#steve randle my beloved
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chippedshake · 2 months ago
steve randle doesn't say "i love you", he says "soda. shoes."
steve randle doesn't say "i love you", he says "what were you doing, walking by your lonesome?"
steve randle doesn't say "i love you", he says "beer for breakfast? really?"
steve randle doesn't say "i love you", he says "where's Superman?"
steve randle doesn't say "i love you", he puts his all into the rumble for johnny
steve randle doesn't say "i love you", he runs out of the house with three broken ribs
steve randle doesn't say "i love you", he stumbles forwards, about to fall if soda weren't to hold him back
steve randle doesn't say "i love you", but goddamn if he doesn't mean it
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canonickero · 7 months ago
I'm gonna say it. I did not like The Outsiders musical. I did not. It was disappointing. The songs refused to get stuck in my head for once. I could not tell which character was what. There were too many new characters. Steve has no hair and that is a CRIME. Steve IS his hair. How could they dare cast someone who doesn't have the most obnoxious, grease-filled hair on this earth. Blasphemy. Also he spelled Steve's last name wrong in his bio. Also blasphemy.
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Steve who doesn’t really know what sort of traditions to do for the new year because he and his dad have never really celebrated it.
Steve who buys something small at the DX for each person because, it’s a holiday-ish, right, aren’t gifts involved, showing you care is part of it?? Plus he has some extra money from the last time his dad paid him off. He gets soda a matchbox car, dally a pick of cigarettes, twobit a mickey mouse keychain, johnny a little cat stuffed animal, darry a toy football, and pony a horse figurine.
Steve who shows up at the Curtis’ and feels so out of place with his gift bag and freezing from the cold since he walked, so he kinda just leaves the stuff where people will find it once he realizes gift giving for new years isn’t really a thing.
Steve who feels so confused and separated and angry at himself the entire night, so he can’t even enjoy it when the clock strikes midnight. (what even is this ball drop stuff anyway?)
Soda, still running on sugar and adrenaline, inviting steve to sleep over in his room instead of the couch, and clocking Steve immediately when he sees the matchbox car stealthily placed on his dresser. Him pulling Steve into his arms and just holding him as he rants.
Soda who assures him he loves the gift and that it’s not stupid of him that he doesn’t know everything people normally do on new years. Soda who always finds the right words, who always knows how to cheer him up. Soda who brings the matchbox car the next day and puts it on his locker at work as a little decoration.
Just. Steve at the new year.
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canonickero · 1 year ago
That could be a good or a bad thing for me considering I go feral for Steve Randle(I have a notebook all about him with his name on it, I have a bracelet with his name on it, I have a sleeveless jean jacket in honor of him, I started doing flips off of stuff, I unironically talk like him, and I literally just bought hair gel to do my hair the same way it's done in the movie. I love Steve Randle. I want to bite him and shake him around in my teeth.)
Ngl, Sodapop Curtis would go absolutely batshit fucking crazy if he ever found out how y’all treat Steve Randle.
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outsiderscursed · 5 months ago
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brat-pack-it-up-boys · 5 months ago
Ponyboy that was then this is now headcanons
• I’m a big believer in ponyboy continuing to dye his hair blonde after windrixville for sentimentality (also I fuck with the character design aspect)
• so his hairs died blond but it’s also grown out, its the late 1960s and greased hair is becoming even less of a thing than it was before, so his hair is choppily cut above his shoulders and it has the worst grown at roots
• he is the KING of hand me downs, more so than in the outsiders because he fits into more of the clothes that darry and soda actually saved, soda’s flannels, pants, shirts, Darry’s old jackets, he owns his shoes and that it
• okay this one goes more into the au where sodapop is drafted and killed in the Vietnam war because it technically lines up with the twttin timeline. But ponyboy would wear soda’s dog tags literally every day
• more reckless than he was in the outsiders, partially because he’s grown up and partially because of his friends and the people he surrounds himself with
• his friendgroup basically consist of the remainder of the gang, curly and Angela, mark, scout, and two bits sister Brenda I guess
• on the topic of Brenda, ponyboy basically reacreats his and Johnnys relationship with dally with her, they’re so siblings you don’t understand, the brother and sister ever
• very unpopular in school, not in a way of getting bullied but in the way of a lot of kids in his grade being scared of him
“that Curtis kid who helped kill someone”
• the beef Bryon has him is entirely one sided to the point that Ponyboy doesn’t even realize it exists
• despite not having the best reputation he’s finally grown into his looks and if it weren’t for the events of the first book he would be pulling
• Him and Cathy start dating a little bit after twttin, Cathy had been at boarding school during the entirety of the first book so she didn’t have the same stigma against him that the other kids at school
• he actually gets pretty into the Beatles after he starts dating Cathy because they’re her favorite band, he likes the please please me album
• he also adopts M&M into his little gang with Brenda (pushing my M&M and Brenda as best friends agenda)
• in the end all that really means is that he helps M&M with kids picking on him (his reputation from the whole bob incident makes him pretty intimidating), M&M and Brenda also get to tag along on some of Pony and Cathy’s dates to the movies
• honestly I could talk about him and Cathy for hours but as the youngest him dating her and realizing how much she has to do as the oldest makes him gain more of understanding for darry
• also him and Cathy’s song is definitely Do you want to know a secret
@izaacs-notdeadyet because you mentioned you wanted to hear them, sorry it took me thousand years to actually get around to posting this
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chippedshake · 2 months ago
Ponyboy walking down the hall a couple weeks after canon next to Steve and Soda and suddenly feeling a heavy arm around his shoulders, tugging him against someone to his left. Expecting Soda, he looks up, but finds Steve glaring at a Soc across the hall.
