#i might be super late to the party on this one lol
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dontfindmeimscared · 2 years ago
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absolutely hating the similarities between Draxum's weird messenger thing and the future Krang dogs
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planetsstarsandmoons · 1 year ago
Synastry observations based on (personal) experience, part 5:
I’m back!!!! After months lmao
Moon opposite mars: a big ‘want’. Moon opposite mars is a story. It’s every romance movie/ romcom aspect, and i’ll tell you why. These people see in each other the potential of moon conjunct mars fullfillment that’s actually (way, but opinions differ ofc) better than the conjunction. That’s because in the opposition, each has something the other lacks. This can create for both people the ultimate romantic fullfilment when brought together by effort and acceptance of each other, and this promise is very hard to let go of. Typically, these are couples that fight a lot but find it very hard to let each other go once they know what they can have with each other, because it really is the best. Just think about it, even the thought of people putting conscious effort to be sweeter to one another is precious. That only creates a bond that’s very raw and very real (quoting jewelastrology here). Then combine that with the power of the mars and the moon and the friction of the opposition, keeping things interesting and keeping both parties learning more. You shouldn’t romanticise struggle in a relationship. Too much ‘work’ can just mean you aren’t compatible. THIS aspect is an exception. Just watch out for possible aggression. That’s never okay. One day I’ll make a seperate post about the amount of moon opposite mars couples in literature. The best I can think of now is Pride and Prejudice, with Mr Darcy being mars and Elizabeth Bennet being moon.
Venus twelfth house overlay: sorry y’all, in my personal experience, it’s true what they say. The twelfth house person has a hard time feeling this overlay on their side, or on a very subconscious level. I was the 12th house person. On one hand, I really ‘got it’ so to say but on the other hand, I don’t have a shitty clue of how he picked up on this ‘thing between us’ he thought or picked up on we had. That’s actually the big thing about this overlay. Don’t lose all hope, but you’ll have one person going “you knoww like there’s this thing between us...” and the 12th house person will be going: “what thing?” 😂 this can actually be nice because the 12th house person will get in touch with that subconscious twelfth housey part of themselves IF there are other nicely supporting aspects. Like the venus person’s venus to other stuff. They say a true connection is always mutual. I want to say to you all that don’t be surprised when a 12th house person in such an overlay is not ‘feeling’ this mutually. I literally wrote in my diary: “i might actually like him when it’s too late. Or just never lol i do not know.”
Update: I wrote this observation months ago in like april. It is now october and I’m starting to gain interest in him, albeit slowly and subconsciously, but, yeah 🤦‍♀️😂 i came back to this draft being like “WHATT?? Astrology had predicted this TOO for me???”
Moon trine pluto: you know when the fighting super intense troubled couple FINALLY gets together in this really intense and satisfying time when things are finally going the way they’re planned? Like an end all all good? That is this overlay, but constantly. On the outside, it’s the annoyingly passionate/emotional couple in a series that you don’t get because you haven’t seen them do any work to deserve this kind of intense fan-service scene. It’s because it lacked that kind of character development? It was me watching avengers infinity war with vision and wanda. I didn’t like the couple because i didn’t get it. I didn’t know their history i thought it was just some random very bland peaceful couple being very dramatic about each other all the time. Another example (i’m not shitting on this aspect i swear 😂) when a cartoon shows an example of a ‘romantic movie scene’ where the couple says “i loove you!!” And the other goes “oh bill!!” You don’t swoon because you’re like… okay. You get the oogies/ick because it’s like ‘ew that’s a couple’ anyways what I’m trying to say is that moon and pluto are not typical besties they’re supposed to be two problems kind of, they’re two very intense and bare planets, so harmonious flowing energy between them will feel kind of unsettling? Even. So these people will be kind of ‘gross’ with each other but in a soothing way. It’s how you imagine such a trine to be, but it plays out exactly like this irl too lmao! It feels bland on the outside because it’s always going well. And on the inside it plays in the background, because issues bring moon and pluto stuff to the foreground as a ‘theme’ in the relationship. So this aspect is also is the simple idea-of-a-passionate relationship. It’s the groaning “I’ll never let you go!!” Which doesn’t hit the same way for some people because there isn’t any drama or shit that happened before to deserve this pay off. However, some people loooove this aspect and by that I mean people in real life who like to have a secure and deep relationship where two hidden parts of people correspond and love each other well. This aspect is reaallly hard to let go of lol.
Sun conjunct mars: I call this the ‘spicy friends’ aspect. This is the aspect of two people who get into shenanigans together. I also see this aspect a lot with romantic couples who got together young, because it makes for boy-girl relations where the boy actually gets motivated by the person the girl is and the girl feels understood on the same level by the boy. They don’t get bored and so these people will forever get on or be aggravated by each other. It’s because these are two extremely conscious ‘in the moment’ planets so they easily fire off each other and it doesn’t take a lot of energy to have that interaction. No in between. It creates a certain ‘click’ that really motivates both for each other. Not in a deep/karmic way, but in a way that their behaviour connects easily and the energy gets going. It’s really easy to have good sex and interesting energy with this aspect so it’s a really potent aspect to get people together! Also fast, because conscious behaviour is accelerated by each other. I’m thinking dopamine..
Sun conjunct venus: unlike mars, venus is a cold planet, which is totally okay in a synastry, only the interaction plays out a little different. Sun and venus don’t fire off each other. Their influence on each other is more passive and more ‘internal’. The sun, how basic it may sound, warms venus or even makes them burn. Venus gives the sun person chills. The venus person is responsible for the harmony and awesome functionality that this aspect brings. They will take a step back to fully adore and admire sun from afar sometimes. The sun will run to venus basically when it feels it needs love and beauty and also a kind of sensibility that the sun person misses, like a puzzle piece, and the venus person is Thee person who brings that in their life. Vice versa is the sun person someone who personally signifies beauty and love in the eyes of venus, while it brings the heat that the venus craves. So they become passionate and adoring about who each other is. So venus typically loves every little thing the sun person does and the sun person is just taken by the venus person every single day. Think Oliver (venus) and Loretta (sun) from Only Murders In The Building. This aspect makes for real contentment in a relationship because of the strong loving connection that it brings.
Mars in twelfth house synastry or composite: with this placement, you’re not even sure if the person is actually even attracted to you and if you’re making it all up in your head. This is also typically seen as a ‘synastry/composite of secrets’ which I wasn’t so sure about at the time I experienced this one myself, but now I realise, hey, that man actually had a girlfriend while he was giving me ‘special attention’ while holding back, with me being like ‘what could he mean what could he MEAN’ typical mars in twelfth scenario. One guy I had this with in composite was basically lying to me about his sex life and not having cheated on his previous girlfriend… and guess what… I had lied about my sexual history too 😭 I even thought to myself ‘why the f*ck did I lie that elaborately??? I didn’t even have to??’ But whatever, it’s the way of the worlds apparently 😂 but you see how this immediately creates distrust when it is not actually what we mean to do or coming from a place of disrespect. Oh and this aspect in composite also created months of us being like ‘🧍🏻‍♀️….🧍🏻‍♂️’ not normal sexual tension, but sexual tension we weren’t sure should be concreticised out loud or in action. We’d only kissed once Monthsss before which is basically nothing in western european student culture. It was like: “does this person know I’m still, in this moment, attracted to/like him/her? Am I making this all up in my head?”
Moon in the 8th house: a lot has been said about this aspect. Just a few things: intensity, yes. Either one will always be a significant person for the rest the person’s lives. It’s not nothing. It’s the basis of real all consuming love that’s a very rare and unique mix between total safety and total rush-like danger, which makes people think it’s a soulmate aspect. It’s actually not, imo, it’s a deeply (deeeeply) karmic aspect. It’s funny to see all the friends with benefits who have this aspect start out as “lol we don’t want a relationship” to “……. Lol nevermind” and end up together. They go back to each other because they’re simply too significant to each other. Fear of being vulnurable is also big on both so they either take that step or they’re just standing there forever. Mutual aspect, but it’s mutual in different ways. Truthfully, I don’t see this aspect so often in relationship charts. I see it with people who are in love with each other and aren’t together, or people who started out casual but still for some reason can’t let each other go after more than a year, or people who have had the roughest most obsessive breakup in history and ask me for advice. Often, people in relationships who have this aspect don’t come to astrologers for advice. They’re too ‘into’ one another to do that, I feel like.
Venus trine moon: cute cute cUTE because the venus loves reassuring the moon person with affection, which makes the moon person feel so safe and endorphined and warm. The moon person simply inspires that in venus! Great for a chart with more difficult aspects !
Moon conjunct jupiter: so if a guy is jupiter and the moon is a woman and they’re married, the woman doesn’t need to worry about jupiter feeling turned off from the relationship by her pregnancy. Moon is the feminine, the nurturer, the mother, jupiter adores and respects her. Jupiter inspires respect, optimism, friendships and all things serotonin. Jupiter will make the moon feel good. The kind of union where the guy will constantly declare how much he lovees her pregnancy glow ✨ the same goes ofc for lesbian relationships but since this is a cultural phenomenon i thought i might touch on it.
Moon opposite jupiter: i feel like this might be the opposite story :/ the girls motherhood and need for support and needs in general will just be the opposite to what the jupiter person finds ‘fun’ and joyful, BUT if they’ve made it this far in the relationship as to have a child together it should be okay. At least the cause of the behaviour would moreso be astrology, not misogyny.
Moon square jupiter: wife jokes, but the ones that are cute and funny.
Moon in third:
Being someone with a moon in third house be like: wow imagine going through something hard and not type 10k words in your notes app about it.
Having your moon overlay in someone’s third house be like: wow imagine going through something and not telling that person 10k words about it
Also: jupiter has such an underrated influence on us in astrology!! Jupiter radiates the most energy out of all the planets in our solar system and may be way more personal and influential than we think in astrology… And in synastry also it’s the MOON
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anomaliex · 4 months ago
All of the bad kids have darkvision (even Kristen, not bc of race but twilight domain clerics get like crazy darkvision??) which is neat to me.
Idk, it definitely opens opportunities for strategically taking away major light sources in battle and makes stealthing at night easier and means travel through dark caves or forests during adventures isn't as dangerous as it might be for other parties (oh. Did it help with the Night Yorb?) etc etc, but it can also just be silly I guess. It's getting late at a sleepover but they never turn on the lights and they draw on Gorgug's face after he fell asleep but most of them see in grey tones in the dark but they kinda. Forgot. And now the colours are all wrong :(
I've also seen someone say yeah Gukgak apartment almost always dark and just. Yeah. Lights out unless it's really late and they have a non dark vision guest (rare). I think there are times where Fabian gets up at the ass crack of dawn because he has to fix his hair and he just does it in the dark so no one can tell he takes that long. I think the Mordred Manor gang in a super busy week if they're stressed with school/work will set the table and sit down to eat and almost not notice it's so dark for no reason until someone goes hey my food looks kinda dull that's weird. (Assuming Jawbone has dark vision. Which he should lol. Shifters do and that's what he should count as I think??) Also all of these scenarios I'm assuming it's like winter and it's dark out for longer so dim natural lighting at best.
Oh also something something Bad Kids ultimate hide and seek dude. In weird dark caves or mines during their (not world saving but just part of school) adventures because they goof off sometimes. Riz is always hidden the longest for very very obvious reasons and he also finds everyone the fastest for equally obvious reasons (if he uses investigation rather than perception, which I think is fair even if you'd typically do perception vs stealth because it is hide and seek, then after junior year all of his friends mechanically fully just. would not be able to hide from him* without a critical success ((and raw you can't crit on skill checks lmao but in the world of Spyre you can)) and this is really funny to me) but hey technically this is awesome exercise for a rogue to keep his mind sharp during downtime this is in middle school intro to adventuring books for sure. Maybe they rule it so that Riz wins if he finds them on a very small time limit so it's actually a challenge.
Idk idk I think it's fun if people consider stuff like darkvision in fics I want darkvision that'd be so convenient
*for clarification if you're reading this without having their stats memorised like some loser it's like. Riz's investigation is +14. He has reliable talent. The worst he can fucking get is a 24. Not to mention passive investigation is a thing that they've used (when Riz being in a room auto revealed the curse artefacts that one time) so it's kinda established that he wouldn't even have to "roll". Which in universe would mean he wouldn't even have to make an active effort I guess?
None of the bad kids (other than Riz ofc) are proficient in stealth and therefore none of them could beat a 24 with stealth without critting lmao. Fabian, with his maxed out dexterity, can match it on a 19. So if Fabian rolled as high as possible without critting and Riz rolled as bad as he can does Fabian have a slither of a chance? The ruling on what happens when you tie on contested checks is kind of weird because "oh the situation doesn't change" which is obvious with like, contested athletics but in cases like these it's less intuitive. What does not changing mean when it's hiding vs searching?? Does it mean the hiding person stays hidden? Or would this be less of a contested check since they don't happen at the exact same time and more of a hider sets the dc for seeker. In which case Riz would auto succeed because you just have to meet dcs to beat them. I am thinking too much about the mechanics of some (probably drunk) teenagers playing hide and seek. As I'm typing this I'm remembering that he wouldn't have to roll to meet a 24 because yeah passive investigation of a maniac (affectionately). Yeah okay he would just notice even Fabian in all cases but the case of a critical success.
Here I note that I don't put it past Fig to acquire Pass Without Trace (magical secrets) just to gain a chance at beating Riz in hide and seek. She'd fucking do it. She goes to visit her wood elf relatives to get pointers and all. Wow this derailed this was about darkvision at first.
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lancerslover · 3 months ago
Sibling Rivalry - Part 1
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pairing: senator!john f. kennedy and bobby kennedy/reader
summary: senator jack kennedy and bobby kennedy both have an eye for you, and you can’t help but enjoy watching as they try to win your affection. but when the brothers’ competitive natures inevitably take over, you realize you might not have as much power in the situation as you thought.
warnings: 18+, nothing super graphic yet but descriptions of dub-con and infidelity
word count: 2.4k
a/n: this fic is based on this ao3 fic i read a while ago! i definitely recommend checking it out
sorry this took so long guys 😖 i decided to just go ahead and post it even though i’m not sure how i feel about it lol so plz let me know what you think. this may or may not be the worst thing i’ve ever written.
this section of the fic is basically just a set-up for the eventual smut, which will be in part 2 if you guys want it
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The hour or so you spend in Bobby’s office every evening is the only time all day you can relax. You know Bobby feels the same way. That’s part of the reason why he stays so late after the rest of his big brother’s campaign team is long gone. And since you’re his personal secretary, you feel obligated to stay with him. He’s told you before that you can go home with everyone else, that you don’t have to stay with him, but you always insist. You and he both know he could use all the help he can get as he blearily writes and re-writes strategy sheets or tallies up the daily budget in the growing darkness. And you both benefit greatly from what usually happens between you two after the day’s work is done. Your fingers massaging the stiff back of his neck, his lips warm on your skin. These methodical, intimate evenings are a welcome interlude between a long day of the raucous, back-slapping, wolf-whistling fraternity party that is Senator Jack Kennedy and the rest of his campaign team and a night full of giggly questions from your roommates about the newest juicy details of your job. Tell us one more time what it was like meeting Frank Sinatra. Is it true the senator is sleeping with his daughter’s babysitter? Is Jackie nice?
On this particular evening as you walk into Bobby’s office, having just completed the work you personally wanted to finish in order to get a headstart on the next day, you find yourself chuckling a little at the sight you’re greeted by. It’s only seven, and Bobby has already abandoned his desk for the sofa. Usually, he doesn’t take a break until closer to eight. As your eyes adjust to the dim lighting, you notice he’s leaning almost completely sideways on the armrest, his eyes closed, head slowly drooping off of the closed fist it’s propped up on. His gray-striped tie is a limp tangle on the floor. His dress shirt has been untucked from his slacks in what seems to have been a pretty violent manner—you notice that its bottom two buttons came undone in the process. His red, fuzzy lower belly is squishing out over his belt.
Just to make sure he’s not asleep, you whisper, “Bobby?”
In response, Bobby opens one eye, looks at you for a moment, then shuts it again in a playful, darting way, like he’s playing peek-a-boo with one of his hundreds of kids. Then he pats his hand on the cushion beside him, and you’re immediately starting towards him.
His office is snug, tucked in a literal corner of Senator Kennedy’s headquarters. Your only source of light as you pick your way through the towering stacks of paper all over the floor is the golden streetlamps of Boston outside the window, which look smeared now from the raindrops that streak down the glass. The only noises you hear are the scuff of your heels on the carpet and Bobby’s breath whistling faintly in and out of his nose.
Once you’ve sat down beside him and are wiggling out of your heels, he finally opens both eyes. You watch patiently as he slowly sits up and swings his heavy head to look at you. Poor thing. He gives you a soft smile, his big front teeth just barely peeking out under his lip. His fluffy hair is slightly mussed—and extra-fluffed—on the side he was just leaning on. You smile back.
“Tough day,” you say.
He blows his cheeks up with air and nods. “Yeah.” His voice is just a murmur, even though there’s really no need to be quiet since you two are the only ones left on the entire floor.
He’s been working extra late and extra hard now that the senator’s presidential election is only about a month away. This is quite an achievement, seeing as, even in the earliest days of the campaign, Bobby spent almost all day locked up in his office, tirelessly barking orders into one of the three constantly-ringing telephones on his desk or scribbling incessantly in the margins of a drafted campaign ad. Only every few hours would his door would bang open and he’d come stalking straight into the middle of where the rest of Senator Kennedy’s inner circle lounged, feet up, in a lazy haze of cigar smoke. Then Bobby would launch into a passionate explanation of whatever incompetent mistake on their part had prompted him to leave his office this time. You remember one specific afternoon when Bobby marched out, planted his hands on his hips, and said, “Alright, now, I just finished with that biography draft, and I want to know who approved it because it doesn’t do Jack justice at all. I mean, God, why mention the Addison’s?” One of the men replied, ��Well, see here, that was my suggestion, Bobby. We need to get out in front of these things.” Naturally, an argument ensued. Bobby can be combative on a good day, but with the weight of the campaign largely on his shoulders, there was no way he’d be able to stop himself from spitting back a fiery retort at the other man’s condescending tone—and not to mention, he hates when men who aren’t his brothers call him “Bobby.”
