#i love modern!80s!james
bubbledtee · 10 months
Modern!80s!james would 100% say “honeyy, i’m homeee” when he comes home to you
you’re so real for this. he then says “where are the kids?!” (he is referring to your cats)
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heavnlyhetfield · 2 years
if i were modern 80s!james’s gf, i would try so hard to convince him to let me pierce his septum. I FEEL LIKE HED LOOK SO GOOD WITH A SEPTUM PIERCING IDK
him already having his ears pierced multiple times (modern 80s!james would have gauges, bc i said so) and he’s afraid of how much it’s gonna hurt
“aren’t they, like, the most painful ones to get on your face? what if i sneeze it out?”
“jamie. you’re not gonna sneeze it out. hold still, you big baby.”
and after he gets it he realizes oh shit i look metal as fuck. once it heals he’s constantly sticking weird shit in the piercing hole and sneaking up on you or posting it on snapchat with the 0.5x camera. also, kirk lets you pierce his tongue… for obvious reasons
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As promised, some initial thoughts on the things I loved about seeing this show. Spoiler free, since most of us haven't gotten to see it yet, and under the cut since I do wax a bit poetic...
Cinderella’s Castle is, in a strange way, an exercise in irony. The show is a retelling of an ancient story that is beloved and recited throughout so many cultures, and yet somehow feels completely fresh. The modern take on glam-punk lighting, a score infused with styles from 80s synth to anime, a high fantasy set with the costumes to match, the spirit of Jim Henson lingering through both the puppets and some larger and intangible vibe, a script combining that Starkid humor and Hatchetfield darkness with a whole different style of speaking… all of these beautifully executed elements melted together into something that I’ve never before seen. To take a tale as old as time and make it unique is no easy feat, but Starkid did so with magic and charm to spare.
Like any good Starkid show, Cinderella’s Castle is relentlessly dynamic: fun and tragic and exciting and just-plain-silly, with many twists and turns and character moments will make you gasp or cheer just as often as you laugh. It simply rollicks. The story clicks right along, especially in act 2, but the characters are so distinct and fun that I found myself almost wishing the Langs had sacrificed their plotting and pace just to spend more time hanging with every single member of this ensemble of personalities.
And that’s also a tribute to the actors themselves. Jeff is David Bowie reborn as the impish and fabulous narrator. Jon and Joey bring Hop A Lot and Crumb to life with so much charm and presence that they practically had the audience eating out of their hands from the very first second. Like, seriously, you will not believe how invested you will immediately become in these talking animals. Kim’s Fairy Queen is as radiant and terrible as promised; her portrayal of immortal inhuman power compels and commands and stands fully distinct from the Lords in Black. Lauren and Mariah are delightfully disgusting as the vile but deeply lovable troll step-sisters; you can feel the fun they’re having practically radiating off of them. Curt’s Tadius is dryly funny and put-upon, but also provides a vitally grounding and centering presence in the larger-than-life world of the Lands That Are. His big scene with Bryce is probably my favorite part of the whole show. James Tolbert is nothing short of an absolute STAR as the Prince, stealing scene after scene after scene with ease and charm and more jokes about genitalia than I think any of us expected. Angela once again displays a completely different facet of her never-ending range, exuding such elegance and control even in trollish filth that I do fear that the kids on the internet are going to start calling her “mother” with greatly increasing frequency. "Facade" was an absolute highlight of the night. And of course Bryce anchors, propels, and heightens every scene she’s in with such apparent ease you forget she’s been rehearsing for weeks and isn’t simply Ella herself. Ella is this world’s bruised, brave, and angry heart, and you will absolutely root for her every step of the way as she wrestles with who she is and learns what it means to claim her own power.
This was Starkid’s biggest budgeted show to date, and you could tell. This group of Michigan Wolverines and friends have accomplished incredible things since the Very Potter days of a single door and some cardboard columns, and I’m so proud of how far they’ve come. And yet Cinderella’s Castle, the fifteenth musical in the fifteenth year, still retains some of that core Starkid magic that I’ve always believed boils down to love. You can so often see that love emanating from the performers on a Starkid stage: love for the show, for their friends, for their craft, for the audience’s energy pushing them through. And the sense of love and support and community radiating from the audience is just as palpable. The man sitting behind me last night was at his first ever Starkid show, and afterwards he remarked in awe how that was the best audience he’d ever been in. And all that love isn’t unearned—it is built and it is nourished by a proud history of creativity, of song and of dance and of laughter and tears. And Cinderella’s Castle, I think, is going to prove an installment worthy of both Starkid’s past and future.
Starkid family, Bogs Hollow grants thee Starlight.
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wilwheaton · 3 months
One very simple question :)
Marvel. Or DC?
I have liked them both and disliked them both, at different points in my life, for a variety of reasons. At the moment, I'm not paying attention to them at all.
When I was a kid, I was all about Xmen and Fantastic Four from Marvel and, Batman and Justice League (Marv Wolfman's run in the late 80s) from DC. Never really cared for Superman. The 1967 Spider-Man was awesome as a cartoon, but I rarely read the comic book.
In the 70s, I was only allowed one comic per week, usually picked out from whatever was left on that spinning rack at the drugstore. So more often than not, I ended up with something like House of Secrets or House of Mystery or one of those horror anthologies that didn't need me to read the issues before or after, like the serialized superhero comics did. I got a lot of replay value from those books.
In the 80s, I had my own money and the ability to drive myself to comic conventions, and that's when I fell in love with Sandman, Watchmen, pretty much the entire Prestige Format that became Vertigo. I recall feeling like Marvel was for kids, then, and DC was serious. I was only 16, so take that for what it's worth.
But speaking of being 16, I'm gonna focus on Batman for a sec. I loved Batman 89, and I think all the efforts to make a Batman movie ever since have fallen short in ways I couldn't predict back then. It's gotten better with age and by comparison, for me. Michael Keaton is my favorite Batman, the way Christian Bale is my favorite modern Bruce Wayne (they both pale next to Pure. West. if anyone asks me).
The OG Batman series is maybe my favorite series of all time not called Star Trek or The Prisoner, and the 1966 movie is my favorite of all the Batman movies. Of course I love the animated series, and I get to be Blue Beetle in Brave and the Bold, so that's pretty awesome and its whole own thing.
Turning to the current moment, with rare exception, all the MCU and DCU movies do nothing for me. I thought I must have been missing something, so tried really hard to give them a chance to knock me out. I watched as many of the MCU movies as I could stand, and I just felt exhausted and bored by all of it, by the time I got to ... I can't even remember. Something with maybe Thanos and Ant-Man? I felt like it was a big, complicated mess of fan service and meetings that could have been e-mails, resulting in in a stew full of interesting ingredients that have all blended together into a flavorless paste. I do enjoy all the James Gunn movies, though, even if Chris Pratt is the worst Chris, because James always centers the characters and their conflicts, then uses the action and stunts to support the story.
I feel like a lot of this sounds harsh, but even Star Wars, my favorite movie when I was a kid, has grown into something I don't recognize or care about. I'm old. I know what I like and what I don't like. I'm not patient like I once was, and it's clear I'm not the person those studios want in the theatre, anyway. I could make that joke about how it's the children who are wrong, but I accept that I am not in the demo, and I am genuinely happy for everyone who loves the spectacle and the experience of seeing those films with an enthusiastic audience. I just won't be there with you, but you can find me in the parking lot, yelling at a cloud.
