#i mean i already approach people and do the whole BE NOT AFRAID bit
savage-rhi · 4 months
Them: so you're nonbinary and have dysphoria
Me: correct
Them: do you want to transition?
Me: no
Them: then what's your ideal body?
Me: multidimensional
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just-a-ghost00 · 7 days
General channeled messages
To pick your group, take some time to ground your energy and when you feel ready choose the number or the image that you feel drawn to. Of course, you can select several groups if you feel called to.
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Group 1 - Can you feel my heart?
Someone has been trying to reach out to you for days but they are so scared of your reaction that they find it hard to do. They are stuck in their head about you and they struggle to find the right words to express how much you mean to them. A part of them hopes that you can feel their inner turmoil and give them a nudge because they feel like they'll never find the courage to spill the tea. I'm getting the feeling of two introverts waiting for each other to make the first move because they both fear rejection. And if neither of them makes a move, this could last for a long while and this connection might never take flight. They wish that they could telepathically convey to you their feelings and telepathically pick up on whether those feelings are receiprocated. Truth is they probably can but they are so caught up in their fear of not being understood and possibly losing you that they do not notice. I'm told that this person has been given many signs by the universe but they failed to see them or did not want to see them. You were probably given the same signs and picked up on them. But you, on the other hand, purposefully ignored them. The reason for that is because you are tired of always being the one to make the first move. It's like both of you dance around one another without ever coming close, trying to express through your steps and glances words you dare not utter. And they know it would be so much better to get closer and properly embrace you. However, closing the gap feels like a herculean task to them. To you, it feels like a scene you've seen so many times before. And each time, it didn't end that well. So you feel wary about moving to that beat again. Who is going to give in first? Only time can tell. On that note, I felt like pulling a few cards to get advice from your guides. You got the page of cups, 9 of swords and 2 of pentacles. Your guides are encouraging you to consider this connection in a very chill way. Don't overthink it and just enjoy the experience. If you feel like interacting with them, go for it. If you feel like telling them about your feelings, go for it. If you wish to keep your distances, that is fine as well. Just go with the flow. It doesn't have to be any more complicated than that. There's nothing that could go wrong. What do you have to lose? You are already whole. Whether this person reciprocates the feelings or not doesn't change anything to who you are. So be straightforward and keep your expectations leveled. Keep your exchanges simple and balanced. Give when they give, retreat when they do. This is a dance after all. Just feel the rythm and groove to it.
Group 2 - I don't care! I love it!
A man has been eyeing you for days. He fell in love with your unique sense of humour and unconventional personality and has been wondering what you were up to ever since. You don't get to be in contact with that person very often. Every time you do, there are other people involved which limits your interactions. This person is a bit shy around you and doesn't know how to approach you. They wish they could know more about you and tell you more about themselves but they're afraid of how people are going to react if they approach you so they keep their distances. They try to find excuses to talk to you or get closer to you. So, let's say you have a common group of friends and all of them are talking, they would try to get you to participate to the conversation by bringing up certain topics. Since they don't know you that much, the topics they bring up can be really random lmao It's like one minute you and your friends are talking about the latest news and this person suddenly mentions UFOs and how they believe aliens are real. And somehow the trick seems to work because their dorkiness has caught your eye, I feel. Please if that resonates with you, tell me in the comments! lmao That man didn't realize they had a crush on you until one day they noticed that they kept thinking of you every time a subject was brought up by their peers or every time they were doing something random. Like going to the groceries, they would see a perfume or a body lotion and would think "I bet group 2 would love that". If they go to the barber, they would pick a cut that they think would be to your liking. If they know you like something in particular, they would start doing the same. Like buying your favorite coffee brand or learning about things that you like so that next time they see you they can talk about it a bit more. This person really wants to make an impression on you and they now understand that you hold a very special place in their heart. They are currently tip toeing around you, waiting for an opportunity to make a move.
Group 3 - Never know how much I love you...
I feel like all messages today revolved around romantic interests. I guess Fall season seems to be a good time of the year to fall in love ;) We have here yet another secret admirer who is not so secret because I feel like you know them very personally and you probably have a crush on them too. You steal glances at each other, give subbtle hints and send inuendos every chance you get. Yet, none of you has made a clear move. You're waltzing around each other, gauging each other, trying to see who will give in first. Both of you are hardcore introverts and honestly this could last for months, if not decades at this point. You met this person randomly and very quickly became friends. You might have confided in this person very early on, shared with them intimate stories about your past. The chemistry is undeniable. But somehow both of you are scared to death. I guess this echoes with your past romantic experience. You call each other friends but both of you know very well deep down that this is so much more. They wince every time they hear that word in your mouth because they want to be every thing but that. The single thought of you being with someone else makes their skin crawl. They are praying all gods and entities that they can think of to keep creeps away from you. They are wishing for you to be single and only interested in them because they can't stand the thought of losing you to someone else. Especially if that someone else is an ex lover that they know of. This person is ready to love everything about you, even the little details, the little quirks. They want to embrace every part of you, no matter what you think of them. They wish that you could see yourself in their eyes because you mean the world to them and they think you are gorgeous. I'm picking up on people feeling insecure about their body, especially considering that they find their crush way more attractive. This person is saying "don't assume what I like or don't like" that is up to me to figure out. "If you don't show me all of you, how could I know if I love you? Let me decide for myself instead of hiding away." I'm really getting a very sweet energy from them. Puppy love kind of vibe. They really want to pamper you.
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overnowsfcb · 10 months
worth it for once; pedri
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summary: sometimes the show must not go on. what happens when the curtains fall?
warnings: angst, smut (dom!pedri, pool sex, hickey, blow job (v), masturbation and self-masturbation (p), pet names) mature language, abuse of alcohol, toxic relationship dynamics, emotional distress. if any of these topics makes you uncomfortable, i advise against reading this story.
word count: 5.9k
note: hi! first of all i wanted to thank everyone who interacted with 'halfway out the door', you don't even know how much it means to me that people can read my stories. i knew i said i would do some fluff, but i feel like im not good at it. i cant seem to let the reader be happy can i? (this fic is so long i feel like i got a bit carried away)
p.s.: this is my first time ever writing smut, im sorry if its too bad. also! 'halfway out the door' has ninety percent of possibility to have a second part.
p.s. 2: the party ended an hour ago and he still there. another thing that i wanted to say is that FOR ME 'slut!' is not a love song so that is my reason for this, i take my interpretation of the song and write it down — venus 🫂💐🫧
The sun's rays slipped through the white curtain covering the partially open window, letting in the morning breeze. You nestled in the sheets, still drowsy, but as you did, you snapped wide awake, realizing once again that Pedri wasn't by your side.
You turned over, hoping it was a dream, but the only remnants of him in the room were his lingering scent and memories of the night before, replaying in your mind.
The way he touched you, tracing each of the invisible scars left by your previous lovers who sought only their own pleasure, using you to their liking without paying attention to your desires.
He was different. His kisses felt like a religious experience, filling you with an ever-growing sense of fulfillment. Nothing wrapped around you more securely than the feeling of having him inside of you, merging under the lustful gaze of the moon that welcomed you on a tailor-made altar, adorned with soft sheets and sensations that turned into a celestial orchestra.
And although the next day, perhaps his flaws became evident, your infatuation took you beyond, closing the curtain of the stage within your mind; you didn't have to be displeased or critical when admiring a work of art, right?
When the strength left from the previous night was regained under pressure, and your mind returned to the frosty present, you sat up in bed, feeling your head heavy, needing to blink several times to clear the blurriness that clouded your eyes due to sleep.
Your feet rested on the wooden floor. You didn’t want to face another day with the pain of the mandatory conviction your heart held towards your mind, aiming it with a gun if it tried to move from there.
You sighed with closed eyes and gathered your clothes scattered around the room. When you finished dressing, you approached the window and inhaled a breath of air to refresh your thoughts.
You left your room; the squeak of the door echoed through the house, signaling to Elena that you had already woken up. You couldn't lie; you were afraid to face her.
She, your best friend since you desperately looked for someone to share an apartment with after the owners of your previous apartment unjustly left you out in the cold.
She, who warmly welcomed you full of empathy and commiseration, helped you deal with the storm by receiving you in a studio apartment with an air mattress. She became the person you adored most in the whole world and never lacked frankness in her words.
Both of you moved forward together; now, you succeeded in modeling, and you could search for something much more comfortable living now in a pent-house, but always side by side.
You arrived at the spacious kitchen connected to the dining room and were met with an exquisite aroma, akin to the dishes she professionally prepared. You tied your hair in a ponytail and moved the chair to sit facing the counter.
Crossed fingers and your chin resting on your hands, you noticed she expected your presence when she twisted her torso, leaving a plate with toast and homemade raspberry jam on the marble counter in front of you.
You waited a moment to grab one of the perfectly made toasts and spread the jam in the toast; you felt the tension in the air. You knew of her disapproving stance regarding your situation with Pedri, and you knew she was preparing the usual sermon.
"Want to say something about it?" It was as if she had read your mind; turning her back, you sat up straighter on the stool, your distressed chest making your heart pump more blood than usual.
"No," you replied dryly, as you took a bite of toast.
"Alright, then it'll be up to me." You felt fear travel up your spine to the buzzing in your head and a high-pitched tone ringing in your ears.
You tried to breathe normally, but it was impossible. Her actions guided your eyes; she put the angel food cake in the oven and turned around, sitting on the stool in front of you, looking at you incredulously.
"He left at seven in the morning. When was the last time he stayed the following morning with you? I know you don't want to hear this, and I understand that you're into him. But don't let that blind you from what's really happening here. You're too intelligent for this, too good for someone who treats you like an option." Her words were always harsh, and she never hesitated to tell you the bleak truth without flinching. But it wasn't what you needed now, and her words were insignificant in front of the formidable figure that Pedri occupied in your mind.
There were very few people who dared to challenge your perspective, and Elena was brave enough to do it, even though her attempts always ended in defeats.
And defeats consisted in your denial, where you decided to take off your glasses after seeing what was there. You knew it existed and acknowledged it deep down, but hearing someone throw out statements so lightly without knowing him in the homely intimacy where he could unfold without prejudices, was something only you could discover.
The 'Open Sesame' didn't work with all tones, and not everyone acquired the privilege of opening such a treasure. So, you assumed it was envy.
"Maybe it’s a mess, maybe it’s complicated, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth a damn!" Your voice began to rise in volume the more anger you vented at her, who was innocent of it all. You noticed her furrowed brow, her attempts to help, every time she threw you a lifeline, you chose to ignore it, believing you could swim the remaining yards to shore alone.
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, trying to find a balance, but your aggressiveness seemed to have reached its peak.
"I’ll sort it out myself, alright?" You exhaled, continuing your defense. "So just back off, Ele. I’m sick of needing your approval for everything. I’ll make my choices, even if they’re not in your rulebook." You spoke with a passive-aggressive tone. "You think you know him? You have no clue, none whatsoever." You got up from your seat, giving the countertop a light tap, and shook your head indignantly.
"I just want what's best for you, y/n," She whispered, looking you in the eyes with honesty. You headed towards the door disappearing from her sight.
You knew that she wanted to protect you like she did from the very first moment.
Despite being your age, she showed herself to be more mature than you. You were like her baby chick, and she had the instinct to keep you under her wings, but she had to admit that you had to learn defense by yourself.
And sometimes you need to fail to build your path.
There was no better remedy in your routine than drowning yourself in work to stop thinking about all the dilemmas surrounding your life. At least for a few hours.
Growing within the fashion industry was difficult without contacts; if you wanted to achieve something, you had to consider the hurdles you might carry in your backpack. But your resilience and pride prevented anyone else, terrified of having a future of subordination, from winning.
Today's meetings were about agreements for your brand, a dream that grew with you from your mom reading you bedtime stories to the present day.
You had put so much effort and creativity into your project that, regardless of what happened externally, your priority would always be there. No affair or argument could steer you away from that.
All your distractions due to logical thoughts vanished upon arriving at your apartment. You turned on the lights; Elena had left you a message informing you that she would stay at her boyfriend's house for the night.
Your home felt empty without her blasting music through the speakers and constant movements around the house. You cracked your neck, leaving your faux leather coat on the entryway rack. You lazily tossed your bag onto the couch, sitting beside it. You unbuckled your heels, freeing your feet.
A contained sigh escaped your nostrils, easing your chest a bit. You heard thousands of notifications coming from your bag. Worried, you unzipped it and searched for the phone, unsure of what was happening.
You glanced at the news headlines and the numerous social media posts where you were being tagged. You thought you had successfully escaped last time. The carefully revised alibi by both managers to divert media attention from your relationship had been futile.
But it seemed not entirely effective; without any evidence or concrete proof, just a blurry and deficient photo was enough for them to create a compelling scene for the public.
You clicked on a specific article; its name caught your attention, "The New Target of Love: The Boy in Her Chaos - Will He Survive?" You knew it wasn't the smartest decision you could make; the echoes of the voices of the people closest to you resonated in your ears. But you were alone and had nothing better to do at that moment.
The devil on your right shoulder encouraged and forced you to keep reading; with each sentence and word, your tear ducts were ready to expel the salty drops from your eyes.
You couldn't understand why journalists consistently targeted your romantic relationships instead of focusing on your professional endeavors, where you worked, and strived every day to show the world that you were more than just a pretty face. But in a sexist world, you had to accept without a murmur the things they wrote without any pity, driven by money and interactions.
Had you signed up for this life, or was it something gradually inserted into your brain about what it had to be?
You found yourself seated at your computer with a bottle of wine by your side, seemingly engrossed in reading each of the articles criticizing you and perpetuating a negative reputation of yourself.
You had poured a small amount of the burgundy liquid into your glass. Some sort of masochism consumed you, and without noticing, you began to pour more and more wine into the glass, your heart filling with misery, pausing at every clever word that defined your identity on the internet. Because all of the words seemed monotone.
