#i mean it's not like a god died or anything but still
mcuamerica · 2 days
Loving Flames | Part Two
Pairing: Eris x Reader
Summary: You leave Under the Mountain, going back to the Night Court... but there's a certain red head that still plagues your mind Requested by anon here.
Warnings: 18+ only, canon level violence, alludes to SA, Rhys is an asshole in this, a bit of angsty fluff and a lot of angst, slight claustrophobia, PTSD, (not proofread), let me know if anything was forgotten...
Word Count: 4k
Disclaimer: I do not own SJM’s characters, only the ones I create for the purpose of this story. This is a work of fiction. I do not give permission to repost my work on any other platform or medium. Please be respectful.
Dividers from @saradika
Part One
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You were in that room for the next 8 years, only going out when Amarantha commanded you to watch the tortures she knew you’d be tormented by the most. The faeries that had wings. Children. Families. You stood by Eris’s side, forced to watch as you clung to his arm. Your nails dug into his biceps so often when she was the most brutal that he had small scars there.
And his back, now. When he came back to the room from the healer that night, his entire back and chest was bandaged.
“You shouldn’t have done that.” He said to you when he found you with tears in your eyes, sitting on the bed.
“I couldn’t let her hurt you anymore. Not when it wasn’t your fault.” You said.
“She could still hurt you. She could command you out and force you to be whipped.” He said.
“I’d rather me than you.” You whispered, your knees tight to your chest.
“I wouldn’t.” He whispered. “I won’t be able to stand back and watch if she hurts you.” He said.
“Then kill her.” You simply stated, your eyes unfocused on the rug beneath the bed. “She can’t hurt you. Can’t have anyone else hurt you. Kill her and the threat ends.” You said.
Eris swore, ensuring the door was shut. He walked over to you, kneeling at your side. You felt him take your cheeks in his hands, forcing you to look at him. “You can’t say things like that out loud… you have to be careful.” He said. “I won’t let her hurt you… and I promise to get you out of this room one day.”
Eris wasn’t able to keep that promise. Not until Feyre came along. But, with the tensions between the Autumn and the Spring Court, he didn’t help her at all. And you were confined to your room for all of it other than Feyre’s trials.
When Amarantha finally died, thanks to Tamlin, you felt your tattoo dissolve against your skin. You nearly collapsed on the ground at the thought of leaving this gods-forsaken mountain. Of never seeing it again. Of never being trapped in a bedroom again, or any room. Of feeling the wind against your skin.
But that meant leaving Eris. Once Rhys told you when you would leave, you went to the room. Your prison and sanctuary for so long. “Eris.” You whispered.
He turned around from where he stood before the dresser, contemplating if he wanted to burn the clothing. “I thought you’d be gone by now.” He said.
“I can’t leave without saying goodbye.” You said, nervously playing with your fingers. “I’m going to miss you…” you whispered, silver lining your eyes.
Eris looked at you again, immediately before you. He took your cheeks in his hands. “Don’t do that.” He whispered. “Don’t lie.”
“I’m not lying. I don’t want to go to the Night Court if it means I can’t be with you.” You whispered. “You were the best thing about this Mountain. The only thing that kept me sane.” You said, tears falling from your eyes.
Eris, tears welled in his own eyes, shook his head. “You will go to the Night Court. And if the Autumn Court ever needs an emissary, you will always be welcome.” He whispered. “You will live a good, happy life. One you don’t want me in.” He said.
“But I do.” You whispered. “I need you in my life, Er.” You said louder.
“Then come find me once you’re settled. You’ll be welcomed. But if for one moment you resent what you went through down here, if you resent me for what I did, please… spend your time with your family. In your home.” Away from his family. Away from the cruelty you would endure under his father. Especially if he knew you were mates.
You sniffed, wrapping your arms around his neck as you buried your face in the crook of his neck. "Thank you. For everything." You whispered, holding onto him tight. He held onto you like his life depended on it. This may very be the last time Rhys lets him see you. And he would remember the moment for the rest of his life.
You finally pulled away, wiping at the tears in your eyes. "I'll come back for you, Eris Vanserra." You said to him, cupping his cheek.
"And I'll never forget you, Princess." He said.
You let out a watery laugh before letting go over him, taking a few steps back before you turned around and left to the upper levels of the mountain. Where you would go home with Rhys. You knew in your heart, in your soul, that you would see Eris again. And not just for courtly activities, but as friends. And maybe... if you found the strength.. more.
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You stayed in the Night Court, in Velaris, for four years. Meeting with Eris only for court purposes. And even then, Azriel, Cassian, or Rhys would be by your side, leading you away from them. No matter how much you tried to convince Rhys, and the others, that Eris never harmed you Under the Mountain, no one believed you. Expect for Mor, surprisingly. She was pretty easy to convince he did nothing to you, never laid a hand on you to harm you.
You were serving as the ever dotting Princess of the Night Court when the events with Feyre and her sisters happened. While each one of them tackled a challenge of her own, and ended up with their mates. Everyone was happy... You had a nephew and a family that adored you. And yet something was still missing.
You secretly wrote to Eris every week, it becoming your favorite time when one of his letter's would appear next on your nightstand. They became increasingly intimate, but never crossed the line of love.
One day, just a few months after Elain and Lucien's wedding/mating ceremony, Rhys said the Court would be meeting with Eris at the House of Wind. And while you were to stay in your old bedroom up there, you were not allowed to see him.
"Rhys, I'm not a child." You said, crossing your arms. "I'm the Princess of the Night Court. I should be there when you plot with our allies."
"Eris is not our ally... we have a tentative agreement with him." Rhys countered.
"That's the definition of an ally." You retorted. "And besides, I know him better than you all."
"You know him from the time he held you captive-"
"The time Amarantha held me captive," You corrected.
Rhys ignored you, continuing on, "You are biased."
You took a deep breath. "I will not be kept from this courts happenings because you believe me to be fragile. And I am certain Feyre will not agree with you locking me up in my room while you talk with the Heir to the Autumn Court." You said.
Rhys narrowed his eyes, but caved and said he would allow you to be present. Only if Azriel stayed by your side the entire night. You agreed, as Azriel was one of your closest friends and hadn't been as protective as the rest of them when it came to Eris. Maybe it's because his shadows detected you were telling the truth. Maybe they were keeping an eye on you all Under the Mountain for all those years. But either way, you didn't argue with having Azriel by your side.
