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kerryshifting · 2 days ago
hi kerryyy i want to start scripting a fame dr, but idk where to begin, please help a girl out
how to survive your first scandal.
a guide on how to script a fame dr.
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i. basic informations: name, surname, birthday, age, job, nationality, language(s).
ii. your personality traits: what you like, what you dislike. your skills and how they help you with your job.
iii. backstory: how did you grew up? how did you start your career?
iv. how do you look: a faceclaim? description of your face? eyes, hair, maybe tattoos and piercings? height and weight.
v. wardrobe: you are famous, so you need a distinctive wardrobe to make everyone remember who are you. they would look at your silhouette and see immediately you in it. what do you wear, skirts? jeans? dresses? distinctive makeup? distinctive colours?
i. family: who is your nuclear family? parents, any sibilings, grandparents? how do they look, their personality? do you have any favourite cousin?
ii. friends: their name, age, job, personality, do you have a groupchat? how did you two meet? how is your friendship?
iii. relationship: do you have a partner? their name, surname, age, job, how you met, how is your relationship? if not, did you have any relationship rumours? or a situationship? or just an one night stand?
iv. fans: your ride and die. do they have a name? how is your relationship with them? are they defending you on stantwitter? etc.
i. the fame:
— actress … how where you discovered by the public? your first ever movie, or you were just a background character? describe your career, how did you get fame, your movies and their directors, your characters, etc.
— singer … your first single was a hit, followed by your hit album, or were you a “10 year success” ? describe your albums, the name of their songs and what they are about.
— model … how were you discovered? where you just walking on the street and an model agency gave you their number? or you sent to a model agency your picture and they choose you? what was your first show?
ii. social media: how many followers do you have? usual pics you post? or tiktok?
iii. staff: this might be the most important one. any famous person needs someone who helps them for everything, in order to not get cancelled.
— agent & publicist
— manager
— personal assistant
— bodyguard
— nail artist
— clothing stylist
— hair stylist
iv. awards: any vmas/grammys? emmy? oscars? sag?
i. do you live in the city or a rural place? state?
ii. apartment vs house: one of them or both? do you have multiple houses or its just a future project? describe the rooms (or search pinterest for inspo).
i. any cars? private jets? some ancient thing you bought because you thought it was pretty? or maybe some paintings?
extras: your paparazzi pictures, magazines, fantaken, your life ‘outside’ of fame (quiet life) and your hobbies, parties.
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bluephoenixprincess · 2 days ago
Ok time to expand on this before i go to work.
So failing at challenges isnt the only way suitors can be eliminated.
Interactions between the suitors and the sought-after demon are often pretty heavily restricted for the tournaments' duration. The biggest being Suitors are not allowed private interaction with them unless explicitely invited, and even then a friend, family member or their Champion is usually outside the door.
Demons are still demons after all and many will probably be too impatient for the perceived pomp and circumstance of the tournament. So some, or many, might try to say "screw it" to the whole Affair and just Courtnap the object of their desire anyway.
But if/when they get caught doing this by the sought-after demon's entourage, Theyre disqualified. And usually bound and paraded before the remaining suitors as an example and reminder to behave themselves.
Tournaments last multiple days, and the mornings often begin with the parading and shaming of those who have been disqualified by getting up to shenanigans in the night.
Ok now back to Wukong.
In addition to the minimum of 3 courting tournaments, i see him having at least one set not on earth, but in heaven.
See the Heavenly court gets the bright idea that maybe if Wukong had a Celestial spouse, not only would that solve the problem of all those rowdy demonic suitors; but such a union would, ahhh strengthen relations between Wukong and the Jade Palace (IE make Wukong easier to control)
Wukong is even LESS enthusiastic about that prospect than mating with a random demon.
Not sure where this would hypothetically fall in the timeline, but if the Pilgrims are gone/unavailable im picturing Nezha stepping up to be Wukongs champion for this one. (Or maybe Erlang depending on how you view their relationship, tho Erlang could also be participating in the tournament as a Suitor)
Maybe the Heavenly courting tournament is somewhat of a last straw for Wukong. And after preforming one last particular task for Heaven with the condition that if he does this they will never pull shat shit again. And So Wukong is made to seal DBK before entering his 500 year seclusion.
He strengthen the warding and barrier spells around FFM to an almost absurd degree to keep any future suitors out. And after enough time has passed without Wukong being seen in the outside world he's FINALLY left alone in terms of demons trying to mate him....
Fast forward to LMK times.
Its post season 5, Wukongs been leaving Flower Fruit Mountain more often to spend more time with MK, understandably hesitant to let his successor out of his sight after the whole Pillar Disaster.
But his increased presence in the outside world, along with the whole Worldwide powerboost that happened with the breaking of the Stones, mean that for the first time in centuries, Demons start popping up and making bold declarations of making Wukong their mate.
Wukongs response to these encounters is to put his head in his hands and let out the longest suffering sigh to ever be sighed.
Not this shit again.
He deals with it as discreetly as possible for a bit. But eventually he's unable to hide it from the Monkie Kid Crew. Who express various levels of concern. Wukong tries to brush them off. Its only a few demons, he can handle it.
...until he cant.
After a particularly loud close call where some pumped up demon nearly did succeed at snatching Wukong away, Nezha steps in to suggest maybe Wukong needs to hold another courting tournament to buy himself a couple more centuries of Peace?
Wukong lets out a longer and even more suffering sigh.
So wheres Macaque in all this?
Well... 2 options. Either he's been in background having FEELINGS but mostly accepting of letting Wukong deal with this since, as much as it INFURIATES him to see these lowely nobodies going after his king (his Sunshine) He also knows he and Wukong arent quite ready to repair their relationship to that extent yet.
Wukongs a big Monkey, and one of the strongest beings to ever exist, surely he can handle himself right?
Then Nezha shows up and Mac is just like "A courting tournament? What do you mean by ANOTHER?!" A reaction that gets somewhat lost in more of the Monkie Kid crew asking essentially the same thing.
So Nezha begins to explain the many previous tournaments. And Macaque is just lurking in the bavkground with his good eye slowly getting twitchier.
The other option is Macaque is off somewhere on his own, maybe dealing with that whole "being hopped up on chaos juice" cliffhanger from the end of season 5 and doesnt get back till After Wukong decides to go through with another tournament.
Idea: Demon Courting Tournaments
So seeing so many Epic the musical Ithaca Saga AUs for Lego Monkie kid got me turning some thoughts in my head like fidget toys.
At this point i think most of the LMK fandom is familiar with courtnapping as a trope in some way and the afformentioned Ithaca sage aus, especially allthe ones based on The Challenge song, have given me thoughts.
So... what if.
When especially powerful or desirable demons are being pursued by too many Suitors and theyre sick of having to deal with each one individually, a more organized solution is called for.
Ideally with the help of friends and family the sought after demon will call all their suitors together and set forth a series of challenges to win their hand.
Common challenges include things that show off a suitors strength and ability to provide, ya know fighting, races, hunting contests. But also more unexpected things like say, cooking competitions or Art and poetry or a judging of gifts, to determine which suitors actually know the interests or desires of the person theyre courting.
The challenges narrow down the pool of suitors until the final decision is made.
If the sought after demon doesnt wish to mate and marry, they can appoint a trusted friend or family member as their "Champion" in the tournament.
The Champion's job is to act according to the pursued demons' best interests, knocking out undesirable suitors, acting as the eyes and ears for them to see if any of the suitors might actually be compatible. Amd if it comes to it, winning the tournament themselves to assert the pursued demons right to remain single.
So where am i going with all this?
Well one i wanna write a Spicynoodles fic with this sort of premise but, while i was planning that i had MORE THOUGHTS.
Specifically thoughts about Wukong.
Sun Wukong returning home from his legendary journey now a god, a hero and, to his dismay ...
With Macaque's absence and presumed demise, Wukong finds himself with dubious honor of being perhaps the most eligible single demon in all of Asia, much to his chagrin.
Not only does he have no desire to find a new mate (he has... had a mate, his only mate, his dear lost Moonlight) The increasingly frequent attempted courtnappings are interfering with his efforts of rebuilding Flower Fruit Mountain (His Kingdom, His people all he has left except his pilgrim brothers).
