#i made this one on top of my r&m one lmao
ffolty · 2 months
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who else is a steve enjoyer?
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girlofthesunxoxo · 2 months
porn star dancing | james wilson
synopsis: y/n is a neuro-oncologist in wilson’s department and whenever she gets out of work, she works at a strip club. tonight is masquerade night which works in her favor when she sees her boss and his friend.
note: i have no medical knowledge or dancing knowledge so im flying blind here 😭 so if anything seems a little off, its because of that LMAO. also y/n is in her mid to late twenties while james is in his mid to late thirties.
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y/n was just finishing up with a patient, making sure they were feeling fine after their surgery when she got a call from her friend, sheila. she excused herself from the room and went into a random hallway.
“oh hey, sheila ! whats up ?”
“hey, y/n ! im sorry to ask but can you take over my shift today ? my mom has come down with a really bad cold and i have to take care of her.” her apologetic tone evident in her voice.
“oooh um yeah im already finishing up here so i’ll be on my way over there in about thirty minutes !”
“oh my gosh, thank you thank you thank yoooou. i owe you big time !”
y/n lightly chuckled, “okay okay, ill call you later ! i need to talk to my boss really quickly.”
“okay bye !! also in case you forgot, tonight’s theme is masquerade.”
“yes yes, i remember the theme, i think i saw my costume there a few days ago. okay we’ll talk later, bye bye !”
she hung up before making her way towards her dr. wilson’s office. she knocked on the door and went inside after hearing a quiet, “come in.” she stood in front of his desk with her hands clasped in front of her, nervous about what she was about to ask.
“hello dr. l/n, what do you need ?” he asked with a polite smile on his face.
“hi dr. wilson, um i was wondering if i could leave a bit early today, i am already finished with our brain surgery patient and i think i have all my clinic hours done for this week !” she nervously rambled which james took notice to.
he quietly laughed and shook his head, “yes you can but if i may ask, what is the reason you need to leave early for ? you never leave early. are you feeling okay ?” his casual expression slightly changing to a more concerned look.
“oh no im feeling alright !” she knew she couldnt tell him the truth. how many people have gone to their very attractive boss and told them they couldnt work because they had to go to their second job which is a strip club. not a lot, she assumed.
“i just have to babysit m-my sister’s kids, shes not feeling the best !” her lie came out with little struggle.
“oh well i hope she is feeling better soon but yes you can go for the rest of the night.”
“okay thank you so much, dr. wilson !”
she quickly turned and walked out of the room with fast beating heart and blushed cheeks. there were times she hated how she had a slight crush on her boss. this was one of those times and it didnt help that his friend, dr. house was standing outside his door staring at her with a smirk. she tried to move past him but he put his cane in front of her stomach which stopped her movements.
“what do you need, dr. house ?” she tried to ask politely but she was in a little of a rush.
“yeah, why are you coming out of wilson’s office looking like you just finished riding him into oblivion ? oh im sure you would like that, right ?” his words made her blush as the thought of her on top of james has been a recurring dream of hers.
“u-um well im - im sorry, im in a r-rush to be-“ she was interrupted by the door opening and james’s annoyed voice filling her ears.
“house ! let her leave, please.” he rolled his eyes while shoving his cane away from y/n’s stomach. she smiled thankfully while rushing to the front doors to leave seeing as she had a few minutes before her shift started. as she was leaving, she heard dr. house’s fading words, “you know she has a-“ she didnt know what else he was going to say.
she drove to the club and quickly greeted all the other dancers while getting into her clothes which was black fishnets with very short red shorts that looked like underwear with little sparkly fringe that flowed every time she moved and a matching bra with the same fringe. (think of the girls from “but its better if you do” music video 😉).
she picked up some random black high heels that were covered in black glitter and she heard the crowd cheering as it was almost time for the dancers to come out .
she hurriedly did her makeup which was just more eyeliner and eyeshadow than she used for her day job.
sheila let her know on the drive that she was going to be in the spotlight which meant she could pick the song and be right in the center of the stage.
y/n was very anxious, she had only been in the center stage maybe two times despite being told by everyone that she was awesome but having that many eyes on her was very nervewrecking. that says a lot considering she literally works as a doctor and has to perform surgeries sometimes.
she picked the song “porn star dancing” considering she practiced at home days prior, just in case somebody needed her to take on their shift.
the microphone crackled before a loud voice came on, “lets give a biiiig round of applause for our dancers !” two girls gave y/n a “goodluck” before heading out to their poles which were on either side of the center pole.
“and let us let our main dancer for the night know how much we looove her, welcome to the stage, mrs. vibraaaant vixen !”
y/n quickly put on her red, glittering mask with tall feathers which only covered her eyes. she let out a big breath to calm her nerves and strutted out the curtain, the song she chose began playing in the background.
kelly wont kiss my friend kassandra
jessica wont play ball
y/n slowly strutted to the pole and grabbed it with one hand as she circled it making sure to sway her hips.
mandy wont share her friend, miranda
doesnt anybody live at all
amanda wont leave me empty handed
got her number from a bathroom stall
she squatted behind the pole before slowly getting up with her ass up first and slowly moving her body up. the cheers made her feel confident and her nervousness slowly went away.
brandy just got way too much baggage
and that shit just gets old (hey)
she rolled her hips in a circle while her hands wandered up her body then behind her neck to flip her hair to the side.
but i got a girl who can put on a show
the dollar decides how far you can go with her
she wraps those hands around that pole
her movements followed the lyrics as she wrapped her hands around the pole then crouched down while rolling her hips to every beat.
she licks those lips and off we go
she takes it off nice and slow cause thats porn star dancing (hey)
she slowly pick herself up with the pole and pushing her chest flush against it before she circled it and stopped right in front of it, giving the audience a full view of her ass. she turned around and started looking at the crowd while she circled her hips.
she dont play nice, she makes me beg
and she drops that dress around her legs
and im sitting right by the stage for this porn star dancing
as she looked over the crowd of men and the occasional woman, she spotted one familiar face and her heart almost stopped. it was her boss, dr. james wilson. at her strip club. with dr. house who was grinning as if he won the lottery. they were both cheering before dr. house muttered something in james’s ear before he turned wide eyed towards her on the pole.
she quickly circled the pole and stopped behind it keeping her head down slightly, her hands roaming her body and rolling her hips as she turned around, her ass on display as she crouched while rolling her hips. she felt mortified knowing her boss was more than likely watching her ass.
your body’s lighting up the room
now i want a naughty girl like you
theres nothing hotter than that
she turned around on her knees and flipped her hair to the side, her eyes catching james’s eyes. he mouthed “y/n ?!” she averted her eyes as she got up, ass first.
stacy’s gonna save herself for marriage but thats just not my style
shes got a pair thats nice to stare at
but i want girls gone wild (hey)
groping her boobs (😭) at that one lyric, she felt her body go hot, the thought finally registered that her boss/little crush was seeing her half naked body while she should be helping people. shame gnawed at her as she kept her head slightly down.
but i know a place where theres always a show
the dollar decides how far you can go with her
she wraps those hands around that pole
she picked herself up onto the pole and swung herself around it a few times. the cheers got even louder and people tossed some dollars on the stage.
she licks those lips and off we go
she takes it off nice and slow cause thats porn star dancing (hey)
she dont play nice, she makes me beg
she drops that dress around her legs
the pole and the swinging was making her muscles ache but she kept on going. her back flushed against the front of the pole, she picked herself up until her legs wrapped around the pole and her upper body was spinning around. she took her hands off the pole, waved and blew kisses at the crowd which caused them to cheer harder.
she could see james clapping with his mouth open and smiling while house was cheering louder than anybody there, she smiled at the sight.
and im sitting right by the stage for this porn star dancing (hey)
your body’s lighting up the room
i want a naughty girl like you
lets throw a party just for two
you know those normal girls wont do
as she slowly descended down the pole, she put her hands on the floor and unwrapped her legs from it so she can kick her legs away and landed upright like a half cartwheel.
the part of the song where no lyrics are on is her favorite because she can do some random dance on the pole and the crowd will go wild. she swings herself on the pole, holding it with her ankles before climbing and wrapping her inner leg/knee around the pole while her other leg is standing on the pole. still spinning, she straightens her leg so it is poking outwards.
then she bends both legs, one on the outside of the pole and one inside holding her and takes her hands off to let go of the pole so she can clasp them behind her while spinning so shes spinning sideways.
she can hear people cheering and whooping and some just plain yelling.
she wraps those hands around that pole
she licks those lips and off we go
and she takes it off nice and slow
cause thats porn star dancing (hey)
as the spinning slows down, she grabbed the pole and unwrapped her legs while positioning herself upright again. now that shes upright, she tries to gauge everyone’s reactions, some of the dancers not performing were clapping and yelling as were a lot of the men. some had their mouths slightly open and others were just cheering.
but only one had her interested, james had a full blush on his cheeks and he stood there in disbelief while house tapped his shoulder to telling him that shes looking at him. he waves and she let one hand let go to wave back.
she dont play nice, she makes me beg
she drops that dress around her legs
and im sitting right by the stage
for this porn star dancing (hey)
she hopped down from the pole and rolled her hips like she did when the song first started. she was completely out of breath while her body was covered in a light sheen of sweat. her muscles ached when she walked back towards the curtain but not before turning around and looking james straight in the eye and blew a kiss while the crowd started cheering and whooping.
she passed the curtains and let out a deep breath. her whole body ached and she knew she would be a little sore the next day but it was worth it. seeing everybody’s expressions, especially james’s expression made the whole thing worth it.
all the girls came up to her and hugged her while telling her how much they loved the dance and how beautiful she did. all the compliments made her blush as she changed into her regular clothes which just consisted of jeans and a black long sleeve.
y/n made her way out the dressing room and managed to avoid seeing her boss and house. she still felt shame and embarrassment that her own boss, the person who signs her paychecks, saw her half naked body sensually dancing on a pole. she’s had nightmares about that. she was already half way out the front door before a cane stopped her from walking.
she only closed her eyes and sighed, “what do you need, dr. house ?”
“woah how did you know that was me ?!” his childlike glee was a little annoying to y/n, any other day she wouldve indulged in his jokes but her entire body ached and she just wanted to sleep.
“hm i dont know, maybe the fact that i saw you earli-“
he interrupted, “while you were sexy dancing and getting all the guys turned on, i swear i saw all of them with tents in their pants !” he rolled his eyes and lets out a little grunt, “ugh men.”
she sarcastically smiled, “ugh men indeed, including the one that is wasting my precious time right now.”
“what, are you taking one of those greasy little guys home ? you know im sure you’ll have a lot more fun with me.” his smirk is enough to tell her that he’s joking and he reached out to touch her arm before the front door creaked open and another hand gripped his wrist.
“house.” wilson’s slightly irritated voice cuts in.
house let out a big gasp before whipping his head around to face her, “daddy caught us ! i wonder how he’s going to punish us.”
y/n didnt let her eyes travel to james, still embarrassed by what he saw. she chuckled at house’s words before she stood on her tippy toes and leaned close to house’s face, “hm i dont think i’ll have fun with you, i actually like it when a man is below me and you seem like the type that cant handle that.” she leaned back down and pushed his cane away from her, walking back to her car while hearing james’s laugh.
she waved her hand and said, “goodnight guys, hope to see you here another day !” she heard house say “i hope so too !” she shook her head and laughed.
“wait, y/n !” james shouted while jogging towards her.
oh god, this is where she gets fired or he suspends her. she braced herself for bad news and turned to face her boss.
james had a wide smile, “y/n, you were incredible !”
she blushed and looked at her feet which were starting to hurt from standing and dancing all day.
“thank you, dr. wilson.”
“james, call me james.”
“okay well thank you, james !” she said softly.
he still had a soft smile on his face, “why didnt you tell me you worked here ?”
“i thought it wasnt appropriate, imagine telling your boss that you work at a strip club. how embarrassing ! i mean, im embarrassed right now !” she laughed.
he laughed with her, “i guess that’s true but i wouldve preferred that over finding out from house and losing twenty bucks.”
“you lost twenty bucks to house ?”
“he said that you worked at a club and i didnt believe him so we bet on it. imagine my surprise when i see my prettiest employee dancing on stage.” he rolled his eyes as he glanced at y/n, noticing her biting her lip to contain a smile and her blushed cheeks.
“well i guess i owe you twenty bucks, huh ?” she teased. his eyes creased as he chuckled and rubbed a hand over his face.
“well i wouldnt object.”
“okay how about i get us both muffins in the morning ! my treat, obviously.” she mused while tapping a finger to her chin in thought.
he grinned at her as they stopped in front of her car, “i would love that.”
“i would love to continue this conversation but i need to sleep because my body is killing me.” she tiredly groaned. he lightly smiled and waited for her to get into her car before saying goodnight and walking back to the strip club.
“also !” she yelled from her car window.
he turned around.
“tell house that i meant what i said. him and his leg wont be able to handle me on top.” she winked and rolled up her window, finally making her way home.
his eyes twinkled as he laughed, “i will keep that in mind.” he muttered with a flushed face.
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We need more tom riddle and male reader. Like yall know tom is a charmer and the prince of Slytherin sort of stuff but then he found out abt this guy who is also prince-like from Hufflepuff (can be another house or wtv) and Tom's like "Hm, i wonder what's this guy's hiding, imma find out" so Tom did tryna find his secrets but when Tom use Legilimency, all he can found out are the reader thinking abt silly stuffs like "what kind of food i should try today" or "that guy's socks cool" or "shit, this flower's yellow, imma made it into a bookmark >:]" or "Imma dye my hair white using this spell i found from an old book from the restricted section, i wonder if this'll kill me– whatever" idk basically reader is a dumb typa guy who just... doing what he likes 😭 m sorry if this confusing lmao i tried my best to explain
Scatterbrained - T. R. x male!Reader
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A/N: Hi, anon! Thank you so much for the request! I went with a more airheaded sort of approach so I hope that’s okay. I incorporated as much of your request as I could, and I hope you like it!
This is completely unedited, so please be nice! 💛 No use of Y/N. Sentences in italics are the reader’s thoughts. GIF is not mine; it was found on Pinterest, link here
Part 2 here
CW: Tom being a bit of a stalker; suspicion; nonconsensual thought reading; reader is just a bit of a scatterbrain; flirting; fluff; Tom being slightly emotionally aware; Tom is a little mean towards reader; kissing; Tom’s nefarious plots
1384 words
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Tom Riddle was the Prince of Slytherin. Everyone knew it. Everyone respected it.
Even the Gryffindors, for all their talk of bravery, cowered when it came to confronting Tom.
He was the top of every class, the teachers’ favorite, the star Head Boy that everyone admired. All the girls wanted him. All the boys wanted to be him.
And then…
There was you.
Tom first met you in Herbology class in fourth year. You were almost unnoticeable at first. Just a languid, easygoing Hufflepuff boy with a warm smile and a friendly manner.
But more importantly, you were utterly unafraid of him. You’d even helped him care for his baby mandrake.
Tom was immediately intrigued. So he started following you around. Secretly, of course. But the more he follows you around, the more he starts to suspect.
You’re… too nice. The kind of guy to offer help and genuinely mean it. The kind of guy to help you with your homework and give you homemade cookies as a confidence booster.
Perhaps in mockery of Tom, the Hufflepuffs start calling you their prince. Prince of Hufflepuff. The boy who should be Tom’s rival, except you’re just so nice.
You have to be hiding something. No one is that nice normally. You have to have some hidden agenda. Some dark secret behind your sweet demeanor and comforting smile. Tom is sure of it.
Once fifth year starts, he comes armed with a secret weapon. The true key to figuring out your intents.
Tom holds off at first, waiting for the perfect opportunity. And then… it happens.
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You’re down by the Black Lake, picking flowers with your friends to make into bouquets for the prefects.