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Taking a deep breath, you smoothed down the loose pants and tight fitting shirt you had on. Your flats matched the attire perfectly, incorporating Night Court black with Autumn Court red. You even did your makeup and hair a little bit more like the Autumn Court style. You hadn't seen Eris since the war with Hybern two years ago. While you kept contact with him, you were excited to see him.
You walked out to the main sitting area where the meeting would be held. Eris was standing there, in an Autumn green tunic and tight fitting pants. His red hair was tousled slightly, and shorter than the last time you saw it. Lucien was next to him, and the rest of your family was scattered around the room.
As Eris turned to you and gave you that smile you missed so much, a string snapped on your gut. Your eyes widened slightly as you felt the bond become even stronger than before. He must have noticed, because you saw his breath hitch.
“Eris,” you whispered, tears brimming your eyes. “It’s good to see you.” You blinked a few times, taking a deep breath to keep your composure. If you and Eris showed any affection here, Rhys would probably throw Eris off the balcony.
“You too, princess.” He said it just above a whisper.
The rest of the room looked between the two of you, all of the tension in the room because of you.
“Come on,” Azriel said, causing you to flinch at his un expected touch. “Let’s sit down.” He whispered and then walked you over to the couch. You kept your eyes on Eris, heart beating out of your chest. To the rest of them, they probably thought you were terrified to see him. Even if you had been completely fine with seeing him in the past.
Rhys walked in with Feyre, narrowing his eyes as he saw Eris staring at you. And you staring back. But you were sat next to Azriel, Eris on the other side of the room, so he let it go. “Okay, let’s talk about how you’re planning to kill your father.” He said.
“Thank you for your warm welcome into your home.” Eris said, voice dripping with sarcasm as he finally tore his eyes from you and looked to your brother.
“My home.” Nesta corrected. The House of Wind was her and Cassian’s now. Azriel was in the Town Home with Gywn and you stayed with Feyre and Rhys in the River House.
“You truly have a plan to kill your father?” Lucien said. Your father. As he recently learned Helion was his dad and not Beron.
“Yes, it’s been in the works for sometime. And Autumn is in a good position right now for a take over.” He said, leaning back in the single chair he was in.
Cauldron, he looked magnificent. He had bulked up more, his biceps threatening to tear the undershirt he wore. You wouldn’t put it past him to wear a tighter shirt to show off. Or was it to impress you? Either way, you couldn’t help but admire him. The way his hair fell onto his forehead, even though it should’ve been slicked back. How the pants fit his thighs just right. And gods, the way that smirk played on his tips as he talked about his plans. He was happy to kill his father. He was doing it for you, though you didn’t know it.
You barely heard a word of what they said as you watched Eris. Your eyes never left him. To the others, again, it looked as if you were scared. But as Azriel glanced between the two of you, and caught some stolen looks from Eris to you, he knew it wasn’t fear that was keeping you quiet. It was affection. You couldn’t think of what to say, so you sat quietly and listened. Or, Azriel thought you were listening. You were just admiring your mate.
Eris was your mate. And you couldn’t wrap your head around it. He must have known… and not told you because of the tensions between Autumn and a Night. But still, how long had he known? Did he know when you were Under the Mountain? Before? Is that the only reason he was kind to you?
Thoughts raked your brain as you spiraled down into your mind, and Azriel was the first to notice your short breathing. “(Y/N)?” Azriel whispered.
You looked up to him, finally breaking your stare from your mate. “Do you want to leave?” He asked.
You shook your head, leaning back in the love seat as you finally started to listen to what they had to say.
Eris would kill his father within the week. And he was requesting help from the Night Court to help him do it. It would be by poison, at an Autumn ball in three days. That each Night Court member would be at. And everyone would play their part.
So, as you listened to the plan, you couldn’t help but wonder what this would mean for you. Would Eris want you to be his mate if he was High Lord? He certainly didn’t say anything to you… maybe he was just being nice because mates shouldn’t hurt each other. Maybe he doesn’t want anything to do with you.
You blinked as everyone stood up, and Rhys shook Eris’s hand tentatively. He whispered a ‘if you betray us, you die’ that wasn’t even a whisper, everyone heard it. And then Rhys walked out. You glanced to Azriel as everyone else walked out besides Eris.
“Az… can you give us a moment?” You asked quietly. Azriel looked between you and Eris skeptically. You noticed as his ears perked and his eyes widened slightly as his shadows told him something.
He gave a slight nod. “I’ll be right outside.” He said before turning around to leave. Once he was out of the room, you ran over to Eris. You slung your arms around his neck as he pulled you close to his chest, his arms around your waist in an instant.
“I’ve missed you.” You whispered against his neck.
You felt him smile against the top of your head, pressing a soft kiss there. “Me too, princess.” He whispered.
“How long have you known?” You asked as you pulled away. “About the bond?” Your voice was shaking, your eyes hoping for a good explanation.
“Since before your mother died… your first introduction to the Courts with your father. It snapped for me the moment I saw you.” He said and cupped your cheek when you pulled away. “I didn’t want to tell you because I knew we couldn’t be together. Your father would never allow it. Your brother certainly wouldn’t.” He said.
“You didn’t think to tell me Under the Mountain?” You asked. You weren’t hurt about his secrecy, surprisingly. He had been protecting you for years. How could you be mad at him?
“I did… I wanted to so many times. But I didn’t want to force it on you down there. Or make it seem like I was trying to win you over. I just wanted you safe. And if Amarantha knew you were my mate, she might have done something to hurt you…” He said.
“I’m sorry I didn’t see it until now.” You said, leaning your forehead against his.
“I don’t want anyone to know. Not until my father is dead and he has no chance of using you against me.” Eris whispered.
“I want to accept it.” You whispered. “As soon as we’re both safe.” You told him, searching his eyes.
Neither of you had been remotely intimate. Hugging and sharing a bed was the extent to how you interacted Under the Mountain and after too. But now, you wanted to do everything with him. Wanted to kiss him, feel his warm lips on yours. You wanted him inside you, his flaming body against yours as you connected in a way no one else could. You wanted him to be your mate, officially. You wanted everything with him. Including children. A kingdom to rule, if he’d have you as his Lady.
Eris’s face at your words softened even more, tears lining his eyes. “Soon, I promise. But we will wait until after my father dies.” He said. “And when I am High Lord, we will accept it in whatever way you want. A large ceremony. A small one. You could give me a tree nut and I would be happy.” He said. “As long as I can be with you.”
“I don’t care. I just want to be your mate.” You told him.
“I’m glad we agree.”
