#i love her place in the story
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bluerosefox · 7 months ago
Her Astrophel and Sterling
You know what.
You know those AU's where the Batfam finds or learns about either hidden or thought to be dead Al Ghul Danny! with a deaged/daughter Dani (Ellie) (I should know, I created a few of those storylines) but what if, now hear me out, what if instead of them finding Danny first its Talia.
Do I want Talia discovering her thought to be dead son to be alive? Yes. Do I want her to find him while investigating Amity Park when the League gets reports of 'Lazarus creatures/water'? Yes.
DO I WANT HER TO KNOCK ON THE FENTON'S DOOR, fully ready to pretend/honey talk her way into the house to uncover what the Fenton's know, ONLY TO MEET A LITTLE ELLIE?!
Ellie whose eyes and hair look like a copy of her Beloved but she can see bits and pieces of herself as well. Talia knows the child in front of her was not fully her's though but everything makes sense when she hears a voice, a voice she hasn't heard in ages but as a mother just knows, speak out.
"Ellie! I thought I said do not answer the door my Sterling."
"But Daddy, yous was busy fighting the hotdoggys!"
Talia's eyes widen when she finally catches sight of familiar black hair and blue eyes.
and she could only lightly whisper a old nickname she hasn't dared uttered in ages, a name she secretly gave her son due to his love of the stars "Astrophel..."
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lostinthemazewiththehallows · 9 months ago
cannot even begin to describe how much i love the historical inaccuracy in bridgerton this season- they’ve just fully leaned into it. the hair, the outfits, philippa featheringtons lush tan, i can’t get enough thank you!
i LOVE a silly romance - i don’t CARE about historical accuracy, i like pretty colours and happy couples
so WHAT the napoleonic war was supposed to be going on- NOBODY CARES! :D
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wellofdean · 11 months ago
I gotta say, y'all, the notes on this post are giving me life! Thank you to every one of you. Some I want to answer...
@ilarual's tags: #I have said it before and I will say it again:#there was some misogyny in the show no doubt about that#but the fandom was (and still is) SIGNIFICANTLY more misogynistic than the show#by like. orders of magnitude. and it shows w/stuff like this#spn
I think a lot of people in fandom could do a lot more meticulous work in parsing out when a a narrative is about and depicting things like misogyny and homophobia and when is rubber-stamping and approving of them, either because it's actively gross or just unconscious of itself. Supernatural features plenty of insufficiently thought out period-typical uglier touches, and I think this is legitimately indefensible when it comes to the racism, particularly of the earlier seasons, but I think whether the show is misogynist and homophobic, or whether it is depicting these things is a greyer area.
It's no secret that under cis-heteronormative capitalist patriarchy, we are soaking in a well-seasoned stew of misogyny and homophobia, and so literally everything includes it, or is having a conversation with it, but I think Supernatural actually interrogates and critiques those things much more often that it unconsciously replicates or approves them. I would argue that the most central and sustained themes in Supernatural are directly critical of exactly these things, because everything worth fighting for in Supernatural is actively opposed to them.
Fandom so often uses blunt, and frankly stupid arguments to make these claims, and to my mind, everything about Mary at any point in the show (yes, even in the white-nightgown fridged archetype-stage of her journey) is reconfigured and reimagined by making her a fully-fledged, imperfect, difficult, painful, wounded, complicated, and still loving human being who makes massive mistakes and still deserves to be loved and mourned. Mary Winchester is a hill I die on.
@stereotypical-jew adds: #love mary winchester and her whole storyline#my only criticism would be to not have had 45 year old samantha smith play her#should've been the younger actress! can't remember her name#also her getting together with apocolypse bobby is....weird#but otherwise! adore her
Oh man, I gotta disagree with you about Samantha Smith. I think Mary needed more heft than the younger actress could have given her. I think her age (and she looks like she could easily be in her 30s) makes us see her actions as more deliberate and serious (maybe there's something wrong with that, but I do think it works that way on a practical level). Smith is just a better actress, too. I wouldn't change a thing!
@lemon--verbena adds:
#they literally spelled out loud she was supposed to be flawed that was the entire fucking point of her resurrectionView post
Yes! Amara point-blank TOLD Dean that she brought Mary back not to give him his mama, but to make him see that what he had, his actual reality, was better than some nostalgic dream of what could have been. To make him accept his life, his family, AS IT IS.
I love the closed loop of Mary's story -- that she was killed (classically fridged!) to kick of the Winchesters' man-pain journey, and she was brought back (not so classically UNfridged by GOD'S SISTER) to help Dean heal himself.
