#i mean he actually does look a bit like washington
olegduckwing · 10 months
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James Madison if he was in family guy
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iwannascreameurekaa · 4 months
pjo characters as quotes from my classmates, parents, siblings, and grandparents.
Will: "does anybody need the heim-ill-ick?”
Hazel (prob to Nico): “i’ve never smoked… EVER. and if you smoke, i’ll hit you.”
Percy: “he looks like a street person?”
Leo: “i thought i got salt and pepper, turns out it was salt and salt.”
Piper: “i’ve never been attached to a cat.”  
Hazel: “The power of INTERNET👹”
Frank: “that was rude.” 
Percy: “every cat that doesn’t have a tail is named bobby.”
Piper: “just put your coins in your bucket.”
Jason: “if i was barbie, my feet would hurt all the time”
Nico: “it’s giving me skin cancer as we speak.”
Hazel: “she told me to give her when i die so i thought i might as well give it to her now.”
Piper: “did you steal my brush again? quit stealing my brush you little brush thief!”
Percy: “you’ve got 4 of grandma!”
Leo: “i’m a heavy drinker today” *takes a sip of his fourth glass of water*
Annabeth: “you squeezed her so hard she dropped a cheerio.” 
Leo: “and thoust asked if Jason was a cracker(a white person) and Jason replied”no i’m at least 2 or 3 whole crackers since there’s quite a bit more of me than you”
Hazel: "ohhhh my goodness don’t put your feet in her face.”
Leo talking about Piper: "she is a luddite, against technology, close with the Amish community."
Piper looking Leo and Jason directly in the eyes: “no dying allowed in here”
Percy after TOA: “if somebody wants to steal my car, i want them to steal it! not come in my house, shoot me, take my keys, and then take the car. LET ME SLEEP I DONT CARE!”
Will: “me and Nico go on dates to funeral homes”
Hazel: “you have a problem with a joint?” She was talking about her elbow 😭
Leo: “if i get hungry, rats will get skinned.”
Piper: “if this truck goes any slower it’ll have to put out a mailbox.”
Annabeth: “oh you stepped on the cow? well it’s better than the cow stepping on you”
Frank: “and it just sucked the carpet right up”
Hazel "back in my day" Levesque: “i had a lot of beagles when i was young, and finally i had one that lived.”
Leo: “are you looking for regular markies?”
Jason: “i’m gonna go to work tomorrow with a hangover.”
Will: “i’m not very artistic(autistic)”
Jason: “i never added salt to the pepper”
Piper: “keep your toes to yourself”
Piper: “you guys are an embarrassment.”
Jason: "can you pass the salt? i like my stuff salty”
Will: "The only Christian song I know is let it go" 
Context for the next one: my friend had a slick back high pony tail when we had this conversation so that gives you a visual of what Piper was
Leo "what's your next album gonna be called?"
Piper: "'my hair is straighter than my friend'."
Leo: 😦
Piper: "What in the gay man!"
Hazel: "If you stop being a karen then maybe you would actually be successful at life"
Piper: "You should start day dreaming about getting a husband"
Annabeth: "George Washington is the off brand version of me"
Hazel: "Ideas were such good ideas they became the symbol for ideas"
Leo: "did you mean lightbulbs"
Hazel: "..... yes"
Piper: "There's a fly on your butt" *waves at it and it flies away* "that's not your property sir"
Leo: "Yeah you gotta pay for that"
Nico: "Does he have a speech impediment?" 
Will: "He has a brain impediment"
Jason: "I bet he was having Funtime"
Piper: "why do you always say Funtime"
Jason: "I'm not saying sex!"
Leo prob to his tool belt: *suggestive voice* "give me that minty mint"
Leo to Hazel, who doesn't know what any modern slang means: "check it homeslice"
Hazel: "the gambling may run in the family, but at least pokers fun!"
Leo: "im a turkey... cock cock!"
that's all I have rn lmao
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bcacstuff · 2 months
Ok so my take is it's some kind of meeting, interview, getting to know you, whatever you wanna call it. His body language is screaming I'm here I'm listening like he does in interviews, the focused look down, his phone on the table suggests not a date at all he usually has it in his jeans pocket, she has a laptop or something in front of her which idk any date that brings that. This could've been right at the start, no drinks on the table. Still acquainting with each other.
She's not dressed as a young girl in LA on a first or second date, their legs are also not touching as another blogger is trying to suggest, he's actually clearly keeping his away from hers by crossing his legs, and just because that trash site posted she's identified but not public person means nothing. They clearly state they don't post all actual facts. It's whatever people send them. Could be someone said it to stir up more discussion. Honestly everything lately from him has felt like a scream for attention. For a bit of discussion about him. To make him seem a little more important than he is. Even the cinema post. Who on earth would randomly spot him if not organised by publicity??? This entire LA trip has felt like all PR. And maybe she's an interviewer who doesn't want to be put out there maybe they aren't gonna throw her under the bus but want people talking (when I say they I mean Sam's PR people)
You know Anon, I just sit here and most of the time shake my head over all the Anons in my inbox as well as all the 'suggestions' and 'maybes' in the comments.
People jumping to conclusions, people saying things they read somewhere else and make it sound like it is already a fact...
Seriously, where one sees he's smiling and having a good time with 'his date' the next one is claiming their legs are close together and people that do business or have an interview don't sit that close together... the other side sees nothing romantic and it must be business or an interview. And people get all worked up...
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I just had my laughs last night, when the pic was posted by DM. Firstly because obviously no flight to catch after his TCA appearance as some blogger claimed she knew from her 'sources'... and I don't see that blogger addressing that in her next posts!
Secondly, all the ones claiming he was sitting behind Ashley in Washington at the rugby game. Do people fail to see how that SS cap was clearly photoshopped on the woman's head? 🤦‍♀️
And when I post he's still in LA, I get a shitload of Anons saying how would I know, well... because I use logic. Plain and simply logic. If I post things, I checked things, otherwise I wouldn't post it. But it seems some people are so terribly suspicious that they need evidence and proof for all, yet at the same time they seem to believe everything posted elsewhere without any shred of evidence.... even the weirdest narrative is taken for granted, rather than wait and see if there wil be more info, and if not so what, do we always need some explanation for everything? Or can we live with, we don't need to know every bloody detail? Oh and btw. he's still in LA today, so the ones claiming he's back in Glasgow... without any evidence and logic, sorry.... stop throwing things out there you would like to see, just see what really happens. You just get embarrassed all the time that when more details and facts surface.
Anyway, back to your summary of events. I agree, it looks like they just arrived, given there are no drinks on the table, just the 'fancy chips' they serve at that Beach restaurant at Shutters on the Beach.
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No drinks (yet) on the table, or anything else for that matter, just his sunnies, his phone in front of him and in front of her something that looks like a tablet or laptop
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So yes, I agree, if that is a laptop or tablet, that's not what you would bring a date. It gives me a bit the idea of the pics in NYC with the journo of Departures.
But then again, we do not know who the woman is. And there is no easy way to find out, as to me, she looks like millions of other blonde women. That said, the names now thrown out thus far, I don't think any of them match. And to the Anon thinking Ava as she was at the screening of Cinespia as well, please, the woman has tattoos all over her arms...
The pics are quite clear though, so it suggests someone close by took them, not even grainy or vague. Would they not have seen that a pic was taken? 🤷‍♀️
And as long as there are no other details known, I just keep all options open. I can lean more to one or another option, but I rather wait and see if there will be more known in the future. (just see how we found out about Lauren in NYC a year later!)
So that's what I do right now. If you want to do else, have a firm opinion about something, that's totally on you. What I do care for is that you don't come to me later on claiming I said this or that, or another blogger said this or that. I wont entertain that.
PS. I don't like to post the same things over and over again, when there is nothing new or more info about it. So don't expect countless posts about the woman, about who he was with at the screening on Saturday. If I find anything more, you always know I post it with the proof.
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gghostwriter · 3 months
Yours Truly, Romeo
Chapter 3 __ Possible Connection
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Spencer Reid x FOC
Summary: Washington, DC - A string of grizzly murders and obsessive love letters causes Olivia and Spencer’s paths to intertwine. With a serial killer proclaiming his undying devotion to her and the thick tension surrounding her and her agent turned bodyguard, Olivia’s life is writing out like a contemporary love story that she, as a successful writer, could see herself publishing.
a/n: yes I used two actual romance book titles in this chapter. Brain was malfunctioning with giving titles so hope that’s alright
Previous chapter || series masterlist || next chapter
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"A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life." - Prologue, Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare
Olivia was surrounded by police officers riffling through her once safe home. Her solace now invaded with too much testosterone endlessly asking questions as if she had any clue as to who would send her such a horrible thing. Repeatedly saying no until she was blue to her face, she was then told that they had called in the big guns for her case with no explanation as to what they had meant.
And within a few hours, she had figured out what they implied. The FBI had gone and come knocking on her door.
“Hi, Ms. Olivia Hill,” a dark skinned, t-shirt wearing man approached her with a lanky, tall male a few steps behind him. “My name is Agent Derek Morgan, I work for the FBI and this is Dr Spencer Reid. We’d like to ask some questions regarding the letters.”
She dropped her head into her hands, feeling a headache coming. “I’ve already told everything I could to the police officers earlier, I don’t see how me telling it again could be much of help.” 
“Actually, we’d like to know more about the two letters the unsub has sent,” the doe eyed, sweater vest wearing agent clarified. “In both of the letters, he used quotes from Romeo & Juliet by Shakespeare, do you have any idea as to why he’s relating that famous romance write up to you?” 
“Maybe it’s because I’m a writer. Honestly, I don’t know,” she stressed out. “All I do is write romance novels, that’s not a crime nor is it a high risk lifestyle. So why me?” 
Both men shared a look, clearly noting that she was fraying at the seams. Derek silently signaled to Spencer to stay put while he took a look around the house for any leftover clues and to profile the victim. Spencer then proceeded to sit in silence in front of Olivia, hoping his presence would bring a small sense of comfort. 
She was beautiful even when frazzled, taking note of her profile. Her amber eyes speckled with hints of gold framed with red rims no doubt from crying. Wavy chestnut hair with hints of maroon underneath the sunlight entering the study windows. She had the type of subtle beauty that would attract even a stranger walking past the street to do a double take. 
“Have you had a lot of cases like these?” She asked, bringing him back from his musings. 
“Do you mean stalking cases? Yes we’ve had our fair share of stalking cases,” he explained further. “Statistically speaking, an estimate of 13.5 million people are stalked in a one year period and the vast majority of victims are stalked by someone they know—40% by a current or former intimate partner and 42% by an acquaintance.”
She furrowed her eyebrows, clearly intrigued with the agent in front of her. “And how do you know all that? The statistics I mean.”
“It’s based on a government report,” he shrugged nonchalantly. 
“You know, you look a little bit too young to be a Doctor and an FBI agent,” she slightly smiled. “Let me guess, PhD instead of MD, is that right?”