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After that week, and after the ball where Eris's father "unexpectedly" died from a heart problem, Beron's powers were passed to Eris. And now, the heir of the Autumn Court was no more, instead, he was the High Lord of Autumn. Your mate.
While you wanted to immediately mate him, Eris wanted to establish his court before announcing his Lady of Autumn. So, you needed to distract yourself. And it happened that Tarquin invited you to the Summer Court to help strategize their rebuilding of the city. In reality, you were going for a vacation to relax. And distract yourself.
So, as you were packing your bag, Rhys knocked on the door.
You turned, giving your brother a small smile.
"You sure you want to leave?" He asked you.
"Yes, I can't wait to lay on the beach and relax for two weeks." You said happily.
"I'm sure it's been hard for you this past week," he said.
“Why?” You asked, zipping up your bag before turning towards him.
“Because… of having to be around Eris.” Rhys said, as if it were obvious. Though, while it was hard being around Eris, he thought it was because of how Eris hurt you. For you, it was hard because you wanted to tell the world about your mate. And you couldn’t.
“It wasn’t, not for the reason you’re implying.” You said. “I like spending time with Eris. And I’ve told you countless times before, he never hurt me.” You said.
“He locked you away in a room.” He said.
“Amarantha locked me away in a room.” You said.
“Because of Eris. Because he was trying to get you outside.”
“Because of her. Not Eris. He was being whipped and I made a decision to not let him suffer.”
“Why?” Rhys demanded. “Why make yourself a prisoner for him? Why not let him bleed? He’s not a good male.”
“He is!” You said. “You see what you want to, Rhys. You can assume all you want to but I spent 50 years with him. He never once touched me without asking. Never once crossed a line. And he didn’t even do it because he was scared of you. He did it because he respects me. And he cares for me.” You said.
“Why would he? When you’re the sister of his enemy? He wouldn’t do anything if it wasn’t for his benefit?” He asked.
You took a deep breath. “He’s not as selfish as he seems, Rhys.” You said, crossing your arms. “Why did you help Feyre when she was the betrothed to your enemy?” You asked.
“That’s different. Feyre is my mate.”
You paused for a moment, trying to choose your words carefully. “But no matter how cruel of a male you seemed to the outside, you were always kind to her… other than making her drink on faerie wine and parading her around at night.” You said. “Eris never did that to me…”
“He still kept you with him all those years. He could’ve given you away, let you stay with me. He could’ve-“
“He was protecting me.” You simply stated.
“Because I’m his mate!” You yelled. You knew you were screwed the moment the words left your mouth. Why did you just say that?
Rhys blinked. The only way he showed his shocked. “No, he isn’t.” He said.
“Yes he is. The bond snapped for me last week.” You said. “Before he was High Lord.”
“He’s tricked you. You can’t be his mate.” He said.
“My walls are stronger than yours, Rhysand. He couldn’t trick me if he wanted to. I am his mate. And he is mine. And he took care of me when no one else did.” You said, holding your head high. “As soon as I get back from Summer, I am going to Autumn and offering him food.” You said.
“And what? Leave your home? For that family? For him?” Rhys growled.
“For my mate. For the male that protected me and helped me and kept me sane for 50 years. For him, the male I love.” You said.
“No,” Rhys said, shaking his head. “He isn’t your mate. He must have tricked you… you won’t be going to Autumn.” He said.
You rose your eyebrows. “And how are you going to stop me?” You asked.
“I won’t let you leave.” He said.
“What are you going to do? Restrict me to the Night Court?” You asked. “You wouldn’t.”
“I would.”
“To protect you.”
“That’s not protection, Rhys. That’s imprisonment.” You said, searching his eyes. It occurred to you then that he might not be kidding. Rhys was notoriously protective of you. And he would go to far lengths to keep you from harm in his mind.
“You won’t leave this room, (Y/N), unless you promise you won’t go to Autumn.” He said.
“I won’t promise that. I’m not going to stay away from my mate.” You said. “And you can’t keep me here.”
“I will.” He said, taking a step out of your room.
“And what are you going to do? Block my path all night?” You asked, seething.
“No. There are wards around your room now. If you try to leave, you’ll see what happens.” He said.
Your eyes widened at the thought of being trapped in a room. “What?” You asked, your voice cracking.
“Unless you agree to never accept the bond with Eris, you’ll be in this room. And the wards won’t let anyone else but me in and out.” He said.
Your breathing started to quicken, walking towards the door but stopping right in front of it. “Rhys, do not lock me in this room.” You said, tears brimming your version.
“Do you promise to not go to Autumn? To not mate with Eris?” He asked.
“No.” You said quietly.
“You’re meant to be gone for two weeks. I’ll come back then to see if you’ve changed your mind.” He said.
“Rhys, please.” You begged, stepping forward again. You watched as he walked away, your breath catching in your throat.
“Rhys!” You yelled, taking a step to leave the room but coming in contact with a clear hard wall. “Rhys!” You sobbed, backing on the invisible door. You took a step back, trying to find your breath. “Rhysand!” You yelled again, only for your door to slam shut in front of you.
You fell to the floor, banging on the door. “Rhys!” You begged again, leaning your forehead against the. Your vision blurred, the walls closing in on you. Suddenly, you were back Under the Mountain. Trapped in that room with no wind or no windows. Eris healing from his wounds.
Your sobbed shook your body as you tried to breath. You closed your eyes as you sunk to the floor, pulling your knees to your chest.
"Rhysand!" You let out a scream, so primal and raw that your throat strained.
You continued shaking, sobbing, hyperventilating as you rock yourself back and forth. You tried to convince yourself you were safe. You weren't hurt. But you couldn't leave. Couldn't get out of this room if you tried. You couldn't see your mate.
Your sobs overtook your breaths as you lost focus, shaking at the feeling of desperation. You were trapped in this room. You couldn't get out. Wouldn't get out unless you promised something terrible to your brother. Your brother who you thought loved you. But someone who loved you wouldn't do this. They wouldn't trap you in a room after what happened Under the Mountain. What would Feyre do when she found out about this? Would Rhys keep you here longer than 2 weeks? Would you be trapped here forever.
The walls continued closing in on you as your mind spiraled deeper and deeper. When you had the strength to open your eyes, the room was dark. Your powers couldn't get you out, but they consumed you. The darkness wasn't welcomed though. It only made your breath quicken more. No light. No windows. No Eris.
How would you live like this?
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Part Three
A/N: GODS this was a good one to write... can you imagine what Eris is going to do when he finds out what Rhys did????
