#i might change their design later idk it looks ok for now
bloodreddemons · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel Episode 1-4 Hot Takes! ~
They finally dropped. They are finally here, and I have A LOT to say. (Good & the bad, my opinions of course.)
Episode 1 was kinda boring and it just seemed overall weird and off. It didn't really pick back up that well, or align with the pilot too much, and the pilot slapped.
I feel like for those who haven't seen the pilot would be so confused with what is going on or who the characters even are. It feels like you also have to do a bit of digging to actually figure out other details.
I wasn't expecting to like Adam he was funny asf and I loved his singing. Love Alex Brightman he's great.
I can see what people are saying now when they were talking about the premise changing or being different, it definitely seems that way. It just feels like it's all over the place and there's multiple things happening at once. A bit confusing.
Charlie just looks weird to me I don't know why, I kinda like how she used to look.
Sir Pentious new voice is better. Again, love Alex Brightman. Lol.
Loser, Baby, Hell is forever, Poison, & Respectless are the best songs so far. Stayed Gone is ok too tho.
I'm interested in finding out why Lilith & Alastor were gone for like 7 years. I wonder where they went and it just makes me wonder if the war against heaven was possibly planned?? 🤔
I love Brandon Roger's but I didn't really like him as Katie Killjoy I think I liked the other VA. I just don't hear Katie, I hear Bryce Tankthrust.
I wish Vivzie designed Sir Pentious with more of a steampunk look since that's what era he's from so he's not wearing almost the same exact suit every other Overlord has.
Nifty is literally fucking iconic. I enjoyed her every time she was on screen even if it was for a short time. She's so funny.
I was expecting Vox & Valentino to have deeper voices but they still sounded great.
Velvette fucking ATE I was pleasantly surprised by her. I love her so much. She's my favorite of the VVV's and her singing is so good.
Charlie & Vaggie's fight wasn't that impactful, it kinda just came out of nowhere and seemed like something that should have happened way later. It didn't even seem like such a big deal either to be an argument.
I don't really like Vox as a person for letting Valentino treat Angel Dust the way he does. Just trash. He has to know about it.
Vox is just too obsessed with Alastor. He wants his cock soooo bad it's kinda crazy. It's the most fakest beef ever. Bad meat.
I like the new VA's they're amazing, but I do really miss the old ones. Most of them.
I think Vaggie's singing is better than Charlie's and that's fucked up because singing is like her whole thing.
Camilla killing the Angel wasn't that impactful because we don't really know who she is.
I don't really care to know how they will be trying to redeem people...idk I always thought that those parts would be boring.
So far I don't think the show was worth a 4 year wait....
Huskerdust WILL be canon at this rate. They might just be the best couple.
Charlie should have lit Valentino's ass up for treating Angel Dust the way he was. She shouldn't have listened to Angel and just fucked him up. Stop crying omfg!
I get that Husk & Angel are like in the same boat & all but....is being Alastor's minion really as bad as being constantly knocked around by Valentino?
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roobiedo · 9 months
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Happy Solarpunk Aesthetic Week and Winter Solstice! ❄️
While we do celebrate here, we don't actually experience winter in my region, or any of the classic four seasons! The weather here is basically a coin toss between searing heat and torrential rain lol. So while I was musing over how to adapt a solarpunk aesthetic to a tropical lifestyle, I came up with this!
Lengthy explanations and chaotic ideas below:
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Disclaimer: I am not a science-y person, so I'm not sure how any of these would technically work or what materials would go into making them. Hopefully one day someone could figure it out, but I'm just having fun sharing these ideas for now :)
What works well both in harsh sunlight and heavy downpours, plus is already something that people here use everyday? Umbrellas! How cool would it be to have an umbrella that absorbs sunlight during the day, and turns it into a personal spotlight at night? Or perhaps it could absorb and store large amounts of rainwater, to be re-used later or released somewhere more useful?
My main inspiration for this is the bamboo. This plant already plays a huge role in our lives here -- culturally, economically, and from what I recently learned, ecologically too! Our region suffers from floods often, and bamboo can help to control the flow of water, for example through their roots providing a barrier against soil erosion, or their ability to store large amounts of water and release it gradually during drier seasons. (And that's just one of the many reasons why bamboos are awesome and solarpunky!) I thought it would be cool to have water stored in the 'bamboo nodes' of the umbrella shaft, which could then be detached and used individually, or as components in other tech!
I chose the Amazonian lily pad as the canopy design because 1) it looks big enough to cover a person, 2) it has a wide surface for solar panels to 'photosynthesize' energy, 3) its container-like shape looks as though it could hold rainwater like a funnel while it trickles into the shaft, and 4) it just looks really pretty! Realistically, this canopy might not be able to do everything at once, so I'm hoping for this tech to be modular and highly customizable -- as in, you could replace this 'lily pad' with something else that serves a different function! I did play around with some other designs, here they are hehe
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Hibiscus: Our national flower! Have these bad boys growing in my yard so I thought why not. Not sure what functions it would have yet... perhaps the pistil could be a sensor for gathering weather data? Or maybe the anthers are little lights? Maybe it attracts BEES???
Mushroom: Not familiar with the fungi in my area yet so I went with the classic Amanita. Though now I'm kinda regretting because! Wouldn't it be so cool and lunarpunky to design it based on a bio-luminescent mushroom, so it would make sense for the umbrella to glow in the dark? AGH missed opportunities ;;
Anyway while I was designing the umbrella I thought about giving the model a cool fit too, so tadaaa! A customizable pair of pants that can be worn as a shorts + half-skirt/sarong combo during hot weather, or extended to become a full pair of jeans during colder/rainy times! I used zippers as the connectors because they seem easy to sew on and I like the punky vibe it adds to the outfit. HOWEVER, I'm realising that might be inconvenient or way too time consuming for some people. Maybe buttons, magnets or hook-and-loop fasteners would be easier?
As for the shirt, idk that was just for fun. Maybe it changes colour/design based on the surrounding temperature?
