#and as i said. sahara puss.
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zmediaoutlet · 10 months ago
Oh Z go OFF why don't you ship Sam/John?
ahaha, anon starting off the friday night wine party by choosing violence <3
how don't I ship Sam/John? Let me count the ways --
first of all have you seen the sam/john content out there? I'm negatively interested in shitbird lolita sam with his crystal heart-shaped buttplug and the overemphasis on his pink lips and his mewling or whatever. like the puss becomes the sahara. I need a Great Wall of No between whatever's going on with that particular kink and the actual character. As always, a division: 'this is so hawttt omg' is good and fine, but please can we have a little moat between that and character-based canon-feeling stuff.
so all that stuff aside, on a plot level, John's Quest is based around protecting Sam, and like... way to not do it, bud. That is if you believe that John is ultimately flawed but kinda trying, which I do because 'pure monster' and 'hero daddy' takes are equally boring. Sam is left behind, is overprotected, is taught some hunting stuff but comparatively coddled -- in the wee!era, I see absolutely no way that John would go there on any kind of purpose, especially given the fact that Dean's also always there and it would be very embarrassing for your devoted older sonwife to stab you in the brain. (Caveat: I guess there are those times when John would "send Dean away" for disobeying, so that opens a window. But honestly, Sam was probably just abandoned in a motel room alone while John got on with work. I don't think it was a secret fuck-cation.)
on a sadness level: John wants something better for Sam. Dean's a lost cause, although John does super vaguely gesture at like 'eh he could have a house maybe' -- despite the college fight, Sam's untouchable in a way because John has this mad idea that maybe they'll actually win somehow, and Sam can have a future. That doesn't jive with bouncing him on the Dad D. And, again, if John's not purely insane, then--?
on just a vibes level: once Sam gets older, he and John are just way too much alike, and that's why they piss each other off so much. They're the thing of two magnets of the same polarity bouncing apart. Now there are ships where that can be fun, in the kind of slap-slap-kiss model, but in the specific (characterful) case of these two... no. I can see Sam losing his shit and throwing a punch; I aaaaabsolutely don't see him following it up with like, passion. Though I am literally loling here at my computer thinking about it. I'm doing my absolute best here not to compare to other ship options, but like -- this is not the son who'd fold and be like, aw daddy let me take care of you, you know what I'm saying?
on a taste level: like... can you see Sam actually wanting to? Any emotional/physical weirdness he has I feel like would get automatically turned to a different member of the three-part family unit. Non-con is blah, sex pollen is too easy (although with that said, I imagine a no-romance sex pollen f-o-d would be a good way to crack open those dynamics and see how they operated). Part of the massive issue here is that Sam has an oedipus complex, not an elektra complex -- he wants to fight his dad, not fuck him. He has daddy issues but they're of the tough masc black sheep son who goes off and has to get heroes' journeyed back into the fold; it's not 'oh daddy please say you're proud of me please let me be a good son,' unlike Some People We Could Name. It just doesn't have any entré into the kind of tangled up fuckery that makes vertical incest interesting for me. So...
That's probably enough, lol. That said, again: if you love to jill to babby Sammy slurping on daddy John's big meaty dadcock, go on with your bad self. Especially if Sam's inexplicably femme. But like. I'm good.
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ichor-and-symbiosis · 5 years ago
asks about the orgasm topic
there was quite a few so i’m compiling them
Anonymous said to ichor-and-symbiosis: God I wish I were sensitive, Y'all fucking lucky, ya bitch hasn't actually ever cum before lmao :/ 
Anonymous said to ichor-and-symbiosis: Hey I just wanted to let you know. I share a similar struggle :( I suffer from orgasmic dis function which people sometimes forget women can even have. I’ve never and can never experience an orgasm because of this medical issue and while I’m happy for those who can it makes me insecure sometimes when smth says “y/n came” or w/e bc like,,, I can’t do that and my last romantic partner told me it made me less of a woman and made her insecure bc she thought it meant she wasn’t good enough rahhh shit
Anonymous said to ichor-and-symbiosis:lmao here my ass is, i cant feel sexual pleasure at all. im jealous of all u bitches. but idc all it means is that i can devote all my time to shiggy
i wish i could say something that would make a difference but i am SO bad at comfort D: please know that you are not any lesser for this, you guys are hella valid and you shouldn’t ever feel like something is wrong with you. i know that there can be many reasons for why it’s impossible to orgasm. the best i could say is maybe speak to a medical professional if you haven’t already? that’s if you want to, of course. 