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Tagging (thank you for all your lovely comments, they fuel my writing for the better every day): @96jnie @rcarbo1 @circe143 @bookwormysblog @stuff-i-found-while-crying @acourtofbatboydreams @glitterypirateduck @optimistic-but-very-realistic @minaethrym @herondale-lightworm @saltedcoffeescotch @faridathefairy @alliex-o @mariahoedt @falszywe @d3ad-ins1de @anyzandy @mulledwinetea @myromanempiree @ysmtttty @dumblani @brighterthanlonelythoughts @micaxrocky @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @windblownwinston @the-golden-jhope @alittlelostalittlefound @homeslices @todaystheday @quackquackhun @Kayhud05 @forgiveliv
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poppy-metal · 2 days
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patrick ends up threatening birdie - to no one's suprise - surprisingly, he isn't as mean as he could've been - or even as much as he planned to be. you had this kind of pathetic aura to you. a kind of wide doe eyed startled expression when you saw him. it was clear you'd dolled yourself up - or at least attempted to. your eyeliner was wobbly. your lipgloss too tacky. your hair was a hackjob, but it could be interpreted as stylish, he guessed. didn't dress too shabby, either.
all in all you were cute. for a stalker, anyway.
"you know." was the first thing he said, looking you up and down from where he leaned against the gym building. "if you'd just approached art like this normally, I'd give you at least a 50/50 shot."
you looked down at your shoes. he could tell you wanted to bolt, but you knew you were caught. his fate was in your hands.
"you're kind of a fucking freak, you know that?"
you didn't answer and patrick felt a spark of irritation. all that shit you spouted about art being your god, about wanting to live in his skin and fucking have his babies, and here you were, shy as a lamb. couldn't even look him in the eye and own up to what a pervert you were.
"i bet you do." he took his hands out of his hoodie pockets and approached you. you backed away as he did, but he followed and it wasn't long before he had you pressed against the brick wall. looking up at him with big worried eyes. like you were the victim, here. "really - you're not half bad to look at. I'd fuck you."
you flinched at the words. worried your bottom lip between your teeth and shook your head. but that was all, still not a word. it was really starting to piss him the fuck off.
"is that what it was all about?" he placed a hand at your waist - felt the muscles in your body jump at the contact but he pressed in close. pinned you. "you need some dick?"
he skated his hand up your body - to the swell of your breast - felt himself get hard, despite it all, because fuck, you really were cute. he hadn't gotten laid since he landed.
"maybe i should see what this pussies all about. you put coke up there or something? got poor artie fucking hooked on some shit he hasn't even tested yet." he squeezed your tit, painfully. enough to make you jump. it wasn't meant to feel good and he leered at the whine you let out. pinched your nipple between his fingers meanly. "got yourself real nice and pretty, huh? what kind of friend would i be if i didn't test the goods first -"
it burst from your chest. somehow loud and quiet all at once - your hand came up to strike him, but patrick caught it easily. stepping back and squeezing your wrist so hard you whimpered. "d - dont touch me." you gasped, jerking your hand back. cradling it to your chest - you felt sick. sick to your stomach. you wanted to scream for help but knew how ridiculous that'd be considering what led you here. you were trapped.
patrick glared at you.
"you're going to write art one more letter." he said. your eyes widened. "you're going to tell him it was all a game - that you never meant it to get this far - tell him you never meant anything you said. that it was all lies to mess with his head. that it was supposed to be fun but its not anymore and you're ending it."
you stared at him in shock. the cool night air made strands of your hair float in front of your face like tendrils of doom and you imagined choking on them until you died.
"i cant -" you said. "it wasn't a game. I love -"
"you're sick. you dont know what love is." at this patricks eyes seemed to soften. with pity. your gut churned. "and you can. you dont have a choice."
you didn't like his tone. didn't like the finality of it.
"because i took pictures of everything i saw - the letters - the messages - all of it. its right here -" he pulled a hardrive out of his jeans pocket. "and if you dont do what i say, this is all going to the police."
you closed your eyes. felt a cold calm sense of dread settle over your heart.
"i dont care." you said pitifully, eyes pricking with tears. "turn me in - i dont care. i cant lie to him."
patrick sighed.
"i was afraid you'd say that. which is why im telling you - if you do this - I'll give you updates. on art and how hes doing. if you're in prison - you'll never hear from him or about him again. which of those options sounds better to you?"
you didn’t even have to think about it.
"I'll write the letter."
patrick smiled.
"i knew you would."
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the letter comes the next day. It's waiting for art in his dorm room, slid under the small gap - he nearly drops his phone in his rush to pick it up and read it. he's meant to be meeting patrick for lunch - but he can cancel - will cancel a million lunches if it means he hears from you again - gets to read your words - gets to talk to you - he hopes after he reads you'll answer his texts. let him call you. anything.
his eyes scan the inked words on the page and the eager smile on his face slips slowly - his bag drops from his limp hand. he finishes the letter. sits on his bed and stares blankly at nothing for a long time.
something in his chest breaks. in his mind too. he can feel the crack frissure and then the shattering of it. like glass. he tastes blood in his mouth and realizes he's been biting his lip hard enough to make it bleed. he rubs the red stain from his mouth and numbly stares at it. he thinks 'i want her to die for this.'
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starnana7 · 1 day
okay but dean doesn’t believe in anything and also doesn’t believe in no one. all the faith he has in people are conditional, specially because he is the one that people puts their faith on, so it’s only one sided. like even sam, whom he loves and trusts so much, still doesn’t have his faith—bc he is the one that “endures” the faith, he’s the one that has the responsibilities, therefore, he can’t actually count on sam yk (btw i’m not saying this is true, dean Could count on sam, but this is how his mind works, he doesn’t think it’s okay for him to actually count on sam since he’s the one that Needs to be the responsible one, he’s the one that sam is counting On).
for dean, it’s only a -> b, not a -> b AND b -> a. the only person he actually had faith in was john, but he died. and eventually even he realized that that faith was misplaced and came (more) from a place of duty than from a genuine one. so we have this character who doesn’t believe in God, doesn’t believe in good things, doesn’t believe that good things could happen to him and that thinks everything is conditional, that people’s loves for him are conditional, mostly based on how useful he is, and that he will be okay as long as he continues this job and responsibility. he literally has the burden of the world on his shoulders and since he was a kid he was the only one that he could count on, the only one that could actually solve things.