Darry getting home after a long day and going to grab the grocery list before heading back out only to find it isn't there. He sighs and opens the fridge, which now has everything that was on the list, along with a sticky note that reads "on the old man".
Dally being forced to set the table with Steve. Looking over the knives, searching for the one with the red handle (the best one) and finding it already at his spot.
Johnny showing up at the lot after wandering away from the Curtises' because Darry and Ponyboy were fighting, to find a thick blanket he recognises as the one Steve always brings when he's kicked out.
Two-Bit getting up and walking out of his house, dreading the long walk to the Curtises' the day after Ponyboy showed up at the hospital, and finding Steve waiting in his car, thumbing through some magazine he definitely doesn't find as interesting as he tells Two-Bit it is.
Soda noticing all the little things Steve does for everyone else, seeing the effort he puts into showing what he's been taught to never say. And yet, somehow, he remains oblivious to the fact that the shoulder nudges and slightly too long hugs and grins from across the street are different from how Steve treats everyone else.
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canonickero · 1 year ago
I love Steve he's just like me frfr(I will die if I have to be cold for even a millisecond)
If Steve Randle has one fan one of us are dead
If Steve Randle has no fans both of us are dead
Steve Randle hc because he's my favourite
-Is incredibly vain and doesn’t bother to hide it (c’mon guys this man canonically combed his hair into ‘complicated swirls’, you can’t tell me he’s not a bit obsessed with himself)
-Enjoys his science classes even though he’s not good at them
-Is incredibly protective of Sodapop, not because he doesn’t think Soda is tough but because Soda’s more sensitive than him and Soda’s one of the only people he really cares about
-When his mom left he didn’t speak a word for two weeks (Soda was losing his mind)
-Him and Johnny aren’t super close but they bond over both having shit dads. Neither of them like talking about it with anyone else, not even their best friends, so sometimes they’ll skip class together and just vent
-Was really close to the Curtis brothers dad, and was devastated when he died (he didn’t show it though because he was trying to be strong for Soda)
-Has major trust issues
-Doesn’t really like girls and it shows (tells himself its because his mom left but really it’s because he’s more interested in Soda than he’s ever been in a girl. Doesn’t know what this means and refuses to think about it.)
-Despite this, he gets a lot of attention from girls due to being Soda’s friend and also decently good looking. He hates it but likes the way Soda laughs when he teases him about it
-Is actually bad at poker, just not anywhere near as bad as Soda 
-Has broken his arm three times, and his wrist once
-Makes bets with Two-Bit all the time
-Loves animals. He found a little grey stray cat once in the lot and adopted it. Soda named it Killer because he thought it was funny 
-Doesn’t actually dislike Ponyboy, just hates how stressed out Soda gets worrying about him
-Went off the deep end and spent the night in the drunk tank when he found out Ponyboy and Johnny were missing, and drank himself sick every day after until Soda broke down and begged him to stop because Pony was missing and he needed SOMEONE
-Was lowkey devastated when Soda dropped out 
-Is NOT a people person. Even though he loves the gang the only person he can stand to be around for an extended amount of time is Sodapop
-Is lowkey kinda scared of Darry ever since the ‘all brawn no brains’ debacle
-Could eat strawberry ice cream every day of his life and never get sick of it
-HATES being cold more than anything else ever
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canonickero · 7 months ago
Random head canon that affects nothing: Steve's heart is on the wrong side of his body. Or right side, I suppose(pun joke ahahahaha)
Ponyboy puts his hand on Steve's chest where his heart is SUPPOSED to be(to Steve's left) and goes "yep, I knew you were a heartless bastard"
Ponyboy is a smart mouthed kid, but unlike Dally, Steve doesn't ever hit him or threaten to. He just takes the disrespect because he loves that kid to death. They can joke sometimes. Maybe Steve shoves him a little bit or challenges him to a very unfair arm wrestle.
