#i love caves. i love lighting
madkiska · 2 months
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been thinking about caves a lot recently
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lunarcrown · 2 months
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OLLD drawing I can share now of Timmy after recovery and care from staying on double life and being looked after by the box boys~
He’s healthier, happier, his hair and wings have grown back out and have a pretty blue-black sheen to them (that he never knew he had bc in hels his diet and environment only let them be dull) and he just heard the sound of a portal opening for someone to come visit~!
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yarmiko-art · 20 days
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Your child is melting lmao
Gooey is pretty much kind of a shapeshifter and solidity of his from heavily depends on his mental state. Any extreme emotion can make him loose his grip on the body, so he kinda starts melting over. Most common nominators for that are negative emotions: fear, grief, shock. Being especially specific - something BAD happening to Kirby (pic 1)
Tho it also can be excitement or exhaustion. The extent of the body melting is fully up to intensity of the emotion
....And in a very rare cases, it can be anger
I rumble a bit abt DM biology under the cut
All Dark Matter are shapeshiters outside of the hosts. They're capable of changing their form since it's not solid from the beginning, but it can't happen purely by the power of will. Dark Matter's appearance very heavily depends on it's way of preciving itself.
Due to their nature being part of the hive mind, DM unit doesn't have an individuality in normal conditions - thus rarely any different traits. They might have some, but those mostly caused by environment and adaption to it.
When unit is separated from the hive, they start to accumulate more and more individualistic traits, gaining sense of self. It's a mix of "what I want to be" and "what I see in the mirror". If that makes any sense. More humanoid form, number of limbs and much more trivial traits like height are born exactly from that mix.
Gooey, growing up in Dreamland for most of his life, just tried to copy Kirby at everything, therefore perceiving himself as a child, growing along with Kirby. It isn't far from truth, cuz even as a DM unit they were pretty young. Haven't even figured out how to morph fingers yet (opposite thumbs are pretty usefull evolutional trait)
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eurydia · 5 months
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fake romance scenes - A Gentle Path (7/-) my latest Tavlor fic, A Gentle Path, is now available to read on Ao3! dedicated to my wonderful friend and fellow Zev enjoyer @dark-and-kawaii ❤️ a SFW, mostly dialogue one shot of Tav and Zevlor having a heart to heart at the caves.
this line is actually delivered by Glen in this beautiful Cameo: [Zevlor accepting a romance during the celebration]
[A Gentle Path on Ao3]
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sillyangstyimp · 4 months
Welp. New fixation time! Just finished playing the game Hyper Light Drifter and I'm a tad bit obsessed now.
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Ignore the fact that this game came out forever ago and I am just now discovering it and instead take this extremely self indulgent art since I am starving for content
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moon-goggles · 1 month
Phil being the shorter fella with his goth wife and platonic/romantic husband will never cease to bring joyous whimsy to my soul-
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
have a very early wip of a tea party :>
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This is @phoenixcatch7 's Possessed Doll Au
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Heya Naff!
Just had this little idea snippet pop to mind and I thought I’d share it with you cuz it’s kinda reminiscent of Lack of Light and I guess a little of Cryptid Sightings too.
So, what if Y/N for some reason or another ends up in a dark cave, not in any danger, but maybe just there to destress and have some calm, quiet time. Then they hear an ominous voice (Moon or Eclipse probably), but never see whom it belongs to. They make rather interesting conversation and despite Y/N’s curiosity, the voice warns that it's for the best Y/N doesn’t know what they look like, lest their appearance frightens them.
Over time and many more visits they become good friends. Y/N is always one to confide in them about their troubles and hardships, and the ominous voice replies with comfort and advice. Reversely on the rare occasion the voice opens up, Y/N is able to cheer them up with a lighthearted kindness and maybe some humour thrown in. 
Eventually Y/N gets curious enough and the voice's owner is revealed. They are indeed a little unsettling to say the least, but Y/N is able to remind themselves that this creature/thing is their friend and the encounter goes smoothly. 
