#i legit am not repelled by this look
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To a teratophile, the wildest things dont always repel.
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sgiandubh · 3 months
Greta's smile
For a flickering moment, that funny and fresh girl I so longed to see seems to be back:
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[Source: the third Lauren of the week, but the only legit one: https://www.instagram.com/stories/laurenlyle7/3386613990920595818/?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igsh=MW5nNHk3NnNtNG9tdQ%3D%3D]
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[Source, heh: https://x.com/displaceintime/status/1799779664141107252 - it is a reel, not a picture - for those who never get the concept of screenshot)
Oh, my: the Sibyl of Tydavnet can smile and even curse (wow! 👍). Best part? It looked organic. Could that be that they are reading us? I'd bet the farm and throw in Baby, the (adored family) Lab, on top. Sorry, naysayers - see for yourself: and yes, it must hurt AF to be wrong, right?
And yes, they clearly cannot stand each other anymore, right? Idiots will always be idiots, for sure.
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[Source: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7_iZxQMiHI/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==]
I have watched this reel very carefully about ten times. Slowed it down. I think the fleeting moment speaks volumes about the real state of play.
Let's have a closer look: the fan asks for a pic, lips purse immediately, a bit uneasy/unsure how to act, because the bearded minder is immediately aware of the unplanned photo opportunity. And hovering like Juliet's Nurse (if you read, you know what I mean - if you don't, that's not my problem):
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Lips are still pursed and I think that guy's look is everything. The least one can honestly say, it's that he is not pleased. Not pleased at ALL:
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His arm is immediately over her shoulders. It is an old, protective gesture. A reflex. We have seen it a bajillion times, both in the series and real life. You know what I mean and even across the street they know what I mean - but it's an inconvenient truth. As fuck.
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His arms goes lower, grabs her and she does not cringe or look repelled. Quite the contrary: she immediately relaxes and leans in (that first smile to the fan was a bit tense). The minder has lost that one and he shows his disappointment. If that is fan service, I am the Pope.
I think you should watch that reel, too. Because I think it is very telling: no matter the pressure, the idiocies and the crap they throw at us and each other, they always seem to find a way back. And that, my friends, is very, very good news. So good, in fact, that I might pour myself a gin tonic (always Tanqueray). Sláinte.
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fierceawakening · 8 months
I am not Jewish, but this kind of story is absolutely what I grew up hearing. Especially the “the reason Palestinians didn’t leave was because other Arab countries didn’t want them,” said in a way that implied heavily that Israel treats them as full citizens which I now know is not true for most. (And assumed they’d agree that it made sense for them TO leave, when many if not most did not.)
It was easy to believe it, for me as an uninvested person. The Jews had just been through the Holocaust and knew what oppression was and why it was bad. Surely they could never oppress others! If they did at all it must be the growing pains of a just democracy.
None of that was true. It kind of makes sense that it wasn’t! In terms of individuals, a lot of traumatized people are a big mess at first. They lash out and mistrust. They see their experience everywhere because they can’t possibly have processed it yet and might not ever.
Why wouldn’t a traumatized country be a cruel one? At least at first?
But we want to think otherwise. We want to think that people learn right away, straightforwardly. That they set immediate boundaries and are unquestionably honorable because they’ve seen the worst.
I don’t know. But I think this was definitely how I was raised to see Israel, that its wars were short because it knew better than the rest of us only to repel its enemies, not take revenge. You war with them they shove you off in A WEEK.
None of it’s true! At all! But it feels bizarre to read “some people just have a colonialist mindset” as if we think the literal reality is okay because some people “are civilized” and others aren’t.
It was, yes, a version of that that we were fed. But it was explained in a way that seemed more plausible than just “Arabs are backward dirty nomads.”
Few people, at least on the political left, would swallow that pill uncoated.
I don’t know. Not sure what my point is here. I guess just that the way I hear people who assume Israel is good described just… seems cartoonish. There’s elements of what we were told in it.
But mostly we were just thinking of it like a story: those people had the plot happen to them, the climax happened last chapter, now they get to eat feta and oranges in peace. They’re happy. They have some bad memories but things are mostly good. That’s how things work.
(This is, by the way, why I agree with a lot of tumblr when it says “Judeochristian” isn’t a thing, that the American right made it up—*but yet, I also* think there’s more to the story.
Judeochristian as I was taught it ALSO MEANT Israel was inherently morally good. That it arose out of the same broad culture as US democracy, so it must be just in ways theocracies were not. It was a beacon of hope, because Judeo meant Like Us. [Ironically this is *true* but not actually *good.* We oppress black people. They oppress Palestinians. Like us, yes. Sigh. Don’t copy that part!]
I think people are going to misanalyze some things if they miss that that’s part of it.
It’s weird looking back on it now really, because Judaism says “this stuff happened” and Christianity says “and then this stuff happened and the sequel was kinda more important” and Islam says “and then THIS stuff happened and THAT sequel was really the big deal.”
So it’s… pretty obviously political that Judeochristian peels off the third book but considers it legit that there’s EITHER one OR two. What. Either iterating is okay or it’s rude. Pick one.)
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buhbuhlmao · 6 months
Dozed off and almost didn’t finish this in time
Day 4: As @tokiro07 and others have made their picks between either Ghost or Spring (honestly good picks since they both developed the MCs into new heights), *Check notes*, um, Master Rules probably will have their arcs later, Move maybe, there could even be a revelation afterwards that the gods were UMAs all along.
Anyways, I’m gonna post about my favorite “one-off” UMA: Loop 100’s Galaxy.
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Following the relatively quick capture of Spoil and wiping out a rather impractical town on some pillars that is Longing while battling Vic, our main cast go to tally quest results and yada yada, Apocalypse barfs out this celestial-looking muscular thing that travels so quickly Juiz need to order Move to keep track of where it’s going.
Before all of this, the only major UMAs we’ve seen were Clothy ( who is more of a comedic relief) and Spoil, who is rather unindicative of what UU has in store in terms of weirdness. Like, being the concepts of clothing and spoiling have so many different interpretable variations that they could be, in Dragonball terms, either a “god” could be someone like Beerus (actual god of destruction) or Kami from the OG Dragonball (who can’t even travel across planets without preparations).
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UMA Galaxy’s entrance put this grand universal image of what other UMAs might be capable of onto the reader. A big bang followed by basically a universe’s worth of galaxies in a place where other stars never existed before is kinda mind-blowing when I first read the manga.
This one chapter used to prompt @tokiro07 to make the time loop theory for UU, and showcased just how crazy the quest-related concept-type UMAs could get. When I read to this pary of UU, I legit wondered how the Union would overcome this cosmic scaled being who basically just created the observable universe in seconds. And I think the answer that is “They won’t and can’t, the Juniors of Galaxy are what directly threaten the Union and said Juniors get repelled.” painted a bleak and kinda funny picture of the Roundtable quest system. Galaxy is legit the first insurmountable on-screen opponent in Undead Unluck, and that kind of antagonist doesn’t really show up again all the way until Seal(whose fight for me is pretty dissapointing due to requiring Andy to be uncharacteristically dumb) and the gods (by the way am I the only one who thinks Sun on their first appearance kind of look like UMA Galaxy?)
In loop 101 Galaxy became a Master Rule and technically the main instigator of the Unfeel arc. Their involvement was honestly a bit dissapointing since it was just another generic alien fight as opposed to some crazy cosmos phenomena during the Phil rescue.
Also to my knowledge, if there will ever be a “reminicense arc” of sort where stars are gone from the sky to mirror early loop 100, either the gods or Negator Ungalaxy (Ungalactic?) will be needed due to Master Rules still having their creation existing after they are killed. That is probably just me taking copium since there are way fewer Negators and UMAs.
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meetinginsamarra · 2 years
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Ich habe 4.505 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
Das sind 396 more posts als 2021!
187 Einträge erstellt (4%)
4.318 Einträge gerebloggt (96%)
Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 4.488 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
#sherlock fanart – 3.138 Einträge
#sherlock – 303 Einträge
#benedict cumberbatch – 196 Einträge
#my sherlock fanfics – 189 Einträge
#fun stuff – 166 Einträge
#reapersun – 115 Einträge
#legit scenes – 111 Einträge
#reblog – 104 Einträge
#writing fanfiction – 84 Einträge
#sherlock fandom – 76 Einträge
Longest Tag: 57 characters
#keep on fighting for our right to write non-profit fanfic
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
My fave SherlockBBC AU´s: demon fics
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Around mid-month I´ll do a fic rec list with my fave AU genres or tropes. Summaries are taken from OP´s on AO3.
1 distantstarlight @i-still-am-distantstarlight 23-Wedding Wings
John is an angel who finds himself trying to catch the eye of a demon who theoretically should be completely repelled by him. Instead, the demon invites John to live with him on the mundane plane.
2 distantstarlight Consumed
Sherlock Holmes suffers an unexpected side-effect after he is nearly sexually assaulted during a case. He and John are both living at 221 B Baker Street once more, but things haven't been easy for either of them. The assault changes Sherlock in ways he cannot explain, and he fears that he has become an uncontrollable monster.
3 GodenUsagi @fancybedelia Caution (Into the wind)
Companion piece to entanglednow´s
During a restless walk, John stumbles across a recently summoned demon trapped in a containment circle.
4 MapleleafCameo A Certain Kind of Hunger
A concerned Sherlock watches as John seems to be rapidly losing weight. What he discovers is that John really isn't normal. And he is very, very hungry. The tail was the real surprise.
5 Trajektoria Sympathy for the Demon
John has been very careful about hiding his true identity, but some things are impossible to conceal under the watchful eye of Sherlock Holmes. Who, as it turns out, has a few secrets of his own. What will change between them when the truth is laid bare?
6 Calais_Reno @calaisreno A Demon´s Tale
“I wanted a proper scary demon,” he says. “I was thinking of one who could intimidate bullies, make people listen to me, and fetch the biscuits from the top shelf. Instead I get a short, cuddly, clumsy—” “Clumsy?” I'll admit to short and cuddly, but I am very coordinated. Definitely not clumsy. He is annoyed that he ended up with a demon who doesn’t act demonic. He gets shouty and insults me, calls me a rubbish demon. This hurts my feelings. Really, he should be happy he has a demon who makes tea and keeps the bed warm.
7 entanglednow @entanglednow Blood Will Out 
Companion piece to GoldenUsagi´s
The house smells like a gunfight, blood and burning air.
8 Gem_Gem and harrylee94  Trapped
During his most recent case, Sherlock finds himself in the hands of the very people he had been trying to pursue. This mistake lands him in a cell, already occupied by a strange man who calls himself John. But who is John? And why does he look so... hungry?
9 twistedthicket1 The Contract
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100 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 19. Februar 2022
Fanfics I Really Liked in March ´22
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So. Since I keep a list of what I´ve read anyway (there´s always a list), I will rec all the fics I´ve wholly enjoyed on a monthly basis. Old and new, canon or AU, big or small authors, long or short but nearly always Johnlock(-ish).
L.O.V.E. by @helloliriels 
A different first meeting and a soulmate AU. Beautifully written characters and a heart-warming love story bordering being poetry. Sigh.
Pinch Me by @ohlooktheresabee
Sherlock goes to a St. Patrick´s Day party. Can´t say more because spoilers but this fic made me grin the whole time. Although I was suspecting “something” the fic still surprised me in a very delightful way.
Limerence by SherlockWatson_Holmes 
The East Wind Echoes by SherlockWatson_Holmes
Two fics by the same author who manages to balance the re-invention of (parts of) S4 with BBC canon. Much more believable storyline imho and suspenseful plots that sometimes hit you hard in the gut. No archive warnings chosen by author, just so you know...
The Grit on the Lens by Silvergirl @totallysilvergirl
John teaches Sherlock about emotions. 1416 words, each one is perfect, poetic and lyrical. I only feel adoration for this writing style.
How To Give Your Boyfriend Who Doesn´t Know He´s Your Boyfriend the Best Valentine´s Day Ever by unicornpoe
What is says on the tin. Sherlock deduces that John is his boyfriend and now he only has to ensure John realizes that, too. Unadulterated and unrepentant fun.
To the Vicctor Go the Spoils by @cumbercurlygirl​
Bratty rider Sherlock + annoyed stablehand John = angry sex in the straw. Steamy!
Special feature: The author I_ship_an_armada
I love their AUs! So imaginative, often romantic, more often with delicious hurt/comfort.
For example, piratelock “A further Sea” (it´s on my pirate AU rec list, of course), “Of chaos and calculation” Roman AU, “Perdition´s Flames” STID crossover, “The Ghost and Doctor Watson” ghostlock, unfinished but still worth a read and many many more.
104 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 2. April 2022
My Fave Sherlock BBC AUs: Time and Space fics
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Around mid-month I´ll do a fic rec list with my fave AU genres or tropes. Summaries are taken from OP´s on AO3.
Buckle up: this long list features time travel, space, sci-fi, aliens, dystopia and robots
“The Kepler Problem” by kinklock
Working in uncharted space exploration was not as exciting as John had hoped, especially when it turned out to be mostly bot maintenance on uninhabited planets. However, the mystery of the repeated, unexplained malfunctions on planet BAK 2212 might turn out to be exactly the kind of adventure he'd been craving.
“The Ichor of Talos” by Nikoshinigami
After being convicted of the murder of Sherlock Holmes, Dr. John Watson is sentenced to confinement, therapy, and to the constant companionship of a hologram of his victim to aid in his rehabilitation. While John remains uncertain of his guilt, Sherlock is only too happy to engage in the mystery of his own murder to try and discover why he died and how events set his path to cross with the war-ravaged stranger he's now posthumously bound to.
“The Orpheus Crucible” by Nikoshinigami
(sequel to Ichor of Talos)
No one knows where Simulants come from and those who have asked have had better things to do than pursue the answer when faced with extermination. With war still a present concern and Jim Moriarty's involvement left uncertain outside of its threat, the crew of the Black Manta may have taken on much more than they presumed to.
And among the many mysteries left to face them in their voyage lies the answer to the question that has been posed since the very beginning: who killed Sherlock Holmes?
“The Third Kind” by Goldenusagi @fancybedelia
The one where Sherlock does know the solar system. Because he’s an alien.
“One of those galactic law things” by Goldenusagi @fancybedelia​
Ficlet following The Third Kind. In which Mycroft discovers Sherlock has abducted John.
“Space Travel” by candle_beck
I would literally cross light-years for you, if someone would only give me a spaceship.
“Identification-series” by tartanfics (8 fics)
In the London of 2081, aerotaxis are commonplace, personal identification is tied to computers, and robots are tightly regulated. John Watson, former army roboticist, has an expired license and an illegal tri-wing screwdriver in his desk. Sherlock Holmes has fingerprints and a name, and in an office somewhere in Whitehall there are blueprints for the metal underneath his perfect, artificial skin.
“A Hundred Crimson Sols” by elldotsee @elldotsee​
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108 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 19. Juni 2022
My Fave Sherlock BBC AUs: Sports fics
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Around mid-month I´ll do a fic rec list with my fave AU genres or tropes. Summaries are taken from OP´s on AO3.
Not featuring ballet because there is a separate rec list.
“Sticking the Landing” by SweetMandolins
John Watson, Captain of Team GB’s gymnastics squad is confident and primed for his third and final Olympics. Disappointed in London with a shoulder injury putting paid to his Olympic dream, can he secure an Olympic gold finish before retirement? Meanwhile, Sherlock Holmes has other problems. Men’s Rhythmic Gymnastics is the newest Olympic sport, but a series of peculiar accidents both on and off the floor have taken out some of the competitors. Does something more sinister lurk under the spangles and spandex? Can Sherlock solve the mystery in time to deliver a flawless ball routine? And does something more valuable than medals await the boys in Rio?
“Thermocline” by J_Baillier @jbaillier​
John "Five Oceans" Watson — technical dive instructor, dive accident analyst and weapon of mass seduction — meets recluse professor of maritime archaeology Holmes. As they head out to a remote archipelago off the coast of Guatemala to study and film its shipwrecks for a documentary, will sparks fly or fizzle out?
“Summit Fever” by J_Baillier @jbaillier​
After graduating from medical school, John Watson followed his heart to the Himalayas. Ten years later, he's a haunted cynic working for his ex-lover's trekking and mountaineering company. Will leading an expedition to Annapurna I — the most lethal of all the world's highest mountains — shake John out of his reverie, and who is the mystery client added to the group at the last minute?
“Passion connected” by songlin
(This is unfinished but imo still worth a read!)
John Watson retired after an injury pulled him out of the 2010 Winter Olympics. He's resigned himself to living out his days sharpening skates in Catawissa, Pennsylvania, fighting with his drunk sister and watching his number of students dwindle away.
Sherlock Holmes was banned from competition for a doping violation he did not commit before the 2014 Winter Olympics. Ever since, he has whiled away his time on odd jobs as skater after skater fires him as a coach. He no longer dreams of proving his innocence and making his comeback.
Uphill by scullyseviltwin @scullyseviltwin​
Sherlock Holmes is striving for gold in this, his fourth and final Olympics as a downhill Alpine racer.
“Working on the Edges” by earlgreytea68 @earlgreytea68​
No matter where you put Sherlock and John, they click. Including the Winter Olympics.
“Tennis-series” by JupiterAsh (7fics) 
starting with “A Study in Winning”
John and Sherlock are professional tennis players and it’s Wimbledon. One is a broken almost was at the end of his career, the other an arrogant rising star tipped for greatness. It should have been a straightforward tournament. It really should have been. How were they to know that a chance encounter would change everything?
“Gimme Shelter” by SinceWhenDoYouCallMe_John @sincewhendoyoucallme-john​ 
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118 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 14. August 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
My fave SherlockBBC AUs: Soldier & Spy fics
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Around mid-month I´ll do a fic rec list with my fave AU genres or tropes. Summaries are taken from OP´s on AO3.