Its pissing him off to say the least. And perhaps one or two especially powerful suitors wind up causing Wukong to make enough of a commotion that Heaven urges Wukong to find a more Orderly Solution.
A Courting Tournament.
Wukong is Annoyed but if this spectacle results in him finally getting some peace and quiet hell do it.
The Pilgrims are at his side through the whole fiasco.
And it works... for a time.
See the Handsome Monkey King, Great Sage Equal to Heaven, the Victorious Fighting Buddha, is just to tempting of a potential mate for all these demons to take the hint.
So in his long Life Wukong has to Suffer through multiple courting tournaments being held in his dubious honor so that all these randy demons will get the hell off his mountain.
At least 3 happen. One of Wukongs Pilgrim brothers acting as his Champion each time, all of them fighting increasingly fiercely to protect their Little Big Brother from the careless affections of his many suitors.
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askdacast · 2 years ago
a bit of a personal ramble here...actually no I’m about to be really cringe as I kind of rant about the anxieties and issues I’ve been going through lately in a super roundabout way
but in the long ago days (by which I mean like 10 years ago) and when I was an even louder Persona fan, I made a Shadow version of my main OC/blatant self-insert Alyss Baraen and it was therapeutic to some extent
(more under the cut)
Shadow Alyss even had a cringe name and design - Gerhild, the Witch of Destiny (very long story), and was kind of a representation of my suppressed anger issues and general teenage angst at being different. One could say, a manifestation of the Id.
You can actually find that name in the really old posts of this blog but...please don’t “orz
All that was kinda based off the issues that a teenaged me knew of herself, but I feel rather ashamed to say, those issues haven’t 100% gone away, they still ebb and flow and take different forms, and I gotta smash them all the same
What I am saying is that I’ve been gnawing on the idea of re-doing the “Shadow Alyss” idea with the updated knowledge of myself now and the more recent anxieties I’ve had to deal with. And the hilarity is that the motif is completely the opposite of what I did as a teenager while somehow still being thematically the same.
Given the witch/Carmen San Diego design motifs the regular Alyss already has from the red and hat, I couldn’t help but also notice how much like a Spanish Inquisitor (insert Monty Python joke here) she looks like, and the moment I thought of that given Alyss being a very religious character, everything just completely fell into place
(Fun fact: Years ago when I was into imagining what kind of Personas my characters would have, Alyss’ was supposed to be Agustina de Aragon, Spanish folk heroine who is drawn with a big hecking cannon. It all comes full circle.)
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(Inquisitor from DFO, danbooru link warning)
The Inquisitor would be all of Alyss’ self-depreciation and anxieties that she isn’t good enough at...well, anything. Mostly not being a good enough person or Christian. It’s not like she resents her faith, but she absolutely does feel like she’s been put under a microscope her whole life and she needs to scrutinize her every action as to whether it is moral or not. Chalk it up to her emotional nature and sensitivities that take her every action as reflecting on her moral character. A mistake or a failure to do “the right thing” isn’t just one bad act - it’s a stain on her very identity as someone who professes to follow God. Or a good daughter. Or a good friend. A good person.
Of course, this is a self-inflicted wound in many ways. She hates being criticized, and the expectation to always be ‘good’ or following the standards of what makes a moral religious person causes a lot of guilt in her when she does wrong, or anxiety that she might do wrong. A lot of what I imagined about The Inquisitor isn’t just the religious motif, but the motif of fear and punishment. The Judge and Executioner who instills the fear of God in sinners. A horribly apt symbol, imo, of what anxiety feels like, of that looming darkness that constantly beats down on you. The voice that says “this is ABSOLUTELY a terrible idea” even before you take a step.
Heck for extra factor on the monster of fear part, throw in the white eyes on a completely shadowed face a la Scarecrow from the later Batman TAS episodes
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(this is the least disturbing picture I could find of him)
All these fear motifs are, of course, painfully ironic when you consider that not only this image is Alyss’ exaggerated idea of her faith, it’s also 100% contradictory of what her faith truly stands for. What she herself has constantly told others. That God isn’t an angry God who judges sinners, but a gentle one who forgives, and justifies not by adherence to laws, but faith in a greater power. In fact, the power that forgives and lets people not be punished for what they deserve.
And though this is a totally cheesy idea...I would like to imagine if you face the Inquisitor in a dungeon, in like a medieval-style execution grounds, you would see those crumbling old walls with broken carvings that have the words “Condemnation in Christ” on them, and then noticing the walls were broken, you’d eventually find the missing half of the wall which must be attached before the initial wall, with the words, “There is No”
Look, I’ve already spilled my guts out with this “I have a friend”-type post, I can afford to be cringe about something that means a lot to me
Especially since...it’s very obviously been weighing on my mind a lot lately
No matter whether Alyss Baraen thinks herself a “witch” or feels tormented by an “Inquisitor” the root cause is still the same - she fears that she isn’t worthy or that God possibly is angry at her for whatever sin or failure to be human/good she’s committed. And despite her own beliefs, or the love and support of others, being a clear evidence to the contrary, she finds it hard to trust that that love is real.
Many times, it’s terrifying to trust people you love, or to have any hope at all. Because what if you’re disappointed? Worse, what if you’re just plain wrong? You could say to yourself how much good you’ve done or how much people clearly love and care for you, and have it still mean absolutely nothing. Because the evidence for your imperfection, the world’s imperfection, and the hurts you bear feel so much more real than the idea that you might deserve happiness.
And the more you think that way, the more you inevitably project that idea onto a higher power, like God. Because how could it be true that He offers you all things for nothing? Less than nothing - you’re a “terrible person” who deserves to be punished, and yet He isn’t. In fact, He’s saying all’s good, you just need to do better and keep loving and trusting Him, and He’ll do the rest.
Without any obvious proof, except the life you’ve already lived, and the words He’s said.
A tall order to believe in, isn’t it?
Trust is never easy, and in fact, often seems far less logical than just continuing to remain on guard, always.
To believe in there being good and kindness in your future often seems too good to be true. And soon we start to believe it can never be true.
So I’ve spent a long time rejecting any kind of grace or kindness because I’ve convinced myself there’s no way it’s true. The truth, to me, had to be a harsh revelation of my inherent sinfulness and failure to follow God. Those were obvious ‘proofs’ in my life, after all. It could be nothing else. If I received a kind word, I must have been selfishly trying to avert my eyes from the truth, to what I wanted to hear.
But, you know.
That wasn’t the truth at all.
In my heart of hearts, I KNEW it wasn’t.
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Well, no one ever said Faith was easy.
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reflectionsofgalaxies · 7 months ago
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quirrrky · 5 months ago
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KUROO, KENMA, IWAIZUMI, OIKAWA, AKAASHI, KITA, ATSUMU, OSAMU and the little things that matter the greatest when you're with them
≡ NOTE ⋮ single as a pringle but I want my future relationship to be like this ૮꒰っ˕‹̥̥̥ ꒱ these boys make me fall in love hard
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It's the way he always stays beside you even though you're both doing different things. He'll rest his head against your arm as you type on your laptop/computer and he was on his phone, browsing for some random meme or nerd stuff. From time to time, Tetsu will show you some funny posts he'll come across just so you can laugh at it together. When he feels the urge, he'll plant a random kiss on your shoulder; and if he still can't get enough, he'll steal a kiss on your lips and who knows it might turn into something more. There are times when he's feeling extra so cuddly and will rub his cheek against your arm like he's your cat in human form, then he'll feel drowsy and fall asleep.
It can go the other way around too when you're caged in his arms with your attention on your phone and his on the TV. He'll nuzzle his nose on top of your head and you'll squeeze tight against his chest, just shrouded with his warmth and scent.
He doesn't have the perfect family growing up. He's awakened to the the impermanence of things a little too early that's why just by having you beside him is more than enough. Just the simplicity of basking in each other's presence—cherishing all the time you get to spend with each other no matter how mundane.