As the yelling got louder and louder and all eight of Senator Kennedy’s henchmen eventually tossed their cigars aside and surged up on their feet to try their luck against Bobby’s razor-sharp Kennedy wit, Senator Kennedy himself simply observed from his desk like a Roman emperor watching his gladiators, leaning back in his chair, opening and closing his lips around his cigar. You knew better, though, than to ever let the senator’s laid-back mannerisms fool you. You clocked how his eyes were shrouded in a dark, calculating shadow, how they lingered on each of the nine men in turn. He was testing them, watching to see what they’d do, what positions they’d argue for. You could tell he was deeply focused. He never flinched or even so much as blinked as the men continued to yell and shake their fists and get closer and closer to each other’s faces. You doubted this sort of thing could be good for team morale, but you’ve accepted by now that it was Senator Kennedy’s strange, mysterious way of coming to a decision on something.
At one point during the dispute, the senator looked over at you and raised his eyebrows as if to say, Get a load of this, huh? You smirked coolly back at him, but a small shiver seared down your spine as you did. Nobody makes you nervous quite like he does. It’s sort of titillating, this power he has over you, but it’s also why, despite the senator’s movie-star smile and smooth one-liners, you’ve always felt more comfortable with Bobby.
After several minutes of watching the men yell, once he’d evidently seen enough to make whatever judgment he’d been ruminating on, Senator Kennedy stood up from his desk. The room snapped into a ringing silence.
The senator ran a hand through the little curls that framed his forehead, then nonchalantly said, “Bobby’s right.”
Another stunned beat of silence. Instinctively, you looked to Bobby, who simply sniffed and scratched his nose, seemingly as unfazed by the whole debacle as his big brother was.
One of the other men, Bobby’s brother-in-law Steve, bravely piped up, “But, Jack—”
Senator Kennedy cut him off. “It’s the presidency, gentlemen,” he told them wryly. “Don’t overthink it.” And with that, he huffed back into his chair. Then, almost as an afterthought, he pointed a long finger towards Bobby, and with a barely perceptible teasing bounce in his voice, said, “Alright, back to your corner.”
Bobby chuckled and spun on his heel towards his office. “Don’t have to tell me twice.”
Bobby drops this tough, Irish-bulldog exterior around you. You’ve gotten pretty comfortable with each other in the past few weeks, ever since Bobby told Senator Kennedy that he needed his own personal secretary and that he’d chosen you for the job. This announcement, which you overheard from across the room at the little clump of secretary desks, was a bit of a surprise to you, despite the fact that it was well-known that you were the best typist in the office. It definitely wasn’t an unwelcome surprise, though. You’ve always been fond of Bobby. You think it’s sweet how he talks to you and the other girls in such an innocent, genuine way, like he’s actually interested in your secretarial skills and what you have to say instead of just your body and your face, unlike certain other members of the campaign.
It was immediately obvious, though, that your sudden closeness to Bobby agitated Senator Kennedy. Since you’re the only secretary who hasn’t slept with him yet, the senator has a particular fixation on you, and Bobby knows this well. You had to bite back a giddy smile that afternoon when you saw how the senator’s eyebrows dropped low over his face as Bobby informed him of your new job title. “Personal secretary, huh?” the senator sneered, teeth flashing. Bobby simply grinned.
Bobby and the senator were intensely, at times comically, competitive. You’ve heard them go back and forth over such trivial things as who played better in a weekend family football game or who could read the morning newspaper faster. Once Bobby made you his personal secretary, though, more and more often they’ve been going back and forth over you.
From day one of the campaign, practically, Senator Kennedy has been pursuing you relentlessly, looming over you, tugging at a loose strands of your hair as he teases you for coming in late, unashamedly eyeing the way your ass moves in your pencil skirt, saying things like, “Nothing makes my day like seeing that pretty smile of yours, sweetie.” And the longer you pretend not to notice his advances, the more relentless he is, and, admittedly, the more you find yourself wanting to drive him crazy. It’s fun for you, and honestly quite flattering, that you can get him all riled up by simply brushing against his shoulder as you drop a paper on his desk and whispering breathily in his ear, “Here you are, Senator. Anything else I can do for you?” You can’t get enough of the incredulous look that takes over his handsome, always-nonchalant face—his nostrils flaring, his eyebrows raising, his eyes firing up like a cat who caught sight of a mouse—afterward as you skitter away. On a serious note, though, you figure you’re actually doing him a service by holding out like this. The way he acts with women is absurdly arrogant. He’s like a spoiled child, always getting everything he wants. Secretaries. Call girls. Actresses. All delivered to him, pretty much, at the flick of his hand. You figure it’d be good for him to not get something he wants for once, all flirtations and teasing aside.
You came dangerously close to having your vow of celibacy broken at a celebratory dinner party a few months back. The senator followed you to the back hall as you were about to leave, pushed you up against the wall, and before you even knew what was happening, he stuck his hand up your dress. He’d had a little too much to drink that evening, and he was like a wild animal in that dark, empty hallway. Tearing at your stockings, practically snarling in your ear, cursing you for “driving him crazy” at the office.
“Senator,” you gasped, “please—”
“Please what?” he scoffed. “You think you can act like a little harlot all the time and nothing’s going to happen to you?”
After a moment, your inner desires took over and you gave up resisting. You spread your thighs and let him finger you. It’s not your proudest moment. You hated to let him have that little victory over you, but with the entirety of his body weight against you and his big hands holding you still, there was really no way you could’ve stopped him, even if you’d wanted to.
This game you have with Senator Kennedy has been taken to a whole new level now that you’ve actively chosen to spend almost all your time with Bobby. You can tell by the way the senator shakes his head as he watches you and Bobby walk around together, like you’re two little children misbehaving under his watch, that this is really grating on his competitive side. Bobby doesn’t help matters with the way he smirks and wiggles his eyebrows at the senator when he thinks you’re not looking. Sometimes, the senator will tease Bobby by saying things like, “Don’t you think it’s, uh, a little unfair that you’re not letting anyone else work with our best typist?” or “I’m starting to doubt whether you two are actually getting any work done. Don’t make me take Y/N away from you, Bobby. She’s just on loan, you know.” Bobby does his best to appear to be the mature one in front of you, opting to half-playfully shove the senator with his shoulder as he walks by instead of snapping back some kind of retort.
You still aren’t entirely sure what Bobby’s real motives were for picking you as his secretary, whether it had purely been about spiting the senator, or he’d genuinely admired your skills, or he’d planned to turn your evenings together into sexual rendezvous all along and he was much more like his brother than you thought.
But since, in the process of this whole thing, you’ve developed a genuine relationship with Bobby—and it’s pretty clear, you think, that he has bested his big brother in this little game—you suppose his pushing back against the senator has more to do with the pure competitive spirit of it all at this point than any possessiveness he might feel over you. But still, you get out such a kick out of the fact that they never fail to play right into your hand when you pit them against each other, flirting with one brother in front of the other, making flippant comments to the senator about how wonderful your evenings alone with Bobby are.
Sometimes, though, your confidence in your femme-fatale abilities wavers slightly. Almost daily, Bobby and the senator will convene at the senator’s desk for an intense, private conversation about what you originally assumed was various campaign matters, but every once in a while, you’ll glance up during one of these conversations to find them both looking at you from across the room. The senator will mutter something, and Bobby will nod, and the low sound of their confident, patronizing male laughter will rumble across the office. You instantly drop your eyes back to whatever memo you’re working on, heart suddenly racing. What on earth could they be saying? And why do you have the creeping feeling that this game isn’t going to be so easy for you much longer?
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thank you for reading!!
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dfortrafalgar · 11 months ago
Hi, saw that your request were open so I was thinking on asking you for Law X fem reader where law has a crush on reader and starts hanging out and sees that one of reader’s guy friends is being way too touchy and starts touching her butt, he is also being mean to her and at one point even hits her in the head.
How would he react, I was thinking of a fluff ending.
thank you so much for your request anon!!! i really loved this one, it was super fun to write! it was definitely a bit of a struggle though, as much as i enjoy writing heavier topics, physical abuse is tricky for me to deal with, but i hope the fluff at the end delivered some resolutions <3
also, i actually really really like Bellamy as a character. i think he's super cool, but i couldnt think of anyone else who could really fit in the role he's playing in this fic LOL
Law x Fem Reader
Law’s feelings for you are forced to clash with a loathsome person in your life.
Warnings: descriptions of brief physical abuse, implications of past abuse, very mild suggestive language, modern setting, hurt/comfort, fluffy ending
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By the time Law realized his crush on you had surpassed its normal, healthy limit, it was far too late for him.  It certainly didn’t help to see you sitting next to Bellamy, tossing joking remarks back and forth.  All of you were in the same friend group, so it was truly impossible to avoid your interactions with the much larger, stronger, arguably more handsome man.  And the thought began to make Law’s blood boil.
Because Bellamy was everything Law wasn’t.
You and Law had been friends since childhood, growing up in the same neighborhood and running with the same crowd.  You were familiar with his best friends and his dad, just as Law was familiar with your closest peers.  Law liked to think that, as the years went on, the two of you grew closer and closer.  You were always far nicer to Law during his awkward teenage years, and there were a few times where the raven-haired boy grew hopeful that you might one day return his budding feelings for you, but that day never came.  And then you started college… and then you met Bellamy.
On the contrary to the black-haired medical student, the blonde was known around the entire campus as ‘The Hyena,’ and for good reason.  He was ruthless in every sport he played, a malicious, sadistic grin constantly pulling at his thin lips striking fear into the hearts of his opponents.  He was strong, freakishly so, with muscles that could rival that of an Olympic weightlifter.  His blonde hair was a hit with the ladies, and partnered with his darker skin tone and his assortment of badass tattoos, it seemed like a no brainer that women would be falling all over him.
Law just internally hated that one of those women seemed to be you.
Despite you having confirmed on multiple occasions that you and Bellamy were simply friends that you met in one of your classes, and that you truly had no interest in men like him, Law couldn’t shake the sinking feeling in his chest.
Bellamy certainly seemed to like you.  A lot.
Law watched from across the room, a plastic cup still completely full of an unidentified cocktail in his tattooed hand and the large group of friends you shared laughing and chattering around you in the living room of the house party, as one of Bellamy’s large, strong hands began to circle around your waist, gripping the soft flesh of your ass through your pants.  The sensation made you jump, trying to scurry away from him with a nervous smile on your soft lips as you awkwardly laughed at the feeling, but Bellamy tried to pull you in closer.  The couch cushions sunk under his weight, creating a deep divot that made it hard to stand up.
You lightly shoved Bellamy’s chest, mumbling something about standing to get another drink, before you were finally able to haul yourself up from the warm sofa and make your way toward the kitchen in the back of the house.  Law stood from his metal folding chair, abandoning his cup on a random end table.  He followed you diligently into the kitchen.
“Hey,” he muttered.
“Oh, hey, Law!” you returned his greeting, mild surprise filling your eyes.  “I didn’t hear you behind me!”
The man shrugged, leaning against the counter.  You awkwardly fiddled with a glass bottle of beer, using the edge of the counter to pop open the metal cap.  Law eyed you suspiciously.
“You don’t drink beer,” he stated, watching as you simply held the chilled bottle in your hands without making a move to drink it.
You smiled in response, but the gesture didn’t reach your eyes like it normally did.  “I know… I just needed to get some air away from the living room for a little bit.”
Law couldn’t hold back the question fighting on his tongue.  “Is Bellamy bothering you?”
Pointed stares were shared between the two of you before you finally, lightly, shook your head.  “No.”
“Are you sure?”  Something told him you were lying to his face.
“Yes, I’m sure,” you groaned.  “Law… I know you don’t like him… but he’s really not that bad.”
“You didn’t seem to like it when he touched your ass,” the med student grumbled.
“Law, I don’t want to fight,” you retorted, firmly.  “I don’t like it when Bellamy touches me, anywhere.  I know he’s into me but I’m not into him, but I don’t want to cause a scene at a party I was graciously invited to.”
You had a point.  Liquor was running as free as tap water within the stale, stuffy walls of the house, and saying or doing something that could potentially cause a fight wouldn’t be ideal.  Especially since the police had already been called multiple times to a house just a few steps down the sidewalk from this one.
Law wished he could open his mouth and just tell you, tell you everything that had been on his mind, how he realized just recently (and yet somehow far too late for his liking) that he’s madly in love with you, how he doesn’t want to see you be treated poorly by someone who you call a friend, how he wished so desperately that you would see him in the same way, how he longed for your touch.  But instead, he stayed silent, watching as you anxiously eyed the brown glass of the untouched beer bottle you still gripped in your hand, as if the bottle was the only thing keeping you glued to reality.
“I’m fine, Law,” you blurted.  He hadn’t said anything more.  With your eyes cast down to the floor, you left your beer bottle sitting open on the countertop before retreating back into the thick of the party.
The raven-haired student waited a few moments before returning as well, his metal folding chair unfortunately having been taken by two sweaty economics students locked in a very passionate, very inappropriate, makeout session.  He pushed his way through the mingling crowd back toward the couch where he spotted you perched on the arm of the sofa this time, Bellamy practically flush against your body on the end cushion, his palm on your ass, fingers squeezing intermittently.  The blonde was locked in an intense conversation with the man in front of him, and the look on your face screamed uncomfortable.  Law felt his stomach flip over.  Your eyes caught him again, and you frowned.  A frown so deep that it left shadows under the creases of your lips.  You looked… aged.  Stressed.  Afraid.
But Law kept his distance.
You didn’t want a scene to break out.  You could handle yourself on your own.
Bellamy’s hand trailed from your ass down your thigh, your skin still protected by the rough denim of your jeans, but that didn’t stop his fingers from crawling around the front of your body and dipping between your thighs.  The feeling of his intense hand trying to pull you apart in front of another man, without your consent, made you visibly tense up and pull away from him.  Your motions finally made the blonde’s attention snap to you, his dark eyes narrowing and somehow becoming even more villainous.
“Don’t run off,” he snapped.  “You’re sitting right here with me, all pretty like that.”
You steeled yourself.  “Then I don’t want you touching me like that.  We’re not an item, Bellamy.”
“I don’t care,” he huffed back.  “I’ll touch you however I want.”
The music of the party, the chattering voices slurred with alcohol, faded completely around Law as he watched the argument unfold before his eyes.  The only sounds entering his ear drums were the disgusting words leaving Bellamy’s mouth, the demands, the insults.  The dim lights of the living room did very little to hide the way your face contorted in discomfort, trying to pull away from the blonde athlete even more.
“Bellamy, I said no,” you snapped.  
No one seemed to be paying any attention to what was happening, all eyes everywhere but where they should have been.  When you were being closed in on by a man much larger than you, no one was looking.  You were alone.
And Law was somehow so far away.
“I don’t remember ever needing to listen to you,” the hyena chortled, his voice gravelly and nasally.  “You should be lucky that you have a guy like me who’s into you.  You’ll never be able to do better than me.”
You opened your mouth once more to shout a retort, but you were cut short.  Bellamy’s clenched fist connected with your lower jaw, swiftly knocking you to the ground in a stunned shock.  You fell like a lead brick, hitting the ground with a force that Law somehow felt through the soles of his shoes, rattling his bones and making his head spin.  Your hands blindly scraped against the floor searching for your bearings, completely disoriented from the blow that had just met your bone.  You brought one of your hands to your mouth, cupping your palm over your lips as your eyes closed, trying to block out every overwhelming color and sound filling your brain with a nuclear buzz.
And yet.  No one.  Noticed.
Law cleared the floor in an instant, just as Bellamy was yelling something about your worth being determined by your partnership with him.  The fist inked with DEATH clocked the blonde in the temple, the short, stubbly blonde hairs leaving phantom singing pain on Law’s fingers.  The hyena stumbled backward, catching himself on the arm of the sofa you were previously sitting on.
For a brief moment, the med student was gloatingly proud of himself.  His father was a retired marine after all.  Law knew a thing or two about a good punch.  His thoughts were quickly retired, however, as he crossed the crowded floor to your side, quickly helping you to your feet and pushing through the crowd with you hunched over in his arms, tripping over your heels as he rapidly escorted you to the door.
Don’t cause a scene.
Bellamy didn’t follow, and Law counted his blessings.  “Hey, your apartment’s on this street, right?”
With a hand still cupped over your mouth, you nodded.  Your eyes were barely keeping themselves open, what was visible of your face contorted in a muted agony.
If Law was any less collected, he would’ve stomped that hyena’s face in with the heel of his boot.
The two of you were barely getting anywhere with your afflicted state.  Law scooped you into his embrace, your legs wrapping around his hips and free hand clenching the soft fabric of his shirt as he carried you back to your apartment with one of his arms carefully supporting your rump.  Thank goodness you lived so close, in a converted townhouse on the corner of the same street.  Law still lived in on-campus housing across town, which was less than ideal for his tastes.  He helped you fish your key from the pocket of your pants, keeping you in his grasp while he pushed the door open and entered the narrow entryway of your home.  Your roommate was gone for the week visiting family on the other side of the country, so your place was completely dark and quiet.
Law flipped the light switch on just in time to watch you scurry to the first floor bathroom as soon as your feet touched the hard wooden floor, leaving the door open as the light in the smaller space flicked on as well.  He quickly followed, standing in the doorway as you finally pulled your hand away from your mouth.
A few droplets of blood were dotting your palm, but when you opened your mouth, a worryingly large glob of bright crimson exited past your lips and splattered in the white porcelain of the sink.  Law’s stomach lurched as he watched you try in vain to spit out the metallic liquid, your entire face scrunching up as the nauseating sensation and taste.  Your shoulders shuddered with the feeling of your gag reflex bobbing in the back of your throat, forcing your stomach to hold its contents as you released drops of bright red into the white porcelain of the wash basin.