My dudes. Let's collectively admit that when Supernatural got it right, it REALLY fucking GOT IT RIGHT.
The other reason I fucking love Mary Winchester is how far out of the park Jensen Ross Ackles hits it EVERY TIME he has to play Dean's mom-related pain. It really brings home for me what a fully-realised character, and like, whole-ass human being Dean is, and makes me feel every fucking year of Dean's motherless life.
Jensen just KILLS IT.
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ducklingpia · 1 month ago
I saw there’s a lot of ppl talking about Caleb being a scary Yandere in the main story chapters but aren’t we gonna talk about these?
A bit spoilers of Caleb’s 4&5 stars card
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MC is such a brat to him 😭😭😭😭 (I love it so much)
Plus, He spoiled her ROTTEN 😩😩😩😩
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The facts that they hide all of his sweet sides behind the pull is kinda annoying 🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼
Btw I made a full summary of his story-line HERE bc I. JUST. CANNOT. STOP. THINKING. ABOUT. HIM 😔😔😔
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annasofthe11thdimension · 2 months ago
Alright, so this is basically...an art dump for all the pics i drew when i was trying to draft the ending i wanted my Odile looping Au 'Like a Wheel Ever Turning' which...is not even SLIGHTLY how this fic is going to end now, but while figuring that out i still like draw all this and had to do SOMETHING with it.
So figured I'd post it and be like 'hey! fun Odile looping act 5 boss fight vibes not connected to anything else!' since like...that basic IS what they are at this point lol.
The one cool idea i loved that i think is now FIRMLY ditched is the act 5 boss fight starts when Odile uses wish craft to splinter herself into two halves.
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The 'old/current' her that is meant to be her coldly logical side, and a younger 'copy' version, which is meant to be the childish irrational side...that is what's stopping her just shutting down the time loop because she can't figure out how to be happy with her friends leaving.
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I mean, if you murder the part of you that WANTS the wish to come true, that's basically a 'get out of time loop free card' right? Right! Totally sound logic!
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Yes the 'young' version of her firmly believes that she's real, and also also got memories going up to about age 21, and also that she ought to be in Ka Bue not HERE among these french weirdos.
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Also yes again, a 'young' Odile is EXACTLY as unhinged about this as you'd expect a 21 year old to be upon finding out that apparently the 'real' her think murdering her is the correct solution to this problem!
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The shift of the fight was meant to have the inverse 'colors' shift from one version to the other by the end, wrapping up with the point where the 'original' Odile is forced to have a heart to heart with the personification of her perceived 'worst' qualities.
Pretty sure the vibes for this ending was a lot more focused on the resolution of having deeply complex feeling about EXPRESSING emotion directly to other people. That along with a side helping of how isolating it is to be perceived as a 'real' adult such that you can't be weak enough to ask anyone for help. Because really if you can't even be that then why are you any different then when you were irritating mess of a youth?
Not saying any of that isn't still present in the story, but like...there is a LOT of other stuff going on, and those themes are now linked into many other ones too, and that's not even TOUCHING on how Loop's been...somewhat complicating my redrafting lol.
...Also I might have drawn/plotted this version before i knew about two-hats lol. THAT also is a factor.
Anyway! Still liked all of these enough to want to do SOMETHING with them, and figured this worked, so i could like map out my thoughts on them, even if i never got to write this.
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theresa-draws · 23 days ago
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smth smth arlathan au! solavellan + my own design for solas
where miha was a spirit of truth who was blinded by elgar'nan, then turned into a spirit of song (but mythal had no use for song & music during the war and so she was sent away abandoned, later solas would find a way to use her abilities for the rebellion)
she composed satire plays and tragicomedies about the elvhen and evanuris, all lost to time except the one about the dread wolf's betrayals.
the more people remember and sing her songs, the longer her spirit will endure - and everyone remembers that one song about fen'harel that she wrote but they forgot it was a satire rip ("what?? fen'harel eats your children???")
anyway the god of lies (allegedly) and a spirit of truth (previously) loved each other very much (rumoured)
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notsosecretlyalesbian · 1 month ago
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Kathryn Hahn as Agatha Harkness in Agatha All Along | 01×02: Circle Sewn with Fate / Unlock Thy Hidden Gate
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o3o-lapd-o3o · 4 months ago
(part ???? of this ongoing thread/universe/au?) (part 2 & part 3 & part 4 & part 5 & part 6 & part 7 & part 8 to this!)
there's a masterlist now!