Tom watches as you laugh, as you playfully tease one of the girls. It makes his chest tighten and his jaw clench. Now is his moment, the perfect chance to truly find out what you’re thinking.
Tom silently casts the spell, causing you to wince and rub your forehead. He barely notices, too lost in the whirlwind of your thoughts.
Ow, my head…
Oh, I should grab those flowers. They’d be perfect for him…
She has cool socks…
I wonder if I can press that flower and make it into a bookmark…
Oooh, clovers! I wonder if there’s a four-leaved one…
Tom stops the spell, his head spinning.
You were so… scatterbrained.
Your head is full of fluff and nonsense. Tom can barely make sense of it all. He ends the spell, staggered by the revelation.
You have no ulterior motives. You’re so genuine because there’s no room in your head for anything otherwise.
Tom stares at you, lost. He doesn’t know what to do now. You’re not malicious or manipulative like him. You’re just… something else.
As you turn to grab a flower, you spot him. Instantly, your face brightens. A huge smile spreads across your face as you wave eagerly at him.
Tom slowly waves back.
You turn to say something to one of the girls. She nudges you, grinning. You rub the back of your head bashfully, and start heading up towards Tom.
He watches you, a bit surprised. You still have your bouquet of flowers, holding it out all nice and stuff.
On impulse, Tom casts Legilimency again. You immediately wince, but quickly shake off your pain.
Ouch, what is up with my head today?
No, focus! Be calm. Be cool. Be smooth…
Oh god, it’s him. He’s so perfect…
Compliment him somehow. Tell him he looks nice!
“Hi, Tom,” you smile warmly at him. “You look nice today.”
Tom’s cheeks warm against his will. “Thank you.”
Oh my god! Is he blushing? He’s blushing! He’s so cute…
Hurry, give him the flowers!
Merlin, he looks so cute…
Tom’s cheeks redden further. He awkwardly coughs into his fist, trying to quell the sudden thrill in his chest.
“Oh, um, here!” You hold out the bouquet of flowers. “I made this for you.”
Tom’s heart does an unfathomable flip-flop of excitement. He takes the bouquet gently, running his fingers over the colorful blossoms. Bluebells, white clover, twinflowers, and pink primrose. “For me?”
“Mhmm! I made it myself!”
Tom smiles, a small slight thing. But the way your thoughts explode at the sight of it makes it widen a bit more.
OH MY GOD!! He’s so cute!!
Look at his smile!!
God, I wanna kiss him so badly…
Mmm… kissing…
Tom panics a little, the mental images you’re coming up with overwhelming him. He stops the spell immediately, flustered and blushing.
“Thank you for the flowers,” he stutters out, tripping over his words in a way he wouldn’t have before.
You beam and nod. “Of course! I’m glad you like them.”
Then you walk back to your group, humming happily with the biggest smile on your face ever.
Tom gazes down at his bouquet and turns away, his heart thumping in his chest.
So you were a bit of an idiot, but somehow that didn’t bother Tom. He strolls back up to the castle, thinking deeply about you.
His reactions to you were… unexpected, but not particularly surprising. You were a handsome boy, after all.
Perhaps a different sort of investigation was required.
You seemed to like him quite a bit, and Tom isn’t opposed to the idea. But he’ll have to be quick going about asking you out.
Your kindness and genuineness haven’t been unnoticed by others, and Tom’s well aware that not everyone interested in you has the same intentions he does.
He’ll ask you out tonight, after dinner.
With that resolve in his mind, Tom enters the castle, a pep in his step.
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Tom finds you in the library after dinner. You’re huddled over an old tome, muttering something under your breath. You’re so caught up in reading that you startle when Tom clears his throat.
“Oh! Tom! I didn’t see you there!” You beam up at Tom.
He gives you a thin smile back. “What are you reading?”
“Just some book I found in the Restricted Section.” You say blithely. You point to the page you’re looking at. “I found a spell for hair dyeing and wanted to try it out!”
Tom looks at the page. “Unicorn hair and ashwinder eggs? Where are you going to get those?”
You shrug. “I dunno yet. I’ll find them somewhere.”
Tom stares at you. “You’ll find them somewhere? You don’t just find ashwinder eggs and unicorn hair.”
You frown a little but shrug, clearly undeterred. “I’ll work something out.”
Tom sits down next to you, trying to comprehend the stupidity of your words. “You have a death wish.”
You blink and tilt your head. “I just wanna dye my hair, is all.”
Tom rubs at his face, forcing himself to stay calm. There’s no point in getting annoyed when he hasn’t even accomplished his goal yet.
With a subtle flick of his wrist, he casts Legilimency on you, bracing himself for the onslaught of unbridled thoughts.
He seems upset.
Oh, no. I gotta do something…
Quick, say something!
“Tom?” You ask softly.
He sighs and gives you a weak smile. “I’ll help you dye your hair using a safer spell.”
You brighten immediately. “You will?!”
Yes! I’ll finally have white hair again!
“On one condition.”
You nod. “Okay…”
“I’ll help you dye your hair if you go to Hogsmeade with me tomorrow.”
Go to…
You tilt your head. “Like, on a date?”
Tom swallows. “Yes. On a date.”
Your thoughts explode with giddiness. Tom jolts a bit, ending the spell as his head aches from the force of your happiness.
“Yes,” you breathe. “Yes! I’ll go on a date with you!”
Tom relaxes and gives you a small but genuine smile. “Let’s go dye your hair then.”
He gets up, but pauses. On impulse, he leans down and gives your cheek a slight kiss. You’re frozen in your seat for a moment, stars in your eyes. Then you scramble to your feet and follow after him.
There’s no doubt you’ll be his now. And then he, and only he, will be able to enjoy your sweet stupidity.
He finds himself inwardly grinning at the thought. A date at Hogsmeade is only the first step. Soon, he’ll make you his perfect, scatterbrained boyfriend.
And then he’ll be unstoppable.
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igotyupls · 7 months
Bestfriends | Jang Wonyoung x M!R
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WC: 2496, anon requested from last year also I used Grammarly for the first, how'd u guys like it lmao, I'm not sure If ill use it again tho, it makes everything bland IMO but less work for my sickass so ++ sorry for the smut, i know the req said fluff but.. i got too excited lmao
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Wonyoung and Y/N had been close since they were little demons running wild in their neighborhood. They were damn near conjoined twins, always finding trouble to get into together. Whether it was sneaking out in the middle of the night or raiding the kitchen for midnight snacks, they did everything as a dynamic duo.
As they got older, that closeness only intensified. Y/N started noticing the little things about Wonyoung that made his heart go faster than a F1 car - the way her eyes crinkled when she laughed, or how her slight gum showed whenever she flashed that bright, smile. Not to mention Wonyoung was a total smokeshow inside and out, with a fun, chic personality to match her goddess looks.
Y/N had it bad, simping for his best friend in the most cliche way possible. But could you blame the dude? Wonyoung was straight-up perfect - smart as a nerd without the glasses, kind as a nun, with a decent enough sense of humor and just the most beautiful girl. She had a rocking body too, not too curvy but with an ass that just wouldn't quit. Y/N's testostrones start raging just thinking about her.
He knew he had to make a move before it was too late. Wonyoung was starting to get attention from the other dudes at school, and it was only a matter of time before some fuckboy tried to swoop in and steal her up. Y/N couldn't let that happen - Wonyoung was his, had been since day one, even if she didn't know it yet. The plan was simple: confess feelings, get the girl, and ride off into the sunset or whatever cliche, What could go wrong?
Famous last words.
Y/N had been preparing himself up all day to finally spit it out. He was gonna meet Wonyoung at their favorite hangout spot in the park after school and pour his heart out. Butterflies were going apeshit in his stomach as he approached the park bench, hands sweaty and shaky.
That's when he saw it - Wonyoung, sitting there looking as gorgeous as ever, with some random kid down on one knee in front of her. A fucking confession. Y/N's heart fell into his gut as the world seemed to stop.
"Oh fuck no..." he muttered under his breath.
The guy was a senior from what Y/N could tell, though he didn't recognize the bastard off the top of his head. He was decent-looking, Y/N supposed, but he was biased as hell. No one was good enough for HIS Wonyoung.
From a distance, Y/N watched in horror as the guy declared his feelings, pulling out a bouquet of roses from behind his back like a damn rom-com from the nineties. He felt like he was gonna launch at the fuckboy as Wonyoung accepted the flowers, a small smile playing on her lips. Wasn't she gonna shut this guy down?
Y/N wanted to turn away but found himself frozen, a bystander in his own nightmare. He watched as Wonyoung leaned in and...hugged the guy. What the actual fuck was going on?
His brain jumped to the worst possible conclusions - were Wonyoung and this random dude already a thing? Had Y/N been living in delusion this whole time, pining after someone who was already taken? Bile filled his mouth.
As the guy pulled away from the hug, still smiling at Wonyoung with tender affection in his eyes, Y/N felt like he was going to lose his shit for real. This was happening, right in front of his eyes. His moment, his chance at happiness, being ripped away.
Head spinning, Y/N turned and booked it before he could witness anything else. He ran blindly, fighting back the lump of emotion forming in his throat. He had been so ready to lay it all on the line, and now...now his heart was shattered into pieces.
Over the next few days, Y/N avoided Wonyoung like the plague, skipping all their usual hangouts and making excuses whenever she tried to reach out. He just couldn't stand to be around her, not after having his feelings so violently crushed. It was too damn painful.
Wonyoung wasn't having it though. She was too damn stubborn, too persistent to let this go on without getting to the bottom of it.
"Dude, what the fuck is up with you lately?" she cornered Y/N after somehow tracking him down in the school courtyard after school.
Y/N averted his eyes, clenching his jaw as he fought to keep his composure. "Nothing's up. I'm fine."
"Bullshit," Wonyoung scoffed, seeing right through the flimsy excuse. "You've been avoiding me for days, and I want to know why."
There was a tense pause as Y/N remained stubbornly silent, staring at a random spot on the ground. Wonyoung sighed in exasperation, planting her hands on her hips.
"Did I do something to piss you off? Because if I did, I wish you'd just tell me instead of giving me the cold shoulder, N/nie"
Y/N squeezed his eyes shut briefly, pained by how stupid Wonyoung was being and the fact that her nickname still made his stomach get fuzzy. Of course, she had no idea about his feelings, how crushed he felt watching her accept that other guy's flowers, even hugging him.
When he spoke again, Y/N's voice was barely above a whisper, trembling with barely suppressed emotion. "I saw you...with him...the other day in the park."
Wonyoung's brow furrowed in confusion for a moment before realization seemed to dawn on her. "Oh...you mean [whatever name] ? When he asked me out?"
Y/N flinched at how casually she referred to the guy's name as if i wasn't a big deal. As if their friendship, their closeness, didn't mean anything next to this new romantic prospect.
"I can't believe you'd even entertain that loser," Y/N bit out bitterly, venom in his tone. "He doesn't deserve you."
"Woah, harsh," Wonyoung laughed lightly, though her eyes had taken on a more serious glint. "For your information, I turned him down. Like, completely rejected his ass."
Y/N's head whipped up in surprise, eyes widening almost comically. "You...you did?", voice cracking mid way too. 
"Of course I did, dumbass," Wonyoung rolled her eyes, gentleness returning to her eyes as she closed the distance between them. "Did you think I'd go for some random guy over you?"
The words hung heavy in the air between them as Y/N struggled to process them. Over him? What did that mean exactly? Surely Wonyoung couldn't mean...
Clearing his throat, "W-What are you saying?" Y/N stammered out, heart beating fast in his chest.
Wonyoung reached up to cup his face lovingly, so close now that he could see the faint dusting of redness on her face, and could smell her sweet fruity perfume. She stared into his eyes with an intensity that made his knees go weak.
"I'm saying…- *sigh* I like you, dummy," she murmured, voice soft yet filled with sincerity. "I've had feelings for you for a long time, but I didn't know how to tell you. I was waiting for you to make a move."
Y/N felt like the wind was knocked out of him as Wonyoung's words slowly sank in. This whole time...Wonyoung had liked him back? He had been stressing out for nothing, making assumptions and jumping to conclusions without even giving her a chance to explain.
"You...you like me?" Y/N asked dumbly, hardly daring to believe it was real. "Like, like-like me?"
"Yeah, dumbass," Wonyoung chuckled fondly, rolling her eyes again. "I like-like you, a lot. So are you gonna kiss me already or what?"
She didn't have to ask twice as Y/N surged forward, capturing Wonyoung's plush lips in a sloppy, desperate kiss. It was clumsy and inexperienced, driven purely by pent-up feelings, but it was absolutely flabbergasting. Wonyoung made a soft *mmph* of surprise before melting into it, her arms winding around his neck.
They kissed again and again, getting lost in the sensation of finally having each other. Years of hidden crushing and repressed lust came pouring out in a strong wave. Y/N wanted to drown in Wonyoung forever, to burn up in her flames.
When they finally detached, panting and flushed, Y/N cupped Wonyoung's face gently. "I thought I lost you," he murmured, resting his forehead against hers.
Wonyoung let out a breathless laugh, eyes sparkling with a mixture of affection and glee. "You could never lose me, dummy. I'll always be yours, no matter what."
And as Y/N pulled her close for another kiss, the courtyard around them faded into the background until it was just Y/N and Wonyoung in their little bubble. Their lips moved together urgently, all teeth and tongues, everything started gushing out again,
Y/N knew in that moment, as Wonyoung whimpered softly into his mouth, that she was telling the goddamn truth. They'd been two peas in a pod since childhood, attached at the damn hip through thick and thin. But right now, with their bodies pressed together so personally, they became one - two puzzle pieces finally slotting together after years of being one halves.
And fuck, did it feel good to be home.
Wonyoung kissed back like she did everything else - with out-of-control passion and zero fucks given. She gave as good as she got, nibbling at Y/N's lower lip teasingly before licking it with her tongue. Her hands moved freely, bunching up the fabric of his shirt as she pressed even closer, determined to get rid of any remaining space between her and his bodies.
"Fuck, baby...wanted this for so long," Y/N muttered when they briefly pulled back for air, his voice low and filed with lust.
"Then take it," Wonyoung shot back breathlessly, her eyes dark and hooded as she pushed her hips against his, grinding on his erection. "I'm yours, remember?"
That was all the encouragement Y/N needed. Tangling one hand in her silky hair, he angled her head to the side and attacked her neck with sloppy, open-mouthed kisses. Wonyoung let out a needy little whine, arching into him desperately as he found her sensitive spots
"Y/N...shit, that feels so good," she moaned, nails scratching over his clothed back as he showered her pale skin with attention.
Hearing her say his name like that, all breathy and horny, just drove Y/N more. He wanted to mark her up, let the whole world know she was his and his alone. Wanted to make her come undone right there in the yard where anyone could see but of course, they had a reputation to keep as he hoisted Wonyoung up suddenly, grinning at her squeak. Her legs immediately wrapped around his waist as he rushed into the hallway and pinned her against one of the lockers, the metal clanging loudly. Not that either of them cared about being overheard at this point - they were too far gone.
"You drive me fucking crazy, you know that?" Y/N groaned out, rolling his hips, grounding against her clothed vagina teasingly so she could feel how hard he was already. "Been wanting this tight little body for years."
Wonyoung let out a shameless moan at his words, her pupils blown wide with horniness. "Then take it, what are you waiting for?" She ground down against the bulge in his jeans tauntingly. "I'm not gonna break."
It was all the invitation Y/N needed. Crashing their lips back together hornily, he reached down to hitch one of Wonyoung's legs higher on his waist, opening her up further. His other hand skimmed up her thigh, dipping underneath her skirt to tease at the lace waistband of her panties.
