#. and DONE wooooooooooooooooo
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qulizalfos · 9 days ago
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two (2) studies of expressions i liked from dps <3
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pinkys-plan · 1 year ago
Finished Smallville. That was long as hell but it was definitely fun. My housemates will be happy to hear the end of it, I think.
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jacereaall · 1 year ago
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WIP !! this ones called "im never leaving my moms house" hoping to finish it before my schools march exhibition
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tubbytarchia · 9 months ago
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TGE THUMBWNAIL?"!"?!$£?%!^"$?£!?%!?"!?
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OH MY GOSH IVE DONE IT WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I never intended to but this is still awesome. Oh my god I have left my mark. Doc. Doc. Doc..........
Edit: Doc when I get you.
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yuri-is-online · 2 months ago
Hey, it's 📻 anon! I wasn't active because I've been writing my master's thesis. yesterday I successfully defended it before a committee! Now I'm officially jobless 🤣
How have you been? Do you take care of yourself well?
GOOD JOB RADIO ANON YOU'VE DONE IT!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Less yay about the jobless thing but still, a degree is something to be obnoxiously proud of!
I don't know if I did "well" but I'm doing much better! Winter is a trying season and it's been really windy lately, so waiting for the bus is not so fun.
Please take some time to rest and refuel friend, defending a thesis has got to be taxing.
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t4tbedehopmar · 2 years ago
Girlie I'm done with exams!!!!! Yippee ^^ when are you done with yours? :o
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zoominballs-the-second-time · 4 months ago
2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15, 20, 21, 27, 31, 38, 44, 45 (dont have to do all of them if you dont want to!!)
2: Least favorite character you've interacted with?
"Im still a little mad etb2 didnt believe me. Its not like I didnt have proof"
6: Have you ever been in a relationship?
"Yes ive had a husband. ... and some others
7: Do you remember anything from before you came here?
"Yeah I remember plenty of things. I lived in a place similar to here"
9: Do you know how to fight/are you able to defend yourself?
"Yes. It would be hard not too at this point"
10: What kind of hobbies do you have?
"Um I like gym work. I also like writing. Mainly short stories but maybe one day ill expand"
13: What diseases do you have?
"Woah. Thats a really personal question? Um I dont know if I want to tell you."
15: Are you a more emotional or logical person?
"Emotional. Thats why im even here"
20: Would you rather know the date or cause of your death?
"Oh cause for sure. Could you imagine knowing the date. That would screw me up pretty bad"
21: What is your biggest regret?
"Yelling at my child."
27: What type of people do you have no respect for?
"People that force you into ideas they already have. Let someone speak for themselves damnit"
~calm down now.~
" "
31: What is the most important thing in the world to you?
"My child. They always will be"
38: Do you believe the gods are real?
"Oh probably. I wouldn't doubt it for a second"
44: Do you have a good sense of memory? Would you rather remember or forget unpleasant things?
"Yeah I do. I think it's important not to forget even if it's unpleasant. I will always remember what ive done"
45: Do you think you would be able to get away with murder?
"Yeah, I do"
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local-narrator · 6 months ago
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a-writers-blurbs · 1 year ago
I wrote this YEARS ago. It's not edited or beta'd, so sorry if it's not the best.
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It's October 31st in Pettalburg City. Max is hanging out with his newest idol Drew, while May is at home getting ready for Halloween fun.
"Hey ya Drew!" The 10 year old boy called out.
"What's up kiddo?" The 17 year old teen answered.
"I really don't like the idea of may leaving by herself to travel through Unova tomorrow." The blue haired boy said looking down.
"To be honest, I don't like the idea much either. I thought about asking her to travel with me but she won't go for it." Drew answered looking defeated.
"What if she asked you?" A snickering Max asked while pushing up his glasses with his index finger.
"What are you thinking?" An intrigued drew asked.
Meanwhile back at Max & Mays house...
"I still can't believe you stopped by Dawn. It'll be great to spend Halloween together." 16 year old May squealed.
"I know. I figured I'd suprise you." The 16 year old bluenette answered. "So about you traveling alone..."
