#i love picking characters apart
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gremlinanalyst · 6 months ago
An introduction(because i said so and also you probably need one):
Hi!!! I’m your local insomniac/gremlin analyst who, you guessed it, does character analysis(insert lego movie song).
I also love theories too, so you’ll be seeing some of those as well(because my brain is evil and gives me way too much to think about).
I go by gremlin online, but i always challenge people to come up with the most creative nickname as possible for the name(surprise me idc).
Anygays, i am famous for having dry af humor and terrible attempts at sarcasm, so if anything i say comes off as rude or blunt, i apologize in advance.
DNI if:
You are a bigot.
You like the fruit, durian(how tf do you stomach that rancid smell).
You are a bully
You don’t like cats(i don’t trust you…)
You ship adult x minors in mha(just…🚩🚩)
What I’ll be posting:
Character analysis(i do accept requests through the form of asks).
MHA theories i find fascinating.
Reblogging mha fanart/fanfic writers on occasion(because support artists and writers).
irl conversations i have with my friend/beta reader because they’re always filled with some level of chaos(we’re both gremlins so it’s like pouring kerosene on a bonfire).
That’s all for my blog introduction :3
Please feel free to stay for the chaos creations and stay safe(as much as you possibly can), sillies!
- gremlin :3
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angee1011 · 1 year ago
I love pjo fandom because we are watching this show and people are like “wow these kids’ parents sure do suck”
And we are just like “✨yes they do✨ isn’t it great ✨”
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qulizalfos · 9 days ago
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two (2) studies of expressions i liked from dps <3
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incandescentflower · 29 days ago
On ep 5 of Dark Blue Kiss and what is striking me most at this point is how their life circumstances are almost completely opposite.
Pete is financially sound, Kao has to worry about money. Pete gets support from his father both with money and with that open support for his relationship. Kao feels the need to support his mom finanically and doesn't feel free to tell her about his relationship with Pete. Kao feels like he has to constantly work to get where he wants to be, Pete has people constantly offering him opportunities.
I find that really interesting.
Pete's reactions test me, but I do appreciate that people around him are calling him on it - Sandee and most of all Kao, that he does tell Pete that he doesn't give him chances to explain and just reacts and Pete does say he'll try even if he seems to think he won't be able to do it.
These two characters talk. They know each other and their tendencies, none of their challenges are surprises, and there is communication happening, but obviously not about everything.
I just wish that Pete could understand why Kao thinks he has no alternative here. He seems pretty disconnected from that even though he is being told directly.
But Kao also doesn't recognize that Pete's insecurity does seem to stem from not being able to be clear about their relationship to others and that hiding things from Pete is going to be a much larger betrayal than simply having the argument about it in the moment.
It's very interesting to see all this conflict happening and they are openly communicating, but it's about their needs being in direct conflict and how difficult that is to manage in a relationship.
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puppppppppy · 9 months ago
i feel like im not making any sense but does anyone else feel like there are stories that let u run with them and ones that spell everything out for you
#im reading that post that says artists are directors of audience reaction and not its dictator:#'you cannot guarantee that everyone viewing your work will react as you are trying t make them react. a good artist knows that this is what#allows work to breath. by definition you cannot have art where the viewer brings nothing to the table ... this is why you have to let go of#the urge to plainly state in text exactly how you think the work should be interpreted ... its better to be misinterpreted sometimes than#to talk down to your audience. you wont even gain any control that way; people will still develop their opinions no matter what you do#im thinking abt this again cuz i was thinking maybe the thing that lets adventure time work so well the way it does is cuz it doesnt#take itself too seriously that it gives the audience enough room to fuck with subtext and then fuck with them back yknow. i think it was#mentioned somewhere that they werent even planning to run with the postapocalyptic elements that are hinted in the show but changed their#mind after the one off with the frozen businessmen and dominoed into marcy and simons backstory. on the other side there are stories that#explain too much to let the story speak for itself and i think it ends up having to do more with the crew trying to lead ppl in a certain#direction than expand on what they have and i see a lot of this with miraculous. like when interviews and tweets are used as word of god in#arguments and it becomes a little stifling to play around with it knowing the creator can just interject. u can say its the crews effort to#engage with its audience but it feels more like micromanaging. and none of this is to say there ISNT room for stories that spell things out#theyre just suited for different things. if sesame street