#i mean. that makes sense actually but i'll need to work on tying it in better
saltedsolenoid · 1 year
honestly i feel like my main problem with anne's character as it stands is that she had a really interesting plotlinein the first draft but the first draft SUCKED and there's no way to bring it back but. now she just feels like kind of. a blank page
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eponastory · 2 months
If they are so in love then...
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Why do they break up so much?!!!!
Because they aren't in love, and the writers did this so Zutara fans would shut up. There was ZERO setup for this pairing. ZERO! And you expect me to just jump on board with this very badly written bad relationship?
I'll say it again for the people in the back...
This is the most unhealthy relationship I've ever seen on TV!!!
You know, besides Daemon and Rhaenyra, and several others that I can tell you straight up how they are bad/toxic.
Mai is a perfect supporting character for Azula. That's where she works. She's a foil for Ty-Lee, and she doesn't give a damn about Azula's toxic behavior. It works in that way. Mai is that one friend that's going to go with the flow, and you might need her to help you bury a body.
As for her relationship with Zuko...
Mai is apathetic. She doesn't communicate at all about what she wants, and Zuko just wants her to open up. She won't, because that's her character. She is also written with the worst backstory for this character archetype because at the same time Avatar was airing, Teen Titans was wrapping up on its final season, and kids loved the character of Raven.
Mai from what I can tell, was written to be like Raven.
Raven is an insanely popular character within the DC Comics and Media, so it makes sense that Bryke wrote Mai in to bring in some support from Raven fans. Except for the fact that Mai's story isn't compelling enough to fill in those Raven parameters.
Fans call Mai and Zuko the perfect Goth couple when Zuko isn't even Goth. Trust me, he isn't. I was Goth/Punk back in the day... Zuko was far from it. He isn't even Emo. He's actually going to take the role of the Loner.
Now, just because a couple looks cute together doesn't mean the work. Like I said, Mai doesn't like opening up because she's supposed to be Brykes' version of Raven (genuinely surprised people have not caught on to this) and be mysterious, Goth, and apathetic. Zuko is none of these things. He's frustrated and lonely, and none of his friends are actually his friends. They're Azula's. Zuko is also willing to communicate while Mai isn't. That is usually not a good thing in a relationship, fiction or real.
So their breakups make a lot of sense. And as of current comics, they are still not together, Mai having moved on to be with some other guy.
And no, I'm not going to go by speculation that they are going to get back together. Unless that comes out in comic form, they are not together.
Sorry... wait, not I'm not.
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your-ne1ghbor · 1 month
It was 1 am-2 am when I decided: OOOO I should mess with Star's design again... so tell me... Why did it work???
also another long post from the sleep deprived fish lets goo
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The cape is ugly af, but the rest of the deign is actually...GOOD??? I am in shock since this rarely happens when I actually like how the colors came out on any character-
UNFORTUNATLY, the cape is what ruins it due to how BLAND it is. Not only that, but it is VERY important to how I design his cape. Like basically:
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Yes, that is how important his cape is! I wanna talk about what his cape means in another post where I talk about the Star Realm, but for now, I got this ugly ahh cape.
Not only that, the rims with the colors being gold is actually wrong with how I wanted to make his color pallet. The gold rims (ON HIS CAPE NOT THE REST OF THE OUTFIT) are supposed to be a light blue to signifiy a lake. HOWEVER, I tried to see what it would look like, especially here and in my other post here, where it just does not work with his design. Sure, the light blue is nice, but doesn't fit no matter how hard I try to make it look nice. The gold rims work way too well to where the only light blue where it would work, would only be seen on the back of his cape...WHICH IS UGLYYYYYYYYY
Perhaps I go with either a different cape? Change up the color pallet? Or try to make it work with the lore of the Star Realm? (Yeah I'm being serious, thats how important his cape is and how I represent it. If it doesn't look good or work, then idk... I really wanted to incorprate the star realm onto his cape. I might have to come up with a symbol of the star realm if this doesn't work)
The front however, is actually okay, which is basically the little circle with the ribbon draping over his cape. It is just as important as the rest of the design of his cape, ESPECIALY with those 2 pieces in particular. I dont have a problem with it, since it is what I wanted it to look like in the first place and works well with the design either way.
I don't want to continue empathizing on how important it is to how I represent his cape, but it is overall significant to his design. So I'll talk about the bottom of his design since it is actually where I had trouble with before.
To be specific, it is how I wanted his top to look like. Either I wanted a closed off semi-skirt like what the original or what @signed-sapphire and @chillwildwave did with their star boy's design, or go with a more open skirt like what @oh-shtars and @spectator-zee with theirs. It ofc ended up being more open, just it being shorter. I was unironically inspired by Eugene's outfit lmao but the rest came by easy. I knew I wanted his shoes to be almost up to his knees cause he needs to be FANCYYYYY. I also changed up his sleeves and made it more flowy cause I wanted more fun with his design and works with his character :D
Speaking of character, this somewhat works with his character. SOMEWHAT. He is pretty a optimistic kind of prankster, but I feel like his bright personality is toned down to how dark the outfit came out. I know it is to represent the stars since...you know..he is one, just that (quote from one of my bsfs (TY FOR YOUR INSIGHT BTW)) "the outside is more dark whilst the inside has lighter colors, it makes it look like a glowing star trying to hide, a bit".
I mean, makes sense to why he needs to hide: Maggy wants to make sure he is fucking dead- JOKES ASIDE, it works with context, but he doesn't nessicairly like hiding stuff, like he is pretty open about his feelings for example, but like I said, it also works since he has to hide from the people of Rosas and her parents or else he's seen as the monster (rawr rawr rawr) in their eyes 💀
That aside, you probably notice I changed up his hair. Why? Because I wanted to try something and make it have more depth. It works, so it stays for now.
Is this the final design for him? No. Its not. Until I get the cape right, I still have to get his design working. At least it is working with how I am envisioning it, minus the few little details that make me annoyed for no particular reason other than it needing to work with his character and world.
My next post is going to be an update to the Maggy silly lil backstory cause...it is REALLY important to the story 😭😭
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A 40+ yo mom comes to her Devildom w/her two kids pt 4 @mepsratchild12
A couple days later MC was pissed. Ty and Levi actually kept each other on track, making sure grades stayed up and school work was done, all be it from home online school, Ty still came to her for help with History, she went to Satan for help with that. What books she should read to catch up quick.
That wasn't what pissed her off. Mammon has promised to make sure Cyn was okay getting to and from her classes as she got lost easily. And they didn't put Cyn in the same classes as her mother because of her mental age. Luke found the child crying and scared surrounded by bullying demons and no Mammon to be found.
MC loved that little Angel and now Cyn wouldn't leave the boy's side at school. Thankfully Luke and Simeon didn't mind. They happily took over watching her while MC did her schooling.
She matched her ass home to the HOL promising Simeon and Luke she'd come get Cyn in a couple of hours. She opened the door, fire in her eyes, Ty took one look at their mom and ran for Levi's room to get him.
"Someone is up shits creek, my mom is fucking pissed and doesn't have Cynthia with her, who was in charge of the brat again?"
Levi's eyes got huge "Oh SHIT Mammon." They both ran back downstairs and then followed MC as she walked up the stairs with deliberate steps. Normally MC knocked, not today, she threw open Mammon's door and saw him just laying on his bed.
"How dare you?" Her voice as quiet as the grave, the boys behind her exchanged looks, they heard steps behind them and moved over for Lucifer who had sensed something was wrong."
"What ya mean how dare I? How dare you just barge into my room?!"
"You were tasked with protecting Cynthia while going in between her classes, YOU TOLD ME you would protect her. So why did Luke find her sobbing in a stairwell surrounded by demons bullying and hitting her?"