“3 PhDs actually.”
Her eyes widened. “You’re a genius then.” 
“I don’t believe that intelligence can be accurately quantified but I do have an IQ of 187, Ann eidetic memory, and can read 20,000 words per minute,” he stated. “But yes, I’m a genius.” 
“Well then Dr Spencer Reid, do you have a statistic for me on how many of stalking cases get solved without the victim ending up dead?” She questioned as her fingers started drumming on her thighs. 
A nervous tick of hers, he noted. 
“85% of women who reported stalking survive murder attempts with the help of authorities,” He stated reassuringly as the slight smile on her face falls, replaced with a furrowing of her eyebrows. “We’ll keep you safe, there’s nothing to worry about.”
She took a deep breath trying to push the morbid thoughts of being kidnapped and dying out of her scattered mind. “Can you distract me, please? I—I find your voice and ramblings quite comforting.” 
He felt his cheeks and ears warm at that thought. Usually the team found his monologues quite tedious and never lets him finish and here was an attractive stranger telling him otherwise. “You mentioned that you write novels for a living. Any chance I could have read one of them?” 
Her laughter fills the room and warms the deep crevices of his heart. 
“Unless you’re a closeted romance reader, I don’t think so. You strike me as more of a classic literature or academic reading type of guy,” she teased. “A Dostoevsky or Tolstoy type of reader.” 
“You’re right. That's some great profiling,” he bantered back, glad to have successfully distracted the damsel in distress in front of him. “And you're a Bronte or Austen fan."
“Austen. Specifically her work, Emma.” 
He appraised her with a smile. “A true romanticist then.” 
“Well, I am a romance writer after all,” she blushed, heart skipping a beat at his wide boyish grin. Her palms sweaty as she realized her attraction to the genius in front of her even with the frightening scenario that led them to cross paths.
That thought sobered her up. “You mentioned that I might know this unsub—” 
He nodded, silently waiting for her to continue.
“—I played Juliet once for a high school play, do you think that’s why he calls me that in his letters?” 
“Yes—yes that could be the link,” he quickly answered. “Is that an information that anyone near you and your circle would know of?” 
She shook her head. “It’s not something I advertise. I mean, my acting wasn’t great and I was actually just the understudy of the understudy forced to take the role since the actress and her first understudy both got hit with a stomach flu. It’s actually what led me down to the path of writing.” 
“Can you think of anyone who would know that specific detail?” He asked urgently, bringing out his phone ready to contact Garcia for a background check. 
She rambled on the names of her publicist, literary agent and immediate family members.
“Hey Garcia, I need you to run a background check on Olivia’s publicist and literary agent,” Spencer stated over the phone with no time for pleasantries. “See if they have any connection to Maryland.” 
“Maryland?” Olivia repeated under her breath, confusion marring her face as she pondered about the new piece of information that seemed vital for the FBI to note.
She closed her eyes as her mind started to look for a pattern regarding the incomplete information she was privy to. The images, the body parts and her life as she knew it. Like a lightbulb going off on her head, she gasped and quickly rounded to her bookshelf lining the walls of her study.
In the background, Spencer noticed her agitated and hurried actions. “Garcia, I’m going to have to call you back.” 
She pulled out all the printed first draft copies of her books and all its final published version. Flipping them open on the table, she scanned the inks on the pages, comparing the details typed out on her first draft and the missing on the published print, as he approached from behind her.
“Oh god,” she repeated again and again under her breath.
Spencer squeezed her shoulders to stop her from hyperventilating. “I need you to take a deep breath for me—“
She followed, grateful for his presence.
“—and tell me what is, Olivia.” 
“I—I know why he’s doing all of this,” she sobbed out as she tried to unsuccessfully stop the tears from leaking. “It’s me—my writing that he’s basing it on.”
“Your writing?” He clarified, stroking her hair to ease her cries.
“He’s, oh god—uhm—he’s collecting all the characteristics of my male leading characters. But how could he know those details? We edited those out of the published pieces.” 
He held her hand and quickly scanned the opened pages on the table. The light skinned torso clean of any hair from her first book—Lovers of Midnight. The veiny arms and hands from her second book—Love, Theoretically. And the chiseled jawline and high bridge nose from her latest unreleased book—Book Lovers. 
Spencer called Derek back into the study. 
“Reid,” he stated, noting the tears in Olivia’s face and the intertwined hands in between the two occupants of the room with an eyebrow raised. “You have something?” 
He nodded, squeezing Olivia’s hand in his. “I think we have our profile.” 
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penncilkid · 3 months
Welcome to the first official installment of my new rarepair tag! I hope you enjoy it.
Pick N Mix Medley
Pairing: Melodic Scars // Camelopardalis/Gavin/Darlin
[Rarepair Headcanons]
-Maia ("Darlin") [She/Her (but doesn't mind/care about others)] // 5'11" // Afro-Indigenous/Maori
-Camelopardalis // 5'1" w/o horns // Asian (To be further specified later)
-Gavin // 6'1" w/o horns // Black
[How We Get There/The Logistics]
-The first time Maia and Cam meet is prior to the issues with Quinn reach a head. She comes in to DUMP trying to file a report about an incident he caused, looking disheveled and frantic. Various DUMP workers dismiss her, eventually trying to outright ask her to leave until Cam notices and offers to take her to his office to speak with her instead. Their meeting doesn't last longer than a few minutes, Maia second guessing herself and panicking about even "snitching" on Quinn after not too long. Before she can leave, though, Cam hands her a card with his contact information: An open offer to reach out again if she needs him.
-Maia leaves Dahlia following the Quinn mess in June 2020. While back in Washington, she discovers Cam's contact card shoved away into the pocket of some bag. After a few days of eyeing where it sat on her nightstand, she gives Cam a call. They begin talking semi-frequently, becoming casual friends but both keeping one another at an arm's length for their own reasons. At least a handful of times, Maia comes back to visit Dahlia solely to see/talk to Cam. There's something about having a space distant enough from the pack that is comforting.
-Gavin and Cam first meet following the events of "The Cost". In this rarepair AU, Gavin and Freelancer are friends rather than ever becoming formal lovers but he's still more than willing to square up with Vega on their and Caelum's behalf. While in DUMP custody after that, he crosses paths with the serenity daemon and is immediately intrigued by him. After his release, he comes back by DUMP, looking for any opportunity to talk to Cam— which Cam initially deflects. Think something to the effect of "I'm far older than you and will not be easily swayed or charmed by your little tricks. You'll have to do better than that if you want my attention." (Which makes the chase all the more thrilling for Gav)
-The first time Gavin and Maia meets, Maia is visiting Cam at a time Gavin happens to be lurking around his office. Gavin gets to see firsthand what Cam is like when his guard is let down more via his interactions with Maia. This catching Gavin's interest, he approaches Maia after they've left— However, she's still a bit skittish, unsure of how to approach this because of how her and Quinn met and ended up.
-Initially, Maia is quite harsh towards Gavin— a wolf that bites back and all that jazz. It's an obvious defensive strategy, doing what she knows how to try and push away this strange incubus who's taken a liking to her. But seeing as Gavin is a being who can clock emotions in humans and such, he sees right through it (which terrifies Maia in a way). There would be a moment where Gavin points this out and Maia asks why he doesn't take advantage of her then. Seeing Gavin's faltered flicker of hurt would be enough to make Maia dial back the hostility and try to get to know him.
-Seeing as they're both d(a)emons, Cam and Gavin are both aware when the attraction is beginning to form between the three of them. For all Cam's hidden smiles and playfully disapproving eyerolls, he's become rather fond of Gavin. And enough visits with Maia in Washington has shown them both that what they mean to one another runs deeper than anticipated.
-When Maia does come back to Dahlia (shortly before or after meeting Sam) is when things become official. It's been months since they've all meshed as a trio and I'd like to imagine it's after one of the times Maia nearly dies fighting a vampire that she calls up them both and is like "I like you— Actually no, I'm in love with you. I am. I know that I am and that's— fucking terrifying but I don't want to pretend like I'm not. So I'm admitting it and we can see what to do next if you two don't mind that." Cut to them both showing up at her place as soon as possible, scolding her for her injuries before kissing her face and tending to them.
-(So loosely speaking, they'd be officially dating mid summer of 2021 give or take)
[Dynamic Headcanons]
-Cam has utilizes a more human form/hides his horns and such during the day (if he's gonna be interacting with humans more) versus at night/when he's alone in his office. For that reason, Maia one night asks Cam if she can see him at his "most comfortable". As she waits in another room, she's reminding him that this isn't about her, it's about his comfort and such and her supporting what that looks like. When he calls her into the room, she's just mesmerized. She imagines this must be what it feels like for someone to see her shifted for the first time because she cannot take her eyes off of him. She asks if she can touch any of him and he says yes, and her fingers are so careful as they graze against his horns and cup his face so she can stare into his eyes fully.
-Playing in a similar space that Domini did in the Cam/Vega fic, I think he does have a home in/on Elegy. But he's very selective about who he allows in. The first time Gavin was invited over, he saw Cam's massive collection of books, trinkets, and so on. At one point, Gavin went to pick something up— only for Cam to grab Gavin's wrist with his (C) tail without looking up, flipping through a book as he added "You should get permission before touching things." (Which Gavin finds incredibly attractive and makes him smirk)
-Maia would introduce her d(a)emons to the pack gradually and one-on-one. The first person would be Asher (don't even get me started on that friendship /pos) and the way he can see how much better she's doing compared to when she was "dating" Quinn is astounding
-Given the difference in size and height, Maia can and has thrown Cam over her shoulder to make him stop working
-Gavin loves to help Maia get dressed for things. With all the chains and spikes she owns, it's easy to adorn his wolf with shiny things
-Cam and Gavin are two sides of a coin when it comes to experiences gained as a d(a)emon. Whether that's connected to Ivan's situation or Inversion and so on, they have a unique understanding of each other for that reason.
-Freelancer is the most excited to meet Maia and yes, it's because she's a werewolf (Maia gets along with Huxley quickest though)
-Gavin has a habit of popping into Cam's office at the later hours of work/when he knows less people are around. If he's being distracting, Cam will kick him out. But sometimes he just enjoys keeping the older daemon company
-Gavin is the only one who doesn't have a procedure for if he's overworking/not relaxing because he's usually the one helping Cam and/or Maia do that to the other
-Both Gavin and Cam love watching Maia sleep because it's when she looks and feels calmest
[Short Rarepair Fic/Scene Under The Cut]
Note: Zabdiel = "Freelancer" // Castor is an OC belonging to @remcyart Cebalrai is an OC belonging to @sincerelywhistler (thank you both!)
The serenity daemon flipped through the reports sat in front of him, exhaling as he tucked his hair back again. "I swear, if I'm assigned to clean up another one of Castor's messes again, I'll drag that Inchoate in front of Chorus myself..." he muttered. He plucked a pen from the cup on his desk as a knock struck his office door.
