you
He’s holding hands with you if you’re ever walking anywhere, and if you’re not a hand holder pls pls pls let him hold your pinky he likes the reassurance
No but seriously he loves to hold you like yall could be walking in completely opposite directions and he’ll try to find some way to hold onto you until the very last second
And even then he’s all ‘:( babe imy’
‘Yuuji we just talked 2 minutes ago’
Another way he shows his love is through quality time
I think for him this is the biggest thing overall, esp as a jujutsu sorcerer bcus you never know yk but also because you’re important to him
Like remember how he literally went to occult club so that he could get out of school in time to go visit his grandpa...ye :(
He also loves finding dumb touristy things to do with you while in Tokyo or anywhere yall go together on a mission 
If you get together before he died and came back then that time he had to spend away from you literally killed him
Like my mans was goin THROUGH it
He almost considered spoiling Gojo’s secret
When he sees you again, he’s not gonna let go for like a solid day
Fushiguro Megumi
Love Language: acts of service and words of affirmation
This boy loves you so much
He loves to tell you all the things he loves about you when you’re alone
But he’s a little awkward with his words sometimes, hence where acts of service come in
He’ll immediately offer to hold your things, run to help you train or study, and if you’re cold? He’s fully prepared to never see his jacket again
Also he can’t cook but he’s fully prepared to suffer hearing Sukuna and suffering through Yuuji’s antics if it means he can learn how to make your favorite food
He also will surprise you by making you a playlist of all the songs that you’ve had stuck in your head and sends it to you randomly out of the blue one day like ‘thought you might like this’
However the best of both worlds is when he leaves you little notes throughout the day or sends you texts asking if you need anything or just encouraging you to keep going 
Negl he’s lowkey the president of the Y/N support club bcus-
You need anything? It’s yours
Cravings? Sad? Angry? What do you need bby, I’ve got it for you
Also he’s totally the type to be like you need help fuckin this person up? 
Also before yall started dating, Fushiguro was a mess
He was constantly asking to spar with you and go on missions, basically anything he could do to be near you  
End of the day, Fushiguro loves you and makes sure you know it whether it’s through his actions or his words
Kugisaki Nobara
Love Language: physical affection
So, she’s not the best with words, she tries but like someone help her bcus she is LOST
Like when she had a crush on you she was like “c’mere dumbass i wanna give you a hug”
In fact, she still is like “c’mere” but now you are dating :)
She loves you though and at first she doesn’t really know how to show it 
But one day you both come home from training and you just look at each other like ‘yeah today sucks’ and yall both just held each other for the rest of the day 
After that, she decided that she wants to do that with you but like always
She’s holding your hand, kissing your cheek when you go shopping, etc. etc.
She really loves to cling to you because she always has this fear that maybe one day you’ll get killed or just disappear so she figures might as well hold onto you for as long as we’ve got
After missions, she’s running up to you and if you aren’t prepared for the tackle, you’re probably gonna fall
On dates too, like if you guys have to meet up for a date, she’s tackling you
On the subject of dates...
She doesn’t mind PDA, and while she might hold your hand or arm so that you don’t get separated
She also doesn’t mind wiping food off your face and eating it, only to then kiss the spot on your face the food was previously at
She will split her shopping load between the two of you, however she will be slightly pouty if she’s carrying more than you (she then cheers up when she realizes she can do more shopping to “balance” the two of you)
In private she’s very cuddly and kissy which honestly isn’t that bad until it gets hot
At which point she’ll just say turn on the ac or convince you to walk around in a tank top (or something like it) so that she can continue holding you
Tbh she prefers the big spoon, but if she’s ever upset you let her be the little spoon >:(
All in all a very loving girlfriend who tries her best to show how much she loves you by glomping you at any given moment. 
Zenin Maki
Love language: acts of service and quality time
So you’re telling me that Maki wouldn’t immediately go out of her way to make sure her and her s/o can spend as much time together as possible?????
Like she’s super observant (which can cause her to be a bit harsh, see Yuuta) but she can always tell what’s bothering you
So if you’re upset that you haven’t been spending enough time together due to her being out on missions or otherwise busy she’s immediately running to finish her stuff and spend time with you.
((She’s very sorry, but on the bright side she brought your favorites!))
Maki is also an acts of service type
This mostly ties in with her kind of direct action way of thinking
She thinks she’s slick but you can always see her sneaking around to do small things like grabbing your laundry for you and folding it
She’s very much like if you love someone, you gotta prove it
Overall, dates with her are very intimate and personal to the two of you
Like she’ll take you to a frog pond you landed in during a fight once
Or you’ll take her to a street fair that serves this exclusive food that Maki mentioned wanting to try 
However, Maki shows her love through quality time and acts of service and while she does receive love from these to a degree, she is very much a words of affirmation gal
She’s not insecure in her day to day life but she has her moments, everyone does
Sometimes, she’ll feel like shit and a failure and all she wants is for you to say that she’s doing amazing and that she’s a great girlfriend.
Inumaki Toge
Love language: Physical affection
Because of his curse, he can’t exactly express how he feels about you through words
He does text you frequently throughout the day (I’ll have to do a hc abt that someday)
But he’d prefer not to be on his phone to communicate if you’re right in front of him
So he does the next best thing and just smothers you in physical affection
He loves kissing you the most
Like he could spend hours just kissing you if you let him (please let him)
But in public, he gets if you’re not a big fan of pda he’s willing to tone it down as long as he gets kisses later in private
He’d still prefer it if you held his hand or linked pinkies maintaining touch in some way
Also, unrelated, but it means so much to him if you try to understand his sushi language
He knows realistically the foundation of any relationship is communication so already he’s at a disadvantage because of his curse 
But if he sees you like take notes after he says something or start to need him to text you to translate, his heart is swelling
Like ‘omg this person loves me enough to learn a whole new language <333′
Another tangent but before you were together he was struggling so muchhhh
Like how does one express their feelings for someone without words?
If you’re Inumaki, you buy some flowers and text said person to meet you at a cafe
It took an embarrassingly long time for you to realize it was a date, but once you did, you ever so gently linked pinkies with Toge
Okkotsu Yuuta
Love language: words. of. affirmation. 
He’s literally so sensitive please tell him you love him regularly
In return he’ll be sure to tell you how much he loves you too
He knows that he can’t really be there for you as much as he’d like but he likes to let you know that he’s thinking of you
Doesn’t matter the time, if you call, he’s answering
If he doesn’t he’ll cry he’ll immediately call you back and is apologizing for missing your call
You assure him it’s no big deal but the man has his volume turned all the way up and changed your ringtone to one specific for you by the time you’ve even said hey
Aside from that, he really is sensitive
He’s been through a lot especially with Rika as well as growing up alone and bullied 
So for him, it’s everything to hear that you like having him around and don’t think he’s too much or anything like that
Of course, he gets better with time, trusting you and having the confidence in himself to not need constant assurance
That being said, if you ever just whisper in his ear, “I love you, Yuuta.”
That’s not your boyfriend, that’s a puddle of love on the floor
(Maki, Panda, and Inumaki had a field day when they saw him, Fushiguro now questions if Yuuta really is a respectable 2nd year.)
