#no wonder why he was so mad when she went out to that place
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Crimes And Punishment - Sweet Dream [CRK: Royal AU]
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The Virtue of Knowledge has existed since Creation. The Twelve; the name given to the Twelve deities of this world, created him and four other Virtues to guide humanity. They gave each of them a job and the ability to do said job. The ability to change fate, to harness will, to seek out happiness, and to stand strong against suffering. The blessing of knowledge and thought.
He wouldn’t call it a blessing, however. The Twelve put them in flimsy human bodies. They grow old and die and, when they do, the Virtue is passed on to their descendants. Memories aren’t shared between the generations so they only have stories to pass along and dormant powers that lie in wait. The Virtues make sure their next of kin understand their roles in guiding humanity. Some things change here and there as decades turn to millennia, but the core concept stays the same.
Except for the holder of Knowledge.
He doesn’t dare assume the will of the Twelve. That was a grand sin; the Heralds would strike him dead and force Virtue to find a more agreeable host. But as his fellow Virtues return to the cycle of Life and are reborn again and again - they lose themselves. The reborn don’t always act the same. Preferences change, bodies appear different, voices and minds and names switching around. Memories of past lives stay with the dead. Yet, in a cruel twist, the holder of Knowledge is exempt.
His body still rots and fades, he’s still reborn again for he is mortal like the rest of them. But he remembers. As an infant, he never could comprehend the memories of his ancestors. Things became complicated as he grew older. People, humans, they expected him to act like he did decades ago. He had their memories, he should have the same preferences and name and thoughts and opinions. His tutors yell at him when he gets a question wrong. His nobles speak ill behind his back as they wait for him to grow up, to become exactly like the previous holder was. The other Virtues are given more pity than he is.
But he can’t be mad at the other Virtues. They’re all locked in a prison. He’s seen peasants beg at the Virtue of Volition’s feet, even as a young girl. He’s seen the Virtue of Change bloodied and bruised after rocks were thrown at him for things he had, ironically, no control over. The Virtue of Happiness had never frowned except when she wailed in his arms. The Virtue of Solidarity never had a place to call home for they were dragged across the world. Even as infants, as toddlers and children.
The Virtue of Knowledge always wondered why. That was something he could never fully comprehend; the suffering they went through, lifetime after lifetime, in service to humanity. The Heralds, created alongside the Virtues, controlled the world, sky, and animals that ran around. They never had to deal with the problems humanity caused - in fact, sometimes, the Virtues were blamed for problems the Heralds caused. It wasn’t their fault the Herald of the Glistening Sea flooded their shores or when the Herald of the Thundering Sky rained lightning down on a village. They could certainly speak with them, but to immortals, the Virtues were nothing more than particularly interesting humans.
The Twelve never answered prayers, either. After Creation, they fell into a long slumber and have yet to awaken. Over 10,000 years since Creation, and yet, not a single message from the Twelve. Goddesses ignore them, deities don’t care for them. The Virtues suffer all blame. The only reprieve is the moments before and after death, where just for a moment, an eternity of suffering is lifted from their shoulders. For once, they can breathe.
The Virtue of Knowledge tends to shelter the younger Virtues when, sometimes, their reincarnations don’t align. A disease breaks out and a Virtue crumbles; a war where one of them is speared through the heart. Old age creeping faster than usual. He does what he can to protect them, to preserve Knowledge like he’s supposed to, to teach and lead like he’s supposed to, ad infinitum.
Ad Infinitum.
“Virtue of Knowledge.”
He had been standing in his temple’s garden, pondering. There’s a large empty space directly in the center - he’s asked that it remain clear. Stairs lead down to the patch, yes, but other than plants, there’s nothing but dirt from his disciples moving from place to place. He stands there, arms crossed, staring up at the cloudy sky. The Herald of the Thundering Sky had told him that she would be sending a storm today after he told her their farms needed it.
“What is it?” He looks down, turning around. All of his disciples wear the same clothing - brown robes with golden accents. He didn’t require it, it’s something that simply started happening generations ago. Maybe one of his reincarnations demanded it back then. His personal memories are nothing more than blurry moments between spell books and written texts. Because he didn’t require anything special, the disciples tended to add their own flares.
This one, a young blonde man with hair that curved around his face and rested just shy of his shoulders, decided to wear a shawl with a keyhole design similar to his. Now that he thinks about it, maybe they were simply copying his way of dress. Blue and gold heterochromic eyes stare inquisitively at him, then at the sky. Soft thunder from the distance reaches their ears.
“Well.. it’s going to rain soon.”
“Yes, it is.”
“...Shouldn’t you come inside?” The disciple looks back down at him. He can’t help but chuckle at the silly question. Yes yes, he should, because otherwise he’d get wet! A Virtue of Knowledge should know this indeed!
“I should, shouldn’t I?” The Virtue smiles at his disciple, lowering his crossed arms and taking the couple of steps needed to close their distance. A lot of his disciples don’t spend long in his presence - they keep their distance and never look at him directly. His students even less so; though he can hear them whispering through the halls of his temples and academies whenever he’s around. He has this sort of ethereal presence to him - it makes sense, the Virtue decides.
This one, though. While he never got too close at first, he never shied away when the Virtue approached. He looked him in the eyes and spoke to him honestly, bluntly. He didn’t tiptoe around the Virtue. Sometimes, when they were both slightly younger, he’d overhear older humans berate the disciple. That’s the Virtue of Knowledge, they’d say, You’re supposed to worship and respect him. He was created by the Twelve Gods to lead us.
Pure Vanilla, his name was. Named after sweet vanilla beans and a heart full of gold. Rough and blunt like it, too. He taught Pure Vanilla like all of his other students, yet he found himself keeping his attention on the man for longer periods. He found himself hoping to run into him in the halls. It was always something interesting going on with the younger man, yet always plain. A nice flower that sprouted in the cracks of stone. A sweet dish the cooks made. A particular sheep from the fields that seemed to like him the most. Pure Vanilla was the definition of simple, and he found himself not minding it. In fact, he relished it.
“Yes, you should, Virtue-”
“Ah ah-,” He raised a finger, placing it gently on Pure Vanilla’s mouth to stop him, “I told you, when it’s just us, you can drop the Virtue formality.”
“With all due respect, that is what you are,” Pure Vanilla, with the same gentleness he had shown him, moved his arm out of the way, “I won’t call you your birth name.”
“Please, my little disciple,” The Virtue begged, clasping his hands together by his waist, “And maybe I’ll get out of the rain.”
Pure Vanilla sighed, sagging his shoulders, “Please get out of the rain, Blueberry Milk.”
“Thank you.” Blueberry Milk stands up straight - this reincarnation was rather tall, he had noted when he was younger, “Alas, I do have to wait out here.”
Another crackle of lightning; this one much closer. Still not a threat though he does note how Pure Vanilla slightly flinches. Of course, Blueberry Milk doesn’t. He does gently put a hand on Pure Vanilla’s shoulder, turning him around and giving him a light push towards the edge of the garden. An open walkway surrounded the place on three sides - with the fourth holding a simple fence facing the mountain range that held the temple. A beautiful and secluded area for sure with quick access inside and away from rain.
“My sought Virtue, may I ask why?”
Pure Vanilla doesn’t move towards the awnings, instead he shifts himself to still look at Blueberry Milk. Blueberry Milk just smiles innocently, waiting. His disciple frowns.
“Blueberry Milk, may I ask why?”
“You may.” He turned on his heel, heading towards the edge of the garden overlooking the range. Pure Vanilla, as he expected, follows him. His disciple stands by his side as they watch another strike of lightning in the distance. This pavilion overlooked this temple’s town - a bustling area full of life. Now it laid empty, only due to the encroaching rain. Fields of grain and rivers that copied the sky’s twisting clouds laid before him, a beautiful vista. Centuries ago, this was one of the first villages he founded. He hopes - or, well, he knows, as he always does - that the town will continue to grow.
Pure Vanilla waits patiently. That was another thing he liked about the disciple; the man never tried to pressure him to do anything. He was kind and would wait for Blueberry Milk to respond. Even if he forgot or misremembered - something the rest of his followers thought was a sin, a failure on his behalf as a Virtue - Pure Vanilla still waited. He always remembered, too, and he never complained. Patient.
“Winter is coming and our fields are not growing like they should,” Blueberry Milk finally elaborated after several more strikes. Pure Vanilla kept flinching, but stayed stalwart next to him, “I asked the Herald if she’d send us some rain.”
“..Must her storms be so violent?” Pure Vanilla’s voice drops low as he stares at the fields in the distance, “I am not trying to dismiss the Herald-”
“I know.”
“But.. hm, they always are destructive.” Pure Vanilla wrings his hands together. Blueberry Milk watches him for a brief moment before turning back to the range.
“Befallen trees are necessary to enrich the soil. An added measure to make sure we have food though not the original intent,” Rain hits his head - he does flinch now, mostly from the coldness. It’s just a sprinkle, “Ah, it’s here.”
Soon, the sprinkle turns into a rush of water, almost in an instant. Pure Vanilla turns around, clutching his robes as he quickly ducks for cover under one of the awnings to the right. Blueberry Milk stays where he was, struggling to hear Pure Vanilla over the sounds of the rain.
“My Vi- Blueberry Milk!” He leans over the awning just slightly, pulling back as rain batters against his head, “Please come under the awning!”
He didn’t follow Pure Vanilla’s command, though he moved from the edge to stand in the center of his garden. Blueberry Milk looks up to the sky, lifting his robe sleeve to partially cover his eyes. He closes them, listening to the thrashing thunder from above as the storm rages on. Wind shoves against him but all he can do is smile - it was a breath of life to him after walking around stuffy corridors and libraries all day.
“Blueberry Milk!”
A deep blue magic circle appears below the Virtue and, suddenly, he’s standing next to his disciple. Still soaking wet. He can’t help but softly laugh as his disciple looks up with him with an annoyed look. Blueberry Milk wrings his hands before going to squeeze the long sleeves of his robe. A pointless venture, he knew, but he might as well.
“You’re going to catch a cold,” Pure Vanilla always had neutral, soft, expressions - annoyance was no different, only the edges of his eyes were softly squinted and mouth drawn in a thin line. He kind of likes this face of his - the Virtue only partially listening to Pure Vanilla’s complaints, “Or some sickness from the weather. Look, it’s already turning to mud- You’re not listening, are you?”
That last sentence catches his attention; “Hm? And what if I wasn’t?”
Pure Vanilla doesn’t verbally respond. He responds by jumping off the stairs, running into the center of the garden with mud already caking the sides of his robe. Blueberry Milk’s playful demeanor drops as he watches Pure Vanilla lift his robe up slightly, allowing him more movement and the chance to dig his feet further into the mud. Blueberry Milk’s magic circle appears underneath Pure Vanilla - but the expert mage hops out of it, continuing to make a mess of the garden.
“Pure Vanilla!” Blueberry Milk shouts, trying to aim his magic circles to where Pure Vanilla would go. As expected, the disciple dodged. Blueberry Milk held up his hand, starting to summon more and larger circles. Pure Vanilla starts summoning his own, blocking out Blueberry Milk’s.
“Can’t handle the reverse, My Virtue?” Pure Vanilla laughed. Even in such a large storm, Pure Vanilla’s laughter rang true in his ears. Light and carefree, drawing him in - though the notable lack of a birth name and the use of a title was enough to cater to his annoyance.
Blueberry Milk huffed, flicking his hands to the side and hopping down the stairs, summoning a gust of wind to push him towards Pure Vanilla. He expected the man to dodge, but perhaps due to the storm and his skill, he ended up being too fast for him. They slam into each other, falling into the mud with Blueberry Milk on top of Pure Vanilla. Increasingly getting more soaked, Blueberry Milk immediately pushes himself off of Pure Vanilla, though still practically still on top of him. Wet, long, sparkling hair drapes both like a canopy.
“I am so sorry!” Blueberry Milk begins, watching as Pure Vanilla’s face shifts to a shocked and reddish look, breathing heavy. He must’ve knocked the wind out of him! “I didn’t mean to hit you, I thought you’d dodge.”
“Virtue-” Pure Vanilla begins, eyes widened yet calming down. He shifts one of his hands to his face, pulling on his sleeve to cover his face. Blueberry Milk goes to move it away - why was he covering his face for? Was it the water dripping from his hair - was he bleeding?!
“Pure Va-” He doesn’t get the name out as a handful of mud hits the side of his face. Not too hard, but enough to knock him to the side (mostly from the shock of such an attack!). He can hear Pure Vanilla giggle softly as he gets to his feet, another ball of mud already in his hand. Blueberry Milk quickly rights himself, dodging the next ball of mud thrown. Blueberry Milk starts to move, feet digging into the mud as he mumbles spells underneath his breath; multiple balls of mud are formed and start to levitate.
“If you would like a fight, then-”
A loud bolt of lightning hits the ground in between them. Both of them flinch - Pure Vanilla falters from the force from the blow, crouching and digging their hands and feet into the mud with one hand on his ear to (attempt to) protect it from the crack that reverberates. Blueberry Milk, on the other hand, stands tall with his hands covering his ears. The balls of mud are forgotten, falling to the ground (and some splattering against pearly-white fences as the force of the strike disturbed the area more than they had previously.)
He lowers his ears after the force and sound leaves the area. Even the rain has stopped though the clouds have not receded - simply commanded to bring them peace in this small section of the world. Looking up, he can see the Rain Deity peaking through the crowds. He can’t tell the expression on her face though he doesn’t have long to wonder as a voice booms at him, almost with the same strength as the bolt shot down at them.
“Earth to Blueberry!” The Herald Of The Thundering Sky huffs, a hand on her hips and the other one tightly gripping her Heaven Splitter (her idea, not anyone else’s) as she glares at him. Out of all of the Heralds, she was the most pompous. She always demanded respect out of humans and even the Virtues - leaning a bit to the left so he could see past her gaudy armor, he could see Pure Vanilla kneeling on the ground with head planted firmly against the mud. Some of the Heralds demanded respect and others couldn’t care less, but only this Herald would punish those who didn’t. Alas, her powers were incredibly useful.
“Yes, Herald Of The Thundering Sky,” Blueberry Milk turned back to her, rolling his eyes and speaking in a noticeably sarcastic tone. She gawks in response as he continues, “What is it?”
“I’m here to collect my dues!” She huffed, punctuating her point with her Heaven Splitter as she hits the butt of it into the ground, “I gave you your storm!”
“That you did, that you did,” Blueberry Milk starts grabbing the long sleeves of his robe, squeezing rainwater out of it. The lands would be doing better - a lot better given the current raging storm. He had already informed some of his disciples to warn the townspeople of the upcoming rain so they could prepare appropriately. Hopefully, nobody was in this unwillingly, “But it’s only been a couple of minutes. As you can see, I haven’t even headed to the altar yet.”
“Then get a move on!” The Herald starts to float, electricity cackling around her, “I don’t have all day!”
Oh, you don’t have all day? He shuts his mouth for once - mostly because the Herald is already retreating into the skies. He watches as she reenters her domain - though rain doesn’t fall right away. Once again, he can see the Rain Deity waving at him. If only the Herald was as kind as her inner circle…
He looks back down at the still-kneeling Pure Vanilla. There’s not any sense of movement, not even the faintest hint of breathing. At least, perhaps a regular mortal would think so, but Blueberry Milk could hear the faintest huffs and see the softest movement. This body of his was excellent at hearing and seeing, a bit of an abnormality but rather useful sometimes. In the back of his mind, he hopes the next life fares him with the same blessings. Blueberry Milk closes the distance between the two, crouching down and tapping the back of Pure Vanilla’s head.
“Disciple, she’s gone. You can get up now.”
Slowly, Pure Vanilla lifts his head. Both of them are covered in mud, though it’s now smothered all over his face. A copy lays in the dirt below as he stands - slipping slightly, causing Blueberry Milk to grab his sleeve to make sure he didn’t fall again. When he’s righted, Blueberry Milk lets go. Without the rain and the heat of movement, he found himself getting increasingly more cold and wishing for the warmth of his bed. Plus, he still has to give the Herald her offering. She will come back if he doesn’t do it in a timely manner.
“I guess we have to go inside now,” Blueberry Milk sighs, turning on his heel and heading towards the garden’s main door - located just opposite of the fenced view. He can hear Pure Vanilla fall in line like he usually does behind him. He’ll have to change clothes before he gives his offerings, otherwise she’ll be mad. She might convince the Herald of the Glistening Sea to flood the town and that particular Herald was known to bend to her will. Not as much as she bends to the Night Sky’s, but enough that it was a problem for mortals.
They walk up the stairs in silence, Pure Vanilla quickly overtaking him to open the doors for him. The inner room was simply decorated - a fine blue and gold accented rug specifically fitted for the corridor with simple long, golden candlesticks holding up flickering candles. At the end of the corridor was an archway leading towards a stairwell which would lead them into the main parts of his castle. In this corridor, there was one double door to the left and two to the right. While this area was frequented by disciples, it was more private than the grand hall and library. Perhaps a more reclusive version of him would prevent others from reaching these peaks; but he wanted his disciples to learn so that they could reach his own heights.
They never will, but who is he to stop them?
Pure Vanilla heads towards the staircase leading downwards. Blueberry Milk stays in the corridor - he presumes his disciple is going to go change before continuing their responsibilities. He has his own things he needs to do, not even just appeasing the thunderous Herald. This corridor led to his more personal spaces so he could, really, stay up here if he wanted.
“Do make sure to change,” He speaks after Pure Vanilla, who briefly turns around to give him a nod before continuing on his way.
He still stands there, waiting until the top of Pure Vanilla’s head disappears before turning back around, heading back into the private cloister. Their hats laid abandoned as rain beats against them. Blueberry Milk heads back into the storm, collecting them. He’s one to not care, though Pure Vanilla would probably like his hat back…
He’ll hang it to dry with his other clothes - Blueberry Milk heads to the right, to a set of doors that lead to a simple entry area. Up a flight of stairs he walks, stopping at a landing with a door and entering his private room. Roughly circular, half of the room’s walls held large, colorful mosaic windows detailing some of the areas’ plants. When this place was being built.. Yes, he can remember that. That life, he had an obsession with plants in the area, and asked for his private room to be decorated in such a way. Milkcrowns and primroses appear to dance underneath shining stars. Beautiful - on sunny days or cloud-free nights, it painted the room in a glorious array of blues and yellows. No matter the lifetime, he seemed to always like those two colors in particular. Hm! Interesting.
He’s careful with his steps - scrolls and books litter his floor and he didn’t want to ruin any of them with his wet clothes and muddy feet. The harsh pattering of the rain on the window was a wonderful chorus as he placed the wet hats on a nightstand, tucked into a small arched inlet with a wash basin on a pillar. He removes his cloak, letting it sit discarded next to it as he starts removing the rest of his garments.
Unlike the rest of the Virtues or even the clergy and nobles below him, Blueberry Milk didn’t have any personal servants. He had servants, sure, but he didn’t have any that attended to him. When he was younger he was pampered too much in his opinion - there was always a servant to fetch his water and clothes, one to gather pencils and parchment, one to stand by him at the dinner table and refill his glass the second he places it down after taking a sip. It was, frankly, annoying. Everyone bending over backwards for him constantly, never giving him the chance to just do it himself. How could he build upon his Knowledge if he was so secluded all of the time?!
As an adult, he’s refused most help. He prefers to do the simpler chores himself; dressing and undressing, gathering his own water, cleaning (he does slack on that, he will admit, he just gets so focused on his work that he doesn’t think to put anything up). He does have a disciple gather supplies for him often so he can spend more time writing, reading, and researching, but other than that there’s rarely a soul that graces his personal tower. He doesn’t even let the supply-gathering disciple up into the room, simply requesting bundles of scrolls and ink to be left at the door.
He loved the quiet - the pattering of rain, the soft footsteps, the flickering of flame if he focused long enough. It gave him room to think. There was benefit to a crowded street or a wondrous play, but he could so easily reach those things. Quiet was something he often lacked; between demands from his people and disciples asking for his time, there were few moments of rest and simplicity.
His mind wanders as he goes through the motions of cleaning himself of mud and the day’s work. Given the amount of rain requested, the farms should- will produce enough for the upcoming winter and even a surplus in the spring. The rain will bring sustenance to the crops by the fallen trees and turned over soil from dislodged rocks and lapping water at the riverbanks. That was something that botanist life had taught him and written down. There still felt like there should be more when it came to agriculture, but his interest in it wasn’t the same as that previous life’s. It’s still collected and bound together into a book, the original resting in his private library and a copy in the grand library. That was another thing he kept between lives - the records of their existences.
Some of the other Virtues don’t agree with him keeping their old lives’ records, at least, the ones he currently knows. He does know that the Virtue of Change habitually disagrees with the principle and the Virtue of Volition often agrees, but they each have their own opinions on it. Of course they do, he chides himself, they’re different people. That was a fact burned into his mind. All five of them were different people compared to their previous lives, surely. It was.. Just nice to have records of it. Proof that they’re different and proof that those people had lived.
He was different. A crack of lightening against the walls of his tower caused him to jolt. A warning from the Herald to get a move on as she so eloquently told him earlier. Recounting the seconds.. Ah, he can agree with her this time, for he was lost in his mind for much longer than he thought. He quickly grabs a clean set of undergarments and robe, rushing out of his tower and towards the inner parts of his chapel to deliver her a proper offering. Perhaps he will give her some extra offerings for his lateness - he hated being late too!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 1 of Crimes And Punishment finally posted! I'm hoping I can try to get CAP at least finished before my will runs out.
Hope this is a fun read!
#cookie run kingdom#crk#shadow milk cookie#pure vanilla cookie#shadowvanilla#crk au#crk fanfic#pureshadow#cookie run
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I saw there’s a lot of ppl talking about Caleb being a scary Yandere in the main story chapters but aren’t we gonna talk about these?
A bit spoilers of Caleb’s 4&5 stars card




MC is such a brat to him 😭😭😭😭 (I love it so much)
Plus, He spoiled her ROTTEN 😩😩😩😩





The facts that they hide all of his sweet sides behind the pull is kinda annoying 🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼
Btw I made a full summary of his story-line HERE bc I. JUST. CANNOT. STOP. THINKING. ABOUT. HIM 😔😔😔
#why can’t this be meeeeee 🥺#After finishing the main story I felt so conflicted about him too#but after reading all his 4 stars card I kinda see the bigger picture now#like damn he pampered her since day 1#no wonder why he was so mad when she went out to that place#yes he’s cray cray and so overprotective but his LIFE PURPOSE is for MC#bro literally became a pilot bc she said she wanna go to the space ONCE#His dream is her dream#he’s not even my top 2 favorite but I love his character writing so much dude#love and deepspace#lads#love and deepspace caleb#caleb lads#lnds caleb#caleb x mc#caleb#🦢: post
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only if you are up for a challenge. Naoya Zenin x f!reader in which he got her pregnant, then she left out of fear and he found her again and won't let her go :)))
when you loved me
- zen'in naoya x reader
you loved him... but you have had enough of the shit you've experienced—his arrogance, horrible family and another woman—and decided to leave him for the sake of yourself and your child
genre/warnings: angst to comfort, implied cheating, most likely ooc, honestly i almost made it a vs naoya fic with no consolation, happy ending aka naoya is decent
note: this ask... has been collecting dust in my askbox for about SIX MONTHS HAHAH, so sorry anon. i'll just leave it here and let it burn however just bc i don’t want to delete what i’ve written :’)
general masterlist
"How... how could you?"
Once, you thought, you were in love with Zen'in Naoya.
Well, you couldn't deny that he had personality flaws, but deep down, at one point in your life, you still believed that he too loved you.
You stared at him through tears brimming in your eyes, and he was just there, looking at the little being in your arms with a mix of shock and... something else you couldn't name. Dismay? Disappointment? Black rage?
"Go away, Naoya," you declared through your gritted teeth, pulling the baby in your arms even closer to you, as though fearing he might do something drastic. No way in hell would you let him after what he made you go through.
His eyes twitched as he tried to hold himself back from losing it. He took a few deep breathes in order to stay composed.
“Y/N, answer me,” he growled, still with the same condescending tone you remembered nine months ago, when you resolutely decided to leave him. “Is that baby mine?”