Ty pulled themself to full height standing up perfectly straight and came up next to their mom, "I'd answer her if I were you." The quieter she gets the more fucked you are. And not just from her, you let people hurt my sister." The kid cracked every joint in their body and glared at Mammon.
"Mammon, I have never in my existence been more disappointed in any living being than I am now, and I will never trust with anything or anyone important to me in the future. You have proven yourself unreliable. Until you can prove to me you aren't the selfish beast your brothers say you are, do not come near me or my kids."
She spun on heel and ran right into Lucifer who was looking at her curiously, "Excuse me Lord Lucifer, I am having dinner at Purgatory hall and will be staying there tonight by invitation of the Angels and Solomon.
She went to her and Cyn's room and packed an over night bag, then left the HOL. Shutting the door as quietly as she had opened it.
The others looked at Mammon who's face had gone pale, his hands were shaking, eyes wide with unshed tears. Lucifer didn't even feel the need to punish him, MC's words had been enough.
"Fuck Mammon, that's..."
"Mom is deadly pissed right now. I haven't seen her this mad since Dad... Best to leave her be. Let her go calm down and you, get my sister hurt again, and we're throwing down." Kid took off their flannel showing they were wearing a sleeveless, form fitting top and the kid was almost as built as Beel. "My mother taught me how to use a sword at 5 years old and in protection of the Brat I will use it."
Kid matched back to Levi's room and flopped on the floor, Beel followed him. "Come on, let's burn that anger out."
"Gym, I also have staves to practice with."
" I don't know staff work. That's my mom"
"I'll teach you."
They were in the gym for hours, Beel helping Ty over come the rage they felt at Cyn being put in that kind of danger. Mammon never left his room all night, Levi sat in the gym and watched Beel and Ty work. Kid had STAMINA. Beel asked about it.
"Marching band, I am low brass, play trombone." He took a breath, "I lightsaber train, I made a FFVii buster sword, and train with it. It's just cardboard but I used scrap metal I found as the core. It weighs a good 20lbs. It's a good workout. I ride my bike to school and back again."
"And MC staff trains."
"Yeah, mom really wants to learn Naganata, but we can't afford one, she also wants to learn spear work. Like I said she started my sword training. She was practicing with her little sister with bokken swords while pregnant with me." The pride in his voice was evident to those who had gathered in the gym.
Lucifer was messaging Simeon, who sent the other man images of the scratches and bruises on Cynthia, he shook his head. "thank you for giving her space to calm down. Mammon is pale, shaking, and crying just from her words. I think they not need to be in the same house for a bit."
"No problem Luci. The girl is attached to Luke right now. He is teaching her how to make something in the kitchen. She's okay and Solomon is treating her wounds."
They hung up. Lucifer poured a glass of Demonus, leaned back in his chair, "Mammon what in the hells was more important than keeping this child safe?"
AO3 link for those who want to read it there. She has an actual name on AO3
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sothischickshe · 5 months
I was tagged by @bourbon-ontherocks (ty! 💛💛💛) to answer 20 questions for writers:
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The only fandom I've ever published fic for is good girls
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Bringing down the neighbourhood
waiting for someone who needs me🧞
What a sight to see🧛🏻
(a) time to kill
yourself and others
I'm not sure the middle 3 would def be there were it not for the anon kudos bombing but w/e it's nice having some single chapter fics in the top 5 🤘
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! 🥺🥺🥺
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
A time to refrain (from embracing) methinks!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Both installments of the Are you afraid or is it true series are pretty fluffy. Maybe the second part (Through the park and by the tree) wins out? 🤔
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not generally. There was someone in the gg fandom leaving mean bookmark notes tho 🙄🗑️
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. What are the kinds? 👀
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't, and I don't imagine I would?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, not that I'm aware of. It could be interesting to see how it would go!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes actually, as kids me and a friend co-wrote a tortall 'verse crackfic.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Ooof. Maybe spuffy? That met me at a very formative time of my life, and I didn't expect it to become so canon (as opposed to like under a spell etc) and I think that experience really reshaped my brain 🤯🤯🤯 but fundamentally faves questions are immoral thus this is a very rude question.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I hope I'll finish all of them, and do intend to! I'm not sure I'll ever write the hilarious abortion fic tho.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Mm, a love of language/interesting prose. A love of brevity/somewhat chiselled sentences. A love of editing/willingness to improve. Interesting stories. Dialogue, tho brio get little bc theyre annoying. Characterisation!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Well I violently dislike plot. I don't feel super strong on creating original characters. I'm slow! I'd rather let things be confusing than beat readers over the head with info, which I think can be detrimental. I wouldnt say my descriptions are super strong, though I think they've improved a lil. Sometimes there's too much internal monologue at a go which breaks up the pacing of an eg dialogue scene (though again think that's improved somewhat). My love of planning and love of pantsing are at constant war lol, I get grumpiest abt stuff not having been established earlier and thus needing to state things which couldve been well demonstrated. Blocking, sometimes. I love short stories and oneshots but I'm apparently prone to writing long fics & continuing things into series which I consider a real weakness, lol.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm not against it in principle, I've read a lot of books which contain a lot of eg French or Spanish (often untranslated). We've got access to Google translate or w/e right? I do appreciate it when translations are provided bc lazy (and I think Ao3 does poss let you do hyperlinked superscript?). I feel the same way abt it in fic as in other media I think -- if you're happy for it to be a bonus to those that understand and everyone else needs to work to figure it out, I concur. If you think it needs to be understood, then providing translations (even if just as notes @ the end) makes sense.
But I also think pls don't write it via Google translate... If u don't speak the language/don't have someone who can help u translate it, don't write dodgy shite Spanish or w/e 🙈 not everything needs to be literal dialogue u can just say 'he explained to his grandmother abt the change in plans' or w/e I swear
...o wait I'm guessing the q meant me as a writer not reader 🤦 I don't think I've done much of it? Altho I do always seem to imply that every character speaks French, a language I don't really speak so who the hell knows 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Published for: good girls. Wrote for hmmm I guess tortall books maybe? 🧓🤷🏼‍♀️
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Ooof, immoral question! Let's say upon your ignorance (and the gray despair) of your ugly life tho bc every time I remember I wrote a fic where rio & Dean swap bodies I giggle 😂 there's so much abt this fic which is very funny to specifically me teehee
Tagging🔖🔖🔖🔖🔖: @hereliesbb @nakedmonkey @nottonyharrison @inyoursheets @bensonstablers @blizabrth @delicatelingon & U right in the middle of your forehead if u wanna play 😚🎯
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eolewyn1010 · 2 months
As the pirate / poet shirt is very simple in theory, you'd think I shouldn't be able to mess this up. And yet here we are, and I have to find out and write down a sensible order to tackle what I have yet to do so I can stop jumping from one unfinished seam to another.
Close the second side. This includes trimming it down a bit as I've originally cut the body part of the shirt too wide, and have already taken the other side in a few centimeters when sewing that shut.
Also, hem the side seams on the inside. I've started this on one side but never finished it, and with the second side shut, it's time to find out how far up that closes, aka how big those goddamn armscyes actually need to be. What with the gussets, I suspect it's Not That Big Actually.
With the second side shut, I can forget about the upper half for a while and go about the lower hem instead, finishing that from one side slit to the other. And then reinforce both slit openings with a little patch (and hopefully do a cleaner job with that than with the cleavage patch).
Sleeve no 1: is a work of beauty, gusset set in, all seams hemmed, the lower opening gathered. So: set it into the cuff; send a prayer to the sewing gods while I'm at it.
Sleeve no 2: what is that thing. Set in the gusset, close down the side seam, hem it all. Gathering seam into the lower opening, then set it into the cuff.