Gojo Satoru
Love language: gift giving and quality time
So Gojo doesn’t exactly get to spend a ton of time
Between missions, him beefing with higher ups, and you and him playing parent the baby sorcerers yall don’t exactly get time to go out much
In which case Gojo tends to default to two options:
He’ll either go the extra mile to try and spend time with you 
Whether that be an at home date where he tries and fails to surprise you with a home cooked meal
Or a date out at a restaurant or cafe (which you tend to visit after his home cooking efforts)
OR he’ll bring you various souvenirs from his missions
He loves to spoil you, and if he could he’d probably bring you back a whole store’s worth of stuff
But alas, airport security regulations
Anyways, he loves to spoil you especially if he can spoil you with sweets because it benefits him in two ways 
He treasures all the time you spend together, and he does try to overcompensate for his absence with gifts
Despite your assurances, it’s kind of a guilty pleasure at this point (just let him, trying to argue just goads him on further)
He doesn’t only buy you small things, he enjoys buying you outfits
And he especially likes seeing you in them 
Kento Nanami
Love Language: acts of service
Y’all remember the episode where he killed that curse that was bothering that baker lady?? Yea that
He’s literally such an acts of service boyfriend it’s not even funny
Before you got together, he would memorize your coffee order and bring you a cup pretty much everyday like clockwork
Now that you’re togehter, he wakes up before you so h=that when you wake up there’s the smell of coffee throughout the house
When you come out of you’re shared bedroom and he’s just scrooling through his phone like “mornin’”
Of course you already made the bed and ironed his clothes because relationships are give and take
And then when you leave for your jobs in the morning, he kisses you and holds the door open for you
He’ll draw a bath for you if he gets home before you, if you let him join or not is up to you
Also, if you ever get sick, he’s actually the best
Like he isn’t the best cook but he can heat up soup and tea
He’ll run to the store while you’re asleep and when you wake up, there’s like a whole tray of food in front of you and he’s like ‘it’s important to eat and drink so your body can heal’
And when you inevitably fall asleep after eating and taking medicine at his insistence, he tucks you in and clears away the dishes, exiting with little more than a kiss to your head
Ryoumen Sukuna
Love Language: gift giving and acts of service
So like Sukuna never says he loves you...ever
But he does notice if someone or something’s making you uncomfortable, and if so, said entity’s head will be presented to you later that day
You also just so happen to be the only person he can tolerate being around him for longer than 20 seconds
He also loves to give you jewelry, he likes seeing you adorned in something from him
He also isn’t gonna just handle all your problems for you, he will push you to become stronger by training with you 
He’ll also expect this energy to be reciprocated, as long as you’re pushing yourself to be better, he’s content with that
(He wants to see you grow because he’s scared that if he ever gets caught lackin one day you’ll end up dead)
He’ll never tell you or admit it, but Sukuna truly does care for you and hold you in a regard that he doesn’t have for others
So be grateful jkjk
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theyarebothgunshot · 4 years ago
ROSE I AM FREAKING OUT HAVE YOU SEEN THE PREQUEL STUFF???? WHAT IS GOING ON, my god... I was literally about to go to sleep, decided to check Tumblr one last time and see this.... what WHAT!! WHATTTT!!!!!! I don't even know if this is good bad or what but just JENSEN IS PRODUCING A SUPERNATURAL PREQUEL AND DEAN'S GONNA BE THE NARRATOR OR Sth LIKE???? -🐸
YEAH i am normal about this <3 (jk i am also freaking out) welcome to: people screaming to me in my inbox about prequelgate ft. j/2 fallout theory. let's goooo!
Another copypasta and suddenly chaos machine is full on gay I love this prophecy
you know whats funny i just checked the j/2 tag and i feel like for the first time in a long time they are starting to realise that maybe THEY should be the ones who are "gutted" *sips tea*
Nevermind just read prequel and well good luck I guess but just you know kind of bleh who wants to watch John Winchester well let’s have hope anyways
i know a lot of people are bummed out but i am kind of very excited actually?? i trust robbie and even though yeah j*hn winchester turned into a nasty abusive bastard, it can be interesting to explore how it all started (imo). it's just the first of many stories they can tell.
I can only accept this circus if it’s Dean telling the stories to his and Cas’ kids and then we have a revival to show that the whole finale was in fact the end Chuck wanted there Jensen I fixed it
i would not say no to this
heyloo bee anon here
um- wtf is happening?
jackles prequel series?? why? i want to be excited about this but sheesh im scared
because supernatural is never dead <3
okay, but, jensen... john winchester ≠ jdm, you don’t have to go /that/ hard for him 🙃
true true... though i am waiting for jdm to comment on this, please i need it
Rose you really picked the worst time to sleep for real
bestie it was literally 4 in the morning, what do you expect from me sdfjsfhsf
I can’t literally can’t we were all right LMAO j2 fallout theory is real and cockles (Misha supporting Jensen) is [gunshots] I’m just laughing cause what the hell is this timeline we’re living LMAOOOOOOOOOO
we would always end up here <3
Do we have the copypaste anons to thank for JP basically confirming the J2 fallout? lol 🦚
yes, everybody say 'thanks annoying idiots!'
Anticipating that there's going to be a lot of yelling about the prequel on here: I am cackling, but also, I mean, the first time Dean got a look into his parent's past, Cas was the catalyst: literally entered Dean's mind and catapulted him to the 70s. So idk, it's not completely unreasonable to expect some Cas cameos, maybe setting up a parallel timeline since Dean is narrating. What I'm saying is, this is Jackles, he's getting JDM and Misha in on this lmao -Honeymoon Anon
you were right lmfaooo also i fully agree. misha's tweet further cemented that thought for me. he knew about this prequel and i dont think he is cas-baiting us, i think he'll be involved. i'd also be obsessed to see jensen and jdm act together again (though idk who jdm could play seeing as it's a prequel and he is way too old to play young j*hn)
longlivethetribbles heeft gevraagd:
Heyyyyyy bestie, are you SEEING the absolute madness going on right now holy shit
well a little late but I SURE AM BESTIE
bestie wake up pls s16 finale just dropped.
- 🍯
and WHAT a great one it was
I love coming home from work to see all of the chaos unfolding on Tumblr and Twitter. I'm absolutely buzzing right now. I'll probably still be here by the time you wake up and check tumblr 😂 - 🐢
lmaooo and were you still awake?? did you see my freak out??
Oooh bestie wake the fuck up, I know you’re gonna be excited for this one jsnsjsj
god i had SUCH a morning like. it's 12:00 now and all i did since i woke up is check tumblr rip
short summary: jen and dee gain the rights, they post on ig/twitter about a prequel ft john and mary that no one asked for, the fandom loses its everloving shit as usual, they trend on twitter thanks to the beloved twt intern who missed us, misha qt’s jen about cas possibly benefiting from being in the prequel, then j*red qt’s jensen abt how his feelings got hurt by him not being told about a prequel his character as no involvement in & he initially throws a tantrum, and the rest is history - 🦋 anon (ps: i hope this helps a little, i’ve been scattered brained trying to keep up with it all night lmao so pls let me know if i missed anything, bug crew !!)
thank you so much darling i figured it out eventually but this is a helpful summary!!!
I hope you enjoyed waking up to all of this XD -🐢
i sure did!!! also that answers my question about you being awake lmao
well the party was still going strong this morning so im not TOO "gutted" see what i did there lmaooo
Now that you are caught up with the news... So idk if you remember this but...didn't jarpad tell jackles he was up for a reboot in an online panel? And jackles answered that this was news to him??
yeah i think you are right but he was clearly joking and didnt expect jackles to actually be working on something already
J2 anon spare more of those anons let's finish this - tea anon
please, we're having a ball in this bitch
I saw a post on tumblr where someone said now that Kripke gave J&D the rights, maybe they’re starting with a prequel just to end on a reboot in years time and honestly ? I wanna believe that so badly. This is tinhatty but what if this is all calculated in a way that makes it so that Jensen is slowly starting to fix everything that was wrong with spn - now that he has the rights and he’s slowly making spn his own story ?! I mean he did say in his ig post he wants to ‘fill in the rest’ - and maybe Mary and John’s story is only the beginning of spn related content from J&D to come ??? Maybe he wants to give spn the justice it deserves ?? Thoughts ??
i dont think this is tinhatty at all i think this is very possible and not that much of a reach. i could see this happening yeah for sure
want to hear something funny. I found out I had a ruptured blood vessel in my eye because I was sending my friend a video freaking out when the prequel news dropped and I noticed the corner of my eye was red af. and when I got back online jared had tweeted.
rose.. bestie... how are you feeling about The News? nsfshsf being european is a curse </3 🐞
i feel GREAT im living for it i feel on top of the world tbh (and yeah it really is dsjfhs)
What am I waking up to I can't WHAT I rested my eyes for like 5 minutes help *hits reblog button* - anon anon
yep yep essentially djfhs
“Jensen and Misha are Co workers who barley talk”
I can’t be sure of course but I’m fairly certain that this is the copypasta that brought the j/2 fallout theory back to life. Who’s apparently ‘barely talking’ now? skansjsjsj. It’s almost prophetic, these j/2 anons have superpowers I’m telling ya.
