#i mean i can think of one woman who was sadly straight
ephemeral-winter · 7 months
makes me so crazy how basically every iconic anglo-american female medievalist of the twentieth century was at least a little bit queer but nobody ever talks about it as a structuring force of institutional medieval studies
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matryosika · 10 months
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Recording Sessions
Pairing — 3racha and Reader
Wordcount — 3,485 words
Genre — Smut
Warnings — Dom!Chan and Changbin, Switch(sub lean)!Jisung, consensual voice recording. Dirty talk, use of petnames (slut), mild humiliation, oral sex (m. receiving), brief spanking, unprotected penetrative sex, creampie, mild cum play, sex in a recording booth.
Autor's note — Wrote this a while ago for a commission, but as I was lurking through my google drive I found this again. I think its fun and I've been meaning to post something for a while now, but I can't get anything done sadly. I think I wrote this back in may or june? I am not too sure, but I hope you like it! I've been writing for NCT these days and I have 2 wips for them. I'm also working on something with Lee Know as a character. I hope I can get any of that finished soon! Hope you enjoy this, and I apologize for any grammar/spelling mistakes in advance 🤍
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“Do any of you even know what a real moan sounds like?”
The look on their faces is amusing. Hadn't you been inside the recording booth, you're sure Changbin would have already headlocked you in a playful manner for running your mouth. 
But you are inside the recording booth, the three of them sitting in the studio with frustration written all over their faces.
“This sounds so fake,” you continue, taking off the headset. “What did you type in youtube to get this sample? Women moaning ASMR?”
“You’re not being helpful at all, you know that?” Changbin asks, trying to keep a serious demeanor but failing almost miserably every time he remembers the audio samples that are currently as background vocals in their upcoming song. They do sound awful, but he isn't as straight-forward as you are.
“Well, you asked for my opinion and I’m giving it to you,” the smug look on your face pisses off Chan just a little, but it is nothing new —the endless bickering between the both of you has happened ever since you two met. It's always light-hearted and friendly, but it surely does bring some tension into your friendship with him.
“Any ideas on how we can improve this?” 
“For once, get rid of all the fake moaning and get something that actually sounds like a woman being pleasured,” you instruct them, and smile when you see the three of them paying attention to your words. They have such abilities when it comes to music and producing, but they often look for constructive criticism outside their small group of three just to see things from different perspectives. “We don’t sound like that, it’s more like gasping for air and deep sighs accompanied with mostly quiet moans. This sounds like someone shouting exaggeratedly”.
“I’ve tried,” Chan murmurs, leaning back on his studio chair that he spins slightly. “But nothing sounds right. It’s a bit too much, maybe”.
“No, I do think the song calls for background sounds like these,” you encourage the trio. “It’s just- you need something more raw and real”.
There’s a quick moment of silence in which the four of you exchange glances, without exactly saying anything in particular.
Changbin and Chan look too deep into their own thoughts, probably trying to come up with another idea or alternative for that sound sample you all hate so much. Jisung, on the other hand, is staring right into you through the glass barrier that separates you from them, with an idea in mind he’s not quite sure how to deliver, but that he ends up doing it anyway. 
“What if we record you?” Jisung asks, drawing the scowling glances of the other two. “I mean, you can obviously fake them since you're a woman, right?” 
The suggestion has you cackling quietly, but even Chan and Changbin are considering it —you can tell by how they're looking at you as if they're expecting your verdict.
“Right,” you scoff, crossing both of your arms in front of your chest, “because what better way to spend my Saturday afternoon than faking moans inside a recording booth”. 
“It’s not going to take you long,” It’s Chan who speaks this time. The one you thought was going to be the least to be on board with such a crazy idea. “We all know this isn’t going to be the first time you fake them”. 
Your mouth opens in awe and you curse them mentally when they all laugh under their breaths. It was just one time, with a guy you didn’t even like, and you told them about it because you wanted to get the embarrassing memory out of your system. You were too bored, and desperate to go, that you ended up faking a series of moans that tricked him into thinking you were finished. 
“Very funny, Christopher,” you spit, resentful. “I thought you promised not to bring that shit up, ever again”.
“And I thought you promised you’d help us,” Chan attacks, “so what is it going to be?”
You look at them for a couple of seconds, pondering the situation. You can help them, you really have nothing better to do —yet a better idea comes to mind. 
“Why faking it if you can have the real deal?” you ask, nibbling at the skin against your fingernails. You’re trying to appear collected, but even suggesting such a crazy idea it’s making you feel uneasy. Unless you've gotten the signals wrong, you know they won't turn down such a proposal. “You’re all just sitting there, when one of you could help me”.
It’s Jisung who leans down over the console, clicking a red button to open the microphone.
“What exactly are you proposing?”
“Well, you were the one who pinned this on me, Han,” judging by their facial expressions, you know they understood exactly what you meant. They just want to make sure you are all on the same page. “Why don’t you come here and help me, so we can get this over with?”
“Why him?” Changbin immediately asks, offended even because you didn't consider him as your first option.
“Do you want to help me too?” you chuckle, “because I wouldn’t mind if you joined”.
“Han,” Chan’s cold voice interrupts the silence, catching the attention of the younger. He doesn’t say anything else, but rather signals for him to get inside the recording booth with a tilt of his head.
Jisung doesn’t say anything either, but his eyes flutter between you and Chan, almost begging for further instructions. He hesitates, perplexed. Not because he doesn’t want this, but because he really can’t begin to comprehend this is really happening.
“If you don’t want to, Changbin can do it,” the older speaks again.
“N-no, I mean- I can do it,” Jisung stands up from his studio chair abruptly and hastily, like he is in a rush. To be honest, he kind of is —he has been daydreaming of this moment ever since he met you, so he isn't going to waste it. Even if that means there are going to be other people watching or involved. “I just- what do I do?”
Chan and Changbin scoff quietly, teasing him. “You should ask her that question,” the former replies, crossing both of his arms and leaning back on his chair, “not us”.
“Yeah, okay”. 
Jisung walks inside the booth, swallowing thickly. Is he really about to do this? Is he dreaming? Or is this some sort of a sick joke?
He can’t help but overthink the situation, but every single one of his thoughts goes away when you welcome him into your embrace, holding him tightly against your body with his half-hard cock pressing against your lower abdomen and your tits against his toned chest. The other two are watching, and that only riles him up a lot more.
“Have you ever been this shy?” You tease him, wrapping your arms around his neck and brushing your lips against his. “You’re always so cocky, always running your mouth. But right now you aren’t. I wonder why”. 
“We don’t have that much time,” Chan warns you through the speakers, and you can feel the despair in his voice. Like Changbin, he’s anticipating something and you’re edging them, just like you are to Jisung. 
“Then I’m going to need more help,” you hum, latching your fingers against Jisung’s dark hair while pulling him closer to the crook of your neck. He loses no time and starts kissing and licking the sensitive flesh, hiding his face there. You, on the other hand, look through the glass barrier proudly to the other two who are out. “From the both of you”. 
“One isn’t enough for you? Do you need the three of us?” Chan asks, poking his cheek with his tongue. Changbin, on the other hand, observes the scene in awe, with both excitement and impatience. You don't reply, but shoot an accomplice glance at the older. “I always knew you were some of a slut, I just didn’t think this much”.
“Well, now you know,” you smile, biting your lower lip when Jisung sucks on a sensitive spot a bit too harshly, “so start recording”. 
The following moments are blurry, perhaps because of how nervous you are. You try to act in control, like you're the one calling the shots. But when you feel the three of them near you, with their hands all over you, it's hard to. 
“You’re not that bold now, are you?” Chan whispers in your ear, pressing your arse against his crotch. To your sides, there’s Jisung and Changbin, who grope and kiss your body as much as the other allows them to.
“I’m doing this for you,” you sigh, kicking your head back until it meets Chan’s shoulder. 
“Right,” he scoffs, grabbing a fistful of your hair and forcing you to kneel in front of Changbin and Jisung. “We just wanted your advice, but somehow we ended up like this”.
“I wonder why,” you tease him looking up to him while your hands tease the men in front of you.
“I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that she’s such a filthy slut,” Changbin murmurs, caressing your hair back. 
You can feel them through their sweatpants —you can feel how hard and ready they are for you, how desperate they are for your touch. You wish to take your sweet time with them, to suck the three of until they come in your mouth only to fuck you afterwards. 
You want more than just a quick fuck. But this will have to do for now.
“Suck them off,” Chan orders, pleased with the sight of you on your knees. 
Good thing you’re wearing such accessible clothes today —you’re making his job ten times easier.
“Get us nice and wet, baby,” Changbin proceeds, pulling your head against his crotch while he lowers his sweatpants just enough to release his throbbing cock. “We’re going to fuck you with it, so it’s up to you how easy you’re going to make this for yourself”.
“Don’t forget Jisung too,” the one behind you murmurs into your ear, practically kneeling right beside you while he pulls up your dress, revealing a shameful piece of clothing that he can barely name as underwear. The sight makes Chan’s cock throb even harder. “See how much he’s leaking? I know he has been dreaming of this for a while now”. 
“Fucker,” Jisung hisses through gritted teeth, feeling betrayed by his friend. Truth is, he isn’t telling any lies.
“Aw, you have?” He has been infatuated with you for quite some time now, and he is too awkward to be discreet about it. You have caught him checking you out shamelessly, and it has always been a turn on for you. 
“We all have,” Changbin says, nibbling at his lower lip when you wrap your hand around his cock. You squeeze both of them hard, staring up at them with a mischievous smile. “If only you knew what we talk about when you’re not around”. 
“Mh, I feel a little excluded now,” you pout. “Why don’t you guys just show me?”
You spent another ten minutes on your knees, being throat fucked by your dearest friends Changbin and Jisung. They take turns in burying their cocks inside your warm mouth, using your hair as leverage to let you know which one of them to suck next.
In the meantime, Chan just watches. 
You’re drooling all over yourself by now, your shirt ruined with a mixture of spit, precum and sweat. Your skin feels sticky, your mouth feels full and your pussy feels wet —you really wouldn’t be surprised if the floor was stained with your arousal.
