#like I need the same level of insanity about it and the canon (and non canon tbh) sam ships currently just don’t do that for me at all
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I know basically nothing about rowena, but I now finally get what people mean about shipping things aesthetically. because what do you MEAN love of my life sam winchester, 6”4, deeply damaged but lovely straight white dude-man, has a cute, interesting and disgustingly tragic relationship with A TINY GINGER SCOTTISH WITCH WHO’S THE MOTHER OF A RECURRING VILLAIN AND PLAYED BY AN ACTRESS WHO’S OLDER THAN HIM????? WHAT??? I NEED THAT IN MY LIFE RIGHT THE FUCK NOW

like what is this. I love it. I’m obsessed. enemies to friends to lovers, height difference, age difference, and just generally UNCONVENTIONAL AS FUCK for a straight ship??? spectacular gimme fourteen of em right now
#I have a real thing about older women / mothers being put in situations reserved traditionally for young conventionally attractive women.#don’t get me wrong ruth connell is GORGEOUS but like do you know what I mean?? I just love it so much#give me middle aged woman yuri or a mum as the main character or in this case a mum shipped with the conventional white boy lead#and I will EAT. IT. UP.#BRO IS NOT NORMAL ABOUT THAT MARGINALLY OLDER WOMAN!!#anyway point is I’m excited to get to her in the show :3 I fear I will love them extremely dearly#spn#supernatural#sam winchester#rowena macleod#samwena#sam x rowena#also sam is my favourite character and I don’t personally see him as any flavour of queer but I want someone interesting to ship him with#as hard as I ship dean with cas and with benny#like I need the same level of insanity about it and the canon (and non canon tbh) sam ships currently just don’t do that for me at all#so yeah I’m very excited for samwena :3
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it’s so interesting that with previous love interests, it was normal and fine to not ship them and to still want buddie in the future, but now, we have to sit down and shut up and accept that it’s never happening and B/T are forever
oh no wait, it’s not interesting, it’s annoying and confusing and frankly just weird. misogynistic and borderline fetishistic
shipping non-canon couples, especially ones with 6 years of history and love and shared experiences, is the norm in literally every fandom, but now suddenly it’s wrong and how dare we
a fair few of the people saying this are also, conveniently, the ones implying that B’s bisexuality is tied to T and T alone and if we don’t ship them, we don’t support bi!B
how. very. interesting! /annoying/confusing/weird
So interesting. Dude, I got called homophobic because I didn't immediately look at them in 703 and decided they were true love. In 703. Because I didn't look at the shoulder touch and immediately started shipping them. Homophobic with all the letters. I got yelled at. After 703. Legit almost deleted this whole blog over some of the things that got sent. I was legitimately crying with friends who are not in the fandom if I was being unreasonable or insane or whatever else I got called for not jumping in instantly and to ask if I was actually doing something wrong. People were saying we were being weird about queer storylines. That we needed to shut the fuck up and enjoy the way Oliver Stark was gonna make out with a hot guy. That not being on board the ship meant that we had an unreasonable and ridiculous necessity of making sure Eddie was the only guy for Buck. Literally every single person in this fandom hc Buck 1.0 also hooked up with guys. Most people never acted as if Buck needs to be guided through his queerness by this hot older guy. Oh, wait, no, they did. With T. People automatically decided that Buck needed a queer Yoda. That he needed someone to hold his hand and be a guide. They added a fucked up power dynamic from the get go. With no information, Buck was already a baby that needed his hand held through his own sexuality. And let me tell you one thing, I know for a FACT that if it was Eddie, the automatic reaction wouldn't be putting T in this idealized experienced gay guide position when that would've made more sense (not that I think any of them needs a guide) because Eddie is the one with the body count you can count with one hand and a weird relationship with sex. But somehow I'm the one who's weird about Buck's sexuality. I don't want Buck to explore. I need Buck to only have loved Eddie. Sure. Look, I don't wanna multiship. The same way everyone is allowed to ship whatever the fuck they want, I'm allowed to not ship whatever the fuck I want. If it was a woman no one would've been in my inbox basically demanding I make the same level of analysis I make for buddie for them (let me tell you one thing too, if I made the level of analysis I do with buddie with bt, no one would like what I have to say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) but I'm still getting asked for it for some reason when I never indicated I ship the two.
But I'm not allowed to have any critical thoughts about anything involving bt or else I'm being weird and that's the mild term that's being used. I can't point out the fact that T left Buck in a curb and failed to communicate shit properly even though it happened in canon. I can't say that I think it felt kinda callous for him to say "they had henleys in the 80s" to Buck being upset T didn't dress on theme (also, the job requires them to change into a uniform by nature, he could've put a colorful shirt and indulged Buck a little bit there without it interfering with the way he was on standby but I can't say that or else I'm a hater). There is no criticism allowed in the ship but somehow I'm the one being weird. I don't think Buck should be in a relationship. I think Buck is still exhibiting the same patterns when it comes to love interests. And yes, I would feel the same way if it was Eddie. Buck doesn't know how to be happy alone and he will never be happy in a relationship until he learns that. I was saying that when it was Natalia and getting praised for my understanding of Buck's character. Now I'm locking Buck onto Eddie. Buck's bisexuality is only valid if he's actively kissing a guy for some people but I'm the one being weird. BT have so many visual parallels to bucktaylor, but if I say that's a bad sign I'm being a hater. I need to sit my ass down, ignore six seasons of buildup, accept that it's over, and that now making Eddie queer and getting buddie together would suck because it would destroy the friendship they built so bt are endgame and gonna get married and somehow I'm the one who's being weird about queer relationships and attaching Buck bisexuality to a person. The fandom lost its fucking mind when they saw Oliver kiss a guy and, yeah, it does feel misogynistic and borderline fetishizing. But somehow I'm the one getting blocked by half the fandom when I'm not even pointing everything I want out. I lose at least one mutual every time I even suggest maybe we should look at things a bit more critically. I have to sit here and justify things to an insane degree while people's reaction to any of the criticism is "uH BuT T Is hOt aNd hE Is a gUy sO It iS DiFfErEnT oKaY?" Critical thinking skills went out the window because now there's a guy involved and that's fucking weird. People are straight up erasing Eddie, the actual main character of the show, Buck's established partner of years, Buck's best friend, the only person in canon who never left Buck in any capacity, because some guy kissed Buck and, he, uh *check notes* treats Buck as an actual human being? so that means he's perfect. It's nuts. The bar is hell.
Yes, I know this is not everyone in the fandom and I know this is not everyone who ships them but if what I'm saying feels like a personal attack to you maybe you should do some thinking. Anyone can ship anything, you want to ship them go off, power to you, the weird part here is the way some people are demanding other people ship it too. We could all be coexisting if people didn't get weirdly comfortable demanding shit from other people in the fandom and deciding their opinion is the only one that matters so they need to call out anyone who thinks differently, but alas, that's too much to ask.
#i went off on this one sorry#kalaakapakaoakoaa#cant wait to get blocked by more people#anyway#i guess im really done being civil#unhinged anna is being unhinger#anti bucktommy#911#i really need a tag for asks#anon 😌
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I lost track of how many times I've read stop me and truth to be told. It was a good escape from reality or it either hit too close to home.