1 abundantlyqueer “Two Two One Bravo Baker”
Captain John Watson of 40 Commando, the Royal Marines, is assigned to protect and assist Sherlock Holmes as he investigates what appears to be a simple war atrocity in Afghanistan. An intense attraction ignites between the two men as they uncover a conspiracy that threatens everything they’ve ever known, but Sherlock is as much hunted as hunter, and everyone close to him is in deadly danger. Can he solve the case in time to save himself and John?
2  DiscordantWords @discordantwords​ “The Dead Detective”
John Watson has spent the last three years of his life simply going through the motions. A chance encounter with a man claiming to be a stranded spy changes everything.
3 sgam76 @sgam76​ “These old shades”
Memory has always been Sherlock's best tool--his weapon of choice, in fact. But there have been times in his life when his memory is also his worst enemy. Right now is one of those times.
(In fact, the whole Scheherezade-Verse, with the same named fic being part one, is awesome and often features Sherlock´s hiatus time or his earlier work for MI6 as a spy. Check them all out!)
4 sgam76 “Redemption”
The reappearance of James Moriarty means an initial reprieve for Sherlock Holmes. But the consequences of that reappearance put not just the Holmes boys, but most of the world, at risk. An emerging threat in Eastern Europe brings visions of the plagues of the Middle Ages--but that's the least dangerous part.
5 StarlightAndFireflies @i-still-am-distantstarlight​ “Espionage and Exfiltration”
Sherlock has worked for the British Government as a spy for years, never finding satisfaction in the profession thanks largely to his brother's meddling. But when he is to be sent on a promising mission in the middle of the night, he finds himself rather intrigued. And then there is the man being sent along with him... AU in which Sherlock works as a spy and gets paired with a certain ex-army man during a mission.
6 KateAtTheClose “Ridiculous”
John is the best retrieval expert the British Army has, and so naturally it's him that's sent in when some man with little sense of self-preservation keeps getting himself taken hostage - again, and again, and again.
7 simplyclockwork @simplyclockwork​ “Hired Gun”
After faking his suicide in response to allegations of fraud, two years into dismantling Moriarty's network finds Sherlock Holmes in Morocco. Nearing the end of his mission, he is apprehended by a man with the mercy of a doctor, the control of a soldier, and the brutality of a mercenary.
Through capture, betrayal, and unexpected danger, both Sherlock and John Watson, gun-for-hire, will have to learn who can really be trusted
8 scrub456 “A Specific Set of Skills”-series (8 fics)
Sherlock meets a mercenary assassin named Jack in the woods. Nothing is what it seems.
9 standbygo @blogstandbygo​ “Toe to Toe”
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128 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 15. Mai 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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snappleapple · 4 years
the bunny vs. the fox
dream x reader
hogwarts au
fluff and angst i suppose
warning - cursing, reader being a small b, simpy dream, underage drinking
word count - 6.8k
a/n: hi again! please enjoy this long boi while i go on another 8 month hiatus lol. also i legit had a heart attack cause i accidentally deleted this but i got it back so phew
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the vibrant colors of your uniform stands out amongst the repelling amount of green present within the slytherin common room. you had been invited to the party on behalf of wilbur for their recent quidditch cup win against gryffindor, a game lost because of the carelessness and arrogance of your teammates. along with students from other houses, you stand next to the tall boy you had met when you got onto the train in your first year.
“wilbur, why am i here?” the question lingers in his ear as you point to your current attire of your uniform skirt, an oversized gryffindor sweater you borrowed from sapnap, your thick glasses and messy bed hair from taking a nap after the long game. “y/n? what are you doing here?” you turn your head to glance over at the younger boy, “that’s what i wanna know, tommy.” as you turn around to look at wilbur, another person bumps into you, “hey! watch where you’re going- y/n! what a surprise!” with the roll of your eyes, you dismiss him and reply sarcastically, “glad to see you’re not so shaken up from the recent failure of gryffindor, fundy.” he gives you a shit-eating grin before bouncing away to continue his search for pure alcohol.
as more students enter the already crowded room, a loud cheer begins to form as a boy is lifted into the air. “dream! dream! dream!” the crowd yells at the top of their lungs, which would probably attract a teacher soon, so you begin to sneak out of the room until a loud voice interrupts the cheers, “y/n! leaving the party so soon?” dream taunts with a smirk on his face, everyone’s attention turning towards you. “mind your own business, dream.” you spit out with venom, still bitter about your quidditch loss, as he scoffs and strides towards you, “i guess if you search up sore loser in the dictionary, you’d find a picture of y/n.” he mocks once again while you begin to get riled up from the obnoxious laughter erupting from the crowd. you turn around and begin heading for the door once more before hearing, “come on y/n. no one likes a sore loser.” turning around, you glare at the annoying boy, “come on dream. the only thing worse than a sore loser is a sore winner.” the both of you stare each other down while the whole room stays quiet. dream stands with an unsatisfied smirk on his face as he reaches into his pocket, possibly reaching for his wand. with the slight slip of your fingers and extra progression , you grasp your wand. but before you could fully pull out your wand, you get lifted into the air, over the shoulder of a ravenclaw. “we’ll be seeing you guys later.” he nonchalantly says while walking out of the room, giving you perfect view of dream, with a now satisfied shit-eating grin as he waves at you. you end your interaction with the slytherin with the show of your middle finger.
“techno! why? i could’ve totally won that battle.” the older boy shakes his head as he listens to your whines. “nope. i promised phil that i would keep you out of trouble.” you groan some more before stomping away back to the gryffindor common room, barely sparing a glance at the pink haired boy.
a week passes by and when you’re at breakfast, you lay your head against phil’s shoulder while he munches away on a buttered piece of toast, keeping conversation with fundy. dream hadn’t been bothering as bad as normal but he was still around you. you were a bit confused about his change in behavior but brushed it off, ignoring him and treating him as if he’s on his own menopause situation. twiddling your fingers, boredom begins to strike you in the great breakfast hall. well, once quiet hall, in which the silence is interrupted by the entrance of dream, sapnap and george. you would assume that since they are all from different houses, there would be a tolerance for peace, yet that never seemed like an option with dream. “hello y/n.” he smirks as you turn around to look at him with a stone cold expression. “what do you want?” you say with a scathing tone. ‘“nothing, just came to see how the most competitive person on gryffindor was doing after their recent loss.” with the use of your middle finger, you raise your glasses before giving dream an innocent grin, “i’m feeling good.” the hall goes quieter than it was before as dream sits next to you on the bench. as you leans closer to you, you put your hand under your head and turn your head towards him coyly. “and what do i owe the honor of being able to sit next to the dream? he rolls his eyes as sapnap and george laugh at your shenanigans. “i was just wondering if you would do me the honor of going out to hogsmeade with me?” shaking your head, you barely even glance over at the boy. “no.” dream’s expression remains stoic as he continues to look at you, “come on y/n.” you turn to stand up and leave. raising a stiff hand into the air, you wave to phil and fundy.
but before you could fully exit the great hall, a hand pulls you into the crevice of the walls. he puts his hand over your mouth to prevent you from saying a word. “y/n. please. please go out with me.” shaking your head once again, you give him a cheeky grin. “what will you do for me if i do?” dream pinches his nose bridge, “i’ll do your charms homework for a month.” he persuades with much hesitance. you fully extend your hand out to him and he wraps his large, warm hand around yours. the large grin on your face replicates the one on his face. “next week on saturday, meet me at the bridge to hogsmeade at nine am, sharp! but if you are even a minute late, i’m leaving and you’re still doing my charms homework.” dream closes his eyes and basks in the natural light from the bewitched sky, nodding his head.
the rest of the day, you go throughout your usual classes, occasionally listening to the gossip that spread like wildfire throughout the school. “oh my god, did you hear that l/n is going out with dream tomorrow?” or “i thought they hated each other?” in all honesty, you were beginning to get annoyed from all of the side conversations happening in all classes. luckily, you were in your last class of the day, unluckily, it was with slytherin, specifically dream’s class. a yawn erupts from your mouth as pull out a set of notes to get ready for your class. as the second yawn begins, a hand makes its way to your mouth. you glare at the boy who had already caused way too much mischief for your liking. he gives you a fake grin as he sits next to you. before you can retort to his stupid action, your professor struts into the room, quickly starting his lesson.
throughout most of the class, dream remains quiet, jotting down his notes or dragging his hand through his hair. but towards the end of the class, he leans his head on your shoulder. your body stiffens up as his hand makes its way to your thigh. “you better take your hand off my thigh if you want to keep it.” quiet chuckles erupt from his lips, “can i do this on our date?” you reciprocate soft chuckles, “do you want to die?” the grin on his face get replaced by a pout and puppy dog eyes. “why are you so mean to me?” you continue to scribble down notes, not sparing one glance at the boy, until he grabs your face with both of his hands, “look at me pout, y/n.” and when he turns you face towards him, your professor calls the both of you out. “miss l/n, please take your lovey dovey business outside of class.” your mouth hangs open but before you could protest, dream interrupts you, “will do professor.” his chuckles echo through the room as you slam your head into the table repeatedly until dream puts his hand on the desk, preventing you from bruising your forehead even more. “just let me bash my skull open and die.” dream pats your head, “i can’t have you die before our date.” cringing at his words, you frantically try to remove his hand so you could smash your head into the desk.
later that night at dinner, your face remains a disgusted pout as you imagine your date with dream. while you shudder in disgust, phil taps you out of your daze. “y/n, you really should snap out of it today.” he laughs jokingly along with fundy. your eyes roll as you turn back to your dinner plate full of random things phil stacked on so that you would actually eat dinner. after being forcefully fed one chicken leg and some mashed potatoes, you check the time which read eight twenty five, giving you five minutes to go to the black lake. “oh shit.” you exclaim as you grab all of your items while phil tries to stuff another chicken leg into your mouth. “phi-“ you shut up when the chicken successfully makes it into your mouth. as you sprint out of the hall carrying your school books, robe, wand and other unnecessary items fundy handed to you, your robe decides to slip out unbeknown to you.
when you arrive to the lake, you see him waiting for you already. you toss your items down next to him and sit down next to him. “you’re late. again.” heavy huffs of air erupt from your body as try to catch your breath, still holding the chicken leg phil stuffed into your mouth. “sorr-“ a cough leaves your lips, “sorry. phil was trying to get me to eat dinner.” the boy lets out deep chuckles as he ruffles your hair, “classic phil.” you lean back and balance your weight on the both of your hands as you stare out at the frozen lake. “techno, i don’t get why we have to meet outside in the freezing cold when there is a warm library open to us. i’m cold and i lost my robe on the way here. in a silent flash, a blue accented robe makes its way over into your sight, along with a bare arm. when you turn your head towards the boy, he says away and turns back to the lake, expressionlessly. a small smile erupts on your face as you turn back to the lake, wrapping the robe around your shoulders. before you could mutter a quick thank you, you get cut off, “don’t. lets not talk about this.”
after finishing whatever school work you needed to with techno, you walk back with him into the hallways, coincidentally just as dinner was ending. though you never found out where your robe was, you bump into a tall figure as you make your way through the hall with techno counting the tiles on the floor. a small oomf leaves your lips as the person puts his hands on your shoulders. “who’s robe is that? last time i checked you were in gryffindor, not ravenclaw.” you don’t need to look up to know who you were currently speaking with, “hello dream.” you could hear the smirk in his voice when he speaks again, “hello y/n. take this off.” dream retorts with a hint of teasing, “no. i’m cold and i lost my robe. so techno let me borrow his.” the other tall boy next to you nods in agreement. “uh no. i don’t like the sight of this.” dream complains with an unsatisfied look on his face before tugging the robe off of your body, throwing it at technoblade and then proceeding to wrap his robe around your body, slinging his arm over your shoulder. “that’s better.” he doesn’t even spare a glance at the older boy as he leads you away while you try to at least say goodbye to technoblade. “bye- dream i swear to god, bye techno!”
while the both of you continue to the gryffindor tower, he doesn’t let his arm on your shoulders falter. “what’s the deal with you and that guy.” you stop in place, turn to look at dream and mime yourself zipping your lips as if you were saying, ‘you get nothing out of me.’ dream rolls his eyes before throwing you over his shoulder and continuing his way over to the common room. “okay this is unnecessary. put me down, i’m wearing a skirt.” lightly hitting his back with your fist. “don’t worry about it, my robe is covering it up.”
at the door of the entrance, the fat lady stares at you in confusion. “can you put me down?” dream lets out a grunt of disagreement, “no. just tell her the password so i can come in and snuggle you.” you take a breath in of anger, “no. i need to finish homework, plus i’m going to see you again tomorrow.” another grunt comes out of the boy before he says the password to your common room, the fat lady begrudgingly letting the both of you in. “what?! you know the password?” he chuckles before setting you down, “of course, sapnap told me. and i come in here all the time to hook up with different gryffindor girls.” your face of disgust makes a wheeze leave his lips, “i’m joking. i finish homework with sapnap in his room, not hook up with girls. i’ll have you know, i haven’t even had my first kiss yet.” you scoff before turning towards your room, “goodnight dream.” but before you can progress any further, he grabs your wrist, “no.” your face scrunches up. staring the boy up and down, another scoff leaves your lips, “what do you mean ‘no’. i’m not giving you an option.” he pouts and opens his arms, “i jus wanna cuddle.” your face scrunches up in disgust once more before you take a step back, “wasn’t it last week when you were being a bitch about my quidditch team.” his arms fall down in realization but the pout remains visible. slightly annoyed but empathetic, you walk over to him, awkwardly wrapping your arms around his waist, patting him on his back gently. while he embraces you back, he leans down to whisper into your ear, “can we cuddle?” you let out groans before letting out a deep sigh, “fine. but you have to promise not to be too grabby, like right now. i did not tell you to grab my butt.” dream sheepishly shys away from you and grabs the hem of shirt while he follows you up the stairs while you try to maneuver him so he can actually make it up the enchanted stairs that only the girl’s dorm.
when you enter your dorm, you’re met by the friendly faces of your roommates. “h-hey guys.” with the motion of their hands, they tell you scoot over to see dream standing behind you with a smirk on his face. before he could walk into the room, you shut the door in his face, wanting to speak in private with your roommates. “don’t tell anyone about this. he was begging to cuddle and would not leave until i agreed. he’ll be gone by midnight tonight and i promise i’ll make sure he’s quiet.” your roommates stare at you before bursting out in laughter, “you’re going soft y/n!” a look of shock rushes over your face before hushing them, “i am not.” they shake their heads in disagreement, making you roll your eyes. when you open the door to let dream back into your room, your roommates pack their homework and walk towards the door. one roommate holds the door open while the other still collects her things, “we’ll be seeing you later y/n. so have fun with dream.” you hide your face in your pillow, embarrassed from their current attitudes about your situation. when they leave, dream sits on your bed while you stand up and walk over to your closet and grab a change of clothes. “just lay on the bed and i’ll be out soon.” dream nods, boredly flipping through a random book he found on your bed.
in the bathroom, you tie your hair in a messy bun, change into some sweatpants and a random oversized t-shirt, you think its either sapnap’s or wilbur’s, take your contacts out and put your glasses on, before proceeding to brush your teeth and exiting the bathroom.
sitting on the edge of your bed, you stare down at dream, hugging your pillow. “y/n, can you replace the pillow?” your expression quickly shifts from a neutral face to a cringing face. you ignore his words, “scoot over.” you say while grabbing the book dream was reading before you came out, opening it and tucking your legs underneath your comforter. another sigh leaves your lips as you tap the top of your thighs twice, letting dream know that he can lay his head onto your legs, in which he gladly does. about thirty minutes pass and your hand drags itself through his hair, occasionally leaving to flip the page of your book. you stay super into your book until dream speaks up, “y/n.” you let out a mhm of acknowledgement, letting him know you’re listening. “i don’t want to cuddle your legs, i want to cuddle you.” a small okay is heard from you as you put the book on your dresser, tucking yourself into your bed. your back faces away from dream. a shiver rolls down your spine as he wraps his arms around your waist, resulting in him breathing down your neck. goosebumps arise on your body. in the awkward silence of the room, the only things you can hear are the loud thumps of your heart and the even breaths from dream.
when you wake up the next morning, you move your arms to stretch them, but fail to do so in the embrace of dream. staring at his peaceful face, free of any frowns he had shown last night, you brush his bangs out of his eyes. with a glance at the seeping sunlight, you slowly slip out of his embrace, walking to the bathroom to get ready for the day. before you exit the room, you glance over at the sleeping boy on your bed. you roll your eyes before walking over to his side and sitting down on the edge of the bed, gently caressing his messy hair. he stirs in his sleep for a few seconds and as he opens his eyes. the first things he sees is you before pulling you towards his chest with you going down with a yelp. “dream!” he nuzzles his head into your neck, mumbling something incoherent. “say that again?” he mumbles some more, “i don’t know what you’re saying.” you chuckle in-between each word, he moves his head away from your neck, “i said you smell good.” dream stretches as you pull away from him, walking over to the door leading to the common room. “go clean yourself up and come to breakfast.” dream sluggishly drags himself out of your bed before grabbing his robe and your wrist, proceeding to drag you towards the door, the stairs turning into a slide underneath him while you wait for the stairs to turn back, laughing loudly at him. at the bottom of the stairs, you meet the friendly faces of phil, fundy and sapnap.
