#i mean queer like me not canonical like me
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aprillikesthings · 3 days ago
So I think about Catra and Adora's first time a lot.
Like, okay: first of all, they've wanted each other for how long? How long have they both been lying to themselves and/or other people about how badly they desire each other? I'm sure it started when they were teenagers (ha, and I love how many canon-based fics mention this, that at some point the locker room/showers became a source of mutual, unspoken torture), but at least they were friends then, able to rough-house a bit, and Catra could sleep at Adora's feet.
But then The Sword happens and they spend multiple years apart--and still unable to resist chasing each other in fights. Because fighting is still better than not seeing each other at all, right? But then the portal happens, and they stop even seeing each other.
And those weeks after the Cat gets Saved, the start of them flirting and teasing that's not hidden in taunts and fighting ("did you just jump in fire for me?"), and now there's tons of casual touching ("yeah Adora, concentrate!") but Does it mean something else? Does it? Does it? DOES IT? The agony of not knowing, the risk of being wrong--we even see Catra have that meltdown about it!
The relief and joy of finding their love and desire reciprocated!!!
I know some people think it takes them weeks or even months to work up to having sex, and I get why. I know I'm in the "it was a few days, tops" camp. But I understand why people disagree.
Because holy shit, the combo of "I've wanted you for as long as I've been capable of wanting" and "our first kiss saved the universe," that just puts so much pressure on their first times being good!
First times are stressful enough!! Do they want this? Am I any good at it? Is this how they like it? Is this how I like it? How do I ask for them to do something different? Is my body what they were expecting or hoping for? What if I'm so nervous I can't enjoy it? What if I take too long to come?
So for Catra and Adora it's also "what if I've wanted this for this long, and then it's Bad/I do it wrong/she doesn't like it/we're not good together"
But also "what if our first kiss saved the universe....and then everything after that sucks"
Add Catra's fear around vulnerability and Adora's desperate desire to please while never thinking of herself and things can get tricky! We can be honest about that! They're both going to struggle with wanting things, with asking for them.
Which is why I think the two most likeliest scenarios are: One, "impulsively go for it the moment they get enough time alone," just to push through that fear all at once--but also because if things are in fact good right away, and then the next thing is good, and the next thing--I just can't see them stopping.
(It's also why there's just SO MANY fics where their first time is "kissing that gets desperate and leads to grinding on each other's thighs," because god forbid they not be in physical contact with as much of each other's bodies as possible)
Or two, working up to things paaaainfully slowly because they're so nervous, and at each step going "okay this is good, we can just keep doing this for a while"
Besides, let's be honest: it is fun to imagine them just making out for an hour lol
All that said! I do think they once they've had sex a few times and get comfortable, they'll get relaxed and playful about it. And then they're not going to be able to keep their hands off each other for a while, aaahaha
Anyway. Here's a long-ass but great meta post I didn't write about how She-Ra is an entire cartoon about queer desire that's still appropriate for kids.
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katsdynam1ght · 1 day ago
no harm no foul then! i’m fine with discussions i just need it clear that they are discussions and not arguments lol
if you’re genuinely curious half of my reasoning for this does come from my own family (my parents aren’t queer and aren’t at all like enji and rei but my siblings… we have some issues aka i sort of want two of them dead)
among the four of us kids, only one (the third child) is cishet and even though he claims not to be homophobic… he sort of is regardless. i think this is similar to how it would be with natsuo. when it comes down to it the todoroki family is very traditional in beliefs and mannerisms and i think natsuo succumbs to that more than any of his siblings, as ironic as it is.
note that i haven’t read the manga (please don’t spoil it), but i know enough about characterization to take some guesses about how his arc plays out and i believe he is the most likely to perpetuate the dynamics of his family (i do not think he’s abusive but i do think there’s a more traditional setup in his household… esp considering his wife appears to be some type of rodent heteromorph? i hc her as a mouse and quite timid in personality so he’s a bit more domineering in their relationship anyway)
of course none of that is canon and there’s very little foundation for it. just how it is to me and that’s part of why i don’t really care to argue because no one’s interpretation would be at all canonical anyway, yk?
natsuo does not want to be like his father but he harbors a lot of anger, and anger festers and bleeds and rots. inevitably if one cannot forgive or find a way to move on, one will repeat the cycle. again i don’t think he’s as extreme, but i think he absolutely has issues that he doesn’t resolve properly until much much later in life. again, this is just headcanon and speculation, but is how it is to me.
i’ll allow that natsuo Could be bisexual, but if he is, i don’t think he knows. he was raised in a traditional household with traditional dynamics and i believe he succumbs to some of those beliefs. he is supposed to marry a woman and have kids. that’s how life goes. those are the steps. if he isn’t straight he won’t know until further down the line and by then there’d be no point, so it’s just a repressed thing forever.