"Look..." May cut in, "I've made my decision, I want to go to Unova, no one else does, so I'm going alone. Im done changing my plans just do I can travel with everyone else." She finished.
"Well I heard Drew was going to Unova." Dawn suggestively responded.
"Drew?! I didn't know that. It doesn't matter though, he doesn't even like me I doubt he'd want to travel with me." The brunette said sadly.
"Oh well let's just get dressed and go hang out in the woods with our Pokemon." The blue haired girl said.
Later that night Max is off with Drew "trick-or-treating". May and Dawn have parted ways and May is alone in the woods with her skitty.
"It's getting late huh girl, maybe we should head back." May shakily said as she stood up to leave. Dozens of candy wrappers littered the ground, falling from her lap as she stood.
"What was that?!" She screamed jumping back. Skitty jumped in front of her in battle stance. Slowly two ghostly white figures emerged making moaning and groaning noises.
"G-go away!"
"P-please g-go away!!" She screamed. She curled up into a ball shaking on the verge of tears.
"Ahahahaha!" Max and Drew threw off the white sheets they were wearing, revealing the two laughing boys.
"What the hell? That was so mean! And to think, I was going to ask you to travel with me! You're such an asshole!!"
"Awww I'm sorry May." Max and Drew both said.
"Wait...you want me to travel with you?" Drew questioned with a smug grin on his face.
"Well not now! Gah! I'm better off alone! " She screamed as she ran off into the night.
"Shit!" Drew muttered as he took off running after her leaving max behind. The younger of the Maple kids didn't care, he was laughing evily as he pushed his glasses up with his thumb. Everything was going according to plan.
"May wait up!!! Come on May...MAY!!!!" Running full speed Drew was growing worried as he couldn't find the stubborn brunette. After searching for about 10 minutes he finally caught up with her. She was sitting on a log crying. He walked up to her with a sorrowful expression on his face.
As he got closer he noticed something off about her. There was a purple most surrounding her and her back was towards him. Slowly he placed his hand on her shoulder and spun her to face him. When she looked up he fell on the ground in fright. His beloved brunette was not what he saw...instead he saw a terrifying ghostly face in place of hers. It (May) began to laugh menacingly as it inched it's way towards Drew.
Crawling backwards a frightened Drew began to cry and beg. " P-please d-dont h-h-hurt me! W-what did you d-do to MAY???" Forgetting all his fears he lunged at Mays possessed body in hopes of freeing her from the evil entity.
Tackling her to the ground with a loud thud, May looked completely normal, except she was passed out. A Ghastly was circling overhead, putting two and two together Drew figured out it was this Ghastly that took over Mays body. Yelling at it, the ghost type Pokemon just laughed as it flew away into the night.
Looking back down on May, who was now resting peacefully. "May....May!!! Wake up!!! Please be ok!!! I'm so sorry I should've never frightened you. You should've never been here alone and because of ME you got hurt!!! Wake up May, please...I promise I'll keep you safe from now on." Drew was franticly shaking May, but stopped when he noticed a smile creep across her lips.
"Ahahahaha!!! Got ya!!!" May jumped up suddenly and pulled out a pokeball. "Ghastly return!" She looked at Drew and winked.
"You're not the only one who's good at Halloween pranks. Also...I forgive you for scaring me."
"Well, guess I'm gonna have to get you back," he said with a smirk and signature flip of his emerald bangs, "I guess I'm just gonna have to go with you to Unova until I come up with something." He finished with a wink.
"Hehehe guess so." May said. Drew grabbed her hand, linking their fingers together as he warned her sternly..."don't ever scare me like that again May Maple. I thought you were hurt."
He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek and they walked back to the Maple residence, hand in hand. Hiding in the bushes watching was Mays little brother Max, snickering to himself.
"My plan worked! He's going with her! You can thank me later big sister! Ralts teleport." In a flash he was back home just as May and Drew walked in yelling that they had an announcement.
Oh the adventures to come.