“y/n, why was dream in your room last night?” phil asks just a bit sarcastic but with a joyful smile on his face. sapnap’s face morphs into a smirk as his eyes move from your figure to dream’s and then back to yours. “you,” he says while staring at you before turning to dream on the floor, “and you.” sapnap then proceeds to make kissy faces earning a smack from you and a chuckle from dream, earning dream a smack from you as well. “dream is leaving anyways.” you say while pushing him out of your common room. phil, fundy, sapnap, you and dream make your way down the hall, “dream. go to your room and change.” he pouts once again before wrapping his hand around yours. once phil notices, he walks between the both of you, separating you and dream, making you stand on either side of him. when you glance up at phil, he just gives you his signature kind smile before turning back to his conversation with fundy. before you notice, dream had disappeared to god knows where, you get pulled behind a pillar, not being noticed from the three of your friends. “shh, y/n.” his hand covers your mouth until he lets go, “dream! what was the point of this, we were with each other like five minutes ago.” he ignores your words and drags you towards the slytherin common room, finishing what he started earlier by holding your hand.
while you wait for dream to finish getting ready in his room, you sit in the common room, greeted by the not so friendly faces of other slytherins, disregarding wilbur sitting at your side, telling you about the dragon he was raising in the dark forest. when dream comes back out, the color of your uniform stands out so brightly in the dark green room. wilbur sits next to you with his beanie on. “wilbur, aren’t you tired? you have black circles under your eyes.” he shakes his head with optimism, “it’s for the aesthetic. don’t worry about them. oh hello dream!” your eyes shift from wilbur to dream. dream leads you out of the common room as the both of you walk down the quiet and empty halls towards breakfast. dream wraps his robe around your shoulders, “i know you get cold easily.” you look up at him with a small smile engulfed by sadness, “thanks.”
as you walk down the long hallway, you finally feel the courage to speak up. “dream,” you pause waiting for a response from the tall boy. he lets out a hum to let you know he’s listening, “why are you doing this?” the question slips from your lips with doubt and concern. “doing what?” dream answers back with his own question. “well for one,” you pause once again with uncertainty, “pretending to like me. just a week ago, you were being a jerk to me and all of a sudden, you just begin to pursue me. and i want to know why.” dream stops in place while you continue by yourself, “what do you mean pretend to like you? i do like you.” now it was your turn to stop, “no you don’t. you can’t just begin to like someone all of a sudden. nothing works like that. so, i’m going to ask you something and i want you to answer sincerely, okay?” dream’s face falls into a guilty expression as he stares at the floor, “how much?” you maintain the soft expression on your face while continuing to gaze at the tall boy, “fifteen galleons.” a tiny huff of air leaves your lips as you a soft small appears on your face in slight disbelief, eyes slightly tearing up. you walk away for a while before speaking once again, “i hope it was worth it.” you take off his robe and drop it on the floor as you walk away from him.
as you enter the great hall for breakfast, you sit next to phil quietly. with a small eye smile, you tell phil that you’re not that hungry and just take a sip out of your tea. “so , y/n. you and dream huh?” sapnap teases, “there’s nothing between us.” your cold tone resonates throughout the gryffindor table, “woah, no need to get your panties in a bunch.” he teases as the other boys around you laugh. angered, you stand up and grab his collar, pulling him towards you over the table, “i said there’s nothing. so fuck off and mind your own business.” your empty hand crunches up, turning your fist white. phil abruptly stands up and gently puts his hand on your shoulder as a signal to tell you to calm down. you could feel all eyes on you but could honestly care less. releasing his collar, the boy looks at you after being scolded by phil for butting into a girl’s business. “i’m sorry y/n. i didn’t mean to that insensitive.” you snap out of your rage induced glare and decide to mutter a small apology as well before walking out of the hall.
“y/n!” another glare arises on your face at you look at the culprit that made you angry. “i’m sorry for the bet, but i was just using that as an excuse because i kept denying the fact that i like you.” dream attempts to grab your hand like he did earlier that day but you snatch your hand away. “don’t bother lying now because i didn’t even believe you earlier.” your reply marked with extreme sarcasm. you turn around to stomp towards your common room once again. “y/n, please. what will it take for you to realize that i actually like you.” with a glance over your shoulder, you look at dream one last time, “leave me the fuck alone.”
as the week passed, it was the day of your date with dream. you stayed in your dorm for most of the day, eventually going out to eat at meal times. dream waited for you at the bridge that leads to hogsmeade for hours until finally leaving when sapnap came to tell him that you weren’t coming.
on the day of your quidditch game with ravenclaw, you lay in bed, staring at the spot dream had once been in with you. you’ve seen dream around but never even glanced towards him, isolating yourself quietly with your small group of friends. dream, for the most part, left you alone besides the points where he hangs out with sapnap in the gryffindor common room. you rarely spoke and only did when it was necessary. before you realize, you’re in the shower room, getting dressed in your uniform. sapnap leads you towards the field and your team flies onto the field. technoblade flies up towards you in attempt to speak to you for the first time that week. “hey munchkin. how’s it going.” you drag your hands through your hair, messing it up after phil had worked so hard to keep it neat. “dream told me he liked me. but his antics started after i confronted him about his bet.” techno’s eyes soften as he ruffles your hair, “i don’t want to sour your mood even more, but he’s sitting in gryffindor stands right now. just for your own information.” you roll your eyes and fly over to your side, bat in hand. the huffs of your breaths could be seen in the snowy weather of winter.
for most of the game, you played extremely aggressive. you nearly hit sapnap once and actually hit fundy while ravenclaw scored over and over again. “y/n! get down here!” you hear the rough voice of your quidditch captain call, “what’s wrong with you l/n? you never play this recklessly. sit out this game, we can have someone else sub for you.” dream watches you from the stands. you stare at your captain in disbelief before nodding and walking off the field.
walking down the hallways, dream follows you with silent steps in order to not attract any unwanted attention. “what do you want dream?” you ask without turning around to look at the boy. “y/n,” before he can finishes, he pauses, allowing time for you to interrupt, “i asked for what you wanted, not my name.” you let out the sarcastic and sappy reply. “y/n, i’m sorry i put you in such a shitty situation and because of that, inevitably hurt our relationship. the stupid relationship that makes me smile every time i think about you or when someone mentions your name.” dream walks towards you with caution while also watching your reaction. once he realizes that you’re okay with his presence, he pulls you into his embrace. your face gets buried into his chest. “i hate you. i hate that you made me believe you loved me. i hate that i like you despite you being an ass. i hate that we have an unspoken rivalry. i hate how you make butterflies appear with any spoken word and how you’re a touchy person that needs to hold my hand wherever we go.” dream’s chuckles echo in the hall along with his body. “i didn’t know you hated me so much.” you push away from him with a small smirk on your face, “i do. you just have a punchable face.” dream lets out an exaggerated gasp as he holds his hand over his heart, “i’m offended.” he pouts once again, a smile expanding on his face.
“but will you officially do me the honor of going out on a date with me on tomorrow? no bets, no money, nothing. just a boy in love.” you cringe at first then pretend to think about it for a while before finally making eye contact with him, “no.” his smile doesn’t falter, “okay then, i’ll see you at the bridge at nine thirty.” you raise your eyebrows in confusion as the boy walks three steps ahead of you, “come on y/n.” he taunts as if you are a dog. with the roll of your eyes, you skip up towards him and he wraps one of his arms around your shoulder. “you’re not busy right now, are you?” a small laugh leaves your lips as you stare at the tall boy, “well, i just kicked out of my quidditch game, so no? but then again, i’m sort of sweaty so i might need to take a shower.” he ignores you once again and continues walking towards your dorm. as he begins to sound out the password, you cut him off. “look dream, i like you okay?” dream nods with a sly smirk, “but not enough for you to come in.” patting him on his back, you tell the lady the password and walk into the common room. his smirk falters as you leave him standing outside the common room door. dream’s eyes stay on you until he fat lady closes the portrait door. “rejected!” she sings before dream walks away with the roll of his eyes.
the next day at around nine twenty, you walk up from your bed. “oh my god!” you yell checking the time. running to your bathroom, you turn the your sink on quickly, brushing your teeth and your hair before running out to go change. at nine twenty five, you run down the busy halls, occasionally bumping shoulders with some random people. “y/n? where are you going?” fundy asks while watching you run. you stop briefly, “date. dream. waiting. late.” breathing out each word slowly due to your lack of breath. as you begin to start running again, phil and fundy watch you receding figure. by nine thirty two, you make it to the entrance of the bridge, seeing dream standing there with a small smile on his face. “you’re late.” you let out coughs and heave out heavy breaths before speaking again. “sorry. i woke up later than expected.” while you try to catch your breath, dream stares at you lovingly before getting a mischievous glint in his eyes, “am i that breathtaking y/n?” a frown appears on your face before you begin to walk back towards the castle, “no, y/n. i was kidding.”he chuckles as he grabs your hand, the warmth from his hand immediately seeping into your cold hand.
after walking around for a while hearing the crisp crunch of the snow, dream’s hand remains in yours. to be honest, he hasn’t even let your hand go since the beginning of your date. while you were at honeydukes, he held your hand, at dervish and banges, he held your hand, scrivencraft’s, dream. hand. your. hand. he would constantly whine whenever you tried to let go and if you did, he would opt to putting an arm over your shoulder. you walk around with dream until finally reaching the three broomsticks.
you tell dream to get the two of you a table while you go to order drinks. while you wait to pick up the drinks at the counter, you turn around to see dream with a posse full of girls around the tiny table. with the role of your eyes, you dismiss his cocky attitude and turn back towards the lady making your drinks. “is that the boy you came in with?” you life your head off of your palm and look up at the older lady, “yes ma’am.” loud giggles could be heard from behind you as you continue to ignore them, your clenched fist turning slightly whiter by the minute. the older lady looks down at you with sympathy, “you’re jealous.” taken aback from her absurd comment, you look at her with disbelief and large eyes. “jealous? jealous of that?” you say while turning around to point at dream and the girls basically hanging off of his body. “there’s a certain amount of pride a lady can hold herself to and there is no way i’m stooping down that low. sure, call me jealous if you want, but don’t compare me to that mess over there.” you slam down one galleon and walk away from the counter and out the door. dream watches your whole interaction happen and abrubtly stands up after watching you exit the pub. “sorry ladies, but my girl needs some tending to.” he walks out, ignoring the symphony of pleads.
“stupid. stupid. how could i have gotten so mad. she was just making an observation.” you murmur to yourself, feeling apologetic to the older lady who was just as surprised as you after you went off on your tangent. you sit on a bench, which overlooking the mountains near the school. you hit your head with the palm of your hand continuously until a warm hand stop you. “why’d you run away bunny?” you slip your wrist out of his grasp, “not run. walked. and it was because of something that happened to me and the waitress. she may or may not have said something i disagreed with and i may or may not have gone off about it at her.” dream sits down next to you, leaving no space in-between the both of you despite the bench being able to seat four people. “oh bunny-“ once again annoyed, you interrupt him, “why are you calling me bunny?” he chuckles as he watches you stand up to walk off, “because,” dream reciprocates your action and stands up as well, wrapping his arms around your neck and pulling you into his chest. “despite you being in gryffindor, you’re like a cute bunny to me. you’re the smartest person i know and love being around people. despite those traits, you are also bratty, willful and vengeful. it takes a certain person to deal with me and you work with me. we’re like the modern life lady and the tramp.” hesitantly, you wrap your arms around his waist.
“now bunny, what did the lady say to you?” you let out a small murmur of no before pulling away from him. “you don’t need to know.” a mischievous smile erupts on his face, “but i want to know.” you shake your head in response, “but you don’t need to.” with a slight side step, you stare up at the boy. “bunny.” he replies sternly, “if you don’t reply in five seconds, something bad is going to happen to you.” he uses his fingers count down to zero, “five, four, three,” in the meantime, you begin to run away from the boy, “get away from me!” you yell as you try to the reach the sanctuary of the presence of other students. before you could, you get tackled to the ground, “i asked you nicely y/n.” a second before you could repent, he begins to tickle you. “no. i’m sorry. i’ll tell you.” you wheeze out, “its too late bunny.” he continues to tickle you for what feels like hours, on the cold snow on the ground, until he gets tackled off of you, “get off of her!” you sit up to see fundy on top of dream, pinning his hands down while sapnap grabs dreams legs. their interrogation of dream gets interrupted by your laughs. their attention gets turned towards you, “you dunces. he wasn’t attacking me, he was tickling me.” fundy and sapnap’s faces turns into a surprised look as they turn to look at each other before looking back at you and getting off of dream. “my bad bro. we didn’t know.” sapnap replies as he and fundy scurry off to the safety of philza.
you stare at dream with an amused smirk as he continues to lay on the ground, pouting at the sudden interaction. you reach your hand down to help him up, “why couldn’t you make friends with hot girls that would tackle me.” before he could grab your hand, you pull it back and walk away, teasing him. “wait y/n, are you actually offended from what i said?” dream stands up and jogs over towards you, “cause i love that you have friends in general.” your face scrunches up as you stare him, “okay, fox.” now it was time for his face to scrunch up, “what did you just call me.” he says, not stating it as a question but rather a statement. “i called you fox.” his eyesbrows raise in confusion, “i’m bunny and you’re fox.” dream stares at you before grabbing your hand and walking towards the castle, “okay, i’ll be fox if you’re bunny.” smiles erupt on both of your faces as you continue to joke around on your trip towards the castle.
the first time you say i love you back to dream is from the day he pouted the entire night and while also hiding from you in the safety of his room. “beau, what’s wrong with you today?” when he finally looks up at you, he tries to keep a stern expression, but it falls into a smile as he pulls you close to him. “why don’t you ever say i love you back?” small chuckles erupt from your body as you play with his dirty blonde hair, “because i thought you knew how much i loved you. but if you need confirmation, you could’ve just told me.” he groans in slight embarrassment, “i love you so much to the point that i would do anything you ask me to. i would even kill sapnap for you.” now it was dream’s turn to chuckle, “thank you y/n. i love you too.” for the rest of the night, he didn’t let you go, meaning, you had to sneak back into your common room at four in the morning, hiding from the watchful gaze of philza.
about five months pass, and your relationship with dream prospers. at any quidditch game, you or him would be spotted in the crowd, or actually versing each other. in that case, he would stay so close to you, occasionally throwing around flirty comments at you or basically handing you the bludger. other times, when you study in the library with techno or phil, he always sits in the corner of the library with george, never being secretive. “what george? say that again.” leaving you to ignore him. whenever parties occur, you always try to walk around and mingle while he attaches himself to your side, greeting everyone you talk to. when he gets deadbeat drunk, he becomes clingy times one million, “y/n, don’t leave me.” and you reply, ‘this is my room.” cries and loves to snuggles into your neck when you come back a minute later. you’re not gonna lie but man is in lsg, little spoon gang. he loves being little spoon when he’s drunk but sober dream is another story. always has to be big spoon to keep his reputation up and has absolutely no recollection of being little spoon, so its your little secret with drunk dream. when you do your homework, he lays on your bed, usually taking a nap despite his eight page essay being due the next day. weekly hogsmeade dates, will literally buy you anything you set your eyes on, not even caring about the price. sometimes you wonder where that money even comes from. in total, will chase you down nonstop while you run away from his antics.
your relationship is well known around the school as the complex bunny and the sly fox.
philza still doesn’t approve though.
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nagdabbit · 3 years
"my entire fitness goal is hook's shoulder-waist ratio, but with taz's extremely dense neck."
"the funniest thing about wrestling is that this fucking company is trying to make something called a stadium stampede sound both cool, AND serious."
gf: "if you cry listening to a crowd sing judas again, im divorcing you." me: "so that means youre gonna marry me." gf: "i've been bamboozled."
about brian cage: "this man is a huge dork. like, literally, i could fit me in him."
"i dunno what it is, but i would die to protect mr. hangman. he hunk, but he also baby."
thoughtfully, "i bet i could just catch you out of the air like that. i mean, i can squat you, i could probably even curl you like that, too."
because she is deeply in wrestling twitter now: "HOOK! babe, look, its hook! hook hive, rise up!"
"what i love about this feud is that all these men are fuckin' idiots. no brain cells, just shoes and fwiendship."
"what do you mean their tag team isn't just the wild boys, wtf? missed opportunity."
"those kicks are ugly, but i would steal them, too, honestly." *thirty seconds of silence layer* "for you, babe. i'd steal them for you, i mean."
"jon, no, the germs, jon, jesus christ, please dont drink that jon you dumbass."
"i love eddie, but i'm pretty sure we should never hang out. too much extremely new york energy, we would get arrested in like ten minutes. possibly less."
"diorsday device is the funniest shit ive ever fucking heard, how goddamn sad is that."
"max caster is gonna get murdered, but i love him."
"i wish bowens and his extremely attractive boyfriend the best in life."
"colt cabana and tay conti are tied for best smile in wrestling, but tay wins because i dont want colt to kick me in the face."
"penta is the only joker i formally recognize."
"today i found out that some people don't like stu and uno, and to them i say get entirely fucked."
after rush came out and i lost my entire shit: "i don't fully understand yet, but i support you." *one minute later* "oooooooooooohh. okay, yeah."
gf: "i enjoy that cody is pushing ogogo by being a dumb bitch with this america schtick." me: "you gonna say that when cody wins?" gf: "...fuck."
"ogogo got that guy ritchie movie ass music you love to see it."
"you were right about cody and i fuckin' hate it."
"aw yeah, its big boi season."
about miro: "i'm very gay, but the thing is, men with extremely jacked traps just do something to me."
"lance changed changed the color of his extensions and i appreciate that." *thirty seconds later* "are those... three crosses? tattooed on his back? jesus doesnt like murder, i don't think he likes murderhawks, either."
"britt baker is the only dentist i want in my mouth. no, wait, don't type that one!"
"oh, fuck, shidas getting teary i'm gonna fuckin cry, oh fuck, i get it now, i'm so sorry i made fun of you, i love her."
"oh fuck, shida knee me directly in the face."
"britt scares me. like the blood drip details on her gear are really cool, but i would legit believe its real blood from her."
"are you really crying about britt and the nice announcer man hugging?"
"hey, quick question, just real quick while ive got you here... why is the emo twink... like this?"
"darby's dad looks like my dad, and i'll never be okay with that."
"i like that darby just yeets himself around like that. he came in like a wrecking ball. a tiny, tiny wrecking ball."
"sting just tossing his son around the ring like that is very good, but, sir, that's bad parenting."
"the thing about sky and page is that these are the suburb guys i beat up at the beach on summer vacation. they have big "i robbed these guys at the pier" energy."
"damn, darby just feels his emotion with his entire face, doesnt he."
"okay explain the gambling thing and WHY it's a thing."
"orange rolling into the ring is so fucking good, that man is national treasure."
after me showing her the video of younger orange cassidy shitfaced and holding a fish for no reason: "i am shocked and appalled that you're only showing me this now."
after explaining the history of the jansport: "the range of this dumbass."
