#fan videos are visual fanfic
everyday-is-uncle-day · 3 months
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dazais-guardian-angel · 3 months
Dazai Osamu and the Dark Era: the visual novel (a fan project)
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On a whim, I've decided to finally just publicly release this project that I've had laying around for two years at this point, for Dazai's birthday today. It was originally made for my very dear friend @letmereachforthestars , when I first introduced her to the series and wanted her to be able to read my favorite BSD light novel in an easier-to-read format. You need a computer to be able to play. The details and links are under the cut:
If you've never played a visual novel before, it's basically a novel in the form of a video game. Text will appear line by line, one a time on the screen, and it will be accompanied by relevant background visuals, music, and sound effects, to make the reading experience more immersive, and more stimulating than just reading from a book. Some visual novels have actual gameplay elements to them, and some are just books and nothing else (oftentimes dating sims/choose-your-own-adventure novels), the latter of which this is. If you've played the mobile game Bungou Tales/Mayoi, the story sections of that game are basically mini visual novels.
This game was made with screenshots and music from the anime, sound effects from the anime and Bungou Tales and free sound effect online sources, as well as graphics and fonts and other assets from Bungou Tales and other official BSD art (particularly the official anime soundtrack cd covers). The script is taken entirely from the official Yen Press translation of Dark Era, with the exception of about two or three iconic lines that I used different translations of because I felt like they had more impact. Additionally, at the very, very end, I added on the original ending scene from the Dark Era stage play and wrote a few fanfic lines of my own to accompany it you can tell because they are very cringe and don't match Asagiri's writing style.
Before playing the game, there are a few very important things to keep in mind; PLEASE read all this:
I am not a professional in the slightest. I took some coding classes in high school, and have some photoshop skills (when it comes to the design elements of the menus), but for the most part the former wasn't much help here; this was my very first time ever using the Renpy engine, and I made this entirely from scratch. I used my knowledge of playing other visual novels to emulate the kinds of effects and timing that is typical for these games, and I think it turned out pretty well all things considered, but it's still very amateur. This is most evident in the sound effects. The sound effects have no volume consistency between them, and some of them, particularly the gun/battle sfx, can come on very suddenly and be loud. I highly, HIGHLY encourage going into the settings and turning down the sound effects volume (the music should be fine), so that you're not startled by certain sounds when they happen, and for a lengthy time. I wouldn't blame you if you decide to turn the sfx off entirely if's too distracting, honestly 🫠 I am no expert in sound files equalizing and making sound files loop seamlessly, so this was by far the most tedious and frustrating part of the process of making this for me. Hopefully it doesn't ruin the game or break immersion too much if you decide to leave them on (I hope you do, for the rain and clock sounds at least, but again I wouldn't blame you if you can't).
Dark Era is the most faithful light novel adaptation in the anime, but there are still a handful of scenes, mostly fight scenes, that got shaved down significantly. Because of this, there are numerous occasions where I had to simply linger on a black screen or the same screenshot for a long period of time, while tons and tons of narration happens, because there's simply nothing I can show to accompany said narration. This is not ideal, but unfortunately I didn't have much else of a choice in those instances, so I hope it's not too distracting. There are also a few instances of straight-up inconsistencies between the novel and the anime (ex. the fight between Oda and Akutagawa happens in the woods in the novel, but in the anime it's still right outside the art museum), so sometimes what you're reading won't quite match the screenshots I use. Fortunately it's never anything major, but it does happen.
There will sometimes be long, unchanging black screens. Don't worry, the game isn't broken; just wait long enough and it will continue.
Sometimes, a character will get cut off when speaking, and when that happens the dialogue will auto-force to the next line. If you didn't get a chance to see what was said before, check the text backlog/history (in the menu or the H key).
Last but not least, this game was made with the default text speed in mind. Meaning, that when it comes to certain specific scenes, the mood/tone of them, made up of the timing of music, transitions, sound effects, etc, all of it was arranged around the speed at which things progress when using the default text speed. I completely understand if you can't, but if at all possible, please try not to change the text to go too much faster or slower, especially faster, because certain scenes will lose a lot of impact otherwise. If you already know Dark Era, you probably have an idea of some of the scenes I'm referring to. At the very least, during the more high-stakes/intense scenes, please try to play through those all at once without stopping, for the greatest impact based on how I designed the game, and only pause/quit during the slower scenes. There are specific moments that I'm really proud of how they came out, and I'd like for them to have the maximum impact that I intended :') (also note that if you make the text appear instantly, the cut-off dialogue mentioned above simply will not appear at all, and you won't even know to look back for them, so please refrain from making the text instant at the very least)
Ignore the cringe sappy final message
...I think that's everything. With all that out of the way, here are the links for both PC and Mac:
Download the PC version
Download the Mac version
This was a passion project for me for a good many months back in 2022. It started out just as a gift for my friend, but in the end I was really satisfied with how it turned out, despite how tedious and frustrating it was to work on. I've been hesitant to share it with the fandom for all this time because I kinda doubt anyone would really be interested in something like this especially since it's not stormbringer or beast, but someone on discord who tried it told me that I should share it, so here it is. I'm sharing it not just because I'm proud of my work, but because Dark Era is a truly amazing light novel — underrated, in my opinion (yes, I said what I said) — and far better than the anime adaptation, as good as that is, and I want more people to read it. If reading the books is hard for you and you've never read Dark Era before, if I can help just one more person to read it with this, I'll be happy, and consider my job done. 💖
I so desperately want to make more of these visual novels for the other light novels, but sadly, some of them simply aren't possible thanks to how many scenes are missing from the anime, like with Entrance Exam in particular. I've also been waiting with vain, thin hope that Bungou Tales will eventually reach seasons 3 and 4, so I can use their Fifteen and Untold Origins title screens like I did here, if those ever exist. However, I'm also held back thinking about certain scenes that would require some redrawing/drawing additional details to match what's written in the novels. If anyone has any ideas on things I could do to possibly get around these issues, or just thoughts in general about how the other light novels might be tackled, or if you're an artist who can recreate the anime's style and takes commissions/knows someone who does, I'd absolutely love to hear from you! As well as any advice/help on how I can smooth out/improve this project here!
Anyway, sorry for the long wall of text. Thank you for reading all this, if you did, and if you do try the game, please let me know your thoughts; I crave any and all feedback. 💙✨
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mcytblraufest · 6 months
MCYTBLR AU Fest: General Rules and FAQ
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May 4: Discord opens at 0:00, Artist creation starts. May 30-31: Artists with a finished piece of Art can sign up, submitting their work for claims. May 31: Artist creation period ends at midnight. June 2-4: Writers can claim art and be assigned to Teams. June 6-7: Writers who wish to be assigned a Beta Reader can sign up (this is optional) June 9-10: Beta Writers can claim writers/art and be assigned to Teams June 29-30: Check-in #1 July 13-14: Check-in #2 July 26: Writer creation period ends at midnight. Unless you have an extension, you must be fully ready to post at this point. July 27: Posting period begins at 0:00 August 2: Extension period ends. Unless you are a pinch hitter, you must be fully ready to post at this point. August 9: Posting Period ends. All work must be completely posted by midnight.
MCYTBLR AU Fest is a mini reverse-big-bang event where artists and writers work together in teams to make stories and art inspired by MCYT and set in an Alternate Universe.
Artists must make a completed Art piece. Writers must deliver a story of at least 5k words, inspired by the art they signed up for. Dark or triggering topics or themes must be tagged for.
You must be a member of the discord, for team matching.
Because of Tumblr, Ao3 and Discord TOS, you must be 13 to participate.
Respect your fellow participants, even when you disagree on fandom matters
You agree to work together with your teammate(s) to make a piece of art and a fic together, and link to each other's works.
All works must be MCYT-centric and set in an AU— no canon-compliance. 
No AI-Generated content.
Discord: Here Ao3 Collection: Here
What is MCYTBLR AU Fest? MCYTBLR AU Fest is a reverse minibang-type event where writers and artists come together to create fanworks centred on MCYT and set in an alternate universe from canon.
How does it work? Artists will have a month to complete an art piece. After a month, once the art is complete, they will submit the art, with information about server, characters, relationships, and any warnings they are opting into, which will be posted anonymously for writers to view and claim, first-come-first-serve. Teams are assigned by mods, and then writers will have two months of creation time to make a pice inspired by the work (minimum 5k words).
What type of MCYT is included? We welcome creations based on any SMP, whether or not they have a canon tag on Ao3. Mianite, DSMP, QSMP, Hermitcraft, 3rd Life, Lifesteal, Witchcraft SMP— it’s all welcome. 
Can I join if my Art is a Game/Web Weave? We welcome all types of art— web weave, game, traditional art, original songs, videos, etc. While the list is not exhaustive, we have outlined some of the baseline expectations for an art piece below.
What are the requirements for art? It is difficult to define precise expectations for art pieces, especially given the broad realm of things that could count as art. We are primarily looking for art that is complete to a level that you would normally post as "finished", ready to inspire a fic piece of 5k or more, containing an audio or visual component beyond the confines of the written word, that does not take more than an hour to consume. While you will have the opportunity to include your understanding of the world in things such as if the relationships depicted are romantic or not, the art piece must stand alone without explanatory text or extra worldbuilding.
The defined requirements for different forms of art are:
Digital or Traditional art: one piece, completed to whatever you would normally post as "finished", ready to inspire a fanfic.
Web Weaves: a web weave of at least ten elements, original or properly credited.
Video/animatic: a video at least 30 seconds long.
Other Art Form: other art forms such as fan games or original songs would fall under this category. If you wanted to sign up with an Other art form, you need to contact the mod team and work out what minimum expectations would be for your art.
Is shipping allowed? Yes. Because there is no broad fandom-wide consensus about how Creator boundaries are to be enforced in specific cases (whether it's okay to write beeduo as /r or /p is an obvious one, or whether it’s permitted to ship Joel Smallishbeans) or between specific fandoms (Lifesteal approach to shipping and boundaries is different from HBG is different from DSMP), the mods will not be policing any specific understanding of boundaries across the event. The event's motivating ethos is Don't Like Don't Read, in that artists will be able to specify for themselves if a given relationship is to be interpreted as romantic or platonic, and writers will choose to opt into that, and NSFW will have to be specifically opted into on both sides.