From then on Y/N is also adamant of giving lots of hugs and cuddles, no matter how scary they seem. And tho the creature doesn’t say it, they do appreciate it.
Idk, I’m just soft for making friends with something scary / otherworldly that doesn’t get much love otherwise ^^ with a touch of secret, almost imaginary friend when you don’t have any others
But yeh, that’s all for now :) Hope you're well and have a lovely day/night, dear Naff <3 PS: haven’t gotten to CS chapter 19 yet, but hope to soon. From the little I know of you making people cry or something, I’ll be sure to have some tissues or a pillow at the ready :’) /lh
Hey, Piixel, I love this idea so much that I wrote a little something based on it! I hope that's alright! (If for any reason you want me to delete it, say the word and I will.)
Umbrage Embrace
Shadow Monster!Eclipse x Reader (SFW)
You can’t speak. You bury your face in your hands, arms scraping against the bark of the willow. A terrible tremble falls over you as the gush of tears leaks past your defenses and down your cheeks. It doesn't matter that it’s pitch dark in the forest save for the barest splatters of moonlight nor that you hide away. You will not see Eclipse. He, however, sees you.
Word Count: 3,800~ Warnings: Anxiety and hurt/comfort.
A/N: This is based on @piixelpaint's ask which you can read here! (you're already here.) Their idea inspired me so much that I had to write a little something for it, and I do love creatures who hide and give comfort and maybe wish for a little comfort in return but are terrified of scaring away their human beloved. Eclipse fits this type of monster perfectly. I also was in a headspace of wanting to address some anxiety and explore some sweet hurt/comfort! Enjoy!
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thequeenwechoose · 2 years
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Daemon sings to Vermithor in 1x10 Hotd in 4k
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bluegarners · 11 months
what if i told you robin IS a performance and is much harder than being batman....
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gravesung · 13 days
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spoofyleaf · 4 months
Having my dentist say “you need root canals… in ALL of your teeth!” in the most Cartoon Mad Scientist way he could wasn’t something I expected, but something I’m glad I heard bc bro what
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bladesofkyber · 2 years
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God of War: Ragnarök
What did you see in there, brother?
A path. One I had never imagined.
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arktic-blocks · 2 years
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Endied Mans!!!
[Left → Right, Up → Down] New Default, Nether Wastes, Flower Fields (specifically designed around alliums), and Caves
Doing another art project similar to the creeper overhaul post I did a while back where I draw all the variants of the creatures in an overhaul mod made by Bonsai Studios!
These are all enderman from Bonsai's upcoming enderman overhaul mod! It's really neat and I cannot WAIT for it to fully release :] I don't think I'll be getting to all of them in this version (to save time and energy & since I just don't have good concepts for some of them), but I'll try to do as many as I can!
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ninjigma · 1 year
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RexObi Week Part 2/7 - Previous / Next
Day 2: Cave Exploration Track: 'Sun' - Sleeping At Last (Spotify / YouTube)
"Do you really know where we are going Kenobi?"
"Faith my dear, have faith."
"I do, but I also have a perfectly good beach behind me that we completely bypassed to wander around these caves for something you still won't tell me about."
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes, but his smile never wavered. They had headed out on a small excursion of sorts, Obi-Wan having read about the caves extensively before arriving on the planet. He had been trying to find things that may satisfy a man who is usually living his life in a much faster pace, and in his reading he had discovered something he really thought would do the trick. Caves that were interspersed with long cervices open to the sky above, threading and swirling over and around the coast. It created the perfect opportunity to explore, and some wonderful treasures hidden amongst the dark stone.
Or, at least, he hoped it was perfect. It was his first real moment of doubt as they came to another junction and there were more markings on the cave wall then he thought there should be. But he was pretty sure the partially written over symbol was the one he was looking for, and tried not to show his wavering as he headed to the right.
"Well then, I ask for your patience. We should almost be there."