Gathering seams into the tops of both sleeves. Then change the subject because sleeves are scary.
Reinforcement patches into the (blissfully completely-hemmed) collar opening.
Seam and turn the collar, set in the buttonholes while I'm at it, maybe a little placket for the buttons if it turns out I did cut the thing too short. I already re-cut the cuffs; I will not do that again with the collar. It will have a little placket for closure and like it.
Sew the collar to the shirt.
Seam three very narrow strips of fabric (because I don't own bias tape because I'm a garbage seamstress), two short ones for either side of the cleavage cut, a longer one to serve for tying said cut shut. Yes, I am aware that I'm making my life more difficult than it needs to be.
Sew in the two shorter strips on the inside of the cleavage cut. This whole enterprise only makes sense if I leave the gaps necessary to thread the tie strip through. I may yet decide to skip this whole endeavor and go for the much more visible eyelets, but I somehow think that'll take the same amount of time, especially since I'd have to back those up with a bit of facing.
Since I'm at the cleavage opening anyway, may as well hem and gather the ruffles and set them in.
With collar, ruffles, and potentially closing tie in place, it's back to the dreaded sleeves. I'll set them in and I may have to cover the seams on the inside of the shirt with additional reinforcement strips since I don't know how well-behaved the fabric is, or how many sensory issues the edge will cause me otherwise.
I have reinforcement strips for the shoulders lying around somewhere. If I find them again, I should put them in.
With the shirt itself finished, it's cravat time babey. Which means, a long, long strip of fabric that needs to be hemmed. But at least I'll get to add some fancy lace at the end of it.
This looks like a lot when I write it down like that, but it'll help me to keep an overview of the separate steps.
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waterfire1848 · 4 months
#6. Coffee Shop AU
Hello, anon! Thanks for the ask!!
Modern AU by the way!
Mai was gonna kill someone if she had to deal with one more annoying customer. If one more person came up to her and said she did an order wrong, even though she never did, or that someone in the shop had taken their seat, or that they didn't like how she in particular was dressed, she was going to jump over the counter and strangle them.
"You seem upset." Mura, her aunt, said, coming from the back room with a tray of pastries.
"What? No. What gave you that idea?" Mai groaned.
"Mai." Mura snapped.
"Sorry, aunt Mura." Mai whispered, "I'm just tired."
"I can see that. You look ready to kill someone." Mura chuckled, "Just, please don't actually kill a customer."
"What? You mean I can't go to jail for murder? You're no fun." Mai had a whisper of a smile on her face as her aunt chuckled, placing the pastries in front of the glass so customers could see them.
The entire shop mostly sold coffee but they also had some bread, cookies and brownies for people to nibble on. It was her aunt's way of competing with larger businesses. That and the fact that everything here was much cheaper.
Mai started working for her aunt last year after her dad went to prison and her mom ran away. She moved into her aunt's house the next day with her baby brother. Mai herself was nineteen when her mom left, old enough to be on her own but not to have custody of her brother. Her aunt refused to let her just try and make it on her own and took Mai in as well. Now, she was working at the coffee shop to earn some extra money for college.
"How many sales?" Mura asked.
"Not many. It's a slow day." Mai gestured outside to the pouring rain, "I don't know anyone stupid enough to drive out to a little coffee shop in this weather."
As if waiting for that exact moment, Ty Lee came running in. She was wearing a raincoat that was soaked and the wind has caused her hair to break free of her tight braid, "Mai!" Ty Lee cried.
"Ty? What are you doing here? You shouldn't be out in this weather." Mai tried to keep her emotions down, old habit from her parents, but she couldn't hide it. It looked like the start of a hurricane and here Ty Lee was, smiling as if nothing was wrong.
"Oh, it's just a little rain. I'm not going to let that stop me from seeing my friend! I've come here every day for the past three months and I refuse to break my record now." The acrobat took her usual seat, "So, how are you? You were planning on calling your ex, right?"
"Yeah. I backed out of that." Mai admitted, "I don't think it's a good idea to get back together with him."
"I told you. I never liked that Kei Lo guy." Ty Lee said. Her voice was filled with a dislike for the man, which was weird to Mai seeing as how Ty Lee had only met him three times.
"What?" Mai knew Ty Lee didn't like Kei Lo that much, but the way she talked about him. You'd think he killed her dog or something, "Why? He was a sweet guy."
"He was a boring guy." Ty Lee corrected, "He spent thirty minutes talking about his favorite flower. I'm sorry, Mai, but I think you would have just gotten bored of him after awhile."
"You're not wrong, but...I don't know. After Zuko, I felt like I needed something more boring and safe. Kei Lo seemed like the perfect guy for that." Ty Lee nodded.
"Fair." She allowed, "Maybe...maybe there's something else you could ask for a date?" Ty Lee suggested, pressing her lips together.
"Like who?" Mai asked, "I don't know anyone else I could date."
"Really? No one? No one has shown any interest?" Ty Lee asked. Her hand went up to her hair, releasing it from the braid to let it fall down to her hips, "That can't be true. You're really pretty and kind and funny." Mai sighed.
"I don't know what to tell you. No one has-"
"Mai!" Mura called, "I need your help." The older woman waved Mai over to her with a sense of urgency.
"I'll be right back."
"I'll be waiting." Ty Lee's smile seemed kind of sad but Mai ignored it. It was probably just in her head.
Mai walked back behind the counter and to her aunt, "Trouble with one of the machines again?" Mai asked.
"No, I just couldn't watch that anymore." Mura sighed, "Ty Lee wants to date you."
"What!?" Mai froze for a moment. She hadn't meant to yell. Mura's soft smile and nod was enough to remind her that her parents weren't here. She wouldn't get in trouble for showing emotion, "She doesn't like me."
"She just called you pretty, kind and funny. That girl has a major crush on you." Mura told her, "Even I can see that as clear as day." When Mai didn't respond, Mura spoke up again, "Do you like her?" Mai nodded, not trusting herself to speak, "Then ask her out."
"What if she says no?" Mai asked, "She's been one of the few constant things in my life right now. I don't want her to stop coming to the shop."
"I have a very strong feeling that she won't say no, but, Mai, how much happier would you be if you were dating this girl?" Mura asked, "I see you looking at the clock before she comes in because you're waiting for her to arrive. I see how much happier you are when she's here."
Mai thought her aunt's words over. She wasn't wrong. She did find herself constantly counting down the minutes of when Ty Lee would arrive and, even on their busiest days, Ty Lee always managed to make things better. Even when she was at home and tired from both work and school, Ty Lee's texts were always a big help.
"Okay. I'll do it." Mai agreed.
"Good. Pass me your apron so you can talk to her without customers talking to you." Mura said.
"Thanks." Mai walked back out into the main room with as much determination as she could muster. Ty Lee's face brightened up when she saw Mai return and take a seat.
"You look so serious. Is everything okay?" Ty Lee asked.
"Yeah. I just want to ask you something."
"Sure! I'm all ears!"
"Would you want to-" Mai didn't get to finish her question because an older woman began speaking behind her. From the way she dressed, Mai instantly knew what kind of persons she was dealing with.
"Excuse me. Are you the teenage girl who works here?" She asked.
"I am, but I'm not working at the moment." Mai snapped.
"You are being very rude, young lady. I'm just trying to buy something from your shop. You should be grateful." The older woman snapped back, "Come on, you can get up and help me pay." Mai took several deep breaths. It wasn't a big deal. This woman was not going to get to her. In fact, it could actually be a funny story between her and Ty Lee later.
"Ma'am, she's not-" The woman held up her pointer finger which made Ty lee stop talking.