"Is this what you want, baby?" he asked against her lips, fingers creeping higher to brush over her damp slit through the skimpy fabric. "You're already so wet for me, wony"
Wonyoung's head lolled back against the lockers with a thud, her chest heaving. "Don't tease, asshole" she retorted shamelessly, squirming against his hand in search of more. "I need you inside me. Now."
Y/N felt his dick throb painfully at her words, at the way she begged for it despite her usual bossy, headstrong personality. Seeing Wonyoung like this, overwhelmed by need and desire for him, was making his brain short-circuit.
Kissing her deeply again, he slid his hand properly into her panties and finally, blissfully, pumped two fingers into her sloppy, wet pussy.. Wonyoung moaned sharply into his mouth, her inner walls fluttering wildly around the thick fingers as she took him into the final knuckle.
"Fuck...you feel so fucking good," Y/N groaned, slowly working his fingers in and out of her tight vagina. She felt like heaven, insanely hot and wet like she was made just for him.
"Harder," Wonyoung whimpered, already twitching pathetically on his hand, completely shamelessly in her pleasure. "I can take it, I wanna feel you tomorrow."
Y/N felt a fresh wave of precum ooze out at her husky demands. He always knew Wonyoung was a brat, but her complete lack of self-consciousness, and her willingness to take whatever he gave was driving him wild, especially in the empty school hallway.
Growling under his breath, Y/N picked up the pace of his pumping, curling his fingers with every pull. The smutty sounds of her slick cunt soon filled the hallway, echoing obscenely with Wonyoung's loud, horny moans.
"That's it, baby...gonna make you feel so good," Y/N murmured hotly against the sweaty side of her throat, biting down to leave a mark. "Want everyone to know who you belong to."
"Yours, 'm yours!" Wonyoung cried out, arching her back almost painfully as she blindly chased her orgasm. Her nails grounded and slid over his shoulders hard enough to sting. "Oh fuck, I'm...I'm gonna..."
Y/N could feel her growing impossibly tighter around his fingers, those velvet walls beginning to twitch wildly. With a groan, he slammed his palm firmly against her clit, sending Wonyoung catapulting over the edge into euphoria.
She came with a sobbing and whiney moan, her whole body tensing up as waves of pleasure crashed over her. Y/N swallowed the desperate sounds spilling from her lips, amazed by how gorgeous she looked in the high of her orgasm. He fingered her through it lovingly, dragging out every last tremble until Wonyoung’s limp and tired against him.
"Good girl, that's it," he murmured adoringly, pressing soft kisses to her sweaty hairline as she clung to him like a koala. "You did so good for me, baby."
Wonyoung merely made a weak, incoherent noise of hum, too orgasmed out to form proper words. She nuzzled against his neck happily, her jagged pants slowly evening out to deep, relaxed breaths.
"Mine," she finally mumbled once she'd got to her senses, voice raspy from all her moans. She punctuated her words with a clumsy nip to his neck, more like a mosquito bite than anything.
Y/N chuckled, squeezing her ass with the hand still under her skirt. "Always."
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six-eyed-samurai · 2 months
Firstly congratulations on your followers! :) Secondly maybe the prompt R is for Romance from your yandere list with either reader and Rengoku or Dabi(from mha)? You don't have to do it if you don't want too, but I hope your day's good!
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SUMMARY: A drunken game on the rooftop was not how you imagined would be the reason you were suddenly locked into a basement by none other than Dabi himself A/N: TY TY! Sadly my Yandere Alphabet is actually for neutral characters, however I can still pull off the R is for Romance for you! I was having a good day, ty, my best friend came back today lmao WARNINGS: This is yandere, so MDNI and in no way do I condone this sort of relationship. Also alcohol, swearing, maybe OOC Dabi (I did my best I'm sorry) My inbox is still open if you would like to request for the event!
"Good Lord what letter comes after M?"
"O, stupid."
"Shut it Panda Eyes." You threw the bottle cap at your companion. He went cross eyed tracking it but maybe he was just drunk.
You both were, actually. Very much inebriated on top of some rooftop (how did you get up there again? Never mind it was going to give you an even bigger headache to try and remember) of some building in some place you had long forgotten during the alcohol binge you two were on. You wouldn't have pulled this sort of dumb stunt usually but after a successful night (successful...something. Ugh, what sort of damned drink had Dabi bought?) he had convinced you that it was good to celebrate. Just you and him, the after party.
An after party with lots and lots of alcohol. There was still more and you reached for another bottle, tilting it back. Then your eyes narrowed, turning to the turquoise pair staring at you. "Bullshit! You liar, it's N!"
"If you (beep) knew, why ask?" Dabi chucked his bottle cap at you. The caps littered the ground everywhere around you both, actually, as the both of you had agreed that it would be the punishment if the other was unable to continue the game.
The game, right. You had made a dumb joke about a team-building exercise and what a great time it would be to do it now even though the rest of the League wasn't here, then Dabi had followed it up with a sly suggestion of Eye Spy. You elbowed him and complained it was boring. He jabbed his finger into your side and in the end the both of you agreed to play a game of Word Association following the alphabet. Only problem was the both of you were idiots.
"I forgot! You got it wrong as well!"
Dabi rolled his eyes. "Just get the hell on with it."
"Okay! N for uh...nap?"
"Boring. N for...nonsense."
"You're boring. O for...obsession."
Dabi raised an eyebrow, taking another sip. "O for only."
"P for...platypus? Shit, what was that cartoon? The one where that duck thingy - platypus, sorry - wore a hat?"
"What the hell do you even watch?" Dabi snorted. "The first thing you think of is platypus?"
"You literally said M for magnesium just now," you grumbled, finishing your bottle and snatching his.
"After you said L for Bozo. That doesn't even make sense."
"I changed it off to L for love!"
"Once again, ew," Dabi sighed. "P for perfect."
"Q for...queue."
"So original. Q for queen."
"I hate you so much." You threw your head back. "R for-"
A beat of silence. Then you burst out laughing. "What in the actual-?"
"What? Your L got me thinking," Dabi protested, oddly defensive, going as far as to turn away.
“Thinking of someone?” You teased, crawling closer.
“Yeah.” Dabi smirked and you ignored the twang in your heart to widen your grin.
“Hmmm….anyone I know?” You blinked. “Actually, I can’t believe I never asked before. What’s your type? Tall, short, long hair, freckles, innocent, bratty, big ass?”
Dabi arched an eyebrow. “You thinking of somebody?”
“NO!” You flushed and blamed it on alcohol. “I’ll tell you my type if you do.”
“And what is your type, princess?”
You decided to ignore the nickname. “To be honest I don’t really mind as long as he’s…uh, nice? I dunno. Just someone who can show me a good time.”
“Had no idea you were into that.”
“I DIDN’T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!” You whacked his arm. “Like, I want a guy who’s gonna come over on time, pick me up, take me to a place not necessarily dinner. Maybe an arcade date, mall date, anything is fine. Just talk and listen, you know? And drive me back, walk me to the door, say goodnight and shit. ‘Cause dating for me is getting to know someone really well and…yeah, know them inside out.”
“I have no idea whatever the (beep) it was you just said. You’re so eloquent when drunk.”
“Shut up. Like you’re not. I just want a gentleman. Respects boundaries and all that shit but I want someone - oh god this sounds stupid - who’s gonna make the effort with me to be our first and last. Does that make sense now?” You flopped onto your back. “I need another drink.”
“That? That’s it?” Dabi snorted and laughed. “Your ideal romance?”
“At least I can pull!” You realized you both were out of bottles and groaned. “Your turn.”
Dabi paused for a moment, then suddenly his face loomed over you in another smirk. “I’ll sum it up in one word. You. Can I take you on an “arcade date, mall date, anything is fine” tomorrow?”
And somehow you wound up anxiously pacing around the entrance of the local arcade Dabi had said he’d take you to anyway. You had already purchased some tokens, thanked God you hadn’t overdressed in your panic earlier, taken a few sips of water and what else? Right, fret your brains out over whether or not this was just a horrible joke made while inebriated.
“What the (beep).”
Because you’d be lying if you said you didn’t fancy Dabi himself.
Ain’t no way he had basically just confessed like that. Nuh uh. He was probably just as out of it like you were and in the blurred haze made a mistake. A stupid mistake that was twisting your heart and insides hard.
Yet why were you here? Because you’re delusional that’s why. And because the way he had said it last night seemed so sincere.
“Well, well, looks like I failed in being the gentleman, huh?”
“You did,” you quip out of habit, but your tone’s shaky. “No pick up?”
“I have no idea where you live,” Dabi said smoothly. “It’s alright, I’ve got plenty of ways to make up for it soon enough.”
“I dunno. You’re not a gentleman.”
But he was and it was…insane. Absolutely amazing and flattering and oh good god you couldn’t even describe it but it was completely INSANE how much Dabi proved you wrong with this behavior over the next six months of you and him dating. Because he kept proving your wrong, each time, that in fact he COULD BE a gentleman when he wanted to.
He came to go pick you up and followed you home. He always knew exactly what you wanted on the menu after pulling out your chair. He listened.
Dabi made the effort to be your first and last, like you said, unlike the flings before. He said as much on the last date. You were utterly head over heels, besotted, infatuated with him even more so when he admitted he had liked you from the start but wasn’t sure when was a good time to tell you.
So of course he was the first one you called in a panic when you discovered the camera in your bathroom.
You couldn’t believe you never noticed it before - and it terrified more that it could’ve been watching the unsuspecting you for god knew how long. It was only pure chance that you had suddenly spotted a peculiar glint in the mirror when wiping off the fog, partially hidden by your shower curtain. Oh god, oh god, oh god-
“Yeah, princess?” The crack in your voice had been exceedingly audible, as was his concerned tone. “You good?”
“There you go again,” Dabi sighed, but his voice was placating, reassuring. “Slower this time?”
You took a deep breath. “I found a camera. In my bathroom. Some creep’s SPYING ON ME!”
“Get out of there right now and calm down, alright, sweetheart? I’ll be over in a minute.”
“You think the heroes put it there?”!”
“Doll, they’re horrible but they ain’t perverts. What’s so interesting in your bathroom besides you anyway?” Dabi’s joke came out tense and you heard a lot of background noise. “Look, like I said, get out of there. Don’t try to take it down-”
“I’ll be over soon,” Dabi repeated and hung up.
You steadied yourself before examining the camera in your hand, sitting against the ladder that you had used to get up there. It was an ordinary CCTV looking thing and you had used a towel to cover the lens before taking it down. The wires stuck out and pricked at your palms.
Who would be watching you like this?
You needed air - the bathroom was too cramped suddenly. You ran out into your bedroom and threw open the window, dumping the camera on the ground, dry heaving while leaning out. You finally calmed down sufficiently to slide down the wall with a groan, tilting your head back while you anxiously waited for Dabi to show up.
Shit. No, no, no-
There was another camera hidden by the curtains.
Hysterical tears began streaking down your face. How long you had been there in a sobbing panic attack you didn’t know, barely hearing your front door open and the footsteps thundering into your bedroom. You didn’t register anything until you were suddenly wrapped up in Dabi’s arms, head tucked against his chest as he awkwardly stroked your hair.
“Hey, calm down, alright?”
“I’m scared. I’m so damn scared that someone’s been watching me all this time. You know there’s another camera? I found another.” You hiccuped and exhaled. “Okay, okay, I’m calm now.”
“Great. Let’s get you a drink of water and we’ll talk.”
He led you to the kitchen and poured you a glass, the both of you seated at your small dining table while you fought to clear your head. Dabi watched you intently, tapping his foot on the ground.
So you had discovered the cameras, huh? A bad thing, but the fact that you had called him meant you had no idea it was him…just as well, really. Dabi could use this to his advantage - make you more dependent on him.
He internally chuckled. You hadn’t noticed the burn on your wall near the cameras then, when he had accidentally caught a wire aflame setting it up.
But outwardly he twisted his face into one of concern.
“We can’t report this to the police,” he started. “You’re a known member of the League.”
“Then what? I’m not staying here anymore!”
“You could live with me.” He caught your expression and rolled his eyes. “I didn’t mean it like that, but you sure are eager, huh?”
“Back to the point. Your stalker might’ve put up some other cameras, not just your bathroom or your bedroom window. You could live with me while we look for the bastard,” Dabi said, quite convincingly. “I’ll take care of you. Ideal romance, right?”
You snorted a half laugh at that. “You really do surprise me - wait.”
Dabi raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“The camera.” You felt yourself turning cold. Frozen. No way could it…”I didn’t tell you where I found the second camera’s location.”
“I found you crying underneath the window, princess. Sorry if I made the wrong assumption,” Dabi said apologetically. Inside he wondered if you were going to force his hand. His grip on the cup tightened. Stupid mistake.
“No…not only that.” You leapt your feet. “How did you get into my house anyway? I never took you here or gave you the key. You only ever walked me to the front door but I didn't tell you which floor I lived on or which apartment block. I locked the door, I’m sure. And how did you know where my bedroom was?”
“I could hear you weeping your eyeballs out from out there,” Dabi scoffed, getting to his feet as well. “I busted down your door.”
You backed away. “How did you know where I live then? And - and that day, when I nearly got mugged, you just showed up out of nowhere. Do you have a tracker on me?”
He said nothing.
“You put the cameras there, didn’t you?” Your whisper came out hoarse.
Dabi stepped closer and suddenly you realized exactly what a powerful presence he was as he leaned closer, trapping you against the table. “I did it all for us, y’know? For you. I had to know everything to keep you safe, be the perfect guy for you. Wasn’t that your ideal romance? Thanks for the tip, by the way, that night on the rooftop. It helped me realize exactly how to make you love me like I love you.”
“I don’t love a monstrous creep like you!”
His eyes flashed with hurt and heartbreak. “You will. Please.”
Dabi must’ve put something in your drink, you also realized; your knees buckled and you blacked out.
You awoke in a dark, stuffy room. Not like you were expecting anything less.
And he was right in front of you - that you didn’t expect. You would’ve lunged at your former love if you could, but the effects of whatever had knocked you out hadn’t left your body yet, making everything a blurry photograph and your limbs jelly. Something like cold metal bit into your wrists as well. Dabi just stared at you flatly.
“Why?” The word slipped out before you knew it. “If you say you love me, why? Why all this? Just for your sick idea of romance? You’re sick. You’re so sick I don’t know how I never knew it before. You…really are a damn villain.”
“You won’t let me protect you anymore. Keep watch.” Dabi shrugged. “I tried to do it your way, be your gentleman. Then you made me do it my way. You think I want this too? Rather see you happy and oblivious, really, but it’s not like you gave me a choice.”
“You never gave me a choice from the start!”
“I did,” Dabi corrected coldly.
You were grasping at straws and he knew it. “You think everyone’s not gonna notice if I just disappear?”
A warm hand suddenly clasped your cheek. Dabi really did look like a devil, you thought blearily, with all that staples and burns in the dark, with that expression.
“I faked my own death. I can fake yours.”
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inkluvs · 1 year
Sorry about that! would a sunshine x grumpy trope be okay...?
Alstroemeria - going to an event that the other person in interested in just to see them happy - with Steve Harrington or Sirius Black?
could be worse
hi omg i'm so sorry i think i took this the wrong way? i made steve sunshine instead of r LMAO i hope u like this anyways <3 tw: uhh r is kinda anxious? this is really just me projecting <3 (0.5k)
steve harrington x fem! reader
masterlist // taglist
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Steve is smiling, pretty rose-colored lips twisted at the corners as he spotted you from across the room. You were tired, and you bet you looked it, too, from the way he frowned as he got closer to you. He’d been invited to a charity event, one of which you couldn’t particularly remember the name of, and you’d offered to join him against your better judgment.
You’d reasoned with yourself that seeing Steve happy, in the end, would be more important than any amount of dread you racked up from past experiences at similar events. He, however, disagreed, triple checking on whether you were sure you wanted to come, then reminding you that the two of you could leave whenever, whenever being now.