...wow that's a very big answer to a very simple question.
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majorlysapphic · 1 month
It's brain splurge time once again...! What am I presenting today you may ask?
A glassheart, modern-day celebrity/performer AU!
TW: self-destructive habits.
(This AU is a continuation of my previous big brain splurge post, so I'll be making small references to it at the start, but I'll try my best to write this post in a way so it can be read as a standalone :)) )
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Okay, here we go!
So I imagine that Red would have LOVED performing from the earliest moments of her life. Music, dance, acting, modelling; it flows through her veins and has always been her calling. And who can even be shocked by that fact? She's the only child of two of Auradon's most iconic stars in the 80s: her mother being 'The Queen of Hearts', a pop princess with a golden public imagine, and her father being the heart-throb bassist of a punk band ('Uliana's Crew'), James Hook.
It's only natural that the daughter of these two would follow in their footsteps, especially knowing her mother runs one of the most successful music labels in Auradon: 'Wonderland Records'. However, every time Red mentions she wants to start performing, she's told no (and on occasion actively discouraged from following her parents career path). Because 'she needs to prioritise growing up away from flashing cameras' and because 'the life of a performer can be demanding, it's best she focuses on school'. Frustrated, Red does end up getting a normal childhood (barring the pretty strict rules she's living under as even though she hasn't made a name for herself, yet, paparazzi still like to have a field day following her life because of who her parents are), and she's (im)patiently waiting for the day she turns 18 to finally start her career as a performer.
But we all know what Red is like, and when she thinks of an opportunity to get what she wants, she's going to take it. So, she starts anonymously posting her music on social media at the age of 14 under the username 'rebel riot', and she goes viral. People love what she's got, and Red is soaring, because this is proof enough that she can make it. So for the next 4 years, she carries on growing her platform, posting videos (whilst hiding her face with an iconic heart mask and talking with a slightly morphed accent/pitch) and interacting with her growing fanbase. Throughout this entire time, she has always had to reject invitations to perform, but on her 18th birthday she can finally take control. So when she's emailed an invite for 'Rebel Riot' to perform at a charity event, she takes it.
And that's how her official, big debut goes. She's the last to perform from all the artists at the charity concert (which include her own parents, who on occasion take a step out of retirement to perform for charitable causes), and after giving her performance her all, she takes a deep breath: flipping down the hood of her outfit and letting her hair fall down, talking in her normal voice (trying not to note down the shocked looks of Bridget and Hook as they realise who she is) as she properly introduces herself as Red Hearts, whilst theatrically throwing off her mask.
The crowd goes wild. And Red is signed up to a music label that same night, choosing to carry on performing under her stage name.
Now... Onto Chloe's path to stardom!
Chloe grew up not wanting to be in the spot light (to the relief of her mother, a popular 80s riot grrrl, 'Cinderella'). Instead, she dabbled in multiple interests, and whilst she did have fun in her music lessons, she ended up figuring out how much she loved academics. So, she grew up happy and safely tucked away in a countryside estate (meaning she is quite sheltered, but that's something Ella and Charming were willing to deal with so long as she got a normal childhood). Chloe eventually figured out she wanted to become a historian, and started her journey towards that goal - but things didn't quite go to plan. Because the world of academics can be tiring and toxic at times, so once graduating with her diploma at 21, she takes a year out before thinking of applying to masters programs. To deal with her burnout she starts making music.
And she loves it. There's a spark there that wasn't present in childhood, and soon enough Chloe's writing songs and strumming on her guitar. But it's only a small passion so far, so she enters her masters program still set on becoming an academic, but to keep her spirits high she starts posting song covers and some original works on social media.
The next thing she knows she's got a loyal following and finding that maybe, music is something she wants to take more seriously. So she starts playing at a few small indie festivals, and she loves it. So in spite of her parents worried protests, Chloe drops out of her masters program and signs up to a music label, and she finds a gradually growing success over the next few years.
Now, a key plot point: Chloe and Red are signed up to the same music label ('Atlantis City Music Group' - ACMG for short).
There's excitement surrounding the artists ACMG keep signing on, and whilst there's success with touring each of the artists separately, the label decides they want to do something big to appreciate all their stars. So, they announce a world tour with all their singers/bands participating: going from place to place over 3 months of summer in order to host music festivals.
This is how Chloe and Red will meet... And the meeting doesn't go well.
They've been assigned to share a stage for most of the up and coming festivals, and as ACMG is funding it all, they're in the same accomodation/transport/rehearsal spaces/dining areas/etc.
They're still in the starting leg of the tour, and so as stages and stands are being set up in the opening festival of the tour, Chloe and Red are at their shared stage. Chloe's heading on stage for her rehearsal time, and Red is going off. And it's an understatement to say Red is in a bad mood that day; she's dealing with a few overeager fans/borderline stalkers (which she refuses to tell anyone about because she doesn't want people fussing over her, especially her mother) and her trusted friend and backup musician (Maddox) has his flight delayed, meaning she'll start her first performance of the tour solo.
So when Chloe tries to greet her, she's brushed off passive-aggressively. And, ouch. That stings, because Chloe is a fan of Red's work - and has been following Rebel Riot since her early stages of being an anonymous singer online. But whilst it stings, they're both 23 years old and shouldn't be immature enough to hold petty grudges. Chloe can handle this (she's going to be thinking about that one interaction at 2am for at least a month), and decides to just keep pushing forward. First impressions can be deceiving after all.
But as time passes, travelling occurs, and performances go on. And Chloe gets a second impression of Red. And a third. And a fourth. And a fifth.
She doesn't need to wait to give a sixth chance to know she absolutely despises Red. Because Red is loud, impulsive, ignorant of others time, sarcastic, quick to frustrate, and a flirt.
And Chloe knows for a fact that Red doesn't like her one bit either.
In Red's point of view, Chloe is up tight, has an annoying need to placate others, sugar coats things way too much, and is a plain bore.
Because here Red is, forcing herself to stick to the trademark personality of Rebel Riot for the entire summer, whilst Chloe is getting huffy about when Red decides to extend her performance/rehearsal times by just a little bit so she can be perfect for her fans. She's here to sell a performance (something that will leave viewers reeling. Red's been one of the best in the game for years and she'd soon rather drive into a ditch than have the quality of her work decline) and live life to the wildest, and Red will be damned if she'll let some random girls judgement get in her way.
So, they carry on travelling and performing at festivals. They give off snippy remarks to each other, and try to one up each other in performance quality. Red will roll her eyes when Chloe comments about being tired at the end of the day (they all are, it's what they signed up for.), and Chloe will scoff whenever she hears about another person Red's left lovesick and 'heart broken'.
People stay clear of the bickering between the two. Because they have better things to do with their life. And also because there's a growing tension that everyone can feel building up (though Red and Chloe remain ignorant to it) and they don't want to be caught in the cross-fire.
...Then eventually, the worst happens: Red and Chloe are alone together.
