Head full of Fanfic
183 posts
a03 writer. amateur author. psychological thriller - fantasy - crime
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lostinsaltburn · 6 months ago
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“C’mon Olls, we should hit the sauna?” 
Oliver seemed stuck for a moment, just staring down at Felix between his legs, big hands still spread and squeezing on his thighs, lips glossy with spit and pink from being chewed on in concentration. 
“Ahhumm nah it’s okay Felix” Felix watched as Oliver seemed all too concerned now with the door, flighty as if ready to run the moment Felix’s hands left his body.
“It’ll be good mate.” Felix smiled up from between Oliver’s legs. 
“Actually, it’s a fact, you know after a massage to hit the sauna. It’s pretty much a rule, it helps with lymph drainage, helps the blood pump out all the toxins we just released from the muscles” Felix threw together a few scientific sounding terms he’d heard from various tik tok videos and his massage course. Sending a quick silent pray to whatever the fuck resided in the sky that Oliver didn’t really know enough about this stuff to question it. 
“Oh” was all Oliver said for a moment, weak little mask still in place. Felix held himself back from the outward disgust at it, “Sure, if that’s what you think is best”. Felix rolled his eyes at that, he should be the one saying that, he should be the one trying to appease, trying to show what a good boy he was for following the rules. 
“Yeah” Felix couldn’t help the indignation seeping into his tone, “It is what I think is best”. 
He stood then and moved to the sink to wash the oils off his hands. Calling over his shoulder to Oliver 
“Don’t worry about the shirt Olls, gotta keep that off in the sauna anyway” 
Sure he was pissed, infuriated actually at the turn of events, but he wasn’t going to miss the opportunity to see that soft little belly covered in dripping lines of sweat. 
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lostinsaltburn · 7 months ago
fanfics are one of the best things that humanity has come up with. i fucking love reading stories about my favorite characters from people who have the same brainrot as me
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lostinsaltburn · 7 months ago
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“James darling, did you see how happy Felix was at the party. It’s hard to believe that only a few months ago he was starting college and then he found his mate” Elspeth spoke, sitting across from her husband in the two lounge chairs in the sitting room, big open windows overlooking the estate, the warmth and glow of the fire, coloring the room in a deep orange glow. James with a glass of whiskey and Elspeth holding her Martini.
James huffed before speaking to his wife, “You stupid women, can’t you see through his little act. I thought you of all people would be able to recognise a stupid whore Omega when you see one. He’s already brought such disgrace to the family name. I shouldn’t have expected much from Felix though, not when you coddled the boy within an inch of his life.” 
“None of this would have happened if you’d let the boy toughen up, if you’d freed the reins a little and let him understand exactly what Omega’s really are. If only I were here then none of this would have happened. What else could I expect from you Elspeth, always so caught up in the drama and theatrics of life to miss everything else going on around you.” 
Elspeth protested with barely a complete word before James cut her off 
“He is poison, how can you not see that? He’s a bloody poison apple Elspeth and he will kill this family from the inside out if I don’t get rid of him.” James shouted, throwing his glass into the fire, shattered pieces breaking back, the fire roaring for a moment before settling back.
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lostinsaltburn · 8 months ago
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Felix lay on the sun chair by the pool, fingers threaded through the soft hair of his love, his mind lost in thought. It swayed between pride and joy about his mating, about his partner, about the future he now had and then ebbed back to thoughts of his father’s reaction. 
The disappointment his father held toward him, almost always but especially in the most recent years. The way he never really bothered to listen completely to the things Felix had to say, instead more focused on whatever else was happening around them. He remembered the look of disgust his father held toward him the summer Eddie had stayed, the way he scolded Felix, how Eddie had been sent home one early morning without even a chance to say goodbye. 
Felix brows creased and he fidgeted with the rising anxiety, wondering if his father would try the same tactic. It spiked as he imagined if possibly it would be worse for Oliver, if because of the bond his father might do something more drastic if he didn’t approve. He swallowed hard as he tried to temper his emotions by reminding himself of how positively his mother had reacted, how happy his sister was about the mating.  ***
Oliver smoothed his hand over his pants as he stood up, hand grazing past the small switchblade in his pocket, reassured that it was still there.
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lostinsaltburn · 9 months ago
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Poison Apple - Ch 18
Felix buzzed with energy, happiness threatening to burst the seams of his body until he was just a glowing ball of light. Sometimes it felt like too much, like he wouldn’t be able to get enough oxygen and might simply die on the spot because the sight of his beautiful Omega took his ability to breathe away. The smile that came along with the idea of how absolutely content he would be with dying like that tugged so painful at his cheeks when it couldn’t spread any wider. 
The intense energy of the bond flowed through him and he couldn’t understand what he wanted more. To slice them both open so they could fuck on top of their melding blood and be taken into the afterlife to spend eternity together while their dead lifeless bodies remain intertwined in the ultimate version of becoming one. Or, stripping completely naked and spending the rest of his life rubbing his naked, slippery, bodily fluid covered body all over Oliver’s. His only sustenance until he died would be Oliver’s sweat, slick and cum and he’d savor every second of it. 
“You’re the only friend I’ve ever had Felix” and didn't that just shatter his heart into a million pieces. The softest tone he’d ever heard in Oliver’s voice, the minute change and slight crack revealing the vulnerability in the words. 