His hand brushed against yours, and warmth blossomed in the center of your chest as he pulled you to a corner. “You alright?”
“Could be worse,” you smiled, “you?”
He mirrored your expression, tilting his head like a curious cat before replying, “‘M not joking, honey. You look like you’d rather be anywhere else.”
“I’m here for you, Steve,” his cheeks flushed a rosy pink at that, “don’t wanna be anywhere else.” You leaned back onto the wall, one foot against it with your back pressed flush against the brick, and he did the same, one leg in front of the other as he pressed the side of his torso into the rough material. The top button of his dress shirt was undone, and a bit of his hair peeked through, decorating the freckled planes of his chest.
“Like what you see?” he murmured, cheeks splitting in a grin. You slapped his bicep, and he pouted promptly, pulling a fit of giggles from the base of your throat.
“Was gonna offer to fix that, but if you don’t want me to,” you trailed off. There was nothing that needed fixing, really, but you’d take any excuse to touch him. Any reason to ground yourself, and he knew that. So, he let you.
It was all warm brushes of your skin against his and heated breath as you took much too long to take hold of both sides of the fabric. He didn’t mention it, of course, instead admiring the way you focused on him, admiring the way you were enamored with him, even. Once you’d finally slipped the button in place, you smoothed the fabric off.
Any excuse to touch him, you repeated to yourself. And he leaned into you, stubbled chin poking the crown of your head as it rested on top of you, like a reminder that he's always there, that you're never too much. He was hugging you, and for a few seconds, you stood there like you always did, unsure of what to do with your arms, but then you melted into it.
He'd decided a while ago that if he accomplished one thing, it'd be getting you used to his affections. It'd be convincing you you were worth it, and every day he got closer, and every day Steve pulled away after any form of physical contact with a dopey grin adorning his mouth, and you could never quite figure out why.
"We'll leave in 10, 'kay? Want some time with my girl."
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liaa--qb · 5 months
do you think that team black Stans takes this hotd war topic too much And They are very much hypocrite ?? I was new in this fandom and stand with team black. I hate to say this many of them spoil whole fun on Twitter debate.I have seen their jealousy alot at Aemond getting more attention than some of their characters by audience.They made stories about him like he r@ped Alys.They would have hated daeron if he was there since first season lmao. What's your take on team black stans. Don't mistake me as a Aemond wife. I am against team green but admitting I kinda liked his character only as villian. Helaena is the only person I love in team green
EXACTLY ! This..... EXACTLY this.. see firstly m not a team supporter or stan here. I am just enjoying d show till it's tolerable😅. I just want a good show dat's it. I am not on Twitter thankfully, I am well aware what goes on there n you can hate Aemond all u want. He's a villian ofcourse 🙏🏻
Fire and blood was boring but show has chance to be better atleast though if they ever want to try😑... Regarding ur take , it's gonna be bit long now as I don't do this long stuff unless it's a fic😭
lemme tell the truth now.... ik many dumb ones are not gonna like it 😂
yes there are majority of hypocrite team black Stans who would make up these bullshits mainly with Aemond like "they gave Jace's qualities to Aemond, Aemond r*ped Alys". Jace's one was the most random 😂
bitch... like where you thought after reading the book n watching show that they gave Jace's qualities to Aemond 💀😭 ??? Where... I read the book too😂. My friends who actually introduced me to hotd who are book purists too , even they laughed on this theory when I told them.
" Jace and Aegon were adapted exactly the way they were in the books ! " It's a fact Listen I love Tom Glynn Carney too (like how can you not🥵) but sorry to those Aegon girlies who were just saying that they forcefully made Aegon a r*pist. He was like this in the book very much. They both were shown correctly how they should have been in s1.
Both green and blacks were given some good and bad shots equally in show. Bad n good shots for God's sake doesn't mean one is Angel and other one being devil. It's about writing or storyline regarding both teams. N this whole jealousy or hypocrisy towards Aemond of some team black stans is nothing but a childish stupidity to me and it's obvious that Aemond would get alot attention in show than many N y not ? 🤦🏻‍♀️
[ top 3 characters from both teams will get attention. Show will be divided into two teams from Team black it's Rhaenyra, Daemon , Colrys n (someone with corlys) who would be focused more N from team Green it would Alicent, Aegon, Aemond. Majority of Attention would be given to Rhaenyra, Alicent n Aegon as they are main 3 . It should be very much clear to every person who read the book , to me it was as I read only after watching the S1 trailer. Wasn't this very much obvious in the book. ]
Also Aemond never r*ped or assaulted Alys in the book. We never got inside of their relationship in book. He can in the show though🤷🏻‍♀️.... if makers want to. He took her as war prize which was very much common for every guy winning war.
Honestly Alys was far yrs older fucking powerful witch😭 she would eat Aemond alive be fr if she wanted to. She would have killed him way easily in starting itself . Yes there relationship was problematic n it was power imbalance both sides. They both were using each other. Aemond was clearly under her spell or either for her powers and so was Alys. Who was taking her best from Aemond's position whatever she could get from both sides.
If Grrm lit wanted to show that Aemond r*ped Alys he would have done it very well like he does this with his all other characters who were actually r@pists but he didn't. On the contrary side he wrote Aemond as evil goth twink who never wanted to scare the ladies at court n wore eye patch bcz of that😂. Same guy was making out with his floris and fell hard under spell of strong bastard witch calling her 'my lady !'
Let me clear that also Aemond not being a r@pist doesn't make him a less bad person either. He was a sadist tyrant n murderer psychopath in book. This is what made him a villian or bad guy. But the problem with some team black Stans is that they knew that audience will start giving him the ' typical Kylo ren' treatment which he's getting. ( Idk how one cannot see this coming after reading dance of d in FNB, it was very much predicted I knew it). They don't want to give any good points to any team green characters in their silly game. Like as if audience don't hype bad guys more than good guys😑.
Same way when same audience hyped Daemon more than Harwin then they don't have any problem but if audience likes Aemond n Daeron more than team black kids then their ass hate to see this n would write whole new made up reasons for not to like any team green member while cheering any other character which they like for same thing.
Funny thing is that many team black daemon lovers would write how he was right man, he killed all r*pist from city while this is the same daemon who fucks literally little girls who are prostitutes n loves it which is very much written in book. Ofcourse mysaria was with him since her childhood. As prostitutes have no other options. Taking prince like daemon and Aegon was better for their survival.
He is canon p*dophile in book but yes if Aemond is r@pist then Daemon's account of doing r@pe is way higher than Aemond even before when Aemond was born. Now why would those black Stans admit this ? 😂 never....... Believe me when I say that some of them are that level of jokers who would say that Maegor is good and daeron is bad just because he is from team green.
I really like daemon too n daemon had his bad qualities n good qualities both 🧡atleast I like the way he is . It clearly shows that some Stans they cannot even like or hate the character for what they are. They are dumbass kids watching some cartoon fight with two team. They just want to hate one team for any reason n like other team for any random reason
Mind you....many of them even hate Helaena unnecessary but same time would love Laena and for what ????🤡🤡
what I hated regarding Aemond in show :-
now things I accept that Aemond not killing Luce was very much wrong and I hated that too. Because it was not good for plot tbh for me. It's just messing up with already messed up world building. Aemond as a villian got a very much reason to Luce n y should he not ? now that's thing I genuinely think that was done wrong regarding Aemond's character, people hating it is very much justified because it very much makes luc's death stupid rather than sad.
But making up reasons like they gave everything to Aemond like they didn't made Aemond totally bad during drift mark scene as we get sympathy for rhaena n we understood her reason for being angry on Aemond atleast n Aemond insulting her. but in books it's lit Nyra's kids who were not minding their own business n Aemond was just beating them n throwing them far away from him instead of killing them with rock like in the show but ofcourse this wasn't visible to team black Stans. Because in the book honestly Aemond was very much correct during drift mark scene.
They removed viserys's taunting Aemond regarding dragon which was very important.
They showed Harwin beating Criston but we all know it was Criston who took both Harwin and Daemon easily and so many of I started to count regarding team green were done equally wrong.
just see the dumbness and hyporcrisy I once saw Darkling and rhys Stans saying bullshit about Aegon and Aemond 😂😂. Same Darkling who physically assaulted Alina, abused her. The one who gave little girls like Genya to get r@ped by the old hag king for his benefit n
the way LB wrote him I can very say that she hated him as well. And Rhys is whole another level bullshit 😂if started to write. They were not even a good written bad guys. These same idiots would typing whole ass reasons to like them. It's funny that Darkling supporters would hate Otto hightower as if they aren't the same thing 🤣. Otto slays more as compared Darkling.
many of them pretend to care about representation saying that 'Jace should not have Sara n it would hurt baela n would make her unwanted ' while same time giving thousand reasons of there was nothing bet Nettles and Daemon so that it would not harm their Daemyra. So many of them were happy when there wasn't any news regarding nettles. ( It's not only team black , many of team green stans r equally hypocrite here you asked me of team black )
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isa-ghost · 1 year
hey it's the anon who asked what dr*m did,
I decided to do my own research (mainly cause I was curious) but... I can't find much? let me rephrase it - I did find the allegations from 6ish months ago, that he's going to court with one(?) of them, but that's... all? I didn't find the court's verdict, confirmations, or him admitting either... and any post or video I find has both the OP and the comments mostly on his side and believing that it's either not true or true but not grooming, even people who say they're not his fans or don't even like him.
so Im not sure if the confirmation didn't reach youtube or if I'm searching wrong or something?
but honestly while researching I realized that I cant stand him lmao, gotta agree with some comments I read - he made a mistake by showing more of his personality online, looks like any time he can handle a situation wrong/respond wrong he does it
so dunno, guess I didnt find the confirmation but at least now I don't find his old minecraft videos interesting anymore so theres that
Yeah he can't act properly to save his fucking life
Also I think most of the threads on Twitter and stuff that have all the proof he's guilty/etc is probably long buried, unfortunately. You could probably try to ask around saying you're trying to get the whole picture but tbh it's not a huge deal if you can't. You can try searching my blog but Tumblr sucks with that shit. The fact that this and his other controversies have been buried and lost to the void of the internet is typical white boy with a monstrously big platform shit so I'm not surprised. I never heard any details about court (prob for legal reasons) or a conviction either. All I know is there was screenshot proof from the victim that they talked, and Dr*m confirmed the screenshots were real but didn't say anything about other details. But those details literally can't be false if the screenshots & the shit said in them are true.
Anyway, as far as his other bullshit goes:
People found old kkk meme edits on his yt account through the wayback machine. More than once if I'm not mistaken
He has a history of defending himself using the r slur
He cheated "on accident" in a speedrun (the least important thing ever but everyone always brings it up)
He claimed he was going to donate all proceeds during pride month to lgbt+ charities & he'd do charity streams all month but never did
He defended himself about replying to haters, which would send thousands of his toxic stans after the person getting them doxxed/death threats/etc and he refused to address that it was irresponsible of him bc he was too entitled to immaturely clap back at the antis. Even other ccs, like B/itzel called him out about shit related to how he uses his platform irresponsibly & he unfollowed & shaded them like a bitch baby
The whole "accidental" copycat shit with QSMP/USMP and basically softcore stalking Q/uackity online.
His "apologies" for all of the above fucking sucked in multiple ways. And that's just 2021-Now shit I can remember off the top of my head, I lost my Twitter in May last year so now I get my info from people's posts about it on here or links to tweets.
Everyone largely suspects he spontaneously reignited d/smp lore & started the finale to cover up the groomer thing bc he has a history of doing smth "new and cool" every time he causes drama to divert attention and avoid accountability.
He's also suspected of suddenly rewriting the d/smp finale to paint his Irredeemable Abuser Villain Up Until The Last Stream as a sympathetic poor baby out of nowhere and wrote that his victim, c!Tommy apologized to him, which sends a HORRIBLE message about abusive relationships. T/ommy and T/ubbo have both subtly mentioned not liking the finale and that Dr*m had AWFUL communication during the last like 6+ months of the smp.
He also suddenly showed up in T/ubbo's chat lurking while T/ubbo happened to be mentioning he'd do his own research on the grooming situation instead of blindly siding with Dr*m and it was some shit out of a horror movie is2g, he suddenly dmed T/ubbo out of nowhere during it on discord saying they'd talk about it after T/ubbo wasn't streaming. Basically sounds like he was gonna bias T/ubbo about his innocence. Like he hadn't been in chat all stream long but SUDDENLY he was there the second the topic came up. But the d/smp ccs also can't say anything about the situation since it's a legal matter, so a handful of ccs have just stated/implied they don't support him other ways
He only quit MCC bc he threw a tantrum about how he couldn't practice for it but now that MCC island exists, people were getting better than him. He's habitually a sore loser about that kinda shit
He's got that whole weird "is he, isn't he" bullshit going on about him being lgbt. I personally think he's just catering to his stupid d/n/f shippers bc they like to truth their relationship & sexuality all the time and he's never explicitly said he's bi or smth. He's just vaguely been like "yeeeaahhhh I mostly like girls like 99% but maaaayyybeee I like guys idkkkk. 🤪" But he's also done that multiple times so who tf knows. I'm not gonna fully dismiss him & I understand no one including me is entitled to his specific sexuality, but he has garbage credibility on like everything so I'm neutral on the matter and find it hard to believe him
Not directly him related, but his stans went on a long and horrifying witch hunt on Twitter during the kkk ordeal doxxing, death threatening & harassing ENTIRE mcyt subtwts who spoke out against him and called him out on his racism, performative activism, shitty apology, etc. For example, I was part of S/neeg's subtwt and all my mutuals and me had to go private to avoid getting doxxed. It felt like being raided in some dystopian ass horror film. Entire subtwts were going private, panicking, paranoid they'd get outed & stalked & harassed by people just for condemning racism, raising Black voices, etc. It was borderline traumatic to some people, I know people who lost sleep over it bc they were so afraid.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head but the end of 2021 to early 2022 was a fucking nightmare between him being an immature entitled piece of shit and his stans blindly defending him and going out of their way to endanger people who rightfully opposed him.
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late-night-talking · 2 years
Taco Tuesday
a/n: Soooo, this is my first fic post on tumblr, and my first writing since I was a wee teen like 7 years ago, lmao. Be gentle, but I would love feedback on improvements! I hope I captured his accent well, I tried to draw from some popular writers. Hope to be writing more, I love wolfrry so definitely some of that to come! Xoxo- R
word count: 2.6k
summary: stressed Harry comes home, Y/N makes it better with tacos, and a shower ;)
warnings: angsty (kinda, not really?), female masturbation, smut (minors dni)
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She was tired. Mostly mentally, dealing with her own demons, but that takes a physical toll as well. Laying across the couch, where she had been the majority of the day, she hears the sound of the garage opening, closing, then the door opening, then closing with a thud.
Y/N watches Harry walk down the hall, craning her neck to get a good look at him. Joggers and a well-loved shirt hang off his body as he kicks his trainers off, his spiraling hair falling in his face, only to be pushed back, in annoyance. Silence still between them, thoughts surging her mind.
“Hi, how was your day?” she asks, meekly, looking over at him with doe eyes.
“Can I get it over with ‘fore I talk ‘bout it.” He doesn’t phrase it as a question, walking into his office with purpose.
She thinks he must have been a hard day at the studio, most of the week had been difficult, him working in his office after the studio, for hours, which wasn’t the norm. But Harry hadn’t been so curt with her, at least giving her an ‘Ello, lovie’ and a peck on her lips before going into the office.
It, of course, made her mind swirl with what she could have done wrong. Last night was fine, him falling asleep with her hand smoothing over his back, after having a slow love making session. And today, even though Y/N’s mind wanted the worst of her, she mustered the energy to do some house work, making it clean and tidy.