And then enters castiel. A faithful Angel. An angel that rebels—for Dean. and that was devoted to dean in such a pure and unconditional way that actually makes him a little bit insane. cas is the only person besides himself that dean could really count on, that dean really puts his faith on. even john, as I said, he did it bc of something like a debt or bc that was what he always knew to be true. but with cas, it was the opposite. he never believed in angels; never even liked them. he was raised to never really trust anyone, let alone a supernatural being. but yet he trusts castiel, so much that it goes against his own basic instincts (to when both bobby and sam thought cas was betraying them and dean was trying so hard to not believe in that—i mean, not cas, he wouldn’t).
crazy that he was the number one faithless boy. he didn’t believed in God, but he did believe in castiel. he prayed to him. every night. he trusted him. so much that he never thought he would betray them. dean, who was raised to never trust anyone and hate all supernatural stuff, believed in an angel so much that it actually contradicted everything he was. he didn’t believe in God. but oh, he believed in castiel. to a point so powerful that it was literally his religion. like both of them were so devoted to each other they changed the narrative, they were the only real thing in chuck’s universes, they pretty much invented free will. Crazy. Insane actually.
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miya-akiko · 19 hours
live reaction to the pack wedding audio
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"i just want a little time with you today, before everything goes crazy" MSHSMHDMSHSM IM GONNA GO INSANE
"beautiful" i haven't showered and i didn't sleep and it's 7 am in the morning are you blind
"you are. especially first thing in the morning. still all sleepy and cuddly and relaxed. im the luckiest man in the world to get to see it everyday.. for the rest of my life" do you want me to die?
pls i will actually cry
"you fucking menace" IM YOUR MENACE HAH
oh he eepy baby 🥺
good morning asher 🥺
"oh my god it's actually today holy shit it's actually happening" HE'S LIKE ME FOR REAL FOR REAL
"when did you wake up" you think i sleep?
"about the person who matters to me more than anything else in the whole damn world" STOP STOP THIS OFFICER OFFICER A WEREWOLF TRYNNA SEDUCE ME HE TRYNNA SEDUCE ME SIR I WILL DIE SIR IM BEING SEDUCED
okay scene change
"mate pairs shouldn't see each other in the morning" DAMN RIGHT SO TRUE HEWL YEAHHH
"grouchy grandpa" HELPPPP "now don't you start." HELLAGSISGSKSG HAHAHAHAHA
"oh my mistake" YOU'RE SO SASSY
"are you trying to look like you got married in wind tunnel" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HELPPP MILO PLEASE
aww grandpa sam 🥺🥺🥺
"david, can i ask you something?"
im not okag im not ojay im not okay I AM NOT OKAY
i cant do this I'll actually pass out
i cant
im hypervinelantagwtbf
"i picked you because you're the one person i trust more than anyone else. you made me feel safe." I WILL ACTUALLY LOSE IT
"i was a decent alpha but i wasn't a very good friend" so you want me to kill myself
i am genuinely gonna cry
"ash euw" I LOVE THAT
what if i jump
i will jump
i won't
i will
i wont
it sounds like asher and david getting married LMAO
"um" classic opening
asher if you cry YOU BETTER BE CRYING okay he's gonna cry
what if asher dies after his vows
so it's just silence and giggles for babe's speech
got it
it's okay i love asher's giggles
david please cry
why guy is not angel's brother
and he's laughing too
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azurem · 3 days
Finally something not inkmare related...! this is how I picture dreamtale's trees in my verse. As expected, it's very much not canon compliant! Hope I make sense...!
Okay, so we know that in Dreamtale (DT for short, or I'll go coo coo), there exists 3 trees that basically support all life: the tree of emotions, the tree of magic and the tree of life and death.
In my verse, the attribute of the third tree gets changed so it fits with Reaper existing and vibing: the tree isn't of literally life and death, but rather of memories.
So the trees' attributes resemble the inner composition of a monster's soul: Love (Emotions), Magic, and Compassion (Memories translate into knowledge, the capacity of acknowledging a person's suffering)
But also thanks to that I can explain the existence of Outcodes in my verse...! kinda!
I always felt like the existence of something "inside" the story shouldn't affect something "outside" of it (the only exception being Error, of course, since that's his role), so the idea that the trees ruled over all the AUs' script seemed a bit off to me? So I decided to make it make sense in my head by changing it so the AUs themselves aren't dependent on the trees to have their script played out, but rather the (out)scripts events being dependent on the trees existing.
For example, in a multiverse without the trees, Underfell would play out normally. All feelings, memories, and magic there were coded to happen, so they do happen. However, once the script is done and written, they can't experience anything of that: they can't go outscript because the actions aren't coded; it's like trying to make someone go 5th dimensional. It's just impossible to make it happen (I imagine their character assets/the bodies just stay still until the script plays out again. Kinda like ____tale)
However, if the trees do exist, then the script isn't determinant on whether the characters can act or not. Of course, they'll follow the script most of the time if there's no third person interference, but they will be able to react in case the script isn't followed, because the trees are basically giving the characters... free will? In a way?
This, of course, means that if they ever go offscript they'd be affected by the trees' state. For a second, after Nightmare became corrupted, any action offscript would have been made based on a negative emotion, because they quite literally can't react in other ways since it's not coded.
Andddd going back to the trees themselves...! I imagine there's a super obscure inheritance thing for them (this will help me explain my verse Nightmare's final goal).
Mortals cannot withstand more than one apple since they... uh. Get super overwhelmed by energy and explode. Nightmare doesn't explode, but rather melts because the negativity is just too much for his monster body to handle.
Of course, it can be explained by him being Nim-made, but I can push it a bit further and explain it as him unintentionally kick-starting a process to make him the new Guardian of Emotions (since neither him nor Dream were created to be that, but rather just temporary replacements), which started the moment he ate more than one apple.
As such, his final goal isn't just to steal Dream's apple/kill him just to make everyone feel miserable, but is rather more linked to his desire to ascend into a balanced being that isn't just made from negative emotions, but that controls positive ones, too (a God, if one thinks of Nim as such).
(Whoever has the 1000 apples becomes the new Tree of Emotions, since Nim died).