“C’me here,” Chan tells you, grabbing you by your arm and helping you get in a different position. Your knees are bruised and red, but you don’t really care —tomorrow it will be a fun reminder of what happened today. “Now let’s really start recording”. 
You lay on the floor on all fours, with your ass up and your hands and knees supporting your body weight. It's an uncomfortable position, but you can only do much in a recording booth with no bed or couches.
The first one to take a spot right behind you is Changbin. Out of the three, it’s the one who seems more desperate to get his release and you kind of understand him —you’re desperate to feel something too, anything.
“I don’t have-” his voice is strangled, almost panicking. You can feel his hands gripping your hips, and the tip of his cock brushing against your slit. 
“I don’t care,” you encourage him, whimpering when Chan forces your head to face his throbbing dick that he has his fist wrapped around. “Just fuck me”.
It’s the heat of the moment that's getting the best out of you, but you can’t begin to regret it when you feel Changbin’s cock burying itself little by little inside your aching pussy. You try to hold back your moans, worrying that someone outside the hall might hear you, but you know it’s practically impossible.
Plus, that’s the reason why you’re there, anyways.
 So you start enjoying the moment, being as vocal as possible. If anything, the lewd sounds escaping through your lips are only pushing Changbin towards the edge, hips snapping at yours roughly enough to get a series of strained moans immersed in both pleasure and pain.
“You sound so g-good,” Changbin grunts, biting his lower lip to stop himself from being too loud. “Had I known your moans were this pretty, I've would've fucked you before”.
“Fuck, Changbin”. The way his name falls from your lips boosts his ego, and he’s glad everything is being recorded. He makes a mental note to go back to the recording later today, just in case he needs to unwind.
“Jisung will fuck you after him,” Chan demands your attention yet again, brushing the tip of his cock against your lips. He’s kneeling in front of you while Changbin is pounding your pussy from behind. Jisung, on the other hand, is stroking himself while he witnesses the scene; too shy to actually make a move himself, like the rest of them. “And then I will go next, how does that sound?”
“How many seconds- of the sample do you even need?” you chuckle, but the laugh is soon muffled by another whimper caused by Changbin’s ministrations. 
“Just a couple,” he replies, smearing his precum along your lips. “But I’m sure you wouldn’t want to leave this studio without being fucked by Jisung and me, right?”
You love his cockiness, and how he is always almost right. So you nod frantically, clenching around Changbin at the idea of being filled with the both of them in just a couple of seconds.
It doesn’t take him long to come inside you, especially not with how much your pussy is clenching around him. He does so shamelessly, grunting your name and gripping your hips too harshly you’re sure it will leave a mark tomorrow.
When he pulls out, commanded by Jisung who is too desperate to wait another second, you feel his sticky arousal leaking out of you. It’s a weird sensation, and it makes you feel dirty, but you can’t deny you like it. 
And you like it even more when you feel the tip of Jisung’s cock gathering all of his friend’s cum, fucking it back into you little by little, making sure it doesn’t go to waste.
“Who would’ve thought, hm?” You whimper, feeling a bit sore from Changbin’s aggressive care. “You’re not as innocent as I thought, Jisungie”.
He doesn’t say anything, but gives you a sharp thrust in response. One that makes your whole body jolt and tremble, one that earns you one of the prettiest moans the three of them have ever heard.
Chan is sure the recording is good to be used by now, but he doesn’t want to stop just yet. Or at least not until he also gets his fun.
“S-so tight,” Jisung murmurs, holding you more delicately than Changbin did. You love the contrast, though, and they’re both a good fuck. “And warm, all filled up with cum”.
“You’re going to fill me up too, Jisungie?” On any other occasion, the nickname would’ve earned you a killer gaze and a couple of curses from him. But right now, Jisung doesn’t mind. In fact, he likes it. There’s something enticing about you acting like the one in control.
“Can- I?” He asks with a shakily breath. His sloppy movements tell you he is close, and you take it as a compliment. A minute is definitely a record, but you’re really not mad about it. 
“That depends,” you tease him, crying out loud when his cock starts hitting sensitive spots inside your walls. “Are you going to come a lot for me?” 
“Ngh, y-yes,” Jisung whimpers. “Please, I’m- close, just let- say yes, please”.
“Go on,” you order him, arching your ass even more for him. “Give it to me”. 
Not even a couple of seconds later, you feel a now familiar sensation warming up your lower tummy, leaking through your pussy and onto your thighs. 
“Shit,” Changbin scoffs, checking the scene out. “You made a fucking mess”. 
You want to look at what he did, know how much he came for you, but Chan reinforces your initial position yet again by arching your ass even more.
“Be a good slut for me,” he tells you, landing a sharp spank on one of your ass cheeks. The sudden action makes you cry out in pain, but you don’t hate the sensation completely. “And I’ll be good to you”.
You’re not quite sure what he means, and you don’t get time to ask before he’s bottoming out inside of you. 
“Fuck!” you moan, suddenly losing the strength on your arms and your upper body threatening to plop down onto the floor. “C-chan!”
“C’me here,” he groans, sneaking a hand underneath your tummy looking for your clit. Again, the position isn’t the best but he somehow makes it work. And when you feel his digits rubbing your nerves just at the same pace of his thrusts, you start clenching around him even harder.
“Oh my g-god,” that stimulation is exactly what you need to come undone. Jisung and Changbin did a hell of a job getting you closer to your orgasm, but this is exactly what you needed to reach your climax.
And a well deserved one.
“Come,” Chan grunts through gritted teeth, biting his lower lip while furrowing his eyebrows. The sight of your ass bouncing against his cock is enough to get him to come, but he needs you to come first. “I’ll come with you”.
“Ngh- Chan,” and just like some magic words, you’re coming right after his order. He can feel you tightening around him, trying to milk his cock just as badly as you did with the other two. And he can’t resist that feeling, so he sticks up to his word and comes inside you almost at the same time. 
“Such- a good- little fucking slut,” his words are strained and painful. But his voice only contributes more to your own orgasm, just like the feeling of his cum filling you up. 
It takes the two of you a few moments to actually stop —even after coming, he kept on fucking you slowly until he made sure to fuck all of their cum inside of you. The last thing he wanted was to make a mess inside the recording booth, but it was inevitable. 
The floor is stained with all sorts of fluids, ones that are dripping out of your swollen pussy and others that no one knows how they got there. 
“Jisung,” Chan sighs, caressing your hips while fixing his clothes. “Stay with her, I’ll go get something to clean her up. Make sure she’s alright, and take her to the sofa in the studio, ‘kay?”
Jisung nods, attentive, and he helps you get up off the floor with ease. He wraps his arm around you, and fixes the top part of your dress to which you mutter a quick and soft thank you. 
“Changbin’s going to get you something to eat or drink, and I’ll take care of this. Alright?” 
You nod, still supporting your whole weight on Jisung. Your sore legs can only do much.
“He’s going to be with you in the meantime, but we will all be right back,” Chan’s soft gaze is the opposite to what he showed inside the recording booth, but you absolutely adore the contrast. 
“Yeah, ‘s okay,” you smile. 
“You did good, yeah?” Chan smiles, caressing your hair, “sounded so pretty for us”.
You offer them a weak, yet satisfied smile, “my pleasure”. 
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makismei · 1 month
(18+ somewhere randomly near the end bc my pussy took over) it is currently 2:57am and while i was writing an upcoming fic, i suddenly thought of nanami, as your underclassman at jujutsu high... not proofread (possibly incoherent) i am sorry i finished at 5am
he's two years younger than you, but he's been enamoured by you since he spoke to you back when he was sixteen on your eighteenth birthday, hosted at gojo's condo.
almost everyone was drunk, courtesy of shoko managing to get her hands on bottles of tequila and vodka. you were barely tispy, finding a completely sober nanami stuck to a wall with his eyebrows pulled together. he doesn't like it here. he wants to go home. but this is what being a teenager is like... right?
through flashing lights and loud music, you told him that cherishing your youth goes beyond what he's seeing before his eyes.
with you being a third year, he rarely saw you at the school. up close, he realizes how beautiful you are and that your perfume suits you so well.
"being a child is just fine," you say, as if you aren't only two years older. "you have your whole life to experience partying."
you end up outside on the balcony, talking all night about anything and everything.
and nanami learns, at sixteen, what uncontrollably clammy hands feel like, stuttering over simple words and the desperation for more of your presence.
since that night, he looks for you on campus when you are between missions. in the beginning, he couldn't find the courage to start conversation, but slowly, it starts to come to him easy.
over the years, he's seen you introduce your older boyfriends to your friends. he's also seen you get your heartbroken because the men that you chose to love were straight up losers.
what is he to do? clearly, you have a type and it's not him. although, he is confident he can treat you far better.
you like dark hair and tattoos, "manly" looking men but they don't even hold the door for you. what the hell is wrong with you? nanami swears, if he was yours, you'd never look back.
nanami is freshly nineteen, listening to you talk to shoko and utahime about how relationships are no longer worth your time. something inside of him feels disgusting because you're pouring your heart out and god, he just thinks you're so beautiful.
when he confesses to you for the first time, he is twenty-one and it's winter. it's been three years since your last relationship and you haven't pursued another since. he knows it's a long shot, but he goes for it anyways.
you smile, hand on his arm, "you deserve better than me, kento. but thank you, truly. i'm flattered you think of me so highly."
nanami raises a brow, "who doesn't?"
you're halfway into your door, smiling sadly. "you'd be surprised."
six months later, you're in cahoots with a horrible man and nanami thinks he's going to go bald early. why do you do this to yourself????
since his confession, he's tried to be mindful so he doesn't make you uncomfortable. but in the most friendship way possible, he tries to show you there are men (meaning: him, he is best fit for you) that are willingly to love you the way you deserve (him).
you, on the other hand, are biting your nails as far as you can, you cannot be catching feelings for nanami kento? you've never seen him in a romantic light, even after he confessed, but recently there has to be something poisonous in the air.
you blocked that douchebag two days ago because talking to him makes you feel disgusting. but you think you might unblock him to save nanami.
nanami cannot be yours, sure he's younger than you and you swore you would never date a younger man because they're so "immature", but nanami is a good... mature person. he is honest and hardworking, growing into his features and in turn, becoming more handsome as the years go by.
you'd be lying if you weren't jealous thinking about the woman that he would call his one day.
you think it's for the better. nanami cannot get caught up with your antics. he's really only seen the good sides and the thought of him seeing your bad sides makes you nauseous. he'd hate you, for sure. then what would you do?
but it doesn't matter, you don't even like him like that! but he's such a good friend you can't fathom the thought of ruining your friendship.
but what if he gets a girlfriend? you're pacing back and forth in your living room, obviously you can't be close with him anymore because that is just so suspicious.
oh my god. you're spiralling.
what do you do? you call nanami.
you tell him everything and more, that you're sorry, that you might be confused but your gut is telling you otherwise. you cry on the phone to him because you're at a loss and you feel so guilty.
nanami does not say a word or make a sound.
until, you hear a knock on your door through the phone and in real life.