It's a small, private jet with just the two of them as they travel to the European leg of the summer tour. There's stony silence. There's poorly hidden glances. There's teasing once said glances are called out. Then there's arguing.
They're in each others face, and it's like electricity is running through their veins with each spiteful word tumbling out. Red can feel Chloe's breath tickle her cheek with how close they are. Chloe's eyes are darting down to Red's lips (a habit she picked up weeks ago). And next thing you know both are silently praying that the flight deck is sound-proofed as they meet in the middle for a bruising kiss.
Once the flight lands, they're both just about presentable for cameras, murmuring excuses to go their separate ways as soon as possible.
They were a one time thing, a moment of weakness. They'll be able to go the next 2 months being perfectly professional. They don't care about what the other does. They don't think about each other at all.
All of the above doesn't hold true. Not in the slightest.
Soon enough, Chloe and Red find out the best way to maintain peace in their workplace and stop being a headache is to just carry on leaving each other breathless - It's a burning summer fling. Something superficial. Where Chloe has to painstakingly shrug on a denim jacket in the July heat to cover the scratch marks Red left behind on her back. Where Red has to aggressively rub away Chloe's tinted gloss off of her stomach before running onto stage. Where they both pull each other into hidden corners/rooms after getting jealous way too easily.
It's casual fun with a time limit.
But it feels a lot less casual the more things go on. Because when it's just the two of them, Red finally drops her trademark Rebel Riot personality and lets Chloe in to know her properly. And they start getting on (really really well). Red learns of Chloe's love for history and will listen to her rants for hours and hours. Chloe learns of Red's adoration for art, praising her sketchbooks contents.
And of course, when they learn the big things about each other, they're bound to start learning about the little things. Red's mind is a wealth of information about Chloe's little quirks and likes (and vice versa). Without knowing it, they're with each other more often than not on this tour (I'm thinking: late night drives on countryside roads singing along to the radio with the windows rolled down, stealing each others wardrobes, baking together, sneaking around in festivals when they're not on stage, having a constant back and forth dynamic on social media posts).
But the turning point for both of them, the moment when they realised that they were in danger, is when they start writing songs about each other. And, fucking hell. They write a lot of songs. There's piles of papers with lyrics about the other girl, which they keep private. Because in no way would they would ever want to share this.
So they carry on ignoring what is obviously going on. But cracks start showing in their friendship.
The jealousy gets worse (especially on Red's side, knowing Chloe tends to be oblivious of how charming she actually is). The need to be around each other is ever growing, deeming their clandestine meetings as insufficient to satiate their urge to be in each others presence (meaning they start hanging out publicly).
And then, there's a final thing that starts causing problems: Red's destructive habits. Because after all this time as Rebel Riot, Red is doing her damn best to keep up with the massive reputation she's created whilst she carries on improving her performance/impressing anyone. And this quest of hers is destroying her as she's taking it at a pace that is way too fast/idealistic to be healthy, but she can't help herself. She needs to be the best. She needs to prove to everyone that she's not weak. She needs to put on a front to show her parents that they were wrong for worrying about her starting her stardom young.
And at first it's 'small' things that Red is having issues with - she starts with skipping meals and sleep in order to practice/improve. But then that spirals and spirals.
Chloe doesn't realise Red's destructive habits until she's driving to a rehearsal studio, only to find out that Red had passed out when practicing a new dance formation earlier in the day. So obviously Chloe does the only logical thing: driving like a madwoman back to their hotel after she learns Red's been sent back to rest for the day. Chloe enters Red hotel room with her spare key (which somehow Red had acquired and decided to give to her) to find a startled Red.
Chloe goes on a miniature rant about how she'd like to know if something happened and how Red should really take care of herself. Because if she needs to start bringing Red breakfast everyday she goddamn will, and-
Chloe pauses at the sight of Red: sat on the hotel bed, straight out of a shower with a bathrobe on, a perplexed expression as if she wasn't expecting Chloe to be concerned for her well-being. But the thing that's stolen Chloe's attention? The mottled bruises all over Red's entire body. Bruises that Red had been hiding with mountains of expensive concealer.
After evading Red's typical responses to change the topic, it's revealed how badly Red's been pushing herself to perfect her performances. That her collapsing today was something mild in Red's mind.
With enough gentle questioning, Chloe gets enough of an idea of Red's state of mind and is the one to suggest that Red should pull out of the rest of the tour to take some time to heal/get help.
Red reacts very badly to this. Like very badly.
'Because she's perfectly fine and doesn't need fixing. Chloe just worries too much - and why should she care so much anyway? They're not that type of close to each other, its unnecessary and suffocating. Red's fine with committing to the the demands of being Rebel Riot as that's what makes her interesting enough for people to remain fans.'
Chloe is obviously furious Red is trying to push her away. And she's even more annoyed that Red can't see that she doesn't need to stick to the Rebel Riot persona, because Red Hearts is just as, if not more, likeable. There's no logical reason to why Red can't give up something that's causing her harm (and Chloe feels like she's being punched in the gut seeing the other girl like this).
They argue. And it's not like their previous conflicts. It's vicious and they're both saying things that they don't actually mean in the heat of the moment. And the next thing they know, what they have is over.
An hour after she entered, Chloe storms out of Red's hotel room. Both of the girls experiencing heartache. It's messy, and they're both back to how they were when they first met each other.
In fact, they're worse than they were before. Because, you guessed it! When there's anguish, more songs are being written. And this time, there's no lyrics about falling in love, instead there's quotes of what each other has said to the other, there's double meanings in the lyrics, there's rage.
And neither seem to quit it, because soon enough they decide to start playing some of these unreleased songs at the end of their set. And then there's glares being shot at each other from across the stage. There's arguing. And oh god, history repeats itself, because they're once again back together (in secret, of course). They can't seem to stay away from each other.
This time though, they are swearing to themselves that they're going to stay out of each others business. They'll only think about each other when they're with each other.
(They're the worst liars ever, because those self-imposed rules don't last more than 24 hours).
But still, Chloe and Red are in an odd place. More than friends, and less than partners. Red will have a reminder on her phone to remind Chloe to take her iron pills and she'll buy all of Chloe's expensive hair care to keep round hers. And Chloe will make sure to drag Red out to lunch everyday and will always be around to hold her at night (as Red seems to fall asleep a lot easier and earlier when she's in Chloe's arms).
But they don't talk about the elephant in the room. But it's getting harder for Chloe to ignore as she sees the tell-tale signs of Red withering away as the festival tour goes on.
And out of all the people Red keeps contact with, it's Maddox who has to point out the two of them are practically dating and to sort it out before everyone on set has to deal with another awkward week of them blowing up.
So... They talk. They have to.
And they don't get together.
Because Chloe highlights the fact that she won't be a bystander AND a girlfriend if Red keeps destroying herself. And Red doesn't want to say goodbye to her Rebel Riot persona. She doesn't want to admit it's time to let go and/or make a change.
They make it to the final week of the summer festival tour with ACMG, and they're pretty much acting like kicked puppies around each other. The cherry on top? Both their mothers are here to support them for their final show of the summer, and they can tell something has happened.