Anonymous said to ichor-and-symbiosis:Unfortunately, most guys won't "work for it" anyways. I saw some statistics on what's called an "orgasm gap" where straight men are the least likely to get their partners to cum. Seems like most just either don't care or don't try :/
yeah i mean i love my boyfriend to death and he tries his best, but sometimes a guy can only do so much. i can see both sides of the struggle. some guys really are useless sacks of meat who dont deserve their dicks but some guys try as much as they can (with their limited understanding of female anatomy akjdsfl cis straight guys don’t know what the hell they’re doing). but it’s important to remember that these are just statistics and personal experiences vary drastically. don’t let the stats bring you down if you’re hunting for a partner!
Anonymous said to ichor-and-symbiosis:can we also talk about the straight man belief that going down on a girl is being submissive? NOT IF YOU'RE DOING IT RIGHT BITCH like if you eat the coochie so good sometimes the pussy owner's brain doesn't work
the first time i heard dj khaled saying he doesn’t lick his wife’s pussy i felt my own coochie shrivel up like the sahara dessert, RIP to that poor, POOR soul with such an awful husband. i get that some people just aren’t comfortable with oral, that’s totally understandable. but if the reason for that is because of your fragile toxic masculinity oh boy go die in a fire.
Anonymous said to ichor-and-symbiosis: I can only get off from clitoral stimulation and any kind of penetration is straight-up no from me.
Anonymous said to ichor-and-symbiosis: A good ol’ pillow jump is the only way I can get off, but the same stimulation doesn’t work or translate to actual sex, so I can’t get off with a partner.
i dont quite know what a pillow jump is (unless you meant hump, and if so then wow i commend you because that’s way too much muscle movement for me), but yeah it’s tough to translate how good you can make yourself feel to what a partner makes you feel 
Anonymous said to ichor-and-symbiosis:I still greatly enjoy the MENTAL stimulation of sex with the right person and making others feel good, that’s just me. It can be annoying but it’s still a fun journey.
SAAAMMMEEEE my boyfriend used to be really confused because after sex he would offer to go down on me to make up for my lack of orgasm but i told him that the act of sex in of itself is enough for me to get enjoyment out of it. sometimes you just want a cock inside you ya know?
Anonymous said to ichor-and-symbiosis:I actually just wrote a bit in a fic where the female oc didn’t cum from penetration so her partner ate that puss like he needed it to live. I enjoy trying to make my smut as realistic as I can. And since I’m asexual and have no experience to speak of, it can be hard. But I have great friends that help me with details and share their own experiences to help me out.
that’s what i was planning to end my tomura fic with akljsfh some god ol’ oral for reader. but based on my own experiences (as stated above) sometimes it’s just enough to simply have sex and oral isn’t always needed after. but that’s just me!! 
Anonymous said to ichor-and-symbiosis:I haven't slept with anybody yet but I'm kinda nervous to with how I've explored my own body so far. I don't think I've ever climaxed? I feel the build up but it's too much and I stop before anything happens. And when I do get near my limit I always have to pee or something?? I don't know if it's squirting or peeing but it happens every time, even if I pee before getting handsy. I figure it must be squirting right? And I thought that made me gross but online people are all 🙏squirting🙏
that sounds very normal, sometimes i’ve felt that with my ex when he was dicking me down way too good lmao i’d say that’s the build-up to orgasm, but it doesn’t always reach climax. but that’s what i experienced with penetration. i don’t get that sort of feeling when i’m just touching my clit. but everyone is different! just go at your own pace and enjoy yourself. i don’t know anything about squirting though. 