Until the glass was no longer enough to swallow the bitter pill, you stared at the bottle, contemplating your next move. You shrugged and reached for the bottle with difficulty, your vision truly distorted, no longer having a sense of space.
You leaned back in the couch and took a long swig that burned your throat, feeling your heart rate rise.
You decided you had gone too far, abruptly leaving the computer on the table in front of you. When you tried to get up, you fell backward by inertia, unbalanced. That's when you realized you weren't even paying attention to the news but mindlessly scrolling your mouse.
The tears you had been holding back for over an hour and a half streamed down your cheeks immediately. Now, you couldn't turn back and felt trapped within your own uncontrollable body.
Gut-wrenching sobs made your body tremble, and at that moment, all you could think of was his touch, how every time you cried, he carefully wiped your cheeks and assured you that this too shall pass.
With tears and alcohol blurring your vision, it wasn't hard to find his number as you had it pinned in your messaging app. You opened his chat and immediately tapped the call icon.
You placed your phone to your ear, hearing the beeps from the other end, while your body, consumed by sorrow, couldn't help but continue shedding tears.
You perceived a noticeable change from silence to a clear indication that the call had been answered. You tried to stifle your crying by biting your lip, but it seemed this battle wouldn't let you emerge victorious.
"Love, are you crying?" You wanted to respond, but his voice only intensified your desire to cry; you longed to feel his warmth. You still didn't understand why you decided to go this far. "y/n, I'm worried. Did something happen? Did someone hurt you?" You tried to take a deep breath to provide an answer.
You wiped your tears with the back of your hand and then placed it on your chest, trying to assist in the calming process. "It's so exhausting." These were the words that came out of your mouth as you exhaled.
He still didn't understand exactly what you were talking about, but you kept talking. "I think I can't be with you anymore." Your voice came out strained; you truly didn't want to say those words. You clung to the arm of the chair with one hand, squeezing it, waiting to hear the response on the other side.
"What?" He couldn't comprehend how he had woken up at two in the morning, and you were talking about cutting ties. "Love, listen to me. Why don't you go to sleep, and tomorrow, we spend the day at the country house?" On the other end of the line, he easily realized the moment he picked up that you were drunk.
"Okay." You affirmed with a nod, resting your head on the armrest, and lifting your feet to stretch out on the sofa. "I love you a lot." Your face contracted again, a sign that tears would return.
"You too." He replied, and you were the one who ended the call, slightly calmer about the reflections the articles had left and the incoherent thoughts that had arisen from them.
You left the phone by your side and curled up, hugging yourself, seeking warmth without the help of a blanket. You closed your eyes, praying that the world would change radically tomorrow, although you knew it was an unlikely hope. You never wished more than for whoever was in the sky to give you a new chance to love in the right way.
You needed to believe in someone; you needed assistance from the universe to not lose the hope that once brought you immense joy. But perhaps genuine love was like Santa Claus, and sooner or later, it would crumble like any other ingenious belief.
And like a shrewd child who receives his Christmas gifts with the same enthusiasm even after learning the hidden truth, you dipped your feet into the transparent chlorinated water.
He watched each of your movements attentively, leaning on one of the pool edges. You plunged, soaking your entire body, and swam towards his direction, resurfacing enveloped in laughter with him.
He embraced you, sharing some of his warmth to your cold body due to the sudden change in the water, and you placed your hands around his waist, looking up at him from his chest.
"I love you so much." You bit your lip, seeking an outlet for your love. He rested his hands on your cheeks and began planting short kisses that spread across your entire face.
"I love you more." He reciprocated, giving two gentle taps on your legs. You jumped, and he took you into his arms grabbing your ass.
Quickly, he changed his position, leaving your back resting on the cold pool wall. The chills went up through your spinal cord, fusing the temperature of the edge and its expression, which never went out of style to make you think that everything you needed was there, with him.
You ran his sculpted shoulders with your palms open, feeling his muscles and intertwined your fingers behind his neck, brushing his hair.
Your lips brushed, and you could feel the electricity that could arise from a simple and minimal contact.
He brought his face to you, holding you tight against the concrete.
It was undeniable the indissoluble bond tied by the threads that led you each time to the same situation, and the core of your life was nourished by its bond.
As your lips collided with fervor, eager to quell the fervent passion, you pulled him closer with your legs still entwined around his waist. Feeling his hardness against your core ignited arousal as he pressed himself firmly, and both of you gasped in the midst of the kiss at the electrifying contact.
Your lips didn't want to part, too hungry for each other's sweet taste. You caught his lower lip between your teeth, pulling it gently to invite your tongue into his mouth. It had become sloppy as you lightly tugged his hair, eliciting a groan.
His hand stealthily ascended, never parting from your lips, traveling from your ass to the back of your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
His tender lips traced a pattern from your cheeks to your neck. You tilted your head back, offering more of your skin for his exploration.
Expertly, his fingers unraveled the straps of your bikini with a single pull, still nestled in your neck. As the air grazed your tightened nipples, your breath hitched when he took one between his fingers, fidgeting and further intensifying the sensation.
Your sensitive boobs elicited desperate whimpers as he continued grinding against you, creating a symphony of pleasure. The air thickened, and your bodies radiated heat.
His lips passionately suctioned a spot, causing your eyes to roll. You were well aware that he would leave a hickey there.
Moving from your neck, his lips trailed down to your collarbone. Frustration built as he skillfully teased the sides of your breasts, deliberately avoiding the attention where you craved it most.
"Pedri, please..." You gently tugged his strands, prompting him to lift his head. Counterfeit innocence gleamed in his pupils.
"What do you need, amor? Tell me, is there something I can do for you?" His gentle caress graced your cheek, and you melted into his simmering touch.
"Please..." He ceased grinding, his hand swiftly traversing to your neck, as your hand descended, grazing his abs.
"If only you could see this beautiful hickey right now," He whispered, tracing the mark and toying with you, his actions inviting your response as he often did.
It was exasperating; no matter how frequently you found yourself in such moments with him, articulating your desires remained a challenge.
"Just do something," you uttered, a touch of despondency in your voice, pouting with pleading eyes. Yet, he remained resolute.
"I just don't know what you want." He shook his head, gently placing a strand of hair behind your ear, mimicking your pout with a teasing tone.
"Alright... just please, babe, suck my tits," you replied with a hint of frustration. His corners lifted, forming a smile, having successfully achieved his goal.
"There she is, that's my good girl, aren't you?" You couldn't help but nod several times steadfastily, just wanting him to stop playing.
His face vanished from your sight as he covered one of your breasts with his mouth. A loud moan escaped your throat, a sound of satisfaction for him as he moved his tongue, savoring your skin. "Was it that difficult?" He gazed at you once more, and you sighed in irritation, prompting him to raise his eyebrows, questioning your actions.
"No." Your fingers traced his chest as he continued sucking with determination.
Moving lower, you reached the edge of the swim trunks' fabric. However, as you did, he pulled away with a frown. "Who said you could touch?" You mirrored his expression confused.
"Last night, you scared me a lot. Do you think it was funny for me? No, so you can't decide who's having fun, okay?" Your chest felt heavy, yet you found a strange allure in his dominant low voice, even though you wanted to object.
"I thought..." He wrapped his hand around your neck, pulling you back and shutting your mouth with his thumb. He watched as you sucked it, humming and biting his plump lips.
"You didn't think shit. Now, jump." He firmly gripped your hips, lifting you effortlessly to the pool's edge. Seated, you patiently awaited his guidance, uncertainty accelerating your heartbeat.
Intense eye contact heightened the tension. His fingers delicately traced over your thighs, starting from the outer part, then gently grazing your clothed intimacy. He devoured you with his gaze.
"Lean back for me, baby." You did as he pleased leaning in your elbows.
He tapped on your thighs, a signal to lift your hips, and he removed the sole fabric covering your body and throwing it to your side. He took your legs and placing them over his shoulders. Spreading you open. A groan escaped him at the sight, reveling in your arousal.
"So wet, just for me," he murmured, running his fingers through your folds, collecting your juices and parting your lips to spread the liquids.
You pressed closer, yearning for more. "Just for you." Suddenly, a firm spank on your sensitive area made you shudder, and you gasped. "Behave," he commanded, throwing you a dominant look.
Circling your clit, he gradually increased the pace. Tilted back, moans escaped uncontrollably. Another spank followed, and you met his gaze. "Keep your eyes on me, princess. Watch as I pleasure you like no one else could."
His words wielded a powerful influence in every scenario. Returning to your pussy, he made his way to slip two fingers inside you easily as you were soaked by now. The reflex to close your eyes surfaced, but his commanding words echoed in your mind.
He initiated a rhythmic motion, penetrating and withdrawing, targeting your most sensitive depths, obscene wet sounds, thumb still teasing your bud. Overwhelmed by the intensity, you sought stability, bringing your index finger to your mouth, biting down to anchor yourself. "You can grab my hair, baby," he suggested, prompting a satisfying sigh as you obediently followed his directive.
As the synchronization of your movements intensified, he decided to elevate the pleasure further. His mouth joined the sensual dance, lasciviously spitting your core, eliciting a contented hum from you.
As his mouth drew near your clit, enveloping it ably, a scream escaped your lips, worthy of a scene of a pornographic film. His name slipped through your mouth, an inadvertent encouragement that fueled his tenacity to excel, delve deeper, move faster, and render you numb in ecstasy.
In the intimacy, he displayed a reflection of his approach on the field, always seeking ways to enhance and achieve peak performance, a relentless pursuit of reaching his full potential at what he knew he was one of the bests, even when he didn't want to admit it.
There was no sweeter melody than your filthy moans. His crotch throbbed aching, aware that just a few pumps would make him reach his climax. But he needed to focus on you first, even though he rolled his hips against the concrete, trying to calm down his needs.
He groaned, shutting his eyes and digging his tongue into your hole. Your legs entwined around his neck, the tight knot of pleasure building as you moved your hips in tandem with the rhythm of his tongue.
"Pedri, I'm..." You shouted, the words hanging in the air unfinished, as he entered both, fingers with tongue, increasing the pace with each successive motion.
He opened his eyes again, locking onto yours, brimming with passion beneath the sun. His nose brushing against your clit, combined with his bambi-like eyes in contrast to the authority he held over you, escalate the moment as you tightly grasped his hair, evoking the release of your juices.
He couldn't help but stop pressing against the wall and squeeze his shaft inescapably, captivated by the way you adhered to what he said, even if it meant he had to assert control with a firm hand, correcting your inclination to lean back a few times.
He loved how obedient you were and how your body reacted.
Your high-pitched sounds spurred him to slip his hand inside his swim trunks, almost moaning at the sensations created by his own touch and the enticing arch of your back. He found himself immersed in the sweet taste and intoxicating fragrance that surrounded him.
He went up and down with his hand on his dick fervently, trembling in sync with you. "Are you going to come, my love? Do it for me," his deep voice making you feel so close. You played with one of your hardened nipples between your fingers. You affirmed with the other hand on his hair, and he hummed against you in response. "Oh, my god." you mumbled.
His vibrations heightened your euphoria, and the combination of his tongue and fingers left you feeling overstimulated. As you screamed arching your back, you became undone, laying flat, straightening your arms at your side and shuddering as you felt him persisting in his ministrations.
Too blind to reach his own pleasure to think about anything else, he continued pounding his dick, gripping his tip as he parted his lips, releasing ecstatic sounds and feeling the reverberations across his body. Leaning against your abdomen, he sensed his shots filling his shorts as he lowered his pace.
You tenderly ran your fingers through his sweaty hair, both basking in the tranquility of the moment as his chest rose and fell. Minds empty.
"Come here, baby," you whispered. He propelled himself up from the water and leaned flat at your side.
As you lay down on the cold poolside with him, he placed his hand on your waist, burying his head in your neck. He rubbed his nose, sensing how your perfume delicately mixed with expelled pheromones, obtaining a small giggle from you.
You swung your leg over his waist, leaning your chest towards him, and stroked his wet hair.
"Thank you," you smiled with closed eyes, sighing. "It's just what I needed."
"I like hearing that," he said, pulling away from your neck to look into your eyes. You looked like a fallen angel with your smudged mascara, swollen lips, tired eyes, and blush spreading across your cheeks.
His gaze instinctively dropped to your neck, observing the love mark on your skin. Though in his mind, he still questioned if this was truly love.
Without delving too much into his thoughts, he gently pecked your lips.
"Pedri..." you sighed, coming down from the adrenaline rush. Sitting up, you supported yourself with your hands and looked at him, recalling internet articles and Elena's words.
"Already want to talk about that?" he asked, huddled up, absorbing the remaining sunlight.
"I'm going to shower," you said, rising from the ground, creating a space for anticipation, allowing him to process and reflect. You knew the house perfectly, having visited many times with the understanding that no one could see you and spend the entire day together.
But meaningful memories were scarce, and you clung to them, hoping that someday it could be more than the fear of being seen together, unable to go to a restaurant or travel together.
You entered the shower, letting the cold water make you reconsider your beliefs. You trusted that, for the first time, you had found something real, a gentleman who stood out in the world of ordinary men, wanting to keep you safe.
You also trusted that you would walk on nails and endure all the thorns of a rose just to be with him. But genuinely, love should be about facing painful situations to prove love for a person, or love should feel welcoming, a place where you would stay for eternity if it had to be so?
You analyzed it, the rain falling on you as you cleaned your body. You wouldn't stay with Pedri; he never felt like a place where you could unload all your baggage without fear.
After all, coming from past relationships, he was your sanctuary at first, stemming from more deficient and unstable experiences. You couldn't stop the solitary tear that escaped your eye.
Since the night you met, you should have realized that nothing good could come from something that was supposed to be just for a night. But you didn't want to listen.
You left the shower, unable to continue ruminating in your head without fainting in the attempt. The drops that weren't allowed to fall from your tear ducts were released by your hair.
You grabbed your clothes, still absorbed in your thoughts. When you finished dressing, you placed your hand on the doorknob. Behind it lay the definition of the future of this strange relationship, and the confrontation was something that terrified you.