The med student’s first thought was that one or more of your teeth had been knocked loose or even came out permanently, but nothing solid landed in the sink.  As you began to calm down from your spitting into the basin, your eyes began to well with overwhelmed tears.  You gazed at Law in the mirror, his golden eyes locked on yours as a small dribble of blood and spit slid down the skin of your chin.
Wordlessly, your friend stepped into the bathroom with you, grabbing a wad of toilet paper and wetting it with warm water from the tap, wiping away the bloody drool that left your lips.
“I know it hurts, but I need you to open for me,” he muttered, gently holding your cheek in his hand as the other one balled up the toilet paper and discarded it into the open toilet bowl.
When you opened, Law reached into the back pocket of his speckled jeans and procured his phone, clicking on the flashlight without looking at his screen.  He shined the light into your mouth and, to his relief, didn’t see any chipped, broken, or missing teeth.  He did, however, see a substantial gash on the side of your tongue.  You must have clamped down hard on the muscle with your teeth thanks to the force of the punch.  The thought made a silent rage build in Law’s gut.  He turned you around and closed the toilet lid, sitting you down and proceeding to rummage through your medicine cabinet.  
He handed you two pieces of gauze wrap from below your sink.  “I need you to hold these against the cut on your tongue, okay?  Don’t remove them until I say so.”
You diligently followed his orders, taking the dry cloth from him and inserting it painfully into your mouth to rest on the stinging wound that cut your muscle.  You watched as he continued to rummage through your supplies, pushing aside boxes of tampons and toilet cleaning chemicals and finally finding what he was hoping he would see- a brown plastic bottle.  He stood from his crouching position, the bottle in his firm grasp.  He spun the item around to gaze at its expiration date and hummed approvingly under his breath.  He quickly exited the bathroom, leaving you alone for a few fleeting moments.
While he was gone, you were able to take a better look at your face.  While one of your cheeks was puffed up slightly with the clump of gauze against your tongue, you could still make out the swelling of your skin on the same side.  A large, black and blue bruise was quickly blooming along your jaw and up your cheek, your fractured capillaries leaking into your epidermis.
Law finally returned, a very small cup in his right hand and a bottle of diluted bleach in his left from the kitchen.  You watched as he poured a small amount of clear liquid from the brown bottle into the small cup before running the sink tap and filling it the rest of the way with plain water.  He handed the cup to you with no instructions before lightly spritzing the porcelain basin with the diluted chemical, running the tap once more and washing your blood away, making sure to scrub the entire bowl.  He finally turned around to face you.
“I need you to swish that in your mouth for a few seconds, and then spit it out in the sink,” he directed.  “It might taste kind of bitter.”
You carefully pulled the gauze out of your mouth, wincing as some of the light fibers pulled against your wounded muscle, but followed his directions and tossed the contents of the small cup back into your mouth, swishing with your cheeks puffed, trying to focus the liquid onto your wound.  Just as Law warned, the taste was bitter, vaguely salty, but definitely not pleasant.  Law finally stepped aside from the sink after a long 30 seconds and let you spit.  Both the gauze and the clear solution you rinsed your mouth with were lacking blood, meaning your wound was already on the clotting and healing path.
After sputtering for a few moments, the faint smell of diluted bleach filling your nose from the sink, you placed the cup down on the counter and gazed at Law, who watched you with a keen eye.  “What was that?”
“Hydrogen peroxide and water,” he uttered.  “To disinfect your tongue.  Luckily, peoples’ mouths tend to heal much faster than other body parts, so after a day or two of discomfort, you should be back to normal.”
Cleaned and disinfected, you finally started to let your mind sink on the gravity of the situation, your heart rate increasing and your eyes once again growing heavy and blurry with impending tears.  You watched as Law, avoiding your gaze with a deep frown on his lips, grabbed your rinse cup from the counter and turned to head back to your kitchen.  You quickly grabbed the fabric of his shirt sleeve to stop him in his tracks, the fuzziness of your vision causing the colors of his form in front of you to waver and warp, but that didn’t stop you from wrapping your arms around his lean torso in a hug, the warm wetness from your eyes soaking the cotton of his clothing.
“Please don’t leave,” you uttered into his chest, your body trembling.  With the adrenaline finally subsiding, the pain radiating from your jaw grew more and more noticeable.  Every movement seemed to irritate your bruised bone, and talking felt like trying to articulate with a lead weight attached to your mandible.  
With your face smushed into his clothing, you didn’t see when Law placed the cup back down on your counter, only hearing the soft tap of the plastic against the linoleum surface.  His arms carefully, as if to not shatter you where you stood, wrapped around your waist, one hand coming to rest comfortably in between your shoulder blades, his fingers sprawling out over your spine before retracting and collecting some of the fabric from your own shirt into his inked fingers.  It felt like his hand was made specifically to bring you comfort.
It took some time for you to calm yourself down enough to relocate from the bathroom doorway to the small living space you typically shared with your roommate when she was home.  You listened with your head resting on a soft pillow and an ice pack nursing your jaw as Law busied himself between your bathroom and kitchen, washing the cup, cleaning off the bathroom counter and sink for a second time, and disposing of the small garbage bag where your bloody gauze had ended up.  Your living room was dark, with the only light coming from the kitchen, just enough to catch glimpses of Law’s shadow moving about the space.  Your face ached from the force of crying against your bruised jaw bone, your eyelids uncomfortably sliding over your corneas, dry and fragile after expelling what was easily the rest of the water in your body.
After what felt like an eternity, Law finally emerged from the kitchen, carefully approaching your laid out form on the couch.  He kneeled in front of you and adjusted the ice pack against your cheek slightly, the tenderness of his fingers ghosting over your own.  Your heart galloped in your chest.
“I’m sorry I dragged you into that mess,” you groaned, forcing your dry eyes closed to avoid Law’s pensive stare.
“You didn’t drag me into anything.  I acted on my own,” he replied stoically, his hand remaining within close proximity to your own.  His tattooed fingers flexed a few times, eager to take your hand in his, but he eventually relented and let his limb fall back to his side.
You shifted uncomfortably on the couch, curling your legs up toward your chest.  “But you could’ve gotten hurt.”
Law bit the inside of his cheek at your words, his own chest clenching in disdain, not for you, but for the hyena that had left you feeling such a way.  “I don’t care if I get hurt if it means you stay safe.”
When your eyes opened, they were small.  Weak.  Like you had been fighting some unknown battle in your skull for as long as you could remember.  You truly looked tired and ragged, and Law wanted nothing more than to hold you in his arms until all your life’s woes flushed away like the aftermath of a rainstorm.
“Law…” you began, your mouth opening and closing a few times, at a loss for what to continue with.  “I never really liked Bellamy.”
The man stayed quiet, his lips pulled in a taut line.
“But sometimes, when you get really uncomfortable, all you can do is laugh and smile.  Because you hope that acting friendly and cordial and cute will keep you safe from danger.”  Your voice was so fragile, your words mumbled as you continued to cradle your jaw with the thawing ice pack against your skin.  “I never wanted to hang out with Bellamy, but he scared me so much and I just… didn’t know how to say no.  I didn’t want to get hurt.”
Law’s own jaw clenched, suppressing a bubbling rage as he relived the blonde’s actions from a few hours prior.  A deep-rooted maniacal side of the medical student wished he could gut the D-1 athlete in his sleep, but what good would that do?  It certainly wouldn’t help you in the way you needed it.  And the fact that your attempts to protect yourself had only led you to getting attacked in the first place made his blood boil in his veins.  But he needed to stay calm for you.  Anger solves no issues.  He learned that from Cora, his best friends, and now you.
A bout of anger got you out of the situation you were stuck in, and now you needed comfort.
“What…” he began, stumbling.  “What do you want from me?  To help you?”
After a few brief moments of silence, the only sound cutting through the darkness being the faint wrrr of your air conditioning unit, you finally spoke up.  “Can you spend the night with me?”
Law blinked once, then twice.  “Here?”
“Yeah.  In my room.”
He gazed at you through the darkness, his golden eyes widened.  “Are you sure you’re okay with that?”
You emitted a small gust of air through your nose.  “I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t.”
Fair enough.  “Do you have anywhere you want me to sleep?” he asked, helping you sit up against the couch cushions and carefully easing the ice back off of your jaw.  The swelling had gone down substantially, but it would still take a week or two for the bruise to fully heal.
One of your hands remained planted against his shoulder, gripping the cotton of his shirt.  “In my bed.  I feel safe with you, Law.  It’s really okay.”
After receiving your words of affirmation, Law stood from his crouched position and guided you to stand through the darkness, his hand in yours and the other clutched around the ice pack.  He discarded the item on your kitchen counter to be dealt with in the morning, keen on getting you comfortable under your secure blankets.  You gladly followed him, stepping carefully through the dark home into your bedroom where you blindly navigated to your bedside lamp, pulling down on the cord to activate the light.  The warm orange glow flooded the room, making the two of you squint your eyes.
Law could finally see just how bad your bruise really was.  A large, black and blue swollen welt tinged with red the exact size of a harshly clenched fist was carved across your skin.  The sight of the impact was much more swollen compared to the other side.  You had taken a hit most street thugs hadn’t ever dealt with.
“It’s really bad, isn’t it,” you asked, voice still paper-thin and anxious. 
“It’s… definitely a decent injury,” Law responded bluntly, inwardly cursing himself at his awkward language.
You didn’t hold it against him, however.  Instead, you stripped off your clothes, crawling into bed and leaving the other side open for Law.
“You’re really okay with this?” he asked, one more time.
You nodded.  “Yes.”
Law followed your initial lead, taking off his jeans, followed by his shirt and socks, leaving only his boxers covering him.  He carefully crawled into the space in your blankets you had left open for him, laying on his back like a plank with his hands awkwardly draped over his abdomen.  You pulled down on the cord to your lamp once more and flooded the room with darkness.
The med student felt the mattress dip as you moved closer to him, effortlessly draping yourself over his body, as if you were made to fit into the crevice of his neck.  His hands found their position around your back and waist yet again, surrounding you in the comfort you had been longing for all night.  You nestled your face into the soft skin of his neck, slow, deep breaths setting a hypnotic, drowsy pace for the both of you to fall into slumber.
No words had to be exchanged, not until the morning at least.  Your legs tangled together and your hearts beating in sync did all the talking for now.
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ronearoundblindly · 1 month ago
What is every Cevans characters favorite time of day for sexy time? 😏 who likes the morning sleeping sex? The nighttime sex before bed? Or the anytime - anywhere - does not matter 😆
Yussssss. Let's do it!
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Warning for obvious sex talk lol. These are brief glimpses--nothing super explicit. MINORS DNI. There's plenty of all-age fic to read @ronearoundlightly, but this one isn't for you.
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James Mace
No time of day preference but does have an amount of time preference since he likes to savor you. The absolute fastest 'quickie' Mace can manage is about 30 minutes, and frankly, that's still quite rushed for all he'd like to do.
Curtis Everett
Night owl, hardcore. LOVES to sleep in. Very frequently wants sex when you two are all ready for bed and almost asleep. That's when he's raring to go. Has zero problem with you mounting him in the morning if you're in the mood, but Curtis is quite lazy at that time. You'll have to do the work then 😉.
Jimmy Dobyne
First thing after a day's work before showering...and wouldn't mind you joining him for the shower. He doesn't like to moderate how 'dirty' any part of sex might be, so it's just easier to let it all happen and clean up later.
Johnny Storm
Discussed some here recently, but nighttime before bed, burns anxiety away & then he sleeps like a rock.
Jake Jensen
Sleepy Jake is *real.* (There's basically a whole thing about morning sex in Audio/Visual...and also how horny he gets at night. Okay, maybe just read that story, I guess.) Big picture answer is anytime you ever want. Do not hold back if you want him. Let's GO!!!
Lloyd Hansen
He only will when *he* wants, but Lloyd does love to know you want him...and then deny you. Teases 'sluts' who can't get enough of him. Likes to joke he's really the one whoring himself out. The truth is that sex is like a treat for Lloyd when he's high on the success of a job, so really whenever exactly his target is fucking dead is when Lloyd is DTF.
Ari Levinson
Anytime. Has a sweet spot for just rolling over and taking you, so technically 'anytime' in bed. The shower is great, too. Or the kitchen counter. Or the living room. Or his truck. So...anytime anywhere basically.
Ransom Drysdale
RoAR Ransom here, but General Ran is moody...he's really big on fucking after he feels slighted or belittled, it's both reassuring and punishing. Not huge on first thing in the morning; he prefers his alone time, his routine then, fucking hates morning breath. Since most family events end in the evening (or he would return from a night out with 'friends' late), that's the main time he's horny or in need of proving a point.
Andy Barber
lol Weekends. Wants to go slow mostly. Doesn't care what room or position. Very big fan of interrupting domestic situations to fuck, such as (in the show) changing clothes in the closet, watching a movie, cooking a meal, etc.
Steve Rogers
FRI Steve and Hideout Steve previously discussed, but General Steve is a traditionalist. The safe answer is after dinner, not strictly right before sleep. He's a wind-down-from-the-day love maker which should surprise absolutely no one.
Bucky Barnes
Loves the super close quiet & whispering in the cocoon of covers, just you two matter in the whole world, that soft time first thing in the morning when you wake up is his favorite. Over time Bucky also realizes he's a sucker for a good nooner. There's another layer of pleasure when not away from home, not busy with work, his own person in his own head, and free to enjoy you while being himself.
Thank you for asking!
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[Main Masterlist; Who Would... Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
For those on the taglist below, I didn't do tags for every Who Would this week because some were so damn small. Please check @ronearoundlibrary for those in case you missed any.
@supraveng @1950schick @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @yiiiikesmish @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @brandycranby
@buckysprettybaby @ellethespaceunicorn @late-to-the-party-81 @bigtreefest @mistressmkay @astheskycries @veryprairieberry
@bitchy-bi-trash @rogersbarber @blogbog710 @yenzys-lucky-charm @thiquefunlover63 @stellar-solar-flare
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startagainaprologue · 9 months ago
hi! i’ve been rotating the age swap au bc bonnie is one of my faves and was originally just gonna ask someone on discord but decided it was probably better to publically ask—
how old is bonnie? i’ve been picturing them like, early 30s, but realized i might be overshooting it since iirc their age is swapped with nille who canonically is early 20s (late teens?). on top of that, is theirs and nille’s history with their family (namely the running away thing) canon to age swap as well?
yall made such a great au that i feel super normal about lol, so thanks! apologies if this has been answered as well
OH OH!! bonniiee.. is less swapped ageswapped with nille, and more with the rest of the party? sooo..theyre somewhere in the vague area around mid-late 20s to early 30s . Nille is somewhere in her teens here. the running away thing does happen here though!!! although its Bonnie taking baby nille to run rather than the other way around.
but uwah!!! thank you thank you so much!! im glad you like the AU we made <3333 makes me soso happy !!to hear :D!! here is..ageswap bon for u
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cokoweee · 3 months ago
So… I always thought the first kiss would get me all giddy. Instead, I am heartbroken. I will elucidate (I don’t have enough spoons to get screenshots, so words will have to do.) I think Kendra was terrified out of her mind. She had to compartmentalize so much lately. I think what happened was, initially Big Mama gave her the deal over the phone in the bathroom, and then right before meeting Donnie in the gala gear was when she had the “eldritch horror” reminder. Thing is, Kendra has apparently been making some mental health positives since reforming, but when she is getting too stressed, she goes back to her vices. She started smoking again after getting stabbed by Bishop. And so here, in the Hidden City, being told to romance a guy, she isn’t even sure likes her back? (The ghosts said he “cared” but what if they mean like Casey and Draxum?) Time for some liquid courage and a LOT of it! Kendra is getting drunk off her rocker, because she knows she has to make a move before the end of the party. But it’s not fair to her, and honestly, it’s not fair to Donnie either. She would have liked to see their relationship develop naturally and if kisses come, then kisses come. But here, she has to drink, enough to get her inhibitions lowered, enough where she is fine forcing a kiss on one of the only supports she has left in the world. And here, Mr. Cirrhosis, himself is not only sober, but batting away her future drinks. She’ll never get shit faced drunk at this pace. Finally, she notices Donnie is getting in her space, trying to get her to leave. But she can’t leave! Who knows if this crazy spider lady is going to go after them?! She already has one psycho on her trail and he’s human (?). So Donnie is giving her grief, she notices him holding onto her shoulders. His outrageous height isn’t quite an obstacle now. He’s close enough to.. Yea, fuck it, guess we gotta go in! And… smooch And I’m just like… I feel so bad! I’m holding these two in my hands going “I’m so sorry! You two need a do-over on that kiss!” And what probably sucks is Donnie gonna chalk it up to her being drunk, and Kendra might think Donnie is gonna kick her out (or get distant again) Also I see you finally had her call him by his given name! just *keyboard smash*
Kiku back at it again with being 80% spot on. You lil pickle you are
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You made me remember why I had Frida say her super edgy cringe ass line lol. It relates to this ahahah
My liking to Kendra is showing to much. I’m putting her through the blender. WHO KNOWS WHATLL HAPPEN THO HUH? WACKY KISS AFTERALL AAAHUU. Maybe they’ll get a redo maybe they won’t. (Acting like I didn’t already show them in the future with literal kids)
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foundfamily-connoisseur · 4 months ago
Cramps are krampusing so uhhh my thoughts on these dudes as romantic partners and additional explanation cuz why not
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Explanation in order of chart
Doc Louis:
have you seen how much he cares for his boy? Absolutely doting and will always find a way to make time for you. Honestly the only thing you'd need to talk to him with is balancing time together as partners and his own time as Macs dad i mean coach
Piston Hondo:
super respectful and he seems very communicative and willing to talk about whatever issues you two may have in a relationship(although i doubt you'd have many). He's not as obsessed with his position in boxing as some of the other folks, which means of course he'll make time for you and would enjoy doing things you'd like to do(even if it isn't his personal cup of tea)
Don Flamenco:
He's a Spaniard. Love and romance is his whole thing if he sucks at that literally what is he here for. I think if there was an issue it'd be how petty he can be(less with you and more on personal vendettas/grudges with other folks), nothing serious tho
Bald Bull:
Ok ik he has anger issues and maybe it's the biases talking but he literally only gets mad when ppl are all up in his face. Only difference between him and me is I just start bawling when that happens lmao.