It's when he treasures every memory with you no matter how small. Kenma will sneakily take pictures of you whenever you're just simply eating fries, you're busy doing work, or crying over a tearjerking scene in a movie. That one time you looked so beautiful as you attend a party with him, the one when you are slightly snoring in your sleep and even when you have your mouth full as you munch on your favorite food, he has an album of all those. He has even created a private Instagram account with photos and videos of you alone and of the two of you as a couple.
Sometimes you will catch him smiling while tinkering on his phone and you just think he's playing a game, but little did you know that he is editing a video of you and the both of you.
He has been content being all by himself yet when you've come along, his world begins to be more colorful. It's like he's playing Pokemon but the one he's catching will always be you and your cute reactions, keeping every bits and pieces of your presence in his life as the greatest gameplay he doesn't want to be over.
It's how he wakes you up each morning. Hajime is always the early riser. Set aside the times when he'll surprise you with a breakfast in bed or the instances when you're running late, he'll nag at you so you can get your lazy ass up from bed.
What you treasure the most is whenever you find your head resting against his chest as he fidgets with the strands of your hair. The beating of his heart against your ear is like a sweet welcome in the morning.
Also, the times when you'll wake up to him watching you sleep. His gaze is full of adoration and filled with emotions unspoken. The way his eyes will crinkle in his smile as he say, "Good morning." You feel so lucky to wake up beside this man. Just seeing him you look at you like that makes you grateful of each waking day, getting another chance to spend it with him. You want to freeze the moment, wishing for it not to end anytime soon. Just you and him before the world.
It's the pillowtalk you have before going to sleep. How you reminisce the first time you meet each other and how far you've come together. The sparkle in his eyes as he recall how much more beautiful you have become and stronger you have been, growing into the wondeful person you are today. His eyes convey so much fondness and love that they beam even at the dimness of your room. There's also something so special with the way he caresses the side of your facewith the backnof his hand as if he's trying to bury each dip and line of your feature.
You'll dissect your emotions together, the good and the bad. You'll both cry at the sad moments, embrace each other through the hurt and laugh at the silliest and most embarassing memories.
Tooru has always been seeking for external validation, seeing achievement as the metric for his success yet with you it's just so simple. You're all he needs to be fulfilled. With you, it's just so easy. and sharing every moment with you, every loss, every victory, is something he will never ever trade for anything else. For, despite everything, he has finally found the safe space he can come home to at the ebd of each day.
It's when he doesn't want to let go of your hand. Keiji has always been a gentleman, but he won't let anyone break your handhold whenever you stroll outside. He'll always have your hand in his never breaking away. His hold is tight and gentle, expressing how protective he is of you. His thumb usually carresses the back of your knuckles so sweetly and he'll occasionally whisper a kiss like you're his treasured princess. When it's cold, he'll slip your linked fingers inside his coat. Sometimes, he'll gently breathe out against your hand if he notices you freezing. Whenever your handhold will break, he immediately seeks out for you. He'll stop walking just so you can come back in his grasp again.
He has gained a habit of playing with your dainty fingers idly too. Sometimes, it can catch people's attention just by the sheer intimacy of it yet he isn't aware.
Even when you're alone and at home, he still reaches out for your hand. He has you in a tender hold as you watch your favorite show or eat dinner. There are times you'll wake up with your fingers interlocked with each other and it gives you so much comfort. Comfort in knowing you have someone to hold on to for the rest of your life and you know you'll never ever let him go too.
It's the way he cares for you like no one else does. Shinsuke will always see that you have eaten enough and at the right time. You can't skip a meal when he's around. If you're busy and can't take a meal right away, he'll bring the food to you. Makes sure that you drink plenty of water and you sleep on time. He snatches your phone away when you take too much time with it even during late at night. When he's farming and you're at work, he takes time to call you during lunch, making sure that you are looking after yourself as much as he's looking after you.
He always checks the temperature outside and prepares the right outerwear for you so you won't catch a cold. Even if you have layers and layers of clothing over you, he'll still pull you close with an arm around your shoulder to keep you warm.
When it's raining, his priority is to get you under the umbrella. It doesn't matter if a part of himself is getting drenched as long as you are not.
He can be strict at times but he is easy to cave in and will allow you to eat your favorite junk food or sweet once you surprise him with a kiss.
Though he can be quite strict at times, he really wish you know how much you mean to him he doesn't want you to be harmed. Your hurt is his hurt and he just simply wants you to take care of yourself the way he cares so devotedly for you.
It's because you're his perfect match. Tsumu often buys something in pair. People will see you wearing matching jackets, shirts and caps. You even have couple phone cases and wallpapers because of him. Whenever he has a new jersey, he'll give the extra to you so you can sometimes wear it together. He just loves seeing his clothes on you. You look so good in them that
Whenever he buys something in the grocery, he'll also buy one for you. If there's only ine pudding left, he'll share the other half of it with you. Always with you. He always has you in his mind and thinks of you as he thinks of himself.
Sometimes, he'll sacrifice what he has just so you can have it. He won't let you know about this, of course, but he wants you to feel that you have him as a partner, that he'll be with you in every step of the way and that he sees you as an extension of himself.
It's because he lets you mess up. Though it's obvious with the way he sweats and brows furrow, how he's so nervous with what the outcome could be, Samu will still let you take over his kitchen.
Normally, he doesn't allow any foreign hands on any of his kitchenware, but you are the only exception.
He'll let you use his non-stick skillet pan though he just bought it. He knows it won't come unscathed after your use but he still lends it to you and you know it so well. Instead of getting angry at you, he just laughs at your mistakes, carressing the top of your head and giving you a sweet kiss. He's aware that you're trying your best to impress him even if he is constantly reminding you that he doesn't mind making breakfast, lunch and dinner for you for the rest of your life.
Most importantly, you can mess up his brand new skillet or even his whole kitchen. He can always get another one again but he cannot get another one of you.
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azlrse · 7 months ago
➳ the headwardens as fathers (twst x gn!reader headcanons; separate)
cw: 'a decade later' au, fluff, accurate/canon take on the houswardens' background, angst in some parts (mostly on vil and idia's part)
a/n: decided to post this just to practice the characters as accurate as possible. also, imma be writing some of the housewardens for the first time soo i hope it's good lol
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Riddle Rosehearts 🌹
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due to his upbringing, riddle can be strict towards his children, whether it's from their grades and their studies alone since he believes that one's studies are very important to a child's future.
but not all the time riddle is like this. as a father, he only wants what is best to his children and refuses to treat them the way their grandmother does to him in his childhood. he even encourages them to take a certain career his kid wants. do you want to be a musician? he can buy his kid an instrument they've always wanted. not a musician but instead a baker? he can tell their uncle trey to give them private lessons to be the best baker in the queendom of roses.
there are certain times the two of you are arguing over a punishment. riddle knew rosabella punched a kid (he had flashbacks when her godfather punched him) stole her tart and decided that his kid will be grounded for a week. you, on the other hand, rebutted that she only did it out of self-defense and that's the last tart she had. this goes on back and forth, even for an hour, and her punishment reduced to 2 days minimum. rosabella didn't like that but at least it's better than to stare at books for a week straight.
riddle is the type of father to teach his children magic early on. not because it's enforced by his mother but because he just wants them to use magic in case of emergencies and for them to have an advantage to their education. he encourages them so much that he offers them sweets and strawberry tarts if they make it through their lesson.
overall, riddle's just protective over his children and knows what's best for them but at the same time is strict towards them.
Leona Kingscholar 🦁
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leona didn't expect to have his own children, especially to the prefect of ramshackle dorm who's grown into a sophisticated and loving adult.
he's the type of father to teach his children the concept of fairness. he doesn't want them to have the same upbringing as he had in his childhood and growing up to have an inferiority complex. leona also embedded to them that one's hardwork can signify what kind of a person are they, especially that they're royalty.
when it comes to his children, he's deep down a girl dad but nonetheless loves his children equally. leona loves spending time with his kids, especially when taking walks around sunset savanna or taking them to ivory springs.
his parenting style can be permissive sometimes but thanks to your constant nagging, he steps in to reprimand them on what's wrong and right. sadly, he doesn't mind when his daughter & son can be demanding sometimes but is behaving very well when it comes to you (thanks to the 'stare' you enforced into them in their childhood).
like riddle, leona also helped his children in terms of their education, he might pull a string or two in order for them to attend a really good school. after all, they don't want the crown prince of sunset savanna and a father to be disappointed, right??