So YEAH that was my longer-than-expected idea dump for this week! Thank you for reading <3 If you have any thoughts or ways of expanding on these ideas please please please share them with me I'm just really excited to see what people think waaaaa!!! ok bye stay hydrated
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jadetheblueartist · 6 days
Do they ever knock things over with their big ol tales?
Does April get to ride on them while they swim?
Are they mainly carnivorous?
Does Donnie ever just… run into walls? Like when he isn’t wearing glasses or contacts? (Idk it seems funny in my mind)
Okay that’s all for now :D
-Yep hahaha especially Leo bc his is so long. They don’t hit stuff in the lair too often unless people move things around bc those are some well adjusted sharkies, but on missions (think some closer areas like maybe Big Mamas hotel) they be knocking things down
-Yes of course ^^ Big sis gets her privileges
-Ok ok ok so I’m trying to use a sort of system for changing the species to keep things consistent (bc I really like that) and it’s more or less switching them from whatever animal category they are (mammal, reptile, bird, etc) to one more watery. So I’ll have to think of the mud dogs designs for specifically later but as an idea, Danny is a rat type thing I think so I’d change him to some sort of amphibian or reptile (potentially a turtle bc I DO want at least one turtle), and then Leonard- what is Leonard? Lemme look it up….. an ogre? Ok well apparently he’s an ogre so like maybe he’d be a mer ogre or something hahah idk the system is flexible, I do know tho that since Mickey is an eel he would be the end of the system and get changed into a mammal so yeah fun stuff
-Yep! Since all of their sharkness is struck carnivorous, they’re mainly carnivores. Other stuff still is good for them since they are part human but about 50% of their diet is meat. They might survive on less they would just see the consequences of less nutrition
-Oh even when he is wearing glasses or contacts that boy is just hitting walls. (Idk if it’s sharkly factual but just go with me ig hahaha) so they can’t see fine details or many colors naturally so there isn’t much Don can do to fix that with glasses so his detail perception is improved but the color blindness isn’t. That with his eyes not working great in the first place and his electromagnetic sensors being messed up, he’s struggling, that’s why most of his tech assists in that sort of thing: sensing his surroundings, navigating him, etc etc
(Oh and here’s a little scale of most to least visually impaired [this goes for both being able to see details and color, not electromagnetic sensing since everyone but Donnie is great on that]: Donnie, Raph, Leo, Mikey)
Oh and then also this makes their color coordination funny bc Donnie swears his favorite color is purple and only purple and he can tell but one time Leo replaced his things with blue and Don didn’t notice and was so mad when he found out
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artastic-friend · 1 year
Do you have a human/Humanized design of DJ? 👀👀
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/j /ref (Clone high reference)
Ok but on a more serious note:
I’m not usually one to push human DJMM propaganda as I generally prefer the spider robot as he is 😁 so.. No I don’t have an official design really???
Well….. at least I DIDN’T until nOW-!
I present to you the big man himself :D
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This design is not entirely finalized since I sorta just drew it up on the spot, but this is sorta how I’ve imagined DJ?? If he was human??
I wanted to make him very soft and inviting, the way I like to imagine DJ to be, he’s ofc very tall, and I like to imagine that he has a bit of that clown look since I think a lot of people agree that the music men as a whole are somewhat clownlike 😁
I think that a lot of human designs I’ve seen really miss out on giving the man the chub he deserves 🥺
🗣️that man is not skinny‼️ /lh /pos
Ofc I still welcome any and all designs 😁
But this is mine :)
Unless I decide to change it later💀 idk, I sorta came up with this on the spot so there are bound to be some details I might wanna adjust
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But yeah.. just letting y’all know that I probably won’t be drawing him as a human much because I prefer keeping him a spider UvU
But still wanted to try my hand at the idea 😁
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jewishcissiekj · 9 months
Ok so obviously I think about Asajj a lot but I usually don't fully explain or visualize it. So no time like the present to start doing that
Here are things about Asajj, starting with my personal design and concept of her and why it's like that (most of these are sketches to put my thoughts somewhere so don't expect anything refined or clean):
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First off, that girl is a cryptid. Weirdo. I love giving her all-black eyes/white pupils because it fits her, and eyebrows whatsoever (unless I'm in the mood for that). This is mainly sticking to the earlier Dermoty Power designs for Episode II and the way he draws her later on. The pointy ears are because she's a cat to me and she had those in Hyperspace Stories #5. Also!!!! I hate the Clone Wars retconning her to be Dathomorian and a NIghtsister and that whole backstory with my entire heart. Story-wise I prefer sticking to the Legends stories in the early 00s' comics (specifically Star Wars: Republic #60). So Rattatak (her Legends home planet) and her original origin story are very near and dear to my heart. This is important. (btw I'm mostly not OCfying her I'm just mixing up some of her versions. mostly.)
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Next up: tattoos and marks! made up too much lore for that but here's a bit: I mixed and matched her Legends and canon designs, and changed their meanings because they have fuckass actual meanings. the two things that kinda look like her eyebrows are from TCW and I took them and made them into her family tattoos. In MY mind, those are passed through generations in Rattataki families (by the mother) and those two are the Ventress tatts from the Ventress family. Other than that we have (in the left pic) the 12 (did not draw 12 but there are 12, 6 on each side) tattoos from her Legends design. Their actual explanation is that she got one for each of Ky's killers she murdered. But that's weird so instead for my ver they're mourning tattoos that she got after Ky's death. The things under her eyes are a whole ass mess but they're called decay marks and they're loosely based on concept art and they're basically darker the older/darker sider she gets.
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(she has another arm I'm just bad at drawing it) Wanted to draw my interpretation of this outfit with my face design for her but I was not working with the cover as a reference so there's a lot missing. For this one I think it's just the outfit she wears in her later Padawan years on Rattatak, or in my AUs as a padawan in general.
