#just like aigis & makoto yknow
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thesarcasticism · 15 days ago
listen as much as i'm fine with everyone having their own interpretations of different fictional characters and their relationships, i just cannot see aigis and kotone as having a "sisterly" relationship when, in CANON, they are both bisexual and also in love.
like watering their relationship down to that just feels like bi erasure to me and there's pretty much no bi rep in persona after p3 so like. idk man it just rubs me the wrong way, y'know?
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xrd · 7 months ago
yknow what let's just go with everything. Go crazy go stupid. Have funsies <33
Getting a little silly?
Under the cut major spoilers for P4/P5/P5T
🎭 favorite Phantom Thief?
I used to flip flop round alot more but I think strikers (haven't finished it yet) has probably confirmed it's Makoto for me. I'm kind of sad I know she ends up sticking to her plan to become a cop because I think the way Zenkichi challenges her on it is really interesting.
Also he's not a Phantom Thief technically but shout out to Toshiro Kasukabe my goat!!!!
👓 favorite Investigation Team member?
Kanji by a landslide but we'll get to him soon enough.
Other then that I really like Yukiko. She's consistently very funny and charming to me and I like how her character flaw of passivity influences parts of her character outside of her home life. Really memorable part of my Golden playthrough was her beating me at the Trivia game several times
🔫 favorite S.E.E.S member?
Probably Yukari. I just think her character progression is really well handled, and I like seeing her grow out of her shell and grow closer with the group. I also think her dynamic with Mitsuru is really interesting, and I love the way it progresses. She was really good in The Answer too.
🎁 favorite character?
Kanji is among, if not my favourite character of all time and I find answering why I like him very difficult because of this. He's a surprisingly multifaceted character who has really unique inner struggles. I agree that the writers often go too far with alot of jokes surrounding him but I feel like there's still an earnestness to his portrayal as a teenager struggling with his newly questioned sexuality, as well as trying to find approval among his parents and peers. I like him he means alot to me.
🔗 favorite social link?
I really struggle with narrowing this down. Here's a few favourites from each game.
P3: Aigis, P3P Junpei, Akinari, Tanaka
P4: Teddie, Kanji, Nanako, Dojima, Naoto (platonic), Marie
P5: Takemi, Hifumi, Yoshida
🎶 favorite Persona song?
Extremely hard question to answer, but hearing Heartful Cry for the first time in the Answer was extremely memorable, so I want to say that. I also really like Naoto's dungeon theme
😈 best antagonist?
Adachi is like one of my favourite villians ever I think he's a genius foil to a protagonist of a game like this considering that a large part of how her functions as a villain is how mundane he is. I'll get around to actually making a dedicated post about my thoughts on him eventually.
⚔️ best boss fight?
Definitely the shadow Toshiro confrontation/cognitive Eri fight. Incredibly memorable moment in terms of story and I love how the addition of Toshiro as a party member changes up the gameplay from then on.
😶‍🌫️ favorite dungeon
I really really like Shido's palace I think the ship theming is really evocative and I think the outside is just visually very stunning, especially in game where it looks like it's atop an ocean of blood.
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👾 have you played persona 1 or 2?
Played a fair bit of the sebec route but I have not finished it. I'll get back to it eventually. People drastically play up P1's flaws and it makes me sad that it seems to diswade so many people. If you meet it where it's at and make sure to buy items to lower the encounter rate it's a fun enough time if you like first person dungeon crawling.
I've played a little of IS ages ago but I lost my save file a few dungons in and never picked it back up. I'll get to it when I finish P1
❤️ favorite ship(s)?
Teddie/Labrys sweeps everything else for me they're incredibly sweet and charming. Labrys feels like the first person Teddie's ever taken an earnest interest in romantically which is a really fun change of pace for his character. (And it's metal surprisingly?!) I really like the similarities in their struggles. Teddie's arena story mode is sooooo good everyone please read it.
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💛 favorite dynamic(s)?
I've been thinking about Akihiko and Mitsuru alot. I think they're really interesting because they have an incredible amount of trust in each other and I feel alot of their relationship is formed from the fact that they were defending each-others lives before they were even really friends.
🔥 character you would bully for eternity?
We all need to make fun of Adachi for being incredibly jealous of that 17 year old and also for saying this
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👀 character that you hated but now love?
Keep bringing him up, but I used to really dislike Teddie during my initial play through of the game but I ended up doing almost a complete 180 of his character and now he's probably one of my favourites.
🤓 any spinoffs/remakes you want to see?
I really really want them to make a persona 5 arena in the same vein as the persona 4 one with returning 3/4 characters.