And have you ever told your mother about your summer fling/sort-of-nearly girlfriend/one that may have gotten away/the bane of your existence and the reason you get up in the morning? No? Well neither have Red and Chloe before, and they both feel like digging a small grave when they both end up doing so.
Both get information on why their mothers were so against them becoming celebrities when they first started off. And for Red, this incudes Bridget tearfully telling her daughter that she is so much more than what she can give to people. That she should live for herself and for the people she loves that love her back. And whilst she can't dictate what Red does, she really hopes that she won't make the same mistake she did decades ago.
A lot is going on in Red's mind when she goes up to be the closing act for the final show.
She goes through with her set, hears the cheers of her fans. And once playing her final song, she starts making her way off stage only to meet Chloe's eyes. Chloe who had been watching from the VIP section by the stage, in hopes to find some kind of closure or at least say goodbye. And Red knows what she needs to do.
She goes back, calling attention for one last song. The song she covers? One of Chloe's unreleased songs she had shared a few festivals ago. A song that was about the good in life and the joy she's found with Red.
Red's heard it only a handful of times, but she committed it to memory. And after performing the song, she's looking at only Chloe when she makes a large announcement.
She'll be abandoning her act as Rebel Riot for good. That she'll be taking a hiatus to have some time for herself and others that she loves before releasing new music under her own name, not a stage name.
There's mixed reactions in the crowd. But for the first time, Red doesn't care if she's disappointed her fans. Because Chloe is quickly making her way onto the stage, and she practically runs to Red. And before Red can whisper any apologies for the past, Chloe is bringing her into a kiss for all the world to see.
In that moment, they're only caring about each other. In that moment, they know they'll be okay and they're going to be able to work through this together.
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pray4saint · 1 year
modern!james taking the bdsm test
masterlist & descrip. pg-13. 16+ lots of kinks mentioned. james potter's reaction to his partner asking him to take the bdsm test. implied sex at the end.
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james is the type of boyfriend to perk up at anything you ask of him with a smile
”jamie would you take this kink test for me?” you'd ask, eyes on the screen, ”yes of course, anything for you angel.” his eyes big and doe-looking
he didn't even realise what the test was when you asked, he just wanted to please you, being the golden retriever we know and love
”baby what is this?” ”weren't you listening jamie?” he didn't wanna disappoint but he really didn't know what was happening, so he shook his head ”a kink test love, no biggie.” you kissed his cheek and left him with your computer
you heard him gasp a few times during the test and it made you giggle, james didn't seem to hear you, too immersed in the questions and vulgarity of what he was doing
you'd ask him if everything was going alright and he'd tell you it was but he wouldn't look at you while he said it, he was focused
despite all his focus, it took him twice as long to finish it as it took you the first time around
”i finished it. here love.” he'd get out of the chair for you, ”oh merlin..” you'd say and he'd smile despite not exactly knowing what was going on
at the very top, 100%, you read off switch, followed by degrader, masochist, and brat tamer
he had high percentages for a lot, the 90s had pet, rope bunny, submissive and primal (hunter), the high 80s had dominant and moving down had experimentalist and in the low 70s, non-monogamist, you'd have to ask about that later
and like a switch in his brain, he had something for you to do
”love, now you take the test.” ”i already have.” ”i know, but take it f'me love.” and of course, you comply
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pray4saint© do not copy, translate or repost my work without my express permission.
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enbysiriusblack · 2 months
modern marauders music tastes
sirius: i think he'd still be into 70s rock/punk but would listen to some modern alt (queen, t.rex, bon jovi, buzzcocks, bowie, led zeppelin, metallica, dead kennedys, big joanie, the struts, royal sugar)
remus: his music taste is a combo of his parent's cds, so that'd be 80s/90s music, plus music his friends like (tito puente, sade, björk, buena vista social club, pupo, umberto tozzi, bowie, queen, kendrick lamar, childish gambino)
james: mostly listens to modern pop/rap music and finds music to listen to through spotify recs (bruno mars, kendrick lamar, karan aujla, sabrina carpenter, clairo, childish gambino, macklemore, lil nas x, chappell roan, conan gray)
peter: listens to a lot of local indie bands but does also like some popular music (two door cinema club, noahfinnce, declan mckenna, kasabian, green day, alex g, billie eillish, finneas, cavetown, sir chloe)
lily: mostly listens to pop but also loves r&b, generally listens to music from 90s onwards (SZA, raleigh ritchie, chappell roan, beyoncé, britney spears, aaliyah, victoria monét, spice girls, steve lacy, destiny's child)
mary: her music taste is almost exclusively modern pop/kpop (LISA, rihanna, aespa, le sserafim, sabrina carpenter, STAYC, weekly, (G)I-DLE, newjeans, charli xcx)
marlene: she mostly listens to lesbian/queer rock and grunge from various times (the runaways, big joanie, destroy boys, lesbian bed death, hole, tracy chapman, against me, alanis morissette, miley cyrus (now), fiona apple)
emmeline: despite getting mary into kpop her fav genre is indie pop/rock (boygenius, RIO, the last dinner party, maya hawke, IU, billie eillish, chappell roan, girl in red, ethel cain)
dorcas: mostly listens to pop punk and 90's grunge (green day, SATE, the offspring, jimmy eat world, sinéad o'connor, WILLOW, weezer, tracy chapman, the cranberries, pixies)
regulus: like his canon era self, he is still completely ignorant to modern music and only really listens to classical compositions with the exception of one modern artist (hozier)
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scotianostra · 1 month
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Happy Birthday Percy James Patrick, AKA Scottish actor, Sylvester McCoy who was born 20th August 1943, in Dunoon.
His father was killed in the Second World War a couple of months before he was born, and he was brought up by his mother, his grandmother and aunts.
He attended St. Mun’s, primary School in the town and as Percy Smith he trained as a priest, joining Blair’s College, a seminary in Aberdeen, for boys between the ages of twelve and sixteen he then gave it up and applied to become a Monk! This was rejected, as he was too young, so Percy returned to Dunoon and finished his education at Dunoon Grammar School.
On leaving school he took a holiday to the bright lights of London and ended up staying, taking a number of jobs, he sold insurance, acted as a bodyguard for the Rolling Stones, then gained a job selling tickets and keeping the books in a theatre box office. Eventually, he joined the Ken Campbell Roadshow. Along with Bob Hoskins, Jane Wood, and Dave Hill, McCoy started performing a range of sketches with the umbrella theme of “modern myths.”
McCoy found himself for a while in a double-act with Hoskins before Hoskins left to pursue his film career. When working with Ken Campbell in an improvised a circus-based act about a fictitious stuntman called Sylvester McCoy he thought it would be amusing if the program stated that this character was played by “Sylvester McCoy”. While at the Royal Court Theatre, one of the critics missed the joke and assumed that Sylvester McCoy was a real person. McCoy liked the irony of this and adopted the name of his stage identity
His big break came when McCoy was starring at the National Theatre in “The Pied Piper”, a musical play written especially for him, when he learned that the BBC was looking for a new lead actor to replace Colin Baker in “Doctor Who”. He later won the role as the seventh Doctor and the first Scottish one!