(i also am generally not a big fan of labels, especially hyper-specific ones. fandom spaces tend to be super big on labels for all the characters but like… idk man. most people do not think that hard about stuff and especially in a world like mha i don’t think it’s the main concern. there are too many other things to worry about than what gender someone likes. again there are people with windex bottles for heads so ??? worry more about that)
as for enji: idk how to explain this. it’s just how men are. you can be homoerotic without being gay but i think for him there is a level of attraction. i also think he knows nothing about what that means, so it can never and will never go anywhere. another one of those things that just is, you get me? he looks at all might (a man roughly ten years his senior) and wants to Become that. there is a level of attraction there. there has to be
all this to say: sexuality headcanons have zero basis in canon but they Do have basis in My canon. all of this is based on a lot of concepts i have for the todoroki family that i can’t really get into here because it’d take forever but trust me when i say i have reasoning for all of it (natsuo’s is so much more complex than my few-paragraph summary but. that’s the best i got rn)
my point with all the “don’t argue with me” is basically just “there’s no way to really argue this because it’s completely subjective” lol. but here are the summarized thoughts if you’d like to read them
sorry but i’m convinced natsuo is the only straight person in the todoroki family. he’s only homophobic because of touya though. (he would be more homophobic if he knew about his dad but i don’t think enji even processes his own sexuality so none of them know)
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hypertechnica · 6 months ago
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ford, fidds, and bill are living in a late 70s/early 80s sci fi psychological horror film that was buried upon release due to its explicit gay themes but quickly became an underground cult hit
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numerous associations would decry its depiction of homoeroticism between its principal characters, but nobody could deny the surrealist film had its merit. “it’s like someone concocted an unholy combination between the shining and space odyssey and then died of the instantaneous nuclear fallout. why would anyone make this? are they stupid?” one reviewer said.
more alternates + sketch under the cut
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rimatsu · 2 months ago
obsessed with baby queer buck and the hang-ups he probably doesn't even realize he has, let alone acknowledge.. newly realized bisexual evan buckley who didn't stop once to consider long-term commitment to a man he dated for 6 months as a viable option until josh spelled it out for him. and we've seen buck navigate romantic relationships before. he didn't do things by half-measure or shy away from grandiose declarations with abby or taylor. he knew he loved them without the need for an outsider's perspective. i don't think the cautiousness displayed in 806 was linked to tommy as an individual/lover so much as it was about building a life with a man — still a foreign concept, still a bit alien. not something buck could really envision for himself and by himself, unprompted (just like he remained unaware of his attraction to men until he was made to confront it with a kiss). that moment of hesitation wasn't because he was unattached to tommy or their relationship, quite the opposite according to the follow-up questions: if buck wasn't in love already, he was at least willing to be. yeah, he needed a little nudge from josh to reassess his feelings, to jump over that last barrier, but the very moment things clicked in his mind, buck was ready to cement their relationship, ready to wholeheartedly pursue a future with tommy, serious enough that he brought up the possibility of marriage someday (another first! not just first potential husband, but first potential spouse ever!!) — because buck doesn't see much value in waiting once he figures out what he wants.
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kamisamabest · 3 days ago
first question: do you have any proof that Crowley and ferid are based on the chars you mentioned? by proof i mean the author/artist stating their inspirations. i think not. and as i said,just because you got inspired from one thing doesn't mean that the thing you create is that thing. Crowley didn't care about his brain being fried,because ferid always kept things from him,manipulated him from start to end, didn't care to tell him about any of his plans and Crowley was tired of it as he stated before. they never had any romantic/sexual interactions except for ferid sucking Crowley's blood.
the vampire relations in owasera is:
vamp finds human,turns human into vamp->parental
human that was turned into a vamp discovers another vamp turned by the same vamp->siblings
this was how Crowley and ferids relation was. what you mean is
vamp finds human,likes the human a lot,goes "hmm y'know what you're gonna suffer w me for all eternity and we'll be bffs",turns human into vamp.
vampires can't have romantic relationships with other vamps/humans because they don't have feelings,their only feelings are the strongest feelings from their human times. for example,mika was in love with yuu before he was turned,so he kept his feelings for yuu.
second, creating fandom content is perfectly fine. you said it yourself that you meant "fanfictions,fanarts,headcanons" etc. and (shocking) i do that too. what is a problem and is annoying is someone mischaracterizing a character while creating that content. for example: writing a canonically gay character with a partner of the opposite gender is ignoring the canon. someone saying that x character is in love with y character while the character shows clear anger and hatred towards that character is mischaracterizing. this,is the problem and what im angry at because it disrespects the creator of the characters.
third- what are you even trying to get at in the last paragraph? im literally a queer person,who is aroace,androromantic/sexual and libramasc? i never said anything about "characters are straight unless explicitly stated else",and that is an argument that i hate with a burning passion. where did you get that from????
if the answer to that is "you said ferid wants to sleep w women again" i said that to show that again,crowferi makes zero sense. oh and also it definitely was not a queer guy wanting to be straight,ferid said himself he doesn't feel any attraction to anyone but he wants to feel attracted to women and sleep with them again. key words are no attraction and again.