(will be two parts as my brain wouldn't stop coming up with more nonsense as per usual) (future/present me: it was not just two parts)
*not long after telemachus met his dad's enemy 'friend', the god of the seas poseidon, for the first time*
*poseidon has fled (gods don't flee they briskly walk away) left to go back to the sea*
*odysseus, penelope & telemachus are having dinner*
telemachus: *smiling while retelling the meeting to penelope* -and he was so nice! father is so lucky to have him as his friend-
odysseus: *slightly chokes on his food at poseidon still being referred to as his friend*
telemachus: *looks at odysseus* -father are you ok?
penelope: *who knows odysseus' real relationship with poseidon*
penelope: *hasn't had much entertainment in 20 years*
penelope: *wants to stir the pot some more* ignore your father my dear, please continue telling me all about his friend
odysseus: *looking at penelope*
odysseus: *under his breath* penelope why?
*dinner continues with poseidon being the subject much to odysseus' dismay*
telemachus: *enjoying the family dinner*
telemachus: *gasps*
odysseus & penelope: ???
telemachus: we should have a big family dinner! father you can invite lord poseidon! i'll invite athena!
telemachus: *happy with himself for thinking of such an idea*
odysseus: *doesn't want to shoot down his son's idea, but also DOES NOT WANT TO SPEND ANY MORE TIME WITH POSEIDON*
odysseus: *scrambling for an excuse* son, he's a god and surely is very busy an-
penelope: *with a devilish grin* -and i'm sure will make time for his friend! what a wonderful idea telemachus! i'll let the palace cooks know!
penelope: off you go dear husband~ go and let your friend know~
odysseus: it's evening-
penelope: first thing tomorrow then!
odysseus: *sighs in resignment* yes my love
telemachus: great! i can't wait to tell athena-
*athena appearing out of nowhere*
athena: i heard my name and came.
odysseus: athena?!
telemachus: athena!!
penelope: oh lady athena!
athena: *smiling whilst looking at telemachus* what would you like to ask me telemachus?
telemachus: oh yeah! we're going to have a big family dinner! father just needs to invite his god friend-
athena: *confused as she's odysseus' god friend* but i-
odysseus: *panicked* wait-
telemachus: -lord poseidon!
athena: *wide-eyed in shock*
athena: *slow blinking* did you say odysseus' friend is p-po- my uncle?!
telemachus: *nods and smiles* yeah, i thought you knew!
odysseus: *wondering how he'll explain this whole situation to athena*
odysseus: *under his breath* well now she knows...
penelope: *laughs to herself*
(to be continued!)
(okay i know i said in the reply to the ask i'd post the dinner scene, but my brain wouldn't stop throwing stuff for me to add in the run up to dinner. so there WILL be the dinner scene, but that will be in another post... tomorrow? -depending on how my work day goes-) (future/present me: it was not just one more part, nor did i upload it the next day)
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bull-shit-suji · 1 month ago
actually no i need to talk about the green witch arc. ciel and his band of merry fools go to germany and learn that this forest is haunted by WEREWOLVES and in it is a village full of WITCHES with cursed amulets and potions and whatever
and the immediate vibe is "lol what a bunch of bogus" which is really just batshit coming from the kid with a demon butler
and then woah big reveal! it wasn't werewolves or witches it was a covert military operation REPLETE with radar tracking (not a thing until wwii) and electronic displays (most likely crt screens, which again weren't fully developed until the 1930s) and TANKS. for reference the first "tank" was put together by a guy in 1899 who mounted a machine gun to THIS
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absolute paragon of engineering. the panzer (the exact model of tank in the arc) was not a thing until wwi.
and. and ciel and ESPECIALLY the Demon Butler in question are like. ohhhh yeah that makes more sense. the amulets were just transmitting our exact locations through technology that won't exist for another three decades. whew glad we sorted that one out. man wouldn't it have been CRAZY if it really was werewolves.
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pixelsinmyveins · 14 days ago
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miramelindamusings · 6 months ago
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BG3 has taken over my personal life haha so here's a sketch dump of my Tav! She's a half-elf Rogue with a Sage background. I wanted to go for an archeologist/explorer background - like a mix of Evelyn and Rick from The Mummy :)! I stole lots of paintings and it always made me laugh the animation of Tav stuffing a huge painting into her inventory so I had to do a comic of her actually trying to sneak one out haha
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gracebriarwoodwrites · 1 month ago
I write fragile on a dozen boxes salvaged from recycling I forgot to take out before I knew I was moving and my hand shakes even more each time. The lines bleed off the box corners and into me. I'm fragile, you see.