You walked into the living room to find him seated, wrestling with his thoughts, head bowed, facing away. Approaching him, you crossed your arms in front of his neck and hugged him, taking in his freshly scented and the slight dampness of his hair. He looked at you wearily, unsure of what would happen, and you gave him a kiss on the cheek before sitting next to him on the gray sofa.
You took his hand with love; you couldn't deny that, despite everything, he had been the source of most of your joys in the last four months. You took a deep breath before letting it out and started speaking.
"Are you mine?" His hand tensed, and his brow furrowed. He didn't understand where such a sudden question came from.
"What?" He responded confused, almost pulling away from you.
"Are you mine or not?" You still hoped for a more certain answer.
"I don't understand where your question is coming from." His expression showed he had never really thought about something like that. At least, was there some kind of feeling for you in his heart? You wondered which person you had been with all this time.
"Just answer it." You let go of his hand; your voice carried a tone of desperation and anguish. You knew you wouldn't get anywhere, but you still needed to cling to the few hopes that remained.
"I don't understand what you mean by 'yours'; we never talked about..." He tried to make another excuse in front of your eyes. It felt as if he were treating you like a little girl, who would eventually leave the question unanswered once she got tired.
"I need to know where we stand! Do you want to be with me or not?" You no longer knew why you kept trying about something that wouldn't change. You stood up from the sofa, and he avoided looking at you.
"Why do you have to make it so complicated? We're just having fun." He shrugged his shoulders, shaking his head. That response could have been worse than a straightforward no.
"Having fun? Do you think I'm with you to have fun with how the media calls me a slut, Pedro?" You shook your head in disbelief, letting out a bitter, pained laugh. "Four months enduring your ambiguities while defending you in front of my friends, saying you needed time." Your voice faltered, recalling all the arguments you had faced, thinking that at some point, everything would change.
"I didn't think you felt that way." He detached himself from his actions, as if it were so simple. Still avoiding eye contact.
"You said you loved me! Did you ever feel genuine love for me?" Your heart tightened; all this couldn't be a big lie where you were the only one playing a game that was already resolved.
"I don't know." He whispered, unsure of how you would react to such an unsure yet determinant answer. Your eyes blurred with contained tears; you couldn't cry like this in front of him.
"You knew everything you were doing; you knew that I was yours, and you didn't care." You screamed, desperate for him to show some emotion, to show that something of everything you had experienced had a hint of reality.
"It wasn't like that." He replied in the same flat tone, this time looking at you and realizing the tears that were falling, while you were motionless, feeling the room spin around you, and your ears ringing again.
"It was exactly like that." You had been sincere from your first conversation, under that neon light on a private yacht. A party where you didn't want to be, he approached you for that simple reason; you were the only girl who hadn't looked at him.
And you had found someone whom you thought had the will and power to heal all your wounds. But you ended up dancing with shadows in glass, with something ephemeral that you thought could be eternal. While you ended up being one of the many prey in his history.
"I gave you everything, I told you about my past and how I needed someone to trust, and you ended up being like everyone else." You released a silent sob and headed towards the room, where you had left your backpack. You were supposed to spend a weekend together, and now everything was withered. Your feigned acts of believing that magic still existed were in vain.
"Where are you going?" You gasped, bumping into him in the door frame; he placed his hands on your shoulders, concerned.
"I called Elena; she'll come to pick me up." You hadn't even talked to your best friend when you sneaked away with Pedri at noon; she would do everything to stop you from leaving, and you preferred not to tell her. But she, without hesitation, as soon as you asked, was already on her way.
"We can try to fix it." You knew he was only offering the response your ears craved. But you weren't going to fall for his spells. This time, his method of still having your strings to manipulate you like a puppet wouldn't work.
"I won't be with someone who never cared about me." You walked to the door, lowering the latch, and turned around once more; he looked at you from a considerable distance. He wasn't going to try to stop you, and that was what hurt the most. "Good luck, Pedro."
You left the house, and the evening air enveloped you. You walked along the walkway made of rocks, each step feeling heavier than the last. Another relationship failing, another person disappointing and discarding you like a crumpled note, forgotten in the margins of a story that never reached its intended conclusion.
Your tears flowed freely down your cheeks now that you weren't facing him. You stood on the street, waiting for Elena to arrive. She had every right to tell you 'I told you so,' and she would be justified.
You saw her black car approaching from the end of the street, parking right in front of you. You hesitated for a moment to get in, embarrassed to ignore someone who only sought your happiness.
She rolled down the window, and your eyes locked inviting you in. Opening the door, she extended her arms, offering solace. Tears streamed down your face as you looked for refuge on her shoulder.
"I'm so sorry, Ele." You lifted your head, and she gently wiped away your tears. Shaking her head, she dismissed your apologies.
"I'll always be here by your side. You're the one who needs to learn, but I'll never leave you adrift, okay?" You pouted, and your tears continued to flow.
You both settled back into your seats, stealing glances at the house. A part of you lingered there, and a lump formed in your throat. You sensed that distancing yourself was the only thing that could save you from descending into delirium. Now, you must gather the fragments of your heart once more and rebuild it on your own.
Your eyes went directly to the hickey he had left. You wanted to rip that skin off, not wanting to have him in your memories in any way.
Leaning your head against the window, you wondered what could have been if fame hadn't been the haunting specter in your life. You guessed that you will never actually know.
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melodic-haze · 5 months
heyy, may i request some natasha content? she's so underrated i swear 😩😩
☆ — SONG TITLE: Acts of service
☆ — PAIRINGS: Natasha x Reader
☆ — TYPE: Fluff, SFW
☆ — NOTES: No NSFW for this one cuz I've been doing a lotta that 🫶 hope you don't mind!!! Also idk what colour to give her :(
☆ — WORD COUNT: 1,609 words
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Visiting Natasha became something of a routine for you. Despite everything that you did in the day, you never failed to visit the doctor—it was usually during the afternoon, around the time you had lunch, because then you asked her to have a bite with her every time, to which she always agreed to.
Half of the reason why was because you had wanted to spend time with Wildfire's true leader as.. well, not Wildfire's leader. You wanted to get to know Natasha, nobody else, at first.. but then it went from getting to know her to having each other's presence become something of a constant in both your lives, and then to something even more.
The other half of the reason, though, was because you were concerned.
She was the Underworld's best doctor, so naturally everyone relied on her. While she did have a massively good reputation, unfortunately that came at the cost of a decrease in the time for her to relax.
Such a thing was evident to see when it was moments like these—you had just stepped into her clinic and already you are witnessing the blue-gray-haired woman rush back and forth, patient to patient. After all, you had waited for.. what was essentially an hour before you decided to just stop waiting and to go to her yourself to see what was happening.
You had to take your time in actually approaching her, worried that you might somehow disturb her flow, and only actually decide to try to gain her attention when she seems to have slowed down.
Gently placing a hand on her shoulder, you softly called out to her, "Natasha?"
You hear her sigh the slightest bit, tired and weary, but when she turns her head and sees you she pushes herself upright on her desk as if startled. She quickly downplays her surprise with a laugh, however, "Oh! Dear, you gave me a quite a shock. What are you here for? Are you sick?"
"No, no," you shook your head, "I'm not on death's door or anything like that. Seems like you've got your hands full of the people that are, though."
She let out a small yet exhausted laugh, the lines on her eyes particularly evident today, "I suppose I am, aren't I? ..Though not to be hasty, and I do love to see you and your face, but if you aren't here to get treated, then is there another reason why you're here?"
The clinic was so particularly hectic today that she forgot.
"We were supposed to meet up a bit more than an hour ago."
You see her take her phone out of her pocket to check the time and--
Her eyes widen at the realisation before darting back to you with furrowed brows, "I hadn't realised... Were you waiting this whole time?"
You shrugged with a sheepish grin, "I didn't really want to leave in case you were just late. I see that you're really busy, though."
You see her sigh out and look at you apologetically, "Dear, you should've called me. I didn't mean to lose track--"
"Hey, no, I'm not mad or anything, don't worry about it." You reach for her hands to hold them tenderly as you got a little closer to her, "I can see that you're absolutely swamped with work, I get it. I wouldn't have signed myself up for dating you if I didn't accept it."
"Be that as it may, this is practically routine for the both of us."
"Yeah, but this is still your job." You gave her a light shrug and a reassuring smile, "Don't worry about it, yeah? We can just postphone it for when you go off the clock."
She huffs out gently with a small shake of her head, "A doctor never fully gets off the clock."
"Even when the Stellaron's gone?"
"Mhm. Not only that, but some of the others have caught an illness so we're short-staffed and I've been scrambling left and right. I'm afraid I had no time to think about anything else... Or, well," she draws a hand back from your grasp to cup your cheek with such a soft, affectionate look, "until you came along. Now I feel like I can't seem to think of--"
"Natasha?" The both of you turn to look at the nurse calling out to your lover, her touch on you breaking away at the disturbance, "Sorry to disturb you but, um, we need you here."
Natasha fully lets go of you now, easily getting herself back into work mode, "He's woken up?" And when the nurse nods, she answers swiftly, "Alright. I'll be there in a second."
Then she turns back to you, work mode off for a brief moment. While her affectionate look is still there, you could easily see how much today's exhaustion's getting to her, "I'm sorry that I'll have to leave you like this. I don't think I really have time to spare so.. I'll meet you when I'm done?"
"Mm." You briefly go to squeeze her hand and press a quick peck on her cheek, "Good luck with work, yeah? I'll be waiting."
She nods, and then she turns to make a beeline over to the waiting patient, leaving you alone in the middle of the clinic. You supposed that you should probably go so you make your way over to the door...
But when you put a hand on the doorknob, suddenly you're hit with a revelation.
You rush back over to her (the desk she owns, specifically) and wait for until she's finished with her current charge. It takes a while, but eventually she turns to walk over to said desk, to which she sees you and makes a confused yet amused expression, "I don't believe I'm off the clock yet, darling. Anything you need?"
"No, actually." You shook your head at her, "On the contrary, I think I have a little solution to your problem."
She crossed her arms as she hummed in curiosity, "Hmm? And whatever may that be?"
"I can help. Like, as some sort of assistant."
"..Go on."
"I know I'm not necessarily trained to be a doctor like you, or a nurse, or anyone in the professional health field, but I can do the other stuff like book-keeping and supply pick-ups. And maybe fetching stuff for you," you shrugged, "but I can't promise that I'll know what they look like."
You had expected her to accept the help—you have to use whatever resource you have in the Underworld, even when the passage between here and the overworld has been opened up. However, instead you see her shaking her head with slightly furrowed brows, "I'm afraid I can't let you do that."
"Why not?"
"I can't ask that of you. I wouldn't want you to sacrifice your day to help me with my job..." She looks to the side, pensive, "And I'm afraid I can't pay you either; I don't want to monopolise you just because we share a close bond.
You waved off her concerns, "Don't worry about that. One, I already get paid by spending time with you. And two, you're not monopolising anything—I'm offering to help. So let me?"
She looks at you, looks back towards the patients behind her, and then looks back at you again, her face showing clear contemplation. She's silent for a while and the lack of an answer plays with your nerves, but she eventually gives you a small, teasing smile, "It will probably take up the entire rest of your day. Are you sure you can hold out for that long here?"
"Ah, but you underestimate me—I can do anything when you're with me."
She laughs, and it's the most beautiful sight you've ever witnessed, "We'll have to see, won't we?"
You both get straight into work after that; Natasha tends to the patients with the other nurses as you dutifully do exactly as you said, taking care of most of the documentations and fetching the needed supplies for her and everyone else (without touching the chemicals in case you mess something up, of course). The amount of work was, quite frankly, insane for such a small clinic but you supposed that all places had their busiest days, medical locations included.
It was tough, and it sure as hell was exhausting, but eventually you pulled through the day and finally you were off the clock. You left a little earlier per your girlfriend's request, waiting outside for her to come out instead. And once she walks out the door, you two walk back home in companiable silence.
It's only when you reach your house when she speaks up, guilt tinging her tone, "I'm sorry we didn't end up having lunch as per usual, dear."
"I told you so many times, Nat, I seriously don't mind. I wanted to help!"
"Not that I'm ungrateful, and I know you offered, but are you sure you were okay to help? Treating people and helping them recover is something I love to do, but you could have done something else."
"I could have," you paused in your steps, opting Natasha go do the same. "But I wanna spend more time with you. Plus, hospital intern dates aren't exactly the worst dates ever."
She laughs again, and you can't get enough of it, "I suppose it isn't. Now come," she nudges her head towards your house's direction, "I'll make up for the whole of today, starting with a delightful meal. Care to join me, Y/N?"
Yes. Yes, you'd very much like to.
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aeruia · 2 months
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they think you’re too good for them and also think you’re doing this to boost your ego and make fun of them.
character/s : nirei akihiko & sakura haruka (seperated :3)
warning/s : tiny bit of angst , use of she/her pronouns , lowercase intended , ooc.. 😓
word count : 400-500
note : I didn't forget y’alls reqs i swear im just a slow worker /j also meaning of the title is just a synonym of misunderstand and thinks its cool hehe
꒰ the request 𖦹 masterlist 𖦹 wbk masterlist ꒱
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sakura haruka — 431 words
it appears that sakura isn’t the type of man to be affectionate towards someone and you’re aware of it seeing he’s having a hard time expressing his feelings. still with you being forward with your feelings there’s still doubt in his mind. he wasn’t used to people showing affection at him because all of his life people never accepted him.
you’re very pretty he will admit that, he can even scream that for the whole world to hear. you’ve been courting him for months and he realizes that you don’t have any plans on backing out. are you waiting for his answer before you play with his feelings? or you’re waiting for the perfect opportunity to make fun of him?
he couldn’t take it anymore as he started to avoid you. going the opposite direction whenever he sees you coming towards him. that goes on for weeks whenever you tried talking to him he’s already leaving.
you decided it was best if you stopped bothering him thinking that you’re being too pushy or forcing yourself at him as much as it hurts you — you didn't wanna see him avoid you without telling you the reason.
sakura misses you — he won’t admit it. no. as he was walking to get to his apartment, your friend noticing him as he was stopped by her.