-poker face anon
next time we get one of them we should be thanking them lmaooo
ok, but are we gonna talk about the "When Daneel and I formed Chaos Machine Productions, we knew that the first story we wanted to tell was the story of John and Mary Winchester [...]"-quote because the way this is phrased implies they formed CHAOS MACHINE Productions with the intent of telling this story (first), i haven't been in this dumpster long enough but the name just tickles me in that Misha way, isn't it so sus??? am i missing something???? i mean with this announcement they SURE lived up to that name... 🧩-anon
you are absolutely right, chaos machine SCREAMS misha and we are all here for it!!
hey hey hey. joining the clownverse, there's no way THEE cas girl danneel doesn't know just how much the fandom loves misha and cas. so 2 + 2 = misha in the spn prequel!
So I think I finally managed to catch up on wtf happened while I was asleep and my brain melted. What a shit show to wake up to.
Anyway thoughts.
I don't hate the idea of a Mary&John sequel. I think it has the potential to be good (It has the potential to be really bad too, so I'm kind scared).
🕯️🕯️🕯��� manifesting Mary being badass and John being kinda useless🕯️🕯️🕯️
As for the Jensen and J*red thing.
I can see Jensen not telling J*red even if they are still friends, because J*red is kinda good at accidentally telling Secrets. He could have told him right before he announced it so, so that J*red didn't have to find out from twitter. He was on the show for 15 years, he is bound to get asked about it. The public twitter meltdown was really unprofessional so. Like you have Jensen's number J*red. You could have sorted that out in private like a normal person, but instead you choose to act like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
Is it weird that I'm actually going to be kinda that for them if the actually had a falling out, even tho I don't like J*red all that much. They seemed to be really important to each other and while I thought before that the might have triefted apart a bit, I didn't think that the where actively fighting.
- 🐌 anon
the thing is, the polite/normal thing for jensen to do was text him before announcing it on twitter. it's weird he didn't, and that makes me believe that maybe yeah they did have a falling out. especially with the way j*red responded to it on twitter. if he had no other reason to be this upset (no prior beef or falling out) you'd think that he wouldn't be responding like this. on the other hand, the man is a mysterie to me so who the hell knows. i'm not gonna mourn about it if they did/do grow apart because j*red is just.... awful imo.
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unhingedandunwell · 4 years ago
genuinely am not following the supernatural stuff on principle, do u mind explaining whats going on lmao
I want you and everyone to know before I go into this whole shit show, that I hate supernatural. I never even finished it cause they killed my favorite character and I got pissed. But I do keep up on the drama as it is endlessly entertaining so you did come to the right person.
Ok, I just woke up so I’m still figuring out the little things but from what I’ve seen the broad strokes of it are that Jensen and his wife Danneel are set to work with CW to produce a prequel show abt Sam and Dean’s parents, John and Mary. With Jensen also signed on to reprise his role as Dean, who’ll narrate the show.
Now this caused a lot of very strong reactions on all sides , everyone from fans to actors.
On the fans side, a lot of them are angry that of all the untold stories in spn, the one we’re gonna see is the one abt John and Mary. Both characters that fan opinion is generally negative about(more so John than Mary). Plus in canon this epic love story that the new show is supposed to be about, isn’t even real. Like I believe they(John and Mary) were forced together by Cupid cause the powers that be needed Sam and Dean for the apocalypse. So this show seems out of nowhere. Especially when there were stories that fans would’ve loved to see, ie. The Wayward sisters, Rowena, Garth, or even Destiel(tho Idk what that would even be).
Jared for one is seemingly pissed because apparently he hadn’t been approached or even told abt this project before today. Despite him and Jensen being close by all accounts and even visiting for Jensen’s most recent birthday. (The fans calls them J2 for Pete’s sake)
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[ID: Two tweets from Jared Padaleki (@jarpad) on Twitter dim dark mode, the first is replying to a tweet from Jensen Ackles(@jensenackles) with a dateline article. The tweet reads "Dude. Happy for you. Wish I heard about this some way other than Twitter. I’m excited to watch, but bummed that Sam Winchester had no involvement whatsoever.” The second reply’s to a censored account, their tweet reading “this has GOTTA be a bad joke hello @jarpad @JensenAckles this ain’t it sirs we’re freaking out” Jared responds “No. It’s not. This is the first I’ve heard about it. I’m gutted.” /END ID]
Which has started issues in the fanbase especially since a quite a few of them were already pissed. Now some of them on top of being mad abt the show are fighting over who’s right.
And then there’s Misha who once again is just a fucking wildcard. Like I don’t know what this man is doing but I don’t think he does either. But he at the very least is the only one who seemingly isn’t angry!
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[ID: Tweet from Misha Collins(@mishacollins) on twitter dim dark mode, replying to a tweet from Jensen Ackles(@jensenackles) with a dateline article. The tweet reads "Seems like this new show would benefit from a time-traveling angel-in-a-trenchcoat character. Just saying…” /END ID]
Essentially it’s just a lot of infighting on a fan and actor level which makes for easy trends, earlier it was trending worldwide wide in like 4 different ways on twt.
Anyways that’s what you missed on glee!
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rose-water-arts · 4 years ago
okay so now that i've had a bit more time to process the episode, i've got to rant.
okay i was really hoping they wouldn't involve the skywalker shit in this show, because yeah sure they made starwars, but like.... they had NINE MOVIES focusing on them. nine. the mandalorian is probably only gonna have.. what, four seasons? and each of them only have eight episodes. the skywalkers had their many, MANY years to shine and be praised. can we please let this new, interesting and incredibly well written character have his own spotlight?
like i'm genuinely upset they went down this path. i honestly stopped caring about the skywalker drama after the prequels came out, and i refuse to acknowledge the sequels happened. i've already seen a lot of people predicting that the show isn't going to feature grogu as much because of luke taking him, and to be honest i think it's way too soon to say for sure. i mean, think about it. disney only cares about money, and they absolutely know how much money grogu is making them. i don't think they would be okay with one of their main sources of revenue being sidelined for the rest of the series. so, i don't think we have to worry about him being sidelined for now.
i was really really loving this season, probably more than the first one, but something that bothered me is the fact that they honestly sidelined grogu AND din a lot. granted, there was a lot of plot they needed to go through and that involved new characters to focus on. but, this is their show. not asoka's, not boba's, not luke's. season one had a lot more focus on the main protagonist and his son, which is something i loved. we even find out din's name and backstory on the finale. but season two, we didn't find ANYTHING new about din, or grogu even (other than his name really). again we had a lot of small sweet moments between them, and ima cherish those until next year. but i'm really hoping that season three will have din get grogu back almost immediately if possible and we can shift the focus back to them, and, in addition, din bow being the rightfully ruler of mandalore.
also, again i think it's just because we all overhyped the duel, but it was really underwhelming imo. it wasn't dramatic, neither of them seemed injured at all from it, and gideon was captured way too easily. t should have been more drawn out and instead of constantly showing us shots of the girl squad fighting troopers (we already knew that's what they were doing so it was a waste of time), they should have used that time more to create an epic duel. and we really never saw an sort of emotional reaction from din... well, ever, when it came to grogu and his creed and all of that. now my hopes are that at the beginning of season three, we will get a few minutes of him being by himself (now that grogu isn't with him, he'll inevitably have more alone time) and see him processing what happened. after this episode, there is a LOTT hes piling up;
as of right now, he currently:
•found out that he was raised in a cult basically and that his creed wasn't praised by most other mandalorians
•the razor crest, his LITERAL HOME being blown up (he also didn't get a new one wksoaoao)
•grogu being taken from him right in front of his eyes
•having to remove his helmet in a room full of imperial officers
•seeing gideon being VERYY close to hitting grogu with the darksaber
•having to process being the ruler of mandalore
•saving his son, then having,,, what, no more than 5 minutes with him before l*ke shows up and takes him
•again, removing his helmet in front of a bunch of people (BUT!! it was of his 100% free will and desire, plus they were all allies, so i wonder how he feels abt that)
•and finally, having his son who he just went throw hell and back to rescue, being taken away almost instantly by some stranger jedi.
look i'm sure the writers have a plan for all of this, but i better see some sort of breakdown or crisis from din next season. not because it'll be fun to watch, but because it's realistic. any normal person would have a breakdown going through all that in such a short amount of time.
and PLEASEE; FOR THE LOVE IF GOD, DO NOT make the next season all about the skywalker shit. we don't need more of them. they had their time and story. let din and grogu have theirs.