Is NSFW allowed? Yes. NSFW works are allowed, but must be opted into, both in terms of viewing art and in terms of creating fic. No one under 18 is permitted to opt into NSFW and attempts to do so will be grounds for a ban from this event and anywhere else the mod team touches. For the comfort of the greatest number of participants, and to conform with Tumblr TOS, anything with the tags Underage or Incest will not be permitted to be part of the event. 
Are major archive warnings (noncon/graphic depictions of violence/MCD) allowed? Aside from the content rules governing NSFW (no underage or incest, for the comfort of the greatest number of participants), major archive warnings are allowed. Depictions of real life horrors such as genocide and slavery are not-uncommon motifs in MCYT fics, and the mod team is not interested in legislating which types of horrors, griefs or abuses are inherently worse than others and are therefore off-limits. Because holding writing to a quality standard or saying only survivors can write atrocities is unworkable from a moderation standpoint, the three mentioned major archive warnings (MCD, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Noncon), are permitted to be included.
However, Major Archive Warnings must be explicitly opted into by the artist, and writers are free to not include Major Archive Warnings that their artist has permitted. Delivering un-asked for major archive warnings is grounds for a ban from this event. The mod team reserves the right to warn other mod teams on both the MCYT and Multi-fandom side about your bad behaviour.
What kind of an information will I provide as an Artist? How long or detailed? Artists will be able to specify
the server their art takes place on
the characters in the work
whether the relationships in the work are romantic, platonic, or could be interpreted either way
if they are okay with NSFW work
what age group of people they are okay working with
the type of AU it is
any content warnings present in the work already (i.e. gore, eyestrain, child death)
if the work is nsfw
any major archive warnings they are okay with happening in the story
common fandom themes and/or triggering content that they are okay with happening in the story.
What sort of fandom themes will I specify? While this will not be an exhaustive list of every possible triggering concept, the mods want artists to be able to specify if they are okay with dynamics that circulate in the fandom that may be triggering or people simply may have strong opinions on, and for writers to be able to sort by that. Some of the themes include domestic abuse, alcoholism, family dynamics, pregnancy, dubcon, torture, body horror, dehumanization, child death, non-consensual touching, drugging, etc.
What is a DNW?
Artists will have the opportunity to fill out a DNW, which stands for Do Not Want. This is anything that has the potential to ruin a fic for you, and is where you opt out of content that would trigger, squick, or just render the gift unreadable for you. DNWs must be phrased politely, (so no "No foster aus because they suck and you suck if you like them"), and they must be reasonable, (so no "no blood/injury" if the art depicted shows injury, and no attempting to box someone into a specific gift beyond what is depicted in the art, so no "dnw anything that isn't a modern au where scar is a theatre teacher and grian is a biology teacher and they live in a city named hermitopia and grian has a situationship with mumbo and scarian has a rivalry at a coffee shop for the half-price muffins and jellie has psychic powers she's manipulating the muffin market with" if that is not clear from the art), and they must be specific and clear, (so no “no triggering content"), but they can be as petty (disliking 1st person) or as broad-reaching (no modern aus, no specific ships not depicted, no crossovers with specific servers or fics) as you like. Deliberately breaking someone's DNW is grounds for a ban from the exchange. 
Is Dark/Violent content allowed? As long as it is something that the artist has not opted out of, yes. For many of us, the source material that originally drew us to the fandom includes major character death, torture, murder-for-hire, death games, public executions, child death and more. The fanfiction that arose from the source material follows in that trend. We will allow dark content to be part of the event, but it must be tagged for. 
We also ask that participants use best judgement in delivering commonly triggering topics un-asked for. We reserve the right to ban people at mod's discretion for delivering unrequested triggering content, under the "do not be an asshole" rule.
Moreover, if your fic is rated E for any reason, (including violence or gore) your entire team must be 18+.
How can I get involved? You can participate in this event as a:
Pinch Hitter
Beta Reader
You can even sign up for multiple roles, as long as you’re very sure you can make your deadlines!
What is a Pinch Hitter? A pinch hitter is a person who saves the day and steps in when the original creator is unable to deliver their work for whatever reason, making a new work on an accelerated timeline. You must reach the minimum word count of 5k. . 
When do I have to join the discord? You have the option to join the dicord and hang out as soon as creation starts on May 4, and if you are an artist, you must join before sign-ups close on May 31. If you are a writer, you must join the discord before claims begin on June 1st. If you are a Beta Reader, we'd ask that you join before claims begin on June 9th.
How does team assignment/claims work? We will release a document with all the art pieces linked in it, and 24 hours afterwards we will release a sign-up form. Writers will be expected to list out out a top-five of artists they want to work with, and mods will match writers with art on a first-come-first-served basis.
How does Beta Reader assignment work? Shortly after writer sign-ups end, writers who wish to sign up for Beta Readers will be able to do so. In a similar way to how writers claimed art, beta readers will be given a list of summaries and then, 24 hours later, will be able to submit a short list of fics they want to help work on. Beta readers will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
What happens if there are more artists than authors, or more authors than artists? If there are more writers, some artists will be assigned multiple writers. If there are more artists, we will put in place a question where writers can specify that they’d be willing to make multiple pieces, and a (hopefully small) number of writers would be assigned multiple teams. 
What if all the artists I list have already been assigned? If every artist you wish to opt into has already been assigned, mods will contact you and ask if you wish to be matched to people who have not yet been claimed. You will then be able to choose if you wish to claim other teams, or wait and hope that there will be more writers than artists, and multiple writers on a team will be opened up. If that happens, you can re-submit your list and be assigned as a writer to one of your original artists.
I’m in [insert time zone here]. What if I’m not awake when claims open? There will be a spot to input your time zone in the discord. Mods will try to open the claims at a time that works for as many writers as possible. The art pieces will also be available for 24 hours before claims so that everyone can view them and pick out the ones that are the most interesting to them. We will aim for claims to open between 7 a.m. and 1 a.m. for as many writers as possible across all time zones. If claims fall outside that zone for you, you’ll be able to contact a mod and we’ll work out an alternative method for claims for you. 
I don’t know what time zone I’m in? Go to timeanddate.com and enter the nearest major city, and it will tell you your current time zone.
What’s a check-in and how do they work? Check-ins are there to make sure everyone is on track to finish their piece in time, and to communicate any issues with the mods! If you know that you won’t be able to check in on a specific date (lack of internet, etc), please contact the mods in advance.
How long should my fic be? The minimum word count is 5,000 words! There is no maximum word count, but we ask you to be mindful of how much you can actually create in these two months. 
If I wrote a multi-chapter work, do I have to have it all posted by the end of Posting Period? You must post your work in its entirety by the end of the two-week posting period.
What does AU mean in this context? AU stands for Alternate Universe and in this case means anything that would make the work not able to be tagged as canon compliant. Alternate endings, role reversals, complete setting or plot swaps, and crossovers all count. As this is a fest specifically to celebrate AUs, we ask that the AU be a significant and celebrated part of the work, not something that could be skipped if you aren’t paying attention. 
Can I create two fics for my artist? Absolutely! There is no maximum for number of fics you want to create, but again, be mindful of not biting off more than you can chew two months of creation time.  Can I post just the first chapter of a longer fic/Can I use AI to help me with my piece? All fics must be complete (no missing chapters or truncated scenes) and created specifically for this event, inspired by the art claimed at the beginning of the creation period. Writers and Artists must create their work themself. Works may not be wholly or partially created by generative text or art programs (so-called "AI") such as chatGPT or OpenArt.ai. Works may not be wholly or partially duplicated from other works, and may not contain substantial repeated material included in an effort to boost word count (such as paragraphs or comics panels that are copied with minor variations).
Can I sign up with two pieces of art? You are welcome to sign up as part of the fest with multiple art pieces. However, if you do so, we will ask that you prioritize which art piece you want to be matched on first, and you will only receive a match to your secondary art piece after everyone else has an writer. We’re going to proritize every particpant getting a team before we prioritize every art piece getting a team.
Can I sign up with a multi-piece art piece? If you want to sign up with a web weave that features multiple panels, a long video, a long comic, a series of connected art pieces, a song cycle, or any other more complex/more ornate work, you are welcome to. We just ask that you make sure you can complete your art piece during the month of artist creation time, and keep in mind that if your piece is sufficiently complex, that might restrict the writers who are able to sign up for your piece. But if you think you can pull it off, then go for it.
Can I sign up with a writing buddy— as part of a collab team? You are welcome to sign up as a collaborative team, either an art team or a writing team! We ask that you make sure you work together well, and when you sign up for an team, you must declare that you’re a duo, so people know that they’ll be getting multiple team members and not one. 
Can I submit an art piece that is part of a larger AU? All art pieces must stand alone, so you can't have it that your writer has to consider other art pieces to make a work. The art must also be made specifically for the event. We ask that you not submit an art piece that was made prior to the event, or one that is part of an au you've posted about so often that it will effectively de-anon you. Brainstorming or sketching early is fine.
Once my art piece is done, when can I post it? Art and fic should be posted together, during the Posting Period at the beginning of August. Once you have your art done, you'll have to hold onto it for another two months, while your writer is working.
What if I need to drop out? It is your responsibility to communicate with us if you need to drop out of the event for any reason, and we do need that communication. We know that life is no respecter of fic and art deadlines, so no hard feelings if something happens. However, we would hate for any artist to end up having no fic for their art, so please think about this if you are thinking of dropping out close to reveals. Dropping out after the last check-in without informing the mods will result in not being permitted to take part in further events run by this mod team.
I have a question not answered here? Send us an ask on tumblr, contact @antimony-medusa on tumblr or discord!
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centrally-unplanned · 26 days
Japanese website Forest Page is shutting down ~today, a tragic loss of "Heisei otaku memories", as so many are calling it. Launched in 2003, Forest Page was a "Geocities for mobile", a site that hosted user-created websites and gave them tools to allow non-coders to make them. In practice, it became one of the premiere places for fanfiction in Japan, with the stories hosted on author-created sites.