Steve knew all his life that his heart should be on the left, but he never mentioned that his heart was on the wrong side to anyone because he thought he was crazy.(Irregular heartbeat Steve, anyone?)
Maybe all of his organs are switched, he wouldn't know. Very few greasers go to their yearly checkups, let alone one like Steve. And even fewer of them get anything like that checked out. He just kind of lives without even thinking about it. And then he thinks about it randomly and he thinks about it for way too long, and then forgets again. Steve probably looked weird with his hand shifted to the right on his chest when they made him do the pledge of allegiance in grade school. But he knows damn well that his heart isn't on the left, he will put his hand over his heart exactly as he was told(autism) so he doesn't care. It's just a fun fact about him that nobody believes until they check for themselves.
Soda probably comments on it more than Steve ever thinks about it. Soda's a curious guy, he's probably got his hands and ear all over Steve's chest to find exactly where his heart rests. And that's where he lays at night when Steve comes over and Soda has to camp out on the couch(Sodapop is lactose intolerant and sleeps on the couch when he can't resist ice cream or other dairy besides his morning chocolate milk. He does that so that he doesn't bother Ponyboy with his tummy ache. Occasionally one of the guys ends up coming over, but they have an armchair anyways. Steve the type of guy to lay with his "best friend" though. Steve helps soothe the aches.[little bit of Stevepop... S.E. if you didn't want us to ship them why did you make them so god damn queer.])
Soda comments on Steve's heartbeat as per usual, makes them both think about it for a while, and then they just pass out and forget about it until next time. Steve says he's been meaning to get that checked out. He probably never will unless someone drags his ass to a hospital and makes him an appointment with a cardiologist.
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gre4zerz · 9 months ago
Soda being Steve and Evie's third wheel.
Soda being Steve and Evie's practice child.
They'll get Soda his own stroller and everything and just push him around until Soda eventually runs off out of boredom (they got him one of the leash backpack things after that).
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broareweabouttoviberightnow · 2 months ago
guys it's TIME!!! tidbit Tuesday once again!!!
"Ponyboy Michael where the hell have you-" Pony jumps, the door swingin' lamely against the wall 'n comin' to a stop. Darry's already on his feet, newspaper discarded on the coffee table.
There's a look that flashes across his face, confusion, dawnin' realization, 'n then a fierce concentrated anger that makes Pony back up, one foot out the door. He's made one crucial error that he only recognizes when Darry crosses the room in two strides, grabs him by the shirt front 'n yanks hard enough to nearly pull him off his feet.
"Ponyboy. Why do you smell like pot?" Oh, he's fucked.
Darry's not even hollerin'. His voice is low 'n desperately, viscerally calm. It sends a sudden, violent chill across Pony's bare shoulders.
"Would it make a difference if I said I wasn't the one smokin' it?" Pony smiles a shakey grin 'n Darry's fingers bite into his arms, not enough to break the skin but enough to make Pony flinch.
For a moment neither of them moves one inch, just holdin' position until Pony drops his eyes to the floor, worries at his lip until it bleeds.
"Ponyboy Michael go wash that fuckin' smell off of you before I do somethin' I regret." He drops him, takin' a long, labored breath 'n Pony nearly trips over himself as he hurries down the hall.
He ducks into the bathroom, shootin' a last nervous glance at Darry's back. He's done it now. He sinks down to the tile, stomach flippin' over 'n over. He was never gonna speak to Curly Shepard ever again. Ever.
Out in the living room, Darry shuts the front door with a terrible bang of finality.
If he survived tonight.
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canonickero · 1 year ago
I got that Steve Randle transmasc swag
this is what i mean when I say t-masc swag btw
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pho-noodles · 4 months ago
i feel like every so often, (occuring more post-book), Darry just dissociates. It doesn’t last long, and it happens almost randomly. He’d be washing dishes than suddenly staring off into space and his ears are ringing up a storm. I feel like it’s mostly when he thinks about his parents or Johnny/Dally, and then slowly starts to overthink and spiral.