Anonymous said to ichor-and-symbiosis:Ik the cuming without penetration is serious issue and jt makes you self conscious but i wanted to let you know Jin would totally love you either way, i bet in fact hed go out of his way to find toys or information on how to make sex better for you and hed never pressure you because he loooves~ you - from an anon who hopes this helps!
fam ily for this ;-; 
Anonymous said to ichor-and-symbiosis:Bruuuhhh, the insecurity about not being able to cum is too real, I've been sexually active for 3 smthing years and have not gotten off once with a partner (and my bodycount isn't low). I honestly feel like all my nerve endings went to the store for milk and never came back
god i feel this on a spiritual level, sex is like solving a damn rubix cube D: 
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writinggeisha · 6 years ago
Your first mental image when thinking about lips or mouths might be a passionate kiss. Percy Bysshe Shelley said “Soul meets soul on lovers’ lips.” However, lips and mouths are more than kissing (or eating) machines. This post provides hundreds of ways to describe them in creative writing and poetry.
Emotion Beats
The way people move their lips and mouths reflects overt or hidden emotions.
Pouting might indicate agitation, aggravation, confusion, contemplation, disapproval, disbelief, dislike, exasperation, flirtatiousness, impatience, irritability, nervousness, pessimism, resentment, sadness, skepticism, suspicion, wariness, worry, et al.
In fact, pouting can imply so many emotions that it’s probably best to consider alternative body language.
A few more emotions mirrored by lips and mouths include:
Adulation, arousal, flirtatiousness Parted lips Running tongue over the lips
Anticipation of a delicious snack or entrée Smacking the lips Watering/salivating mouth
Determination Pressing lips into a thin line
Dislike Pressing lips into a thin line
Fear Bad taste in the mouth Chewing on lips Clenched mouth Dry mouth Gaping mouth Gulping huge mouthfuls of air Licking the lips Trembling lips
Impatience Pinched lips
Repressed hatred Pressing lips into a thin line
Shyness Pinched lips
Skepticism Biting the lips
Stubbornness Tight lips or mouth
Uncertainty Forceful exhalation through pursed lips
Adjectives (1)
Adjectives such as haughty save words by telling about a character’s motives or personality. Use sparingly. They function well in flash fiction or third-person omniscient point of view, and when you want to speed the pace.
Several adjectives, when describing lips, may suggest something different when describing mouths.
Provocative lips might indicate a seductive tone, but a provocative mouth might be aggravating.
Demanding lips evoke a sexual image, whereas a demanding mouth implies an overbearing character.
Generous lips might be large, or they might be yielding and responsive. Provide context if necessary.
Rather than modify lips or mouth, a number of the following words could refer to faces, expressions, or motivations.
Many skin attributes also perform well as lips and mouth descriptors.
A Active, adulterous, adventurous, affectionate, aflame, aggressive, alluring, amorous, amorphous, ample, appealing, ardent, audacious, avid, awkward
B Barbarous, belligerent, bewitching, bitchy, bitter, bloody, bone-dry, bony, Botoxed, boyish, brash, brutal, busy
C Cadaverous, callous, capable, capacious, careworn, carnivorous, caustic, cautious, cavernous, chaste, cheerful, cheery, childlike, clumsy, coarse, coherent, cold, complacent, conspicuous, contemptuous, corrugated, critical, crooked, cruel, crumpled, cynical
D Dainty, dead, delectable, delicate, delicious, demanding, demure, desirous, desiccated, determined, devilish, disdainful, dispirited, disrespectful, dissatisfied, doll-like, dour, downcast, droll, dry
E Eager, effeminate, elastic, electric, eloquent, energetic, enigmatic, enthusiastic, evil, expectant, experienced, expressionless, expressive, exquisite
F Fascinating, fevered, feverish, fine, firm, flaccid, flat, flawless, fleshy, flexible, flirtatious, foolish, forceful, formless, foul, fragile, fragrant, frigid, frothy, full, furrowed, furtive