It wasn't quite the Fanfic.net of Japan, as for one the Japanese fandom just never centralized quite the way the 2000's western one did, instead being spread out over a half dozen or so sites. But additionally, it wasn't initially popular for fanfic so much as cell phone fanfiction, because in 2000's Japan the "cell phone novel" was a specific thing. These websites were being made for flip phones, not smartphones, and not only would people read them on those phones, they would often write them. None of that was very conducive to the creation and consumption of a "traditional" novel; so starting in the 2000's Japanese writers started making stories fit for the medium, namely:
Very short
A huge focus on dialogue and inner thoughts, with no/minimal description or scene detail
Using a limited POV of a specific character
Often employing the medium-as-message, like using emojis, structuring the story as IM's or emails, etc.
Also they all had huge gaps between lines, I'm not really sure what that is about:
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Probably for readability on the phone given the small screen size? But it was absolutely part of the genre. A few of these novels actually made it big, got movie adaptations, people wrote articles about the "cultural phenomenon", it was the 2000's so Hiroki Azuma had a take on it of course, and so on. It slotted neatly into the vibe of the time of technology changing culture, paralleling discourse around otaku in the same era.
In fanfic those trends met up, and anyone familiar with fanfiction probably read that list of traits of the cellphone novel and thought "oh, this is perfect for fanfiction". Skipping out on description? I don't need it, I know what they look like already. Focus on conversation and POV? Perfect for shipping fics. Short lengths? Yeah, we are shortcutting to the good stuff, that is the point. Mirroring trends in the west, Forest Page's userbase was ~95% female, and the most common content on the site was romantic or edgy-dramatic stories in the franchises you'd expect. The closure page linked above actually summarizes the site's history by year, and lists the biggest fandoms:
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Which is exactly what I would expect from a female otaku fanfiction website. Congrats to Pirates of the Caribbean for making it though, freeaboo's represent.
I do think the fact that the site was a website hoster as opposed to a fic hoster did align with the way the Japanese fandom was more "creator focused" and embraced the media mix more. There were "fic circles" a la doujin circles who made their own pages, people would make fanart, fan video games, and so own to host alongside it, and all of it was centralized to the creator; it made following them-as-a-person just a little bit easier. Most websites were simple text, but others did have the full Geocities experience:
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Something that was somewhat common were basic visual novel concepts where the reader could make choices, or even insert their own name so they would be the "MC" of the story:
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(Dream novels are in fact their own thing in Japan) My understanding is the site was quite popular through the 2000's and into the 2010's, though over time the "cellphone novel" as a concept fizzled out. People got smartphones, more people got PCs, and the constraints didn't make sense anymore - you can read ebooks and normal websites on your phone now after all. You can probably draw a line between these kind of stories and the webfiction/light novel boom of the late 2000's/2010's, something that was equally born on the internet, that streamlines the novel to "shortcut to the good stuff" but without the need to fit on a flip phone's screen. Though I will admit my own understanding of their histories shows them more as two sides of the same "youth demand for new literature" coin.
In 2017 Forest Page launched Forest Page Plus, a new service fully optimized for the smartphone era; but it did not transfer over all the old content, starting the clock ticking on the original Forest Page. My understanding is that in June they announced Forest Page was officially closing down; and from what I have gathered from reminiscing writers on twitter, they did not provide any easy, one-touch way to save any of the content, so people are archiving Wayback Machine links or sharing tips on how screenshot-save stories (I think the rub is they gave people a way to transfer content to FP+, but most don't want to do that, as places like Twitter & Pixiv are the content kings of this era).
As of tomorrow I would bet the large majority of the content will be gone; quite sad given both the quantity of stories there and how many got sometimes millions of readers. I am sure most of the biggest stories are archived at least, but particularly the early stuff was a very ephemeral genre, one that doesn't make sense to revisit once you aren't a 16 year old teen writing and reading fics on a flip phone in between classes. Which means another legion of the ghosts of the Wired is being born today. May we pour one out for a fellow online community that lived and died!
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samsseptember · 2 months
Samtember 2024 Calendar, Rules, and Guidelines!
Hi, Sam Wilson Nation! It’s that time of year again when we all get together to celebrate our beloved Sam Wilson’s birth month. That’s right, it’s ✰Samtember2024✰ !!!
As per usual, the event will be running from Friday, September 1st to Saturday, September 30th and there will be prompts set for each day:
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Week 1:
Day 1 - Free Space
Day 2 - Bird Telepathy
Day 3 - Costume
Day 4 - Crossover/Multiverse
Day 5 - Canon Divergence
Day 6 - Hurt/Comfort
Day 7 - Future Fic
Week 2:
Day 8 - On Your Left
Day 9 - Move Your Seat Up
Day 10 - I Never Said Pilot
Day 11 - The Big Three
Day 12 - When Do We Start?
Day 13 - Man, Shut the Hell Up
Day 14 - Moon Stuff
Week 3:
Day 15 - Cap Quartet
Day 16 - Redwing
Day 17 - Mission Fic
Day 18 - Shield
Day 19 - Wakanda
Day 20 - Undercover
Day 21 - Co-Pilots
Week 4 + 2 Days:
Day 22 - Cookout / Boil
Day 23 - Birthday
Day 24 - Fishing
Day 25 - Louisiana
Day 26 - Lovers
Day 27 - The Paul & Darlene
Day 28 - Slice of Life
Day 29 - Wilson Family
Day 30 - Home
We will open a collection on AO3 soon. We will update this when the collection is ready, but when it is you'll also be able to find it by typing samtember2024 in the add to collections option.
You can also tag any works you post with #samtember2024 or tag this blog @samsseptember. Works will be reblogged every day throughout the month. 
What works count for this fan event?
Any of the following count:
photosets / moodboards / collages
videos / edits
fic rec lists
Whichever way you want to celebrate Sam Wilson, it’s up to you! 
The rest of the FAQ and rules are under the cut.
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What is this?
It’s a Sam Wilson fan event.
Is there any pressure?
No pressure at all. Fill one prompt. Fill all the prompts on for the month. Do however many you please.
Can I fill more than one prompt with one piece of art/one fic?
Yes! You can fill one prompt with one piece of art or fic. You can try to fill all 30 prompts at once with one piece of art or fic. If you can fill every single prompt from every single day in one fill, that’d be wild but it’s okay by the rules. You can do any number in between.
Are there any prizes for making anything for this event?
Just the satisfaction that you made something cool.
Should the work I make be Sam Wilson-centric?
Yes. You can make a gen work or a piece with any ship with Sam Wilson in it, but the main focus should be Sam Wilson.
How long will this event run?
It will run from September 1st to September 30th.
I heard there are badges I can use for each fill?
There will be! They will come out daily.
Do I have to post my fic for the prompt on the day of the prompt?
You can if you’d like, but it’s okay if you post a piece on a day other than the day of the prompt.
What are the guidelines for the event?
For Everyone:
1. Remember to tag @samsseptember in the post as well as #samtember2024.
2. Please also tag the prompt you’re filling (for instance, if the square is “Redwing”, use “#redwing” as one of your tags when posting about it on Tumblr).
3. If you’re uploading to AO3, please:
a ) Say somewhere which prompt you’re filling.
b ) Add it to Samtember 2024 Collection that you can find here.
For Artists:
1. Create at least one piece of new art that can’t have been posted anywhere else before this.
2. All visual art forms are welcome:
a ) Gifsets, at least 3 gifs.
b ) Aesthetic boards or moodboards, at least 4 images each.
c ) Drawing/painting, that is not a sketch.
d) Fan video.
e) Graphics edit.
For Authors:
1. At least 500 words.
2. Posted on Tumblr or AO3.
3. Can be part of a series, but should work as a standalone.
For Podficcers:
1. The podfic should at least be 5 minutes long.
2. It should be posted on either Tumblr or AO3.
3. The podfic can be of a fic made for the event, a fic not made for the event while still adhering to the prompt, or a notfic.
For Fic Rec Lists:
1. You must have at least three fics or podfics on the rec list.
2. Make sure to give brief descriptions of the fics or podfics as well as their rating and wordcount.
For Commenters:
1. Any amount of comment counts, from a heart emoji (“❤️”) to an essay.
2. We would rather this be about what makes you happy and joyful about reading than any scathing critiques.
Things to be mindful of when creating:
For Sam
Avoid framing Sam only as a caretaker or emotional support for Bucky. Be mindful of Sam acting angry or aggressive in an out-of-character way and falling into the angry/sassy Black man trope (check out the MCU source material to help with character traits).
Avoid decentering Sam as a main character and refrain from focusing entirely on Bucky.
In art: avoid whitewashing Sam’s skin and research drawing Black characters.
General disclaimer: Race affects every aspect of his life, including interacting with police/government and the white structures of the world when it comes to performing his duties as Cap and simply being a Black man that lives in the U.S.
For Bucky
Avoid phrasing “flesh/normal/human hand” to refer to the contrast between his prosthetic arm and his right arm. The phrasing is ableist. You can simply refer to his prosthesis when relevant, otherwise use “right/left arm/hand”.
For more information, please check out this document suggested by @ninesdb on how to write Bucky as an amputee. @ninesdb is also open to questions if you have any queries not answered by the google doc.
Specific Tags:
Avoid tags in AO3 like “Sam Wilson is a Gift”, “Sam Wilson is a Saint”, and “Bucky Needs a Hug”.
Have fun and we look forward to all your wonderful works! ✰
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whereforarthur · 13 days
What If We Were More Than Friends
Request: Chris x GN (GN = Gender Neutral) reader read Fanfic" fic🤣 just cause I think I would be funny. Like he's making it for a video (obviously) and asked you to be in it, either you together or friends and if it's friends, one if not both of you have a crush on each other... even the fans can see it but you're both oblivious. Maybe it ends with a date (if you're not together already)
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Pairing: ChrisMD x GN!Reader
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 2.7k
He smiled and all I could think was "oh shit."
"Alright, let's get this show on the road," Chris said, rubbing his hands together as he sat in front of the camera, his eyes sparkling with excitement. His friend, y/n, perched on the edge of the couch next to him, looking slightly nervous but equally eager to start their latest YouTube collaboration.
"So, what's the topic today?" y/n asked, fidgeting with the hem of their shirt.
Chris smirked. "You're about to find out," he said, leaning back and picking up a stack of printed pages from the coffee table. "We're doing something a bit different. Fanfiction readings!"