"Come in...?" The door swung open, Cam tilting his head with a grin when he saw who stood on the other side. "And what brings you to my office, Cebalrai? I thought the Sodality kept you on a tight leash."
The sadism demon shrugged, a wide smile on his face. "I'm here handling business on their behalf actually. But I had a feeling you'd be in given your work ethic, so I thought I'd show my face." It ducked under the doorframe, approaching Cam's desk. "Long night ahead?"
Cam scoffed, leaning back in his chair. "Most likely. I was supposed to be gone nearly an hour ago, but of course I got Castor's mess dumped onto me again."
Ceb laughed, "Go easy on them. I doubt he means to break covert so easily."
"I'll go easy on them when I'm not handed his headaches anymore." The serenity daemon sighed, "Ignore me though. I'll sort it out eventually."
"Of course you will." The sadism demon bent down and flicked Cam's hair back into his face, "Don't stay up too late. I hear you have partners to go home too."
Cam laughed, gently shoving Ceb's hand aside. "So the Sodality is full of gossips?"
"Us demons talk, Camelopardalis~." It walked over to the door, "Come visit me sometime, will you?"
"Will do, Ceb." The demon ducked under the door, closing it behind himself. Cam uncapped his pen, making notes on the report in front of him. Judging by the information presented, he'd have to get creative with the memory wipe— Unfortunate but not surprising in the slightest.
A second knock came as he jotted down a phone number he'd have to call, the door opening without response. "Did you forget something else, Ceb—"
"Doll, I fear you're addressing the wrong demon~." Cam looked up as Gavin walked in, Maia following behind with a yawn.
The serenity daemon fought a smile, capping the pen as he rested his arms against his desk as the incubus sat down. "I see you were careful to not sit on my files this time."
"But of course. No need to earn a scolding while somewhere you can't properly reprimand me," Gavin purred with a smirk as Maia came up behind Cam, leaning down and resting her head on his shoulder.
Cam reached up, scratching the back of her head. "You seem tired."
"No shit. It's nearly 1 am and I'm the only human in here," she shot back with a tired smirk. "Which is why I'm trying to figure out why exactly you're still holed in this office."
"Nah, don't 'Darling' me, Cam." Maia lifted her head off his shoulder, a hand grazing one of his horns. "It's late, and I want to know why you're still here when we're both supposed to be laid in bed right now."
"You have Gavin—"
"Ah ah, nice try, Doll. But believe it or not, I'd also like you home tonight. I spent all evening studying with Lasko and Zabdiel. What better way to end my night than nestled between my two oh so lovely partners?" Gavin leaned closer, the tip of his tail under Cam's chin. "We came all this way, Cam. You wouldn't keep us waiting, would you?"
The serenity daemon sucked his teeth before sighing, biting his lip. The two of them knew exactly how to get to him every single time.
It felt good to be known so well.
"Let me put a few of these reports in my bag so I can deal with them in the morning at least."
Gavin grinned, "Then allow me to move aside." He dragged his tail under Cam's chin and along his shoulder, moving over to Maia. "Let me carry your bag for you, Beautiful."
"This sounds like a ploy to butter me up since I have to drive us home," the shifter pointed out with a tired laugh, handing her bag over to the incubus.
"Well, is it working?"
"It is. But there's certainly more effective strategies you could use."
"Oh, are there?"
"Mhm," Maia hummed with a grin before Gavin kissed her. Cam smiled to himself, tucking away the papers as closing his own bag. He wouldn't trade this for anything.
He walked over to the door, flipping the light off as the two pulled away from one another, quiet panting blending with the steady click of a clock as Gavin pulled his hand from beneath Maia's shirt. "And you two said you wouldn't have handled yourself just fine."
Maia rolled her eyes with a smile, tugging Gavin behind her before kissing Cam's cheek. "Wouldn't be the same without you."
Gavin slipped a kiss onto the daemon's other cheek, "Which is exactly why you're coming home with us."
But in Cam's eyes, home was on either side of him.
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texas-gothic · 2 months
Before I begin, please note that this is all ESPN Sports Room-style analysis and that Kamala Harris is every bit the genocidal monster that her boss is. Neither she nor anyone attached to her will be seeing my vote. Not that that matters since I live in a deep red state where my vote would end up going to Donald Trump regardless. Yay deeply undemocratic election system!
I honestly think that Harris has a really decent chance of winning this election with Tim Walz by her side. I was almost dead certain she was going to pick someone like Shapiro or Kelly who would have alienated key voting blocks, but no, she actually did the smart thing.
Walz is smart because he continues to hammer on Trump's biggest weakness while distracting from Harris's own. No matter what she and her allies might have to say about a fresh new start, it remains the case that Kamala Harris is still the other face of the most unpopular administration since 1968. By all means Donald Trump should have been able to coast by on an awful economy and taken the Presidency with ease. But then he went and picked professional pervert weirdo JD Vance as his running mate. A strange little man who can't shut up about how much he hates women at a time where Trump's biggest sore point is women's rights. And while it might not seem possible, Tim Walz makes JD Vance look even worse.
Walz, as governor, is extremely popular with his electorate. He has an especially rare record of actually doing the things he set out to do and has been flagrantly ignoring the Democratic Party line of "Look pretty and do as little as possible." People wanted him to defend public education and the rights of minority groups, and he has done so with flying colors. All while his colleagues in Washington allowed abortion rights and affirmative action to crumble while they were too busy scrounging together trillions of dollars to fan the flames of proxy wars.
Vance, on the other hand, has only been Senator for a little under 2 years. And in that time he has done little besides contribute to the partisan havoc that has largely deadlocked this term of the legislature. He's gone on a lot of bizarre, right wing podcasts, sure, and maybe that's what matters to the core base of Republicans, but I don't imagine the fact that he got to sit down and talk with Tim Poole once will play very well with undecided voters. Then there's the myriad of scandals that has broken out around him only since his nomination as VP. Did Vance fuck a couch? Does Vance want to strip people without children of their right to vote? Why does Vance follow so many people who post about "towel boys"? Why did Vance google dolphin pornography? Why did Vance right the forward to Project 2025, maybe the least popular thing to ever come out of an already unpopular think tank? The questions with this guy never end.
So on one hand, we have a beloved governor whose record of firm, swift action and following through on promises might just cover for the current administration's record of the opposite, and on the other hand, a living embodiment of the kind of weird, extremely-online reactionary nonsense that Trump needs to avoid, whose bizarre behavior keeps pulling in more and more of a negative spotlight on their campaign.
This is still a tight race. Kamala Harris was not that popular to begin with, and Joe Biden has given her a lot of baggage on her way to the White House. But Tim Walz might just be likeable enough with voters that they can look past all of that. Largely because it's hard to look away from the weirdo running opposite of him.
I guess we'll just have to find out.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 5 months
I think it's going to go the way all of their IG "tours" go.
why do you think they're trying to frame it differently to their other tours? it's not the first time they travelled abroad
and do you think it'll be a success in the way of half-in half-out?
In a way, it's more of a recruitment trip for them and I suspect it's a bit of do-or-die, make-or-break kind of a trip.
If you look at their prior travels, it's all been "done deal" trips, where all they really had to do was show up. The Hague, Dusseldorf, and Vancouver Invictus Games were set up before Megxit (Hague and Dusseldorf definitely, less confident on Vancouver but the timeline kinda lines up for some sort of ancillary support from the BRF) using BRF/Royal Foundation staffers and connections to make the arrangements.
(ohhhhhhh god I just actually read the IG press release (archived link) that came out this morning. Harry announced the shortlist finalists for the 2027 Invictus Games. It's Birmingham UK and Washington DC. I cannot, you guys. I cannot be waking up to the Sussexes on my local news, in my local papers, on my social media algorithms.)
Anyway, this is the first time that Harry has really had to work to recruit hosts for Invictus Games. He started last year with a mini-trip to Japan but my feeling is Japan gave a big fat NO because they didn't send anyone to compete in Dusseldorf and then almost right away Harry started love-bombing Nigeria. First by becoming their groupies at IG. Then sending period products and school supplies to Nigerian schools. Now having negotiated a trip. (And these trips don't just pop up at the last minute; this is something that's been in the works for quite some time, especially since the military seems to be involved.)
Now consider this article from The Express, which reports that at least 2,000 veterans have quit/left Invictus Games because they're unhappy it's turned into the Harry-and-Meghan-Fauxyal-Tour. 2,000 is a HUGE number...especially considering that just 513 veterans competed in Dusseldorf IG. (Each of the Games has about 500 athletes. That's not a sustainable business model. For comparison: the 2022 Warrior Games had 300 athletes participating from 3 countries - the US, Canada, and Ukraine.)
And remember the essay I wrote a couple weeks ago about how Invictus Games had to be thinking about cutting Harry loose because he doesn't really do anything for them? (I honestly can't find it tonight. If anyone has a link, can you please share it? I thought I tagged that post but it's not coming up.)
So both of those things coming together - having to recruit for IG hosts now and blood in the IG water over veterans complaining about the Sussexes - means that Harry really needs the Nigeria trip to go well if he wants to keep Invictus Games. So he's got to actually work on this trip, and so does Meghan, so they're defaulting back to royal protocols hoping that the protocols are enough to woo and lovebomb people. I think what they're trying to do is say "if we come, this is all the attention and all the media that we'll bring with us, now imagine how much more attention and coverage you'll get over the next 5 years when you're an Invictus Games host."
It is kinda half in/half out, especially since it looks like government officials and Defense officials are involved in the trip (and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Harry rolls up with his medals again). But it feels more like desperation to me. They made their bed four years ago abusing and using Invictus Games because they could, only now Invictus Games has come to collect and is demanding they make good on Harry's role as Patron.
From a lot of the recent news coverage - Harry's leaks to the Express about pulling out of the anniversary service, Invictus Games now clapping back about how the veterans don't want Harry involved anymore, all the hype about their groundbreaking royal/anti-royal trip to Nigeria, and the confirmation that the Nigeria trip is expressly because of Invictus Games - there's definitely something happening behind closed doors at Invictus Games that seems to be making the Sussexes very nervous if they're now pivoting back to royal cosplay.
And also let's not forget the rumor that Mike Tindall has been asked to be an ambassador for Invictus Games in a role that might supplant Harry.
And not only that, I also feel like Harry and Meghan think that if the Nigeria trip goes well and it's a success and they come away with a deal for 2029 Invictus Games or having reversed their popularity slide, they can use it to shoehorn half in/half out from Charles by being able to point to this and say "see? We can do this. Look at what you're missing. You need us."
I'm not sure if it will be a success. The Sussexes often get in the way of their own selves when they really need things to go well and this trip is rife with potential for that. From the security concerns to military cosplay to appearance of it being an official visit on Charles's behalf to Diana cosplays to the goverment/Nigerian military involvement to just their personalities and mannerisms, it won't take much for something to go wrong. It'll take everything for the trip to go well.