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xoxochb · 2 days
⋆·˚ ༘ * you wanting me tonight feels impossible
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warnings: let’s pretend that the mist doesn’t cover up festus for like five minutes because I wrote all of this and totally forgot about the mist and I’m not re-writing it all because I like what I wrote. this also may be the stupidest thing I wrote but it’s so silly, I love it
pairing: leo valdez x mortal reader
summary: you move festus to your basement. this was 100% a bad idea
part one (read first)
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“just because I love you does not mean that I’ll let you bring your dragon into my house”
for the past five minutes leo has been trying to convince you to let him bring festus into your house, but you think that it’s a dangerous idea, and as much as you don’t want your neighbors to see a large dragon outside your home does not mean you want him in your room
“okay…” leo ponders for a moment “what if we keep him in your backyard?”
a good idea, yes, but he would still be visible to your neighbors. what’s the worst that could happen if he’s in your house? your parents are away for the week anyways
you sigh “you can put him in my basement for now but he has to go when my parents come back on sunday”
leo smiles widely “thank you! you’re the best girlfriend ever!” he cups your face and kisses you
you roll your eyes “yeah, yeah, whatever. get him out of my front yard before someone calls the cops on me”
“I’ll bail you out”
“perhaps I exaggerated the size of my basement”
“you think?”
you and leo stand on the bottom stairs leading down to the basement, in front of the large dragon which takes up most of the room. In your head your basement looked much larger but you’re never down there so the image you created in your mind made it look ten times bigger than it actually is
the good thing is that festus is no longer in your yard and you’re not sitting in a jail cell at the moment, you’re thankful for this
you slap leo’s arm at his smart remark “what do we do with him now?”
“let him rest for the night”
you sigh. he has a point, it’s too late at night to be doing anything else and you’re exhausted anyways
“this is ridiculous” you start laughing uncontrollably
leo turns to you, confused at your outburst “what?”
you take a seat on the stairs, hugging your stomach with tears in your eyes “there’s a huge metal dragon in my basement and your dad is a greek god”
leo sits beside you with a soft laugh (he doesn’t think it’s funny but he supposes he laughed because your laugh was contagious) “I guess so”
once your laughter had died down you rest your head on leo’s shoulder and soon after drifted off to sleep
(you also woke up with the worst neck pain of your life but it was totally worth it!)
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clownjacket · 4 months
Okay my crack theory for Lucy’s god situation:
What if instead of dying Lucy’s god became an archfey and fucked off, forsaking all of their followers. I could see that as justifiable for a minor god—maybe you don’t want your personality and existence to be dependent on a group of people small enough for a really big hurricane to wipe them out. Maybe you want to try your hand at self actualization, which you can’t really do as a god. Whatever.
But that would still mean Lucy’s grades would be screwed for the year, and the whole group would be switched to pass/fail.
Whatever god they’re trying to bring back seems like they want to stay a god, but would also only have a single living cleric so their nature would be heavily influenced by who that cleric is, and could still be controlled. Bringing back an established dead god with living followers probably reduces the risk of the god immediately dying or completely sucking ass/not being powerful like what happened with YES!(?), and we know the Ratgrinders LOVE minimizing risk. And choosing a dead god that represents something Lucy is actually passionate about preaching and proselytizing would make her work as a cleric much easier for her emotionally than, say, switching to Helio and just going through the motions, and bringing back a god would probably look good on college resumes.
Idk, that’s just an alternative theory to Lucy’s god dying based on what’s been established this season.
#fantasy high#the ratgrinders#ratgrinders#fantasy high junior year#fhjy#fhjy spoilers#d20 fantasy high#dimension 20#this is an idea I came up with while basically writing fanfiction in my head about a possible route Ivy’s story could go#that would make the ragtringers not evil / kind of justified#basically my ‘what if’ plot line is that Ivy’s god forsakes her during the sophomore spring project and that leads to her loosing her power#and the ratgrinders having to choose a pacifistic quest to go on because they no longer have a healer but can’t tell anybody#hence why they didn’t kill anything during their sophomore quest but seemingly still passed with a letter grade#(we know Ivy’s death was only reported after grading was completed—which means they wouldn’t have been switched to pass/fail)#Now Ivy is thinking about what grade to switch to before the end of the year so she doesn’t fail#all while covering up her god forsook her to the school until she has her replacement figured out#but WHOOPS something happens and she dies anyway…but with no afterlife she’s stuck as a ghost. The ratgrinders will all fail if they report#her dead right then-and Ivy doesn’t want that for her friends-so instead the ratgrinders disguise self as her and fake her cleric powers#with their own in class just enough to keep her from failing the year…then after grading closes they report her as dead to Augfort and ask#for his help in reviving her like he did the bad kids. But he tells them that he brought the bad kids back by taking their place in#the afterlife; if Ivy’s stuck as a ghost and not in an afterlife than there’s nothing he can do right now but he’ll look into it oh wait#his DAUGHTER is back and they need to bond nevermind here are some resources during this endless night that you can read up on to try to#find a way to bring your dead friend back on your own have FUN high schoolers I believe in you but it’s Ayda time!#so the ratgrinders did a bunch of research on their own and they found that a god could bring her back to life and the only one willing to#do that would probably be a preestablished dead god they brought back to life (similar to Kristen with Cassandra). This red god is just#the safest bet they found in the books to complete their plan#I won’t call all THAT a theory because it’s based on nothing but that’s my idea for a direction her backstory could go#also pretend whenever I wrote ‘ivy’ in this little end section I actually wrote Lucy#I canNOT believe I made that mistake#Cassandra save me
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july-19th-club · 5 months
when i was a kid the church songs i gravitated twoards were definitely always the ones like "how great thou art" and "on eagle's wings" - basically anything that mentioned the natural world or a cool animal. songs of faith and tradition did nothing for me, amazing grace was a nothing song, the bread of life was a NOTHING song. but a voice crying out in the wilderness? oh?? say more
and then they dont say more. and you have to figure out whether you believe regardless. and that's what religion is
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thehappiestgolucky · 1 year
I don't know if you're going to answer this but, Vigilante Tiso, is this an AU of yours? If so, I'm curious about the context of this concept!
Yep! Vigilante Tiso is one of my older and blog popular AU’s for Hollow Knight (based on poll results)
Originally, it started as a joke about Tiso being in Hallownest early just to take the piss out of PK and Lurien, but slowly developed into a more complicated story about Tiso being Xero and Markoth’s son (Xero biologically and Markoth via marrying into the family) as Tiso moved to Hallownest much earlier - eventually putting his distaste for the royalty into become the cities Vigilante that continued through the Infection Outbreak and in-game events. Instead of an arrogant ant that dies in the Colosseum, he’s a hot headed ant that’s been trying to protect survivors of a dying kingdom whilst wanting a solution and is willing to die for it.
A lot of it focuses more on the character relationships as they change and are affected by the story events - particularly with a small family being torn apart as simple mortals in a gods war.
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mashmouths · 3 months
anyone want to pull an edna pontellier with me
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butterflieswhisper · 2 days
i was genuinely planning to watch more of ratastrophe tonight but i started it, got to "[you whispered to unidingo: please don't die out there yet] I think their hunt is more successful if i'm not there" and my phone case literally fell apart in my hands. so.