"I didn't ask for your opinion, honey, I asked for your friend to do her job." She said, "Now, chop chop. I have places to be." Okay. Mai did plan on handling this responsibly but she drew the line at someone being rude to Ty Lee.
"Hey. You do not speak to her like that and you don't speak to me like that. I will not be helping you today because you can leave. Feel free to come back when you get a better attitude." Ty Lee almost burst out laughing at that but held it together to see what the woman would say.
"How dare you!? I am a paying customer-"
"Not anymore." Mura said, taking the coffee, "Please leave our shop and, as my niece said, feel free to return when you have a better attitude."
"You can't just kick me out!"
"Actually, I can. This shop reserves the right to refuse service to anyone. If you stay, I will have to call the police and I'd hate to take up their time." Mura said, "So, if there is nothing else?" The woman looked between Mura and Mai then stomped out.
"I apologize for her Ty Lee, I hope that wasn't too unpleasant."
"Are you kidding?" She finally allowed herself to laugh, "That was hilarious! I just wish we got it on camera."
"I'll send you the security camera footage." Mura chuckled, "Now, I believe Mai had something to say."
"I did." Mai confirmed, "Would you want to go out sometime? With me?"
"Of course I would!"
"Okay, I understand-wait!? Really?"
"Of course. Why do you think I keep coming here every day? It's not just for the free brownies." Ty Lee said, "I really like you, Mai." She grabbed Mai's hand, beaming at her.
"I really like you too." Mai said, "Sorry, I was so oblivious."
"No." Ty Lee brushed her hair away, "It's cute."
"Awww." Mura said, earning a look from the two, "Right, sorry, fade into the background."
"So, where would you want to go on our first date?" Mai asked.
Ty Lee brought her hand to her chin, as if pondering the question deeply, "Coffee shop?"
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waterfishlol0 · 2 months
Hey! I heard the news about the game! I'm just here to say my thanks, because lord knows this community has been waiting for something new for years now. You tackling an entire game is admirable and I only wish the best of luck for you!
Anyways, since you wanted plot holes, I'll drop some here for you:
● Dusekkar doesn't know Scriptliss is in his trash can.
● Antagon kinda caused a war and killed someone but only got a month's worth of community service. (I'd either lessen his crimes or actually make him face the consequences)
● While on that topic, how did Antagon even steal the plot book anyway?
● Plus, how did Antagon learn of Scriptliss? And why didn't he do anything with him when he released him in the first place?
● How did Scriptliss end up in the middle of a forest when he got released?
● Tucker doesn't have a reason for why he wants to infiltrate Rozanda's ship.
● Antagon has no established motivation. He also lacks consistency. (Naive enough to not realize he's harming people while simultaneously starting a war to "cut short the supply of able-bodied soldiers...")
● Antagmom doesn't know her son is a war criminal.
● Dusekkar wasn't there for Tess' death and got the news in a random shop. Not a plot hole, just something really weird.
● The inconsistencies of the people who know the sages. ----> Scriptliss knows Lanter is a sage but doesn't know that his best friend, Tess, is a sage. ----> Otempes spontaneously gained the knowledge that the third door shouldn't be opened, and he knows Tess?? ----> The dialogue is weird and made it seem like Dusekkar only knows Lanter is a sage and not the others. Personally, I'd just simplify it so that only the sages know other sages, and maybe Dusekkar knows them all. It makes no sense for Scriptliss to know the sage thing about Lanter after meeting him just once.
● Literally, what is Cogen. Mind reading how??
● The villain's motivation and them not questioning the fact they're working for a child.
● Aristris being down for killing Tretone and not facing jail time for it.
● Tretone died and they turned his dead body into a fucking Christmas tree lol
● Scriptliss performing in a concert shortly after Tess' death. Also... they invited the villains to play as well... They should all be in jail.
That's about all I can think of.
Also, regarding your theory about Lanter. I think you're pretty spot on! But also, I'd like to think it was a culmination of things that ruined their relationship, maybe something as simple as them having different ideologies and that slowly growing into bigger and bigger disagreements. The dethroning of the old gods was probably the last straw.
I feel that Lanter's thing with Equinox needs a big of tweaking by the way. After all, Lanter denounced Equinox in the same sentence that he said he sided with him. So it would be odd that he'd hate Dusekkar because of Equinox even though he himself doesn't like Equinox either. Hope that makes sense!
Make the game 2d. That's all I have to say regarding that.
Sorry for the long message, it took me a bit to get this all down. I hope you have a nice time working on the game, I know these things can be difficult, especially with the source material being as convoluted as it is. Good luck! And stay strong, you have my blessing! 💪
Ohh mmyyyy godd tysm for this message actually Ive been having trouble getting all the plot holes together 🙏 i can’t promise that ill fill spr plot holes bc the game im planning on doing is before spr but ill try to do smth 🫡
Also yeah tackling an entire game is probably an insane idea for me but honestly as someone who has absolutely loved paper roblox ever since 2016 im a bit excited to actually start working on it.
It probably will take me a really long time too (i mean i am asking a family member who is skilled at using blender and roblox studio but still) but ty for the blessings and also the list of plot holes 🙏❤️
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jweekgoji · 2 years
Hey! i loved ur diego headcannons but i was wondering if you could go into more detail into what would happen when/if he has his beloved kidnapped? Like what would happen , how would he treat them ect ect? Thank you!!
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np and ty for ur request! actually this two requests made me love Diego's character more ngl...ෆ⁠╹⁠ ⁠.̮⁠ ⁠╹⁠ෆ
Diego is such a panicking mess when he finally has you!
I've said this before, but I sincerely believe that if he tries to kidnap you, he's unlikely to see anything wrong with it. Most likely he will be thinking some “it's my duty to protect them” thing while he is holding your unconscious figure.
At first, he thinks he's fucked up. I mean, you are the object of his desires, the person for whom he was the unofficial (and probably without your knowledge of this) personal bodyguard. He's supposed to protect you from the bad guys and get his moment of glory, not...hold you against your will.
And Diego has two choices.
The first, not the most pleasant for him, but humane, is to take you to the hospital; in this way he will get rid of the feeling of regret for what he did and perhaps he will consider this a partial atonement, because Diego is a hero, and heroes do not kidnap civilians.
But do you think he would have thought about the first option? Haha, no, it's Diego, the guy who doesn't think twice.
He chooses the second choice rather quickly. The option where he decides to leave you in his room from the first season.
The second option is just as difficult, firstly - his hero complex is stronger than his sense of common sense. Diego sincerely believes that you need him watching and protecting you 24/7. What if someone harms you when Diego is busy with something?
This is actually very sad considering his bitter experience with Patch. He was not there next to her, he was not there to save her from death, and he definitely will not let you repeat her fate.
Diego may still be Number Two, but he will make sure not to let a single strand of hair falls off your head.
I'll try to clarify which version of Diego we're taking. I think Diego from Season 1 is going to be hard to deal with, as he'll be diligently trying to prove to himself that he's not some nasty pervert or maniac who keeps you locked up for his personal pleasure.
He would try to gain your trust by convincing you that this is not what it looks like. That he's actually your savior, and he's also a member of the Umbrella Academy, remember? Don't forget that he used to help the police too!
In fact, his attempts to convince you that he will not harm you only make it worse, because now you think that he has a much better chance of killing you or making things worse without any consequences...well, lucky you, because Diego is not that type of guy.
It's a little hard for me to imagine where he'd keep you locked up. The boiler room doesn't look very safe, but if he doesn't have a better choice, Diego will probably try to secure the room for you to reduce the risk of strangers getting in on you and try to steal you from him.