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ceremonyanddevotion · 5 years ago
Hi I’m sorry if you’ve received a bunch of confused asks abt this already, but I need a bit of a clarification cuz imma big dummy lol. So this band/artist priest has ex-members of ghost? And they did that weird unmasking only to reveal another mask that has this terminator fucking eye. I understand that concept and entirely that it’s a rip off of ghost. But what I’m not clear on is the issues with the priest members and the (pre-existing?) drama with ghost
Don’t be sorry! 
So yes, Priest is a band made up of ex members of ghost, Simon (Alpha) and Mauro (Air) and Mauro’s son Lintion who also played bass in Ghost. Linton now sings in Priest, they had a falling out with the previous vocalist Tom Asburg (no relation to Ghost, just seems like a kooky guy caught up in drama).
So, to make it so simple (bc it’s a fucking mess) is that in 2016, the former ghouls (including Simon and Mauro, not Martin Persner/Omega, he had left the band already due to his anxiety and ocd) began to try to blackmail Tobias into getting more pay from him, now note, they didn’t write any of the songs or music, only Tobias, Martin and up to 2 outside writers did, all they did was learn the songs and tour, Martin is on the record to say to regard him and the others as ‘hired guns’ to make finances easier.
They kept doing this, even threatening to walk off the Meliora tour (we were meant to get a concert dvd, but they couldn’t risk them walking off on a night they would film), he even had to deal with this during his wedding. So he and his lawyer wrote up a simple contract (I’ve read it) stating they will get a payrise BUT will be released from the band at a later date, they signed it without reading it, thinking they won.
here’s the contact if you would like to view it
you can also go on reddit.com/r/ghost_lawsuit, the mod did a great job translating everything, even if they seemed to be pro-ex ghouls.
They didn’t realize they got fired until management when they called to get extra tickets for family/friends.
So they sued, they wanted access to the books to prove they were owed money, that they deserved more money.
They lost, then appealed, then lost, then claimed bias in the court by outing Tobias as a freemason because the judge was also a freemason (though there are stories, with no source, that Tobias showed up for orientation and never returned, and with all the masonic themes in Square Hammer, many say he did it for research purposes.)
They lost again, they kept appealing because even though Tobias won, he wanted the ex ghouls to pay his bills, and also appealed to make it happen. They recently settled out of court, no one knows the details, they haven’t been made public, but we all guess Tobias said he’ll pay his bills. 
This was a lesson in ‘for the love of god, make proper contracts when you start a band and read them when you sign them’ since a lot of stuff at the beginning of ghost didn’t have actual contracts and stuff.
The thing with Priest, like you said, is that it’s a sad attempt to annoy Tobias, Simon has admitted to it on interviews, they think Tobias cares enough to actively look into Priest and be annoyed/angry (man has been on tour and getting high on the bus with the new ghouls he doesn’t care lmao).
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Linton is notorious for openly talking shit about Ghost, like this gem about Prequelle
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and recently he, as Mercury made some IGTV videos and during one talking about vinyl, he held up a Meliora record and went ‘YWEUCK, how did that get there!”
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They had to delete the instagram video post because everyone reminded them they’d be nothing without ghost and that it’s sad they’re still doing this. (last time i checked the IGTV video is still up, but I also recorded this moment just in case, ya know).
His father isn’t much better, Maruo makes music under ‘Airghoul’ and still claims to be the only and original Air Ghoul, it’s sad tbh.
TL;DR, ex ghost members make priest, sue ghost, lose and had to settle out and now act as tobias’s ex girlfriend who swear they’re over him but will always bring him up when no one asked. 
And I want Tom Asburg to make a Priest rip off bc I miss his vocals (yeah I still listen to Priest every so often, I rip that shit from youtube tho).
I hope this was helpful lmao.
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thewebcomicsreview · 6 years ago
hussie said a thing abt the epilogues reddit. com/r/homestuck/comments/cuywff/the_homestuck_epilogues_bridges_and_offramps_new/
I also think many of the negative feelings the story creates isn’t just an urgent prompt for the reader to imagine different ideas, or ways to resolve the new narrative dilemmas. It’s also an opportunity for people to discuss any of the difficult content critically, and for fandom in general to continue developing the tools for processing the negative emotions art can generate. Sorting that out has to be a communal experience, and it’s an important part of the cycle between creating and criticizing art. I think not only can creators develop their skills to create better things by practicing and taking certain risks, fandom is something which can develop better skills as well. Skills like critical discussion, dealing constructively with negative feelings resulting from the media they consume, interacting with each other in more meaningful ways, and trying to understand different points of view outside of the factions within fandom that can become very hardened over time. Fandoms everywhere tend to get bad reputations for various reasons, maybe justifiably. But I don’t see why it can’t be an objective to try to improve fandom, just as creators can improve their work. And I think this can only happen if now and then fandoms are seriously challenged, by being encouraged to think about complex ideas, and made to feel difficult emotions. I believe when art creates certain kinds of negative feelings in people, it can lead to some of the most transformative experiences art has to offer. But it helps to be receptive to this idea for these experiences to have a positive net effect on your life, and your relationship with art.
Christ, he’s gone full Lennon. Imagine a good ending. I wonder if you can.
So, I’ve mentioned this a few times, but the most transformative art has ever been for me was a comic that actually started on the Homestuck forums
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Prequel - Or - Making The Cat Cry: The Adventure - is a comic written by Kazared loosely based on the Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. It’s about a Khajiit girl named Katia who moves to OblivionLand to make a new life for herself, and the comic spent years building Katia up to bigger and bigger heights so that every time she crashed she crashed harder than ever before. The second time she relapses into alcoholism is where a lot of readers give up on the comic for being misery porn.
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There’s a point where she she’s solved all her problems and even gets to join the mages guild - her lifelong dream - only for the woman running the Kvatch mage guild to mild control her into giving up all her stuff, including the stuff important to Katia’s only friend.  Katia is left naked on the streets literally digging through trash in the vain hope of trying to find a solution to at least one of her problems. And what she finds is a bottle of beer.
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Twice already in this comic Katia hit a really bad patch and started drinking again. The comic has twice made us root for Katia to succeed, only to jump cut to her waking up in a stranger’s bed with no memory of what happened. 
She wanders into an empty church (OBVIOUS SYMBOLISM ALERT), and alternates between trying to find some supplies and fantasizing about everything magically getting fixed, which slowly morphs into fantasizing about drinking while getting increasingly furious at barrels for not having clothes in them.
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One thing. You wanted one thing and you were too much of a fucking idiot to realize it was hopeless and pointless and bound to ruin everything. Stuck on some childish idea that you could be anything, do anything, and just be some selfish bitch that’s never happy with what she has. Fuck, you don’t even know what you’re mad at anymore, you just hate yourself and everything you ever ruined for yourself and everyone and want to stop thinking about what a worthless mindless thoughtless imbecile you are. You just want to stop fucking thinking about it.
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You drop onto the chapel floor and just cry. You cry and cry because you’re stupid and easy and can’t fix anything no matter how hard you try. You cry because your best is worse than everyone else’s average. You cry because your parents never loved you and you’re a disappointment to everyone, even yourself. You cry because all you wanted was to be someone and that’s never going to happen. And when that’s done, you cry a little more because you’re ashamed of being such a crybaby.
You try to get all the emotions out, try to clear your mind and maybe, just maybe feel ready to tackle the night ahead of you, feel as though this is the time you finally turn things around. But no matter how hard you try, how hard you weep and bawl and try to get it all out, you’re still just a fuckup. No matter what you try, that knowledge is still there, gripping onto your every thought and reminding you that things are never going to change.
You’re not strong. You’re not a hero. You’re not even worthy of the name Katia Managan. You’re sad and angry and nothing makes sense, but you know this is probably the clearest your head is going to get.