#whisp whispers#i do have so many thoughts about that. the transition from 'i want you alive for the lilies' to 'don't die yet' is so. hm#i could disect the way fishie acts about her allies i think it's so.... this is the first time really she seems to accept they will die#kikis season one death was obviously devastating. space's should've been expected tbh but it also sucked. and then moch... i mean.#moch dies and fishie suddenly gains a very strong sense of her own mortality. it's not from being on red. she was on red and said it felt#better. and then moch died. and she ran.#i honestly don't remember much of fishie s2 because i watched it all in like a day maybe two and haven't rewatched any of it since. but#again she seems so. convinced she and dingo will live. she is so unbothered when dingo dies and is more shocked than anything by the tunes#and season three. look how well the lilies are doing. and then dingo dies. and then moch dies. and then moch dies again. and suddenly death#is real to her. it's an inevitable. it's not something they can ignore anymore death will happen to them and it hits fishie the hardest#please let me revive you. please. please. the words of someone who did not get to process death before it happened. and then it's 'yet'.#it's not 'don't die' it's 'don't die yet'. death is something that will happen now. and if fishie wins then. god. i think that would kill#her. if she's standing out there alone. death is a very real thing now isn't it.#im hoping for a fishie win it does seem like fishie won. but i still don't know actually#they should let oku win for funzies#these tags could be their own post but i'm not rewriting them so. meh#edit hi i totally forgot about the 'without me there' bit. beastlife fishie not blame herself for death challenge (impossible)#i think the way she blames herself actually ties directly back to the whole refusing to acknowledge mortality thing. she's so surprised when#people die as if she's not in the death games. should somebody tell her she's in death games
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tethrras · 9 days
straight-up i could analyze varric and the dasher's men being the only book he wrote with a dwarven hero forever. like he literally wrote himself out of the narrative after that . because it was too close to home? too blatantly him wearing his heart on his sleeve? did bartrand ever call him on it, if he even READ the damn book? did bianca during a fight? or is it because he stopped thinking he could be the hero? because he CHOSE to sink into the background because that way he can avoid vulnerability and failure and rejection and conflict??? 🧐✍ which also ties to how his character arc in inquisition (and his relationship with hawke) is about him growing as a person and becoming someone who will take action after purposefully avoiding the weight of responsibility . hence veilguard and him becoming viscount 🧐✍thank u for listening to my unhinged varric tedtalks
DON'T EVEN I DIDN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT LIKE. WHAT EVERYONE ELSE THOUGHT ABOUT HIM WRITING. do we know when he and bianca first got together btw and what books it might've tied into.......... i'm sure you do you smart talented genius whomst im kissing on the lips....
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yeonban · 3 months
Honestly tragic that Light went down the path he did in the 2nd half bc in the beginning Tobias would've really liked him. He wholeheartedly agrees that the only way to bring REAL "justice" is by making sure the perpetrator will never be able to do evil again, which will never be achievable through lawful means like incarceration (especially in cases where they're connected to a bigshot who can bail them out) so the only way to truly get rid of evil is, like Light figured, through kiIIing them all
#muse: tobias.#Ironically enough Tobias thinks Light isn't (wasn't) harsh enough in his 'judgements'. HE would've made sure they suffer WAY more#I think the biggest differences between Tobias and Light are that 1) Tobias doesn't view himself as a 'God' or anything of the sort;#though he doesn't hurt innocent people for fun or money like they do; he views himself as not THAT different from his enemies#I mean sure he's disgusted by 99% of them but he's aware he does many things the faint of heart would never be able to stand looking at too#2) Light does everything as if he's not involved. He sets out 'judgements' to people who are far away; through more indirect means#whereas Tobias is much more involved. He PERSONALLY sets time aside to deliver the payback to the people who are in high positions#Most of the time he makes sure their last ever conversation is w him. Sometimes their death is remote (but still horrible; i.e explosions)#other times it's by his hands in which case they Wish they could've died like that ^ instead bc his torture isn't Only physical#3) Light doesn't care who he has to discard; being willing to kiII even his closest allies who would never think of turning on him#whereas Tobias would Never abandon his true allies like that. He knows damn well how hard to get across they are and he treasures them#so he's willing to take heavy losses to save them if need be; and certainly won't ever discard them the way Light would#4) Tobias knows damn well that by doing what he's doing it means he's eventually going to end up dead like his enemies and he's fine w that#meanwhile Light seriously thought he would conquer the world; have nothing happen to him whatsoever; then die a peaceful death#I should write a proper meta on the similarities and differences between Light (+L) and Tobias sometime bc I keep thinking about them
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im2tired4usernames · 1 month
Ugh I was excited for today until I found out I'd have to spend it with people that actively make me hate being alive hate the future and drain me off all energy physically mentally spiritually like a vampire I can't stand to be around her she is the definition of stupidity and even then that's generous as fuck this bitch has filled her brain with so much garbage I watch her brain cells die at alarming rates every single time she uses her vocal cords her giggles make me want to jam a sewing needle into my ear repeatedly so I can never have to hear it again its a friendly reminder that my parents decisions this time my dad's constantly makes me want to die