This was absolute madness. You had driven him insane. Naoya was certain he would go feral on you after you boldly left him without a trace, and when he found you, you were cradling this baby in your arms—which he was absolutely sure, enough to bet on his life, that the little thing was also his.
The woman he loves has given birth to his child.
You had imagined all sort of scenarios in which this very event would occur. This was one of them actually.
“No,” you firmly replied, gaze hardening. “Not yours. So kindly let yourself out of my house, Naoya.”
“Absolute bullshit!” he shouted and you flinched. His sudden rise of voice also woke the poor baby in your arms.
His heart hammered inside his chest. There were many things that made a mess of his head. You running away from him. The nights of madness he went through, wondering where you were and if you were alright. And now, the fact you had his baby without him ever knowing.
“Where were you? Why did you leave— you were having my—”
Fuck, he didn’t even know if he had a son or daughter.
You tried to console your child, now tears also streaming down your cheeks too. But it was more of frustration and anger rather than fear. “Can you blame me? Zen’in Naoya, you have made my life hell!”
“Hell?” It felt like an total insult to his pride. “How—!”
“You!” you screamed at his face. “I’ve had enough of your shit! And not to mention your father—that horrible drunkard who always looks down on me and treats me as if I were some gold digger! And also the whole of your goddamn, entitled clan—they always harass me right in front of my face!”
All of this stunned him on this place. Truth to be told, he knew a little to nothing at all about what his kin had done to you.
“I don’t need your family’s wealth! I can live on my own just fine even with your bastard!” Your tirade still hadn’t ended, but you had to put your baby on her cot first and dismiss her ever growing cries because you were tired of all of this. This life. This absolute nightmare that was caused by one fatal mistake of falling in love with Zen’in Naoya.
“But what the fuck? You’re asking why I left? How dare you ask me that after what you did!”
“What did I even do?!” His denial made a blood vessel about to burst inside your brain. “You never fucking told me what my father did! If only you did, I would have—”
“Look, you don’t even acknowledge it!” You were so tired of this. You wished you could die and just end all of this mental suffering. Why did this have to happen to you out of a billion people out there?
And yet, still, ultimately, you were happy with him. Those memories of the two of you together, just idyllically spending time together, or sometimes even playfully clashing opinions— to you, they were irreplaceable.
So, that's why...
Your heart shattered at the screeching cries of your baby. But you had to slam this in Naoya’s face.
“That was the last straw—seeing you with that fucking woman, you insufferable, demented, cheating bastard!”
That string of profanities you screamed at his face made Naoya finally lost it, as he gripped you tightly and his eyes flared with pure white-hot anger. “Say that again—say that again, you—!”
A toe-curling scream ripped out of your baby and you wrenched yourself out of his grasp through sheer will. Naoya was left reeling as he watched your horrified expression, as you plucked the baby into your arms again.
“Shh, shh,” you shushed your child amidst your own quivering lips. “Mama is here… Don’t cry…”
Right at that moment, it was as if something had pierced his chest and left a gaping hole. He really had a living baby. That baby was crying because of him.
The sting of the anger was still there, but now guilt started to overpower it as he regained his cool somewhat. “Is that a—” his breath hitched. He had to know. At the very, very least he had to know.
You didn’t immediately answer. You were still absolutely heartbroken by how it all turned out. But above all else, you could no longer deny him of his own child.
“A girl,” you sniffled.
A daughter. A daughter— in the one split second after knowing that, Naoya made the quickest decision of his life.
“Come back. Live with me,” he said, resolute. “You’re the mother of my child—I won’t let anyone lay their hand on you again. You have my word.”
Women are pain in the ass. That was what he used to think. Until you. Not when it's you. It astounded even himself how the sight of you like this was enough to drive knives into his chest.
“Look, that’s not it,” your tears were now falling free and fast, unable to hold it back longer. “How can you ask me that—when you went behind my back with another woman? Naoya, I love you—loved you. But isn’t this too cruel? How can you do this to me?”
“What woman are you talking about?” He tried to compose himself, but your accusation of him with someone whose existence he didn’t even know was getting in his nerves. “I have never been unfaithful to you! I know we don't always agree to things, but do you really think that low of me?”
“Evidently, I saw you with her. Your father made it a point that she’s your next plaything—or possibly even, fiancée!”
There was a memory that sprung into his head when you mentioned that. He recalled that vain, stupid woman, and he definitely remembered telling his father that he refused her. It wasn’t long before you disappeared.
Now everything clicked.
“Listen to me,” Naoya started, jaw clenching. “Whatever my father told you—those are all lies. I turned her down right there and then. I wouldn’t do that to you. You know that. You should have known that.”
Sobs wrecked your body and soul at this point. You knew where your place was. Zen’in Naoya was a man outside your league, his family made it so clear to you that you were nothing but dirt in their eyes. And perhaps that was why, back then, you chose to protect yourself and left him, believing he was capable of that too.
And now before you, you could see the man you loved once again.
“Come back to me.” His gaze burned you. “This time, for sure, I won’t let anyone touch you— I won’t let them even say a word about you! I will marry you, and we will raise our daughter together.”
“I… I don’t want to live there, Naoya…” you sobbed. You hated that place. Like hell would you have your pride stomped and deceived again.
“Alright, if that’s what you want. We won’t live there. You won’t have to see any of their faces again.”
Gazing into your face, marked by trails of tears, he finally, finally felt his heart break. And he thought, that in front of him now was the only woman who could upturn his whole trajectory.
“Just… come back. To me. I will take care of you. I swear it.”
#zenin naoya x reader#naoya x reader#naoya zenin x reader#jjk x reader#jjk fluff#jjk angst#zen'in naoya x y/n#jujutsu kaisen#zenin naoya#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jjk imagines#jujutsu kaisen imagines#jjk fic#jjk naoya#jjk x reader angst#jjk x reader fluff#jjk x you#jjk x y/n
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DP x DC prompt [6]
Weapon design always came easy to Jack Fenton. He grew up with it, all the way back in Atlantis, when he was just a little guppy.
What he wasn’t aware of at the time was that his parents were from a long and prestigious line of scientists and weapon manufacturers in Atlantean society. But things had been getting dangerous.
The King at the time cast them out when they refused his demands of greater, stronger, deadlier weapons. The kind of weapons they knew would not only destroy their enemies, but themselves as well.
They fled and went where they thought they would never be found, the surface.
Jack had the easiest time adapting, being as young as he was getting used to breathing air was a lot less of a struggle.
He adopted one of the most generic male names he could, and adapted the family name of Fenestratus into Fenton. And then it was just living as a human, as humanly as possible, nothing to see here.
By now Jack basically doesn’t know any better. but this piece of heritage is coming back now all these years later, when his son is looking to him for help from the government.
But first he holds his boy close and apologizes, because he sees the fear, and he understands a little too well, and he doesn’t like the picture he’s seeing now that all the puzzle pieces are falling into place.
“I almost became the thing I hate the most. I’m so sorry Danny, I’m sorry I made you feel unsafe in your own home”
The hug is long and warm and tight and Danny isn’t ashamed to admit he might have clung a little bit.
Then Jack holds Danny tightly by his shoulders and gives him a big grin, “Good news though, you’re only half ghost, the other half is not only human but also Atlantean, and there are laws protecting us now” Jack mutters to himself, “I wonder if the whole ghost stuff would actually be put under the meta protection thing… hmm”
Danny blinks for a moment, Jazz gapes, Maddie is suddenly no longer spiraling about how her baby boy got in a terrible accident in their lab and she didn’t know.
“I’m also what?”
“oh did I forget to mention that? I thought I did, I know for certain that I had been meaning to”
“Jack sweetie, are you-”
“oh yes, and I remember now, I decided to tell you after our big breakthrough because I didn’t want to distract you, and-” Jack looks sheepish, “I hope you aren’t too mad at me Maddiecakes”
“mad? oh I would never be mad at you about this but we could have- I don’t know, accommodated- Atlanteans are aquatic, well I guess that explains how you could always put away so much water, and when you gave me your umbrella and I thought you were just making an excuse when you told me you didn’t mind and in fact loved getting pelted by the rain-”
Maddie goes on, and Jack thinks to himself that this is exactly the reason why he kept it to himself at the time, Maddie never half asses anything, he’s sure a lot of things are going to change in the house now, it honestly only makes him fall in love with her even more.
Meanwhile Jazz had filled up a bucket of water and then dunked her head in, then came back out not even slightly gasping for breath, just saying “oh my god” over and over.
Danny timed it, “yeah okay, I guess that proves it. now I’m starting to wonder if my weird relationship with air is ghost related at all”
#dpxdc#dcxdp#danny fenton#danny phantom#jazz fenton#jack fenton#madeline fenton#good parents jack and maddie#Atlantean Jack#dp x dc crossover#dp x dc prompt#I like how Atlantean heritage explains a lot of the enhanced super human abilities the Fentons seem to have#also history repeating itself yadda yadda#Danny is actually a triple hybrid#Danny eventually becoming friends with Garth because of all this would be really sweet I think
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The what if's for today
Pairing's: Trueform!RyomenSukuna x Concubine!Reader
Summery: what if Sukuna founds another woman and replaced reader but imma make it a happy ending lol
You we're his favorite back then, You use to get whatever you want and get away with things that if anybody do it they die by the hands of the king himself but what if he finds another concubine? When you we're about to greet him after he comes back to the temple, you suddenly stop your tracks after seeing him carrying another woman in a bridal style and the woman was touching your beloved face like it's nothing, you hesitated if you wanted to greet him and ask him who she was but you just walk away as fast as you can so you wouldn't see him, after few weeks has pass you grew distance from him, looking at the girl she looks like a goddess with the blonde long hair and the jade colored eyes it truly made you insecure about yourself as you only look like the rest of the concubine.
Sukuna started wonder where you we're he got curious that his little lily doesn't go to him that much from the past few weeks he only thought you we're busy Sukuna then look for you asking the servants where you were the servants didn't have a clue as well this made Sukuna irritated and then he goes to the place where you always go, The garden. So he went there and he saw you looking all sad and he sees how your eyes we're red from crying from last night Sukuna realized it that you we're just jealous about the new woman.
You didn't notice he was behind you and you suddenly twitch when felt two arms got your hip and then raise you up spinning your around facing him you suddenly look up at Sukuna with wide eyes and you quickly try to hide your face but Sukuna raise your chin to make you look up at him "My little lily what's wrong?" He spoke gently "You haven't greeted your king for the past few weeks" he whisper to your ears and it made you tremble you just instantly hugged him and cried more he then rubs your back and he brought you inside the temple again after some talking he kissed your forehead then your lips, ever since that day Sukuna never brings another lowly woman to make his dearest concubine upset.
As for the girl she begin to act all mighty and she even picks on you whenever Sukuna wasn't around she keep reminding you that Sukuna doesn't care about you and that you we're pathetic. One afternoon Sukuna was gonna go home late as usual the girl comes towards you in the garden and she smirks at you, you we're confuse " what do you want now.. " you we're feeding the fish in the pond when suddenly you got push down to the pond the girl spoke out " what do I want? I want your place. " you we're struggling as she keep putting your head down the water attempting to drown you, when suddenly it stop you quickly got up and started to breath again then you look beside you and the girl was on the ground lifeless then you look behind to see Sukuna furious he walks towards you and he put his kimono around you and he pulled you close and you two went back inside " Clean the mess outside Uruame " he commanded with a velvety voice you look up at him " I thought you will be home late? " his lower set of eyes looks at you and he chuckled and smirk " why are you asking that? After you almost die..from that pest " he sounded mad and you just stayed quite, then when you both arrived inside his chambers he made you changed into a new clothe and he sat you down on his bed as he also lay down beside you, you smiled softly " Silly woman. " he chuckled and kiss you then you both finally have a good rest.
#jjk sukuna#ryomen sukuna x reader#fanfic#fem reader#sukuna fluff#sukuna x reader#ryomen sukuna#angst fanfic#jujutsu kaisen#fluff#concubine#true form sukuna#jjk x reader#jujutsu sukuna#sukuna x reader angst#angst to fluff#sukuna x female reader#heian era#heian sukuna
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Aaron Hotchner x bau!reader ↳ part 1 here
Sypnosis: The team finally finds out about your relationship with Aaron Hotchner. WARNING: nothing, all fluff! A/N: not my gif, ctto!
You and Aaron looked at each other in his office at the sound of Emily's voice echoing in the entire floor.
"You think they got it?" You asked in an innocent tone as a growing mischievous smile lifted up the ends of your lips.
A knock brought both your attention to the door.
Aaron looked back at you. He was biting back a smile, "I think they did."
You chuckled and walked to the door. You gave Aaron one last glimpse before swinging the door open, spilling the entire BAU team inside his office.
Penelope was first at the door, losing her balance from an equivalent weight of four agents on her back. She waved a card as she stepped inside the office, looking back and forth between you and Aaron. "This! What? When?" She took a deep breath, "What is this?!"
You calmly went closer to Penelope and gently grabbed the card, "Let me take a look." You pretended to read the contents as if you hadn't printed them out yourself. "Looks like an invitation to me," You handed the paper back to Penelope.
"Yeah?" Emily butter in, shoving Spencer aside. "An engagement party invitation—"
"Your engagement party invitation," Penelope concluded, pointing at the two of you.
JJ, being the most level-headed person in the group, stepped in, "I guess what everyone is trying to ask is... What? When? Where? How? And how long?" She smiled sweetly, but you could sense her impatience.
"You will answer us now, and you will answer us now!" Penelope threatened in an ever-energetic bounce of avidity.
You chuckled as you stood next to Aaron's desk, "You just said the same thing, Pen." You exchanged looks with Aaron.
"That's not the point. Why didn't you tell us?" Emily crossed her arms like a toddler.
David peeked into the office, holding his copy of the invitation card. "Ahh, I see you told the children." He joined the commotion inside, closing the door as if it'd change anything.
Emily scoffed, pointing at David, "But he knew?! That's so unfair! I thought we were friends." Her face was in utter disbelief.
Derek spoke from the back, "I'm not going to lie, but I kind of feel betrayed." He sighed, now also crossing his arms. "I expected it from Hotch, but not from you." He looked at you disappointingly.
"It's not like we purposely kept it a secret," Aaron leaned against the back of his seat. "We were always off on the same day. Thought you all would've caught up by now."
"You said you have movie nights with your son every Friday. Are you telling us that's a lie?" JJ worriedly looked at Aaron as if he had done a horrible crime using his child to get out of work and go on a date with you.
Spencer hummed, looking at you, "I specifically remember you saying you spend time with family every Friday. You asked me about superheroes because one of the kids in the family loves superheroes... Were you both talking about Jack this whole time?" He questioned, tilting his head in wonderment.
You and Aaron nodded at the same time. The team even got a glimpse of Aaron's small smile. He cherished the days he spent with you and Jack.
Penelope groaned, "You lied to the three of us." She stood between JJ and Emily, pointing at themselves. "We asked if something was going on with you and Hotch, and you denied it! You lie oh so well."
Emily nodded in agreement, "Yeah, that hurts a little bit. I didn't see this coming." She placed a hand on her chest, displaying disdain.
"Relax, guys, I'm sure they have a good reason why they didn't bother announcing it to everyone." JJ turned to the two of you with an annoyed smile, "Right?"
"Honestly, we just thought you'd figure it out yourselves." You shrugged, gesturing towards David. "I mean, Rossi knew."
"Uh, duh! Pasta man always knows everything." Penelope remarked.
"Hold on, please. Let's not bring me into this. You're mad at your parents. Don't blame grandpa." David reminded everyone, sniggering to himself as he saw you and Aaron glare at him.
Derek placed a hand over Penelope's shoulder, "You still haven't answered our questions." He emphasized the last word. "Is this real? Are you guys really getting married?"
You glanced at Aaron and were about to speak when he beat you to it, "We've been together for almost three years and engaged for a month." Aaron didn't mean to talk over you. He just felt like it was something he really wanted to announce himself. He was as excited as you were but just a tiny bit casual about it.
"A MONTH?!" Penelope's eyes were wide. You worried that a sudden move might cause it to pop out of her sockets. "We missed Hotch on his one knee?! Oh, my golly gracious! Pictures? What about pictures?"
Now that she mentioned it, a small part of you felt regretful that you and Aaron weren't great at capturing memories together. You just were always in the moment and forgot to stop one second to leave a picture behind.
Penelope shook her head as if she could read your mind. "You don't have pictures of your engagement?!" She freaked out, fanning herself.
David raised a finger, fishing his phone in his pocket. "Ah! I think I have some." He began tapping on the screen.
Emily scanned them and gave David a blank expression, "No offense, Rossi, but you suck at taking pictures. Sergio can take better pictures."
Another round of noises filled Aaron's office. He reckoned it had never been that crowded in that room before. The two of you watched as your small family of agents childishly reacted to your secret relationship. They responded just as you both predicted: a complete madhouse.
Aaron stood from his seat, walking around his desk to wrap you in his jacket. He did it more upfront, glancing at you with a smile as he laid the lapels of his coat flat on your shoulders. He fixed the collar, leaning against your ear, "Let me borrow this for a second, sweetheart." He whispered.
You only knitted your brows as you tried to make sense of what Aaron meant. Your hand reflexively felt the base of your neck as soon as you saw your engagement ring glistened in Aaron's hand. It may have caused you a mini heart attack when you felt nothing, but you quickly realized that Aaron meant to borrow it for everyone to see.
Everyone's mouth shut as soon as they noticed their unit chief on one knee, lifting your ring, just like the first he did.
JJ clasped her mouth with both her hands. Penelope had her phone in a flash. Emily was smacking Spencer's shoulder, to his dismay.
"You're my solace. The one person that I found myself vulnerable and yet the safest. I promise to love you for the rest of my life, so I hope that you'll allow me to spend it with you." Aaron spoke your name with such softness and love. "Will you let me marry you?"
A huge smile was plastered on your face. Granted, Aaron had said the same words a month ago. You were wearing a better dress, one of his jackets around your shoulder, per usual. His suit was more for leisure and not his everyday office attire. The venue was more privy and gave both of you such intimacy you couldn't help but cry.
But despite the crowded room and unromantic setting, the effect was still the same.
You felt the rim of your eyes heat up, nodding vigorously as if you hadn't been engaged for the past month. "Yes!"
Aaron placed the ring on your finger for the second time and grabbed you into a quick, soft kiss. The joy he felt coursed through his body. He couldn't help but have you in his arms.
The team cheered, clapping their hands in excitement. Some raised their hands to express their happiness.
"She said yes!" Emily jumped out with joy. She had one of her arms wrapped around Penelope's.
Penelope was satisfied; even if it wasn't the proposal in her mind, she was happy to be a part of such an amazing event in the whole team's entire lives.
"Now, can you all go back and do your jobs?" Aaron spoke firmly, jolting everyone into place.
You lightly smacked his chest as you laughed. You turned to the others and smiled, "He's kidding."
"I'm not," Aaron shook his head.
"He is," You clarified, giving him a playful glare.
Spencer was the one to break your banter, "So, like... do we call you mom, now?" The entire team looked at him as if he was asking the obvious. "What? I was just making sure."
"Come here," Emily hooked her arm around Spencer's neck, dragging him out of the office. "Don't worry, Mom. We'll set him straight." She kidded, leading the line of agents out of the office.
#criminal minds#criminalminds#cm#aaron hotchner x reader#aaron hotchner#ssa aaron hotchner#aaron hotch fanfiction#aaron hotch hotchner#aaron hotch imagine#ssa hotchner#fem!reader#x reader#x female reader#hotch#aaron hotch fluff
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hii! How are you darling :)
Can i request a crack/ funny and fluffy cale x pregnant reader ? Like she is a few months pregnant, so cale and the kids always lay with her and dont let her do much.
Ofc the others are overprotective of her, bc like shes clumsy😭 like always falling down the stairs, nose bleeds (me core) and she watched everyone panic while looking at them with a deadpanned look bc
1. Shes a baddie whos to hot to die
2.the baby is fine and alive
And cale is loosing his mind bc he cannot leave her alone for two mins bc she will somehow make even more trouble simply bc shes ✨just a girl ✨
Stay still, will you?
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝:1,267
»»►This is a funny scenario. I like to think Cale is a super, over the top, overprotective, man. If you mess with those he cares about or loves, you’re about to find yourself in an interesting situation.
»»►But when Cale finds out he’s going to be a papa, he goes wild. Forget accepting whatever mission the crown prince wants him to do, he needs to be right next to his wife–24/7.
»»►And let’s be honest with ourselves, this man would literally take this chance to laze around even more. This is the life he wanted, no?
»»►Oh, but his dear wife doesn’t like sitting still for more than a minute. This is torture for her—but can’t do anything about it because her husband and (adopted)kids want her to relax and take care of herself and the baby.
»»►But, why? You may ask. That’s for the single fact that she is clumsy (hey just like me!). She crashes stuff, trips, falls, hurts herself—according to Cale and the others—she denies such accusations—and last but not least, she gets herself in trouble.
»»►So, yeah. [Name] have no “stepping outside the state” privileges until after the baby is here physically. But [Name] is a tough cookie. She can handle herself when no-one is around. So—to everyone’s dismay—she goes outside one day. It’s just to stroll around and see what has progressed in Harris Village.
»»►One thing to note: she didn’t tell a soul about her outing.
»»►Now imagine Cale’s face when he comes back to see the staff panicking for the whereabouts of his wife.
»»►Let's just say…it was chaotic that day.
“Woah, that looks tasty...!” [Name] drooled at the sight.
“Good morning, lady [Name]! What can I get you today?” The shop owner greeted [Name] with a smile.
“Can I have this please?” [Name] pointed to one of the delicacies of the bakery. It was a croissant-looking-bread stuffed full of chocolate.
The owner of the bakery gave her a bag filled with what she ordered. “Here you go! Please come back soon!” the owner waved goodbye.
“I will!” She waved back at the owner. [Name] took one of the baked goods and began to eat it.
“I wonder how everyone is doing at the state.”
“M’lady! Where are you?!”
“Does anyone remember the last place [Name] went to?!”
“M’lady, please be okay!”
Currently, everyone is in a frenzy. The lady of the house was nowhere to be found, and everyone and their mothers were running like headless chickens in search of her. And if they did not find her, their master was going to kill them!
“What is with the commotion here?” a voice spoke from the entrance of the manor.
Everything stopped. Slowly, the housekeepers and butlers turned their heads towards the voice. They knew this voice. Very well in fact. Although they grew to like it, right now, they wish they didn’t hear it. They prayed that it was a ghost. Dread overtook them as they saw the voice’s owner.
Cale Henituse. Their young master. And the husband of the manor’s lady they were trying to find.
“So? Is anyone going to tell me why you are all running like the world just ended?” Cale spoke.
Who was mad enough to even dare to tell the young master that his wife magically disappeared? Not me. And not anyone in this room.
Yet a brave soul stood up and spoke. May he rest in peace.
“Ah…y-young mater Cale,” a young butler went forward and vowed, stammering in his word, “we..uh…. Can’t find lady [Name] anywhere...?”
It was deafeningly silent. No one moved an inch, waiting—waiting for the order to execute them. They fully accepted their fate.
“Well, what are you all just standing there for?” he spoke, breaking the iceberg.
“Standing still isn't going to bring back [Name].” He stood there, staring at the crowd.
He was right.
They needed to get back to searching for Lady [Name]!
A chorus of ‘yes, sir!’ was heard before a horde of housekeepers and butlers left in search of their Lady.
“*sigh* Why are you like this [Name]...?” Cale whispered and looked up. He slowly walked to the exit of the manor heading to the town; the children followed after him–this included Choi Han.
“Master Cale, where are you going?” Hans asked.
“I’m going to the market area in the town,” he said, not bothering to look back. “Ron, make my bed as comfortable as you can make, will you?”
“Yes, young master.” Ron responded.
Lovely day for [Name] sitting in the shade of an umbrella and her delicious foods. Going from one shop to another, she had managed to gather a lot of food. She had gone overboard again, yes, but the baby she was carrying and her were happy. Who could ever disturb such happiness?
“[Name].” A male voice called her name firmly from behind.
Of course. The only person that could was her husband. [Name] knew he only meant good, but right now he had broken that tranquility.