#poem#poetry#spilled ink#spilled thoughts#long story short i have made choices in my life such that my only option when i hit this present juncture#was to move home and i am not handling the lack of choice well#in my first year living here especially i bought beautiful fragile things because i love beautiful fragile things and because i thought#i was on the path that my next move would be my last one. i was going to buy a home and that would be it and i'd only need to pack up#my whole life once more and so i could justify the vintage vases and such. but the past couple of years have been brutal on me#and i've made choices that i stand by and choices that i don't and now i'm moving home and it's less than ideal but i'll make it work#perhaps this is short story long#anyway. before i first moved in my roommate texted me from home depot because she and her boyfriend were at home depot#and i was at work at the time. and she wanted to know what color i wanted my room because they were gonna paint my room that day#and i didn't have time to make a decision and she's an artist with a great eye so i sent her my pinterest decor board and said maybe a gree#like this kind of green? and she got this gorgeous green reminiscent of a paris green that looks amazing with all my art on the walls#but i just had to take the art down. i'm in the middle of the task actually. and now it's just this big green expanse#and i'm not feeling so good about leaving this place#but the way i felt so safe and so loved when i got that text and when i got here and saw that the room was painted bc they wanted me to sta#the past few years have been not so good in a lot of ways like i said but this place was an island of peace for me when things were rough#anyway. fragile. thanks for listening
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buttercupshands · 22 days ago
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thought about this thing for a while
it was extremely interesting to just analyze myself and get like a tier list in my head
#draw a character you like#fanart#my art#sketch#shadow milk cookie#luocha#lapis lazuli#shigaraki tomura#nagito komaeda#flowey#first one is simple - see other characters and the silly room comics and it'll explain itself also I'm embarassed to admit it a bit#like people would prooobably expect isat related stuff but isat is basically already gone from my brain in that sense#I do like drawing characters and the style is still extremely easy for me to work with#but like.... I'm not feeling like this is more than this??#like Loop is still in the silly room but only for so long before I get them out or just make them like a cat of the room#to be fair they're allll cats there in a way#Luocha was my to-go character ever since getting him after exams in 2023 and I can't find a character that better worked in that#Lapis is specifically pre-crystal gem one as I kind of dislike her new design but *shruggs* it's still nice#just not the one that left impression on me that's all#Tomura and Flowey are like The Characters of this blog AND of my drawing journey I love them a bit too much#still not the insane fan but my friends know just HOW MUCH I talked about them and both were in my life for years#I'd say Bill Cipher fits there too as a trio but sadly I was out of places and he's not a guilty fave he's the OG fave#the fave to rule them all and one of the two I still have good time returning to as well - other one is Twilight Sparkle#she didn't fit here too again too many in all-time faves sadly#Nagito is here bc I didn't know what even counted as a “guilty fave” in my list#so I chose him as a character for the list bc Kokichi is too... nothing in my head like he has more stories#but I don't even care about his trial and I played through Nagito's one and actually did a lot to get his Island ending too#I love how you can see - all of them have a pattern like being blue or yellow and then there's Nagito#Tomura counts as blue even though he's more purple and wears black and red in the finale in my read he's in MVA outfit still and will be#tenko shimura
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fagulaa · 3 months ago
Something I really love about the Silt Verses is how, in a world of gods and monsters, how grounded Faulkner's trauma [and relationship with his father] is. Especially as the season moves on, and the stakes amp up [and up] its so unexpectedly piercing to be presented with this exploration of childhood abandonment/negligence, inter-generational trauma, the indignities and stress that comes with unexpected elder care/early onset Alzheimer's. You're so locked in to these grander, more abstract concepts that your defenses are down! Mine were, anyway. TSV is so good at cutting its grand, complex plotlines with simpler [but not shallower] gutpunches, and it just grounds the whole thing.