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they are a mess but some of my layouts and doodles for her outfits: 1) her on-panel Padawan outfit which is basically just a tank top and cargo pants. wanted to draw it so here we are
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2) her ugly ass outfit as a daughter of warlords! girl I know you're like a child but what are you wearing
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3) Personal Jedi Robes design but it's just the previous Padawan design with sleeves and more little changes
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(can you tell I enjoy drawing her face like that) these are more AU-oriented 4) Inquisitor Asajj design because I thought it'd be cool idk what she'd doing with the Empire tho 5)Temple guard design but I hate their outfits so it doesn't look good 6) just put her TCW Jedi General robes things. go off girl (I have 3 AUs in my head that fit that premise let's move on)
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Put them together just because. The drawings have nothing to do with each other 7) This one's story is so complex. But it's basically just a design for Jedi Asajj post-Order 66. Might develop work on it more but I love the way it looks
And the other one: If you followed any of my disarrayed Asajj thoughts lately you might have seen my concept of Mon Mothma/Asajj as a ship. They won't leave my mind so I'm trying to figure out how to draw Mon and that one's something of a design for a younger Senator Mon, for their first meeting or smth idk
OK! just put together some thoughts now that I have visual aid for them. great thanks for coming to my TED talk I will continue talking about Asajj but now I can show you shit instead of just writing words woooohhhh
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peachus-dous · 2 years
So a lot of motivation came to me with the new AIB assets and all the characters standing together
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So i decided some characters with my own gijnkas! It was really fun to day the least :]
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You do not know the amount of time it took me to figure out an OK outfit for hailstone and I'm still not too satisfied with it lmaohfhf
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Nabla standing behind safe? nah
Nabla climbing on top of safe to be seen ? Now that's more like it!
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THEM!! they're one of my favorites i can't believe i just realized how they could have been friends if they interacted lmao it just- idk i see them as comfort/mental health buddies .
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I might have to change jelly's haircut later since it doesn't really fit him but ANYWAYS- why does he look so scared? Jelly my guy u good?
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I was just drawing and figuring out a good design for TIVO when I realized that i don't trust that little son of a gun-- like- we don't know who created him or where he even came from OR ANYTHING ABOUT HIM- he claims he can't feel anything but he clearly shows concern towards oodle's well being and sympathy towards pitchfork in episode 5 so clearly feels something right??? My point is i absolutely think he might betray oodle soon
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gerard5d · 7 months
remembered some of my host design thoughts from 2020 just gonna straight up copy and paste them some grammar mistakes don't mind that too much
host design progress/thoughts/etc/etc
schmitty - when i listened to his (scared) tmp2 voicelines i imagined him (and did like 2 doodles) as a humanoid red quip. whether or not that's because me and my friends memed said quip a lot and i began assoisating the quip with schmitty might...idk be up in the air lol.
anyways i basically made him a human verison of the red quip and my human verison for him came later
cookie masterson - i think i listened to his F U easter eggs? and then boom. cookie, made his tie a ...cookie tie bc of his name lol
REDACTED - i think i listened to the tmp1 " voice reveals "? i forgot, man it's only been two months. anyways i know i based their look soley on something said on their tumblr page, " based raised in the woods ". and i made their " not shadowy " form not too long after
to quote myself: " well hes a serial killer or something right " . oh and i believe i made his shirt purple bc that color is sometimes associated with evil! woo. as for my first take on his Totally normal man in society he did not seem like a guy that could play off being a Totally normal man in society. he had fricking pink eye and was bleeding from his mouth and looked really sickly
todd - ah the funny internet man! my first design for him ..funky hair. i know i went through like 3 hairstyles for him and whether or not i wanted to give him shorts.
the 3 things that stayed through out all the designs are: shades, fire tie/fire on the pants and green crocs. now that i think about it his clothes are weird lol..
nate - soley based on his F U easter egg. " i'm pretty (fricking) expensive. " i also wanted to use a different head shape.
from my first sketch of him, nothing has really changed except for the stripes on his tie
guy towers - oh fgod my first reference drawing of him, the colors and design are pretty much the same now except i changed his shoes a bit and give him a short ponytail
idk hes the sports guy and sports people wear visors...yea
oh my gosh i think i gave guy a ponytail bc of some " au doodle/ the whereabouts of the ydkj hosts "
binjpipe - oh uhhhhhh ,is pink , hair shapes a b, she is the only character with a eye color (i guess bc i didnt really bother giving eye colors to any of my hosts)
my design for it has not changed, the onyl thing i added recently was circuits on her hands! bc . idk circuits are cool
schmitty but human - ohhey i found it, i imagined in his ydkj days hes just...pretty tired. hence gray hairs! and i know the tie i very loosely based on Funny Faster Funnier or wahtever it is
dr ro (hc name: dr.rangsey) - short science girl! idk i think the phrase " lab safety is mint colored! " fits her and thats something i thought about..and her colors are based on her game
again her design did not change much i think i just made the labcoat look better
hfelicia - ohhh i remember really wanting to make a design for her . i was like I GOTTA DO THIS.. and tentacles were a requirement. and a eyeball in her hair
one sketch i have is her with eyes on her arms which i believe i did put in, in her monster form . ok i just found when i got around to linearting and coloring, i realized her outfit was too similar to the mother in her game so i changed it (and ngl i was thinking of maid outfit kinda) i looked up vintage clothes and gave her something from that, and red shoes lol
guesspionage host (hc name: abigail s) - oh!! i doodled him on paper first, my final design is pretty different my gosh
my next sketch for him then has boots and a different head shape , uhh yea, eventually i made the shoes Not fricking big and i gave him some cool glove thing with...circuits! bc to quote on my reference page " epic shocking prank ". ngl that was mostly bc of gandra dee in dt17 bc she has nanobots or whatever on her hand and its pretty cool and i thought this host would be the kind to get stuff like that
and could be used for self defense i think? shocking hurts and its like ..opposite of binjpipes' kinda. his are on the palm while hers are on the opposite of the palm (??i dont know my human terms)
dandelion - design hasnt changed much either! and i hc him to be schmitty's brother so i uhh yea made them look similar somewhat. BUT MAN THE SHOES IN HIS FIRST DESIGN............not great. i added a bit more to his suit..jumpsuit? in my latest design for him! swaggy
buzz lippman - when i first heard him there were 2 things i know were needed - a tophat and yellow glasses
my first design for him isnt different from his latest deisgn, i jsut gave him a blue tie. blue as to tie into nate bc theyre cousins and i gave nate a yellow tie os yea
dixie - aww my first sketch for her was cute, i wanted something flowy, i made her somewhat angelic! and her dress has clouds ..and the thing around his waist and her cape are supposed to represent the millions of words made up! (vaguely bc no way am i gonna write words there) oh and the cape is kinda uhh like her wings persay!