“ you’re sakura, yes? ” she said straight forward as he nodded. “ i am.. what happened to [name]? ” he asked also straight forward which your friend finds it odd since every time you talk about him saying how shy he is.
“ she’s not doing great. she has been focusing too much on her studies and even sometimes forget to eat. she said she’s alright but we all know she isn’t. i know what happened to the both of you, she’s serious about you. ” she explain, sakura’s heart dropped when he heard your friend said " she’s serious about you. "
he thanked your friend as the first thing he did was go to your apartment to check on you. when the door opened you were stunned when he quickly hugged you. “ your friend told me everything, i thought you were doing it to make fun of me.. ”
you laughed at what he said as you explained that everything you showed him is genuine and that you will never make fun of someone’s feelings. sakura feels his heart softened at what you said to him.
a few weeks after, you and sakura are all good again as he often comes to your apartment to study with you or cuddle while you play with his hair.
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nirei akihiro — 525 words
nirei wasn’t used to how straightforward and bold you are about your feelings on him. also doesn't get why you’re so proud that you’re courting him? he doesn’t get it because he can’t fight properly or even defend himself so why are you proud of him?
every time his lips will come out of your mouth he feels himself get flustered while you hug him. of course, that doesn’t last long as he found himself thinking that perhaps you’re doing this for him to answer you then when you two became together you will make fun of him and say that it was all just a bet you made your friends.
nirei also thinks that you’re gorgeous and thinks that you’re way out of his league so he thinks that you’re just toying with him as a result of him avoiding you — afraid that for the times you two are together you will leave him.
result of him staying away from you — you didn't notice it thinking that he was just busy when you don’t see him the whole day. weeks pass by and you never still never saw him if you did he’s walking or running whenever you try to approach him.
“ nirei!- oh ” you greeted the blonde hair but you can’t see the familiar blonde boy which made you frown, leaving to talk with your friend.
your friend advises you to stop which you didn't want to but you did it anyway as you drowned yourself on your works and chores.
nirei was walking down the streets as he spotted you in the cafe you're working at having the urge to come up to you as he stopped himself from that, a sigh escaping his lips before walking away when someone stopped him.
“ go back and greet her. ” nirei tilted his head to the side as he blinked. “ she’s waiting for you, if you ever think she’s doing all of this to make fun or play with you she isn’t. ” the one who stopped him says as he remained quiet. “ she told me that you had been avoiding her so she choose to ignoring you too yet she still wanted to spend most of her free time with you. ” nirei was stunned as he didn’t realized your friend had walked away.
after minutes of contemplating he decided to go back and greet you her eyes lit up when she saw the familiar blonde as she stopped whatever she was doing and ran up to hug him. “ nirei! i miss you so much! ” you cried burying your face in his chest — startled by the sudden action before wrapping his hands around you.
the two of you talked for a bit as nirei apologized for staying away from you and that he was just scared and you understand it so you brushed it off saying it was okay.
even if you said it was okay he still felt bad so he took you on a date after your shift as he watched you drag him to your favorite place. smiling because of how stupid he is from thinking that you would make fun of him.
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date posted : 072124
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midnightsxxvi · 1 year
the picnic blanket
Steddie x fem!reader
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a/n: I somehow hit 500 followers a while back (I block bots I swear) somehow despite not posting any of my writing in months (I’m mentally ill. Idk what to tell you). So anyway here’s a little something!
header image from littleststarfightter (I asked for permission i promise)
description: first real date with the three of you, each ready to really make this work
contains: mentions of injury (vecna happened but everyone lived); hints to sexual content MDNI 18+ !!!; a lot of soft vibes and a tinge of angst. Post Vecna/everyone lives!!
“I would like to go on a date,” You finally let out after gathering up all your confidence. You stood tall, hands clasped together, chin up. 
Steve was already grinning like an idiot, but Eddie just raised a brow. 
There was a beat of silence before Eddie let out a long whistle. He then looked back and forth between you and Steve. “A date? Like… all three of us?” 
“Yes, that’s what I mean.”
Eddie huffed out a laugh. “Alright, Princess. A date it is. What were you thinking of doing?”
“Um,” your cheeks heated, “Well this is about as far as my thinking went— hey, don’t laugh. Why are you—listen, if you don’t want to it’s okay! We don’t have to! I know we haven’t really decided what’s going on between the three of us—“
“Sweetheart,” Eddie cut you off, getting to his feet and walking over to you. “I said yes. You’re just being cute.” 
“Oh. Well. What would you like to do then?”
“Dinner and a movie? A classic.”
“I’m not—“ Steve interrupted, briefly holding his hand out but then stepping back nervously. He cleared his throat, and at first you thought he was turning you down, but he explained: “I’m not ready. To, uh, be out? This is a small town and I don’t want to worry about others yet, you know? I don’t know if that sounds shitty of me—“
“It’s not shitty,” you assured him. “You’re right. Dustin will never shut up about this if word gets to him.”
Eddie smirked, “I'm pretty sure Dustin already knows we are a thing?”
“Pssh, no he doesn’t,” Steve scoffed. Although he didn’t quite believe his own words. 
“We could do a drive in movie?” Eddie suggested. 
Steve leaned against the counter. “And have one of us third wheel in the back the whole time? No thanks.”
Eddie winked at him, “Squish into the back seat with me.”
“Uh, then we can’t see the movie?”
“Feelin’ shy now?” 
You pursed your lips, hating how frazzled Steve looked. Out of all of you, he had the most to lose if it came to the wrong person seeing you three together. Together, together. People knew his parents; they had a reputation. He didn’t know how they’d take him being queer, in whatever the sense. 
“Stevie, if you don’t want to come, it’s okay. We don’t have to do something—“
“No, no,” he raised his hands up a little, afraid that you were already backing out. Then, he snapped his fingers in the literal sense. “Let’s go on a picnic.” 
Eddie snorted. “A picnic?”
“Don't look at me like that. It’s romantic.” Steve’s ears blushed at the word. Who knew he’d get so flustered about wanting to give the two of you a little romance. 
He approached you and Eddie, still nervous, but he seemed more sure of this. “We could pack snacks, maybe some wine? Be nice and classy?”
You bit back a grin. “We could find somewhere private. Get out of this damn trailer. Maybe go by one of the lakes?”
Eddie looked between you two, an entertained grin on his face. “Didn’t know you two were so cheesy?”
Steve laughed lightly, “So what?”
Eddie swung his arm around Steve, one of his fingers playing with a curl at the end of Steve’s hair. “Why don’t we go all out and go to Lover’s Lake?”
“I mean, if you really want to,” Steve teased, although he was grinning like an idiot again. He didn’t back up as Eddie’s face got closer into his space. He just accepted Eddie’s nose as it nudged his cheek. 
“Okay, so. Picnic at Lover’s Lake?” You wanted to clarify. “A date. In a romantic sense. The three of us.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Eddie smiled at you brightly. 
“Then, um, let’s talk logistics.”
“Now, that doesn’t sound romantic.”
You giggled a little and shook it off. “I just mean, when should we go! Do we all meet up and go together? Or, I don’t know! What time of day? Who brings the snacks!”
Eddie reached out, his arm around your shoulders as well, pulling you in toward the two men. “Now, sweetheart, relax. We’ve got it covered. I’ll pick up snacks. You bring drinks. Stevie here can drive and maybe bring a blanket.”
“I don’t have a picnic blanket,” Steve told him. 
“Then get one. You’re the one who suggested this.”
“Alright, alright.  I can pick you both up, and drive the three of us out. Are you both free tomorrow afternoon?”
“I don’t work?” You shrugged. 
“Same,” Eddie said, “And classes are done for the semester.”
“Can I take you both out tomorrow then?” Steve looked at the both of you. His normal self was coming back, ready to charm. “I don’t think I can wait more than a day. I’ve been wanting something like this for a long time.”
You pressed your lips together. Your heart thudded a little stronger, absorbing the sweet smile on his face. His words were so soft that you couldn’t help but reach over and kiss his cheek. 
“I’d love to, Stevie. Tomorrow sounds perfect.”
Steve didn’t say hello, but instead, the moment you opened your door he said, “The picnic blanket I got is going to woo you.”
“Woo me?” You grinned, trying not to ogle too much at his appearance. Standing on your front porch under the midday sun, he looked like summer personified. Steve had on his swim shorts, and a light blue button up. The cherry on top was the way a few buttons were undone, and the soft hair on his chest poked out from underneath the blue.
Steve seemed to ogle you though. He glanced at your summery outfit, admiring your figure, and he couldn’t even remember what else he was going to say.
“Sorry. Uh. You look good,” he cleared his throat. “You ready to go?”
A quick nod, you got on your shoes, and then you were following him out.
“Eddie is in the car,” he explained, although you could see the guy sitting in the front of Steve’s car. “We made a deal where I’d go to the door to pick you up, and then he could walk you to the door later when we drop you off.”
“How polite.”
Steve had glitched a moment ago when seeing you, but his confidence was back again and he swung his arm over your shoulder as you walked to the car. In his head, he was hoping that later they wouldn’t actually be dropping you off at home but instead taking you back to his or Eddie’s place. He was being polite though, so he kept those thoughts to himself.
The car windows were rolled down, and Eddie had both his arms leaning out, a big grin plastered on his face. He had his hair down, but some dark sunglasses and you could see a black tank top on.
“Hey there, sweetheart,” He called out to you, raising his sunglasses onto his head. He wasn’t shy in the way he looked you up and down, and then even looked Steve up and down. “You two look hot as hell together. Look at you, beach bag and all? Have we ever dressed this classy?”
You giggled as you got closer to the car. “Nope. This is my classiest outfit.”
Eddie extended his hand out, grasping the air and giving grabby hands. “C’mere.”
Steve let you leave from under his arm, and you skipped forward to hold Eddie’s hand. Eddie pulled you in right away, his other hand holding the back of your head to get you even closer.
You had to bend down a bit, falling into a searing kiss. It took you a little by surprise, how he held you to him, his lips moving against yours warmly.
It wasn’t the first time you’d kissed, but it wasn’t something you were used to yet. Your tummy fluttered and you worried that your hands were already clammy, especially in the heat of the sun.
When he pulled back, his grin only increased at your soft expression. The grin then increased somehow even more when his eyes flickered behind you to see Steve’s reaction.
“Hey,” Steve was glaring, “You get her at drop off.”
“You completed your duty of picking her up!”
“I’m not property,” you huffed, feigning insult.
“Of course not,” Eddie’s thumb traced over the back of your hand. “You do have to sit in the back of the car though. Sorry.”
Your mouth parted in the exasperation as he let go of your hand, sat back in the car and then put on his sunglasses as though nothing happened.
You turned to look at Steve who looked apologetic but wasn’t denying Eddie’s claim.
Steve’s hand found the small of your back, and his other opened the back door for you like a gentleman. “Sorry. You can switch on the way back. Promise.”
“I guess that’s alright.”
Just then, Eddie turned the music up on the stereo, causing Steve to roll his eyes as some Van Halen song played. Still, Steve gave your cheek a quick kiss before you got into the car.
And like that, the three of you were off to begin your very first date.
It was early July, a few months after you all escaped the Upside Down; escaped Vecna. It hadn’t been long ago, yet in that time, everyone worked through a lot of healing. Some things may never heal, but you’d be damned if you let the trauma stop you from enjoying the sunshine again.
Time had eased the physical pain inflicted upon Steve and Eddie in the spring. Still, their bodies had been prodded at, wounded, bitten. Steve still shied away from showing anyone the wound spread across his stomach, and Eddie was still anxious about the scabbed flesh around his legs. He still had a limp when he walked, and it still hurt to cough.
You didn’t notice until each of you piled out of the car, that Eddie had put on shorts for the first time all season. They weren’t short like Steve’s, but instead he had ripped some pants just above the knee.
Back when Eddie first got injured, covered in bandages at the hospital, he had cracked some joke on how he’d ‘tell people in the future that the scars are from shark attacks.’ Plural. Not just one. But he insisted that he’d tell people he was involved in multiple shark attacks. That was quite hardcore, in his eyes.
“Babe,” Steve called, although you weren’t sure if he meant you or Eddie. Probably both. “Let me show you this spiffy blanket.”
Eddie was not helping you grab the picnic basket and snacks he’d so kindly bought. He took out a cigarette from Steve’s glove box that he’d created a habit of storing. Steve didn’t mind. Walking to the back of the car, Eddie smoked and watched the both of you.
“I’m swooning,” you grinned when Steve swung the blanket over his shoulder. It was a soft green gingham fabric, and Steve looked very proud of himself.
“You better be. I worked so hard to find this. I needed to make sure you had the best place to sit.”
Eddie raised a brow at that, the corner of his mouth upturning as he thought about Steve’s words differently.
Steve slammed the trunk shut and patted the car’s exterior. “Alright, let’s find us a good spot!”
Eddie was smooth in the way he grabbed drinks from you to free one of your hands, and then he put his free arm around your shoulders. He had to reach his hand sort of above your head to get the cigarette from his mouth and whisper to you, “I didn’t know he was so chipper about the lake.”
It was a sight to see: Steve had dashed ahead of you two, sandals flapping away as he ran closer to the lake. You let out a breathy giggle, snuggling into Eddie’s side.
He put the cigarette back in his mouth and the two of you strolled toward Steve.
“Hey, Eds?” You said quietly.
“Is this a mistake, coming here?”
He had to do the hand maneuver again, pulling your head toward him a bit as he had to grab his smoke. It was clumsy, but it worked. “No, I told you, I want us to have a date.”
“No, I mean here specifically.”
Oh, as in, Oh, this lake could possibly bring up memories I’m trying to heal from.