#the silt verses#other moments on the list#[the list being small but emotionally devistating grounded moments]#include: the lights coming back on in the aftermath of the strike during hayward and carpenters conversation#and you just. intuit the devistation#after all that. after all the fighting and protest. the lights come back on. you can HEAR the screaming in the silence#Faulkner's whole elder care thing with his dad#where he has to reckon with him as a person who made mistakes#and put his own resolution aside to take care of a man he had complex feelings for#also the Faulkner's dad/trawlerman connection is crazy to me its crazy#oh you want to worship the god with the garden do you faulkner#you want to be this gods enterpriter and favorite#what did your father do again?#oh also the god rocket scene#where we are put in the place of a sacrifice#the claustrophobia! the fear! the tinned patriotic speech! the narrowing down to a needle point of the overall themes of the story#the fucking microcosm of it all!#all the sandwhich shop scenes#the whole hotel episode#charity in the pub running for her life because CARPENTER reappears#also love how interconnected everything is#both carpenter and page knowing von#running back into charity#fantastic writing all round it's all so fucking TIGHT my god#the prose is killer the pacing is killer the acting is killer the STRUCTURE is killer#its just a fucking masterclass of storytelling like its just. GREAT#top to bottom.#like the sheer skill involved in making something like TSV#on all levels#is incredible I really do admire it
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brenatto-apothecary · 17 days ago
I dont understand how people think veth got worse as time went on or ran out of story to tell or some dumb shit like that I'll rewatch an early c2 ep and go omg she was so interesting in this part and then I'll rewatch a mid c2 ep and go omg she was so interesting in this part and then I'll rewatch a late c2 ep and go omg she was so interesting in this part
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statementlou · 5 months ago
Tbh i am not surprised that a person who openly talked about having drinking problems since 1d days, because of how crazy 1d worked has been agressive. What surprises me is people being surprised (they never seriously saw drunk person?). But i am also confused about this whole book. Apparently Maya said that that book is not fully bout Liam but compilation about her exes and some of the worst parts are not about him. But recently she said that the book is “ofc about him” so what is true then? Or did she meant it that ofc some parts are about him or that whole book is about him?
Sorry, just confused
I also am not surprised- we've learned so much more about the real stories of things and about the guys' actual lives over the last years, and the story that has unfolded around Liam has been totally consistent throughout if you've been following it, and so the information Maya is telling us is shocking and upsetting but not difficult to believe. I got an anon yesterday saying they were worried about getting similar revelations about the other boys, like "if Liam could be doing this we just don't know, any of them could", and while in a way that's always true I guess, anyone could be doing anything in private like... that doesn't really concern me. Because none of these Liam revelations are coming out of nowhere, there have been many MANY steps along the way leading us here if you've been watching, and he has talked openly about both his mental health struggles and his addiction issues. So to answer that anon... to find out something similar about Louis would in contrast contradict everything we know about him and no I'm not worried about it. Is he an abuser or a loose cannon, well that news would truly shock me to my core, I will be honest. But anyway as for the book I don't find it strange that she was nervous when it came out and treading lightly and later decided, fuck it. In the absolutely on point tiktok she dropped today (YES👏GIRL👏FUCKING TELL THEM👏) she even mentions attempts to keep her from publishing the book, presumably by Liam's team, that I am riveted by and cannot WAIT to hear more details about actually- like I said I don't find it at all strange that she was nervous and downplayed it a bit then. But if she says now that it's just about Liam, well, I would say it's been clear from the beginning that the book is their story. Maya herself brought up the parallel of songs being written about stuff and I think it's the same thing; it's true (she was in an abusive relationship that involved certain kinds of events) but maybe not 100% literal (I'm sure details were changed to make the story work, it's not like a word for word timeline of their interactions or whatever).
#maya henry#blah blah blah#re the tiktok also lmaoooo are people really saying she wants money her family IS RICH like RICH RICH#but hot damn the part about enabling UH HUH !!!!!#yep yep yep#in terms of the other guys and what would shock me... well obviously we know Zayn has also had a history of agression#and we know WAY too much about him being pushy about sex lol#I would not be shocked to hear he crossed a line... but think he's probably just a bit of a fuckboy#I absolutely do not trust Niall behind closed doors but the songs we have about him seem to tell a pretty consistent story;#self absorbed but basically harmless#harry... who tf knows what he is like outside of being with Louis but I would be shocked to hear of him being aggressive yeah#I have a lot of issues with him but taking advantage of people or being pushy are not even on the radar#and as for Louis... like I said yeah it WOULD shock me. I don't just love him because he has a nice face!#it's BECAUSE of the ways we do know him and know what he's like. because of his tenderness and care#and his consistent kindness and love#and his openness about his private side#so yeah- it would shock the hell out of me it really would#but then I think that anon also was worried about eleanor spiling smth about their relationship so we are not coming from the same place#my kneejerk response was I'm sure he paid her on time what else are you worried about lol#although out of everyone if someone was going to say he lashed out at them I suppose it would be her#it was probably one of the most difficult and frought relationships in his life#and one that he did not want#so! but still no it doesn't worry me#tbh there was one thing in mayas video today that did surprise me which was the premeditation#Liam actually planning using the fans against people and sneaking around doing stuff#I guess even believing everythign I had chosen to paint a picture in my mind of someone who was still#basically unaware of the wrong they were doing and more flailing than plotting#and that shakes me a little. and makes me very unhappy to hear#liam discourse
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