civic doodle hostress and old man - AHHA my first doodle of old man was just a stick figure bc thats how hes shown in the ride. and i gave them both stick figure forms bc why not? EHAj i wasnt sure what colors to give to them at first so i used ms paint colors, AND OLD MANS BEARD WAS MADE OUT OF POMPOMS..God haa i didnt give him a beard at first when i finalized both of their designs
gene - referenced from his ingame look in sti, thought hed be a office guy so yep! and his pants have pixels similar to todd's sleeves , bc they are kinda a duo right
helen - awhhg she looks pretty anger in her first sketch and latest design...i thought of her color being green at first and man her skin color was more sickly
otherwise her hair style and form havent really changed. ohh there was a short time where i thought she was the ceo of binjpipe ..glad i didnt continue on with that thought, anyways stan helen bc she has to deal with 5 men sending each other to the bottom constantly </3 , or did so in teh ride
dot! - ah! my first digital sketch of her, really the two things that changed were her hairstyle and her pants. hairstyle is a thing thats stumped me several times lol, ooh her colors changed a bit too
ahh i wanted to give her a tuxedo shirt at first but i didnt 😔
bob - hairstyle REALLY stumped me with this one . and for my first digital sketch i quote myself " honestly keep seeing bob as bald " , then i saw the tvtropes page where it says he implies he has 80s hair or something and i was like " shit "
bidiots host (hc name: quant) - not much here, i based his suit on one i saw on a show we were watching in one of my classes. idk why i gave him a red gem thing tho, why not i guess!
dode - i know i looked up reference images for short hair! her design has changed p much the same the most ive changed were her colors
eventually i drew her ingame look :P
word spud host - literally a cardboard cutout, i think it was seriously inspired by box from inanimate insanity / a humanization of box that was a cutout cardboard and i thought it was nice
as for a serious design for them? maybe,
Ok um i guess the canvases are down here it goes august 2020 -> september 2020 -> started in 2021 minor edits here and then so this is most recent one 2023 -> december 2023
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princeofcyberpunk · 4 days
once again im making a trailer analysis
yo you know what time it is. its time for prince to over analyze the trailer of that game that is never coming out lol
new design for the decaband or whatever it was called
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(2024 Theme song trailer)
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(2023 concept image trailer)
its a lot more detailed in the new trailer, looks a lot better
2. this idiot
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thats it that my analysis for this part hes just an idiot and i want to shove him in a locker
though he does look weirdly lighter in this trailer? cmon man dont whitewash my boy
3. i really hope this is a reoccurring gag
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harvard is the only one not looking at Misae. while the rest look at her the whole time, he starts looking elsewhere. either his ass is not listening and he doesnt care or hes just autistic with it (same). also its interesting that its called "the Decapolis" now? Is it that or DecaSim? Maybe its just a mistranslated idk
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the lighting in this scene is absolutely gorgeous. though it is incredibly funny how intently Carl is looking at him lol hes locked in and listening (unlike harvard)
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this line sounds weirdly familiar? i think it might have been in the demo maybe? i know it wasnt in a different trailer. either way, this is very intriguing.
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panda zhang! hes so cool dawg, love the cyberpunky neon ears
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ok, this is really interesting! the rest of them are all plushie-like, but mikey stands out as being a robot thing. we already knew that, obviously, but now we can see he has some kind of katana? is he a robot samurai? thats cool as fuck!
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im sorry im just so normal about her dawg her design is absolutely adorable. bnunny moment
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hm. maybe theres a possible hacking plotline here? we already know that someone hacked the DecaSim/Decopolis to turn them all into toys but he looks evil here? maybe the hacker can use that to take over their minds?
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i lost my fucking mind over this why is he doing the "boi" spongebob thing
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ok edgelord
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HER. HER. HER. im so curious. is she a villain? morally grey anti hero? part of the police force? maybe some kind of criminal? its worth noting that she has green eyes, i think. ill get to that later
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oh hey its later now. so. i have several theories about this:
the kid in this picture is harvard, but hes changed his appearence in recent years to look more like his mom for whatever reason
this kid is possibly his brother? then who is taking the photo, and why is he not in it?
who is taking this photo in general??
you know how i mentioned like two seconds ago that its worth noting that mystery girl has green eyes? Maybe shes related to harvard, if this is him in the photo.
edit: i just noticed the cake says police. huh. maybe this kid really is harvard's little brother or something? and they threw some kind of party for him when he got accepted into university?
and i will return in 1 year when they give us another trailer. yay
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crehador · 8 months
package day! it's nuis nuis and more nuis this time (plus misc but all smic)
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first the asanuma cover issue of seiyuu animedia aka the only thing i was originally going to buy lol
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it's a lot bigger than i thought it would be and the pages are all thick like a proper photobook, asnm's warumono-san photoshoot is fucking glorious in its entirety and there are soma and shoutan spreads in here too (which is written on the cover but i was too asnm-focused to even notice until i flipped through)
got two copies to potentially cut one up for poster-making but... idk if i can bring myself to do that, might just keep a spare lmao
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the family grows!! and by like a lot lmao
ew02 nuis have finally been obtained, and yes i got the new ones that i said were ugly (it was like an affectionate sort of ugly!)
i still need to get clothes for the 15cm fanmade ones, they're absurdly adorable (more stiff than i imagined, in a good way) but completely naked. so photo gets cropped here for now lol. did pick them up a... familiar-looking jacket they can share in the meantime though
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ichiro cosplay jumpscare! not for wearing, will see if i can somehow incorporate it into a nui house/nest area
(just to be fair to the two blorbos i picked up a set of samatoki cosplay bracelets too lol)
anyway. most of the nuis are new but the orig design ichinui and samanui are dupes because......