Azul Ashengrotto 🐙
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hands down, the type of parent who wants his children to pursue the field of finance and marketing. no buts or ifs, he really wants them to pursue such career so that they can take over the business someday when he and their uncles are retiring.
there could be a possibility that his children are half-merfolk since you are human. hence, you and azul wanted to teach your kids both cultures, whether it's on land or water. he can be self-conscious and scared towards his children on the possibility that they inherited his octopus form. what if they didn't like the said form? what if they're being teased because of their body shape? what if they despised it so much that they wished their own father was a merman instead of an cephalopod? you reassured him that the both of you will teach them the importance of self-image and self-love.
speaking of their seaforms, azul is the type of father who will cry when his kid swam on their own for the first time (equivalent to a toddler taking their first steps). it doesn't matter if they're a late bloomer when it comes to their seaform, azul is still proud on the progress his children obtain.
every birthdays & anniversaries or any special occasions are held within the beach. imagine his parents swam on the surface of the ocean just to see their grandchildren. they would gush about how cute their grandchildren were, especially when they're still a little chubby baby.
heavily encourages his kids to fight back just in case they're being bullied by their peers. he's the kind of dad to call them in his office, not to scold them but praising on how they beat up that kid in a pulp (thanks to their uncle floyd ig--)
Kalim Al Asim 💛
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probably the type of dad who loves spoiling his children rotten and sometimes gives into their demands but at the same time likes to teach his children the concept of hard work. after all, not all the time everything is handed to them on a silver platter (albeit to their father being raised on a silver spoon).
undoubtedly wants more than 5 children, whether they're biological or not (but will not push through if you are uncomfortable with the idea). this guy is raised having 30+ siblings so it's understandable why he wants that many children and having a huge family.
as usual by kalim, every achievement earned by his children, in academics, extracurriculars or birthdays, holds a grand & extravagant celebration. won the regional spelling bee? a celebration must take place! oh, you hold second place on a swimming completion? here's a parade to celebrate such occasion! a birthday party? that's too plain, how about a 3 day celebration for the birthday kid?
low-key his children would let out an 'aww' when they saw their father kissing you :'33
like leona, kalim would take on a bit on a permissive parenting style since he would give into the demands of his children and saying no makes it difficult for him to say in front of them. thanks to your talks and reprimanding him, he learned to say no directly into them and chose to cool down their tantrums before talking to them again.
Vil Shoenheit 💎
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idk how to write vil accurately soo im really sorry if this one sucks and comes across as out of character ;_;;
out of all the housewardens, i believe that vil can be really strict when it comes to his children's appearances but also cares sm for their well-being and is fiercely protective of them. he believes that his children are the splitting of him and his lover (you ofc) plus he's a celebrity and a model so that adds to the fuel on why his children's appearances are really important.
most of his children confided on you on how suffocated they felt due to their father's demands and high standards when it comes to beauty. how they cried, begged and asked you if you still loved them even if they're covered in scars, acne or having oily skin. you reassured them that you and their father loved them so much, much to the children's happiness in hopes that they're father can be less controlling.
of course, you talk about this to your husband regarding this issue and vil can understand the children's point of view. he doesn't want them to be bullied, to be teased or being compared to him since they're the children of the biggest celebrity in the industry. he also promises that he'll talk to the children and apologizes for making them miserable.
on the fluffier side, vil loves spending time with the kids. going shopping or having photography sessions are some of the examples and heavily adores them when his children are being made to be endorsers/models on a children's brand of clothing. when his daughter asked him for tips when it comes to make up, vil didn't hesitate to teach her the basics (also buys her the make up brands she really wanted).
teaches his children the importance of fighting prejudice towards gender norms. vil is the type of father to accept that kind of future his children chose for themselves and does not give a shit when it comes to people's opinions on them; his son wants to wear make up? sure why not, he also wears one during his time as a student in nrc. his daughter wanted to crossdress? why not? it's just clothes and at least she's not waking around naked.
Idia Shroud 💠
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to those who voted on the poll and answered idia, ya'll deserve a pat cause he won 😭🙌
as much as i love idia shroud, idia is the houswarden that's least likely to become a father due to his trauma and fucked up family dynamic but what if he does become a father with the only person that he loves and is comfortable to be with?
hands down a helicopter parent fr, like this guy suffered so much that he didn't want his own children to go through the same fate he had in his childhood. man even prohibits his kids to go out w/o telling him first but also values his children's privacy in terms of their gadgets and other private stuff.
when his kids were born, he knew straight up that the kids inherited his flaming blue hair due to his cursed bloodline (and prays that his kids won't hate him for it) but loves it when he saw their (e/c) eyes for the first time (at least his kids looked like the combination of the two of you). aside from that, ortho's excited to become an uncle and wants to be the cool kind of uncle to his brother's children.
as always, when his children were a bit older, he wanted to teach them the basics of coding and video game development. being the children of the director of styx and a professional gamer, he expects his kid to be as good as he is in these kinds of field. if his kids wanted to pursue a different path as he is or a different hobby, he doesn't mind at all but is disappointed to say the least.
due to the shroud curse, at least one of the children has to take over styx when they're now at age sadly. as a father, he really wants them to pursue a future without revolving around in his family's business but they couldn't avoid it.
doesn't care how much his children spent on things due to an immense wealth his family holds. don't be surprised his children's rooms were covered in merch of their favorite video game or fandom. he heavily supports his children having the same passion as he is as a geek.
Malleus Draconia 🐉
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if future malleus told past malleus that he became a father and the husband of the ramshackle dorm's prefect, it's either he'll pass out from happiness or becomes excited so much that he wants to confess his feelings in front of you.
a big family man, aside from his heavy duty as the crowned king of briar valley, he always set aside some time to spend with you and his children on the rose garden by the greenhouse of the castle. he also doesn't care what are the other fae's think about his own half-human faelets, he still loved that the kids are the creation of both of your love to each other.
speaking of the other faes, he will hear a thing or two about children of their ages making fun about their half-human characteristics like having rounded ears instead of pointed ones like their own father. like vil shoenheit, he is fiercely protective about his children and would confront the kid's parents if the bullying had gone too far but he's a really forgiving father don't worry.
adding to the previous statement, his heart would break a bit when he knew either one of his children are either being excluded (preventing them from playing a game with the other kids or isn't invited to a birthday party).
the type of father who let's them sleep in the middle of the both of you when one of them had a nightmare. he can sense it when his children are in dire need of his assistance and wants to sleep beside the both of you for comfort.
really loves it when he sees his children playing on the throne room. he loves the noise they emitted comparing to the quiet and eerie noise the throne room before they were born. one of the playdates you and malleus joined with your children is about a roleplay involving a knight trapped in a tower while a dragon saved them and fell on love with each other. i would imagine them kissing in the final scene as the children gagged from the public display of affection.
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Do not republish, edit, or repost to other websites.
Reblogs and likes are appreciated! 💕
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temiizpalace · 7 months ago
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SUMMARY: little things he does that remind you you’re going to marry him someday.