The room filled with the sound of rustling paper as y/n's eyes went wide. "Wait, what?!" they squeaked.
Chris chuckled. "Relax, it's just a bit of fun. You know, to mix things up." He flipped through the pages, a smug grin playing on his lips. "And I've picked out the best ones, too."
The nervousness on y/n's face grew palpable as they leaned in closer. "What do you mean by 'the best ones'?" They couldn't help but wonder if their secret crush had stumbled upon any of the more…intimate fanfictions. The room felt suddenly too warm, and they wished they could shrink into the cushions.
Chris looked up, his grin widening. "Oh, you know, the ones that really showcase the creativity of our amazing fanbase." He cleared his throat dramatically. "Let's dive in, shall we?"
y/n's heart skipped a beat as Chris began to read the first fanfic aloud. It was an innocent enough story, detailing an imagined friendship between him and the reader. But as the words spilled from his lips, y/n couldn't help but feel a strange warmth spread through their chest, a tingle that made their cheeks flush. They glanced at Chris, his eyes focused on the page, and for a moment, they allowed themselves to imagine the scenario playing out in real life.
The second story, however, took an unexpected turn. The plot shifted, and suddenly the characters were in a much more intimate setting. The air in the room grew thick as the fanfic grew steamier, and y/n felt their eyes widen as the scenes grew more explicit. Chris's voice remained steady, but y/n could see the faint blush creeping up his neck. They tried to keep their face neutral, not wanting to give away the tumult of emotions they were feeling.
Chris's inner monologue was a whirlwind of confusion and excitement. He'd read fanfics before, but never with someone else in the room, especially not someone he had feelings for. The words on the page seemed to leap to life, and he couldn't help but visualize the scenes with y/n as the protagonist. The way their eyes searched his every time he looked up, the subtle shift in their posture as the story grew more intense—it was all too much. He swallowed hard, trying to keep his cool.
The room felt smaller with every passing sentence, the words on the page echoing in his head like a siren's call. He wondered if y/n had noticed the heat rising in the room or the way his breath had become shallower. It was getting harder to focus on the task at hand, his thoughts wandering to the possibility of the scenarios playing out in real life. He forced himself to keep reading, his voice a little shakier than before.
y/n's mind raced as they listened, trying to piece together the storyline while also trying to ignore the racing of their heart. The tension was palpable, and they could feel it coiling around them like a snake ready to strike. They shifted uncomfortably, the fabric of the couch sticking to their damp palms. The fanfic was definitely not what they had signed up for when they agreed to do this video.
Chris's voice grew hoarser as he continued, the words becoming more and more difficult to pronounce without betraying the internal battle he was fighting. The plot had moved on to a heated argument between the characters, which somehow seemed to mirror their own unspoken tension. He took a deep breath, hoping it would help to steady his racing thoughts.
y/n's eyes flicked from the page to Chris's face, then back again, their heart pounding in their chest. The fanfic was getting too real, too close to home. The way the characters interacted, the passion in their words—it was all eerily familiar to the feelings they had been trying to suppress. They couldn't help but wonder if Chris was feeling the same way, if the lines between reality and fiction were blurring for him as well.
Chris looked up, his gaze locking with y/n's. For a moment, the silence was deafening, the weight of the unspoken understanding between them threatening to shatter the fragile barrier they had built. The fanfic had laid bare their hidden desires, and now they were forced to confront them. The room felt like it was spinning, and Chris's hand trembled as he held the paper.
"I think… I think we should stop here," he managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper. He wasn't sure if it was the right call, but the intensity of the situation was overwhelming. He could see the shock in y/n's eyes, but there was something else there too—relief?
y/n nodded, a silent agreement passing between them. The unspoken words hung heavy in the air as they both took a step back from the edge of the cliff they had been teetering on. "Yeah, let's… let's end the video," they murmured, their voice laced with a hint of disappointment that only added to the confusion swirling in Chris's mind.
They both stood up, the sudden movement feeling awkward and forced. Chris placed the stack of fanfics back on the coffee table, his heart thumping against his ribcage. He had never felt so exposed, so vulnerable, in front of the camera. He had always been the one making the jokes, the one keeping things light and entertaining, but now he felt like he was in a spotlight, unable to hide his true feelings.
y/n busied themselves with shutting down the recording equipment, their movements jerky and uncoordinated. The silence stretched on, thick and uncomfortable, until the final click of the camera broke it. They turned to face each other, the weight of the moment pressing down on them like a heavy blanket.
Chris cleared his throat, trying to lighten the mood. "Well, that was… interesting," he said, forcing a laugh that sounded hollow even to his own ears.
y/n offered a small smile, trying to play it off. "Yeah, definitely a new experience," they said, their voice shaky.
They couldn't ignore the fact that the fanfics had hit too close to home. As he uploaded the video, he felt a knot in their stomach. The anticipation of the fans' reactions was both thrilling and terrifying. He had been so caught up in the moment, in the heat of the readings, that he hadn't considered how their chemistry might appear to the outside world.
The comments section was a minefield of 'shipping' and speculation. "Chris and y/n need to get together already!" read one. "The tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife!" said another. The evidence of their unrequited feelings was laid bare for all to see, and Chris couldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and a strange sort of validation.
The video went live, and the notifications began to flood in. Comments, likes, and shares piled up at a dizzying rate. The thumbnails they had chosen were innocent enough, but the fan's interpretations of their reactions to the steamy fanfics were anything but. They watched in horror and fascination as their subscribers dissected every glance, every touch, every awkward pause.
"It's like they're reading our diaries," y/n murmured, scrolling through the comments with wide eyes.
Chris winced. "Yeah, I know." He leaned in closer to the screen, his cheeks flaming red. "I didn't realize it would be like this."
y/n bit their lip, scrolling through the comments with a mix of fascination and dread. "Some of these are pretty intense," they said, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of their mouth. "I mean, we're just friends, right?"
Chris chuckled nervously. "Of course we are," he agreed, a little too quickly. "It's just the fans reading into things, you know how they are." But deep down, he couldn't help but wonder if there was some truth to their words. The way their eyes had met, the electricity that had crackled between them during the more intimate moments of the readings—it was undeniable.
The days following the video's release were a whirlwind of activity. The video had gone viral, and their inboxes were flooded with messages from fans shipping them harder than ever before. They tried to ignore the comments, telling themselves it was all in good fun, but it was difficult to ignore the way their hearts fluttered every time they saw their names together in a romantic context.
During their weekly coffee meet-up, the tension was unbearable. Every shared laugh, every accidental touch, felt charged with new meaning. The 'what if' lingered in the air, thick and potent. They talked about the video, the outrageous fan reactions, but their eyes kept darting away from each other, as if afraid to acknowledge the truth.
"It's just a bit of fun, isn't it?" Chris said, his voice a tad too bright. He took a sip of his latte, the warmth doing little to calm his racing thoughts. What if they weren't just friends? What if the fans had seen something that they had been too blind to notice?
y/n nodded, their eyes flicking to Chris's before darting away again. "Yeah, just fun," they echoed, but the tremor in their voice suggested otherwise. They had always been comfortable around each other, but now there was an unspoken something that hovered between them, a dance of unsaid words and unacknowledged glances.
It was a week later, during a quiet evening at Chris's flat, that y/n finally gathered the courage to break the silence. "Chris, I need to tell you something," they began, their voice barely above a whisper. Chris looked up from his laptop, his brows furrowed in concern.
"What's up?" he asked, setting his work aside.
y/n took a deep breath, their heart thudding in their chest. "It's about the fanfics," they began, fidgeting with their hands. "I mean, I know we were just reading them for the video, but… I think maybe the fans aren't entirely wrong."
Chris's eyes widened, and he leaned in slightly. "What do you mean?"
y/n took a deep breath, their cheeks flushing a deep shade of pink. "Well, I mean… I think there might be something more to it," they said, their voice shaking. "I've had a crush on you for a while now, and reading those fanfics out loud just made me realize how much I want those scenarios to be true."
Chris's eyes searched y/n's, a mix of shock and hope swirling in their depths. "You… you do?" He felt his own heart racing, the confession catching him off guard.
y/n nodded, their gaze dropping to the floor. "Yeah, I do," they murmured, playing with the edge of their sleeve. "But I didn't want to say anything, you know, because I didn't want to mess up our friendship."
Chris's mouth went dry, his mind racing with the implications of y/n's confession. He had felt the same pull, the same desire, but had never dared to voice it. "But what if it doesn't have to mess anything up?" he whispered, his voice hoarse with hope.
y/n looked up, their eyes searching Chris's face for any sign of reciprocation. "What do you mean?"
Chris took a moment to gather his thoughts, his heart thumping so loudly he was sure y/n could hear it. "I mean," he began, his voice soft, "what if we gave it a shot?" He took a step closer, his hand reaching out tentatively to touch y/n's arm. "What if we weren't just friends?"
y/n's eyes grew wide, and they froze, the warmth of Chris's touch sending a jolt through their body. "Are you…are you saying you feel the same way?" They could barely get the words out, their voice a breathless whisper.
Chris took another step closer, his hand sliding up to gently cup y/n's cheek. "I've had feelings for you for a while now," he admitted, his voice barely above a murmur. "But I didn't want to ruin what we have. I just didn't know how to tell you."
The room was silent except for the sound of their breathing, each shallow inhale and exhale a testament to the nerves and anticipation that had been building between them for so long. y/n's eyes searched Chris's, looking for any sign that this was a mistake, that he was just playing along with the fanfiction narrative.
But what they saw in his gaze was raw and unfiltered—desire, hope, and a hint of fear. It mirrored their own feelings perfectly. "Chris," they breathed, their hand reaching up to cover his. "I've felt the same way."
The moment hung between them, heavy with potential, until Chris leaned in and pressed his lips to y/n's. It was a soft kiss, tentative and questioning, but it was enough to set off a spark that had been smoldering just beneath the surface for far too long. y/n's eyes fluttered closed, and they leaned into it, their heart racing with excitement and relief.
They broke apart, both breathing heavily, their eyes locked. "Does this mean…" y/n began, their voice trailing off.