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these new ones have bones! and beef. with the original originals. but. surely they'll start to get along soon......
i thought a lot about getting just the bones and doing the surgery myself but honestly i don't have the heart to cut them open. or the skill lmao. so luckily managed to find a listing for bone-in ones
grabbed a bunch of clothes for them too
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and love them, holy shit they fit so well. if i can find this shop again i might buy more next time
(they're too cute for me to change their clothes now... will get around to letting them try on the other outfits later)
last but abso-fucking-lutely not least FOOD CRIMES GEORG HAS BEEN PROCURED
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been on the hunt for these stands since the designs first came out tbh, candyapplegate will never die. to me. ichiro what is the matter with you
(the stands are TINY but i love them to bits)
so yeag the "just two magazines" order became very much. not that lmao. there's also a postcard that deserves its own post so i'll get to that once i clean everything up
think i finally have enough nuis now <- guy who has 2 more on preorder for this month lmao
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my-castles-crumbling · 5 months
Writer anon, hello cas! I’ve been trying to write daily, but since it’s the end of the year, studying for finals, final projects, stuff like that I haven’t been able to, but I got a decent amount done this weekend, I think, I edited the prologue, a bit, and the first chapter is going well, kind of. But the characters were talking about the non-binary/genderfluid character all three of the main characters don’t have names yet but we’re going to ignore that, while they’re planning, and it bothered me a bit bc I’m still no figuring some stuff about them out. if you don’t mind I’m going to ask a few questions gender, and kind of how dysphoria and stuff like that works, and you don’t have to answer all of them, if it makes you uncomfortable, or you want me to message you directly instead if you want it to be private, that’s fine too, and you can just tell me that. you did offer like, awhile ago, one of my earlier asks, but you don’t have to obviously. And you aren’t the poster person for gender stuff, so it’s obviously ok if you don’t know the answer to all of my questions.
I’m cis, so I’m not really sure how the gender thing works in general, usually I just use whatever pronouns someone tells me they’re okay with, bc what they want to be called isn’t like, any of my business, and it’s the respectful thing to do. But if it’s they’re pov, it’s going to be mentioned a lot, so i need a general understanding of how it works.
so, they’re afab, and since it’s like medieval, they have to wear dresses and stuff, and they’re also like a princess (is that right, prob not, but idk gender neutral term for child of a monarch). I think that would cause dysphoria (?) I’m not really sure how that works either, but I’m pretty sure it’s where they feel crappy because how they look isn’t right (?) idk, like I said, idk much about the whole gender thing. Would that affect if they want to use she/her too? I was planning on them being non-binary and gender fluid, so they would use they/she/he, but I’m not sure about the whole thing, since I don’t understand it much. Ik from your pronoun card thing you’re ok with being called he/him by people close to you, is it different being called different pronouns by different people?
second thing, their name, I suck at naming things (shoutout to fantasy name generator and baby name websites) ik some people keep their name, but I think I want to change their name, as they change during their arc. Idk that many names that would fit them, that like match with the personality I have in mind ignore the fact that they have a design, personality, and powers but still no name, but is the name thing just a personal preference? From my general knowledge most of this gender stuff is a personal preference, idk.
third thing, I’m not sure how people like, figure out that they want to be a different gender, or like that the gender binary doesn’t like, apply to them, and I’m not sure where they would be, on that journey ig, they’re closeted, which is about the only part I’ve figured out bc they’re dad is a bitch. Idk.
that’s it, for now, I’ll probably ask more about it later. My motivation is currently here, so I’m excited to write today, hope you’re having a good day/night cas!
Hi hon! I'm just gonna copy/paste your questions below and answer as I go. Just remember that I am one person so my experience might be different than someone else's, and all trans people are different!
so, they’re afab, and since it’s like medieval, they have to wear dresses and stuff, and they’re also like a princess (is that right, prob not, but idk gender neutral term for child of a monarch).
I....am not sure what that term would be. I don't know if there even is one! You could make one up!
I think that would cause dysphoria (?) I’m not really sure how that works either, but I’m pretty sure it’s where they feel crappy because how they look isn’t right (?) idk, like I said, idk much about the whole gender thing.
Dysphoria is basically when your expression of your gender doesn't match how you feel inside (could be clothes, body parts, the way people are referring to you). It can be a physically uncomfortable feeling, mental discomfort, or a mixture. It manifests with many different symptoms, and can vary depending on the person. For example, sometimes I can get a stomach ache or feel anxious. Some trans people get a lot of it, and some don't!
Would that affect if they want to use she/her too? I was planning on them being non-binary and gender fluid, so they would use they/she/he, but I’m not sure about the whole thing, since I don’t understand it much. Ik from your pronoun card thing you’re ok with being called he/him by people close to you, is it different being called different pronouns by different people?
Everyone is different! Nonbinary people can prefer all different pronouns, depending on their personal preferences, so your character could have completely different pronouns to me. For me, I tend to like they/them the most, but I'm okay with she and he. Your character could be different, though! It really depends on the person :)
second thing, their name, I suck at naming things (shoutout to fantasy name generator and baby name websites) ik some people keep their name, but I think I want to change their name, as they change during their arc. Idk that many names that would fit them, that like match with the personality I have in mind ignore the fact that they have a design, personality, and powers but still no name, but is the name thing just a personal preference? From my general knowledge most of this gender stuff is a personal preference, idk.
Yep, definitely a personal preference! Some people like to change their name and others don't! It could depend on if their name is super gendered, if they have an attachment to it, and if they make huge changes in their transition. But yeah, def a personal preference. I didn't change mine- though I started going by a shortened version of it more.
third thing, I’m not sure how people like, figure out that they want to be a different gender, or like that the gender binary doesn’t like, apply to them, and I’m not sure where they would be, on that journey ig, they’re closeted, which is about the only part I’ve figured out bc they’re dad is a bitch. Idk.