G Generous, gentle, girlie, girlish, glassy, glib, glossy, gnomish, goofy, grave, greasy, greedy, grim, grotesque
H Hard, haughty, heartless, heavy, helpless, heretical, hesitant, honeyed, hungry
I Icy, impassioned, impassive, impatient, imperious, impertinent, impetuous, implacable, impudent, incoherent, inflamed, inflexible, innocent, insatiable, inscrutable, insubstantial, intractable, inviolate, irreverent
J Juicy
K Kissable
L Lax, leathery, lecherous, lewd, libelous, libidinous, licentious, lifeless, loathsome, loose, lopsided, lovable, luscious, lush, lustful
M Malicious, manly, masculine, masterful, meager, meaty, merciless, merry, mischievous, misshapen, moist, motionless, mute, mutinous
N Narrow, nasty, naughty, nervous, numb
O Obstinate, oily, oversized
P Passionate, pathetic, pebbly, perfect, perfumed, petulant, pinched, piquant, playful, pliable, pliant, plump, practiced, prim, prodigious, profane, proficient, prominent, proud, provocative, puffy, pugnacious
Q Querulous
R Randy, rapacious, ravenous, raw, relentless, reluctant, repulsive, resolute, responsive, restless, reticent, reverent, rigid, ripe, rough, rubbery, ruthless
S Sacrilegious, sad, sarcastic, sardonic, sassy, satirical, saucy, savage, scabrous, scaly, scornful, scurrilous, seductive, sensitive, sensuous, serious, sexy, shapeless, shrunken, silent, silky, sinful, skillful, slack, slick, slippery, sloppy, smooth, soft, sore, sour, spicy, stained, starving, stern, sticky, stiff, stony, strong, stubborn, submissive, succulent, sulky, sullen, sultry, sunken, sweet, swollen
T Talented, tense, tentative, thick, thin, thirsty, tight, timid, toothless, tough, traitorous, tremulous, truculent
U Uncertain, uncooperative, unrelenting, unresponsive, unsatisfied, unsmiling, unwilling, unyielding, upturned
V Vacuous, virgin, voluble, voluptuous, voracious, vulgar
W Wanton, warm, waspish, waxen, well-cut, wet, wide, willing, winsome, wistful, withered, witty, wormy, worshipful, wrinkled, wry
Y Yielding, youthful
Adjectives (2): Upper Lip
Although some of these adjectives might suit lips or mouth, they excel for describing the upper lip:
A to Z Bifurcated, bushy, clean-shaven, furry, hairless, hairy, long, mustachioed, naked, perspiring, short, stubbly, sweaty, whiskered
Adjectives (3): Lower Lip
Likewise for the lower lip:
A to Z Droopy, exaggerated, floppy, generous, missing, non-existent, pendulous, sagging, soul-patched, split, square-cut
Adjectives (Misc.)
Besides describing lips and mouths, writers can:
Describe the teeth, or mention missing teeth
Describe a person’s smile.
Similes and Metaphors
When creating comparisons, familiar animals are a good place to start. Readers know what they look like and will conjure an immediate image of the lips so compared.
Some of the following act as adjectives, while others function best in as or like similes. For example:
Fred had horse lips.
Fred had lips that looked like they belonged on a horse.
A to Z Angel fish, apish, baboon, baboon’s butt, bestial, bovine, camel, Cheshire cat, chimpanzee, chipmunk, dead fish, duck, frog, giraffe, goldfish, horse, largemouth bass, leeches, lizard, porcupine’s back, raw oysters, reptilian, serpentine, simian, squirrel, toad, twin slugs, zebra
Other comparisons could include:
A to Z Ancient prunes, angel’s cheek, blow-up doll’s maw, bread dough, cherries, embers, glue, lily petals, overstuffed sausages, pincushion, pinecone, plum, pomegranate blossoms, raspberries, raw liver, rose petals, rosebuds, rubies, sandpaper, satin, suction cups, twin cacti, velvet, vise grips
And here are a few more thought starters:
Awkward as a newborn trying to find his mama’s nipple
Bigger than his ego
Deader than a slab of cement
Dry as the Sahara
Foul as an overflowing cesspit
Fragile as butterfly wings
Large as Texas
Like a cow chewing its cud
Moist like morning dew
More brutal than a pounding sledgehammer
Smelly as an old sock
Foods excel as color substitutes. Words such as cherry, bubble-gum, and tangerine capture color, scent, and taste.
In a modern novel, lipstick and stage makeup allow lips to be almost any color. Not so much in a Victorian-era piece.
