#i love That Show
moondustinfj · 7 months
*Regulus fake dating Barty to make James jealous*
Barty *in a fake accent* : Regulus, love, you'll have to introduce me
Barty: *wraps his arms around Regulus' neck*
Regulus: Of course. This is James
James *looking between them* : Hi
Barty * taking James' hand* : Sorry, Jim?
James *annoyed*: It's James.
Barty: Jacob? Jacques? Giacomo?
Regulus: James
Barty: Ooooh ok, fancy
James: It was...nice to meet you
Barty: So nice to meet you too Hamish
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thebeefsteaktomato · 2 months
The idea for this comic is from here and by @billymarvel !!!
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and here’s a bonus!
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I love the trope where when characters have a double life they know others who are apart of both lives but neither of them are aware of this. cough cough billy and clark. I mean they are both reporters/involved with newspapers so i’m surprised they don’t have there secret identities interact more
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aromantic-diaries · 1 year
Lilith Clawthorne from the owl house represents the aroace dream of being best friends with the most fucked up and weird creature that is incomprehensible even by demon realm standards
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ahfrickenfrick · 4 months
bart: can you tell what the problem is?
tim: you see that hole there?
bart: yeah??
tim: that’s where the engine is supposed to be
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kitteningotham · 2 months
Y’all I was watching Teen Titans Go! the other day (I know it’s rubbish, but that’s my downfall right there) and I realised something.
In the first few seasons, there are no identity reveals. Nothing that could give away anything personal about the heroes. Nothing that would, say, stop it from being an IN-UNIVERSE TV SHOW GUYS! I bet the Batfam would hate it too, because they give Robin all of their other traits (Tim’s staff, etc.) and also bc they can’t find a justified reason to stop it. Unfortunately you can’t sue for figurative massacre. After all, the kids love it.
Soon enough there are mini-figures, spin offs, references, and no one can turn on the TV without seeing this:
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maken-cheezy · 3 months
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aimseytv · 2 years
So on a scale 1-10 how great was your new years :D
i was with all my friends and i got to kiss my girlfriend at midnight so it was amazing :D
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taylor-titmouse · 2 months
Reading through your kink ratings belatedly and having a giggle at some of them but the reaction image you used for the skin suit ask is a character that was actually worn as a suit at one point (he's a skeleton) and the use of it has me wheezing
god i've WATCHED all of wander over yonder and i completely fucking forgot about that.
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....I decided to re-do the Maws half of it, using Young Justice Manhunter's design :33
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These are MONTHS apart, stuck together with craft scissors and glue. But I love them anyway
Bonus ☆
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(They do not last a day like this)
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sonechkaandthedynamos · 10 months
i'm rewatching satc and i don't understand why carrie is seen as the only villain in her relationship with aidan for cheating on him, when he imposes his life onto hers without consulting anything with her, behaves like an asshole to her when he willingly gets back together with her and practically kicks her out (!!!) of her apartment when she doesn't want to marry him when he feels like it. just like mr big, he's the one making all the decisions for her and escalating their relationship on his own and carrie is the villain??
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cdelphiki · 8 months
A Rock in a Weary Place excerpt
I haven't done a WIP Wednesday in forever. It's almost Wednesday so here we go. A Rock in a Weary Place is part two of my Clark-adopts-Billy AU and I am so excited about it. I've finally gotten some good work done on it, but since it's a long one-shot (I don't actually know how long, but I wouldn't be shocked if it exceeds 10k) it'll be a while before its done. So here's an excerpt!!!! Of course any and all of this can change between now and posting the final.
Clark felt… lost.
For as long as he’d been planning and scheming on how to get Billy Batson off the streets, he hadn’t fully realized what taking a kid into his home would fully entail.
Because, for all the talk about how he’d be more like a roommate to Billy… he also realized that he couldn’t be just a roommate.
He was the adult. He had to be— the adult. And Billy was the kid. Clark was providing for Billy, and that was that.
Which meant, Clark had to cook food.
A lot.
He’d never really cooked before, when it was just him. He ordered food, usually. Or just ate something microwavable. Ma would be upset, if she knew that.
But she didn’t know, so she couldn’t be upset.
If she found out he fed Billy, a “growing boy,” primarily greasy take out and cheap microwave dinners… Well Clark wasn’t sure he’d find a place on Earth safe from her wrath. And since he was Martha Kent’s son, he did know how to cook.
So that’s what he did.
A lot now.
Breakfast and dinner every day, and lunch on the weekends too. Although there had only been one weekend with Billy, so far. Five days in total.
How did five short days feel like an eternity?
“Smallville,” Lois nearly sang, “Yoohoo, hello? Is anyone home?”
Clark looked up from his laptop screen and smiled sheepishly at Lois, where she was leaning over his desk almost between him and his computer. He’d been zoning out a lot recently. “Sorry Lois,” he said, “what did you say?”
“What is up with you,” she exasperated, sitting back down into her chair, across their back-to-back desks from him, “you’re so…. distracted lately!”
“Oh nothing,” Clark said, as he leaned back in his chair, trying his best to give her his undivided attention, “just a lot on my mind.”
“Such as…” she prodded, leaning forward further into his personal space. When Clark didn’t reply other than to offer another sheepish smile, she let out an exasperated sigh and said, “Okay fine, I’ve got a new story for us. You won’t believe it, but there’s competition for Superman.”