I'm keeping an eye for a post. But in the meantime do take care of yourself! Happy endeavors!
Also if the characters in stop me had a type of pokemon what type would they be?
Hey, thank you for the ask.
I understand what you mean about the ‘escape from reality’ while also adding in the ‘hit too close to home’. I had some abusive people in my past so when I write, I take those very real emotions and press them into the fictional world. Unfortunately, it can take those moments and situations and make them a little more non-fiction for those who know what that’s been like. Stop Me has been many things for me, including therapy at some point. From certain asks and DMs, I can see that it’s been the same for others, too.
So thank you for addressing it and pointing it out. I hope you’re doing well. :)
As for your other part of the ask…
Goodness~! XD
How to answer… You said ‘type’ of Pokémon and not ‘species’; I’m going to go with ‘species’ as it’ll still reflect correctly and I will also be writing my choice of Pokémon in as a partner. But this will solely pertain to the characters they’ve become in my writing and will not reflect what others may feel about them in their canon incarnate.
Arcee: Shiny Bisharp. Fight me. And yes, specifically a ✨shiny✨ Bisharp. Knife hands and great honor while still learning to grow as an individual, still learning that emotions are valid but let’s not let them get out of control. Situation is key. I would have said ‘Shiny Pawniard’ but our femme is a big girl and has more skill and ability than a Pawniard. A shiny Bisharp definitely reflects well as her partner.
Bumblebee: Bolthound. Now before you toss me out of the room by my ankles- Bee is a playful mech, but he also takes his job as a scout seriously. He may ‘bend’ orders a bit, but his priorities are his friends and teammates. A Yamper would be too young to understand that, but a Bolthound? Grown enough for the challenge. Still one heck of a playful partner, when it’s appropriate. They’d be unstoppable.
Bulkhead: I immediately thought of a Golem. Easy to lob around, loves rolling down mountains, can withstand the thrills and insanity that comes with doing stunts. But also a defender and community-type. Gotta be there for the TEAM, especially the younger/little ones. Golem is ya boi and he knows it.
Ratchet: Forgive me. Forgive me. XD The most exhausted looking Audino. I was going to say a different Pokémon that happened to be able to learn ‘Heal Pulse’ but it has to be Audino. A grumpy one. Both of them just being tired of trying to make and fix things and somehow stuff just keeps getting broken. Rude.
Wheeljack: I know the easy answer is ‘Greninja’ but you know what? No. Hawlucha. Got nothin’ but respect and honor and he’s small and fast. Little winged hands like tiny knives. Jumps out of nowhere. Would constantly be surprising the enemy. Jackie would be laughing too hard. And who says you can’t give the little guy a knife? Ratchet? Naaaah, Sunshine’s gotta loosen up. It’ll be fiiiiiiine~
Smokescreen: A Bagon. HOLD YOUR PITCHFORKS BACK- Bagon is the representation of growth and potential. Smokescreen knows he has the potential but he lacks the experience and growth he needs to get to the next level. He has drive and ambition, much like Bagon does, and he never gives up. He has moments of ice-water clarity, but he never gives up. Which would reflect well in a Bagon.
Cliffjumper: Cubone’s Mother. No other notes.
Ultra Magnus: He needs a ‘no-nonsense’ Pokémon. Golurk. That thing has a ‘yes, sir/no, sir’ mentality. Hands like God’s Hammers. Will hunt you down. Will find you if you’re shirking your duties. Eyes that stare into your very soul and spark and have no qualms about ensuring you understand why you’re on inventory duty.
Optimus Prime: I had to think long and hard about this one but this feels right. Lucario. A Pokémon of emotion and empathy but also a discerning leader. Unshakable, unstoppable. Carries the weight of it all. And when in sync with its trainer, it can Megaevolve. Truly a Pokémon worthy of a Prime. :3
Soundwave: Shiny Porygon. Not 2, not Z. Shiny Porygon. Soundwave is already hella meta and beyond capable in the ways of new technology… so of course he would have an appreciation for the classics. And a classic lil guy a Shiny Porygon would be. Soundwave doesn’t need to be flashy with his kind of Pokémon; being shiny is enough. But his appreciation for the classics would definitely be seen in his Pokémon.
Knockout: I had a completely different choice written out here and I changed it when I really took into consideration how much Knockout has changed… aaaaand how much he hasn’t. XD And so, I settled with Scizor. Fast, strong, *red,* it’s everything KO could want and more. But KO knows he’s still the flashiest and he’d like to keep it that way.
Breakdown: Nobody. Laugh. Tinkaton. Our boy BD needs someone who understands the way of the hammer and when best to use it. Tinkaton has an *actual* hammer. The two would be a bane to everyone but mostly Ratchet, definitely Ratchet, yes…
Starscream: As it *solely pertains to characters and events of Stop Me-* Bulbasaur. Starscream needs more grounding. More ‘present’ energy. But he’s still stubborn. Thus, a Bulbasaur. A Pokémon of decent strength, cunning, care and potential. Also my favorite but *that has no bearing in this decision-* Starscream needs something calm, strong and just as stubborn as he is. Bulbasaur. Peak. 🙌
Predaking: Going off the continuation of being Stop Me-specific… Dragonite. The friendly boy. A lovable squish full of care and wonder and questions… until you make him angry or threaten the ones he cares about most. Paired together, the two are pleasant and playful. Unless they’re on the battlefield.
Airachnid: I know everyone would pick a spider Pokémon for her and I get why because that’s easy, but in regard to Stop Me, I feel like she would have something that was easily frustrated. And since she’s dead, I had to choose Annihilape.
C.Y.L.A.S.: I really didn’t want to use a mythical or ‘legendary’ Pokémon in a sense, but I think we can agree Type: Null is right on the nose. An amalgamation of parts that are NOT supposed to be together. The two are quite the pair.
Hardshell: Shedinja. Easily disposed of if you have the right, super effective move to take them out.
Bombshock: A little more of a pre-planner and defense-based, so a Durant. And they come in hives, too. Yes. I know what Hardshell has. :)
Dreadwing: Gallade. A Pokémon of strength and honor. Need I say more?
Darksteel: Deino. A snappy little brute and still young and immature. The potential is there and Darksteel would be reflected best with this kind of partner Pokémon.
Skylynx: Frigibax. Potential is still yet to be had but with his standoffish attitude, Frigibax pairs best with Skylynx.
Shockwave: I actually had to review three candidates for him, but I managed to settle on the most logical partner for Shockwave: Metagross. Both cunning and intelligent, Metagross also boasts a cruelty in battle that most don’t dare witness. Shockwave’s experiments would only become more complex with this Pokémon beside him.
Megatron: Spiritomb. Lock them both in rocks.
Jack: This took me another long think to get right. I want to respect that Jack has been put through a lot. But he’s also not quite there yet. I’d say he has the best reflection in a Pokémon partner with Charcadet. Jack still has choices to make as he grows up. He’d never choose a less moral path, he’s not that kind of young man, but he still has the ability to choose whether to be more in the face of things or slip into the background. Just like how a Charcadet has a choice in evolution.
