#i love stevepop
canonickero · 1 month
Random head canon that affects nothing: Steve's heart is on the wrong side of his body. Or right side, I suppose(pun joke ahahahaha)
Ponyboy puts his hand on Steve's chest where his heart is SUPPOSED to be(to Steve's left) and goes "yep, I knew you were a heartless bastard"
Ponyboy is a smart mouthed kid, but unlike Dally, Steve doesn't ever hit him or threaten to. He just takes the disrespect because he loves that kid to death. They can joke sometimes. Maybe Steve shoves him a little bit or challenges him to a very unfair arm wrestle.
Steve knew all his life that his heart should be on the left, but he never mentioned that his heart was on the wrong side to anyone because he thought he was crazy.(Irregular heartbeat Steve, anyone?)
Maybe all of his organs are switched, he wouldn't know. Very few greasers go to their yearly checkups, let alone one like Steve. And even fewer of them get anything like that checked out. He just kind of lives without even thinking about it. And then he thinks about it randomly and he thinks about it for way too long, and then forgets again. Steve probably looked weird with his hand shifted to the right on his chest when they made him do the pledge of allegiance in grade school. But he knows damn well that his heart isn't on the left, he will put his hand over his heart exactly as he was told(autism) so he doesn't care. It's just a fun fact about him that nobody believes until they check for themselves.
Soda probably comments on it more than Steve ever thinks about it. Soda's a curious guy, he's probably got his hands and ear all over Steve's chest to find exactly where his heart rests. And that's where he lays at night when Steve comes over and Soda has to camp out on the couch(Sodapop is lactose intolerant and sleeps on the couch when he can't resist ice cream or other dairy besides his morning chocolate milk. He does that so that he doesn't bother Ponyboy with his tummy ache. Occasionally one of the guys ends up coming over, but they have an armchair anyways. Steve the type of guy to lay with his "best friend" though. Steve helps soothe the aches.[little bit of Stevepop... S.E. if you didn't want us to ship them why did you make them so god damn queer.])
Soda comments on Steve's heartbeat as per usual, makes them both think about it for a while, and then they just pass out and forget about it until next time. Steve says he's been meaning to get that checked out. He probably never will unless someone drags his ass to a hospital and makes him an appointment with a cardiologist.
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sod4p0ps-dxshirt · 1 year
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i love gay people u guys
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that-one-english-nerd · 4 months
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canon stevepop musical contents folks, who cheered⁉️⁉️
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xxkai-the-fryxx · 3 months
Since it’s Tom Cruise’s birthday, I drew some lovely Stevepop fan art
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theemosiders · 3 months
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popsoda whiteboard dump!!!!
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also little kid popsoda ..,,
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johnnycakesswitch · 2 months
Steve: curse Soda and his pretty doe eyes and his freckles and his pretty hands and his smile who does he think he is the sun incarnate? I would kill for him.
TwoBit: so you guys are dating now?
Steve: what??! No! We’re just best friends!
TwoBit, Dally, Johnny:
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HELP 😭 this is so how it would go down too that’s why literally no one was surprised when they started dating they’re like “great glad y’all finally realized it too”
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ratfreecog · 4 days
Who wants to talk about trans soda again cause she makes me happy and it’s been a long week even though it’s only Tuesday I’ll start
Soda going from getting all the girls to all the guys wanting to date her. She absolutely adores being taken on dates and paraded around and shown off and loves all the attention, even if it gives Darry heart attacks. You know who she loves most though? Her cringe fail loser boyfriend Steve who’s head over heels for her even though they’ve known each other forever because oh my god how is she even hotter as a woman. And him doing everything he can to make her as happy as possible and taking her on as many dates as they can go on. Pony is sick and tired of watching them cuddle on the couch.
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blueberyboy · 9 months
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Soda and Steve. Bisexual silly guys. I love them.