Eddie clicked his tongue and you could see the way his eyes squinted under his glasses, staring at the water.
“No,” he finally said. “It’s okay. I mean, I suggested it, didnt I? It’s different in the day, plus…” Eddie looked your way, his hard stare softening, “Plus, there’s nothing we need to run from, is there?”
“No,” you agreed.
“Now, are you okay with being here?”
“With you? Always.”
“Oh shit,” he grinned, teasing you a bit, “You flatter me.”
You shied away, smiling against his shoulder.
Ahead, Steve was clapping. Seriously. The guy clapped his hands before putting them on his hips and calling out, “Come on, slackers! Skedaddle over!”
“Relax, Harrington!” Eddie called back, “We’ve got all day.”
Still, Steve was satisfied to see that both of you actually did speed it up a bit, bringing over everything.
The three of you placed your things around the picnic blanket. You had a beach bag, Eddie brought a literal basket with food inside, and a pack of beers. Steve had also brought along towels for himself and Eddie, and threw in extra clothes because even though Eddie insisted he wasn’t going in the water, Steve thought just in case.
“Did you both put on sunscreen?” Steve asked, on his knees as he looked through the picnic basket. He didn’t pull anything out yet; he was just getting a look at what Eddie brought, mentally rating it in his head.
“Nope,” you said.
“Absolutely not,” Eddie said.
Steve raised his gaze at both of you. “Mhm. Not surprised. Good thing papa Steve brought along plenty.”
“I see we’re talking in third person now,” Eddie commented with a grin, resting his back on the blanket. You saw the reflection of the trees and blue sky in the lenses of his glasses.
“Please don’t call yourself papa?” You added.
Eddie shook a finger in your general direction. “Nah, you see, I don’t hate that.”
Steve was smirking to himself, finding the sunblock he’d packed.
You took a spot beside Eddie, your bare legs enjoying the feel of the blanket. There wasn’t a breeze today, only the hot sun and the calm waves on the lake.
Steve had been closer to Eddie, shifting nearer and holding the sunblock. He leaned his head over Eddie’s and said, “Can you do it yourself or do you require assistance?”
Eddie reached up and pinched Steve’s cheek. “I was hoping you’d ask. Lather me up, sugar.”
Steve’s smile reached his eyes. He gently took off Eddie’s sunglasses so that he could put the lotion on his face.
Steve gently smoothed it over, starting at Eddie’s nose and then his cheeks in strokes and saying, “One of my babysitters when I was like, I don’t know, six? She told me to apply sunscreen to my face like a bunny.”
“I beg your pardon?” Eddie muttered, not wanting to move, and in awe of Steve’s close face.
“Put a bit on the nose first— see, you’re even doing the bunny nose scrunch thing.”
“No I’m not.”
“Yes you are! Then let me just make your little bunny whiskers, and bunny ears,” he applied some to Eddie’s forehead, “And beautiful!”
“Aren’t you supposed to rub it in?”
“Yeah, but I think you look kinda cute with your bunny nose.”
Eddie broke out of his little trance and started rubbing his nose himself, “Yeah, yeah.”
Steve sat up on his knees again, “Now up. Lemme get your back.”
“I have a shirt on.”
“But you still have skin exposed?”
“My hair covers it.”
Steve sighed and shook his head. “Why do you have to be difficult? Your shoulders are visible! You’re a pale guy! You’ll burn!”
“I don’t want to get up, I’m comfy.”
“Christ,” Steve huffed and Eddie only beamed.
You got involved by placing your fingers delicately on Eddie’s shoulder. Your nails snuck under the fabric on the sleeve, and you grazed the skin underneath his top. His eyes flickered your way in an instant.
“What if Steve puts on mine first?” You offer.
“So, we’re making deals like children, now?” Steve muttered to himself.
You tilted your head, glancing at Steve, “I think that’d help Eddie, don’t you, Stevie?”
Eddie wasn’t confirming nor denying. As far as you know, he was not going to let anyone put sunscreen on him, and he would harm his skin more than it needed to be. He just laid back, pushing his sunglasses back to their spot, and he smoked what was left of his cigarette.
“C‘mere,” Steve leaned back and gestured to the space beside him. You obliged of course, stepping over Eddie to get there.
With your back to Steve, you sat, and started undoing your top.
Because you really didn’t want some silence to go along with the stares you could feel on your skin, you asked, “You two going for a swim today? I think it’s too nice out not to.”
You felt Steve’s hand brush your shoulders, gently moving hair away from your neck as you dropped your shirt to the ground.
“Maybe,” he muttered. “You want me to?”
You took a peak at him over your shoulder, “I’d love it. But you don’t have to. I’m a big girl. I can handle floating alone.”
You went back to looking at the lake. Where you guys had found space, you were in a quiet area, far from other beach-goers. The lake hadn’t been as lively with people as it was last summer, considering what had just occurred here months before. Things like that reasonably gave a majority of people the heebie jeebies. And the public didn’t even know the half of it.
But out of spite, against all the shit the three of you went through, you couldn’t let beautiful places be ruined.
“Maybe I’ll eat first,” Steve declared. “A-and then, Yunno, they say you shouldn’t swim right after eating. Maybe it’s just not my day!”
Still lying down, Eddie asked, “Why do they even say that?”
“Actually, I don’t know?”
You heard the lotion being squished out onto Steve’s hand. Soon after, the cold of it tickled your back, and he started applying it properly.
Those hands of his were large enough to easily cover a lot of space rather quickly. He massaged the sunblock in, taking special care to your upper back and shoulders. It felt good, having his warm hands on you like that. So good that you let your eyes fall closed, and leaned into his touch.
He worked on your skin carefully, his fingers finding every exposed spot on your back. You hummed when he touched the back of your neck, and hummed again when his fingers glided over your shoulder. Both of his hands worked then, moving to your chest, fingers grazing your collarbones.
Then, he drew his hands back, but they didn’t go far. He tapped at your waist and demanded in a quiet voice, “Turn around.”
You got to your knees, shifting to face him.
Steves hands were back on you in an instant, the sunblock being spread over your chest first. Steve continued onto every exposed area even though you were perfectly capable of doing it yourself.
It was when he started applying sunblock to your thighs that you giggled. “Stevie, I can get it.”
“I know. But I want to.”
Your cheeks already felt warm, but his comment had you biting back a smile. Not knowing what to do with your hands, you decided to pick up the sunscreen bottle that rested on his lap. He paid no mind at first until you applied a little onto your hand, and brought your fingers to his face.
Steve’s nose scrunched but he was smiling. His eyes found yours, the brown looking light and sparkling with the sun. “Hey.”
“Little bunny,” you told him, dabbing some on his noses and then covering his cheeks the same way he’d done to Eddie. “Adorable.”
Steve seemed to have completed his work on you for now, and both his hands rested on your waist. “I hate to break it to you but I already put sunscreen on.”
“You can never be too safe,” you shrugged. You gently massaged it into his face, aware that he was watching your eyes the entire time.
You were aware that Eddie was also very much watching the entire interaction. Even though he had his sunglasses on, his curious eyes followed you.
“There,” you said softly as the sunscreen was rubbed in properly on his face, leaving behind just a glimmering warmth to Steve’s skin. “All done.”
“Thank you, bunny,” he let out just as gently, without giving it a second though.
You pressed your lips together and hummed. Your eyes fell to his lips. You realized you were a lot closer to each other than you’d thought. Steve’s tongue darted out to lick his lips.
There was a hand that started touching your upper thigh, and it took you a moment to realize it was Eddie’s. His fingers rubbed into the plush skin for just a moment before he rested a little lower. “Missed a spot,” he said casually. His hand didn’t leave your leg.
Steve eyed Eddie’s hand, locked on your sweet thighs. So much of you was bared to both of them, and they were getting tired of holding back from soaking you in.
Steve then moved away, sitting up on the towel, leaning back on his palms. “Eddie?”
Eddie’s hand was just above the knee, but felt burning hot anyway. It was the way he held you firmly, fingers not shy, and the way you could feel him stare from behind his dark shades. “Steve?” He said low.
“Sit up. Let me put on your sunscreen.”
Eddie groaned, “Fine.”
Steve smirked, watching Eddie sit up. You sat to the side, missing Eddie’s hand as he moved.
Eddie wasn’t hesitant with Steve, he just hadn’t had his skin so bare since everything happened, and it was new to him to have someone see this up close. But he trusted you, and he trusted Steve. The sun lotion squirted onto Steve’s hand, but he touched Eddie’s shoulder with his dry hand first. You noticed the subtle way Eddie jumped at the touch, but quickly eased up.
“I’m going to start on your arm, okay?”
Eddie mumbled a “sure,” and embraced Steve’s hands, gliding across his skin.
The process was sweet to watch. Eddie was growing comfortable, and Steve’s fingers spread on every inch of skin, gentle and smooth. He inched to his shoulders, fingers peaking under the fabric of Eddie’s top. Steve did his best to go around, wanting Eddie’s neck covered. Eddie had never let him touch him there. No one had, in this new body of his.
But it was Steve. And you were you.
“Is this a good time to tell you I’m nervous?” Eddie broke the silence, cutting through the sound of the lake’s current.
Steve didn’t falter. “About?”
“This. All of it.” Eddie huffed out a laugh that didn’t hold much humour.
“Us?” Steve said, and it was like a first verbal acknowledgment mdent that there was an us you all shared. He didn’t stop his hands though. He didn’t want Eddie to think he needed to shy away.
“A little. But I trust you. Both of you.”
Steve had been finishing up Eddie’s other arm, and he tried to grasp what Eddie was saying. Setting aside the lotion for a moment, Steve leaned and pressed a kiss to Eddie’s shoulder.
Surprising you, Eddie’s hand found your thigh again. Your eyes found his, but his quickly fluttered closed when Steve gave a second kiss against the nook of Eddie’s neck.
“Can we try to get in the water?” Eddie said airily.
“Can I take this off then?” Steve tugged lightly at the fabric of Eddie’s tank top. “You don’t have to, but I think I’d like it if you did.”
Eddie smirked, joking away his insecurities. “You think you’d like it, huh?”
“Shut up,” Steve kissed his shoulder again, jusy longer this time.
“You’ll finish getting all this sunscreen on me, big boy?”
“If you’ll have me.”
Eddie pulled aside so that he could glance at Steve. “You’re such a sucker. Steve Harrington. My oh my.”
Steve rolled his eyes but smiled sheepishly. “Yeah, yeah. Take your top off.”
“So demanding,” Eddie clicked his tongue. Still, despite his teasing tone, his hands fiddled with the hem of his top.
You scooted over, your hand placing over one of his. You hadn’t noticed the slight shake. Wordlessly, you were an offering hand that he accepted. He helped you lift his shirt above his stomach, over his shoulder, then off his head.
Steve licked his lips. He grabbed the lotion.
Eddie watched you watch him. He wanted to shy away but let it happen. He let you happen.
You remembered the way his body was torn up before. You expected it to look painful and raw, but you didn’t expect to be so in awe of it all.
One of the toughest spots was by his bellybutton, and the other on the left of his chest. Still red and harsh, under healing skin. But he had his freckles, he had the ridges where his body flexed under the skin. It was all him. He wasn’t someone to shy away from.
“Can I?” Steve asked, gesturing to the lotion.
Steve delicately applied to Eddie’s back first, then his torso, which felt more intimate somehow.
You let them have the moment, choosing to stand up instead. You stretched out your body, secretly enjoying the way the two of them couldn’t help their wandering eyes.
“Now, where are you going?” Eddie asked.
“To take a dip. Come over when you’re ready, lover boys.”
You heard Steve chuckle, but you were already stepping to the lake.
The sun somehow already felt warmer against your skin than it had when you all arrived. It hadn’t even been that long, but it was like summer was giving you a hug, saying it’s hello’s.
You kicked your sandals aside, stepping cautiously on the rough sand. A few steps, and you dipped your toes in the water. It was refreshing and gave you a shiver. The excitement of it all killed you. Things would be okay after everything that happened. Things were already okay.
Steve and Eddie eventually joined you, the two of them close at each other’s side. You turned, glancing at both of them.
“Gimme a sec,” Eddie said. He stood back a bit, brows furrowed at the shoreline. He watched each rise and fall, staring at it as though the pattern would change and everything was ruined.
You let him have the space he needed. You found Steve’s gaze.
You extended your hand to him, “Come in. It’s not too bad.”
Steve scrunched his nose, not quite believing you but grabbing your hand anyways. He stepped forward, following your lead. A hiss left his lips from the temperature change before he adjusted. “Not too bad?”
“You’re so dramatic,” you giggled, bringing him in more.
He squeaked your name when he followed in to his ankles. Then his shins. Then above his knees. His shoulders were tense, but as he kicked his legs around he relaxed.
“Yeah?” You raised a brow.
He hummed. “Okay, this is nice.”
He gave your hand a squeeze. “I think it’s refreshing.”
While you two had this moment, you hadn’t realized that Eddie had inched forward on his own. He hadn’t waited for you; he wanted to take this step without the help.
He also made a noise as his toes touched the water. You and Steve watched for a moment. Steve walked in deeper, the ends of his fingers grazing the water. He soon started to splash around. The water hit your body causing you to giggle and kick water his way.
“I—“ Eddie’s voice caught in his throat as he looked down at the water enveloping his feet. It tickled at his ankles, and Eddie tucked some hair behind his ear. “I don’t want to go further.”
“That’s cool,” Steve shrugged with a little smile on his face. “This is as far as you need. You can officially say you went in the lake.”
Eddie cracked a smile. A tinge in his eye looked like he was proud of himself. It wasn’t in him to admit that though.
You stepped up beside him and touched your hand against his waist. “Eddie?”
“Hm?” He faced you fully. With your touch, he subconsciously stepped closer to you, facing the shore. He felt a flutter in his stomach as you wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him closer, his feet only feeling the edge of the water.
“Summer looks good on you.”