"will you let me see you?" he asks, desperate. "i need to see you."
"you had me waiting for so long." he mutters, hips swinging into yours. he has you in a mating press, forehead pressed against yours. "am i making you feel good, beautiful? tell me."
you nod, legs quivering at his sides. "you're so good—i.. i think i'm gonna cum again!"
he shushes you, kissing you so deeply your mind goes blank. he starts thrusting harder and your mind is so mushy you can't even kiss him back. nanami groans, this can't be real. you feel so good that he might get addicted.
he can't let you go now that he's had a taste. he's not letting you go.
you love him. you told him in a panic over the phone.
you love him.
he needs you wholeheartedly and even though he had to wait almost eight years, he would gladly wait another eight years because if it's not you, it's no one. over the years he's loved you one-sidedly, he did a lot of thinking.
a silly high school crush ended up swallowing him whole. he was searching for you in all the blind dates gojo made him go on because gojo was convinced he was cooked and that you would not like him back.
so to see gojo's jaw dropping when you kissed nanami on the lips in the jujutsu tech courtyard, made his heart swell.
he was always yours.
you think that maybe, you've loved nanami for longer than you've thought.
"thanks for waiting for me." you breathe, "i'll make you happy."
nanami smiles, "you will always make me happy."
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jack-ackles · 1 month
i have waited long enough to say this but LORD DEBLING IS AN ASSHOLE.
i cant fucking take all these tweets and "opinions" saying penelope should've ended up with debling and that debling is better than colin
all those people can go and (i can't stress this enough) fuck themselves!!!!!
A man in his mid forties looking for a bride in a room full of eligible women in the age group 18-22
He was looking for a wife in the room full of girls who wished for a good match, loving and dashing husband.. but HE wasn't looking for "love" as he would always love nature more.
He wanted to marry asap so that he could leave for his tour, which also meant:
he wanted a wife who would basically be his housekeeper and look after his estate.
which probably also mean, since he doesn't have a family, he would leave for his tour but not before getting his supposed wife preggo so that he will have an heir to continue his legacy in case something happens to him. that's why he was looking for a wife urgently this year.
he was looking for someone LOYAL? but when did he ever give any hint that he would not cheat? he was the one to roam the world meet thousands of people.. no promise of being loyal himself but wanted to leave a wife behind him to take care of his properties AND be alone waiting for him?
The way he didn't need more than one hint that penelope was in love with someone else to cancel his proposal makes me sickkk, not a chance, no understanding, just a direct assumption that she WILL cheat behind his back.. its a proof he just wants a housekeeper and someone to make and look after his heir, NOT. A. WIFE!!!
Also, lets look at this from penelope's angle.
to all who think lord debling is in the race and there is a debling-penelope-colin love triangle are sadly mistaken and once again i blame media illiteracy of people.
the only reason pen even looked at debling's way was because she gave up hopes of LOVE and a happy fulfilling life. When she realized if she wants freedom from featheringtons for rest of her life she needs to get out there and marry someone from whatever options she can get,to fit in society. she gave up on waiting for colin to love her back, she gave up on colin (and thus, the first polin kiss). And the first, only and best option she got was lord debling.
And as for colin..
When he said "I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington", The intent behind his words was not to belittle Penelope but rather for his friends to know that the nature of their is relationship as friends only.
(ofcourse this is obvious because colin could never say bad things about penelope.. evrr!! but once again.. media illiteracy! or should i say colin haters)
saying colin is a rake who "slept around half of europe".. colin is 22 or 23 years old. trying to fit in society. trying to find a purpose, trying to find intimacy and not feel distant. he is young, he was single, young, didn't have realization of his romantic feelings for yet.
but people are acting like debling in his mid forties did not sleep around.. he literally travels all the time, colin is still half his age. And also, in the show nothing implied he would stay loyal while on tour after being married.
colin didnt realize pen was in love with him so as his friend, a man, he always kept his distance respected her boundaries as a woman. He interacted with pen very less at the balls and events because he is seen as an eligible suitor in the eyes of society and it wouldn't help pen get suitors. in season 3, he hears pen and wants to help her (selflessly as he did with others) to get a suitor - but started realizing his feelings.
but the day he realizes his feelings for pen he didn't play around like other MLs, went straight away to pen, managed to come on right time to stop debling's proposal, he didn't play around.. just confessed his feelings then and there!
i am 101% convinced that whoever keeps saying pen should've ended up with lrd debling really wants her to live a miserable, lonely life even after the show keeps telling us she wants a loving, fulfilling life after what she has to go through with featheringtons.
wanting penelope to end up with old ass debling who is distant detached over a young tall and handsome man who is also her bestfriend, who she also loved ever since she first saw him?.. its cruel. its simply HATE.
"colin couldn't match her intellect"
"colin will definitely end up cheating"
"who would want to marry a rake over a rich smart explorer who would be gone for years and you could live a life like jane austen"
"it felt like throwing the fat girl a bone"
stfu. gtfo. kys. fys.
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blind-sheep · 3 months
As someone who spend so much time on more lgbtq+ settings on the internet, I tend to forget how much the average joe is, by norm, very heteronormative, as is society.
Like, there was this short video on youtube showing the Falin's resurrection scene and all, and some peoples did some comments about it.
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As someone who do ship falin × marcille, and compared to what we see around here, that's pretty mild stuff right?
But as I keep forgetting, some people get quite mad at the simplest suggestion that gay people may exist in their little show.
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Tbf, the first comment may just not be into the ship and is finding reasonings to why it doesn't work on their eyes, but they're very defensive still.
The second comment however is at quite a point of hetero delusion. Falin was about to marry Toshiro? What? It was mentioned he proposed to her, not that she had accepted and was about to marry him! But, to some people, a man liking a woman is enough for them to be already together, no matter how she feels about it, bc it's "the norm" for the boy to get with the girl. Like, he likes her, and that's all that matters so they will totally get together at the end?
Sadly, that's one of the reasons I see Laios × Marcille as a boring ship sometimes. By all means, I see why some people ship it, there is some real reasoning behind it, but I just know the biggest reasoning for most people that ship them is just "he was a boy, she was a girl, do I need to say more?" Type of mindset.
This next one just makes me laugh, it HAS to be bait:
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Like, Marcille NEVERS blush around Falin AND just blushes around Laios? Fella, I don't think we watched the same anime or read the same manga, even people that don't ship them can see that they are a little gay. Or can they? (Vsauce theme starts playing~)
About their age difference and how race works in Dungeon Meshi, that's quite the big topic, not sure I want to stray too much here (there's too much text here as it is).
And about that part that says "makes me think they're all very straight": if this comment is a joke or not, this bit says a lot. Most people see the whole world like that, everyone is straight till proven other wise, and you gotta prove a LOT in media for characters to be gay, or it doesn't count. To most people, being hetero is the norm, and seeing lgbtq+ ships is very hard for most bc of this.
No one is forcing anyone to ship anything here, but lots of people really do forget being gay is even possible sometimes, and get mad at us for shipping what reflect our realities (at least in our eyes). Especially in the anime community, where the simple threat that their "waifu" may not like dudes send some fellas into a fit of rage and homophobia.
And I know, the focus of Dungeon Meshi is not romance and never was, and we can't see the story only through these lenses, I agree with that. But people will ship anything in any show, and I just used it as an example to talk about this topic. It's something that comes often to my mind and I never had the chance to talk about it till now.
Here's a little Farcille gif as a treat for those that read all this rant of mine:
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( so cuute~ )
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yeoblurbs · 11 months
Angst with a happy ending & Hurt/comfort
Pairing: Hansol Vernon Chwe x Fem!Reader
WC: 2.07k
Warnings: Small mention of aggressive physical behavior in the first paragraph (not any members), mentions of a child needing surgery, a few curse words, crying, & subtle hints of anxiety
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When Hansol is angry with you, he is honest.
he does not yell; the notion of using a misplaced sense of dominance with a masculine shout is unthinkable to him. he does not grab you aggressively, the thought of touching you in a way that wasn’t intimate and gentle never crossing his mind. and Hansol does not use your feelings against you; words shared in whispers passed through dark nights are kept safe within him, a heart-shaped lock as protection that only you have the key to.
so when Hansol is angry with you, he is calm and honest. except that is what hurts you most. it is the fact that everything he says comes straight from the heart. and while you’re thankful he isn’t explosive when angry, his truthful words find a way to harm you more than he realizes.
“I’m just saying, you could stand to be a little more responsible.” he shakes his head, frowning at you in disappointment. “You’re a grown woman, how can you possibly misplace something so important to me; to us?”
your stomach rolls uncomfortably at the implication that you didn’t care enough about your ring to keep it safe. it wasn’t like you did it on purpose. you know how much that ring means to Hansol especially, having been a family heirloom that has been passed down from generations.
but you worked at a hospital, and had no choice but to take it off each time you walked into a surgery. Hansol knew that, but it seemed you needed to remind him. “Don’t make it sound like that, Hansol,” you say briskly, wiping your cheeks. “You know how much I have to take it off, I just refuse to keep it at home because I want it with me at all times.”
He scoffs, “Well, look how that turned out for you.” and your face crumples miserably at his words.
he goes to grab his keys, and you reach for his arm instinctively, “Where are you going? You’re just going to leave while we’re in the middle of something serious?”
he looks you in the eye, giving you a blank stare as he gently removes your hand from his arm. always so soft, even when he’s angry, you think sadly.