I think he's the only one with bigger problems in the "good partner" section but he gets higher up because if he isn't bombarded with the paparazzi he's literally chill. Nice sweet and domestic scene me thinks
Bear Hugger:
He would prolly rank higher but I feel he's the type to be a bit dense. Nothing enough to be a major problem but you gotta spell out some things to him sometimes lol. Maybe a bit more rowdy/"dirty" than preferred, but outside of that he's a 10/10
Disco Kid:
Just nothing remarkable tbh. For sure sweet and attentive but he might be coming home late from a party (and it really will just be him losing track of time but sometimes you gotta go 🤨 😒 and give him an earful). Only fault would be his overt friendliness that might lead to others thinking he's flirting and he doesn't get it till you pull him aside and tell him and he's like OHHHHHHHH my bad lol
Glass Joe:
I probs should've ranked him higher lmao idk why he's there. I think the only thing I could fault him on is his innate stubbornness cuz no way is that only staying in the ring. It isn't that he'll fight with you on everything but he has a few select things that are his way or the high way and it just he like that.
Von Kaiser:
Look at him. He is filled to the brim with issues. I feel like his PTSD or whatever we want to assume he has gets to him a fair bit. Again I doubt it'll ever escalate to violence but there are times where it really does affect his ability to communicate or do things. Its assuredly a talk you two need to have and something you need to understand getting into the relationship. Also please get him into therapy I think that'll help but he's 42 I don't think he believes in that.
Mr. Sandman:
he'd be a fine boyfriend for sure, maybe a bit stoic in public with the occasional discrete smile here or there, but his anger issues are so much worse chat. Like he clearly values his position as world champion that when he lost it he wrecked a BUILDING!!!!
Im not going to say anyone here would be violent towards you but that man might punch walls or some shit. More than likely just absolutely obliterate his punching bag. His obsession might cause issues in your relationship that could lead to neglect on his behalf. You are for sure fighting with him on talking it out but he's sweet outside of that. If I had to move him he might teeter onto the rank below but the others are just worse so he gets saved there i suppose.
Great Tiger:
He just seems full of himself. Not as bad as SMM but enough that you'd argue with him from time to time. I feel like he'd use his clones to play silly pranks and they're fine until one day he does it when you're super tense and you end up yelling at him. His biggest sin is just not understanding what's funny to him could be annoying to you. It might take an outburst to set him straight than a one to one talk, though
Super Macho Man:
Does he treat the women he's with well? Yeah of course! At least when it comes to spending dough on them. He doesn't seem like the type to want a relationship in the first place, and if he does it's very brief since he's always looking for someone hotter than the last(or whoever is the most eager). If there is a genuine relationship, he thinks that gifts can supplement any other aspect to a relationship beyond showing you off, and would get mad that you ask him for a little quality time once in a while(like shut up he literally bought you a Porsche what more could you want????)
Also I'm going to be so real here if he doesn't think you're up to snuff looks wise he's going to be a bit of an ass. Mostly it's just him being more willing to push you aside for events and stuff because he considers you to be "lucky" that he's even sparing a minute of his time with you. Then surprised Pikachu face when you leave
Aran Ryan:
Who started this list I'm sorry chat but his ass is NOT ready for a relationship. What you get from this man is an emotionally stunted mess who can't process his own emotions beyond anger, much less yours. He either is dismissive of you at best or if he loves you completely still sucks because he doesn't know how to deal with those kinds of feelings.
He'd be possessive but not in the cute way; someone can look at you for a moment too long and he's bashing their skull in. Like it can even get to the point where he's iffy about any male friendships as a result.
Additionally that man can't process emotions for the life of him. I just feel like if he's sad he's the type to suppress it and ignore it via boxing or literally anything else until it catches up with him years later. As a result, you can literally tell him your grandpa died and he'd be like "damn" and go on with his day. Of course he feels absolutely fucking horrible for you but he assumes that his way of dealing with his problems is the way you should do it since ignoring problems = problems don't exist anymore.
Obviously, this does not work and you just end up fighting/crying. Genuinely he just doesn't seem ready for any kind of relationship and I don't think he thinks therapy is real or is the type to say it's for sissys or something.
On that note he's got a bit of misogyny to him(his quotes are not slay girlbosses) that are only not worse because his sister beats him straight.
Would he cheat? Eh. If it started off as a hook up or something than I just think he'd forget he's even in a relationship tbh. If he's actually in love absolutely not he's got standards sometimes
Soda Popinski:
I flip back and forth on where I'd place him because he seems fine overall, but of course it's his vice that does him in. It's more of a matter on how much you think his soda vice impacts his life, especially with Title Defense mode where he's super serumed with it. He's absolutely coming back home every day sloshed and you can only put up with that for so long. It's a balance act of his good character outside of his vice and the vice itself.
Donkey Kong: that is a gorilla. Ideally no one wants to date said gorilla.
Little Mac: he's aromantic to me chat he signed it to me himself.
yeah nothing remarkable to him. At most yall are going to argue about how much money he spends on food but tbf you knew what to expect in this relationship idk why you're so surprised.
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luffyvace · 1 year ago
Akutagawa as your boyfriend ☀︎
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Umm happy late b day Aku…😭 I’m totally super late for this I KNOW. But! I’m doing it anyway! >:3 late or not :P Plus I Just wanted to write for him since I really like this dude (〃ω〃) (Light blood, death and killing mentions but not in detail)
Akutagawa b day hcs first >;}
planning everything out and hiding it from him is kind of a task. 😅 the guy’s pretty stealthy himself so ya gotta make sure he doesn’t sneak up on you while your prepping things.
Buuut with the help of everyone from the port mafia (except Mori- joking! he does help but Elise does 90% of the work) you planned a mini party <3
Gin got the food! (Figs and tea enters chat)
Higuchi got the decorations! (streamers, balloons, tables, chairs)
Hirotsu keeps akutagawa busy (tea and chatting LOL)
Elise makes the banners (hints poorly drawn dead versions of everyone—extra blood for aku<3)
Kajii makes (lemon shaped) confetti poppers!!
Koyo hosted/recorded it all 💗
Chuuya brought wine and the cake (both were really expensive and tasty good job Chuuya)
Q brought lots of presents!! :3
Annnnd Tachihara! Brought some ~port mafia style~ party games (you played mafia LOL)
now general relationship things 😚
He treats you like how he does Gin, there is peace between the two of you and you have friendly interactions. (Romantic as well, for you) he will even go as far as to do favors for you but we’ll dabble in that more later ☆)
acts of service is his #1 love language. There’s no convincing me otherwise. When I say ‘he will do anything for you’ besides killing this is what I mean. You really don’t have to ask either. I talk about this some more later but, examples: done with your plate? He’ll take it. He remembers you said you needed xyz, he got it for you. You said you wanted to ____ but you fell asleep, so he did it.
hope you get along with Gin because to continue a relationship with him past 2 minutes, you need to. He will never choose friends over family. I stand on that.
honest man.
Its canon, of course this would apply to a relationship too :)
you never have to worry about him lying, thankfullly. the bad news is…this guy isn’t just honest..he’s brutally honest 😀
which he’s not dumb, but he’s also not one to pacify feelings. So say you created something and you’ve been working on this piece for a while now, (whether your an artist, writer, sculptor, something else—whatever), he takes a look at it and singlehandedly points out all the flaws 🧍‍♀️
not in a rude way-
just genuinely telling your mistakes. Which- I know can hurt because you spent a lot of time on it…..but as lest you can fix it now..? 🤷‍♀️
He respects you. Of course he does! How could you love someone you don’t respect?!
why I’m mentioning this then?? Because to him, respect is very important. There’s few that he respects personally and not because of his job.
like Dazai (sorta bc of his job but shh), Gin or Atsushi (somewhat)
And just to clear it up those he has respect for because of his job would be mori or hirotsu
so the fact that you have his respect is a mile stone!! 👯‍♀️💃💃
He’s loyal but it ain’t a fault 😋🤪
seriously tho this dude is still chasing Dazai even after he “disgraced the mafia’s name” and left to the ada
So for you?? This is simply proof that he ain’t neva leavin you, and you ain’t neva leavin him 😙 (I don’t make the rules)
even If he disagrees with your actions/opinions he will talk it out with you 😱
now he might sound a bit upset, and if your acting absolute bonkers rn and need some sense smacked into you- he might yell too. But that’s mostly if it’s for your well being.
other than that, yes the hotheaded Ryuu will calm down for you (that kinda rhymes ☝️🤓)
living with the Akutagawa’s! ( ✌︎'ω')✌︎
going more into acts of service, you and Gin hardly ever have to worry about chores or errands
he doesn’t really do it for the purpose of your validation, and genuinely doesn’t expect a thank you either
”hm? Oh…it’s nothing.”
Is his response when you try to thank him
he does it because he’s responsible not for praise
although I will say, seeing as though he has a lot of respect for you, as I said earlier, you may get a semi flustered/shocked facial expression
not necessarily blushing, just a expression that shows it caught him off guard ;P
Its not uncommon to see him cleaning around the house and asking if you have any laundry
housewife Ryuunosuke LOL 😂
When goes out to get groceries he asks you and Gin if there’s anything specific you want him to buy and if yes, he’ll get it for you
just like in the anime with Gin, he doesn’t mind doing favors for you as well <3
if you decide you wanna clean up or go to the store yourself he won’t stop you and be like ‘nonono I got it you sit down 🥺’. I don’t mean this in a bad way but he’s not a gentleman on purpose
I feel he’s the type of guy to do things that you consider gentlemanly but he just considers it being polite
oh it’s fine he’s got the groceries 👌
got a order for pick up? Oh well he was going out anyway, he’ll get it 🤷
he’s got the door 👍
don’t worry about the bill he’ll pay it (restaurant or house bill 😉)
another thing…! ♡
sometimes when you and Gin wanna watch a movie but Ryuu’s still doing the dishes….
do the dishes :3 (while he watches the movie with you guys)
I wasn’t gonna write these at first but I’m real glad I did! I love these and finally wrote for our guy Ryuunosuke!!
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elizabethwritesmen · 1 year ago
i don’t want you like a best friend
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┏ •◦இ•◦ ┓
Pairing: College!Steve Harrington x Reader ALSO Ghostface!Steve x Witch!Reader (costumes)
Summary: You’re in Indiana for college. You just happen to be roommates with Steve Harrington’s best friend, Robin. This is a list of the times you bumped into him, starting with July move in day and ending with a friend’s Halloween party.
Warnings/Notes (PLEASE READ) : SMUT 18+, pining, friends to lovers, Robin being intrusive, Robin’s parents also being intrusive, angst, Halloween if ur into that, ghostface!Steve x Witch!reader (costumes obv), also if ur name is Grace this isn’t the fic for you just trust me on this, this is semi-modern I don’t mention time periods at all but I also made no attempt at historical accuracy so do with that what u will. it’s all make believe it doesn’t rlly matter imo. also this is a college au so I made up college friends for them! ALSO i have plans for another halloween fic, a super spooky super sexy one, but it will go up late prob sometime in late. november because i’ve put all my energy into this one and staying alive lol. enjoy! <3
┗ •◦இ•◦ ┛
•Move In Day
I stared blankly at the boxes in front of me. The U-Haul I’d rented was jam packed with furniture and all of my belongings, leaving barely enough room to breathe.
For some reason, I thought it would be easy. I thought I could girl-boss it, get it done, all in a few hours’ work. Clearly I was temporarily insane when I came to that conclusion. Oh, well. Now I didn’t have a choice.
I sucked in a deep breath before resigning myself to my fate and starting.
I carried in the lightest stuff first, wanting to get it out of the way. I figured once I got through all the heavy stuff, I wouldn’t have any energy left for it, so might as well do it first. I got about four boxes upstairs, and I was bringing up a fifth and sixth, when I noticed the door already opened. I was sure I had shut it.
I walked in to see a girl and a guy, both around my age. She was dancing around, placing boxes of her own on the other side of the room. I cleared my throat gently, placing my boxes on the rest of my things.
She snapped out of her trance and her eyes landed on me. As did those of the guy she was with.
“Oh, hi!” She smiled brightly, “You just be my roommate!”
“Must be,” I sent her a polite smile in return, but mine was a lot more shy and reserved, “I’m Y/N.”
“I’m Robin, and this is my best friend Steve,” she introduced, “He’s helping me get all my things up here.”
“Oh, nice to meet you both. Let me know if I can help with anything!” I offered.
“Oh no, that’s fine, I’m sure you have your hands full! Are your parents here helping you?”
“No, just me. I’m new here, so… I don’t really have anyone,” I shrugged, preparing to head back downstairs when she stopped me.
“Hey, wait!”
I turned around, staring at her expectantly, eager to get back to carrying my boxes upstairs. I didn’t want to be rude, but.. there were so many.
“My parents will be here soon to help me, so why don’t you steal Steve?”
“Oh,” I stuttered, looking to Steve, “I couldn’t ask you to help me. Really, it’s fine, I can get it.”
“It’s no trouble,” he shrugged, “I’d like to. I’d hate for you to have to carry everything up by yourself. Besides, any roommate of Robin’s is a friend of mine.”
I breathed out a little chuckle and nodded, “If you insist.”
He followed me to the elevator, pressing the button for me and walking on after me. I expected awkward silence but there was none, he didn’t allow a single lull between his questions. He wanted to know everything, where I was from, what made me choose the school, what kinds of things I was into.
“Do you go here, too?” I asked him as we approached the U-Haul.
“Yes, I moved in yesterday. Robin helped me get everything to my dorm, but I’m on the first floor, so it was super easy. I figured I should help her anyway, though, even though she doesn’t need it.”
“She might not need it, but extra help is always appreciated. Or any help.”
“Is that your way of thanking me for helping you?”
“Well, it was either that or bake you a cake and there isn’t an oven in the dorm.”
“Raincheck on the cake, then,” he chuckled.
We talked the entire way back up, and I was shocked at how easy it came. I didn’t expect to click so well with him, and I silently prayed it’d be the same with Robin.
“There you two are,” she smiled as we walked back in, “Did he talk your ear off?”
“No,” I shrugged, “He talked the normal amount.”
“Yeah, the normal amount for a 6 year old on a road trip.”
Their dynamic was nice. They picked on each other, sure, but it was all friendly.
On the second trip down, Steve told me about his life. His high school experience, his hobbies, his hair. His friendship with Robin. I couldn’t tell whether or not there was something more than friendship there. I couldn’t help the small part of me that hoped not, Steve was really handsome and the nicest person I’d met in a while. But I definitely didn’t want to overstep any boundaries, and I was much too shy to ask. Besides, a guy like him probably wouldn’t want anything to do with me anyway.
By the time we got back up to the dorm, Robin’s parents were there.
“Oh hello,” her mom smiled, “You must be the roommate! Y/N, right?”
“Yes ma’am,” I responded.
“Well I’m Robin’s mom, Melissa, and this is her Dad, Richard. It’s so nice to meet you! Oh, you’re just so pretty!”
“Thank you,” I grinned, a little overwhelmed with how nice the woman was being. She was pretty, much like Robin, and she’d aged well. But she also had a warmth about her that was comforting, welcoming even.
An hour later, they had all of Robin’s things up and unpacked. They didn’t even ask if I wanted help finishing up, they just got to work, carrying the last of my things up with Steve and beginning to open boxes.
“You guys really don’t have to do all this,” I mumbled, sheepishly. I always felt awful accepting help, overwhelmed with gratefulness to the point of guilt.
“Oh, hush!” her mom laughed, “We want to!”
It only took another hour to have everything in its place, and we all stared proudly at our handiwork.
“Thank you all so much for your help,” I smiled at the group.
“Of course!” Mr. Buckley patted me on the back, his grin charming, “And if you ever need anything else, you call us! Now, how about we all go get something to eat? I think we’ve worked up enough of an appetite!”
I at first assumed I wasn’t invited because, well, it’s Robin’s family and Steve has apparently been her best friend for years so he’s basically family too. I was new in all this and definitely didn’t expect to be having dinner with all of them. But when they all walked towards the door and I hung back, everyone turned to me, matching confusion on their faces.
“Come on,” Robin chuckled, “You think we’re gonna let you starve after all the work we just did?”
And just like that, we all piled into Mrs. Buckley’s car. I was squished in the middle between Robin and Steve. I wanted to give her the middle because she was so small, but she told me she would feel carsick from Steve’s cologne and she’d rather have the window seat.
“What’re you kids in the mood for?” Mrs Buckley asked.
“It doesn’t matter,” Steve responded, and Robin and I agreed.
“I think there’s a barbecue joint a few miles down the road, let’s stop there,” Mr Buckley decided, turning to the back seat, “I know Robin and Steve like that, but is it okay with you, Y/N?”
“Of course,” I nodded, still shocked to be included in the dynamic.
Mrs Buckley almost missed the driveway to the restaurant and she slammed on her brakes and turned in at the last second, throwing me gracelessly into Steve, my seatbelt the only thing keeping me off his lap. He caught me swiftly as he himself hit the door, making sure I didn’t hurt myself in the commotion.
I risked a glance at him to see his eyes peering into mine, concerned and a bit discombobulated from the startle of it all.
“You okay?” he asked, and I nodded, staring down at his arm that was still around me. He cleared his throat, setting me upright in my seat as we pulled into a parking spot.