Someday, things are going to get better. Someday, you are going to fight and persevere and everything will feel great. You think.But for now, you know what you have to do.
And at the very least, there is no way you could possibly make yourself feel any worse.
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Katia, for the first time, manages to avoid drowning drinking. She overcomes her issues. And you know what happens next?
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She accidentally sets the church on fire, because this is still Prequel. She passes out from smoke inhalation, and then there’s….
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this, and then she wakes up and reflects on her managing to stay on the wagon.
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Honestly, you just feel… kind of numb.
You fucked up. You lost everything you earned, were discarded by the people you looked up to most, gave away the package you were supposed to be delivering to pay your friend back, completely lost control of your powers, and after passing out naked in a church have probably ruined any chance you might have had at a good reputation in Kvatch. You were a wreck last night when this was all happening, but now… you guess it just feels like you’ve run out of sad. You’re just confused.
Personally, I think this stuff is way darker than anything that happens in the Homestuck Epilogues, which is mostly just over-the-top Warhammer 40k grimderp. This shit got to me, man. And around the time this is happening in the comic, I lost my job. And as the storyline continued past this point, I kept applying for jobs and getting turned down, and it started to really wear on me, I felt I had no useful skills, since my old job was supporting software that only that company used because they made it. Much like Katia got into great positions only to fail, I walked out of interviews thinking I’d aced it only to get turned down, while Katia kept making two-steps-forward-one-step-back advances and not really getting any closer to solving any of her issues. And one day, about six weeks into joblessless and starting to get into serious depression over it, I got two “Thanks but no thanks” calls from places I was feeling good about back to back, and I was just done. 10am and I was going to go into my room and lie down on the floor all day but first Prequel updated so I guess I’ll check it real quick oh hey a flash
This puzzle took me like 20 tries, I’m no good at them. Aggy ran out of inspiring dialogue and started looping. And if you’re not in the right mindset, in the right place, this probably doesn’t seem like much. But right there, a month and a half into unemployment, doing that stupid fucking jumping jumpy peg thing while a ghost cheered me on was life-changing. I was so fucking jazzed when I got it, I was fired up! I was so fired up I tabled my “lie on the floor all day in despair” plan, and started applying for a bunch of jobs. A few of those jobs called me back. One hired me. I still work there now. I always liked webcomics but Aggy Extrapolate is the reason I make them. Because good art is powerful. Good art changes lives, maybe even saves them. And it doesn’t need to be happy to do it, Katia still hasn’t succeeded at her goals (in part because Prequel updates at a rate Dresden Codak would make fun of).
What the hell did the Homestuck Epilogues do, by comparison? What’s the positive net effect on my life, or my interaction with art? “Sometimes things you like are bad”? Shit, man, I already knew that, I’m into wrestling. How is “John recognizes Terezi’s jizz on his dad’s car” supposed to make me a better person, exactly? Do you really think the problem with fandoms is that they’re not angry enough? Are you high, Andrew Hussie? 
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tearsanddeers · 3 years ago
i dig the kingsman series so bad like,, especially the latest movie!!
this is just me talking spoilers n the movies like a fanatic so yea dont mind me im a movie addict 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️ (i make too many movie references irl, its crazy)
the wardrobe, casting, cinematography, vfx, fighting choreo, props, etc.? LOVE IT. they slayed everyth so well, i q literally convert into a full time kingsman lover. everyth adds up to that posh englishman doing such refined (yet brutal) fights feel (as harry says, 'manners maketh man') so nicely!!! ₍^> <^₎‪‪
the first two movies tackled everyth nicely, n I'd dare say that the selling points were the funky gadgets they had. so i was wondering how they'd make the prequel top those, considering the time period it's set in (wwi) and MAN ITS SO GOOOOD ARFARFARFARF they handled it like a champ by including the origins of those gadgets in the first two movies (im looking at the knife-in-shoe thing 🤨) like BRUVVV
and and and the choreo just proved to be better imo?? like?? AAAA????
implementing traditional russain dance moves in the rasputin fight??? EPICCC (they also executed his character well 😫) made him do his lil hops whole plotting deaths lol! AND DONT GET ME STARTED WITH CONRAD'S SCENES IN THE TRENCH 😭😭😭😭 I CLD CRY ABT IT FOR DAYS I SWEAR. I KEPT REWATCHING IT LMAOO IM NOT OKKK
i love the tension they built with the emphasis the characters themselves place on the silence they had to keep whole fighting (totally went as planned haha) AND the tension the soundtrack shoved in our faces like like like UGHHHH THE WAY IT STARTED GRADUALLY BUILDING UP ON THE BEATS WHEN THEY GOT UP CLOSE TO THE PEOPLE BRAWLING??? MANNN.... the way they did that stealth mission with the crawling, crouching n hand signs instd of dialogue was muah muah 🤌🤌 i also realised that they did a shit ton of research (i mean, ofc but still like!!) on how soldiers hv to move when they need to be all sneaky with the crouch-sneak action as they approached the opponents, how they kept their bodies so close to the ground, and how it transitioned into jumping at each other for a fight to their deaths 😭😭 so detailed ngl... conrad running w that dude over his shoulder ( and away frm the gunshots b4 that) rlly reminded me of 1917's cinematography. perhaps its the 'one-shot' feel it had to it n the relatively shaky yet stable camera movement. and the explosions ard them too. that too. MMMMM ✋😫
and then the tragedy of conrad brooo i canttt it yanked a painful gasp out of me the first time i watched it 🗿🗿🗿 its so rare for me to gasp that hard while watching movies LOL and i almost cried over it like el oh ellll I RARELY CRY TOO IMO
N THEN THE SADNESS AND MOURNING THE DUKE HAD AFT THAT ACKKK _:(´།། `」∠):_ tho i do admit that the length of the wwi scene made me forget that it was a message being relayed to orlando b4 it coz of how absorbed i was in the action hajshwjd
alsoalso the outfits were on point as always 😫😫 smth smth abt suits and the manners they have while they wear em UGH and also the soldier's equipment and outfits were historically accurate i i i- man. i love it.
ok im done. thanks for reading this if u made it all the way to the end. stan the kingsman series. also this is just my take on the movie and my kind of film appreciation eheh. i cld write an essay or synopsis of this to my old literature teacher, i swear. i think he'd be interested HAJSHA man i miss literature lessons so bad.
i might draw some cool shots or characters as an environment/figure study.
0 notes
raimi · 2 years ago
"What the absolute fuck?" Dan yelled, clenching his fists as he glared at his computer.
This was it. If the writers were actually going through with this, he was dropping the show forever. He didn't fucking care if it was a side thing. He didn't fucking care if it wasn't important to the main story. That evil, manipulative, horrible, disgusting asshole deserved to be left in the goddamn dust, not brought back for a movie so everyone could see his ~tragic backstory~.
Boo hoo, everyone knew that Christopher Marlin had lost people. That didn't justify the way he'd treated Dan. That didn't make it okay that now it was being brought into focus and milked for its little angst points so everyone could make an abuser into their poor little meow meow.
He took a few deep breaths. Maybe it wasn't as bad as all that. Maybe the fandom, at least, understood how fucked up this was.
Dan went to his Tumblr tab's address bar and replaced the /dashboard with /tagged/magical%20price, then clicked to see the recent posts instead of the top ones. Unfortunately, the most recent post in the tag did little to calm him down.
☘️chloes-left-sock Follow
holy shit did you SEE that announcement? ive always known there was something deeper abt marlin and now we actually get to see him in a PREQUEL MOVIE i am literally hyperventillating right now
Dan clicked on the username to bring up the blog, resisting the urge to open the original poster's inbox and chew them out anonymously—an urge that only grew as he read down their recent posts and saw them saying that Julie, one of his source friends, was "whiny" and "bulliable" because of her lack of self-confidence. Not that he expected much better from someone with a Chloe URL, but god fucking dammit. Now he was mad about two things instead of just one.
Dan clicked on the ask button.
He turned anonymous on.
He clicked in the white space, and saw the cursor appear.
He put his hands on the keyboard, and furrowed his brow even further.
He pressed the first key, ready to tear into this abuse apologist asshole.