“I don’t know what you are Olls, I don’t know who you are but I know” Felix’s voice cracked much the same Oliver’s had, his throat tightening around the words as the painfully stinging tears filled his eyes, his heart constricting with the intensity of emotions filling his body as he looked once again over at his Omega, his love, his little Ollie. “But I know you make my blood run warm, like every second of every day I’m experiencing the first ray of sunlight warming me on a cold winter morning. You make me feel like I never have. Like I’m finally whole and the pain I always felt was because I was missing a part of myself, a part that only you could fill.” Felix spoke through the tears freely flowing down his face. The sob he heard in return from Oliver had them both in a fit of laughter, lightening the intensity of the room. 
All the gooey sweet fluff I could muster <3
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lostinsaltburn · 9 months ago
This scene was so incredible !!! Honestly Barry's acting is just insane.
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I love his facial expressions during this scene, so many emotions and thoughts going through his little head.
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lostinsaltburn · 9 months ago
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My boy is such a princess 💕
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lostinsaltburn · 9 months ago
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lostinsaltburn · 9 months ago
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Jacob Elordi
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lostinsaltburn · 10 months ago
if you ever wonder whether your ao3 comments make a difference know that i frequently go back and read old comments on my fics to get a dose of happy rainbow sunshine
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lostinsaltburn · 10 months ago
I always knew I'd grow up to be a hero and a small part of me knew it was through writing smut
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lostinsaltburn · 10 months ago
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Rated - Explicit - Omegaverse SMUT finally
Oliver felt the tears continue to flow as Felix took him slowly, gently thrusting inside him, wriggling his arms behind Oliver’s limp body to cradle his back and pulling him off the bed. Oliver’s mind was hazy, no part of his conscious mind able to take control of the plan. It was left to fate to some degree, something he usually would have fought against but something he didn’t feel the need to do right now.  The Omega took over, relishing in the feeling of the Alpha’s protective kindness. Oliver’s limp body held with all the care in the world as Felix savored every single moment of slowly fucking into Oliver. Eyes darting between watching the glazed over eyes of his Omega and focusing on the way his cock disappeared inside the warmest, wettest hole he had ever been inside.  “Felix” Oliver slurred  Felix wanted to cry at it, never in his life had he felt his name said with so much emotion. Never did he think he would be in this position with the newly realized love of his life held in his arms. Cock buried deep inside him. His heart swelling at all the possibilities, his knot swelling with it.  The future they could have together, all the ways he could make Oliver’s life better, simpler, easier, happier. His gaze caught on the jagged scar as Oliver’s limp head slumped to the side, a constant low moaning coming from him. The tears welled up then, no use trying to fight against them. The scar had always caused him pain, ever since he found out about it, his heart constricted, threatening to burst with all the emotions it brought in force to the surface. 
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lostinsaltburn · 10 months ago
why is ao3 is blocked on the hospital wifi????
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lostinsaltburn · 10 months ago
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Poison Apple - Chapt 16 - A03
Rated - Explicit
Every person he asked sent him somewhere different. He’d been out in the gardens about 4 times, wandered through the halls and peeked in every room. He went out for a run, the energy inside him steadily building and not seeming to peak at any point. The run helped to get out some of the energy buzzing inside him, threatening to make him explode. It also made the sadness hit harder as he turned each corner and Oliver was nowhere to be seen, not even a trace of his scent to indicate he’d been out there. 
Felix wandered through the maze, taking turn after turn even when he knew he would come to a dead end. He searched every route just in case Ollie had gotten lost at some point and curled up somewhere while the symptoms of pre-heat took over. Felix pointedly ignored the way his cock would fatten up in interest each time he thought about finding Oliver, scooping him up in his arms bridal style and rescuing him. He was too sad to get himself off. 
The few times his erection became too much he’d huddle into a bathroom or a hidden corner outside, pull out Oliver’s shirt from that morning and try. He’d spit a thick glob of saliva into his hand and rush it. The initial touch always felt good, gave him some comfort, a pleasurable zing up his spine. All too soon though he was left with his hard cock in hand, panting from the exertion but also from the horrific images his mind put up for him.
His little Oliver left somewhere scared, frightened while Felix selfishly fucked into his hand in some shameful corner of the garden. Oliver cornered or enticed by some random Alpha that happened to be in the estate. The worst was the possible look of disappointment on Oliver's heat flushed face when he’d think Felix hadn’t wanted him, hadn’t found him and ravaged him wherever he was because he’d just come in his hand 5 minutes earlier. 
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lostinsaltburn · 10 months ago
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lostinsaltburn · 10 months ago
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Poison Apple - A03 - Chapt 16
Oliver sat on the window sill, cigarette in hand, with the attempt to settle the churning nausea in his stomach. The next phase of the plan was about to start and no matter how much meticulous detail he’d put in, human error was always a possibility. He didn’t worry so much that it would be his issue but he did worry that one of the other many moving parts might create issues for him.  Each puff he took, his mind flashed to another person and their part in the plan. Each time he thought of someone new he reminded himself of all the safe guards he put in place to make sure they wouldn’t be able to completely ruin the plan. Every person could only do a slight amount of damage which to some degree helped Oliver’s nerves settle.  With everything he’d worked toward, with all the plans that had already come, for some reason he felt the most nervous about this part. It was the most crucial of course but it was also the last phase before he would finally achieve his ultimate goal. The thought itself made him nauseous, maybe it was excitement but it felt sickening. The idea that very soon he would be in the throws of heat in this very room, Felix with him suffering through what would undoubtedly be a horrific rut. The bite might happen early, or maybe later in the process.  Questions popped up in his mind one after another. How would it feel to be so deeply connected, bonded through biology, DNA intrinsically linked and continuing to form deeper connections as each day passed. 
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lostinsaltburn · 10 months ago
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Latest issue of Roleplay is looking good👀
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