“I think we’ve discussed everything needed already. I understand where you’re coming from, but I’m still upset,” he sighs, and you’re not sure what expression shows on your face, but if it’s anything close to how you feel then you’d assume it is the epitome of heartbreak.
“I’m just going to hang out with Shua today, I’ll see you later tonight, okay?” he says, kissing your forehead when you nod brokenly. and with that, he’s out the door, and you finally allow yourself to collapse into sobs.
how could you have been so stupid? misplacing his mother's ring, the most cherished item Hansol has; something he had given to you, entrusted to you. you ignore the incessant tears cascading down your cheeks and think of what you can do. you need to fix this; you need to find the ring.
“Dude, you know you’re not being fair with her, right? You know her profession, she literally has no choice but to remove all the shit from her hands.” Joshua reprimands from his place in his kitchen, Hansol sitting on his couch with a cup of coffee.
He blows on it softly, watching the steam disappear before returning. “I know, I know, but you have to understand why I’m so upset too. That ring meant so much to my mother, so much to me. She showed it to me when I was a child and told me it was meant for the one I love most.” he feels his frustration building again and takes a gulp of his drink.
Joshua walks out of the kitchen, coming to sit on the couch next to Hansol. “I get it, I really do, but don’t you think Y/n is also upset about losing it? You’re making it seem like you are the only person who’s upset and who had an attachment to the ring,” he clicks his tongue, “and I know Y/n loved that ring just as much as you did, otherwise you would’ve never given it to her.”
Hansol sits there processing his words, before putting his mug down on the coffee table in front and rubbing his hands on his face. he knows Joshua is right, and now he feels like an ass. “Fuck, okay. You’re definitely right but I kind of- well I did, invalidate her feelings while talking with her.” he looks stressed when he lifts his head, facing Joshua. “I need to apologize.”
“Well, that much is clear.” Joshua nods, patting his friend on his shoulder comfortingly. “Listen, Y/n is quite literally fucking whipped for you. I have never seen someone so in love,”
Hansol smiles at his words, butterflies erupting in his stomach at the thought of your adoring eyes. Joshua giggles at Hansol's smitten expression, “You just need to apologize and reassure her that she is worth more than that ring, because from what you’ve told me, your last conversation made it seem like you had your priorities fucked.” he shrugs.
“Plus, you leaving instead of reassuring her probably made things worse; in fact, she’s probably crying right now.” he points out, eyeing Hansol’s face and waiting for a reaction; and a reaction he gets.
Hansol immediately stands up, throwing on his sweater and grabbing his keys before running to Joshua and hugging him from the couch, “Thank you so much, Shua. I literally don’t know what I’d do without you.” he mumbles. Joshua pats his head softly, “I know, no need to thank me. Just go get your girl, Nonie.”
Hansol nods and flashes him a gummy smile before slipping on his shoes and running out the door.
Joshua shakes his head from the couch, chuckling to himself, “These kids.”
Hansol struggles to get the key from his pocket, balancing a bouquet of pink Lilies in one hand and your favorite food in the other. He manages to get the door open and attempts to be quiet as he places the items on the dining table.
the apartment is silent; he squints his eyes in confusion. “Baby? Y/n?” he calls, opening your bedroom door and finding the bed neatly done without you there.
his eyes scan the entire room before he bolts to the living room, frantically looking for you and realizing you’re not there. he immediately fumbles for his phone and clicks your contact. he puts it to his ear, “Pick up, come on Y/n pick up,” he whispers.
“Hi, sorry, you’ve reached my voicemail-”
he hangs up the phone and decides to text you.
To: y/n<3
Baby??? Can you pick up please? [Unread]
I’m sorry for earlier, but I’d like to talk about it now if that’s okay. [Unread]
I’m trying not to do the over protective boyfriend stuff but i’m getting a little anxious, my love. [Unread]
I would understand if you’re mad at me, but would you please just call me back? Please? [Unread]
You’re worrying me, just tell me you’re okay. [Unread]
Let’s talk about it, please? I’m not mad anymore, I just want you to respond, I’m getting worried baby. [Unread]
Y/n, I’m begging you to just tell someone you’re okay. I’ve called around and no one knows where you are. [Unread]
If you don’t want to come home, that’s fine, but please let us know that you’re safe. [Unread]
Hansol is two seconds from leaving his apartment and physically searching for you himself before the front door opens. his head snaps up, watching you sniffle and hang your coat up, placing your keys on the counter with a sigh.
he walks to you with quick steps, and you jump, startled when you look up and he’s right there. you open your mouth to speak, but he grabs your waist gently, pulling you into him.
“Where were you?! You didn’t pick up any of my calls, I was so fucking worried, Y/n.” he cards a hand through your hair, trying to soothe not only you, but himself.
you overcome your shock and place your hands on his arms, moving away so you can look at him, “I’m sorry, Nonie. My phone died and I didn’t have anyone else’s to use.”
Hansol makes a face at your words, staring at your appearance. your hair is messy, your eyes are swollen, and you look utterly exhausted; Hansol wants to cry at your disheveled look. “Baby, you can’t just go out for hours on end without telling a single person where you’re going, and then not respond to any of your calls or texts.” he flicks your forehead softly and you pout in response.
“I… was thinking about our conversation earlier,” you murmur, and Hansol's face softens. “I had misplaced the ring before an eight-to-ten-hour surgery.” tears fill your eyes again as Hansol cups your face, wiping them before they can fall. “I was so tired, and it was a little boy and I just… my head wasn’t there and I forgot where I placed the ring beforehand.” you sniffle, looking at Hansol's chest to avoid his eyes.
he lifts your face gently with the hand cupping your cheek and pecks your lips once. “I am so incredibly fucking sorry. you did nothing wrong, I was being an unreasonable ass.”
you stare into his irises, bottom lip pushing out as he swipes over it, “It’s okay, Nonie,” you whisper. but he shakes his head in response, “It’s absolutely not okay. You’re allowed to be really freaking mad at me right now, baby. You’re too forgiving.” he smiles, kissing your temple, “But that’s one of the many things I love about you, I guess.”
“You guess?!” you scrunch your nose at him, and he laughs, gums peeking out adorably as he kisses your nose. “I love everything about you, you know that.” your cheeks redden, and you look away with a faux sulk. Hansol is momentarily distracted by the very cute face you are making, when he remembers what he’s been worried about for hours.
“Okay, I understand why you lost the ring, and really, I’m not mad about it anymore, but that doesn’t really explain where you’ve been all these hours.” he reminds gently, tucking your hair behind your ears.
you look up at him somewhat abashed, “Ah… right. So after our conversation, I decided to… look for the ring?” you squeak out the last part, and Hansol looks at you incredulously, “You’ve been searching for the ring for hours?” he shouts, and you shrink in on yourself at his tone.
Hansol sighs when he looks at your expression, lowering his voice, “Baby, I’m really not mad, at least not at you.” he ruffles his hair with one hand. “I’m just so pissed at myself for letting you think you had to go search for it for hours. I wish you didn’t have to put yourself through that.”
he cups your face, drawing you closer as your noses touch, “No ring in this entire universe is worth as much as you. I can replace a ring, heirloom or not; but there is only one you, and I would give up everything for you.”
you can’t help yourself and drag your hand up his neck, into his hair as you pull his head down, lips touching his. he kisses you with fervor; with love, and you smile into the kiss, prompting Hansol to do the same. when you part, he pecks you over, and over again, until you’re giggling and pushing him away as he laughs.
with bright eyes, he grabs your hand and drags you to the couch, forcing you to sit down. you look up at him questioningly, “I bought your favorite, wait here and I’ll reheat it.”
you nod with a smile and he kisses your cheek before running to the kitchen.
that night, Hansol reassures you with more kisses and cuddles, promising you all the love he has to offer. the two of you go to bed, your face tucked into his neck as you breathe in his soft cologne, staring at the pink Lilies sitting in a vase beside you.
you fiddle with the ring on your finger as you smile into Hansol's neck, eyes drooping on the verge of sleep. well, you could surprise Hansol with the ring tomorrow, you supposed, after all, he was yours and you were his, regardless of any ring.
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a/n: well… I ignored the several almost completed drafts I have just to write this in one night. first Seventeen fic, had to do Vernon<3
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crazy-pages · 8 months
Blue Eyed Samurai and Queer Gender
There's a reason so many trans people keep reading trans identity into Mizu.
Because even if she's cis, her gender is still queer.
Lemme back up for a second. Queer identity is deeply intertwined with experiencing sex and gender in ways which are fundamentally non-normative and non-conformative for the societies we live in. It is about being "other" to what society's default is. There are reasons that queer liberation movements have historically often allied with kink communities, with polyamorous circles, and with feminist movements. There's overlap there, in being outside a tightly constrained norm and demanding equality and recognition. And this also means that what queer is, is defined in part by the society it stands in opposition to.
Because for contrast there have been societies, historically, which have been fully accepting of trans people or even had specific social norms and customs around nonbinary gender. The colonizing Spaniards found and recorded interactions (typically violent, sadly) with trans people in what's now Mexico who lived, married, and were recognized in their societies without regard for their genitals. There are entire fields of study around various historical recognition of nonbinary identities. None of these people existed in opposition to the societies they lived in. Heck if we look at sexuality, the ancient Greeks would certainly not have seen men having sex with men as queer (though they would have judged and demeaned the bottom), but some of them certainly pathologized women who had sex with women. In such a society bisexual men would not be queer, while bisexual women would be.
Queer is contextual. Someone who lives in a fully accepting society as a trans person, who never has contact with a culture where that acceptance isn't the norm? I'm not sure I would call them queer. At the very least, there's a definition of queer as the embrace of one's sexual and/or gender non-normativity which such a person might very well not opt into. That person might not feel queer. We might not share that emotional experience.