He gave you a bit of a lopsided grin. “And what does that entail exactly? Do tell.”
“The sun makes ya all sweaty and stuff,” you grinned wide as his hands moved to your hips. “It’s hot.”
“Something is seriously wrong with you.”
He tickled your sides a bit causing you to laugh, stepping even closer to him. The water tickled your toes as you stood taller. Through a smile, you leaned in to him. His skin was sweaty and warm, sure, and you had never seen him so— “You’re kinda beautiful, Yunno?” You told him, your thoughts spitting out.
“You’re beautiful,” he said back, his voice breathier than before.
Your nose nudged his. His fingers dipped against your skin. And then you kissed him. Safe and warm, and all that you hoped this summer would be.
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angelsanarchy · 8 months
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Alkaline: Euronymous x Y/N Series CH 30
Tagging: @ophelialaufey @madamemaximoff06 @forever-not-gonna-sink@ajmiila02@liquidsmoothdomme@shady-the-simp @auggiethecreator @tempt-ress @blacksoul-27 @shroomje
Oystein got home and could tell something with Y/n was off. He had heard bits and pieces from Hellhammer but Y/n was adamant that she didn't want him to do anything about it. He knew Y/n wasn't afraid of him but he knew Varg was a violent person with a short temper. The last thing he wanted was for her to set him off by showing no fear. He thrived on shit like that.
He had called Varg and asked him to meet with him to discuss the album and when he caught sight of him, he tossed the copy of Kerrang on the table in front of him.
"You know this is bullshit right?" Varg sat down clearly pissed.
"What are you talking about? You're on the fucking cover? What else could you ask for?" Oystein asked confused.
"Your name is all over the thing. You didn't want any of this going to the press, I took it there and it's just another thing you get to take credit for like you're the brains of this whole thing." Varg's disdain for Oystein had grown so much in such a short time, he knew that whatever he said would only make things more hostile.
"Look, I didn't ask you here to argue about pointless things. I wanted to-"
"I'm going to release my own music on my own label." Varg cut him off.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Oystein asked.
"It means I don't need you anymore. You'll have to find some other idiot to steal from." Varg pressed. Oystein shook his head at him.
"I haven't stolen anything from you Varg." Varg started ranting about the money that was used to make Mayhem's album and Oystein pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. He knew the money panned out in the end with having Varg join the band but it was pointless to try and sort things out at this point.
"You know what? I think that's a great idea. I think you should release your music on your own label, you want to quit Mayhem, that's fine. We can finish the album on our own and even kick you out some of the profit from what you've already put into." Oystein folded his hands in front of him and Varg shook his head.
"You're such a sellout." Varg chuckled.
"What else do you want from me man? You're getting everything you want-"
"I want for people to know that you are a poser. I want people to know that the so called creator of pure Norwegian Black Metal betrayed it with his bullshit lies and deceit." Varg's words were harsh but Oystein knew he didn't care what Varg thought of him.
"I want your whole world to burn to the ground and people to see you for who you truly are. A weak, pathetic hack who profited off the death of his friend and is run around by the cock on a leash by some Itzig." Varg spoke with such disgust about him but it wasn't until he mentioned Pelle and Y/n that he felt himself grinding his teeth and clenching his fists.
"I know what you said to her and that's the end of it. You want to come after me, tell people I'm some piece of shit poser, go ahead. But you approach Y/n again, you so much as breathe on her and I'll kill you myself." Oystein spoke softly so the people around them couldn't hear but Varg laughed.
"Just because you boasted like you puppeteered your little buddy Pelle into blowing his brains out, doesn't mean you've got even an ounce of killer in you, Oystein." He mocked. It was becoming increasingly hard to maintain his emotions.
"You want to see the killer in me, keep it up. There's only one thing in this world that I would kill for and that's Y/n. I will do whatever it takes to protect her, even if that means sitting in a cell next to you for arson. You can believe that above everything that's ever come out of my mouth." He held Varg's gaze and he knew that Oystein was serious. He didn't fear him but he knew that he had the capability to end his career before it even started if he ended up in prison for the church fires.
"Well I hope you're also willing to die for her as much as you say you would kill for her." Varg pushed away from the table and left the magazine and the necklace he had given him when he first joined the band sitting on the table. Oystein watched him leave with his hood up, making sure no one saw his face and he sighed. He felt a little bit of the weight lift off of his shoulders. He felt like he had just broken up with someone but that someone hated his guts and wished nothing but the worst for him.
Oystein pulled his wallet out and looked at the picture he had put in there of himself, Pelle and Y/n the first night he wore the corpse paint. He felt a pang in his heart for those times. Everything seemed so much easier then. He wished he could go back and change things. He felt himself getting emotional and jumped up from the table, grabbing the magazine and necklace and trashing them on his way out of the restaurant.
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mong---mong · 5 months
How you met SKZ
Channie Edition! Comment who you want next~
Meeting Chan was like being Cinderella..but you were the prince.
You ran into Chan at a business party, you were both 16 at the time,and were forced by your parents to go. They planned for you to take over their business while you had other ideas, of finding your Prince Charming and starting a family.
You refused to believe in fairytales, but a girl can dream, no? Your best friend Minho helped you with this one, not by any means was he your Prince Charming, you would rather die.
He was just your friend that helped you get dates with people. 
You didn’t believe in Dateable men either, all of them wanted to be friends, wanted your money or body.  If you didn’t find someone soon, you knew you were going to married and sent to a whole other country.
While you and Minho were talking, suddenly a male enters the room. The entire room stops, and your mother rushes over to you. “That is the future heir of Banhg Entertainment!” You mother exclaimed, cleary hinting she wanted the two of you to meet.
You didn’t mind meeting people, but you weren’t going to marry him for money, you wanted love, just as much as anyone else. Normally you would have Minho introduce you to people, but he seemed to be distracted by someone else.
Taking a deep breath you started walking towards the boy. You noticed he was around your age, a bit talker than you but not much. You couldn’t deny that he wasn’t attractive. You fiddled a bit with your hands and right before you were about to greet him, someone pulled you away,
You softly let out a yell, as you were roughly turned around to meet with someone’s eyes. Choi Doong-Wui, you had gone on a date with him a few weeks ago, but he was clearly after your body and money.
“Fancy seeing you here..” he says, looking you up and down, suddenly the dress that made you feel sexy made you feel uncomfortable, almost sick. “Why is it such a shock seeing the daughter of the people hosting this party?” You asked, removing his hand off his shoulder.
Doong-Wui completely ignored your comment on you being here, and grabbed your waist pulling you closer. You already mad, he was touching in a too friendly way, without consent. “Did I do something wrong? You haven’t talked to me since our date..” Doong-Wui said.
Although you were very angry that he clearly didn’t get your signs, you still tried to be polite. “You didn’t do anything wrong, I just don’t think I’m ready for dating..” You lied, hoping for him to believe you. “Y/N you are a beautiful, fine, smart, funny, young woman, and I don’t think you could find a better match then me..” Doong-Wui said.
His words were so convincing, you felt you heart flutter at his words, but when you felt his hands slide down to you ass, you remembered why you didn’t consider him in the first place. You start to back up, and when you were about to speak, someone did for you.
“Miss Y/N is it?” The voice said you turned towards the figure, to see the gorgeous male that you were trying to approach earlier. You nod your head, as the male speaks again. “I’m afraid you made a mistake when you said Mr.Choi didn’t do anything wrong. He has touched you inappropriately many times, without consent, he fools you with his words. While it looks like he is looking at your eyes, he is actually looking at your cleavage.” You back up completely, covering your chest being very uncomfortable.
“Miss Y/N, if you are trying to find a significant other, I recommend trying someone with manners and respect..” The male said  and then turned towards Doong-Wui. “Mr.Choi, I recommend when trying to woo a woman, you look at their face, and personality, because that is what you will be seeing the most when your them for the rest of your life..”
Doong-Wui cursed at the male under his breath “Curse you Banhg Chan..” he walked away. You look at the man who was named Chan and bowed “Thank you” he smiled at you and said “Your very welcome..if I may, you zipper has broken, your still not showing much, but it is making you top slip down.”
You gasped looking down at your dress, you remembered why you hadn’t worn this dress in so long. Chan turned around blocking you as you pulled up you top. 
“Thanks..” you said again, he smiled, and your heart fluttered again. Chan took off his jacket gave it to you, you put it on. “You are?” You asked looking at him. His eyes widen, “You don’t know me, I thought everyone knew I was the son of-?” He started but you shook your head.
“Your name, I know who you are but your more than just a title..” you said, understanding the pain. “Well is that so…” Chan mutters before looking back at you. “I’m Banhg Chan..please call me Chan!” He says smiling.
You were about to say something else, before the clock tower went off. Chan’s eyes widen and said “Oh my is it 10:00pm already, well I have another party to attend..” he grabbed you hand, and you were expecting him to kiss, you were so used to it. “May I?” He asked, making your eyes widen. Consent..it made your heart flutter once more. “You may..”
He kissed you hand and started walking away. “Wait! Do you want your jacket back?” You asked, “No..you need it more than I do..” he said smiling before walking off.
Your couldn’t stop thinking about Chan, he was running in your head all the 2 weeks you were sort from him. Your mom was demanding to know who that man is that gave you the jacket. It was such a luxurious brand, which meant he had money.
But you never spilled a word, you wanted him for love and not for money, you wanted him for who he was. You didn’t even know if he wanted you. To your horror, you go in your room after a long day of school, and find the jacket missing.
“MOM!” You said angry marching down the stairs, you go into your living room, shocked to see your mom and dad sitting down. “Mom what did you do with his…” you turn to see Chan and his fathers, Chan smiled at you. “Jacket..” you say glaring at you mom.
“Well I was just going to wash, it when I saw the initials, and I knew I need to return it to Chan, but while we were here we got on the topic of marriage.” You mom explained. You eyes just widen and you were fuming.
“I don’t want to get married mom!” You said, yes you liked Chan, but you didn’t even get to fall in love with him yet. Chan’s eyes soften, they looked almost hurt, you mom got up and instantly slapped you. 
“I did not raise to be so rude, and for as long as you act like this, you will not be my daughter..” she raised her voice at you. You were so shocked, just so shocked, you know your mom was trying to impress the guest, but you never thought she would say something like that. 
You just walked towards back door, and run into you garden. It was big and would take a genius to find your way around. You sat on the edge of the fountain, trying not to cry. You sensed someone sitting next to you and you looked to see Chan.
The two of you didn’t exchange words, you simply just hugged Chan and cried into his arms…
Hope you enjoyed my fan fiction!
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nail-art-no-jutsu · 16 days
I'm back in my Bleach era, and I'm thinking about 3rd Division ships and interactions.
This could have been like five different shorter posts but I've had A Week (with a happy ending, but still A Week) and I'm not too motivated to organize my thoughts nicely 🫠
Okay lemme start by saying that Izuru is one of my faves in the whole manga, I started liking him after that one battle in the Aizen war, don't ask me about arcs, I don't remember what any of them are called. Anyhow.
His shikai is absolutely fascinating, and his whole philosophy about how fighting should be awful, so that people prefer peace. It's great that we have this perspective too, and it's so funny that he's in a story where all the fighting is a huge part of the fun. And how he gets so introspective and serious, and a bit mean sometimes (I lov him for it), and how he was initially in the 4th (!) and poetry and and and, he's just so cute, okay? Okay.
Ages ago when the manga was still unfinished, he and Gin Ichimaru were a very popular ship, and I wonder how people write it after the reveal about Gin's intentions. I have my own idea, might elaborate another day. I do like him btw, in my own way, I like to see him being absolutely awful and secretly not awful too. But even without the shippy context I still find it interesting.
See, I get a certain way with 3rd Division ships. It's like Schrödinger's ship to me, I ship it and at the same time I also crave a completely non-romantic version of it but with the same intensity of a relationship. And I also crave a secret third thing too, a slow burn where the characters are considering crossing the line, but each of them procrastinates because it would be different kinds of terrifying.
I want to talk about Izuru finding out about the whole Gin thing, and just when he thought he'd accepted the new normal - the betrayal, the regret, the outrage - it turns out that Gin was thinking something else entirely the whole time?? So then, how much of his own interaction with Gin was a lie? If the betrayal was a lie, then...?? We see Rangiku kinda trying to make sense of it all, but Izuru went through a whole thing too, and !! I wanna see!!!! I bet it wasn't fun at all, lol, and I want to see all of it.
Then here comes Rose. I can't say enough good things about Rose. I'm also a Rose but it's not my exact name either! And I have my own art form that brings me immense joy and cannot will not shut up about it ever. But enough about me, lol.
I'm interested in how Rose feels about getting his old job back, about how he's been coping with the whole hollowfication thing all this time - my idea is, composing music about it and making it subtle so as not to remind his friends about it too much - and now he meets this guy who, I imagine, is a complete mess after everything and isn't exactly in a hurry to trust someone new.
I've read and enjoyed a ton of things already, and what I want is to watch Rose approach Izuru at first like someone whose trust he endeavors to earn, and since he's a good judge of how people get along and relate to each other (Ichigo and Hiyori, Hacchi and Orihime), he knows that what's important now is to be himself (he couldn't avoid it if he tried) and not try too hard or overthink it, and to be honest.
And it turns out he's been yearning for something like that for ages, like, I don't know how much he and his buddies actually talked about how traumatic the hollowfication event must have been. But now here's Izuru who would benefit from having a boss who is like an open book and not afraid to be vulnerable. He's chill on the outside, but is it really that simple? Not if I'm writing it.
Also I want some comedy with them too, I want Rose to be a very quirky captain with unconventional ways to do Shinigami things, and not just because he was on Earth for so long, but because that's just his personality. And I want Izuru to be fascinated with how (my hc) Rose's take on the 3rd Division approach to fighting is a bit different, but it works: his love for music came first, and then he discovered he can use it to fight, but he'd much rather use it to entertain, so it has a purpose in time of peace too. After all, you can mess up your hair when you fight, and who wants that. Izuru doesn't know if he wants to facepalm or if he's in love.