"i get that kenny is good and all, but his hair really fucks me up. it's upsettingly bad and i hope he knows that."
"pac is just. so much muscle. flippy beef man. a meateor." she did specify how to spell it for the joke because it was important.
"that man is a weeb, isnt he."
"something about a man breaking a hold by putting his hands in his pockets really gets me hype."
"fuck just murder omega and be done i hate this, put it on the beef man or the juicey boy already."
"babe, ill be right back i gotta murder this callis bitch."
after kenny won: "i fucking hate wrestling, this is bullshit."
"holy fuck, babe, i forgot mark henry was a wrestle boy! i know him from the olympics!"
"hey, is mark henry bigger than large paul?"
"mjf is a dumb bitch and i love him."
"hey, quick question, who thought repelling down the stadium would look cool, they're so far away."
"there's wardlow, my sweet boy. this is cool now."
she laughed for a solid two minutes at tony schiavone saying, "here comes the little guy."
"i fuckin hate hager. kill him wardlow, kill that crispy maga ass bitch."
"okay what's with the chairs." *after a brief explanation of the chairshot heard round the world* "and, like, he can't just pick a new gimmick? it's been two years, bro. move on, shes not coming back."
"okay, i admit that this is great and i love it, kill that old man on the dancefloor."
upon learning this is technically the main event: "you mean it's over after this? theyre ending the show on THIS? not the triple threat match, this?"
"i just noticed mjf's bedazzled jeans, i'm not angry anymore, this is perfect."
"no, more wardlow. gimme the beef."
"christ, sammy guevara is kinda incredible and i'm fuckin angry about it. why cant inner circle be just sammy and santana and ortiz, fuck the other two."
"no, shut up! i refuse to sing along to this! whats wrong with you?! this is a bad song!"
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tytach · 3 years
Phantom of the Office - The Ghost-Shield
Danny's gaze was fixated on the break room's vending machine, a frown etched on his face. He had been standing there for a few minutes now, completely oblivious to Kevin, who was awkwardly waiting for his turn behind him.
After an up-tenth wriggle of his hands, Kevin stepped forward, leveling with Danny.
"What's going on?"
"I can't decide between chips and a chocolate bar." Danny extended his hands, weighing the pros and cons. "On the one hand, I'm craving sugar. But on the other, I've been wanting to eat chips since yesterday."
"Why don't you take both? That's what I would do," Kevin supplied, helpfully.
The temp turned to the accountant and looked him straight in the eye.
"You're a very clever man, Kevin Malone," Danny praised, his hand diving into his pocket in search for change.
— — —
"Danny is sooooooo cool!" Kevin fanned to the camera. "The other day, he came to the office without shoes, and he had only one sock on. Do you know how long I’ve been wanting to do that?? Years."
Kevin smiled proudly.
"And the cool guy thinks I'm clever."
— — —
"Where were my shoes?" Danny repeated the question he was just asked, before shaking his head, his gaze avoiding the camera. "It’s a long story."
He looked up suddenly.
"Wait, did you just say that Kevin thinks I’m cool? Wow. I don’t know how I feel about that."
His face took on a genuinely confused expression.
"I really don’t."
— — —
Danny got up from the break room’s table, scrunching empty wrappers in his hands.
"Well, it was a pleasure talking with you, but I need to get back to work now."
He gestured a salute to Kevin and headed for the door, throwing his trash in the bin on the way.
However, Danny stopped right before crossing the threshold. He frowned, suspicion written all over his face. He studied the doorway and casually reached out a tentative hand, that he removed immediately with a hiss. He shook it as if he had been shocked by an invisible barrier.
"Are you alright?" Kevin asked, mouth half full of candy.
"Yeah…" Danny said slowly as he inspected his surroundings.
His eyes landed on something beyond the break room’s window.
"You know what? I think I still have a few minutes before my break is over." Danny articulated loudly as he slowly backed off to sit back at the table. "What were we talking about again?"
"My band Scrantonicity II! We’re playing on Friday night. Wanna come?"
"Er, sure."
On the other side of the window, poorly hiding behind interior plants, Dwight was observing Danny with a mischievous smile.
— — —
"This time I got him," Dwight gloated to the camera. "I bought the strongest ghost shield I could find and, last night, I waited until everyone went home and I installed it in the annexe. I calculated very precisely the radius of the ecto-repellant field so that it would start exactly at the door. After that, all I had to do was wait for Danny to take his break to activate it."
He crossed his arm triumphantly.
"It’s not as if he is actually stuck in the break room. He can always get out…" Dwight smiled victoriously, "by phasing through the other walls, thus proving to everyone that he is a ghost."
— — —
Dwight walked nonchalantly into the break room. He hovered next to the two men, who were deep in conversation, and had to harrumph a couple times before they finally turned their attention to him.
"Danny, Micheal would like to see you in his office."
"No he doesn’t," Danny assured him.
"Yes, he does," Dwight insisted. "He wants to see you now."
"Oh yes? What does he want to tell me about then?"
Dwight tried —and failed— to sound casual.
"Pfff, something about how crossbows are the superior weapons to hunt bears? I don’t know, I didn’t ask him."
Danny smirked.
"Yeaaaah, I think I’ll pass."
"Why don’t you want to go, Danny?" Dwight drawled, leaning over the table. "Does it have something to do with the door, maybe?"
"Why do you want me to go that bad, Dwight?"
"What’s wrong with the door?" Kevin interjected.
"It’s none of your business," Dwight brushed him aside.
Danny’s eyes widened.
"It was you!" He shouted, scandalized, pointing a dramatic finger at Dwight.
"Yes, it was me," the salesman bragged, before taunting him. "What are you gonna do about it, ghost? Come on, hurry up, Michael wants to see you."
Danny glared at him.
"Turn it off."
"Or what? Are you going to attack me with your ectoblasts? Or maybe you’ll haunt me till the end of my days? I’m not scared of you."
"What’s going on?" Kevin asked, completely lost.
Creed chose this moment to walk into the room, effectively interrupting the staring contest between the two men.
"Danny? Micheal wants to see you."
Danny blinked.
"Wait, that was real?"
"Dwight paid me five dollars to say that," Creed informed the camera, lifting up the bill he earned.
"Fine," Danny finally relented.
He walked by Dwight, giving him a tap in the back.
"Talk to you later, Dwight."
With that he exited the room through the door, unbothered. As if no shield were blocking his way.
Dwight’s jaw went slack.
"But that’s impossible…" he muttered.
— — —
When he went to check on the ghost-shield generator, he couldn’t deny that engine was still on.
A head appeared above the cubicle.
"Please, turn that off, Dwight. The sound is bothering us."
"Shut up, Toby."
"Guys, please tell me you recorded his face, I need to see this," Danny hiccuped.
"But the thing was legit though," he said once his laughter died down. "I grew up around ghost-shields —I know one when I see one, you know? That’s what gave me the idea. You didn’t really think it would work on me, right? I mean, come on. I’m human. Not half-ghost, or whatever he thinks I am.
"If I were half-ghost, it would require an even stronger shield than that, because the level of ectoplasm in my blood wouldn’t be as concentrated in my human form. Not that I would know about that. And not that such a shield does actually exist. Because ecto-scientists don’t know about half-ghosts. And also because half-ghost aren’t real.
"Yeah, I think I’ll shut up, now."
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rpmemes-galore · 4 years
izombie : season 2 … sentence starters 
“You're a monster. Act like one.“
“It's meant to be ironic. It's a joke.“
“That is not a risk, that's a certainty.“
“I'm a better man with you in my life.“
“Oh, my god. Horny boys are the worst.“
“Go forth and direct your lust elsewhere.“
“This is why I pay someone to fix my car.“
“Your work, distasteful as you find it, saves lives.“
“You dig it. You get off on being a hero, don't you?”
“I am literally going through hell. Do you even care?“
“This doesn't change the fact that you still sicken me.“
“Shhh, the lying to save your life section comes later.“
“I texted you last night. Several times. Where were you?“
“You really need to work on the whole 'good news' concept.“
“I really should murder somebody, get my tax dollars worth.“
“It's a simple question. Don't stall for time. Don't invent a story.“
“Go away. Don't come back. I don't ever want to see you, again.“
“I have to say, I'm disappointed, I thought you'd be better at this.“
“I am overflowing with potential, and I'm tapping every last drop.“
“Try to keep it in your pants next time. Can you do that, champ?“
“Well, I do feel sorry for myself. But that doesn't mean I'm wrong.”
“Not the way I'd choose to go... Whale ingestion, if you're curious.”
“But we are both doing what needs to be done. We are saving lives.“
“Did they find the guy who did that to your hair, or is he still at large?”
“That is so cute. I literally want to die, just so that I can be buried in it.“
“Personally, I've been toying with the idea of, uh, becoming a bad boy.“
“I'm sorry. I just really need a pinot and some salty chocolate right now.“
“If you want a bazooka, I can get you a bazooka in fifteen minutes, at cost.“
“If I had known you'd be stopping by, I would've worn my less bloody lab coat.“
“I buy drugs one time, purely for research purposes, and this is what happens.“
“I'm gonna go get myself a coffee and try very hard to forget that you said that.“
“Isn't that kind of like slapping a bear to better understand being mauled to death?“
“It's not my fault! All my friends are cold-hearted bitches, and that includes the men.“
“Every decision that I made last year, I made trying to protect you from my new reality.“
“Stop! I'm coming here like and adult, trying to talk to you. How can you be this cold to me?“
“You know, I just... I keep asking you for some space, and every time I turn around, here you are.“
“Life dealt you a lousy hand, so you just folded tent, decided it was easier to be a rotten bastard.“
“Maybe it's better this way. I'm radioactive. That I repel the people I love. Keep things simple.“
“If you don't, by some time tomorrow, we can be looking at the beginning of the end of the world.“
“My annoying millennial speak knowledge ended with TMI, so I have no idea what you just said.“
“I threw my drink in her face and I walked out. I mean, I love that woman but she is too much drama.“
“I can't sugarcoat it. This won't be easy. But I'm here to make the process... What's the word? Palatable.“
“I bet ever since you got the news, you've been walking around like a zombie, am I right? Yeah. I thought so.“
“Turns out we're nothing more than chemicals hurtling through space, haphazardly bouncing off each other.“
“I feel amazing. I'm so present, so in my body, but I'm also floating. Like watching the experience be experienced.“
“You spend your life in a comfortable dream state believing in destiny. Then reality snaps you awake like a kick in the teeth.“
“Oh, he came, he saw, he was stabbed several times in quick succession with a sharp cylindrical object. Likely an ice pick.“
“I got a thriving business. I just learned I've been pre-approved for a Best Buy card. I've gone legit. Put my criminal ways behind me.“
“Of course I want to sex you up, girl. You're very attractive, and I very much have a penis. But just being with you is enough. Honest.“
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fordarkisthesuede · 3 years
The Tolls of Justice: the Tarot, Name Meanings, and More!
All the tarot-aligned hints! All the future foretellings! All the silly references! :) Everything you might have overlooked is here for you easy-to-read pleasure!
Naturally, there be spoilers a-plenty ahead for Batman the TellTale Series: The Tolls of Justice, so if you haven't read it (or maybe you're thinking about reading it, or this is your first time hearing about it), I'd advise waiting until you're done with each chapter to read through the sections. You can either click the link and be redirected to Ao3, or look through my tumblr tag #ttoj!
*One forwarding note: the tarot references build slowly in this story, and I only use the traditional Major & Minor Arcana. You'll see a lot of jokes and name-type references before we get to the tarot. I also simplified the numerics, but they're often displayed as roman numerals on cards, hint hint.
gang member "Four Ears" - a very very off-the-collar reference to the line "Listen up, four-ears!" from J-Men Forever; in context, it was an off-shoot of the insult "four-eyes" but for music taste, also implying the person's taste was "square".
gang member "Muddy Nye" - his name can be boiled down to "muddy river". It works as an allusion to the messy, unclear case ahead of Bruce and the Batfam, but also as a hint to Clayface, who acted as Muddy in his first sighting of the story.
"Sunset" - a reference to everyone's favorite vampire series to pick on, the Twilight series; back when it was at the height of it's popularity, some drug dealers sold heroin marketed towards the crowd based off it's terrible and unfortunately iconic(?) line from Edward Cullen, "You're my own personal brand of heroin"…hence why the drug of choice BM is shipping here is heroin. Essentially, this plot setup is one big joke.
"FIGS" - a reference to POP! vinyls, hence the capitalized name and spiky word balloon on the packages.
"Gray Ghost [memorabilia]" - one of my (and everyone else's) favorite BtAS episodes, which proves definitively that Bruce Wayne | Batman is not only a Huge Nerd™, but also a massive collector of normal fandom things. (Do you think he troughs through blogs and fanwikis…? What am I saying, of course he does. He edits them.)
gang members "Jack Whendleham and Kirby Noltz" - nod to Jack Kirby, comic artist extraordinaire!
Ch.1: A Different Ceiling
[chapter title] - John does not wake up in Arkham at the start of the story, hence waking up to a different ceiling. He also hits different limitations on what he can do, so it's also a different kind of "ceiling". (Like the term "the glass ceiling", the invisible barrier a demographic hits in a hierarchy.)
St. Dymphna New Life Home - named after Saint Dymphna, the patron saint of mental illness. There's no "'s" at the end because I saw other clinics named after Saints didn't use the possessive form when referencing them.
The Lucky Hotel - an oxymoron, really; the unluckiest place to get stuck at with it's seedy history, but also the place where John "gets lucky"…in a couple of different ways!
Stitched Up Alterations - a heavy nod to the wonderful batjokesy line from S2, "We're two threads in the same stitch". It's pretty deeply ingrained in fanon (and technically canon, if you go with The Dark Knight) that Joker makes his own clothes, hence Batman rarely finding him through his tailor. Since John's thrifty and clearly made his original Joker outfit(s), I piggybacked off it as a legit skill to give him. I mean, come on, the guy is always so stylish! And you're really going to look at me and say he didn't alter his thrifted shirts and vests to fit his sleek frame? Puh-leeease.
13th Street - 13 is a traditionally unlucky number in western culture; hence the "Lucky Hotel" there having a bloody history, along with a failed, closed casino nearby.
Corazón gang - okay, I admit…I'm still a weeb at heart. It's a One Piece reference. Corazon was one of the few post-timeskip new characters I really liked; his name is Spanish for "heart", and he sported a heart motif. Like the gang in this story, he also died before the start of the main storyline.
Ch. 2: Face Values
[chapter title] - A reference to the phrase "not taking things at face value", which is very evident in this story. Also doubles as a rather loose reference to the upcoming Tarot cards.
Sebastian Overfield - The name Sebastian means "from Sebaste", as is derived from the Greek word sebastos ("venerable", someone who has a lot of respect). Overfield of course is "over" and "field", implying the family is on a high hill overlooking/overseeing/maintaining a certain field. As Seb is a reverend, this name is well-fit for him.
orange rose [gift from John] - means "passion" in the language of flowers, and can allude to fascination; this can be taken platonically or romantically…but it's definitely romantic when it's coming from John.
blue iris [gift from John] - means "faith and hope" in the language of flowers, and sometimes are associated with royalty; an allusion to Batman/Bruce's overall symbolism in the eyes of Gotham…and John.
Chandis [ship, circa Prologue] - A reference to Chandi | Chandika, the Hindu deity; the short version of their story is that they are a demon slayer, known to be angry and passionate, wield multiple weapons, and ride a lion. And who was on the ship? Hmm…
Ch. 3: Ink Trails
[chapter title] - A reference to the Alterations' claim slip John finds, which ends up leading back to the Court of Owls. It doubles as a reference to the mask tattoo/clue on Ian 'Nito'.
Faith Ackart - "Ackart" is a variant of "ackhart", derived from "ekkehard", which we can say roughly means "brave/hardy". The name "faith" and "hardy" together is another very subtle clue for the audience towards the villains' motives. (Well, I say that, but it was really more of a joke-clue for me to giggle at. And it makes a good reporter name!)
Lou Monger - the guy's a fish monger…with the last name Monger. It's-a joke! ;D
Ian 'Nito' Coggs - first mentioned without his real last name, but "Ian Coggs, Nito", is a pun on the word "incognito"…which is what Clayface is here.
FriendBook/Chirp/bloggr/uBox - takes on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and YouTube respectively. (This started back in my 'Season 3' story, At the Brink of Midnight, though I've since learned that bloggr was a real thing. :T) The 'uBox' is meant to be a play on 'jumping box'/'the box' as other terms for TV, like 'the tube'.
"whole tomato of pins" - the supposed history of tomato-shaped pincushions is that tomatoes placed on mantels repelled evil spirits and guaranteed prosperity, but I really wanted to just allude to the common pin-cushion shape. (My mom once had a whole little basket of strawberry shaped pin-cushions. I remember "borrowing" them a lot as a kid to play with. And then "losing" them.)
"sock and buskin masks" - these are a reference to the "comedic sock" and "tragic buskin (i.e. boot)" of the Greek comedy-tragedy theatre masks. I figured something like them would be a good logo for the "false faces", as BM is obsessed with masks. It also doubles as a natural callback to the "your relationship with x has changed" feature of TT games.
Ch. 4: Suite of Cups
[chapter title] - the first chapter to be a reference to the Tarot, in specific the Minor Arcana of Cups; rather than specifying the card at play outright, this title is a pun on the aforementioned arcana "suite", as the main location of events this chapter are in a casino's hotel suite. One can interpret many Cups cards at play here, but...
○ Specifically, in the Casino's suite/crime scene, there are 8 visible seats, but 7 cups on the table. The 7 of Cups refers to choices, fantasy, and illusion, an indicates there are multiple opportunities or many paths you can take, but they should be chosen carefully; when reversed, it can mean confusion, diversion, and temptation, and indicate a lack of choice or failure to choose.