A to F Anemone-pink, ashen, bloodless, bubble-gum, burgundy, carnelian, cherry, colorless, coral, coralline-red, cotton-candy, crimson, flamingo, florid, freckled
G to Z Golden, grey/gray, licorice-twist, pale, pallid, pasty, peach, pink, purple, red, rosy, ruddy, seashell-pink, sunburnt, sunset-scarlet, swarthy, tangerine, vermillion, wan, wine-red
See also 1000+ Ways to Describe Colors.
Many of the following words function well in similes or can be converted to adjectives by adding suffixes such as –like, -ish, or –esque.
A to Z Apical, asymmetrical, bleeding heart, blimp, bow, cherry pie, cinnamon roll, cinnamon-heart, doughnut, fishy, goldfish, heart, inner tube, O-ring, peaked, petal (name specific flower), shapeless, shapely, sharp, stop sign, unsymmetrical, toilet boil, urinal, watermelon, wedding ring, yield sign
Some verbs relay feelings or senses of the POV character, while others are appropriate for secondary players.
Consider antonyms. Rather than belittle, a mother’s lips might praise her child. Instead of relaxing his lips, an uptight worrywart might tense them.
You might prefer to pair many of these verbs with characters themselves rather than their body parts. Listen to your writer’s voice and choose what works best for you.
A to F Belittle, blister, burn, caress, clamp, clench, close, coax, coerce, compress, contort, crack, crimp, criticize, curl, denounce, deprecate, dribble, drool, entice, force, fuse
G to R Gossip, graze, heal, insult, kiss, loosen, lure, meld, open, perspire, practice, press, pucker, purse, quirk, relax, respond
S Salivate, scrunch, seal, slaver, slide, slither, slobber, smart, smooch, sparkle, spasm, spit, squirm, squish together, sting, stretch, suck, sweat, swell
T to Z Tempt, throb, tighten, tingle, turn down, turn up, twist, ulcerate, unlock, yield
Inventing nouns to replace lips or mouth can lead to silent snickers while you hunch over your keyboard or pore through your favorite thesaurus. Try some of these:
A to L Bazoo, blower, bragger, cakehole, chops, doughnut disposal, doughnut hole, flycatcher, flytrap, food vacuum, gob, hatch, hot-air vent, jabberjaw, kisser, laughing gear
M to Z Maw, motormouth, mug slit, mush, muzzle, nagger, oral cavity, oral orifice, phiz slit, pie hole, puss, skull cave, soup sucker, trap, woofer, word hole, yap, yapper, yodeler
Add humor, suspense, or atmosphere with well-chosen props.
Does your protagonist notice a roll of duct tape on the counter in his apartment—then whip around to see a face-masked intruder with a gag in hand? Duct tape + gag = kidnapping. Or maybe an amorous encounter. Or__________?
A to O Acne, asthma inhaler, baby bottle, blueberries, chewing tobacco, cigar, cigarette, coughing fit, dirt, duct tape, electric razor, facemask, flute, gag, glitter, handkerchief, intubation tube, kazoo, lipstick, mouth guard, mouth organ, mud pie, mustache, muzzle, nebulizer, oboe
P to Z Piercings, pimples, pipe, razor, scar, scuba regulator, sneezing, snorkel, soot, soother, spit, spit up, stain, straw, teeth, thumb, tic, tissue, tongue, toothpaste, toothpick, trumpet, veil, wart, whistle
Clichés and Idioms
Some narrators might warrant trite phrases, but it’s usually best to avoid them—except in dialogue.