That's also very different depending on the person, lol. some people just know, even before they're given the terms to express it. Other people start to realize after they learn more about it. For me, it was the second one. I found out about genderfluidity and I was like "ooo, that one."
that’s it, for now, I’ll probably ask more about it later. My motivation is currently here, so I’m excited to write today, hope you’re having a good day/night cas!
Okay! I'm sorry i couldn't be more specific, but as you can see- a lot of this varies! it's different for every nonbinary/trans person, you know? No experience is exactly the same.
Have a wonderful day! Good luck!
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dany36 · 1 year
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sooo i finally finished sonic unleashed. the main story parts, anyway. there's still a bunch of act 2 and act 3 stages i still have to do but from what i've seen, they're way shorter than their act 1 counterparts so it's fine. some junk thoughts below about this game!
now that i finally have a ps3 i'v been catching up on a bunch of games i missed out on when i only had the wii :y when i first started playing this game i was like wow, this isn't really that bad compared to what i had been hearing online about it! sure the werehog portions were kind of tedious sometimes, and the fact that they're twice or three times as long as the daylight sections isn't great, but i mean sonic adventure 2's eggman stages sure were slower and more tedious than the sonic/shadow stages, so i was like eh sure, fine, whatever. some of the later werehog stages were a pain and fighting the same type of enemies over and over was really starting to get on my nerves, but again, is this any different than the slow stages of eggman/tails in sa2? if i was able to A-rank all of their missions, then getting through the werehog stages isn't the worst. some of the platforming sections were actually entertaining but yeah, the fighting? not so much.
the daylight stages are hella fun to play through, although i don't know if it's the ps3 version but they seemed very ummm glitchy at parts, and the frame rate would slow waaaay down in certain portions of stages too. it obviously isn't as smooth as i would have wanted, but that was kind of my experience playing through sonic generations. i'm playing with a fat ps3 so i don't know if the experience is better in the slim version lol, but yeah, i'd love to come back to it eventually and try to S rank the stages since they're so fast-paced and just a blast to do. i don't think i'll ever bother getting all of the medals and 100% completing it since this game is just PACKED with content. on top of getting the medals, S-ranking, and the sidequests you get in the hub world, apparently there's hot dog missions too?? oh and there's DLC on top of that. so yeah, i'm ok with not 100% this like i did with sa2 or colors or generations lol. teenage me would have loved to do it though.
sonic games might not be your cup of tea but the music never disappoints. i had heard the unleashed OST way before ever playing the game and man, it was so good to finally hear the music along with the game. while i was out trying to collect enough medals to unlock the stages i don't know why but hearing the apotos night theme made me get all sentimental and nostalgic lol even though i didn't even grow up with this game at all. idk i guess it's just something about sonic games and their music that always hits home.
i know in my last post i was extremely pissed off at the last stage in unleashed and i said it brought the game down to a 5/10, but maybe i was a bit harsh lol. like i still think that level is atrocious EVEN FOR a last level, which you always know it's going to be a harder-than-usual level. but seriously that level design was just ridiculously long and stupid in every shape or form--the part that pissed me off the most was when you have to walk on these pipes as a werehog and in some parts you have to jump, but when you jump sometimes the fucking camera changes directions so because you're tilting the control stick a certain way, that would cause you to fall off the pipe and die. seriously, i don't think i've ever played a last stage in a sonic game that was as bad as eggmanland, so it's always interesting to see the comments on the youtubes defending the stage and how it's actually a great level. like ok sure lol.
i still say that the game forcing you to collect a ridiculous amount of medals to unlock stages was just not necessary. i thought i was doing a pretty good job at collecting them but i still had to look up guides to unlock the stages from chuu-nan onwards. like, just let me play the stages and get through the story, maybe make the act 2 and act 3 harder to unlock that way but not the main ones!
i actually have the wii version of unleashed that i had bought waaay back when but i never bothered to finish it once i learned that the stages are like watered down versions of the ps3/xbox360 ones, so i'm glad i waited to play it how it was meant to be played. the wii one also doesn't have the hub worlds i don't think, which i mean the hub worlds are actually pretty bad and add nothing to it gameplay wise: they will never be station square or mystic ruins. the way the camera moves around them is actually pretty bad and would make me feel dizzy at times lol. but still, i'm glad they exist because otherwise, we would have never gotten the absolutely gorgeous music that the night stages have (spagonia night theme is absolutely lovely and holoska night is the perfect listen for winter time).
overall, i'm glad i finally got a chance to play unleashed and see how this was the start of the sonic team getting the 3D sonic formula right (minus that terrible drifting mechanism, sorry!). generations is still one of my ultimate faves and frontiers brought back the sonic fever in me, so i'm excited to catch up on the rest of the 3d sonic games i missed out due to me being either a poor college student or poor fresh out of college lol. i'm thinking about buying sonic boom next, it looks very platform-y from the gameplay i've seen of it, so yeah! full on sonic mode and loving it!!
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It's times for the season finale of SNW and my last live blogging until the next season of Lower Decks and then DIS season 5 both of which I'm excited about oh and SPOILERS
Season 2 Episode 10
First off it's called "Hegemony" which is definitely going to be in reference to the Gorn Hegemony and if you've seen my reactions to season 1 treatment of the Gorn I'm not excited about this episode
Based on small town Midwest?!??! Seriously that sounds like literally hell (I'm from the Midwest)
Lmaoooo I saw a tiktok talking about a huge fake town in Canada near Toronto with fake Bar And Grill, Barber show and a diner and this is the same fake town
I've got a weird feeling based on the camera angle the town about to explode during talk between Pike and Captain Batel I'm calling it
Well it seems I might be right but I thought it'd happen while Pike was talking to the good captain like their'd be a explosion right behind her mid sentence but I'll take it
Listen to April you don't understand the Gorn this message of "what you don't understand" was the whole point of "Arena" they obviously won't go back on this and April will be right be the end of the episode right? Right?!