She let the seemingly large space between them rest a bit, diverting her own thoughts to her phone, mindlessly scrolling. Finally summoning the energy (and courage) to meander into his office.
The door was cracked slightly, and taking a peek in, she saw his shoulders slumped, elbows on the table top, the golden skin of his arms littered with tattoos flexing a bit , hands mussed in his brunette curls, sitting in front of the mixing console. It wasn’t as large as the ones they had in studio, but he said it did it’s job of reminding him how he wanted certain sounds. In front of him he had his journal and MacBook open, with one of his many guitars leaning on the desk to the right of him.
Without a word, Y/N pushes the door open gently, her legs making enough swishing sounds to let Harry know she was there. He straightened a bit, leaning back in the chair with a sigh. Her hands made their way to his shoulders of their own volition.
Squeezing his shoulders a bit and raking her hands through his hair, had Harry melting, with soft moans falling from his plush lips. Catching Y/N’s wrist, he gently guides her down to his eye level, giving her a peck on her own sumptuous lips, swollen and red-tinged from obliviously biting and mushing them together from her earlier anxiety.
“M’sorry for earlier.” he breathes against her. “Feelin’ like all the studio brings, recently, is stress. Know it’ll pass eventually. Hang in there fo’ meh, yeah, poppet?”
All she can do is hum a contented sigh, muttering, “I know. Wish there was more I could do to help ya.”
“Oh, darlin’, you’re ma muse baby. Couldn’t do any of it without ya.” Harry mumbles with a smirk playing on his lips, so close to hers he can feel her warm breath, making him shiver to his spine. “S’why ‘m stressed, want everything ta be perfect, from the lyrics, to the bass, jus’ like ma girl. Perfect, perfect girl.”
A smile can’t help but spread across Y/N’s face. He thought she was perfect. Not that he didn’t tell her all the time, but some times she needed more reassurance than others. “Sounds like you’re having a time finding all the right pieces, but I know you and the guys will find the perfect sound, you always do. Can you be done for the day? You deserve a break, you’ve worked hard all week. Plus, it’s taco Tuesday, and you know how busy they get later in the night.”
The thought sharing a meal together makes both of them smile, soon heading out the door to get delicious tacos.
- - - - - - -
With their bellies satiated with fresh food from the truck down the street, they tuck in on the couch, Harry grabbing the Xbox controller to settle on his latest game. Letting her food settle a bit, enjoying watching Harry play, Y/N decides to take a quick shower to wash off the humidity from the night.
“I’m going to hop in the shower, lovie” she says, giving a peck on his cheek, earning a hum from him.
“M’kay, petal. Ya know where ta find meh, darlin’.” Harry mutters, focused on his game.
Swaying up the stairs, Y/N turns the shower on, letting the warm water reach the shower head. Throwing her hair up in a high bun, grabbing a towel, and taking off her rings, she has a last minute thought to grab her favorite sex toy. She usually doesn’t feel the need to get herself off, with her sex god of a husband, but she thought to herself, why not.
She pulled the toy out of it’s satin bag, the ‘clit sucker 3000’ Harry likes to call it. She’ll usually just smack his arm a bit before getting it to work. But she’s alone at the moment, so no jokes are made.
Before hoping in the shower for some alone time, she takes a peak at the pictures she has of Harry that turn her on. They’re not inherently sex photos, but the subject of them turns her to jelly.
Some of them are photos she’s personally taken of him when he looks especially yummy. Towels hanging low on Harry’s hips, showing off the V shape his muscles make in between his hips, water droplets dotting his body, hair wet and pushed back. Pictures of Harry in bed from the waist up, taken from the angle on Y/N sitting on him. The morning sunlight flecking over his face and tattooed chest, with a small smile on his lips, eyes closed in contentment.
Some pictures, though, are taken from him on stage. Some from the photographers that he’s chosen to bring on tour, but some from fans. She can’t lie, the fans had good taste, and good angles, getting him from a 360 point of view.
Most recently, her favorite was the pictures of Harry in his denim get up, pants and a vest, bare chest showing off his muscles and tattoos. It made her salivate, thinking back to that evening when he got off stage, Y/N instructed him to leave them on, desperately shoving his pants down enough to pull his already growing erection out of them. She sucked him roughly, and he fucked her back just as feverishly.
She already felt heat going straight to her core just viewing her husband on her phone. She stepped into the steaming shower, letting the hot water wash over her shoulders and back, releasing any tension from the day. Turning the toy on, Y/N put it straight to her center, whirling it around a bit to push her already swollen folds to the side. When it hit the spot the thing was literally made for, her knees almost buckled.
Moving to the tiled bench in the shower, she flung some water on it, trying to warm it up some before sitting down. She reveled in the feelings, warm water splashing on her periodically, toy vibrating on her most sensitive spot, the muscles of her legs and stomach contracting with each wave of pleasure, small moans making it past her lips.
But something was missing. She felt empty, feeling her pussy clenching around nothing, when she knew Harry would be happy to oblige, she cries out his name, half a moan, half a beckoning for him. She knows he may not hear her, his game probably engulfing him.
So she removes the toy from herself, partly stepping out of the shower, drying her hands quickly. She opens her phone to Harrys contact, quickly typing.
“Are you in a game?”, she hopes he isn’t.
“No. Do you want me to quit the queue?” Harry texts back quickly. His mind jumps to the worst, hoping she isn’t hurt or upset.
“Can you come fuck me?” Y/N texts back quickly.
The text bubbles appear, then disappear quickly. She imagines him throwing his phone on the couch, tripping over himself to make it to their bathroom as quickly as possible. It brings a smirk to her face as she gets back in the shower, standing and putting the toy back between her legs.
As quickly as she can get it back on herself, the bathroom door is flinging open. Y/N meets Harry’s eyes, dark with lust. “Ya playin’ with yaself, pet?” He murmurs as he quickly pulls his shirt over his head, pushing his joggers and briefs down in one fell swoop, leaving him naked, save the rings on his fingers that he doesn’t bother taking off. His cock is already stiff, proudly standing, reaching his belly button.
All she can muster is a hum, that sounds more like a moan, “I need your cock, H, please.” She sounds so needy, and he loves it. He loves it so much he has to make her beg for it some more.
He strides into the large tiled shower, pressing the front of his body against her damp one, cold from being out of the shower for a brief moment, goosebumps gracing her chest and arms, her nipples already pulled into tight buds.
“Ya need it even when ya tryin’ ta please ya self, huh?” Harry whispers against the shell of her ear, only to place hot, open mouthed kisses against her neck.
“Please, H. M’ so empty, need you to fill me up.” Y/N all but whines, suddenly gripping his cock firmly, giving it a few pumps, the way she knows he likes.
A groan falls from Harry’s lips, as he allows for his head to lull back a bit. His ringed fingers find their way to Y/N’s core, pushing the toy, she previously had glued to her clit, to the side. She abandons it to the bench, without a second thought, as his fingers glide smoothly against her folds and a gasp escapes her lips.
“Mmhm, so slick for meh already, petal. C’mere, outta the water. Not good lube, ya know.” Harry gently pulls her away from the stream of warm water. He knows if she doesn’t give her what’s she’s asked for, she’ll take it for herself, when would admittedly be unbelievably hot, but he’s just as needy as she is at the moment.
He reaches his tattooed arm towards the crook of her leg, bringing it up close to her chest, leaving her only one foot to balance on. Before she can complain about it, he lines his dripping cock to her folds, soaking his prick in her arousal, bumping against her clit on the swipe up.
Moans fall from both their mouths, and Harry pushes into her dripping hole, soon to be sheathed into her, the perfect tightness gripping him.
“Fuck, H. Just what I needed.” Y/N breathes against his lips, capturing the bottom one in her teeth. Before she can get too unstable on one foot, he wraps his other arm around her waist, gripping her tightly all the way around her back, to her other hip, where his hand clutches so tightly it’ll leave finger shaped bruises.
Harry begins a steady pace, careful not to drill too relentlessly for Y/N to loose her footing. As he bores into her, keeping her steady, moans falling from both of their mouths, as he glides over the spongy spot inside her, passing it and reaching deep with the position they’re in.
“God damn, Y/N, feel s’good round me cock.” Harry mutters, while burying his face in her neck, her sweet natural smell filling his nostrils.
“Harry,” she whines in his ear, “gettin’ wobbly, fuck me from behind.” Y/N whimpers, kissing over his chest.
“Got you baby.” Harry whispers, pulling out, with a whine coming from her. He gently sets her leg down, and moved to the side, giving her a moment to get the feeling back in it, before removing his arm from her waist, up to the middle of her back to push her over.
Y/N eagerly arches her back, using the bench in front of her for stability. Ass in the air, she looks behind her to see Harry, too lost at the beautiful sight in front of him to look at her immediately. When their eyes meet, his are even darker, if possible. The look in her own eyes is all he needs to shroud himself back in her, ringed hands tightly gripping her hips.
He establishes a deliberate pace that has Y/N snapping her hips back to meet his. The only sound in the shower, save the ambient water falling and obscene noises coming from their meeting place, are whimpers falling from her lips, and quick groans falling from his. Unbeknownst to Harry, Y/N has attached the clit sucker 3000 back to it’s home, causing her knees to buckle a bit, moans getting louder and more consistent.
“C’mon pet, let me feel you cum.” Harry bellows to her, with a sharp smack to her ass.
She yelps, grinding her ass back onto him, in the beat of his now relentless pace.
“Shit, H. You fill me up so well. Oh, god. Fuck! I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming.” She chants, head falling forward, and body relaxing a bit.
“My, god. Takin’ me so well. Wanted meh to fill you up? Damn, baby, bout to fill you up even more.” Harry grunts between thrusts, seconds away from his own release.
“Give it to me Harry, god, I want it.” She encourages.
That’s all he needed to fall over the edge, her name falling past his lips, as he continues to rut into her until he’s too sensitive to continue. He watches as his seed seeps out of her. A sight to behold, he thinks.
He removes himself from her, earning a bit of a hiss from both of them.
“H, feel like I’m in a fish bowl, can’t hear right.” She breathes as she moves to sit on the bench. She looks up at him, eyes still blown with lust, but now hooded doe eyes mixed in, gazing up at him.
A chuckle leaves his chest, his hand coming to rest on her cheek, and she leans into it.
“Filled ya up too much, huh, petal? Got your ears feeling underwater? M’sorry lovie, I’ll give it to you a lil’ less next time yea?” He jokes, knowing that won’t be happening. He watches as a scowl reaches her face.
He leans down to kiss it away, but Y/N’s hand sneaks it’s way around Harry’s neck, keeping him there for a beat longer.
“Need ta wash me dick now.” He chuckles.
Before he can move, she’s reaching for the body wash on the bench next to her, pouring some into her hand. He believes it’s for her, for a moment, until she reaches up and gently applies it to him, starting on his well-groomed pubic hair.
Gingerly, she moves around his cock, softly grasping it, just enough to clean. Then even more lightly, moving to his balls, moving around just to get the suds there.
“Didn’t take you long to get hard earlier.” She smirks to herself, remembering he had a hard on as soon as he waltzed into the bathroom.
“Never long ta get a proper stiffy for you, pet. Got it half way to the stairs, hadn’t even reached them.” He mutters, smoothing over her shoulder.
“Alright, yah cleaned meh up, your turn now, lovie.” Harry guides her by her hand into the water, slowly sudsing her smooth body, loving every crevice and relaxed moan she’ll give him.
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written-in-flowers · 2 years
I’m sure it’s been requested already but Otto Hightower x Rosebud!reader x Emely threesome fic when 👀 👀 👀
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A/N: ahhhh actually no, nobody's asked until now but I was gonna do it anyways lmao I absolutely love this old dilf (coincidently I was watching one of his other films when I wrote this). Hope y'all like it! The ending is a kicker.
Warnings: threesome sex, bisexual!reader, oral sex (m. and f. receiving/giving), sloppy kissing, nipple play, breast play, multiple orgasms, slight edging, overstimulation (m. and f.), cum swapping, loads of dirty talk, facials, voyerisum, pantie sniffing (sort of? it's really a cloth she used), Daemon being a creep and Otto being a horny old man.
Summary: It's Otto's nameday, and you have a special surprise for him.
Pairing: Otto x Fem!reader x Fem!oc
Otto normally did not make a big deal about his name day, not at his age. But, you did. You started it with a quiet breakfast in your dining hall together; then a stroll through the gardens with your son, Cedric, who’d just learned how to walk. You both spent time with his grandchildren and great grandchildren in the royal apartments. You knew he loved spending time with his loved ones, and you made sure his name day was full of it. Otto never felt so grateful to a person before. Finally, the day ended with a family dinner. All of his favorite people sat together at a table full of his favorite dishes, talking and laughing. The atmosphere remained light and cheerful throughout the evening. 
You’d promised him a special gift later on, and he couldn’t wait to have you alone to unwrap it. You left him at the dinner to ‘prepare’ it, telling him to come to bed in a few minutes. Otto counted them down. His mind whirled with the possibilities. Perhaps you’d found a new position to try or a new place you’d like him to take you. He already knew he’d remove the pale pink gown you’d worn for the occasion; the innocent, light color gave you an aura of purity and innocence he knew you didn’t have. Maybe you’d pretend to be a maiden again, eager for him to take her virginity. When the dinner ended with lots of well wishes, thank yous, and kisses, he walked up to his chambers in the Tower of the Hand. There, he discovered your present. 
Naked on top of dark green covers, you rested horizontally on the bed so he saw every inch of your body. Emely, your handmaiden, laid on top of you, also nude and grinding against you. She was a breathtaking beauty. A girl from the Riverlands, she had dark curls that went down her back and heavy-lidded eyes. His jaw dropped seeing you both locked in a passionate kiss. Emely’s delicate hands groped both your breasts while you kissed; yours grabbed at her bottom, firm and round in your hands. You both must’ve sensed his entry, because you broke your kissing to look over at him. 
“Surprise,” you grinned, head turned so Emely could kiss your neck. 
“A surprise, it is.”
“I remember what you once told me when I asked you about your fantasies,” you said, “When you said you’d like to have two women at once?”
“Gods be good…”
“Well, Emely here is quite experienced in matters of love making,” you planted a few kisses on the woman’s lips, “With men and women.”
“Y/N…This is…”
“Would you like to watch for a while, my lord?” Emely asked him, “You can watch me pleasure your pretty wife or you can watch her pleasure me.”
“Oh yes…yes, I would.”
Kisses silenced both your excited giggles. This time, you made sure he spotted your tongues sliding over one another and rolling around. He walked to the edge of the bed, untying his trousers and sliding his hand inside. His eyes landed on both your chests. Your tits pressed into Emely’s large, supple ones. He saw your nipples brush against one another every time she grinded into you. It became clear why you’d chosen Emely, a lowborn prostitute, to be your handmaiden instead of a girl already in the castle. Her ass, round and firm, looked good enough to eat, and she had large, supple breasts. He ran his hand over his crotch as you spread Emely’s cheeks wide, showing him her ass hole before letting them clap back together. He envisioned the things he could do to that hole; no doubt she’s done it before. She began kissing down your neck to your chest, where she took one nipple in her mouth. Emely looked back to see him beside you, and pointedly flicked her tongue on you. A tease. Otto imagined the small hints of arousal you must be feeling right then. You always grew wetter when doing the naughtier things during sex; the more taboo things court ladies grimaced at. You spotted him playing with himself and reached a hand up to his crotch. Emely helped you tug them down enough to see his cock. 
“I never guessed you’d be so big, my lord,” Emely commented, cupping his balls while you rubbed the front. “No wonder her ladyship rides it so much.”
“It tastes good too,” you told her, “I love swallowing it when he shoots it in my mouth.”
“Mmm, I can’t wait to taste it then.”