And where this comes back to Blue Eyed Samurai is that it's possible to be cis and to be marked unavoidably and unalterably queer by one's society. A cis woman living in the US today who feels absolutely cis but cannot, for whatever reason, stand wearing dresses and must wear pants? Might experience some gender non-conforming experiences, but not necessarily be queer. That same woman in 1890s US? Her gender expression would be outright illegal as a form of crossdressing. She would be seen with the same lens as a trans man and their experiences of gender would both be queer, despite one being cis and one being trans. If such a woman, despite being cis and straight and allosexual and alloromantic and all the rest, told me she felt queer? It would not surprise me in the least.
So if you define queer as any kind of experience or internal feeling, as a state of othered existence rather than a specific set of prescriptive definitional boxes that fit our specific societal norms and practices? Mizu is queer. Mizu might or might not be queer if you transplanted her into the 2020s US where I live. But to define her by how she would fit in our society's boxes is fundamentally missing the point of both the queer experience and the story of Blue Eyed Samurai. (And she might not be cis here, he might be a trans man, or they might be nonbinary. It's hard to say ... and this is why queer history scholars step carefully around modern definitions, by the by.)
What we can say is that who Mizu is, in the context of Edo period Japan, is queer. Whether Mizu is genderfluid, or a trans man, or a cis woman who hates having to be undercover, or a cis woman who thrives being undercover, or a cis woman performing drag, or a trans man who thinks of himself as a woman in drag because he lacks context for being transgender? It's all queer gender. There is no framing in which Mizu wouldn't relate to the experience of queer gender.
Mizu doesn't get to experience gender in a normative way. That's both because of who she is at her core, and something that's defined by society without her consent. She is queer, innately born so and structurally made so at the same time, and that's not a contradiction.
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softrozene · 1 year
Reacting to Dutch Wanting a Night with Their Girl
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Anonymous requested: Okay, so, I’ve had this in my head for a while. Dutch is a gross old guy who likes pretty young ladies, right? Well, Arthur/John/Javier has this real cute and super affectionate little thing on his arm. What? They’re married/engaged/dating? No, it’s fine. He taught that boy how to read! Giving up his girl for a night isn’t that big of a deal, he’s sure asking them in the middle of camp will go well. 
rdr2 masterlist
ALJSFDASKL This is so long omg. Let me know if you wanted something specific or anything- Wasn’t too sure if it was a request but I had to give my input. This is how I thought they would react and lmao this was super fun. 
Originally published on January 5, 2021
Arthur, Javier, John x Female Reader
Warnings: Dutch is super gross in this - We don’t stan, we do stan the three who stick up for their girl, Dutch is vulgar - I really did Dutch dirty in this but it was bound to happen eventually.
Words: ~900
Okay, one thing they all share in common is if it were you saying that Dutch said something to you, they would all be hesitant. Like “Nah, he didn’t mean it that way” or “Are you sure he said that?” or “I’ll go talk to him”- Then they end up doubting you as Dutch lies his way out of it (Yes, they would sadly be the dudes that apologizes for their friend’s behavior too)
They are hesitant only because Dutch did offer them a chance as part of the family in the gang- He did give them a decent chance at life and as anon said- Taught them to read and write. They see him as someone they owe a great lot to- so if you suddenly talk bad about him, they will want to defend him, or he will point the blame at you
In other words, their loyalty to Dutch will for sure make them not believe you at first
However- If they witness it that is an entirely different story:
Charles wasn’t asked for, but I will say since he is not that close with Dutch other than respecting him for being treated well in the gang, he will straight-up knock out Dutch the second he hears anything vulgar- Or whether you inform him. You matter more than the gang and he will defend you
 Arthur Morgan-
You have been skittish lately. That does not sit well with Arthur since you are only skittish with Dutch around- He thinks it is just because you are shy and nothing else until-
Dutch- Sweet, old, crazy Dutch comes up to the both of you, more so looking at Arthur in an expecting way and asks for a night with you- With others as witnesses nonetheless?
All of you would be stunned-
Dutch has a fucking serious tone- Arthur will be frozen then just stare at him for the longest time
“Dutch- You drunk?”
“What? Son, I would never- I was simply asking a hypothetical ‘what if’ question since you have such a divine being hanging on your arm all the time. You can’t deny the chemistry we have when we look- Hey now, don’t give me that look, Son. You know I would only ask if it would benefit you-“
He would keep saying creepy things along those lines and Arthur just snaps
Either by straight-up punching him in the face- Tackling him- Anything, no one can pry him off of Dutch until he good and satisfied that this once honorable man he looked up to will never gaze upon you again in that creepy face
He loses all respect for Dutch and Dutch’s confidence with how he thought he could get Arthur’s girl for a night
Everyone is wary and on edge, but it is for the better
Molly probably opens up her eyes
 John Marston-
Dutch does not even have to say anything- John notices the looks he has been giving you and he does not like it one bit
Dutch would not go to him first- Instead, John would confront him in the middle of the camp and be like “You serious right now Dutch? Eyeing my woman when I am right here, and Molly is over there?”
Dutch will respond: “I ain’t touching- I am just looking.” Or “Can you blame me? Look at her.”
“That is low- Even for you Dutch”
If Dutch even tries to defend himself, be fancy with his words, or place the blame on you- You can bet John will not hold back- The boys will have to pry him off Dutch (after letting John get a few hits in because Dutch ain’t as sly as he thinks he is)
This really is one of the worse things John has seen and he won’t stand with it (depending on how much he cares about you tbh) Like if he sees you as his wife you bet, he is ready to ditch the gang again but with you this time
We’re pretending Abigail and Jack are in a healthy place- Not this universe lamflasd
 Javier Escuella-
I really hate to say this guys but the way Javier reacts depends on what chapter you are in- In the gang.
Before Chapter 5+6 he would react on your behalf-
“Dutch- Did you really ask if you can borrow mi amor?”
He is pissed- He is beyond livid, he will try to be calm and collected but that will not last long and he will act on your behalf demanding Dutch respects you
If this happens after 5 and during 6- He will really think about it
He already betrayed Arthur and John, the gang is falling apart, all he has is Dutch and you- So he will really consider it (but I doubt he would let Dutch go through with it)
After Chapter 6 though- He will not hesitate to cut a bitch Dutch
He realized that he really lost the family that had his back, and it is all because of Micah and Dutch so if Dutch has the gall to ask him after everything you all went through- It is on- He will fight for your honor and he will apologize constantly afterward for helping to ruin the family you both loved and shared
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gingiesworld · 9 months
Family Is Forever
Chapter Eight
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Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader
Warnings: Angst
Taglist: @fxckmiup @ginnsbaker @gb12d @angrywhisperslove @louxbloom @casquinhaa @natashamaximoff-69 @wizardofstories @canvascoloredin @wandanats-goodgirl @forthelesbians @the-ox-fan20 @marvelogic
Over the next week, Pietro decided to stay with his sister and the twins. Especially with the police coming back and forth, even having Y/N's statement from when they had done it over a zoom meeting. Just recounting the events made their blood boil as they tried everything to keep it together.
"I think this separation is pointless." Pietro stated as the twins were doing their homework. "You and Y/N are meant to be Wanda and everyone who knows the two of you will say the same."
"No." She told him bluntly as she turned to face him, drying her hands on the towel after she washed the dishes. "I get that everyone has Y/N on this high pedestal but."
"But nothing Wanda." He cut her off, stopping her from saying something she will regret. "They risked everything to protect you. Even the hell they went through as they bought this house for you and the twins."
"You knew?" She questioned as he just nodded. "And you never told me a thing."
"Y/N wanted it to be a surprise, especially with the deed being in the twins name." He told her. "They wanted the three of you looked after in case something happened to them. Especially after that night they were walking home when the car was in the shop."
"What night?" Wanda questioned as his eyes widened, realising he had said to much.
"It was the night you accused them of cheating because they wouldn't answer their phone." He told her. "They managed to use a nearby bar phone to call me and ask me for help."
"What happened?!" Wanda questioned once more.
"They were mugged Wanda." He told her. "The guy had a gun and he held it against their forehead as he robbed their phone, wallet and everything that had any sort of value. Even their dad's watch was stolen."
"Why didn't they tell me?" She whispered as he sighed.
"The twins were babies and Y/N was scared of your mood swings because let's face it. You were a real mean woman when you could be." He chuckled as she looked down.
"It was me who faded first." She whispered sadly. "I was the one who pulled away first, it wasn't them."
"Wanda." Pietro tried as she stood up straight.
"I think I've made a mistake." She told him shakily. "No, I know I have made a mistake."
"Then you need to be the one to fix it." He told her sternly as she just nodded, grabbing her phone and sending a simple text. The same text as to when Y/N had told her parents.
'We need to talk.'
She waited all night until she had gotten a reply, laying as she looked at the phone as it a vibrated. Signalling that they have replied to her. Her heart beating incredibly fast as she picked it up.
'After Billy's decathelon, we can have a coffee.'
Wanda smiled knowing that it was going to be as fast as a couple of days. They would be back home in New Jersey in time for Billy's big event. So she soon fell asleep with a memory in mind.
Y/N led Wanda through the house, the one they had managed to rent so they could move out of her parents home.
"I figured this would be a nice well, second home for the four of us." They told her softly.
"Y/N." She whispered as she walked through to the kitchen. "I don't know what to say."
"Just tell me if you like it or not." They told her as they watched her. "If you don't like it we can get someplace else."
"How will we afford it?" She asked them.
"Your dad mentioned he will give us a loan for the deposit and I will be paying him back." They told her. "With my apprenticeship coming to an end, I am getting a pay rise and we can get second hand furniture for now until we save up for brand new." As Y/N rambled on about everything, Wanda just walked around the house, a smile growing on her face before she turned to Y/N.
"Let's do it." She told them, cutting them off. "Let's put down the deposit. I know mom is going to miss the twins but I know she will be happy to get a full nights sleep."
"So we're doing this?" They asked her with a smile, approaching her with their arms open.
"We're doing this." She squealed as she jumped into their arms as they lifted her up, spinning her around as she held on to them tightly. When she pulled back, she had her bottom lip between her teeth. Y/N started to lean in, they were drawn to her like a moth to a flame. Kissing her lips softly before she pushed her tongue between her parted lips. Causing them to groan as they soon pushed her up against the nearest wall.