On the one hand, I hope it works. I know how much Invictus Games means to Harry and I think he really derives some kind of true joy from being able to provide these services and opportunities to his fellow veterans and soldiers. But on the other hand, I hope it goes wrong ten ways to Sunday so Charles has no choice but to step in and remind everyone - Sussexes and the Commonwealth alike - that there's no half in/half out without his approval and they do not have it, no matter what the Sussexes pretend otherwise.
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sweetnxthngs · 2 months
[ may calamawy, non-binary, they/she] — whoa!  IMAAN EL-SALEM  just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for TEN YEARS, working as a/an OWNER OF BROWNSTONE BOOKS  that can’t be easy, especially at only 38 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit SHY and FANCIFUL , but i know them to be WARMHEARTED and ARTICULATE. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to QUEENS! —character parallels: rory gilmore, monica gellar, lexie grey.
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wanted connections • pinterest
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FULL NAME: Imaan El-Salem
NICKNAME(S): none, doesn't love nicknames.
AGE: 38
DATE OF BIRTH: February 14th, 1986
CURRENT LOCATION: Queens, New York City.
ETHNICITY: Egyptian, Palestinian.
GENDER: Non-binary
PRONOUNS: they/she
RELIGION: Raised Muslim, does not follow organized religion perfectly by any means, but does believe in God and has faith.
LANGUAGES: arabic, english.
OCCUPATION:  owner of brownstone books.
FACECLAIM: May Calamawy
WEIGHT: 115 lbs
PIERCINGS: one lobe piercing in each ear, and an industrial piercing in the right ear.
TATTOOS:  here
SCARS|MARKS: freckles across her nose and cheeks,
SIGNATURE SCENT: Maison Margiela Replica Springtime in the Park.
MENTAL ILLNESSES:  social anxiety.
MOTHER:  Nashwa El-Salem ( Badawi) (deceased)
FATHER:  Omar El-Salem
SIBLINGS: Laila El-Salem (younger half-sister)
RELATIONSHIPS:  coming soon
 PETS:  a black cat lovingly named sush, short for sushi.
ZODIAC SIGN:  Aquarius.
FAVORITE FOODS: sushi, watermelon, mint and feta salad, garlic noodles with chili crunch, mutabal, french fries drenched in ketchup and mayo, shakshouka.
FAVORITE COLOR: lavender and pink
LIKES: the smell of the air just after it rains, and the color of the sky and it's orange-pink hue then, too, when svu or criminal minds marathons are on, the feeling of having a crush. romance books.
DISLIKES: anything above 70 degrees Fahrenheit, washing the dishes by hand,
HOBBIES:  as of recently, ballet classes just to get some movement in and they like the fluidness of it, reading fanfiction when they should be working, baking their feelings away, and self-defense classes.
tw death, tw religion, tw childbirth.
BAHRAIN, February 1986.
It's February, but it's the Middle East in the 80s, so the weather is likened to the decade. Nashwa is in a hospital and still, sweating profusely. She's unsure if it's the weather or the pressures of childbirth. She is freshly married, and this is her first baby, when a screaming little girl comes out, Imaan, is placed into her arms she cries along with her. She barely gets to hold her though before the beeping of a machine rings in her ears and before she can even meet her daughter, to know her, Nashwa El-Salem is pronounced dead, complications in birth.
Omar, her father, has no idea what to do with a newborn daughter, and with his job, he doesn't really have the time to raise her alone, that's when originally, her jadda stepped in, helping raise the young child until she was of school age, and then, there was pressure for her father to remarry, to find someone to run the home while he worked. By the time young Imaan is seven, Omar is remarried, and expecting another child.
Their stepmother isn't from here, the States, actually, here as an expat, working for the embassy, and their little sister Laila looks more like her than their father. Imaan is barely eight but she knows that things have shifted.
They go back and forth from Bahrain to Washington often enough, two homes, and to Imaan, it feels like two families. Her father and herself, and then him and his wife and Laila. There is a passing comment about how she can't let go of a mother she never knew, and as Imaan gets older, they know that's true.
by the time Imaan is seventeen, laila is 10, and they are fully moved to Washington, leaving Bahrain, and everything Imaan has ever really known behind. They finish their last year of school in the States, and it is so different Imaan feels out of place, and alone. She tries to fit in, and tries to be the perfect daughter at the same time, but those two don't align. Raised strict Muslim, Imaan is used to a set of rules, and the western high school system is mostly not set up for them, especially in 2005. Her connection to her home and her faith gets lost somewhere along the way, more fights with her father about his expectations, about his wife and his other daughter, about how she will never be good enough. He calls her disrespectful and a disappointment, and she tells him she applied for college in Scotland far away from him, and the look on his face tells her she's gone too far, but the plans have already been set in motion.
The University of Edinburgh is a dream and an awakening. Imaan is still shy, an introvert one would say, but also more willing to explore who they are. Kissing a girl for the first time is like a rebirth, trying cigarettes, alcohol, and even drugs feel like things that make her stray from the staunch religious upbringing she had, and yet, the lack of restraints feels good.
By the time she graduates with a degree in English, she knows she is different, and she's not sure how much her family will like that.
She moves back home for a while and works in a library as an assistant, and the freedom college abroad brought her dwindles, it's back to dad's rules. her sister is just sixteen, and while they were never close, their relationship is not bad, but Imaan finds there isn't much they have in common. Her sister likes concerts, has a large circle of friends, and spends her time trying new makeup techniques, and that's all fine, except Imaan can't relate to it, as someone who finds their enjoyment in reading the newest romance boo release, or
She moves around a bit after two years at home, does two years in California, and two more in Chicago before moving with their roommate to New York. It's closer to home but totally different all the same, and it actually feels right. Unlike all the other cities. They get a job in a bookstore and share a two-bedroom with their roommate in Queens and life is okay, though not perfect.
Imaan brought Brownstone Books off the owner, who they worked for 8 years before she decided it was time to retire, and with a very small loan and the kindness of someone who took them in, they owned the place. It felt daunting, but the bookstore's popularity helped make the transition easier.
In those ten years since moving to New York, Imaan found that what was missing in her life was some sort of faith, and found a way to embrace spirituality and their sense of self, a sometimes uneven, but more comfortable balance. They got cat and name it sush, and they still live in a two-bedroom, though their roommate moved out recently to live with her boyfriend, so they're on the hunt. They love to bake, spending the time not in the bookstore either doing that or reading (books, or fanfiction, thank you). They don't see their family often, though her sister is 31 now, and has visited a few times.
wanted connections found here.
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gtlurker · 4 months
Chapter eight of inhuman, finally out. This chapter is a bit angsty and mentions isabelles time at the lab a bit, so fair warning for that, otherwise, enjoy!
Chapter eight.
When I lock eyes with my brother for the first time in ten years, all I can do is cry. Damien stares at me in shock for a few moments, no doubt trying to process my height.
It doesn't seem to take him long to process though as he runs over and immediately takes me from atlas’ hands, ignoring Ronan's protests and telling him to sit back down.
He holds me against his collarbone as he falls to his knees, muttering repeated apologies and having explanations that fade back into apologies. I can't say I'm doing much better, tears pouring from my eyes like rain clouds and failed sentences I can't even string together to tell that it wasn't his fault and my own apologies.
For what feels like hours but was probably only minutes, sitting on the floor like this, sobbing and apologizing, his hold on me is too tight, almost painful, but I can't find it in me to care. When he finally does pull away and his eyes start to frantically scan over my face, he stops breathing for a few moments.
No words escape his throat, no tears leave his eyes. Nothing but pure sorrow can be found on his face.
“Your eyes aren't supposed to be blue, your hairs isnt supposed to be black.”
his voice cracks when he says these things, as if he's trying to change my appearance back to the blond hair brown eyed girl i was the last time we saw each other. He still has his blond hair and his brown eyes, but he's clearly not the same person I knew all those years ago.
He has no hope left in his eyes. And it kills me to see him just as broken as me. I can't bring myself to reply and just stare up at him in disbelief that he's actually here.
“Um, I hate to ruin this moment, but I haven't finished your stitches yet.” Ronan's voice breaks through the overwhelming mix of emotions, and my eyes travel down the length of Damien's arm to the fact that he still has a surgical needle sticking out of his arm inside a half stitched bullet wound. “Oh, right.” he says, as he stands and sits back down infront of Ronan, holding out his arm again.
It takes me a moment before I'm able to climb out of his hand and sit on the floor next to him. I look over at Atlas who's staring at his hand like it was kissed by george washington himself, i don't understand why he's staring at his hand like that, and it's kinda freaking me out. However it's not freaking me out near as much as how good Ronan is at giving stitches, or at how damien's not show any signs of pain even though his bullet wound is being repeatedly stabbed with a needle.
All of us sit in a tense silence while Damien is stitched up. Atlas goes between cleaning up the mess that was made, and staring at me. He's always staring. always Making me feel insignificant and like I'm just something to be gawked at because of my size.
It's not like I want to be this way. I shake off my depressive thoughts and instead focus my attention back onto my brother, who has worry etched onto his expression. “Isa, Have these idiots hurt you at all?” he asks, looking at me like I'll break if he gets too close.
Ronan's face drops and he looks offended, as if Damien even considering the possibility that they would have hurt me is the greatest offense known to mankind.
Atlas however, winces at the question. While he didnt hurt me, he did hit me with his car, sending me flying at least twenty feet. That would hurt any normal person, especially someone of my unique stature.
After a few moments of careful consideration, I shake my head no. “No, only hit Me with a car.” Damien immediately shoots up, glaring at Atlas and ronan. “He WHAT?! What do you mean only!? They hit you with a car!” regret washes over me as i realize how that i might have sounded to him. “She's obviously not hurt is she? Sit down and let me finish your stitches or I will shoot you again.” Ronan threatens, and Damien reluctantly sits back down.
Ronan brings the needle back to damiens arm and keeps stitching him up. I turn my head away from the sight of my brother being sewn back together like a stuffed animal a child ripped.
I hate sewing needles.
Seeing one, even if it's being used to help someone, brings me back to when needles were stuck through my wrists and ankles, holding me in place as a scalpel was dragged across my skin. Tearing me open and ripping out my non vital organs. Both my uterus and gallbladder have been removed to my knowledge. I hate to imagine what else I lost without anyone telling me. Just at the mere memory of it i begin to tremble, the skin on my stomach beginning to ache as if there's a blade pressed against me at this very moment. When my eyes drift upward instead of seeing masked faces and gloved hands awaiting to cut me open and torture my mind alongside my body, i see ronans, atlas, and damiens concerned faces all looking down on me, making me feel smaller than i truly am.
The pity on their faces do nothing to calm my racing heart. The scientist looked at me with pity, and they still continued to hurt me. “Isabelle, what's wrong? Did something happen?” damiens voice is muffled to my ears, sounding like he's trying to speak to me through a wall, yet at the same time it's overwhelmingly loud. “I-i need a drink…” I croak out, my voice shakes around the syllables as I try to not look up at the three of them.