Miko: I know a certain poison/electric Pokémon is pretty much base-Miko. But that’s not what I chose. I chose Loudred. Still inexperienced but on the way to controlling themselves and their need to be loud.
Rafael: This kid has been through so much. I would have said at the start of Stop Me a different Pokémon but the kid has earned his stripes and then some. Alakazam. And since the brainy Pokémon never stops learning, there’s always room for growth as Raf grows up.
Agent Fowler: Braviary. ‘Murica. Secret government agent style.
June: Jigglypuff. Still a healer if given the moves for it, but most of us remember Jigglypuff from the anime. You don’t f**k with Jigglypuff.
Thank you for the ask. This was a tough one! I hope all of my choices make sense and that my reasons were interesting ones. :)
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I’m just gonna say it, because it needs to be said:
Elain isn’t real.
You are not Elain.
Elain will be just fine.
You don’t own Elain.
If you come across a fanfic about Elain and they’re portraying her in a negative light or in a situation you don’t like: don’t worry, It’s gonna be ok. Elain will be fine. No Elain was harmed in the writing of that fanfic. Harassing fanfic authors because they portrayed Elain in a way you didn’t like, and going as far as telling the author that she should’ve consulted with the E/riels before writing about E/riel to see if they were portrayed correctly, is beyond crazy. You don’t own Elain and Azriel. Any character cab be ooc in a fanfic
You read a post that was somewhat critical of Elain and her character? It’s gonna be ok. Elain will be fine. No Elain was harmed in the post. That doesn’t mean that post is “hate” towards Elain either. We can love a character and enjoy all the nuances of their character, good or bad. We can love characters and still call them out on their flaws and mistakes. Be so for real.
Someone ships Elain with Lucien and you think this is outrageous because “Elain does’t want Lucien and you’re forcing her into something she doesn’t want”? It’s gonna be ok. Elain will be fine. No Elain will be harmed when the Elucien book comes out. Sarah will make Elain want him. You couldn’t possibly believe that SJM would write a whole book with a non consensual relationship, could you? “It’s about Elain’s choice!” Yes, but Sarah will choose for her. Wheather it’s Azriel or Lucien, it’s SJM’s choice, not Elain’s. It’s gonna be ok. Elain will be fine either way.
Eluciens have been accused of protecting/babying Lucien to a fault, and then those same people turn around and do the same thing with Elain. The self insert level I have seen in this side of the fandom is insane. This staunch protection of Elain as a character is weird, to say the least. No one can say anything about her without being labeled as a hater, a mysogynist, an abuse apologist and other little gems like that. Turning into the canon police to monitor how Elain is being portrayed in FANFICTION is ABSURD. Please, remember that Elain isn’t real and you don’t own her. And if people do hate her, that’s ok too.
Awww did you not get the attention you wanted last week?

#yall are so dramatic lol#seriously are you not embrassed? not even a little bit#elriel#acotar#fandom bullshit#a court of thorns and roses#anti gwynriel
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I’m just gonna say it, because it needs to be said:
Elain isn’t real.
You are not Elain.
Elain will be just fine.
You don’t own Elain.
If you come across a fanfic about Elain and they’re portraying her in a negative light or in a situation you don’t like: don’t worry, It’s gonna be ok. Elain will be fine. No Elain was harmed in the writing of that fanfic. Harassing fanfic authors because they portrayed Elain in a way you didn’t like, and going as far as telling the author that she should’ve consulted with the E/riels before writing about E/riel to see if they were portrayed correctly, is beyond crazy. You don’t own Elain and Azriel. Any character cab be ooc in a fanfic
You read a post that was somewhat critical of Elain and her character? It’s gonna be ok. Elain will be fine. No Elain was harmed in the post. That doesn’t mean that post is “hate” towards Elain either. We can love a character and enjoy all the nuances of their character, good or bad. We can love characters and still call them out on their flaws and mistakes. Be so for real.
Someone ships Elain with Lucien and you think this is outrageous because “Elain does’t want Lucien and you’re forcing her into something she doesn’t want”? It’s gonna be ok. Elain will be fine. No Elain will be harmed when the Elucien book comes out. Sarah will make Elain want him. You couldn’t possibly believe that SJM would write a whole book with a non consensual relationship, could you? “It’s about Elain’s choice!” Yes, but Sarah will choose for her. Wheather it’s Azriel or Lucien, it’s SJM’s choice, not Elain’s. It’s gonna be ok. Elain will be fine either way.
Eluciens have been accused of protecting/babying Lucien to a fault, and then those same people turn around and do the same thing with Elain. The self insert level I have seen in this side of the fandom is insane. This staunch protection of Elain as a character is weird, to say the least. No one can say anything about her without being labeled as a hater, a mysogynist, an abuse apologist and other little gems like that. Turning into the canon police to monitor how Elain is being portrayed in FANFICTION is ABSURD. Please, remember that Elain isn’t real and you don’t own her. And if people do hate her, that’s ok too.
No it's not okay, hope that helps 🌸🦇
#pro elain archeron#elain archeron#elriel#telling me to do something you're not doing yoursefl is hypocrisy
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for the character ask: dally, cherry
Got a few repeating charecter asks, that I’m finally getting to, so I’m gonna do Cherry.
How I feel about this character
I have a bit of a journey with her, when I first read the book I was mad at her, as engrossed in Pony’s upset perspective at their meeting before the rumble. Thinking her actions were sort of “charity” — I never fully blamed her, I was more under the misconception she was putting her problems on the same level of a 14 year old who’s going to loose his friend, constantly beat on and impoverished. Then it finally struck me what she was actually trying to do and how much nerve it took for her to cross lines and talk and testify? [Meta from when I figured it out-> here]
I really do love her now from how complicated she is, and how she helped without fully breaking away from her soc identity (which would be insane to ask of her and damaging for everyone).
These are also old and I’d probably phrase them different but thoughts about cherry or relating to her Here | Here
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Don’t really have too many I’d really ship her with. Bob, if for anything they were already established and she describes it as sweet. I really want to explore that side of Bob and her really— how she on the outside appears stereotypical soc but watches sunsets after pony reminds her of their existence.
I think Pony’s crush on her is cute though.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Ponyboy! I don’t know if they’d ever stay secret friends in the long term but it is so interesting for them to find someone they feel seen in? Someone not on their side and not close to them that they can dump and relate to and speak about all this pent up confusing stuff no one else would get.
Maybe they become pen pals! (See kids how there’s this thing called a letter…)
My unpopular opinion about this character
I think you said this before me but she’s straight, I’m sorry. Lesbians rock but she’s…very 1960s sweetheart straight (which isn’t a bad thing just a particular image)
Another one is people thinking she needs “more” or is “not enough.” Which, part of me can understand but she’s a supporting role that’s not too close to the narrator? Ya know? I don’t need a whole extension to love and understand her— honestly I feel like if she was involved more she’d start to loose parts of herself? As a character?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I don’t really have one. She served her purpose in the story and I think she did it well and in ways I’m still continuing to discover.