The kiss grew hungrier as Wanda started to grind against Y/N. Taking all of their strength to pull away from her, looking in her hooded eyes as they brushed the hair from her face.
"We should wait 'til later." They whispered as Wanda nodded, her breathing calming down as Y/N helped her on her feet. "This isn't our home yet."
"Maybe when we officially move in, the twins can stay with mom and dad." She suggested as Y/N nodded, kissing her tenderly before they stepped away from her. Wanda already missing their warmth as she soon moved away from the wall.
"Let's head home to our boys." Y/N held their hand out for her to take as she just nodded with a soft smile on her lips. Ready to start in this new chapter with them.
Everyone had gathered in the auditorium, preparing for the Decathelon. Billy approached his mom and Tommy excitedly. A huge smile on his face which soon dropped when he noticed that Y/N hadn't arrived yet.
"Where's O'pa?" He asked as Wanda looked around the other parents.
"I don't know. They might be running a little late." Wanda reasoned as Billy just nodded.
"They promised." He whispered as Wanda got down to his level.
"And they always keep their promises." She told him as he nodded with a smile. "Now, go and prepare with your team and we will be here, cheering you on."
"Ok." He smiled before he disappeared, Wanda led Tommy to a seat as Nat and Maria were already sat in a seat.
"Y/N still isn't here." Wanda stated as she took a seat beside Nat.
"What?" Maria questioned as Wanda nodded.
"They promised him and they aren't even here." She scoffed as she got her phone out, dialling their number which just rang out before going to voicemail.
"They must have a reasonable explanation." Nat reasoned as Wanda shook her head.
"They promised him they would be here." Wanda spoke bluntly. "They promised and they have failed to keep it."
"It's just ringing." Maria stated as she tried to call them again.
"Maybe they're stuck in traffic." Nat told her as Wanda just shook her head. Anger coursing through her veins at her soon to be ex. "They are coming from Manhatten Wanda. It is a fair distance."
As the event started, Maria disappeared as she continued to try to get through to Y/N. Soon enough it just went to voicemail without ringing.
Once the event was over, Maria had asked Steve for help in finding them. Soon returning to Nat, Wanda and the twins. A sad Billy as Wanda hugged him.
"Anything?" Nat questioned her.
"Nothing." She informed her. "Now it's not even ringing, just going straight to voicemail."
"Come on. Let's head home." Wanda told the twins. "When you find them, tell them they need to watch their back." With that Wanda left as Nat followed her friend.
"Maria is going to find them." Nat said as she stood beside the passenger door. "So how about we celebrate the win, go to McDonalds and then ice cream?"
"Yeah." Both boys cheered as Wanda gave her friend a grateful smile before they all got settled in the car. Driving to the nearest McDonalds as Tommy spoke animatedly about Billy's win.
Maria headed straight to the station, just in time for Steve to approach her. A solemn look on his face.
"There's been a 14 car pile up on the interstate." He informed her. "The same interstate that Y/N would be on."
"Do you think?" She questioned as she followed him out to her car.
"If they were in the hospital, someone would have been notified." He told her as she drove towards the accident.
"So they are stuck." Maria stated. "And we don't know the extent of their injuries."
"No." He told her. "So far, there has been around four admissions. The emergency services are working as fast as they can."
Once they had arrived at the scene, Maria's heart dropped at the sight. Everyone was working as hard as they could to get everyone out and treated. That was when she spotted their car, right in the middle. Her heart dropped as she ran to their car, hoping that what she was thinking right now was wrong.
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strrwbrrryjam · 9 months
the lengths people in the rdr2 fandom will go to to justify someone else being the rat or that "micah didn't work alone" is astonishing
most of it really boils down to misogyny and racism which is sadly so common in the fandom but, god its still so dumbfounding
from the moment we meet micah, you can tell he isn't a good guy, he's antagonistic, he's racist, he's sexist, he's basically an awful fucking person, an obvious bad guy with little to no redeeming qualities about him
no one (except dutch) in the gang likes him, and for good reason, he's gross to the woman, he kills cain, he makes fun of jack and uses slurs against charles and lenny and javier, and the little good moments there are of him with other camp members he ruins pretty soon after because he is not a man that can hide his bigotry for even a minute
he's an awful fucking guy, and he's extremely greedy! he goes on and on and on about the blackwater money, to the point that arthur has an antagonistic line about him that "he (Micah) hasn't mentioned the blackwater money for a minute," (or at least something like that)
its obvious that he doesn't care about anyone in the gang except dutch, he sees all of them as a means to an end, and the same goes for dutch- dutch isn't nothing but a pawn to him, but he's only kind to dutch and on his goodside because if you suck up to the leader, it doesn't matter if the rest of the gang members don't like him, because they can't do nothing if dutch likes him
while i despise him, i will say that he is a very interesting character to talk about, as he is a man who will do anything and everything to benefit him, it doesn't matter who he hurts or kills along the way, he's only in it for himelf
so of course, if something better comes his way, say for instance... a huge pay out for bringing down one of americas most notorious gang, he will bring them down from the inside out.
i mean jesus fucking christ, if you go to his camp from the mission where you steal a carriage from the o'driscolls, you can find dutch van der linde's wanted poster at his camp! while it may not have been his plan at the start, there is evidence that he was at least thinking about turning in the van der linde gang, the pinkertons just dropped the opportunity into his lap
and really, people thinking that molly and abigail are the rat? do you people not think? do you have a brain in your head? I've even seen people think poor lenny was the rat, jesus christ
molly o'shea was not the rat, milton literally told arthur that they "shook her down a few times but never said a peep" and why in the world would he lie about that? if it was to protect molly, that would be stupid, because arthur asks him to clarify that it was "micah? not molly?" and milton literally rats micah out, gloating to him that micah was the real rat
yes molly confessed, but it wasnt an actual confession, it was the words of a desperate, heartbroken woman, who was so heartbroken that she wanted to die. people need to think for a second, and realise that molly o'shea is not fucking stupid. she knows that telling the gang that she runs with that telling them she ratted them out would be suicide.
"oh but what did she want to say to arthur those times, hm??? what do you have to say about that???" shut up shut up shut up, maybe what she wanted to tell him that the pinkertons were capturing and interrogating gang members individually because that's what they did to her!!! again, confessing to arthur would be straight-up suicide. he's the most loyal man in the gang, the third member of the gang, the old guard, he's one of the worst people in the gang to confess to being the rat too, and I don't care if people disagree with me, molly o'shea is a smart woman, it doesn't make sense for her to tell him that she was the rat, but it makes sense to tell him about what the pinkertons are doing!!
(she could have also been wanting to tell him that dutch has changed, or something like that as we don't truly know, given that she was interrupted, but again telling him that she was the rat doesn't make sense.)
and the people who think abigail is the rat are just, downright stupid.
people like to accuse abigail of being the rat for a lot of reasons, like, for instance, "abigail got away but hosea didn't." and man I laugh at these people.
hosea is an incredibly important member of the gang, he's the second in command, it may be called "van der linde gang" but it began when dutch and hosea joined. he, dutch and arthur are what makes up the old guard, so of course the pinkertons would be going for him and not the young woman who hasn't been in the gang long enough to truly make a name for herself, like dutch van der linde, hosea matthews and arthur morgan have.
its also the fact that because she hasn't made a name for herself, it could be the fact that the pinkertons dont even know who she is! sure, she may have been seen on jobs, but do you really think abigail would been seen on a lot of jobs when she has a kid she cares about with the gang? do you really think she would risk jack being an orphan, since his daddy dont want anything to do with him? do you really think shes that stupid???
shes also dressed in a way to disguise herself with the rest of the civilians in the saint denis!!! so even if she was at some point seen by the pinkertons, shes now wearing something that disguises who she is.
"oh but how did they capture hosea?" hosea is an old man with a chronic health condition, throughout the chapters of the game he goes on about how these are his last days, and he probably wont even survive the year, while abigail is a young, healthy woman who is reasonably fit, she could easily out run hosea and the pinkertons and easily disguise herself
and more importantly, do you really think hosea matthews wouldn't sacrifice himself for abigail? throughout the story, he speaks to john and abigail about leaving the gang, about taking jack and going to a safe space, and live their life without the threat of being downed by a gunshot wound? or having to move everytime they are discovered? its no place to raise a child, and hosea knows that
hosea is also right in saying that this gang is damned. that they cannot survive the year, and he's right, they don't. so why wouldn't hosea sacrifice himself for her? why wouldn't that make sense to you?
(i mean, i think i know why, because it is such a tragic thought to have, but the story of rdr2 is a tragedy.)
and to the people who think that lenny is the rat, but don't give any evidence or thought to it? think logically, man.
do you honestly think a black man in the 19th century would willingly talk to lawman? do you really think that?
all of this to say, its just so stupid the lengths people go to to try to make micah not the rat, or not the only rat, its just abysmal really
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theroundbartable · 11 days
Okay, if you were asked who are in Merlin BBC & Voltron that you can see based on canon that are gay/bi/pan/demi, which characters are they? Why?
What a fun ask I'm totally not doing to procastinate on cooking... XD
BBC Merlin
Arthur Pendragon is, in my head, demiromantic and bisexual... It sort of depends on the circumstances/episode. Arthur needs a very long time to really feel connections with people and only starts to consider love after he really gets to know them, hence his constant search for true love in the show. With Merlin I'm not entirely sure if he was attracted to him instantly, strangely enough feeling a connection from the moment they met, or if it takes him till the end of the series when Merlin confesses his magic and finally shows his true self to realise the depth of his feelings.
Merlin is, well... Bi Bi Bi. A disaster bi in fact. With a preference for sweaty men in metal boxes, he's not very peculiar. However, Merlin is a one person hyperfixation kind of guy. Most people are convinced that Merlin's gay.
Gwen: I feel like most people in BBC Merlin are bi and Gwen is no exception. Like Merlin, she prefers the hero type in metal uniforms. But she also had a thing for Morgana in the beginning.
Morgana: lesbian. I have never seen a woman so disinterested in men, I'm not surprised that they casted Katie McGrath in supergirl as supergirls love interest. I might settle for homoromantic and asexual. But definitly in love with Gwen in the very beginning.