I imagine this is something like setting up a bunch of traps that could alert him that someone would try to enter (or you escaped) like installed stretch?? or a piece of paper/pencil at the door that will fall/break and that's how he will find out about ur plans to escape;
I also believe that the man who hired Diego doesn't care too much about why his employee seems to be more stressed and the entrance to the boiler room is forbidden to anyone except Diego himself; that man will be like “fine, as long as he does his job I don't care”
Diego from the third season is less likely to lock you somewhere safe. You're in a hotel, literally anyone in his family can help you. Trying the option where he can lock you like he did with Lila wouldn't work either, but if you're in the same type of danger...
Diego put his hands on your cheeks, looking straight into your eyes. You seemed so scared now that Diego's heart breaks at the fact that he couldn't keep you awake from all this stuff with Kugelblitz, his father and monsters from the hotel.
Diego promises to keep you safe and when he tells you this, you can see how serious he is now.
“Hide here, okay? Wait until I come back for you, darling,” he reassures you to which you nod nervously. “Good, don't worry about this, daddy will protect you no matter what.”
He in his usual, cocky, and flirtatious nature around you, even though the two of you are in danger, but you'd be lying if you said his attempts at teasing you didn't work on you and somehow it helps you to be less frightened.
It's going to be funny, but Diego is one of the most...how would I put it? Diego is a very patient yandere for you, he is gentle and caring. Yes, he's done bad things, he's holding you against your will, he's scaring the hell out of you, but he wouldn't do something terrible to you.
If you resist, fight and scream, he will not try to inject you with something that will make you sleep or be more pliable, for one he is afraid of needles. secondly, it will remind him of Grace, the same tired, but slave of his father, who doesn't have her own will. And the idea of being like Reginald scares him actually.
You accidentally woke up in the middle of the night. Diego did not sleep next to you, he kept a decent distance from you, sitting on a chair opposite the place where you slept. You still didn't understand his love and courtship attempts, he was hurt but respected your boundaries, so like a real man he let you have your own place to sleep.
Diego fell asleep, still in a sitting position. You weren't surprised considering he'd spent the previous nights barely had enough time to take some rest, doing superhero stuff and making sure you were safe and your sleep was not disturbed.
You were ready to fall asleep until you heard his soft mutterings and sobs in his sleep, and you accidentally heard him say the name of some woman.
You might have heard that name before, and you might have suggested that this woman might be dear to him. Unfortunately, you had no idea who exactly she was to him, but that didn't stop you from showing a little pity for the man at that moment.
I think after the time spent with you, Diego will be less sure of his decision. Yes, there's usually no way out at times like this, but I'm sure he's thought a few times about trying to let you go. It's not because he doesn't like you or has lost interest, it's just that he's very self-contradictory.
One side tells him not to let you go, to hold you tight and be a loyal watchdog, the other side says that this is not right, his father would call him a pathetic if he saw you with Diego, he thinks.
But what difference does it make if the result is the same? Even if by some miracle he let you go, you would develop paranoia, because every time you look back, expect to see this idiot in love watching you.
The more you are with Diego, the more you get used to him. It's pretty hard not to like him, especially when he's actually... not such a bad guy after all, if you ignore the fact that you've been kidnapped.
He would probably do anything to make you feel like at home. He would bring your old stuff from your house to get you used to the place where he keeps you; or maybe he would use it as an opportunity to get a little reward from you, like “Come on, darling, just a one kiss and I will grab whatever you want from your old home”
You are sitting on the bed, looking at Diego with your beautiful sparkling eyes. He softly kisses your forehead and ruffles your hair before moving away from you to grab his knives.
“So that’s all you want and nothing else?” he asks while he is busy preparing to leave.
You nod and he mentally keeps your wish in mind.
“Got it,” he smiles contentedly as he looks at you and walks over to the door to make sure everything is in place. “I'll be home soon.”
And he leaves, now you alone. You sigh softly and decide to take care of what little you have here, with no way to go anywhere other than this room.
You hear someone's loud footsteps outside the door and you freeze, expecting to see Diego in front of you.
What was your surprise when instead of your kidnapper, you saw a tall man, as shocked as you are...Luther.
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kawarikisaki · 1 year
Go on.
Well, so very glad you asked random stranger. I can only assume this means you're wanting to hear my other Hakuba opinions, and you're in luck because that's literally all the encouragement I need.
So I'm gonna keep this rant to my thoughts of Hakuba's second Detective Conan appearance- The Detective Koshien. Cause there are actually a few different points there that I think are noteworthy. And this is gonna dip more into speculation than my thoughts on the last one- just giving you a fair warning.
And I'll start with the dynamic displayed between Hattori and Hakuba, because damn is that interesting.
To begin with when these two meet each other, Hattori doesn't know who Hakuba is (despite Hakuba being famous enough that one of his cases in England got television coverage in Japan), but Hakuba knows who Hattori is (though he only admits to having heard about him from his father). I think this fact contributes a bit to Hakuba having a sense of superiority over Hattori for the rest of the case, just that general sense of 'I know something you don't'. Meanwhile on Hattori's side of the interaction he's riled up when Conan compares him to Hakuba, he doesn't know this guy that's trying to steal the Detective of the East role but something about his little buddy telling him that this guy and he are alike is just rubbing him the wrong way. But more on Hakuba- generally I get the feeling that the way he introduces himself in that case is his attempt to make friends with Hattori, in his own kinda socially awkward way. He takes follows up Conan's comparison and tries to point out their similarities. He brags about the number of cases he's solved to show that he's skilled, but makes sure to say a number smaller than Hattori's to not hurt the other's pride- even if he immeadietly steps on that consideration by pointing out that the number he gave was only for cases in Japan. What really seals the deal for me in terms of him trying to get along though is that when Hattori objects to Hakuba taking Shinichi's place as the 'Detective of the East' Hakuba actually concedes and suggests that Conan fill that role instead.
Then when the case actually gets started he's very by-the-books about it. Which is odd, because he doesn't really seem to be that much of a stickler for protocol any other time we see him. There are a few ways that could potentially taken; maybe it's the result of butting heads with Hattori (possible but until the case starts and their methods clash Hakuba doesn't seem to actually have anything against Hattori)... maybe he's just been retconned a bit to have another trait to differentiate him from others (possible, but not really necessary)- instead I prefer to think that perhaps this is how he normally treats cases, after all this is also the only time we see him on a case that Kid isn't involved with and unfortunately we probably won't get another example anytime soon. So if we run with that assumption then Hakuba is normally the rules lawyer of detectives, but something about Kid cases in particular have caused him to loosen up, whether that's because he felt like he was being looked down on the first time (being given the case by his father in an attempt to knock him down a peg) or if it's just because he very quickly realized that going by the books would make him far too predictable to ever be a threat to Kid, so he had to adapt. (This post isn't about Kid though it'll be long enough just talking about the detective Koshien, but I do ship HakuKai/SaguKai, so uh... yeah let the bias be known, I have motives for tying all of Hakuba's interactions/relationships back to Kid.)
Despite Hakuba and Hattori butting heads on how to go about doing things, they work together well. Sharing information and actually trusting each other pretty easily. Hakuba complains about Hattori's methods but it comes from a place of wanting to ensure that the case gets solved with as little margin for error as possible.
I'd also like to point out that Hakuba is actually shown to use a pocket notebook to write down details of the case such as times that different people left a room (Counted down to the millisecond), and a rough schematic of the building they're in. We often see Conan writing down codes and such, but this instance of someone having recorded detailed alibis and case notes is (as far as I remember at least) unique to Hakuba. Realistically this is just because it's good to have a tangible record of such things, but this also paints him as being somewhat paranoid to be keeping track of others alibis so closely just in case something happens. Additionally I like to headcanon that maybe he does this because his memory isn't as strong as some of the other detectives we see (both Shinichi and Hattori being shown to have eidetic memories), there's really no evidence for this aside from him having a notebook and others not but It's a headcanon I like to play with.