Chris nodded, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Yeah," he said, his thumb brushing over y/n's cheekbone. "It means we're not just friends anymore."
The revelation was like a weight lifted, and the air in the room seemed to shift. They both knew that there was no going back, that they had crossed a line that could never be uncrossed. But instead of fear, they felt a thrill of excitement.
Their first kiss had been awkward and unplanned, but it was real. And as they stared into each other's eyes, the tension of their unspoken feelings dissipating like mist in the morning sun, they realized that maybe, just maybe, the fanfics had been onto something after all.
They decided to keep their newfound relationship a secret for now, not wanting to deal with the fallout from their devoted fanbase just yet. They had enough to figure out on their own without the added pressure of public scrutiny.
But as they sat there, fingers laced together, watching the sun set over the London skyline, they couldn't help but feel like they had stumbled into their very own romance novel. The fanfics had given them the nudge they needed to acknowledge their feelings, and now they had the chance to write their own story.
The days turned into weeks, and their relationship grew stronger with every shared glance and whispered confession. They discovered a passion in each other that went beyond friendship, a love that had been hidden in plain sight all along.
And as they lay in bed one night, the fanfic that had started it all spread out on the floor beside them, they couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. "Who knew our fans were such great matchmakers?" y/n mused, their head resting on Chris's chest.
Chris kissed the top of their head, his arms tightening around them. "I guess we owe them one," he said, his voice filled with affection. "But let's not tell them that just yet."
Y/n chuckled, their eyes sparkling with mischief. "Our little secret," they whispered, and Chris's heart swelled with love for the person who had been by their side all along, unknowingly holding the key to their heart.
@gvf23 @xxkatxgracexx
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bakuhatsufallinlove · 5 months
Hello, I hope I can ask you this. I was exploring the Jp side of YouTube and watching review and discussion videos on MHA. I found a couple of popular videos on the potential future relationships of all the characters, and as expected, they were all the default m/f pairs. But the comments took me by surprise. Most of them were about “greentea,” obviously, but I could also see comments on very odd pairs like Eri and Deku, Mahoro and Bakugo, and even Eri and Mirio quite frequently! (Even typing it out is making me cringe)😭😭😭 However, I also saw a couple of comments on Bakugo and Deku, but very few, probably 1 out of 100. I’m really curious about how bkdk is perceived by the general Japanese audience, is it even taken seriously? Maybe I just couldn’t find any review videos that even considered them as a pair, but the ones I saw were kinda popular too; they had plenty of views. So yeah, I’d love to know your thoughts on this, again I hope this is ok to ask🥹
Also I just discovered you and I love all your content!😭 I’ve exhausted them haha, thank you so much for your work! Lots of love! 🩷🩷🩷
First off, I want to mention that I have a hitherto unspoken rule to not comment on ships other than bkdk. I know you are asking about bkdk specifically, but the framework of the question brings other things into the discussion, so I want to say this clearly to discourage follow-up questions from others which may be angled toward different ships or ship discourse in general. Bkdk is what I’m here for, so bkdk is what I’m going to talk about.
In regards to your actual question, I’m gonna answer by giving you some information about how fandom works in Japan.
Bkdk is the most popular mha ship in Japan in terms of fanworks, by a wide margin.
Japanese fandom is, compared to English-speaking fandom, heavily centered on fanart. Japan has frequent doujinshi (independently published comic) events where dozens or even hundreds of artists come to distribute their work, and many of these have been going on for decades. It is not hyperbole to say that some kind of doujinshi event, showcasing brand new work, is going on in at least one major city in Japan every single month, and these events are attended by hundreds and sometimes thousands of people. Sometimes there are two or more events in a single month.
To be clear, doujinshi are not only fanworks, which is why I specified “independently published comic.” Lots of doujin are original works, and many now well-known mangaka got their start, gained connections, and built their early fanbase through participating in doujin circles (collaborative groups of artists who create work under the same independent label). My point is that visual art and comics are so huge in Japan it is hard to overstate their prominence in the culture as a whole, let alone fandom culture.
So, fanart and doujin are huge, and among fans who make fanart/doujin, bkdk is wildly popular.
The thing you have to ask yourself is, does fanwork represent general readership? Drawing fanart is the most common way to show your love for a series in Japan, but that definitely doesn’t mean every reader is drawing fanart. In my opinion, fanfic is prominent in USA-centered fandom, but obviously only a fraction of the people who enjoy a series are going to write fanfic for it.
I don’t think we can really quantify the opinions of general readership this way. I mean, when you scroll through the comment section of the same kind of clickbaity, hot-topic videos about anime/manga that English-speaking audiences watch, do you feel like those comments accurately reflects what most people think? I know I don’t. There is always going to be a selection bias, because “people who comment on youtube videos” also only represent a fraction of “people who read mha.”
Japanese fandom is significantly more segmented and considerate of differing tastes than English-speaking fandom.
Japanese fandom is pretty strict with its rules of engagement. Personal privacy and respect for others are very important factors. Artists don’t want to be recognized at their day-job for their R18 doujin. Shippers don’t want their comments or cutesy fanart to be algorithmically-fed to users who have no interest in it. This is seen as polite and correct; it is respectful of the fact that people have different tastes, and not everyone will share yours.
See, Japanese fandom recognizes that the internet constitutes public view.
So fan language is coded: words are spelled slightly differently; characters, events, or ships get unique euphemistic nicknames; words or names are replaced with emojis. All of this is to prevent their stuff from being seen by someone just casually searching “Bakugou.”
You have to be in the know to know how to find stuff. You have to actively search for like-minded fans and curate your space, expanding your circle typically through word of mouth. And you have to abide by the rules, or else everyone is going to think you’re an overbearing jerk and not wanna be around you.
If you are just using google translate on social media posts or videos visibly labeled under the series title, you aren’t going to find much in regards to active shipping. Frankly, you aren’t going to see the whole scope of Japanese bkdk fan activity in any one place using any one method. This is how Japanese fandom is designed, and people work pretty hard to keep it that way.
Japanese fandom does not generally engage from the perspective that their desires will be validated by canon.
This is one of the biggest differences. In English-speaking fandom, you see people argue left and right about what’s going to be canon, who’s the endgame ship, and so on. People are very preoccupied by the idea that their ship has to be “validated,” and this validation comes from the notion that canon will reflect their personal preferences and fulfill their hopes for how the story will go.
This is just not the atmosphere in the vast majority of Japanese fan spaces. Remember how I said that jpn fandom recognizes that people have different tastes? This means people also tend to think that it is rather arrogant and demanding to think that your wishes are the only ones that should come true. It is also disrespectful of the mangaka’s artistic vision and hard-work to expect them to disregard their own desires to satisfy you personally.
So, when you ask, “are bkdk even taken seriously?” the question is built upon the idea that people who enjoy the series expect an outcome catered to their tastes.
As you said, most of the comments were for heterosexual pairings, which are the most obvious to predict considering the endings of other popular series published in Weekly Shonen Jump. Furthermore, Yashahime—sequel anime to shounen manga Inuyasha—confirmed that a character roughly ten years of age later grew up and had children with a (slowly-aging but adult) supernatural being who served as her caretaker and protector.
Maybe the video commenters were reflecting personal interest in those ships, or maybe they were just spit-balling off stuff they'd seen before. I can tell you I haven't really seen fanart for any of that, but I don't go looking for it, and m/f ship spaces will be separate from m/m ship spaces.
Still, it is important to remember that audience expectation is not directly correlated to outcome. When the online Shonen Jump+ manga Blue Flag was first published, the vast majority of readers did not expect that one of the characters in the love triangle would be gay. Hell, they expected it so little that the reveal went viral!
Audience expectation may be interesting to think about, but it is not a prediction method.
To sum it up:
Bkdk is extremely popular, but jpn fandom is very private and structured differently than English-speaking fandom.
Any metric of measurement for reader opinion will have its flaws, and audience expectation is not a foolproof way to gauge real outcome.
Personally, I think we should all take a cue from jpn fandom and just have fun.
I hope that answers your question and gives you some context, anon. Thank you for the kind comments on my work, I really appreciate it. <3
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i came here from the BDSM fluffery and stayed to find out there's an expansive lore. What do you mean there's a yuri fanfic about you and another heritage blog?? you have an evil clone??? Fascinating fascinating I am intrigued to learn more! And also more about this lovely game franchise you seem so fond of, I am only familiar with ace attorney so this is!!! Wonderful news to a curious lot such as myself that there are MORE.
-sincerely, an experiment
1. The fanfiction author has their own blog where all the lore about heritage yuri is compiled, @lhpxaahpya
2. My evil clone exists purely to mock my very existence. They are also a relatively new addition to the layton Heritage posts cinematic universe
3. If you are an ace attorney fan you're gonna feel right at home with Layton games. The trifecta of Ace Attorney, Professor Layton and Ghost Trick has been unofficially titled as "superwholock for people who like ds visual novels".
4. You don't even know half of my lore yet. The Heritagesona. The triple Baka Video. The underground archive where I live. The fact that you have to kill me to become the new LHP. The-
5. If you're looking for a place to get started, I recommend either:
- Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright
A crossover game between ace attorney and professor layton, in case the title wasn't obvious enough. Perfect game for people who only know ace attorney ans wanna dip their toes into layton games. Also the Perfect game for people who only know professor layton and wanna try out ace attorney. Both the Puzzles and Court Cases are easier than in the other games and the story. Let's just say the story is a handful but it's still a really good game.
- Professor Layton and the Curious Village
The first ever Layton game, recently remastered for mobile phones and such its the most easily available game on the list (aside from piracy or a hacked 3ds obviously). It's certainly shows it's age and a case of "first-game-in-the-series-itis", but that luckily doesn't hurt the game that badly and is still a good time.
- Professor Layton and the Specter's Call
You know how with star wars there is the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy? It's the same with Layton.
Curious village is the first game in the og trilogy, and Specters Call is the first game in the prequels. Personally, this is the game I usually recommend to start with because I think it perfectly encapsulates that Layton feel, but this is just my opinion. It's fun, it's mystery element is great, I love the aesthetic, banger game.
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passionategamerotica · 3 months
First off I’m a white guy but I’ve seen some discussion recently around 40K’s non-white coded factions and had some thoughts about particularly some of 40K’s old world building lore tropes and how that has influenced where we are today.