CHARACTERS: all dorms (-ortho)
GENRE: fluff
reader gender is not mentioned, reader is not mentioned to be yuu
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he makes sure you eat RIGHT. no more skipping meals throughout the day on his watch. every lunch he’ll make you a cute little bento box so you don’t have to wait in line. and when i say cute, i mean cute. it doesn’t matter what gender you are your rice balls will have cat ears. dinner? come over to his dorm and he’ll make something for you. don’t feel like it? he’s going to your place and cooking there. breakfast? he makes something quick yet delicious for you. he’s like your own private chef, and you can only imagine what it’d be like to see a ring on his finger someday.
trey, ruggie, azul, jamil, lilia (good luck), silver
CLEANING YOUR ROOM (and everything else)
it doesn’t matter if your room is messy, tidy, or anything in between, every month he’ll make sure it is SPOTLESS. is there dust on your shelves? nuh uh. are there random stains on your floor that you thought were impossible to get out? he’s rushing to your rescue and somehow got the stain out. did you not want to go through your homework? everything is suddenly organized in its respective subject, going from A-Z. you’ve never seen your room so tidy before, it was like an epiphany. please just marry him on the spot, he’s begging.
riddle, deuce, jade, jamil, vil, sebek
without fail, you’ll find a cute little sticky-note on your almost all of your belongings. sure, it gets annoying once in awhile, but reading the sweet message on it changes your mind almost instantly. “you’re going to do great today! stay strong. :)” “don’t forget to drink water! love you 🫶” “can we go out soon? my treat. text me when u see this!” it’s almost frightening to see how much yellow papers you keep inside your desk every time you opening it, but can anyone really blame you? you’re going to keep these til the day you die, and that grand total might be at the very least over 100,000.
ace, deuce, cater, jack, floyd, kalim, epel, rook
expect to see a neatly wrapped gift on your doorstep almost every week. seriously. it’s like a delivery service except the company is literally your boyfriend. “dear, did you get me this?” you ask as you enter the room. he looks up from his phone as he looks at the expensive name brand sweatshirt in your hands. “yeah.” he answered so nonchalantly!! like sir!!! this sweater was 1000000 thaumarks!! what!! while you do appreciate the gesture, you feel bad he’s spending so much money on you. he doesn’t care though!! he’ll spoil you rotten til your very last breath.
leona, azul, floyd, kalim, vil, idia, malleus
depending on who this is, he may not be some gordon ramsay level chef, but he’s definitely more than happy to cut you a some apple slices while you study. sometimes he’ll come into your room with a backpack full of your favorite snacks just left at the side of your desk so you can reach down and grab the one you want to eat that day. sometimes all you need is an energy boost and he’s more than happy to make some coffee or tea for you if you’re busy. he’ll press a kiss or two on your forehead before placing the plate of beautifully cut fruit down and continuing on with his day and going back to his thoughts. now, what will the theme of your wedding be?
ace, deuce, trey, jade, jack, jamil, epel, malleus
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A/N: notice how jamil and deuce are in almost every category. (sorry this one was kinda rushed 😭😭)
date published: 7/30/24
© temiizpalace — do not copy, steal, or put my work into ai. thank you!
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amirasainz · 2 months ago
Hey girl
So I got inspired by the whole Bella Hadid and Prince of Qatar thing. What if driver!reader is the one the Prince has a crush on and the other drivers become overprotectiv???
Enjoy reading and send some requests!!!
-xoxo babygirl 💕
Princess of Qatar
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It was a strange feeling to be the center of attention, especially when the attention came from one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the world. Yn was used to the spotlight—after all, she was a Formula 1 driver for Red Bull, an extremely talented one at that. But this… this was different. It wasn’t just the press or the fans; it was him. The Prince of Qatar.
It had all started innocently enough. She’d arrived in Qatar two weeks ahead of the GP for a promotional event, and as a result, she’d spent more time than usual with the prince. He was charming, kind, and nothing short of a gentleman. They’d spent evenings talking about everything from racing to their favorite films, and his interest in her was genuine. Or at least, that’s what Yn had thought at first.
But the internet had other ideas. Rumors began to swirl—first as whispers, then as headlines. The two were seen together so frequently that fans started speculating. Were they dating? Was the prince falling for her? The rumors only got louder when someone snapped a picture of the two of them laughing together in a private conversation.
And then, it happened. A report surfaced suggesting that the prince might be interested in marrying Yn. The internet went into overdrive. Fans, tabloids, and gossip outlets all had a field day, creating hashtags, memes, and theories. It didn’t help that Yn had once posted a picture of her hand next to his, joking about "a future championship ring" and how “it’s the only ring I’d ever need.”
As the days passed, the drivers all started noticing the online buzz. And they weren't having it.
Charles was the first to notice.
It was late at night, and he was scrolling through his phone in his hotel room when a post about Yn and the prince came up. He immediately clicked on it, thinking it was just another rumor. But as he scrolled through the pictures of Yn and the prince, looking so natural together, he felt a knot in his stomach.
“What is this?” Charles muttered to himself. “This is going too far.”
He kept scrolling, getting increasingly frustrated as each article came up with more speculation. Finally, he tossed his phone onto the bed and let out a deep sigh. He had to do something.
George was, unsurprisingly, not far behind.
The next morning, at breakfast, he slid into the seat next to Charles, who was already staring at his phone. He raised an eyebrow.
“You know about the rumors, right?” George asked.
Charles nodded, his brow furrowed.
“It’s getting out of hand.”
“I know,” George replied, now looking serious. “I’ve been thinking about this for a while. And I’ve come to a conclusion.”
Charles turned to him, confused. “What do you mean?”
George pulled out his laptop, opened a PowerPoint presentation, and turned it toward Charles. On the first slide was the title: "Why Yn Shouldn’t Become a Princess."
“George, are you seriously making a PowerPoint about this?” Charles asked incredulously.
George nodded, scrolling through the slides. “I’ve got points, Charles.”
The first slide was about the prince’s wealth and the pressure of becoming a royal. “The prince might have power, but would Yn be happy in that world?” George said, pointing at the next slide.
Charles groaned, burying his face in his hands. “You’re joking, right?”
“No, seriously,” George continued. “Number two: the media pressure. She won’t have any privacy. She’ll be constantly hounded, and it could affect her career. Imagine the headlines every time she races. ‘Princess of F1.’”
Charles rubbed his temples. “You’re insane.”
But George wasn’t done yet. He was already on the third slide: “Formula 1 Comes First”. “And lastly, we all know that racing is her first love. The prince can’t compete with that.”
Charles gave up, laughing despite himself. “Alright, alright, I get it. But maybe just... stop making PowerPoints, yeah?”
George shrugged, undeterred. “No promises.”
Meanwhile, Carlos and Max were taking a more direct approach.
“Max, we need to talk.” Carlos said as he walked into Max’s hotel room, closing the door behind him.
Max was leaning against the window, eyes narrowed, watching the hustle of the city below.
“About Yn and the prince?” Max said without turning around.
Carlos nodded. “I think we need to keep an eye on her.”
Max raised an eyebrow. “You think so?”
“I mean, it’s not just the prince. It’s everything. The media. The fans. It’s all happening so fast. We need to protect her.”
Max finally turned, his usual nonchalance replaced with a rare seriousness. “You want us to act like bodyguards?”
Carlos nodded. “Basically.”
Max exhaled, then shrugged. “Fine. But only because we have to.”
And so, the next day, both Max and Carlos found themselves trailing Yn from a distance, keeping an eye on her as she went about her day. To anyone else, they looked like two guys casually hanging out. But in reality, they were her silent bodyguards, watching her every move without saying a word.
Lando, on the other hand, couldn’t help himself.
He had been spending more time with Yn recently, so he decided to confront her directly. He caught up with her after a practice session at the track.
“Hey, Yn.” Lando said, his eyes wide with curiosity. “What’s going on with you and the prince?”
Yn smirked, leaning against a wall as she wiped the sweat off her brow. “Oh, nothing. We’re just friends.”
“Just friends?” Lando repeated, raising an eyebrow. “You guys have been all over the news. There’s even talk about marriage.”
Yn chuckled. “Lando, come on. People love to make stuff up. We’re just friends.”
“But why are you hanging out with him so much?” Lando asked, his eyes narrowing in on her.
Yn laughed again. “You’re just jealous that I get to hang out with a prince, aren’t you?”
Lando threw his hands up in defeat. “I’m not jealous. I’m just... concerned.”
Yn patted him on the shoulder, her smile wide. “I’ll be fine, Lando. I promise.”
Finally, Lewis had his turn.
After hearing about the situation from the others, he decided it was time to have a quiet, heart-to-heart conversation with Yn. He found her by the pool, her legs dipped into the water, enjoying the rare moments of calm before the chaos of race weekend.
“Hey, Yn. Can we talk?” Lewis said, taking a seat beside her.