Last thing I really want to point out about this case is probably the most obvious one, but it still bears mentioning... and that is the conclusion that Hakuba jumped to. He figures out that someone in the group is stealing and with almost no evidence linking them to the murder assumes they did it. Purely because after so long chasing Kid Theif=Culprit in his head, and when this is pointed out to him he actually smiles, because he realizes that because he made that connection he got tunnel vision and behaved almost as recklessly as he'd scolded Hattori for. This one ties back to that bit before that I said about how I think Hakuba might take a by-the-books approach normally but something about Kid makes him abandon that because you can almost see him switch modes in the moment when Conan and Hattori both call him out. Annnnd that's probably enough for this ramble.
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delyth88 · 2 months
X-Men rewatch part 4
Next up was X-Men: Days of Future Past.
Now this one I had actually seen before, and very much enjoyed, but it is so much better having watched First Class as well. Funny that. XD
I love me some time travel shenanigans, and this delivered. The dystopian future was really rather grim and I'll be seeing those images in my mind for a while yet I imagine. :/ The sense of inevitable doom was strong! I ended up watching this over three evenings, so perhaps that's given it more impact than it would usually have. And I felt they did a really good job tying the present with the past here.
Random thoughts...
OMG! I did not see Erik actually killing Wolverine coming. I feel like that was a line crossed, and I'm interested to see if that plays out in the last two films of the younger generation. I mean I guess we see that plenty in the original films, but in that case it was always with the hope that things might improve - it's a lot harder to watch things going in the opposite direction. And just how isolated Erik is now - that can't be good.
I didn't remember how the main plot played out, but I love that Mystique created the opportunity for a positive ending, although I'm a little unsure why she didn't just let Erik carry on? Might have to watch it again. Oh noes. Was she wanting to reduce the number of casualties but still get Trask, or something else?
I have enjoyed how Mystique has been a much more important and well developed character in these films so far than in the original trilogy. Makes her feel less like the exotic naked woman thrown in for fun which it kinda felt it was to me in the earlier films.
And Charles. Beautiful heartbroken Charles. I loved his story. While I'm not entirely sure they sold the reasons why quite well enough, it was clear that the last few years had NOT been kind to him. I loved his exchange with Erik on the plane. And I can very much empathise with the desire to block it all out and stop caring so much - and to have a means of doing that, that also coincidentally allows you to walk again - it would have been irresistible.
I thought the conversation with his future self was a good way to push him along the right track and to tie the two eras together. But man, does the message of holding on to hope and working for something better ring differently in 2024.
And I'd forgotten that the impact of these changes meant that Jean was still alive. I did very much enjoy Wolverine walking stupidly around the mansion working out what was going on after he woke up, and his conversation with Charles at the end. Sometimes you just need the soppy ending.
The whole thing with Peter breaking Erik out of the Pentagon, I'd forgotten about that. I've seen that video clip floating around on Tumblr so often now (the one where he rescues everyone from the mansion) that I can't recall if I've actually seen the movie that's from now (I don't think I have because I think I've now seen all the ones I remember). But the rescue scene was just great fun. And the short line about his Mum telling him his Dad had similar powers now meant something to me where it would have gone over my head in 2014.
I am in very real danger of falling in love with another bunch of characters with tragic backstories in films from the 2010s. Sigh. If there's anything equivalent in modern media that I'm missing, please do let me know so I don't have to catch up on it in 10 years time, eh?
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yesloulou · 1 year
heya! i’ve noticed that the gifs you make are verryyyyy high quality. i’m new to gif making (literally just downloaded photoshop yesterday 💀). how do you manage to upload your gifs without tumblr compressing it? or i guess, how do you edit your gifs so that it’s a smaller file size?
first of all
thank u for the kind words this means so much to me 😳😳😳 and congrats on your new bat mobiel photoshop hope u have the best fun w it!!!
(re: uploading) I don't really do anything special. i just click the lil blue new post button select image and choose the gifs to upload. i think whether or not or how much tumblr compresses our gifs**, as long as they're ok quality they'll be able to withstand it.
(re: file size) i don't think i do anything special either but here's my setting. i stick to 540 px width and don't cut them too long. the only other thing i would change is the number of colors. most of the time i will compromise color for size (i try not to go below 128 colors)
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(re: making them good quality) i avoid over-sharpening (pixelation) at allllllll cost. i'll choose under-sharpening over over-sharpening any given day. here is a lil write up from a while back on everything i do to sharpen my gifs.
besides that. since gifs can have 256 colors tops, the more 'neutralized' your gifs are, the less pixelation you get (so that the 256 colors can now all concentrate on bringing out the most realistic skin colors, for example). @ariesrain's gifs (hope you don't mind me using ur gif ariesrain!!) are excellent examples on how eliminating certain colors can make other colors in your gifs butter smooth (you can see the greens in the plants and the blues in the zippers were both neutralized. you also feel like ur looking at daniel ricciardo in person)
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on the other hand, @3-13-3's works (hope you don't mind me using ur gif 3-13-3!!) are excellent examples on how giving your gifs more different & saturated colors can bring the liveliness to a maximum
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in the end i think it's a matter of finding the right balance and doing things the way you like!! the same goes for gif sizing. some of my gifs look like they're gigantic (vertical) and goes on forever (duration) and have a decent amount of colors (if i do say so myself). in reality they're probably barely 10 colors away from being pixel art. the more extreme you want some factors to be (duration, height, colors), the more time you'll likely need to spend on finding the right balance (to keep it under 10mb). and over time you start to get a sense of which gifs are worthy of trying and which gifs will most likely be lost causes (ie there's no way you can do under 10mb at 9:16 vertical)
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**p.s. i just did a lil research re gif compression (downloaded some gifs & compared them to the originals) and i think tumblr actually stopped rehashing (compressing) gifs some time during the last two weeks. With the older ones you can see signs of compression but with the new ones they're literally the exact same gifs down to the pixels. which is honestly good news!!
anyways. i'd be happy to go into more details if you have more questions! again ty for the kind words and for this ask and happy creating!!! 💖
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I just finished season 4 and unlike with the others I didnt have a whole lot to say as a was watching, mainly because I was actually enjoying myself and thought the season was mostly really good ? absolutely wild. Nevertheless I have some thoughts
I LOVE Alya and Marinette working together, its a delight. When I talk about "man can you imagine if MLB did like a magical girl show and focused on female friendships instead of catfighting" THIS is what Im talking about!! And Idgaf about how this affects the Love Square at this point, this is all Ive wanted! Also, I feel like Alya and Nino knowing each others identities cheapens the Love Square conflict more than anything but I cant fully articulate why so I'll just leave it at that
The Love Square is in a very strange place where, when the identity reveal finally does happen, its simultaneously going to feel like its too little too late (a la the destiel confession bc this fucking show is just straight queerbaiting) and rushed because like. what kind of development is there between these two. They barely focused on romance this season (which is definitely part of why I think its better lol) but I dont mean that in the sense that we had less catfights and Marinette making a fool of herself for no reason, I mean that in the sense that it barely felt like they interacted at all, atleast to me so thats kinda odd
In the past Ive complained about how the civillian plotline usually feels very disconnected from the superhero/akuma plotline and I think theyve done a much better job, my favorite episode of the season is probably Qilin both for tying the akuma into the civillian plot and for having a somewhat unique conflict resolution. In general, I liked that we had people rejecting akumas as well as preventative measures in form of the charms, although I do think it sucks that a few episodes afterwards Shadowmoth just figures out a way to circumvent them and then its back to business as usual. I feel like a better workaround would be that the charms can only protect you from one akumatization each, so like, the charm Ladybug gave her grandfather in Simpleman can only protect him from becoming Simpleman again, but if he turns into Bakerix, she needs to give him a different charm. But I do find the charms cute
The new heroes all suck tbh, the only design I liked was Purple Tigress and Pigella came close to looking kinda good but then they made it this intensely unflattering shade of pink, which I find impressive because Rose is already wearing an completely different intensely unflattering shade of pink in her civillian form. One thing that I appreciated about whatever Mylenes superhero form is called, Pigella and Purple Tigress is that they had more justifiable reasons for Ladybug to pick them than most of the heroes in the last season, who were mostly just picked because They Were There ig. And then Penealteam rolled around and we were back to doing exactls that kind of bullshit. great.