Hearing such dirty talk aroused him even further. Separating from each other, you knelt up on either side of him to start undressing him. He kissed you first, your lips stoking a fire deep in his loins, before turning to Emely. Her kisses tasted as sweet as yours. He worried for a moment; he worried he might snap his eyes open and you’ll be gone. It seemed unreal. He’d have two of everything tonight: two pairs of breasts, two asses, and two cunts. He could do whatever he wished with either of you. Otto never guessed you’d want to share him, which is why he didn’t push for a third partner. The moment you both had him naked, you tossed him onto his back. His excitement folded over on itself seeing the two of you crawling over to him on the bed. He rested against the pillows, bringing one woman to each side of him to continue kissing and fondling. However, you and Emely had different ideas. You both rested your breasts right in front of his face. 
It was heaven. Emely and you giggled seeing his marveled expression, then squealed when he started kissing them. He didn’t know where to begin. He couldn’t believe it was happening: two pairs of gorgeous breasts in front of him, slightly bouncing and pressing to his face. He stuck his tongue out for nipples to drag over it; he sucked at whichever got closest to him. Emely squeaked particularly loud when he latched his mouth to one of her nipples, sucking firmly and moaning against it. She jiggled them over his lips to tease him; never letting him fully take it back in, but not moving away so that he couldn’t lick at it. He gave a low groan when you grabbed one of her tits and held it for him to suck on eagerly. He sensed your fingers massaging it as he did so, much to Emely’s delight. 
“He truly loves tits, doesn’t he?” she said, eyes closed as he licked her nipple directly in the center. 
“He does,” you replied, “Why do you think my gowns are so low cut? It’s because my husband is extremely fond of them. I like to tease him.”
“I think I’m going to enjoy teasing him too.”
The thought of having two pairs of tits at his whims made him grow harder. You must’ve noticed his cock twitch, because then you reached down and grabbed the shaft. He started attacking your nipples next, making you moan as he did it. Emely must’ve noticed his cock twitch, because she then reached for his shaft. He whimpered, feeling her hand caress his hardness. She pulled it to his stomach to cup his balls again, and he bucked his hips into her hand. 
“But, Gods, this cock,” she sighed, leaving his side for his hips, “I’m envious. I wish I had one this nice to play with whenever I wanted.” Otto looked to see her take him in her hand and licked the tender head slowly, “I hear you two when I walk by at night, and wish it was me my lord was fucking so senselessly.” 
“He does fuck me so incredibly good,” you whined as he went back to sucking your teats, “He knows exactly what to do to make me…Otto, oh gods…”
His tongue found the middle of your nipple and brushed over it rapidly. His hand found your sex between your thighs, and instantly started rubbing over your slit. Smears of your wetness touched his fingertips, making him spread it over each nipple to lick it off. Emely continued licking his cock down below, flicking her tongue on the sensitive underside then sliding down to his balls. He almost felt his cum churning inside them, wanting to be shot over each of you. The moment he stood straight up, you joined your handmaiden in her teasing. Otto watched the two women take turns sucking on his shaft and head. You both kissed each other over his member, sometimes with the tip in between your mouths and tongues. The light brushes made him half insane. Soon, you both began stroking him together, your tongues lapping against his balls to tease him further. He thought he might lose it right then, but he forced himself to keep hold on it. He didn’t want to finish right away. 
“Put him between your tits,” you instructed her, giving her soft kisses over his ballsack. “He loves that.”
Emely giggled in delight, and squished her breasts around Otto’s stiff member. He moaned at the sight of his reddening dick between her large breasts. It was made better when you licked at the head poking out from the middle. He reached down to pinch one of her nipples, making her whimper every time he rolled it in his fingers. Otto then noticed your hand sliding down her back to her bottom, then disappearing behind it. Emely gasped then laughed when your hand started caressing her pussy. Otto groaned. 
“Would you like to watch me lick her cunt, Husband?” you asked him, sucking greedily on his head when Emely sat her tits on him. “Or would you like her to lick me?” 
“Watch. I want to watch.”
Resting on her back, Emely spread her legs for you immediately and guided you towards her pussy. Otto knelt beside her, his cock finding her mouth right away. Fully in her mouth, he groaned when her lips started sucking him. Otto continued pinching one of her nipples as he looked down to where you were. You’d pulled her glossy lips apart and licked a stripe up her middle. Judging by how your tongue swirled around her clit so expertly, the woman moaning around his member, he guessed you’d done this before. He wondered how many times you’ve pleasured your handmaiden, and how many times she pleasured you in return. 
“Tell me,” he huffed, pushing his dick into Emely’s warm mouth. 
“Tell you what, my lord?” you asked innocently, lapping at Emely’s swollen clit. You sucked up the wetness surrounding her lips, taking each one in her mouth. 
“How often do you two do this to each other?”
Your shared laughter answered his question. “Not often,” you replied, “But we have.”
“When? How?”
“When my lady bathes,” Emely answered, stroking him when not using her mouth. “I can’t help it. I love feeling her gorgeous body, and hearing the little sounds she makes when I run the sponge over her privates. Many a time I’ve warmed her little parts up for you to fuck later on,” she suckled on his leaking tip, humming softly around it from your mouth pleasuring her. “And she returns to favor very eagerly.”
“She arouses me so much,” your voice was muffled by the clit in your mouth, “I can’t help but eat her pussy right after.” You looked up at him, not taking attention off Emely’s pussy, “I’m sorry I never told you. I felt ashamed for keeping it from you, but…I couldn’t help myself. It felt so good.”
“I bet it did,” he moaned. “I don-don-don’t bl-blame you, sweetling. Keep eating her. I like wat-watchin-g-g you.”
He kneeled there, Emely’s mouth working his dick while yours suckled on her cunt. The pleasure coursing through his body to his center made him pulsate on her tongue, which teased and traced the throbbing veins. He turned to see glimpses of your tongue brushing over her glistening clit, whirling and flicking it to hear Emely’s muffled moans. He grabbed Emely’s dark curls and pulled her closer to his groin so he slid further into her throat. Her hums tickled the head, causing him to nearly cum before he stopped. He nearly did again when he saw Emely’s body begin to tense and tremble at your tongue. She pushed her hips into your face, moaning and panting heavily while you hungrily feasted on her. Otto slipped out of her mouth and jerked over her. She locked your head to her body with her thighs, grinding and squirming until she came hard and loud. She only released you after she’d finished, panting on the bed. 
But you all were far from done. 
He rested flat on the bed, and you both straddled him. Otto watched you take hold of him, and press him to Emely’s pussy. She whined from the tingling feeling her sensitive sex felt, but did not shy away or protest. You reached from behind her to rub her wet clit, spreading it open so he could see his head brush over it repeatedly. 
“You’re going to love his cock,” you said to her, kissing her neck and poking him inside her, “I knew once I fucked it I wouldn’t get enough.”
“Gods, I hope so,” she moaned, angling her hips so his tip prodded her entrance, “I hear him fuck my mistress and want so badly to have it too. When she asked me to join, I couldn’t help but say ‘yes’.” 
“Then, why don’t you have a seat?”
Otto plunged himself fully into her, and both of them moaned loudly. Emely started at a steady pace as she rode him; you grabbed her tits to tease and pinch in the meantime. Otto held onto her hips, eyes rolling back at the tight hole squeezing his cock. 
“Come here,” he ordered you, reaching for you before you came over to him. “I want to hear you moan.” 
You took your place on top of his face, your sex lowered onto his mouth so he could greedily suck on it. The amount of arousal inside you made you so sensitive to his tongue. The combination of your delicious pussy on his tongue and Emely grinding on him caused him to growl. He heard the sounds of lips smacking and the two women began moaning together through lip-locked kisses. He wanted so much to buck his hips into Emely, use her body as he wanted, and feel her cum around him again. But, he stayed put to focus on the hard bundle of your clit, flicking and sucking hard on it the way you liked. He let the both of you use him to your hearts’ desires. At one point, Emely slipped him out of her and you’d put your sweet mouth around his length. You rocked your hips on his tongue, moaning and sucking Emely’s cum off his cock. 
“How do I taste, my lady,” Emely asked, “On your husband’s cock?”
“So delicious,” you replied, kneeling up to kiss her deeply. “Keep fucking him.”
He felt her tightness once more, and this time pushed into her hips. Emely kept still as Otto thrusted up into her and slid his tongue in your pussy. By the way you bent down, he imagined you wagging your tongue over her clit, making her shudder and quake on him. 
“Ooh, Husband,” you called to him, “I think our pretty whore is going to cum again. I think she’s ready for that.” 
“Oh, yes, yes, yes,” Emely panted, “Yes, my lady, yes.”
“Then cum. Cum all over my husband’s thick, hard-”
Your words were cut off by Emely’s orgasms. You and Otto groaned at the sound of it, knowing it was you two making her come undone a second time. A few pushes later, Emely slipped off him and laid beside him. It was your turn. Otto did not even have to ask how you wanted it. You rested back on the bed, and let him settle between your thighs. Emely took the spot beside you, and her lips instantly met yours. You shared a deep, passionate kiss as Otto slid himself inside you. Your legs around his waist, he stayed on his knees as he pumped into you. Emely and you kissed and touched each other’s pussies in front of him. It was an erotic sight he never wanted to look away from. In that moment, the world only consisted of three people, and he wished it stayed that way. 
“Your wife has such beautiful tits, my lord,” Emely went from your lips to your chest, where she sucked one of your nipples. “I love touching them when I give her baths. I love her hard nipples on my tongue…on my pussy…”
“Your…Your…” he nearly lost his mind watching her suck on them and listen to her dirty stories, “You do that?”
“Sometimes,” you answered, “On the night you left for Oldtown to see your brother? I let Emely in my bed to keep me warm, and she told me a story about a woman who came on her chest. I asked her how, and…she showed me.” 
The vision of his beautiful wife’s handmaiden using her breasts to cum made him pound into you harder. Emely began running circles around your clit, which heightened your pleasure even more. The sounds of your slick sex on her fingers, and his body slamming into yours coupled with your cries defeaned you three to the world. He tried keeping a simple rhythm to not bring his climax too quickly, but he couldn’t help it. Your tight walls clenched from all the pleasure attacking your body, and he needed to hear you cum. He wanted to make you quake like he always did. Like with Emely, he pulled out to let her taste you on his member; she switched between both you and him, so neither was without stimulation. The slight pause made it easy to come down from the edge while still allowing you pleasure. She audibly sucked the juices leaking out before bobbing her head on his cock and sliding him back into you. Soon, you gripped Emely’s hair and kept her mouth on your clit as your orgasm rocked your body. Otto withdrew simply to stop himself from joining you. This move let Emely drink from your quivering sex, and when she looked up at him, he kissed whatever juices remained on her lips. 
“She’s delicious,” he muttered, continuing to kiss her. 
“Very,” she agreed. “But, you taste equally good, my lord.”
“Even better, in my opinion,” you added, sitting up with her. 
The both of you took a hand and started stroking him again. You each took turns licking at his tip for the droplets of precum leaking from him. Pain struck his balls from trying to withhold his orgasm from them, but he didn’t want to disappoint them so soon. His entire life he dreamed of having two women, yet the values and morals he’d gone by said a man only took one woman. To indulge in such carnal acts was considered sinful by the church. Perhaps this was why he loved it so much; men often craved forbidden things. The fact that his wife enjoyed these things as well only aroused him further. 
“Please cum,” you pouted, playing with your breasts and sucking his tip after Emely, “I want Emely to taste it. Please, Husband? For me?”
“I-I-I don’-”
“-Please, my lord,” Emely said, cradling his balls for extra pleasure, “We have all night to take things slowly.” 
You each continued goading and whimpering until he finally let go. In a sudden crash, Otto gritted his teeth as streaks of white shot out of his cock. He kept his eyes on the two women sticking out their tongues for the thick substance dropping in their mouths. You kissed Emely with a mouth full of cum, giving her what you’d collected for her to swallow. He continued cumming until he ran out of steam, admiring the women at his hips. He let you each continue stroking him while you swapped cum until it was gone. Otto only went down on the bed when you two let him collapse between you. He took deep breaths to collect himself, yet you two continued. Emely and you laid on either side of him again, never letting go of his cock and balls. Small sparks of pain came from the hands stimulating his softening member. He placed soft kisses on each of you, tasting himself in every kiss. 
“Mm, as delicious as I expected,” said Emely, going down his body to suck on him softly. Her lips brought out a newfound sensitivity that made him jerk slightly. “May I please have more?”
“I don’t see why not,” you answered. You joined her below again to slide your mouth over his flaccid shaft. “It doesn’t take long for him to get hard again.” 
“I see,” she nodded, “Especially hearing the number of rounds you two go on any given night.”
“Ladies,” he chuckled, “Please…That’s a bit-”
“-Sensitive, my love?” you suggested. “That’s how we want it.”
“I’ve never had a man give me more than one orgasm before,” she hummed on his head, “I want my lord to make me do it over and over again.”
“Girls, please.”
It became a vicious, pleasurable cycle he never wished to escape. You both continued pleasuring him until he grew hard, then you sat on it. Otto watched Emely play with your breasts while you bounced on his length, unable to fathom how it could be happening. After having a leg shaking orgasm on top of him from Emely’s teasing and his cock, the handmaiden took your place and rode him again. This time, she put her breasts in his face so he could suck and grab them while you licked the space between his cock and her pussy down below. He could feel the flat of your tongue tease his base every time Emely lifted her hips off him. When she came hard and loud again, Otto flipped her onto her back and continued. You sat on her face in front of him, so he could see her pink tongue on your pussy again. He reached forward to touch your breast: one hand groping yours and another on Emely’s. Feeling her about to cum a fourth time, he withdrew so you could finish her off with your mouth. Meanwhile, he hurriedly went around and shoved himself into your leaking sex again. He switched between your pussy and Emely’s mouth, enjoying the mess and sounds coming from both of you. Two naughty, delicious sluts who wanted nothing but his cock drove him into a frenzy. He pulled you off Emely and onto the bed, where he rammed himself inside you until you screamed from the feeling of him pounding you. Emely sat on your face again, letting you tongue fuck her into another orgasm. 
He came down Emely’s throat after he finished fucking you, surprised he could produce more cum after the first time. She swallowed every drop and then watched you suck out whatever was left inside him. Sweat, semen, and slick covered your bodies. His muscles started to ache and weigh heavily from all the activity. He fell back on the bed again, panting and shutting his eyes. You and Emely laid with him but avoided touching his crotch. Neither of you complained when he instantly succumbed to exhaustion and passed out. 
Emely waited until both the lord and lady fell soundlessly asleep before making her exit. Normally, she’d stay and let her body rest, but there was money to be made. She’d originally turned down her lady’s proposal for the lord’s nameday present, but when the prince convinced her otherwise, she “changed her mind”. She had no idea it’d be as good as it sounded. The night proved enjoyable for everyone involved, and she knew her patron would be pleased with her report. She tiptoed around the bed to where you’d tossed your cloth after wiping yourself. A small white scrap of cloth, it was embedded with your scent now, wet patches started to seep into the fabric. Yes, he’ll be very pleased. Emely typically stayed away from her clients’ stranger requests, but he’d told her this one piece would keep her comfortable for a long time. Wiping herself quietly, she slipped on her chemise and bodice before sneaking out of the bedchamber. She passed nobody on the way down the stairs, or on her way to the servants’ quarters near the tower. He should be waiting for her in her chambers like he’d said.
When she entered her room, bare except for a bed, table, and dresser, she found Daemon Targaryen sitting on her bed. Black leather doublet over a red shirt and black pants, he rubbed a soft white petal between his fingers. His long blond hair down his shoulders, he looked like the dreamy prince all the women swooned over. He turned to her slowly as she appeared, an eyebrow raised, “Do you have it?”