Following “Doctor Who,” McCoy continues to work extensively in theatre, films, radio, opera, and on television.He sees himself as an all round entertainer, his talents include,playing the xylophone and the spoons. He can also juggle and once gained a reputation for stuffing live ferrets down his trousers.
McCoy was considered for the role of Bilbo Baggins in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and must have made a lasting impression on the filmmakers as they were later to cast him as Radagast the Brown in The Hobbit films.
Now in his 80's Sylvester has no less than seven projects on the go just now, he was last on our screens this year in Father Brown ,but has also appeared in 10 episodes on a podcast series calle Doctor Who: The Seventh Doctor Adventures.
I love Sylvesters quirky outfits, and absolutely love the first three pics, the first in his hometown Dunoon, then in front of a police box in Glasgow, the third is a wee Sylvester.
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I’ve been having a lot of Persephades thoughts recently and I’m thinking about….70s/80s Au LIKE I AM I REALLY AM I NEED TO SEE PERSEPHONE WITH BIG FLUFFY HAIR AND FLOWERS IN IT AND I NEED HADES IN BELL BOTTOMS RIGHT NOW OR ILL TWEAK (I’ll probably draw it later but yea!! Just dropping this idea here😽)
But omg the fact that you’ve been thinking about 70s/80s Persephades makes me so happy like aaaa you’re thinking of aus for my babes?! 😭💗
I do have a couple of 80s AU ideas but never posted about them because they’re basically just my other more modern aus but in the 80s lol.
But, for my general modern au (aka the office romance au/Olympus Inc. au), it has a little twist where Persephone finally gets a job at Olympus Inc. so she moves from her small town to the big city and Hades basically takes it upon himself to help her adjust to city life lol (while in the normal AU Persephone and Hades have been working there for the same amount of time and she’s from the same city lol).
And for my music industry au, Persephone is just an 80s pop singer and Hades has a competing record label with Zeus lol.
I think my main inspiration for those is the movie Straight Talk (it’s a 90s movie but it’s very early 90s so it definitely has 80s vibes) featuring Dolly Parton and James Woods lol! Like I just love the idea of 80s Hades flirting with that sweet little thing (Persephone lmao) in the big ol city lol! 🥰
BUT SERIOUSLY I LOVE THE 80S AESTHETIC SO MUCH (I think it’s mainly because my mom grew up in the 80s so I was kinda surround by some 80s stuff when I was a kid and she’d tell me about the stuff she liked from the 80s when she was younger lol)!!! I can totally see Hades having that sleazy Miami Vice businessman aesthetic walking around in bright colored suits and those giant cellular phones from that time lol! But I can also see him just being like a classic 80s businessman with the chic suits and slicked back flame lmao! Idk I just always see Hades as a businessman wearing such nice clothes and suits in a more modern setting lol. It’s that used car salesman vibe he has I think lol.
And omg Persephone wearing the cutest vintage 80s outfits lol! Like the casual ones with lots of denim and the sneakers and thick ankle socks lol as well as the more generic “costume-y” 80s outfits with lots of neon or like the Madonna style outfits lol! And UGH YES Persephone with that big fluffy 80s hair with lots of volume lol! Doing those cute ponytails with the scrunchies and flowers! SO CUTE!!!
But honestly I’ve never considered a 70s AU! I love that actually!!! Like Hades in bell bottoms 👀 SHSKDHKD seriously he’d look so good in 70s fits too lol! I can totally see them meeting at a 70s disco! Like, Hades spots her from the crowd of people in the disco and just falls head over heels! 🥰
Seriously I would go crazy if you drew them in 70s or 80s style (and as always I’d be honored for you to grace your wonderful art skills with my silly couple lmao 💗)!!!! 😆😆😆
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orchideous-nox · 29 days
what kind of books/movies do you see everyone reading/watching???
I love yapping about books and films, anon, how did you know?
Okay AHHHHHHH so many thoughts. I'm going to include modern films though
Remus - I think he loves Lord of the Rings (both the films and the books) and some Greek Mythology classics like The Odyssey and The Iliad
Sirius - Boy doesn't read. What's a book? Films though, I think he likes a good action film. Maybe something like Bullet Train with some comedy in there, or like John Wicke and he spends who whole time like "Keanu looks so good in a suit, don't you think?" and stares until you agree.
James - James says that he likes films like Blade Runner, but when he's home alone he's watching Krrish. I could see him being into Star War too. In terms of books, I think he prefers non-fiction or maybe like a sci-fi book, idk too much about those.
Peter - As a kid, he was reading Goosebumps like there was no tomorrow and loved the Swiss Family Robinson. I think he'd also like Star Wars with James and maybe Indiana Jones. I could see him enjoying Stand By Me and The Goonies as well, he's be really into classic 80s movies.
Lily - Anne of Green Gables all the way. I think she got called Pippi Longstocking when she was younger and has refused to have anything to do with it since. Lily would love the tv show Anne with an E. I think she likes watching the LotR films with Remus because she loves the women but would complain that they don't have enough to do. She's also a lover of Wuthering Heights, I feel. And The Princess Bride.
Mary - OUR ROMCOM QUEEEENNN!!! Her favourites are Clueless, The Notebook, The Proposal and whenever she watches Love Actually she gets irrationally angry at Harry before he's even done anything to hurt Karen, it's just a vibe. She reads those smutty romance books with the cartoon covers, but also loves Janes Austen like Emma and Pride and Prejudice. She's also into Eve Babitz and Joan Didion I feel.
Marlene - She reads a lot of biographies and autobiographies. One time someone caught them reading Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter and they hated all men for two weeks, even James who she was normally friends with. I think films...I want to say Bend it Like Beckham but that feels so obvious. She can also recite a lot of The Devil Wears Prada but that's their girlfriend's fault. Marlene could probably be a horror film buff? That seems kinda fun.
Dorcas - Like I just mentioned, The Devil Wears Prada. I think she also likes period romances like the 2005 Pride and Prejudice and Atonement. She'll also watched Bend it Like Beckham...and there is absolutely no link between those three films that would explain why she likes them. In terms of books, I think she would enjoy some Stephen King, her and Marlene have a joint love for The Shining and Carrie.
Pandora - I've been thinking about this and I think Pandora would be a big fan of Guillermo Del Toro's film Pan's Labyrinth. Maybe also The Dark Crystal? In terms of books, I think she let Marlene borrow her copy The Bloody Chamber but she also likes Maya Angelou.
Regulus - Motherfucker is so pretentious. He is reading Russian novels and glares at anyone who calls him out for it. I think if Regulus watching films, he's watching very deep and thoughtful films, ones that either aren't particularly popular but are good for discussion. I couldn't name one though so 🙃
Barty - No.
Evan - I think he could be into horror novels or like psychological thrillers. The first one that came to mind was I'm Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid, but I think he could fuck with The Picture of Dorian Gray which doesn't fit the same vibe but it makes since to me I think. Also medical journals and books about the human body. I've said previously that I think Evan would really like films like Martyrs and The Idiots and I stand by that. Maybe also Un Chien Andalou.
Xenophilius - I mentioned earlier in this post that I think Xeno fucks with folk stories so that's what he'd be reading. Maybe like a classic dystopian such as 1984? I am struggling with films though, I genuinely have no idea.