#give me a charecter - outsiders game#<- gonna be the tag for these asks#the outsiders#outsiders#charecter ask#cherry valance#sherri valance#outsiders ask game#outsiders 1983#outsiders book
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Oh Z go OFF why don't you ship Sam/John?
ahaha, anon starting off the friday night wine party by choosing violence <3
how don't I ship Sam/John? Let me count the ways --
first of all have you seen the sam/john content out there? I'm negatively interested in shitbird lolita sam with his crystal heart-shaped buttplug and the overemphasis on his pink lips and his mewling or whatever. like the puss becomes the sahara. I need a Great Wall of No between whatever's going on with that particular kink and the actual character. As always, a division: 'this is so hawttt omg' is good and fine, but please can we have a little moat between that and character-based canon-feeling stuff.
so all that stuff aside, on a plot level, John's Quest is based around protecting Sam, and like... way to not do it, bud. That is if you believe that John is ultimately flawed but kinda trying, which I do because 'pure monster' and 'hero daddy' takes are equally boring. Sam is left behind, is overprotected, is taught some hunting stuff but comparatively coddled -- in the wee!era, I see absolutely no way that John would go there on any kind of purpose, especially given the fact that Dean's also always there and it would be very embarrassing for your devoted older sonwife to stab you in the brain. (Caveat: I guess there are those times when John would "send Dean away" for disobeying, so that opens a window. But honestly, Sam was probably just abandoned in a motel room alone while John got on with work. I don't think it was a secret fuck-cation.)
on a sadness level: John wants something better for Sam. Dean's a lost cause, although John does super vaguely gesture at like 'eh he could have a house maybe' -- despite the college fight, Sam's untouchable in a way because John has this mad idea that maybe they'll actually win somehow, and Sam can have a future. That doesn't jive with bouncing him on the Dad D. And, again, if John's not purely insane, then--?
on just a vibes level: once Sam gets older, he and John are just way too much alike, and that's why they piss each other off so much. They're the thing of two magnets of the same polarity bouncing apart. Now there are ships where that can be fun, in the kind of slap-slap-kiss model, but in the specific (characterful) case of these two... no. I can see Sam losing his shit and throwing a punch; I aaaaabsolutely don't see him following it up with like, passion. Though I am literally loling here at my computer thinking about it. I'm doing my absolute best here not to compare to other ship options, but like -- this is not the son who'd fold and be like, aw daddy let me take care of you, you know what I'm saying?
on a taste level: like... can you see Sam actually wanting to? Any emotional/physical weirdness he has I feel like would get automatically turned to a different member of the three-part family unit. Non-con is blah, sex pollen is too easy (although with that said, I imagine a no-romance sex pollen f-o-d would be a good way to crack open those dynamics and see how they operated). Part of the massive issue here is that Sam has an oedipus complex, not an elektra complex -- he wants to fight his dad, not fuck him. He has daddy issues but they're of the tough masc black sheep son who goes off and has to get heroes' journeyed back into the fold; it's not 'oh daddy please say you're proud of me please let me be a good son,' unlike Some People We Could Name. It just doesn't have any entré into the kind of tangled up fuckery that makes vertical incest interesting for me. So...
That's probably enough, lol. That said, again: if you love to jill to babby Sammy slurping on daddy John's big meaty dadcock, go on with your bad self. Especially if Sam's inexplicably femme. But like. I'm good.
#answers#friday night wine party#my name is no and my number is no -- as they say#that said#i'm remembering like years ago when i wondered#does anyone *seriously* ship sam/john?#whether that's in like a manly repression way#or a weird 'we've re-met as adults and it's complicated' way#or -- whatever#like i think dean would have to be dead lol#but maybe it could be interesting#unfortunately it tend to be...#[vague gesturing]#and as i said. sahara puss.
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Something to help understand/interpret my art, also lore dump (if you care):
Mae and Sage both are my sonas, Mae is my MAIN sona, she’s literally ME, and Sage represents an ASPECT of me.
Mae uses She/her pronouns and Sage uses He/him, they are both non-binary characters that represent different aspects of my gender experience. Mae represents the more physical gender experiences Ive had, and Sage represents more so what my gender is. (This is sort of hard to explain, Mae represents the experiences I’ve had in relation to my physical body that I was born with, and the experiences I’ve had in society and how society has interpreted me and my gender. She’s still accurate to my gender, but her design is more surface level and obvious. Sage on the other had, represents my gender experience at its CORE, and how I actually feel as an individual, despite my body. I feel like I am simply experiencing a feminine experience in some ways because of my body and how society sees me, but I don’t feel like who I am at my core can be put into any box, hence me being non-binary. I feel very much like I’m sort of playing a game and this is just the avatar I have, and that who I am is neither male nor female. I just happen to have more experiences in one regard because of how I was born. Sage is the aspect that cannot be boxed. He is both masculine and feminine, and also neither male or female. He’s just SAGE.) (this is also extremely personal to MY OWN gender experience so if you don’t relate to this don’t think to hard about it, this is literally how I interpret my own identity, it probably doesn’t make any sense to anyone else)
Back to Mae representing my more physical life experience, she carries a lot of my trauma and bad experiences. She represents every part of me that has ever been hurt.
Sage represents a part of me that is less in the earthly experience. If you know what a “higher self” is, that’s basically what Sage is in relation to Mae. He is an aspect of me, and therefore an aspect of Mae, they’re part of the same character. He acts as a sort of “guardian angel” who loves Mae more than anything and he would literally go any length for her. Representative of the innate love that I feel like everyone has for themself until society fucks us over and makes us hate ourselves.
Sage and Mae are NOT romantic towards each other (any art drawn of that is non-canon, sometimes I’m bored) , they are more like a queer-platonic relationship. I wouldn’t say they’re “just friends” because their lore and story and relationship is pretty complex and doesn’t fit that box for me.
Sage is an angel in canon, that takes a physical form which is the form I always draw, I’m working on drawing his true form for lore but I’m still designing it.
Sage is an angel of healing, which is why he’s so tender and gentle towards Mae and in general such a honey.
Sage is an angel of healing, and represents the higher self, but he also represents the shadow self (if you don’t know what that is, google is your friend). He carries the pain and trauma from Mae indirectly. This is why he has a darker color palette, since he represents Mae’s shadow (I actually am contemplating a few other alternate palettes for him , a crème color palette as well a blue one, as I work through the lore I’ll decide when those apply). He is NOT a dark angel or an evil angel. His character is multifaceted and complex, and his color palette just represents what I just explained. There are evil angels in my oc lore universe but their color palette doesn’t represent that bc I think that concept is overused, also I like being ironic. Sage having a darker palette is again, linked to his relation to Mae and the trauma he carries from her.
Even though Sage is small and sweet looking he is literally insanely powerful, like CRAZY strong
Sage being the shadow self, and also being so close and loving to Mae represents that our shadow self is not a part of us that is bad and needs to be pushed away, but actually a part of us that is just hurt and desperately needs love and healing.