Warhammer’s planet of hats trope has lead to some really interesting cultures of planets in the Imperium in the lore. Planet of hats is essentially, how you can make lots of visually distinct cultures of worlds in a lore’s canon, making one like ancient Rome (Ultramar), one like ancient Greece (Olympia), making one like space Egypt (Prospero) or making one space scandanavia (Fenris). It’s easiest to understand it primarily as a way of differentiating the biggest money making faction in the game, Space Marines and their various chapters and legions. However, I think we also need an honest conversation about how the planet of hats trope has led to some takes on race that can be reductive and generalised on particular cultures.
For instance the Salamanders, are coded and i think intentionally to be black. You often hear fans say they’re not black in our modern understanding of race, mainly cause their skin colour is meant to be a sci-fi ultra dark because of intense radiation on their homeworld. However their geneseed (things that share particular genetic traits in Space Marine creation) also gives them red eyes which are described by some in lore as demonic looking. And the Salamanders stories often focus on this disconnect from their chapter culture, humanitarianism (by 40K standards), nobility, heroism and humility and their physical appearance which some find frightening. I think this is coded discussion of how black people face discrimination because of their appearance in many places across the world, especially when we understand that colorism and dark skinned people across all cultures often face marginalisation. This is though a really heavy handed way to discuss race I personally find it a bit on the nose.
When we look at the White Scars, who are explicitly coded as east-asian particularly Mongolian but with elements of Chinese culture thrown in, we can see that planet of hats can lead to some stereotypes and generalisations about communities being ingrained. Especially when you consider most lore authors working on Warhammer are white men.
Another example I feel is the Tau, who were created at a time when Games Workshop wanted to expand into the Japanese market, using mechs very inspired by Japanese anime and sci-fi, and as such a lot of the faction is coded with Japanese cultural and racial markers. Including the voice acting in video games, which I often find is similar to the voice acting of Samurai in movies.
I think people of colour in the Warhammer 40K community have found representation and enjoyment from these examples, but that besides, I think it highlights the cause we should broader representation on the writing and modelling in the hobby, to make a richer and more interesting world. I’ve always loved the space that Warhammer gives you to create new things in their world, seeing really incredible head-canon and fanfic for more diverse and interesting representations of characters and worlds in Warhammer. But that isn’t people’s introduction to the hobby, the Warhammer official canon and lore is. Planet of hats has lead I think to less interesting factions, by not creating and exploring more nuanced world building, which I totally concede some writers do undertake but I wouldn’t say is a general trend.
I don’t know it this is really a criticism more just a sense that Warhammer is growing as hobby, it’s bigger than it has ever been in my time playing it and this is an opportunity, to bring more people into the fandom and make our hobby inclusive.
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sambuckylibrary · 8 months
SamBucky Valentine's Day Bingo 2024!
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The @sambuckylibrary will be holding a two-prong Valentine's Day bingo event!
This event is not just for the creators, but for the commenters. You may either fill your bingo card by creating for the event, or fill your bingo card by commenting on your favorite SamBucky pieces.
The event will start on February 1st and run until February 29th. During that time, we will be reblogging and sharing the work you guys create here on our blog as well as any comments you post about.
If you're a creator, can post fanfiction, art, moodboards, podfics, edits, fanfic lists, etc. If you're a commenter, post about the piece you commented on.
It’ll be a low-stakes event. No need to sign up. Just remember to tag @sambuckylibrary in your post for each fill, and we will be tracking #sbvday2024 for reblogs.
If you are posting on AO3, please add it to the SamBucky Valentine's Day Bingo 2024 Collection.
The Bingo Cards are:
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What is this?
It’s a SamBucky bingo event.
Is there any pressure?
No pressure at all. Fill one prompt. Fill all the prompts on every bingo card. Do however many you please. The only thing we ask is mark your comment fills on a commenter bingo card and mark your creator fills on a creator bingo card.
Can I fill more than one prompt with one piece of art/one fic?
Yes! You can fill one prompt with one piece of art or fic. You can try to fill all nine prompts on the card at once with one piece of art or fic. If you can fill every single prompt from every single bingo card in one fill, that’d be wild but it’s okay by the rules. You can do any number in between.
Are there any prizes for making anything for this event?
Just the satisfaction that you made something cool.
Is it just SamBucky?
Yes please, just SamBucky. There can be side ships, but the main ship should be SamBucky.
How long will this event run?
It will run from February 1st and run until February 29th.
I heard there are badges I can use for each fill?
There are! Here they are:
Bingo Card #1:
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Bingo Card #2:
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What are the guidelines for the bingo?
I will be borrowing some of this from the MYSU Valentine’s Day Bingo 2022 Guidelines, since they were fantastic.
For Everyone:
1. Remember to @sambuckylibrary in the post as well as #sbvday2024.
2. Please also tag the square you’re filling (for instance, if the square is “Mutual Pining”, use “#mutual pining” as one of your tags when posting about it on Tumblr).
3. If you’re uploading to AO3, please:
a ) Say somewhere which prompt you’re filling.
b ) Add it to SamBucky Valentine's Day Bingo 2024 Collection (SamBucky_Valentines_Day_Bingo_2024).
For Artists:
1. Create at least one piece of new art that can’t have been posted anywhere else before this.
2. All visual art forms are welcome:
a ) Gifsets, at least 3 gifs.
b ) Aesthetic boards or moodboards, at least 4 images each.
c ) Drawing/painting, that is not a sketch.
d) Fan video.
e) Graphics edit.
For Authors:
1. At least 500 words.
2. Posted on Tumblr or AO3.
3. Can be part of a series, but should work as a standalone.
For Podficcers:
1. The podfic should at least be 5 minutes long.
2. It should be posted on either Tumblr or AO3.
3. The podfic can be of a fic made for the event, a fic not made for the event while still adhering to the prompt, or a notfic.
For Fic Rec Lists:
1. You must have at least five fics or podfics on the rec list.
2. Make sure to give brief descriptions of the fics or podfics as well as their rating and wordcount.
For Commenters:
1. Any amount of comment counts, from a heart emoji ("❤️") to an essay.
2. We would rather this be about what makes you happy and joyful about reading than any scathing critiques.
Things to be mindful of when creating:
For Sam
Avoid framing Sam only as a caretaker or emotional support for Bucky. Be mindful of Sam acting angry or aggressive in an out-of-character way and falling into the angry/sassy Black man trope (check out the MCU source material to help with character traits).
Avoid decentering Sam as a main character and refrain from focusing entirely on Bucky.
In art: avoid whitewashing Sam’s skin and research drawing Black characters.
General disclaimer: Race affects every aspect of his life, including interacting with police/government and the white structures of the world when it comes to performing his duties as Cap and simply being a Black man that lives in the U.S.
For Bucky
Avoid phrasing “flesh/normal/human hand” to refer to the contrast between his prosthetic arm and his right arm. The phrasing is ableist. You can simply refer to his prosthesis when relevant, otherwise use “right/left arm/hand”.
For more information, please check out this document suggested by @ninesdb on how to write Bucky as an amputee. @ninesdb is also open to questions if you have any queries not answered by the google doc.
Specific Tags:
Avoid tags in AO3 like “Sam Wilson is a Gift”, “Sam Wilson is a Saint”, and “Bucky Needs a Hug”.
Have fun and we look forward to your SamBucky Valentine's Bingo fics!
- The Mods
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iwtvfanevents · 1 year
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Saint Louis of the Vieux Carré —an LDPDL fan event
A month-long creative challenge to celebrate Louis's 146th birthday, this October 4th. Starting October 1st and through the whole month, we'll be celebrating AMC IWTV's Louis de Pointe du Lac, who turns 146 this year! 
Starting October 1st, you’ll be able to see the fan creations shared as part of the event in the tag, here »
31 prompts
day 1. humanity | human life
day 2. crossover
day 3. confession | penance
day 4. through the decades
day 5. hunger | feeding habits
day 6. canon divergence
day 7. memory | keepsake
day 8. fashion
day 9. epistolary | handwritten
day 10. missing scene
day 11. literature | intertext
day 12. intoxication
day 13. floral | the last bouquet
day 14. dubai
day 15. love | lust
day 16. parenthood
day 17. canvas | visual arts
day 18. storytelling
day 19. marriage | relationships
day 20. new orleans
day 21. performance | gender
day 22. family
day 23. fairy tales | monsters
day 24. photography
day 25. faith | purpose
day 26. alternative universe
day 27. grief | ghosts
day 28. paris
day 29. childhood | innocence
day 30. music
day 31. halloween | haunted houses
How does this event work?
Every day of the month has an assigned prompt. The real challenge is to try and create something new for each day and each prompt.
But, of course, that is an ambitious goal! There are easier options.
If you...
create only one thing, or two, or three
only create something for two or three of these prompts
create something for a prompt but post it a few days later
don’t follow the prompts at all
...you’re still participating —as long as your creation is about Louis de Pointe du Lac, as portrayed by Jacob Anderson. 
And Louis's character exists in relation with others, of course! So your contribution could be a portrait of the entire du Lac family, a playlist about one of his romantic relationships, a comic about his relationship with Claudia from her point of view, etc.
If Louis is at the heart of your creation, then your piece is in the spirit of this event.
This challenge isn’t limited to fanfiction or fanart!
Your contributions as a fan don’t have to be restricted to the most usual mediums. Beyond fanfic and fanart, some things that you may decide to create include: fanmixes, moodboards, gifsets, photomanips and graphics; fanedits and AMVs; meta and analysis in written, audio or video form; poetry, music, a blog post about your headcanons, your meta, or your favorite fanworks; and anything else you can think of. 
Your creations can be related to your own or others’ existing work as well —if, for example, you want to use one of the prompts to add to an existing fanfiction series, or as inspiration for fanart of your favorite fic, that’s totally within the scope of this challenge! 
You can start working on your creations for this challenge with as much (or as little) anticipation as you like, but remember to hold off from sharing them until the event starts. And, if you are taking inspiration from a prompt, we encourage you to share your work on that day.
Reblog or repost this text and graphic to spread the love; and don't forget to tag your posts with #IWTVfanevents or tag @iwtvfanevents so we can share them on the blog, and add them to the collection on AO3: Happy birthday LDPDL!