All mouth and trousers: arrogant, brash, brazen
Born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth: born privileged or wealthy
Button one’s lip: hush, keep quiet, shut up, stop talking
By word of mouth: orally, verbally, via gossip
Down in the mouth: dejected, depressed, glum, sad
Foam at the mouth: fume, rage, rant, seethe
Give some lip: disrespect, sass, speak rudely
Have a stiff upper lip: display fortitude, exercise restraint, remain resolute (in the face of adversity)
Have one’s heart in one’s mouth: be afraid, alarmed, apprehensive, or terrified
Leave a bad taste in one’s mouth: nauseate, repulse, disgust
Live hand to mouth: barely get by, eke out an existence, subsist
Lock lips: French kiss, kiss, smooch
Look a gift horse in the mouth: be ungrateful, find fault with a gift
Mouth off: rant, sass, sound off, spout
On everyone’s lips: popular topic of conversation, trending, widely discussed
Pay lip service: agree in public while personally dissenting, pretend to agree
Put one’s foot in one’s mouth: blurt, say something tactless; blunder
Seal one’s lips: keep a secret, keep classified
Shoot one’s mouth off: boast, brag, talk indiscreetly
Slip of the lip: inadvertent mistake (while speaking)
Stiff upper lip: fortitude, resignation, stoicism
Straight from the horse’s mouth: from a reliable source
Talk out of both sides of one’s mouth: contradict oneself, lie (usually to please the most people)
Through word of mouth: orally, person to person, verbally
Zip one’s lip: hush, say nothing, shut up, stop talking
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jobone123 · 4 years ago
Island was fou d dead making NO MAN any man IN A STRIP MALL BUILDINGS cant n couldn't REAL DOWNTOWN DEADSON n DAUGHTER
Special Olympics
THE LAST THING RED SAID TO YACHT JAYSON I am Sahara n I'm taking your BUISNESS cut her
3 dead family s STARTING A 4TH
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patroncrow · 7 years ago
1-69 >:3
i had to turn on my laptop just to copy/paste this all. im putting it under a cut to spare any innocent followers
also you cheeky fuck lol
1. What’s your darkest kink?
completely being dominated. few get the chance or the honor tho
2. How many people have you had sex with?
one. we were together for a long while so i never got the chance.
i might be changing that before long
3. What the most times you’ve ever orgasmed in one night?
i honestly dont know but this did remind me of an embarrassing story lol
4. What’s your favorite sex position?
it really depends on my mood :3
5. Describe the best sex you’ve ever had.
i was drunk, in a mood all day, and accidentally gave a hickey above the collar. his boss gave him shit for it but he couldn’t get me back cause he cant give them (which is a shame)
6. Have you ever had a one night stand?
never had the chance
7. Describe your most desired fantasy.
see #1
8. Describe your darkest fantasy.
see #7
9. What’s your sexiest feature?
ive been told i have a really nice ass
10. Have you ever been to a strip club?
most the decent ones around here you have to be 21, i hear. they dont really seem like my scene tho
11. Where’s the best place to have sex?
where the mood strikes. just lock the doors
12. Where’s the craziest place you’ve had sex?
the living room. in my defense, there were at least 2 other ppl in the house, and it had a walk-in policy. there was a decent risk of someone showing up
but this did lead to an amusing conversation that went something like “what if your dad walks in?” “then ill sit up and say ‘dad im busy, get out!’”
13. Where would you like to have sex, but haven’t yet?
location isnt a big thing for me
14. If you could have sex with one celebrity, who would it be?
ive never really had celeb crushes. i identified as ace until not long ago (im open to giving chances, but im picky about who ill show interest in first)
15. What sounds do you make during sex?
oh, golly. depends how much fun im having
but its not that breathy-ass shit in porn
16. Are you loud during sex?
see #15
17. Describe the outfit you feel sexiest in.
do partial ones count? i like just not having a shirt. cargo pants, skinny jeans, whatever. just without a top.