I turned to Robin, taking note of the huge smirk on her face. She was looking past me, eyes on Steve. Must’ve been some kind of inside joke I wasn’t part of yet.
We all walked inside together, and the hostess sat us at a booth, pulling an extra chair up to the end of it. I went to sit in it when Robin stopped me.
“Remember what I said about Steve’s cologne? And I get claustrophobic. You’d better sit by him, I’ll take the extra chair.”
I nodded slightly, sliding into the booth and letting Steve slide in beside me. I didn’t understand what the big deal was about his cologne, it wasn’t that strong. It was subtle but sweet, cinnamon overwhelming my senses and filling me with a warmth and comfort I craved. The kind of cologne that, when someone passes you wearing it, you stop and take a deep breath in, soak it up for all it’s worth.
Robin’s mom and dad, and Robin herself, were all giving Steve that strange smirk now, and I suddenly felt left out. I guess they were all in on the joke. Unlucky me.
We made small talk while we looked over the menus, picking what we wanted to eat.
“What’re you gonna get?” Steve asked, and I had to look up to realize his question was just for me. Robin and her parents were talking amongst themselves, completely ignoring us.
“I don’t know, probably just chicken fingers. I’m picky when I try new places.”
“Lame,” he tapped me in the ribs and joked, and I squirmed against his touch.
“It’s not lame! It’s a classic!”
“Let me guess, macaroni on the side?” he raised a brow, and I stared sheepishly at my lap, causing him to chuckle, “You’re pretty predictable, Grace.”
“That’s not my name,” I furrowed my brows at him.
“It’s a nickname. You know, Grace. ‘Cause you fell on me in the car. It’s irony.”
“Giving me nicknames already? My, how our friendship is growing,” I rolled my eyes, “If only it wasn’t such a rude one.”
“You can give me a rude one, too,” he offered, and I thought it over for a moment.
“Okay,” I nodded, “Box Boy.”
“Box Boy?”
“Yeah, cause you brought in all my boxes.”
“That’s the best you got?”
“It probably won’t stick, but I like it for now.”
“What’re you two whispering about?” Robin cut into our conversation, wiggling her eyebrows at us.
“It’s a secret, that’s why we’re whispering,” Steve deadpanned, and she snorted.
“Well, you two keep your secrets, and we’ll keep ours.”
“Fine by me, I have a feeling your secrets are pretty dark.”
I stifled a laugh, taking a long sip of my soda.
The rest of the dinner was full of happy chatting and getting to know each other. It turns out I got along really well with all of them, and I integrated well into the little group.
“You know, Y/N, I’m really happy you agreed to come eat with us,” Mrs Buckley told me as her husband handled the check.
“I’m just thankful you invited me! And paid for my food. Really, you didn’t have to!”
“Now stop with the bashfulness, you’re basically family now!”
With that, everyone stood. Steve helped me out of the booth and held the door open for me on the way out. It was sweet, in an old time kind of way. I fought off butterflies, and a crush that I felt coming a mile away.
Robin’s family dropped us off, and we stood outside talking for a few minutes.
“I’m gonna go inside and crash, but you two kids say your goodbyes,” she waved her hands at us and walked away, leaving us in silence.
“So…” I started.
“So…” he repeated.
“It was nice to meet you,” I offered.
“You, too.”
“Maybe I’ll see you again.”
I paused, not knowing what else to say. He was making no move to ask for my number, of course he probably wasn’t even interested like that anyway.
“Goodnight,” I smiled.
“Goodnight,” he repeated.
He stood for a moment and I stayed there, waiting for him to leave.
“I’m not going anywhere until I see you get inside safe.”
I giggled, “Yes sir.” And with that, I walked in.
The elevator ride to the fifth floor was long, but finally I was approaching my door, and I walked through it sleepily. I collapsed onto my bed, trying to ignore Robin’s staring.
“So…” she sighed, “You and Steve, huh?”
“Me and Steve what?”
“You guys have got it going on!”
“Have what going on?”
“Oh my God, Y/N, seriously, the sparks could’ve lit a cigarette. Did you give him your number?”
“He didn’t ask,” I shrugged, “Besides. I thought you guys were a thing.”
“I’m into chicks,” she rolled her eyes, “And even if I wasn’t, I still don’t know why you’d think that. I forced you to sit beside him the entire day. You think his cologne really bothers me that much? NO. I wanted you guys to… you know…. hit it off!!”
“Well, I think he’s a little out of my league,” I shrugged, sinking further into my sheets sadly.
“He absolutely is not. And I promise he’s into you. He’s just not the best with girls is all. He’ll have your number soon enough.”
“You’re not planning on giving it to him, right?”
“What? No! I’m gonna make the little shit ask you himself!”
“If he ever does.”
“He will.”
•First Day of Class
I walked into the lecture hall, brows furrowed, trying to make sure I was where I was supposed to be. Yes, room 208, I concluded.
It was a large room, but it wasn’t completely full. There were only about 20-30 people there total. I, of course, didn’t recognize any of them, so I took a seat away from everyone else. Nobody even spared me a glance, and I felt comfortable in my solitude, until the heavy door opened and shut behind me and a figure looked over me.
I looked up to see Steve, just as handsome as the first time I saw him. He was wearing a pair of joggers and a yellow sweatshirt, and he pulled off the comfy look well.
“Why are you sitting over here all alone?” he asked, one perfect eyebrow raised.
“I don’t know anyone,” I shrugged, and he scoffed.
“Well come sit by me and the guys from my dorm. I’ll introduce you.”
“I think I’d rather stay here.”
“Really?” I nodded slowly, “Then you leave me no choice.” He plopped down in the chair beside me, setting his things down and getting comfortable.
“What’re you doing?” I asked him.
“Well I’m not just gonna let you sit all alone.”
“But I like being alone,” I huffed, “Plus your friends miss you!” I gestured to the three guys staring holes through us.
He glanced in their direction and nodded, and that’s all it took for them to pile over to us.
“Stevie! My man! You gonna introduce us to your lovely friend?” One of them asked as he took the seat in front of us. He held his hand out for me to shake and I took it carefully, sighing.
“This is Grace.“
“That’s not my name!” I groaned.
“Then what is your name?” the tallest of the guys asked.
“Cute,” he winked at me, and Steve rolled his eyes sharply. “Y/N, this is Tate, Drew and Johnny.”
They all greeted me kindly and I responded in turn, but there wasn’t much time to talk before an older man walked in, an air of authority in his step.
“Hello, all. I’m Professor Chomsky, I’ll be teaching this course,” he began. What followed was a list of rules, regulations, class schedules, and lesson plans dull enough to make my forehead hit the desk in front of me.
“This is awful,” Steve whispered beside me, and the other guys nodded, “Another hour of his voice might kill me.”
“Shh!” I hissed at him, trying my best to focus on what the man at the front of the room was saying.
“Oh, get off it,” Steve smirked, “You’re just as bored as we are.”
“I’ll have you know I’m absolutely riveted!”
“Lying isn’t a good look, Grace.”
Just then, Tate chimed in, “Why do you call her Grace anyway if her name is Y/N?”
“It’s an inside thing,” Steve waved him off, “You wouldn’t get it.”
“Yeah, because calling me ‘Grace’ to make fun of me for being clumsy is such a hard joke to understand.”
“I don’t like your attitude today, Grace,” he furrowed his brows dramatically, and I couldn’t help giggling.
We were all interrupted by the sound of Professor Chomsky’s voice, booming at us to be quiet. We obeyed, whispering quietly every now and then but mostly hanging on by a thread to his monotonous words.
The class ended about a half hour later and Steve and I went our separate ways. We ended up having one more class together, and the guys were all in there, too, plus Drew’s girlfriend Natalie and Johnny’s sister Elaine. Robin as well. It was the most fun of all of them. It also happened to be my last class of the day. As it wrapped up and we all packed up our things, Steve stopped in front of my chair.
“Can I walk you back to your dorm?” he asked me.
“Sure,” I nodded with a smile, throwing my bag over my shoulder and following him out.
We chatted on the five minute walk. I found that I didn’t want it to end, but I hoped when it did, he would ask for my number. Or something, at least, to make me think he was interested. Part of me knew he wasn’t, though. Not as more than a friend.
“Here we are,” I sighed as we approached the doors.
“Yeah,” he nodded, “So… umm.. I’m happy we have those classes together. It’ll be nice to hangout every week.”
“Yeah, and we seem to have a good little group going. I like everyone a lot.”
“Everyone likes you a lot, too.”
I swayed on my toes, staring at him, waiting patiently. For what, I wasn’t sure.
“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow?” he proclaimed, his voice chipper. I nodded slowly. “You know the drill, I can’t leave until you’re inside safe.”
I rolled my eyes and gave him a dopey grin, walking in just as I had the last time.
• Hangout at Elaine’s Apartment
Days of hanging out with Steve in class passed slowly, and I soaked in every moment. I was trying desperately to keep what I felt at bay, but it proved difficult when he wanted to walk me home every day.
A month went by and it was Saturday. I woke up around noon, the week had been especially exhausting, and immediately started studying. Robin did the same, sitting at her desk beside me and rifling through her flash cards.
“How is it that he’s walked you home every single day and still not asked for your number?” she asked out of nowhere.
“Robin, we’re talking about biochem. Not Steve.”
“Believe me, Steve is a scientific anomaly, so it’s close enough.”
I rolled my eyes, “I don’t know, okay? It’s like I wait for him to make a move or something every day, but he never does.”
“Well isn’t there anything between you both? All the rest of us can see it!”
“There’s chemistry, or at least I thought there was, but now I’m sure it was just one sided. He’s just not into me like that.”
“Then why does he walk you home every single day and not me?”
“Well… you have another class after that so you couldn’t walk with us, and he probably just doesn’t want to walk that far twice a day.”
“You’re grasping at straws. The boy wants you.”
“Why are you so invested, anyway? It’s not that serious, Rob. We’re just friends, that’s fine with me.”
“I just…” she started, trying to form her words correctly, “Steve has never been good with girls. He had one girlfriend, in high school. She wasn’t the best. I mean, she was fine, and he was happy, but she hurt him and he.. well, the details don’t matter but anyway. He never really had luck with any other girls. He was always too caught up in something else. But now we’re out of that town and you can’t convince me that your coming into our lives was a coincidence. Steve deserves this, and I want him to have it. If he can just get out of his own way.”
“And if he can’t?”
“He will. Believe me. It’s just gonna take a big push.”
“I’d rather just be his friend than stress myself over it,” I shrugged, going back to my studying.
A couple hours later, Robin got a text from Steve telling her that everyone was hanging out at Elaine’s apartment and we should come.
“Wanna go?” she asked me.
“I don’t know, I have a lot of studying left to do,” I hesitated.
“I was only asking to be polite. We’re going,” she stated, grabbing my hand and pulling me to my closet. “And you’re not wearing those wrinkly old jeans and a baggy t shirt. Pick something cute.”
“I’m not really a ‘cute clothes’ girl.”
“Well, tonight, you are.” She looked through my closet, pulling out a yellow sundress I stole from my mom’s closet at some point in time. I had to admit, it was a beautiful dress.
“You’ll wear this with your white sneakers,” she instructed, leaving no room for argument so I just nodded. “Steve won’t know what hit him!”
“Honestly, he’s probably into Elaine.”
“Why do you think that?”
“She’s… well, she’s older. She’s smart, and beautiful, and she always dresses to impress. She’s just.. she’s got everything.”
“Yeah, that’s why I have a crush on her. But I promise Steve doesn’t.”
“Whatever you say.”
Before long, it was time to get ready. I put on a little makeup, just some mascara, blush, and lip gloss, and paired gold hoops and a gold charm bracelet with the dress, slipping on my sneakers and following Robin out the door.
We were supposed to meet Steve outside of his dorm. The plan was for him to drive us to Elaine’s. As we approached the parking lot, we saw him leaning against the driver’s door of his car. Elaine was right in front of him, and they were locked in what seemed like a deep conversation.
“What’s that all about?” Robin asked as we took a step or two closer. I stopped in my tracks, though, when Elaine leaned up and kissed him square on his lips.
My heart shattered into about a million pieces. It’s crazy how you never know how intense your feelings for someone are until they blow up in your face. Sure, it hadn’t been long since I met him, but everyone has had a crush that spiraled out of control way too quickly.
“Hey, love birds?” Robin called out, her voice accusing.
They broke apart, startled, and stared at us dumbly. No doubt Steve saw the hurt on my face, but I tried so hard to keep it at bay.
“Grace,” he started, making a move to walk over to me, but the scene was interrupted by the other 3 guys joining us.
“Okay, so how’s this gonna work?” Tate blurted as they approached, “I know Y/N and Steve always have to sit by each other, And Natalie will be on Drew’s lap in the back, so I’m assuming Robin is gonna squeeze in the back with us?”
“I’d rather ride on the hood,” she croaked.
“It’s fine,” I sighed, “I’ll ride in the back with you guys, Robin can sit up front.”
“Well, someone can ride with me,” Elaine offered, “And you’ll just have to ride uncomfortably on the way back instead of both ways?”
“I will,” Natalie offered, “Wanna join me, Drew? That way there’s room in Steve’s car for everyone?”
“Yeah,” he nodded, following her to Elaine’s vehicle.
“I still wanna sit in the back,” I shrugged, climbing into the middle and letting both boys climb on either side of me.
Steve stared into the car at me for a moment, fists clenched, before climbing in behind the wheel and pulling off.
The ride had the potential to be awkward, and if it wasn’t for Johnny and Tate, it would’ve been. They lightened the mood a lot. Between their jokes and banter, I felt comfortable a couple minutes in. It was only a ten minute drive, and it went by extra quick with them.
As Steve pulled in, the car lurched to the side and threw me onto Tate.
“Woah there, I see why Steve calls you Grace now,” he laughed as he helped me up. The spark I felt when it happened with Steve wasn’t there, but Steve didn’t know that, and he sent us a death glare through the rear view mirror.
Elaine pulled in right after us and lead us up a flight of stairs to an isolate apartment, quite large. It was a one bedroom two bathroom, but every room was huge.
“Mi casa es su casa,” she sighed as we walked in. “I’ve got drinks, card games, books to study, and lots of movies. Whatever you guys are into!”
“Let’s starts out with the drinks,” Johnny suggested, and everyone nodded.
Moments later, we all had a beer in our hands. Elaine suggested we save the liquor for after, and we agreed. We also all collectively decided we would play Cards Against Humanity until we were tipsy, and then we would watch a horrible movie together.
Music played from the radio in the background as we all settled into our spots for the night. Drew and Natalie on the bean bag chair, Johnny Tate and Robin piled onto the couch, and Elaine cozy in her recliner. That left only the loveseat for Steve and I, and I fought a scowl.
“Scoot over, Rob,” I gestured, but she refused.
“I wanna stretch out and be comfy! There’s plenty of room on the love seat!”
I rolled my eyes and flipped her off, walking begrudgingly to Steve and plopping down beside him.
“Is sitting by me really that bad of a thing?” he asked, and everyone stared at me, waiting for an answer.
“No, it’s fine. It’s just.. Robin was right. Your cologne is a lot.”
He almost looked hurt, but he shook it off as we started the game.
A few rounds in, Steve leaned back in his seat, accidentally shifting himself closer to me. I stared down at his leg, almost touching mine.
“You look nice tonight,” he mumbled so nobody but me could hear, “I’ve never seen you in something so… delicate before.”
“If you’re gonna compliment someone, it should be your girlfriend,” I shrugged off what he’d said and took a long swig of my beer.
“Girlfriend?” he furrowed his brows.
“You know. The girl you kissed.”
“Oh.” He stared at his lap. “Listen, Grace, that wasn’t -“
“I don’t want to hear it,” I shrugged, “Doesn’t matter to me. You guys are super cute together, I’m real happy for you.”
He looked taken aback but my tone told him he should let it go, and he did, taking a swig of his own beer and leaving me alone for the moment. The moment didn’t last long, though, because before long everyone was a little intoxicated from all the alcohol and his arm was resting on my shoulders. I couldn’t fight the way I fell into him, I could barely even fight the sleep.
“Movie time!” Elaine exclaimed, jumping up to find her favorite DVD. She picked a cheesy old scary movie that barely made sense, and we were all more than happy with it. Nobody wants to watch a good movie while they’re drunk. She settled back in as it began, munching on the snacks she’d brought out for everyone.
“Please talk to me,” Steve mumbled into my hair.
“Don’t want to,” I slurred out, closing my eyes and breathing him in. My actions didn’t match up with my words and I knew that, but I couldn’t help myself.
“Well then come here,” he sighed, grabbing me under my knees and pulling me into his lap. He rested me against his chest, holding me snugly, letting me get as cozy in him as I wanted. “Talk to me when you’re ready.”
If I’d been sober, I would’ve worried about cuddling with Elaine’s boyfriend right in front of her, but I wasn’t. I did spare her a glance, though, and she smiled at me. Strange. She didn’t seem to care at all.
“Shouldn’t you be snuggling with Elaine over there?” I whispered to him, my face nestled in the crook of his neck.
He pulled a blanket from beside the armrest and tucked it over me as he responded, “Let’s talk when we’re sober.”
“Wan’ talk now,” I hummed.”
“She’s not my girlfriend, Grace. The closest thing I have to a girlfriend is you.”
“But y’kissed her and you never kissed me,” I pouted. I don’t know whether my attitude came from sleepy delirium or intoxication.
“You’re right,” he nodded, leaving it at that.
“Y’could if you wanted to,” I breathed out as I drifted off into sleep.
I woke up in the passenger seat of the car. Robin was driving, and I looked around frantically for Steve before realizing I was in his lap.
“Oh, hi,” I mumbled.
“Morning, sunshine,” he smiled, “Go back to sleep. I’ll make sure you get in bed safe.”
“I don’t wanna go back to sleep,” I whined, leaning up.
I glanced in the back seat. Johnny was on one side, half asleep leaning on the window. Tate was in the middle, texting someone, and Drew was on the other side with Natalie passed out on his lap.