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dateless-bar · 3 months
If they smoke or not... (Modern AU)
Note: Please cherish life and refrain from smoking. The content mentioned in the text is purely fictional and the smoking behavior of characters in fan fiction is often a symbolic representation of their personalities, rather than a recommendation for anyone to imitate. Any tobacco referred to in this article is assumed to be legally compliant products in various countries/regions.
This fanfic is based on #project epd modern AU design.
His habit of smoking a pipe was developed in the military camp, and now he only smokes tobacco containing Latakia. He collects some discontinued Balkan tobaccos, which he takes out to enjoy on special occasions. He is particular about how the tobacco is packed and likes to wear gloves while doing it.
Counterintuitively, his tobacco consumption only increases when the novel progresses smoothly or when he is in a good mood.
His design team often pairs slim or uniquely filtered cigarettes with rebellious visual styles, so he might occasionally try them himself. However, he doesn't like the mild and smooth flavors; instead, he prefers those with sweet and spicy notes.
It's said that he once collaborated with Ferrus on a movie special effect where he lit a cigarette with his fingers, which became widely popular on short video platforms.
He smokes single-brand cigarettes and cigars, and also collects intricately carved and lacquered lighters and cigarette cases. Although there is no clear evidence, employees at Iron Warriors Studio tend to believe that his smoking indicates a bad mood, so they remain particularly vigilant.
He has recently been trying to switch to vaping, but it seems he hasn't yet found a brand he fully likes.
Jaghatai Khan
One of his hobbies is smoking Chogoris cigarettes by the car when off-roading. He enjoys hand-rolling traditional cigarettes and has a strong preference for the natural flavors from his hometown. That said, he doesn't mind trying new products, but he generally doesn't think much of most common flavors on the market.
He also occasionally uses snuff.
He has tried smoking but doesn't really like it and doesn't understand what's special about this. He can smoke a bit with his buddies but doesn't have a long-term habit himself. Moreover, his pets all dislike the smell.
He prefers the scent of local herbs and spices, but if he had to name a real indulgence, it would definitely be drinking.
He is a strict enforcer of no-smoking rules. Not only does he not smoke, but smoking is also prohibited in both the office and construction sites of Imperial Fist Co., including for contractors. Yes, it is that strict.
He will unhesitatingly point out or stop any such behavior and will clearly inform you that smoking is harmful to health.
He doesn't smoke and doesn't understand it at all. Not every character from urban legends has every bad habit. He likes eating sweet things.
If you smoke, sometimes he will suddenly reach out and knock the glowing cigarette out of your hand.
He knows how to smoke but rarely does so. Horus taught him how to smoke cigars, but he mostly just tried a puff or two while Horus was smoking. In such cases, he doesn't send his clothes to dry cleaning but waits for the smell to dissipate before wearing them again.
He used to vape occasionally, but it was never a particular hobby, and he suddenly quit after a period of not using it. His favorite mechanical hand doesn't work well with most vaping devices, and developing a module just for this purpose seems a bit excessive.
He doesn't smoke and dislikes people who do. The smell of smoke makes him feel irritable and even want to hit someone. For your own safety, absolutely do not smoke in front of him.
He doesn't smoke and actively promotes smoking bans in public places as a way to reduce the burden on the healthcare system, an initiative he proposed himself.
When he lived with Lion, who smoked pipes almost exclusively in the study and backyard, surprisingly they never argued about this matter. Now, he can even distinguish which type of tobacco Lion smoked each day just by the scent.
He smokes heavily and constantly. His cigarette case and smoking apparatus are filled with Barbarus tobacco, and his entire body seems permeated with its scent. He may pause only when in the laboratory, but otherwise, he is almost always smoking.
If his cigarettes run out, he becomes engulfed in an inexplicable emotional state.
He doesn't smoke and doesn't have any particular feelings about it. However, if you were to smoke in his study or game room, he would explode on the spot. Perturabo respects his wishes and has never done so.
He has tried hookah before and seems to have a higher opinion of it. He has hookah equipment at home but doesn't use it often. He prefers aromatherapy instead.
He smokes blended tobacco and cigars, especially during periods of rapid gang expansion, using this action to create a strong impression, ultimately as strategic image management. He collects some cigarette cases and cigar cutters used by his father.
He has a habit of taking off his ring when smoking.
Surprisingly, he occasionally smokes, although most of the time he does not.
When he does smoke, it's usually just casual smoking of regular cigarettes in private. During his regular work, he still advises believers to prioritize their health, but within the church, smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke are strictly prohibited.
He is very cautious about removing the smell of smoke from his clothes, using church incense to cover it up.
He has smoked before but didn't particularly enjoy it, and he doesn't recommend others to do so either. Occasionally, he even advises Malcador to reduce his collection in this regard. He has tinkered with interesting multi-functional lighters and such gadgets, but he doesn't think they should be used for smoking.
He occasionally smokes an old-fashioned long cigarette, but not very frequently. Due to his work, his image doesn't seem particularly out of place even if he smokes, but he prefers coffee if he needs a pick-me-up.
He has an album cover where he is depicted smoking in Soho’s night view, but later due to distribution reasons, it was changed to a lollipop in some regions.
You'd better not know.
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emillyverse · 6 months
This is not an update to the Comic, but it still has something to do with it !!!
(call it a little gift for the Wish Rewrite and KoW fandom)
Hello my little stars! How are you?
I mentioned in the last post in the series that I would be traveling for a week or two and that's why I wouldn't be working. Well I'm still traveling Lmao.
It's been a lot of fun, I'm visiting my Prince Charming and family, both of whom I haven't been to in a long time. Still, I couldn't stop thinking about KoW and Wish's Concept Arts. Disney sealed the fate of its fan artists by discarding so much good material, now they are embedded in our minds and we will not be able to rest until we see them realized. This is crazy but it's beautiful to see how much these discarded concepts generated creative potential in the fandom.
Because of all this I couldn't help but make some small sketches! And well, I came to show them here. They are not sketches of Comic panels, but they have something to do with it and I will show the photos and explain how.
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This first one, very faded, are Magnificent and Amable's clothes (designed by @uva124, for the characters in @annymation's rewrite of Wish "The Kingdom of Wishes"). The drawings that Aled did are very complex, I don't judge her for that, in fact I thank her, she gave beautiful clothes to the centuries-old Disney villains and they are perfect. I really wish I could draw them with all the details, but I will do everything by hand, alone and seeking a minimally professional quality (I want to be a comic artist/book illustrator one day. This comic is my first step Lmao, and I want to do something that conveys the best I can give at the moment), so I need to make some things easier for myself. The costumes are one of those things.
" Better something simple and well done than complex and poorly done." — This is my motto for this Comic and for my life.
The next sketches are related to aesthetics. I've been watching a lot of "Analyzing the Art" videos of some Disney films and I was inspired to adopt some "Disney Style" features in my arts for this comic (not everything obviously, because I don't want to be sued by Disney lmao).
What you'll see next is me trying to mix this influence with my own style in some KoW character sketches.
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(this last art specifically references a meme in which @rascalentertainments tagged me, Thanks for that, by the way! <3 )
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(credits to the artist, I don't know who it is because I was just tagged in this meme and I was busy So I didn't look for more information, but I'll leave the post link and you can check the official credits)
Speaking of aesthetics. Anny received Chiara's aesthetic from someone — the north star, "daughter of Aster", created by his magic at the very end of Anny's fanfic. This Aesthetic inspired me to create an aesthetic for Asha and Aster too and these were the results:
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What's your favorite?
Lmao, It took a lot of work to make Aster's. There are almost no things for "starboys" on Pinterest.
I'm leaving this up to you to share as you wish, consider it a gift to the fandom!
Lastly, I want to say that the artistic analysis videos They also inspired me to put together a moodboard for KoW and I'll be leaving it here. Not even Anny and Aled know about this and I can't wait to see their reactions! I wish I could print this painting and leave it on the wall, but unfortunately I don't have a printer T-T.
This moodboard is helping me with the artistic direction of colors, style and is a visual motivation to stay active at work.
I hope you like it too!
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That's it for today, it's already midnight in Brazil and I should be sleeping instead of posting crazy things on the internet. I'm going to tag my friends and go to sleep, Lmao.
Kisses full of light and stars!
~ Emy
@wings-of-sapphire @flicklikesstuff @frogcoven88 @chillwildwave @gracebethartacc @gracebethartacc @kstarsarts @oh-shtars Come and get your therapies after the anguish caused by certain publications by Anny!
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riacte · 19 days
Re: Dearly Beloved in-universe fandom, it struck me that I have somehow never mentioned in-universe superhero/villain/whatever fanart despite fanart being such a core (and more importantly visible) component of fandom. (While mentioning fanfiction, subreddits, touching on fancams and ASMR roleplays etc etc) And I guess it makes sense because this is text, I don't really know they look like, and it's hard to describe visuals given the format I've constrained myself to. But I also feel like this blind spot has to do with other fandom-related meta lol. (Self indulgent and long rambling)
1. Superheroes/villains are classified as "real people". In real life fandoms, while there's fanart of famous real people (actors in movies, singers, Kpop groups, athletes, F1 drivers, etc), there's less fanart compared to fanart of characters (anime, video games, books, etc). I assume this is because you need to have a certain level of skill to capture a real person's likeliness nicely. And real people may feel offended upon seeing "bad" fanart of themselves, whereas fictional people can't feel offended.
But superheroes/villains are masked and often wear helmets for safety. So you don't need the skill to draw their real life faces. Their suits are probably visually distinctive which makes it fun to draw (and cosplay!).
2. Superheroes/villains aren't just famous real people. There's a political connotation, in which it could be dangerous to support villains and people may not like heroes because they're like fantasy cops with powers. Especially in this context in which the government controls the heroes, there's whole system to raise heroes from children, there's censorship and conspiracies. Bringing to the third point:
3. Fanart is a very visual. (No shit, Sherlock.) Okay, in the sense people outside of the fandom are more likely to encounter fanart. It's also a publicly liked form of fandom, in comparison to fanfiction. I guess edits and cosplay are also liked and respected, but probably less common than fanart. (Insert something about my positionality as a fan of MCYT who writes fanfic, something about MCYT loving fanart and including it in their videos, commissioning artists, whereas fanfic (rightfully and thankfully imo) stays underground) So people who write hero RPF are already seen as "weirdos" and "the corner of the Internet you shouldn't see". It's not taken seriously. But if someone posted hero fanart on Twitter, normies would see this as liking / endorsement of said hero, whereas fanfiction would not get this kind of visibility. (And is shunned upon probably no matter what you write because fanfiction is generalised is "weird thing Wattpad teenage girls do when they want to bang a famous person".)