“Oh! Cale, love, darling, how are you...?” [Name] turned and looked at him nervously. The children had gathered around her–with Raon being invisible naturally.
“[Name]...” Cale rubbed the temples of his face before sighing, “why are you out?” he asked sternly.
“Well clearly, I was taking a walk. And I bought some snacks on the way.” She answered, petting both Hong and Raon while On made herself comfortable in her lap.
“What–no. That’s not what I meant.”
“You asked why I was out, and I told you why.”
“You know exactly why I asked that.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” [Name] gave the children the treats she had bought earlier.
“[Name], please. You know how dangerous it is for you to be here right now. You are due at any point now! And I just…agh..I just want you to stay safe.” He said in frustration.
[Name] looked at him, feeling a bit guilty that he is like that. She had reached her ninth month a week ago, making this month the most crucial. She just didn’t want to stay locked up in her room all the time. It was something that did not sit right with her.
“I’m sorry…” [Name] looked down in shame.
“I…*sigh* You are going to be the death of me.” Cale came closer to her and placed his hands underneath her.
“Hu-huh? Cale? What are you doing?” panicking a little before realizing he was going to carry her.
“Carry you, obviously.” He scuffed. “We’re going back to the manor.”
“Aww…can’t we go to another shop? It’ll be the last one, I promise!” Her begging went to deaf ears. He wasn’t letting her get away with it, so she started to wiggle her way out his arm.
“Stay still, will you?”
“Not until I get my last treat.”
“*sight…* Fine. But you’ll have it after dinner. Dinner is going to be served soon.” Cale said while walking to the nearest candy shop.
“Mmmm, I'm fine with that. Oh! Choi Han, hello. Sorry, I didn’t notice you there.”
“It’s fine lady [Name].” Choi Han gave her a small nod.
“Moooom…I want a treat too!”
“I also want one!”
“The great Roan Miru will get one too, right?”
“Wait a second. Since when do they call you mom?” Cale asked in confusion.
“Yes, yes. All of you will get one.”
“Don’t ignore me.”
Choi Han giggled as Cale continued to ask and get ignored by them.
𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚜: @lureslutes, @cruzerforce4256, @narcise63, @potterhead-whovian-117, @margieee194, @zenix108, @vimenorie, @lunavixia, @potterhead-whovian-117, @alithurism, @matchalyne, @minteaspoon, @dontknowhowtousethis, @valacz29, @rainalovesouya, @vimenorie, @lunavixia, @ru8yx. Re-blog or Comment if you want to get added into the Tag section for Lout of Count's Family updates. Back to Lout Of Count's Family Master-List
#cale henituse x reader#cale henituse#trash of the count's family x reader#trash of the count's family#lout of the count’s family#lout of the count's family x reader#reader input#x reader#manhwa x reader#totcf#manhwa#manhwa fanfic#choi han#ron#deruth henituse#hans#raon miru#on and hong
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"#21 - Ancient", follow-up
I'm not going to be able to finish Smaugust #23 today, so that will have to wait until tomorrow. Apologies.
Instead, for a change of pace, let's talk about something different. I've seen a few reactions to my submission for day 21 that wondered what on earth must have possessed Secretkeeper to romantically pursue Morrowseer, and what that must have been like. Did they love each other? Was there any tenderness or affection between them? I figured I should give you my take on them.
I believe that Morrowseer--somewhere deep within his black, twisted lump of a heart--did indeed have feelings for Secretkeeper. You can kind of see this in the Prisoners short where he very unfavorably compares Farsight to Secretkeeper and sings the praises of the latter. He holds her in high esteem and seems to value her intelligence. He probably really wanted to have a meaningful relationship with her.
Unfortunately, he is wracked with the burden of having to be Morrowseer; a bitter, deeply unpleasant, emotionally shallow old dragon incapable of the humility required to be compassionate. For all the prestige and clout that Morrowseer has as an elite member of the Queen's court, his social life seems very empty and sad. He has no friends, only co-workers (who don't like him) and underlings (who butter him up), and I think he feels incomplete because of that. To fill this void, he fixates on asserting his importance and is desperate to maintain his status. He deeply desired to be the father of the prophecy Nightwing--which would have cemented him as the one dragon who saved his tribe--and the fact that he failed to sire a child in time not once (necessitating Starflight), but twice (necessitating Fatespeaker) eats him up on the inside. He perceives this as a huge failure, and Mastermind (who succeeded where he failed) picked up on this and mocks him for it. His entire conversation with Farsight reeks of "I am mad and jealous that your kid is special! It should have been mine!! Goddamnit why wasn't it mine!??"
For Secretkeeper's side... no, I don't think there's any deep affection there. I don't think she anticipated this relationship happening in the first place. But she did want to have a child, and when Morrowseer approached her, she weighed her options. If one can stomach living with someone like Morrowseer--who always has to be the most important person in the room--it's not an entirely bad deal. You get a lot of social clout as the Queen's right hand's mate, and since Morrowseer is exempt from the strict food rationing policy, you also get to eat. And he actively wants to have children to secure his legacy, which, if that's what you want as well, is pretty good. So in my mind she probably just went "Yeah, I can probably make this work. I'm sure he's not as bad to be around when he likes you." and agreed out of convenience.
But I doubt she loved him. There isn't really a reality where I can reconcile "She loved him" and "She kept their shared child a secret from him because she did not trust him". The only thing Secretkeeper genuinely loved about Morrowseer was that she was able to have Moonwatcher. So she stuck it out for her daughter, and I don't think she was upset for very long when Morrowseer died. She might have even felt a sense of relief that she didn't have to keep lying anymore.
I've seen people point to the fact that Secretkeeper felt a desire to tell Moonwatcher who her father was, and then posit that this means she did have feelings for him. I'm not sure I really agree. All that tells me is that she has feelings for Moonwatcher and wants her to know the truth. But if the truth is "I didn't really love your father, he was an awful and unpleasant person and I was just with him so I could have you", it becomes understandable why she would choose not to tell her.
That's my read of the situation anyway. Yours might be entirely different!
#wings of fire#dragon#wof#digital art#wof art#flawseer art#flawseer talk#wof headcanon#wof morrowseer#wof secretkeeper#wof mastermind#wof farsight#wof fierceteeth#long post#long winded#romance#flawseer story
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When The Stars Align
regressed!duke x wife!female!reader oneshot (? it could be more idk)
Duke Ercan Revaz only ever loved one woman but she no longer exists. And it’s his fault. Well, if he wasn’t the only reason then he surely was a reason. He still remembers the first day he saw you. Standing under the moonlight in a garden looking like a goddess straight out of the founding myths of the empire. He stood, not far behind you, watching. Staring. You stood there in an elegant red dress with a champagne flute in your hand leaving the chaos and noise of the ball behind you. A sad sigh escapes your lips and, for some reason, he longed to hear your voice. At the thought, he freezes. He doesn’t understand the feelings flowing through him. He’s new to this sort of thing. Having spent countless years from one battlefield to another, he has zero experience with women. Another sigh from your alluring lips brings him out of his thoughts. He wonders, What is causing you to sigh so much? He then realizes that you were the woman who just publicly dumped her fiance. Your ex-fiance was a complete bastard. He was expecting orders to eradicate this nuisance to high society but you beat him to it and did a great job of ensuring he would never show his face again. He sees a woman approaching you which he recognizes as Countess Labelle. Countess Labelle calls you and you turn to face her. She must be your mother. he thinks. You leave with the countess. As he stares at your retreating back he feels that he must have you and he will make sure that once he does, you won’t be able to leave him.
Ercan now realizes that he went about making you his wife all wrong. Instead of trying to woo you, he did something that he still regrets. Using his power as a duke, he indirectly places your father in debt and demands that if he gets you as a bride, he will pay the debt off himself. Your father, bless his heart, tried to find other means to pay back the money but you stopped him and accepted the marriage. At the start of your marriage, things were fine. He never embraced you and always kept a distance, thinking that you might not have favourable feelings towards him. Still, you had a nice marriage. Things went downhill when he got sent to battle. You discovered papers with orders to place your father in debt in his study. Without him there to at least try to salvage the situation, your thoughts went wild. He came back to the report that you had tried to escape. He was frantic. Why would you try to leave him? He might indeed have placed you in debt, but he paid them off and also made sure that your family was well off. He found you bound to bed rest by the family doctor. You looked terrible. Pale and bags under your eyes. He got into an argument with you which ended with him confining you to your room. You resisted and your health took a hit. The day you died, Ercan regrets that the last thing he told you was a “Good night” and not “I love you” or anything similar. He woke to the balcony doors being opened. His blood ran cold. He ran outside only to see your disappearing smile over the railings. Ercan went mad. He lost you. He lost you. After the funeral was over, Ercan wished that he wouldn’t wake up again. He would rather die than face a world without you in it. He was surprised to wake up and find out that his wish had come true. Well, kind of. Ercan clenches his fist while he stares out the window of what used to be your shared bedroom. What will become your shared bedroom. I promise, this time I’ll never make the same mistakes again. I'll show you just how much you mean to me. This time, you won’t die in vain.
#oneshot#regression#duke x reader#yandere x reader#regressed!duke#historical#fantasy#original writing#original work#x reader#f!reader#female reader#sfw regression#sfw#yandere!duke#yandere manhwa x reader#yandere#yandere male#romance
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I need to know how you think Quinn would react if he caught his gf getting off without him. Would he restrain her so she couldn’t do it again? Or show her what she was missing by not asking him to help? Or something darker…
Warnings: toy punishment. A tiny line of spanking. Q being controlling and upset.
He's warned you time after time that you aren't supposed to touch what belongs to him.
He doesn't want you watching porn or reading porn without him. If you watch it, he needs you in his lap, needs to see your every reaction. Needs to see what makes you whimper. Needs to make sure you're watching safe videos. Needs to be there to give you a little practical demonstration.
If you're reading, he wants to read the book to you. Needs you to hear the words coming from his mouth. Needs to speak the words directly in your ear, feeling you shiver, stoking the fire until he can feel you soaking him.
He doesn't want you using toys on your own. You're easily startled, you might overwhelm yourself, press the wrong button and he won't be there to slowly calm you down after you cum. You might use something too big for you, you're so incredibly tight and it takes him a while to warm you up himself before fucking you.
He doesn't want you feeling yourself up. Touching yourself. He doesn't want you to touch your own breasts, to skim your fingers up them. They're his. His to bite, to suck, to touch, to fuck. Doesn't want you to touch your adorable pussy on your own, doesn't want you soaking your own fingers. It's his. Only he gets to feel you.
He's made all of these rules incredibly clear with you - so why the fuck has he come home to this? To you spread out with that fucking vibrator against your clit?
Do you think you're being funny? Are you doing this on purpose to get a reaction from him? He went out for groceries. It's not like he's been on a roadie. Not like you have the excuse of being lonely.
If you think he's letting you get off, you're mistaken. If you think he's going to fuck you, you're mistaken. If you think you aren't getting punished, you're such as fuck mistaken.
You don't even notice he's there. Your eyes are threatening to roll back in your head. He wonders how long you've been at it, adjusting himself in his jeans, trying to ignore how hard he is, how tight they've gotten. He can't let himself get carried away. You broke the rules. Your cute little cat underwear taunting him. His innocent girl, such a needy fucking slut sometimes.
Marching towards you, flipping you onto your stomach, dragging you to rest your cute ass over the edge of the bed, rubbing his hand over the globes of your ass, spanking you directly over one of the kitties. Glaring down at you as you squeak.
Spanking you again and again and again, alternating sides, seeing your thighs squirm, feeling how hot your skin burns under his hand.
"Felt like being a little whore for me huh? Couldn't wait? You know what happens when you disobey me baby girl? Wanna test me?"
You don't deserve him treating you with care. Don't deserve how he warms you up. If you can't even follow a few basic rules, why should he?
He's searching through the drawer filled with toys he's bought you. Needs one to send a message. He could go light. Go easy with a clit sucker. Another bullet. But he's pissed. Grabbing one of the silicon vibrating dildos, eying you up.
He's ripping your underwear, brutally thrusting it into you. He hopes for your sake that you were touching yourself for a while. Just leaving it there. Turning the vibrations up to max, watching you scream into the bed. Your ripped underwear holding together enough to keep it in place.
"Do you really need me to have cameras in here baby? Need me to keep watch on my little whore 24/7? I'm supposed to be able to trust you. Now look what you're making me do."
You're sobbing, you're begging, you're claiming that you'll never do it again. Screaming at him to take it out, to give you a break. But you don't deserve that. Not after you've made him mad. Shown him you can't be trusted.
He's leaving you there. He'll come back in an hour or two. Cum or don't cum, he doesn't care. Scream all you want. Throw as many little tantrums as you want. This is your fault.


#quinn hughes#qh43#quinn hughes x reader#quinn hughes x you#quinn hughes fic#quinn hughes imagine#quinn hughes imagines#quinn hughes blurb#quinn hughes smut#quinn hughes fanfiction#dark quinn
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Jujutsu Kaisen Headcanons - Suguru Geto
Suguru's the type of guy...
Suguru’s the soccer/hockey mom type of guy: he carries snacks, band aids, ibuprofen, tissues, gum, hair ties, and a spare set of socks in his bag at all times. That’s actually how you met him: you were at the coffee shop and asked several tables around you for a band aid (after the barista said they didn’t have any) until Suguru came over with one. He also offered a couple of alcohol swabs to clean things off before applying it.
Suguru’s the type of guy to forget to introduce himself. He gets so engrossed in the person in front of him and what they’re saying that he completely forgets how social interactions are supposed to go. You had to ask him at some point what you’re supposed to call him. He had to think about it for a moment as if he’d forgotten his own name.
(After chatting for almost an hour, he asked yours and you, very forwardly, also gave him your number.)
He’s the type of guy who drinks anything BUT plain coffee with milk and sugar, you conclude by the fourth date. The man will drink matcha, he will drink hot cocoa, he will drink iced or warm lattes with butt loads of cold foam or sweet syrups drizzled throughout, and he will drink LOTS of fruity teas. But a plain coffee with just milk and sugar may actually kill him?
Not only is Suguru the type of guy to paint his own nails, but he also insisted on teaching you after discovering how badly you do the edges (it’s hard!!!!). He likes for you both to have matching or complimentary manicures. It’s also a complete waste that he taught you how to paint because he never lets you do it and always wants to do your manicures and pedicures himself. Sunday nights are for the fingies and toes.
(Coincidentally, he HATES the smell of polish and remover. He has to wear a clip on his nose the entire time that makes his voice all high and nasally.)
Suguru is that guy with a seven-step skincare and five-step hair care routine. You can’t even describe the face he made upon discovering your simple shampoo-and-conditioner, face wash-and-moisturizer antics. But you do wish you’d taken a picture of it.
He totally forgets to eat sometimes. You wonder how it’s possible for him to be the size and height he is if this has always been the case. That is until you share your first real dinner together and he eats nearly five thousand calories in one sitting. He then proceeds to finish your leftovers as well. When you ask him about this deranged behaviour, he just shrugs and says, “I don’t know. I love food, but I don’t really think about it unless it’s in front of me.”
Suguru hasn’t worked out in a gym in almost two years, apparently. He just does runs and “generic labour” at the farm he works at. The solid abs and bouldered deltoids he hides underneath baggy clothes would beg to differ.
Suguru is a total plant princess. The first time you went to his place, you weren’t sure if it wasn’t a greenhouse. Potted wonders and vines and vases were all over the place. This came as even more earth-shattering when a little white cat tinkered her way through the hall and snuggled her butt right up against your ankles. “Oh, no, she knocks things over all the time. But I can’t exactly get mad at her, so I just re-pot everything. That’s why all of these are melamine or recycled plastic.”
That’s another thing about Suguru: he has tremendous amounts of patience. You’ve never met anyone as kind or forgiving as him. You’ve asked him to share his meditation routine with you but he keeps lying about not having one.
(The cat’s name is Dandelion; Dandy for short. She’s a white domestic short-hair with blue eyes and a pink button nose.)
Suguru’s a very formal type of guy. You didn’t expect it, but he took you out on a proper date and verbally said the words “Will you be my girlfriend?” and then proceeded to clarify with “Like, romantically. Not like a friend who’s also a girl—which is totally fine, if that’s what you prefer to be, I just—” and that’s when you cut him off with a kiss and he settled down.
He’s the type of guy to love openly and quickly. It’s less than two months in when he just casually drops an “I love you” on you one morning as you’re on the toilet and he dips his head in to grab a hair brush. Then he simply leaves you to marinate in it while you sit there in shock, unmoving except for the plop-plop-plop in the toilet.
In contrast to how casually he’s able to deliver the sentiment, he’s entirely floored when you return it in bed that same night. He’s so taken that he stops moving and has to wait a moment to get it back together. But after that one still moment, the rest of it feels like you’re being attacked by a tornado.
Suguru’s the type of guy to leave “I love you” sticky notes by your bedside or on your door. One time, you decided to keep the note and stuck it on something at his place before leaving. It was returned to you on your laptop the next day. It’s now become a sort of game between you; sometimes the notes get passed back and forth so long that the adhesive on the back completely dissipates. After writing a new one, you both toss a coin to decide who gets to keep the old one. Suguru’s won seven out of ten tosses, so far.
He’s not the type to gloat when he wins. Somehow, he finds a way to turn his wins into yours. Like how he ended up with most of the old “I love you” post-its but folded them into paper flowers and put them on artificial stems. He gave you the bouquet on your one-year anniversary. You bawled like a little bitch.
Suguru hates seeing you cry or hurt. It’s the only time you’ve seen him distressed. It makes him physically sick and you can tell by how pale and sweaty he gets. He banks his sick days at work since you started dating. Every month when you get your period, Suguru hibernates at your place with you for the first three days because he knows they’re the hardest. He cooks for you, keeps you showered and clean, massages you, naps with you, cleans for you, and he’s at your general beck and call otherwise. Your favourite part is always ordering in impulsive cravings and watching your favourite shows or movies. You also enjoy breaking into the piggy bank of sweets and candy he saves up for you all month.
He’s the type to slowly move you both in together without your ever realizing. Roughly a year in, you discovered just how much of your stuff was now filling in his otherwise spacious new place. The only things left at your apartment were a few pairs of clothes and your mattress (everything else was part of the owner’s furnishings). This little scheme dawned on you when your lease was up and instead of helping you look for another place, Suguru conveniently chimed, “Oh, why don’t you just stay with me? All your stuff’s here anyways.”
(As formal as he is, turns out he was too shy to ask you to move in. He thought giving you a key to his place as a Christmas present was a big enough hint and has no idea how you didn’t clock it. You tell him you would have said yes if he’d just asked. He just blushes and smiles.)
Suguru is a big tipper at restaurants and cafes. He often tips more than the actually meal or drink costs. You fear this may have detrimental effects on his finances, but he somehow manages to keep things running more than smoothly. Suspiciously smoothly.
Turns out, he doesn’t just work at the farm. He actually (very successfully, too) co-owns it with his best friend Satoru, which leads to the next point: Suguru’s just the type of guy to downplay exactly how well he’s doing or how much he has. (He has a lot.)
Since he wakes up ridiculously early most mornings to tend to farmwork, Suguru’s the type of guy to cook you an elaborate, three course breakfast each time and leave it covered in the oven with a note on the door for you to enjoy. Meanwhile, he shoots back a creamy, sugary beverage or two and just raw dogs the rest of the day on an empty stomach until the late lunch or dinner you share together. You’re trying to help him remember to eat more often, so you’ve started packing him just as elaborate lunches and snack packs at night once he’s gone to bed. You have to text or call him to remind him to actually eat out of them. He always enjoys them when he does.
Suguru takes his sweet time initiating sex for the first time. Upon reaching week four of the relationship with not a lick of intimacy, you had to break the ice on the subject. Suguru was surprised, then laughed it off. “No, I’m not asexual. I just didn’t want to weird you out or get right into sex without your deliberate consent.”
(You gave it to him instantly.)
Since his middle name is basically serenity, you were a bit worried as to how the sex would go. You don’t altogether mind the notion of “love making,” but you’re also not a purely vanilla person by nature.
Suguru’s generously girthy and lands in the seven-inch range. He’s uncut and always shaves everything clean off. You’ve never seen a crotch as hairless as his. There’s a thick vein that runs from below his belly button, down his beautifully carved pelvis and right up the length of his shaft. You like tracing it with your tongue and watching his reactions. He gets real breathy and sensitive about it.
Suguru can last a while, but that doesn’t mean he won’t take the time to service you in at least two to three other ways before finally giving you what you want. He’s quite the skilled tradesman with both his tongue and his hands, but you prefer his long, knuckly fingers over the former. Something about the veins and muscles in his arms when he endlessly plunges palm-deep inside of you drives you right over the edge. While he’s quite humble otherwise, getting you to orgasm is one thing he’s quite smug about. The way he smirks when you fall apart for him is absolutely sadistic.
Contrary to his soft, silky personality and demeanour, he’s quite the devil in arms behind closed doors. (Sometimes, those doors aren’t even closed.)
He’s a biter (genuinely shocking). He likes to mark you in places where nobody would be able to see it and find out just how rough and territorial your sweet, doting boyfriend truly is. Such places include your back, your tits (specifically, right around your nipples), the plush of inner thigh right at the apex of your legs, the outer skinfolds right next to your “perfectly suckable lips” (no, NOT your mouth), and all over the meat of your ass.
Suguru doesn’t eat pussy; he makes out with it. He French kisses and has an affair with it. Just let him do it and expect to be there for the better part of an hour, probably. Nothing you say or do can deter him from his “favourite meal in the whole world.”
He has no problem putting you in your place when it comes to sex. It’s genuinely some alter ego type shit. The change is a complete 180, to the point that you sometimes feel like you’re cheating on your amazing, loving boyfriend with some sex-crazed maniacal psychopath that leaves you shuddering and unable to stand on your feet for a good few hours afterwards without buckling knees or trembling thighs. The only part that reminds you they’re the same person is when he gently cleans you up afterwards and apologetically kisses all the places where he’d bit, clawed, smacked or choked only moments ago. The comedown is nearly as thrilling as the experience itself.
Suguru loves mocking and demeaning you with simultaneously praiseworthy titles. Phrases like “My precious little whore,” “Perfect fucking slut,” or “My stupidly pretty princess” roll off his tongue just as easily as “My little baby,” “Good fucking girl,” and your personal favourite: “My little pussy fairy.” It’s quite the whiplash.
Suguru fucks like his life depends on it. All the calm and peace behind his foxy monolids drains the moment he realizes what’s about to happen. The fire and hunger that replaces that calm is enough to make your heart plunge down and drop out through your ass every single time regardless of how often it happens. He is not a gentle lover, and you couldn’t be more thankful for how viciously he strokes or how diligently he chokes or how shamelessly he orders you to open your mouth so he can fill it with his fingers and spit into the back of your throat while the head of his cock breaks the rim of your cervix and your eyes roll like a slot machine into your skull.
He wasn’t as vocal at first because he was shy and anxious that you would get turned off by it. Turns out, when he moans and whimpers it’s so fucking delicate that your pussy flutters just at the sounds that come out of him. While you enjoy his gruff snarls and grunts and the tone of his poetic degradation, you take every chance you can get your hands on to have him undone and vulnerable, shivering and trembling and nearly sobbing from ecstasy at the worship you deliver.
Suguru never makes you beg or ask for it. He does like to hear you say what you want, but he often readily delivers your services on a golden platter. He’s just so generous like that.
While he gets to address you with all kinds of pet names and kinky titles, he only ever wants you to call him “Suguru” between the sheets. “Baby” is too vague, and nothing else quite establishes his dominance over you the same as hearing gasps of his name over and over again while you convulse and shatter against him, so soft and weak and vulnerable that it makes his heart stop.
He makes you keep your eyes open and on him at all times. “Keep your focus on me,” “Look at what I’m doing to you, keep watching,” “Look at me with those pretty eyes, I wanna see how big they get when you come for me,” “Don’t you dare look away,” all of that. Even when you’re kissing now you’re both always looking at one another. You don’t think you can go back to kissing with your eyes closed again.
