#i love season 1 jamie
walnutmistjamie · 1 year
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fave Ted Lasso moments 22/? : Coach, I'm me!
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transparentdreamruins · 3 months
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Jamie & Claire
Look how far they've come 💗
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justonemorewallflower · 2 months
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Another something I made the other day. I like this one more.
They're the pros at invading each other's personal space, ESPECIALLY when they're angry at each other. Like goddamn, can't even stay away from each other when you're on bad terms, can you? Lol
And I love how it's not just one of them either who's guilty of that, it's both of them which makes it all the better.
While Kara is definitely good at ignoring him sometimes, there are a good amount of times when she's angry at him and immediately closes the distance between them, making a point to get in his face, like when they're arguing about stims.
And he's done it too, a particularly good example when he goes to talk to her after he finds out she slept with Baltar. He approaches her and keeps his distance but follows her around, though eventually he initiates standing close to one another, eventually standing right across from her. And then the punching each other...
And then when he comes by to talk to her later, still angry, he immediately decides to stand right in front of her this time.
And Kara during their fight in Unfinished Business... just goddamn.
I could rant about them for days but alas, this is an edit post so I'm going to refrain from saying anymore beyond that I will never stop posting about them istg, at least for a long while. I love them too much <3 they're probably the biggest ship obsession I've ever had.
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time-is-restored · 1 year
fellas that last ted lasso episode. hmm.
listen i'll be real no matter what im gonna be out here gushing abt trent crimm cause he's my special little guy and im obsessed with him, but considering the Literal Paragraphs ive been writing abt all the shit i LIKED about the show, i didn't know how else to process these Less Good emotions than by blurting it all out over like two hours (instead of doing the dishes, lmao).
tldr; s3e2 was such an emotional high point for me, since i really felt like it had something concrete + specific to say about physical violence + social/emotional violence, and how they're BOTH highly valued as masculine ideals. but the episodes since then...
it kind of feels like im watching the result of a long and bloody fight between different writers? writers who, apparently, wanted Very different things from this last season, so now we're getting this. bizarro world mish-mash of two hypothetical shows, where tone + content + themes vary WILDLY and inconsistently from episode to episode - and even scene to scene!
[cw: discussions of sexism + racism, in a doylist context, also s3e5 spoilers]
specifically, i feel really disappointed and hurt that they went that direction with shandy's arc. i understand that we're only half way through the season, and obviously anything could happen between now and then but... really? like, is there some kind of budgeting issue here? we can't afford for there to be more than three (complex, not sexy lamps) women in any given episode? is that why the second jack appears, barbara loses any depth (what happened to that lovely moment of connection with the snow globes????????), and THEN the second SHANDY goes off her head it's. jack time? apparently???? like. this would feel a lot better as a viewer if at this point the show hadn't PRIMED me for jack doing something insanely stupid + cruel for no reason except 'haha Keeley Bad At Her Job'.
like. the first thing we see of shandy fine is her pride in keeley, and genuine appreciation of her hard work and skill. she's CLEARLY not stupid, otherwise why would the rest of her introductory scene be her helping keeley out with filmmaking advice (the extras thing) AND random, life experience shit (knowing how to deal with goat shit)?? she knows her way around a set, and she doesn't make any of the footballers feel judged, even when she's clearly thrown by the clips they're providing her.
so why in the space of like, barely a few weeks, does ALL of that get thrown out the window? 'condoms for balls'??? why are we supposed to just take for granted that she's stupid + overly ambitious (other than the Fucking Obvious!) when the show put NO effort into actually setting that up???? like, if her first scene was her monstrously fucking UP the shoot for keeley, and keeley hired her on pure sympathy then like. sure. whatever. no room for bleeding hearts in business. but that ALSO sucks as a story line for ted lasso, a show that (according to its OWN press releases!) is supposed to be about kindness and human connection and breaking cycles!
it just. it hurts? in a way where its like, i don't believe even a little bit that this was what the writers were aiming for with those scenes, and it frightens me that there could be such a wide gulf between intent and result. especially when bonding about The Shandy Incident is what got keeley and jack together (which i am trying... So hard to feel positive about, because explicitly confirming keeley's bisexuality is amazing, least of all bc it makes her jokes with rebecca feel a lot less mean-spirited on the writers' parts, retroactively)... like how am i supposed to be enjoying their moments together when i feel like the show's whole premise has been betrayed???