○ The upright version is definitely in play, with the overall root of TellTale games being choices, and some "the player" makes this chapter will move your relationships with Tiffany and John in different ways, which can strengthen your relationships with them. If "the player" has chosen to be a more violent Batman, the way the Talon - and later, the Court - treats Batman is different.
○ The Reversed reading can be interpreted for the Court's complete disregard for the mere notion of choice.
Bauta - a Venetian carnival mask, meant to represent 'anonymous decisions' via it's original design of protecting identities. It's quite common in carnivals.
Melpomene-Thalia - the Venetian masks for comedy and tragedy, a la 'sock and buskin', the masks used as a general symbol for theatre. You can practically taste the irony, given who's shown wearing it...
Volto - a Venetian mask, meant to represent 'anonymity, quiet exit' for it's blank face. It's also known as the "Citizen Mask" because of it's worn by the common folk (in comparison to the more elaborate masks).
The Lot [casino] - named for "drawing lots", like drawing straws or matches to pick a person to do a task (usually with the shortest straw having to do the task, but it varies). This is both a pun on the fact that it's a casino - where you try your luck at gambling - and corresponds with the theme of foretelling the future that's woven throughout much of the story.
The Wednesday Nighters gang - this doesn't mean anything in particular. I'm a big fan of Midsomer Murders, and there's an episode ("Death in a Chocolate Box") where it references a few dirty cops who frequently took the Friday night shift at a station for episode-plot-reasons, who called themselves The Friday Nighters. It's an off-shoot reference to it, hence the corrupt cops on the gang in this story. :)
[John's voicemail] - Another BtAS episode I love is "the terrible secret of Bruce Wayne". In particular, I loved Joker's voicemail when Dr. Strange calls in ("Boy, do YOU have the wrong number!") and I wanted to do something like that. But, y'know, way less murdery.
"F85H4ND" - l33t-written "Fate's Hand", for…well, the hand of fate, supposedly guiding you through life/events. Another correspondent to the foretelling the future theme.
Michael Hodgson - not all of the names I pick for characters mean anything. Sometimes their names are just loose references to things I like. This is a silly mish-mashup of the original hosts of Mystery Science Theater 3000, Michael [Nelson] and [Joel] Hodgeson. (Joel was the first host + show creator, and Mike was the second host who closed out the original series run.)
"40F5WRD5" [Batcomputer archive] - l33t for the 4 of Swords, a card in the Minor Arcana for rest and restoration; since the archives and file names are randomly generated when not prompted otherwise with manual input, an otherworldly force seems to be saying 'get some damn sleep Bruce'.
[John's ringtone] - I know, TT always has everyone's phone on silent. I don't care. Bruce's ringtone for John is "Mack the Knife", a song about a violent mobster, played on a carnival organ. Chosen because 1) John probably loves that song, 2) I thought it was funny that it has the line "the shark bites - with his teeth, dear - when he shows them pearly whites" and how well that goes with John's A+ dental care... 3) TeamFourStar made jokes in their BtTTS S2 playthrough about having "a special ringtone whenever John calls [them]"…why would I not carry that through? They did get me to where we are now, you know. ;)
Ryde - the in-game stand-in for Lyft, the not-a-taxi service.
Ch. 5: The Wheel Still Spins on the Upturned Chariot
[chapter title] - a reference to 2 tarot cards in the Major Arcana. 1) "The Wheel"/"The Wheel of Fortune", which is a sign for continuous cycles, inevitable fate, and usually indicates good fortune and pre-destiny when the card is presented upright. When reversed, it can signify bad luck and an unfavorable fate. 2) "The Chariot", symbolizing a path forward to success, confidence, and overcoming obstacles; when reversed, it's stands for recklessness and lack of direction/control. 3) As the Chariot is upside down, John's original plans have been upended and everything goes out of his control in a chaotic situation. He’s essentially "not at the driver’s seat" for a little while. "The player" decides which direction to take the wheel in - either letting him lash out violently and send him on more solitary and dangerous path, or satisfy his need for stability by embracing his new relationships. The Chariot is always upturned here, but whether the wheel spins forward or backward is up to "the player's" decisions.
511 N. Blade Street - this one's a bit messy. 511 = V I I, or VII in roman numerals, which =7. The tarot cards are traditionally numbered in roman numerals. North, for pointing upright, and "blade" is synonymous with "sword". So it’s the "7 of Swords", in the upright position – referring to deception and trickery, which is of course what's going on in regards to who Ian 'Nito' Coggs really is…
Apt 1005 - even muddier, but this is referring to the 10 of Swords, which is for betrayal and backstabbing, hinting at the true motives of "Ian" | Clayface. 10-0-5, so 10 and the l33t for "OS" = 10-o-S.
900 Wanda Way - Both a pun on the phrase “wander away” and the 9 of Wands in the Minor Arcana, which alludes to pushing forward to achieve victory. A good allusion for a clinic, me-thought.
400 Wanda Way - The 4 of Wands in the Minor Arcana stands for community, another good allusion for a clinic.
Karen McCarthy - named after the most stereotypically uptight narcissistic asshole the masses have agreed to call 'Karen', and both McCarthyism and another famous lady with the surname McCarthy. Because I wanted you to know the second you see her name that she is *horrible*. (Funny, though, there's 2 senators named McCarthy that are pieces of shit and one infamous quasi-celeb who's the face of the anti-vax scene. Is it just a cursed family name?)
Ch. 6: The Tips of Our Swords
[chapter title] - Refers to the 4 of Swords card in the Minor Arcana, as the "swords" are alluding to the four active members in the Batfam - Bruce, John, Tiffany, and Iman - who work together on the case[s]; you can infer this title to a presentation not unlike the Musketeers joining swords to affirm themselves as a team, as they all gather together. The reversed reading of the card is for restlessness/stress in Bruce's case, and the clear signal of the universe to tell him to relax, and the reading when presented right-side up is for the break it gives to "the player", with the homey atmosphere of the Batfam spending time together. Either reading is completely valid here.
○ BUT, as Alfred is a non-active member of the Batfam, we could also say that 5 of Swords is also at play, right-side-up for the fighting and resentment with Alfred, and John's hinted budding conflict with him; and 5 reversed for Bruce's attempts at making up with Tiffany. If one illustrated the gathering of our four heroes joining swords like the musketeers over a breakfast table, then Alfred would be sitting drinking tea, standing as a symbol of the Ace of Cups, signifying new emotions or stirrings of feelings.
○ If we stretch the metaphor eeeven further, the title can also be a loose reference to the Sword of Damocles; threats always hang above the heads of powerful people, and in this case the looming threat of Black Mask and the mysterious assassin, ever-present in Batman's world…
Dr. Brandi September - literally "Sword" and "Seventh Month", alluding to the 7 of Swords, hinting to deception and manipulation at play.
"I was tired of the soup du jour" - a shameless Devo reference; a tiring of the routine/everyday. "I'm tired of the soup du jour - I want to end this prophylactic tour - ain't nobody around me - understands my potato - I'm only a spud boy - lookin' for a real tomato" - DEVO, "Mr DNA/Smart Patrol".
Motel 11, Augury Road - "augury" is another word for crows; as a gathering of crows can be a method of fortune-telling, this a reference to a gathering of 11 crows, which when seen is supposed to be indicative of disguising or revealing secrets.
Ch. 7: Drawing the Strings
[chapter title] - meant to allude to John aligning the strings connecting the people and crimes together, like an old-fashioned way of mapping clues; can be interpreted as these crime-strings on the proverbial board being drawn closer together, marking the center of the "web" as the Court of Owls
Frieda Baast - Frieda, an allusion to the Norse goddess Freya, who rode on a chariot driven by cats, and Baast, the Egyptian goddess who had the form of a cat. It makes it really obvious who was staying at the Motel 11, huh?
room 14 [Selina Kyle's motel room] - a reference to the 14th tarot card, "Temperance", which when upright is meant for choosing the middle path between choices. This is meant to reference Selina herself, currently at a secret, personal crossroads and being in "the middle"; John can influence her hidden choice by either making her think about what her potential job's employers are really aligning themselves with, or taunting her into how she can't leave her old life behind. (Whether John is violent or not doesn't completely impact her choice, but it does impact how they interact later if Selina winds up in the hands of our villains.)
Oracle, Spoiler, Batgirl, Spectrum - Batman's had a lot of non-Robin sidekicks in comics, including Batgirl (originally Barbara Gordon), Oracle (Barbara Gordon, post-Batgirl-forced-retirement and computer hacker extraordinaire), and Spoiler (Stephanie Brown, who "spoiled" crimes). As a fan of Ao3/tumblr's @fractualized 's own Telltale Bat-verse fics (the "Release John Doe" series), I added in the reference to "Spectrum", which Tiffany became in lieu of "Robin". A wink from one fan-writer to another! ;)
"I'm steppin' out, my dear - to breathe an atmosphere […] - that simply reeks […] with class" - John's singing a classic Fred Astaire hit, "Top Hat, White Tie, and Tails".
Eric, Jerome, Jeremiah, Jack [John's "Normal name" ideas] - As this story allows "the player" to pick a name for John to use in place of his own, you can pick between some classic and modern references to Joker's alternate personas over the years. Eric White Border (edit: goddang it that's what i get for looking at White Knight while writing this up and never double-checking), Joker's regular persona in the New 52 Batman comic line; Jerome or Jeremiah of the Gotham TV series, both of which are different aspects of Joker's personality through media, with a more modern gritty version in Jerome (think Heath Ledger's Joker) and a more modern take on Joker's sociopathy in Jeremiah; and last but not least Jack Napier, the first official name of Joker circa Tim Burton's Batman (1989), and the one most popularly used (BtAS and other comics throughout the years since use this name). "The player"'s choice doesn't impact the story or the way John acts, but it does give a surprise feature later. ;)
Matt Chaney - Aka, "Clayface", Matt has both new and old elements in his name alone. Matt, for Matt Hagen, the most well-known/used of the Clayface personas, and Chaney, for classic film actor Lon Chaney, AKA the man of a thousand faces. This Clayface is an aspiring actor who is psychologically dependent on Moddy to keep him handsome after a terrible car accident left his face marred. He uses his excellent makeup skills and acting to infiltrate the False Face Society, and double-plays them and the Court of Owls.
Root / MuSec - stand-ins for Vine and TikTok, respectively. "MuSec" is both a play on the word "musac" (the word for 'elevator music' and generic produced music you hear in fake stores and the like) and the mish-mash of the words "music" and "second", referencing the short length of the videos. "Root" was used in a prior story (At the Brink of Midnight), and acts as another "natural network" type name akin to Vine; though I do recognize "Vine" might have come along as part of the phrase "I heard it through the grape-vine". I have a feeling some Aussie fans might find the fake-Vine name funny...or just awkward.
Ch. 8: It Had to Be You
[chapter title] - A reference to the classic crooner song, "It Had to Be You"; specifically, the one that flows through the first scene is a cover done by Frank Sinatra, meant to align with other Bat-media's use of Sinatra where Joker and Batman are concerned. The Arkham games got his famous "Under My Skin", and another crooner's "Only You". Batjokes fans/content creators have also used "Strangers in the Night" for their relationship. I wanted to present one that would feel at-home in the TellTale universe regardless of what route you end up with, and what's more perfect than a song about finally discovering the love of your life? The song fits them to a tee, in my humble opinion…
Estella Art Gallery - Selina's art gallery, mentioned previously to have been the site of a Talon attack. "Estella" translates to "star", for the tarot card "The Star". When presented upright, it means hope and rebirth; this card can be presented after a disaster, such as an event like "The Tower". Normally, it can be interpreted as a card to show a phase where you have trust and faith in yourself and the universe. Selina was turning over a new leaf and enjoying her new life until the Owls found out who she was.
Mrs. Bollard - "bald-headed person"…this poor woman got her wig snatched as John stole Bruce from her on the dance floor. xD
"I knew today's horoscope was bullshit" - a nod to earlier, where Roman mentioned his horoscope when visiting Bruce; "a friend will help you out of a tight bind." Not that it was mentioned like that... still! I wonder what today's was? "You will be fortunate in your business endeavors"? Ha ha ha! But really, the horoscope is another nod to the theme of foretelling the future, as it's a popular method to try and see how your day, month, season, or year will be. Not that I know what sign Roman is… *thinking face*
[Achievement Unlocked: Batman Who Laughs] - John showing up in the Batman cowl was not only funny, but a direct nod to the Batman Who Laughs. The TT games had Batman comic titles often used as Achievements, so I figured I'd put in some…
[Achievement Unlocked: Batwoman Rises] - Iman helping the team out in the spare Batman suit is naturally a nod to Batwoman, and something I wanted to do for a while. ;D
Brighella - a Venetian mask taken from a play now used to depict a cunning and mischievous servant. Originally the mask was used to depict a greedy villain character.
The Two Gilded Cups - A restaurant in-story that references "The Two of Cups" tarot card, a card representing unity, partnership, and two becoming one. When upright, it's a card that can reference lovers or a new relationship; when reversed, it can represent broken communication, imbalance, or tension. As such, the couple who were seen at the restaurant - Sonja Townsend and her husband - are established lovers who work together for the Court of Owls, but those who were really there are Jackie Lant and Matt Chaney, who are in an imbalanced relationship. "Gilded" implies that "The Cups" are covered unnecessarily with gold - this is both in reference to Jackie and Matt's disguise of the Townsends and the truth about their relationship. Matt's lies are covering for his narcissism and selfishness, and ultimately is the only thing holding him and Jackie's relationship together.
Moddy - A fictional body modification clay-mud-putty that's a product of Janus Industries, this makeup is the favorite of Matt Chaney and the reason we can call him "Clayface". Like the traditional Clayface, Matt is in dire need to have his fix of the makeup, despite what it does to him - as John notes, it leaves a weird burn-like sensation, and since Matt has deep scar tissue he covers every minute of every day, it's made the skin damage worse.
"You’re really committed to drowning in that river" - A riff on the old joke "denial ("de Nile") isn't just a river in Egypt".
"Your words are honey in my ears, but my brain always turns it into bitter wax" - In Futurama, Fry has a silly line of “Sweet words! Sweet words that turn into bitter wax in my ears!”. It always had the potential to be a great metaphor if the words were twisted around! :) Plus, I mean, come on, this is a totally On Brand™ thing for John to say!
Ch. 9: Strength in Numbers
[chapter title] - Referencing the Strength card, for bravery, compassion, and inner strength; the title also doubles as a play on “different kinds of strengths”. Strength is the will the expose your truths. Strength is finding compassion to help others. Strength is staying true to your convictions in the face of opposition. We see all different kinds of strength on display here.
○ It can also a reference to the different partnerships going on, with Jackie joining the team (unofficially), Bruce and Tiffany going off to tackle the other half of our case, and John and Iman’s team-up. :)
"[John] could barely hear it over the tinny electronic whistling tune emitting from his own phone, telling him the person on the other end was a mystery" - this is referencing an old tumblr joke! Yes, John has the “It is a mystery” tone on his phone for unknown calls…complete with the little (:o) ghost icon.
CUP5K1NG [license plate] - Referring to the King of Cups card, a card portraying emotional balance and compassion. As it's not written as "K1NGCUP5", it implies it's a reversed card, signifying there's manipulation and instability at work. Even though Matt doesn't own the car this license plate belongs to, it's definitely tied to him since it's his getaway ride, and thus hints at what's to be revealed in his and Jackie's hotel room.
Aylin Street - the name "Alyin" translates into “moon halo; one that belongs to the moon”, thereby being a reference to the Moon card, representing mysteries and illusions. An investigation is afoot!
“Looks like I’ve got the red light, kiddo.” - In stage acts, the red light is to indicate to the performer their time on stage is up. Generally, it’s reserved for comedians who either overrun their time or are losing the audience. John's joking that he's been given the red light to exit stage left (but not persued by bear).
"What’s the ‘G’ for?” - Iman's 'Gotham Construction' jumpsuit has a G different from John's - it's shaped more like a gear. This is another Mystery Science Theater reference, in particular the logo for Gizmonic Institute, the company/labs that "employed" original host Joel and the mad scientist Dr. Forrester (and his assistant, TV's Frank), who started the experiments of forcing a guy and his robot friends to watch reeeally bad movies. The result was 12 (soon to be 13!) seasons of some guys making hilarious and very memorable jokes at said bad movies' expense. Does this reference mean that Bruce is just as huge a dork as I am, or does it mean that MST3K is real in this universe?! You make the call! ;D
○ …if you read 'What's the 'G' for?' in Invader Zim's voice, that's also valid. Especially if you followed it with “I dON’t know!” in GIR's. (There is no cringing here! We openly embrace our childhood silliness!)
MasterOfClayFace / #IdW3arThat [Matt Chaney's social media login] - naturally Matt is so far up on his high horse that he considers himself a master of clay work…and of course his nickname is ClayFace! His password is a joke in and out of canon, being a riff on Lemon Demon song: “A mask of my own face – I’d wear that” ~ Lemon Demon, “Mask of My Own Face” [Nature Tapes].
3055 [Jackie Lant's InstaPic followers] - According to research, the average Instagram following is about 1000, so Jackie is above average popularity. Anything above 10k is usually(?) celeb status. The number 3055 is meant to be broken up and turned partially into l33t, to make 3-O-S-S, or 3 of Sword[s]. The 3 of Swords card in the tarot signifies heartbreak and grief, stemming from betrayal, loneliness, and rejection. Jackie experienced all three of these heart-piercing swords during her return to Gotham, with Matt basically forcing her into isolation, betraying her trust, and rejecting her input and values in favor of his own; but she didn't really know it until the truth was exposed.
8055 [Matt Chaney's InstaPic followers] - similarly, Matt's follower count is meant to be 8-O-S-S, or the 8 of Swords card. It signifies self-victimization and imprisonment. In particular, the card shows a person restrained and trapped, but their helplessness is a show…they could choose to get out, if they got over themselves. Matt is incredibly selfish, so it comes as no surprise that he will play the victim card.