He asked you in the beginning if you want him to use condoms just so you wouldn’t have to deal with contraceptive side effects. You used them a few times before realizing how badly you wanted to just fluid bond with him. He has never complained about this; he’s ready to face any consequences, should they happen. And while he loves going to pro-choice rallies with you, he does fantasize from time to time about a little version of you running around the farm, driving him crazy with worry.
Suguru’s favourite place to come is on your face, because your face is his favourite sight in the entire world. Yes, he loves your body. But it was your nervous smile and hopeful eyes that caught his eye the very first time and kept him looking back again and again. Seeing his cum streaked across your gorgeous lips and dripping down your cheeks and chin is a mental image he frequents regularly throughout the day.
(One day, you make him lick the cum off your face and feed it to you by kiss. This changes his brain chemistry forever. You’re definitely the one.)
#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#headcanon#jjk x reader#geto suguru#geto x reader#geto x you#suguru geto smut#suguru geto#suguru x reader#suguru x you#fluff#smut
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Kara had been pacing for hours. With every step she took, the anxiety was worse, and if she didn’t stop soon she was afraid she’d wear a groove in her floor.
Lena had Kryptonite.
Why did Lena have Kryptonite?
Why was Lena gathering the only thing that could hurt her? The best way to kill her?
Fuming, Kara stormed back and forth, rubbing at her arms as her heart raced. She couldn’t imagine Lena ever harming her. They’d had brunch that morning! They’d chatted and gossiped and Kara had laughed at a tiny bit of crème on the tip of Lena’s nose, and her heart had swelled in her chest when she imagined flicking it off with a finger.
(She wondered if her lips would taste like sugar and spice and everything nice)
When Alex had told her, Kara had protested, objected, shouted, and finally Alex had left her alone to “work it out” but told her they had to do something, and soon.
Kara had to know.
She couldn’t stand it anymore. It was like a full body itch, wriggling beneath her skin from scalp to soles. If she didn’t get an answer she’d lose her mind.
Kara reached for her suit, hanging crisply pressed from the same clothing rack as her work outfits, but stopped, fingers curling around nothing.
She couldn’t do this as Supergirl. Lena would be hostile, defensive, clam up and shut her down. No, this was a job for Kara. That was what she told herself when she shrugged into a cardigan and set off, walking rather than flying across town.
Kara traveled as a human traveled, slowly. Her part of town was vibrant, with music and excitement spilling from hip bars. The tang of booze and the sharp acrid bite of tobacco smoke lashed at her as she passed.
She reached downtown and walked down the street, hugging herself and rubbing at her arms as if against a chill. It was quieter here, the offices and towers empty near midnight. As she passed Noonan’s, she briefly paused to study the chairs as they sat atop the tables and the empty space where she’d once slung lattes and pastries before somehow getting sucked into Cat Grant’s mad world.
She saw her own reflection in the dark glass and adjusted her glasses before moving on.
Lena’s building had doormen and one of them recognized her.
“Miss Danvers?” he said. His name was Todd or Rod or maybe… she didn’t remember. “Miss Luthor isn’t expecting guests.”
“I was just in the neighborhood.”
“It’s a bit late for an evening stroll.”
Nevertheless he stepped inside and returned a moment later, ushering her to the elevator. The light for Lena’s floor was lit. She’d called it up herself.
When the doors opened and Kara stepped out, Lena’s door stood open, spilling light out.
“Kara?” Lena asked softly, “It’s so late. What’s wrong?”
Kara froze, her resolve slipping away as easily as the moisture on her tongue as her mouth went dry. Lena was dressed in silk pajama bottoms and a silk top that left her shoulders bare and a flowing silk robe, all green. Her hair was down and fell over her shoulders in inky waves.
Kara could only stare until Lena’s hand curled around her arm and guided her inside. She closed the door behind them and offered Kara a glass of water.
She drained it.
“Kara, what is it? You look terrified.”
Kara looked at her, really looked at her, hearing Lena’s heart quicken as she did. Lena looked away sharply, a soft pink dusting her pale cheeks.
“Are you alright?”
“I have to ask you a question,” said Kara, “and once I ask it I can’t un-ask it.”
Lena swallowed hard, then went to pour herself a scotch, downing two fingers neat in just three gulps.
“Are you going to ask me about the Kryptonite?”
Kara flinched. Lena looked away from her, turning the glass in her hand, trying to hide the shaking.
Lena slowly, deliberately placed the glass on the counter and shifted herself onto one of the kitchen stools.
“I should be glad it’s you she sent,” said Lena. “Agent Danvers would probably just shoot me first and ask questions later.”
“She? Sent? What do you mean?”
“Supergirl,” said Lena. “I know you’re at least acquainted. I always wondered how, if she knew you first or your sister.”
“Lena, why do you have Kryptonite? Where did you get it?”
“I made it, actually,” said Lena. “It’s surprisingly simple to synthesize if you know how.”
Kara swallowed, hard.
“As to why I have it,” said Lena, “you might be the only person who will believe me.”
“Go on.”
“I’m testing a method of destroying Kryptonite that renders it inert and harmless. It could also be used to destroy the mineral in large quantities or create a lightweight protective layer in Supergirl’s suit.”
“Does it work?”
“It works.”
“But you haven’t told Supergirl.”
“Why not?”
Still staring at the glass, Lena turned it on the countertop, the thick base making faint scraping sounds against the marble counter.
“Because she wouldn’t. I think when we first met she was suspicious but then really believed that I was trying to help, but lately she’s been suspicious and distant, and questions everything I do, even after Medusa.”
Kara felt a pang of guilt in your chest.
“You’re right,” Kara sighed. “She would. She has been… she’s been struggling for a while now. Things are more complicated and she was hurt after… you’re right, and she owes you an apology.”
“It’s not like we’re friends,” said Lena. “It’s not like I had brunch with her this morning.”
Kara froze, going very still.
“I’m not an idiot,” Lena said, her voice barely more than a whisper. “Think about it. Supergirl’s best friend just happens to be the sister of the deputy director of the D.E.O., who regularly works with Supergirl. Supergirl’s best fiend is who has having coffee with her just when two goons happened to toss me off my own balcony. In the middle of the night. Supergirl’s best friend who is also Superman’s cousin, just like Supergirl is his cousin.”
“I… but I never said I was…”
“You’re Clark’s cousin and Clark is Superman. Lex has known for ten years, Kara. I already knew.”
Kara hugged herself tighter.
“Also,” said Lena, “you flat out told me you can fly on the day we met.”
“Oh,” Kara said softly.
“Oh,” said Lena.
“Were you going to say something?”
“I liked having a best friend. I like Kara.”
“I am Kara.”
Lena looked at her, and she felt herself shrink.
“Do you believe me about the Kryptonite?”
“If you wanted to hurt me by now, you would have. Besides, I… I just do.”
“I have never understood why you can be so harsh to me with that stupid suit on and so kind to me the rest of the time.”
Kara looked away, as her lip began to tremble.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Lena. I wish I’d told you sooner, after Medusa or after Metallo almost exploded in our faces. I know I’ve been acting differently lately and I’m sorry.”
Kara turned back and saw that Lena was crying, a tear glittering on her cheek. A sharp, cruel pain lanced through her, like a knife parting her flesh from her ribs. She took a halting half step forward, stopped, then closed the distance, lightly resting her hand on Lena’s back. Feeling her body heat beneath the silk was intoxicating, and Kara felt her head spin.
“Did you come here to tell me?” said Lena.
“I came because I was scared, and angry. I’m tired of losing things. Places. People. I was so scared that Alex and James were right and I was being stupid about you.”
Lena snorted. “Oh of course.”
“The first time I ever saw you, I had this feeling, this… I can’t even put it into words. It was like remembering something I’d forgotten I knew. That same day when Clark said you were up to something, I told him off.”
Lena turned to look at her, one eyebrow raised.
“Is that feeling why you couldn’t leave me alone?”
“Yes,” Kara whispered.
Lena turned her body on the stool, facing her, and slipped off onto her heels. She stood mere inches from Kara now, looking up at her. With Kara standing in her sneakers and Lena barefoot, the height difference forced Kara to look down at her.
It was unbearable. The softness of her soft pink lips, the elegant rake of her jaw, her chin and throat and collarbones demanding kisses. She was so tiny and vulnerable and soft.
“You’re so damned rash and impulsive and headstrong,” said Lena. “Lex is going to kill you. He already wanted to kill you to spite your cousin, but now it’s worse because he knows. He casually dropped it in conversation and he caught my tell.”
“Your tell?”
Lena’s fingers walked up Kara’s chest and fiddled with her collar, playing with the top button.
“If I can figure out who you are, he can too. He has, I’m sure.”
“Lena,” Kara said.
“I won’t let him hurt you. The Luthors took everything and everyone from me and he can’t have you too!”
Kara froze for a brief moment, going very quiet. She swallowed hard as Lena looked away from her gaze, pointedly staring into her chest.
“Tell me they’re wrong,” Kara whispered.
“I would never hurt you.”
“Lex isn’t going to do anything to me,” said Kara.
She had, almost without realizing, slid her arm around Lena’s waist and now Lena was a soft weight pressed to her chest, heart fluttering between them like a tiny bird. Kara touched Lena’s jaw and gently tilted her face up as their eyes met.
“Kara Danvers believes in you, Lena.”
“I’m scared, Kara. He knows how I feel.”
“How do you feel?”
“For someone with fifty different types of vision, you can be incredibly blind.”
“I know how I feel,” said Kara. “You’re more than a friend to me, Lena. I can be more to you if you want me to be.”
Lena darted up and pressed a soft kiss to Kara’s lips and she was momentarily stunned, too stunned to even kiss her back until instinct took over and she pulled Lena even closer, molding their bodies together. When Lena moaned into her mouth, Kara could swear she could feel her soul briefly leave her body.
“You know, I’ve never properly thanked you for those heroic rescues,” Lena husked, her voice like a silk scarf flowering over Kara’s skin.
#supercorp#supergirl fanfiction#supergirl#supercorp fanfic#lena luthor#kara danvers#kara x lena#karlena#supergirl fanfic#ficlet#spicycorp#kisscorp#confessioncorp#lena luthor is secretly soft#protective lena luthor#sad lena luthor#these bitches need therapy#Alex is the worst yet best wingman#in this house we ignore lames#but that said ship and let ship#for that matter we ignore karamel#but we ship and let ship#I promise there can be peace#i will write about these useless bisexuals kissing for the first time until I’m 90#(till she’s 90)
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- The gilded cage
Arthur Morgan x Fem!reader

Request- how about some of the girls going along to the mayors party in Saint Denis. Have you seen the cut content of Molly when she was meant to be at the party? So Dutch takes Molly along, Arthur takes reader? And what if Arthur gets a a little jealous of reader mingling and then they sneak away for some smutty time together…
A/N- this is my first Arthur fic so he may be a lil out of character whilst I get to grips with writing him. I also have not written straight smut in like 2 years. But we vibe. Enjoy
Also shoutout to @devnmon for supporting and enabling my rdr2 brainrot. You’re a real one
Warnings- 18+ | smut: unprotected p in v, semi public sex ( wc - 7.7k )
Masterlist / AO3
Saint Denis was a little too rich for your blood. You’d only ventured into the city a handful of times, but the times you had you’d decided you didn’t really like it. You felt too… common. You never had liked the wealthy, flaunting their security and safety that was wrapped up in dollars and gold.
But. You loved money. God did you love money. And as much as you hated the residents of the city, you sure loved robbing them blind. You always had had a knack for making the rich mysteriously lose their dollars and their watches, it had been the sole reason you’d ended up in Dutch’s gang in the first place.
You’d even tried picking his pockets at first.
But you were on best behaviour tonight. Under Dutch’s orders. And you figured as boring as that sounded, you’d oblige. Simply because the men rarely let the girls get involved with any of the interesting stuff in camp. There was only so much laundry you could do before your brain truly went numb from boredom. Only so much listening to Miss Grimshaw nagging at you to do some work or Micah antagonising someone over something stupid.
So even with Dutch’s strict orders to behave and your dislike of the city, you had jumped at the chance to come along to the party.
“ i can practically smell the money “ you sighed as you took Arthur’s hand to step down from the coach, already hearing the bustle of the party happening somewhere out the back of the mansion in front of you “ you sure I can’t go pickin? Just a lil “ you were half joking, half not. On the times you had wandered into the city, the stuff you’d gathered picking your way around the saloons and back alleys had been a decent haul. The stuff some of these people carried around on the average day was enough to fund the food for the whole of camp for a couple days or more.
Who knew what kind of goodies they’d have on them in their finery.
“ no miss “ Dutch’s stern voice sounded, but he was sporting a small look of amusement “ keep those talented hands of yours to yourself. This is about business. We steal nothing. That goes for all of you. Steal. Nothing. Unless it’s information “
“ don’t worry. I’ll keep her in check “ Arthur spoke with a small chuckle, placing a hand lightly to your back.
“ this is why we shouldn’t have brought the women. They always cause trouble “ Bill complained, as he stepped out of the second coach with Hosea, making you scowl.
“ I hope you aren’t grouping me into that Mr Williamson “ Molly piped up with a disapproving scowl of her own as she stepped out of the coach, seemingly more mad at Dutch for not helping her out more than at Bill though. Arthur offered her his hand instead, helping her step onto the path without breaking her neck in her extravagant dress.
Always the gentleman.
She looked wonderful and you had begun to wonder if she had owned that dress all along or had gone out and got it special. Maybe Dutch had picked it up for her. It wouldn’t surprise you if she had been lugging it around from place to place, waiting for some perfect moment to pull it out. She always did look more put together than the majority of camp. Though you really didn’t understand how she could walk in the dress she was currently wearing, skirts full and you guessed pretty heavy too.
“ no need to bring you “ Bill continued.
“ I ain’t even causin’ trouble “ you piped in, throwing your own scowl Bills way again “ When did you last contribute to the box anyways huh Bill? I don’t see you doin’ nothin’ but sit around all damn day. No need to bring you I say. Jus’ cause you ain’t got no lady on your arm you’re complainin’ bout me and Molly “
“ what? A lady like you? I should be damn lucky I ain’t “
“ why you- “
“ Bill I suggest you leave it “ Arthur murmured lowly, planting himself between you and Bill before you did in fact cause some trouble. Bill grumbled something, spitting on the floor with a look of disgust and turning away from you.
Dutch sighed heavily, looking increasingly pissed off at the group in front of him and held his arm out to Molly.
“ Miss O’Shea “ It pained you a little to know he was probably only being nice to her tonight for appearances sake. He’d been practically ignoring her recently. And wasn’t doing Molly any good. You hoped a night out of camp would do her well “ now would you all just calm. Down. We, are simple distinguished gentleman, here for business. So start damn acting like it “ you scoffed at that, making a pointed look in Bills direction as you did
“ distinguished my ass “
“ play nice now “ Arthur said quietly, but you heard the smile in his tone as he did. He then offered you his arm as Dutch had done to Molly. But unlike Dutch the act didn’t feel performative, a way to blend in and appear far higher class than they actually were. Arthur actually was a gentleman. For the most part anyways.
“ why thank you mister “ you said in a cheery tone, throwing him a coy smile and slipping your gloved hands into the crook of his elbow.
It did feel a little funny to be walking beside him like that. All dressed up and in clothes that weren’t smeared with gun oil, dust or god knows what else. It made your mind drift a little to what life could’ve been like.
Your group crossed the street, promptly being stopped at the gates
“ gentleman “ the guard greeted, taking the invitation from Dutch’s hands “ the mayor doesn’t allow guns at official functions “ the way he looked at Dutch and the others was almost demeaning. Like he knew you were all riff raff and of course would be the sort to attend such an event armed “ Not after last years incident “ none of the boys seemed particularly thrilled to be handing over their firearms. Arthur in particular sighed heavily beside you as he handed his pistol over.
He didn’t like being unarmed. Especially when he was out with you. You usually also had your gun belt permanently fixed at your waist. But it wasn’t exactly fitting with your current attire.
Though you did note the guards didn’t even spare a glance to you or Molly, which in turn made you all the more smug knowing you had your knife tucked into your boot. Just in case of course.
“ Luca here will take you gentleman to Mr Bronte. I believe he is expecting you “
“ I know you got that knife in yer boot “ Arthur said lowly so that no one else would hear.
“ he ain’t said anythin’ about knifes. Only guns “ Arthur smiled and shook his head slightly, placing his hand over yours for a moment.
“ that’s my girl “
You walked up the neat cobbled path to the mayors house then, unable to do anything but look in awe at the huge house in front of you. You’d thought Shady Belle was something spectacular, had walked around every room imagining what it had looked like in all its glory. Amazed at the vastness of the place and all the rooms it had.
And yet it was nothing compared to this place. This was real money.
“ I look okay? “ you asked, suddenly feeling ever so slightly nervous, smoothing your hand over your skirts. Even in your attempts to look as clean and put together as you did, some part of you felt like everyone would see you were a walking sham.
All in all you knew you probably did look fine. The dress was the most lavish thing you’d ever owned, you didn’t even want to guess how much it had cost Arthur. It was still on the simpler side, skirts not quite as full as Mollys and not as detailed. But it was beautiful. Pale pink and ruffled shoulders and details on your skirts, gloves up to your elbows in a material so soft you’d sighed when you’d first pulled them on.
It all made a nice change from the usual simple clothes you wore, hips weighted by skirts rather than your gun belt. And skirts that didn’t have a million holes darned over.
And Arthur had picked it all out. Had picked it himself especially for you.
It did make you smile to imagine him in the tailors, completely out of his depth when it came to women’s fashion but determined to find you something nice. Your big, tough cowboy staring blankly at fabric swatches and fancy hats.
“ gonna be the prettiest girl here “ you smiled warmly at his words, hand smoothing over your dress again.
He’d turned up that morning into your shared room of shady Belle, finding you hiding away from Miss Grimshaw on the balcony, the dress draped over his arm along with some fancy suit and tie get up for himself. He’d looked almost sheepish as he’d shown you it, promising to go get you something else if you hated it. Which of course you hadn’t.
You’d practically jumped with joy at being able to go out on a job. The boys so rarely let the girls do anything meaningful other than tend to camp. Though this particular outing you knew Dutch had only brought you and Molly along because it would make your group seem a little more agreeable. Something about women making them look a little less intimidating. And of course Dutch and Arthur’s partners were the most obvious of choices.
Much to Mary-Beth and Karen’s dismay. Though they had very quickly changed their mind at the idea of having to hang off Bills arm all night.
It wasn’t exactly the reason you wanted to be brought along. But you took it.
The inside of the mansion was as glorious as the outside, it almost made you angry that people had such wealth. That these people could sleep in a new room each night of the week if they felt like it, when people were starving outside of their gates.
“ Hosea, Bill. Take the ladies out and enjoy the party. We’ll join you after we pay our respects to signor Bronte. Arthur, with me “ Arthur gave a curt nod
“ I won’t be long “ he assured, hand slipping down around your back and leaning down to your ear “ hands to yourself “ you scoffed as he said it, looking up at him as he stepped away from you.
“ I can’t promise “ you caught his smile as he walked over to Dutch and the staff. Disappearing up the stairs.
“ it’s just this way “ one of members of Lemieux’s staff spoke, gesturing the four of you in the direction of some doors leading out into the party.
“ let’s go ladies. You fancy a drink? “ Hosea said cheerfully, following closely behind you and Molly as you headed outside. You were ushered out into gardens, a mass of the rich and wealthy of Saint Denis all crowded around. Drinking and laughing at things you were sure were not as remotely funny as they were making it out to be.
Bill quickly made himself scarce, disappearing into the crowds to do lord knows what, much to your joy.
“ right. Champagne? “ Hosea excused himself to collect some drinks and you stood on the back porch looking down at the groups of people.
So far removed from what you were used to. You wondered how they’d react knowing you and your little group were currently sleeping in a barely standing plantation home, half of you out under the stars. That you were frauds. Not glamorous and wealthy like them.
In your experience the rich liked to pretend the poor didn’t exist. Unless they were hiring them as help.
“ oh I missed this “ Molly said beside you, almost dreamily in tone. And seemingly more to herself than to you. It was quite possibly the happiest you’d seen her look in days.
She fit right in. Her gorgeous dress rivalling that of some of the other woman down in the courtyard, her hair piled up on her head and her fancy jewellery that was actually hers. Not something stolen from an unsuspecting lady in town. This was Molly. Money and wealth. It still baffled you how she had ended up with Dutch, how she could leave that all behind for a life wandering.
“ you go to party’s like this a lot? Before Dutch I mean “ she gave a small shrug, searching in her small purse for a moment before placing a cigarette between her lips. You could imagine an even younger Molly, a bright eyed teenager done up all fancy and weaving her way through a party just like this one.
“ sometimes “ her eyes were scanning the crowds, practically sparkling at being surrounded by the upper class again “ wonder what kind of people are here “ she seemed to be talking more to herself than you again and very promptly dismissed herself, heading down the stairs and gliding between the guests. Like some true social butterfly, decked out in her finest.
Hosea returned with three glasses of champagne and a slightly confused look noticing Molly had vanished.
“ eh more for me “ he said with a smile, handing you your glass before promptly finishing his own and moving onto what would’ve been Mollys “ I’m going to do some snooping. You’ll be alright? “
“ I’ll be jus’ fine Hosea “ you said with a smile and watched him too disappear down into the crowds.
It was interesting to watch them, to see them behave as if this entire event was a normal evenings activity. Maybe for them it was. But it all felt so… false. People who appeared to be friends but didn’t seem to even really like each other, some silent competition between everyone to have the better dress. The better hat. The biggest house.
You’d take your creaky cot under the stars with Arthur any day, would much rather sit around the campfire getting tipsy and singing. Surrounded by real family. Real friends. Relationships built on loyalty and protection. Not on trying to out do each other.
You walked between the small crowds, eavesdropping on conversations in hopes to find something useful. Something to take back to Dutch to prove bringing you along wasn’t a useless endeavour. But it was mostly women discussing their elaborate hats, sharing stories of the terrible jobs their maids did, or complaining about their husbands poker habits. Or gossiping about how they had heard one of their friends was in delicate condition.
You heard mentions of Leviticus Cornwall, but nothing concrete enough to warrant telling anyone about.
You tried hunting down Molly, simply to have a friend to stand beside and not feel so…out of place. But she had vanished into the crowds somewhere. So you planted yourself on the side of an ornate water fountain, simply hoping Arthur would return soon. Maybe he’d dance with you, or take you walking around the vast garden laid out ahead of you.
You two never really got the chance to do things like that. Romantic things. Arthur had his ways, of course. He’d take you out riding or sit with you on his lap by the fire, telling you about whatever interesting thing he’d discovered that day. He’d bring you flowers he’d pick from time to time, find you interesting things when he went wandering, let you read aloud to him with the excuse he wanted you to get better at it. When in reality you had seen him confess to his journal that he simply just liked to listen to your voice.
He was far softer than he appeared. With you anyway. And as much as you didn’t like the kinds of people in attendance, you thought it might be nice to pretend for the night. To be two wealthy young oil tycoons, dancing and drinking champagne together, gushing about your money and your jewels.
You made your way through another flute of champagne before he returned, interrupting your frivolous daydreaming.
“ there she is “ you turned your head with a beaming smile at his voice, relief at a familiar face “ been lookin for ya “ he sat down beside you, looping an arm around your waist “ you behavin’? “
“ course I am. Ain’t took as much as a pearl “ you said quite proudly, though decided not to mention that the temptation had truly been hard to deny. Not only were these people rich, they were getting drunker by the second. They were practically begging to be robbed.
“ good girl “
“ it go okay with ugh.. what’s his name? “ you asked, turning to face him. He looked just as uncomfortable with the entire situation as you did. This wasn’t his scene. It never had been. He’d grown up just as poor as you had.
Arthur robbed the rich, he didn’t fraternise with them.
“ Bronte. Yeah. Fine. Dutch he’s tryna find the mayor or somethin “ he ran a finger between his neck and collar of his shirt, clearly growing uncomfortable with it. It made you laugh a little.
“ you ain’t cut out for the finer life “
“ no. I ain’t “ he was looking around at the guests in a similar way to you. With a mild sense of disgust “ saw some woman back there, hat so big she were topplin over “ you smiled and leant your head against his shoulder, he tucked you in closer to his side and dropped a kiss to the top of your head.