Also, Ive already talked about this in a seperate post, but if they absolutely insisted on looking for a replacement for the Bee, it shouldve been Sabrina and they shouldntve invented a whole new character for it
Adrien got a little more focus this season and we actually got some insight into his character when hes not either The Object Of Marinettes Idolization or Ladybugs Punny Sidekick Thats Slowly Becoming Obsolete which I enjoyed because he has a lot of potential from a dramatic standpoint what with being Hawkmoths son and all, but hes usually so bland that I dont really care too much so this was pretty nice. And it only took us 4 seasons for him to get some focus, yknow, the other superhero in the title? Well better late than never I guess
Speaking of Adrien, Ive made quite a few posts where I said that this season would be ruined for me the second the Sentiadrien reveal happens but it never did, we're getting that in season 5 and I am not looking forward it especially considering the small taste Ive already gotten of it with Adrien being very obviously controlled by that ring. Like, I'll probably talk about it in more detail when it gets fleshed out in the show but for now I'll just say it doesnt make the stakes higher like the writers seem to think, it make the story wayyyy less interesting and it feels like its supposed to be an explanation for Adriens behaviour towards his father when we absolutely do not need one beyond "hes being abused"
I know I said that I thought this season was really good and now Im just just complaining mostly like I always do but idk, Im not as good at formulating my positive thoughts as my negative ones. The last thing I'll say is that I loved Scarabella and I loved her design and I loved the whole episode she was in, as well as the entirety of Sentibubbler, Alya really served this season
Thats it, thanks for reading :D
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deathdxnces · 1 year
answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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i don't think i have one (1) otp but also. kayn/irelia my beloved (hi cyn 😘).
i don't really have a problem with big age gaps as long as the two characters are adults and met as adults. but honestly i'm not a fan of shipping irelia with much older characters because i feel there'd be a big maturity gap and that's an issue for me
hmmm it really depends on the content? honestly i just prefer to be on the safe side and tag things as nsfw even when it's mostly suggestive?
more or less. i need to feel comfortable with the other writer and there's gotta be chemistry/make sense for my muse. but i'm also very open to plotting romantic relationships rather than just going with the flow, especially if we're friends, so like? not that selective? i'll be very honest i think romance is SO much fun to explore in writing, i love shipping idc i'm cringe but i'm free
sett. but also i think talon and riven could both be interesting, depending on how it's done. also akali!!! i think irelia and akali could be really good actually. could mayhaps see yone or yasuo or sona or ahri. i don't know i think there's a lot that could work with her and i'm really always open to different ships if they happen when writing and ultimately it depends a lot on how those characters are written and how well i think they'd match with how i write irelia like conceptually i think those have potential but i'm also really. kinda picky? with it actually working for me or not, it's not just bc someone is writing one of those muses that it'd work is what i mean, i guess
not necessarily, although openly suggesting you're interested in shipping is actually nice for me because even when i can see it i'm often like oh i don't wanna come across as pushing for that even if it makes sense for how this interaction is going so like. asking is not necessary, it can happen naturally, but i am 100% fine with someone asking as long as they're also fine with the possibility i'll say no, and talking about it actually makes me far less anxious
to make the answer different, on top of the ones i mentioned in zed's blog... tf/graves. lb/swain/vlad. akalynn (that's han's influence tbh). j4/shyvana my beloved i could go on about it for DAYS i love them sm... senna/lucian. kalista/ledros. nidalee/neeko. there's honestly so many league ships i like
dm me nicely to talk about the dynamics you can see. or send me memes that indicate that interest when i rb those prompts about wanted dynamics. knock on my door and yell HI MEL DO YOU SEE THIS SORT OF RELATIONSHIP BC I KINDA DO! or grab me by the throat and say you wanna ship with me, that also works.
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tagged by: @seekslight ty 💕
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Eternal Diva Fic (Part 12)
We're winding down now, getting to the end. This is where the "AU" part really comes in. There's only one part here I might consider """canon""" here, and that's. Right at the very end.
Trigger warnings for brief mention of death (thought of it happening, not actually happening), mentions of falling from a great height, food and a brief bit of choking
Word Count: 1.5k / Previous / Next
He didn't plan to depart exactly like that, but Descole still managed to escape the professor and his group on top of his robot.  Victory was so close in his grasp… a few tiny mistakes had cost him everything.  How ironic.
The sting of defeat still clung to the masked man as he located and picked up his cape; it had whipped off him during the fall.  But as he was dusting himself off, he spotted a familiar head of dark brown hair.
“Clare…!” He said breathlessly as he ran over to her.  
Oh.  Oh no.  That’s right, she had fallen with him!  Was it an accident?  Heaven forbid she had dove after him…!
Checking her pulse thankfully confirmed she was still alive, but it was weak.  Doctors were on the mainland; there was no one on the island to take care of her… except…
With barely a second thought, Descole collected Clare up in his arms, wrapping her up in his cape like a blanket.  
Were this any other situation, he might've made a witty comment about fate tying them together yet again.  But now was not the time.
He hurried back to his sub as fast as his own injured body could carry him. “Come on,” he muttered to himself. “You’ll be fine.  You have to be fine.”
His men stood at attention when he approached, but some of them got confused when they saw the “package” he carried.  “None of you are to say a word about this.” Descole stated it coldly and matter-of-factly.  The men mumbled their confirmation, and pretty soon, the sub took off.
“Aye, I remember her.  She was in Misthallery.” Raymond had come in with a first aid kit just as Descole requested.  The butler wasted no time patching up Clare. “What was she doing here?  I thought you only sold those tickets to the rich.”
“…I invited her.”
Raymond smirked. “You wanted to see her again, did ya lad?”
Descole didn't respond at first, and he partly buried his face in his boa. “I… wanted to test her.  See if she was worthy of travelling around with Layton.”
“Whatever you say, sir.” The butler was thoroughly not convinced.  The masked man rapidly changed the subject.
“How is she?”
“She's stable.  She'll need plenty of rest to heal.  You two will be stuck together for a while.”
“…Fine.  If you're all done, you're dismissed Raymond.”
“Aye.  I'll start making dinner for you both.” With that, Raymond left the room, gently shutting the door on the way out.
Now that he was alone, Descole simply stared at his guest with an unreadable expression.  She looked tranquil as she slept.  She didn't know how lucky she was that he had found her. 
The thought of her dying alone on that island, all because of him-- No, shake that off.  It didn't happen.  It worked out… at least this did.
He sighed curtly. “You are extremely irritating.” A pause.  
He found his hand wandering to hers.  He didn't try to hold it or even cover it; instead, he played with her fingers. “…But I suppose that's part of your charm.”
A stretch of silence.
“You really are some kind of masterpiece,” he finally said, barely above a whisper.  “Intelligent, bold, kindhearted, radiant: maybe not conventionally beautiful to most, but those fools just can't see the real you.”
After another beat of silence, Descole stood up and walked out the room, pausing at the door.