“Right here, my lord,” she handed him the washing cloth. 
She watched him put the petal away and take the small white square in his hand. He absentmindedly handed her a small leather pouch which was heavy with gold. Daemon walked a few paces away from her, feeling the cloth in his hand and putting it to his nose and lips. She heard him give an audible groan, which was then muffled by the wet fabric. 
“How did she taste?”
“Not like much. Most women don’t, but she tasted good. I didn’t mind it.”
“How many orgasms?”
“I think about four? Five? I lost count, to be honest, my prince,” she laughed sheepishly. “She can go for a while, that’s for certain.”
“Her tits?”
“Warm and soft.”
“Her nipples?”
“Hard and sensitive.”
“Her cunt?” he growled into the cloth, sniffing it some more. 
“Tight, hot and extremely wet.”
“Will you fuck them again?”
“Dunno, my prince. They passed out afterwards.”
“Will you fuck her again?”
“If she wants,” she shrugged. “She’s a horny little vixen, I’ll tell you that much, my prince. That rose loves to sit on thorns.”
It was true. Yes, you were a graceful, elegant, proper lady in front of the King and court, but behind closed doors, your true nature revealed itself. Emely thought it was odd when you’d come to Madam Lottie’s brothel and asked to see her selection of young females. Noble ladies never went into whore houses or even into the city, if they could help it. You told Lottie you were looking for help with ‘personal matters’, and paid twice what a man would. Emely did launder your clothes and sheets. She did help you bathe and dress. She brought you your meals and poured your drinks. She even helped you with Cedric, your toddler. But, Emely served another purpose as well. You worried Lord Hightower might grow bored if he bedded you too often, so she filled in the holes on the nights he couldn’t. She didn’t mind in the slightest. She’d rather serve one horny mistress who was kind to her over a bunch of hairy, greasy men who barely looked at her face. When Prince Daemon learned one of Lottie’s girls left the Street of Silk for the Red Keep, he questioned her about your sexual exploits. The coin came in large bags, and you were none the wiser. 
It’s only business, after all. 
Emely watched Daemon keep the cloth to his lips as he thought. “You’ll bathe her tonight, won’t you?” he asked. 
“She bathes every night, my prince.”
“Good. I want to watch you pleasure her; get her out of the tub somehow so I can see her pretty, pretty, pretty parts…” his voice trailed off as he sniffed the cloth. It started to unsettle Emely. 
“My prince, if you want the woman, why not take her? You’re the Prince. What is she going to do?”
“No,” he shook his head, “I don’t want to rape her. It’s not satisfying if she doesn’t want it.” He licked a spot on the cloth and closed his eyes, “I want Lord Hightower’s slutty wife to beg for my cock before I give it to her.” He put the cloth in his pocket, “Good evening, Emely. Until next time.”
“Until next time, Prince Daemon.” 
With a soft shut of the door, nervousness sat inside her stomach. Prince Daemon was known to get what he wanted regardless of the consequences. She didn’t mind giving him articles of clothing or cloths with your pussy stains on them, but she hated the thought of him taking it a step further. What if he assaulted you? She didn’t want to be a part of that. Emely cleaned herself up properly from her water basin, and then went to sleep. She only hoped you’d exercise caution around the prince. 
Only The Seven know what he’s up to.
A/N: Dun, dun, dunnnnn, wow, this was a ride! I really like what I'm doing with Daemon in this series, and I thought of adding him into the mix. I won't give details, but I was wondering if anyone wanted to see rosebud!reader give into prince daemon's creepy desires or a whole ass fic of him pining over her somehow because I'm in a daemon phase atm lmao lemme know!
Feedback's always appreciated too, thanks! <3
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borom1r · 4 months
1-25 choose violence ask game ❤️
ALL OF THEM?????? you’re so real for this ty snfnsnbfns. doing LotR bc of course I am
1. the character everyone gets wrong
PIPPIN I HATE TO SAY IT BUT PIPPIN. all those incorrect quote polls that have been posted where pippin keeps fucking winning YALL REALIZE HES AN ACTUAL CHARACTER RIGHT?? with like depth?? and bonds?? and a personality. yall realize that right?????? right??? ik we all love 2 joke but he would not say half of those things
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
ok I personally enjoy both for Boromir BUT if he IS topping. he is a service top. I will die on this hill
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
I block ppl for these takes so no screenshots but everyone who thinks Boromir is a villain. if you think Boromir is a villain I will key your car.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
there is one singular straw and it is bad Boromir takes in the Boromir tag
5. worst discord server and why
I don’t join fandom discord servers bc I love myself too much for that 💗
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
ummm idk? most of my lotr mutuals have different ships from me and it’s all chill. but tbf I’m very selective abt who I interact with now lmao.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
no one yet thank fuck.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Aragorn/Arwen isn’t actually romantic sorry I think it’s fucked up actually. the vibes are off there for SURE
9. worst part of canon
FARAMIR’S “yeah I’m gonna take you from your home and tame you. haha wdym. you don’t need a blade during times of peace.” SHTICK WITH ÉOWYN IN THE BOOKS. UNPACK YOUR BIASES YOU LITTLE FREAK!!!!!!!!
10. worst part of fanon
HM. I will stick with “people who horrifically misinterpret Boromir’s character”
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
at the moment I only have rings of power blocked but I’ve had that blocked since it came out bc if I look at the armor in that show I will commit crimes.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
MOVIE!FARAMIR MY SPECIALEST LITTLE GUY OOOOOOOOOO MOVIE!FARAMIR I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUU he’s so handsome and special and I love him and you WILL all look at him and clap and cheer. it makes me insane that his temptation by the ring mirror’s Boromir’s and he’s actually fucking normal abt the Rohirrim AND I just love him very much :)
13. worst blorboficiation
ummm idk… maybe Frodo
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
HMMM exposing myself but I basically only read Aragorn/Boromir fics lmao + since we’re Choosing Violence the most annoying thing is Boromir just being A Brute. like damn I love the surface level reading of the text maybe try engaging with it above a 1st grade analysis next time 💗
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
hmmmmm idk cuz again I don’t interact w a lot of fanartists so there’s nothing like. annoying. all th ✨motifs✨ I do see r very fun + I like them :)
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
ummm for Serious, portraying Pippin as Stupid. for Silly, uhhhh Trans Faramir is so real to me I completely forgot cis people both 1) exist in the real world and 2) probably interpret Fara as cis too. i don’t get it :(
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
trans Faramir 🩵💗🤍
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
HM idk. trans Faramir again. also bc I love it, utilizing Old Norse culture for the Rohirrim teehee
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
OK IM MAD THAT FINNISH BOROMIR IS JUST ME. THATS ME. THATS AN OUTFIT I WEAR REGULARLY MINUS THE LONG HAIR. I DRESS LIKE THAT TO BUY GROCERIES. i love him for that tho. I’m also mad that MtG Boromir’s stupid pointy muttonchops have grown on me. freak behavior, keeping his facial hair trimmed in those stupid little points
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
I’m fighting for my life reading the histories rn 😑 I find them very dry for the most part
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
idk? I think there is an appropriate level of hype. but idk if Rings of Power had a lot of hype. if it did, then Rings of Power is my answer
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
idk if it’s IGNORED necessarily but the fact that Boromir carries a Rohirric shield in the films does actually genuinely make me insane 💞 I love that sm
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
UNWILLINGLY?????? idk?? ummmm I think it’s all fine for the most part I’m just A Fag so I don’t write het ships. it’s like a moral thing. Éowyn/Faramir gets a pass conceptually bc they’re T4T to me tho
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
idkkkkkkk I don’t engage w discourse bc I want this fandom to remain pleasanttttt
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
again idk.. I block on sight if I see a Bad Take + then I erase it from my memory so I can continue to live in a beautiful blissful world where I. forgor abt cis people ☺️
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emblazons · 1 year
As much as I dislike that we will probably get a delayed season (in most likely 2025 lets be real), I also would not want a rushed sort of production or writing for the show's last season. Also the strike is important.... and i think it does extent the writers but also that other production staff is involved too. Idk, i definitely get some ppl's frustration but also that it is a needed strike.
I mean (and this isn't directed at you, but generally)...I get the frustration as a consumer, but as a young professional and often creative worker, I say let them go as long as they need to for the protections they deserve. I don't mind waiting two more years for my favorite show if it means writers and showrunners get the professional respect they need to not struggle to live—especially given how they've dedicated themselves to a job that so many people enjoy constantly, despite not valuing it as much as they should.
sidenote: I know a lot of people outside of this anon will probably read this, so I've included links to things explaining/detailing the points I've made here, just in case you're new to writer's strikes or how the ST production staff fits in.
That said: given that this strike means that writers and showrunners won't be on set for shows still filming, in the editing room or the sound stage, I'm fairly certain the production on Stranger Things will come to a clear halt beyond a few scenes they might want to get done that don't require much oversight from The Duffers—especially given that Matt and Ross are both WGA members on top of being writers and showrunners, and therefore are literally bound not to do work while the strike is on (x)
We also know for a fact that M&R do writing while on set and filming (see: the scene they added with Jonathan in the SBP being written as filming was happening)—
Tumblr media
—which they aren't allowed to do anymore either...leaving Stranger Things especially in a clear "this has to halt" place, given that the masterminds/primary storytellers behind ST are obligated not to do their job right now.
While it does give a bit of comfort to know that ST is so deeply tied to The Duffers themselves as storytellers as much as showrunners, networks have historically tried to have everyone from novelists to novices outside the WGA write scripts during writer's strikes—hence the clear drops in quality in shows throughout the 2007 strike (iykyk), and why there is still some concern on my end should this strike go on long enough for Netflix to get antsy and start trying to get back to production on one of their most popular shows.
The UK Writers Guild has announced their solidarity with American writers in the hopes that they won't take on US projects to accommodate networks as the WGA strikes, but. If this goes on for a long time, I don't think it's impossible that several shows people love won't be cancelled or extremely delayed, or that Netflix won't get testy with ST. If networks start doing what they did the last time though, we might get some really shitty TV (and really bad seasons) for a solid year before we recover from the damage of the strike...even outside of anything that goes on with Hawkins lmao.
That said, Stranger Things is in the (blessed) position to have already had 9 months of writing + being ready for filming as soon as the strike is over, so. For most of us here, it's just going to be a waiting game....which. I mean. Like I said before, I'll take another three year turnaround if it means the quality of the show stays high, and The Duffers (and their wider writers room) get to "stick their landing" the way they've talked about before.
This got long sorry lmao. But still—given what's probably going to happen to a lot of shows during this strike, I'd day we're rather lucky as a fandom, so long as we're open to being patient.
Thanks for the ask!
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
Okay I got a request (which you don’t have to write) but um…could you maybe possibly write a little fic for the Holiday season?
I saw your reblog of BTAS Eddie in his Santa suit and now I kinda want a smut fic with him in his Santa suit.
Do with this information what you will. 😘😂💚
A/N: asdfghj ok anon same brain same brain. Cause every time I see more panels of him in the Santa suit my mind goes brrrr lmao. Thank you, anon for indulging me without even realizing it 💚 plus I'm always down bad to write about my husband. I hope you enjoy, this is my first time back into smut after my wee break and so sorry for the abrupt ending I wasn't sure how to end it rip…
Trigger Warning:  Explicit Sexual Content (cock-warming, piv intercourse (reader is gn but has breasts and a vagina), roleplaying?, human furniture? Kinda sorta…I dunno I’m trying some new ideas here rip help), dirty talk, and denial
Word Count: 1.2 k
BTAS Riddler x Reader - Nicely Naughty
You were in your bathroom brushing your teeth. Ready to call it a night in your green chemise nightie, when you heard the front door open to your apartment. 
You walked down the hallway to the door. "Eddie?" You called out. 
"Hmm…not quite, darling." A deep voice answered back. 
You quirked your eyebrow as you rounded the corner. Despite speaking lower, you could still tell it was your Ed. 
"Eddie what are you…oohh." A sly smile grew across your face as you took in the sight before you.
"Good evening, my dear…I see you're still awake." Edward greets in a low hearty voice, tipping an iconic Santa hat at you. 
You walk over to him, taking in his rich red suit and leather belt. When you got up to Ed, you tucked your fingers into the belt and pulled him closer to you. 
"Where'd you find this?" You asked in a sweet whisper.
Something about the way you looked at him and spoke…made Eddie drop the voice. "Wasn't particularly hard to find, and I remember you saying something about me being dastardly handsome in red.."
"And I was right." You leaned back to take another once over.
"You may still refer to me as Riddler…" Ed smirked. "While ol' Kris Kringle rewards the good little boys and girls…I, The Riddler, test them to see if they truly deserve to be on the nice list."
You gasped. "You don't think I've been nice, Mr. Riddler?" 
Edward tsked. "Afraid not darling, in fact…" He leans beside your face. His lips centimeters from your ear. "...you've been the naughtiest of them all…" 
You giggled as the sensation of his breath on your ear tickled. "It's not my fault, Mr. Riddler…my husband's insatiable!" 
"Now, now, shifting blame won't do you any good…even if it's partially true." 
You cross your arms in feign defiance. "What can I do to get on your nice list..Mr. Riddler?" You asked, feigning innocence. 
Edward put his hand to his chin, tapping it, as if actually thinking of a solution he didn't already have. 
"I have one idea, my dear…" 
This was absolute torture. 
Some kind of sweet surprise this turned out to be. 
You were straddling Edward's lap, backwards and naked. His cock comfortably nestled inside of you as you try your best not to squirm for friction or squeeze your walls for pressure. 
Meanwhile, Riddler was painstakingly writing his so-called "naughty or nice" list on your back. 
Ed pinched your back or started from the top of your back with his list every time you shifted. 
You were slowly but surely losing what was left of your nerves. Hours have crept on by, what was probably more like thirty minutes. 
B-A-T-M-A-N and then a line across it. 
R-O-B-I-N and then another line through it. 
You swear, you could actually feel the lines of his fingers on your skin with how repetitive and consistent his touch was along your back. 
He continued to write a couple more names, now more towards familiar colleagues…
S-C-A-R-E-C-R-O-W and a little checkmark. 
You bit your lip, trying to refrain from whining or mewling…or else that will cause him to start all over again. 
M-A-D. A pause. H-A-T-T-E-R. A checkmark. 
"You're doing so good for me, darling…you'll make The Nice List just in time for Christmas." 
H-A-R-L-E-Y. A pause. Q-U-I-N-N. A checkmark. 
You cared less about some damn list and more about getting off. 
Edward placed his head along your shoulder, nestled against the side of yours. He began planting small sweet kisses along your shoulder and up your neck. 
You couldn't take it anymore. The knot in the bottom of your gut was churning. Waiting for something to happen. 
"E-eddie…" You breathlessly muttered. 
Ed groaned. "Yes, darling?"
"P-Please…baby…I-I can't ah-" 
Edward took his index finger and poked his nail into your skin. He dragged his fingernail lightly across your back. 
Familiar letters he wrote into your skin…in your lust filled haze you were able to make out the letters of your name. Along with miniscule little drawings of hearts beside it. 
He whispered in a husky tone. "You've done well, I'm impressed, dearest." 
Edward pinned your wrists, that were keeping you steady on the bed, to your back. He held your wrists down against your back with your arms crossed. 
He kissed your cheek. "Time for your present…" 
Before you could think of a response, he started thrusting deep inside you, deeper than you thought he could get. 
You were a moaning and panting mess. Trying to keep up with his almost maniac pace. You felt weak against him, with no way to support yourself having your arms restricted. You were completely and utterly at his mercy. 
You tried to grind yourself down onto him and meet him whenever he thrusted fully inside of you, trying to get some kind of instance of control or more friction between you two. 
The build-up, the teasing; the torturous feeling of being filled but not fulfilled…it was all too much. 