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nalyra-dreaming · 5 months
I've been thinking for a long time that Eric Bogosian won't play Daniel for many years if the show really gets the desired 8 seasons, and how to get out of this situation. And I had a crazy theory. What if we get the Devil's Minion in season 2, but not to the full extent. Perhaps they won't tell us until the last episode that there was something more than a chase between Daniel and Armand, and in the finale it will be a tub of ice water for ignorant fans in a compartment with everything else that will happen and for those who know it will also be an emotional meat grinder. And if we are talking about the parallel of Louis and Daniel's story, then if Louis tries to commit suicide, then something will threaten Daniel's life so much that it will bring the moment of his death as close as possible. A worsening of the disease or anything else. And in season 3, we will be shown how Armand is trying to find a way to save him without turning him into a vampire, or he already knows this way and we will be shown how he came to this method, and in parallel with modern Armand who is trying to save Daniel's life, we will be shown past moments of the Devil's Minion with all the details of love/ romance/sex and all sorts of other dirty things, and these memories will somehow enhance the effect of Armand's struggle for his boy's life in the present. And at the end of the third season, Daniel will somehow be given a new/prepared/cloned body. And after that, we'll say goodbye to Eric and Daniel will only be played by Luke as in the past (if flashbacks from the 80s are still needed after season 3) so it is in the present.
How crazy does that sound?
... actually not that crazy given the chronicles!!
I mean... it's probably no coincidence that Sam, Jacob and Rolin want to do "The tale of the Body Thief" (and that rumor re Raglan James?!), which... could fit in very nicely, couldn't it.
I mean... I have always said (and stand by that) that I would love old!Daniel to be turned, but... I can see the narrative hooks they probably would prefer to employ wrt Daniel.
However they will do it will need to be set up very ... carefully though, because the general audience probably won't know what hit them if / when that happens *laughs*
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bubbledtee · 11 months
loves bbq restaurants
is addicted to his phone even when youre over
farts and shoves you under the covers😕
steals your pillows after you get up (he already has 4)
will force you to look for his missing guitar pick as it was sitting right in front of him
likes having his hair washed by you
will spam call you/spam your texts after you already told him you were extra busy at work
if you have a cat together he will baby it and spoil it so much it doesnt even know how to live a normal life anymore
will stare at you randomly
likes when you do his hair but only for your guys’ eyes only
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this is soooo real. he is like an ipad kid. he is addicted to his phone and can’t do much without it. he watches video essays while he eats his microwaved leftovers from the meal you had at his favorite bbq place the night prior.
he thinks he’s soooo funny when he dutch ovens you ☹️. and he steals all your blankets, your pillows, sometimes your stuffed animals too. he also takes 0.5x pics of you in bed all the time. even if you’re telling him no because you look disgusting, he’ll take the picture and go “awww, you look so beautiful, baby.” before showing you the most horrendous image to ever grace this earth.
he will send you so many tiktoks while you’re at work, and so you’ll spend most of your break watching them. and he just sends you texts asking stupid questions, like how to turn the dishwasher on (he knows how, he just wants you to text him.)
also, showering with him is his favorite thing ever. he loves having his head scrubbed by you and has almost fallen asleep while youre doing it multiple times. he’s like a big baby.
around the house, sometimes he’ll just come into the room you’re in and stare at you without a word for like two minutes and then leave again. he is a weirdo, but he’s your weirdo.
and finally, the cat is his baby. i think we said a while back that the cat’s name would be gibson. that man loves gibson with his entire heart and would do anything for that cat. he trains him to jump on his shoulder and do other little tricks. they’re best friends and gibby is a happy, spoiled cat.
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justaphan · 2 years
POTO Fics by Mertens
More than any other Phantom of the Opera fic writer, I find myself consuming Mertens’ works over and over for the pleasing writing style, the complex emotions, and the raw and realistic portrayals of Christines in particular. Mertens’ writing is how I also got into modern AUs! 
I’ve never done any rec list for this fandom so let’s start with my fav fics from @intothemertensverse! (Hi there! Thank you!) 
Gustave Daae’s Daughter: A disfigured man on the edges of society with a good heart, Erik has been Gustave Daae’s closest friend for years. When Gustave realizes his time is almost up after contracting an incurable disease, he leaves his two most prized possessions to his friend—his violin, and his daughter. In progress as of 01/09/2023. If you’re not reading this then honestly what do you actually do with all the hours of your life? Some big surprises in this one. Featuring Ayesha and also Angst with a capital A. 
A Love There Is No Cure For from Sonnet 86: A fic of epic proportions but it can be read independently of the larger verse it’s in. Major Leroux influences, and follows the SLOW BURNING journey of how Christine’s grumpy old insecure teacher became the happiest man alive (including all the very awkward sex). Mertens’ masterpiece. 
An Old Fashioned Love Song: After an incident results in Christine needing to fulfill community service, she volunteers at the local old folks home where a chance meeting with a resident will change both of their lives forever. Cranky 80-year-old disabled Erik? I love this little goblin so much. You will too.  
Saved From Solitude: Feeling anxious and unable to sleep in his own house, Erik spends the night in Christine’s dressing room to get some much needed rest. He’s certain Christine will never find out—as long as he wakes up on time. Erik may seem tall, dark, and imposing, but he’s actually the sweetest sleepy old man with a cane. I want to tuck him into bed myself. Bonus total BAMF Christine!
Scuffle in Box Five: The Ghost had requested that Box Five be kept empty, but on the night of Mlle Daae's first performance, Box Five is most certainly not empty. There is popcorn in this fic and it just makes it ten times funnier. 
And Ask Me To Open Up The Gate For You: Christine Daae has tried every trick in the book to achieve the clear complexion she so desires, and all without result—every trick, that is, except for one. She can’t do it on her own, but perhaps her beloved Maestro will be able to lend his assistance in the matter. In progress as of 01/09/2023. This one is so innovative and different! POTO London Christine Alternate Holly Anne Hull’s Instagram Story had a callout for long-term acne solutions, and turns out a few people told her to go get pregnant to achieve clear skin :D 
First Impressions: Erik takes Christine to his home and the cape flip goes awry. BLESS YOUR HEART ERIK!!!
Just Us Two: The day after the performance, Christine spends the day with her son, just like she promised. A beautiful, poignant continuation of Love Never Dies focused on mother and son. 
Like Everyone Else: Mr. Y has cracked the code of blending in to society. At least, he thinks he has. LND-inspired crack. Just hysterical. Honestly how could anyone argue against Erik moving to New York, it’s plot-powering gold! 
Mr. Y’s Christmas Surprise: Erik accidentally and inadvertently invents the ugly Christmas sweater. SEE COMMENTS ABOVE
Joyeuses Pâques (sans masque): Erik tries to celebrate Easter with his family on Coney Island—and what better way to celebrate than with a visit from the Easter Bunny? Guys just a reminder that Christine moved across the ocean to live with this guy, so.   
My Three Eriks: Erik doesn’t actually speak in the third person. OR “What do you mean James Gant and James Hume aren’t the same person” Shit gets too real in the lair, and it’s laugh out loud funny. 