Sodapop and Ponyboy both recognize this and have to wake him up from his trance, but I’d like to imagine the first time it happens in front of anyone in the gang they’d freak out and have to call for one of the other curtis brothers to help. After sometime though I feel like they’d have their own unqiue ways of waking him up.
Pony would ground Darry and try to keep him occupied with questions or trivia, whileas Soda would probably gently shake him and do breathing exercises with him.
Two-Bit would probably put ice in his hands to wake him up (which probably ended up with ice being lodged at him on multiple occasions), and I feel like Steve would snap or wave in Darry’s face ‘till he woke up 😭😭 he’s trying his best but otherwise leaves it to Soda or Ponyboy.
If Johnny and Dally were alive, Johnny would be super gentle and try to sit Darry down so he doesn’t fall over or something. He probably also takes care of whatever Darry was doing before he started to dissociate.
Dally would take a while to get comfortable with doing it himself, like I’d imagine with Steve, but I feel like he’d shake him and or (softly) slap his face with a cocky remark like “wakey wakey, Superman!”. He doesn’t really know what he’s doing but he’s trying, and he’d be too afraid to do anything too caring I fear </3
I like to imagine all of the gang all have their own quirks and troubles (pre-book and post-book) that the others learn to help them out with. maybe I’ll talk about everyone else’s if yall want to hear about any
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littlestarbigsky · 3 months ago
I saw that you have Fic Requests open, and that you write for Stevepop... Would you ever write a Stevepop fic where Steve is helping Sodapop with his asthma?
- 🍀
i swear some of yall are in my walls bc i got this request right when i started posting about asthmatic soda so yea this was my jam anon thanks for the ask🫶🏻
i need winter break to go on forever ugh i love all this free timeeeeee
hope this is okay🩷
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steve had barely made it out of the bullpen before soda was tackling him in a hug.
“you were amazing!” soda gasped, not caring that steve was sweaty and dirty and about fifty people could see them clear as day.
“i told you i would be,” steve wrapped his arms around soda’s waist and lifted him a few inches off the ground. “you worry too much about me darlin’, i’m fine.”
before they could get out of the way, a horse rode by in the pen next to them, kicking up a massive cloud dust and dirt, causing both of them to cough and gag for a few seconds. the second he got his wits about him, steve rubbed his eyes and grabbed soda’s arm to pull him away from the worst of it.
soda was still coughing as steve pulled him up next to ponyboy and johnny and the rest of the gang on the bleachers watching the rodeo.
“hey, you calm down,” steve coached him quietly, gesturing for him to sit down with ponyboy, but soda shook his head.
“i’m fine,” soda put his hand up and before steve could say anything, he was bolting off in another direction with two-bit to watch another event. steve felt the anxiety building in his chest. he nudged pony’s shoulder roughly.
“give me his inhaler, kid,” steve said to pony, gesturing to the kid’s backpack that was sitting on the bench in front of them. “i don’t like how much he was coughing.”
pony looked at steve nervously, “you think he’s gonna need it? should i get darry?”
steve shook his head, his eyes still trained on soda, “i don’t know, i’ll keep an eye on him for now. i’ll be with him for the rest of the night, it’s better for me to have it. don’t go buggin’ superman just yet, though.”
pony dug around in his bag for a moment before producing the inhaler, nervously handing it off to steve. steve ran after soda and two-bit, catching them just as they both won cowboy hats at one of the carnival games. soda howled with loud laughter, no trace of a wheeze in his voice, and steve felt something loosen in his chest.
they carried on goofing off until the sun began to set, which with work in the morning was steve and soda’s cue to start to head home. they had spent so much time laughing and fooling around that steve almost forgot about the inhaler stashed in his pocket. soda would cough a little every now and again, but it was a rodeo, there was dust everywhere. if something was wrong, they’d know.
“no way!” soda laughed as they walked through the parking lot. “you really think those soc boys are gonna bring that mustang to our shitty little shop?”
“that’s what marcia told two-bit… they seemed pretty pissed with how much it was gonna cost to get it fixed on the west side,” steve laughed. “plus, their girlfriends were going on and on about how handsome you are.”