tried abstract approaches to themes and nuance itd be counterproductive#a lot of things fly over my head so i need help picking things apart to get it- but it doesnt have to be from the story itself. ive picked#picked up or built on my own interpretations listening to other ppl share their thoughts which creates conversation around the same thing#sometimes stories will spell things out for you without being so obvious abt it that it feels like its woven into the text. my fav example#for this might be ATLA using younger characters as its main cast but instead of feeling like its dumbed down for kids to understand why war#is bad its framed from a childs point of view so younger audiences can pick up on it by relating to the characters. maybe an 8 year old#wont get how geopolitics works but at least they get 'hey the world is a little more complicated than everyone vs. fire nation'. same for#steven universe bc its like theyre trying to describe and put feelings into words that kids might not have so they have smth to start with#especially with the metaphors around relationships bc even if it looks unfamiliar as a kid now maybe the hope is for it to be smth you can#look back to. thats why it feels like these shows grew up with me.. instead of saving difficult topics for 'when im ready for it'#as if its preparing me for high school it gave me smth to turn in my hands and revisit again and again as i grow. stories that never#treated u as dumb all along. just someone who could learn and come back to it as many times as u need to. i loved SU for the longest time#but i felt guilty for enjoying it hearing the way ppl bash it. bc i was a kid and thought other ppl understood it better than me and made#feel bad for leaning into the message of paying forward kindness and not questioning why steven didnt punish the diamonds or hold them#accountable. but im rewatching it now and going oh. i still love this show and what it was trying to teach me#yapping#diary
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drieddpetals · 1 year ago
(i feel like analyzing stuff again so here we go) kaz is smart because he knows people. he loves puzzles, loves locks, loves taking things apart to figure out how they work. he says in soc that you figure people out like you figure anything else out, by taking it apart. kaz is smart because he finds enough out about people to make assumptions.
he knows what people will do, and often times it leaves the ones being duped going "how did he do that? how did he know?" kaz never truely knows something will 100% happen, he's just assuming it will and is almost always right.
in the begining of soc, when the crows are breaking matthias out of hellgate, kaz assumes wrong, though. he knows that jesper has a reputation for being late, so he assumes that jesper will take to the task of releasing the animals like he will anything else he does, and be late doing it. he has, in some sense, taken jesper apart. he knows what jesper does, and he plans around this assumption, however ends up being wrong. nothing extremely consequential happens because of his assumption, but it proves that kaz will assume things with confidence.
a huge aspect to why kaz is so successful in his planning and overall schemes is because he knows how to make a good assumption. he has inej gathering him intel, which enables him to make such confident and correct guesses about how people will act.
one instance of kaz's assumptions being correct is the whole geels and 19 burstraat situation in the beginning of soc. when kaz threatens to burn down geels' lover's home, geels could have not cared, could have shot kaz right there, but he didn't. geels doesn't, and kaz continues very boldly facing him. why? because kaz knows how geels will act.
another instance is in ck when kaz kidnaps alys and uses her to get inej back. at this point, kaz knows how van eck will act. van eck has already duped kaz once, and i imagine after this one of the things kaz does to insure it never happens again is over analyzing and taking him apart. it works in this instance, because kaz has already seen how much van eck cares about a "worthy heir," and alys is literally holding that. kaz has taken van eck apart, and had figured him out enough to make a bold and correct act based on assumption.
all this to say, kaz thinks and thinks and thinks and is always thinking and picking everything apart, and that is the key to why he can get away with everything he does. and maybe one day his assumptions that make him so smart will fail him, and maybe one day they'll be fatally wrong.
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gracebethartacc · 1 year ago
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fablexdreams · 1 year ago
I personally feel like it is not talked/written about enough how traumatizing and terrifying it must have been for John to learn about Abigail's pregnancy and see her in labor when his own mother died giving birth to him. I have no doubt his father probably held it over his head as well, considering the little we know about him. I've seen it brought up on occasion, but never fully delved into. I just love trying to dissect John as a character, and I feel this is a super important part of him and his story as a whole. (I am not saying that this in any way excuses the way he treats Abigail and Jack at the start of the second game, it doesn't, but I do think that it explains it.)
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ali3nboyfriend · 7 months ago
it is so hard being the only person in my group of friends who’s listened to the Magnus Archives. i’m literally god’s bravest soldier.