“What?” Clark asked.
Lois grinned.“You know that guy from Fawcett? Captain Marvel? He’s been spotted in Metropolis this week.”
Clark resisted a laugh. He had known that, of course. “Really?” he asked anyway.
“Yes, and this morning, you’ll never believe it,” Lois said, as she went ahead and fully sat up on his desk, her arms moving all over the place as she spoke, “I was walking from the garage when this kid walked right out into the road without looking, and Captain Marvel swooped in and grabbed him before he got hit by a car. It was incredible! And I got to see Captain Marvel close up.”
“Did you now?” Clark asked with a grin.
“Yes, and let me tell you, he’s handsome. Superman has some real competition there.”
Clark… wasn’t sure how he felt about that.
Billy was just a child. A ten-year-old boy. But Clark couldn’t tell Lois that. How would Clark even know that?
He just hoped he never had to have that conversation with Billy, either. Adults shouldn’t be looking at him as if he were an adult.
That was a concern, wasn’t it? Billy had said so himself. Sometimes he wasn’t a kid. Half the time, Billy was an adult. In form, at least.
They definitely would have to have a conversation, wouldn’t they?
Clark… Clark had no idea how to go about that.
“We should do some scouting this evening. Listen to the police scanner and see if we can catch Captain Marvel, just like we used to do with Superman, remember?”
He nodded absently. That had always been… interesting. Having to come up with excuse after excuse to slip away for a moment, all while Lois was trying her best to see Superman.
No matter how fun that had been, he couldn’t do that again. Because. He had to go home and feed Billy.
Also, Billy probably wouldn’t go out and about that time, anyway. He usually did his work during the daylight, and stayed in at night. Clark hadn’t seen him out at night much at all, not even before he came to live in Metropolis.
“Smallville,” Lois snapped, “Clark. Tonight. Scouting. What do you say?”
Clark looked back at her and tried to look regretful as he said, “I can’t, I’m sorry.”
“Can’t?” she exclaimed, scowling hard, “Why not?”
“I have plans,” he said simply.
Because he did. Feed the kid.
“Plans with who,” she demanded, “You haven’t been available all week!”
He spluttered and held his two hands up in surrender. “It’s not like that. I’m just busy. Besides, has Captain Marvel been seen after dark much anyway?”
Lois narrowed her eyes, but then sat back as she clearly thought it over, then muttered, “Hm. I wonder if he gets his strength from the sun or something.”
“Hey, maybe,” he said, as he pushed his chair back and stood up. He shut his laptop and slipped it into his bag before he grabbed his coat and said, “I’ve got to get going, but I’ll see you tomorrow. We can talk more about this new hero tomorrow.”
He felt mildly bad he’d blown her off three times already. He’d only had Billy for five days, and three of those days he’s had to blow Lois off.
They used to spend almost all day together, weekends to. Clark already missed that…
“Yeah, yeah,” Lois said, as she slid off his desk and returned to hers, “go do whatever. Tomorrow we’re scouting for Captain Marvel, Kent, don’t forget it.”
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nayialovecat · 1 year
The Ink Demonth 2023 - Day 10. Creation
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Day 10. Creation Crossover: Bluey Don't worry, Chilli, he doesn't bite. He's very friendly... to children. I wanted to see the faces of Bluey and Bingo's parents at least once when they don't really want to play with their daughters in their imagined situations and characters XD I remind you: my Bendy, despite being a real demon, is very friendly to children and likes them very much. Perhaps because of who he was ultimately supposed to become, maybe he simply has the nature of a person who likes children - but he wouldn't hurt a child, which will be a very important thread in the probably 4th series of SATIM. If anyone is unfamiliar with this wonderful cartoon, I highly recommend them to check it out - it's available on Disney+. It's a really positive, nice story that arouses only positive emotions. Two girls play a different game or something with each other or with their parents in each episode. A wonderful show of imagination and many ideas for playing with children. Have you ever had a safety blanket (or as I prefer to call it: Sammy Support)? This series is such a safety blanket as bad or depressive thoughts attack... I recommend. Initially, I wanted to draw the characters from Bluey in the original style - but while this style is pleasant to watch as a cartoon, it is not pleasant to draw at all... So I decided to draw the characters in my own style. I think it turned out nice. Just look.
Interesting fact: originally, this day was supposed to be a crossover with Clover, which I made for Pen, and in Pen a crossover with something that ended up in Factory… Why such changes took place - I will explain on the occasion of Factory ;) Bendy and the Ink Machine (c) Joey Drew Studios Inc. Bluey (c) Ludo Studio Sammy and the Ink Machine (c) Nayia Lovecat
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thatneoncrisis · 1 month
crazy ex girlfriend is my nemesis bc i cant stop thinking about that damn antidepressants song every time i take fluoxetine
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thestarwarslesbian · 1 year
Fox, magazine in hand with a photo of bail on the cover: Dang. He’s hot in this photo.
Breha, on a holocall with Fox: Good. I got you this shirt. *shirt has the same photo on it.* Wear it next time you two go on a date.
-Bail and Fox’s next date-
Bail: Did Breha make you wear it? Fox, in the shirt: Yep. Bail: Are you going to take it off? Fox: No.
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brsb4hls · 11 months
Loki 2x5:
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thenachlegacy · 1 year
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This is the outlander during the entirety of the Umbara/Nathema arc.
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