I hear rustling followed by the sound of running water as Ronan grabs a glass of hopefully just water for me. Damien reaches a hand out towards me, however he almost immediately pulls it back when I flinch away.
I can't help but notice the hurt that flashes across his face. It's not like I want to be scared of my brother, but after everything that's happened since I saw him last, i dont think it'sm possible for me to feel anything but fear towards anybody.
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stevetonyweekly · 1 year
SteveTony Weekly - August 27th
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Hey all! I’m feeling under the weather this week so even though you’re owed a long list this week--it’s not. I’m sorry. I’ll do better soon. 
Memory Lane by itsallAvengers
Suddenly, he's soaking - someone just threw a fucking water bomb or something, and it's not a big deal, it shouldn't be a big deal-
But for some reason, it is.
Toasted Buns by copperbadge, scifigrl47
After seeing Tony naked and tanned -- all over -- in a decontamination shower, Steve realizes he may be in trouble. Tony, meanwhile, is definitely in trouble over those tabloid pictures of him sunbathing nude. The solution is clearly a tropical island getaway.
Tenth Time Lucky by itsallAvengers
Steve just wants to propose to Tony.
If only he didn't keep getting fucking interrupted-
I Am One With What I Am by Kiyaar 
After the mess in Washington, Steve and Tony try to carve out a little life for themselves, a place to heal, out of the spotlight.
If only the original Tony’s shadow wasn't permanently between them.
Throw a Little Hot Rod Red in There by FestiveFerret, SirSapling
Tony Stark was pretty sure that the absolute worst time to get asked out by an incredibly talented, good-looking artist, who likes to paint - and defend - Iron Man, is when he's dying of palladium poisoning.
Vice Versa by AvocadoLove
During an alien invasion, Tony is transported to an alternate universe where Steve is Iron Man and he is Captain America.
Also, Captain Stark and CEO Steve Rogers are together on the sly. Awkward.
I Wanted It To Be You by complicationstoo 
After Civil War, Tony and Steve are both a bit of a mess. Guilt and loneliness threaten to break them both, but each find comfort in the emails of strangers they meet online. Tony writes to Sal, and Steve writes to Thomas, and neither of them have a clue who's actually on the other side.
Antoshka by LokasennaHiddleston
Tony does not know what to make of the Winter Soldier's story. For Steve's sake, he's trying to help. For Steve's sake, he's trying to find Bucky Barnes and bring him back. But when an Avengers raid on a Hydra base leads to an unexpected discovery, Tony will find that Bucky Barnes may just be more than just his lover's best friend.
Mental note: Scrap all footage of him hitting on Natasha. That's just awkward.
Through A Lens by itsallAvengers
"Okay- so this is the first option- I've got to go to this huge family meal in a few weeks, and so I'm looking for a shirt that just screams 'I am the family disappointment', you know? Does the bright pink work, do you think?"
Steve shrugged. "Uhh, well, I'd say pink probably would? It's hard to say, I mean, I'm colour-blind, maybe you need Natasha's input. Hell, Clint's always good with 'family disappointment' fashion, shall I grab him-"
"Wait," Tony cut him off, face completely blank and shirt half way off his body. "You're... you're fucking with me, right?"
"Huh? I mean, Clint's family is fucked up on a normal day, so it's not really-"
"No, not that, the other thing. The colour-blind thing," Tony said, stepping out of the changing room with his shirt still hanging around his neck in order to grab Steve's arms. "Please, please God tell me that I haven't spent the last two years of my life assuming you could see colour. Please."
If you like Piña Coladas... by itsallAvengers 
After being essentially blackmailed onto a first-class cruise by Bucky under the guise of 'taking a vacation' and 'getting some well-earned rest' or whatever stupid bullshit it was that his dumb best friend told him, Steve Rogers ends up alone, on a boat heading to the Caribbean. He gets on expecting to hate it.
He does.
There is one good thing about the trip, though.
patchwork people by itsallAvengers
It was a pretty well-known fact that Tony Stark had control issues.
It was far less well-known why, though.
Our rain-washed histories (don't need to be told) by sirona
Dumped by SHIELD into the real world of the 21st Century, Steve must learn how to live a normal life again, and rediscover the things that make it worth embracing.
Science and Progress (do not speak as loud as my heart) by sirona
Steve's body is not the only thing affected by the Super Soldier Serum.
I wanna hold your hand by sirona
No one understands what it's like growing up rich and yet more alone than anyone should be able to stand - except for people who grew up just like you, that is. In which Tony Stark goes to Oxford University and meets people and makes enemies and makes friends and changes people's minds and falls in love - amongst other tales of mishap and adventure.
you can call me babe for the weekend by complicationstoo 
Tony left his small town for Los Angeles after high school, leaving behind everything to pursue his dream. Ten years later, he comes back for the first time and finds that some things are impossible to let go of.
Brave New World by valdomarx for enkiduu
Captain Hydra, the Avengers' long-time foe, and Iron Man, the mysterious masked Avenger, find themselves transported to a strange alien planet. The place is beautiful, but it's also apparently sentient and has taken a perverse interest in them.
Steve agrees to a truce with Iron Man for now, at least until he finds his time to strike.
That is, if the trees don't get them first.
Good For You by youcancallmearrow 
Steve doesn't understand why Tony dates people who treat him poorly. Tony doesn't understand why Steve cares.
The rest is bad choices, good choices, rehab, milkshakes, paintball, YouTube videos, couples therapy and learning to put the past in the past.
Or: How Tony finds his happy ending.
but come ye back by Red (S_Hylor)
When the night is cold and the sky is open, Tony goes to talk to the past Sheriff of Timely.
your ivy grows by complicationstoo 
Tony has been trapped in an arranged marriage for years, isolated and withering under Ty's heavy hand. Until one night at a bar in Brooklyn changes everything.
It Had To Be You (Wonderful You) by tinystark616
During a party in Avengers Tower, Steve confesses to Tony that he's never slept with anyone.
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butterflyintochains · 4 months
It's A Cruel Summer
Six years of happiness, from Raleigh 2011 to the 2017 Eastern Conference final. Kris and Erik have loved each other for six years, and vowed not to let results of games get in the way of that. I've made allusions to a breakup in previous fics, and how they've recovered from it. But, I've never actually written about it before.
But, now it's time, this is gonna be a rough one.
Columbus are gone, they've beaten Washington, and now, all they need to do is get past Ottawa in this game seven. Kris sends a silent prayer on high that they can get this done tonight. He might not be playing this game, but he's still a Penguin. He flanks Sully as they enter the dressing room, he's been helping coach while recovering from neck surgery. Flower sends him a knowing glance, Kris tries to take deep breaths. Not too far away is the reason why he's dreading having to watch this game. Erik is leading his Senators, and doing an impeccable job at it as well. Sully gives the speech, and does the read. ''Anything to add, Tanger?'' Sully asks him.
Kris tries not to throw up, but musters the ability to say. ''Show them who we are, you are my brothers, and I trust you to get this done.'' The team exit the room, pumped up to give the home crowd a show to remember. Kris goes to the management booth to watch the game. He can just make out Erik on the blueline, he's not seen Erik all day, it was their sixth anniversary back in January. This game won't hurt them, right? They promised each other that ages ago.
The game gets going, Murray being the gift he is, facing an onslaught of shots from the Sens players. Anderson is no slouch either. In all, the goalies steal the show for the first period. ''You okay, son?'' Mario asks Kris.
Kris nods, opening a bottle of water. ''Yeah, just... important game, y'know?''
Kuny opens up scoring early in the second, Stone netting one not long after. ''Come on, boys.'' Kris says, hands clasped together. The second period ends in a bit of a whimper. However, midway through the third, Schultzy puts them up 2-1 with a powerplay goal. Only for Dzingel to tie things back up three minutes later. ''We're going to OT, huh?'' Kris asks Mario.
Mario chuckles. ''Yeah, I believe so, son.''
The first overtime yields them nothing. So, onto a second. The Penguins bearing down, Kuny sending them through to the final 3-2. They've done it! Another cup final!
After press and celebrations, Kris goes to find Erik. Now, he's finally allowed to break the no contact rule they have before games. Erik looks furious. ''Oh, hi, Kris. Come to gloat?''
Kris is stunned. ''What? No! Can't a guy come see his partner?'' Erik says, finally meeting his gaze, his dark eyes unusually angry. ''Hope you're happy, enjoy that third cup, Kris.''
Kris would normally take that as praise, but now it's just infuriating. ''What's that meant to mean? I've not even been on the fucking ice, Erik.''
Erik says. ''Somehow that makes all this worse, I've lost what could be my best shot at a cup.''
Kris tries to de-escalate things, he's had plenty of mediating experience with Sid and Geno. He's the conscience of his family. ''I know what this feels like, and I so wish we could do this together. But, Erik, it's me, your Kris. We don't do this to each other, do we?''
Erik waves his hands, gesturing to the grieving dressing room ten feet away. ''We also don't do this to each other.'' Kris asks, the realty of what's going on here setting in. ''Are you breaking up with me?'' Erik shrugs. ''Maybe I am.''
Kris swallows past tears, six years and four months, and this is how it all ends. ''Erik, please, I love you, after all we've been through, don't do this to us.''
Erik says, turning on his heel. ''Goodbye, Kris. Good luck on number three.''
In shock, Kris goes back to check on the boys, they're still celebrating. He turns on his heel, and goes out to his car. Sobbing all the way home. That night, his phone blows up with texts from the boys, he answers none of them, he tries to call Erik, silence.
They do win number three, in six against Nashville. The festivities go by in a blur. Kris definitely drinks too much at Mario's party, halfway trying to put himself out of his misery. He washes his hands after touching the cup once more before it's sent away to be engraved. Sure, he's got his name on it three times, at the expense of the love of his life. But, that's hockey, right? He's out on the first flight home to Montreal, hoping Erik is there when he arrives. He isn't. This is gonna be a long summer. Those first days at home are quiet, almost too quiet, the silence of his own home eating him alive. No chatter over dinner, no laughter, just a deafening silence. His phone sits on his side of the bed turned off. One day, he's putting laundry away, when he finds one of Erik's Ottawa hoodies in his dresser. Against his will, the tears come again, he puts the red hoodie back in the drawer, and collapses onto his bed.
The NHL Awards come quickly in Vegas. Kris decides to go to support Sid. He may be in the worst mental state he's ever been in, but his brother needs him. First, however, comes the expansion draft for the incoming Vegas Golden Knights. He half hopes they take Erik out of Ottawa, just to get him out of the east, send him somewhere where distance helps this hurt less. They take Nealsy from Nashville, and Engelland from Calgary. ''Kris, mon ami, are you going to explain to me why you haven't called any of us in a week?'' Flower asks.