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blasphemousclaw · 1 year ago
for the record when I talk about characters like ranni or rykard and constantly emphasize their misdeeds it isn’t to like accuse them of moral wrongdoing, it’s because I’m interested in how as characters their personal experiences drive them to make drastic choices with far reaching consequences… and I even think there’s something cathartic about stories like that, like the idea that a character experiences suffering or frustration and externalizes their hurt by lashing outwards, causing real consequences for the world around them. it forces others to take their pain seriously in a very tangible way… idk that’s just something I resonate with in fiction
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funsize-cenobites · 7 months ago
Mihawk-Brain-Eating-Syndrome has seized me.
The post that started this whole train of thought came from @manofbeskar who's Mihawk thoughts, Mishanks heartwrenchers, and absolutely gorgeous art are so inspiring I feel chewing-on-the-doorframe feral every time I check their blog.
Mihawk has a complicated relationship with vivre cards. Yet despite all efforts at keeping the world and everyone in it at Yoru length he still manages to keep collecting bits of them.
Not many nowadays, its a rather intimate affair after all; to have someone give you a literal piece of their life so that you may always find them no matter where in the wide seas you may be. Assuring that you'll be the first to know should they leave that world entirely.
Far too intimate. It feels too obvious, too heavy handed, too much like handing him your heart and asking him to carry it. Such a thing is heavier than any blade and all the bloody deeds he can never truly wipe from the steel.
Its gentle and vulnerable and human. All the things Mihawk is convinced he could play at but never truly be again. But... I imagine at the start of his journey, maybe he was a touch more open. Perhaps accepting his first from a mentor as a parting of ways though he didn't yet have one of his own to offer in return.
Strange how a simple piece of card in his palm could feel like an open door. Always there, inviting him home. Always there, until it wasn't.
Mihawk will never forget the first time he felt one burning away into nothing in his hands. It went up so quick.. He had no idea it could take less than a minute to burn a home.
Then perhaps he found a crew, a more tangible place to nest and he suddenly had more vivre cards than he could tuck away on his person in a timely manner. Perhaps it became a ritual of sorts each morning, a part of his routine to tuck each one away. The captain, vice captain, and the rest of the specialists lining the inner band of his hat while the rest of the crew were individually squirreled away. A meditation, grounding and quiet. He would use it to remind himself of his role as the crew's swordsman, as their protector.
How could he forget the sharp sear of each individual card burning away, stuck close to his skin by waterlogged clothing as he dragged himself ashore gasping and choking on sea and blood and smoke. Having been left by marines that assumed he would drown because- perhaps pointed out by one that had deceived him, made Mihawk believe they were his friend to be led back to his family:
"No freak like that could exist without having eaten the devil's fruit."
How could he forget the embers escaping, dancing in the evening gloam like fireflies swarming around him? There were so many.. now there are none and gods he's been so empty since. How could such a small piece of paper take so much of him? To kill a man with a blade, even butchering him inelegantly, would be a greater mercy so long as he was dead.
Nowadays Mihawk knows better. Knows better than to trust or be trusted. That blades might chip and tarnish but they dont burn, never completely.
Yoru hums and sings in his hands as he wields her and she does not feel like home.. but she feels solid and eternal and cold. She will never burn. Her weight is bearable.
Yoru makes death an art in his hands. She is the brush not the paper, spattering fireflies over a night sky.
. . .
For years after, he kept far from others. Deciding to never get so close to anyone ever again. Safe in the knowledge he would never feel the burning sting of loss nor the cold cut of betrayal so acutely. Trust was a double edged blade, perhaps the only one he truly couldn't handle.
He was no protector.. so he wouldn't try to be.
Instead Mihawk would hunt. Chasing the marines mercilessly. Cutting a bloody path through their ranks and burning their fucking fortresses to the ground. At first they spoke of him as an insane lone swordsman, then a one man army, then a monster, a demon. The relentless yellow eyed freak that stalked the seas and nightmares of future vice admirals.
He systematically killed all those that harmed him. A shadow over the shore, a rogue wave swallowing their ships, a curse of vengeance come to reap. He destroyed all the records of his crew that he could get his hands on. If he must be cursed to slowly forget them over time, then the world government didnt deserve their memory either.
And so on it went for a time. Long enough for the hunt to lose its luster. Slaughtering sheep by the herd in search of a rare wolf.