“ was daydreamin whilst you were with Dutch “ you mused.
“ yeah? About what? “
“ playin’ pretend. Bein’ fancy for the night. Y’know dancin’ and pretendin’ we got buckets of money “ the small sigh Arthur let out made you wonder if he thought that was a life you pined for. It wasn’t. Not really. Yeah, you liked money but.. you just wanted to be comfortable. Little ranch or a cabin some place quiet. Not poor. Not rich. Just. Existing happily “ ain’t us though “
“ you and me we… we ain’t like these people. We ain’t ever gonna be like these people “
“ we don’t gotta be. Me, you. Some pokey lil farm someplace out west? Now that’s the dream cowboy “ he chuckled and nodded, dropping another kiss to your head
“ that’s the dream darlin’ “ you both sat quietly for a short while longer, watching the rich get drunker and more foolish. The odd person acknowledged your presence, greeting you as they passed or tipping their hat. But mostly they left you alone. It was at the point that one man drunkenly stumbled into a bush a few feet away that made you speak up again.
“ never thought I’d miss that damn swamp. But lord above… these people “ Arthur scoffed as he too watched the fool try and right himself again, leaves sticking to the pomade in his hair
“ yeah. I think I need a drink “ he patted your side lightly so you’d stop leaning on him and stood up “ champagne? “
“ oh well ain’t you just so kind sir “ you said in your best attempt a dramatic upper class drawl “ and you gonna dance with me after mister? “ you asked with a teasing smile and he rubbed a hand at the back of his neck for a moment looking almost sheepish. But he was smiling, the sweet genuine kind he only really seemed to show around you.
“ sure darlin’. But I’m definitely gonna need that drink for that “ he ventured back into the crowds then and you stayed put, continuing to watch the guests laugh and talk about how incredible their lives were.
“ I don’t recognise you “ an inquisitive voice spoke, tinged with that accent that the wealthy had started latching on to in some attempts to make themselves sound more superior. Smarter. Whatever. You thought it was quite ridiculous. You turned your head to look at the man, seeing if he was in fact talking to you.
“ talkin’ to me mister? “ he was eyeing you up and down like he was somewhat intrigued but amused by you at the same time. A stupid top hat on his head adored with plumes and the chain of a pocket watch hanging from his pocket. It almost made you laugh at how your brain immediately began thinking about how you could steal it and how much it was worth.
“ I am indeed miss “ he stepped closer, puffing on his cigar and not taking his eyes off of you for a second “ I have frequented many of the mayors parties but you… I do not remember you “ a small wave of panic flushed your skin but you remained calm. Not recognising you was far easier to work your way out of than if he had recognised your face.
“ I’m new in town. My… uncle. He’s friends with Mr Bronte “ the man hummed, sitting himself down beside you.
“ so you’re here with your uncle? “ you shifted slightly at his closeness but remembered you needed to keep up appearances so forced a smile onto your face
“ yeah. And my husband. He’s around here someplace “ the man’s eyes immediately darted down to your gloved hands, probably noting the lack of a ring on your finger. You and Arthur weren’t married. But you may as well have been. He often referred to you as his wife, and he as your husband.
He’d ask you one day.
“ a lucky man “ the man said, blowing smoke in your direction and still looking you up and down. You decided at that moment you very much wanted to steal his watch. Dutch be damned. Having to put up with the likes of slimy rich men for more than ten seconds… well you figured that warranted you at least getting something shiny in return.
“ oh well ain’t you just a charmer “ you said with a smile, placing a hand to his arm “ you here with your wife mister? “ the man laughed and shook his head, scooting a little closer to you.
“ I’m more of a… free spirit “ you gave a small laugh, trying not to crinkle your nose at the smoke blowing in your face again.
Arthur often smelt of fresh smoke, both cigarette and fire, and that fresh air smell that clung to your clothes after being out in the open air for hours. And you loved it on him, because it was well… him. The smoke from this man was far from appealing. But that watch…
“ ohh I see. You ain’t one to be tied down huh? “ your fingers inched closer to the man’s pocket, wrapping lightly around the chain.
“ everythin’ okay here? “ Arthur appeared behind you, a glass in each of his hands.
“ ah is this the fine man that brought you along? Well aren’t you lucky sir “ the man spoke and you noted he didn’t even glance in Arthur’s direction as he spoke, you were now looping the chain of his watch around your wrist. Just one small tug…
“ Mr Callahan “ Arthur murmured, handing you a glass and standing behind you with a hand to your shoulder
“ wonderful to meet you sir. Me and your wife were having a delightful conversation weren’t we dear? "The pressure of Arthur’s fingers increased as he spoke the sweet name, though you weren’t entirely sure it wasn’t because he’d noticed the man’s watch was now safely hidden in the fabric of your skirt.
“ oh yes. Wonderful mister “ the watch discreetly made its way into your boot and you were ready to get away
“ where’d you find a beautiful thing like this sir? I may need to frequent the place myself “ he placed a hand onto your arm and finally looked up at Arthur rather than at you. He made your skin crawl. You didn’t hold a single ounce of remorse for the stolen watch
“ oh no where you’d like “ his tone was a little snippy, the kind when someone was starting to piss him off but he was trying to keep his cool. And Arthur kicking off in the middle of the mayors party wasn’t exactly a part of Dutch’s plan.
“ now I am so sorry but i believe my husband did promise me a dance “ you rose to your feet, sipping your champagne before placing the glass down and taking Arthur’s from his hands “ ain’t that right my love? “
“ yeah… need ya to come with me “ he said lowly, offering you his arm. His face had gone slightly dark, not entirely able to read him, you frowned slightly. But let him lead you away from the man, completely bypassing the area with couples twirling to the music.
“ where we goin? “ you asked with a small laugh, latching onto his arm again and having to take quick steps to keep up with his purposeful strides “ Arthur?”
He didn’t answer immediately, simply led you away from the crowds and around the side of the mayor's house.
“ You mad cause I took that watch? Look he deserved it- “
“ ain’t mad “ he mumbled, still leading you along.
“ okay… so we stealin’ somethin’ else? “ you asked with excitement filtering into your words, already trying to figure out what it could be “ need me to act like a maid? I can do that real good y’know. Is it money? Papers? Oh, is it jewellery? Gold? “ Arthur chuckled at your excitement and shook his head, bringing you to a halt between some elaborately trimmed bushes and trees in planters.
“ we ain’t stealin’ a thing “ you pouted with a mild disappointment and he chuckled again, advancing on you and backing you up against the wall behind you “ don’t gimme that look “ he tucked his fingers under your chin, nudging your face upwards to look at him. He was a god few inches taller than you, but he always made you feel ten times smaller when he looked down at you like that.
“ what’s gotten into you? “ you asked with a giggle, hands slipping under his jacket to slide over his waist.
“ just wanted some time alone with you is all “
“ behind some trees? You are a strange man sometimes Arthur Morgan y’know that? “ he gave a heavy sigh and brushed his thumb across your cheek softly, watching you intently. He always looked at you like you like you were the only woman on the planet “ you sure you ain’t mad about the watch? “
“ no. I ain’t mad. Feller flirtin’ with my woman and only loses his watch sounds like a good deal to me “ he grumbled, leaning forward to press a kiss to your lips.
And a light bulb suddenly pinged on in your head.
“ are you jealous? “ you asked, unable to hide your complete utter joy and amusement as the realisation hit you. He grumbled some kind of an answer and tried to kiss you again but you turned your head to the side, so he settled for your neck instead “ why Arthur Morgan. You are jealous “
He didn’t answer you again, simply tilted your head so he could get at your neck more, his other hand splaying over your lower back to tug you close against him. A mischievous streak ran through you and you chewed on your lip for a moment deciding whether or not to push his buttons.
“ he was kinda nice to me y’know. He seemed a nice feller “ Arthur’s teeth grazed your skin at your words and your smile grew bigger “ kept me from bein’ so lonely with you gone “
“ he wanted to do more than keep you company “ your fingers ran through the long strands of his hair, sighing softly as he continued to kiss your neck
“ you think? You gonna keep me company now? “
“ oh I’ll keep you company “ you had said it only really to tease. Thinking that actually, a sordid little moment with your lover behind the bushes would be an incredible improvement on the evening.
But it was hard to simply just kiss Arthur. He had wandering hands, had lips as addictive as whiskey. Even when you assumed he wasn’t particularly trying to work you up, he did. But the way he was tugging at your body to keep you pressed against him, the way his lips were burning a trail along your neck and across your jaw…
“ Arthur… y’know anyone could come round here “
“ stay quiet then and they ain’t gonna be none the wiser “ your skin prickled with heat at his words and your hips involuntarily rolled against him. Maybe it was the thrill. Maybe it was the fact that he was so… needy. Desperate to remind himself that you were his and not some stupid rich man in an equally as stupid hat.
He groaned against your hot skin as you pressed against him, the sound igniting something deep in your bones. Flaring up through your veins and cursing like lava through your veins.
Your hands found themselves back under his jacket, fingers tugging at his shirt to free it from where it has been neatly tucked into his pants. You knew you couldn’t get it off of him but you still wanted to feel.
You hummed softly when your fingertips met his skin, as hot as you knew yours must be. He loved to feel you touch him, loved when dragged your nails across his back, sunk your teeth into his shoulder to quiet your moans when you were dangerously close to other members of camp.
You wished you could do it in that moment. Wished you were back in your room, truly the only good thing to come out of Shady Belle was the fact that you had a room.
But Arthur didn’t seem keen on waiting. Seemingly having some point to prove to himself. And you were more than happy to let him.
His hands drifted down to the floaty material of your skirt, reluctantly pulling himself away from your neck to frown at the material in front of him.
“ why you gotta have so many damn skirts? “ he grumbled, fumbling with the layers of fabric hanging from your waist.
“ you picked the dress “ you reminded him with a smile, chasing after his lips again. Desperate to kiss him properly now that he had stopped his assault on your neck. He kissed you with a energy that demanded your attention, that drew you in and locked you in place. Hot. Wet. Addictive “ least it ain’t as big as Mollys “ you said when you let yourself pull away.
“ yeah well I weren’t plannin’ on keepin’ you in it when we- god damn there’s enough fabric here to dress the entire camp “ you couldn’t help the giggle that fell past your lips, watching him try to figure out how he was going to play out whatever sordid thoughts were running through his head.
Your own mind had quite ungracefully fallen into the gutter itself, realising exactly what Arthur wanted. And your constant desperation for the man in front of you overruling all your concerns at the location.
He seemed to be getting a little agitated with your dress and you held back the urge to giggle at him. Instead opting to try sooth the frown lines worrying at his forehead, reaching forward to palm at him through the material of his pants. In hopes it would be some kind of incentive for him to hurry up as well.
As much as you needed him as badly as you needed air, you were also still aware of exactly where you were. And how long it would take until Dutch came looking.
“ c’mon Arthur “ you whispered, desperation beginning to fill your words “ ‘fore they notice we’re gone “ it had been his idea to take you away, and yet you were seemingly the more desperate of the two of you now. But how could he or anyone else blame you? When he was all gussied up like he was. In truth you liked his normal attire a little more. Liked him a little more… rugged. But lord did he look handsome in his suit, his hair and beard all neat and tidy.
Arthur’s breath audibly caught in his throat from your touch and it seemed to effectively spur him on.
“ yes ma’am “ He spun you around with strong hands to your waist, your own hands bracing yourself against the wall. The next moments were a flurry of his hands hitching your skirts over your hips, grabbing at your undergarments before a strong arm looped around your waist to pull you back against him.
His hand disappeared under your bunched up skirts making you gasp softly as his fingers dipped into the warmth between your thighs.
“ this all for me darlin? “ you could hear the smirk in his words, feel it as he brushed his nose against your cheek. The short stands of his beard tickled at your skin, sending a shiver snaking along your spine.
“ course it is “ the sound of a lady drunkenly laughing a little too close by made you freeze, hand reaching around to grab at Arthur’s arm.
He didn’t seem discouraged by the idea of someone stumbling upon you both, simply moved his hand up to grasp gently at your jaw, turning your face towards his to kiss you. His other hand was still between your thighs, and you sighed softly against his lips as he drew a thick finger between the wetness of your folds “ oh Arthur…“
Your cunt clenched around nothing. As if silently begging for his fingers to just push inside of you, take you in a way you had always found so much more personal than just sitting on his cock. His fingers that held his guns, that he used to beat people to death more times than either of you could care to count. Those same fingers working you open, covered in the slick evidence of your desire for him instead of gun oil. Fingers that cause pain and damage, but also sent you spiralling into mind blowing pits of pleasure.
And paired with the current location? It just felt… dirty. Erotic. You felt no better than a common whore loitering in a saloon for custom. You wanted him so desperately, needed him.
“ Arthur “ you sighed, pushing your self against his hand as he toyed with your swollen clit.
“ tell me what y’need pretty girl “ he said softly, tickling your skin with his beard and dragging his tongue across your neck before sinking his teeth into the flesh, making you whimper.
“ you- Arthur. You. Please “ his hand continued its gentle movements as he worked at your neck. You pushed your hips back against him, grinding against the hardness still trapped by his pants in a way that couldn’t be comfortable. His breath shuddered against your skin as you did, holding you flush against him to let you wiggle your hips in a silent invitation to just take you already.
A smashing glass drew your attention briefly away from him again. And as much as you could let him do that all evening, you were still hyper aware of your surroundings.
You silently wished he’d just waited until you were back at camp, could take his time with you on that shitty little bed in the privacy of your room at Shady Belle.
But there you were. And there were hundreds of others only a few feet away too.
“ stop teasin we ain’t got the time “ at any other time he’d have worked you into a mess with his fingers, even dropped to his knees and disappeared under your skirts, have you coming on his tongue over and over again just because he wanted to. But he hadn’t planned the situation well at all, and you weren’t exactly in the best of locations. If anyone so much as peaked around the corner of the building a little too far you were certain you’d be spotted.
And wouldn’t that be a tale.
“ ain’t you bossy “ you opened your mouth to snip back at him, but your words evaporated into nothing but a soft whimper as Arthur followed your demands, pushing past his desires to take his time with you. Truly it was his own fault that he couldn’t though, as he withdrew his fingers and fumbled with the buttons on his pants.
“ Arthur “ you whimpered softly, breath stuttering at the feel of his swollen tip brushing between the wet folds of your cunt.
“ quiet now darlin’ “ He pushed in slowly, in the way he so often did. Making sure you felt every single devastating inch, your back arching against his chest as your body flushed with warmth. Even after so many times the stretch was still a lot, a deep burning ache that eventually melted away into a blinding hot pleasure that burnt its way through your veins.
He pressed on until he was flush against you, the material of his opened pants scratching against your soft skin as he held you there a moment. He exhaled slowly, his breath warm against your skin.
It was never fucking with Arthur. Not very often anyways. It was love making. Soft. And slow. And a brutal pace that made sure you remembered he’d been there the next morning, but oh so drawn out. He was gentle. Tender. It had always shocked you how violent he could be and yet become so careful and soft with you. And even there, concealed by a few perfectly trimmed bushes and planters, he was taking his time. Reminding you that you were his. And maybe reminding himself of the fact too.
Reminding himself that maybe there were men only a few feet away that wanted you. That would pay for the pleasure of your company. But only Arthur could have it, that he was the only one you would ever offer it too.
That this deep rooted instinct to protect what was his wasn’t entirely necessary but god was it wanted. That his desire made your blood boil with lust, skin burn under his touch.
“ That’s my girl “ he whispered, tone low and steady as he set himself into a bruising pace, still tightly holding onto you as he did. His face had fallen to your neck again, lips latching onto every inch of exposed skin they could.
You were certain you were going to walk back into the party looking like you’d taken a dip with some leeches.
You tried your best to be quiet, teeth sinking into your bottom lip in some hopes that mixed with the sounds of the party happening only a few feet away you wouldn’t be heard. But it was so hard to be silent when he was fucking you like that. So determined, so strong, pulling out almost completely before pushing back in hard.
Your hand was still gripping at his arm, blunt fingernails digging at his skin through his jacket. His pace increased a little, settling into a steady rhythm that carved a devastating stretch inside of you.
“ y’know I think that feller- that feller back there. He wanted you like this “ you couldn’t help the smile that pulled its way onto your face, still flushing with joy at his jealousy. You knew Arthur desired you carnally. Always had done and always would. But a reminder like the present one was always nice.
“ y’think so? “
“ I know “ he grumbled, his pace increasing a little more, clearly attempting to take out his frustrations with the handsy man. But also maybe simply trying to assure himself in the process too.
Arthur didn’t like to admit it but he was a little self conscious. You’d heard him talk down to himself in the mirror countless times, had seen the way he spoke about himself when you peaked over his shoulder at his journal. Had an almost crippling fear of abandonment that sometimes he did need to be reminded that you wanted him.
“ poor feller “ you said with a small sigh before pushing lightly at Arthur’s arm so he’d let you go. You winced slightly as he pulled out, immediately missing the heavy feel of him there, and spun around tugging him back towards you by the lapels of his jacket “ ain’t got nothin on you “ you hitched your skirts up in your arm and wrapped your spare hand around the now slick length of his cock making him stutter a breath.
His face was flushed, bottom lip shiny from kissing you. You wanted to absolutely devour him, strip him of his fancy clothes and remind him just how much you wanted every part of him.
The look in his eyes was almost primal. Desire and lust burning so brightly it made your chest ache, to feel so wanted. To feel so desired.
To have a man so usually controlled and put together, be reduced to not being able to even wait until you got home. That he had to have you there. Right there in that moment. He couldn’t wait.
You needed him to pull you apart. To worship every inch of you in the way he so often did.
But the side of the mayor's house was truly not the place for such a thing.
“ no one could make me feel the way you do “ you whispered, stroking him softly in your hand as you tried to stoke the fire under his ego. Make him realise he truly had no reason to be jealous “ and him back there? He thought he could huh? Poor feller “
“ poor feller “ he echoed, sliding a hand over your leg and hitching it over his hip, sliding back into you with a welcome ease that made your head fall back against the wall.
“ Thinks he could fuck me better than this? Man must be damn crazy “ you said with a smile, breathless as he fucked into you. You were practically dripping around him, the lewd sounds between you enough to make your skin flush.
“ you’re mine darlin “ you nodded immediately. Not a single doubt in your mind on the matter. You were his. And he yours. That was how it would always be “ all mine, you hear? “
“ all yours Arthur. Ain’t no man in this whole damn country could replace you”
He moved with more determination, thrusting into you harder in a way you knew was going to bruise your back from rubbing against the wall. His all too familiar deep, hard pace. You pulled him down by the back of his neck, muffling your whimpers with his mouth cautious again that you were getting a little reckless.
“ that good? Makin me feel so good darlin’ such a good girl “ the entire thing felt almost animalistic. Desires so strong they couldn’t be withheld. Dirty. Filthy. Perfect.
“ God Arthur “ the look on his face alone made you clench around him, never wanting him to leave, needing to feel the heavy bruising sensation as he split you apart for the rest of your life. He hitched your leg higher, hitting some new devastating part inside of you that made you see stars. Eyes rolling to the back of your head and unable to contain the sounds escaping your throat any longer.
“ There she is, jus’ like that darlin I got ya” his grip on your leg grew restless, fingers dancing over your skin and trying to pull you as close to him as he could get you. He always wanted you close. Always wanted to feel your skin against his own. A moment later his thrusts became sloppier and you knew he wasn’t far off. Though quite frankly neither were you “ so pretty for me like this ain’t ya? My girl “ his words only pulled you closer to the edge, knot twisting tighter.
“ Arthur I- “
“ I know. I know darlin, can feel it “ he almost cooed, lifting a hand to cup your face gently “ that’s it look right at me. That’s a girl right at me “ with his gaze so intense you couldn’t hold it any longer, biting down on your lip as you attempted to conceal your sounds of ecstasy as you came over his cock.
He was barely a second behind you, a stuttered groan of a sound leaving him as he dropped his forehead against yours, painting your slick walls with rope after rope of come as you clenched around him. Holding him in place so that not a single drop of him would go to waste. It was a risky business letting him finish inside of you, truly it was. But in your sex drunk haze you didn’t care, couldn’t give a damn because it simply felt too good to give up.
He nudged his nose against yours, brushing his lips against your own and kissed you softly. So tender and gentle, his hand carefully lowering your leg back down, slipping his softening length out of you making you wince. He kissed the crinkles it caused to show at the corners of your eyes, whispering a gentle sorry. He soothed his hands over your waist with a care very few men had for women those days.
“ my girl “ he murmured, littering kisses across your cheeks and nose.
When he pulled back you couldn’t help but smile. The dopey, soft kind. He was looking far less put together than he had done when you’d arrived, the pomade in his hair no longer serving its purpose after your fingers had gotten to it. He’d broken a sweat too, his forehead shiny. His skin flushed.
The smugness was overwhelming though, could see it in his eyes. In the small smirk pulling at his lips. He seemed incredibly proud of himself.
“ you are somethin’ else “ he mumbled as he finished readjusting his clothes, reaching forward to slip the ruffled strap of your dress back up your shoulder from where it had slipped. Pressing a kiss to the skin there for good measure.
“ I ain’t the jealous one “ you teased as you combed your fingers through his hair in some attempt to tidy it.
“ ain’t jealous. No idea what you talkin about girl “ he said with a small clear of his throat in some attempt to hide the obvious lie, you simply smiled again and pressed a kiss to his cheek
“ mhm sure “
There was something about having to go back out into the party with the light ache between your legs, with the evidence of Arthur’s jealousy slowly dripping down your thighs. And Arthur seemed to think so too
“ now. I believe you wanted to dance? “
#Amy in the kindest possible way. keep scrolling#I know I’m posting late but I want i didn’t wanna wait until tomorrow sooo#ANYWAYS. FIRST ARTHUR UPLOAD WHOO#crippling fear or writing for a new character and fandom starts now!#arthur morgan#arthur morgan x reader#red dead redemption 2#rdr2#rdr2 fanfic#Arthur Morgan smut#x you#Dutch van der linde#van der linde gang
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out of your league - paul x reader
Thanks again for all of the love and support for the first two parts of this story 💜 i’ve decided to just keep writing on this story to see where it goes :) <<prev >>next
You wake up, clothes wrinkled, and a dab of sweat on your forehead. You turn to the side and see nothing but darkness. Paul is not in the same place from when you wake up. You hear muffles of talking and assume that he’s somewhere else in the house.
The sleep was so good, you forgot you were even still at his place.
You actually really have to use the bathroom now. You get up, open the door, and slowly walk in the hallway to locate the restroom, you’ve never used it before. You use it and when you come out, the talking is louder. Like someone is angry. It’s still muffled as if they’re trying not to let themselves be heard too much but the anger in their voice makes it hard.
Suddenly, you hear loud footsteps stomp closer, so you hurriedly went into the room to pretend like you weren’t trying to be nosy, you crack the door because closing it would’ve made it obvious.
You sat on the bed and watch as the door swings open and it’s Paul, he’s obviously pissed. This makes you freezes, you don’t know why but you just don’t want to be in the middle of the crossfire. His face is scrunched and his bottom lip is busted, like someone cracked him in the face.
He’s putting on a shirt and it’s as if he’s mad at the shirt. You would hate to be that shirt right now.
“Come on I’m taking you home.” he says with an attitude and leaves back out. He doesn’t have to tell you twice because you grab your belongings and follow him out.
His father matches the expression that his son was sporting when you saw him. You still want to be polite for allowing you to be in his house and wave bye, he nods to you but his anger wouldn’t allow him to be polite back.
Paul is already in the car with the engine going, you get in the car, and he adjusts true car to Drive.
He’s driving pissed with one arm on the wheel and the other hand on the bottom part of his face. You choose to say nothing. The car stops in front of your house and you look over to see if the coast is clear to say bye, but his eyes are furious and just stares ahead.
He still does wait for you to get inside of your house but he pulls off with a skirt.
In your room, you decide to just paint. It’s a time consuming process because you’ve already did your homework and you’re not sleepy. Your mind won’t wonder because you’re too busy worrying about mixing to get the right color pigment.
The next morning, you look out your window to see if he’s there, he’s not. You don’t mind too much, he clearly had a rough night.