Kris vaguely says. ''Something terrible happened after we beat Ottawa.'' Flower knew about them, Sid didn't, and it'd be a waste to tell him now. Flower seems to need a minute to get what he means, but he catches on. ''Oh, oh, Kris.''
Kris shrugs, barely holding in the tears. ''Shit happens, I guess we weren't meant to be.''
Flower looks heartbroken. ''That's the thing, Kris. You were meant to be.''
Ottawa give up Marc Methot. And, Kris is stuck in a conference with Erik still. Then, the unthinkable happens. Sid, Geno, and Kris get the news they would give anything to unhear.
Vegas is taking Flower away from them.
This summer just got so much worse.
Sleep is weird, especially once you get used to sleeping with someone. It takes just one night to get used to it, but forever to be able to sleep alone again. Kris is sitting up in his living room, watching replays of old F1 races. Sebastian Vettel is about to win Monza in his Torro Rosso. Canada Day was yesterday, and some of the boys went to Sid's annual party in Cole Harbour. He guesses Sid will be en route to Miami now, to spend the summer with Geno. Erik will have been in Sweden since that horrible night. Flower is probably in Vegas, getting to know everyone on his new team. The jersey from game six of the final hangs with the other two above the TV. 2009 was so much fun, a young team chasing glory everyone else be damned. 2016 is the pride of his career, Sid assisting his cup winning goal. 2017 stares him in the face, holding everything he's lost over him. ''I hate you.'' He tells that jersey. The problem child of the three.
He must pass out at some point, because it's noon when he wakes up. He eats quickly, and laces up his sneakers for a run. His doctor gave him the all clear for exercise later into the playoffs. He gets home, showers, and looks back up at the 2017 jersey. Would he still have Erik without it? Would Erik still love him? Either way, the thing needs moved. So, he takes it down, and moves it into his office. 2009 and 2016 shouldn't need to live with that one either. He also polishes his rings, the gems still sparkling as they did. Six unholy weeks until he has hockey to drown himself in. He can make it, right? He has to, doesn't he?
A couple of slow and quiet weeks pass, the cup getting passed around the team. Kris takes it to a local kids' hospital, to his schools, and takes a trip into Val D'Or. Finally, he takes it to Luc's grave. Just as he did in 2009 and 2016. ''I miss you, Luc, wish you were here. All three of these are for you, I hope you always know that.'' He says, his last engagement with the cup before the handover.
Far away, in Sweden, Erik lies awake. Staring at his phone, it'll be Kris' day with the cup. He's dreading going back to Ottawa, having to be stuck in the same conference as the man he so brutally dumped over something so fucking stupid. He wants so badly to call Kris up and beg for his forgiveness, maybe even start to repair the damage. But, in his soul, he knows Kris would never take him back now. He crossed a line, the pain is just too big, he doesn't deserve Kris or his forgiveness. So, in the end, he thinks better of it.
July is slowly coming to its close, Kris is already packing up for his flight to Pittsburgh. He'll be going back on the first week of august. Best to get the hell out of here quickly, before Erik flies into Ottawa. He goes back upstairs to get his laptop charger, and a knock comes at the door. He goes to answer it, it's Mario. ''Mario, hi, come on in.'' He welcomes his second father into his house, and gets some coffee going for Mario, with some tea for himself. Mario looks around, noticing the two framed jerseys above the TV. ''Where's the most recent one, Kris?''
Kris puts their mugs down with some donuts. ''In my office, thought it'd look nicer there.'' He lies, the real reason too depressing to speak about. ''What brings you here?''
Mario sips his drink. ''We've been worried about you, Kris. Even my most adjusted son needs me. Sid hasn't heard from you since june, nobody has.''
Kris says, gripping his arm. ''I've just had a lot going on, that's all, Mario, really.''
Mario scans his face, he's known Kris since he was eighteen, he can't hide anything that easily. ''That being? I won't tell anyone else, Kris, I promise.''
Kris takes a deep breath. ''Someone who I'd been with for six years dumped me after the eastern conference final.'' Mario looks devastated. ''Oh, Kris, oh God, I'm so sorry, son. If I may, who was it?'' Kris grimly chuckles. ''You'd never believe me if I told you, Mario.'' Mario smiles kindly, and says. ''Try me. Tell me, son.''
Kris says. ''Erik Karlsson.'' The name fills him with a depressing mixture of love and misery. ''Oh... oh, wow.'' Is all Mario can say. Now, Papa Penguin as the boys used to call him, knows why the 2017 jersey is tucked away in the office. ''Yeah.'' Kris says, voice breaking. Mario takes his heartbroken son into his arms, and lets him cry. He's raised his boys through so much, and clearly one still needs him. ''I love him, Mario, I miss him.''
Mario says. ''I know, son, I know.'' He goes into the briefcase he brought over, and says. ''I know this is small compensation, but, Jim, Sully, and I think it's time.'' He extracts two jerseys, home and away, with his name, number, and a big A on them. ''Alternate Captain, Kris Letang, sound good?''
Kris dries his eyes, and nods. ''Yeah, I'm honoured, Mario.'' Mario assures his surrogate son. ''You'll be okay, Kris, we'll make sure of it.'' Kris nods, hoping he's right.
Erik sees the tweet once back in Ottawa for camp, the tweet with the picture of Kris in his new jersey, the yellow A sitting proudly on his chest. He's smiling for the camera, arms around Sid and Geno, all with their letters.
@Penguins: tweeted 12/08/2017 at 10am. Long overdue, we proudly present this season's leadership core. Captaining our team as he always does, Sidney Crosby. Returning as an Alternate, Evgeni Malkin. And, finally sporting a well deserved A, Kris Letang. The Big Three will lead us going forward.
He's so proud of Kris, he's always been upset about everyone else but him getting an A, especially Jordan Staal after his half assed attempt to overthrow Sid. Now, he's finally gotten his letter. Kris looks so beautiful with his new jersey and haircut, too beautiful to allow Erik back into his life.
The banner flies high over the rink, five Stanley Cups. Geno nudges his brother. His brother who all but coached them to that third cup together. ''You okay, Legend?''
Kris nods, his smile not quite reaching his eyes. ''Yeah, must've had a rough night last night.'' Geno doesn't believe a word of that, he's known Kris too long to believe that. Something isn't right with his brother, all is not well in this family. But, everyone knows Kris would rather light himself on fire before telling anyone how he feels. ''Are you sure?''
Kris nods. ''Yeah, I'll be okay, G.'' He tries so hard to sound like himself, and feel like himself. But, all it takes is seeing a loving glance Sid and Geno share, and he wants to cry. Three and a bit months ago, he had that with Erik, and now it's all gone, and it's never coming back. He doesn't even have Flower to lean on anymore.
The games tick by, the team are still on fire from their cup. Oh well, Kris bitterly thinks, at least he's got his team, at least his two remaining brothers are with him. One day in training, Sid just wraps his arms around Kris. ''Whatever this pain is, Kris, it won't last forever. I don't need to know what it is, just let us hold you up.''
Kris nods, sniffling. ''I will, Sid, I promise.''
Sid pats his shoulders, forever tense these days. ''I love you, mon frere.''
Kris' eyes well up. ''I love you too, mon capitan.''
The game Kris and Erik alike have both been dreading arrives on November 16th. Kris takes his seat next to Geno on the plane. They don't play cards, Geno feels like Kris is having a 'down day' as the team have called them. Those days where Kris says nothing, sits at the edges of a conversation, and won't smile for anyone. Geno looks over to Sid while Kris sleeps on his shoulder. This is not the time or place to be prying, so they won't, but this is really starting to worry them.
They touch down in Ottawa. Geno gently wakes his brother up. Kris blinks a few times, and the trio get off the plane together. They're bussed down to the training rink for a practice session. Kris leads the defence corps through some backward skating laps, a wistful look on his face as Dumo skates his lap. ''Didn't you do fastest skater like that at the 2011 All Star Game, Tanger?'' Jake asks.
Kris' face goes white, his dark eyes well up again. ''Yeah, I did. Can we, not talk about it, please?''
Sheary asks. ''Why not? It was so cool, though!''
Kris regains his composure, reeling himself in from the edge. ''I know, Shearsy, but, that was then, this is now, y'know?''
The game is that evening. Kris suits up for battle in silence, enjoying hearing all the chatter around him, but having no part in it. Erik is in this building, so close he can feel him. But, things are different now. Sully comes in to do the read. ''Alright, boys, let's give it our all. In net: Muzz. Up front, Guentzel, Crosby, Rust. On the blueline, Dumoulin and Tanger.'' Oh... oh, no. Staring into those eyes on faceoff.
Faceoff comes, Kris looks at Sid, his brother, someone who loves him. Not at the one who broke his heart. Sid wins the drop, and it's off to the races. The first period yields them nothing. Erik sits in the dressing room, playing against Kris was never this difficult before, it never felt like a bomb had been lit under him before, everything has changed. And, it's all his stupid fault.
Horny gets the Pens on the board. And, capping off the second period, the Top Unit teams up for another one from Jake. Kris finds Erik's eyes on the Senators bench, and cocks an eyebrow. And, Erik just wants to reach out and apologize, kiss him in front of both of their teams. But, he lost that right this past spring.
After the Penguins' 3-1 win over the Senators. Erik just manages to catch Sid outside. He says, captain to captain. ''Sid, can you do me a favour, please?''
Sid happily says. ''Sure, Erik, what's up?''
Erik just says. ''Tell Kris I'm sorry, please?''
Sid looks confused. ''Okay, will do once we're home and rested, captain's promise.''
Erik is quietly relieved, maybe now they can be together again. ''Thanks.''
Sid passes on that message one day while Kris is with them for breakfast and watching an F1 race in Abu Dhabi. Kris says nothing, but his silence is deafening. He sips his coffee, and focuses on the race. Geno puts their dishes in the washer, and asks. ''What did Erik even do?''
Kris sips his coffee, focused on Vettel and Hamilton battling for second behind Bottas. ''He knows what he did, G, he fucking knows what he did.''
Sid finds he doesn't much care what Karlsson did, whatever it was, it hurt his brother in some way. No matter what happened, that will never be okay with him. Erik seemed apologetic at the time, but who knows what his motives were? Either way, he and Geno need to protect Kris, he's done it for them far too many times.
December comes, Kris takes an early morning walk alone, hands stuffed into the pockets of his coat. The snows are coming, the air is colder. He prefers it like this, cold and quiet. He can take a little winter after the torture summer and autumn have put him through. He finds a dry enough bench to sit on, and sits down watching the world go by. He pulls his phone out of his coat, thumb hovering over Erik's name. He shakes his head, and decides to look into adopting a dog. Sid said Sam got him through his rough rookie season, so maybe a dog would help heal his broken heart? It's been rough, getting used to being single after six years, and he's still not used to it yet. He calls Flower. ''Bonjour, mon frere.'' Flower says.
Kris sniffles from the cold. ''Bonjour, mon ami. How's Vegas?''