I don't think it would terrify him right away, I think it would terrify him to realize that it's mutual. It's all good if it's just a fantasy, but if there's any chance at all that it could become reality, now that's a scary thought! But fortunately Rose isn't a scary person, I imagine he'd be patient with Izuru as he debates with himself and eventually approaches him first. I think he'd approach Rose in a way that's basically let's just cross all the lines asap, but Rose wouldn't want that cause it's not his style. He's read too many old-fashioned romance novels. I'm joking. Long story short it works out well eventually.
But I also kinda want the wait to never end 😂🙃
... Yeah!! 🥰 I sure do love me some complicated things.
Uggghhhhh I don't wanna write prose, I just wanna toss my ideas into the void 😂
I just wanna see these guys be happy separately or together I don't even care!
I also have some Rose x reader ideas, I saw that there are very few with him on here, and I know exactly what I'd like to see. That might actually be easier for me to write, I'm a bit more comf with that genre when it comes to writing.
Right, thank you for reading ❣️❣️❣️
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mixelation · 1 year
What is deidara’s relationship with kushina? Actually what is the entire team’s relationship with kushina
cut for length
deidara has a problem with authority in general so at first he is both dismissive of her as a shinobi and is like "why should i listen to this lady, hmm? marrying the hokage doesn't mean you're SHIT" but kushina's approach to problems is "i will just hit it really hard" and her approach to life is "you should have as much fun as possible make the most of every situation!!" and is, in fact, the authority figure most likely to support deidara being artistic on main. so he softens up to her :P
tori is not used to having a mentor who won't secretly steal her organs and kushina's personality is sort of pushy for her tastes. so she starts subconsciously pretty distrustful, but kushina is sympathetic to a lot of her problems in ways tori forgot people could be. kushina's teaching style of "just throw the genin at something until she figures it out" isn't the best match for tori but it's not the WORST match and so tori experiences a lot of on and off frustration DURING her genin days but years later will look back at being slammed into the ground repeatedly because she couldn't "just figure out" a specific move like "ah yes.... nostalgia"
more than she does deidara and itachi, kushina views tori as her precious student minato obviously picked out for her specifically-- tori is a foreigner training to be a konoha ninja and she's obviously angling for a fuinjutsu specialty. so kushina is a little bit hurt when they don't click immediately, but she gets over it quickly because that just happens sometimes. meanwhile she does end up "clicking" better with deidara but there's actually not a lot deidara needs to be taught? his jutsu is already fully developed and he has his own goals and priorities, although kushina sees his.... personality.... as being an immature 12 year old who does need some guidance on important Life Things. imagine you're deidara and kushina tells you about the birds and the bees. RIP
i think she and itachi must already have an established relationship bc it IS canon that she and mikoto are friends, and i do think the dialogue between them in the manga low-key implies that friendship probably would have turned into naruto-sasuke playdates if everything hadn't gone to shit. so i think itachi already knew her in the context of her being sasuke's friend's mom who once got drunk in their kitchen with mikoto and snorts when she laughs over any other contextualization, INCLUDING "hokage's wife," so i think he would struggle with 1) deferring to anyone but the hokage himself (since he's being taken out of being a genius ANBU captain just because he's TECHNICALLY a genin), and then 2) deferring to this particular person because even if he's seen her stats on paper.... that's just naruto's mom??? it's confusing. she threatens to rinse his mouth out with soap after he says something mean and his brain shuts down. is she is commanding officer or his babysitter. he doesn't know and he's afraid
kushina's view of itachi is that, like Deidara, she understands he doesn't really need her guidance except for maybe Life Stuff. she's actually kind of annoyed at Minato for giving her this team, instead of one where she actively got to teach more. she does respect itachi's skills as a shinobi and understand their relationship through his mother makes the whole thing Weird, but it is infinitely funnier to pinch his cheeks and watch the panic in his eyes.
kushina's view on the team as a whole is that they should not be able to work together but they can and they do, but ONLY under very serious circumstances. so obviously she should be throwing them at increasingly dangerous situations to make them work together, duh. trust her minato she's a fucking teaching genius
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Misfits (yeah like the Arcane song) XL.
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Summary: From the dark musty cell of Stillwater all the way to the very base of Firelights, but where to from there? Guess you'll just have to let fate lead you.
Author's note: Guys please don't be affraid to comment literally anything that comes to your mind, I love reading and responding to your comments, it genuinely makes my day!!
Thirty ninth chapter
You pulled a wire and it popped, causing a slight explosion. 
Echoed from the room above you, before rapid footsteps approached your door and threw it open. You had your back turned to it and as it flew open, you slowly rotated your head to look its way. Your face was covered with gray dust and your hair pointed in every direction. Your ass was sat on the ground and an almost disassembled hoverboard laid in your lap, eyes wide.
You raised your hands to your head and shrugged.
“Is that a hoverboard??”
“How did you manage to blow up a fucking hoverboard?!”
“I dunno.”
“You’re gonna get yourself killed one day I swear.”
“C’mon, I’m fineeee.” You waved your hand dismissively and wiped your face clean, leaving a dirty trail on your forearm. “What were you doing with it anyway?” “I was just tryna figure out how they work, that's all.”
Ekko shook his head and slipped into your room, closing the door behind him and joining you on the ground a few seconds after.
“Why not just ask me?”
You shrugged and started to gather the blown up bits, gathering them in a pile in front of you. “You’re busy enough as it is, I’m not gonna bother you with something as stupid as that.” “Stupid?? I’d love to tell you how they work, why would you think otherwise?” “I dunno, I mean, I just felt like you have better things to do, especially after the Council blew up.”
“Please, nothings better than spendin’ time with you.”
You felt your body freeze a little and his words lingered in your head. What was that even supposed to mean?? Ekko quietly scooted closer and started rummaging through the pile you made, pulling out a bigger piece of the board. Your mouth was slightly agape as you watched him for a few moments, trying to figure out what to make out of this whole situation, then you shook your head, making you concentrate on the present.
“Still, I have a feeling that the wellbeing and safety of the people here are a priority right now.” “Yeah well, maybe that's why you should ask me next time, instead of blowing yourself up, don’t ya think?” He nudged you with his elbow and began to fix the device with the tools you had lying around, previously using them to disassemble the machine.
“Okay, you got that?”
“I think so? I never really did stuff like this, but I think I’m starting to get the gist of it.” “What made you want to know how my hoverboards work actually?”
You chuckled, a wave of nervousness washing over you, eyes tearing away from him and burying into the ground in front of you. “You know how we found the big lizard?”
The boy paused what he was going for a moment to look at you, only to realize you were already avoiding his eye contact. “Why am I afraid of where this is going [reader]?” He said and continued to look at you, waiting for you to look back at him, finding your nervousness quite amusing. A sigh escaped your lips as your head finally turned his way and gave him an awkward smile. “I’ve been visiting her and-”
“So it’s a she now?”
Ekko straightened his position and raised his brow, ignoring the fact that you were supposed to visit the animal with him. He knew very well you’d just go there alone anyway and it was easier to just let it go than argue with you. “I think so, I’ve named her Fae.” You replied to him, a little more cheerful now. Ekko scoffed and shook his head, an entertained smile growing on his mouth.
“You named it?” “Her, yea, why not?”
The boy stared at you for a few moments, then he rubbed his face with his hand and sighed, his lips still curled into a smile. “You’re lucky that I like you. ‘couse… whatever, how does it connect with you blowing up a hoverboard?” “Well I thought that if I could understand how they worked, that I could make a bigger one and transport her here. She doesn’t want to leave the street no matter what I do and I can’t just leave her there.”
“Hol’ up, hol’ up, you wanna bring the big lizard, INTO MY BASE?” He stared at you for a moment with wide eyes, before continuing to talk. “What about asking me first huh?” “I know, I know, should have, but c’mon, you’ll help me right?”
“Wha- ugh, yeah I’ll help you, but the creature…”
Ekko paused for a moment, looking at your face as you raised your brows at him before he rolled his eyes and corrected himself. “Fae is your responsibility, not mine okay?”
“Of course! Thank you!” Your face lit up with a smile and you embraced him into a quick, tight hug.
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brights-place · 9 months
Hiya! Hope you are doing well today!
Would like to request like a d*ad!reader x tim/masky from before or during marble hornets-- (you can pick if they were involved during mh or no)
Pleases and thank yous!!
-🙀 anon
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Rise from the grave
Pairings: Tim(othy)/Masky X S/O Reader
Warnings: Mentions of Death, Abnormal Activity, Cursing, Blood, Horror shit, an small amount of gore, D.I.D, and Mental Issues
A/N: OMG OMG YES FINALLY AN REQUEST! Anyways thanks for the request Anon I’m going to serve you some Headcannons and some random bits and pieces that I think would Suite this! <33
- Masky and Tim are two different people and Tim’s not aware of Masky but Masky is Aware of Tim.
- So There reactions would be different to seeing you
- He’d be horrified seeing you again since you were gone…
- The pain in your eyes and how your body was an mess and was ruined.
- Your death left an huge toll on him which affected and made his mental health worse along with his black outs when he wouldn’t eat or take his meds for an couple of days.
- He would start having an panic attack
- The rotting smell of flesh, the smell of dirt and the lingering scent of moss made him want to hurl when staring at you.
- Your appearance was different and scary and that’s what made him scared.
- Your once vibrant figure was more different. It was now a gruesome sight. Torn clothes hang off your mutilated body, drenched in dried blood, while deep gashes and lacerations mar on your skin.
- your dead and lifeless eyes staring at his made him take an step back in fear as you reach your hands out to him whispering “Tim” under your croaky and hoarse voice.
- he broke down on the spot as you approached him
- When you knelt down and your slender fingers touched him he froze instantly your scent lingering in his nose that made him vomit to the side of his body.
- The fact that even though your body was never found he saw you infront of him torn to shreds making his tears burn due to how he failed to protect you… how he failed to keep you safe.
- you were making an film then it led up to this shit show of an life
- as he was busy losing it and breaking down your voice snapped him out of it… even though your appearance was more… different he still knew it was you
- even though he left you to explore the woods chasing after the yellow hooded male and something that you said that scared you he didn’t listen to busy focusing on what the Operator was doing.
- he cried as he stared at you
- as soon as you even try to hug him he will still be in fear and scoot backwards checking to find his pills so you would go away.
- you didn’t…
- you still followed and lingered behind him trying to get his attention
- you even tried to stand infront of him showing your sweet smile but your once sweet smile had blood coated on your lips and an obvious dirt stain on your cheek.
- If he pass outs and turns into Masky then it’s an whole other thing
- Masky would be more hostile but then think you would be useful
- Masky would still be afraid of you but more confident abit in the same way yk???
- he would manipulate you to his own venue fr your already dead so he doesn’t care
- would use Tim against you since well Masky and Tim shared an body of course
- Masky would also ask you things about h th e operator since YOU have seen him more clearly then anybody else…
- when Masky and Tim Switch you keep tabs on it.
- your dead so like you don’t have anything else to do but follow your partner/ or friend who still thinks you aren’t real or just doesn’t pay attention to you until they need something.
- when Tim was having an panic attack even though you were dead and more… diffrent looking it didn’t mean your heart didn’t change or feelings change.
- you went or comfort him but it made it worse for abit before he started to speak.
- “If I told you about the darkness and things I kept hidden would you still even love me? even if you were alive or dead?”
- you’d listen to him even offer an hand (You pulled off your hand and offered it to him to lighten up the mood which he chuckled at before getting freaked out worriedly looking at you)
- He’d blame himself on and on about how he ended up making you die but you blamed how you curiosity got the best of you and that’s how you ended up dying (I think know the term curiosity kills the cat? YUP! That’s it)
- You two would talk and cry and vent together and talk about your memories together when you were alive…
- but it was known that Masky/Tim had to move on soon he can’t date/befriend the dead… no matter how many memories you talk about you are stuck in the body of an ruined corpse
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sparrowsgarden · 1 year
"i would do this project if i knew how to x" you don't need anyone's permission to learn a skill.
like i don't know how to say this to some people but you will need to learn new things, regularly, for your whole life. there is not some age at which you just know how to do shit, so one of the best things you can do is to get comfortable with the process of learning. knowledge is not going to magically descend upon you and also, hopefully, you are not going to subsist forever on what you happened to learn as a kid. so you'll need to learn the meta-skill of learning.
like 90% of my work is "nobody else has done this in a way that i like so i guess i'm going to", and that basically always means learning new skills! i learned plenty of things from school, but most of the stuff that i actually use regularly is self-taught to some degree.
let's make this actionable. here are some tips you can use if you want to learn art, or coding, or how to use a software, etc etc.
1. find somebody who knows how to do the thing and ask them how they learned/if they have useful resources.
there are some things which you have to actually go take a class for, but most things i see people vaguely wishing they could do are not those. however, it is worth asking someone who knows what they're doing which resources are actually helpful for beginners. the pros to asking self-taught people are they also had to learn from whatever stuff they could scrape together. the cons are they're more likely to have very weird ideas of how to do things. either should be fine for pointing you to stuff, though.
you can ask for tips too, that's always fine. but what you really want is to know which sources to trust when you need to look up how to do like a million specific little things.
also, if you're looking for beginner-level art stuff that is not for kids, it'll be to your advantage to find someone who has at the least gone through instruction targeted toward that level (such as, someone who's been in a college-level intro course that isn't specific to art students). it is super easy to get overwhelmed with art stuff if you aren't fairly careful and targeted about what you work on at first, especially if you're truly starting from scratch.
2. being confused is ok.
absolutely nobody opens up a program for the first time, without having done anything similar before, and understands how to use it. being confused when you start something new is not indicative of an inability to learn, it is a necessary step of the process. occasionally it also means that whoever designed the software did a bad job. either way, consider this part of the learning meta-skill.