“Why’s Robin driving?” I asked curiously.
“He didn’t want you sleeping on anyone else,” she smirked at us.
“Oh,” I didn’t know what else to say to that.
He ran his hand through my hair, playing with the strands, twisting them between his fingers.
“That feels good,” I hummed, leaning into his touch.
“Yeah?” he asked as he kept going, tugging the strands a little harder.
“Get a room,” Tate coughed from his spot in the back, and we all giggled.
Finally, Robin pulled into the parking lot of our dorms.
“Come on,” Steve sighed, opening the car door and helping me out. His hand stayed at the small of my back as he walked me to the door, steadying me when I swayed slightly.
“I’m gonna have the worst headache tomorrow,” I whined.
“Probably,” he laughed, helping me up the stairs.
Robin cleared her throat, “I’m gonna go upstairs and let you guys… talk.” We nodded and watched her go, then turned back to each other.
“I should probably go up, too,” I mumbled, refusing to meet his eyes.
“Okay,” he nodded, but he didn’t let go of me. “I want to talk to you about -“
“I don’t want to talk about Elaine, Steve. Just go.”
“No. I’m still drunk and I’m tired and my heart can’t take much more tonight so please just go and we’ll talk about it another time.”
“Grace,” he started, and I could tell he was frustrated, but I was too. It sucked walking up on him lip locking someone else. I didn’t want to listen or get over it yet. Any explanation he had wouldn’t be good enough for me, after all, what excuse is there to kiss another girl if he liked me? The only explanation was that he wasn’t into me, and he was trying to let me down easy. Or trying to have both.
“Stop,” I put my hand on his chest and pushed him away slightly, “I said another time. Please go.”
He watched me for a few seconds, waiting for me to change my mind, but I didn’t. I wanted him to go. For the first time, I wasn’t lingering or giving him that look like he could kiss me if he wanted to.
“Okay. Just take my number in case you need anything tonight.”
I nodded slowly, handing him my phone. He inputted the digits and handed it back, then let me walk inside in peace. I made it all the way upstairs before finally freeing my emotions, and the alcohol in my system caused them to spill out of my eyes.
“Oh, Y/N,” Robin sighed, walking over to sit by me.
“I am so over Steve Harrington,” I huffed.
“You didn’t even hear him out?”
“It doesn’t matter what he says, it’s not gonna wipe the image of them kissing out of my head.”
She nodded, staying up with me a little longer before we both nodded off.
The next morning, I woke up to a message from Steve. Apparently he’d called himself from my phone so he’d have my number too.
Good morning. Just checking on you. You feel okay?
I read it over and over before turning the phone off, deciding not to respond. I could feel my head pounding and I couldn’t take extra stress.
I got up, preparing to go get some water from the vending machine, but when I opened the door I saw a convenience store bag on the outside handle. I opened it to see advil, water, and powerade, along with a note scribbled on the receipt.
“Figured you might need this.
Let me know if you need anything else.
My heart grew as I paced back in the room, sitting on my bed. I texted him to thank him, then fell back to sleep with medicine and hydration in my system.
• The Next Class
I ignored Steve for the rest of that day. I suppose seeing him kiss someone else made the walls build up around my heart, but all I knew for sure was that he couldn’t get through anymore. Of course, I was still a bit sad. I liked Steve a lot, but we were better off as friends.
I walked to class the next morning, running a minute or two late but I knew Professor Chomsky wouldn’t care much. When I walked in, Steve and the guys were in their usual seats, and I took mine right in the center of them.
“Morning, Grace,” Steve absolutely beamed at me. I grinned tightly and politely in return, and pulled out my books, not bothering to respond. It probably seemed a little rude, but to me, it was what I had to do. “You gonna keep ignoring me? I screwed up that bad?”
I glanced over at him, “You didn’t screw up at all. We’re friends, Steve. I’m happy when you’re happy and if you’re happy with Elaine then I hope you guys work out.”
“Saturday night you were practically crying, and now you’re giving me your blessing and saying you want me to date her?”
“I was drunk. I’m not anymore, and yes, I want you to be with her. I’m sure she’s a great girlfriend. Just what you deserve.”
“Unbelievable,” he scoffed, “You really just want to be friends?”
“Yes,” I nodded curtly, turning to my books.
The other guys were looking at us curiously, like we were a soap opera playing right in front of them. They looked even more astounded when I walked out at the end of class without waiting for Steve. I felt horrible. He was the sweetest guy in the world. But clearly he liked Elaine more, seeing as she’s the one he made a move on, and I wasn’t going to stand in their way. I was sure it would get easier with time.
The next class I had with him went similarly. He tried to talk to me, and I brushed him off. I didn’t ignore him, I just didn’t entertain him, and I could tell it drove him nuts.
I could feel Elaine watching us, watching him. She must’ve been wondering why he was so wrapped up in me instead of talking to her. I was wondering that myself, but I let it go.
“Are you ever going to forgive him?” Robin asked as we walked out.
“I already did. It’s just not the same. I dunno,” I shrugged.
“I think you should hear him out. He’s bound to have an explanation for that kiss.”
“Even if he does, I don’t want to hear it, Rob. It happened and even if I decided to go back to how it used to be, I’d still see him kissing her in my brain every time he got close to me.”
“I understand,” she nodded, and we parted ways as she headed off to her next class. I, however, set off for my dorm.
“Grace!” I heard from behind me, and I sighed, knowing only one person called me that.
I turned around to see him sprinting to me, “I’m not letting you walk home alone.”
“Steve,” I sighed.
“No.” He seemed genuine, serious. “I care about you. Even if we’re just friends, I care about you. You don’t get to become one of my favorite people and then just cut me off. I’m walking you home. Like a friend would do.”
I stared at him for a moment, then nodded. Truthfully, I was delighted that he’d asked. I figured, with the way I’d treated him that day, he wouldn’t bother.
“So you and Elaine…” I started as we walked, genuine curiosity gnawing at me.
“Can we not talk about it?” he asked, and I nodded.
“Shouldn’t you be walking with her, though? How does she feel about our friendship?“
“Grace,” he warned, and I heeded, shutting up.
We made small talk the entire way, the awkward kind we weren’t used to. I hoped the “friendship” would come more naturally with time. After all, we’d been the best of friends for the entire two months since we met. And we’d never really been more than friends, so I wasn’t sure why this was throwing us off so much.
“Thank you for walking with me, Steve,” I said, preparing to walk away when he grabbed my hand.
“I really want us to go back to how things were before… what you saw.”
“I want that too, Steve. I just… can we forget everything and just be friends like we were?”
“Please,” he sighed, relief washing over him.
“But it can’t be quite the same. I don’t know if you realize how.. touchy, and close we are. Do you think maybe we could take a step back from that for a while?”
“If that’s what it takes to fix this, but I don’t want to. I hope you know that.”
“Steve, you have a girlfriend.”
“She’s not my girlfriend, she’s- well, she’s-“
“She’s what?”
“I can’t talk about it,” he ran his hand through his hair like he did when he was stressed.
“Of course. Well, when you’re ready to, we can go back to how it was. But for now, we’re just friends who don’t constantly sit by each other and hold hands and hug and walk together.”
“That’s fair,” he agreed, resigning himself to his fate.
With that, I left and we didn’t talk much for the rest of the day. He texted me, but I didn’t respond. I wanted him to get the picture.
• The Halloween Party
Another month passed slowly. Distancing myself from Steve was horrible. Every time the group hung out, he was agonizingly close, but I kept away and he respected my wishes and kept away from me, too. It almost itched, how badly I wanted to reach out and grab his hand. I thought it would become easier, but it didn’t. And the worst part was that the group wasn’t adjusting well to the new dynamic, constantly making jokes and comments about “me putting Steve in the dog house.”
Whatever had been going on with Steve and Elaine seemed to be over, they would chat but I never saw any PDA or even chemistry between them. In fact, she’d grown closer to Robin than anything, and when we would hang out, they would stick together. Natalie and Drew were a pair, and Steve would pack in with Tate and Johnny. I was sort of lonesome, but it was okay. Part of me wanted to just forget the kiss and go fully back to how it was, touching flirting and all. But as I told Robin, it was engrained in my memory and I didn’t really want him if he chose her first.
“Y/N,” Elaine snapped me out of my trance as we waited for class to start, all huddled up in our little group.
“What’s up?” I asked.
“I was telling everyone about my Halloween party. It’s gonna be you guys, and a few older friends I have in my other classes. Not, like, a banger, but definitely a crowd and a good time. Interested?”
“Of course, do I have to dress up?”
“Well it is a Halloween Party,” she rolled her eyes at me, laughing.
And that was that. We all planned to go. She was having it at her parents’ cabin, about 45 minutes away from the campus. Obviously, she couldn’t do it at her apartment.
The days leading up to it, Robin and I looked for costumes. She decided to go as Velma, and she tried to convince me to dress as Daphne but I suggested that Elaine be Daphne instead, and they both loved the idea. I had a costume of my own in mind.
I dug in the back of my closet until I found a black peasant dress that I’d had for forever. It was long sleeve, and the sleeves were lace and flared at the bottom. The cut was low and accentuated the way the corseted middle pushed up my chest, and the skirt flared out but still highlighted all my curves in all the right places. I paired it with some ripped up fishnets, black boots, and a funky witch’s hat I found at the Halloween store that also had lace lining it. It was perfect, maybe even good enough to get the kind of attention that would help me forget Steve once and for all.
When the day came for the party, Robin went to Elaine’s to get ready and I got ready alone. I curled my hair, did my makeup perfectly for the first time in forever, and finished the look off with red lipstick. Then I got dressed, and I was ready to head out the door when I got a phone call from Steve, whom I was supposed to meet outside of his dorm so he could drive me, Natalie, and the other guys there.
“Hey,” I answered, “What’s up?”
“Hey, just letting you know, don’t walk over. I’m coming to get you. Natalie is gonna take her car, and the guys are going with her, so it’ll just be me and you.”
“Okay, you headed here now?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there in like two minutes.”
“I’ll be outside waiting,” I told him and we hung up.
When he pulled up, I was standing on the curb, all dressed up. My nerves were bundled up in my stomach, and I felt like I needed to throw up. What if he didn’t like my outfit? He’d never seen me so dressed up before.
He got out of the car and ran over to the passenger side, opening the door for me. I couldn’t miss the way his eyes scanned me, hungry and searching for every exposed patch of skin he could see.
He cleared his throat as he sat in his own seat, “You look….”
“Different?” I raised an eyebrow.
I smiled, sitting back. My nerves were still there, but they were eased by the way he couldn’t stop staring at me, glances out of the corner of his eye giving him away as he began the drive.
“What’re you supposed to be?” I asked, raising my eyebrow at his black t shirt and black jeans.
“I didn’t want to dress up, but Robin said I had to so I just picked up a ghost face mask.”
“Ghost face, huh? Chicks dig that.”
“That’s exactly what Robin said,” he laughed, “Billy Loomis does it for girls, huh?”
“I’m not telling you what does it for me, but nice try.”
“I see the new look comes with a new attitude.”
I blushed, covering it up by staring out the window. We were doing so well, just being friendly. Why was he suddenly flirting now? And why was I flirting back? I told myself to get a grip, and stayed silent for a moment, so he turned up the radio, taking my hint.
The rest of the ride was filled with silence, heavy with tension. I felt like a rubber band about to snap, the glances he was giving me sending me into overdrive but I pretended I was fine, crossing my legs and staring out the window.
I opened my door before he had the chance when we pulled into the parking lot. There were a good bit of cars, and it seemed like a little more than a crowd. I suppose Elaine’s intimate hangout had accidentally turned into a party. Steve noticed this as well, placing his hand on the small of my back as we walked in together possessively but I brushed him off, walking over to where Robin and Elaine were sitting on the couch.
Robin must’ve been over the moon with all the attention she’d been getting from the older girl. Just by the way they were sitting, I could imagine her pulse racing. Elaine’s legs were thrown over Rob’s lap, her arms wrapped tightly around her neck. If I didn’t know them well, I’d assume they were a couple.
“Welcome to my party!” Elaine grinned.
“It did turn into quite the event, huh?” I chuckled, glancing around.
“One person told another person who told everybody, I guess,” she shrugged.
“Where’s the alcohol?” I asked her.
“Through that door,” she pointed to what I assumed was the kitchen. I walked that way, running into Tate and Johnny on the way, so they walked with me.
“You look hot, Y/N!” Johnny grinned wide as he told me so. He wasn’t being weird or anything, he was genuinely just giving me a compliment, so I grinned in return.
“Really, who knew you had this badass in you? Red lipstick and everything? Poor Steve must be having palpitations,” Tate laughed, and the other nodded.
“Steve and I are just friends.”
“That’s what you want, not what he wants. He loooooooves you, he wants to smooooooooch you,” Johnny sang, tapping his fingers together in a kissing motion.
“I think you’ve had too much too drink,” I scoffed, pouring myself a cup full of whatever looked good and leaving them to go back to the couch. The only open spot was beside Steve, so I took it, sipping on my drink.
“You’re not gonna make yourself a drink?” I asked him, and he shook his head.
“Put on your mask, dingus. It’s a costume party,” Robin reached over and poked him, and he rolled his eyes as he did as she asked.
He looked good. I could feel my heart begin to race as he turned to me, and usually it would’ve made me nervous, but I just felt powerful in that moment. I knew he thought I looked good. I wanted to use it. I wanted to make him burn like I had.
I leaned in close to him, “Wanna play psycho killer?”
“Grace-“ he started, but I cut him off.
“Can I be the helpless victim?” I placed my hand on his chest, my fingers brushing over where hair peeled through the top of his v neck. I almost felt him shiver. “Please don’t kill me, Mr Ghost Face. I wanna be in the sequel!” I trailed my hand down his chest, scratching him lightly with my nails. As I approached his waist line, he grabbed my wrist sharply, halting my movements.
“You think you’re cute?” he huffed.
“You think I’m cute,” I smirked. I pulled my hand away from him and got up, leaving him there basically panting as I walked away.
I found Johnny and Tate chatting with a couple of other guys, and approached.
“Oh, hey! Y/N! I was wondering where you ran off to!” Tate smiled, welcoming me in.
“Just went to mess with Steve,” I shrugged, glancing at the other guys. One of them had his eyes on me, and I took the opportunity.
“Are you friends with these guys?” I asked him, leaning in a little closer.
“Yeah, I stay in the same dorm as them,” the guy nodded.
“Oh, neat! I can’t believe I’ve never seen you before!”
“Yeah, but it’s okay. Plenty of time to make up for it,” he winked at me.
“What are you doing?” Johnny whisper yelled into my ear, “Steve is watching you!”
“Steve and I are just friends. He likes kissing other girls so I’m gonna go talk to another guy.”
With that, I stepped closer to the mystery man. “Wanna dance?”
He nodded, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the center of the floor where people were dancing. He turned me around and I began swaying with him, daring to glance over at Steve. He looked furious, absolutely fuming at the sight of me with someone else. I was thriving off of it.
All of a sudden, Elaine pulled me away from him, pulling me closer to the couches. The guy protested for a second but Elaine sent him a death glare and he backed off.
“Why are you doing this?” she sighed.
“Doing what?”
“Dancing with him. Steve is right there. You’re breaking his heart.”
“Steve kissed you, Elaine. Even if you guys aren’t a thing, even if it didn’t work out or whatever and he likes me now, it happened and I can’t just forget that. He liked you more than me or he wouldn’t have kissed you instead of me and I don’t want to be second choice.”
“But that’s not what happened! Steve and I were never a thing!”
“Well he must’ve felt something, because he sure did swap spit with you.”
“It was a peck,” she rolled her eyes and huffed, throwing her hands up dramatically, “And I’m gay.”
My mouth fell agape, “What?”
“I never knew. I mean, I always thought girls were cute or whatever but I never had romantic feelings for them. Then I met Robin and couldn’t think about anything else. Excuse my bluntness, but I’ve never wanted to scissor anyone so badly. Steve is so easy to talk to, I completely opened up that night. I asked him if I could kiss him to see if I felt anything. To see if it felt right, and he said yes and believe me, neither of us felt anything. It was just weird.”
“So you and Robin are together now?”
“Well… I’m hoping we’ll get together tonight, if you catch my drift.”
“And Steve never liked you?”
“Of course not. Y/N, he’s been head over heels for you since he met you. He doesn’t talk about anyone else, he doesn’t think about anyone else.”
“Oh God, why didn’t I just hear him out sooner when he tried to talk to me about this? I’ve screwed everything up!”
“Look at him. He loves you, it’s all over his face. You haven’t screwed anything up.”
I stared at him for a moment before thanking her and heading his way.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked, standing directly in front of where he sat so my knees bumped into his bent ones.
“Why didn’t I tell you what?”
“About Elaine. If I’d just known-“
“I promised her I wouldn’t say anything to anyone until she was sure.”
“Still, you could’ve-“
“You were so upset about me kissing another girl, nothing but the truth would’ve worked.”
“Steve,” I sighed, “If I had known-“
“What would you have done?”
“I would’ve- Well, I would’ve-“
I couldn’t even complete my sentence, he cut me off at the jump, leaning in and slotting his lips onto mine. I was startled for a moment but he didn’t stop, and eventually I kissed back, savoring every second like it was the last. He pulled away as if he wanted to say something but I didn’t let him, pulling him right back in by his shirt and wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands found my back, pulling me closer into an arch and wandering, ghosting over my waist line.
We were cut short by cheers coming from beside us, and we backed away from each other just enough to look.
“It’s about damn time, dingus!” Robin huffed, wrapped tightly in Elaine’s arms. I blushed, hiding my face in Steve’s chest, and he leaned down to my ear.
“Come with me,” he whispered, and I nodded.
He lead me to the backyard, where a lake was glistening in the moonlight. There was a lake house beside it, cute and cottagey, like something out of a story book.