“too bad they don’t know i’m off the market,” soda glanced around to make sure they were alone, then leaned in and kissed steve quickly.
steve wanted to appreciate the kiss, he really did, but something else he heard caught his attention.
his brows furrowed, “honey, you’re wheezing.”
soda rolled his eyes, “no, i’m not, stevie, you’re just worryin’ because of that dust cloud earlier.”
steve sighed, pulling the inhaler out of his pocket, “humor me and keep this on ya while i drive home?”
soda didn’t take it, walking to the other side of steve’s car and climbing into the passenger seat. steve started to drive them home, the light outside the car turning steadily purple, stealing glances at soda every few minutes.
they were a few minutes away from soda’s house when it started, and it happened so fast that they couldn’t have been ready for it if they wanted to be. soda let out a series of harsh, wet sounding coughs. steve’s head whipped onto him, and he could tell from the look on his eyes that they needed to be worried. steve tried to reach into his pocket and grab the inhaler, but between his seatbelt and trying to keep the car on the road, he couldn’t fish it out of his pocket. he slammed his foot down on the gas, searching frantically for a place to pull over.
“i know, baby, just try to keep breathing for me, i’m trying to find us a spot to stop.”
eventually, he managed to find a vacant-looking lot, where he pulled over and yanked his seatbelt off, ripping the inhaler from his pocket.
“hang on, i’ve got it, just one second.”
soda was still practically coughing up a lung, his cheeks bright red and his eyes brimming with tears. steve slid over in the bench seat of the car, pulling soda into his arms as he popped off the cap and got it into soda’s mouth.
“big breath for me, okay?”
soda looked up at him with huge glassy brown eyes, eyes that clearly said how much pain he was in, how he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to. god, steve couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen soda so scared.
“i know, baby, i know it hurts but please try for me,” steve pleaded through a growing lump in his throat and tears in his eyes, holding soda as tight as he could to his chest.
steve counted them down from three, puffing the inhaler at the same time soda took as deep a breath as he could manage. he coughed weakly, and steve pulled him closer, tucking soda’s head under his chin and sliding a cold hand up under his shirt to place it over soda’s chest.
“stay with me, breathe with me, it’s gonna be okay, i’ve got you,” steve mumbled, pressing soft kisses to soda’s hair and trying his best to keep his own breathing steady and calm.
after giving soda another puff a few minutes later, he had managed to stop coughing, but steve could still feel his chest contracting and he could still hear a wheeze in his lungs. he sat up a bit so soda could see his face, “you think you’re okay to get home? we can wait if you aren’t.”
soda nodded silently.
steve sighed, “i want you to use your nebulizer when we get there, i know you don’t like it, but i just want to be safe before you go to sleep.”
steve had been expecting soda to protest, he usually had a lot of trouble sleeping after a treatment, but soda nodded again and started to buckle himself back in. they drove the rest of the way home quietly, and when they parked the car outside the curtis house, steve came around to get soda into a piggyback to carry him inside.
“damn princess,” he mumbled, but soda could hear the smile on his face. soda just nosed his ear sweetly and kissed his temple gently, squeezing him a little tighter for a moment.
steve discarded soda on the couch when he kicked the door open, “stay there, i’ll bring it out here.”
soda sat and waited patiently for steve to get back. he could still feel the tightness in his chest, and he knew darry would probably smack him if he had an asthma attack and didn’t do a treatment after the fact, especially if his inhaler hadn’t completely taken care it. it was probably the first time in months that he had been quiet for more than a few minutes, but he didn’t really feel like he could get words out if he had wanted to.
steve came back into the room with their biggest and comfiest blanket, a glass of water, and soda’s nebulizer.
“call me a princess again,” soda giggled.
steve leaned over and kissed him sweetly, throwing the blanket over him, “don’t tempt me, you know i’m right.”
steve finished setting up the nebulizer, starting the treatment and handing soda the mouthpiece. he crawled up next to soda and pulled him back into his side, soda tossing the blanket over both of them and snuggling into steve as he breathed in his medicine, his lungs finally starting to open back up.
he leaned his head against steve’s chest and whispered, “you know i’m not gonna sleep for three days now, right?”
steve sighed fondly, tucking soda into him, “i know.”
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ranx0 · 19 days ago
*looks at my Stevepop drag racing au, then looks at my phone which is playing the cars movie. Then looks back at the au*
So what if I made famous race car driver Steve and his childhood friend soda au a real thing guys
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canonickero · 1 year ago
But did they know Steve?
i went to the babygirl factory and they did NOT know dallas
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