The Nanny: College dropout Christine Dee lands what appears to be a dream job in taking care of a reclusive rich man’s seven year old boy. As she settles into her new life, however, she discovers a mysterious secret about her boss’s former wife that threatens to unravel everything. Modern AU. Definitely Gerik. Very relatable and insecure Christine. Very funny too. It’s a thrilling murder mystery and it’s very hard to stop reading once you start. 
Baby Shark: Erik is haunted by a certain song his neighbor is playing. Modern AU. I thought this was going to be a crack!fic but I was profoundly moved by it. Both Erik and Christine are a hot mess. A very refreshing take! 
Honolulu Sun: After two years of relative isolation during the pandemic, Christine is a little chattier than usual with a strange masked man in the grocery store. I’m more than a little bit obsessed with this one. Give me all the Gustave Sr./Erik bonding!!!
Boulevard of Broken Dreams: Wealthy Opera Populaire patron Raoul de Chagny has been kidnapped and the Opera managers have been receiving threatening letters regarding emerging star Christine Daaé. Private Investigators Erik and Antoinette have been called in to get to the bottom of what's going on, which means they'll have to be keeping a close eye on the safety of the young soprano. It really is a shame, then, that Erik seems to hate Christine who in turn seems horrified of Erik - but things aren't always what they seem. Film Noir AU. Big sweeping fic. Angles that haven’t been explored before. And an Erik that deserves to be seen!  
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tideswept · 24 days
Was tagged by a few people for this so... time to nerd out. :D
What’s up readers?! How about a little show and tell? Answer these 13 questions, tag 13 lucky readers and if you’re feeling extra bookish add a shelfie! Let’s Go!
Last book I read: Fever by Jordan L. Hawk (Wow, that was... a while ago. Hertie can tell you.)
A book I recommend: uhhh this is highly dependent on genre and who I'm recommending this to! but off the top of my head I GUESS--
The Princess Bride by William Goldman if you want a gentle, humorous, fantasy reading. (recommended for fans of 80s/90s fantasy films)
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller if you want to have a good time with absurdist comedy that then destroys you :] (recommended for fans of MASH that didn't hate the finale)
Summer of Night by Dan Simmons for Kids In A Horror Situation Doing Something About It (recommended for fans of It and Stranger Things.)
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier for good ol' fashioned classic gothic/mystery. (recommended for... hmm. People who like to see things go to pieces in unexpected ways?)
A book that I couldn't put down: I generally read books in one sitting. So most of them?
A book I've read twice or more: I reread books consistently. If it's out somewhere I can reach for it, I'll just start reading it again. But uhhh the Chronicles of Narnia? Definitely reread those a lot.
A book on my TBR: Sabriel by Garth Nix.
A book I've put down: Not too many, but I definitely have. I forget them pretty quickly.
A book on my wish list: Once upon a time I would have said Strange Fate by L.J Smith. For the wee me that waited 20+ years for it, if it ever does come out, I'll absolutely read it. Just not excited for it anymore.
A favorite book from childhood: A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett. One of the rare occasions I love the book and the movie equally.
A book you would give to a friend: INDECISION PARALYSIS AHOY. I dunno, honestly. All my friends are very different people. No one book fits all.
a book of poetry or lyrics that you own: none :( I should! But I don't.
a non-fiction book you own: Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg.
What are you currently reading: Don't Look Now by Daphne du Maurier. I'm always surprised that she was such a modern writer.
What are you planning on reading next? Either The Broken Girls by Simone St. James or Burn for Me by Ilona Adrews. (Yes, friend, FINALLY) Maybe also a reread of Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel, but in english, this time. First and last time I read it I was 8. Probably due for a revisit.
TAGGING: @heretolurkandnothingmore, @jamesbbarne @dark--whisperings @usakostar @thedunesea @sugarpsalms @skyerie @mollysunder @silvipeppers @darthwillies @eggchayi @laysidel-dekie @barmadumet and anyone else that feels like doing it. <3
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In ur opinion,who do u think draw moon knight best?
Mine is Declan Shalvey
I’ve waxed on and on about the writers of Moon Knight. The best ones, the worst ones, a few mediocre ones that got the job done…. 
But what about the art? 
Each artist has their own style, their own ideas, and their own grasp of Moon Knight. 
When you get very lucky, you get a writer and artist dream team that create something beautiful. 
Let’s start with Bill Sienkiewicz. 
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He was not the first to draw Moon Knight. THAT was Don Perlin!  Look at this cape design! 
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He was relatively new to the comic scene, but quickly a very sought after man. New Mutants, Electra, and many others for many different publishers. 
And even after he left us he still pops in now and then to remind us that no one…NO ONE can draw Moon Knight like he can.  Look at Sienkiewicz JUST FLEXING. 
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(2014 people!!) Someone came to him and went, "Hey we could use a Moon Knight Variant. Do you wanna dip back in and hand us a little ol' Moony?"
And he gave them this and I'm sure they went "...WTF we didn't even ask for this. We thought he'd just do him perched on a building or something in the distance. What do we do with this? It's too good holy crap."
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(2022 because he felt like schooling us again with another cover)
But he gave us more than the cowl. He gave us the men who wear it. 
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And as amazing as his art was: 
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He also gave us the most important pieces: 
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I could wax on and on about Bill all day… But let’s take a look at some other artists. 
Kevin Nowlan Kept the dark parts of the suit and the billowing cape. 
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Bo Hampton is the one that teamed up with Zelenetz to give us a fantastic sleek and angry design. Here's MK punching some Neo-Nazi in the face! 
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Chris Warner came later in "First of Khonshu" run and started with a very classic 1990s muscle bound and glitzy design. A design that might start to look familiar to those of you with a sharp eye (look at that belt. We're approaching the BLING age of Moon Knight.) 
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This was a weird time in comics for Moon Knight. We were switching out writers a lot and he suddenly had a much more Egyptian style theme. 
Moon Knight art goes on a WILD ride after this. We get the "Marc Spector" run that spans late 80s and early 80s and the art gets very 90s. Solid, Dark, and BUSY.
Sal Velluto (With the Punisher! This was a fantastic pair up!) 
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Ron Garney Plays with the sharp edges of the cloak and that’s nice. Also gives his mask a bit more of a definition. 
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Gary Kwapisz comes in with a BOLD metallic Moon Knight. Just look at those fists! Time time in MK was just wild you guys. 
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James Fry flies in and tries to make sense of those MUSCLES. 
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1993 arrived and the 90s hit HARD. 
Stephen Platt deep in that 90s style. 
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What’s happening here? I don’t know. You don’t know. No one knows. But man does it look ACTION COOL. 
Muscles got BIG in this period in the 90s. Anatomy got weird and chest size had no limits. 
Tommy Lee Edwards steps in and slims our pal Moon Knight back down.
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Now THAT is a breath of fresh air. I love this. 
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Look at the use of that cape! And the hood? The subtle mask outline… Yes please. 
Mark Texeira steps in after this. Let me tell you guys about this art. This is the start of the modern age. 2008! 
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(Look at the little Moon Knight design in the upper right near the signature! OMG little cutie!) Also the details in that rugged face and wet hair. 
But how does the suit look?