Flower says. ''Not Pittsburgh, but it's fine. How are you? Geno called yesterday, said you're doing better.''
Kris dusts some snow off his coat. ''I dunno, Flower. Some days I'm fine, others I just want to scream, I miss Erik everyday, though.''
Flower says, sighing. ''I know, if it's any comfort; I don't think this is the end of your story with him. It just can't end like that, y'know? Two people so well matched can't just let that be it.''
Kris confesses, he's had so many dreams he's woken up in tears from about Erik coming here, and them getting to live the life Sid and Geno get to. ''I hope so, I hope you're right, Flower. The dreams I've had of us both being Penguins... they can't be nothing, right? There must be something in them, right?''
Flower says. ''I hope so. For your sake, and his - Ottawa can't win with this version of Erik.''
After a while, they hang up. Kris gets going home. He goes to his award shelves, and picks up the box with the 2017 ring in it. He puts it back, pushing it to the back of the shelf, positioning 2009 and 2016 firmly in the spotlight. 2017 took too much from him, he can't wait for this heartbreak of a year to just be over already.
Up north, in Ottawa, Erik gets back from a team lunch, and collapses on the sofa. It's been seven months since he made the biggest mistake in his entire life. Everyone is telling him to keep his chin up, but he can't. In Pittsburgh, there is a wonderful man whose heart he broke over something really fucking stupid, something they promised each other to never fight over. He fucked up, big time. And, the problem is, he sees no possible way to fix this. Kris will never take him back, and Erik doesn't deserve it.
But, still, he hopes this isn't the end of everything.
Kris gets home from the shelter, little Buddha in his arms. Instantly the puppy goes to sniff the Tre Kronor scarf Kris removes from his neck. ''A gift from someone I love, little dude.'' Buddha tilts his tiny head. ''You'd have loved him.'' Kris stops the inevitable mental spiral, and gets his new little friend some food and water. At least this shit year has given him a cup, a letter on his jersey, and the sweetest puppy ever.
Still, they're both going to the All Star Game in January. That's definitely gonna suck. At least Sid and Flower will be there, right? They'd never hurt him.
Nothing could ever hurt more than that terrible night this past May. He's certain of that at least.
Okay, so... a lot to take in, I know. But, we had to go through this to get to the 2019 All Star Game. I wrote more from Kris' pov here, as he's the wronged party in the breakup. This was rough to write, and I had to take several breaks. This little mini trilogy had to be written in chronological order, or it wouldn't make any sense. So, the angst was necessary for now. And, will feature a bit in the next one. It's 2017/18 that is the season we end on here, so the next will jump forward to 2019.
In order to find the sun, you must go through the storm, y'know?
Anyway, enjoy!
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solrovivrus · 7 months
The White House managed to get off its ass and do the bare fucking minimum for once. Now I need to reiterate something that the settlements in the West Bank are completely illegal. They are illegal under international law and nothing the US says or does will change that. Having said that this article states that the Biden Administration has “recognized” the settlements as “inconsistent with international law”(aka illegal). Now this is not necessarily new, the US has stated that the settlements in the West Bank are illegal since 1976, which has fallen under both democratic and republican presidents like Carter/Regan etc. However, the Trump administration changed this to say they no longer viewed the settlements as illegal in fact,
“Under an unrealized Trump peace plan, Israel would have been allowed sovereignty over all existing settlements and permitted to annex up to 30 percent of the West Bank.”
So it’s not so much that the Biden Administration is making a progressive step but rather returning to an established status quo. In fact he states he is going further ahead with his support for a two state “solution”, the merits of which are dubious at best and flat out ignoring the actual help Palestinians need at worst, but has not committed to reversing Trumps plan. This does not necessarily mean he is in favor or supports Trumps plan but it does lead to my main problem with all of this. It’s just lazy, bare minimum horseshit.
There is a lot to discuss about Bidens handling of the war but this whole thing really takes the cake of showing how while Biden does do things that on the surface seem like they could be helpful once you look into them, even a little bit, it just proves how lackluster his whole strategy is.
He claims that the bombings are “indiscriminate” and Israel must protect civilians at all cost, but then bypasses congress to send them more bombs. He claims he wants more aid and humanitarian assistance into Gaza, but vetoes a ceasefire for a third time and brings in another proposal that says a ceasefire will happen when it’s “practical”. It’s the same with this.
Everyday I look at the news, especially with what’s happening in Rafah, hoping that something will happen. Something, anything, to make this any better. To bring an end to the violence and death that has destroyed countless lives and scarred many others. And I read shit like this because it appears to be a silver lining, something good for Palestinians, something that gives them any autonomy and agency during this time. But all I get are basic table crumbs of shit we should’ve been doing from the very start, why is it that only now Biden has called out this very obvious illegal practice? Why didn’t he do that shit before all this carnage? Hell why didn’t he do this shit during his four fucking years as president?
The only thing keeping me from sinking further into rage is the fact that it is a shift. Biden is only doing this because he sees the pushback from protesters and knows that public opinion is turning. Israel’s response has been so overblown that it’s impossible to ignore the amount of injustice, and people are now more than ever seeing its true colors. So this push is small, and it sucks. I am not going to sit thanking them for basic table scraps. The Overton window on Palestine is shifting and we would be fools not to take advantage of it. We must do every single thing within our power to make more progress than ever.
It does not escape me that while Biden has nothing to be thanked for and has blood on his hands, Trumps plan fucking terrifies me. Its one thing to be frustrated by hollow promises, for Biden to expect a thank you for recognizing that the illegal thing is still very much illegal and punishing four people with economic sanctions even though 399 Palestinians have died on the West Bank with over a thousand more injured due to violence. Meaning that those who committed these crimes will most likely never answer for what they did. I hate that these are supposed to placate us, that this somehow makes up for everything. But the idea of Trumps plan, that not only would the recognition that the settlements are illegal not happen but they in fact would be actively supported by our country creates a pit in my stomach. It makes you realize that one small misstep and we could lose more than we have already lost. But I refuse to settle.
I don’t just want to have the settlements recognized as illegal, I want the West Bank and Gaza to have full autonomy over their personhood and over their land. I want justice for those who lost their lives and the lives of their loved ones. We have a duty to these people and to ourselves to never give an inch, to demand better, to demand more. Never settling for complacency. And we must also be strategic. We cannot assume that because things are bad that they cannot get worse. We cannot stoop to petty infighting when people are counting on us for our help and solidarity, doing whatever it takes to make things better for them. We must stand for Palestine liberation, we must never settle for complacency. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.
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So I just spent a few hours working on my husband's hair. (He has dreads and I fix them for him when they get unruly...also I'm autistic and I love it...) The whole time my RvB polluted brain...
Almost everyone agrees Tucker has dreads
Who fixes his dreads for him?
I have decided Caboose would do it...
Maybe it happens randomly one day...
Tucker is frustrated because he has trouble with the ones in the back, he can't see them, or maybe he just can't reach them... So he asks for help from the only person he thinks wouldn't say anything rude about it. Washington would most likely suggest he cut them because it's not regulation. But he would rather die...he's worked so hard just trying to keep them nice in the middle of nowhere with no help...
So he goes to Caboose with his pack of latch hooks and a wish. Caboose looks at him for a moment when he asks, eyes moving from the hooks, to his hair, then back to his face. Tucker half expects Caboose to say no and call him stupid... But that doesn't happen, instead Caboose takes the pack of latch hooks with a shy grin.
"I thought you would never ask..." Caboose mumbles.
Tucker is taken aback a bit... What did that mean? Had Caboose wanted to help him the whole time? Thinking back on it he remembered Caboose walking in on him working on them before. He had asked questions about them. Tucker had answered them, albeit with irritation at the time. He had wanted Caboose to go away then, because he was busy...
Caboose had asked what the latch hooks were, how they worked. Tucker had blown the big guy off. Just telling him they were latch hooks for pulling the hair back into the dread and then interlocking them when the roots grew out to far. Caboose had left soon after, but the big guy had stayed for a bit. He must have been watching him do it?
Caboose had been doing just that watching as Tucker played with his hair, it looked nice he had always wanted to touch them. But Tucker was very protective of them, so they must have meant a lot to him. So Caboose didn't ask... but he did do a little research of his own looking up the latch hooks for more of an explanation on how they worked. He looked up the interlocking technique too he watched a few tutorials on it. Learning about it just in case...
Caboose grabs Tucker's arm and relocates them both to the lounge area, where they always watch shows and stuff when they weren't supposed to be killing each other. Sitting Tucker on the floor between his legs as he sat on the couch. Turning on the lamp so he could see better, before pulling a few of the hooks out with the sizes he thinks he needs judging from the size of Tucker's dreads.
"I have never actually done this before...I watched a few videos though...tell me if you think I'm doing it wrong...? I don't want to mess them up." Caboose says as he moves the dreads around so he can figure out which ones still need worked on and which ones Tucker already fixed.
Tucker was still sort of flabbergasted he hadn't expected this at all... He just lowered his head when he felt Caboose's big fingers start going through his dreads. "Okay... I just needed help with the ones in the back because I can't reach them."
Tucker focuses on the feeling of Caboose running the latch hook through the dread and pulling the loose hair back into it and then weaving the strands back up through the whole dread so they stay. Caboose does pull a little on the strands making Tucker hiss because it hurts but it happens and Tucker isn't mad about it, especially when every time it happens Caboose apologizes profusely for it. The big guy is obviously trying really hard.
Caboose is completely focused on his task and trying to do his best not to mess up. Once he's done weaving in the loose hair he puts a larger latch hook through the base of the dread and loops the dread through itself. He keeps doing this while changing the angle until the dread's base is all tightened up. So intensely focused he doesn't even notice his tongue is partly out as he holds it between his teeth. It's a little hard because his hands are so big and the latch hooks are small but he's getting the hang of it... Before too long...He's not sure how long...he was finally finished.
He moved the dreads around a bit making sure he got them all before announcing, "Okay, all done." He leaned up when Tucker didn't answer him checking on his teammate. Tucker was sleeping while leaned up against his leg. Caboose snorted a light chuckle as he shook Tucker awake. "Hey, I'm done...go check and make sure I didn't mess them up..." Caboose urged...although there was probably nothing he could do now if they were messed up...it was already done.
Tucker yawned and sat up before using the big guys leg as support to stand back up and head to the nearest mirror to check his hair. He was impressed with Caboose's work a smile spreading across his face as he inspected what he could see in the mirror. "Thanks, Caboose... Maybe we can do this again next time too?" Tucker proposed with a half questioning look.
"Yeah, I'd like that." Caboose said with a grin. Maybe Tucker wouldn't be so grumpy with him now... Caboose liked helping out. Tucker was his friend even if he was "stupid" most of the time...