You decide to catch a ride with Kim just in time. She’s chatting and chatting but you only reward her with “yeahs” and “uh huh’s” because your mind is too busy wondering if Paul will be at school today.
You didn’t see him at all. You carry out your day as normal as possible. You didn’t want to think about the person that you were avoiding, up until now.
“Maybe he heard me eavesdropping.” you thought to yourself.
But no, you reassured yourself that you were out of dodge before one could even see you, plus you didn’t even hear anything. He barely comes to school anyways. At lunch, you look over at his table and his friends don’t seem to have an ounce of wonder. They carried on lunch like they would as any other day, it’s just not as lively.
“I’m going to the library afterschool. Are you coming?” Kim asks as she watches you get your stuff out of the locker at the end of the day.
“Yeah..I want to check out a book anyways.”
You and Kim did homework together, mostly with her conversation of wondering if she should take a shot of asking Jared, her crush, out.
“You should. The worst he can say is no” You tell her as you’re looking for a book.
“That’s the thing! I don’t want him to say no!” Kim exclaims lowly, you two are in a library after all. You feel your phone buzz. You look at it for a second.
“Are you coming over?”
It was from Paul. You text him back.
“I’m actually out rn. I’ll text you when i get back home”
Before you could even put your phone back in your pocket, another one comes.
“Where are you? I can pick you up.”
You don’t say anything because it wouldn’t be fair to Kim. You didn’t just want to ditch her. You search for a book some more since your mind was occupied. Your phone buzzes again.
You quickly text back.
“I’m out with Kim.”
You meet Kim up at the front and check out your book. You two talk about the books you two decided to check out. What you and Kim would do: tell each other what was happening in each other’s books that you two were reading.
You two decide to camp back out her place. She talks to you about something important.
“So.. you never told me you had a crush..” Kim says.
You look up at her.
“What do you mean?”
“You like Paul Lahote.” she states as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. You just look down and nod.
“You’ve must’ve done enough of his work for him to actually let you sit at his table.” Kim says in a joking tone. You don’t find it funny.
“I’ve just been helping him out. We hang out sometimes.” you tell the girl who is looking right at you.
“He hangs out with alot of girls.” Kim says.
“Whatever Kim.” you say.
“No Y/N, I’m serious. You know nothing about him. I don’t know…” Kim says and she’s shaking her head and deep concentration was written all over her, “I think you should know what you’re getting into before you just jump into things.”
You just blink at her, sitting in her windowsill seat . She continues.
“He just like came out of nowhere. You don’t even know his motive.” She finishes and picks at a loose string of fabric from her bed comforter.
You stare out the window. It seemed like you knew for sure of things but it felt like you didn’t have anything figured it out.
“We kissed.” You just simply say. When silence comes, you stopped looking at a tree and searched for Kim’s face.
“Uh..” she’s stunned, she licks her lips once while blinking at the same time and furrows her eyes brows to collects her thoughts and she cocks her head to the side, “And why would you do that?”
“It just happened. I was helping him at his house with homework and…” you pause and did a ‘ta da’ motion.
“I’m sorry but… really? I mean…You’re better than that.” she says and props up on her elbows.
“I don’t think I’m better than anyone.” You declare.
“Okay..but you actually have a…i don’t know… a future.” she says with a little bit of base in her voice.
You just shake your head and look out the window.
“What if I said this about Jared Cameron?” You ask her.
“What? You know something I don’t?”
She got you. She talks so much about him that lately anytime she’s in your dream, Jared still comes up in a conversation.
“Look Y/N. I’ll be here for you if anything happens.” she says.
Whatever that means.
You tell Kim to just drop you off at the beach. You just needed to sit down at the waves to just think. Without a second opinion just for a second. You’ll just walk back home. You hug her and she tells you she will pick you up the next day.
You walk down and sit down on a fallen log and at first, you rest your forearms on your knees and followed the direction of the water with your eyes. You just didn’t want to be gullible if Paul was just toying you around for amusement. Things were easier before him. School was never a problem for you, your goal was to just finish your last year so it would be over with. The only problems you had was figuring out what to art project to start.
You pull out your mixed media sketchbook, a charcoal pencil, and a couple of your watercolor pens to try to capture this experience. You wanted to have some type of clarity.
“Y/N.” A voice says and you drop your notebook. You were just finishing up the sand. You pick it back and look to see that it’s Paul.
“Hey.” you just say. You don’t really know what to say but that.
“You were here the whole time?” he asks you.
“No, I just got dropped off,” You say as you put the lid back on the pen you were using, “I’m heading back though.”
He just stares at you blankly. The swelling of his lip went down, but an incident still evident.
You start to actually walk away and he says, “So what? You don’t want to see me again?”
You stop in your tracks. “Why didn’t you come to school? So I can continue to do your work?”
“Are you serious right now?” he replies not even bothering to hide the annoyance that he’s dealing with.
You turn to take a good look at him, “What is it that you really want.”
“I told you I like being around you. Where is this coming from?” he asks out.
You just don’t say anything else because you just didn’t know still.
”What’s wrong with your lip?” You ask out of curiosity.
He sighs and stares ahead and says, “I don’t want to talk about it…You know what? I’ll leave you alone.” he walks away, obviously back home and a look of disappointment is painted on him.
You follow him.
“I don’t get why you won’t talk to me if you like to be around me. It just doesn’t make sense.” You say as you finally reach him, “You’re so enigmatic.”
He laughs without humor, “I think my shitty life is as clear as day.”
“I don’t know your plans or goals or anything.”
He turns and looks at you and stares you down, “Are you embarrassed by me or something?”
You feel like he’s trying to see through you. You shake your head no. At least you didn’t think so.
“I…Told Kim about..us?” you say.
“If you want to leave me alone Y/N, I won’t stop you.” he says
That’s the thing. You couldn’t imagine leaving him alone. He was just so addicting to be around.
“I can’t come over. I should heading home soon. But I do want to see you again.”
When he doesn’t say anything, you take it as your queue to walk in the opposite direction. You look up at the sky as you walk.
Your next day is the same as your previous day. Down to Paul not showing up, once again. After school, you decide to make it your duty to bring him his schoolwork. You just wouldn’t feel right if you didn’t. As the view of Paul’s house gets closer, you see two figures in the front.
You watch as an arm shove Paul to the point he almost stumble on his feet, the older man scolding at him as he did so. Paul just keeps his head down. The man not letting up, repeatedly thrusting his index finger in Paul’s face. A punch filled with power, that thumps him in the chest that makes him fall is what makes your gasp. Paul’s hand holding his chest with his hand and looking up with a resentful expression. The man yells one last thing, “After this year, graduating or not, good luck. I’m done!”
With that, the man turns and enters the house and closes the door behind him hard. Leaving Paul heaving, feeling angry at the world. You move in closer and you don’t say anything when you rub his back. He wipes his face down with one hand slowly, still in a daze of what happened, you’re witnessing his feelings being hurt. He looks at you for a second and puts his head back down.
After a moment, you stand up and he looks up as if you were leaving him too. You extend your hand out, which he takes and you guide him to you two’s spot on the beach. His arms rest on his knees and you wrap your arm around his shoulder. You two watch the waves together.
The sky starts to darken. Paul’s position has changed and he has his hand on your knee. You shift and he looks to you with his hand tightening.
“I can walk you back home.” You say to him.
“No. I’m not going back there.”
“No…” he pauses, “Let me take you home.”
You decide not to contest. You two walk hand in hand and take your time. Slower than necessary. He’s slows to a stop when he’s 2 houses down from yours. You’re confused on the sudden stop.
He opens his mouth to say something but looks somewhere else.
“What is it?” you ask and step closer to him.
“You’re going to think I’m crazy.” he says with a sheepish smile. You roll your eyes to egg him on.
“You’d think I can..” he eyes your house and then back at you. You know exactly what he’s asking. Your heart is beating wildly in your chest because you’ve never snuck in a boy before. So many things could go wrong. You look back at him and he’s just staring at you waiting patiently for you to answer.
“What if I get caught? I’ll be dead.” you tell him.
“Just let me in when everyone’s asleep.” he says as if it’s the obvious thing.
You blow out a small shaky breath, still not convinced.
“You have a backdoor or a garage or something?”
You nod.
He steps closer. You look away to look at your house. Your house is still lit. The night is still young.
“Goodnight.” you say to your parent who’s leaving the kitchen. You cleaned the kitchen extra slow until you know for sure no one is coming out of their room for anything. You go down your cellar, sliding open your glass door and Paul walks in as if he’s been here time and time again.
Light on his feet, he barely makes a noise as you guide him into your bedroom. You close the door and as you’re double checking the lock, Paul is already comfy on your bed like it’s his. You’ll never forget the sight of him in your bed. You didn’t know whether to feel lucky or nervous.
You start to sit on the stool in your room, where you sit to do your art, he waved you over before your bottom hit the seat. He pulls you down by your arm when you get closer to the bed. He’s holding you to the point, you were mushed with him. You feel everything. He didn’t have to tell you that he missed you. The kiss he gave you did the work of doing all of the work for it.
He almost didn’t want to let you go when you needed to pull away for air. When he couldn’t kiss your lips, he turned his attention to your neck. Sighs escaped your lips in response to his affection. You feel the motion of his lower body, grind against yours. He runs his lips up from your neck back to your mouth. You feel the effects and match his heavy breathing. Seeming to breath each other in. Your fingers feeling everything you can. Hair, back, arms, and shoulders. You feel his hand slowly run down the hem of your pants but he doesn’t go down. He just runs his fingers against the skin that’s right there, leaving behind a feeling stronger than butterflies.
You finally pull away with Paul leaning forward, not wanting to let go. You pull away with a bit more strength and he goes to the side of your mouth and back to your neck. “Mmwhatswrong.” he says altogether.
“I think…I’m not going to be able to stay quiet.” You say through pant, trying to keep your voice in a hushed tone. He lets go unwillingly but when he takes a look at you, he’s grinning with a sparkle in his eye. This makes you want to kiss him again but you know he won’t be able to stop. You get up to turn the light off to try to get some sleep and lie on his chest.
You wake up, Paul’s not there. It’s a bit earlier than you would wake up but you’re not sleepy anymore. You get dressed and decide to walk to Paul’s with the extra time. There’s no extra car, showing his dad not being home. You knock.
After a few moments of silence, you knock again.
This time, it didn’t take long for the door to open and Paul peers down at you. You give him a smile. He’s ruffled from sleep.
“Come in. Hes not here.” He says and turns back around.
You follow him in and you watch him get back into bed. You sit on the edge of his bed and place a hand on him.
He opens one eye to look at you.
“We should get going.”
He closes it back.
“Im going to stay back.” he decides.
You get up try to pull his arm, “Come on. I’m not leaving until you come too.”
He chuckles at this. “And you’ll be cutting too.”
You huff and look down at him. “I mean.. what do you even do all day?”
“Have a piece of mind.”
You just look at him for a while.
“Will you stay?” He asks and this surprises you.
“Are you serious?” you ask him in genuine disbelief.
“I don’t know… You being here is helping me right now.”
You think to yourself. But then you remember Kim. You decide to text her that you don’t need to be picked up.
“You don’t have to stay.” he says and he’s propped up with a pillow and his eyes are zeroed in you, “I don’t want to force you. It seems like you never missed a day…” he trails off.
“I’ll even drive you. Come on.” He says as he gets up.
You beg him one more time to come with you when he pulls up to the school, he doesn’t budge. He promises to pick you up, savors a kiss with you and you head in.
He does pick you up as promised. This time, when you’re at his house, he seems more relaxed. You feel bad for him. You got to see a glimpse of his situation. You didn’t know how you could help, you just wanted to be there for him. You help him with the work he’s missed, reward him with kisses, and as you’re in the middle of riffing with him about an unserious subject, you both hear no one other than his father come home. Anxiety is smothered all over him.
“I can take you home.” He states.
He asks to spend the night again. You let him. This time, he goes to school with you in the morning. You think it’s because it’s the last day of the school for the week. He walks hand in hand with you, as he takes you to your first set of classes. You notice he’s not there when it’s time to go to lunch.
You shrug it off and start walking to the direction. You see Paul down a hallway and you see him and a boy in a heated exchange. Paul’s eyes are filled with fury, jaw clenched that matched his balled up fists. One small push just sends Paul to the edge and he lands perfect blow to the boy’s chin. The boy falling backwards and trying to get back up but Paul is on him, going to town, pouring all of his anger, his frustration onto the boy’s face. Paul’s friends try to pull him off, mainly so a teacher wouldn’t come and find him like this. He shrugs them off and they back up, not wanting to be next on the floor.
You just turn and try to meet up with Kim when you make your way to the cafeteria, not really hungry enough to get in line.
When you come in, Kim is at Paul’s table. But Paul’s not present. You sit down at your usual table and just watch from afar. She’s smiling one minutes but then you watch as she slowly lose her enthusiasm and she nods. When she’s about to turn to walk away, you pretend like you didn’t see her. She comes to your table and grabs her things. “What’s wrong Kim?” you watch as tears form. She doesn’t answer so you just follow her to the bathroom.
“What’s wrong?” you say and offer her a hug. She sniffles and speaks out, “I tried talking to Jared.”
Her lips crumble and she forces out, “He turned me down.” You hug her and offer your friend your support.
At the end of the day, you assume Paul left school. You don’t see him. You ride home with Kim. So you text him.
“Are you okay?”
You follow your normal routine. It doesn’t stop you from checking your phone time and time again.
You didn’t hear from him when you woke up, you didn’t hear from him when you spent your whole entire day trying to keep busy.
Suddenly, you don’t hear from him for an entire week. So, you make you way to his house. You knock multiple times. No answer. He’s not even at the hang out spots you two share.
Your mind fills up with doubt. You put what Kim said into consideration. You couldn’t believe how naive you were, but you wanted to keep the slight delusion. You didn’t want to hound him with messages so you send one more text to get it out of your system.
“U can talk to me.”
A month goes by and you feel out of place. You survived without him all of this time but now it felt like you couldn’t. You were feeling the effects of his absence.
“I hope I haven’t fallen in love with him. That would be crazy.” you thought to yourself.
You submit one of your art pieces to an art contest. You just wanted to win the prize money. You were driving to the destination when you saw Paul finally. He was playing by himself on the court. You stop just to see what’s up with him. To at least see if he’s okay. But, he’s alive and he hasn’t come around, so this makes you feel some type of way.
“He lives!” you call out.
He scored a shot and let the ball roll. He doesn’t even look at you.
“You don’t have to talk to me but…I just wanted to know if you were okay. I haven’t seen you.” You say with that. He’s still looking away. You accept this. You’re feelings are hurt. You did nothing to him to receive such treatment. You just know what not to do next time you’re in a situation similar to this. You turn to walk away. You heard the ball resume it’s bouncing rhythm.
You win first place. When they take your picture, you barely smile. You wanted to be happy you won but your deep feelings wouldn’t let you.
Weeks roll by slowly and you open your email. Someone wants to commission you for a piece of work. You accept. This was your life and you weren’t going to stop living for anybody.
Kim was grieving Jared as if she divorced him. You let your friend get it out. You two talk it out as you were in an art supply store. You had an armful of supplies.
You ask Kim to drop you off at the beach. You wanted to break in your new sketchbook. You feel at peace.
“Y/N.” you hear a voice say. You decide to give him the same treatment. You don’t look at him but you do pause your activities.
“I know you’re mad…Can you just look…Please?”
You slowly look up and everything about him is different. He’s more ripped, if that was possible, he was taller, he now sported a tattoo on his shoulder. He even looked a bit more mature for his age. Not an ounce of youth there. You knew his life was hard, but it seemed like it swallowed him whole. His gaze was hard and intense. It felt like you two were the only ones that were left on earth. As if you two were the only man and woman in humanity. The memories of you two spending time together was pushed forcefully to the forefront of your brain. There was promises of a happy and fruitful life with him, just in the soul of his eyes. He looked at you with adoration that made you want to forget about everything around you. His eyes told you that you were the most important being on earth.
“Im sorry Y/N. I promise to explain everything.” He says and suddenly you remember you were at the beach. Not swimming in his energy. You still choose silence. He sits next to you and you stare straight ahead. Not trusting yourself to look at him again.
“I can’t come back to school anymore.” he says. You still don’t say anything.
“I have to show you something.” he says and gets up. Your curiosity gets the best of you before sense is restored. He walks for some time. You’ve never walked in this direction that he’s walking in. You feel nervous. You didn’t want anything bad to transpire. For some reason you don’t feel it in your gut to run away. He leads you into a meadow. You didn’t know such place existed. You take in your surroundings. You wanted to remember everything. He finally turns around.
“Whatever happens, you can’t run.”
Your heart beats wildly. What does he mean by that? Was he going to do something to you? Thoughts don’t stop coming. He removes his shorts and you close your eyes. You hear an angry grunt and snaps soon after that. You open your eyes.
A horse sized wolf is in front of you. You jump backwards to the point you fall on your butt. You stare up at it. After heaving in and out, trying to find your voice, you call out to him. This all felt like an outer body experience.
“Paul?” you ask in disbelief.
The large wolf kneel before you, letting you know it’s not a threat. You just stare at its silver fur, the eyes very similar to Paul’s, you can see yourself in the reflection of them. You’re a bit petrified. So many things can go wrong at the drop of a dime.
You put your face in your shaky hands. You had no idea fairytales could exist. Maybe children were telling the truth about monsters under their beds.
You feel a warm hand touch your hands, pulling them gently from your face.
“There’s more.” you hear him say. He’s back human, his shorts back on. What else could possibly happen?
“I imprinted on you.”
“What is that?” you ask harsher than you meant. Did it mean the same thing was going to happen to you?
“When we looked at each other on the beach. What you felt, was letting you know that we’re soulmates for life.” He says patiently.
You finally stand, legs feeling like jelly. You take a step back. He steps forward.
“So..you turn into an animal. What was that?” you ask. You felt like you were dreaming.
“My people have legends. Legends about shapeshifters. It’s passed down to certain bloodlines. I happen to be in one of those bloodlines. I got into a fight at school on the last day that I came. Everything was bothering me more than usual. My father found out I was suspended and he started going off and I snapped. Next thing you know I felt like my bones were breaking and I was on fire. Now I’m a big ass wolf.” He finished looking at you. You couldn’t tear your eyes away even if you wanted to.
You didn’t say anything. You couldn’t say anything.
“You can’t tell anyone what you saw. Only certain people know and imprints.”
“Are there others?” You ask.
He nods.
“So…” you start, trying to gather your thoughts, but you couldn’t think of anything to say.
“You have a choice to accept it Y/N. I’m supposed to just be there for you, I can be anything you need me to be. Protector, brother, friend, soulmate. Our souls are now tied together. Fate brought us to each other.”
“Im going to need time to think.” You tell him honestly.
He nods as he accepts this, “You take all of the time you need.”
He walks you back. The sky now black. The moon being the only light source.
“I saw that you won a contest for your art. I’m happy for you.” he says when you two make it to your home.
“Thanks.” you say in a small voice.
You start to turn but something tells you to don’t go in the house yet. You decide to embrace him in a hug. You couldn’t imagine how one would feel, one day being human and this being their destiny the next. You had to get used to the brand new height difference. He was always taller than you but he was really towering over you. He hugs you tight and doesn’t want to let go.
#twilight#paul lahote#twilight wolfpack#twilight wolves#twilight aesthetic#twilight saga#la push#fanfic#paul lahote imagine#quileute#twilight x y/n#y/n#y/n imagines#x y/n#paul lahote x you#paul lahote x reader#paul lahote fanfic#twilight fanfiction#romance fanfic#angst fic#angst#imprint#twilight fic
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THE COLLAR | s.jaeyun

୨୧ -› when sunghoon's little sister will meet her virtual best friend after 10 years, but everything goes wrong.
୨୧ -› brother's best friend!jake x best friend's sister!reader]
Warning -› possessive brother's best friend, lies, "enemies" for lovers, death threats, obscenity, loss of virginity, oral sex (both), horseback riding, semi!public sex, in the pool...

It was just another day at school, as I was Sunghoon's sister I had to deliver letters to him and his friends, because the girls in my class didn't have the courage.
"- y/n, could you give this letter to Jake, I can't stay around him for long." Of course, I'm not going to lie to myself, I have a crush on SimJaeyun, I've felt this since I was 8 years old when my brother took him home to play video games
"'- I'll give it to you yuna, you can leave it to me" I gave her a genuine smile because I wouldn't get mad at her because of that, because in everyone's mind Jake and I are enemies who talk out of obligation because of my brother, no I can deny it, I think Jake hates me, I don't know...he looks at me strange, so I have to pretend that I hate him, even though it's the opposite.
I got up immediately because the bell rang, I took the letter and left my room heading towards the lockers. From afar I see my brother and his friends and I go to him, immediately handing the letter to Jake.
"-wow, Park y/n handing me letters, this is new, don't be jealous, sunghoon" he said laughing ironically at my brother, I rolled my eyes at his stupid idea
"- I'm sorry jaeyun, but even dead I wouldn't write a letter to you, instead I would much rather write to Jay" I said with venom on my lips, I can't deny it, Park Jay was very attractive I had a crush on him in teaching medium, but nothing that would last.
He soon made a strange face as he turned away, saying something that I couldn't hear very well, but who cares, it won't change anything in my life. I turned to sunghoon saying that I was going to meet chaewon, leaving there heading towards the field I felt the back of my neck burning, but who cares, right?
"- y/nn, come here" I heard chaewon screaming for me so I went to the place and sat down with her
"- well, do you have any news about wonbin? I heard that he will come here to see you, I'm very excited, finally we will meet" she said, jumping excitedly, as she was always curious to know who the mysterious boy was who sent me messages all the time.
"- yes, I'm excited too, I've been waiting for this for ten years, but he's coming next week, because he has a football game at his school" I said looking at Chaewon because it seemed like she was happy for me , I always told her that he helped me in the best moments of my life, in the ups and downs, those that I never managed to talk about with my brother or my parents.
"- it won't take that long then, but did you finally hear the news?" she said excitedly, I always wonder where all this excitement comes from, but I think it's part of her personality
"- I didn't know, why?" I asked myself curiously, because nothing ever happens at this school.
"- jay is having a party at his house after the game, you're going to come with me, right? you know I don't like going alone" oh no, she looked at me with those puppy dog eyes, idiot, she knows that's my point weak
"- I wouldn't go if you weren't, but how are you going to do what" I said in defeat because those eyes always win me over
"- THANK GOD, after years you're going to a party with me" she said exaggeratedly because she knows very well that I just didn't go to the other one because I had injured my ankle.
"- I'll see you at the game then y/n, I'll meet you at 1 o'clock in the afternoon??" I wave slightly and go straight to my brother's car to wait for him, as he always talks too much with Jake.
After 5 minutes I see him and Jake coming towards us in the car, as Jake is coming along I already know he will sleep at home, as always, 1 day before the game he stays at home, I think this is useless, but what can I do?
I got in the car without saying anything because I didn't want to include myself in their conversation, but sunghoon asks me a question
"- y/n, are you going to the game tomorrow?" he asked looking in the rearview mirror with a questioning look.
"- yes I will, I will go with chaewon she asked me to go" I immediately heard some giggles
"- I thought you were going to be talking to your little friend y/n, news" Jaeyun said between nasal laughs
"- yes, I wanted to, but he also has a game to play, you're not the only one Jaeyun" I said, picking up my things as I had already arrived home, getting out of the car I heard a bit of my brother's conversation
"- jake don't do that man, you know she gets angry easily, seeing you do that doesn't even seem like it...." I only heard half-heartedly because I closed the door seconds later, entering my room and sitting on my dresser to take off my makeup, until I heard a notification coming from my cell phone.
• wonbin sent you a message.
I immediately had a smile on my face, as I hadn't spoken to him since early in the morning.
*- hi dear, how are you??
I immediately replied
*-hi wonbin, I'm fine and you? So, are you looking forward to tomorrow's game?