I think a P1 remake would also be welcome but I don't want them to try and make it like
🥺 a character you will defend at all costs?
I was talking about this the other day but the was people talk about Marie sometimes is absurd. I'm not huge on some of the implementation of her storyline, mainly that it gives away the stuff with Izanami but I like what she adds thematically a lot. People really over-exaggerate any faults in her plotline as well as writing her off because she's rude to the main character.
🤩 how did you get into persona?
A friend lent me Persona 5 on the PS3 and my and my brother ended up playing it. He liked it so much he bought all the avaliable persona games on the ps3 and I ended up just continuing as I finished 5. I ended up emulated p3p instead of playing fes on the ps3 though because I really wanted to play as the girl.
🥳 do you have any blogs/artists/writers/creators in the fandom you love? Drop recs.
Off the top of my head here some oomfs and other creators I like on here. (Sorry for the pings) @mustdie @parasitoidism @mangocandies @nyanfish @owainigo @akolnoix @retrokinetics @hoshizoralone @fizzily @evilresidentz Probably missing some obvious inclusions. Sorry
🤔 favorite headcanon(s)?
Yosuke making really bad music is like integral to my perception of him now.
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marasschino · 2 years ago
that makoto with nyarly tattoo 🎤 please i beg you i must know more
Ok ok so * kicking my feet like a school girl *
Basically similar to how Tatsuya refused to let go of his memories and nyarlethotep ate that shit up, Minato hesitated when making the seal and in barely a moment of hesitation and regret (yknow bc he finally found a reason to live even tho he's always been willing to die) Nyx and Erebus meet and the Fall is solidified. Can't exactly make a seal between two primordial beings that are no longer seperate from each other. And when the world ends and it's just shadows/demons fucking around nyarl is like "yay thanks king you're a real one"
Ofc we haven't gotten to all the other angst of the fact that almost everyone dies
So just lore first for how the Fall works in this au is that regular humans are consumed/turn into shadows, persona users directly fuse into Nyx (they can't really be consumed by shadows and can't turn into shadows bc of their persona), and wild cards or those with the potential of the wild card can withstand Nyx (that doesn't mean they're *not* slowly being fused with her it just takes longer) that combined with nyx lore from p1, everything is the Midnight Hour now and the world has kinda just frozen in time
With that in mind the only two people left from sees are Minato (who's now marked by nyarl bc he ruined a timeline) and Aigis who awakens to her ability of the wild card.
I haven't figured out everything for this au because I am so scatter brained but Ryoji is here too (I can probably make it work with the whole meta space fusing w the real world + when that happens nyarl's rumor thing is functioning again + cognition fuckery + I also think it'd be funny if Nyx just kicked Ryoji out bc he's still a little too human and she doesn't like her ugly little shadow son)
This is a lot and it's also all I have for this au that I am 100% sure of, everything else I haven't shared is easily subject to change lmao
Also here's some extra little sketchies:
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suoubros · 3 years ago
persona 3 was honestly the wildest experience for me and for several reasons
I started playing it in like February/March don't remember literally the day I finished persona 4 and I finished it in like? a week? something like that
I would spend every day from like the evening to the early hours of the morning playing it literally became such an integral part of my routine
basically fell in love with aigis at first sight and was enjoying the game a lot tho ofc the tartarus grind was Not Fun At All bless fuuka for the change bgm function otherwise I would have gone insane
I remember I got to the end of the game and was so fucking worried bc I basically speed ran Aigis' social link and I was REALLY anxious bc of all the death talk and I was like nah they're not gonna let aigis die, right ? not after shinjiro
so I power through and finish the final portion of the game in one night and when I got to the final nyx fight where you're fighting by yourself it was like? 4 am? 5 am? somewhere around there and I was dead tired but the burn my dread remix kept me going so hard that shit literally jolted me awake and my mind was so foggy was even surprised how I didn't even pass out and yknow I got to the ending
when makoto died I was literally like ????? I literally couldn't comprehend it I literally went on YouTube and looked up the persona 3 ending to see if that was what really happened and when it finally hit me I literally passed out and had the best sleep of my life my brain hadn't ever been that foggy before
ik it's cliche to say that persona 3 has the best ending but tbh it's such a popular opinion because it really is such a good ending like when it finally hits you it really does hurt
the end song was literally on loop in my head and god it was just such a beautiful ending especially the end scene in the final persona 3 movie like it was so beautifully animated and it really does stick with you like the utter raw emotion present in persona 3 really does make it stand out
I have my issues with it of course but persona 3 really is a fantastic game and I'm sad I don't really talk about it that much since there are many discussions to be had about it
anyway persona 3 based
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