Unrelated but April might be my favorite character in this series from this thing with the Gorn and in S2 E2 about eugenics this April is based AF
Just listen to April
Ok they've drawn a line in the sand stay on your side then ez
The map looks crude probably because the Gorn in this series are "dumb" uggh
"I'd like to study how to kill them" feels like a line straight from edgy 2000s show and "I'd like to join in that study" wow feels like this show be set to Evenescence or something
Did they change Pike hair from scene to scene? All I can imagine is Pike stopping to mission to change his hair
Considering we know Chapel alive due to her appearance in later Trek it seems a bit silly to have scenes dedicated to "will it or won't it" as they say
Still sticking with the dumb animal like Gorn I see ugh
Having La'an be there to shut down even the idea that you can communicate with the Gorn every time it's brought up is extremely annoying considering we all know they can from "Arena"
Like Discovery changed how the Klingons looked and people lost their shit but they still acted like Klingons
Oh a new Scotty first impressions I'm neutral 😐
The Dinner mentioned in the tiktok I knew it had to appear sometime
They communicate through light? Seriously? We heard them talk with words
Like a "swarm" Voyager already had a swarm episode
Hold up their about to fling saucer section at the big green Gorn thing but if Chapel lived probably a few others too considering how big the ship is
Well they said humans haven't yet seen a adult Gorn before is out the window I'm pretty sure the showrunner say we wouldn't see a adult Gorn
Oh and I don't like the Gorn design to cgi heavy
The Gorn kinda looks like those aliens from the halo games
I looked it up the Elites from Halo
Discovery made Klingons purple and people complained constantly but I imagine SNW won't share the fate
The Gorn was wearing all metal armor I think or maybe that just their skin now idk
Damn anybody else on that saucer dead
I kind of like that both groups were working on a solution even if only one was necessary
And it ends on a cliffhanger
Well I'm still not a fan of this show whole thing with the Gorn but it wasn't as bad as S2 E2 and the whole pro eugenics thing so there's that and the season as a whole was mixed S2 E9 and S2 E7 were very fun but episodes like S2 E8 and S2 E5 were really cheesy
Note: I was wrong before anyone corrects me the adult Gorn wasn't cgi but practical affects to be fair to me it looks a lot like really ugly cgi in my opinion
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blairpuffs · 2 years
Haha I made another au (I have too many why am I like this))
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It's 2am btw. I'm tired
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tkdrawsstuff · 3 years
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the kids from this pic >>   a few years older with a bit more solid designs (might change in the future, just depends) more under the cut
alright so lets get to me describing them starting with...  They are ALL chaos gremlins, different types of chaos gremlins, but still chaos gremlins. (like danny) -oldest to youngest- Damian- oldest 16 yr. genderfluid he/she pronouns (depends on the days vibes), he's responsible+sarcastic and loves jewelry+ pranking people (usually members of danny's royal court that she doesn't like) favorite relative is uncle flynn (dannys cousin, see this post>>)
   she is a clone made by vlad while he was trying to recreate how danny stabilized ellie(dani) so he could make the perfect clone son. (damian was only kept around cause of his red hair) later on danny found out about what vlad was doing and finally did his job as ghost king and threw vlad in jail. (where he belongs) Danny took 1 look at the only stable clone(damian) and went "oh, i have a kid now. ok. i need to ask Jazz if i can borrow her parenting books" Daphne- older twin 13 yr. extrovert+ troublemaker (like her dad), loves fasion (constaly trying to get Dane to do the matching clothes thing) and really good at sporty things, does track and field + plays soccer. Dane- younger twin (by 4mins, yes its important {to him}) introvert +also a troublemaker, loves book (he doesn't have a bedroom he has a library with a bed in it) and is super loyal to his friends (doesn't have a lot but the few he has r super close)    -for both twins- they're the embodiment of the siblings that r best friends 1 moment and bitter enemies the next. Dane will only go along with Daphne's matching clothes ideas when A- theres some official royal ghost event that the kids have to go to(he just doesn't want to bother with fancy clothes) or B- he's not currently in a prank war with her (so not often). their favorite relive is aunt ellie (dani) and they fight over who gets to hang out with her their other parent was a human(not someone from amity), and the relationship fell apart after they found out about ghosts. Dana- 12 yr. agender they/them, they're pretty laid back + quiet (enjoys walking up behind people and just standing there silently till the person turns around and gets the sh*t scared out of them). they go along with their siblings plans for chaos (is usually the only reason the plan succeeds) when they're not instigating or egging on their siblings fights they like to play video games (they do both at once alot) favorite relitive is aunt Jazz    -second verse same as the first. danny was dating a human that didn't know about ghosts and after finding out the relationship ended. so danny decided to just date ghosts from then on. (or humans that already know about ghost before hand) David- 10 yr. ftm he/him, very shy around strangers and super curious (like a little kitten, and he causes just as much chaos as 1) he's the kid that askes a million why questions. likes watching movies (fights with dana over who gets to use the tv) and has like a million stuffed animals    his other parent is a fae like ghost (not disney or tolken fae, i mean the terrifying folklore ones) that was like "danny i love u, but i cant take the pressure of being married to a king" and danny was like "i understand, can we still be friends", and they did stay friends. hes the kids honorary uncle.   Dawn- 6 1/2 yr. she is literally chaos incarnate, constantly bouncing off the walls and once she gets an idea in her head theres no getting rid of it. shes super stubborn. likes music +dancing. she's always following danny around and imitates him cause she wants to be a hero like her dad.      she's another clone of danny, but idk who made her/why she was made. probably said this before but, my danny is always trans and bi (unless otherwise stated)
(also thanks to @floralflowerpower​ for talking to me about these guys and making me actually think about their characters a bit and not just their designs)
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helpfulbug · 3 years
actually wait I MUST also ask, for the blorbo meme ... hoodwinked ... 😳😳😳
also disclaimer: this is based on the german dub so if i comment on a song or a va just know its about the german version
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