*-Well I can't deny it, I'm really looking forward to the game, but I know I'll do well
*- convinced, you see, but I'm going to sleep, I'm exhausted, tomorrow I'm going to my brother's game too, I'm already feeling a headache
*- you're right, I need to sleep too, my trainer wants me to be there at 10 am, honestly I'm lazy, but what can I do, good luck to your brother tomorrow, good night kitten
*- good night
After I sent my last message to wonbin I heard a knock on the door, I looked up and saw someone unexpected
Sim jaeyun
"- what are you doing here jaeyun, go to my brother's room" I said getting ready for bed, I heard laughter near me and I immediately turned back.
"- calm down kitten, don't be like that, I was just going to ask you a question" he said placing his hand on my cheek lightly running his thumb over my skin.
"- then speak quickly, I'm dying of sleep" he looked at me and then asked
"- are you going to Jay's party?" the question was unexpected, I almost couldn't pay attention because his hand on my face was giving me goosebumps
the sexual tension just building in the air, making me nervous
"- yes I will, why?" With a touch of confidence I managed to answer him, but soon I felt him approaching my face, heading towards my ear
"- good to know, I'll see you there, kitten" then he walked away and went straight to my brother's room, I was stunned by what happened seconds ago, why is he acting like this
I immediately lay down and thought [Sim jaeyun is very strange] I thought to myself before falling asleep
First thing in the morning, I was woken up by several messages from wonbin
• 9+ wonbin messages
I opened it immediately to find out what happened
*- good morning sleepyhead *- I received that necklace you sent me *- is it a star? *- you are the best girl *- does she have a pair??
I was confused because the necklace would arrive after 5 days, as I sent it yesterday morning, I thought it was strange.
*- Good Morning *- has it arrived yet?? wow that was literally quick I thought it would arrive in 3-5 days, but I'm glad you liked it *- and yes, it's a pair lol, yours is a star and mine is a moon, because you are the brightest star I've ever seen
*- eww, very cliche
*- WONBIN!!!
*- calm down, I'm joking, kitten lol, my trainer is calling me, I'm going, bye *- calm down, I'm joking, kitten lol, my trainer is calling me, I'm going, bye
I turned off my cell phone and went straight to the shower because in a little while I was going to meet chaewon
wearing a white skirt with my brother's team shirt, I put on light makeup because I would have to go back to get ready for the party together with chaewon, I put on my sneakers and went to the living room to wait for her
I soon heard a knock on the door, I grabbed my things and opened the door.
"- y/n in heaven, you look amazing as always, ready to go girl??" she said with coke in hand, then handing me one
"- of course" he said with a smile on his face before leaving
Arriving at the field, it was literally full, but there is always a corner reserved for me at the front, after asking people for permission I soon sat down to watch the game
nothing interesting happened during the game, until jaeyun scores a bicycle goal and celebrates with that beautiful smile of his that makes my knees go weak
"- wow girl, close your mouth or mosquitoes don't come in" she said mocking me, I straightened my posture looking at her
"- stop talking nonsense chaewon" she rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the game
the game ended 3x1 for us I was happy for my brother, seeing him smile like that makes me feel happy for him, but soon I changed the direction of my eyes to Jake, he looked so handsome with that smile and shining eyes, but I soon diverted my attention with chaewon asking me to get ice cream before we packed up
I sat in the store chair and soon an attendant with feline eyes came to assist us
"- hello, have you already chosen your preferences??" he said with a smile on his face showing his dimples on his cheeks
"- oh, yes, I would like flaky ice cream and you y/n?" She said looking in my direction catching my attention
"- um, I would like strawberry ice cream please!" I said nervously because I thought he was really cute.
"'- ok! would you like anything else?" He looked in my direction and I immediately spoke
"- could I know your name?? sorry if you feel uncomfortable" I said embarrassed
"- oh okay, my name is jungwon, and yours, miss?"
"- my name is y/n, nice to meet you"
"- the pleasure is all mine y/n, I'll prepare your orders and be right back" he said going directly to the counter
I then looked towards chaewon seeing the mischievous smile on her face
"- shut up chaewon" I said
"- but I didn't say anything" she said between smiles
after a few minutes you saw jugwon returning to your table with your orders, he placed the orders on the table and then gave you a wink
you felt your heart skip a beat, and your face turned red
"- you fall in love very quickly y/n" you whispered shut up to her and started to enjoy your ice cream
"- oh, y/n, he left you a note" she pointed to the note next to her bowl and you immediately took it
"XX XXXXX-XXXX" call me ❤️
You got home, took a shower and went to change, I did my makeup, not too strong but not too soft, soon I heard Chaewon come back from the shower
"- hey y/n, did you send a message to jungwon??" she said
"- I'll send it now, I'm just going to apply some lip gloss" I did and then added his number to my phone
*-hii, it's me y/n!
Surprisingly he responded very quickly
*-hii y/n, how are you?
*-I'm fine, what are you doing??
*-I'm getting ready for my friend Jay's party, and you?
*- what a coincidence!! I'll be there too lol
*-that's good, I'll see you there then
*- ok, bye
*- see you soon, princess
"- chaewon from heaven, jungwon is also going to the party!!"
"- that's great!! Just don't get too excited maybe your brother won't like it very much"
"you can leave it" I told her putting on my short black dress, showing too much skin and wearing my heels
Arriving at the crowded party, we were immediately greeted by the jay
"-y/n, you came, you wonderful"He said, wrapping his arms around your waist and squeezing
"- you too park" you said putting your arms around him
"- ok ok, let's go y/n, we have to get our drinks"
"meet me later?" Jay asks in my ear, I nod slightly and he smiles sideways
I went towards the kitchen with Chaewon to get the drinks, we took them and went to look for my brother
Then I see him and I go towards him, and he looks to the side and sees me, He looked at my clothes not very happy
"why did you come with that outfit y/n" he said looking into my eyes but I didn't care and went to greet the people
After a while, I got a little drunk, but I was still conscious, I went to the dance floor and started dancing, after a while I felt someone's hand on my hip
"you look beautiful y/n" I hear a familiar voice in my ear, I look over my shoulder and see Jungwon
"so you came jungwon" I said touching his chest
"but of course, I was giving up but you said you would come" he said dancing with you
you started to dance rubbing against her, and soon you heard a moan in your ear
"holy shit y/n, you dance really well" you looked at him and looked at the bulge in his pants and then pulled him to a distant place
"the kitten was excited?? I'll help you with that" you immediately pulled him in for a kiss, asking for passage with your tongue which he accepted with open arms, he squeezed your waist pulling you closer so you could feel his bulge
You soon got on your knees and massaged him over his pants and he soon moaned slyly
pulling down his pants along with his boxer shorts his dick jumped almost hitting his face, you spat on your hand and started caressing him
"please y/n, I need you" he said slyly, as much as you want him you won't lose your virginity in the bathroom, so you decided to use your mouth
You stuck your tongue out and put him in, he soon let out a moan, accelerating his pace, his legs began to tremble with so much pleasure, he pulled the back of your head closer to his pelvis making you choke.
"I'm coming y/n...I'm coming" he said, letting out a loud and sly moan, you sped up and gave him a blowjob, which made him release his orgasm deep in his throat, moaning loudly
You took him out of your mouth, and he fixed his pants and then pulled you in for a kiss.
"you did so good for me princess, do you want me to reward you?"
"no need jungwon, I appreciate it but my brother is already going to look for me, will I see you around?"
"definitely" he left a peck on your lips and walked away
you went to the kitchen to drink some water, and soon you heard a laugh, You turned back and soon saw Jake
"what a beautiful performance you did with that boy, I didn't know you were like that, kitten "he said with a teasing smile on his face
"I hope you keep your mouth shut" you looked at him and noticed something shiny on his neck, it looked like....no..it couldn't be, before he said something you questioned
"jaeyun, what necklace is that around your neck?" you said calmly, you looked at his wide eyes and you already knew the answer.
jake was wonbin
" so does that mean you lied to me the whole time? I trusted you " you tremble
"y/n no, it's not that, it's just" you immediately interrupted him
"that's what!!! fuck jake, you literally impersonated someone I don't even know now!! you fooled me for 10 years!! do you understand that?!" You said with anger in your eyes.
"the reason is because I'm fucking in love with you!! I've been in love with you since I was a child!! I literally had to put up with you being with these useless boys for years!! now I had to witness you giving that son of a bitch a blowjob" he He came closer pinning you to the wall making you look at him scared.
“you belong to me y/n, you always belonged to me!!” He said grabbing your wrist pulling you to the guest room, entering the room he soon threw you on the bed and locked the door
"Now I'm going to show you, kitten, who you belong to" he said hovering over you, kissing you roughly
"fuck I've been waiting for this for years kitten, I love you so much, if I see you with him I'll kill him, do you understand?!" He didn't hear any response and slapped your ass, soon hearing a moan coming from you.
"with words princess"
"yes, I understand...jake, I belong only to you"
Satisfied with your answer, he takes off your shirt and then helps you take off yours, then bends down to kiss your neck, leaving several marks on it.
Ele abriu seu sutiã e começou a chupar seu mamilo, recebendo vários gemidos seus.
He kissed my breasts going to my belly, while he kissed my belly he pulled down my panties
"how beautiful you are, kitten, how did you hide this from me, hmm" he put my legs on his shoulder and I started kissing my clitoris, starting to suck it, moving his tongue down to my entrance
"so good..hm" I said between moans, as he accelerated his tongue at my entrance making me feel that knot in my belly
"are you close kitten?" sucking my clit more fiercely making me moan loudly
"I'm close jaeyun, ah" my orgasm arrived making a mess on his beautiful face, he licked everything and got up to give me a kiss
"you have amazing taste kitten, I could stay there for hours" placing me underneath him while he placed his dick at my entrance
"hm, jake...I'm a virgin" I said immediately for fear of hurting, he looked at me with wide eyes
"so I'm going to be your first time?..I'm going to make sure this is your first time with me and forever" he said with possessiveness in his voice
He wrapped my legs around his hips, and caressed my hips
"I'm going to take it easy at first, okay, just don't tense up, otherwise it won't hurt more" he placed his dick at my entrance again and started to penetrate, I felt discomfort at first and a burning sensation but I didn't want to stop
"you're so tight..." he moaned after his cock was inside me, he waited a few minutes for me to get used to it
"can you move, please" he shook his hips calmly, but then he started accelerating
"do you think that boy's dick would satisfy like mine? huh, kitten?" he spoke rudely while looking at me, speeding up even more, until he made me feel him in my womb
"no... no jake.." I said moaning slyly as the pleasure was overwhelming, he placed his hand below my navel and squeezed
"you feel that, it's my dick buried deep inside you" I looked at my belly as I saw his dick hitting my skin, I fell with my head back moaning loudly as my second orgasm was approaching
"your pussy is so good kitten, it was made for me" he moaned loudly as he accelerated his pace, making us feel enchanting pleasure "I'm close y/n, I'm coming, I'm going to bury my children deep in your pussy so you can get pregnant with me so no other man can look at you, only me" after he said that I spilled on top of him, my juices running down his my pussy to my legs, meanwhile Jake was perceiving his high, still making me moan with the overstimulation
"I'm coming...calm down...I'm coming" I felt his cock twitch inside me as he moaned slyly on top of me
He fell next to me and pulled me into his chest, stroking my hair, I felt so loved at that moment.
"you did so well for me kitten, I love you" he got up and went to the bathroom getting a wet towel to clean me up
After cleaning me, he told me to change because my brother was going to look for me, I put my dress back on and started to fix my hair.
At the moment Jake was putting on his shirt because that was the last piece of clothing he was missing, the door opened, and who was there?
park sunghoon...my brother
"oh sorry..." he looked at my face then at jake immediately his eyes went dark
"What the fuck!!" it's me and jaeyun are dead now.
part 2??
#enhypen hard hours#enha smut#enhypen jake#sunghoon#enhypen smut#jungwon smut#sim jaeyun#jake smut#jake x reader#jake enhypen angst#park sunghoon
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𝐂𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞
plot: henry hart has a crush on his best friend and doesn’t know what to do with his feelings. an unfortunate mishap and a little nudge from team danger might just change that.
pairing: henry hart x fem!reader
show: henry danger
warnings: none that i can think of.
word count: 7,2k
author’s notes: english isn’t my first language, apologies for any mistakes. it's been proof-read, so there shouldn't be many mistakes anyway. it’s heavily inspired by the episode cave the date from season five of henry danger, so most of the dialogues and the story is most likely to be very familiar to y’all. it does go canon-divergent by the end though, and of course it’s reader instead of charlotte. this ended up being longer than i thought it would be. i hope you enjoy!
henry hart masterlist | main masterlist
It’s the perfect day, a quiet one the Danger team hasn’t had in a long time. Between all the petty crimes and the more serious villains who wanted to end Captain Man and Kid Danger, Y/N doesn’t remember the last time they could all just hang out in the Man Cave, undisturbed. She sighs contentedly, flipping a page of the book she’s reading, leaning further into the couch. Schwoz sits next to her, concentrating over a game of chess he’s having against himself, for some reason. Charlotte is nearby too, sitting on the chair at the supercomputer and reading her own book about “nuclear physics for smarties”.
“I will not see that coming.” Schwoz mutters to himself through the silence in the room. “I did not see that coming!” He adds, spitting out the water in his mouth after turning the chess board around.
“Do you ever get bored of playing chess against yourself?” Charlotte asks him, placing her book on the console before her.
“No, I don’t.” A pause. “But sometimes, I do.”
Y/N snorts at Schwoz’s antics. Her text ringtone rips through the silence, followed by a groan rumbling from her chest. She checks her screen, rolling her eyes when she sees the text notification from Jasper, and she looks at Charlotte with brows furrowed in annoyance as she closes her book and puts it down on the table before her.
“The guys are coming back.”
“Give me your book.” Charlotte tells her, extending her hand out.
“Why?” Y/N asks her, raising a brow. “I haven’t finished reading it, and I need to know what happens between Sel and Bree.”
“Just– give me your book.”
“H– hey! hey! hey! Char! Why’d you do that?”
Y/N screams, watching in horror as Charlotte moves from her spot on the chair to grab Y/N’s beloved copy of Legendborn by Tracy Deonn, putting it into a shredding machine and destroying it in the process. Charlotte then does the same thing with her own book.
“Ray gets mad whenever people do ‘smart stuff’ in front of him.” Charlotte explains, putting her hands on her hips. “You should know that, Y/N, you’ve been here the last two years. Schwoz, give me the chess board.”
“But I’ve got myself right where I want me!” The science man protests.
“You’ll get yourself next time.”
Schwoz grumbles, reluctantly handing his chess board and chess pieces to Charlotte who proceeds to throw them into the shredding machine. It makes a strange noise and Y/N winces at the sound, closing her eyes when the grinding noise finally stops.
“Where were they anyway?” Charlotte asks, sitting back on the chair behind the supercomputer.
“They went to throw melons at that abandoned house that people throw melons at.” Y/N shrugs.
“Without me?” Schwoz chirps in. “But I’ve been saving melons for months.” He adds as he glances to his box of rotten melons that’s been laying next to the supercomputer for nearly two months.
“So, they should be back soon, right?” Charlotte wonders.
“Yeah,” Y/N nods. “I just asked them to swing by my house and pick up my phone charger on the way back.”
Schwoz snorts. “You sent Ray, Henry, and Jasper to your house with no adult supervision?”
“Yeah, what’s the problem?”
Just then, the elevator doors ding open and out step the three men they were just talking about, in what seems to be a really serious discussion about Disney movies. All three of them have dishevelled hair, as if they’d just run a marathon, but the ashes smeared across their face and stuck to their clothes and hair give way to an entirely different story.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa…” Y/N interrupts them, standing up from the couch as she takes in their appearance.
“Hey.” Jasper greets her. “What’s up?”
“What have you guys been doing?”
“Hmm?” Henry chimes in.
“What have you guys been doing?” Y/N repeats herself, hands going to her hips as she raises a brow. “Did you go to my house?”
“Sure did.” Henry replies.
“Oh yeah.” Ray continues.
“Walked right in.” Jasper finishes, smiling proudly.
Y/N looks over her shoulder to Charlotte, brows pulled together in a confused frown. They both have the same questions running through their mind. Why were the boys all dirty with dark ashes, and why were they acting so innocent all of the sudden. Innocent, and clueless.
“So… what happened?” Charlotte asks then, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Weee got Y/N’s phone charger.”
Henry trails out, throwing the phone cable in Y/N’s hands but she drops it almost immediately, squealing out in surprise.
“Aaahh! Why is it hot?!”
“Because we pulled it out of the fire.” Jasper answers her.
“You are welcome.” Ray adds. “Hit the showers.” He finishes, out of the blue.
The boys whoop, starting to head for the showers when Y/N stops them again. Charlotte and Schwoz watch in amusement, seeing them rolling their eyes and groaning under their breath.
“Whaaaaaaat?!” Henry drags out.
“I told you she’d be like this.” Ray whines, motioning towards Y/N. “What did I say?”
“Yeah, I owe you ten bucks.” Jasper says, defeated.
“Did you guys light my house on fire?!” Y/N questions, panic in her voice.
“No, no, no, no…” Henry stutters. “ ‘Course not.”
Y/N glares at him, her eyes growing darker than he’s ever seen before. Okay, maybe Henry had underestimated his best friend’s anger, but to be fair, it wasn’t his fault they’d set a fire in her house. Still, he shoves his hands in the front pockets of his pants, casting his gaze to the floor to avoid looking directly into her eyes. He begins to balance himself on his heels, racking his brain for the right words to say as he bites down on the inside of his cheek. He inhales slowly through his nose and finally, he looks up to her. He sees the expectation in her eyes, her eyebrows raised as she waits for an answer. Henry swallows the growing lump in his throat; he hates to see her mad at him, when he knows she rarely ever gets mad at anyone. He knows her anger is not only directed at him, but at Ray and Jasper too, and yet he still takes it personally. He doesn’t know why he does, but his chest tightens when he replays the events from earlier, and the guilt settles in the back of his brain. He lowers his gaze again, his feet suddenly becoming more interesting than anything.
“I– I mean… y– yeah.” Henry admits, stuttering.
“Just the kitchen.” Jasper clarifies.
“The kitchen is part of the house.” Y/N deadpans, crossing her arms over her chest.
“The kitchen’s gone. It’s gone.” Jasper blurts out.
“The rest of your house… totally fine.” Ray adds, clapping his hands together.
“Y– yeah.” Henry finishes.
“How could you guys light my kitchen on fire?!”
Y/N asks them, throwing her arms up in the air in exasperation before her eyes fall back to the three men, glaring at them. By then, Charlotte has joined Schwoz on the couch in the centre of the Man Cave, as if they were watching the most interesting movie ever made. Charlotte knows her friend, and judging by how fuming she is about the whole situation, she knows it won’t end well for the boys.
Henry still can’t bring himself to look at Y/N, but he can imagine the hurt and confusion written all over her face. He’s known her for as long as he’s known Charlotte and Jasper; it’s always been the four of them. They can read each other like open books.
Jasper flinches when Y/N raises her voice. He doesn’t think he’s ever heard her raise her voice before, she’s usually calm and composed. He glances at Henry, and when he sees that his friend has suddenly found an interest in his shoes, Jasper knows they messed up big time.
Ray frowns when he sees Y/N crossing her arms over her chest again. Her cold stare travels from Henry, to Jasper, to him, and by the way she holds her head high, lips flattened into a thin line, he can sense the anger radiating off of her. What Ray doesn’t understand is why.
“Oh, this is gonna be good.” Schwoz chuckles as he gets up. “Let me get some popcorn.”
He returns a minute later with a red bowl filled to the brim with popcorn, setting the food on the table as he sits back on the couch next to Charlotte. Both watch, shoving food in their mouths, as Y/N shifts on her feets, body tense.
“What. Happened?” Y/N asks again, gritting through her teeth.
“Okay, first of all,” Ray begins, holding his hands out in front of him as he takes a step towards the girl. “We couldn’t find a light switch anywhere.”
“It– it was very dark.” Henry chirps in, barely glancing up at her as he tries to justify their actions. “And kinda cold.” His voice falters as he looks back to the floor.
“I happened to have a flare on me.” Ray adds, as if there were nothing wrong with that.
“Which would solve both problems.”
Y/N rolls her eyes at Jasper’s comment, her nostrils flaring as she grows impatient. Without even realizing it, she begins to tap her foot against the tiled floor of the Man Cave, her cold stare directed towards Ray.
“So, I had a flare… in your kitchen.” Ray begins to explain again, somehow proud of himself.
“And then, we started exploring!” Jasper smiles.
“First thing we uh… found were the curtains.” Henry adds sheepishly. “Well… the flare found ‘em.”
Henry tentatively looks up to his friend, a sheepish smile across his face. It falters when he sees the hurt flashing in her eyes for a brief second. He hates to see her like this, and he never wants to see her like this again. He has to admit it, lighting up a flare in her kitchen had been a bad idea, and he doesn’t know why he and Jasper didn’t try to stop Ray from doing something this stupid. They should be used to it by now; Henry has been dealing with his boss’s antics for the last five years, so has Charlotte, and both Jasper and Y/N have been dealing with it for the last two years. Ray, more often than not, acts without thinking twice about his actions, and perhaps that is because he’s been indestructible since he was eight years old, but he often forgets that the teenagers, and Schwoz, are not him and that they aren’t indestructible. His impulsive actions often bring them into trouble, and Henry has always wondered how they haven’t been badly injured by now, or sent to the hospital for an undetermined amount of time. Lighting up a flare in Y/N’s kitchen should have been an idea that stayed in Ray’s childish brain.
“Those things went up fast.” Ray laughs as Jasper imitates a fire starting.
“Did you guys try to put it out?!” Y/N asks, exasperated.
“Yes! Of course we did.” Jasper tells her.
“But uhm, you know the saying “fight fire with fire”?” Henry asks tentatively, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Yeah, that does not work!” Ray snorts.
“Oh my god!”
Y/N groans as she lets her arms fall to her sides, turning on her heels and heading for the elevator. She pounds her fist against the button, letting out a frustrated yell when the elevator doesn’t come right away. Jasper tries to reach for her, but she whips her head over her shoulder, sending him a stare that could have put him to his grave if her eyes held daggers. Jasper raises his hands up in defence, taking a step back to stand in between Ray and Henry.
“Where are you going?” Henry asks his best friend, voice filled with guilt.
“None of your business.” Y/N grits through her clenched teeth.
She doesn’t mean to speak to Henry that way, but she’s beyond mad that they burned their kitchen, and what pisses her off most is that they don’t even seem to be aware of how bad they messed up.
“Wh– whoa there, Y/N.” Ray exclaims, raising his arms up in defense.
“Yeah, what’s your deal?” Jasper scoffs, nudging Henry.
“My deal–” Y/N speaks through gritted teeth. “–is that I have a date tonight, with Jack Swagger. And I was gonna make him dinner at my house, but you guys blew my kitchen!”
Y/N yells exasperatedly, turning her head back towards the elevator and using one hand to push the up button on the panel on her right.
Charlotte stands from where she sat on the couch, walking over to the boys. She’s the only one who knows of Y/N’s date night with Jack Swagger, and she’s also the only one who knows Jack Swagger out of his international fame. The two girls had met him at camp, ten years earlier, and he contacted Y/N to let her know he was coming to Swellview for a couple days, and that he wanted to hang out with her. Charlotte also knows the real reason why Y/N had agreed to go on a date with Jack, and it wasn’t because she used to have a crush on him when they’d first met.
“Wait.” Jasper’s voice cuts through Charlotte’s train of thoughts. “You know Jack Swagger?” He asks, taking a step toward Y/N. “International music superstar Jack Swagger?”
“Youngest person to win a Grammy Jack Swagger?” Schwoz questions, rushing to Y/N.
“You have a date?”
Henry asks Y/N, a little surprised that his best friend has a date with someone and that she didn’t tell him about it.
“Yeah, I had a date.” She answers him, coldly.
“With Jack Swagger?” He asks again.
“Yes, with Jack Swagger. Can we not do this? I have to go and see the mess you guys made in my house. See if I can fix anything, or if I have to cancel my date tonight.”
Y/N pounds her fist on the elevator button again, but her movement is less angry and more frustrated. In truth, even if she originally did not want to go on a date with Jack Swagger, she’d warmed up to the idea and she was really looking forward to it. Besides, she’d figured it would help her forget about a certain someone that’s been on her mind twenty-four-seven.