As he did, he felt a pang... Devin, from the sensation? It had a warning vibe to it, like he needed to stop and think before he acted.
Dan sighed, closing the prompt and opting to just block the blog instead.
[That's right. Just close the tab.]
That was definitely Devin's voice. Dan hadn't realized they were close enough to the front to be able to speak.
He closed his eyes for a moment, then did as instructed.
[Just because I'm listening doesn't mean this is fucking okay,] he projected back.
[Of course it's not okay. But engaging with people like that isn't worth it. Remember, to everyone else it's just a cartoon.]
...Dan hated it when Devin was right.
[I hate it when you're right,] he said.
He felt a sense of general amusement from Devin. Then, a push.
Devin stood up from the computer and walked over to the pantry, pulling out a box of macaroni and cheese.
"I think we're hungry. That can only be making this worse."
Dan sat there in the body as Devin used it to fill the kettle and turn it on. Once the water was boiling, they poured it into a pot and put it on the stove, then added the noodles from the macaroni and cheese box.
"We've got a few minutes. Do you want to go on Discord and yell about the situation to our friends?" Devin asked.
Dan took back control of his mouth just long enough to say yes, and Devin returned to the computer.
Dan found himself at a loss for words when the pair entered their friend server. He typed and retyped the beginning of a message in the vent channel, but eventually just retreated from bodily control so that Devin could check on the noodles.
The macaroni was already done. Devin poured out the water, then stirred the noodles together with half a stick of butter, a splash of milk, and the cheese packet. Once the sauce was finished, they walked over to the table with the pot and spoon in hand, and Dan was alone in front again.
As Dan began to eat the pasta his headmate had made for him, he could feel Devin's love begin to eat away at his anger... just a bit.
Prompt #89
Fictive A just heard some news about their source that upset them. Write about how the rest of the system comforts them.
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lilacponds · 7 years ago
okay i finished before the storm tonight so ill post a buncha spoiler thoughts
k like, eliot was super sketchy since the start? i gave him a chance and agreed to the play when i met him first but even then i was suspicious, he just had this aura of being off....... like, chloe went thru a lot of shit, but dealing w eliot was one of the scariest no doubt, and thats sayin some shit
if someone in the game tag compares warren to him tho ill probably bite someones head off tbh, eliot is what antis accused warren to be while warren was just generally wholesome
i really liked the backtalking, i was nervous at first choosing those options bc i thought theyd be "generally rude and piss-off-ish conversation" while it wasnt always necessarily that. i liked that!
i like being able to play dnd tbh. bc dnd rules my life now. i liked being able to see different sides to different people.
i didnt like that you had to choose the romance option in ep 1 or no romance for the rest of the game (i think? i mightve just not done the right choices) because i wasnt feeling the whole "more than friends" when they knew each other for so little i was unsure whether they were already friends or not? i didnt like chloes vulnerability at rachel leaving after she got angry - or rather, i liked it as a character thing and plot thing, but its not something i liked on a more personal level bc i didnt like rachel "getting smashy when angry" - any of those moments made me reel back. i got to know and warmed up to rachel, but even while knowing the context of their relationship in the first game i couldnt throw chloe in a possible relationship like that, i just couldnt. ill be replaying for collectibles and for romance. i saw some talk on my dash of how u cant let them be gay but also get rachel to meet her mom n ppl were pissed too and that was weird to me bc i just needed to look it up for 0.5 secs to find out that u dont have to have the bracelet u just need to choose the right dialogue choice w sera and let rachel know the truth abt his dad and im like, shit this aint as queerbaiting as they said it was! (altho we all know what happens first game and im still pissed abt that. i like that steph is canonically gay and its never a big deal either, like its in chloes diary and steph talks abt pulling a move on rachel if shes single and its nice. i like steph a lot
i LOVED the theatre scene. i just went on yt to rewatch the improv part over and over again. it just kills me?? its So Good, and the voice acting is ON POINT, i love it. and it was just great all around, the talk and all... rachel was talking to chloe directly as well - when she talks about freedom, leaving the 'isle'? she hesitated before saying isle and my bets on she was about to say bay, its an awkward place to pause otherwise. honestly that scene is breathtaking, and the voice acting is goals
one thing i hate is how the choices in this game dont influence the canon of the first game. i aimed for chloe to have a better relationship w her mom and david, but i know the first game canon, and it shits on my prequel efforts canonically. same for rachel - how did she end up in a relationship w frank at all in the first game? she didnt even do drugs in the prequel. and if you play and make the girls date, would that mean they broke up or rachel was cheating or what? thats totally ooc for her tho in that case, unless - you guessed it - nothing in the prequel is canon, not when talking abt the choices anyway, because it would go to clash w the first games canon. and i understand that its not like they could remake the whole first game to be redone taking the prequels choices in consideration, and its unlikely they had anything thats in before the storm when they released the game, but im tired of loose ends and unfitting threads. chloe and frank are basically friends in the prequel but very much not in the base game. the whole rachel thing. david and chloe. it pisses me off so much? and i liked samantha and nathan together - i found it a really nice touch, nathan did unforgivable things in the base game that arent being excused in any way but i do still think he deserved a better treatment, help, therapy - and he wouldnt have gotten himself in that kinda shit if he found help, i believe that, and i like generally the way he looks and feels if hes getting help from samantha. like the dialogue at the hospital, and them sittinf under a tree to read a book together. he looks so peaceful for once and i wish i could keep that forever.
in the end i think that in my consumption of the game and my dabbling in fandom, ill enjoy myself with my own canon - i do love happy everybody lives aus, but theres so much that conflicts normally that its more than a simple everybody lives au
its getting late and i lost my point, but.
this was an amazing game, one that leaves me disappointed when i remember none of my choices really matter in the canon just like the first games, but it still evoked a lot of emotions in me and ill be replaying it again soon already. all in all, im happy to have spent money on it.
(altho it was on sale.)
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conspiracieys-archive · 7 years ago
I know you haven't done a Dusan Nemec thing in awhile (and you don't have to answer if you don't want too) but how do you think he would act in a realationship or to a regular, I know you've briefly mentioned it but how would he treat them? What kind of dates would he take them on? How would they sleep together? Anything else you can think of I'm curious ☺ also what kind of music and movies do you think he likes??? (I asked this a while ago just didn't know if you got it sorry)
YES HELLO i honestly don’t know if i got it i am so sorry. idk if tumblr ate it or if i just forgot (both are super possible) but i am still so sorry. i am Ready To Do This. im always down to talk abt Dusan cause Lordt knows this man needs more love. he’s a fucking disaster and he’s kind of a shitty person. i love it. let’s Do This.
Read More cause long
with a regular, there’s not... Too much emotional depth. like they are both aware that it’s mostly about the sex, but Dusan respects or is interested in them just enough to keep them around instead of tossing them aside like a one night stand. that said, he doesn’t kick out his regulars right away. sometimes they leave of their own accord, and sometimes he has shit to do so they gotta go, but sometimes they stay the night in Dusan’s big ass bed. and they can actually talk in the morning. it’s not ... as awkward as it would be with a o/n/s cause Dusan and his regulars do this a lot.
but at the end of the day, with a Regular, Dusan’s just not in it that deep. they have something he’s interested in (dick, vag, information, something) and he keeps them around. i did write about Dusan and comfort here, and i think that kinda applies to them, too. like it’s important to note that a regular sex partner is not an emotional connection. Dusan just wants to bang someone who knows him and knows his body and who he knows relatively well.
he doesn’t take regulars on any sort of dates cause it’s purely physical. he will invite them over, or have them meet him at Blume HQ for that Locked Personal Office sex, but since there’s no emotion behind it, theres no wine and dine going on.
AS FOR how they sleep together, like at night, Dusan takes up most of the bed. he doesn’t exactly starfish but he lays on his back with an arm out so his Regular can snuggle if they WANT to, but it’s fairly obvious that he doesnt care. he just wants to sleep after a night of Good Sex.