Mihawk had almost forcibly forgotten about Vivre cards as a concept. His own remained untouched, never moving from where he hid it. He had no friends, no family, no nakama. Only a dwindling list of worthy foes to test himself against.
Until the day the king of pirates died. Until their golden age truly began.
Until he met Shanks, who held out a hand and asked him to step out of the monochrome past and into a thousand possible vibrant futures. Ones of lush reds and glittering golds, of polished onyx black and the purest, deepest blue.
"Here," Shanks said suddenly one night, holding out a small scrap of paper. The both of them were perched atop the ruins of a high sea wall on some remote island, enjoying the cold breeze from the north after a hard fought duel.
Mihawk, for all his composure, blanched. "What is that?" He knew and he did not take it.
"What do you think it is? Its a piece of my card." He said it so simply. Like it barely occured to him how precious such a thing was. Shanks didn't drop his arm, even as the silence stretched out between them.
"Come on, Takanome- Dont be like that! We're nak--"
"Rivals." He cut the younger man off abruptly. His chest felt too hot and too tight, burning and burning and, "We are rivals, Akagami."
Shanks must've been pouting, he could hear it in his voice, "Even more reason for you to take it. We could duel every day if you could always find me~ Come on.. Please? I want you to have it."
Hawkeyes glanced at his best friend rival and immediately regretted it. Shank's face was always full of so much hope, so much faith in... something.. It made Mihawk's heart catch in his throat every time to see those big earnest eyes staring at him almost as if, for a moment, it was faith in him.
"I don't know if I can give you mine.." He murmured. Shanks smiled soft, a little sad, and infuriatingly understanding without needing to know anything.
"I dont need it. I know you'll always find me." He pressed his heart, his home the scrap into Mihawk's palm and closed the swordsman's fingers over it. "And if I need to find you.. I'll just ask the wind."
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dlldior · 6 months ago
would y'all fw a critical essay analysing sebastian's character and his relationship with ciel
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trans-luis-serra-navarro · 7 months ago
I absolutely ADORE the fact that Luis’ name is Luis Serra because it is SO easy to make new words or puns out of it. Serrautism Serrhat Serrart Shoerra Serrawyer Serrology I could go on FOREVER
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lostinsaltburn · 1 year ago
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Oliver & Farleigh Analysis
These two are so interesting to me. From the beginning I think Farleigh was intrigued by him. In the office with the Professor, it was like a little dance, who would take the lead. Farleigh obviously knew the way the world of Oxford worked - the way the world of money worked. Oliver it feels in this scene was genuinely displaced when he realized that his work ethic, his intellect didn't matter here. The little dance between them, each taking a step forward, sizing each other up. Farleigh was intrigued by the confidence Oliver had; someone yet to be broken and disappointed that even at a fine establishment of higher learning, intelligence didn't mean much, status and money like everywhere else was what mattered. Farleigh knew better how to wear that mask, how to merge into that crowd even though it feels like he is also wearing a mask, feeling like he's playing a character, like he's an imposter in that world but doesn't know how to be different or even if he wants to be.
As they spend more time together through Felix, Oliver suspects that maybe Farleigh sees the glimmer of similarity between them, the mirror between them that shows their identical intentions. That's why Oliver plays it the way he does with Farleigh, smart enough not to just cast him aside because he understands his opinions hold weight to the Catton's.
To me the sex scene between them is for sure a means to an end for Oliver, to get rid of a annoyance, a spanner in the works. But I also think it was done in an unconscious way to further assert his dominance. Like Farleigh and him are toe to toe the entire film. Always taking jabs at each other, always trying to win the metaphorical game that only they knew was being played. So I feel like the sex, yes the dominance during but also the simple fact that for all the hatred and straight dismissal that Farleigh has cast toward Oliver, still his resolves falls when it comes to sex. All convictions out the window, this disgust he's shown toward Oliver the entire film just doesn't mean anything when the chance to have an orgasm comes into play.
It's like a last fuck you to Farleigh, a real big middle finger, I WON THE GAME, because even if you find out what I did with the email, you still let your guard down, you let me win just to get your dick wet. HOW EMBARRASING. Strong willed, bitchy, better then all Farleigh lost a game to weird little stray Oliver because of SEX.
When Farleigh turns back up I think it's a damn surprise for Oliver and again another reminder that for all he think's he knows about this world he wants to be part of, he still knows so little. It's like an unspoken, you won round #1 but you won't win the game.