I draw a lot of art of Mae and Sage embracing, either lovingly or during times of turmoil. I draw a lot of art of Mae being physically or mentally hurt and being comforted or embraced by Sage, Sage having different reactions situationally. A lot of the time, Mae is representing the physical effects of trauma, and Sage is the inner self mourning/crying/ suffering the trauma. Sort of like how you feel terrible for your child self for being mistreated, or how you feel bad for yourself because of the experiences you’ve had. It’s like a depiction of self pity, but also in a way, self love. It’s like holding yourself and crying for how the world has hurt you, and wishing better for yourself.
It’s symbolism✋
#I needed to write all this out and tell people because I need people to understand the deeper meaning of my art bc it’s my soul#my soul put on a canvas#but also I highkey think it’s interesting#like this is juicy stuff#but also I just want the world to know there’s a meaning behind alot of what I draw#I mean not all of it#some of it is just me goobin around#but some of it is LORE BRO#ANYWAYS#thanks for reading this if you did#hope you think I’m interesting#if not it’s whatever I’m just drawing dogs on the internet#mae rambles#oc lore#lore
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as an adonisP, i have a lot of mixed feelings on adonis' representation in canon... on one hand i think that a lot of adonis' writing is genuinely terrible, not out of malice on the author's part but ignorance and playing into stereotypes.
but if the alternative is not having any brown characters at all (like a lot of gacha games), then i want to force companies to try writing a brown character. because yeah, adonis is deeply stereotyped, but there are also the occasional glowing moments where i see the writers genuinely trying to go out of their comfort zones and it moves me. the feature scout story where adonis talks about how no matter what he does and in spite of the fact that he has as much Japanese blood flowing through his veins as Arab, people in japan will only ever see him as a foreigner... as someone who's also biracial but looks desi and is only ever treated as such despite having a closer personal connection with my other culture, it hit me hard. and moon viewing was a story that really hit home in that same vein -- so many fans forget that adonis is japanese, and seeing him show off his knowledge of tea ceremonies was so cool! people say to "write what you know," but i think authors do need to be forced out of their comfort zones and forced to write what they don't know as well.
and part of me looks at the way people scrutinize every aspect of adonis' writing and like... i wish brown characters didnt always have to be subject to this level of scrutiny. i saw someone once complain that happyele "made their only brown character share a birthday" even though rei and izumi, both insanely popular characters, also share birthdays. the other characters can exist as they are, but adonis can only exist specifically as an arab character, and his stories can only be analyzed through this lens... and i understand why it's necessary to read his stories through the context of his race, but it also means that a lot of the time he's not allowed to just exist as a character. and i think that this furthers the idea that a character being of the dominant demographic (i.e. being japanese in franchises from japan) is "normal" or "default." he's not even an arab character. he's arab and japanese.
you should 100% be critical of adonis' stories and aware of racial stereotypes. a lot of adonis' writing is terrible; his insane level of internalized racism is awful, and a lot of his inherent character traits are built on stereotype. but some his writing isn't bad. non-adonisPs are quick to only focus on critiquing terrible !!-era stories when it comes to stories involving adonis, or only bring him up when complaining about how bad his writing is, so fans have a skewed image of his representation. but there are a lot of stories recently where adonis is opening up and rejecting the aspects of the "scary foreign guy" image he had at the start. i can't think of a single adonis card lately where, either in the unbloomed or the bloomed (or both!) he hasn't had the biggest smile on his face. rather than being a one-note character who likes meat, we now have stories of him talking about his culture and his home country, talking about his love for his family, exploring his love for cute things, joking with his friends, and coming to terms with what it means to be a foreigner in japan. that's not to say that it's perfect, but it's something.
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anon from prev ask here !! glad you enjoyed the music >:) and the evil gay “analysis” lol
I also wanted to add on that the violence between our core group usually only spurs on and gets fucked up when there is some tie to romance…. the whole robby-miguel-sam-tory thing comes to mind immediately (which by the way… the quadruple material is right there… four-way make out sesh on the table NOW they want each others cookies.. jk…. unless..)
and with how fucking Personal and Singular eli’s attacks on demetri were…. I’m connecting the dots.. I’ve connected them… violence and love are often linked in fiction and irl (enter: they’re only being mean bc they like you rhetoric and all that) and his ass would Not let up even when there didn’t need to be an issue he Made One and purposely cornered him because he’s In Love and thinks he’s a Freak and so he takes it out on dema because he doesn’t want to acknowledge his own Brain and why does demetri get to like girls and be normal (enter: that one scene where he’s watching D and yas making out, not Really the same resentment there anymore since they made up by that point I ? think ? but those guys have not talked about anything beyond surface level and it’s so obvious lmao gays HATE communication) why doesn’t moon make me feel normal I hate this guy let me break his arm real quick and then immediately show on my face that I hated doing it but god damn it I feel so crazy that I’m going to let it fester inside me until he comes to me and shakes me out because I want to be free but I ultimately come to him and he still has to take the first step but fuck if I don’t at least try to let him see ME again and- *gets shot*
woah… who said all that… guys I’m freaking out who just wrote that… 😟
I could also talk for 1000 year about the “how do you like it huh!?” moment but I won’t……. I’ll Be So Chill And Regular…
sinisterly yours
— guy who totally isn’t insane about two non canon queers (unless you count gianni and jacob who certainly want to be gay together to feed me specifically and are peppering in little things in their performances and when I catch them I swear….)
and here are some more songs for us all
- I never told you what I do for a living by my chemical romance (if you want to be crazy pretend it’s from eli’s perspective)
- not good enough for truth in cliche by escape the fate
xoxo 😇
this take!!!
also yeah im not normal at all about "how do you like it, huh?"
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To the anon who made the anti-ship ask, I agree with you on some level.. but also don't?
Now, I’ll give you credit. I do personally enjoy most wlw stuff from the osc. So I might have some baises here. I do get where you're coming from when it comes to shipping.
But at the same time, I think the reason you don't see that many anti shippers in the tumblr/twt community is because most antishippers in the osc (Who doesn't actually even use that title) are 10 year old boys on some big osc youtubers community tag.
And a lot of oscyt who do fall under the line of anti shippers are just very immature individual who are stuck in the echochamber known as the community tab of youtube who would most likely be as immature if they were shippers) but that still doesn't help out in the image
Basically most anti shippers in the osc don't actively want to critique and rant on ships like you do, most osc anti shippers don't really know how to even analyze the writing (Ex. "team that loses = bad writing")
TLDR: Anti-ship discoursein the osc, (FROM WHAT I KNOW) is very very stupid and usually very very petty
I do agree with you the more shippy sides of the osc are very allergic to non-ship dynamics, but
*Epic cowboy hat going down*
Look, I've been in the same situation as you, so many characters I like get stripped down to some basic garbage personality, tha lacks the nuance they have in canon. And then it’s all I see of them, I only see people portray them that one way and I can’t escape it. I feel it’s also shoved down my face.
But now, and this is where you might lose me, and where my take might become ass.
IF you want anti-ship osc content you need to make it yourself, even with all the haters.
