#i like this ask
soukokumychildren · 12 days
We've established Soukoku can dance, extremely well, but which style is their favorite?
Also I can't stop picturing them at a dance competition (maybe on a job or just because they can) and blowing everyone away with their skill.
I was reintroduced to various dance styles and I’d say the Tango. But they do a lot of ballroom dance to sort of prove coordination for the sake of being partners, I guess, in a respectful manner?
Anyway yeah dancing au Soukoku has snatchedth my brain as well. We journey into its everlasting yawning depths together, mutual
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blondebxt · 10 months
May i ask for some timsteph cuddling?^.^
also i love your art style sm
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tim drake is the little spoon in the relationship. no, I will not elaborate.
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tartagliatum · 6 months
how do you feel about passing comments made on wriothesley gaining weight? neuvillette would get protective or not even notice? maybe the same for zhongli and childe since they’re the same
hmm yeah i feel like neuvillette is a very factual guy and wouldn’t even pick up on any hidden undertones/intentions lurking beneath people’s words. i can’t imagine he would do anything but silently agree, as the idea of anybody finding wrio’s extra weight anything less than attractive wouldn’t even dawn on him. i also think wrio wouldn’t mind any comments because he’s happy and he’s comfortable and if that’s at the cost of getting a bit of a tummy, who cares? most likely he’d blame it on neuvillette, laughing it off with a yeah, the iudex keeps me a little too well fed, huh?
i don’t really see zhongli and childe in the same dynamic; i feel like people forget zhongli may not be human but he’s studied them a lot more and understands more social cues and linguistics than people think. i can picture him getting a little defensive on behalf of childe, eyes narrowing ever so slightly as he retorts with something passive aggressive in an otherwise warm and friendly tone, putting a reassuring hand on an embarrassed childe’s back. or maybe the comment wasn’t ill intended - after all, a little weight is seen as a positive thing, a thing of luxury and status - and zhongli proudly places a hand on the gentle curve of childe’s softened tummy. a little you eat well for me, don’t you? drags out that irritated blush of childe’s that he finds so endearing
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nana2009 · 3 months
my bad if you've answered these but where did karkat give birth? Was it at home with only Dave around? And was he allowed anesthesia or was it especially painful for him? and what did Dave do during the birth?
the bathtub is the most obvious choice. dave didn't have much to do besides encourage karkat and have his ear nearly shattered while worrying what would he say if the neighbors reported anything suspicious(this would become a bigger problem on its own, but i don't think dave would simply cover karkat's mouth while the poor dude gave birth, that would be too mean.......but maybe.) some anesthesia probably, but not the normal amount that makes him usually unconscious.
if you want to be more in-character dave made a c-section with a sword through a youtube tutorial lol
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jesterjaxx · 2 months
random but i lovr how u are jusr herecforever in tjis fandom even though iys like.. dying in my opinion. i love people who stay in this fandom rhis is what i live for
Ive been in a fandom with 3 people in it I just dont die
The trick to an immortal soul is that the devil is a homestuck/supernatual/office crossover fan but since he fell he cant create art any more so you can get in an ongoing commissions agreement 👍
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Snakes lack the part of their brain that comprehends or feels love, Crowley is a snake man, has Aziraphale ever thought about this I wonder.. or anyone for that matter
From a purely biological standpoint, we are still learning about how different lifeforms process certain feelings like love. So we hypothesize to the best of our abilities that they can't, but that could change in the future. For example, we used to think that most small nonmammalian creatures like fish could not feel pain. We know now thay they definitely do.
But! For the purposes of this argument, Crowley isn't simply a snake. He is a fallen angel who (not sure how Neil Gaiman or sir Terry Pratchett would describe this, so I'm giving it my best guess) was either assigned a Snake as his animal or that's just what his essence sort of created as like an animal representation of himself when he fell. What we do know is that Crowley is, confirmed by God herself, different from the other demons. He has an imagination. He ellicits fondness. He has protected things and beings out of said fondness. If I had to guess, I would believe he can and does love, and I think it's very irritating for him. I think he believes his life would be a lot easier if he didn't love so much.
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faoluoo · 9 months
just to let you know I showed my friend who used to be a huge kaito fan and who has written several fics about saul goodman and also who was down bad for espresso for like two months your tweet and it broke him for a couple seconds he went silent and buffered then just started bursting out laughing so tysm for that post it means a lot to our friendgroup lmaooo
reading this during a depressive drunk episode and this cheered me a little thx anon
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heres the image in question for the tumblr frogs
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(If applicable) What was MK's first stuffed animal?