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jessamine-rose · 6 months ago
*lovingly tackles Aine*
Read my Yandere! Pierro longfics first ♪( ´▽`)
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Last week, my beloved mutual @ainescribe surprised me with Savior! Darling fan art and AHAI9232@2-!/! CRYING SCREAMING I WANT TO LOOK AT THIS ART AND WORSHIP YOUR VERSION OF SAVIOR THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BLESSING ME WITH YOUR ART—
*clears throat* Anyway, now that I finally have the time to properly sit down and comment on the fan art, I’ll do just that. Feedback will be in the tags and it will be unhinged. Once again, thank you so much to Aine for drawing this <3
#feedback#fan art#pranabefall#AIIINE ;-; once again. thank you so much!! it rlly means a lot to me that you enjoyed my writing and felt inspired to draw this :'>#and as someone who loves fashion and character design. it's so so interesting to analyze your version of savior#there's so much symbolism and visual storytelling in each sketch/ outfit and i shall now proceed to pick apart each detail as best as i can#her snezhnayan fit.....god i love it. it's regal. distinctively snezhnayan. and draws attention to her--and you just know that was pierro's#intention when he dressed her in those garments. IT'S JUST SO...!! savior's wardrobe scrubbed clean of her original culture and preferences#replaced with the foreign garments of her captor's nations.....in line with this. i love how her kokoshnik and khaenri'ahn earrings are big#and attention-grabbing. you can't look at her without taking note of those accessories. it begs the question:: how many times has savior#looked at the mirror after being dressed up in snezhnaya and was unable to recognize her own reflection?? :'>#also shoutout to some details aine shared with me: 1) the face marks are inspired by weeping angels 2) the kokoshnik was traditionally worn#by married noblewomen BUT the veil was normally for unmarried women so savior's outfit can be seen as a form of compliance + rebellion#(though later on in history it became accepted for married women to also wear that veil. also my apologies if what i said is inaccurate)#lastly shoutout to savior's expression!! very poised and mysterious....due to her emotional state or pierro's rules on how to act as his#spouse in public?? we'll never know~ the first drawing hits even harder when you compare it to the next one!! such an interesting contrast~#savior in her plain attire. casual and domestic with a smile on her face....i'm guessing this is her pre-fatui version?? she looks so warm#and friendly. and i can definitely understand why pierro fell for her smile <3#also i fucking love the caption. sorry pierro but you are cursed to be a loser/ simp/ pathetic man in all of my fics and AUs xD#NOW ONTO GODDESS! SAVIOR AAAHHHH!! i love the greek goddess motifs. she looks so regal and awe-inspiring but in a different way from her#snezhnayan attire--archaic. divine. and more suited to her personal style.....yet both versions of her look so painfully isolated :'>#her blank eyes. emotionless face. and veil give me the vibes of a spooky victorian ghost...or would a statue/ portrait be more fitting??#the lack of a necklace is also an interesting design choice given what happens in the fic. and now i realized i forgot to comment on your#version of her snezhnayan necklace oops. similar to the kokoshnik and earrings. the size + grandeur makes it impossible to ignore#that and big jewels = expensive af. ohhh and i love the sparkles on her veil!! pierro rlly spared no expense in dressing up his wifey <3#it's also funny how all of these outfits are similar to my own version in terms of 'savior wore grand clothing during her glory days as a#goddess -> wore simple attire after her decline for practicality and to blend in with humans/ disassociate from her old identity -> is now#dressed in even grander clothing as the harbinger's spouse. but it's used to reinforce her new identity and pierro's control over her'#tldr:: your design is so creative and i can see the effort you put in analyzing her character and depicting her based on your interpretatio#thank you for being my mutual + reader and i hope we can share even more harbinger/darling brainrot in the future :>
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twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat · 6 months ago
People acting surprised when a morally grey character is actually morally grey 😲
THIS ….. i feel like a LOT of people consume media under the assumption that morally gray characters are characters who always perfectly tiptoe the line between black and white, and not…… characters who do horrible horrible things but still treat one single person with all the care in the world. or characters who are on the ’good’ side of the story and do good things while also being fully willing to cross any line they’re told to cross. and etc. morally gray characters are complex and can be anywhere on the morality spectrum except right at the very end of either side. they’re not a perfect shade of gray, they just aren’t completely black or completely white. sigh…….
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