#OnlyInGotham - Another tumblr reference! I love the @hashtagonlyingotham blog! ( ^3^)
The Herold Rite's Theatre - A play on the word "Hierophant": Herold, like “herald (ruler/champion)” and Rites, like “sacred rites”. In the tarot, the Hierophant card represents following tradition and values, which for the Owls is their very core. This is basically a big ol' hint that Iman and John are heading into Owl territory, but also foreshadows the religious undercut of The Court and Reverend Sebastian Overfield's role.
"a familiar red-pyramid-and-floating-eyeball" [graffiti] - A reference to my icon! ;D You think I can't self-promo?
trading cards [found in theatre storage] - In the Theatre, John finds "old promotional trading cards for an old sci-fi film with big-brained aliens". This is a shameless and loving reference to Tim Burton's 1996 film Mars Attacks!, of which my AO3/tumblr icon and username is lifted - the movie was based on a series of Topps trading cards from the 1960's, and had it's own set of cards with movie scenes and behind-the-scenes pictures (and summaries of events) printed for the movie! They also used them as promotional tools, and if you get very lucky purchasing a copy of the old single-issue comic books from the 1995 Mars Attacks run from Image Comics, you can get a promo card.
https://bit.gt.gd/S3272019F?=RO - Originally "gd" stood for a derivative of Google Drive, but I can’t look at it and not see “get good”. The "S3272019F?" is meant to stand for "Started: March 27, 2019 Finished: ?". I can't believe I started uploading the story in March of 2019! Man, 2020 really messed with my sense of time…
Ch. 10: Tantara Bounces Off of Moonlit Walls
[chapter title] - "Tantara" is defined as "the blare of a trumpet or horn", as seen in the Judgement card, which stands for self-reflection as well as reckoning, and can indicate rebirth. There's of course another reference to the Moon card, for intuitions and the unconscious being. Then what are the "[Moonlit] Walls"? Well, they're the part of the only Major Arcana tarot card to represent a building - they are the walls of the Tower, symbolizing destruction and disaster. When all the cards' meanings are put all together, this alludes to a time of discovery among absolute disaster.
○ Expanded, the whole title is a reference to both forms of Judgement occurring – self-reflection and change are happening with Bruce and John as their mysteries and anxieties are finally put to rest: John is undergoing his final "rebirth", seeing his reality clearly in Arkham’s padded cell; Bruce seems to finally come to terms with working with Tiffany, as his fear of not being able to protect her comes through with her showing she's able take care of herself and prove she's a true asset to the team; and the Court of Owls finally comes to light, with Matt Chaney, the Talon Adam, and the Talon Sonja Townsend finally showing their real motivations.
○ We can also interpret the title as a reckoning coming for the Owls, who have long been obscuring the truth of their deeds and whose true motives have been murky. They've built their own tower of disaster with bricks of delusion, and judgement's horn is blaring a warning through their hallways…
"X-Sharp Manufacturing" - a reference to the 10 of Swords (hence the "sharp"), the tarot card for betrayal, backstabbing, and defeat. For Bruce, there is disaster here beyond his control that ends in a [temporary] defeat. For Roman Sionis, owner of the small factory as part of Janus Inc., he's unwittingly walked into his own betrayal.
"Merlin's Flower Arrangements" - Merlin, a famous wizard, is a reference to The Magician card, who defines “as above, so below”… And as John is taken to a secondary location, so is Bruce. :)
"La Luna Painting" - La Luna, aka The Moon; remember, shadows can play tricks on your eye, so something’s afoot here… Aka "HEY GUYS THIS TOTALLY ISN’T SUSPICIOUS OR ANYTHING NO SIR"
Yelsnia Theater - Yelsnia is…actually a name. But searching for it shows my true hint, as it's "Ainsley" backwards. "Ainsley" derives from Scottish words meaning “alone, solitary” or “hermitage”. This is a reference to the Hermit card – in this case, it's blatantly upside down, referring to loneliness, isolation, and a general disconnection with mankind. AKA, the path Matt is on.
"the looming pillar tower" [Arkham] - A blatant representation of The Tower. It stands for impending disaster and "an upheaval of a foundation of reality". Of course, this can be taken in two ways. 1) That John has overcome/avoided the disaster of another mental breakdown. 2) That John’s foundation of his delusions - that he’ll wake up in or get sent back to Arkham for his sickness - was wrong in a realistic sense, as he’s made serious progress in managing his emotional issues, and right in an unrealistic one, where the only way he could be sent back was through an outside force, i.e. the Owls.
10210475 [inmate number] - When separated for the numeric cipher, we get 10-21-4-7-5, or J-U-D-G-E
13051420 [inmate number] - When separated for the numeric cipher, we get 13-5-14-20, or M-E-N-T
○ When put together, the inmate numbers read "Judgement", the tarot card is shown here for John's choices and character arc on display throughout this chapter. When the card is reversed, it implies a lack of self-awareness, which we can also attribute to "the player's" choices for John if they make Bad Decisions. If you simply take the word "judgement" at face-value (without involving the tarot) it also works wonderfully, applying to John's entire situation as being a trial/judgement set by a higher force.
"The prince returned to the tower" dialogue [the prophetic cell mate] - Whether the person speaking is physical or not, John notes he can hear the scratching of pencil on paper within the cell, implying a person is writing their words down like a story… “The prince,” (John Doe, alias Joker, traditionally the ‘Clown Prince’ of Gotham) “having returned to the tower” (Arkham Asylum, the foundations of John's issues) “to reclaim his crown,” (assurance in himself and his reality; the completion of John's "self" with his final choices and becoming Vigilante!Joker for good) “trails after the fiend” (confronts the Talon Adam, alias Owl-man) “who's flying on wings of retribution” (core beliefs, perceived sense of justice). “The fiend’s wings are big, but the bones are brittle” (the Owl-man is imposing and persistent, but his physical "wings" are his weakness).
○ If you couple the Court of Owl's belief that G*d has written down the destinies of everyone in the world [as they are each born] with the knowledge that someone was writing down a short version of John's events at Arkham…hmmm.....
Room 11 [Iman's cell room] - The 11th card in the Major Arcana is "Justice". This can reference either 1) The just-desserts coming for Talon Adam/"The Owlman", or 2) The outcome of the player’s choice to take Iman with them or not.
11 minutes + 16 seconds [remaining time on bomb timer] - 11:16. 11/16, aka my birthday! :) I only wish I had finished Chapter 10 in time for the chapter's publishing year (2020), lol~
"Our Faith brings Perseverance, and Our Perseverance guides Justice, for Mercy to God." - The Court of Owls' beliefs circle around 3 principles bringing people closer to G*d: Faith, Perseverance, and Justice. Their belief hardens their persistence in their actions (as they are written and not guided by "Evil"), and their goals are ultimately to deliver justice where the human system failed and "Evil" prevailed in "escaping", hence the guiding of one principle to another. "Mercy to God" is what is granted by righting the injustices of the world; as G*d wrote your future down exactly, Evil can corrupt it, and once corrupted this does G*d a harmful injustice. The Court considers themselves close to G*d by "mercifully" stopping further corruption via eliminating "Evil" in all it's worldly forms…
Speaking of the 3 principles, our main Owls are meant to be "embodiments" of these in the story.
○ Talon Sonja Townsend represents Faith, driving home her belief in G*d's absolute destiny. She is corrupted by her own selfish goal of eliminating her son-in-law, but is also so by-the-book she does not think to look at the obvious double-standards of the Court, and doesn't think her underlying actions are guided by "Evil".
○ Talon Adam represents Perseverance, having fought Joker to unconsciousness, and was willing to blow up Arkham with himself still inside just to eliminate it; he is the most brainwashed, but the least corrupt in motivations, only striving to get what he feels is "justice". On the flip side of Adam is Talon Evan, who despite serious injury still appeared in Court and jumped at the chance to kill Joker and Batman, despite the Court's general appreciation of Batman; he is corrupt in personal selfishness, as he possesses no "real" faith in the Court's belief system and doesn't like others getting credit by stealing his targets.
§ ...it's also worth mentioning that the names for Adam and Evan are meant to be derivative of "Adam and Eve". In this way, it can also be seen as a parallel to The Lovers card, which one can attribute to Bruce and John. While Bruce + John are oddly harmonious and undeniably have a strong bond regardless of story paths, Adam + Evan are discontent rivals, with Adam "stealing" Evan's target and good graces with the Court, and Evan very pointedly beating up and kidnapping Batman (who Adam admires) to set up Batman's eventual Judgement.
○ Reverend Sebastian Overfield is the main representation of Justice, though he embodies all 3 principles. The Court’s belief is that their pursuit of justice – stopping Evil/chaos via deaths of criminals – overrides their own traditional sins. Because they are being helpful to G*d, granting Them mercy by righting the injustices of Evil and putting G*d’s Word back on the right path, they are in G*d’s favor. Therefore, as the leader of the Court and the one who organized everything by handing down "God's word", he is the carrier of Justice; without him, the Court would be nowhere and G*d would be shedding more tears over their ruined work…at least, in his mind. Naturally, he is the exact opposite of what justice should be. He is biased and unwavering in strict faith, as much a carrier of chaos as he doesn't want to be…
○ Of course, this is all also up to interpretation. One can interpret Adam as "justice", Evan as "perseverance", and Sebastian as the stand-in for "God", as he is the Court's ruler and is the sole person to hand down "the word of God".
"[…]if two people you normally count on for one reason or another" - Alfred made a subtle dig at John being Bruce's boy-toy. Ouch, Al'…
"[…]given it's your pet project, and all" - Even though Selina is talking about Arkham, she's making a dig at former-Arkham-resident John being Bruce's "pet", who in her eyes was Bruce's main reason for getting Arkham revitalized. :\ Man, everybody's picking on their relationship…
petrichor - The smell proceeding rain. Because it's not a climactic fight scene in Gotham city without rain.
Ch. 11: The Tolls of Justice
[chapter title] - Naturally referring to the Justice card of the tarot, this title is the same as the story title. Funnily enough, this is the 11th chapter, and the 11th card in the tarot deck. (I guarantee you I did not plan this bit… Funny how these things play out, ain't it?) The Justice card naturally stands for cause and effect, clarity, or truth; ultimately, it's a representation of karmic retribution, and what the Owls are in dire need of facing. The title overall is referring to both the [para]phrase "do not ask for whom the bell tolls, for it tolls for thee" (in the original context: a grievance over death for all out of love for community/mankind, not just one person) and the "toll" - as in cost or damage - of enacting justice. What Bruce has put himself through to become and keep being Batman, the enactor of vengeance for all those wronged in the city of Gotham, and what ultimately the Court of Owls has sacrificed - either wittingly or unwittingly - in the name of justice. It also extends to John, who for the sake of "justice" is routinely stuck in Arkham, in one way or another, and has never had a conceivably just or fair life at all - thus paying the unwilling toll opposing Bruce and the Owls. We can also extend it to Tiffany, who is making good on her work with Bruce to "pay her toll" for her own crime, with her toll being seen in a positive light as Robin, compared to what life sentence she might have been paying otherwise.
[the sword in the pulpit] - a symbolic reference to The Justice card, as the Justice card in the major arcana often depicts a sword, either alone or in someone's hand. This can also be interpreted as a reference to the Ace of Swords in the minor arcana, which is normally pointing upwards, referring to victory, truth, or ideas; when flipped, as it would be when looking at the initial depiction of the sword as a "cross", it stands for lies and confusion. The sword in the story itself is a symbol of justice, and uses snakes as the stand-in for the forces of Evil, which are destroyed by the owl making up the handle and supposedly wielding the blade.
"the skull peeking out of the knight’s helmet" [card in the box on Reverend's desk] - A very clear reference to the Death card, famous in the tarot deck. It signifies change, inevitable cycles, and new beginnings/directions. Depending on the reading, it can be interpreted as an actual death, but more often than not it’s merely showing of a life change. As this is the Reverend’s deck, it seems the last card he drew was Death… The viewer can interpret this as a reading from the Reverend into the Arkham plot, where Death is representing John’s own changes, the end of Talon Adam’s latest “cycle”, or the actual deaths that had occurred (no matter how many there are in the end). The viewer can also read this as the Reverend trying to find his own fate, the fate of Roman Sionis for his trial, or Batman’s fate. All of them are quite valid, but I feel the most accurate interpretation is that the Rev' was trying to read the future of the Court of Owls.
○ …as mentioned above, the Death card is the most overt reference to the Tarot. This way, if someone didn't piece together the weird chapter titles, the specified numbers and number-letter strings, and/or the odd names of people and places, they'd be able to double-back and see them as clues. They are put there purely as a storytelling clue for the audience. As you can tell, the tarot references increased with each chapter…almost like someone is trying to get your attention…
[the framed painting] - a reference to The High Priestess, aka card II of the tarot. This card is indicative of intuition and looking within, and can signal to mysteries at hand or a higher power at work. The pillars on the card are (hilariously enough) marked with a B and J, and are in black and white, respectively. They stand for Boaz (Strength) and Jachin (Establishment), and are meant to represent the duality of nature, good/evil, masculine/femine, etc. Naturally, both pillars are equal. In this depiction, it is both relating to “the player’s” own duality, with the ability to be flexible as Bruce and John and have both good and bad decisions play through the story, and as a strong hint to a higher power being present.
8-9-6-3 [candle puzzle] - It takes a bit to work out by sorting through the alphabetic values to each number, but it doesn’t make a complete word. On ye olde phone keypad, 1 is always null in value, so it’s always unlit in the candle sequence, and since there are 4 other numbers present we know it doesn’t count as part of the string. (If there were only 3, you could guess a year from your notes.) My idea for the “game” specs of this part would be that the key-code would be somewhat randomized, either using a specific year (if Tiffany and/or Iman are not present, this is *always* the case, as you have to utilize your background notes and the candles by yourself), a few translated letter combinations just for fun, or an occasional number-card type combo, as presented here. (In some lucky scenarios, “the player” doesn’t have to solve the candle puzzle, since Tiffany can figure out the year by herself and just call you over when she opens the door. You still have the option of looking around, though!) In this case, the values are another tarot-themed hint, using the card number first: 8-w-n-d, for the 8 of Wands, which alludes to quick actions. AKA “Get ready for quick-time events!!!”
"looking more like the king on the throne than a judge" - Meant to allude to The Emperor card, the ultimate royal symbol in the major arcana and always depicted with a king. Traditionally this symbolizes power, authority, control, etc., but when reversed it alludes to overbearingness, arrogance, and chaos. For the Owls, they would likely see themselves as the upright depictions, even when presented upside down before the person doing their reading… And here is no better example, with the Reverend Overfield taking place as the ultimate authority over the Court.
"like [Sonja] had a say in commanding the room" - Alluding to The Empress, in conjunction with Rev’s position, this card alludes to femininity, motherhood, nurturing, creativity, and/or abundance. When reversed, it stands for neglect, creative blocks, overbearing, and/or uncaring. Sonja is a good example of an overbearing mother, trying to make decisions for her child because she thinks she knows best - thus fits the reversed reading well.
[Courtroom layout] - How curious is it that I haven't referenced The Devil when we have so many opportunities? That's because I strove to show this card rather than reference it overtly. The Devil card depicts El Diablo in the upper middle, lording over the card, with two souls chained to him at the bottom. The classic depiction shows a female demon-like human on one side and a male demon-like human on the other. As such, Rev. Sebastian sits on the high bench as the judge, overlooking the courtroom, and Sonja and Evan sit beneath him, one embedded on each side of the lower bench, sitting before him rather than beside him. Naturally, The Devil card represents temptation, manipulation, and materialism (though not necessarily of physical things). There is nothing more suited to The Devil card than the Reverend Sebastian Overfield and the Talons.
Circe | Cindy Peterson - Circe was the original Black Mask's downfall, or at least serious decent into who would be Black Mask. In her origin, she was a model who seduced Roman and ended up being blamed for his poor business choices, as he completely revolved Janus Inc.'s new direction around her image, somewhat at her insistence. Roman seemed to love her, but grew vengeful when she dumped him. She was named Circe, after the witch who lured men to their doom. In this story, she plays a much less active role but ultimately still serves as Roman's downfall, though in a very different way. : she does seem to care about Roman, going so far as to hide him on her yacht, not rat him out for his overt gang activities, and even leave Gotham with him for good to run from Batman despite not being in a relationship with him for long. But Bruce is able to spin this to his advantage, openly lying that she was working for him undercover and twisting Roman's affection for her into paranoid doubt, which he eventually lashed out with and ended up being caught because of. Circe never got a ~proper~ name in the original canon, so I dubbed her Cindy. The name "Cindy" can be boiled down to “person from Kynthos” and since Circe is Greek… Well, it fits well enough!
"[…]waltzing into the danger-zone without his wingman" - It’s Top Gun's “You can be my wingman anytime”, but with ALL the homoerotic implications!
"the Degnah Club" - The Degnah Club can be inferred to be one of Roman Sionis’ clubs, or just one his False-Face Society visited on occasion, but the event that happened there is implied to have taken place before the start of the story. “Degnah” when written backwards is “hanged”, referencing the Hanged Man card. When upright, this card means sacrifice and selfless acts. When reversed, as very much implied here, it’s an unnecessary sacrifice. This is both a play on what Roman’s implying – which is likely a very violent event – being an “unnecessary sacrifice” as part of Matt Chaney’s greater scheme for the Court of Owls, and as an allusion to Matt’s fate, where his morals/good choices/old law-abiding life were thrown away for an inevitably failed pursuit.
"[Tiffany | Robin's] personal count of 13" - The 13th card in the tarot is Death, bringer of change and ender of cycles. It’s also a traditionally unlucky number. This number is the “body-count” of Tiffany’s run through the Court so far. Does it reference the end of the Court's latest cycle, or something else…?
Accompanying the Tarot, as mentioned earlier I also tied in other fortune-telling methods, with the counting of crows and reference to the zodiacal horoscope. I also threw in allusions to luck, with The Lucky Hotel and The Lot (in both name and the fact that it's a casino). This is all tied entirely around the concept of fate and being able to change it with the choices you have made or currently make as "the player". Luck itself has nothing to do with your choices and the fates you guide Bruce and John to, and it's not something "the player" can control - it's an illusion, with things seemingly lucky for our heroes having already been written in on purpose to lead to the next event. It's essentially a long, drawn-out joke.