if you can't understand it, I'll js break it down for you in order to not insult you again. he says he wants to be attracted to women again,which means that in his human years,he liked women a lot and loved sleeping with them. but now he has a lack of any attraction towards anyone. if you ignore "again" (which you did..),it can be interpreted that way. but he explicitly states that.
also,he doesn't flirt with Crowley. he teases him to provoke him and get a reaction out of him,which he does to basically everyone. he says that he gets suicidal whenever he's alone and not talking to anyone and the author says that he does stuff that people will misunderstand,he does it on purpose so he can "have fun" in his immortal life because as I stated,he says that if he doesn't he gets suicidal and wants to kill himself.
your arguments are based off of misinterpretation of canon statements. you take canon,twist it and say that it's in x context when it isn't,like you did in the last paragraph.
i can assure you that you do not have more experience with queer media than i do. i went through your blog a little bit and didn't find anything about you mentioning anything about you being queer yourself,(im merely assuming you're straight here feel free to correct me if im wrong) but tell me,how does someone have more experience with queer media than a literal queer person(kami) who knew he was queer from childhood,been to many queer spaces and has tons of queer friends whom he communicates often with?
oh and you're contradicting yourself. you say you never said you thought their relationship was romantic but then you showed ferid '''flirting''' (lmfao) with Crowley as '''proof'''.
i could write tons of more counterarguments here.
kami's rage
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bicryptide · 7 months ago
"Rise leo is not canon queer/MLM-"
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Be serious.
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jubjubious · 30 days ago
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couple random things + sticker submissions + skaterlight elelelelele
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gayofthefae · 7 months ago
Thinking again about how there is no alternate explanation for the oddest behavior Mike has ever done: lie and say he DID do the thing that Will is mad at him for.
But when Will said "our friendship is on the rocks because you didn't call me", Mike, instead of saying "yes I did", said "I did not call you and I stand by it".
Why? BECAUSE WILL COMPARED HIMSELF TO EL IN THE ACCUSATION. There is NO other explanation for Mike to defend "you didn't call me" with "and I'd do it again" despite having called, unless the actual accusation received was "you treat me very differently than your girlfriend" and he jumped at the chance to confirm it, especially when he realized it wasn't true.
The most fun part isn't even the weird motivations. It's the fact that inherent to being a lie, it has to come to light. And there is NO cover for "I lied, knowingly making you more upset, when I knew I could have ended the fight immediately".
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thepunkmuppet · 4 months ago
I know basically nothing about rowena, but I now finally get what people mean about shipping things aesthetically. because what do you MEAN love of my life sam winchester, 6”4, deeply damaged but lovely straight white dude-man, has a cute, interesting and disgustingly tragic relationship with A TINY GINGER SCOTTISH WITCH WHO’S THE MOTHER OF A RECURRING VILLAIN AND PLAYED BY AN ACTRESS WHO’S OLDER THAN HIM????? WHAT??? I NEED THAT IN MY LIFE RIGHT THE FUCK NOW
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like what is this. I love it. I’m obsessed. enemies to friends to lovers, height difference, age difference, and just generally UNCONVENTIONAL AS FUCK for a straight ship??? spectacular gimme fourteen of em right now
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lucabyte · 9 months ago
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this time on purrgatorio: ali and markus learn why i havent made normal pride art in years
Bonus: Ascending to Godhood lets you look at the spreadsheets
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lotusishere · 2 months ago
You know I used to be so delusional that I thought (when I was younger) when I first read kotlc that the elves were queer coded. Middle school me 100% believed that being queer or gay was just natural and a untalked about thing. (It was because Della was talking about gender norms not being a thing and stuff) I fully believed that match making papers asked questions like “what do you prefer? Men? Women? The bendys?” And you would fill it out. Funny enough I just made it up and believed that for years until i thoroughly read the newer books and realized that there are no gay people.
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azabachehides · 1 year ago
so like trent cr|mm is queer right. i am not crazy right. like come on. just publishing this so if anything happens in the series i can say i called it.
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beanghostprincess · 1 year ago
Saying Sanji is "straight-washed" might be the funniest thing in the whole world because yes, his character is heavily queer-coded and reflects queer experiences, and no, it is not about his sexuality. It's about his gender. You got it a bit wrong, bestie.
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thesarcasticism · 15 days ago
listen as much as i'm fine with everyone having their own interpretations of different fictional characters and their relationships, i just cannot see aigis and kotone as having a "sisterly" relationship when, in CANON, they are both bisexual and also in love.
like watering their relationship down to that just feels like bi erasure to me and there's pretty much no bi rep in persona after p3 so like. idk man it just rubs me the wrong way, y'know?
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onwhatcaptain · 2 years ago
Some days it just makes me unbearably sad that we will never really get spirk because Paramount thinks queerness is acceptable only in non-legacy or "unimportant" side characters because it wouldn't really damage their reputation. Which isn't really queerness at all if the leads can't have it.
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queeringclassiclit · 6 months ago
Philip Lombard
from And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
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submitted by anon
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