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azurereap3r · 2 years ago
[TRIGGER WARNING: Blood and firearms]
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HaHA I bet ya'll were expecting Black Diamond to be a gem, NOPE She's a highly trained and fucking terrifying If ya'll were wondering why it was taking so long for me to draw the chapter artwork, this bitch is why It took me way too fucking long to draw her- but I am super proud of this ngl Also the difference between her and Steven's design f l o o r s me Steven's a pink marshmallow and Black Diamond is just V O I D
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supercimi · 2 years ago
nothing iimportant
i literally made this post just cuz i finally regained access to my account after being locked out of it for a month or even more i lost count at some point TvT I'm really so happy for getting this hell site back on my taps again 😭
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dreamkenn · 4 years ago
my exams are over & i wanna do social interactions again but it’s also been at least over a month since i spoke to anyone outside of valo and small brain has convinced me they’ve all forgotten i exist </3
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theyanderespecialist · 2 years ago
Base Yandere Flippy/Fliqpy: Obsessive Flipping Love (Happy Tree Friends) Sorry I spelled Flipqy wrong the whole time!
[Hello My Sexy Muffins, I am here with a new chapter, this chapter it is my first crack at doing a happy tree friend one! With Flippy and Flipqy. So please do enjoy!]
[Discalimer 1: Flippy in canon does suffer from severe PTSD. This is not a joke and I am NOT saying people with PTSD Act like this. same if Flippy has DID
Disclaimer 2: Flippy/Flipqy are not yandere in canon. This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all. Simping for fictional characters is fine as long as you separate fiction from reality. Yanderes Are not ideal partners to have in real life.
-Base Yandere Headcanons For Flippy/Flipqy From Happy Tree Friends!]
.Flippy is very sociable and kind.
.One of the most outgoing and kindest individuals that is supportive of a lot of people around him.
.You are one of the most important people to him, he is the kindest to you and most supportive of you.
.He adores you and just treasures you.
.In fact, you are one of his biggest supports and you help ground him when he needs it.
.Like a positive trigger almost. (For those who do not know this is what I call someone slash something that helps calms you down, soothes you, or gets you out of a negative space. A Positive trigger is the opposite of a negative one and can be things like seeing a cute animal. having someone who is a big support to you just check in on you. Getting an extra chicken nugget in your nuggets. It can be anything that makes your day and just gives you a glimpse of hope. A positive trigger something not planned but oh so good!]
.Anytime you show up in his day it just makes him feel so much better.
.He struggles with PTSD And possible DID. Having it very hard he does not know what to do with himself.
.He does not want to hurt you that is the very last thing he wants to do.
.He runs away from you anytime he can feel it coming on.
.But most of the time he just flips out without warning.
.He loves you with all his heart and if he would ever hurt you even if he did not remember it, he would hate himself.
.He is the softer gentler type of yandere.
.In which your happiness matters more to him than anything or anyone else.
.Even if this means you will end up with someone else other than him.
.He would just be happy that you are happy.
.A very rare but selfless yandere.
.It will hurt him greatly but that is how much he cares about you.
.Though Flipqy would not agree with this side of him not at all.
.This side is none too happy with sharing you.
.Is also very bloodthirsty.
.Unlikely flippy this one will kill anyone that so as much looks at you.
.If they were actually to be with you.
.They would be tortured for days maybe weeks!
.He wanted and would make them suffer.
.He also would not take no for an answer.
.Dragging you away and keeping you by his side so that you will be forced to accept his.
.He is a very sadistic yandere and he will cut off your limbs if you even tried to think about leaving him. There is no way he is letting you go he will be damned if you do!
.You are his and flippy so you better play nice!
[WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Another chapter done, I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy all of my sexy muffins!]
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ironfist-clown-factory · 7 years ago
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THE NONKINAVERSE AND YOU - CHAPTER 5 - Diamond Star, New Yor-Kyu: The Hub of Nonkina Ace
In the Inoki mountain range of Upstate New Yor-Kyu, there’s a Diamond of a town hidden in the trees...Diamond Star County, New Yor-Kyu...Come up for a visit today!
-1980′s Diamond Star tourism campaign slogan
Every great story has to have a proper setting. Cromartie High School is set at the titular school, Diamond Is Unbreakable has Morioh and so on.