and really? the one moment nate gets to feel good in this WHOLE season, it's bc the server at the restaurant who previously could not care if he dropped dead right in front of him showed him some affection + validation?????
like, sure, i GUESS im happy that this random excuse for an arc has lead to a slightly more sympathetic female character existing at least in the PERIPHERY of the show's main storyline, except no im fucking not? i don't care about this fucking restaurant, and even though ive been DESPERATELY trying not to hate jade (even though the writers themselves can't seem to decide if she's Literally Racist or just a depressed service worker) NATE shouldn't care about jade! the ONLY way i can see this being an actually interesting arc for nathan is if its another exploration of his inability to leave behind the things + people that have hurt him, combined with years of conditioning where he's never allowed to express being annoyed/upset at anyone (which richmond!!! contributed to!!!!!! 'if you're mad, count to ten. if that doesn't work, count again'??? cool speedrun tips for resentment ted!). like, an arc where we see that distance away from richmond hasn't helped nate as much as it's removed some of the worst triggers, so a taste of athens ends up in the same awful pit of resentment + loathing as ted did. which nate clearly hates! he doesn't LIKE being that person! he apologised to a PAINTED DOLL of ted!!!! but when he doesn't have the framework or tools or SUPPORT to do anything else...
like. where is his team? obviously im not expecting the show to start being about a bunch of football players that AREN'T from richmond but? even just a small moment of appreciation? or hell! maybe they hate him! if we could see LITERALLY ANYTHING abt the sport which nathan has dedicated his life to, and how his Actual Coaching style is positively or negatively impacted by the lessons he learned at richmond? this is a show ABOUT football!!!!!
i just. a taste of athens? again? a-fucking-gain?????
and honestly, the worst part is that i REALLY liked the little monologue that nate got to give about how important the restaurant was to him! as much as it showed that nate is still just as passionate + earnestly defensive of the things he loves, it ALSO shows that he 1. spends that energy explaining his passion to people who don't deserve it/won't care, and 2. gets attached to things that really fucking hurt him! and like. i am on my hands and KNEES for that to be the 'point' of this arc but at this point i feel like that's me being naive! but if fucking JADE from fucking ATHENS is the civilising white gf who FINALLY talks nate down from him ~ ignorant, vengeful crusade ~ against the absolute ~ matyrs ~ of goodness at afc richmond, i just. like. what are we even DOING here gang?
i don't know. it hurts that sam's gone from being an almost principal character in s2 to only getting passing lines in s3. it hurts that rebecca's off in her own world, talking to strangers, having life-changing revelations on her own, surrounded by sets we're never going to see again, where every scene she DOES get to spend w one of the richmond members feels hasty and rushed, like the episode wants to get a few characters obligatory appearances out of the way asap. it hurts that all the chekov's guns around zava's arc (jamie's resentment, ted's lack of guidance, dani being 'demoted' + colin being benched) were apparently all just blanks, to be hastily plastered over with one big long speech about... ted wanting everyone to have higher self esteem, or something?
and listen, more the fool me if another episode comes out next week that i completely adore, and i spend like five days singing its praises. im mostly writing this so i can go INTO the next ep without feeling resentful + upset! i'll be STOKED if i was wrong and all of those little details ARE actually important, and these arcs have more to them than this! but for now im just sad and annoyed :(
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faramirsonofgondor · 1 year
I love that we have collectively agreed that Jamie is bi. But also… imagine bisexual Georgie Tartt. Like it just kind of makes sense. I can picture her maybe having a girlfriend or two when Jamie is younger before his dad comes back into the picture. I can picture them all going to an aquarium or something. I can see Georgie sticking with dating women for a while, because she’s still wary after leaving Jamie’s dad. And like the women she goes out with happen to be more understanding of her situation than the men. And they all love Jamie to pieces. But maybe she ends up breaking it off with them due to being busy. Or like maybe her girlfriend ends up moving away for work or something, but Georgie doesn’t want to leave.