When the elevator comes to a stop and the doors ding open, Y/N steps inside, pressing the up button without looking at it, and she keeps her death stare on the three men as the doors close again.
Henry watches as she disappears behind the now-closed elevator doors, but he knows she hasn’t gone up just yet, or they would have heard the loud squeaking noise from the elevator’s mechanical whirring. Perhaps she’s calling Jack Swagger; he did see her reach for her phone in the back pocket of her jeans. For some reason, however, knowing about the possibility of Y/N cancelling her date with Jack makes Henry feel less guilty about his responsibility for being part of the reason why Y/N’s kitchen burned. He knows he shouldn’t feel happy about it, but he does.
“How does she know Jack Swagger?” Jasper asks, turning towards Charlotte when the elevator doors close.
“Me and Y/N went to camp with him, like ten years ago. He was Jack Swaggowitz back then.”
“Okayyy… How did we not know this until now?”
“We’ve told you like a million times! You guys just never listen to us.”
“Okay, fine! Fine!” Jasper raises his hands up in defeat. “So, why can’t they go to Sotto Voce? Or any other restaurant in Swellview?”
“Yeah! Sotto Voce is a nice place.” Ray chimes into the conversation in agreement, snapping his fingers. “Romantic, and kitchen not burned.”
“That you know of.” Jasper nudges him.
“That I know of.”
“They tried that.” Charlotte explains, sighing. “He’s too famous and gets mobbed wherever he goes.”
That catches Henry’s attention, and he raises a brow as he turns towards Charlotte. What does she mean by “they tried that”? Did Y/N have other dates with Jack Swagger, and she only told Charlotte about it? Why is it bothering him so much that Y/N goes on dates with other boys? She is only his best friend, he has no right to decide who she can date. He shakes his head, crossing his arms over his chest as his friends’ voices come back into focus.
“I got it!” Jasper exclaims, snapping his fingers. “We need someplace to turn into a fake restaurant. Okay? Some place nobody knows about; somewhere underground.”
“So?” Charlotte raises a brow.
“I say we make a fake restaurant in Henry’s house!”
“No.” Henry deadpans, letting his arms drop to his sides.
He doesn’t want to get involved in this. He doesn’t want to make up a fake restaurant so that Y/N can enjoy her date with Jack Swagger. And he especially doesn’t want it to happen at his house. Because if it happens at his house, it means he has to be there, and he has to be forced to watch his friend enjoy her date with some stupid international celebrity when she should be enjoying a nice date in a nice, real restaurant with him– Oh.
Henry bites down on his lips. Take a deep breath, he thinks. He inhales deeply and then, he remembers what Piper said when she called earlier today.
“Why not?” Ray asks.
“There’s a hawk in my house.” Henry answers, silently thanking his idiot dad for bringing a hawk to the house.
“There’s a hawk in your house?” Schwoz questions.
“That’s what Piper said.” Henry shrugs. “I may need to crash here ‘til the hawk leaves.” He adds.
Good thing there is a hawk in his house simply because his father had wanted to get rid of a cricket. It doesn’t make any sense, and Henry hadn’t asked his sister for the details, but right now he was glad he wouldn’t be making up a fake restaurant in his house.
“Okay…” Charlotte trails out, thinking. “So we’ll do it in the Man Cave.”
“Do what in the Man Cave?” Ray wonders, looking at her.
“Make it a secret restaurant so Y/N and Jack can have their date.”
“No! We are not turning the Man Cave into a secret restaurant.”
Oh, no. If they turn the Man Cave into a fake restaurant, it means that Henry, and perhaps Charlotte, will have to pretend to be waiters for the night, and Henry isn't sure he can act the part. Well, if it were for anyone else, he’s pretty sure he could, but not for Y/N. Luckily for him, there’s no way Ray would agree to Charlotte’s idea but the elevator doors ding open, and out steps Y/N. She’s got that hopeful look in her eyes, and Henry knows she’d heard them from inside the elevator. He silently curses under his breath. There go his hopes of Y/N cancelling her date with Jack Swagger.
“You owe me, Ray.” Y/N says, tilting her head. “You burned down my kitchen.”
She raises a brow expectantly, crossing her arms over her chest. Henry shifts on his feet, body tensing as he clenches his jaw. Deep down he hopes that Ray will say no, but Y/N is using her convincing look that none of them can resist, when she’d stare at you intensely until you give up, and she’s backed up by Charlotte, who’s standing next to Y/N and who’s using her famous judgemental look, with her hands on her hips.
“You owe me.” Y/N says again, her lips pressed together in a thin line.
Ray groans, throwing his head back in defeat. “Fine! We’ll turn the Man Cave into a restaurant!”
Y/N squeals out excitedly, turning around to embrace Charlotte in a tight hug, before she goes back inside the elevator, closing the doors behind her and the mechanical whirring activates to indicate that Y/N has gone up to Junk’N’Stuff, the store a half-mile above the Man Cave.
Henry’s shoulders drop, and he shoves his hands in the pockets of his pants, a million thoughts running haywire in his brain. Charlotte notices it, and a smile begins to grow in the corner of her lips. She shakes her head in disbelief before she nudges Jasper’s side, pointing at Henry with her chin. Jasper raises a brow, and he looks back at Charlotte with a knowing smile of his own.
“Sorry I’m late.” Henry says begrudgingly as he steps out of the elevator. “The hawk grabbed my tie and wouldn’t give it back. Luckily, my dad distracted it with his face.”
“Is he okay?” Jasper asks his friend.
“Yeah, he’s okay. He’s got like… razor talons and like, a knife beak. So.”
“No, no. I meant your dad.”
“Oh! No, he’s in serious pain.” He pauses. “This place looks, uh… great…”
Henry looks around. Silver and pastel purple curtains cover the entirety of the Man Cave, hiding away anything hero-related like the tubes or the sprocket. Three tables are set for two, with silver tablecloths, white plates and silver cutlery, wine glasses and pastel purple napkins to match with the curtains. A grand white piano with fake candles on it stands in the corner, where the couch usually is, and the floor of the Man Cave is covered with a variety of used red carpets to hide the blue and red logo that’s usually visible on the tiled floor. Henry also notices the white peonies and Calla lilies that form one bouquet on the centre of each table, Y/N’s favourite flowers.
There’s a tugging at his heart as he takes in his surroundings. His mind is telling him that this is not right; and he wonders why he is doing all this, but then he remembers. He did participate in burning Y/N’s kitchen, so he owed her this, as much as Ray and Jasper did. He is surprised that they even managed to create a romantic fake restaurant in the Man Cave in the first place, but it doesn’t mean that he cannot loathe the idea of Y/N having a date with someone.
“Where’s Ray?” Henry eventually asks Jasper to try to forget about his unresolved feelings for Y/N.
“Chef’s in the kitchen.” Jasper answers, shrugging.
“Wh– where’s the kitchen?”
“Behind the soundproof curtain.”
Henry trails out dumbfounded as Jasper mouths “I know”. Ray’s voice reaches their ears almost immediately as Henry slightly pulls open the curtain to make sure Jasper’s telling him the truth about it being soundproof.
“Are you kidding me?!” Ray shouts exasperatedly. “I just had it! How could I lose– it was here two seconds ago! I swear on my father’s prepurchased burial plot–”
Henry closes the curtain, then turns back to Jasper. “Hm. Chef sounds mad.”
“Yeah, we should check on him.” Jasper agrees.
The two friends step through the soundproof curtain, and they see Ray frantically looking around for something, flailing his arms around with two lit flares in each of his hands.
“Oh, come on!” Ray yells.
“Woah, whoa, whoa, whoa! What are you doing?” Henry asks, raising a brow. Anything to get his mind off of Y/N.
“I can’t find my fifth flare!” Ray whines. “And if I don’t have all five flares, it’s ruined!”
“Put the flares away man. They’re for emergencies only!”
“Or for playing Truth or Flare!” Jasper adds.
“It’s fine. I just had the thing! Where– it was here a second ago!”
Ray keeps muttering to himself as he searches for his flare inside the made-up kitchen. He pivots on his feet, his back toward the teenagers, and Henry sighs exasperatedly when he spots the flare inside of Ray’s backpocket.
“Found it!” He says. “I found it!” He goes to grab a dish towel. “Stop. Move.”
“Where is it?” Ray asks again, more to himself.
“Dude, you gotta stop lighting flares in kitchens.” Henry deadpans as he grabs the lit flare from Ray’s pocket.
“Why? What’s the worst that could happen?”
Henry and Jasper exchange a look, before they try to pry the flares away from Ray’s hands.
“Okay, hand them over.” Jasper says when Ray tries to resist.
“Give them to me man.” Henry groans. “We’re done. We’re done! We’re done!”
“Ah! You’re ruining my process! No, don’t put them in there! Don’t put that– Oh…”
Ray whines again as he sees the two teenagers throwing his flares into a steaming pot of water. Henry wipes his hands over the black apron tied around his waist just as Jasper’s phone beeps with an alert. He quickly checks it, and he adjusts the bowtie around his neck.
“Okay. Y/N and Jack Swagger are close.” He says, putting his phone in his pocket. “I gotta go up to Junk’N’Stuff, meet Charlotte, and pretend it’s a fake store.”
“It is a fake store.” Henry snorts, rolling his eyes.
“Exactly. This guy gets it.”
Henry shakes his head in disbelief. So much for trying to forget about his feelings.
“I am so sorry, we are fully committed this evening. There are no tables available– Madam President.” Jasper hangs up the phone, raising his head as the shop’s bell dings. “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t see you there because I was just on the phone with– Y/N?”
Y/N stands awkwardly in the middle of the shop when Jasper finally acknowledges her presence, but he frowns when he notices she stands there, alone. Charlotte stands behind her, with a sad look on her features and she takes a tentative step towards her friend.
“Are you okay Y/N?” Charlotte asks. “Where’s Jack Swagger?”
“He– he bailed on me.”
Y/N chokes out, trying to keep her tears at bay. She knows how much effort her friends put into creating this fake underground restaurant just for her to have her date with Jack, she can’t cry in front of them. And yet, she did not expect Jack to bail on her when she was inside a taxi and on her way to pick him up from his hotel. She couldn’t call her friends to tell them to cancel everything, she didn’t have the heart to. They did all this for her, so she could have a quiet date with a celebrity she’d known since she was ten; she couldn’t bail out on her friends after what they’ve done for her. And yeah, she only ever agreed to go on a date with Jack to forget about her unresolved feelings for someone else, and she knew it probably wouldn’t have worked out between her and Jack, but it had been nice to know that someone cared enough about her to take her out on a date. She wasn’t even mad that her date wasn’t about to happen, she was upset because her friends had created a fake restaurant for her and Jack, and he’d bailed on her at the last minute.
Y/N shakes her head, wrapping her arms around herself as if to shield herself from the cold, and she hugs herself tightly as Charlotte puts a gentle hand on her shoulder. Jasper gets off from the chair he’s been sitting on, and he walks around the cashier counter to join his two friends.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Jasper wonders, genuine concern in his voice.
“H– he texted me. I was already in a taxi on my way here. I was supposed to pick him up on the way, when he texted. Said he couldn’t make it, superstar stuff he said…”
“Y/N… You could have called us.” Charlotte says. “To tell us your date was cancelled.”
“N– no. You guys made up a fake restaurant in the Man Cave so that I could have my date with Jack. It wouldn’t have been fair to you guys if I had cancelled, not after all the effort you must have put into doing whatever’s below us. I– I’m gonna go down there, and I’m gonna have a girl’s dinner by myself.”
Charlotte smiles sadly, before an idea pops in her mind. She lifts her head to look at Jasper, and an understanding passes between them. Charlotte knows what she has to do.
“Don’t be ridiculous Y/N. I’ll have a girl’s dinner with you.” Charlotte lies, having another idea in mind, but Y/N seems to buy it.
“Dinner for two, then?” Jasper chimes in as he walks back behind the counter.
“Yeah, okay.” Y/N laughs. “We have a reservation for Y/N. Y/N L/N.”
“Ah! There it is. Right this way, ladies.”
Y/N and Charlotte look at each other before laughing at Jasper’s antics as he leads the way to the elevator in the back shop.
Down in the Man Cave, Henry waits by the white grand piano as the elevator dings open and out come Y/N, Charlotte, and Jasper. The first thing he notices then, is the absence of Jack Swagger. He frowns, and his grip on the fake menus tightens. His jaw clenches as he grinds his teeth, but his features soften again when his eyes land back on Y/N.
Henry’s breath gets caught up in his throat as he looks at her. She’s breathtakingly beautiful, with her hair cascading down her shoulders and the mesmerized smile hanging on her red, lipstick-covered lips. She spins around on her feet, taking in the sight of the remodelled Man Cave for the occasion, and the long dress she wears twirls as she does so. Her soft chuckle is like music to Henry when it reaches his ears, pulling him out of his reverie just as Jasper and Charlotte walk up to him. But his eyes never leave Y/N, not even when Jasper drags him behind the soundproof curtain until he can’t see her anymore.
“What’s going on?” Schwoz asks, wiping his hands on a dishcloth. “Why’s Henry all lovestruck?”
That seems to pull Henry out of his trance. “No, I’m not!” He says, shaking his head. “Jasper, what’s going on? Why is Y/N on her own?”
“Oh! Jack Swagger bailed on her.” Jasper answers nonchalantly.
“Yeah. He texted her when she was on her way to pick him up in a taxi.”
“So, she came on her own?” Schwoz questions, raising a brow. “Then, what’s the point of a date?”
“She didn’t want to cancel, because she knows how much effort we put in turning the Man Cave into a fake restaurant. She’s going to have a girl’s dinner with Charlotte instead.”
“Well, actually… I lied.”
All four men -including Ray, who’d been eavesdropping on the conversation while stirring a pot- jump on their feet, startled by Charlotte who’s now standing behind Jasper, the soundproof curtain closed behind her.
“Y– you lied to Y/N?” Jasper asks incredulously. “W– why?”
“I thought we were on the same page!” Charlotte groans, throwing her head back.
“Did you– did you leave Y/N on her own?” Ray asks, pointing an accusatory finger at Charlotte.
“No, Piper’s here!”
“Wh– What? Piper’s here? Wh– why?” Henry questions.
“She thought she’d see Jack Swagger with Y/N, so she came to play the piano.”
“But Piper doesn’t know how to play the piano?”
“That’s what I said! She was gonna use her phone to play slow jams, and she’d just fake playing.”
“Uh, makes sense.” Schwoz shrugs as he nods approvingly.
“Any-Ray…” Ray interrupts. “Why did you lie to Y/N, Charlotte?”
“Come on! I can’t be the only one smart enough to have figured it out, can I?” When no one says anything, Charlotte says, “Henry is going to take Y/N out for dinner here.”
Henry drops the fake menus he’d been holding onto all this time, and he whips his head towards Charlotte, blinking several times as if she’d grown several heads and he couldn’t believe it.
“Wh– wha– what?” He breathes out in shock. “Wh– wh– why?! I can’t take Y/N out for dinner, have you lost your mind Char?”
“Hen, we know you like her.” Charlotte implies, and her statement is followed by a chorus of hm.
“Wh– what? N– no, I don’t.”
“Yeah, you do.” Jasper states. “Now that Char’s said it out loud, we know what she’s talking about. You’re not good at hiding it.”
“Even Ray could tell you like her.” Charlotte adds.
“Hey!” Ray whines. “But it’s true though. You do like her.”
“Yeah! You’ve been doing oogly eyes at Y/N whenever she comes to work.” Schwoz carries on, nodding.
“What does that even mean, Schwoz?!” Henry wonders.
“You can’t take your eyes off her!”
“Schwoz’s right.” Charlotte agrees. “You even started to read her favorite book. And you hate reading.”
Henry sighs, throwing his head back and lifting his arms up in defeat.
“Okay, fine! Fine.” He says. “So, what if I like her? What am I supposed to do?”
“Take her out on a date, Kid.” Ray answers, motioning towards the soundproof curtains.
“But what if she doesn’t like me that way?”
“But, what if she does?”
Henry glares at Ray, before he glances towards Charlotte. Surely she’d been joking when she suggested he takes Y/N out on a date here in the Man Cave turned restaurant. But she looks at him with a knowing smile, arms crossed over her chest, and she’s backed up by Jasper, who has a smug expression plastered on his face.
Henry sighs. It’s true that he hasn’t been really excited to play-pretend being a waiter in a fake restaurant, because it meant being forced to watch Y/N enjoy her date with Jack Swagger. It’s true, now that he thinks about it, he’d felt slightly jealous when Y/N first mentioned her date with Jack Swagger earlier today. And it’s true that he’d felt slightly relieved when he found out that Jack Swagger bailed on Y/N. So, what is he so afraid of now? Charlotte’s offering him a chance to take Y/N out on a date, in this fake restaurant they’d spent all afternoon setting up, why doesn’t he want to take it?
He glances at the soundproof curtains, knowing Y/N’s behind with his sister, and Henry can hear the thumping of his heart the more he thinks about how she looks tonight. Her bright smile, the wonder in her eyes as she’d looked around the remodeled Man Cave for the occasion, her H/C cascading down her shoulders, or how her dress fitted her perfectly as she twirled around.
“Earth to Henry. Earth to Henry.”
Henry blinks, pulled out of his thoughts by Ray’s voice, and when he turns his head back towards his friends, he knows what he has to do. He fumbles with the knot around his waist, before handing his apron to Jasper.
“Why are you giving me this?” Jasper asks, raising a brow.
“I’m gonna take Y/N out on a date.” Henry says confidently. “Give me your tux jacket.”
Jasper grumbles and reluctantly gives his jacket to his friend. Lucky for the both of them, they wear the same size so the jacket fits Henry like a glove.
“Let’s get this date on the road!” Ray shouts as he fist-bumps the air, returning to his cooking.
“I’ll make sure he doesn’t blow up another kitchen with those flares.” Charlotte sighs, watching as Ray childishly lights up a flare.
“Thanks.” Henry whispers before he turns to Jasper.
“Yeah, I guess I’ll be the waiter tonight.”
“Thanks man.”
Henry steps out of the made-up kitchen, instantly spotting Y/N by the grand white piano, laughing as Piper pretends to be a professional pianist. He nervously adjusts the tie around his neck, wiping his moist hands on his trousers as he walks over to the two teenage girls. Tentatively, he puts a hand on Y/N’s back, and she turns her head around to look at him.
“Oh, hey Hen.” She smiles. “What’s up?”
“Char told me what happened,” he says. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright. Where is Charlotte, by the way?”
“In the kitchen, making sure Ray doesn’t blow it up.”
Henry can hear the disappointment in her voice, and he instantly feels guilty, dropping his hand from the small of her back. He swallows nervously, and he hears the rustling of the curtain behind him, meaning Jasper’s waiting to settle them at their table.
“Y/N?” Henry calls for her attention.
She lifts her head, eyes looking into his. “Hm?”
“Would you like to go on a date with me?” He asks her, rubbing a hand against his neck out of nervousness.
“Wh– what?”
“This is going to be interesting.” Piper whispers under her breath as she watches.
“I, uh… I’d like to take you out on a date if, uh… that’s okay with you?” Henry tries again, albeit clumsily.
“Are you– are you asking because Jack Swagger bailed on me?”
“N– no! No!” Henry shakes his head, hands dropping to his sides. “No! I’m– Listen, Y/N, I– I like you. I mean, I like like you, Y/N. And I’d love it if you’d go on a date with me.”
“You– you like me?” Y/N stutters, blinking.
“Yeah, I do.”
Y/N lets out a trembling breath. She doesn’t know what to think; she’s had the longest crush on her best friend that she doesn’t even remember when she’d first caught feelings for him. He’d been the whole reason she agreed to go on a date with Jack Swagger in the first place; to forget about her confusing feelings for Henry. But here he is now, after she’d been bailed on, asking her out on a date in a fake restaurant he’d put up all afternoon with the rest of their friends. She takes a deep breath, trying to calm the rapid beating of her heart as she looks back to Henry. What an interesting night this turns out to be, she thinks.
“I’d love to go on a date with you, Henry Hart.” Y/N says eventually, smiling.
“Shall we?”
Henry asks as he offers her his arm to take, and shivers run down his spine when her hand finds the crook of his elbow. He looks at her with a smile, before he leads her away from the grand piano, where Piper resumes fake-playing a slow tune, and towards Jasper who holds the fake menus in his hands.
“If the two lovebirds would follow me,” Jasper says as he slips into the role of a waiter in a fancy restaurant. “We have your table ready right over here.”
“Thanks.” Henry says as he pulls the chair for Y/N.
Y/N sits down, placing her small purse on her thighs as she waits for Henry to sit across from her. She spots the flowers in the centre, and she smiles. Her favourites. For a minute she wonders whose idea it was for the flowers, and after pondering it she comes to the conclusion that it had either been Charlotte, or Henry.
“So…” Y/N trails out, a smirk on her lips, as Henry sits down. “What’s this place called?”
“It’s called Food.” Jasper answers proudly.
“That’s dumb.” Y/N snorts.
“Is it? What if I told you it’s ‘food’ spelled with a U with two dots over it.”
“Now, that’s interesting.” She glances at Henry, who smiles sheepishly.
Jasper hands them the menus. “Take your time, I’ll be back for your orders.”
Y/N gives Jasper a grateful smile, watching as he disappears behind the silver curtains. For a short minute, she can even hear Ray yelling there and she cannot suppress a laugh as she shakes her head in disbelief.
“This place is nice.” She says, looking at Henry again. “For a fake restaurant.”
“Right? So private.”
“Henry, we’re the only ones here. Of course, it’s private.”
“Ye– yeah, I know. I just– I like the idea of our first date being private. Y’know, without anyone around.”
“Are you sure about that?”
“What do you mean?”
“Oh, I don’t know… Maybe that your sister is eying us from the piano, and that everyone else here has poked their head through the curtain to spy on us.”
Y/N finishes explaining with a laugh, and Henry looks over his shoulder to see Ray, Schwoz, Charlotte, and Jasper with their heads poking through the soundproof curtain, one head after the other. He frowns, giving them his best menacing stare, and all of them scurry off back behind the curtains. Then he glances towards his sister, his lips pressed into a thin line when he sees her with her phone in her hand as if she were going to take a picture. He wants to tell her off, but the words get lost in his throat when he feels a hand above his on the table, and he turns his head back around to look at Y/N. She’s smiling that soft smile she always wears around the people she loves, and Henry’s breath gets caught up in his throat again. God, she’s beautiful, he thinks as he flips his hand around so that his palm touches hers.
“I’m sorry this isn’t the date you had in mind.” He tells her, holding her hand in his. “And I’m sorry Jack Swagger bailed on you. And that you’re stuck with me inst–”
“Henry.” She interrupts him, smiling. “I’m glad it’s you I’m stuck with. And it may be a fake restaurant, with fake chefs, a fake waiter and a fake pianist, but I’m happy it’s you here with me.”
“R– really?”
“Yeah. Honestly, I’m not sure it would have worked out between me and Jack, if something ever were to happen… I don’t think I’m cut out to be the girlfriend of a superstar.” She laughs, rolling her eyes playfully.
“And what about being the girlfriend of an awesome sidekick to a superhero?” Henry asks with a smug smile on his lips.
“Henry Hart, are you asking me to be your girlfriend at the beginning of our very first date?”
Y/N questions him, letting go of his hand as she leans over the table, resting her elbows on top of the silver table cloth, and she rests her chin atop her linked hands. A playful smirk grows on her lips as she watches him, raising a brow as she waits for his answer.
“And what if I am?” He says then, mimicking her movements. “What then?”
Y/N hums, feigning deeply thinking. “I don’t know. Do you know any awesome sidekicks here in Swellview?”
“I might know of one. Maybe you’ve heard of him. His name is Kid Danger.”
“The name does ring a bell.” She says playfully, leaning further over the table. “Do you know where I might find him?”
“I heard he works in a store called Junk’N’Stuff.” Henry answers, leaning over the table until his forehead touches hers. “And I heard he’s really Henry Hart behind the mask.”
“Well then, Henry Hart,” Y/N says with a smile. “I would love to be your girlfriend.”
ⓒ writerinlearning – 2025
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