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binch-i-might-be · 2 years
intermission. I'm having so many thoughts but not in the mind to articulate them
edit: it is no longer intermission. in fact I am back at the hotel room sprawled over the bed and kicking my legs in the air like a little girl. but I refuse to start this list over!
first of all, german really isn't the language for the musical, but they absolutely did the best they could with what they had
with that out of the way, let's get into my scattered stream of consciousness!
the lams is blatant and almost ridiculous. the guy playing Laurens only auditioned for the role so he could make it as gay as possible and I am CERTAIN of that. the homosexual gazing in the first song...... the fucking WAY the other guys and Laurens were whispering to each other when Hamilton first started going off and then Laurens stumbled over as if he was working up the nerve to ask him out. THEY KEEP GRABBING EACH OTHER'S NAPES??? IT LOOKED LIKE THEY WERE ACTUALLY GOING TO KISS DURING MY SHOT. HELLO
when Washington first showed up on stage I immediately went "YES DADDY" and I am not sorry!
speaking of Washington tho, he doesn't quite have the presence for me at some points. he's not as intense or consistent as Chris Jackson, but Hamilton and him are so very cute so I'll take it!
Hamilton is. SO endearing. I love him so much oh my god he's such a sweet boy he deserves the world. the actor is playing him so much younger than lmm did. he's so GENUINE. with lmm there was always this underlying weariness, he was weathered and snippy and waging a constant battle, but this one??? baby boy. such a little guy. absolute sweetheart
at the end of Aaron Burr, Sir instead of "who's that kid, what's he gonna do" they say. "what's the little one doing". can you hear me weeping
a lot of the jokes are lost or just don't hit. sad!
in helpless not only did Washington fix Hamilton's cravat,,,,, Hamilton showed him his ring all excited and then Washington PATTED HIS ELBOW as he was walking away. I'll never emotionally recover from this
also Laurens hands him the ring. they did make homosexual eye contact then. #lgbtq
when Hamilton asks for Eliza's hand, her father doesn't say "be true", he says "na gut". which is basically like saying "k". sir 😭
one thing that annoyed me a bit was that they used a lot of the formal "you". let them use the casual "you". come on :(
every time Washington would have said "young man" he says "my son" instead. 5 dead 21 injured
instead of "at the right hand of the father" Burr says "in the lap of the father" and I?????
In Guns And Ships when Hamilton is leaving to rejoin the army he kisses Eliza and then :( he kisses her belly :( just kill me on the spot
oh at the end of Meet Me Inside when Hamilton screams in Washington's face he immediately ducks his head and WHIMPERS? he sounds like he's about to cry!!!! baby boy :(
Hamilton and Laurens are constantly roughhousing. constantly in each other's faces. it is very lgbt
this fucking shredded me. they changed mom/daddy/pa/pops whatever to the german Mama and Papa. not only does Jefferson say "quick, run to Papa" to Hamilton instead of "daddy's calling", this ALSO means that Philip burst into his father's office yelling "Papa if you'd HEARD the shit he said about you". you don't know real pain until you watch Philip die and hear that boy go "Mama". eternal suffering
Burr was good. I liked him! (yes that's all I have to say about him lmao)
my favourite performer was either Eliza or Angelica. they blew it out of the water
I am saddened to report that making out on stage occurred yet again! the people losing their shit over lmm maybe kissing with tongue during Say No To This would have died. I saw. tongues. I SAW them
some songs really do not work in german. the Schuyler Sisters is usually a favourite of mine but oh man does it sound rough. I didn't really understand the lyrics in Helpless but I still liked it because it's Helpless. some translation choices were wild and it took me out of it for a moment! BUT I'm very pleased to say that one line in Alexander Hamilton I was annoyed about, which was "and I simply shot him" instead of "I'm the damn fool that shot him" was changed to "I was his friend and I shot him". better!
"I'm not throwing away my shot" became "I only have one shot" and honestly I can't say I'm too mad about it at this point
"rise up" became "frei sein" ("to be free") which was a bit. ngl. cringe at times haha
Dear Theodosia hit me straight in the nutsack. I was borderline weeping over it. both Hamilton and Burr were so good in that, the text was very well translated, and oh boy does it hit different to hear that in my mother tongue. shit girls my issues came THROUGH on that one
Satisfied might have been my favourite translation out of the whole musical. god was that good. it had slightly different vibes from the original, but that made it so interesting. the imagery used was impeccable, Angelica's actress was AMAZING, and it's just. jesus fuck I'm probably coming back to that later on. genuinely that version made me tear up it was so good
honestly I would say the performers carried the whole thing. they made it work!
that's all for now folks! rest assured, I'll let y'all know if I think of anything else, but yeah! initial impressions and all that :)
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thenhlteaissuperhot · 11 months
realistically, could leon leave edmonton sooner? like get traded or something? i don't understand the contracts so i am not sure whether that's possible in his case. also, where could he go?
Leon's situation is actually quite optimistic in the sense that he has the chance to get out of there if he desperately wanted.
His contract with Edmonton is up for one more season and he has a "modified no-trade clause", which means that he can be traded if he agrees with the trade. Since it's modified it also means that he can't be traded into just any team as he has handed in a list of 10 teams back in 2017 when he signed the contract, which he so-called wouldn't mind getting traded into, and those teams are the only ones Edmonton can communicate with if the trade was about to happen - that list is still private as of right now, however, so we don't know what destinations he has scratched off completely.
Being logical and looking at what teams could have appeared like attractive destinations to him in 2017, it's safe to say that Boston, Pittsburgh, and Washington might be on that list, while Colorado and New Jersey not so much... - though I am not sure whether the list isn't updated by him once it actually comes into force (which it did last year)
Connor's contract, which is up for two more seasons, has, on the other hand, a "no movement clause", which means that he cannot be waived, assigned to minors, traded without approval, or be exposed in an Expansion Draft - just to give you a bit of explanation about the contract terminology.
Looking at where could Leon go, you have to look at teams that have money to invest and won't be resigning huge names in the near future. Sure, the salary cap will be raised in 2024 and Leon is more than a promising investment to make for anyone, but still... He is a part of the top 5 players in the league so he will naturally want to be paid accordingly.
Looking briefly at a few teams:
Toronto is out of the question (fortunately) - paying another huge star would end them, and they have other problems to invest into (if they are sensible enough to realize that), even though an actual performing player in the play-offs would definitely come in handy for them
If we were living in my dream, I would have traded him to Boston for Swayman and perhaps one solid defenseman - Edmonton desperately needs someone good in the net and actually playing defense while Boston would definitely appreciate an above-average center creating scoring chances for guys like Pastrnak and Marchand to fill in the hole left after Bergeron and Krejci even more
Chicago could technically send like half of their draft picks to Edmonton - I can definitely see them wanting to acquire a decent linemate for Bedard (just Draisaitl and his Connors...) and frankly, the two would be quite a fun pairing
Detroit seems to be content with rebuilding their team through prospects so I don't think they would go for Leon if the chance occured
For all those mad Tkachuk and Draisaitl shippers, lovers, whatever you are - Florida does have a lot of defensemen, whose contracts end next season too, and they also have decent draft picks, so it's not completely unimaginable, but I am pretty sure that Leon would rather go play bear league rather than be with Tkachuk on the same team.
What's your opinion? Where could you imagine Leon if the trade really happened?
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queenofbaws · 1 year
random bits and bobs about fuck no: the movie: the au because as i'm trying to shift into finishing some wips, it keeps popping up in my head...
does that mean i have a fuck no: the wip in process?
is it a fuck no: the oneshot?
will any of these little details ever see the light of day in actual writing?
who's to say.
but here they are anyway. reader beware, i mention some chronic medical stuff in here, so if that's not your jam, you're in for a scaaaaaare. also this IS a climbing chrash or chris/ashley/josh au, so if that's not your jam either, HOO BOY.
the little underground indie horror studio everyone's favorite garbage pail kids start gets named Hidden Basement Workshop - something that, at first blush, just seems like a sly nod to josh's whole deal during the prank...and it is that, but it's also a fun signature that includes all their initials: HBW, hartley, brown, washington.
after the whole blackwood pines fiasco, josh needs a bunch of reconstructive surgery that leaves him with some facial scarring, but what really gets him (because it's MY au and i get to project wherever i WANT) is the onset of fibromyalgia once he's out of the hospital; chris sustains a fairly rough knee injury that causes him to favor his other leg and wear a brace on and off; and ashley develops migraines and some slight vision issues that necessitate her wearing glasses. they were indoor kids before the pines...after the pines, they're even more so.
this is where the scheming begins.
when the titular movie actually comes into play, or at least an early version of it they can pitch, the gang splits up responsibilities fairly evenly: ashley is, of course, the one to write the damn thing, but josh is the one to adapt it into a screenplay before handling most of the practical effects, and chris handles sound mixing/visual effects/editing. once they blow up and hire more bodies, things change, but their core roles never shift tooooooo much.
josh and ashley simply cannot work in the same room together. it doesn't matter if they're working on different projects. it doesn't matter if they're both wearing headphones. nothing matters. they just can't do it. they're always antsy the other one is looking over their shoulder and waiting to throw their two cents in, so they have to work separately.
chris does not have this issue. in the slightest. once chris is in the zone, a category 5 hurricane could be happening behind him and he'd have literally no idea.
everyone who doesn't know better assumes that they get their OH SO CREATIVE ideas from their combined history - josh's dad being in the horror movie business for years and years, chris being chronically online and familiar with game/tech development, ashley inhaling stephen king novels even before she could walk - but everyone in the know will tell you they're just vultures, plain and simple, buying the rights to any story they sniff out through the grapevine and turning it into something terrible.
josh and conrad/julia's parents were always buddies, but they fell off for a bit after hannah and beth went missing. that is, until (surprise) josh hears a really strange story over family dinner one night and calls the conman himself to "catch up." they spend a very strange night talking about pirates and sexy, sexy grandma zombies.
barely a week later, conrad handles the pr for hbw and the rest of the gang who found themselves kidnapped from the duke that night now find themselves significantly richer than they used to be. significantly.
they don't pick up new employees every time they hear about and snatch up someone's story, but...it happens. taylor and daniel eventually join on to help with stunts and blocking. mark gets offered a position as director of photography and leaps at the opportunity.
nothing - literally N O T H I N G - supernatural/paranormal EVER happens to them again...unless you count the eerie way they're able to track down stories of weird shit happening to other people ;)c
the three of them wear converses to every. single. movie premiere of theirs. it drives conrad up the fucking wall.
the garage of their place is just used for josh to make the worst, most gruesome props mankind has ever seen, so woe betide anyone who goes in there thinking it's the door to a bathroom or the laundry room. woe. betide.
eventually they decide they need a pet and end up adopting the angriest, mangiest, most torn-up old fighting tomcat they can find at the animal shelter. he's grey (sort of), is totally blind in one eye, and will let ashley and josh pet him, but only chris is given the honor of holding him for any amount of time. he swears he even heard him purr once! they name him jack and no one can ever decide if it's a joke or a memorial. probably it's both.
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