18. What’s your favorite punishment?
never been punished. ex was a puss lol
19. What’s your favorite position for spanking?
never really had positions for it. i like being grabbed more
20. Do you like to have/leave marks?
21. What’s your favorite thing to clamp nipples with?
never done that
22. How long have you denied/or been denied an orgasm?
0 seconds
23. Have you ever had sex in a “dungeon”?
24. Are you into bondage?
25. What is your favorite thing to do for aftercare?
never really been in the scene enough to know much about that
26. What’s your favorite thing to tie up or be tied up with?
ive only used cuffs & ties. i liked the latter better
27. Are you a Dom or a Sub? Would you ever consider being a switch?
im a sub but if im in a really big mood i can switch
its a strong expression of desire not to be taken for granted
28. Do you prefer gags or blindfolds?
never used either but blindfolds might be cool
29. Have you ever had a threesome?
no despite a long ass time with someone who wanted nothing more and wouldnt shut up until i put my foot down that i wasnt comfortable with that unless i had gotten close to the other person one-on-one first
30. How often do you masturbate?
maybe like once a month?? but tat was when sex was readily available. id much prefer the real thing
31. What’s your favorite thing to masturbate to?
just whatever does it that time
32. What’s your favorite kind of porn?
i dont rlly watch enough to have a fave
33. What’s your favorite porn website?
dont have one
34. Who’s your favorite porn star?
same as above
35. Would you ever consider doing porn?
it really depends on specific context
36. At what age did you start masturbating?
lmao 18
37. Have you ever been caught masturbating?
38. Have you ever masturbated to a ridiculous video or story then thought “what the fuck did I just do?“
39. Phone sex or Camming?
never done either but im not big on taking care of myself for someone else
40. Do you believe in aphrodisiacs?
i havent read enough on them. ig if theres food that can help you be less depressed, there could be food that helps ur libido
41. What’s you biggest turn on?
biting around/on my hips/waist
42. What’s your strangest turn on?
probably the same thing, considering im not into oral and otherwise having a head down there bothers me
43. What’s your favorite sex toy?
i have none
44. Do you prefer your sexual partner to be older than you, or younger?
idc if theyre a little older/younger, as long as theyre close to my age
45. Have you ever broken up with someone because the sex was bad?
no but id totally tell an ex that to piss em off cause im a petty fuck
46. Have you ever posted nudes on tumblr?
nope. ive thought about doing the topless tuesday but ehh
47. What’s your favorite sex blog? (I’m sure it’s his-precious-kitten…but on the odd chance that it’s not…)
not really into those things
48. What’s your favorite pet name?
not necessarily a sex thing, but anything that feels strong like “darling,” “my love”
49. Do you prefer vaginal sex or anal?
never tried full-on anal but what i did try hurt too much to feel good
50. Do you prefer pussies all natural, bald, triangle, landing strip…?
whatever shes into and feels confident with mayn
51. What song would you most like to have sex to?
i like those with the feeling i get (not traditional ones) but this reminded me one time we were getting busy, youtube playlist going, next song came on and it was bring me to life and when i looked up, it wasnt like a lyric video or the official one but fucking luigi and i almost died then and there
52. Have you ever had shower sex?
yes. it was difficult  but fun
53. At what time of day are you the horniest?
i dont have a time of day but i accidentally went off my birth control for a bit and in the proceeding week i could barely function. ive been telling myself that was the reason.
54. Girls: What is your bra size?
34b, perfect hand size. sometimes they just make good rests to just hold
55. Girls: Describe your favorite pair of panties.
theyre a teal with a darker blue lace. the back kinda has a sheer part that reminds me of stain glass windows??
56. Girls: Do you ever go out not wearing panties?
nah not into that thing. you could tell me something is meant to be worn without and id be like “nah fuck that”
57. Girls: Can you get off from clit stimulation alone?
ig?? but whats the fun in that??
58. Girls: Can you get off from penetration alone?
who would do that
59. Girls: Do you use birth control or condoms?
i prefer both because i would not be able to handle nine months sober followed by hours of excruciating pain. or getting stds.
60. Girls: What’s the strangest thing that’s ever been inside your pussy?
just a marker. im not lookin to fuck myself up
but my ex is a major whovian with several sonic screwdrivers and at one point he made a joke to which i responded “if you wanted to use that on me you shouldve said something” which made everyone freak out lol
61. Girls: Do you spit or swallow?
never sucked. always had a rise of anxiety prior
62. Subs: Would you rather have a Master, a Dom, or a Daddy Dom?
idk if theres that much a difference between the first two but if i so much as hear an utterance of “daddy” i instantly become dry as the sahara
63. Littles: Describe your favorite stuffie.
64. Boys: What is your penis size?
65. Boys: Are you circumcised?
66. Boys: Do you prefer having sex without a condom?
67. Boys: Do you prefer oral or vaginal sex?
68. Doms: Do you believe in aftercare?
69. Doms: Would you rather own a slave, a sub, or a little?
lord this took forever i hope ur happy lol
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