3.1. Back to the MCYT fandom thing. Heroes/villains can be compared to MCYT since they look different on and off camera (with and without their suits, like Minecraft skins and designs), they use different names for their different identities, and they put on a public persona. Similarly, I can imagine heroes finding fanart of their hero persona flattering and occasionally engaging with it on Twitter. (Whereas fanfiction stays underground.)
3.2. So I loveeee parodying the "cringe" Wattpad fics, not because I want to make fun of them, but because it's enjoyable to write without restraint. (And it's funny.) I think the general style is so unapologetically fun (and nostalgic). I have a lot of things to say about Wattpad (in defence of its users!), but it mostly boils down to young people being excited and earnest. I know a lot of people hate Wattpad, especially its RPF. I find it fascinating. Because someone (often tweens) had to be motivated to write that, someone had to have the passion to do it, and they'll do it badly (knowingly or not), because writing as a hobby is supposed to be fun! It's the essence of it! And it's the "bad" kind of fanfiction that I want to pay respect to. The kind that people look upon with disdain. The kind YouTubers make fun of. Because more often than not it's a thirteen year old being silly/stupid and it's mean to make fun of kids earnestly trying to make something.
Anyways in the universe, fanfiction sites become a place to store government censored conspiracies/theories because they fly under the radar compared to Reddit and Youtube.
4. I always felt I wanted to write the story instead of Tweetgen-ing it. Maybe it felt more "serious". And mimicing social media with text/HTML is easier than graphics. Now I feel like the utter lack of visuals in a social media fic (when social media is extremely visual, almost obnoxiously so) makes me focus on text itself— dialogue, transcripts, usernames, Tumblr tagging, YouTube comments, notices about subreddits being taken down, to-do lists, "confirm to delete" text boxes. In-universe fanfiction (both the Wattpad and Ao3 type) is taken seriously in the sense it helps with storytelling— it shows differing attitudes to events and public figures. It shows what type of perception is popular.
Anyways. I'm not sure this is interesting and I'm probably rambling inside my head. I guess I do love fanfiction as an art form. And I do admire and respect the earnest writers and readers on Wattpad. I still occasionally wake up to like 30 comments on a Wattpad fic from 4 years ago. I'm glad people still read it lmao.
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samsseptember · 1 year
Samtember 2023 Calendar, Rules, and Guidelines!
Hi, Sam Wilson Nation! It's that time of year again when we all get together to celebrate our beloved Sam Wilson's birth month. That's right, it's ✰samtember2023✰ !!! 🎉
As per usual, the event will be running from Friday, September 1st to Saturday, September 30th and there will be prompts set for each day:
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Fluff/Family Week (and Two Days):
September 1 - Free Space
September 2 - First Flight | Riley  
September 3 - Delacroix | Louisana
September 4 - Siblings | Uncle Sam
September 5 - Fishing | Camping
September 6 - Day Off | Vacation
September 7 - Memories | The Future
September 8 - Figaro | Sick Day
September 9 - Carnival | King of Mardi Gras
Captain America Week:
September 10 - Cap Quartet 2.0 | Mission Fic
September 11 -  Workout | Team Training
September 12 - Shield | Legacy
September 13 - Interview | Rumor
September 14 - Magic | Multiverse
September 15 - Undercover | Amnesia 
September 16 - Night Out | Madripoor
AU Week:
September  17 - Wings | Angel
September  18 - Western AU | Cowboy  
September  19 - Celebrity AU | Royalty AU 
September  20 - Bird Telepathy | Redwing
September  21 - Zombie AU | Apocalypse AU 
September  22 - Hurt/Comfort | Disaster Fic
September  23 - Birthday 🎂🧁
Canon Week:
September  24 - In the Air Force | Time in D.C.
September  25 - Part-Time Avenger | On the Run
September  26 - Working for Fury | Wakanda
September  27 -  Post-Blip | TFATWS
September  28 - Post-TFATWS | Meanwhile, On the Boat
September  29 - Uniform | Cap Suit 
September  30 - Sam Wilson 
We have opened a collection on AO3 that can be found here, or by typing samtember2023 in the add to collections option.
You can also tag any works you post with #samtember2023 or tag this blog @samsseptember​ - works will be reblogged every day throughout the month. 
Can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with! 
What works count for this fan event?
Any of the following count:
photosets / moodboards
videos / edits
Whichever way you want to celebrate Sam Wilson, it’s up to you! 
The rest of the FAQ and rules are under the cut.
What is this?
It’s a Sam Wilson fan event.
Is there any pressure?
No pressure at all. Fill one prompt. Fill all the prompts on for the month. Do however many you please.
Can I fill more than one prompt with one piece of art/one fic?
Yes! You can fill one prompt with one piece of art or fic. You can try to fill all 30 prompts at once with one piece of art or fic. If you can fill every single prompt from every single day in one fill, that’d be wild but it’s okay by the rules. You can do any number in between.
Are there any prizes for making anything for this event?
Just the satisfaction that you made something cool.
Should the work I make be Sam Wilson-centric?
Yes. You can make a gen work or a piece with any ship with Sam Wilson in it, but the main focus should be Sam Wilson.
How long will this event run?
It will run from September 1st to September 30th.
I heard there are badges I can use for each fill?
There will be! They will come out daily.
Do I have to post my fic for the prompt on the day of the prompt?
You can if you'd like, but it's okay if you post a piece on a day other than the day of the prompt.
What are the guidelines for the event?
I will be borrowing some of this from the MYSU Valentine’s Day Bingo 2022 Guidelines, since they were fantastic.
For Everyone:
1. Remember to tag @samsseptember in the post as well as #samtember2023.
2. Please also tag the prompt you’re using (for instance, if the square is “Redwing”, use “#redwing” as one of your tags when posting about it on Tumblr).
3. If you’re uploading to AO3, please:
a ) Say somewhere which prompt you’re filling.
b ) Add it to The Samtember Collection (under Samtember2023).
For Artists:
1. Create at least one piece of new art that can’t have been posted anywhere else before this.
2. All visual art forms are welcome:
a ) Gifsets or photosets, at least 3 gifs or photos.
b ) Aesthetic boards or moodboards, at least 4 images each.
c ) Drawing/painting, that is not a sketch.
d) Fan video.
e) Graphics edit.
For Authors:
1. At least 500 words.
2. Posted on Tumblr or AO3.
3. Can be part of a series, but should work as a standalone.
For Podficcers:
1. The podfic should at least be 10 minutes long.
2. It should be posted on either Tumblr or AO3.
3. The podfic can be of a fic made for the event, a fic not made for the event while still adhering to the prompt, or a notfic.
Things to be mindful of when creating:
For Sam
Avoid framing Sam only as a caretaker or emotional support for Bucky. Be mindful of Sam acting angry or aggressive in an out-of-character way and falling into the angry/sassy Black man trope (check out the MCU source material to help with character traits).
Avoid decentering Sam as a main character and refrain from focusing entirely on Bucky.
In art: avoid whitewashing Sam’s skin and research drawing Black characters.
General disclaimer: Race affects every aspect of his life, including interacting with police/government and the white structures of the world when it comes to performing his duties as Cap and simply being a Black man that lives in the U.S.
Specific Tags:
Avoid tags in AO3 like “Sam Wilson is a Gift” and “Sam Wilson is a Saint”.
Have fun and we look forward to your Samtember 2023 works!
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opinated-user · 7 months
(Both screenshots 1/3/24 posted together to not spam the inbox)
Pretty sure people easily spotted the similarities between Courtney's testimonials and plot points that across all of Lily's work.
And people HAVE explained those connections
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Not only, was "I can't do Stockholm, I wrote that one" either AI or Edited thanks to the Brittany Collectives powers, but it was an running gag?
counting this ask, i have received six about this post LO made. i wasn't able to answer because work and not having available my computer, but now that we're back in business it's time to take out the evidence. 1. no, LO didn't had that running gag. just no. that was never a thing.
2. so we used AI to generate that one clip. in 2014. full with voice that perfectly imitates LO, including her cadence and tone, and also the visuals that perfectly correspond to her style of editing at that time. that clip that was out and running before any of us made our blogs. that clip that corresponds to a time period in which multiple people, ex fans of LO, can testify to being there when LO still talked proudly about how much she loved writing stockholm. that clip was AI generated. we're just science fiction villains that have travelled through time, generated that clip and put it out there... just to say this reviewer of MLP wrote a fanfic about MLP. sure, that sounds plausible. let's say that is true for that one piece of evidence. what about this entire video in which she talks about writing Ascentia paired up with Twilight Sparkle in Stockholm, while showing the cover of Stockholm, and how nobody called her a Mary Sue?
did we AI generated this one too? 3. but let's say, to keep this science fiction villain story alive, that we did. we also travelled back in the past and uploaded this onto the internet and brainwashed Sega when she became part of the Brittany hivemind to believe she saw this video first on LO's channel. again, totally plausible! makes total sense if you think about it! alright, so that's what we did. what about the blog posts, some of them still connected to the current account that she's using right now?
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"but that image was manipulated". photoshop exist and we're actually very talented people so that makes sense to think about. but why then when you click on the "lily orchard" of this link it directly takes you to her current blog? did we mess with the tumblr code to make that happen? did we put a spell that makes everyone allucinate that they are reaching her blog when they press on her username and they're actually watching an entirely different person? oh, maybe we installed a brainwashing Brittany original gas in every computer and phone in the world, MK-Ultra style? i have more archives from other blogs, some active, some that are not, all connecting directly to LO one way or another.
the sankaku accounts can't be proven to be hers in quite the same way, unfortunately. but stockholm is and always was her most sincere creation and i say that with all the disgust that it's warranted.
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