And maybe James knows and he’s angry but not really worried, until he hears that she’s going on dates with girls and guys again. And then he feels threatened because he didn’t really see the women she went out with as anything serious. But the men definitely threatened his position in her (and Jamie’s) life. He didn’t want another man raising his son. He probably came with the scheme to get back in Georgie’s life because he realized he didn’t have control over her anymore. But he also knew he couldn’t be a dick at first or she wouldn’t let him back in. He was also probably a bit worried about whatever “soft bullshit” Georgie was putting in Jamie’s head. He didn’t want Jamie to end up queer just because Georgie made it seem like it was okay.
So when Georgie finally trusts him enough to let Jamie start spending time alone with him, he makes sure that his son knows that he can’t be soft, that needs to dominate and act like a real man. He takes him to Amsterdam to make sure any ideas Georgie put in Jamie’s head about being queer were stomped out. And then one day when he’s going on a misogynistic rant to Jamie, he brings up how he knew he had to try and win Georgie back once she decided to pursue more serious relationships. But Jamie is confused because she’s been dating other people for years. And when he brings that up, James just explains that those weren’t deal and didn’t count cause they were women. And Jamie just goes home confused and mentions it to Georgie, who gets reasonably pissed off. And then she kicks James to the curb for real.
And then on her first real date after all this, she gets stood up. But she ends up making friends with the pastry chef at the bakery she went to, whose name is Simon. And she ends up in a happy and supportive relationship, with a man who understands that her liking both is not a phase or wrong. And a man who does his best to show Jamie that it’s alright to be soft.
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lady-stormbraver · 2 years
okay but the thing about Jamie telling Keeley he loves her is this:
even while I was cringing and telling my tv screen, “No, honey, no, Jamie what are you doing”, I was struck by how earnest he was in that scene.
It wasn’t an ego thing, it wasn’t a power trip, it wasn’t Jamie being a little shit-- no, it was quiet and it was sincere and it was given without any expectation of Keeley doing or saying anything in return.
should he have said it? no, but he holds himself accountable for that later with both Keeley and Roy! he apologizes and reaffirms his respect for their relationship and acknowledges how wrong it was for him to say that! we stan a character who grows and seeks forgiveness!
and I got to thinking, and of course Jamie was confused. of course he thought, very sincerely, that he loved her.
because given his circumstances, wouldn’t anyone confuse sincere friendship for romantic love?
regardless of his romantic and sexual history with Keeley, she is the first person in his life who cares about him as a person. definitely the first girl he’s dated who’s seen him as more than just a sex object. and, more than that, she cares enough about him to not leave him where he is-- but to challenge him to be better. he later finds friends and brothers in the team, but really, she’s his first true friend.
Ted sees his potential too, yes, but Ted is very dad-shaped, especially to Jamie (and I have a whole other essay of thoughts regarding that). and Ted handles Jamie’s immaturity differently than Keeley does-- he largely gives Jamie space to figure things out, while Keeley maintains her boundaries but is far, far more patient with Jamie than most other girls would be with their ex who’s acting like a douche canoe. Jamie flounders when left to his own devices (it's me! hi!) and finds himself seeking her advice time and time again-- because Keeley is friend-shaped, and she gives good advice that he takes to heart:
“Being accountable matters, Jamie.”
“Stop battling the people that just want to help you.”
“Not everyone in your life is out to get you.”
and he learns! and he grows! and she was so impactful to him that he’s filled with so much gratitude and emotion and yeah, of course it’s confusing, because the feeling was friendship, but he had never experienced it!
and just!!! everyone needs friends who will hold them accountable and challenge them to do better because they see who they are, and have always been, capable of becoming-- those friends are life-changing. and Jamie is finally getting to experience being changed for the better from having known and learned from another person, from seeking advice and then following it (which is a lovely character trait), for the first time in his life. it’s overwhelming.
so yes, Jamie dude, you do love her-- you’re just not in love with her. but it’s okay. you’ll keep learning the difference. just look at all the friends and all the love you have surrounding you now!