Yn turned to him, her expression softening. “Of course, Lewis. What’s up?”
“I just want to make sure you’re okay.” Lewis said, looking at her with concern. “All this attention... it’s a lot. And I know it’s coming from everywhere. You’ve got a lot of people worried about you.”
Yn smiled gently. “I’m fine, Lewis. Seriously. I’m not letting any of this get to me. I know what I want, and I’m not going to let anyone else dictate that.”
Lewis nodded, his face softening. “Just... take care of yourself, yeah? And if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here.”
Yn leaned over and gave him a playful nudge. “Thanks, Lewis. You’re a good friend.”
Race weekend finally arrived, and the tension among the drivers was palpable. The rumors about Yn and the prince still lingered, but the drivers had all done their best to protect her in their own ways.
As they all gathered in the paddock before the race, Yn finally stood up and addressed them all.
“Alright, alright, I’ve had enough of this.” Yn said, raising her hands in surrender. “The prince and I are just friends. That’s it.”
The drivers exchanged glances, some of them sighing in relief, others looking a bit embarrassed for their overprotectiveness.
“That’s all?” Lando asked, still skeptical.
Yn grinned. “That’s all. Now, can we focus on the race? I have a championship to win, remember?”
The drivers let out a collective sigh, and Charles clapped his hands together. “Alright, alright, let’s get back to business then.”
As they walked to the grid, the rumors faded into the background, and the only thing that mattered was the race ahead. But as Yn smiled to herself, she couldn’t help but appreciate the way her teammates cared for her. In the end, she knew they’d always have her back—no matter what the internet said.
And that, she thought, was all that really mattered.
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leaawrites · 9 months ago
Freaked Out
Lando Norris x fem!reader
Summary: Lando makes his relationship official via Live stream
Warnings: mentions of an engagement, use of Y/n
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The lights were low. There was no sound but the breathing in sync of two people deep into thoughts. Two hours went by of lying in the same bed with no eyes closed.
“Are you sure you want to stay with me?” Lando asked, his hand gliding through the hair of the person beside him. She hummed, snuggling deeper into his chest. Inhaling his scent like it would be the last time. “I mean, are you really sure? You can’t walk with me around all holding hands and you have to put up with all those stupid rumors about a life you know ain’t true.”
“Lando,” she mused, propping her head on her hands and looking up at him. “I’ve put up with all this for god knows how long. This doesn’t change anything.” His eyes lingered on her hand a little longer, smiling at the shimmering light reflecting on the diamond.
“Two and a half years,” he said, reminding her on how long they’ve been together. Still surprised at how long they got to keep their relationship in private, away from the media and all of those people around them.
It might seem rather fast, but nothing ever felt as right as asking her to marry him. Nothing ever made him feel so sure of himself as when she said yes. The reminder that he had someone who loved him. The knowing that someone was willing to put up with him forever. It made him feel safe.
“Are you sure you wanna keep it a secret? Keep us a secret?” Lando asked, playing with the ring on her finger.
“I’ll be yours in silence for however long you want me to,” she said, laying her head back down, soothing his chest with kisses.
Lando didn’t answer, he couldn’t. There was never a moment when he didn’t want to just post a pic of the two kissing or making put or whatever it is that will make everyone know that he was a happy man with her. But he knew it wouldn’t work that way. There will always be some crazy fans, offended at the though of him having a future with anyone but them. He felt guilty for not showing her off like he’d want to. It weighed him down day by day, though he knew it was worth it. When he came home from a race weekend and wanted nothing but held, he knew her arms would already be open as he walked through the door. She was everything he wanted. She was more than he deserved.
Being a man, chronically online, Lando knew about almost every trend going around the world. No exception for the one McLaren just posted with Oscar as their star in the spotlight.
“Hey guys,” Lando spoke into the phone as he walked into the living room of his home in Monaco. His girlfriend didn’t look up, already used to him walking around the apartment when he talked on the phone with someone. “Can you watch my girlfriend while I set my sim up?”
Lando placed the phone on the coffee table, camera facing his girlfriend who worked on something on her laptop. At the familiar sentence structure, she looked up, her head following the boy, who walked into his game room.
“What the-” she started saying, before being cut off by Lando putting his head out of the room.
“You can’t swear, I’m still a PR-nightmare, you can’t be one as well,” he yelled out to her, before disappearing again.
“Hello?” The girl said, looking at the screen in front of her. At first she thought it was a normal video, though soon enough she saw the endless comments of unknown people flood the screen. Her eyes widen at the sudden realization of what just happened. “You’re live? Are you kidding me?” She yelled at the boy, who burst out laughing in the other room. He came rushing out, snatching his phone back and reading through the comments of very surprised fans, to say the least.
“Sorry, guys. Sorry,” Lando spoke to the people, still giggling at his little prank and his girlfriends grimace. “Not my girlfriend.”
That made her look at him, a mischievous look in his eyes as he smirked, looking at her and not the screen which was filled with freaked out people. Some saying, “Good lord, thank god. I just had a heart attack, thinking he really cheated on me.” And some saying, “That’s sad, she’s really pretty.”
“My fiancee,” he corrected himself, smiling at her. The girl in front of him, couldn’t help her own smile forming on her lips. Then he ended the live, leaving the people shocked and the world stuck in questions.
“What have you done, Norris?” Y/n asked, pulling her fiance down on the sofa with her.
“I’m not hiding you anymore,” he simply said, snuggling in the nape of her neck and peppering it with small, soft kisses.
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autistickaitovocaloid · 2 years ago
I think I might delete/orphan all the works I wrote on ao3.
0 notes
tbaluver · 7 months ago
Hiii! Can you make general Sylus HCs?? Fluff ones though! YOURE LIKE A BREATH OF FRESH AIR OMG LIKEEEE THE FLUFF MAKES MY HEART SIMPLY M E L T !
Sylus Headcanons- Love And DeepSpace
a/n: omg anon you're so sweet thank you so much ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ i hope you'll like this and i hope this is okay!! <3
any likes and reblogs are always appreciated! enjoy! <3
genre: fluff fluff
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General Headcanons ˎˊ˗
This man is big everywhere. If you have or seen the memory of Within Reach you know what I'm talking about. Since he has quite a large build in height and muscle, he probably has trouble finding clothing in his size in store. Sleeves would be too short or pants would be too tight so often he would have to get them tailored but it's fine because he has all the money in the world.
This man is 6'2. Since he's tall, mirrors can cut off your head or usually shower heads are mounted too low so he would have to crouch down often. But later on he took down any small mirrors and adjusted the shower to his height for his liking.
Would try to eat a healthy balance meal 3 times a day unless work got in the way. He also probably has the best skincare routine ever. He would have cleanser, toner, serum, moisturizer, and different types of sunscreens for morning or even at night.
In Tender Curve, he mentions he's there to feed a cat. Whenever he has the time he'll leave cat food outside for any strays. He has no time to take care of any pets and also Mephisto would squawk at him nonstop with jealously.
He probably thought he would never sing in his life until Luke and Kieran 'pestered' him to try it out in the karaoke room. He thought why not he had nothing else to do. He would lose track of time due to Luke and Kieran cheering him on. So if being the Onychinus's Leader never works out he figures he can be an idol in the future.
The type to accept any business as long as it's near your location whether it work or you have things to do in that area. How would he know your location? You would have your location posted on your moments and sometimes Luke and Kieran talk about you a lot. He would use any business matter to talk to you and ask if you can help him with any errands.
Relationship Headcanons ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
Sometimes he'll let Mephisto spy on you and update him on what you like to eat so he can learn how to cook it for you when he doesn't have the personal chef around. He likes trying new recipes and you are always there to try them or help him make it. Would love it when you would hug him behind while he's in the kitchen cooking or the other way around.
Not super big on PDA especially in the N109 zone but will do gestures like his hand on your lower back or his arm around your waist. But in private he would be a lot more affectionate. In the car, he loves having one of his hands intertwined with yours as it rests on your lap while his other hand is on the wheel. Lots of forehead kisses. Sometimes would tease you because of your height difference and make you try to reach him to kiss him on his lips. Eventually he'll crouch down to kiss you after watching you struggle.