"E-E-Eddie…Eddie…ffff please, please don't stop.." 
He didn't stop but he did slow down, in order for his brain to compute a response. 
"I-I…hah…c-could never…" Ed panted. As he let your arms go, they fell to the side as you began to regain feeling in them again. "F-feel so good…dear." 
Edward steadily grew his pace back up again. You were practically bouncing on top of him at this point. One of your hands went up to the back of his head, to pull him closer to you. His teeth latched onto the apex of your neck and shoulder as he kept bucking into you like an animal. 
Your other hand traveled down to your flared and sensitive bundle of nerves just below your Mound. You began frantically but carelessly swiping your fingers across your clit. Searching for that precipice of pleasure that's been bubbling since you first sat on his cock. 
You were so busy chasing your climax. You barely felt a pair of slender fingers brushing your hand to the side and replacing your sloppy motions with more concise and controlled rotations around your clit. 
Nothing could stop the small whimpers, cries, and moans that poured out of you. 
A complete cacophony of your desires from filling up the room. You were somehow able to also make out Edward's erotic grunts and huffs as he keeps his relentless pace, making your walls squeeze him that much tighter each time. 
"E-Ed-Eddie…" Your pants became silent cries as you finally reached your climax. 
Your walls choked Edward's cock as your tightened walls finally caused him to cum as well. Milking his load for all it's worth. 
Ed's hands came up to your legs and up to your arms and back down again, in order to calm the physically pleasurable quakes all along every limb of your body and atom of nerves. 
You leaned your body back into his, exhausted but finally satisfied with the relief you were desperate for mere hours ago. 
Edward chuckled softly at your exhausted state. He pecked your temple as he leaned you both back into the mattress of your bed. 
"I must really look good in red, hm?" 
You snickered softly. "Eddie, you look good in anything…but I'll always prefer you in nothing." You smirked as you leaned deeper into his chest before slowly dozing off.
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ghastlybin · 2 years
Reader has a strong passion for everything is creepy and dark and she likes to visit old castles and mansions. In one one her trips, she goes in a real beautiful gothic castle but she find the owner: Kim Bora (also SuA is a vampire and they fall in love)
Dude, vampire SuA can on GOD ruin me I am not kidding I don’t even really care for vampires as much as other mythical beings but this is an exception fr and I think I like vampires a little more now that Bora is one SHEESH 🥵 as always, thank you so much for requesting btw!! So sorry if this is late or bad💜💜🫶🫶🥹 ily though but goodnight lol
Pairing: Vampire! SuA x GN Reader
Word count: 1.8k
Genre/contents: Maybe a mixture of angst and fluff? Vampire AU
TW: talks of blood & blood sucking, missing people, implied m u r d e r, cannibal mention but no cannibals involved, I know veins are triggers for some people, these are all just mentions though I’m not detailed about these things but to be safe I will include them here anyway
Note: y’all already know I have to overexplain myself lmao I’m bad at fluff relating to falling in love so please excuse my attempt at it, I also love horror/creepy/dark things so… Yeah. I loved this request sm!! :,) Also also, I lowkey (like 5%) based Bora’s castle off of Castle Dimitrescu from Resident Evil Village because it was a pretty cool & beautiful fcking castle in the game if I gotta say :,) except the window entrance ofc I improvised that shit lol but I hope you enjoy it and that it’s up to your standards, otherwise please please let me know! I’m always open for constructive criticism. 🥹 Adios, until next time
Fck it we’re using this gif again.
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On the way out of town, you’ll feel bittersweet, and all the more refreshing, the feeling of leaving the city in your rearview.
Where the roads get narrowly winding and more flora is evident around you and the further the road takes you, you see why you left the city.
And why you may never return.
It was beautiful.
The way certain things unsettled most, how with just the right amount of shade you could turn something completely mundane and make it dark.
From the webs of spiders to coffins, to the macabre style contained in the form of artwork, stories, the horror, even.
The eerie allure of the darkness had to it.
The century-old castles, mansions, and even regular townhomes- All untouched and deprived of signs of life, and at the same time they looked lived in.
The haunting beauty of it all.
You were in the chokehold of all things creepy, all things dark, and a deep-set curiosity.
You didn’t mind the way it all made you feel. Some would say you’re just braver than the rest, others would say you’re weird or that you’ve simply just embraced the darkness.
Maybe you were brave.
Maybe they were weird for not seeing the way you saw things.
Maybe you have embraced the darkness.
You were never afraid of the dark.
You loved it. Growing up, you imagined yourself living in a dark castle or mansion that gave everyone in town eerie chills that would unnerve them to look at, and yet they were still very beautiful to look at.
The other kids back then would debate which urban legend they believed Castle Bora held more.
The one where a vampire was living there in that unexplored, untouched, and far from society-castle- where it was meant to be. That Bora was the name of the vampire living there.
Or the one where Bora was a cannibalistic witch that would lure young people into her Castle to feed on their blood to keep her youth.
You argued that that was still a vampire, not a witch at all, and there was a vastly large difference between vampires, cannibals, and witches.
No one ever listened to your explanations.
But you at least knew the difference between the three.
Castle Bora.
Its grand walls encompassed the area, the pointed arches, the vaulted ceilings that were located on the inside, and the grey tint to the exterior topped off the beauty of the castle altogether.
You knew since you were a kid that you would explore the castle.
You’ve explored Castle Handong, Castle Yoohyeon, and even Castle Yubin before it had closed off to the public for reasons unknown.
Castle Bora has been your goal exploration and the day had finally come.
You had enough money for the transportation, you knew the route thereafter that too had been kept hidden from the public after someone had gone missing when going that same route.
An explorer of old castles and mansions, they said.
That only made you anticipate the trip more. The fascination of what was out there with you and this beautiful castle.
You weren’t crazy, and you didn’t have a death wish.
But you were going to explore this castle.
If that meant sharing the same fate? Well, death was never one of your fears anyway.
The long, winding road stretched on as you drove, excitement building up inside of you as you were finally going to live out your childhood dream.
The paved roads turned into dirt, the trees became more close-knit, and civilization was far beyond you.
And there it was, Castle Bora. Home to the late Kim Bora.
You pulled over to a stop just before the road had been cut off before the gates.
The centuries-old castle looked to be well taken care of, to your surprise. You stopped your car and grabbed a camera and a notepad to transfer to your journal later on before heading for the front gates.
To further your surprise, the gates opened with ease, the loud creak it made was the only sound accompanying you in the isolated area.
The main door was locked, to your dismay, but you’ve never been one to give up. Not when you were this close to getting in.
One thing you learned from the other castles was; there is always at least one window unlocked.
Luckily, you found that one window and it let you into a room that exited into something reminiscent of a main hall located on the other side of the main entrance.
You marveled at the sight.
The beautiful exterior, the chandelier that hung in the middle of the main hall with stairs spiraling upwards, and the wallpaper that had been maintained for centuries.
You took as many photos as you could as well as notes to help keep the memory fresh in your mind for later.
You began to ascend the stairs but were immediately greeted by a rough shove back down the stairs.
Luckily you were only two steps up and didn’t fall as hard as it felt.
Your camera was still intact, but it had slid across the slippery linoleum tiles of the main hall along with your notepad.
“Breaking into my castle, taking photos, notes… Who are you and why shouldn’t I kill you right here?”
You were in a trance seeing the woman descending the stairs and hovering over you. Her beauty was mesmerizing in ways you couldn’t begin to describe,
“I didn’t know someone lived here.”
The woman pulled you up to your feet, harshly by the collar of your shirt.
“No one warned you about me?” She bore a hole into your eyes and for a minute, you felt her peering into your soul.
“Bora?” The corners of your mouth curled upwards. “It’s so cool to meet you.”
Bora blinked, taken aback as she let go of your shirt. “Why aren’t you screaming?”
“That would be rude, wouldn’t it?” You fixed your shirt and retrieved your camera and notepad.
“Everyone screams when they see me.”
You checked your camera to see if it was still functioning. “Why?”
You met her eyes right as she snarled, showing you her fangs and running her tongue under the sharp tip.
“You should fear me.”
And you smiled, even more captivated by her.
“I should,” you took a step closer to her. “But I don’t. You are my role model.”
Bora glared at you, but only for a second and out of disbelief.
You were the first human that hadn’t screamed or tried running away from her. The first human she didn’t immediately lunge at and suck the blood right out of your veins.
The first time she had ever been called a role model.
“If you aren’t going to kick me out, might I request a tour of this beautiful castle?” You mentally prepared yourself for the rejection, seeing as you did break in thinking no one lived here.
But Bora accepted.
She showed you around the entire castle and even let you take more photos and notes. She watched the excited gleam in your eyes the further in she took you.
Everything about her castle she thought was average, you treated it as gold. She appreciated that you were careful as to not make any messes and asked her before you took any other pictures.
It was when you had tilted your head to view a sculpture she had on display for centuries, that she saw the crook of your beck exposed and the veins lying under the layers of skin that could be easily broken by her fangs.
And for the first time in centuries, she fought the urge. The craving or need to taste your blood.
The hunger she felt within.
She wanted you.
But she fought it. She fought it because she was your role model.
She fought it because of how appreciative you were during the tour of her castle.
She fought it because you were the first person in centuries that didn’t treat her as a monster.
Bora wasn’t a witch or a cannibal.
But she was a vampire and vampires have needs too.
“Are your fangs real?” You asked.
Bora snapped out of her craving for sinking her teeth into your neck with a nod.
“So you’re a vampire?” Saying that out loud, you felt silly. Who would ask something like that in someone else’s home?
“Yes.” Bora uttered. You smiled, fascinated.
“It’s cool until you have to watch every mortal you love die before you.”
Your smile faded a little, and a hint of guilt surfaced.
“Do you want to turn me?”
“Absolutely not.” Bora immediately shook her head. She would never wish her condition on anyone else.
The pain and isolation she’s faced.
Even now, meeting you, she wouldn’t consider it. She was beginning to like your company too.
But she would never simply turn anyone.
“Shame. I wouldn’t mind living here forever.” You spoke, closing your notepad as the tour ended.
“Guess it’s time for me to go?” You looked at her expectantly, hoping she would lead you back to the main entrance.
Hearing you say that, Bora felt the isolation over the centuries kicking in again.
You were invested in her castle, you even broke in to see it. That kind of dedication was admirable to her. And now you were talking about leaving.
Possibly never seeing her again.
“Would you like to stay for dinner?” Bora blurted, immediately trying to remain cool.
“I promise, it’s not human meat or blood.”
“I would love to.” You smiled, accepting her offer without a moment's hesitation.
She wondered if you’d still have said yes if it were human meat and blood she’d be serving.
You were someone Bora liked having around, despite you breaking in and her almost pouncing on you first thing.
You were someone Bora yearned for in her period of isolation.
Maybe not you specifically, but someone who didn’t run away screaming in terror. Someone who didn’t seem to care that she was a monster.
It scared her to have met you.
Seeing your face, hearing your voice, the faint scent of your blood as you stood beside her, walking beside her, and how she might lunge at you at any given moment if the urge got too strong.
Bora wasn’t afraid because you were a human vessel full of fresh blood.
She was afraid for the first time in centuries, she felt a beat in her chest where her heart should be.
She was afraid of how alive you made her feel by meeting you.
She was afraid you, too, would leave.
“Right this way.”
Bora hoped you would visit her again.
And with a smile, you would vow to.
Back in the city, you’ll smell the pollution of car exhaust and hear cars honking, people chattering, and school or church bells ringing.
And you’ll wish you had never returned.
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veedraws · 8 months
Vee's TWST Win Condition & Jade Leech Archives!
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I've once again made an event banner for my stream!
Special thanks to folks who watched me roll live ehehe. I'm sure y'all enjoyed my screams while Jade bullied me lovingly.
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100 rolls but I still have lot left for future Jade banners <3
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Since I have all the Jade cards max uncapped and plan to take ALL Jade cards to max friendship (yes, even the R cards). I have decided to archive my Jades because one day, the server will go down. I want a memento I can keep, forever.
You can find it on my Youtube (check pinned post). If you want to view the interactions in person my room code is on the next image.
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Every Gacha game I play I set a "Win Condition." Otherwise there is no end or a goal to work towards in a live service game. After this condition is met I am perfectly content with the game terminating service. And today, that happened. I rolled a copy of Jade Leech through Gacha and not perfumes.
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Look at that sea of black, isn't it beautiful?
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3 days into this new feature lmao. What did I do wrong? What did I do right?
It also seems like I'm the only one within the top accounts with "Jade's Roommate" Title unlocked. I actually unlocked it last year, quite a few months ago. I have a WIP Yume art of Jade x Vee that I'm currently working on about that. It'll be coming soon!
Also I don't know how it happened but I ended up in the top 5 for most liked room and within top 15 for comfort level... LOL. I'm glad y'all like my thirst and enjoy watching me f**k Jade Leech. I might have reached my win condition but I like Jade enough to keep playing. I hope y'all keep enjoying the unhinged stuff I post, cause I'm not stopping A n y T i m e S o o n~
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starkcanvas · 2 years
OMORI: Clear Out AU random text dump #1: Festive Edition (idk might not keep track lmao)
Sunny and Mari’s first Christmas with Klaus and Del was certainly something else. Now, I think during the “Memory Lane” segment of the game, when in Sunny’s house and you interact with the photo’s on the shelves in the hall connecting to the dining room, Sunny mentions on how they’re photo’s of family that “he hasn’t seen for a very long time” or that’s what I think it says when trying to remember it off the top of my head.
So it’s this little bit of information I am using to support my headcanon that Sunny, and Mari as well despite how social she is, were not very close with their blood family. And if we’re to believe the siblings birth father had Japanese heritage, meaning family from Japan or at least Asia, that’s definitely a good reason for them to not be able to see their family as much as others. (But it makes it sadder to think about if the lack of closeness even applies to their birth mom’s side of the family too ;-;)
ANYWAY- when being adopted into the Crawford-Calloway families, neither sibling was prepared for, heh, F A M I L Y G A L O R E. xD Klaus’ side is very family focused so when they come down for Christmas, uh, to say Sunny and Mari were surprised is the understatement of the new decade at the time lmfao
Now normally, just the main family of Klaus’ comes down for Christmas and then Del’s come over for Boxing Day since it’s a worldwide holiday so they’re off work. BUT this year, Klaus and Del wanted to redo their Christmas Cards with Sunny and Mari. And when those got sent out to everyone, everybody collectively decided to surprise the family by all coming down at once on Christmas! (It wasn’t planned between the two families though xD so each side is just as surprised to see the other lmao)
Now, Sunny and Mari were definitely very shy when everyone first came over, their adoptive cousins on Klaus’ side swamping and bombarding them with questions. The younger cousins asking the blunt and insensitive ones like “how’d you get adopted?” And “what happened to your leg??” to Mari specifically lmao Grandpa Crawford sets them straight and gets them to not bug Sunny and Mari “as much” lol
In terms of close relationships, Sunny bonds very closely with his Dad’s Fraternal Twin Sister. His and Mari’s Aunt Claire, who shares Sunny’s interest/main hobby of Art :) Her giving him the emotional support and drive to maybe incorporate his talent for art into his future career.
Then with Mari, she actually gets very close with Klaus’ Dad, her and Sunny’s Grandpa, Travis Crawford. Them bonding over something that even Klaus didn’t know about until they all came over. Travis having apparently lost his right foot from his last hunting trip but hiding it with his own make-shift foot/peg leg he made himself with old scraps of metal lmao him having lost his foot for a little bit longer than Mari had lost her leg. So she often looks to her Grandpa Travis for emotional support as well as for some pointers on how to deal with a lost limb.
Funny little side note: before Mari gets fitted and gets her prosthetic, Travis makes the offer to her and Klaus that he just makes it for her but they both uh… kindly decline his offer ^^;
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