“…Sleep well dear.”
I woke up a little while later, immediately noticing the pain all over my body.  That made sense; I fell off a giant robot from who knows how high up.  It was a miracle I was still alive. 
But then I noticed the pain was not as much as it probably should’ve been.  That must mean someone found me and patched me up.  Probably Layton or Luke or Emmy or one of my friends.
But when my eyesight focused, I was instead met with an unfamiliar metal room and an unfamiliar older gentleman sitting in a chair near my bedside.  I knew I probably should’ve been a little suspicious of this, but my brain was foggy from all the pain.
“Ah wonderful.  You’re awake, Miss Clare,” the man said.  He had grey-brown hair with a mustache and goatee, a short stature, and a dark red suit. “Sir… Your host will be very pleased.  I heard you took quite the tumble."
"Tumble doesn't even begin to describe it," I grumbled, trying to wake up more.
"I apologize for thrusting this on you so soon, but you should have something to eat.  As I understand, you were eating very lightly during your adventure.”
In his hands was a warm bowl of soup, judging by the bit of steam coming off it.  He put it down and started to fill up a spoon, but I gently grabbed it from him.
“It’s… fine.  I… got it.  Thank you.” I was trying not to sound as weak as I felt.
The man just chuckled a bit. “Very stubborn.  Just like he is.”
I started to eat, being extremely careful not to drop anything with my shaky hands.  It was chicken noodle soup, I immediately determined.  And I also determined it was absolutely delicious.  Warm, comforting, hearty-- amazing.
“Oh, this is wonderful.”
“Thank you, Miss Clare.  Please let me know if you need anything else.”
“Maybe some water, please?”
“Of course.  I’ll let him know you’re awake and eating well.” He stood up, turned the giant wheel in the middle of the door, and walked out.
…Giant wheel?  Weird.
I knew I should’ve found this more than weird, but with the dull throbbing of all my injuries and the warm soup sending a nice calming feeling through me, I couldn’t bring myself to question anything.
I had almost cleaned out the bowl when the door opened again.  I nearly choked on a noodle when I saw it was Descole, holding a glass of water.
“WhaAT-” A cough. “-arE YOu-” A hack.
“Breathe,” he said simply. “No one here wants you to choke.”
It took a bit, but I eventually cleared out my windpipe. “What are YOU doing here?”
“Well technically, you’re the intruder here dear.  This happens to be my submarine.”
“WHAT?  What do you mean your submarine?”
“I found you passed out and wounded from your fall.  Your friends were on top of a giant robot; besides, it’s not like they could’ve gotten you to a doctor speedily.  I took it upon myself to nurse you back to health.  You’re welcome.” His tone only got a tiny bit smug at the end.
“To quote my greatest enemy: is it not the duty of a gentleman to help a lady in need?”
“...You’re an enigma.”
“Thank you.  I’ve been told that’s one of my more charming points.” I groaned and turned away from him as he laughed a bit. 
...I was stuck on a submarine out in the middle of the ocean with no way of calling for help. At Descole's mercy. The warm feeling the soup had given me started to ebb away for something much colder.
Descole had walked over to the other side of the bed and set my glass down.  He kneeled down to look me in the face. He must have seen me starting to spiral because he put on a small, easy smile. “How is the soup?  Raymond put his heart and soul in it for you.”
I decided to humor him. “...It’s good.”
“...If I had said I made it, would you have said it was bad?”
I grinned a bit. “Maybe.”
“Of course.” His tone suggested annoyance, but his expression said amusement.  He grabbed the empty bowl and stood up. “I suggest you get more rest.  Your injuries were quite severe.  You’ll need quite a bit of time before you’re ready to leave.”
“You’re… going to let me go?  After all this?” After a second, I jolted remembering everyone else. “Does anyone else know I’m here?”
“I’m going to inform Layton and his friends.  I’ll tell them you’ll be returned safe and sound once you’ve healed.”
I just… stared at him. I had too many questions and not enough energy, so I asked him the only one I could at the moment: “Why are you being so nice to me?”
He entirely avoided the question. “I put Raymond in charge of this kind of thing, but… are you comfortable?  Do you need anything?”
“Uh… I'm fine.  Just… hand me my bag, I guess?” He complied and put it right beside me.
“You really should get some rest,” he repeated. “I… understand you don’t trust me.  But at least trust that you’ll be feeling better soon.”
I didn’t respond, and he didn’t say anything else.  You could cut the awkward atmosphere with a butter knife.  Eventually, Descole said goodbye and left me alone.  I didn’t feel like drawing, so I just settled down and fell asleep again.
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spiteless-xo · 1 year
IM GONNA RAMBLE!! im so glad sasha was asking the real questions 😭 thats why she should’ve been there earlier 🤨 but anywho.. djshdh i was wondering since there’s 5 chapters left are we going to find out who she’s with on the final chapter ? idk i feel like based on this chapter it kinda sounds like it’s gonna be eren? but reader is so unpredictable it’s still not obvious to me.. OR WAIT 💡☝️ i don’t think you’re gonna answer that question so i’ll just theorize LMAO ok so i’ve seen other people mention this but maybe she IS gonna go on that little trip or vacation and then there’s gonna be a time skip because i do think at this point, the three of them need space from all this drama and to work themselves out. like maybe she shouldn’t be jumping into a relationship rn? IDK I THINK THATS WHAT’S GONNA HAPPEN. maybe that’s also why eren didn’t answer, like she took too long deciding and he’s gonna be taking a break for himself too to actually work on himself.
i think throughout the story i started off as team eren and then i kept switching until the both of them made me go like 🥴. but that doesn’t mean i loved your writing any less. i think once i stopped being on “teams” lol i still appreciated that you made everyone with a lot of flaws and drama. eren would’ve been perfect minus the whole misogyny thing obvi. and if i HAD to choose only between him and jean, the only reason why i would choose jean rather than eren is because he at least wasn’t doing what eren was doing. but that’s the ONLY reason. jean just isn’t as charming or romantic 😭 he’s too dry for me (i’m sorry)
if this was real life, i don’t think anyone would ever forgive eren even if it was in the past or if he “changed” but bc it’s fiction i guess that’s why some people are being more lenient? omgjfgk but i wishh sometimes that we could have had a story with eren except not with this type of drama LMAO you wrote him being romantic TOO well. like i was in love *twirls hair, kicks feet* ANYWAYS GREAT CHAPTER AS ALWAYS tuesdays are my favorite days because of you! 🤍
omg ty so much for sending this in!! hehehe i loved reading all of it 🥰💗
tbaw ramblings below
yes, you'll find out in the final chapter! the final chapter is also ridiculously long in order to flesh out the endings for everyone. i thought about splitting it up into two chapters but there's not really a good "cut off" point. and i don't want to drag out the ending.
to me, it's like when the final episode is an hour-long special or whatever for the finale lol that's like the final chapter of tbaw. atm it's a little bit longer than the jean fucking kirstein chapter.
forgiveness is a really interesting concept to me. it doesn't really help the person you're forgiving (in this case, eren), because they still have to carry the guilt of what they've done, but it kinda frees you, in a way.
you can forgive someone without allowing them a place in your life. it doesn't mean you trust them or you like them or whatever, it just means that you're not going to let what they did continue to hurt you.
forgiving eren doesn't make him a good person. it's what he does and how he lives the rest of his life that determines whether or not he's learned from his past and reader doesn't necessarily have to be in his life after she forgives him.
idk if that makes sense? i'm also a generally pretty forgiving person, so i'm pretty lenient lol but i also understand that there are things that are completely unforgivable, but i'm just rambling now so i'll stop lol
anyway i'm glad you're liking the story!! 💗💗💗
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