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We leave behind the glorious Tex and head to David Finch! You might recognize some of these motiffs as we get to some more popular runs. 
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Hello there fist spikes! This is when Moon Knight starts to get his reputation as being a bit…punchy… 
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The point in his cowl gets defined in this style too. 
Mico Suayan takes on this hard hitting run too. 
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Clean lines, dark darks and white whites and that cape! The spikes are gone but the muscles are coming back.
This was a big action packed run and numerous artists got a chance. 
Now… This is about where I stop listing every single artist because it gets too fast pace with single issues, annuals, events, and all that fun business. SO here are some highlights. Also I have an upload limit so I'm sorry I can't show you all the beautiful art styles that branched off at this time.
Bong Dazo  gave us that little sad startled cat. 
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Jerome Opeña Had such AMAZING action picks. I’ve never seen action done so well. And that outfit! 
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I…I could go on forever about this artist and the run he did. But that’s for another day… Just know that I think about it all the time and it lives in my head rent free. 
I’m going to skip a lot here and jump to the BIG GUNS. 
Hate the run, LOVE the art. 
My dear Alex Maleev makes it worth it. 
The absolute SLAYING of the white in every image kills me. LOOK. LOOOK AT THE USE OF NEGATIVE SPACE.
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It honestly brings me back to Sienkiewicz. 
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I’m screaming inside holding this up to the moon. 
From there we slide SO easily into Declan Shalvey my precious. 
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You know what I’m talking about. 
Ron Ackins Took over from there and it was stellar.
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I am going to skip over THREE artists on purpose because not only was the RUN bad (the worst) but also the ART was just the worst. (See BEMIS run. Ugh. Nothing was good in that run.) 
Do I need to talk about Greg Smallwood? 
Do I really need to post anything about Greg? 
Or Cappuccio who works with MacKay's current run? 
Or Federico Sabbatini who also fills in with MacKay?
(I would but I'm out of picture space. Thanks Tumblr).
So who is my favorite? 
Hard to say… I’m caught up in the colors and designs of some, the action styles of others. Sometimes the raw power of MK’s fighting or just in how clever his cape and cowl are done. 
And sometimes I crave that amazing 1980s Sienkiewicz designs of Moon Knight in the rain, Stained Glass Scarlet’s everything, and the shape of Moon Knight (or shapelessness of him). 
I could argue that ANY artist that draws Moon Knight during a good run is my favorite. I could forgive most any style if the story is right and the style will weave into the words and the flow of his cape will settle into my heart once again. 
And sometimes…. 
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mobirights · 2 months
In The Limelight - wolfstar
A snippet from a wolfstar fic I'm working on based on my experience in the American high school thespian society (level: impossible. -1000 aura for long-lasting trauma). Theatre kids unite!!! There are so many terms in here that only a theatre kid would know, and I will define them when the fic is published, but right now... I'm lazy, just look them up lmao.
Remus hates One-Acts. 
Well—that’s not entirely true because he’s literally in Godric High's this year and it's always his favorite experience. He just hates watching them, especially at Districts. And he admits some of them are really good. He’ll never forget that production of Sorry, wrong number from Sophomore year. Literally on the edge of his seat that entire show. 
One-Acts in general, however…
He’s fallen asleep during at least 60% of the One-Acts he’s watched in his four years of high school. His final year is no different. That is why he has noise-cancelling earbuds, James’ shoulder, and his comfiest pair of vans. 
“One Act nap?” Lily asks from his other side just as he lays his head on James. 
Remus looks forward as the EmCee walks on stage in a bright green hat and announces the third One Act performance of the day (first for Remus and everyone at Godric because they arrived late).
“Good morning, District Six! Our next performance is a production of Love’s Labour’s Lost by William Shakespeare.”
He rolls his eyes and turns to Lily, sighing. “One Act nap.”
The thing is, Remus loves Shakespeare as much as the next drama nerd. His first show at Godric was a production of As You Like It and it’s probably in his top five experiences at this God-forsaken school. But for a One Act? Come on. There have been some good ones, but more often than not, schools don’t know how to properly cut shows to forty minutes without losing a lot of integral plots and meaning that Shakespeare intended. He still shivers remembering that one production of Taming of the Shrew in Sophomore year. 
“Stage Managers, are you ready?” The EmCee calls back to the curtain, met with two voices shouting back “Yes!”
“Troupe 228, your time starts now.”
The house lights dim. Just before everyone goes quiet, Remus manages to whisper, “Which school is this?” to James on his left who smiles brightly and mouths Salazar as the troupe’s crew starts to set up their stage in the semi-dark. 
Remus huffs and turns his music high enough to drown out the noise, but low enough to go unheard in the silence of the PAC. 
Salazar Northern Preparatory Academy. SNPA for short. Godric’s rivals, naturally. Remus tries not to be concerned with school rivalries and petty feuds, but everything about SNPA just grinds his gears. Technically, their real rival is Rowena High School because it was built after Godric in the 80's and stole half their student body because of zoning changes. Salazar, though? Their rivalry and hatred for each other dates back to before the schools were even built.
But Remus would rather not think about that. He just wants to take his nap and ignore SNPA like he does every year, James’ alleged long-lost friend from there be damned. 
He’s about to close his eyes when the stage lights turn and a group of girls and boys walk on stage in the most ridiculously modern teenage outfits. He assumes one of them is the Princess of France, and the others her attending Ladies and Lords.
Huh. Interesting way to cut the show, starting with this scene. 
The boy playing Boyet starts the opening monologue, and Remus is surprisingly entranced, his head half-way to laying on James’ shoulder. As the scene goes on, he somehow gets engrossed in the story. He doesn’t remember when he turned off his air pods, but the voices on stage are now clear and not muffled. He finds himself genuinely enjoying the show. The girl who plays the Princess's comedic timing could rival James—and he will never know he said that because as much as he loves his friend, Remus will not be fueling James’ football-field-sized ego. 
James wraps his around him and Remus leans into the touch. He might just watch this all the way through.
Then—and this will be documented as the moment Remus lost all sense and reason—the King and his Lords walk on. If it wasn’t obvious before, this is a very modern rendition. From the way James and Lily literally cover their mouths, he’s sure the modern costumes for the King and Co. are hilarious, but Remus is only focused on one thing.
Front and center is the most beautiful man Remus has ever seen in his life. Maybe he’s exaggerating because a younger version of him would have said the same thing about James (don’t judge him, he was repressed and the boy was nice to him), but this is different. 
“Fair princess, welcome to the court of Navarre.”
Holy shit. Yeah. Way different. 
The beautiful man in question has shoulder-length jet-black hair that looks softer than silk. His skin is like a porcelain doll’s, almost eery in its pale complexion, but so enticing. The only thing Remus can imagine is how bright his face must flush in the sun. Not only that, but this man has the voice of an angel—No, not an angel. A devil. It’s raspy and soft all at the same time. Smooth vibrato that steals all the attention on stage. The voice of a true singer, no doubt. 
As beauty in human form continues to talk, Remus feels lost. He’s seen and read this play more times than he can count, but with a voice like that, he can’t even follow the story anymore. All he hears is the honey-sweet voice of sin incarnate.
Yeah, he’s fucked.
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