Cause I'm like that here's all of them in chronological order:
Wukong's socks
Pigsy's old stuffed bunny
A lion
A monkey stuffie for birthday
A red teddy bear from a relative
A goldfish for Christmas
Another monkey cause the first got lost
A squishy chicken from the arcade
A cow
A green western dragon from Mei
A blue dinosaur
A third (smaller) monkey because Wukong saw it and thought of him
A small dog from Nezha
A pig from eldest brother for birthday
A panda bear for birthday
Another, other monkey (not for birthday)
A pillow stuffie in the shape of a pig
A noodle dragon
A knitted cat from yard sale
A very soft squishy lamb for Christmas
A sloth
A 4 foot tall monkey from Ma & Tang
Another chicken
A penguin
A collection of Jttw characters as stuffies he bought himself
A dragonfly
Yet another monkey
An axolotl
A cute little mouse about the size of his hand
Dark fantasy elf
Another, other, other monkey with a hat
A small frog from Red Son
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shimmering-jewels · 1 year
do you like music???? are you able to listen to music pearls?
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ranger-rai · 4 months
Colosseum - What's your opinion on high stakes in Pokemon IRL?
I love em!
The real dangers of the pokemon world should be highlighted more, and a couple of spin-offs and side stories managed to get this right.
While I love the safe and formulated rounds of the series, I like to see some level of danger and challenge that makes this series so special.
It's why my blog just feels natural, we explain what is safe and what isn't, hoping people decide to explore and talk to us about the danger and the unknown.
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soukokumychildren · 18 days
Do you prefer BSD, BSD Beast, or Wan! ?
Oh shit this is a HARD question.
I think if I had to tier it I’d have to go
Because Wan is GREAT for the memes, fucking amazing, but I came for the story, and I got an added side bonus so GAHHH it’s hard lol
I admittedly don’t put much thought into Beast unless it’s SKK soooo
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thewoodengambler · 6 months
Have you heard the two headed calf poem, Mr. Hashirama? it’s one of my favorites and I’d love to hear your opinion ^•^
If you’re unfamiliar, I’ve listed the poem below.
“Tomorrow when the farm boys find this
freak of nature, they will wrap his body
in newspaper and carry him to the museum.
But tonight he is alive and in the north
field with his mother. It is a perfect
summer evening: the moon rising over
the orchard, the wind in the grass. And
as he stares into the sky, there are
twice as many stars as usual.”
[written by: Laura Gilpin]
*he listens intently. By the end of the poem, he blinks at them with sparkly eyes.* I must admit, I have not heard of such poem, but it sounds wonderful! No doubt a hidden meaning behind it. *he nods* the way my mind has translated the poem. This is how I see it: This calf was different because of its physical features, therefore, they put it up for display to show the world the "anomaly" of it, but a day before, the calf was calm, for he had his most cherished and beloved with him, therefore he had no worries. In fact he was so happy and felt so loved, that everything around him has turned into a sort of fairy tail!
*he grins* truly an outstanding work. I must praise the author. The double meaning behind this awes me. On one side, people are so fascinated by the being, that they decide to put it up for display, to tell the world of its existence, but I lean to the darker meaning behind this poem, which is: the Calf was so different, it made a good display for others to mock and look at it with disgust or hate, but it was an example also for those different people, that were afraid to show themselves in fear, that society wouldn't take them as they were, mocking or straight out resenting them, only judging them purely based off of looks. *His eyes soften and look down* much like myself, Tobirama and Madara, who were looked down upon our clans for being different and having otherwise unacceptable opinions about the warring states era. But peace came, nonetheless, even though Madara wasn't apart of it until the end, we made it happen. I believe this beautiful poem teaches us, that no matter how different you are, you shan't be afraid of who you are as a person, or how people perceive you. As long as you do good deed in the world and harm no one without having a proper reason to, there's always going to be someone who adores and loves you for who you are, especially a mother, who should be as cherished as all the diamonds and golds, for she alone can love and understand you unconditionally. Throughout your life, you will surely find the one that will understand, accept and love you as your beloved mother once did. Only then, you will truly feel as if everything around you is made from the very stars we so adore in the sky, but to find those people that will stand by you, you will have to go through hardships and not lose yourself in the process. *he smiles and looks up at them.*
to be a freak of nature can be a gift in the world full of darkness. it is worth living, because you know that in the end, someone will gain courage from you and follow in your footsteps to reform the world into a better version, where everyone is safe to be as they are, to be whoever they want to become.
I hope I got the meaning right *he grins at them with a kind-natured booming laugh*
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snickeringdragon · 9 months
do you think a bird ever sees the ocean for the first time and wonders if they could ever fly across the sea?
id like to imagine. theres some kind of icarus comparison i could make here im sure
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decaydanceredacted · 1 year
I think it'd be fun to make a sex with Patrick playlist where the tempo/time signatures get increasingly difficult to fuck to. I firmly believe that he could fuck to the beat of anything and probably wouldn't even think about it, so working from 4/4 to 6/8 to 5/4 until he's thrusting perfectly on beat to some wacky like time signature like 13/8 at 210 bpm would be really funny to me
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prettygirlgerard · 11 months
who would you fancast as any / all the killjoy characters?
I’ll think about this ask more and come back to it but the first that comes to mind for me is Vic Fuentes as Fun Ghoul lol. He’s not an actor but that’s sort of how he looks in my mind :)
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koobiie · 4 months
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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