I wanted more content that noticed the characters actual personality, so I started posting analises, I wanted to find people who shared my takes so I started looking around for people(THIS was actually way easier due to me making content, since those people KNEW my takes)
I'm sorry to say it, but people who like shipping all the characters together won't suddenly stop posting that content or posting more platonic content of osc characters because you don't like ships. Whilst it sucks that you feel like you have a place in the osc, a lot of the people came here wanting to ship stuff, a lot of people enjoy doing that just as much as you enjoy antishipping
If you want more platonic osc content, if you want MORE anti ship content you'll need to make it yourself, if you want to stop having ship content down your tags then block as many ships you know of. (Again I'll give you credit this ain't fool proof), Your confession is true I do agree with it. I know you might feel forced to ship things, but I’m telling you right now as a person who's been in a lot of /fandoms that are big on shipping, no one is forcing you. And I think you understand that. But forcing yourself to like shipping isn't good. But then again I can't really blame you (god this is way to long)
BUT AT THE SAME TIME, If you want to have a space for platonic osc dynamics THEN YOU CAN’T EXPECT PEOPLE WILL MAGICALLY KNOW YOU WANT THAT IF YOU DON’T TELL THEM. I’m sorry to say this (because I’ve done this before) But especially on the internet people don’t know what you want.
And looking at the response your ask got, THERE IS A AUDIENCE FOR IT. Even if it isn’t big, people do want to see that!
YOU KNOW WHAT! If you make a blog or whatever about divorces and platonic osc dynamics, I will be your number one supporter! KEEP ON DESTROYING RELATIONSHIPS, GO FOR IT! HAVE FUN!
- a certified yapper (PS TO any people who are really into shipping who would attack this person for having a blog about antishipping, your as bad as the oscyt 10 year olds)(I sorry if this is mean I'm going insane, have a lovely life etc))
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Hello, if you don't mind, can I ask, who are your top favorite romantic relationship's couples in any media, like anime/manga, tv series, books, etc (can be canon or non-canon)? Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love them....Thanks if you want to answer....
Thanks for the ask! I have some ships that I’ve liked for years, as well as ones I’m currently really interested in, so I can talk about both I guess?
So in terms of ones that have secured a place in my heart, I would instantly think of meronia (mello and near from death note). It took me a rewatch of death note to warm up to them, and it's honestly hard to describe why I like it so much (look through my meronia tag I guess, I've been trying for years lol) but I'm a big fan of both slow burn and rivals to lovers and couldn't get the headcanon of Near having a one-sided love for Mello that persists years after his death out of my head. I like the way they work so well together on an intellectual level and the way they would both challenge and protect each other, and the grief and emptiness Near likely felt in the wake of his death not only resonates with me a lot but is also an interesting thing to dissect. They hardly had a real relationship with each other, and yet, Near must feel his vacancy all the same. I think I mourn the dynamic they could've had with each other had Mello come to accept Near as he is, and wonder what would've happened if they made up (the potential is unimaginable). I also think it's a fun challenge to imagine how Mello might ever reciprocate his feelings, since it's not very believable to me most of the time.
I've really liked oldrivalshipping (green and blue from pokemon special manga) for years but it's a ship I find hard to justify. They don't have a lot of interactions and a lot of fans consider them like a joke pairing? My appreciation of them is mainly based on the potential dynamic between them, taking into account them as individuals. Amongst their peers, Green and Blue are the more jaded, hyperindividualistic, "mature" characters, but while Green (guy) is upfront about it, Blue (girl) hides it very well. I think it's interesting to imagine what could happen if they got closer and how Green would handle Blue's capricious temperament, since I imagine Blue would have a hard time faking it in front of Green (he has a zero bullshit tolerance). In canon, Green has also shown signs that he genuinely cares about and values Blue as a comrade and person, so I don't think it's a stretch to imagine them at least becoming better friends and eventually coming to a deeper understanding with each other. I just think they'd have good chemistry.
I used to be like, really obsessed with dabihawks (dabi and hawks from bnha). As in, my real life friends were hearing about this shit. I don't think I'm quite as enamoured with them compared to before, and they haven't interacted in what, four years? So it's died down a lot, but I can still understand why I was so insane over them. They have really intersting parallels in terms of story, themes, character arcs, and aesthetics. The biggest sell on dabihawks for me is the ideological struggle between the two characters. It's not even so much about the romance, but: what would you do if someone important to you had the polar opposite view on morality to you? What if they fundamentally disagreed with how to handle the biggest issues in your life? They are so completely different in every way, it's definitely no wonder they're enemies, but what if they were not made enemies by the plot, what if they weren't the designated hero and villain? Would they still grow to hate each other because of their inability to see eye to eye? In essence, their conflict goes much deeper than a villain vs hero story, and that's very interesting to me. As for newer pairings:
This is so embarrassing, but, haikaveh (alhaitham and kaveh from genshin impact). This is a super popular pairing so I'm sure I don't need to explain why I like it, but again, it's the combination of slow burn and rivals to lovers. More specifically, I'm obsessed with the idea of someone caring about another person so much that they pay attention to and work around their flaws just to silently help them out as much as possible. Unlike a lot of the fandom, however, I don't headcanon them as currently dating. They have a ton of issues to work out and if they started dating in current canon it would not go well for them. Kaveh is unable to even entertain the idea that Alhaitham genuinely cares for and looks out for him, since he has firmly decided that Alhaitham is a heartless, self-centered egoist. For all his intelligence he has absolutely no clue that Alhaitham likes him beyond an 'intellectual equal' or 'house maid'. Alhaitham, on the other hand, has considerable communication issues and his inability to be kind is part of why Kaveh so stubbornly holds onto this view of him. I think their philosophical struggle is also a worthwhile point of contention since they are both obviously flawed (Kaveh is destroying himself, and Alhaitham is sabotaging the most important relationship in his life).
Gladnis (gladio and ignis from final fantasy 15) really took me by surprise. They seem to have a very deep and mature understanding between each other, and both take their lifelong duty very seriously, albeit in different ways. They've always been on the same side, but don't always seem to agree on the best course of action to take (think about the way they both treat Noctis). This is probably the best time to mention that I really enjoy relationships that hapharzardly border between platonic and romantic in nature. When you're a lot more than friends with someone, but you don't know exactly how to describe your feelings for them. Maybe you don't have time for love, maybe there's something more important at stake. Maybe you just can't bear the idea of having something so painful to lose. Whatever it is, those feelings remain undissected. That's pretty much how I see gladnis. I think the potential for something more is there if you squint, but it's a subtle romance. They already mean a lot to each other and are comfortable with their friendship, and I think their journey has brought them so much grief that they would ultimately seek reprieve elsewhere, just for some sense of normalcy. It's very tragic to me. I'm perfectly fine with a platonic reading of them too!
Lastly, I DO want to mention bkdk (bakugo and midoriya from bnha)... I was the biggest skeptic of them in seasons 1-3. But especially with all the ways Bakugo has developed in the last manga arc and the way he has come to truly understand Midoriya's importance in his life is very satisfying and feels well earned. I personally view bkdk as being most likely one-sided on Bakugo's part (that could potentially develop into mutual feelings when they're a bit older), and while theyre truly learning how to get along, I think they both have personal issues to work on, so if anything, it would be best for these feelings to be explored more when they're adults? I'm also a fan of the platonic interpretation of bkdk though, and I'm not really ride or die with them.