Talons/Reverend's Owl Masks - I wanted the Talons to be set apart from the rest of the Court and have special owl faces. The Court's owl masks are as follows:
○ Talon Adam - Great Horned Owl; chosen for the owl's large size and hunting ability, as well as the protruding "horn" feathers mimicking Batman's cowl. This is the most common owl used in media. The "horns" are meant to clue the reader into the culprit early on. Adam's a Batman-fan, so he mimicked Bats' style.
○ Talon Sonja - Snowy Owl; chosen for the owl's fairly elegant feather pattern and Sonja's ~colder~ personality. Sonja had a masquerade one to show her "humane" side to prospective Owls, but always wears a full-faced mask for the rest of the Court.
○ Talon Evan - Barn Owl; chosen for it's ghost-like face and screeching call, and it's hunting skills. They sometimes are seen as bad omens. While Adam was a mysterious stalker, Evan is overtly dangerous upon appearance, in no due part to his temper.
○ Reverend Sebastian Overfield - Eastern Screech Owl; this owl is smaller than the other, but has similar "horn" feathers to the Great Horned, and a gray face. The "horns" are meant to be another a mirror to Batman, but can be considered another allusion to The Devil. It isn't the largest or flashiest owl of the bunch, but Sebastian has the most power of all the Court members.
[The "Justice" bell-toll] - traditionally, a church bell tolls to signify someone passing into death. In the Court/Church of Mercy's case, they use a bell rung at midnight to signify a complete "trial" and a carry-out of their own brand of "justice"…which also culminates in death. The "trial" shown in this chapter is a rarity, as the offenders are actually present to get a talking-to before their sentencing - generally, the Church will hold a mock-trial to decide the fates of the perpetrators…after some previous counseling with Talons and select older members. (Think of the Trial like a ceremonial conference for the majority of the time.)
Chapter 12: Ten Cheers to the World!
[title] - The act of cheering, aka toasting, is to raise a cup and drink towards someone or something in celebration or tribute. Here, it's referring to the tarot's Ten (X) of Cups, which is pretty much the best card you could pull in a reading - when upright, as it is here, it means celebration, fulfillment, and happiness! The World card is the final card in the Major Arcana, encapsulating completion, accomplishment, and harmony, all from inner and outer sources. It might seem redundant at first, but the Cups suite in the Minor Arcana is all in regards to emotions, relationships, and love; in comparison, the Major Arcana represents a journey from innocence and ignorance to wisdom and completion. So you have an emotional celebration with fulfilling relationships, and the story's path marked as complete in both a literal and figurative sense.
"An accident at Ace Chemicals" [Iman & John's convo] - Referencing the majority of Joker origins, wherein pre-Joker fell into the vat of chemicals at Ace Chemicals and survived, leading to a psychotic breakdown due to his changed appearance and/or the circumstances around to what led him to Ace Chemicals in the first place.
"the string of deaths in the Velestra mafia" [Iman & John's convo] - a ref to the former mafia/main antagonists in Batman: Mask of the Phantom that kept getting killed off one by one by the Phantom. Whether The Phantom exists in this world…we'll have to wait and see, I guess!
"an unrecoverable ‘data loss’ at the Agency" [Iman & John's convo] - not a reference to canon, but my own theory on a potential background for John being a former Agent…(see further below)
"Et tu, Peeps?" - a riff on "Et tu, Brute?", Julius Ceasar's last words as he was betrayed and stabbed to death.
"Maybe I was someone in the wrong place at the wrong time" / "someone at the right place at the wrong time" [John monologue] - Another reference to the most popular background choice, the Ace Chemical origin story, and it’s variations. Though probably lacking Batsy’s involvement, considering the timeframe…
"Maybe I was some experiment gone wrong" [John monologue] - A reference to a different author's Season 3 replacement fanfic, where John ended up being a genetically modified human/test tube baby. Unfortunately the work got deleted from Ao3??? And my bookmark is gone, so I can't name the fic… But I still remember you, Unknown Author!!! It was a fun story and I've never forgotten that twist!!!! \( >o< )/
"Maybe I was even an Agent, like you" [John monologue] - My own little theory as to why the Agency was so keen on getting him for the Suicide Squad – and why he was considered a dangerous part of the gang despite not doing too much of interest in Season 1 (even if you consider the theory that he was helping Lady Arkham get her chemicals/drugs) – was that he was part of the Agency somehow. Either an agent who screwed up on the job, a rogue agent that escaped death via Agency trap…or maybe a guy who knew too much! But it's a fun, fresh idea to bring to Joker's multi-choice past, right? (( ;w;)) <(please say yes)
hippocampus - The region(s) of the brain that primarily deals with memory.
[the photo] - I wanted to leave it up to the reader/"player" to decide what kind of pre-Arkham past the TellTale!Joker has… So whether you think the picture Iman has is a "real" photo of him or not is entirely up to you.
"[…]'you're the moon to my sun'" [John, 'paraphrasing' Bruce] - In Tarot terms, this is a reference to the Sun card, representing joy, success, and masculinity, as well as another reference to the Moon card. One can also interpret the Sun card as "success in overcoming your obstacles or fears". As the Moon card can represent inner fears and femininity, it's a fitting opposite for interpreting this romantic line. While Bruce doesn't exactly embody the "positivity" and "joy" that this card represents, he brings that feeling into John's life, and Bruce is more traditionally masculine in contrast to John. This is also an overt use of the phrase "[they're] the moon to their sun" - a romantic notion that one person, though the opposite to the other, is completely complementary, like a One True Love. TeamFourStar's playthrough of TellTale Batman: The Enemy Within had not one, but TWO mentions of the "moon to [their] sun" line, the second of which was referring to John and Bruce. This one's for you, fellas!!! ( ^3^)
○ Funnily enough, The Moon is a very broadly interpreted card. Sometimes it's not a good card to have because deception, manipulation, illusion, and mystery/confusion are all potentially at work in your life. Sometimes it's an excellent card, because it tells you examine your feelings to resolve a problem, or tells you that you aren't seeing the whole picture. The reversed of the card is often attributed to avoidance of one's problems and further confusion, but also clarity, truth, and the full view of what's going on. If John is the embodiment of The Moon in the upright position, then I say Bruce is that of the Reversed Moon…
"[…] two lovers against the world" - Another classic romantic phrase that can be turned into a Tarot reference. The original phrase is meaning two romantic partners are pitted against "the world"/external forces that threaten to tear them apart, but they are committed to each other regardless. You can't really pit cards against each other in a reading, but you can read Past-Present-Future. In which case, in story terms, The Fool is always the Past, The Lovers is the Present here, and The World is the Future. As mentioned earlier, The World represents harmony and completion - if reversed, it would mean incompletion and chaos. The Lovers card is representing a strong union being forged between two people, very often romantic in terms of the Tarot. The meaning is usually attributed to decisions in a relationship being made (whether to start a new one, or to deepen the one you have), but it can also represent people outright, as well as an indication that a new partnership/relationship is on the way. When reversed, Lovers represents disharmony, imbalance, or a loss of relationship. In our story, of course, our two lovers are representing the upright reading of the card in the Present, showing as a strong couple. As it's "against", it implies that The World is something that will be a challenge, so it's likely Reversed. Which is a pretty good representation of Gotham in general, isn't it? lol~
○ The Lovers can also be seen symbolically in chapters 8 and 9, when Bruce and John are laying opposite each other and linking pinkies/holding hands at the hotel. :)
○ John uses the romantic line regardless of whether he's a vigilante or not! If you didn't get the Best Ending, aka our Sleepover Ending, Bruce would wind up back in the parlor with John as usual, and once the rest of the fam are gone (if they were there at all), he uses it to describe themselves. In the villain route, Bruce and John converse in the Batmobile on the way back to Arkham, and John uses the line there, too. ;3c
○ Naturally, you don't really get this complete scene if "your" Bruce is with Selina in the vigilante route.
Ending Type - …it's not a tarot reference or anything specific. I just wanted to let you know that you can ONLY get the Sleepover Ending if you have Tiffany and John in Bruce's party on good terms with each other AND with Bruce.
○ You can drive Tiffy away from Bruce by saying she shouldn't be with them at the Court Battle, but also by generally not believing in her/being mean and giving a neutral reaction to her staying during Battle; she won't go back to the cave with Bruce, so you don't get a chance to speak to her directly afterwards as either character. (John can still have his conversation with her via text, and they can still end on the same terms.)
○ If you don't have vigilante!John, there's no one else to help lift the things, so Tiffy's idea is never brought up.
○ John is always simping desperate for Bruce's attention, so even if you don't treat him as well in a platonic relationship, he'll still be there for this Ending type. ;_;
○ If you have a Romanced!Selina in your party, Selina will join you in both Court Battle and the Ending as seen in this story. It'll either cause her to take Iman's place (if she is not present) or to have extra spot suddenly appear above the rest of the group. Like Tiffy, she overheats and needs more space too cool off.
§ You can also talk to her as John, and sort of makeup/say your part of the team now. (But John will still be somewhat jealous of the attention she gets.)
§ John doesn't get the emotional hug with Bruce if Selina is around - especially since she doesn't temporarily leave with Tiffany and Iman - but the conversation is almost the same.
§ Naturally you can talk to her as Bruce, too. I don't think on her options too much, but they'll likely talk about change and what it means to have this "job" and internalizing too much of their emotions/themselves.
§ If you and Selina are only friends, Selina can join you in the Court Battle, but will text you instead of sticking around.
1:06 A.M & [Clock time on Belltower in Chapter 11] - Bruce's sense of time is off, which is why he's surprised it's after 1AM and not closer to 2AM. (Can't blame him, he was unconscious for a while and a whole bunch of stuff happened.) I figured if Bruce broke out of his kidnapping ropes at 10PM sharp, and drove all the way to the GCPD, that's about 20-30 minutes in his supercharged car, if not a little less, plus with 5 minutes to escape proper. If we think GCPD is sort of a halfway point to Old Gotham/The Coventry district, it's another 15 minutes to there. So he'd arrive at the Church of Mercy before 11PM, and wait John for around another 10-15 minutes, including with all the investigating inside. The "trial" scene probably took another 10 minutes until Batman crashed it, and fight scenes seem long because of all the action going on, but by the time Bruce and co' leave, it's not 12AM yet. The bell-tower in the Church of Mercy is actually off by about 20 minutes… And what do you know, card XX (20) of the tarot's Major Arcana is Judgement, alluding to karma at work! It can also be attributed to a life change. ;D
"11:43:20PM" - this wasn't deliberately meant to allude to anything. It took the batfam about 2 minutes from the last toll to leave the church. Bells' tolling speed is varying between clocks and towers, but you can estimate about 30-45 seconds for a full twelve. If it rang at 11:40 exactly, then…ugh, this is sounding like math homework.
[Still a WIP, so will be updated after it's uploaded! Shouldn't have much, though! Saay, isn't there a Major Arcana card missing? (9v9) I wonder what that iiiiis~]
So that was [just about] all of them! I had a lot of fun weaving them throughout the story this time, especially with the story's themes! AtBoM didn't have as nearly as many, so they weren't really worth mentioning before.
I hope this was helpful to those of you who were interested in diving beneath the surface of BtTTS: TToJ~!
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coffee-lover-666 · 3 years
Learning New Things
[April 25, 2021]
I decided to start doing some research on ASD.
I found out self-diagnosing is acceptable in most communities when involving ASD.
I’m a little confused on that, but kept reading and it also gives information on where to go and who to tell when you do get a diagnosis from a licensed person.
I’m going to do more research on all of this.
I’m also scared to get a legit diagnosis as what will I tell my mother?
I don’t have to tell her, I know. However, I feel she should know the reason I don’t like being touched even if it’s just so she has support as she can’t walk too well so she uses me sometimes to balance.
I always squirm or make noises like I’m disgusted by the touch which I am. I’m absolutely repelled by most touch. I say most as it’s not all; I can hug, only sometimes hold hands, only a few times can somebody tap my shoulder I would prefer a tap a tad lower on my arm like slightly below my shoulder.
I know I definitely need to tell my fiancee once I do decide to get an actual diagnosis, she follows me here but I want her to know first as well as my best friend, Trevor. Those two are the first to know as I will need a lot of support when I decide to go to my mother about it.
I asked her about it before, if I was ever tested for ASD or even ADHD and she said no there was no need? If I look back at my childhood there was a lot of need for it. I don’t understand.
I’m scared if I go through with getting diagnosed, that she won’t accept it, this was my fear when she found out I was a lesbian. She probably will listen and accept it?
I just feel she’ll be angry for not discussing it through with her but she’ll try to just talk me out of getting diagnosed. It won’t be because she doesn’t want an Autistic child but more along the lines of she won’t understand why I NEED the diagnosis.
I need this for me, I used to be scared not understanding things or knowing things people my age know, though since I’ve now self-diagnosed so far multiple times myself with ASD I’m no longer scared anymore.
I’m not scared and freaking out over why I can’t understand something, or why I don’t know something that I should know as everyone younger or my age knows. 
Getting diagnosed I can also get help with a lot of things, such as not knowing some things, or understanding some things.
My job probably won’t be told, unless I absolutely have to. I may go to my hiring manager about it, maybe. I feel like my job should know or at least management and other higher ups incase something happens. With that knowledge they can act accordingly and understand why I do things a certain way. 
I’ll figure all this out over time, right now I’m searching up places dedicated for Autistic adults, so that I can start my journey on getting diagnosed.
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eddiestattoos · 3 years
Holy crap I'm almost done
"How was your day?" "that depends. What day is it?"
"If you mean old as hell yes it is"
Oh boy both versions of Clark on the same earth
Or.... not
How dare they do earth 2 Ollie like that
"You're kinda cute when you squirm"
"What have you been watching a little bit too much BBC lately?"
What the hell happened to the E2 farm?
Just putting this out there. Emil is underrated (even when I don't really know his general reception)
E2 Clark really went and bought Tess a whole outfit
Wait so E2 Ollie took over Smallville? Huh. Rude
It's a nice outfit anyway
"Your country crush"
"This is nothing but a cold music box without the music don't kid yourself"
"I don't know what your definition of romance is but mine is not staring face to face with the threat of having my neck snapped in half"
"We need to make sure there is nothing handsome pr heroic about Clark Kent"
*looks to guy fumbling a map around* "you need to be like that
So this is how future Clark ended up so dorky lol
"The real you can burn holes through buildings with one look and lift a freight train with one finger. Get over it" Lois Lane the queen of the pep talk
Booster has such a strange vibe. Not good or bad, just odd
I miss Oliver
Imagine if oliver were to meet booster I would lose it
"Either one I don't really have a bad side guys"
"I'm not interested in you goldilocks"
"Cat Grant. Like nails on a chalkboard"
"They all know all different Clark wouldn't be sending me roses, he's allergic to them remember?"
Clark: "booster" Lois: "ew" (tosses flowers)
Can I just say Clark looks very dapper in this suit
"I had a milkshake on the way in" oof dorky Clark this is awkward lol
"Will you be thanking anyone sir?" "Me. And maybe my mom. People love that sentimental stuff. And it's always a hit with the ladies"
Oh good lord Cat please stop
Holy crap he has a legion ring
"They're really good friends of mine. Actually they're more like acquaintances" look this guy has a hefty ego but he's kinda funny
"You're talking to the single greatest hero of the 25th century"
"I will zap you to honeybee heaven"
"The blur sounds like a roller coaster"
"You gotta brand it baby"
*busts all the buttons on his shirt*
"Let me move this thing a lot faster, I can unpack this thing in like 2 seconds"
"I come back willing to risk life and limb with you in the phantom zone and I get not so much as a welcome back?"
I love the Ollie getting involved with Kryptonian affairs eps so I'm ready for this
"Clark you'll be powerless there. Oliver has more experience with that"
Oliver jumping in last second
"If I had known about the long drop in I would have brought some repelling equipment"
"Where I'm from people just hang a wreath"
"When you said jor el built a prison, I kinda pictured something a little more confined than a national park"
"Seems like a real sweetheart"
"I thought this was just a clever name for jail"
Directed by Justin Hartley!
"My entire world just traveled headfirst into a world that makes hell look like the Taj Mahal"
Oh my boys are beautiful
Even Zod still looks decent
Healing Zod with his blood really has come back to triple bite Clark in the ass
Lol Zod is really comparing himself and Clark to Cain and Abel
Oliver guiding Clark though the fight!
Ok I'm not saying I want Clark to be a murderer... but, I kinda am
"I think we have a better chance of surviving your dad's desert than Zod's thunderdome"
OH (Lois just grabbed the gun)
"If you release your pet monkeys here I'd be more than willing to give the wicked witch a personal demonstration"
"You'll be cast aside, out of his good graces" Zod honey you were in Clark's good graces for all of 15 seconds. And he was on red k
Yes because Oliver Queen is your brother Zod. Absolutely
Ollie's not wearing a wedding ring and I'm offended
Ok it was obvious from the start Ollie and Clark would have to face off
Getting kind of tired of these slow mo blood pouring out of the mouth shot smallville seems to be obsessed with
"In terms of crippling wounds I've had worse"
"At least we took care of Zod. Can't say I'll be missing that guy"
3? Weeks? Damn phantom zone
Me: *sees Oliver in a dark dungeon esque vibe of a place* Oliver what the hell are you doing? Oliver? Oliver?!