"Ahem," Obi-Wan straightened himself, turning back toward Rex who stood taller then him anyhow. "I mean, we are."
Rex raised one lean eyebrow, the corner of his mouth going with it. It was honestly a look Obi-Wan couldn't help but associate with the clone even if it was someone else attempting it. Though no one could do it like Rex; the perfect arch, conveying so much that those on the other side of it never needed the question said. And with that smirk there was the addition of feeling like the punchline in a joke that one could never fully understand. Yet Obi-Wan would continue to tell the joke himself so long as it brought Rex this much joy, simmering beneath the surface of honey brown eyes. That if Obi-Wan was given the opportunity to see that smirk, that side eye of disbelief, the look that said nothing but doubt even though he knew Rex had absolute trust in him, then it was worth all of the laughter at his expense.
And when Obi-Wan's only response was to hold out his hand and Rex took it as easily as breathing, Obi-Wan felt that even if he did get them lost, as least they had gotten lost together.
It was an unnecessary worry though as the next bend showed light shining from below. Stone steps were carefully carved into the stone here, making the steep tunnel much easier to traverse. And Obi-Wan couldn't help the rush of excitement again. He could hear the gentle lap of water at the bottom, could see how it shone from further in as they descended, and happily squeezed Rex's hand without even realizing it until the clone laughed quietly.
"Excited, sir?" 
Obi-Wan hoped a bit that the shadow of the caves was still strong enough to cover the blush, but he didn't deny it. He stopped to allow Rex to roll his pants up some, the water curling over the most bottom steps and their mesh covered feet, and then realized there was no chance he could hide as Rex reached out to take his hand again and he couldn't stop the smile from overtaking him.
"Perhaps a bit. From what I read it seems like it will be a beautiful spot."
"For what?" Rex asked innocently, Obi-Wan watching as he stepped into the water with him and the water alone made the clone smile softly. 
"For you."
Rex's eyes flickered back up, and Obi-Wan made sure to let the adoration be plainly visible on him. That his thoughts on how much he wished to give Rex, how special he thought the clone was, and how much he loved him, was obvious. Even in the Force he allowed the feelings to reach out and let it swirl around Rex like the water beneath them. For just a moment the waterfalls could wait. For just a breath Obi-Wan let things stand still and his love for Rex be at the forefront of everything. 
Then it was another quick squeeze of the hand, and a turn back into the cave. It was only a few more turns before the movement of water around their feet became drowned out by the thundering of falls, and the light finally began to truly pierce the darkness. 
"Ready?" Obi-Wan asked.
"Have you ever known me not to be?" Rex responded boldly.
And with another small laugh of utter joy Obi-Wan led Rex around the last corner, to take in a sight that was full of life and light and joy. Greenery managing to grow amongst stone, light danced down the waterfall and sent cascading reflections across the roof of the cave they were in, birds flew and danced about each other, both playfully clumsy and gracefully beautiful in the funnel to the blue skies above. There were even flowers demanding the chance to live even this far down, and there were new endless tunnels sprouting away from them to be explored. 
"It's beautiful," Rex breathed next to him. And Obi-Wan couldn't help but turn toward him, take in once again how the light around Rex made him look so bright and full of life. How it sparkled in his eyes and the water reflected across him.
"Yeah, beautiful."
And if the clone caught the horribly cheesy attempt at flirting, and then kicked water at the near lovesick Master Jedi, only for said Jedi to return the the water with raucous laughter and the start a near juvenile splashing match, then that is only for them and the parrots squawking happily above to know about.
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sillyangstyimp · 4 months
Demons have possessed me and the voices urged me to make a crossover au between my two favorite indie games at the moment, Hyper Light Drifter and Cave Story. Unable to stop them, and having not much else to do this summer, behold doodles that probably no one else but me will particularly care for.
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Despite being from pretty different games, the two actually have a lot more in common than some might think. Also I think they would be good buds. Pals, even. They would sit together in a comfortable silence.
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