I'm sorry this ended up being so long!! I'm a yapper at heart, so I kept it to six ships hahaha. There are other pairings I like a lot such as sasunaru (naruto), kakaobi (naruto), nejilee (naruto), braime (asoiaf/game of thrones), kirimina (bnha), spinneraki (bnha). I enjoy answering these asks so ppl don't be afraid if you're curious <3
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ok like i said on twitter here's a bullet point list on my dragon ball yaoi opinions
Goku/Vegeta: i know this is most popular for obvious reasons but this is a classic case of fujos deluding themselves. im not gonna say vegeta hasn't experienced some level of attraction towards goku but like he fully does love bulma and i genuinely dont think goku is capable of romantic or sexual attraction. that said i think their relationship as it is in canon is pretty interesting even without putting on the yaoi goggles
Gohan/Piccolo: this one i kind of get. people want gohan to have yaoi and he does have a pretty special bond with piccolo but this bond is explicitly a father/son thing. piccolo literally says in the show that gohan is like his own son. "piccolo is technically around the same age as gohan" he was obviously mentally an adult when gohan was a toddler so dont even try honestly
Gohan/Dende: if you REALLY need to ship gohan with a man this is your only real choice. its cute and had a lot potential pre-saiyaman saga but after videl i can only see it being one-sided. poor dende
Gohan/Trunks: ok this one needs to be evaluated on a case by case basis so lets break it down
Future Trunks/Future Gohan: after everyone else died gohan probably had to help bulma change trunks's diapers and keep him entertained and stuff so trunks was like a little brother to him. for trunks though gohan was this really cool masculine ideal that he was chasing after and i think its not a stretch to say those feelings took on a distinctly non-plantonic tint during puberty even tho he knew gohan would never see him that way. its safe to say gohan was future trunks's first (and only?) love
Future Trunks/Present Gohan: the roles have been inverted, now trunks is the cool powerful adult and gohan is the kid trying to match his strength. i think if they had been able to spend enough time one-on-one gohan might've developed a similar crush but with how little they saw each other and how high tension the situation was he was just left with the feeling that long hair really suited him...
Present Trunks/Present Gohan: we know canonically gohan was on babysitting duty for goten and trunks both. they have a brotherly relationship and trunks thinks gohan is kind of lame for being a nerd but he still looks up to him at times. no yaoi to be found this time around
Goten/Trunks: NOW we're talking! this is the crowning jewel of dragon ball yaoi. they grew up together, they're best friends who spend all their time together, they're the poster boys of fusion, they're literally attached at the hip. its got everything you could ask for in a good ship. case in point: gt and super both tried to make them het and they still haven't managed to put a single dent on their popularity. i hope they get married and have full saiyan babies
Whis/Bills: i love this one. they're such old gay queens who have been married since the down of time. im surprised its not more popular tbh, i think their involvement is blatant. couldnt have picked a better duo to relaunch the franchise
Whis/Goku, Whis/Vegeta: ok the way whis keeps checking out goku and vegeta is INSANE. he's not even trying to be subtle. that said i dont think he actually wants to fuck them hes just a muscle fan and they both remain oblivious
Android 17/Piccolo: ???? this is popular on twitter and idk why. ik they fought each other but nothing remotely bait-y happened in that fight. im chalking this one up to 17 is the only twink in db and ppl are desperate to have someone to ship him with
Yamcha/Tenshinhan: another pair the spares type of situation. its valid ig i just don't give a fuck about either of them. also i think tenshinhan is married to chaoz
Mr. Satan/Majin Buu: I SEE NO DIFFERENCE LOVE IS LOVE!!! ok jokes aside this one is literally canon. look at this figure and tell me it isnt

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I want to ask! 3 - 14
Absolutely absolutely! I answered number 8 and 14 in my precious post (replying to the lovely @clumsydragon28) but I’ll answer the rest under here:
3) screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
Oh god, many many many. The first that comes to mind (if I try and keep this Naruto related) was something about Temari being forced to birth Shikamaru’s misogynistic son?? like mate, please calm yourself.
4) what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
I don’t often block, but the straw that broke the camel’s back with the most recent block was just someone’s persistence ignorance and lack of interest in learning and improving, despite pretending to. Not even just of a craft, just of being a better, more personal and understanding human
5) worst discord server and why
A server entirely made up of Paul McCartney stans I was invited to and quietly observed for like 6 months before being chucked out for being inactive. I sent like one message — I was too scared to speak — and I don’t even like Paul McCartney past a general appreciation of his music. Not the worst as in a bad place, but worst as in I didn’t belong lmao.
6) which ship fans are the most annoying?
I personally don’t think any fans are THAT bad anymore. Not bad enough to be mean about. Back in the day found a fair few shippers whose main ship has Naruto as one of the characters to be a right pain in the arse. But that’s only my memory of the old, bad shipping war days (from the sidelines) and honestly, it’s not that bad. Not bad enough to broadly label as annoying.
7) what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Not necessarily hate, but Sakura. I always found her just fine in canon but all of the pointless discourse around her absolutely drives me up the wall to the to the point where I see her name (outside a fic as a non-main character, which is rare for me, too) and I just groan.
9) worst part of canon
Do I even need to say it? It’s the fucking aliens.
10) worst part of fanon
Maybe it sounds dumb, but for me it’s just when people write Naruto himself. I can’t think of a single fic I’ve read where Naruto hasn’t annoyed me. He was already so precariously on the edge of bearable for me in canon that seeing interpretations of him is always bound to drive me nuts.
Alternatively, across various fandoms, bragging about how niche things are as if that makes them better. This always gripes me in fandoms: spaces that are supposed to bring people who enjoy the same things together. Of course please do like what you like and be proud; I’m happy for you that you like that thing, but the popularity or lack of popularity of something is no bearing on how much more nuanced, clever or deep your level of thought is.
11) number of fandom-related words you've filtered
Grand total of 6 muted words on twt if that’s what this means. 0 on tumblr because I can control what I see better :)
12) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I mean, I don’t think anyone in my fandoms is that unpopular. Maybe I just got good at not seeing bullshit, but nobody. My violence for this one is that there’s content for most things in this fandom to a level that reflects canon and that doesn’t make things “unpopular”. Less popular, maybe. But obviously your fave with 1 minute screen time or 3 lines in a novel isn’t gonna have an insane fandom following probably. Doesn’t make them unpopular, they’re just a nobody.
If I have to give a “proper” answer though, I say Rasa. Just cause I find him interesting and he’s perhaps not widely enjoyed.
13) worst blorboficiation
Think as of late it’s got to be Kankuro. But specifically the cat-boy stuff I see. I just don’t get it. The man might have a good and the capacity to be silly and soft and dorky, but the cat-boy stuff just doesn’t align with him at all for me. Not a fan.
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alright ika for the ask game: when I'm out of faith he's my idol!
(My favorite scene) I think my favorite scene is actually the one I put in the summary:
Coriolanus doesn't understand her words, until the thing turns around and he doesn't need to see it closer to recognize that face. The same face that invades his nightmares and haunts him through the walls of the Plinth's old apartment. A face that should not exist outside the darkest corners of his mind. Sejanus Plinth. Alive. Not dead as he should be, although the emptiness in his eyes, and the piercing scream that breaks the silence make him believe that he died right there, in the reunion that should never have happened.