Sir Leon, my beloved, the immortal, the one and only, the eternal suffering aro/ace. I don't have to explain this one. The only counter moment is the Lamia episode where Leon suddenly develops interest in women out of nowhere. My personal take is that anyone could be fallen under a Lamia's spell, this one just had a taste for men (and male presenting).
Sir Elian: once upon a time I clocked them as nonbinary and sadly that's as far as I thought into this character. Pretty sure he's aromantic. He/they pronouns. I dunno, I don't think Elian would conform to anything if given a choice. Aromantic too, I think. Like Leon, there is no interest there, but he does play around with Percival and Gwaine quite often, so I'd take that as allosexual.
I am excluding Gwaine because I think canon Gwaine is written as a straight oblivious fuckboy. Albeit a kind one XD fanon Gwaine is often poly/ pan... Or into apples. Lmao XD and I'm not sure about Percival because the man has a dead wife and kids.
Keith: with his lack of interest in women, he can only be gay. That man looks at no one quite the same as he looks at Lance. what the hell was the whole bonding thing if not a hint for post canon klance? Sorry, not sorry XD rivals to best friends to lovers.
Lance: *bi bo bi* bisexual lighting Lance. Doesn't matter if you prefer klance or shallura, this man is a walking bi flag. I don't know what you mean by proof, just look at this wiggly boy with the fingerguns. He can't even sit straight! Can't do math either. He's perfect!
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Shiro: probably the only character in my entire history of shipping that I would unqueer without feeling bad about it. I know he's gay, I just don't really see it in the writing. Of course there aren't always clear signs that someone is gay which is why this is good rep actually (+he's married), but you asked me for proof in the show and all I see is that this man is a dad. That's his gender and his orientation and that's all I really need to know.
Pidge: aro/ace because I love my aroaces and this child loves robots and robots only. Also nonbinary/genderqueer. Pronouns: fuck/off XD
I think Lotor should have been bi. Pre-canon Lotor had us Langsters ship Lotor x Lance and it was so much fun :D
Bob: gender: evil, orientation: villain. I hate this guy
Coran: the georgous man is either gay or pan. More likely pan because I vaguely remember he had a son?
I hope I answered your question reasonably enough XD thank you for the ask, anon :3
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p-r-art · 4 months
The Half Hashira Kap. 4
Muzan sped forwards and stopped right in front of me. I looked up at him, as I am clearly smaller than him. His red eyes. All I see in them right now is malice and destruction.
"It's enough for me that you're not under my control (Y/N). Disrespecting me is crossing your boundaries."
His right hand moved to my neck and slowly began to squeeze. But he knows he's not scaring me off. Rather the opposite.
"Muzan~" I spoke to him in an almost flirtatious tone.
He briefly lost his composure towards me.
This allowed me to free myself from his grip. I rushed behind him. I placed my right hand over his right shoulder from behind and my left hand ran over his left hip up to his chest. As I use my abilities I can look over his left shoulder by hovering. I grinned and brought my lips close to his ear.
"Muzan~ I know, let me make it up to you later when we're alone. And I'm sorry for my disrespect, but Tanjiro and his friends are fun and pique my interest in more ways than one~" I almost purr at him as my cheeks turn red and lewd thoughts flood my mind.
Muzan tenses up under me and, as always, doesn't know how to react when others are around. When we are alone, he knows exactly how to act.
"(Y/N) what do you mean by interesting?" Douma interrupted the moment.
I turned to him and carefully approached him in his robe. With my fingers, I grabbed his chin so he can look directly at me. Douma's cheeks turn red from my closeness.
"Douma~ what do you think we do when we're alone? Interesting in a way and because I want to see what else happens in the fights. If it gets too dicey, I'll save them and intervene." At the end of the sentence, I shrug and look at the Obermonde, who are still kneeling.
-I could never let one of the pillars die. They mean too much to me- It came into my head.
"You're testing my patience." Muzan finally spoke, but his voice didn't sound as harsh as before.
I giggled.
"My sweet upper moons I think it would be better if you left." I spoke calmly. Probably a little too calmly.
The atmosphere in the air became unbearable.
Long nails came out of my hands. The demons were confused and didn't seem to understand what was going on.
"I'm testing your patience demon king? Which one of us can go through the day and night? I think I am the perfection of us." I got louder and louder towards the end of the sentence.
Before any of the demons could react, I had ripped an arm off the black-haired man in the white hat with my speed.
"HOW DARE YOU HURT THE MASTER!!!" Akaza screams and tries to run towards me, but the injured demon king steps in and stops him. His arm had regenerated immediately, of course.
I could also feel his presence right behind me. His hot breath could be felt on my bare skin on my shoulder. It made me shiver. Muzan knows exactly how to get me.
"I know you're perfect. You are what I strive for. But there's something else I want..."
He paused and turned me round so that I had to look him straight in the eye.
"You. I want you (Y/N)."
I've known that for many, many years, but he also knows he'll never have me.
I smile, almost sadly.
"You know you'll never have me. And I think it's better if I leave now."
I looked at the woman sitting at the biwa. She played and let me disappear.
POV On Muzan and the upper moons:
"(Y/N)!!!" Douma shouted.
But the woman was already gone.
"Master how so you don't punish her for what she did to you?" Akaza said, still angry.
"Shut up number 3 you don't know what you're meddling in." Upper Moon number 1 interfered and silenced the other demon.
Silence reigned between them all. It was almost unbearable.
"Kokushibo will keep an eye on her when she's travelling with those ridiculous demon slayers." The man addressed nodded and disappeared immediately.
Everyone else disappeared as well and went about their missions.
"(Y/N)...Even if I have to wait centuries for you, you'll be mine eventually. Even if I have to kill your husband to do it." Muzan muttered, a maniacal smile appearing on his face.
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moonshine999 · 9 months
Aegon and Gold 
Side note : this is a very mixed up “analysis” that sort of combines both show elements as well as some popular fan theories/assumptions since we barely had time with the character (may I remind you all, to possible infuriation, that we never saw Sunfyre up close). So yeah <3
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So I do think it is said quite a lot that Aegon would wear gold to honour Sunfyre and what not and I do believe he would happily do that, it’s just he can’t.
Okay so first let’s just get straight what gold can mean for him. 
Yes of course, it’s the colour of his most beloved dragon. They aren’t strongest dragon - rider bond in all of Targaryen history for nothing. Sunfyre was able to kill dragons much larger than him, defended Aegon in crisis and would not go down without a fight even when he was on the brink of death. Looking at the larger picture I think Sunfyre represents a sort of freedom for Aegon. To fly anywhere he’d like, on his own terms, never to be found and be freed from these shackles of duty that he (initially) does not want. Sunfyre also symbolises him finally having bonded with someone. His father acted as though he didn’t exist ; his mother was too young and pressurised to shape him into a worthy heir (and taking whatever means it takes to do so). His dragon is his very first true bond, him claiming the dragon alone is proof enough that he is a worthy Targaryen (in his head) 
Other than Sunfyre however, gold is also the colour of the first dress we see (a grown up) Helaena in. His lady wife and younger sister. Now going off the show alone, sadly we do not have any scenes of them together but in context and background clues alone (Helaena laughing at his taunts at Jace, Aegon getting jealous when she accepts Jace’s offer, Helaena looking at him with pity/worry when he is crowned - knowing what this means for both of them and so on) I do not think that their marriage is a utter disaster (as some fans suggest). Gold is the first impression of his wife, the mother of their three children. Who do you think he had the courage to vent his heart to when he got too drunk in their shared rooms? Who do you think he constantly sends gifts to, as an apology for not being around? Who do you think Alicent brings up first when the Dyana situation happens? (“think of the shame on your wife..on me”). I do believe that Helaena is some source of happiness for him. It may have taken years to develop a strong bond ,as he did with his dragon, with her but they are there. After three kids and six kingdoms to manage, I think it is fair to assume that they get along fairly well.
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Now obviously there is a lot more to Helaena and Aegon’s marriage than “getting along fairly well” but for the convenience of the post and the topic at hand, I have had to make it somewhat more concise. 
So Gold is definitely a positive colour for him. But one thing that is not gold is the very symbol of his title, claim and rule. His crown.
The crown of the conqueror is black with the red ruby in the middle. I’ve also heard some people call it a dark silver (which would be the direct contrast to gold). So while gold represents his freedom and happiness, silver (the direct contrast) or black (the title colour representing the opposing faction) represent the cage of duty he has to put himself in for his and his family’s safety. During the coronation itself, he does not wear dark green (as he did earlier) or gold (even though he may prefer it) but rather black to represent this in a way. 
In comparison, the crown worn by Rhaenyra (the key figure of team black) is gold. And I think arguably Rhaenyra (even as a Royal woman in Westerosi society) has more freedom than Aegon.
Also the gold crown of The Old King was also worn by Viserys. I do not think that in Aegon’s perspective, his father was a source of happiness in any way. But what could have been, was his crown. Gold and the symbol of King Jaehaerys I, someone who had a long, relatively peaceful reign over Westeros. Since the idea that he was to inherit the throne was put in his head so early, he must have thought about it quite a bit. He did not want it of course but if it had to be done then perhaps, he would have desired a reign like the Old King’s. (Not to mention, he and Helaena named their first borns after Jaehaerys.)
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A few comparisons to my Alicent “analysis” : 
So similar to Alicent leaving her childhood memories with Rhaenyra behind when she became queen (abandoning the colour blue), Aegon also leaves his freedom behind when he becomes king (not wearing gold or green but black)
Both her eldest children and now king and queen (Aegon and Helaena) are following her patterns and reaching their breaking points and have had a shift in their wardrobe to symbolise as such.
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saffitaffi · 2 months
Okay the follow up question
How often does the concept of princess besides all the supernatural stuff is essentially a captive woman that wants freedom affect your perception of the story?
I think it really hits hardest in the Spectre route. She seems so mournful, hurt, angry, and rightfully so. She genuinely just wants to get out and see the nonexistent world, and it’s so melancholy the way she sadly floats around, even if she’s willing to kill you. Frankly Spectre is one of my favorite vessels because she seems like she knows more than she’s letting on, like she’s an actual person outside of the situation she’s in.