“Elaine is letting all of us stay here tonight,” he explained, “There’s only three bedrooms, though. So she told me we could stay out here.”
“She just assumed I’d be staying wherever you stay?”
“I mean, be honest with yourself, Grace. Even if we were still just friends, you’d rather bunk with me than anyone else here.”
“I suppose that’s true,” I shrugged, following him through the door to see that it was immaculately decorated. It didn’t have a real fireplace like the house did but it did have one of those huge automatic ones, so he turned it on, warming the place up. It was one room, there was a bed in the corner, not huge but big enough for the two of us, a TV above the fireplace and a couch in front of it with some other furniture scattered about. There was a closet and a bathroom, as well.
“We left the party awfully early,” I observed, turning to him.
“I have a night in a lake house with you, and you think I wanna waste it partying?”
“Well, when you put it that way,” I smiled, grabbing his hand and pulling him closer.
“I’m in love with you, Grace. I haven’t loved anyone in a really long time, and maybe never like this. And I know it’s quick, but I don’t care. I love you.”
“I love you too, stupid,” I rolled my eyes, pulling him closer until his lips met mine again and we fell into a dance of teeth and tongue.
He grabbed the fat of my hip, squeezing, the dress bunching up in his fingers.
“Fuck, Y/N, do you even know what this dress does to me?” he groaned, “Never seen you like this before.”
“I only bought it so you could take it off,” I rasped as his lips found my neck. At my words, he started sucking, leaving a mark I was sure would stay for days, and I moaned. Something about him wanting to claim me made me shiver, goosebumps littering my skin, my need multiplying.
“I can do that, baby,” he nodded, reaching behind me and pulling the zipper down slowly. He eased it down my shoulders, his fingertips brushing my skin and his eyes following their path. His irises got a little darker at the sight of the black lace covering my most sacred places, and he went ahead and undid the clasp of my bra, letting it fall with the dress.
“You look so pretty like this,” he sighed, staring at me for a moment, his gaze loving.
“Your turn,” I smirked, slipping my hands under his shirt and pulling it over his head. My fingertips clumsily attempted to undo his belt, and he stopped me, doing it himself one handed and throwing it on the ground. It was one of the hottest things I’ve seen him do. I let out a light moan, and he chuckled.
“Feel like a helpless victim yet?” he asked.
“You’re not wearing the mask, so no,” I shrugged jokingly, and he frowned.
“I can fix that,” he stated, walking to the table by the door where he’d set said mask. He pulled it on his head and my mouth fell slightly agape. He looked so perfect. So pretty.
“Want me to fuck you just like this?” he asked, and I nodded frantically. “Come here,” he grabbed my hips lightly, leading me to the end of the bed. He spun me slowly, “Bend over for me, baby,” he coaxed as he pressed on my back. I did as he asked and all I heard was a rip as he tore off the stockings, not worrying about my shoes.
I looked back to see him falling to his knees, then I felt his fingertips where I needed him most and I gasped. It was slow at first, just light touching, but I was absolutely dripping, desperately waiting for what I wanted.
“Steve, baby, please,” I whimpered, and he chuckled again.
“Anything for you, Grace,” he cooed, pushing one finger in. I let out a sigh and a moan, begging for more, and he obliged, pushing in another and eventually a third. Before long, he had a steady rhythm, pushing in and out of me in a way that had me ready to come apart.
“Please Steve, need it, need more, need you,” I panted, pushing back on him, reaching behind me to touch whatever part of him I could reach.
I heard a sharp zip as he undid his pants, kicking them off. His tip rubbed against my slit teasingly at first, then pushed in slowly, and I let out a shaky breath. He was huge, bigger than I’d probably ever had, and my walls were stretched deliciously. It didn’t help that I hadn’t done anything with anyone in a while. I’d been waiting for Steve since before I even met him.
“Please,” I whined, my voice a broken shell of what it was before he kissed me. He’d wrecked me already and hadn’t even fucked me yet.
“Here you go, baby. I’ve got you,” he sighed, setting a steady pattern of thrusts, hard and quick and perfect, everything I needed from him, His hands found my hips, squeezing hard enough to leave bruises, and I met him thrust for thrust pushing into him like a woman starved.
That lasted for a little longer before he pulled out abruptly. I whined, achingly empty, but he stopped me short by grabbing my hips and turning me over. “Scoot back,” he instructed, “I wanna see your pretty face.”
“I wanna see yours too,” I hummed as I did as he asked, scooting all the way to the top of the bed and laying my head down like a true pillow princess. He nodded, ripping the mask off and tossing it aside, and I gasped at him in all his glory. He was so handsome, hair a mess on his head, a slight sheen of sweat making him glisten.
He climbed up on top of me, grabbing my leg and putting it over his shoulder. He leaned down and captured my lips as he pushed in, and I groaned, the new angle putting him in just the right spot.
“I’m gonna cum if you keep doing that,” I whimpered.
“That’s the point,” he smirked, reaching down to rub circles on my clit as he fucked me harder. “Such a good girl, gonna cum all over me?”
I nodded frantically, wrapping my free leg around his back and pulling him in farther, earning a deep groan.
“You’re so perfect like this, taking it so good. Who woulda known my quiet girl could take it like this?” his words spurred me on, making me see stars as the coil in my tummy got ready to snap.
“Steve baby need to cum, please cum with me,” I gasped, clenching around him as I finally snapped, and he groaned. He wasn’t very far behind me, and we rode out our highs together, staring at each other when we were done like a couple of lovestruck kids.
“I’m sorry it took me so long to get here,” he whispered for only me, and I giggled.
“It’s okay, Steve. It’s my fault. If I hadn’t spent so long being jealous, this would’ve already happened.”
“I think it happened right when it was supposed to,” he smirked, kissing me on the forehead and walking to the bathroom. He wet a towel and brought it back, cleaning me up and then himself, then joined me in bed.
“Would you wanna, like, go on a date with me?” he asked, nerves clouding his voice.
I thought it over for a moment, leaving him in suspense.
“Of course. How about tomorrow?”
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bvckbiter · 1 month ago
do you have any tattoo hcs for the titan army?
i have drawn ethan with a full back tattoo of a sword and scales! i think out of the whole TA he would be the one with the most tattoos just because that fateful taking of his eye (as well as his general outlook on life) would make him more... blasé? libertine? about his body specifically wrt the damage it takes. hand in hand with that, i've been on a catholic!ethan kick lately, so it's all about the "suffering has a purpose" mindset. he could also have a bible verse scrawled down his forearm. maybe the kanji of nakamura on his upper arm, too
luke would probably be the competitor for most tattoos in the TA bec i suppose hes just a rebel like that lol. i'd say a very smoky, minimalist tattoo of thalia's pine over his heart, then he might also have something of the cyclops (an eye) over his fist just to remind him what his wrath is for. he also def has at least one greek letter/language/symbol tattoo somewhere on him because his divine heritage drives a lot of life decisions he makes lol but i just cant think of what specifically right now. and finally ... maybe a tramp stamp. /hj
chris definitely also has tattoos, but probably just the one or two. i'd love for him to have a beautiful intricate maze tattoo on his shoulder just as like a symbol of him having overcome his insanity during his time in the labyrinth. i also like to think that if he and clarisse ever made a lifelong commitment (idt they get married, theyre not conventional like that), they get matching ring or wrist tattoos <3
silena i think is an indecisive girly SHJDSHKJSHD this is partly taken from her inconsistent appearances in the books (though we know thats because rick is ass at continuity and doesnt have a series bible) but in general i just think she changes up her appearances a lot, so she'd be apprehensive to get something as permanent as a tattoo. i could see her doing temporary tattoos though, like those cutesy little hearts across the collarbone like a necklace, and little sparkly wings and betty boop dotting her body. she'd also be probably into face paint you know the ones you see from birthday parties 🥰 if you hc her as south asian like i do, i could also see her and other aphrodite kids practicing henna on themselves and each other, since the patterns have a lot of cultural meaning and just look gorgeous and intricate in general!
alabaster im super torn between him being clean cut and having tattoos JAHJAJAKAKS because on one hand magic users with magic tattoos = absolute baller concept (say what you want about the shadowhunter chronicles but the aesthetic is peak im afraid), and on the other, i think it's also fun if al just draws on himself what he needs at the moment, so he always leaves himself as a blank canvas. either way though, most if not all his tattoos would be for magic utility purposes, though i could also see him getting a tattoo of his deceased siblings' and friends' names... i also think that he'd make a habit of Misting his tattoos invisible more often than not if they were permanent, just to keep a more lowkey profile.
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itgirlgyu · 2 years ago
txt as types of office romance!
Tumblr media
pairing—txt ot5 x fem reader.
word count—4452. (900-800 each member.)
✸ as a self proclaimed romantic—enjoy!
that's a hot boss right there!
like everyone physically, verbally calls him as that
oh it's completely unethical.
but he's like flinging his wrist in 'aw stop it' but secretly he's buzzing like a vibrator
brags it to his group chat
completely clueless that everyone does it to get in his good side
and some *cough* *looks away* in his pants..
the type to go jogging in the morning and come to the office right after, glistening with sweat beads on his skin and the end of his hair
in his slutty biker shorts while jingling his pink tumbler and twirling his car keys on his fingers.
everyone just assumed that he'd be a nepo baby
but no!
he earned his way to the top!
everyone knows it because he gives that speech at every dinner party, year end parties, ceremonies, sport meet, team marathon—you just name it and he's there with his mic.
there's literally a mic in the office with his name encrusted in crystals; he bought it himself.
along with the poster of his interview and photoshoot with a reputable magazine for being the hottest boss of 20XX in all of south korea!
soobin: *reads off the smudged ink on his palms* yes our boss *squints* is mega *squints harder* bootylicious…
now you're like a low worker in the office
basically a contract worker
and you need to be hired bc you need to ✨pay your bills✨
so to get on the good side of your coworkers and your boss
you're like yes i'll do extra work
and they are like ok thank you bye and scurry off like little rats.
that's how you're stuck in the office late at night when everyone had left
rotting away in front of a spreadsheet
you're like this close to melting into your keyboard when you hear loud shriek from the far end of the floor
at first youre like it,,, damn am i crazy lol
so you get back to counting money your manager has spent on hoes and try to make it seem like a company spending
and then you hear it again
this times it's a reasonably higher in pitch and sounds a lot like your big boss, the so called hot boss of the branch
you try to ignore it
you really do, you DON'T want to interact with someone
but word in the office is that yeonjun is very generous and getting on the good side of the hot boss might get you a permanent position
also you don't think you can focus on the petty money laundering of your manager rn with your brain occupied by the hauntings of missed opportunities
so you stalk to his cabin and you're about to know when you hear in another loud screech
so on instinct you burst open the door of the cabin, and there's yeonjun perched on top of his expensive chair, with his even more expensive shoes
he points it to you and yells,
you're reasonably hurt because sure you're a low paying contract worker and he's the head of the branch, and super rich but that doesn't give him the right to call you, a living respectable human being a filthy ins—
"there's a fucking roach there on the floor,"
you look at him dumbfounded for 3 seconds before it registers that he did not just call you an insect but there's actually one
so you're looking down to find the said culprit
"and it flies!"
that's when your heart started to beat faster
any insect that flies is a menace to the society but you need to be brave
for him and for yourself, and possibly a permanent position at the office.
you look around the floor and find the cockroach on the floor, without any movement. figuring out this is the time to attack
you take your heels and lunge on it, squashing the vile monster into a small mass of diabolic goo
"sir its gone!" you gleefully exclaim before even looking up
but when you do, you see the expanse of his enchanting eyes brimming with glittery gratification
and that's how you win the permanent working position
and also the hot boss's affection
although you are not quite sure how to handle the attention he has been showering you
especially the extra meaty lettuce wraps he hands you in the company dinner completely unaware of the kind of reaction it emits from his team
if you weren't already aware of the rumors that his eccentric behavior was sprouting, you were sure him giving your lousy manager the stink eye sealed the deal
the chattering around the office was so loud that HR had to be involved and he was explaining how ' you're HIS SAVIOUR! "
right at the moment you entered with some important papers and his eyes met yours once again
and that's when HE realized it was not just the gratitude but also something more
perhaps love,, <3
basically he's the last to know
some of the people who had a crush on him did give you dirty looks here and there but majority of the office were absolutely entertained in the way the hot boss was infatuated with you all while trying to act like himself normally
you found it cute too ngl
you were in love with him too, but you kinda wanna let it go on for a few days more before coming clean to him about your feelings.
when you reciprocate he gifts you a matching pink tumbler.
he's like the gossip monger of the entire branch
has tea on everyone
literally nothing goes out of his sight, he knows everything—as it is happening.
oh yurim from accounting department is pregnant? he's the first to know
jaeseok from the IT department has been two timing with his colleagues to get his work done for him? obviously soobin knows who the two colleagues are and how he manages to bag them both!
minhee from the editing team has explosive diarrhea—you just know it!
actually the last one everyone knows tbh
you cant frequent a bathroom five times in a hour and keep this things away from your coworkers
they are like your family.
you bet your sweet ass he dropped off pills for the poor girl too
this is why no one can find fault in soobin
even though he knows your dirtiest little secret, you can't hate him because he never gives you a chance to.
he's more like the messiah of his marketing department.
basically he runs this forum on the company website that everyone knows who operates but because of such cult like fan following, no one has the balls to expose him
unless they all want to be canceled overnight
but no one really knows how he works and gets his intels tbh
it's like the third top secret of the company
the first being how the hell did beomgyu get a job and the second being, how the hell does beomgyu keep his job?!?
even though soobin has his eyes on everyone
no one can really find anything about him
like of course he'd be at every company dinner, laughing his ass off at the lame ass joke his superior is cracking but also the karaoke nights right after but come always on time the next day
he's always so prim and proper
vogue 72 question guy called and asked for an interview for it
but his answer? he just has nothing to hide!
but you've always called bullshit on it tbh
everyone has a secret no matter how little it maybe
since he has exposed your tiny little addiction to carbohydrates on his forum for bringing a portable stove from home and making your own fancy ramen late at night during your over time hours
your eye twitches every time he enters your vicinity
you're just waiting for the time get a chance to nab his head using the step stool you keep hidden inside your cubicle
that's when you start to tail him everywhere to find his filthy little secret to expose him
but all you get is him buying fresh bread from a bakery, helping an elderly couple to cross the street, saving a toddler from a car accident, using his height to help get a cat down who was stuck in a tree—
you were almost starting to believe in his infuriating statement, that maybe, he's just such a humble human that he has nothing to hide
until the cat just walks out of the bag right in front of you
he's a weeb lmao
right in front of you, on a weekend night you were walking back home after buying some cheap beer, was soobin
in his gojo satoru cosplay
you can tell that's him even if his eyes are hidden with the black cloth or through that synthetic white wig
at first he doesn't notice you, talking to his friend while he's rocking the whole cosplay
i mean even youre shell shocked like sure everyone enjoys anime, even you do! so could soobin!
but you just didn't expect him to bust out in a full cosplay
after the initial shock fizzles out, you're yelling out to get his attention
you're just curious, the whole revenge thing you had out for soobin didn't even click yet
but as soon as he realized it was someone from his office, man just used his leg power and started to run the opposite direction
and your first reaction was to run after him
so after a while he thankfully stops bc you were fr about to puke on the sidewalks
he's begging you to not out him and even if you were mad at him but that doesn't mean that you were such an evil being to blast him like that
not in such a heinous corporate society, you wouldn't even wish it upon your worst enemies!
even though you pinky promised him on the sidewalk while sharing your beers about not telling this to anyone.
soobin has been extra careful around you
man will be stirring his piping hot relaxing tea in the staff kitchen
sees you approach
chugs the whole thing down and scurries out without making eye contact
stops talking in the middle of his sentence when you enter the room
it's kinda fun to see him like that but you also wonder how does he run a whole gossip girl blog when he himself is like that
it would have been all fun and giggles if the office didn't start talking about how you and soobin have beef now
and now they are picking soobins side
bc he has the ability to turn all of their life into hell if wanted to
once again you're reminded of the female oppression in such a heinous corporate world
so you corner soobin just out of the man's toilet late at night and have a serious talk with him
heart to heart
you remind him that you won't tell anyone him about his after work activities also tell him about some of your anime characters for victim solidarity
and you two warm up in the place laced with wafting smell of pee and sanitizer
he even gifts you a whole packet of name brand ramen and a case of butane gas
and youre sure you've fallen love with him, right there and then
and so does he when you buy some white mascara and a better wig.
beomgyu is the enigma of the production department
in the worst way possible
is always seen in other people's business more than his own
"honestly i think you should break up with him, like if he cheated once, he's gonna do it twice."