"I knew you were coming, sneaking up on me is just showing off"
I refuse to believe Oliver will be overcome by this bitch
Darkseid infected a statue? Seems very not legit
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crystu-cii · 4 years
XDD YESSS-- YEAH FOR FREE-- we weren't even gonna GET a pet in japan but they found a post about her and were like "...okay fine" and she is so sweet 💕💞❤️💖💞💕💞 oms XDD mood-- oh so what you're saying is you should get a dog with the same color hair as you so you can't tell the difference? XD you'd have no problem with a little extra shed fur-- w h e eze true some people hate loud animals-- I don't, but I do have sensitive ears, which I.. did not take into account when getting a pet ;w;; good luck with getting a pet in the future!!! Again.. I recommend doggos--
XDDD it is SO TASTY-- it's got sweet potato mashed and mixed with brown sugar, with more brown sugar and pecans over the top, then marshmallows on top of those :3c
WOWWW HOW-- THAT'S INSANEEEE-- DAMN THAT'S SOME ROTTEN LUCK-- yeah school budgets? What's that XD yeesh tho that's some awful luck crys-
It is SO AWESOME-- But cRYsSssSSs Portal 2 has a co-op mode!!! And the puzzles aren't too hard-- you even have an in-game polite guide!!! Also I saw a thing today saying "so we obviously can't please EVERYone with a game but I gotta tell you I ain't ever seen a mfer complain about Portal!" WHICH IS SO TRUE LIKE EVERYONE LOVES PORTAL--
Yesss!!!! YEAAAA GLADOS SAYS TRANS AND ENBY PEOPLE ROCK AND ARE VALID!!!!!! I'd like you to know, when I initially discovered it, I had been trying to fall asleep and Couldn't so my mind was wandering, and I was like "....is there a Glados says trans rights thing on the internet?" and I was gonna do it in the morning but I couldn't sleep anyways so I just. Looked it up. At like 2am. Because it was That Important that I couldn't sleep until I looked it up(and then I fell asleep pretty fast, so.. hm--) XDDD
Wellllll what are we supposed to do? Just move it to our dms? gestures vaguely to the length of theses posts You think discord can handle this?? It couldn't even handle me rambling about the cores with it's cowardly 2k character limit! /lh
aawhhh 😭💞💞💕💞💞
and PFTT that would be a lot more chaotic XDD literally right after i vaccum my floor in my room there many strands back on the floor anyway- gosh i have no clue whats up with my hair ;0;; and yeahh- my friend who used to be my neighbor had birds and they would ALWAYS make sound and im like "oh man-" xDD and the BIRDS WERENT EVEN FRIENDLY like- i was there when they first got the birds arrived to them and i was expecting the birbs to be nice but they legit repel from human contact- whenever i would stick my finger in the cage they would hang on the the opposite side of the cage xD so far i imagine they just let them live and dont interact with them at all- doesnt really sound fun to be honest ;w;;
and OOOO MAN that sounds so awesome :0 ooO i should also say how my dinner went yesterday, since it was kinda our belated thanksgiving- we got take out from a chinese restaurant! might sound a little sad that we didnt cook anything- but take out is a very common thing in our family xD and i FINALLY GOT MY CHEESECAKE I DESIRED YAAAAASSSS- and my bro also got cookies! (they were from a high quality place as well) and one of the flavors was pumpkin pie (the cookie even looked like a pie!) and i was happy cause that shall replace the actual pumpkin pie i also wanted xD and it was GOOD?? LIKE MOM- PUMPKIN PIE ISNT BAD xD so that was my night!
and LEGITTTT LIKE- oh my god i can LITERALLY go on and on about how horrible that year was from my previous year- and THEN THERES COVID TO TOP IT ALLLL OFF UGHHHHWUFOAJ
and WHHH IT DOES?? I thought that was a seperate game :OO and oHHH that sounds cool! and BAHHA- fACTSSS xDD and omggg i feel that- i would always search up random things of a fandom and see if they exist or not XDD IM SO GLAD A "TRANS RIGHTS" GLADOS EXISTS XDD i also actually do have a Portal instagram folder where i save portal related posts- OKAY AT THE MOMENT I AM WRITING THIS SENTENCE i looked back wt the folder (its the last one out of all my folders because i havent saved any posts in it for a LONG time) and there arent many posts as there are with my other franchise folders- BUT LITERALLY (ALMOST) ALL THE POSTS ARE WHEATLEY AND IM LIKE PFPFNTKAHFIANJD there were also some chell x human!wheatley there because the way people drew those two were in a very cute art style so i liked it- i hope me liking the ship doesnt sound too weird though- xD ;w;; bUt THATS my experience of being in the portal fandom(?) XDD
and oh yeaH YOURE RIGHT- i keep forgetting that discord has a character limit but at the same time it always gets me- whenever im trying to show my friends a fanfic i wrote discord is all like "IMMA STOP YOU RIGHT THERE" and its shitty- my friends dont even comment on my fanfics anyway- xDD
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artwork by badmotorartist on instagram; do not repost without her permission
the mirror never lies | chapter four: that night in sweden
Joey’s point of view
When I was a rascal growing up in upstate New York, I legit lost count how many times my aunt would refer to me as “sassy”, and I am, too. I am Mr. Sassafras… among other things. And I always wondered what she meant by that, too, like maybe I'm a saucy boy underneath this dark exterior and I need my ass slapped or something. I dunno.
Maybe Jessica saw that. Maybe it's more apparent to me than I had originally believed.
Who the hell knows.
But God, she was so adorable, though. It was like looking at myself, looking into my own eyes in a mirror or the reflection in Lake Ontario. I've been told my accent could knock a chick out but that one… I would kiss that Welsh accent if I could.
So, we're in this cramped little van here courtesy of the guys from Nuclear Assault and Metal Church. I know the each of us would be more than happy to trek down the spine of Scandinavia in a bus like Metallica, but it's better than being out in the cold.
I hadn't eaten much in the past few days because of the sheer lack of food around us and also because I just don't feel like it. I'm not feeling up for it. That girl in Wales used me not once but twice. That's just how it's going to be and how it always will be for me. Whatever.
It's starting to hurt a bit, even with my hands placed on my belly—I'm looking down at myself, at my slender legs and my even slimmer waist and wondering if anything good will come out of this. Even with as skinny as I am, I can't help but feel like there's too much here. I came on too strong for her—it's all my fault and I should've known.
Too much. Just too much. Just too fuckin' much.
Too much flesh here. Maybe if I quit eating altogether, I won't be as much. I won't be so damn sassy. If that's what's going to repel girls from me, alright. I'll do something about it.
I'll do something about it even if it means feeling uncomfortable for a time. I'll adjust. I'll get by.
But God, those Swedish meatballs back at the hotel smelled so good. They looked so smooth and lush. I should've eaten a bunch of 'em before we left. A bunch of those with a bunch of those princess cakes.
Mr. Sassy, Mr. Hockey Player, always hungry.
Oh well.
Just cuddle up here behind the passenger seat nestled right in between Frankie and Danny with my arms folded over my stomach to ease the cavernous feeling within me and go the fuck to sleep. I still have my boots on even upon falling asleep. I'm thinking of taking off my jacket because it's kinda warm back here, but—
Huh wha? Fuck! FUCK!
Oh, fuck—what the hell was that? What happened?
It's totally dark. We're stopped on the side of the road. Everything is loud. Someone broke a window?
Frankie says something to me and he sounds like he's down a sewer pipe.
“Joey? Joey? Joey, are you alright?” His voice is all echo-y.
“Joey?” My eyes adjust and his face comes into shape.
“Frankie—” I say to him and he sighs with relief. I can see the mortified look on his face even in the darkness. I hear Charlie breathing hard. I rub my eyes to make sure I'm not dreaming. It's dark and loud in here. I look over at Danny and he's running his fingers through his feathery hair.
The five of us climb out of the back of the van and into the bitter cold. For a moment, I sorta forgot where we were, and then I look up to the sky and I see the northern lights.
Neon green and dead silent.
Our driver says we hit a patch of ice and to keep ourselves from rolling over we hydroplaned off into a ditch: yeah, Danny and I both made the mistake of stepping into the snow bank here. I might be wearing boots but they're not the best kinda boots to be runnin' around in snow, though.
But even as I'm shaking off the snow, something catches my eye. I look up to find Scott, Charlie, and Frankie staring down the road behind us. I follow their gaze to the sight of Metallica's big bus laying on the other side of the road, laying there on its side.
I've got a bad feeling about this, especially with James running like his ass is on fire into the darkness. What is he doing?
Oh, wait, here comes Kirk.
“Wait a minute, man, slow down,” Scott tells him. “Back up, back up—”
There's a pit in my stomach.
“Wait, where's Lars?” Charlie asks him.
I didn't hear him, but I did hear Danny say “call 911.”
I'm stunned. Speechless.
I was just getting to know Metallica, too.
I look over at Frankie as he's falling to the ground on his knees with his hands up to his mouth. Scott's got his hands upon his head. Charlie has a blank look on his face.
It's everything I need to know.
Kirk is literally crying—crying actual tears as he and Danny are calling the medics. I've got to do something.
I just have the aurora borealis overhead and the broken hazard lights guiding my way across the pavement. I round the back end of the bus to find Lars sitting there in the snow bank with no pants on. There's something in front of him—
Oh, shit.
God damn.
Oh. OH.
I clasp a hand to my mouth. I want to puke but there's nothing in me, though. Lars turns his head towards me.
“Hey,” he says to me in a soft voice. I look at his green eyes, lit up by the hazard lights of the bus, but there's no life to them. I lower my hand. I don't know what to say to him, except for, “are—are you alright?”
He doesn't reply. I look over my shoulder. No one coming our way.
I nibble on my bottom lip. He's sitting there by himself. I've come this far, I have to do more than this.
The sight of Cliff's lifeless legs from underneath the bus is making my stomach writhe, but I take my seat there in the snow right next to Lars.
So he's not alone. Just so he's not lonely. Just so I'm not lonely, either.
I have my arms around my waist and he looks over at me, still with that blank expression on his face.
“How about you, are you alright?”
“Really hungry,” I confess.
“I wish I could help you guys. I really do.” His voice is broken and distant. I can very easily say he's going to get frostbite from sitting there in the snow, but the blank look on his face tells a different story.
“Well—I just haven't been eating,” I admit to him.
“Why is that?” he asks me in a low voice.
“I'd rather starve than let my band mates go hungry.” I'm totally bullshitting that, but there is in fact some truth to it. I want to belong here with them, and I'd rather let myself go to waste than see them fall flat on their fucking faces.
The blinking hazard light to my left is enough to let me look into those eyes and the sympathetic look on his face.
The hunger in my stomach is starting to eat at me, perhaps more so than the snow underneath me. It's cold out here, colder than anything I had ever felt in my life—and when we were in California last summer, I was freezing my ass off. California in the summertime!
I hear Frankie say something about not getting the chance to say goodbye to Cliff and all I can think is...
dude, nobody knew this would happen.
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josiebelladonna · 4 years
the mirror never lies | chapter four | that night in sweden (joey’s point of view)
When I was a rascal growing up in upstate New York, I legit lost count how many times my aunt would refer to me as “sassy”, and I am, too. I am Mr. Sassafras… among other things. And I always wondered what she meant by that, too, like maybe I'm a saucy boy underneath this dark exterior and I need my ass slapped or something. I dunno.
Maybe Jessica saw that. Maybe it's more apparent to me than I had originally believed.
Who the hell knows.
But God, she was so adorable, though. It was like looking at myself, looking into my own eyes in a mirror or the reflection in Lake Ontario. I've been told my accent could knock a chick out but that one… I would kiss that Welsh accent if I could.
So, we're in this cramped little van here courtesy of the guys from Nuclear Assault and Metal Church. I know the each of us would be more than happy to trek down the spine of Scandinavia in a bus like Metallica, but it's better than being out in the cold.
I hadn't eaten much in the past few days because of the sheer lack of food around us and also because I just don't feel like it. I'm not feeling up for it. That girl in Wales used me not once but twice. That's just how it's going to be and how it always will be for me. Whatever.
It's starting to hurt a bit, even with my hands placed on my belly—I'm looking down at myself, at my slender legs and my even slimmer waist and wondering if anything good will come out of this. Even with as skinny as I am, I can't help but feel like there's too much here. I came on too strong for her—it's all my fault and I should've known.
Too much. Just too much. Just too fuckin' much.
Too much flesh here. Maybe if I quit eating altogether, I won't be as much. I won't be so damn sassy. If that's what's going to repel girls from me, alright. I'll do something about it.
I'll do something about it even if it means feeling uncomfortable for a time. I'll adjust. I'll get by.
But God, those Swedish meatballs back at the hotel smelled so good. They looked so smooth and lush. I should've eaten a bunch of 'em before we left. A bunch of those with a bunch of those princess cakes.
Mr. Sassy, Mr. Hockey Player, always hungry.
Oh well.
Just cuddle up here behind the passenger seat nestled right in between Frankie and Danny with my arms folded over my stomach to ease the cavernous feeling within me and go the fuck to sleep. I still have my boots on even upon falling asleep. I'm thinking of taking off my jacket because it's kinda warm back here, but—
Huh wha? Fuck! FUCK!
Oh, fuck—what the hell was that? What happened?
It's totally dark. We're stopped on the side of the road. Everything is loud. Someone broke a window?
Frankie says something to me and he sounds like he's down a sewer pipe.
“Joey? Joey? Joey, are you alright?” His voice is all echo-y.
“Joey?” My eyes adjust and his face comes into shape.
“Frankie—” I say to him and he sighs with relief. I can see the mortified look on his face even in the darkness. I hear Charlie breathing hard. I rub my eyes to make sure I'm not dreaming. It's dark and loud in here. I look over at Danny and he's running his fingers through his feathery hair.
The five of us climb out of the back of the van and into the bitter cold. For a moment, I sorta forgot where we were, and then I look up to the sky and I see the northern lights.
Neon green and dead silent.
Our driver says we hit a patch of ice and to keep ourselves from rolling over we hydroplaned off into a ditch: yeah, Danny and I both made the mistake of stepping into the snow bank here. I might be wearing boots but they're not the best kinda boots to be runnin' around in snow, though.
But even as I'm shaking off the snow, something catches my eye. I look up to find Scott, Charlie, and Frankie staring down the road behind us. I follow their gaze to the sight of Metallica's big bus laying on the other side of the road, laying there on its side.
I've got a bad feeling about this, especially with James running like his ass is on fire into the darkness. What is he doing?
Oh, wait, here comes Kirk.
“Wait a minute, man, slow down,” Scott tells him. “Back up, back up—”
There's a pit in my stomach.
“Wait, where's Lars?” Charlie asks him.
I didn't hear him, but I did hear Danny say “call 911.”
I'm stunned. Speechless.
I was just getting to know Metallica, too.
I look over at Frankie as he's falling to the ground on his knees with his hands up to his mouth. Scott's got his hands upon his head. Charlie has a blank look on his face.
It's everything I need to know.
Kirk is literally crying—crying actual tears as he and Danny are calling the medics. I've got to do something.
I just have the aurora borealis overhead and the broken hazard lights guiding my way across the pavement. I round the back end of the bus to find Lars sitting there in the snow bank with no pants on. There's something in front of him—
Oh, shit.
God damn.
Oh. OH.
I clasp a hand to my mouth. I want to puke but there's nothing in me, though. Lars turns his head towards me.
“Hey,” he says to me in a soft voice. I look at his green eyes, lit up by the hazard lights of the bus, but there's no life to them. I lower my hand. I don't know what to say to him, except for, “are—are you alright?”
He doesn't reply. I look over my shoulder. No one coming our way.
I nibble on my bottom lip. He's sitting there by himself. I've come this far, I have to do more than this.
The sight of Cliff's lifeless legs from underneath the bus is making my stomach writhe, but I take my seat there in the snow right next to Lars.
So he's not alone. Just so he's not lonely. Just so I'm not lonely, either.
I have my arms around my waist and he looks over at me, still with that blank expression on his face.
“How about you, are you alright?”
“Really hungry,” I confess.
“I wish I could help you guys. I really do.” His voice is broken and distant. I can very easily say he's going to get frostbite from sitting there in the snow, but the blank look on his face tells a different story.
“Well—I just haven't been eating,” I admit to him.
“Why is that?” he asks me in a low voice.
“I'd rather starve than let my band mates go hungry.” I'm totally bullshitting that, but there is in fact some truth to it. I want to belong here with them, and I'd rather let myself go to waste than see them fall flat on their fucking faces.
The blinking hazard light to my left is enough to let me look into those eyes and the sympathetic look on his face.
The hunger in my stomach is starting to eat at me, perhaps more so than the snow underneath me. It's cold out here, colder than anything I had ever felt in my life—and when we were in California last summer, I was freezing my ass off. California in the summertime!
I hear Frankie say something about not getting the chance to say goodbye to Cliff and all I can think is...
dude, nobody knew this would happen.
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savrenim · 5 years
You know what? Yeah! More interaction and community on tumblr! Okay, random questions based on your recent posts. How much of your dice collection do you actually bring to a given session? What's the last time an m/f ship actually got you invested? What ingredient(s) do you use in your cooking most often?
all of my dice usually show up at any given session because these days almost all the DnD I’m playing is skype-in DnD and/or very close to my house and it’s just. Satisfying to constantly stack and re-stack and organize dice as the play happens as a way to keep my focus, well, focused 
actually, surprisingly right now??? there is a very very good webserial called A Practical Guide To Evil that is a hell of a lot of fun (it is....an incredibly realistic take on what a DnD fantasy world where people can pretty fucking easily figure out that some people are PCs would look like in-world, if that makes sense? there are Heroes and Villains and it is possible for people with the will for it to gain Names that give them powers but they then are....more affected by Fate and bound by narrative tropes. and this is just all accepted as a part of the way the world works/an experiment by the Gods. the premise of the story is “and then after three hundred years of flying fortresses and sentient tiger-armies being repelled by stalwart Heroes, a new generation of Villains came along that got genre-savvy and suddenly oops took over half the continent, welcome to the previous Kingdom of Callow now province of the Dread Empire of Praes twenty years later.) but they do some absolutely amazing rep of just, like. bi people, asexual people, trans people, polyamory/being as devoted to your friends as you are to romance, and, uh, there are some m/f pairings in there that I am Actually Legit Invested In
oh huh I was going to say “the spiciest spice to ever spice so I don’t have to taste it” which is mostly true but the actual true answer is olive oil. I douse everything in olive oil. I cook everything in olive oil. I am living my best olive life.
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