Alot of the routes she straight up turns into a murder friendly monster (rightfully so, I mean we do try to kill her) but that makes it difficult to sympathize for her situation. In adversary she straight up doesn’t care about getting out, (ironically, the eye of the needle is pretty much the only one with multiple sprites of the woods when you fight her out there. Some of the others get out but get immediately nuked, thought that was interesting) and in witch she actively sabatoges her one chance at doing so.
Damsel is nice, but almost too nice. Too trusting of a random stranger. Her affection feels surface level at times, but she’s very fun regardless. You feel bad for her initially, but she doesn’t seem all that worked up about it (when you stab her she dies with a smile on her face) so even though you can see it probably hurts there’s not a lot of sympathy for her.
Prisoner really gives the ‘I’m just trying to get out’ vibes, mostly in how she is trying to collaborate with you to get out. She’s ruthless and unforgiving, but it makes sense. She’s unsure and doesn’t know exactly what’s going on, so she tries to mediate our character into a favorable position for her. If all goes well we help her escape. Whether by waiting for eons or carrying her head out, she fulfills that desire.
Drowned and burned gray are both what happens when you betray someone who thought they could trust you. I know that’s kinda witches thing, but witch got betrayed pretty soon after the first good thing we did to her. We helped both damsel and prisoner get out once, but then turned on them the second time, making them both very, very angry. (Drowned gray freaked me out the most, honestly. The bloated corpse got me - uuuuuuuurrrrrghhhhhhhh nooooooooooo) Much like Spectre, they’re ghosts of vengeance. Spirits of betrayal. She really just wanted to get out.
Nightmare was one of the first routes I saw, which was, you know, pretty spooky. In that case you really do get the idea that she’s a danger to the world as well as a captive who wants to get out. Both ideas simultaneously. Stranger is… interesting. You get more of the horror vibes from that route in the main game. Still wish there was something for og stranger idea (the hive) but ey what ya gonna do. She’s too spooky to think of her as just a poor girl trapped in a basement lol
It came a lot more when watching the first couple demos, where the game was still kind of unsure of what it was. The princess taking you aside after every thing you do to her and saying how much she loves you kinda dampens the effects of the individual vessels, I think. It also makes you think of her less as a poor captive, because when she ‘dies’ she doesn’t really die, when she gets ‘hurt’ she doesn’t bear the scars.
Uhhhh rant over, slay the princess is awesome and I could talk for hours but it’s been long enough lmao
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hyperactivewhore · 5 months
The Mikaelson family’s relationships, especially their romantic relationships, are weird. Klaus and Elijah have a weird thing going on in which they share partners (Katherine, Tatia, Hayley - but probably more. I think it’s kinda gross being with someone who’s been with your brother but to each their own I guess). Freya fell in love with someone she kidnapped - which is never a great sign.
But the worst is probably Rebekah who is technically Marcel’s aunt - and yet they’re together romantically. Davina is like Marcel’s daughter - and yet she’s with Kol who is like Marcel’s uncle which would mean that Davina is like Marcel’s aunt. However, if Hope is the sister of Marcel, and Marcel is the father of Davina, would that make Hope her aunt? Or if Davina’s with Kol, does that make Hope her niece and Marcel her nephew?
Honestly I think the only Mikaelson sibling to have a normal (as normal as it can be given that they’re vampires and live through centuries) romantic relationship is Finn. I think he and Sage were a pretty normal, average couple compared to everyone else.
I don’t know… I’m trying not to analyze the Mikaelsons and their messed up relationships too much because it kinda grosses me out and makes my head hurt. Im trying to focus on the bright side - no one is actually related - so that’s good.
The Mikaelson are each so fucked up and their personal relationships are even more screwed.
It was implied in The Vampire Diaries the Mikaelson shared partners sexually, and there was this one girl called Mary Porter/Scary Mary, who was a "Original groupie". She was close to all of them, to the point none of them could "remember" by which sibling she had been turned. Knowing how fucked up they are, sharing partners isn't something weird, especially to Klaus and Elijah who loved fighting over the same girl.
Freya falling in love with Keelin was so fucked up. I like them, they're cute once you get past the whole kidnapping thing, but it's wrong regardless. After she finally got with Freya, her storyline was reduced to nothing: she just became her love interest and stopped being her own person. Not surprising, though, the writers of this shows love doing that.
Marcel falling for Rebekah is just straight up grooming, and it's crazy how it was never addressed or how the fandom denies it. You're gonna tell me she saw him grow up, saw his brother love and care for him as his own son, and still managed to be attracted to him? To even marry him and want children with him? It's a miracle he never called her aunt at least once, even if it was sarcastically. I really don't like how the show kept painting Marcel as the bad guy and Rebekah as the victim because he refused to be/couldn't be with her, like why?
I can overlook Kol and Davina because he never saw Marcel as family and she never saw the Mikaelson as her family either, didn't even like them. Still wrong tho, because Davina was like fifteen/sixteen by the time they met and Kol/Kaleb looked around his twenties.
Finn and Sage were absolutely adorable. I truly like Finn and I wished he had at least a chance at a happy ending, but sadly he died twice and he couldn't even mourn the woman he loved.
At least they're not related, but fucked up anyway. I try not to analyze the Mikaelson relationships either because they're clearly problematic and fucked up even for an universe such as The Vampire Diaries, but oh well.
Thanks for the ask! I had fun answering it.
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katethewriter · 2 years
Something fluffy huh? Hmmm how about reader comforting her girlfriend wanda when it seems like the whole world is against her. Feel like she’d always hold wanda tight and say “no matter what you do or become, I will always be on your side”
You Are More
Pairing: Wanda x Reader
Words: 1k~
Warnings: insecure/self-deprecating thoughts, people are mean, Wanda needs a hug, if I missed any please let me know
A/N: Thank you so much for the prompt!!! I hope you like it! Also, Reader is an enhanced. She has the ability to harness and manipulate electricity.
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“How is she doing?"
You've just returned from a four-day solo mission, only to learn of the incident in Lagos. You're heart breaks for your girlfriend, who you know must be tearing herself to pieces.
Since the day she joined this team, she has done everything possible to make up for and repair the damage she took part in as a Hydra participant.
... and you know this is enough to break her.
"As well as can be expected, she's barely left her room," Steve smiles sadly, "this is as much my fault as it is hers. I should have-“
You are sure to cut him off quickly, "hey, none of that. This is no one's fault… except Rumlow’s. It was an accident." You pat the super soldier on the back comfortingly. "I'm gonna go check on her," you go straight to you and your girlfriend's shared bedroom.
When you peer through the doorway, you see her.
Wanda sits defeatedly on the bed, endlessly flipping between news stations, all of them covering the bombing. Each reporter that fills the screen has worse and worse things to say about the woman you love.
You're heart breaks more at every remark. What angers you the most is that these people don't even know Wanda, not personally, not like the team does and certainly not like you do. If they actually knew her, knew where her heart and intentions lie, they wouldn't being saying these things on international television for literally everyone and Wanda to hear.
The TV goes blank as you use your powers to turn it off. You had heard more than enough.
"Don't watch that," you speak softly, walking over to the bed and sitting beside her.
Wanda can't meet your eyes. She stares at her hands sorrowfully, "turning it off won't stop them from talking about me."
Reaching out, you move her hair away from her face and stroke her cheek delicately, "they don't know you."
"They're still right," Wanda quickly swats away a tear before it can fall, "I'm a monster."
"No, you are no-"
"I am," she shakes her head. "Think about it," she prompts, "the only reason Hydra selected me, gave me these powers was to hurt people." The sokovian motions towards the TV, ",,,and now I've done just that."
Your lip trembles at the way she is talking about herself. "Do you think I am a monster?"
For the first time since you've entered the room, Wana looks at you. She's almost too shocked to answer the question, "you're the best person I know. You could never be a monster."
"I was given my powers for the exact same reason, by the exact same people," you look deep into her eyes, hoping to reach her, "if that doesn't make me a monster, then neither are you."
Wanda smiles sadly, "but you never used your powers to hurt someone-"
"But I could," you interrupt her, "all it would take is one lapse in focus. One slip and I could electrocute an entire swimming pool or start a wild fire. What if I accidentally cut the power on an aircraft midflight; would you think I was a monster then?"
The witch furrows her brow, "no, that would have been an accident."
"and so was this," you take her hands into your own, "this was an accident. You were trying to help people, and you made a mistake." You gently wipe a tear that falls down her cheek.
"Wanda, you are more, so much more, than the worst mistake you've ever made. This does not define who or what you are. Ok?"
You wait for her to nod, but it takes a while. You can practically see her mind running around trying to rewrite her self-perception and absorb your words.
There is a small shift in her demeanor, and you know you've at least partially gotten through to her. Wanda gives you a weak smile but says nothing.
"As for your powers," you shift closer to wrap her in your arms, "I know they have done some pretty amazing things." Pressing a kiss to her shoulder, you begin to explain, "your magic saved countless lives in Sokovia. It helped you stop Ultron before he destroyed the world. When I was locked away in a Hydra cell, strapped to a table as they turned me into a battery, draining me," your voice cracks at the mention of your worst memories, "you were the one who came back for me. You saved me, and a monster would never do that."
Wanda finally begins to relax into you. Her own arms raise to hold you as close as possible. “I don’t know what’s going to happen,” she whispers shakily, “some of them want to lock me in a cage.”
You pull away a bit to look into her eyes, “you know Steve would never let them.”
Her lips tremble in fear, “what if he doesn’t have a say?”
Silence fills the air.
You struggle to find what to say. Something is coming. There’s no way around that; too many people are demanding change.
There’s no way to know if any of you will have a say.
“Come here,” you scoot back on the bed until you’re leaning against the headboard. You open your arms for Wanda to crawl into.
She buries herself into while you hold her so tight that you never want to let go.
You start to run your hand through her hair to help soothe her the best you can, “I don’t know, but you know what I do know?”
Wanda looks up to you with her beautiful doe eyes, “what?”
Cupping her cheek softly, you promise, “no matter what happens, no matter what you do or become, I will always be on your side.”
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