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rosyfingereddawnn · 1 year
before i completely descend into gay colin mania i just. wow don’t want to think about james tartt’s reaction to. jamie not being the best player on the team <3
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cerayanay · 1 year
The only tv character to match to Zuko level redemption is Jamie Tartt
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Rewatching Ted Lasso part 54: Sam’s dad coming in just when he needs him and Sam immediately hugging him and then the CAMERA PANS TO JAMIE
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mycenaae · 1 year
like i don't know, y'all. i still don't really understand the beef with roy and jamie having one last little weird homoerotic rivalry that's like nominally "about keeley" but so clearly actually just about each other, just for the road. that was a little treat for me. their weird little homoerotic rivalry has sustained me these many years and i'm glad we got them tearing each other's clothes off and going on a second date after keeley kicked them both out of her house. i love that they're flawed but more importantly i love that they're totally obsessed with each other and will spend the rest of their lives getting under each other's skin and in each other's heads. forever.
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loving-jack-kelly · 1 year
I simply crave roy and Jamie being besties who hate each other instead of just hating each other. They are mirror images.
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
havin some overall Thots about ted lasso, but may wait until the finale next week to fully get them out there. nothing that i haven't seen being said about this season, which is that the pacing is very odd, and i remember being surprised way back when it was announced that it was going to be three seasons and not four. i do not fully believe that it was intended to be three in the way the creators have said. feels more like something out of necessity, than the best way to tell the story, which, i wouldn't have anything against that if that was the case, i fucking love the sense8 final movie for existing, although i know/one can see that it had to tie some very fast knots and drop a bunch of potential storylines -- this final season feels similar. id prefer a rushed ending to no ending at all, if that's the way the tv-landscape looks (and these days it really does look like that as we know).
i can see how they've gotten to the conclusions of multiple of the storylines, but the methods used to get there have been uneven. but that is interesting, may wanna poke at it some more after the final episode. overall this has been a pleasant journey to go on though. i feel very warmly about these characters and the ethos of the show.
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transparentdreamruins · 2 months
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Jamie & Claire
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greyhavensking · 1 year
season 1 of ted lasso is so good I forgot how cute everyone was
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everyday-is-uncle-day · 3 months
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year
The Good Omens Card Game is coming out June 5! 🥳❤
Renegade Game Studios will release Good Omens: An Ineffable Game June 5th, charging players with stopping the apocalypse in seven different battle games, each of which you can learn as you play, all in one box! Each of the seven cooperative battle games sees players taking on a different challenge, and each can be played at varying difficulties! 
“We’re thrilled to be collaborating with Amazon Studios to bring fans a Good Omens game” said Scott Gaeta, President of Renegade Game Studios, “Being a huge fan myself, it was important that we capture the spirit of the show and I think that designer, Matt Hyra, came up with something fans will really enjoy.” 
In Good Omens: An Ineffable Game players will call upon characters, both much-loved and deeply-loathed, in order to defeat the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Fight Heaven, Vanquish Hell, and even prevent Armageddon. The battle games are easy to learn but pack a challenge for any group, and each is themed around the confrontations that take place at the conclusion of Good Omens Season 1. 
Fans can catch up on the first season of Good Omens now streaming on Prime Video ahead of the second season premiering July 28th. The series is co-created by Neil Gaiman and is based on the well-loved and internationally best-selling novel by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman.
“Good Omens: An Ineffable Game promises to bring the world of Good Omens to life in an exciting new way” said Jamie Kampel, Head of Licensing & Merchandising for Amazon Studios, “We are thrilled to be creating this game in collaboration with a well-known board game publisher like Renegade, who is passionate about the property and has adeptly captured the tone and details of the series in a way that will delight fans.” 
Renegade will be producing three versions of Good Omens: An Ineffable Game, each with their own unique box art and bonus items, but all feature the same great gameplay! The Amazon exclusive version will include 12 foil versions of the character cards in the game. (= First Version) The Barnes & Noble exclusive version includes a Heaven & Hell-themed black and silver embroidered Good Omens dice bag (= Second Version), while the Hobby Market exclusive includes an Agnes Nutter Book of Prophecies-themed dice bag, in a luxurious green with gold embroidery (= Third Version). 
Good Omens: An Ineffable Game will be available wherever games are sold and have a suggested retail price of $25. 
Amazon - $25.00 - the exclusive 12 foil character card versions (First Version)
renegadegamestudios.com or Hobby Market- €25.00 - seems like this is the Third Version with the Agnes Nutter bag, they have several internet stores that you can switch at the left corner of the page (for example for EU click on the last one):
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The Barnes & Noble (Second Version) didn't publish the product at their pages yet :)
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The Agnes Nutter Book of Prophecies-themed dice bag from the third editon:
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