Nonkina Ace has Diamond Star County, located in upstate New Yor-Kyu.
Established in 18XX4 (1820, will explain the funky numbering later), Diamond Star was a mining town founded by European and Japanese settlers who heard rumors of Diamonds strewn across the plains of the then Eastern United States.
They never found diamonds nor gold, but what they did find was friendship and community, and the mining town became a village before becoming a full blown-county somewhere down the line.
Nowadays, Diamond Star is your ‘average’ ‘quiet’ mountain town where absolutely nothing weird or crazy will happen...GET IT??? THE JOKE IS WEIRD STUFF WILL HAPPEN.
Diamond Star is made of up 5 townships and a three borough city which I’ve outlined in the second map.
The red area is Ooburi, a quiet little nook outside of the Mid and Downtown of Diamond Star City. Lots of residential and smaller businesses here. It’s also where Ace and Johnny live, and their school, Ooburi Memorial High, isn’t too far off either!
Then we have Otono in the bright yellow. More or less another Ooburi, but it’s rumored that a famous comic strip artist has his secret mansion out in the Southern most edge of town.
Above Otono in the orange is the beach-side village of Aki Bay. Aki Bay Beach is famous for it’s beautiful view and crystal clear water, and the Hermit’s House on the Eastern-most edge.
Legend says that a man and woman lived in that house during the mining days of Diamond Star’s history. The lovers were runaways from Japan, forbidden lovers caught in the middle of a family war.
Together they lived their happy lives in peace~ But that was until the woman had to sail back to Japan for reasons she kept secret.
The man waited and waited for his wife’s return, rarely leaving the house he had built, growing older and older, sadder and sadder...
The house still stands today as a tourist spot for young couples to explore.
Now we’re getting into Diamond Star City’s Downtown in the dark purple. It’s your basic Downtown situation: Lots of big business and what not going on. It’s also home to Sue K. and the all girls school she attends, St. Reiko’s, as well as the general Downtown High School.
In the green is Little Italy (which is technically apart of Downtown, but whatever. This is where Dave is at, as well his folk’s restaurant.
In the lighter purple is Midtown, and this is whee more of the fun stuff is. You’ve got plenty of shops and entertainment venues, bars and Game Centers. And you can’t talk about Midtown Diamond Star without mentioning the Diamond Star Coliseum, were sporting events of all kinds go down.
Midtown is also home to Toshiki Technical High School where Johnny used to attend before transfering over to Ooburi so he can challenge Ace, as well as an infamous landmark, The Unfinished.
Built right before the Great Depression, The Unfinished was to be the largest man made building for it’s time, double that of the Bank of Manhattan Trust Building.
It was to house multiple businesses and 10 different types of sporting arenas.
However the budget was way too big and ended up hurting the city in the long-run. Once the Depression kicked in, project was scrapped, with only the first two levels built, and the supports for what would have been the third floor exposed forever.
It now stands as a reminder of the city’s once dangerous spending in a time of utter turmoil and despair.
Then we’re in Uptown in the pink. This is where a lot of the hotels and such for tourists are, as well as the famous/infamous depending on who you ask, Edamichi’s Bayside Casino! Rumor has it that the owner, Edamichi Sakamoto, is secretly a Yakuza boss who’s using the Casino as a front to smuggle drugs and other goods across the County.
“BUT THAT’S JUST RUMORS, AND NOTHING’S EVER BEEN PROVEN IN A COURT OF LAW~!!” said the nervously sweating ‘Legitimate’ Businessman.
In the light blue above Uptown is the Toki township, which is more of the same with Ooburi and Otono. Quiet, but with a bustling artscene if you know where to look.
And then finally off to the side of Midtown Diamond Star is Noda, the smaller of the villages that ends at the base of Mt. Inoki, where if one knows the way, they can find Jigu-Jo’s secret dojo~
Any questions about Diamond Star? You know where to ask em~
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peepawleo · 2 years ago
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mrchiipchrome · 2 years ago
(Ps. Linn looking like Bambi on ice as she crossed the finish line was so funny and adorable)
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