EASILY the goat i know lesser ppl would put this as glub shitto but he isnt .....not to ME he comes in at the exactly right time hes in it for like 10 minutes and voiced by the iconic jan delay what more can you want everyone in my family knows his little banjo song he does when the landslide hits by heart im not exergarating if anyone does the "oooooh" the song starts w it is MANDATORY that the whole room sings this song and lets NOT forget his actual song its sooo good hes got horns for everyting!!!!!! he was ready for everything yesss king king king king king etc etc
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
honestly idk i dont think anyone here was supposed to be cute.....closest thing i can think of is the fox think playing bass at the skiing contest i always thought it was very shaped and i like the va (they later ask granny for an autograph)
twitchy is ofc also very dear to me but hes not cute imo
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
granny ofc!!! i wouldnt say shes underappreciated in the hoodwinked nation but since hoodwinked as a whole is underappreciated i can put her here....i just wrote a whole paragraph about badass old ladies for genkai so you know!! its everything to me......her riding the muffin backing tin down the lift rope is still one of the most iconic moments in film ever also her design is so fun just sad that not too many ppl on here know about her i feel she couldve been a tumblr beloved character
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
ok so. you might remember the evil ski team the grandma had to fight but. do you remember keith? bc I DO. hes forced to change his name to boris in the middle of the movie bc boingo thinks keith is not scary enough as a name ok pls imagine the name keith in the thickest german accent bc thats what made it so unbelievably funny to my brother and me the rabbit is like "Keeefs you need to change your name" and the fact that his new name is boris only adds to it all since boris was probably the second funniest name to my brother and me right after rüdiger (started w ice age 3 and holds up to today thanks to several german memes w that name involved) basically my brother and me reference this name changing ritual to eachother to this day keith gone but not forgotten but also we would never deadname him boris is also very funny to us also he was yellow and hand the tiktok eboy haircut but in the early 2000s way
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
the lumberjack ofc!!! idk if he had a name and idc in the german dub hes the lumberjack ONLY so. ofc this character is supposed to be german and likely had a german accent in the original. so now the german dub faced the age old problem of how to make this funny in german too and they made the biggest brain decision ever and made im north german. so let me explain the "stereotypical" german character they used here looks very south german to germans (read bavarian) like lederhosen those funny little hat thats all from the south so their decision to have him dressed like that but only as part for his method to get into character for the nose drops add he wanted to be in does so much MORE than the original joke of him being german (im guessing ive never seen this movie in english) the english equivalent of this would be having a cowboy but he has a new york accent or smth
everything that happened to him in this movie qualifies him as a poor little meow meow im sorry but i make the rules
the schnitzel song was very funny to german kids even tho we regularly ate schnitzel its simply a funny word and the way his song just starts w him scream schniiiiittzeeeelll was ofc very funny to imitate at the dinner table
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
boingo i like his character design and all but the way his big plan is to built a monopoly and blow up the forest:/ do you guys remember when capitalists were still allowed to be villians in childrens movies good times good times so yea im sending him down the plinko but i do like him as a villian if only his motivations was to deprivatize the baking sector instead he might have gotten into superhell but well....
also bonus but his german va is in a bit of a pickle rn bc hes part of a big datamining scandal on germany so id say spot on casting!
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
the lizard casting director! he was pretty mean to the lumberjack so down you go my guy!! also gay for sure
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mcwoomy · 3 years
i gotta ask about your dsmp coroika au. youve talked about having one. i gotta know
so. heres the funny thing. it started from me listening to Casino Royale (swag song go listen to it) and my dumbass went 'hey this reminds me of emperor!' and thats where it all began
ight now time to bullet point my way through the characters
am i aware that i dont have all the members done? yes. yes i am.
- Hivemind as Dream: mainly did this bc 1. WHY DO ALL C!DREAM FANSONGS FIT HIVE SO WELL AAAAAA, 2. i have a design idea for him, and 3. idk why but similar vibes
- Fierce as GeorgeNotFound: (THIS ISNT FIERCEMIND OR DNF PROPAGANDA I SWEAR) 1. cottagecore/mushroomcore fierce make my brain go brrrrrrr 2. wanted to have the final fest squad as the dream team
- Justice as BBH: similar vibes and i may or may not have an eggpire design for them already
- Army as Awsamdude: 1. military vibes 2. listen i crave army angst ok
- Gloves as Tommyinnit: feral lads. that is the only explanation im giving.
- Goggles as Tubbo: ah yes the good ol 'looks soft, could probably kill you'
- Vintage as Wilbur Soot: i have a design for them down in my head ans also *REVIVED starts to play in the background*
- Stealth as Punz: no clue lmao my brain just gave me the idea and i went 'yea ight ok'
- Rider as Purpled: MANY reasons but mainly 1. animatic reasons 2. design reasons 3. tbh i feel like he would be like a mercenary in an smp
- Double Egg as Fundy: also no clue but they do got the dumbass trickster vibes yknow
- Bee as Skeppy: VERY MUCH NO CLUE might change it later but idk
- Mask as Jschlatt: looks chill, can and will kill you if you mess with him
- Eging Jr. as Eret: haha designs go brrrrrrr
- Headphones as Niki: mainly to go along with specs as jack
- Bobble as Karl Jacobs: yea idk why i have this lmao *stares at my Turn Back Time animatic idea*
- Skull as Technoblade: ight lets see; monotone voice, skeleton mask thing, t a l l, has one thing that they obsess over (sugar for skull, potatos for techno), yep seems like theyre pretty similar
- Nana as Antfrost: damn the 3rd 'no clue lmao brain gave me this'
- Avi as Philza: did this to go with skull as techno
- N Pacer as Captain Puffy: ysee now this is shipping propaganda (yknow cause like, c!niki and c!puffy are gfs and i may or may not be a headpacer shipper-) also mom friends/therapist friends
- Hachi as Ranboo: wanted to make the agents as benchtrio
- Prince as Foolish_Gamers: kinda have a fantasy au thing and i looked at my fantasy!prince design, saw foolish, and went 'yea i know damn well who prince gonna be'
- Laceless as HannahRose: 1. flower aesthetic 2. i have an eggpire design 3. animatic ideas 4. i crave angst
- Junior as Slimesicle: very wholesome, and doesnt know tf is going on
- Emperor as Quackity: ah yes the reason why this au exists
so uh yea tl;dr: got an animatic idea, proceeded to make an entire au and assigned characters based on designs, vibes, and animatic ideas
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