VS a relationship, i mean. when Dusan commits, he commits. the line between Regular and Relationship isn’t exactly thin but it’s also not the thickest line either. and in this context, a Regular has the huge potential of bleeding into a relationship.
if he’s in a relationship, depending on the type, that’s the only person he sees. (i mean, open relationships or poly relationships exist and Dusan is down for any of them ig. just depends on the Partner in question) he does like the... consistency of being in a romantic relationship. like no new partner every night, no switching around to not get attached (unless the s/o in question was a Regular sdfjkhlkjdsf then that Failed Hard). just... Dusan, and this person he cares about a lot.
(if the relationship hits the 8 months mark, Dusan sits them down and they have that Deep Talk about what they want from a relationship. the one that lasts a couple days and they both have to walk away and think about the questions they each asked type of talk)
and while he’s not.... big on dates, he likes to go all out for dates. whether it’s at a Super Fancy Uptown Restaurant™ or a Roof Top Bistro™ or a deeply intimate picnic at a park, Dusan puts his all into it. Man he cares about his S/O!!!! he wants to spoil them. and this dude is rich as FUCK he makes fuckin BANK!!!!!! he can and will senselessly spoil his partner with grand dates. fancy food. he reserved the whole park, hired a bunch of body guards to keep people out so him and his S/O could enjoy the evening without anyone else around. (buying out the park helps if things get heated so it’s less awkward when they try and get it together to go home.)
he has also been known to take a S/O to the movies, or literally fly them across the country for an impromptu night watching the Latest Broadway show. he might even go above and beyond and plan a romantic weekend in Venice (and if it coincides with some Dirty Dealings he has to do... its ok........ no one rly needs to know............................. HEY! what did you expect? he’s Dusan Nemec. he’s still pretty dirty when it comes to Blume and ctOS stuff! love doesn’t mean that stops! it just becomes less obvious to the public and to DedSec because he cares so deeply for someone other than himself)
with a romantic partner, Dusan is more inclined to cuddle and share his space. he doesn’t starfish, doesn’t stretch out to make a point. he lays on his side, 100% ready to Spoon (he does Not jetpack. he likes to be on the outside of snuggling. he’s so paranoid, trying to spoon him will not go well)
the sleepier he gets, the more affectionate he is and he often falls asleep murmuring incoherent sweet nothings against his partner’s neck, tracing nonsensical shapes into their skin as he cuddles them. god i wish that were me. also Dusan will initiate cuddles with a romantic partner. he’s like... get over here........ right up against me... awful.... i love him......
aaaand to wrap it up: music and MOVIES!!!
music wise, he’s pretty open minded, although he is NOT a huge fan of pop music. boybands? gross. he loves Zayn Malik's music now that Zayn’s gone solo but. i think he prefers classical music. soft, dramatic, no lyrics, nothing rly too overwhelming. something to work to or cook to or read to.
catch this man getting rly emotional over classical music. one day he’s just laying on his back on the kitchen floor, staring unseeingly at the ceiling because its So Beautiful. (this happens like once a month)
MOVIES.... he likes classic films i guess??? classic, oldies, cheesy. he loves super old westerns im sorry but I Do Make The Rules and Dusan Loves Cowboys. he’s also big on foreign films. catch him watching French films and his eyes get all glassy cause he just... loves. also Chinese films, too.
he hates Fight Club i just wanna put that out there. he wont watch horror because he doesnt have time to be jump scared every 5 seconds. if theres like a non-jump scare-y horror movie, he’ll probably watch it but he thinks jump scares r Weak. he’s way more powerful than me, i cant watch horror movies of ANY kind.
he hated Inception btw. (i loved Inception) he just... hated it. the only Batman movie he liked was the 1st Batman with Michael Keaton. he’s not a big fan of the rest of them.
he loves Indiana Jones tho jot that the fuck down.
he’s neutral on Star Wars. he just hasnt watched the franchise with someone incredibly passionate about it. if he watches it with me, he’ll Love it. he HAS seen it though he saw the original trilogy and the prequels. “Cassian whom? who is Finn. what is happening. where is Luke?” - Dusan when someone asks him what he thought of TFA and Rogue One.
the only Star Trek he likes is the original series. by that i mean, it’s the only one he’s ever watched all the way thru. someone make this man watch the other series !!!
the first dude Dusan ever popped a boner for was The Rock jussayin.
i hOPE this is what you wanted??? if not pls send another ask and i will add on/clarify whatever??? i love Dusan and i love rambling about this jackass.
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(for the fic writer meme) 1, 4, 8, 13, 20, 29, any or all that you feel like!
Thank you so much! I’m putting it under a cut bc its Long but please read as it includes fic recs, possible upcoming fics from myself and a whole lot of other author appreciation!
1. Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Hm…Fantasy AUs, Mundane AUs with a REALLY GOOD twist (either mentioned or as a surprise), Canon-Divergent fics that either delve deeper into a character development and ‘what-ifs’, and stories with more to them than ‘character A + B (+ C, etc) get together - I like stories with relatable or interesting plots.
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
Hm…I have MANY ideas tbh, but if I were to write them I’d need to fill out the plots a LOT more! 
I think that my fav idea that I would have the most to work with rn is my Nart Pitch Perfect AU (Which sounds a little strange but me and @artlessictoan have worked out the entire plot and its Good Shit) but I don’t know whether I just wanna make redraw scenes and write up a few snippets or draw a few comics of the plot and stuff? Idk, I’m still debating on that one, lemme know what you think!
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
‘ November 5th was certainly going to be remembered by every one of their classmates, but for all the wrong reasons. It was no one’s fault, the firework had simply been a faulty one. Accidents caused by them happen by the thousands every year.
But the memory of Sakura, still only in her second year of Uni studying to be a doctor, saving Naruto’s life with a blanket and plenty of pressure, the ambulance rushing him off to A&E for emergancy surgery, huddled as a group of eleven in a crowded waiting room with nothing but hope and fear until the early hours of the morning… It was a memory that would haunt them their entire lives.
And as for their failure of a relationship, that was the last straw. It wasn’t as though Hinata wasn’t supportive of Naruto, of course she was - all of their friends were, but the stress tore the two apart. But what was even scarier, was the fact that, apparently, if you break up with someone, it’s impossible to stay friends with them. But how could they not stay friends? They were simply too important to each other to loose.
As Hinata staired at Naruto, the golden light bouncing off the frost dusted windows catching in his hair and highlighting his olive skin in an orange glow, real arm reaching down to change his car’s gear, face alight with new hope and happiness… The content warming her heart like a fire in a harth told her that she wouldn’t have life any other way.” ‘ - Exeunt, Chapter 2.
I think this is my favourite piece of writing that I’ve done recently because it starts of very jarring, really the first angsty/darker part of this fic - and there will be more of that to come, just some warning - but it ends in a really peaceful, warm way that I think really ties that section of the story up nicely. I’m also really happy of the way it flows and builds back up from the trauma into something lighter.
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Make characters flawed, conflict one of your best plot-bunny devices, find yourself a Writing Alpha bc Artless is The Best tbh and my writing is improving tenfold after just a few sessions with them talking abt my stories.
20. Describe your perfect writing conditions.
I’d say when I’m REALLY in the Mood to write something/the scene I’ve been stuck on, or if something has just Clicked in trying to work out how to progress with a fic. In my bed with comfy clothes and fairylights on in the evening after dinner. Listening to a playlist that immerses me into the story and scene I’m writing and no distractions.
29. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
If I could then I would re-write, or continue (because the sequel hasn’t updated in 3 years) the Coming To Terms series. It was actually one of the first fics I completely fell in love with and its super mundane and there are lots of different plots for various characters while still keeping the pace and keeping track of various storylines. It had a REALLY GOOD ending to the 1st part but there was SO MUCH more potential for the sequel and there was a lot of unresolved things and it was all leading up to one big bang which it didn’t get around to. Honestly I highly recommend it though, its super nostalgic for me and still one of my fav works of all time!!!
(my choice!)
15. If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Exeunt, without doubt. It’s the Magnum Opus of all my Naruto AUs and something that I want my writing to develop with as it is created. I think it has the most potential too seeing as it is completely different to the original Naruto series so it has the potential to be a stand-alone thing.
27. How do you feel about collaborations?
Oh boy, oh man I LOVE collabs. Have you even read A Time For Change, holy shit that AU is just like my Happy Place and its SO NICE to talk about the plot with someone else without spoiling anything bc you’re both in on it?? Its just a really special experience!
28. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Hooo boy here we go.
@artlessictoan, holy shit, their works are just. Goals. Absolutely, this isn’t even coming from a ‘i work with them a lot so i have to be nice 2 them’ this is a legit thing like their fics are some of my favourites of all time and their characterization is SO SPOT ON. They’re REALLY GOOD at writing dialogue and they really delve into the root of the story when it comes to writing them, their research shows through so well and they cover things that you wouldn’t even think of. They’re one of those writers where you have to just step back after reading one of their works and think ‘Oh my god. Oh my god what a wild ride why didn’t I think of that oh my gOD.’ Check out their work, seriously guys!
@linddzz Oh my god, their writing, where do I even begin. They NAIL the characters completely and utterly when they write them, they really bring to light Credence’s personality and the problems and issues he had to face and faces still, especially in my favorite of their fics A Study on the Habits of the Adult Obscurial. I really like the way they represent Newt also, he doesn’t know how to People very well and he’s just so very in-character that once you read their fic you just accept it as canon honestly.
@jinglebellfic Listen up folks if you haven’t read Riptide Lover then you ABSOLUTELY SHOULD, its one of my favorite works and it’s been updating for YEARS and its still being updated bc they talk abt it all the time and this AU just gives me LIFE. Just a warning for those who aren’t keen that it is Very NSFW but the story just has SUCH A GOOD PLOT and it starts BANG in the middle of the action, no messing around, it’s so well-written that I was sucked into the story (and the fandom, this fic is what got me into it in the first place!) so quickly and I enjoyed it so much that I spent abt a week reading it whenever I had the spare time to. It’s very nostalgic to me now and it makes my entire month when it updates.
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elclest · 8 years ago
Below the cut is some very important meta pertaining to Violet’s main verse, much of this is based off of conspiarcies from @snicketsleuth, and also insane conversations between @eyedisguised and myself (and now @thousandseye​ thanks jan), if we’re roleplay partners please read this !! and feel free to discuss w/ me tyty. <3
please note:  a lot of this is gonna be hard to follow if u haven’t read the books. also this is basically a stream of consciences IE a complete fuckin mess so if u get confused at any point hmu !!
( this post has been edited from when it was on my other blog so plz give it a quick reread !!!! ) 
For timelines sake we are assuming, here, that violet was born in august of 1960. If you wanna know the reasons for that hit me a message. I know it’s hard to tell what the fuck time period dani/el hand/ler placed ASOUE in so !!  
actually wait one more thing before I begin: I WILL NOT BE TALKING ABOUT THE MATTER OF VIOLETS PATERNITY IN THIS. Daniel leaves that entire thing SUPER vague and while Violets conception coincides w/ the time that Beatrice and Lemony broke things off, it is also still entirely possible that she is Bertrand’s. Plus leaving it vague means that I get to have more fun. ; ))))
UNKNOWN TIME B4 VIOLET’S BIRTH: The Baudelaire parents, with the help of Kit Snicket, murder Count Olaf’s parents in a plot to get his money.
In Snicket’s prequel series to ASOUE (ATWQ) it seems that Lemony, Beatrice, and several other young VFD members are very intent on changing the nature of the VFD. One can assume that to do this, they need a fair amount of money that is their own ( here meaning, out of the VFD’s reach ) , and did so by killing Olaf’s parents who we can assume, are well off. Honestly Imma just link you guys to this snicket sleuth article bc it explains it better and in full detail and I’m lazy.  
SEPTEMBER 1960: Violet Baudelaire is born almost immediately after Beatrice and Bertrand are banned from the island. She is conceived nine months prior, INCREDIBLY close to around the time Lem and Beatrice broke it off and emotions where high if you get what im implying if not ur too young chip go home
Violets childhood is very vague. She doesn’t remember much before Klaus was born and it seems there’s still more she doesn’t remember after that. What she does remember is a nursery rhyme. She recalls it as Row Row Row Your Boat. However she also recalls her parents singing something with “The World Is Quiet Here” in it. She also claims that the name “snicket” is familiar to her in The Penultimate Peril.  After closely reading Lemony Snicket’s Unauthorized Biography we find that she is actually recalling the same song, as the sheet music that Lemony provides to his editor is written to the melody of “row row row..” [ SNICKETSLEUTH, 2 ]
“though they lived in a big mansion, down robber road a tad, it was at the farm the lady bore the little snicket lad. […] so don’t scream when we take you: the world is quiet here.” [THE LITTLE SNICKET LAD - LEMONY SNICKET’S UN-AUTHORIZED AUTOBIOGRAPHY, PP. 9-19]
IMPORTANT NOTE: neither Klaus nor Sunny seem to remember this song, so I’m going to assume here that it was only sung to Violet.
This next part is all shitthaticameupwith™
SO. Let’s talk about the VFD’s whole mentor/pupil thing they got going on. It’s canon that they take talented children from a very young age and recruit them into the cult organization. We know this from Snicket’s “autobiography” where he provides pictures of him as a toddler and claims that shortly after that picture he was taken by his ankles from the kitchen (just as his siblings were) and recruited.
Now, with a schism in the midsts it’s fair to assume that both sides would be recruiting members as heavily as possible. They are essentially at war with one another at this point and need as many “soldiers” as they can get.
Enter Violet Baudelaire, age 4, who exhibits extreme skill in inventing from a very young age. Enter Violet Baudelaire who the VFD suspect might be Violet SNICKET which would be insanely important to them as the snicket’s have made some of the best VFD members yet and would put high value on keeping that bloodline in the organization 
With the schism, the broken memories, and the cloudy memories of VFD references ( which again, were not made to Sunny and Klaus, and seemingly stopped after Klaus’ birth – along with the parents adamancy in keeping the VFD a secret from the kids ). I’m going to make the assumption that at some point, when Violet was just a toddler, the VFD tried to take her. 
Cue traumatic event, cue Violet forgetting shit, 
cue the Baudelaire parents realizing that they don’t want their children to have anything to do with this organization. After all, they did consider having Violet on the island to shield her from the worlds treachery, and only left because they were kicked off.
So why would the Baudelaire’s continue to have children? Well my theory is fairly simple. Beatrice was most likely already pregnant with Klaus at the time, and Sunny was an accident (sorry sunny, u were a happy accident i promise Violet loves u).
BACK TO THE KIDNAPPING. So now not only do the Baudelaire parents want to keep any knowledge of the VFD from their children, they also start concocting a plan (with the help of who I can only presume is the Quagmires), to get a blank slate – to start over somewhere far away from the VFD’s grasp. And how exactly do they do this?
With Olaf’s fortune that was split between themselves and the Snickets.
The plans are finally ready to come to fruition, the Baudelaire parents are ready to flee. However, upon finding that their friend and partner in crime Kit Snicket is pregnant, they offer to include her in the plan, assuming she would want her child to stay away from the VFD in the same manner they do. However, Kit being an EXTREMELY loyal VFD member, betrays them to the organization. (perhaps this is why the children are sent to the beach ?? So B&B can meet with Kit, whom they were also keeping a secret from the children.)
*casually winks at @thousandseye from this point forward u kno y*
the VFD ( probably possibly even Kit herself tbh ), in response to this, burns down the baudelaire mansion. Killing Bertrand, and later Beatrice at the Masquerade. Knowing full well they can blame these fires on the fire-starting side of the organization, namely Olaf.
NOTE: I will, of course, discuss this headcanon with any Kit’s I interact with, and leave it up to them if they wish to include it in their portrayal or not. If they don’t I will disregard it as it could have been anybody – ( maybe even the Quagmires in hopes of securing their children’s safety ?? ) who betrayed them.
post note: I realize that these theories will undoubtedly have holes in them, but this is what makes the most sense to me and my portrayal of Violet. If you have any questions/comments/concerns PLEASE !! TALK !! TO ME !! remember that none of this necessarily has to come up in our threads unless you want it to, it can go completely IGNORED as she has no knowledge of any of this, but it does affect the way she thinks and acts, and I figured I would throw it out there incase anyone wanted to use it as a basis for plotting.
thank u and i hope u enjoyed this dissertation on Veronica Bloodyliar.
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