There is some mystery very early on as to what the gift is that Gaul will give to Coriolanus, and then the nursery room appears, which only creates more confusion, the interaction with the gift is weird, the situation is unclear and then in one paragraph IT ALL MAKES SENSE!!!! I think I more or less managed to convey all that and I feel satisfied with this introduction. (Hardest scene to write)
I wouldn't say it was a scene as such that I had the hardest time writing, maybe the attack scene was a little more difficult than the rest but in general I think this fic was complicated because I had to dehumanize Sejanus a lot from Coriolanus POV.
Coriolanus was already dehumanizing him from before, like basically every person in the Capitol, he thought that Sejanus was not worthy of respect or dignity for being born and living in the districts before, and he was already doing it at a more extreme level than his other classmates because the Snows are a bit more racist than the rest of the other big families (although I don't doubt that most of them had the same ideas about district people drank blood or shit like that, they were just less direct about it) but even so there was a line that had to be crossed.
Because Sejanus become a mutt, a complete non-human at Coriolanus's eyes and I also had to break the idealized image that Sejanus gave to the reader in the other parts of Laboratory Au of Coriolanus, because well, his pink glasses are completely insane this time since he believes Coriolanus saved him and Jasper.
How to do it? I tried several things. For example something I noticed is that Coriolanus in the book dehumanizes the tributes a lot by comparing them all the time to animals, not only he says they remind him of animals because they have certain traits, but he directly describes them with animal verbs certain actions they do, something that considering again the ideas Snow has of the people of the district as savages is quite scary, hence why Sejanus is described SO MANY TIMES LIKE A RABBIT. Then there was the attempt to use the pronoun “it”, and even with everything, I can say that there were moments where I thought I was exaggerating. Only to go to reread the book and see that Coriolanus is SAYING WORSE THINGS ABOUT THE PEOPLE OF THE DISTRICTS. Quite sad and funny how my hardest tries of Dark Coriolanus can pale against Canon Coriolanus so easy. (Favorite character to write in the fic) It was interesting to write Coriolanus I won't deny it but the only scene of Sejanus has my little heart even if it breaks it that he has no idea what's coming <3 (Favorite dynamic to write in the fic) Coriolanus and Sejanus don't interact much in this ironically so I'll say Coriolanus and Ma Plinth!!! I didn't delve too much into their scenes because I didn't want to make the story longer but it was SO TIGHT AND ANGSTY. Like Coriolanus very early on thought he was getting away with it, you know? He really thought he was going to be able to steal the stuff from Sejanus' room without anyone noticing, then he realizes that Ma KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING, that she's letting him do it and yet he really believed that Ma Plinth would never mention it nor try to ask him why he is doing that AND THEN IT HAPPEN. I think it is fascinating the interactions between the two, because Ma believes that Sejanus is dead, and Coriolanus KNOWS HE IS ALIVE BUT SHE CANNOT KNOW IT, I would def like explore them more in another ocassion. (Why I chose that title & A fun fact about the fic) I think this answer is for both questions!!! So the title was more for the song that was my obsession of the moment than really a song that I thought would fit with the plot of the fic I must confess but this specific phrase always stood out to me:
Alibi - Sevdaliza, Pabllo Vittar, Yseult. When I'm out of breath, she's my vitals (ooh-ooh) When I need to rev, she's my ride-or-die When I'm out of faith, she's my idol
10k fail fic is a story that was made to directly complement the first fic I did of laboratory au: when he on me, I don't feel so lonely
Its title comes from a song I heard more for the vibes than bc I really thought was related to the plot and again I used a phrase that I found striking, the funny thing is that at least in my head the two fanfics have the titles crossed!
As I think "when I'm out of faith he's my idol" is a story that has Snow's pov, the title it's more a phrase that talks about Sejanus' pov in reality! (since Coriolanus has saved him just when he had lost all hope! when he had no more faith!) and the title of the fic with Sejanus' pov has a title that summarizes what Coriolanus felt in reality (he finds value in Sejanus only as a companion in his lonely life, exclusively to the sexual value he sees in him; he don't feel so lonely when SEJANUS IS ON HIM...) I'm finish by saying... I never asked you bby vicó. Did you make the connection that Coriolanus put cameras in Sejanus' room and then… that happened in the other story I did :)?
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character bingo: Brian brian brian my friend brian
Brian! (Brian Brian Brian Brian Brian Brian Brian Brian)
Okay, so here are- here are some things I like about Brian. He’s an excellent Straight Man, and in the universe where the Undersiders kept getting to go on IASIP-style Hijinks-laden adventures where everything spirals out of control and they all scrape through by the skin of their teeth, it would be incredibly funny to watch his straight-faced meltdown in the face of total insanity. Worm proper cannot support that kind of story but it’s a role he was born to play. More AUs where the Undersiders know each other in a non-canon context should make use of this.
Okay, here’s another thing I like about Brian. The big thing.
Brian is nice.
He’s a very nice person! He’s charming, he’s accommodating, he’s a perfect gentleman, he’s considerate of Taylor’s well-being and her needs. It’s what makes her fall in love with him, and it’s what makes his abrupt bursts of violent supervillainy- for example, assaulting Rachel after her fuckup at the Somers Rock Meeting- so jarring.
Brain’s niceness isn’t a facade, but it’s something he’s actively working at. Part of it is an extension of his professionalism as a villain, and part of it is the put-together-ness he’s trying to display to CPS in order to get custody of his sister. (by the way, what was his cover job? I don’t remember.)
No, the thing about Brian is that Taylor catches him midway through his “unlearning toxic masculinity” arc; he mentions in... either his interlude or arc 15 that he used to be a real asshole until Aisha started calling him out on it, at which point he decided that he was going to get his shit together and stop being such a macho prick. He’s making a real, continuous decision to be better to people.
This is not the same thing as making a real, continuous decision to be a better person, as demonstrated by the Dinah reveal; his stance is that he looks out for his people, and bad things that happen to anyone outside that circle are sad but ultimately not his problem (even if he’s benefiting directly from them, even if he caused them.) And this very, very nearly makes Taylor fall out of love with him right there, when she finally has the hideous contrast between how he’s treated her and what he does for a living shoved in her face, and it’s really only due to Leviathan and the ensuing chaos parade that they wind up back together.
This is a scene that I think would play incredibly well in a live-action adaptation of worm; this heartfelt belief radiating from Taylor that Brian, Brian who loves his sister, Brian who stood up for abused children, was an abused child himself, Brian is going to back her up, and then.... nope, he shuts that shit down hard. But he’s so nice while saying it! So charming, so level-headed and matter of fact.
(More people should write Taylor/Brian. It’s a very compelling pairing. Layers. Like an Onion.)
#nice but not good#vs taylor's good but not nice#worm#parahumans#wildbow#thoughts#worm meta#brian laborn#grue#character ask bingo#character bingo meme#ask#also shoutout to badbadnotgucci who had the same ask#effortpost
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