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hopae · 6 months
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I did this insanely quick idkk I just really love tbem sm T~T
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m4sonn · 2 months
Stevepop but they’re dr house and dr Wilson
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wusyanam3 · 7 days
speaking of ugly ship names can we talk about PURLY. 🤢 pony/curly needs justice
me and my friend lev were talking abt it and she said for them it could be ‘cigarettes after sex’ and even though its long i fully agree
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wildmrmix · 4 months
The Outsiders Frozen au. Send post
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that-one-english-nerd · 4 months
STEVE SHOULD’VE BEEN IN HOODS TURNED HEROES. look, look, i get they had to cut (down) his character but i’m still so pissed about it😭like guys give him a VERSE in that song-
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any soda headcanons?
Hi! I hope these suffice, I couldn't help but throw a little bit of Stevepop in :)
Sodapop Curtis Headcanons
-The Curtis house has a half finished basement which is where the laundry machine is, but the ceiling is FULL of spiders and spiderwebs. Both Darry and Pony are PETRIFIED of spiders, like Ponyboy is jumping from foot to foot and hyperventilating and Darry SHRIEKS when he sees one, so its always Soda’s job to de-spider the basement and he absolutely hates it (he's a little scared of them too, but not nearly as bad as his brothers)
-He has the friendship equivalent of those ‘you cheated on me in my dreams and now I’m mad at you”. One time he dreamed Steve left him stranded at the Dingo and was lowkey pissed at him the next day. Poor Steve was SO confused
-Loves both peanut butter and chocolate by themselves, but HATES when they’re combined together. Bro HATES reeses cups with a passion
-After the Curtis parents died he snuck into their room, stole his mother's half full perfume bottle and hid it in his bedside table. Sometimes before he goes to bed, when Ponyboy is busy brushing his teeth, he’ll spritz a little on his wrist because when he closes his eyes and smells her perfume he can pretend his mom is hugging him again.
-Thinks bananas are spicy (they’re not, he’s just mildly allergic but doesn’t realise it. Everyone in the gang thinks he’s making a joke every time he says it. He isn’t.)
-Him and Steve swing dance together at work sometimes when they’re working alone in the garage and his stomach flutters every time Steve dips him 
-Cannot sing to save his life and does it all the time anyway. Like, he sounds like he’s gargling with rocks, it’s actually painful. Dally has literally paid him to shut up before.
-Steve’s pet cat absolutely HATES him and Soda will always and forever be mad about it because “what did I ever do to her???”
-Can’t remember what his dad’s voice sounded like anymore. It haunts him.
-The easiest way to piss him off is to disrespect Steve in front of him. Sodapop is convinced the sun shines from his grumpy best friend’s glaring eyes, and if anyone doesn’t see that he WILL throw hands, no questions asked
-The Curtis’ have a chore jar full of little slips of paper with the really unpleasant chores they only have to do once in a while written on. Every three months they each draw two each so that way it’s fair who does what. EVERY single time Soda ends up having to clean behind the stove and he’s forever bitter about it because “it looks like a crime scene back there Dar and I know it ain’t just my fault!”
-He and Steve gave each other stick and poke tattoos once but his got SUPER infected. He would’ve had to tell Darry and probably go to the hospital if it weren’t for Evie, who luckily had some training from her tribe’s medicine woman and managed to fix him up.
-Him and Darry do rock paper scissors to decide who has to tell Ponyboy when he has a doctors appointment because Pony always gets SO mad and neither of them wanna deal with him
-Once walked in on Two-bit in an, ahem, compromising position, and hasn’t been the same since
-He used to socially drink pretty often but stopped when he realised how much drunk him really wanted to kiss Steve on the mouth
-Started drinking socially again when sober him kissed Steve on the mouth and the world didn’t end
-He draws faces on the eggs in the fridge, partially because he just finds it fun, but also because it always gets Darry to smile and shake his head fondly, and there isn’t enough that makes Darry smile these days
-Darry made him promise when he first started work full-time that he’d keep half his pay check for himself. He promised, but only ever keeps about 10% of what he makes as spending money. He’s determined to make sure neither Darry nor Ponyboy ever find out
-Wishes he was a bit more like either of his brothers, because even though he loves them more than anything, they have more in common with each other than they willl ever have with him and sometimes he feels like the odd man out in his own family, especially now his mom and dad are gone
-Had asthma as a kid but he grew out of it by the time he turned 10
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4sh--tr4y · 4 months
Modern!The Outisders playing Just Dance
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-His favourite songs are; Happy, Dynamite (Tiao Cruz), and What Makes You Beautiful because I damn said so
-If he likes the song, he dances his heart out, if not? All that's required is his arms
-Usually he'll just sit back with Johnny anyways
-He'll cheer on Soda and Two-Bit and that's it
-Jeers at Darry for not playing and says he "needs to exercise those old man bones!"