"i know ri—"
all his past managers have a medical history of chronic migraines and probably some other hidden illness they can't even disclose because of him
has been cited with name for a number of superior's resignations
yet personally he's like the cockroach who will survive anything
also casually steals lunch from the community fridge and tries to blame it on the new intern, huening kai
but everyone knows it's him
everyone thinks he's a nepo baby
but he personally tries to start a rumor that he has slept his way to the top
with an winky face
no one agrees tho
beomgyu just looks like an overactive virgin no matter which angle you look at him in.
probably has scanned his ass on the printer and also might have accidentally replaced actual analysis paper with it
"I might have wasted their time, but they have also seen my ass in it's rawest form, I think it's a win for them either way."
no one really knows how he got that job and how hes able to keep it up
everyone knows that he turns up all his research perfectly with the best rate of efficiency.
that's why the office puts up with him
beomgyu is like, yeah sure it's my intelligence but also this raw sex appeal to raise the attraction quotient of the office.
taehyun is somewhere in the corner, stabbing a pen into his palm with a glare, boring a hole into beomgyus back
beomgyu: see im so hot even my backs burning up
you are from the designing team and you've been recruited recently so you don't really know about beomgyu's whole reputation
but you're paired with him for a project and you two have to come up with the perfect valentine's day sales project
at first beomgyu is like super friendly
like way too friendly showing you the production department
giving little introductions for everyone
'this is jaehyun—he has a severe gas problem, so beware of giving him anything with eggs."
you're very intrigued but also like, a little scared youre not gonna lie
but that soon turns into bouts of sudden admiration for the man when you see him more and more
sure he has the attention span of a toddler and whines at every chance given—but he sure is super, duper passionate when it comes to his job
and isn't it the most important thing?
as you two work on it more privately, his colleagues start seeing a positive change in his behavior
and one night they all lie to beomgyu that they will get off early and once you and beomgyu are out of the office they all huddle up together
putting up a graph, a pie chart and recruit a tarot card reader on zoom on what's the cause of his sudden change of behavior
and everything points to one thing: you
after he started to work with you he has reasonably become more bearable and everyone pledges an oath to do anything to make the most of it
even if it's by setting you two up
they would give you a very fancy dinner of wagyu as a consolation prize if it did work out
so the next day during you guy's meeting the other team members are like
you and beomgyu should go on a few date to see how restaurants do the whole valentine thing
beomgyu: perfect!
that's how you two end up with a list of restaurants to check out for their valentine day schemes
you and him end up doing a lot of couple theme games for stuff
also research ofc ofc
but through all this you get to see him in so many ways that you cannot help but realize that maybe you did end up developing a little crush on the eccentric man
you guys are sitting outside a convenience store, eating popsicles and discussing about the couple game you two were forced to play and how they really blindsided beomgyu or else he would have won surely
you're like sure sure, with all your attention on the melting popsicle in your hands
he's like, this has been so fun it's like we're an actual couple
yk he's joking but you can't help but feel the heat rush to your cheeks
which gives him more leverage to tease you further
beomgyu: you're good at pretending that you like me
you: maybe because I actually do
and beomgyu almost chokes on the stick of his popsicle
but good thing! you two start dating!!!
beomgyu's teammates try to give you a hush hush wagyu beef dinner but beomgyu sniffs the utter betrayal and decides to join anyway
but he can't refuse that they were actually very helpful
oh and the product becomes a massive hit
u guys are the office's it couple now
beomgyu urges the new interns to call you and him, mom and dad.
he's the manager from hell
when you look at him he kinda looks like the flower boy new intern
but in reality he is probably that senior who will not hesitate to eat you whole if you even do as little as give him a report with wrong font
always in a prim and proper attire
you won't ever catch him with one strand of his hair out of place
the talk in the company is that he is probably the owner's son
like why else would you care so much about the company?!?! hmmm sussy
even the marketing team's messiah, soobin, can't get under his skin
beomgyu, coming into the scene spinning in his chair: hm taehyun looks like your thongs are in a twist
taehyun: *kicks beomgyus chair out of his way and doesn't spare a second glance*
he's always on time
like do you live here bro
wasn't caught slacking a day in his entire career
and thats how the owners son rumors died down
he's is so cut throat omg. he has made so many people cry (deserving only.)
like he's so precise with his insults it's kinda commendable
"wow your nails are so pretty, shows you much you've never worked a day in your life :D"
his seniors asks him to come to the office to relay their disappoints to the workers who has been slacking off
he's so nice and precise with his harsh words that it could actually land him a nice paying side hustle
but he will do it for free
not everything in this world has a price!
everyone is scared of the finance department because of him
no one really wants to be trained under him
there are literally rumors about new recruits crying and leaving the company to become streamers and gamers because of taehyun
he only blames it on their weak mentality
taehyun: workplace is a jungle and only survivors survive the jungle.
wow taehyun you're so profound
had a calendar with motivational quotes to provide him energy to conquer each day
keep your head high king
always seen with a protein shake in the office
one time yeonjun who was visiting the office, accidentally drank taehyuns shake kept in the fridge
he couldn't feel his mouth for an hour
you actually trained under him when you were newly hired
and you hated every goddamn bit of it
everything about the devil of finance department was true and you were one of the surviving victim of his boot camp enough to tell the tale
and you did not keep your mouth shut
half of his brutish rumors comes from your mouth
you think of it as compensation from all the harsh treatment you got from him
sure you need to be strict with your interns if you're training them.
but he used to shut the doors at your face of you came late even by a minute or two
safe to say you did hold a bit of the grudge
and taehyun acts as if you didn't exist
now imagine a scene where you two are to do a couple dance thanks to the dumb idea of doing a raft for the cultural program of the company
taehyun: so here's my resignation—
you are like, ok why do you hate me
and taehyun scoffs in your face, like very loudly
and mind you this is happening in front of yall superior's face who are like, wow such chemistry
they'd set fire to the set
even after trying a various attempts of getting away without doing the godforsaken dance
you two are alone in the practice room, brooding over ideas on how to get away
when you finally get up and walk over to taehyun who's sitting in the corner of the room
"so you can break my leg so we can get away!"
and taehyun is genuinely looking at you with concern and sadness
"you hate me that much huh"
and you look at him and he's like a wet kitten who got kicked and your heart wrenches.
"a little" you sigh but quickly add in
"you were an asshole during the training period, maybe if you had toned down little"
he's like, okay but what about discipline
and you tell him about the concept of teaching with kindness and for the first time you have a heart to heart conversation with him and you realize wow okay,,,maybe he's,,, not that bad?
and he's not bad loo—
you slap yourself into consciousness and you lie to him that there was a mosquito
taehyun knows you're lying and he's finds it kinda cute
so you both decide to actually practice
and actually you both fr have a good chemistry
and the whole raffle thing becomes a hit
you two come out as a couple and the interns who are being trained under taehyun now shower you with gifts as the one who tamed the bull and also for being their precious alumnus
now that's a real flower boy intern!
he's like one of those new recruits
always on time, smelling like freshly done laundry and hope that is not yet crushed by the mean managers
becomes a crowd favorite as soon as he enters the department to be trained
people actually try to feed him
like he'd be here to get coffee order for someone
and some elderly workers would be trying to shoot a cookie in his mouth like those basketball chads and he actually let's them!
older lady: *misses*
hyuka, clapping to cheer the old lady like a coach: that's okay! we can do better! we got time!
he actually doesn't got time
even if he's the sweetheart of the department doesn't mean he doesn't have thousands of files to photocopy or get correct order of bajillion coffee orders
messes up literally everything tho
soobin: hyuka why does my coffee taste like soap?
but gets a "he's a new kid" pass
and one of the dudes who actually deserves it because sure, who cares if he's a little worthless in the office noW HE MIGHT BE USEFUL IN THE FUTURE!
he's a little child and he's just learning
and he makes it up than enough by running around the office every time to run errands to whomever asks him of anything
it's as if… he is… not… the son of the owner of the company..
hyuka was one of the fair breeds of rich
he'd be playing golf with his dad and then he was like dad i wanna join our company
his dad throws away the golf club to go hug his son but before he could engulf him in a bear hug and give a whole speech that is written and edited in a piece of paper
hidden in a special pocket designed in his undergarment for times like this
"as an intern, i wanna try to earn my place."
his father throws a bitch fit like bro i did this all for u and now u wanna be amongst the commoners
hyuka is like, yes
and after a bit more of the bitch fit his dad agrees
and that's where his struggle story starts
even tho getting in was easy but keeping up a whole facade of being a normal boy who just has a dream of becoming big in the corporate world is hard
like imagine the horrors of not being able to wear his cartier in the office!! if only he got caught!!
or drinking instant coffee?!?? commoners coffee?!
although he has quite grown accustomed to that taste
much like everyone you were also unaware of hyuka's high status but considering that you were his direct senior, he had to spend a lot of his time under your tutelage
but the thing is you're not used to training anyone so you're like,,, ok get me two copies of this paper and a relaxing tea
and he's like, on it boss!
at first it was kind of awkward to have him around you all the time but as time passed he started to grow on you
and even hyuka started to grow fond of you
perhaps more than a senior junior relationship
okay basically he likes u and he almost let that shit out but thankfully he passed out before that
and as your direct junior you have to take care of him so everyone leaves you two and goes to any other bar to continue the party
and you are here, groaning while lunging his half conscious body and try to get his eyes open to get into his phone to call someone over
and then you call his speed dial and when they pick up you introduce yourself as his senior
as soon as the words oh are you kai's mother leaves your mouth, hyuka shots up and literally snatches his phone away from your ears
he's like, hahahahaha, im so awake.
devil may work hard but hyukas mom works harder
before you two can wrap up your conversation at the entrance of the bar, an audi comes to pick him up
and two men come out and starts calling hyuka sir and acting like he is their boss
hyuka wanted the ground to open and to swallow him up
so he just settled on coming clean to you
he knows you enough to know that you won't tell anyone about it nor would you use him
and he's so right because since that night you pledge to protect his identity
and he's like
*proud smile, clicks your picture and sends it to his mom* your future daughter in law
hyuka also got the balls to say that he likes you fr and then you two drank instant coffee to celebrate the beginning of your relationship
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copyrights 2023— itgirlgyu!!! feedbacks are appreciated! drop a comment on whose love story you liked the best!!
a/n my toxic trait is thinking I could make one shot out of every one of these. also i learned something valuable about me, im indeed capable of writing 3k in 6 hours. if only I could do it regularly sigh.
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koinotame · 11 months ago
What I wouldn't give to just have a bunch of sexy people that let me touch their tiddies 😔
- 🍎
i feel that... i'm gonna piggyback off your ask and elaborate a bit more on how the characters in the fic would react to being groped:
honestly ei's outfit feels like it's purely for utility to me with the fanservice being a bonus. in fact i feel like she wouldn't have much reaction to you suddenly groping her? she's maaaybe a little embarrassed, but mostly confused. unless you initiate anything more sexual she's just kind of like. ok. it's you so even if she doesn't really get what you're doing she enjoys the contact. if you mention you think her chest is nice and soft, she'll start initiating hugs where she presses your head against her chest more. she'd be very soft and warm i think, especially since you'd be getting direct skin contact <3
childe's completely useless tiddy harness..... anyway suffice to say he wouldn't mind you playing with his chest at all. whether he'll get turned on by your groping depends a bit, but for the most part he's perfectly fine with leaning down for you literally anywhere or sitting himself in front of you so you can lean against him and busy your hands. the soft contact feels nice (especially since it's something he gets very, very little of), and he's pleasing you so it's a win win. there's more obvious muscle on him compared to ei so there's plenty for you to grab lol. feel free to also slip your hand into his shirt via the little window on his stomach ;)
i feel like kaeya knows what he's doing with his tiddy window. and if it's you... well, go right ahead. he does get a little embarrassed if you do this in public too much though, so maybe save it for when it's just the two of you? he'll start off by teasing you, but the longer you keep going the more quiet he gets. also pretty touch starved, so if you compliment him and maybe play with his hair while you're at it he melts. after the first couple times you're pretty sure he's been using some sort of skin oil or something to keep his chest extra soft and smooth. his chest isn't super sensitive either so unless you combine the groping with something else sexual he's pretty unlikely to get turned on
zhongli... well, his chest is fine, but his better asset is his butt. he doesn't mind if you come up and cop a feel. not entirely sure how to feel about it (on one hand.... on the other you're paying attention to him and clearly like his body, so he's doing something right). to be honest i think he'd enjoy the fact that you're paying attention to him over the skinship or the actual feeling of the groping. you might notice he starts wearing tighter pants and/or shirts around you... and if you don't notice they get tighter. still would prefer if you did this in private though. the bonus of that is he'll let you go on for hours upon hours—as long as it takes for you to be satisfied
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stripedstarsblueflags · 7 months ago
i feel so high school (au) pt. 1: landoscar
anyway here are some high school aus for my fav f1 rpf ships and an exploration of who knows how to ball, and who knows aristotle
(leaving a cut so no one has to spend three hours scrolling anymore lol)
(basing these off american high schools cause the song)
track and field!lando/football captain!oscar: (american high school setup but i’m calling it football instead of soccer for ease) lando knows how to ball, oscar knows aristotle. they’re both athletes but lando’s the one in with the cool crowd of student athletes, the ones the rest of the school basically worship and rely on to carry the entire school’s image. the stereotype about these types of athletes in general is that they’re all party animals, irresponsible, players, live by their own rules– which lando settles into easily enough even if the rumor mill that churns on about suspected girlfriends is pretty much never correct. he’s also more serious about the sport than anyone else on the team and has been known to arrive before the school even opens and run laps around the edge of campus until he can get to the track, and he wouldn’t admit it but when he’s running alone is the only time he feels like he can really think clearly
oscar on the other hand is surprisingly under the radar, even though he’s the strongest and also the leader of the team he’s uninterested in projecting an image anywhere else. he doesn’t go to after-game parties, doesn’t drink at pep rallies, doesn’t make an effort for the in crowd at all. something almost no one knows about him– not because he hides it but because people don’t look that close– is that he’s actually wicked smart, if he wasn’t so occupied with the team he could easily have the top grades in his class. school comes easy to him but he also has a really diligent and unwavering work ethic.
oscar gets along fine mostly by himself until lando starts acting out so much that he notices even though they don’t know each other, because lando’s storming off the track and yelling at his teammates while oscar’s on the pitch nearby. turns out lando’s grades are so bad that he’s at serious risk of losing his place on the team, and his teammates are starting to resent him for not being able to pull his shit together and show up for them. oscar observes carefully from a distance as lando seems to be nearly unraveling, and then one night around midterms they actually run into each other at the public library, not the school one. and oscar normally wouldn’t approach a student outside of school but he’s so surprised and maybe lando’s distress has been on his mind a little lately so he blurts out like, “what are you doing here??”
and he’s expecting a wisecrack or dismissal from lando but instead his eyes are shadowed and his hair is a mess and he looks like he hasn’t slept in a week and he just mumbles something about not being able to be seen in the school library. and oscar’s concerned and a little disturbed so he manages to get some more information out of a sleep-deprived and very overwhelmed lando, like that he’s scared to study at the school library because if his friends see him they might think differently of him and also that he doesn’t want anyone to know he’s a slow reader. oscar’s super sympathetic and nonjudgmental about this and then he sees lando’s handwriting and how many of the letters are backwards and it clicks like shit, lando’s actually dyslexic and he’s not getting any help about it and maybe it’s not entirely his fault he’s falling behind. and because oscar knows how important their sport is to both of them and how devastating it would be to lose it he offers to help him study just a little.
and it’s supposed to be this small thing between them just until one particular midterm but it evolves into something more than that, maybe they’re meeting at the library more often or a coffee shop or a park and then it almost seems like they’re going on dates… they even study at each other’s houses at some point and maybe when lando’s having a bad day oscar reads stuff out loud for him and obvi that means we need a reference to the “you have a soothing voice” comment and slow-burn fluff commences <3
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weallhaveadestiny · 9 months ago
I started to think, that's never a good thing, but I can't get Butcher out of my fucking head and I read a shit ton of ff about him, and after many many years, it seemed I found inspiration again to dabble in fanfic on my own lol.
So behold, what my mind created, feedback is very much welcome for real HELP ME BE BETTER
I don't know if I'll do a follow up, who knows?
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I didn't want to go to this party. For fuck sakes, why am I here?
I'm here because of one person, Frenchie. We met at a flee market, I was hussling with a seller in French and this dude fucking appeared out of nowhere. Apparently he doesn't have any friends who speak our language. So ye, I guess he needed that. He is a weird guy, but we hang out sometimes. He calls me mostly late at night when he can't sleep and talks rubbish about his "missions" like he is some type of agent I don't fucking know he seems high 24/7.
Anyway he was bugging me so much about this party, it's not even his, but he wanted me to come. Because "mon amie amuse toi un peu" aka I don't get out enough for a woman in her 20s and it's a crime. So here I am, left alone by mister Frenchie with a glass in my hand, thinking if I escape now he wouldn't notice. Sounds cliche I know but I genieunly don't feel good surrounded by people I don't know. Call it social anxiety, I call it "I don't like people syndrom".
OK lemme find an exit, where is the door in this fucking mansion?
I was looking everywhere until I saw this guy. Brunette, arms crossed, looking at me super intensely across the room. What the fuck is this guy's deal? Jesus I don't have time to deal with men. So now I'm just crossing this room, having to pass in front of him to get the hell out of this place.
"OI leaving already?" The fuck ? I kept walking
"Frenchies girlfriend, I'm talking to you."
I looked at him, not saying anything. I should just keep walking.
"I guess Frenchie likes them quiet ain't he?" this time I fully turned to him, fuming.
"What did you just say to me?"
The dude was actually smirking, who does that?
"she talks!" Frenchie got to us. Fuck...
"Ava mon amie, monsieur le Charcutier. You already met?"
" Pas du tout. Frenchie j'allais justement partir, excuse moi mais vraiment It's not my crowd."
"Come on Ava you can't leave already"
"You know how I am around people I don't know, and you know so many people here, one less is nothing."
"Come one now love, live a little" says monsieur Charcutier? , still smirking, his body tilting in my direction. I was so done with him already.
"Charcutier dude..."
"Actually it's Butcher but you can call me Billy." he winked, he fucking winked.
"I'm not talking to you." I turned towards Frenchie
"Frenchie, I'll call you in the morning to check on you" I got closer to him to do our usual 2 kisses.
"Don't be a cunt and stay. Afraid you might enjoy yourself?" Butcher just doesn't ever shut up. I turned to him and pointed my finger in his direction. I could actually hear Frenchie chuckling.
"Listen here, butcher boy, I don't owe you shit, you don't know me, so don't act like you do"
"Frenchie tell your friend to get that stick off her fuckin' ass and have a drink with us." he said, never breaking eye contact with me
"Ava mon cœur... Come on, just an hour... For me?" He gave me those puppy eyes. Who was I kidding?
"You have one hour, ONE HOUR and I get out of here okay?"
"je t'aime" Frenchie said, hugging me like a mad man
"yeah yeah je t'aime aussi" pushing him off me
"And where's my hug?" Says Butcher
"Go fuck yourself."
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