3. fuck around. troubleshoot.
if the skill of troubleshooting problems is not one you're already good at, then you're getting a meta-skill two for one. don't be afraid to ask people for help if you get really stuck, but most of this is looking shit up. having that list of trusted resources to start your search will be a huge help.
4. don't do everything at once.
start simple and work your way up with mini-projects, no matter what you're doing. this is the advantage of having access to instruction, it's paced out to force you to practice regularly before moving on. depending on the size of the project you have in mind you can disregard this if it keeps you more motivated to see immediate progress, but beware!
5. resist the urge to redo.
at some point you will, presumably, get to actually doing that thing you want to do. when you get the urge to scrap everything and start over because you're not happy with your original approach, stick with it for just a bit longer. honestly, sometimes starting over is the right answer, but it's usually worth some extra consideration. if new stuff doesn't build on old stuff, you're probably better off moving on forward rather than getting trapped in the cycle of endless redos. if it does, at least really take the time to consider whether a redo would be helpful.
i would also say something like "make it a habit" but i have the type of intractible adhd where that's damn near impossible so like. do your best. anything that's worth doing is worth your persistence!
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imolelalade · 7 months
Nifemi Lore and Stuff
Nifemi is a character who I tried to put layers into, while basing some aspects of her personality on myself. But while not only is it hard trying to breakdown yourself down into a character, my brain is also too messy to form proper lore before jumping straight into trauma parts, which I hyperfixtated on at some point. Seeing as this is my first time actually posting proper stuff about her and most of you might be like ‘Who the hell is even Nifemi?’, I’m gonna post a small background and info-dump on her lore a bit. (I also just need some type of  outlet for all of this, it’s one am I want to sleep, she takes up my every waking thought)
Backstory and Personality Study
Nifemi hails from Earth 1960, and she was born in South Africa, though being raised in her spiderman city, Laghattan, New Lagos City, Nigeria (A mashup of Lagos and New York), where she lived  and grew up. 
She and her sister, Bolatito, were both orphaned at about 4 and 2 years old respectively, when their parents died in a plane crash, and moved in with their Uncle Benedict ‘Ben’ Parker and Aunt Mayowa ‘May’ Parker. 
They owned a small family based resturant that brought in most of the family’s income and simultaneously ignited Nifemi’s love for cooking.
At 13 on a field trip to Oscorp Industries, she got lost from her class and got bitten by a radioactive spider and after her Uncle Ben’s death, took up the mantle of spiderwoman, or as she and her city call her, Anansi.
About a year of being Anasi later, Nifemi’s sister, Bolatito finds out about her identity and claims the role of ‘the gal in the chair, making gadgets, walkie talkies the whole thing.
When Nifemi was about 15, she met Miles 1960 (her Earth’s variant of Miles Morales) who she developed a strong friendship with as they bonded over their love for art and stuff. (Big sis, Little bro relationship)
Nifemi soon introduces Bolatito to Miles, the three of them becoming a trio with Miles and Bolatito becoming a couple at some point (Techflower)
Timeskip, blah, blah, blah, Nifemi meets Hobie at uni, develops a crush on him and him vice-versa and they both also end up together (I’ll explain the timeline more in depth later, I’m too lazy and tired to do that right now)
Throughout her journey as Anansi, Nifemi’s canon events of losing her loved ones had a lasting impact on her personal self, both as Anansi and as her civilian self.
Nifemi and her Uncle Ben were extremely close, she growing to even see him as a sort of father figure as she barely had any memories of her real parents, which is why his death as her canon event, (though she didn’t know what canon events were at the time) had such a lasting impact on her, making her unknowingly more emotionally closed off than she would have been as a normal teenager. Her already naturally shy and introverted personality also didn’t help matters to an extent.
Due to this, even though she eventually opened up as she grew older and met HB 1960 (her earth’s variant of Hobie Brown), her second ‘loss of a loved one’ canon event of losing him (since he’s kind of her Gwen Stacy, love intrest thing), completely shattered her and set her down a dark slope of her being afraid getting close or forming any sort of relationship with people, as now 2 of her greatest love ones are dead because, in her mind, her.
As a person Nifemi is a laid back person to an extent, just moving with life but still trying to be successful. She tries to have an easy-going attitude with life but might appear to be closed off and moody to others at times. She honestly doesn’t try or mean to seem that way but has problems socializing or even opening up with people. Despite her attitude however, she does have a pretty steady friendgroup and realistic approach with life, keeping the few friends and loved ones she has close, which is why the loss of them usually has a bigger and lasting impact on her.
Nifemi sees her identity of being Anansi to be seperate yet at the same time the same with her civilain life, constantly mking connections yet still try to keep them from overlapping with each other. While, yes, she follows her Uncle Ben’s advice of “With great power comes great responsibility” and the added mindset of “If I don’t do it, who will?”, at the same time she still wonders if she should just stop trying. The fact that her city, still has their doubts about her, despite her constantly saving them, still seeing her as a demon, due to her powers and their superstitions, also doesn’t help matters and keeps the thoughts coming.
However despite all of this, Nifemi still keeps trying and persevering, using her friends and famiy as a sort of motivation to keep going, in a sense her motto kind of being, “Even if you don’t want to, do it for them”
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emumumimimi · 2 years
Summary: you were about to go home after school with your friends. until your friend, the leader of the phantom thieves, messages you. saying how he wants to hang out. And it seems like he isn’t the only one.
Word count: 1.2k (+)?
Tags: goro/reader/akira, use of akira kurusu, ooc akira??? (idk im sorry T_T), cringe writing, goro and the reader r friends from da past
A/N: first time posting uhm go ez on me,,,,,,
The bell rings indicating the end of school. The once peaceful and quiet halls of Aoyama is disrupted by the sound of after school chatters and footsteps of the students. You were packing up your things when your friends already called you to go out.
“HEYYY ya done yet?” Ichigo asked, approaching your desk with her school bag hanging on her shoulder. “Dude, chill. I’m still packing up” you said, putting your paper and pencil case in your bag. “Yea Ichigo, chill. We don't shove our things in our bag like you do.” Aiko said, just finished putting their notebook inside their bag.
Ichigo just huffed and threw the two people the middle finger causing them to giggle. Finally done packing their things, they head out of the classroom to leave the school. The three friends walk through the halls when one of them asks something. “Y’all doing anything after school?” Ichigo asked the two. “No not really, though i need to buy some stuff my sis asked me” you replied. Aiko also said “same with her, why?”. “I wanna hang around the boba shop near school, you guys in?” Ichigo said. Both of you and Aiko agreed in unison, eager for a cold, sweet drink after school.
As you and your friends chatter and walk to the gate, you felt a buzz on your phone.
Tallass: hey!
Tallass: your school just finished right?
Oh! Its akira. You quickly replied to him, minding your steps when you descend the stairs.
Tallass: hey!
Tallass: your school just finished right?
Shortfuck: yep
Shortfuck: we headen out to get boba and just need to buy some things. Y
Aiko sees you texting someone. “Who that?” They asked, already peering over your shoulder. “Akira” you said, looking up and see the school gate nearby. “OH! Is that the black haired so-called “delinquent” you told about and he's actually really nice and the accusations are wrong?” Ichigo inputted in the conversation, looking at you across Aiko. You sigh, “yea, i mean i can get where some of the students come from but like, cmon” you said with a pout. “There there~” Aiko patted your back. “At Least he has some friends that seem to really care about him” Aiko says. “And handsome too” Ichigo chirped
Right when you're about to reply, your phone buzzes again.
Tallass: im outside your school.
Tallass: ill be waiting :)
Your eyes widen doubled take at the message, not expecting for akira to appear in your school, especially on how busy he seems this week from the “metaverse” as he says (your still a bit shaken up from the information of “persona” and the whole phantom thieves going on in his life. Yet, you still support him nonetheless). 
You stopped and showed your two friends the message you just received. Cheeks slowly turn red as you wait for them to finish reading the text. Both of them laughed and said “DAMN (NAME). LIVING THAT WATTPAD LIFE” Aiko giggled while Ichigo snickers next to them. “Ah yes, the basic ‘I fell in love with the delinquent and changed his way’” Ichigo added to Aiko's tease, still giggling. Feeling more embarrassed by their teasing, you quickly speed walk to the school gates and look for Akira, afraid that he might’ve waited too long.
As you arrived at the school gates, you see a somewhat small circle forming at the side of the gate. Thinking that it might be the person you’re looking for, you went through the crowd. You mutter a bunch of “excuse me” “sorry” as you went through the crowd. You also heard a bit of gossip after going through the crowd. Ranging from “who is he?” “is he a student here” “my god he's hot” you chuckled at the last part. Finally zooming past the crowd, you found the person you were chatting a minute ago. He stood tall, with his bag on his left shoulder, while his phone on his right hand as seeming to check if there's a new notification as such.
“A..Akira!” you called out, a bit shy at first but gaining courage at the last second. The moment he heard his name called from one of his favorite people, a soft smile grew on his face. “Hey, (name)” he said with a smile approaching you. “W-what are you doing here?” you stammer out your words, embarrassed from the attention you're getting right now. “We haven't really seen each other that much for a few weeks, so I thought this would be a good day to hang out?” he said “that is, if your not busy?” he smiled a bit, putting his hands in his pockets and leaning to you a bit.
A hand suddenly slung over your shoulder. “Hey Kurusu! Dontcha worry! You can have (name) for today. We can always get boba together next time” Ichigo said with a smile on her face. “Yeaaa! You and (name) have fun for today~” Aiko said from behind you, seemingly pushing you to Akira. “W-w-woah hey w-wait! I haven't said anything that much yet!!” you half yelled cheeks turning red again as you try to stop Aiko from pushing you to Akira. “Do you.. not want hang out..?” akira said, looking at you with puppy eyes.
You turn beet red from the way he looks at you. “No, I do want too! I just…” you start to mumble and look down. You look back at Akira and see the same glint in his eyes when he teases you. You were about to hit him for it when you heard a familiar voice from the other side.
“Omygod! Is that Akechi Goro?!”
The crowd now starts to grow bigger from the exclamation of that one student. Girls started to squeal and other start to bring out a paper hoping to get an autograph from the famous detective.
“G-Goro?!” you squeaked out not expecting another person to see outside your school.
“Hello (name)” Goro greets, approaching your group, a pleasant smile across his face. “Hello, Kurusu.” he also greets, though his tone seems a bit more sharper and lower but only you can notice, after hanging out with the detective a lot of times. “Akechi! Hello to you too” Akira greets Goro back, not minding the dark gaze Goro throws at him. “Goro….w-what brings you here..?” you turn to him and ask, cheeks turning red again. “I wanted to surprise you and hope I could perhaps walk you home since it's been long since we’ve talk” he said, his tone softer than he had with Akira.
“Dude.” Ichigo whispers from your left ear behind you. “y/n life. Literally.” Aiko added, also whispered to you from behind in your right here. You look at them with a glare and cheeks red. “Is that so? I also plan on to hang out with (name) today. In fact, we were about to leave!” Akira said to Goro, having an arm already on your shoulder. “Oh really? I think (name) can hang out with you another day. Right, (name)?” Goro counters back, a smile still on his face but seems a bit strained.
“Uhm… ahahaha… uh” you said, sweating and looking at the two men, fighting over who you will spend your afternoon with.
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shegetsburned · 1 year
how do strangers perceive your ocs?
Tagged by @inafieldofdaisies @socially-awkward-skeleton @trench-rot and @shellibisshe to take this uquiz for my ocs. Thanks a lot for the tag! 🧡
No pressure tags as always @poisonedtruth @confidentandgood @simonxriley @children-of-epiales @nightwingshero @voidika @unpetitoiseau @unbindingkerberos @jendoe @kryptonian-puppy @captastra @phillipsgraves @scentedcandleibex @baldurrs @detectivelokis @florbelles @madparadoxum and anyone who sees this and wants to try!
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scary dog privilege
loud music. laughing at bad horror movies. comfort through sitting in silence together. deep, Intricate forests and dark shades of green and purple. your best feature is probably a birthmark, or maybe your nose. you often look stoic, but when you do smile, it lights up your whole face. you're observant. you probably have a soft spot for kids. for someone who looks so scary, you have this innate way of making people feel so safe. you're a natural protector. you just want people to have it better than you did. your kindness is subtle. not everyone will see it. but it's the cause of so much healing. even more than you can see.
She really does want people to have better than she did
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lightning never strikes the same place twice
midnight phone calls. original art hanging on the wall. indie music. the color blue and the feeling of knowing someone your whole life. you have a striking appearance. your best feature is probably your eyes. you're a rare soul, hard to figure out and impossible to forget. you probably don't speak often, but each word carries weight somehow. even when you're joking, you're revealing a tiny piece of you. you want to be loved so badly. you don't know that you already are.
“you want to be loved so badly- you already are” I’m crying
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the ground beneath us is solid
sitting under a tree in summer. the sound of light rain on a metal roof and old wooden coffee tables. getting so absorbed in a story that hours pass without you noticing. you probably judge people who don't use coasters. your best feature is your hands. you're often pretty logical, but you're also very gentle. you're not aggressive, but you do have strong opinions. you like gardening. you have a deep need for comfort and security. you like things to make sense. you're afraid of circumstances out of control, but letting go helps you live so much more vividly than you could ever imagine.
It’s so him, afraid of circumstances out of control and being gentle and not agressive
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full of golden light
the smell of soup cooking in the other room. golden hour sunlight peeking in through the windows. laughter that bounces against the walls and smiles you can't help but mirror. you're easy to approach. your best feature is probably your smile. you don't mind looking silly if it makes people laugh. you're not easily embarrassed. you're calm and you make people feel at ease. you're a good listener because you really really care what they have to say. people leave every interaction with you feeling just a little bit more loved. you're a kind soul, and people can see that. you mean so much more to people than you know.
For strangers, of course he seems so kind and easy to approach, his deception makes him seem like a good man at first, just to realize he isn’t- I like this answer
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