#i cant even shes just so dangerously stupid#she thinks energy drinks with natural caffeine are safe to give people who have been told by doctor doing take caffeine with thia meds#ahe thinks of a child is CHOCKING to lie them face down n rub their back#she has the evangelical woman voice worse then women I've met n that cult ahe giggles constantly and behaves like the stereotype lil german#boy just got a lollipop over.... everyone and everything whe acts likw an 11 year old I just got the first boyfriend and all they could talk#is how perfect their boyfriend is and they're so pretty good for that I pulled a boyfriend is and it's like a God thing that they met how#SOOOOOOOOOO in love while constantly nonstop touching ahe has to be touching him her hand on his thigh her atm linked with his her heaf on#his chest she has to be in her lap they make out all over the place IT'S DISGUSTING AND EMBARRASSING STOP SWAPPING SPIT#she started a i. hwr words 'love diary of their love journey' they hadn't been dateing 2 months her kids are spoiled fake Instagram bitches#with such shitty views on politics SHE'S A TRUMP FAN GIRL SHENLOVES TRUMP MY DAD BROUGHT IN A TRUMPIE#there's so much i cant even say because even admitting it on tumblr is too embarrassing i wanted.to.likw her i liked her the first day but#THE MORE I GET TO KNOW GET THE MORE N MORE N MISS RED FKAGS#she threw away all my siblings clothes school books toys uniforms for sports their in toys i bought them that week make up jewelry#in the disguise of helping clean house#while i was at the hospital the kids call me in tears i call her beg her to wait and nope.ahe didn't i found the bags by the curb i brought#my dad sided with hwr because 'she didn't mean any harm she didn't know sje was throwing them away'#my mom hasn't bsen dead a year he started dating right after ahe died#hes talking about marrying this woman this woman who has never had an honest educated thought once in her life#WHO ASLO SPEMDA MONEY LIKE A DRUNKEN SAILOR AHE CAME FROM A WITCH FAMILY HER LAST TWO HUSBANDA WERE TOUCH SHE HAS NO KNOWLEDGE OF THE COMMON#SHE SPENDS LIKE SHE STILL HAS MONEY WHEN SHE DOSE NOT AND IT'S LIKE YOU DID NOT JUST SPEND OVER 180 DOLLARS N PASTRIES GOD#SHES SO FUCKIN STUPID AND EVERY HOLIDAY SINCE MY MOM DIED WVERY FAMILY GWT TOGETHER BECAUSE WE DON'T TALK OR.DO ANYTHING WITH MOM'S SIDE#OF THE FAMILY ANYMORE SHE'S THERE EVERY WINGLE MOTHER FUCKIN WEEKEND SHES HERE I'M EXHAUSTED SHES PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY DRAINING TO BE ARO#OUND SHES LIKE IF SOMEONE TOOK A GOLDEN RETRIEVER ON A DIET OF JUST FUCKIN COCAINE LITTLE GERMAN BOY WITH LOLLY AND CRUELLA DEVILLE AND FUSE#THEN TOOK A STRAW AND DRANK ALL THE SMARTS OUT OF THAT BEING#UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGH MY DADS GOIN TO NARRY RHIA BITCH SHES GOIN TO TRY TO BE A MOTHER TO ME AND MY SIBLINGS AND THEY'RE GOIN TO#be so fucked up because her kids are not ok SHE FUCKED THEM OVER BAD SHE HAS FOUR KIDS ALL ADULTS THEY'RE JUST WOW#I HATE MY LIFE I HATE WHAY FUTURE MY FAMILY IS GOIN TO BE THE GOOD THINGS IS I WON'T HAVE TO STAY I CAN GO N MAKE A NEW ONE WITH MY WIFE#FOR ME BUT MY SIBLINGS ARE FUCKED AND ANYTIME I WANT TO VISIT MY FAMILY YANDERE GOLDEN RETRIEVER BITCH WILL BE THERE WORMING HWR WAY IN#SHES CONSTANTLY CALLING N TEXTING MY DAD NONSTOP OF SHE'S NOT NEXT TO HIM AND IF HE CAN'T RESPOND INSTANT SHE FREAKS OUT N BUGS ME
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lesbianyosano · 9 months
legitimately what the fuck was that
#ig im dissapointed lmao#sorry most of it i just kind of expected (bram regaining his body and stopping the vampires. fyodor dying bc there isnt really anything els#you can do with him. dazai and chuuya both alive)#mostly i wish aya awakened an ability give her oneee also i want to see how they manifest#idk we'll see soon where this goes ig but 1. i really wish fukuzawa had just died alongside fukuchi and 2. that there would be some calmer#chapters more focused on political repercussions rather than more fighting but the 2 hours later thing isnt really pointing to that huh#ill have to reread this arc at some point bc fukuchis and fyodors plan got so convoluted i was barely following it#and also 1. what abt sigma do they just. leave her there#i mean surely not bc she has info on fyodor but dazai really just did not care#and 2. yeah i wish fukuzawa died but now that he didnt. does he???? just keep the one order#and wheres that fucking page#and whats exactly on it#bc i dont think they can just rewrite anything 1. they dont know how much space is on it and theyll need a lot to fix this mess#2. god knows if they even can do anything or if theres some condition written in already thatd stop them#also asagiri for the love of god get into anticapitalism bc you cant just go into criticing states and military without talking about it#and i still need the hunting dogs dead even if i know its likely not going to happen#but how are you going to go all “absolute power corrupts” and “omg fukuci dont create a military state” and then just leave the super cops#running around and getting redeemed bc “they mean well” yeah they do but it doesnt matter#they are complicit in the state violence THEY ARE state violence#asagiri pls i can show you theory you havent even dreamed of#txt.
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arolesbianism · 2 months
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I’ve been having a rough few days, but I’ve been feeling a bit better so I decided to make some lil thingies for some spiraling upwards kitties :3
#keese draws#warrior cats oc#spiraling upwards#I’ve posted art of ratstar and pigeonbillow before but the other three I haven’t I think#but yeah these are some more of the minkclan founders#and by that I mean two of them are and one of them was a kitten at the time#lightning is haveniris’ mom but she didn’t trust herself to raise him so her clanmates sort of collectively raised him#and by that I mean mostly pigeon and two other old ppl that aren’t included here#light did end up opening up to him more and acting as more of a mom after he chose to become a medic tho#the two have a complicated relationship for sure but they still care abt each other a lot#oh yeah and literally all of these guys are dead by the time murtle rolls around except for haven#pigeon died about two years before the other two and raincinder has been dead since before minkclan was properly founded#which is unsurprising given she’s such an old withering woman#she mostly made it that long because she was given a guide sponsor life#so long story short not all starclan cats actually get to use the cool starclan powers and those who do are usually ‘sponsored’ with an#extra life and a cool star like marking#this isn’t a well known thing tho and even within starclan only higher ranking cats rly know anything beyond knowing that every now and#then new guides are chosen#now usually what’s supposed to happen is that the sponsored cat has a close eye kept on them and if they are deemed worthy they’re allowed#to keep their mark and become a guide once they die the second time#the main flaw in this system is that the cat who sponsored them has to be the one to revoke it#so if they refuse to revoke it for whatever reason there’s not much that can be done about it#or in raincinder’s case her sponsor ended up fading before they could judge her fully#so even though by all means even the most rebel friendly guides would revoke it easily she managed to keep her mark til death#this was ofc largely helped by her living til 19 fucking years dear god woman#but hey I guess it means minkclan gets a guide even though she’s a rly shitty one#rly that mostly only matters for the sake of nine lives and the sake of travel between starclan and the living territories#which actually does cause a lot of problems when all the guides decide to go haunt a child instead#oh also guides also pass on their mark to leaders who’s life ceremony they hosted#not the guide role tho each guide gets a new mark
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