-He also forces Johnny to play Timber and I Gotta Feeling with him
-He doesn't actually play a lot, mostly because he thinks it's embarrassing.
-although, he will record all the others dancing for keepsake
-He only dances to Timber, I Gotta Feeling, and Footloose
-if he does do it he's nervously giggling and laughing the entire time cause he's embarrassed
-He is genuinely so good at footloose it is fucking crazy, bro can do everything with his feet (except run from those socs 😔)
-He'll play, but he only uses his arms like the lazy, cheating fuck he is (Im literally in love with this man!! Dallas Slander y'all!!)
-UNLESS it's Rasputin.
-He likes to flex the fact that he can do the Prisyadka as low as the Just Dance dancer does
-Everyone cheers him on when he does it, too
-Begs Johnny to send him the videos, especially of Two-Bit when he does it when he's drunk
-He's always drunk when he plays, sometimes tipsy, sometimes hammered
-Also loves Rasputin, but he cant do the Prisyadka as well as Dallas does
-His favs are; Rasputin, Chiwawa, and Call Me Maybe
-Sometimes he passes out in the middle of dancing, Dallas finds it hilarious but whoever laughs first has to Carry Two-Bit up onto the couch
-He doesn't play because of his old man bones (he's just sore from work!!)
-He and Steve play Timber with all the passion in the damn world
-Sometimes its genuinely homoerotic
-He loves ALL the songs, he is so good at them and puts his whole damn body into it
-If he knows the song, he's singing along.
-Asks Johnny to send him all the videos of himself because he thinks he's so damn cool, he feels like a backup dancer preforming for people
-He only dances with Sodapop, he will not dance with anybody else
-Photobomb's Johnny's videos
-Stares at Soda's ass and gets teased about it, spesifically By Dallas and Two-bit (STEVEPOP.)
-Sometimes when he's not dancing he'll just pace around the couch to keep himself busy
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johnnycakesswitch · 1 month
incoming stevepop thoughts🫡
i’ve always had this hc that even though soda canonically doesn’t really drink, every now and then him and steve will get a bonus or a nice tip from some rich old lady (bc they’re charming ofc) at work and they’ll split it and buy a couple beers. steve is used to alcohol and how much he can handle and how it affects him, soda on the other hand-
god the poor guy is the biggest lightweight in tulsa. like he’s giggling halfway through his first beer and his ass is gone after two. steve doesn’t mind too much tho bc soda is SO affectionate and clingy when he’s drunk (and also bc if he wanted a good drinking buddy he has two-bit).
just picture steve trying to make them popcorn and soda is just hanging off of him. steve has to get up to go to the bathroom and his off his face boyfriend starts crying. lots of drunk cuddles. lots of very messy kisses. they both wake up so sweaty and hot the next morning bc soda insisted on cuddling the whole night (which only makes his hangover worse lol).
they are so very special to me-
Soda IS the biggest lightweight in Tulsa that’s just a fact omg and I just know he’s the most cuddly affectionate drunk. Steve loves it though and when he’s a little tipsy too they just hang off of each other and the kisses are literally endless (and very messy like you said which makes them laugh even more). They’re just so giggly and loving 😔 and Soda always has such bad hangovers because he’s not used to drinking but Steve always takes care of him in the sweetest ways, he always manages to make Soda smile even if he isn’t feeling too good </3
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