If anything were to upset you, he'll always be there to listen and to comfort you. He'll hold your hand or wrap and arm around your waist, rubbing soothing small circles reassuring you on whatever the issue is or helping you find a solution to whatever the problem is. If it was anyone that bothered you, they might want to sleep with one eye open.
He's also kinda silly. When you walk in his bathroom while he's shaving, he'll put some of the cream on your nose because he thinks your reaction would be funny.
Would always have an outfit to have for you to match with him in a business meeting. But if you wanted a different outfit he would find something to match with you that way everyone knows that you two are together.
He's extremely thoughtful. He remembers even the smallest details you have mentioned to him. He'll always find the perfect gift to give you on anniversaries or birthdays.
What's his becomes yours. You want his clothes even though they might be too big for you? Take the whole closet. He'll find his clothing in your fitting quite adorable actually. He'll even give you keys to his armory, he has many so choose whatever you want. He even let's you have Luke and Kieran as your henchmen too as long as he gets to have them back for work.
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amazingwriter101 · 3 months ago
🎀Random Astrology Notes🎀
Hiii! It's been so long since the last time I posted (I was so busy at uni) I hope everyone is doing fine! 💙 Here's my random astro notes/observation 💋
🎀 Venus in Aquarius are likely attracted to someone who is intellectually stimulating, unconventional, and values independence. This placement desires a partner who embraces uniqueness, is open-minded, and engages in deep, thoughtful conversations. So someone who respects personal freedom and enjoys exploring new ideas will appeal to this placement.
🎀 Someone with Juno in Sagittarius seeks a lifelong/long-term partner who is adventurous, optimistic, and growth-oriented. Someone who shares a passion for travel, learning, and expanding horizons would be ideal. They value truth, honesty, freedom,and a relationship filled with excitement and exploration.
🎀 People with Water Rising + Earth Sun (especially Scorpio Risings) can leave a strong first impression. They will most likely come across as someone who is intense, ambitious, and confident with a hint of rebelliousness. Their aura feels like a combination of mystery, authority, charisma, and boldness.
🎀 Moon in Virgo is probably the perfectionist of the zodiac who can't relax until everything is labeled, organized, and sanitized. Your idea of emotional security? A perfectly curated to-do list and color-coded spreadsheets for feelings and activities. One of the best people to give constructive criticism (unless you're very sensitive, believe me their words can hurt even tho most of the time they don't mean to hurt you.) They see emotions are just puzzles waiting to be solved.
🎀 Leo Moon + Scorpio Rising = walking contradiction. Their duality is wild. Enigmatic, mysterious, private mask with the scorpio rising while the leo moon screams for applause, admiration and center of attention. it's like "Hey, notice me but don't make it obvious." "look but don't touch." such a power play.
🎀 Venus in Pisces is the hopeless romantic that probably see red flags as a beautiful shade of crimson and admire it. Stop saying you can fix someone, you can't! Please stop falling for potentials and trying to save individuals who doesn't even want to be saved. Forget the "Love is sacrifice", you're not their therapist, and martyrdom isn't sexy.
🎀 Venus in Leo folks love to make an entrance—they’re like DIVA of relationships. They expect their partners to shower them with attention, affection, and maybe a red carpet once in a while. If they’re not getting enough adoration, they might just start singing “Single Ladies” to themselves.
🎀 Moon in Aquarius person feels more at home in a group chat about physics than on a cozy night in with a romantic partner. They’re super into ideas, innovation, and making a difference—but don't ask them to express their feelings too much. You might get a "let's analyze this emotionally" instead of a hug. Might not work with someone who wants a lovey-dovey affectionate relationship.
🎀 Saturn in Taurus is the person who buys the most reliable, sturdy chair at the furniture store... and then waits 20 years to get a new one because "it’s perfectly fine." They have an unshakable commitment to stability and material comfort, but they might be a little too attached to their "favorite" blanket—don’t even think about touching it.
🎀 Venus Conjunct Mars in natal chart is like the romantic-comedy genre. The chemistry is palpable, and there’s a lot of flirtation, passion, and energy flying around. They’re the kind of person who can turn a quick coffee date into a whirlwind romance—and probably end up with matching tattoos by the end of the week.
🎀 Venus in Aquarius is the quirky, "I’m not like other people" type of lover. They’re attracted to what’s unique, eccentric, or revolutionary. Their idea of a perfect date might involve a debate about the future of technology or attending an avant-garde art exhibit. Forget the traditional romantic gestures—they’d rather build a robot together.
🎀 Venus in Taurus is the ultimate “Netflix and chill” person—literally. If you know the tiktoker that lives the fancy life, eating steak, travelling and enjoying? That's a good definition of Taurus and their ideal life. They value comfort, stability, and all the luxuries of life, especially good food and soft blankets. They’ll adore you with cuddles, gifts, and the finest chocolate—because who wouldn’t want to spoil their lover with cozy indulgences? But if you try to rush them, you might find yourself in a battle of wills. They prefer slow, steady love that’s built to last… with a side of gourmet snacks.
🎀 Venus in Cancer is a cuddly, emotional romantic 🦀 who wants to build a cozy home with their partner—and maybe a family of cats while they’re at it. They’re deeply sentimental and love making their loved ones feel cared for with homemade meals and personalized gestures. If you can make them feel safe, you’ll have their heart forever. Just don’t mess with their emotional boundaries, because they’re like a fortress when it comes to protecting their feelings.
🎀 Venus in Aries is like the spark that lights the fire of romance. They fall fast and love fiercely, but their attention span can be as short as a Snapchat story. The thrill of the chase is their thing—so, if you're playing hard to get, you're already ahead of the game. Once they're in a relationship, expect passionate moments, spontaneous adventures, and lots of energy.
🎀 Mars in Taurus is like the bulldozer of the zodiac—slow and steady, but extremely determined. They have an impressive amount of stamina and will stick with a task until it’s done right. Unlike the fiery Aries, Taurus likes to take their time and get things done with quality. Want them to rush? Good luck! They’ll just give you the side-eye and continue on at their own pace. But if you need someone reliable who’s not going to give up, this is your person.
🎀 Mars in Virgo is like a military general with a perfectly organized schedule. These folks are action-oriented, but they’re not impulsive—they want to make sure that every detail is sorted before they go charging ahead. They’re fantastic at problem-solving, and they approach challenges with a calm, methodical attitude. They’re not about drama—they’re about efficiency. But be warned: they might become slightly perfectionistic and a little too focused on the fine print, which could slow things down.
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quesocheeso · 23 days ago
Why did Macaques hair look so much cuter before he started copying Wukong how dare you take that from us?
Why did he even ruin it?
Hey don’t call Mac’s hair ugly lmaoooo /j
I’m guessing you might have missed the lore post about Macaque, but I go over a bit on the reasons why Mac started copying Wukong and the major one is how before he arrived at FFM he was basically running away from the previous group he was with, and after he arrived in the island and promptly lost to Wukong he cut his ties metaphorically AND literally, making it seem like the Monkey King had killed him.
Since he was now “dead” he stayed in the island for a long time without leaving until one day Wukong convinced him to go on a trip with him, which led to him taking precautions and making sure he looked different enough for no one to recognize him, and one of those was copying Wukong’s hairstyle since it was the easiest to do and keep up with, after a bit he just started using it around people more, especially strangers
Worry not anon, he does keep his hair down in private way more often than not, which technically I have so much art of him doing this lmaoo I just haven’t posted it lol
(Also I didn’t think anyone had a preference to his hair being down, which I actually prefer cause you’re right he’s so cute)
WIP for the future:
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causalitylinked · 2 years ago
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┕━ ❛ ❀. muse »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ ʜɪʙɪᴋɪ〡instead of becoming an adult‚ i want to remain a child.
┕━ ❛ ❀. ship »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ x ꜱᴏɴɪᴀ〡i thought poetry was the closest thing one can get to define love... then i saw you.
┕━ ❛ ❀. wardrobe »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡i don’t want to be too eccentric or boring. just my own style.
┕━ ❛ ❀. aesthetics »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡likes.
┕━ ❛ ❀. musings »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡wanting someone to acknowledge me‚ i fabricated a false version of myself.
┕━ ❛ ❀. in character »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡interactions.
┕━ ❛ ❀. music »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡i can see myself humming to this.
┕━ ❛ ❀. go–home club »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡i’m going to return to reality with everyone else.
┕━ ❛ ❀. musician »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡i’ll do as i wish and use my own hands to show you i can change the world.
┕━ ❛ ❀. post tce: o »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡i’m sure i can make it in music if i work hard‚ even if it’s from the sidelines.
┕━ ❛ ❀. code vein »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡i’m not sure if this world is still worth saving but i want to see the future everyone envisions.
┕━ ❛ ❀. the caligula effect 2 »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡i might not have taken center stage yet... but i’m slowly getting there.
┕━ ❛ ❀. danganronpa »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡to think someone like me would have been accepted into such a prestigious school...
┕━ ❛ ❀. more–than–a–princess ( private ) »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡these days i always hear my music playing in stores.
┕━ ❛ ❀. headcanons »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡i don’t know what kind of adult i would be... but i’m going to follow my dreams while i’m still young!
┕━ ❛ ❀. about »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡i didn’t want to believe i was like everyone else.
┕━ ❛ ❀. answered »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡wire message received.
#[ AND WITH THAT... he's officially added to the blog ]#┕━ ❛ ❀. muse »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ ʜɪʙɪᴋɪ〡instead of becoming an adult‚ i want to remain a child.#┕━ ❛ ❀. ship »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ x ꜱᴏɴɪᴀ〡i thought poetry was the closest thing one can get to define love... then i saw you.#┕━ ❛ ❀. wardrobe »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡i don’t want to be too eccentric or boring. just my own style.#┕━ ❛ ❀. aesthetics »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡likes.#┕━ ❛ ❀. musings »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡wanting someone to acknowledge me‚ i fabricated a false version of myself.#┕━ ❛ ❀. in character »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡interactions.#┕━ ❛ ❀. music »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡i can see myself humming to this.#┕━ ❛ ❀. go–home club »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡i’m going to return to reality with everyone else.#┕━ ❛ ❀. musician »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡i’ll do as i wish and use my own hands to show you i can change the world.#┕━ ❛ ❀. post tce: o »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡i’m sure i can make it in music if i work hard‚ even if it’s from the sidelines.#┕━ ❛ ❀. code vein »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡i’m not sure if this world is still worth saving but i want to see the future everyone envisions.#┕━ ❛ ❀. the caligula effect 2 »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡i might not have taken center stage yet... but i’m slowly getting there.#┕━ ❛ ❀. danganronpa »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡to think someone like me would have been accepted into such a prestigious school...#┕━ ❛ ❀. more–than–a–princess ( private ) »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡these days i always hear my music playing in stores.#┕━ ❛ ❀. headcanons »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡i don’t know what kind of adult i would be... but i’m going to follow my dreams while i’m still young!#┕━ ❛ ❀. about »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡i didn’t want to believe i was like everyone else.#┕━ ❛ ❀. answered »» ᴋᴇɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ〡wire message received.
0 notes
celestialgalaxyglow · 6 days ago
Batfam and Danny, Part 23
Danny: Hey Tim, hey Kon, and you must be Bernard.
Bernard: And you must be Danny. It's nice to finally meet you. Tim can't stop talking about you.
Kon: He's jealous that you stole his place as Jason's favorite member of the family.
Tim: Kon! I told you that in confidence!
Kon: You never said anything about confidence.
Tim: Whatever, I don't even mind, Danny's his kid, of course he's Jason's favorite.
Danny: The part that confuses me is that Damian was Jason's favorite before me, if anything you were the second favorite Tim.
Kon and Bernard started laughing.
Tim (a tad embarrassed): A) I refuse to admit defeat to that little brat, and B) let me stay delusional.
Bernard (to Kon): I like our future nephew.
Kon (to Bernard): Me too.
Tim: Danny, can we talk in private for a second? I'd like to ask you something.
Danny: Sure thing.
Tim: Be back in a bit guys.
Bernard: Ok.
Kon: See ya.
Tim and Danny walk to the other room.
Tim: Before we start talking do you have a spell that can block out noise? It's not that i don't trust my boyfriends, but I rather be sure that they're not eavesdropping on their boyfriend and his nephew, WHO ARE HAVING A PRIVATE CONVERSATION!
[In the other room]
Kon (using his super-hearing): Damnit he's on to us.
Bernard: I told you we should have bugged him.
Kon: We are not bugging our boyfriend.
[Back to Tim and Danny]
Danny (laughing): Don't worry I do. Danny snaped his fingers and a green force shield appeared around them. What is it?
Tim: Well our first anniversary is coming up, and I'd like to take them somewhere special. I was thinking if you knew someplace in the Infinite Realms I could take them.
Danny: Oh! Sure thing. Let me think... oh I know!
Danny snapped his fingers and a pamphlet appeared appeared in his hand, which he handed to Tim.
Danny: Elysium might be paradise year-round, but this time of year the beaches are to die for. I have a palace over there, I can call the staff in and get the place ready for the three of you. In the pamphlet you can see some of the local attractions, they have restaurants, spas, boat tours, hiking trails, and so much more, it'll take an entire afterlife to experience it all. And since you are my uncle you'll get the royal treatment.
Tim (smiling): It's perfect, thank you Danny.
Danny: All I'll ask is that you and your partners sleep in one of the guests rooms, I don't want anyone partaking in carnal relations in my personal bedchamber.
Tim (flustered): Danny!
Danny: Hey just making sure, especially given you, Kon, and Bernard all wearing turtlenecks.
Tim: I- we- we just wanted to match.
Danny: Yeah, sure thing uncle.
Tim: Pfff, "uncle," still getting used to that.
Danny: You know mortal law may not allow you to marry two people at the same time, but the laws of the Realms do, so if someday you want to marry those two, just ask. I could even officiate the ceremony myself.
Tim (blushing): I'll... keep that in mind.
Danny: Same thing for kids, mortal science may not be advanced enough for the three of you to have a biological child together, but we have several spells that can help.
Tim (now all red): I'll also keep that in mind.
(Master Post)
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bitchy-craft · 5 months ago
PICK A CARD: private vs. public dynamics
Hello and welcome to this new post of mine! In here I will give you a reading on what the dynamics in private and public are with your future spouse will be like. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful!
Masterpost > Paid Readings > Subliminal Channel
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~pick a card~
Pile 1:
Your conversations will be much different between private and public. In public you guys will be able to talk about things as much as you want, but because of the fact other people are around, it won't go as deep as what you would've preferred or be able to do. Not only because more people will intervene with these conversations, but also because you two will have a level of trust so deep no one is able to understand or level at. There are many things in your mind that you love to share with your partner during conversations, but simply aren't able to when others are present.
Your conversations in private are incredibly deep and understanding. Any trouble or negative feeling is allowed to be discussed, and is encouraged to be discussed. The conversations between the two of you enlightens you both with new ways of thinking, new realizations and forms of understanding.
Pile 2:
Affection and love is something you both decided to be more private in this relationship. When you're with others you will make sure no one ever feels like a third wheel, possibly because one of you has felt like that a lot in the past. Your relationship is known, but when with others your time is for others. And in private when you're with one another, your time is for one another.
You guys might hold hands with one another in public, but anything more won't be present often. One of you, if not both, don't like it when you feel being left out, and have decided you'll make sure you're never going to be the cause of that to someone else. But in private, all attention, all physical affection, all giggles, etc. Will be for the both of you.
Pile 3:
Your future spouse will be confident about you and your relationship in both private and public. They'll automatically display affection in public; like holding your hand, putting their arm around your shoulder, kiss you on your mouth or cheek, put their hand on your leg while sitting etc.
But it'll always be different in private, with this pile being the amount of care and love put into these displays. In private everything will be more thought-through, more caring etc. They'll love to look into your eyes for a long while, while pushing your hair back or tracing your lips with their thumb. These actions are simply things you do more in private; all attention will be between the two of you, no one else in the world will be thought off.
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